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ITH/12/7.COM WG/7Paris, le 24 octobre/ October 2012

Original : anglais/français





Groupe de travail intergouvernemental ouvertsur l’étendue ou la portée adéquate d’un élément/

Open ended intergovernmental working groupon the right scale or scope of an element

UNESCO Headquarters22 et 23 octobre 2012 / 22 and 23 October 2012

Salle / Room XI10 heures – 18 heures / 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.


The participants are requested to verify the information in this document and to transmit any correction in written form to the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage Section.

Les participants sont priés de vérifier les informations contenues dans ce document et de remettre toute correction à la Section du patrimoine culturel immatériel de l’UNESCO.

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Mr FAZELLY, M. Kacem Ambassadeur-Délégué permanent

Délégation permanente d'Afghanistan pour l'UNESCO1, rue Miollis 75732 Paris Cedex 15FranceTel: +33 (0)1 45682773Fax: +33 (0)1 45682772E-mail:[email protected]

Albanie / Albania

Ms KADARE, Besiana Ambassadeur Délégation permanente d’Albanie auprès de l’UNESCOMaison de l’UNESCO Bureaux S.1.31/S.1.32 1, rue Miollis 75732 PARIS CEDEX 15FranceE-mail:[email protected]

Argentine / Argentina

Mr ESTRELLA, Miguel Angel Ambassadeur, Délégué Permanent

Délégation permanente de l'Argentine auprès de l'UNESCO1, Rue Miollis 75015 ParisFranceTel: +33(0)1 45683438 / +33(0)1 45683442Fax: +33(0)1 43066035E-mail:[email protected]

Ms WIMPFHEIMER, Elisabeth Délégué Permanent Adjoint Délégation permanente de l'Argentine auprès de l'UNESCO1, Rue Miollis 75015 ParisFranceTel: +33(0)1 45683438 / +33(0)1 45683442Fax: +33(0)1 43066035E-mail:[email protected]

Mr PROSPERI, Pablo Conseiller Délégation permanente de l'Argentine auprès de l'UNESCO1, Rue Miollis 75015 ParisFranceTel: +33(0)1 45683438 / +33(0)1 45683442Fax: +33(0)1 43066035E-mail:[email protected]

Ms DUTREY, Noelia Second Secrétaire Délégation permanente de l'Argentine auprès de l'UNESCO1, Rue Miollis 75015 ParisFranceTel: +33(0)1 45683438 / +33(0)1 45683442Fax: +33(0)1 43066035E-mail:[email protected]

Arménie / Armenia

Ms SAMUELYAN, Arev Deputy Minister of Culture Ministry of Culture3 Government bd. Yerevan, ArmeniaArmenia / ArménieTel: +(374)105 21225Fax: +(374)105 23922E-mail:[email protected]

Ms MEHRABEKYAN, Kristina First Secretary Armenian National Commission for UNESCOMinistry of Foreign Affairs Government Bld 2 Republic Square YerevanArmenia / ArménieTel: +37410 544 041 212E-mail:[email protected]

Autriche / Austria

Ms STEINER, Anna Deputy Head of Department for bi- and multilateral cultural affairs

Federal Ministry for Education, the Arts and CultureMinoritenplatz 5 A-1014 ViennaAustria / AutricheTel: +(43)1 531203630Mobile: +(43)6 649699572Fax: +(43)1 53120813630E-mail:[email protected]

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Azerbaïdjan / Azerbaijan

Mr EYVAZZADE, Vasif Head of international relations department

Ministry of culture and tourismHouse of Government, Baku,, AZ 1000Azerbaijan / AzerbaïdjanTel: +(99)412 4936538Mobile: +(99)450 2556787Fax: +(99)412 4936538E-mail:[email protected]

Ms HUSEYNOVA, Eleonora Ambassadeur, Délégué permanent d’Azerbaïdjan auprès de l'UNESCO

Délégation permanente d’Azerbaïdjan auprès de l'UNESCO1 rue Miollis 75015 ParisFranceTel: +33(0)1 45682877E-mail:[email protected]

Bélarus / Belarus

Ms STASHKEVICH, Alla Head of the Department of the Preservation of Cultural Heritage

Institute of Culture of Belarusul. Kalinovskogo, 12 Minsk 220030BelarusTel: +(375)17 2675938Mobile: +(375)29 3320394Fax: +(375)17 2671733E-mail:[email protected]

Belgique / Belgium

Ms CHAINAYE, France Ambassadeur, Délégué permanent

Délégation permanente de la Belgique1, rue Miollis 75015 ParisFranceTel: +33(0)1 45682777Fax: +33(0)1 45682778E-mail:[email protected]

Mr DUCASTELLE, Jean-Pierre Président de la Commission du Patrimoine oral et immatériel de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles

Belgique / Belgium3, chemin de la Cavée 7822 Isières (Ath)Belgium / BelgiqueTel: +(3268) 265172Mobile: +(0474) 987010Fax: +(3268) 265176E-mail:[email protected]

Mr WILLEMS, Dries Conseiller, Délégué adjoint du gouvernement flamand

Délégation permanente de Belgique auprès de l'UNESCO6 rue Euler 75008 ParisFranceTel: +33(0)1 56891462Fax: +33(0)1 56891433E-mail:[email protected]

Ms DUBOIS, Kristien Délégué permanent adjoint Délégation permanente de la Belgique1, rue Miollis 75015 ParisFranceTel: +33(0)1 45682775Fax: +33(0)1 45682778E-mail:[email protected]

Mr JACOBS, Marc Director of FARO FARO Vlaams steunpunt voor cultureel erfgoed vzwPriemstraat 51 BE 1000 BrusselBelgium / BelgiqueTel: +(32)2 2131060Mobile: (32)4 94949624Fax: +(32)2 2131099E-mail:[email protected]

Ms LEYS, Annick Stagiaire Délégation permanente de la Belgique1, rue Miollis 75015 ParisFranceTel: +33(0)1 45682777Fax: +33(0)1 45682778E-mail:[email protected]

Ms SIRAUT, Emilie Stagiaire Délégation permanente de la Belgique1, rue Miollis 75015 ParisFranceTel: +33(0)1 45682777Fax: +33(0)1 45682778E-mail:[email protected]

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Mr VAN DEN BROUCKE, Dries Expert Intangible Cultural Heritage

Government of Flanders - Arts and HeritageArenbergstraat 9 1000 BrusselsBelgium / BelgiqueTel: +32(2) 5536824Mobile: +32(49) 7251901Fax: +32(2) 5536843E-mail:[email protected]


Ms KEITUMETSE, Susan Expert Okavango Research Institute, University of BotswanaP/Bag 285 MaunBotswanaTel: +(267) 6817215Mobile: +(267) 72166087Fax: +(267) 6861835E-mail:[email protected]

Brésil / Brazil

Ms DA ROCHA, Maria Laura Ambassor, Permanent Delegate Permanent Delegation of Brazil to UNESCO1, rue Miollis 75732FranceTel: +33(0)1 45682884E-mail:[email protected]

Ms CORSINO, Celia Maria Director Instituto do Patrimonio Historico e Artistico Nacional - IPHANSEPS 713/913 Bloco D, 4 andar, 70.390.135 Brasília-DFBrazil / BrésilTel: +(55)61 20245400Mobile: +(55)61 93806864E-mail:[email protected]

Mr MUNIZ, Adam Jayme Second Secretary Permanent Delegation of Brazil to UNESCO1, rue miollis 75732 ParisFranceTel: +33(0)1 45682885Mobile: +33(0)7 86495786E-mail:[email protected]

Ms FONSECA, Maria Cecilia Londres Conseillère du conseil consultatif du patrimoine culturel

Brésil / BrazilAv. Atlantica 1572 Apt. 1201 22021‐000 RIO DE JANEIROBrazil / BrésilE-mail:[email protected]

Bulgarie / Bulgaria

Ms SANTOVA, Mila Experte Académie bulgare des SciencesIEFEM Ul.Acad. G. Bontchev, bl. 6 Sofia 1113Bulgaria / BulgarieTel: +(3592) 9793011Mobile: +(359) 898 707068Fax: +(3592) 9704209E-mail:[email protected]

Burkina Faso

Mr TRAORÉ, Sidi Directeur de la conservation et de la promotion du patrimoine culturel / Expert du Burkina Faso auprès du Comité intergouvernemental de sauvegarde du patrimoine culturel immatériel

Direction générale du patrimoine culturel / Ministère de la culture et du tourisme03 BP 7007, Ouagadougou 03Burkina FasoTel: +(226) 50355783Mobile: +(226) 76623496E-mail:[email protected]


Mr MUSAVYARABONA, Gaspard Permanent delegate Permanent Delegation of Burundi to UNESCOAmbassade du Burundi 10-12, rue de l’Orme 75019 PARISFranceE-mail:[email protected]

Mr NAHIMANA, Ernest Chef de service musées, sites historiques et monuments

Ministère de la jeunesse, des sports et de la culture15ème Avenue n 45 Commune CIBITOKE BUJUMBURABurundiTel: +257 79 450140E-mail:[email protected]

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Cambodge / Cambodia

Mr KAMSAN, Samraing Secretary of State Ministry of Culture and Fine ArtsNo. 227, Mohavithei Preah Norodom, Sangkat Tonle Bassac, Khan Chamkar Mon, Phnom Penh, Kingdom of CambodiaCambodia / CambodgeE-mail:[email protected]

Chili / Chile

Mr JARA, Alvaro Délégué permanent adjoint du Chili auprès de l'UNESCO

Délégation permanente du Chili auprès de l'UNESCO1, rue Miollis 75015 ParisFranceTel: +33(0)1 45682951E-mail:[email protected]

Ms RIOSECO, Beatriz Chargée de culture Délégation Permanente du Chili auprès de l'UNESCO1, Rue Miollis 75015 ParisFranceTel: +33(0)1 45682955Mobile: +33(0)6 34426960E-mail:[email protected]

Chine / China

Ms ZHANG, Ling Deputy Director of Division of Multilateral Affairs

Bureau for external Cultural Relations, Ministry of Culture of ChinaNo.10 Str.Chaoyangmen Beidajie, Beijing,China 100020China / ChineTel: +(86)10 59881901Fax: +(86)10 59881907E-mail:[email protected]

Mr CHAO, Gejin Senior Research Fellow Chinese Academy of Social Sciences5, Jianguomennei Dajie, Beijing. 100732.China / ChineTel: +(86)10 85195999Fax: +(86)10 65134585E-mail:[email protected]

Ms LUO, Wei Deputy Director China National Center for Safeguarding Intangible Cultural HeritageNo.1 Huixinbeili, Beijing,ChinaChina / ChineTel: +(86)10 64927631Fax: +(86)10 64927631E-mail:[email protected]

Chypre / Cyprus

Ms PANAYI, Photini Déléguée permanente adjointe Délégation de la République de chypre auprès de l'Unesco1 rue Miollis M.7.30 75015 ParisFranceTel: +33 (0)1 45683464Mobile: +33 (0)6 17735663Fax: +33 (0)1 45683467E-mail:[email protected]


Mr AKOULAFOUA-MVOULA, Célestin Jean Paul

Directeur de cabinet du Ministre de la culture et des arts

Ministère de la culture et des artsBP 2480CongoTel: +(00)242 222814025Mobile: +(00)242 066689264E-mail:[email protected]

Mr NTADY, Jean Omer Directeur des musées, des monuments et sites historiques

Ministère de la culture et des artsBP 2480CongoTel: +(00)242 222814025Mobile: +(00)242 6605078E-mail:[email protected]

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Ms MANTSIBA, Emilienne Chef de service de l'illustration du patrimoine culturel immatériel et des chefferies traditionnelles

Ministére de la culture et des artsBP 2480 BrazzavilleCongoTel: +(242) 222814025Mobile: +(242) 05 5267957E-mail:[email protected]

Costa Rica

Ms PINTO, Ana Elena Ministre Conseiller Delegation Permanent1 rue Miollis 75015 ParisFranceTel: +33(0)1 45682573Fax: +33(0)1 45682574E-mail:[email protected]

Côte d'Ivoire

Ms AFFERI, Mélanie Conseiller Délégation de la Côte d'Ivoire1 rue Miollis 75015 ParisFranceTel: +33(0)1 45683331E-mail:[email protected]

Mr DEROU, Jean Expert Université de CocodyB.P.V. 39 AbidjanCôte d'IvoireTel: (225) 202153221Mobile: (225) 08488363Fax: (225) 20211201E-mail:[email protected]

Mr AKA, Konin Directeur du patrimoine culturel Ministère de la culture et de la francophonieBPV 39 AbidjanCôte d'IvoireTel: +(225) 20215321Mobile: +(225) 05422007Fax: +(225) 20222359E-mail:[email protected]

Danemark / Denmark

Ms NIELSEN MANSOUR, Malene Deputy Permanent Delegate Permanent Delegation of the Kingdom of Denmark to UNESCO1, rue Miollis, 75732 Paris Cedex 15FranceTel: +33(0)1 45682930E-mail:[email protected]


Mr MOUSSA AHMED, Idriss Directeur de la culture et du patrimoine culturel

Ministère de la culture et de la communication de la République de Djibouti1 rue de Moscou B.P. 32DjiboutiTel: +33(253) 77818002Mobile: +33(253) 77818002Fax: +33(253) 77818002E-mail:[email protected]

Égypte / Egypt

Mr MORSI, Ahmed Aly Director of the Egyptian Archives of Folk Traditions, Ministry of Culture

Permanent Delegation of the Arab Republic of Egypt to UNESCO1 rue Miollis-75015 ParisFranceTel: +33(0)1 45683309Fax: +33(0)1 47834187E-mail:[email protected]

Ms OMAR, Ghada Deputy Permanent Delegate Permanent Delegation of the Arab Republic of Egypt to UNESCO1 rue Miollis - 75015 ParisFranceTel: +33(0)1 45683309Fax: +33(0)1 47834187E-mail:[email protected]

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Émirats arabes unis / United Arab Emirates

Mr AL HAMIRI, Nasser Director of Intangible Heritage Department

Abu Dhabi Authority for Tourism & CultureAbu Dhabi po Box 2380United Arab Emirates / Émirats arabes unisTel: +(971) 26576145Mobile: +(971) 506437654Fax: +(971) 24445639E-mail:[email protected]

Mr AL FIHAIL, Ismail Intangible heritage advisor Abu Dhabi Athority for Tourism & CultureAbu Dhabi Po Box 2380United Arab Emirates / Émirats arabes unisTel: +(971) 26576147Mobile: +(971) 505776669Fax: +(971) 24445639E-mail:[email protected]

Mr AL KAABI, Saeed Head of Production Section Abu Dhabi Authoriy for Tourism & CultureAbu Dhabi Po Box 2380United Arab Emirates / Émirats arabes unisTel: +(971) 26576148Mobile: +(971) 506199019Fax: +(971) 24445639E-mail:[email protected]

Mr ALDHANHANI, Ahmed Ali Mohamed

Head of Heritage section Ministry of culture and youth development17 Abu DhabiUnited Arab Emirates / Émirats arabes unisTel: +(9712)4058954Mobile: +(97150) 4330001Fax: +(9712) 4452461E-mail:[email protected]

Mr KHALAF, Sleiman Intangible Heritage Expert Abu Dhabi Authority for Tourism & CultureAbu Dhabi Po Box 2380United Arab Emirates / Émirats arabes unisTel: +(971) 26576149Mobile: +(971) 505446324Fax: +(971) 24445639E-mail:[email protected]

Équateur / Ecuador

Mr POZO, Lautaro Ambassadeur, Délégué permanent

Délégations permanente de l'Equateur auprès de l'UNESCO1, rue Miollis 75015 ParisFranceTel: +33(0)1 45683303Fax: +33(0)1 43064906E-mail:[email protected]

Mr LARA, Claude Ministre, Délégué Adjoint Délégation permanente de l'Equateur auprès de l'UNESCO1, rue Miollis 75015 ParisFranceTel: +33(0)1 45683303Fax: +33(0)1 43064906E-mail:[email protected]

Ms LOPEZ, Gabriela Anthropologue. Chargée du secteur du patrimoine immateriel

Instituto Nacional de Patrimonio MundialColón Oe 1-93 y Av. 10 de Agosto “La Circasiana”Ecuador / ÉquateurTel: +33(0)1 45683303Fax: +33(0)1 43064906E-mail:[email protected]

Érythrée / Eritrea

Mr PAULOS, Bereket Conseiller Délégation permanente de l'Erythrée auprès de l'UNESCOAmbassade de l'Erythrée 1, rue de Staël 75015 ParisFranceTel: +33(0)1 43061556Fax: +33(0)1 43060751E-mail:[email protected]

Mr TSEHAYE BERAKI, Solomon Director of cultural affairs bureau Ministry of EducationP.O. Box: 8456 AsmaraEritrea / ÉrythréeTel: +(291) 1 114772E-mail:[email protected]

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Espagne / Spain

Ms NAVEDO, Maria Deputy assistant Permanent Delegation of Spain to UNESCO1, rue Miollis 75015 ParisFranceMobile: +33 (0)6 95966661E-mail:[email protected]

Estonie / Estonia

Ms KUUTMA, Kristin Professor / Chairperson Tartu University / Estonian National Commission for UNESCOPikk 2 10123 TallinnEstonia / EstonieTel: +(372) 6441431Mobile: +(372) 55589081Fax: +(372) 6313757E-mail:[email protected]

Éthiopie / Ethiopia

Ms HAILESELASSIE, Yamrote Second deputy Permanent Delegation of Ethiopia to UNESCO1, rue Miollis 75015 ParisFranceTel: +33(0)1 45683462Fax: +33(0)1 43065214E-mail:[email protected]


Mr HOTTIN, Christian Conservateur du patrimoine Adjoint au département du pilotage de la recherche et de la politique scientifique

Ministère de la culture - Direction générale des Patrimoines - Département du Pilotage de la Recherche et de la Politique scientifique6 rue des Pyramides 75 001 PARISFranceTel: +33(0)1 40157737Mobile: +33(0)6 84 36212Fax: +33(0)1 40158733E-mail:[email protected]

Mr KHAZNADAR, Chérif Président du Comité Culture Commission française pour l'UNESCO57 boulevard des invalides 75007 ParisFranceTel: +33(0)1 53693838Mobile: +33(0)6 78524823E-mail:[email protected]

Gambie / Gambia

Mr BADJIE, Ousman Ambassador-Permanent Delegate Permanent Delegation of the Gambia to UNESCOMaison de l'UNESCO Bureau MR24 1, rue Miollis 75732 PARIS Cedex 15FranceTel: +33(0)1 45682790Fax: +33(0)1 45682799E-mail:[email protected]

Ms SOCK, Adelle Marie Deputy Permanent Delegate Permanent Delegation of the Gambia to UNESCOMaison de l'UNESCO Bureau MR24 1, rue Miollis 75732 PARIS Cedex 15FranceTel: +33(0)1 45682790Fax: +33(0)1 45682799E-mail:[email protected]

Mr BARRY, Cherno Omar Counsellor Permanent Delegation of the Gambia to UNESCOMaison de l'UNESCO Bureau MR24 1, rue Miollis 75732 PARIS Cedex 15 deleFranceTel: +33(0)1 45682790Fax: +33(0)1 45682799E-mail:[email protected]

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Grèce / Greece

Ms FOTOPOULOU, Stavroula Ethnologist -Civil Servant at the Hellenic Ministry of Education, Religious Affairs, Culture and Sports

Hellenic Ministry of Education, Religious Affairs, Culture and SportsPl. Ag. Artemiou 4, Athens 11632Greece / GrèceTel: +(30)2 103222844Mobile: +(30)6 976875167Fax: +(30)2 103240388E-mail:[email protected]

Ms ANDRIANOPOULOU, Panayiota Ethnologue - Expert PCI Ministère hellénique de l'éducation et des cultes, de la culture et des sports17, rue Ermou 10186 - AthenesGreece / GrèceTel: +(30) 2103254148Mobile: +(30) 6977094485Fax: +(30) 2103240388E-mail:[email protected]

Grenade / Grenada

Mr GILL, Arley Senator, Minister of State Office of the Prime MinisterMinisterial Complex Botanical Gardens Tanteen ST. George'sGrenada / GrenadeTel: +(1) 473 440 6917 / 6918Mobile: + (1) 473 405 5420Fax: + (1) 473 440 6924E-mail:[email protected]

Ms HADDAD, Chafica First Secretary Permanent Delegation of Grenada to UNESCOMaison de l'UNESCO 1 rue Miollis 75015 ParisFranceTel: +33 (0)1 45683035E-mail:[email protected]


Mr FUNES, José Antonio Consejero Delegacion Permanente de Honduras ante la UNESCO1, rue de Miollis, M 3.07, 75015 ParisFranceTel: +33(0)1 45682846Mobile: +33(0)6 48353334E-mail:[email protected]

Inde / India

Mr OBEROI, Vinay Sheel Permanent Representative Permanent Delegation of India to UNESCO1 rue Miollis 75015 ParisFranceTel: +33 (0)1 45682988E-mail:[email protected]

Ms PATEL, Yojna First Secretary Permanent Delegation of India to UNESCOUNESCO House 1 rue Miollis 75015 ParisFranceTel: +33(0)1 45682986E-mail:[email protected]

Indonésie / Indonesia

Mr MAHARDIKO, Hari 2nd Deputy Ministry of Education and CultureJehdral Sudirman Street Semayam JakartaIndonesia / IndonésieMobile: +(628)17 327292

Ms KUSUMANINGDYAH, Hapsari Psychology Student from University of Indonesia, Reporter in Student Press Suara Mahasiswa University of Indonesia (SUMA UI)

Student Press Suara Mahasiswa University of Indonesia (SUMA UI)Pajajaran Utara 1 Street, No. 33, Rt 02, RW X, Sumber Banjarsari, SurakartaIndonesia / IndonésieTel: +(628) 5647017075Mobile: +(628) 1310470556Fax: _E-mail:[email protected]

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Mr MANCACARITADIPURA, Gaura Chairman, International Relations Indonesian National Wayang SecretariatJalan Rawamangun Muka XI No. 4 Rawamangun Jakarta Timur 13220Indonesia / IndonésieTel: +(62)21 87709388Mobile: +(62)91 11555160Fax: +(62)21 87790387E-mail:[email protected]

Ms MEYLIALA, Ade Fatima Operation Director / Beautiful Indonesia Miniature Park

Yayasan Harapan Kita FoundationJl. Raya Taman Mini Jakarta 13560Indonesia / IndonésieTel: +(62)21 87794477Mobile: +(62)81 6774113Fax: +(62)21 8401719E-mail:[email protected]

Mr WIRAKARTAKUSUMAH, M Aman Resource Person/Expert Ministry of Education and CultureJl Wijaya Kusuma Raya 97 Bogor 16112Indonesia / IndonésieMobile: +(62)81 6792197E-mail:[email protected]

Italie / Italy

Mr PETRILLO, Pierluigi General Director UNESCO Task Force

Ministry for Agriculture, Food and Forestry PoliciesVia XX Settembre 20Italy / ItalieTel: +0646653066E-mail:[email protected]

Mr CABASINO, Emilio Secrétaire général de l'unité de coordination et d'étude

Ministère pour les biens et les activités culturelsVia del Collegio Romano 27 00186 ROMAItaly / ItalieTel: + +[email protected]

Ms MISITANO, Marina Attachée Délégation Permanente d'Italie auprès de l'UNESCORue Miollis 75015 ParisFranceTel: +33(0)1 45683119E-mail:[email protected]

Mr TAFURI, Francesco Délégué Permanent Adjoint Delegation Permanente d'Italie auprès de l'UNESCORue Miollis 75015 ParisFranceTel: +33(0)1 45683141E-mail:[email protected]

Mr ZAGARELLA, Alessandro ICH Expert Ministry of Agriculture Food and Forestry PoliciesVia XX Settembre 20, 00187 RomaItaly / ItalieTel: +(390) 646655116E-mail:[email protected]

Japon / Japan

Mr KISO, Isao Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary

Permanent Delegation of Japan to UNESCO100 avenue de Suffren 75015 ParisFranceTel: +33(0)1 53592700Fax: +33(0)1 53592727E-mail:[email protected]

Mr KADOTA, Koshu Minister-Counsellor Permanent Delegation of Japan to UNESCO100 avenue de Suffren 75015 ParisFranceTel: +33(0)1 53592700Fax: +33(0)1 53592727E-mail:[email protected]

Mr IMAI, KenIchyRow Advisor Agency for Cultural Affairs3-2-2 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-8959Japan / JaponTel: +(81)3 67342870Fax: +(81)3 67343820E-mail:[email protected]

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Mr ISHINO, Toshikazu Director-General, Cultural Properties Department

Agency for Cultural Affairs3-2-2 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-8959Japan / JaponTel: +(81)3 67342870Fax: +(81)3 67343820E-mail:[email protected]

Mr KOBAYASHI, Yosuke First Secretary Permanent Delegation of Japan to UNESCO100 avenue de Suffren 75015 ParisFranceTel: +33(0)1 53592700Fax: +33(0)1 53592727E-mail:[email protected]

Mr KONO, Toshiyuki See ICOMOSJapan / JaponE-mail:[email protected]

Mr SHIOKAWA, Tatsuhiro Director, Office for International Cooperation on Cultural Properties

Agency for Cultural Affairs3-2-2 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-8959Japan / JaponTel: +(81)3 67343056Fax: +(81)3 67343820E-mail:[email protected]

Mr YATSUNAMI, Ren JSPS Post-doctoral Research Fellow / Assistant for Prof. Toshiyuki Kono

The University of TokyoTsukinoura 3-21-23, Onojo-city, Fukuoka, 816-0983Japan / JaponTel: +(818)06 4202785Mobile: +(818)06 4202785E-mail:[email protected]

Jordanie / Jordan

Mr HAYAJNEH, Hani Expert and UNESCO Facilitator (2003 Convention for Safeguarding ICH)

Yarmouk UniversityP.O.Box 3557 21110 Irbid JordanJordan / JordanieTel: +33(00)962 777462098Mobile: +33(00)962 777462098Fax: +33(00)962 65688061E-mail:[email protected]


Mr MUZAFAROV, Rustam Secretary, Kazakhstan National ICH Committee

KazakhstanAuezov street, 38a AlmatyKazakhstanMobile: +(770) 17170205E-mail:[email protected]


Mr MOOGI OMARE, John Chief Cultural Officer Department of Culture, Ministry of State For National Heritage and Culture.NSSF Building, Block ‘A’ Eastern Wing, P.O. Box 67374-00200 NairobiKenyaTel: +254 20 27279804Mobile: +254 722 684 037Fax: +254 20 2725329E-mail:[email protected]

Kirghizistan / Kyrgyzstan

Ms CHOCHUNBAEVA, Dinara Director, Expert for ICH NGO "CACSA-kg"3, Abai Kunanbaev str., 720005, BishkekKyrgyzstan / KirghizistanTel: +996(312) 624180Mobile: +996(555) 933375Fax: +996(312) 662445E-mail:[email protected]

Ms KORCHUEVA, Elnura Secretary-General National Commission for UNESCO of the Kyrgyz Republic54, Erkindik, 720040, BishkekKyrgyzstan / KirghizistanTel: +996(312) 626761Mobile: +996(555) 999849Fax: +996(312) 626761E-mail:[email protected]

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Ms SOLTONGELDIEVA, Sabira Culture Programme Specialist National Commission for UNESCO of the Kyrgyz Republic54, Erkindik, 720040, BishkekKyrgyzstan / KirghizistanTel: +996(312) 664772Mobile: +996(555) 744334Fax: +996(312) 626761E-mail:[email protected]

Lettonie / Latvia

Ms MELBĀRDE, Dace Director of the State Agency of the Intangible Cultural Heritage

State Agency of the Intangible Cultural HeritageLatvian National Commission for UNESCO Pils square, 4-206,Riga, LV-1050, LatviaLatvia / LettonieTel: +(371)67 325109Fax: +(371)67 222762E-mail:[email protected]

Ms MAĻKEVIČA, Evija Head of Communication and Information sector of the Latvian National Commission for UNESCO

Latvian National Commission for UNESCOPils square 4-206,Riga, LV-1050, LatviaLatvia / LettonieTel: +(371)67 325109Fax: +(371)67 222762E-mail:[email protected]

Ms MELLĒNA, Māra Expert of the National Centre for Education (NCE)

National Centre for Education (NCE)Latvian National Commission for UNESCO Pils laukums 4-206, Riga, LV-1050, LatviaLatvia / LettonieE-mail:[email protected]

Liban / Lebanon

Mr EL HAJAL, Kenj Chargé d'affaires a.i. Délégation permanente du Liban1 rue MiollisFranceTel: +33(0)1 45683381E-mail:[email protected]

Ms KHAIRALLAH, Naya 3ème secrétaire Délégation permanente du Liban1 rue MiollisFranceTel: +33(0)1 45683381E-mail:[email protected]

Ms MOUKARZEL, Samia Attaché culturel Délégation permanente du Liban1 rue Miollis 75015 ParisFranceTel: +33(0)1 45683381E-mail:[email protected]


Mr ANDRIAMANJATO, Ny Toky Chargé d'Affaires Représentation de Madagascar auprès de l'UNESCO40, rue Général Foy 75008 ParisFranceTel: +33 (0)1 42933477E-mail:[email protected]

Mr ANDRIAMAMPIANINA, Andry Conseiller Représentation de Madagascar auprès de l'UNESCO40, rue du Général Foy 75008 ParisFranceTel: +33(0)1 42933477E-mail:[email protected]

Ms RAHARIMANANA, Emeline Expert Directeur du Patrimoine Culturel

Membre du Comité Représentant de MadagascarImmeuble Bibliothèque Nationale Anosy AntananarivoMadagascarTel: +(261) 202436280Mobile: +(261) 340550738E-mail:[email protected]

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Mr SOKO, Boston Professor of Oral Literature and French Teaches undergraduate and graduate students

Mzuzu UniversityPrivate Bag 201, Luwinga, Mzuzu 2MalawiTel: +33(265) 1320722Mobile: +33(265) 888850414Fax: +33(265) 1774048E-mail:[email protected]

Maroc / Morocco

Ms ALAOUI, Zohour Ambassadeur Délégation permanente du Royaume du Maroc auprès de l'UNESCO1, Rue Miollis 75015 ParisFranceTel: +33(0)1 45683427Fax: +33(0)1 45671869E-mail:[email protected]

Mr BELHADJ, Ahmed Conseiller Délégation permanente du Royaume du Maroc auprès de l'UNESCO1, rue Miollis 75015 ParisFranceTel: +33(0)1 45683427Fax: +33(0)1 45671869E-mail:[email protected]

Ms RHANDI, Najat Adjointe de l'Ambassadeur Délégation Permanente du Maroc auprès de l'UNESCO1, rue Miollis 75015 ParisFranceTel: +33(0)1 45683427Mobile: +33(0)6 28498658Fax: +33(0)1 45671869E-mail:[email protected]

Mr SKOUNTI, Ahmed Anthropologue Enseignant chercheur

Institut national des sciences de l'archéologie et du patrimoineRues 5 et 7, Cité Al-Irfane, RabatMorocco / MarocMobile: +212 661 16 86 01E-mail:[email protected]

Maurice / Mauritius

Mr SOOBARAH, Gowoothum Director of Culture Ministry of Arts and Culture7th Floor, Renganaden Seeneevassen Building, Port LouisMauritius / MauriceTel: +(230)212 4390Mobile: +(230)256 9036Fax: +(230)208 0319E-mail:[email protected]

Mexique / Mexico

Ms HERNÁNDEZ NARVÁEZ, Beatriz Responsable del Sector de Cultura

Délégation permanente du Mexique auprès de l'UNESCOMaison de l'UNESCO Bureaux M7.45 1, rue Miollis 75732 PARIS Cedex 15FranceTel: +33(0)1 45683355Fax: +33(0)1 47349245E-mail:[email protected]


Academic Researcher Instituto Nacional de Antropologia e HistoriaAv. San Jerónimo No. 880 Col. San Jerónimo Lídice Delegación Magdalena Contreras C.P. 10200 México, D.F.Mexico / MexiqueTel: +(4040) 5400 extensión 4338Mobile: +(4455) 41327160E-mail:[email protected]

Mr MENDIVIL, Rodrigo Delegate in charge of Culture Délégation du Mexique auprés de l'UNESCO1 Rue Miollis, Bureau 7.45, Paris, 75015FranceTel: +33(0)1 45683355Mobile: +33(0)6 32420917E-mail:[email protected]

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Ms MAGAIL, Corinne Délégué Permanent Adjoint Monaco1, rue Miollis 75732 ParisFranceTel: +33(0)1 45683460E-mail:[email protected]

Ms VARALLO, C Expert La Délégation Permanente de Monaco auprès de l’UNESCO1 Rue Miollis 75015 ParisFranceTel: +33(0)1 45683460 /+33(0)1 45683414Fax: +33(0)1 45672452E-mail:[email protected]

Mongolie / Mongolia

Ms MACHLAY, Tuul Programme specialist for ICH Mongolian National Commission for UNESCO11 Floor, Government building XI, Post Office 38, Revolution Avenue, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.Mongolia / MongolieTel: +33(976) 70105652Mobile: +33(976) 88006737Fax: +33(976) 322612E-mail:[email protected]

Ms SODOV, Onon Minister Councellor Permanent Delegation of Mongolia to UNESCO5, Avenue Robert Schuman 92100 Boulogne Billancourt ParisFranceMobile: +33(0)6 52430799E-mail:[email protected]

Namibie / Namibia

Mr AMPORO, Samuel Felix First secretary - multilateral affairs Embassy of Namibia in France78 avenue Foch 75001 ParisFranceTel: +33 (0)1 44173265Fax: +33 (0)6 81096299E-mail:[email protected]

Ms AMULUNGU, Trudie Deputy Permanent Delegate Délégation permanente de la République de Namibie auprès de l'UNESCO1 rue Miollis 75732 Paris Cedex 15FranceTel: +33 (0)1 45683290Fax: +33 (0)1 40610336E-mail:[email protected]

Népal / Nepal

Mr JOSHI, Tulasi Diwasa Culture Expert President, Nepali Folklore Society, Life Member, Nepal AcademyG.P.O. Box: 3326, KathmanduNepalTel: +(977)1 4410706Mobile: +(977)9 851097351Fax: +(977)1 4410706E-mail:[email protected]


Ms HENRIQUEZ, Gloriantonia Déléguée permanente adjointe Délégation permanente du Nicaragua auprès de l'UNESCO34, avenue Bugeaud 75116 ParisFranceTel: +33(0)1 45683208Mobile: +33(0)6 85310288Fax: +33(0)1 44059242E-mail:[email protected]


Experto Instituto Nicaragüense de CulturaFrente a Plaza de la Revolución Managua, NicaraguaNicaraguaTel: 505-22226290, 505-22224325Mobile: 505-86475620Fax: 505-22224325E-mail:[email protected]

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Mr DANLADI, Adamou Directeur du Patrimoine culturel Ministère de la cultureBP 368 NiameyNigerTel: +227 961 254 04 ; +227 207 260 64E-mail:[email protected]

Nigéria / Nigeria

Mr AJIBOLA, Augustus Babajide Deputy Director Federal Ministry of Tourism, Culture and National OrientationFederal Secretariat Complex, Phase II Blk E Rm 231 PMB 473 GarkiNigeriaTel: +234 803 301 8985E-mail:[email protected]

Norvège / Norway

Ms BJORNAVOLD, Amalie Intern Permanent Delegation of Norway to UNESCO1, rue Miollis 75732 Paris Cedex 15FranceMobile: +33(0)6 26710714E-mail:[email protected]

Ms KARLSEN, Kristin Chargée de Mission Permanent Delegation of Norway to UNESCO1, rue Miollis, 75732 Paris Cedex 15FranceTel: +33(0)1 45683435E-mail:[email protected]


Mr ALMAHAIRI, Salim Head Section of Culture Ministry of EducationOmanTel: +(968)2 479393Mobile: +(968)9 9345618Fax: +(968)2 4759555E-mail:[email protected]

Mr ALSAWAFI, Nasser Head of ICH Ministry of Heritage and CultureP.O.Box : 668 Muscat , Postal Code : 100OmanTel: +(968)2 4116616Mobile: +(968)9 9262662Fax: +(968)2 4641331E-mail:[email protected]

Mr BANI ORABA, Ibrahim Head of International Relations Ministry of Heritage and CultureP.O.Box:668 Muscat . Postal Code 100OmanTel: +(968)2 4641591Mobile: +(968)9 9203029Fax: +(968)2 4641655E-mail:[email protected]

Ouganda / Uganda

Ms AKORYO, Naumo Juliana Commissioner Culture and Family affairs

Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social DevelopmentPlot 2 Lumumba Avenue P. O Box 7136 KampalaUganda / OugandaTel: +(256)414 233090Mobile: +(256)772 488038Fax: +(256)414 256374E-mail:[email protected]

Mr MUSAASIZI, Abdul Karim Sec. General Administrator Nacotha national council for Traditional Healers and Herbalists AssociationsP.O.Box.7527 KampalaUganda / OugandaTel: +(256) 414596497Mobile: +(256) 772698761E-mail:[email protected]

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Mr KAWEESI, Daniel Uganda Delegate, representing the State Party as an expert

Uganda National Commission for UNESCOP.O.Box 4962, KampalaUganda / OugandaTel: +(256) 414259713Mobile: +(256) 712876638Fax: +(256) 414258405E-mail:[email protected]

Mr SERUNJOJI, Serunjoji Chief Advisor to His Worship the Mayor

Kampala Capital City Authority Kawempe Urban CouncilP.O.Box 16067Uganda / OugandaTel: +(256) 414566833Mobile: +(256) 772416013Fax: +(245) 414231913E-mail:[email protected]

Ouzbékistan / Uzbekistan

Mr YOLDASHOV, Shavkat Director Center of Folk Creativity and Intangible Cultural Heritage Studies under the Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Uzbekistan30, Navoi Street, Tashkent, 100027, UzbekistanUzbekistan / OuzbékistanTel: +998 71 2445178Fax: +998 71 2445178E-mail:[email protected]


Mr GHAFOOR, Asaf Secretary Ministry of National Heritage & Integration IslamabadPakistanTel: 0145683077Fax: 0145666215E-mail:[email protected]

Ms MUFTI, Humaira Zia Deputy Permanent Delegate Permanent Delegation of Pakistan to UNESCO1 Rue Miollis, 75015 ParisPakistanTel: 0145683077Mobile: 0699944935Fax: 0145666215E-mail:[email protected]

Pays-Bas / Netherlands

Ms DE LEEUW, Riet Senior Policy Advisor Ministry of Education, Culture and Science of the Kingdom of the NetherlandsPostbus 16375 2500 BJ Den HaagNetherlands / Pays-BasTel: +(31) 704124561E-mail:[email protected]

Ms REITSMA, Liefke Deputy Permanent Delegate Permanent Delegation of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to UNESCO7 Rue Eble, 75007 ParisFranceTel: +33 (0)1 40623383E-mail:[email protected]

Mr VAN DER ZEIJDEN, Albert DR Scholar Dutch Center for Intangible HeritageF.C. Dondersstraat 1 3572 JA UtrechtNetherlands / Pays-BasMobile: +33(0)6 24937119E-mail:[email protected]

Pérou / Peru

Mr RODRIGUEZ CUADROS, Manuel Ambassadeur Délégation permanente du Pérou auprès de l'UNESCO1, rue Miollis 75015 ParisFranceTel: +33(0)1 45682937Fax: +33(0)1 45682920E-mail:[email protected]

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Mr BUSTINZA, José Délégué permanent adjoint Délégation permanente du Pérou auprès de l'UNESCO1, rue Miollis 75015 ParisFranceTel: +33(0)1 45682937Fax: +33(0)1 45682920E-mail:[email protected]

Ms DURAN, Patricia Premier Secrétaire Délégation permanente du Pérou auprès de l'UNESCO1, rue Miollis 75015 ParisFranceTel: +33(0)1 45682937Fax: +33(0)1 45682920E-mail:[email protected]


Ministère de la Culture du Pérou1 rue Miollis 75015 ParisFranceTel: +33 (0)1 45682937


Ms PROSPERO, Rosalita Deputy Permanent Delegate Philippine Permanent Delegation to UNESCOMS2.44 1 rue Miollis 75015 ParisFranceTel: +33(0)1 45683012Fax: +33(0)1 45670797E-mail:[email protected]

Pologne / Poland

Ms CICHA-KUCZYNSKA, Joanna Minister-Counsellor Monuments Preservation Department Ministry of Culture and National Heritageul. Ksawerów 13 02-656 WarszawaPoland / PologneTel: +48(22) 6460504Fax: +48(22) 8485353E-mail:[email protected]

Ms WŁODARCZYK, Julia Specialist National Heritage Board of Polandul. Kopernika 36/40 00-924 WarszawaPoland / PologneTel: +(48)22 8269247Fax: +(48)22 8261714E-mail:[email protected]

République de Corée / Republic of Korea

Ms BAK, Sang Mee Professor Hankuk University of Foreign Studies270 Imun-dong, Dongdaemun-gu SeoulRepublic of Korea / République de CoréeTel: +(2)2173 3125Mobile: +(10)9196 4713E-mail:[email protected]

République démocratique populaire lao / Lao People's Democratic Republic

Ms THOUMMABOUTH, Manivone Directeur adjoint du département du patrimoine

Ministère de l'information, de la culture et du tourismeVientianeLao People's Democratic Republic / République démocratique populaire laoTel: +856(0)21 315453Mobile: +856(0)20 54549533Fax: +856(0)21 315453E-mail:[email protected]

République tchèque / Czech Republic

Ms ONDRUSOVA, Vlasta Deputy Director National Institute of Folk CultureZamek 672 696 62 StrazniceCzech Republic / République tchèqueTel: +(420)5 18306613Mobile: +(420)6 06333986E-mail:[email protected]

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République-Unie de Tanzanie / United Republic of Tanzania

Mr SHEYA, Mohammed Shaaban Deputy Permanent Delegate Delegation of the United Republic of Tanzania to UNESCO1, rue Miollis 75015 ParisFranceTel: +33 (0)1 45682731Mobile: -Fax: +33 (0)1 45660914E-mail:[email protected]

Ms BELEKO, Lilly Mwaza Assistant Director Culture Development

Ministry of Information, Youth, Culture and SportsP.O.Box 8031 Dar es SalaamUnited Republic of Tanzania / République-Unie de TanzanieTel: +(255)22 2123931Mobile: +(255)754 313589Fax: +(255)22 2123931E-mail:[email protected]

Mr MWANSOKO, Hermas, J.M Director of Culture Development, Ministry of Information, Youth, Culture and SportP.O.Box 8031, Dar es Salaam,United Republic of Tanzania / République-Unie de TanzanieTel: +(255)22 2123931Mobile: +(255)713 211658 and +(255)713 211056Fax: +(255)22 2123931E-mail:[email protected]

Sénégal / Senegal

Mr GUEYE, Talla Premier conseiller Délégation permanente du Sénégal auprès de l'UNESCO1 rue Miollis, 75015 ParisFranceTel: +33(0)1 45683389E-mail:[email protected]

Serbie / Serbia

Mr SINANI, Danijel phD, associate professor Faculty of Philosophy, University of BelgradeCika Ljubina 18-20, BelgradeSerbia / SerbieTel: +(381) 113206268Mobile: +(381) 63432746E-mail:[email protected]

Suède / Sweden

Ms JOHANSSON LIND, Ingrid General Director Institute for Language and FolkloreBox 135 SE-751 04 UppsalaSweden / SuèdeTel: +46(0)18 652160E-mail:[email protected]

Ms NORDSTRÖM, Annika Project leader - Convention of the Intangible Cultural Heritage in Sweden

Institute for Language and folklore Dialekt ortnamns och folkminnesarkivetVallgatan 22 SE-411 16 GothenburgSweden / SuèdeTel: +46(0)31 107530E-mail:[email protected]

Ms SJÖBERG, Annika National coordinator - Sweden Institute for Language and folkloreVallgatan 22 SE-41116 GothenburgSweden / SuèdeTel: +46(0)31 107537E-mail:[email protected]

Suisse / Switzerland

Ms WAGNER, Ivana Représentant permanent adjoint Délégation permanente de la Confédération suisse auprès de l’UNESCO1 rue Miollis 75732 PARIS Cedex 15FranceTel: +33 (0)1 45683310E-mail:[email protected]

Ms BELTRAMI, Annalisa Secrétaire générale adjointe Commission suisse pour l'UNESCODépartement fédéral des affaires étrangères DFAESwitzerland / SuisseTel: +41 (0)31 325 53 39Fax: +41 (0)31 324 10 70E-mail:[email protected]

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Ms DAO, Julia Collaboratrice scientifique Office fédéral de la cultureHallwylstrasse 15 CH-3003 BerneSwitzerland / SuisseTel: +33(41) 313237260Mobile: +33(41) 765789168E-mail:[email protected]


Mr ZOHOU, Comlanvi Conseiller Technique à la Coopération culturelle internationale

Ministère des Arts et de la CultureBP 3146 LoméTogoTel: +(228) 22518387Mobile: +(228) 90030953Fax: +(228) 22209572E-mail:[email protected]

Tunisie / Tunisia

Ms JEBALI, Radhia Chargée de mission Délégation permanente de la Tunisie auprès de l'UNESCOMaison de l'UNESCO 1, rue Miollis, 75732 Paris Cedex 15FranceTel: +33(0)1 45 68 29 92E-mail:[email protected]

Turquie / Turkey

Mr ARI, Ahmet General Director of Research and Training Ministry of Culture and Tourism

Republic of Turkey, Ministry of Culture and Tourismİnonu Bulvarı No:5 Emek/AnkaraTurkey / TurquieTel: +90(312) 2213325E-mail:[email protected]

Ms DOGAN GRAJOWER, Esra Counsellor, Deputy Permanent Delegate of Turkey to UNESCO

Permanent Delegation of Turkey to UNESCO1 rue Miollis 75732 ParisFranceTel: +33(0)1 45682718Mobile: +33(0)6 48611877E-mail:[email protected]

Ms ALPASLAN, Irem Assistant Secretary General Turkish National Commission for UNESCOReşit Galip Caddesi Hereke Sokak No:10 Gaziosmanpaşa - Çankaya / ANKARATurkey / TurquieTel: +90(0)312 4265894Fax: +90(0)312 4272064E-mail:[email protected]

Ms ANT, Müge Premier Secrétaire Délégation Permanente de Turquie auprès de l'UNESCO1, rue Miollis 75732 ParisFranceTel: +33(0)1 45682733Mobile: +33(0)6 61524595E-mail:[email protected]

Mr CETE, Gokhan Attache Culturel Ambassade de Turquie Service de la Culture et de l'Information102 Champs-Elysees 75008FranceMobile: 0659449830E-mail:[email protected]

Ms GÜRÇAYI, Selcan Member, Intangible Cultural Heritage Committee, Turkish National Commission for UNESCO

Turkish National Commission for UNESCOReşit Galip Caddesi Hereke Sokak No:10 Gaziosmanpaşa - Çankaya / ANKARATurkey / TurquieTel: +90(0)312 4265894Fax: +90(0)312 4272064E-mail:[email protected]

Mr OĞUZ, Öcal President Turkish National Commission for UNESCOReşit Galip Caddesi Hereke Sokak No:10 Gaziosmanpaşa - Çankaya / ANKARATurkey / TurquieTel: +90(0)312 4265894Fax: +90(0)312 4272064E-mail:[email protected]

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Venezuela (République bolivarienne du) / Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)

Ms SANCHEZ BELLO, Rebeca Ambassadeur, Délégué Permanent

Delegation de la République Bolivarienne du Venezuela1, rue Miollis 75015 PARISFranceTel: +33(0)1 45682532 / 33 / 34Mobile: +33(0)6 82526102Fax: +33(0)1 47342893E-mail:[email protected]

Viet Nam

Ms NGUYEN, Thi Thu Trang Vice Chief of Intangible Culture Heritage Management Division

Department of Cultural Heritage - Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism Vietnam51 Ngo Quyen street, Hoan Kiem district, Hanoi, VietnamViet NamTel: + 84 3943 8025Mobile: + 84 904 346 000E-mail:[email protected]

Yémen / Yemen

Mr AL-RAZZAQ GUHAF, Ammat Deputy General Organization for the Preservation of the Historic citiesC/O Yemeni National Commission for Education, Culture and ScienceYemenTel: +967 71 1860917E-mail:[email protected]

Zambie / Zambia

Mr KAPAIPI, Hendrix First Secretary Education Permanent Delegation of the Republic of Zambia to UNESCOZambian Embassy in Paris 18, avenue de Tourville 75007 ParisFranceMobile: +33(0)6 67676485E-mail:[email protected]

Ms SINYWIBULULA, Hilda Mooya Milumbe

Senior Programme Officier for Culture

Zambia National Commission for UNESCOMinistry of Education P. O. Box 50619 10101 LUSAKAZambia / ZambieTel: +260 1 254 340E-mail:[email protected]

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Allemagne / Germany

Ms MERKEL, Christine M. Head of the Division of Culture, Memory of the World

German Commission for UNESCOColmantstrasse 15, 53115 BonnGermany / AllemagneTel: +49(228) 6049718Fax: +49(228) 6049730E-mail:[email protected]

Bahreïn / Bahrain

Mr ALKHALIFA, Shiekh Khaled Director of Archaeology & Heritage

Ministry of CultureP.O Box. 2199 Manama, Kingdom of BahrainBahrain / BahreïnTel: +(973) 17298700Mobile: +(973) 39999911E-mail:[email protected]


Mr BLACKBURN, Jean-Pierre Ambassadeur du Canada, Délégué permanent auprès de l'UNESCO

Délégation permanente du Canada auprès de l'UNESCO5, Rue De Constantine 75007 ParisFranceTel: +33(0)1 44432571Mobile: +33(0)6 73623356Fax: +33(0)1 44432579E-mail:[email protected]

Irlande / Ireland

Ms MAY CULLEY, Deirdre Attachée Permanent Delegation of Ireland to UNESCO and the OECD12, avenue Foch 75116 ParisFranceTel: +33(0)1 44176714E-mail:[email protected]

Koweït / Kuwait

Mr BENREDHA, Mohammad Head of Foreign Cultural Relations

National Council for Culture, Arts and Letters

Kuwait / KoweïtTel: +(965) 22463513Fax: +(965) 22423842E-mail:[email protected]

Mr ALSAIF, Waleed Expert NCCAL KoweitP.O. Box 13061 Safat 23996 KuwaitKuwait / KoweïtMobile: +(965) 99668533Fax: +(965) 25376605E-mail:[email protected]

Thaïlande / Thailand

Ms SUEBSITH, Orachart Deputy Permanent Delegate Permanent Delegation of the Kingdom of Thailand to UNESCO1, rue Miollis 75015 ParisFranceTel: +33(0)1 45683123Mobile: +33(0)6 81810701Fax: +33(0)1 45683124E-mail:[email protected]

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Association nationale cultures et traditions

Mr CANONNE, Pierre-Julien Assistant Relations Internationales

Association nationale cultures et traditions92 rue des Moulins BP 58 03800 GannatFranceTel: +33(0)4 70906635Fax: +33(0)4 70906636E-mail:[email protected]

Azerbaijani Carpetmakers' Union

Ms TAGHIYEVA, Roya Dr, Professor Azerbaijani Carpet Makers Union123a Neftchiler avenue AZ-1000 Baku, AzerbaijaniAzerbaijan / AzerbaïdjanTel: (+99412) 4930501 / (+99412) 4936685Mobile: (+99450) 4299000Fax: (+99412) 4936685E-mail:[email protected]

Center for Peace Building and Poverty Reduction among Indigenous African Peoples

Mr DAVID, Elisha Olatunji Policy Advisor Initiative for Ethics and Value Orientation and Social DevelopmentPlot 200, Bacita Close, Section 1, Area 2, Garki, AbujaNigeriaTel: +(234)803 5046852Mobile: +(234)803 5046852E-mail:[email protected]

Cultural Initiatives for Biodiversity Conservation

Mr NTIATI, Paul CEO Cultural Initiative for Biodiversity ConservationP.O. Box 69821 Post Code 00400 Nairobi,KenyaTel: +(254) 20203804Mobile: +(254) 729353176E-mail:[email protected]

Engabu Za Tooro

Mr RWAGWERI, Stephen Executive Director Engabu Za TooroP.O Box 886, Fort Portal - Uganda, East AfricaUganda / OugandaMobile: +(256) 772469751E-mail:[email protected]

FARO Vlaams steunpunt voor cultureel erfgoed vzw

Mr BELEMANS, Robert Staff Member FARO Vlaams steunpunt voor cultureel erfgoed vzwPriemstraat 51 1000 BrusselsBelgium / BelgiqueTel: +(32)2 2131074Mobile: +(32)4 96 533115E-mail:[email protected]

Fédération des Associations de Musiques et Danses Traditionnelles

Mr VERA CASARES, Juan Antonio Presidente Centro UNESCO MelillaC/ Benito López Franco, 11 52005 MelillaSpain / EspagneTel: +(34) 952698748Mobile: +(34) 639157976E-mail:[email protected]

Mr GÓMEZ TIMÓN, Pedro Vocal de Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial

Centro UNESCO MelillaC/ Beniro López Franco, 11 52005 MelillaSpain / EspagneMobile: +(34)677 319779E-mail:[email protected]

Mr SOLANO GALVIS, Cesar Augusto Director Departamento Investigación

Centro UNESCO MelillaC/ Benito López Franco, 11 52005 MelillaSpain / EspagneMobile: +(34)690 027801E-mail:[email protected]

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Foundation for the Protection of Natural and Cultural Heritage

Ms SHAGDARSUREN, Nomindari Project officer Foundation for the Protection of Natural and Cultural Heritage314, Bld Zoos Goyol, khoroo 5, Chingeltei districtMongolia / MongolieTel: +(976)93 153524Mobile: +(33)6 41860812E-mail:[email protected]

International Council on Monuments and Sites

Mr KONO, Toshiyuki Member of international Executive Committee

International Council on Monuments and Sites49-51 rue de la Fédération 75015 ParisFranceTel: +33(0)1 45676770Fax: +33(0)1 45660622E-mail:[email protected]

Ms MARTINEZ YANEZ, Celia Member of ICOMOS International Council on Monuments and Sites ICOMOS49 - 51 rue de la Fédération 75015 ParisFranceTel: +33(0)1 45676770Fax: +33(0)1 45660622E-mail:[email protected]

La Maison de Sagesse

Mr ASTIER, Hubert Administrateur Maison de Sagesse

FranceMobile: +33(0)6 62299301E-mail:[email protected]

Lamar Kanuri Hutuye

Mr ABUBAKAR, Babagana Vice president and head of intellectual property,culture and research.

Kanuri Development AssociationAlhaji Bukar Kuya House Fezzan Maiduguri NigeriaNigeriaTel: +(23480) 42105028Mobile: +(23480) 62220179E-mail:[email protected]

Maison des Cultures du Monde

Mr BOIS, Pierre Conseiller artistique Membre de l'Organe consultatif chargé de l'examen des candidatures à LSU, IAR et BSP

Maison des Cultures du Monde101 Bd Raspail 75006 ParisFranceTel: +33(0)1 45447427Mobile: +33(0)6 72372004Fax: +33(0)1 45447660E-mail:[email protected]

Ms CACHAT, Séverine Directrice du Centre français du Centre français du patrimoine culturel immatériel

Maison des Cultures du Monde2 rue des Bénédictins - 35500 VitréFranceTel: +33(0)2 99758204Mobile: +33(0)6 62628993Fax: +33(0)2 99758293E-mail:[email protected]

Mr SMEETS, Rieks Expert RichelangueHoogzwanenstraat 112, 6211 BZ MaastrichtNetherlands / Pays-BasTel: +(31)4 37370086Mobile: +(31)6 81413373E-mail:[email protected]

Maison du patrimoine oral

Mr LABOIS, Guillaume Directeur Maison du patrimoine oralPlace de la bascule - 71550 AnostFranceTel: +33(0)3 85827700Mobile: +33(0)6 14095818Fax: +33(0)9 61226052E-mail:[email protected]

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Museums Galleries Scotland

Ms ORR, Joanne Chief Executive Officer Museums Galleries ScotlandWaverley Gate 2-4 Waterloo Place EHI 3EG EdinburghUnited Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland / Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du NordTel: +44(0)1 315504114Mobile: +44(0)7 788498899E-mail:[email protected]

Musigi Dunyasi Ictimai birliyi

Mr MAMMADOV, Tariyel Dr. Prof., Director Musigi Dunyasi Ictimai birliyiShamsi Badalbeyli kuchesi, 98 BAKU AZ-1014Azerbaijan / AzerbaïdjanTel: +(994)12 4932302Mobile: +(994)50 3739941Fax: +(994)12 4932302E-mail:[email protected]

Tamil Nadu Rural Art Development Centre

Mr THIYAGARAJAN, Somasundaram Director cum secretary Tamil Nadu Rural Arts development Centre101, Jawans Building, West Veli Street, Madurai - 625001 Tamil Nadu.India / IndeTel: +(91) 4522340601Mobile: +(91) 9842148423E-mail:[email protected]

Mr DAS, Anup Kumar Research Officer Jawaharlal Nehru UniversityRoom No. 226, CSSP, SSS1, JNU, New Delhi - 110067India / IndeTel: +(91)11 26704400Mobile: +(91)99 68432630E-mail:[email protected]

Tapis plein vzw.

Ms JANSSENS, Ellen Moderator, the Flemish website & database for intangible cultural heritage in Flanders

Tapis plein vzw.Sint-Jakobsstraat 36, 8000 BrugesBelgium / BelgiqueTel: +(32)50 683794E-mail:[email protected]

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Centro Regional para la Salvaguardia del Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial de América Latina

Mr VILLAFUERTE, Fernando Director General Centro Regional para la Salvaguardia del Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial de América LatinaComplejo Kusicancha Calle Maruri s/n CUSCOPeru / PérouTel: +(51)84 242011Mobile: +(51)995 315570Fax: +(51)84 242011E-mail:[email protected]

International Information and Networking Centre for Intangible Cultural Heritage in the Asia-Pacific Region

Mr LEE, Samuel Director International Information and Networking Centre for Intangible Cultural Heritage in the Asia-Pacific Region132 Munji-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, 305-380Republic of Korea / République de CoréeE-mail:[email protected]

Ms CHOI, Milee Programme Officer International Information and Networking Centre for Intangible Cultural Heritage in the Asia-Pacific Region132 Munji-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, 305-380Republic of Korea / République de CoréeE-mail:[email protected]

International Research Centre for Intangible Cultural Heritage in the Asia-Pacific Region

Ms OHNUKI, Misako Deputy Director International Research Center for Intangible Cultural Heritage in the Asia-Pacific Region (IRCI) National Institute for Cultural HeritageSakai City Museum, 2 Mozusekiun-cho, Sakai-ku, Sakai City, Osaka, 590-0802Japan / JaponTel: +(81)72 2758050Fax: +(81)72 2758151E-mail:[email protected]

International Training Centre for Intangible Cultural Heritage in the Asia-Pacific Region

Mr YANG, Zhi Director-General International Training Center for Intangible Cultural Heritage in Asia-Pacific RegionNo.1 Huixinbeili, Beijing,ChinaChina / ChineTel: +(86)10 64812326Fax: +(86)10 64812326E-mail:[email protected]

Ms GE, Yuging Associate researcher International Training Center for Intangible Cultural Heritage in Asia-Pacific RegionNo.1 Huixinbeili, Beijing,ChinaChina / ChineTel: +(86)10 64812326Fax: +(86)10 64812326E-mail:[email protected]

Ms YANG, Nai Assistant researcher International Training Centre for Intangible Cultural Heritage in the Asia-Pacific RegionNo.1 Huixinbeili, Beijing,ChinaChina / ChineTel: +(86)10 64985717Fax: +(86)10 64969281E-mail:[email protected]

Ms YUAN, Jie Assistant Researcher International Training Center for Intangible Cultural Heritage in Asia-Pacific RegionNo.1 Huixinbeili, Beijing,ChinaChina / ChineTel: +(86)10 64811376Fax: +(86)10 64969281E-mail:[email protected]

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Ms BECUYWE, Isabelle Doctorante à l'EHESS-IRIS EHESS Paris & Université LAVAL QUÉBEC43, rue du lieutenant colonel Biraud 86000 PoitiersFranceTel: +(33)5 49385595Mobile: +(33)6 58665500E-mail:[email protected]

Ms BORTOLOTTO, Chiara Chercheur Université Libre de Bruxelles44 Av. Jeanne BruxellesBelgium / BelgiqueTel: +33(66) 6043840Mobile: +33(66) 6043840E-mail:[email protected]

Ms HAGA, Yuriko JSPS Research fellow; Expert research fellow

Kyushu UniversityRm.17, Faculty of Law, Kyushu University 6-19-1 Hakozaki Higashi-ku Fukuoka 812-8581Japan / JaponTel: +81(0)926 423235Mobile: +81(0)901 7785906Fax: +81(0)926 423235E-mail:[email protected]

Mr MCDONALD, Douglass W President & CEO Cincinnati Museum Center1301 Western Avenue Cincinnati OH 45203United States of America / États-Unis d'AmériqueTel: +(513)287 7006E-mail:[email protected]

Ms MONSALVE, Lorena Consultora

Peru / PérouTel: +(51) 993229468E-mail:[email protected]

Ms OGGE, Suzanne Head of Heritage Projects & Communications

Studio Milou Singapore Pte Ltd150 Cantonment Road #01-08 Block B 088630Singapore / SingapourTel: +(65) 65920049Mobile: +(65) 92330340Fax: +(65) 62380013E-mail:[email protected]

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Office of International Standards and Legal Affairs / Office des Normes Internationales et des Affaires Juridiques

Mr EL ZEIN, Souhail Senior Legal Officer, Chief of Section

Tel: +33 (0)1 45 68 55 75E-mail:[email protected]

Secteur de la Culture / Culture Sector

Mr BANDARIN, Francesco Sous-directeur général pour la culture / Assistant Director-General for Culture

Tel: +33 (0)1 45684375E-mail:[email protected]

Intangible Cultural Heritage Section / Section du patrimoine culturel immatériel

Ms DUVELLE, Cécile Chef, Section du patrimoine culturel immatériel

Tel: +33 (0)1 45684519E-mail:[email protected]

Mr BRUCE, Jean-Thomas Tel: +33 (0)1 45683827E-mail:[email protected]

Ms CALVO, Marina Tel: +33 (0)1 45684319E-mail:[email protected]

Ms DE SANCRISTOBAL, Berta Tel: +33 (0)1 45684131E-mail:[email protected]

Ms DROBNA, Helena Tel: +33 (0)1 45684330E-mail:[email protected]

Ms HYDE, Rita Mae Louise Tel: +33 (0)1 45684344E-mail:[email protected]

Mr MARTEL-PINTADO, David Tel: +33 (0)1 45681876E-mail:[email protected]

Ms MARTIN-SIEGFRIED, Suzanne Tel: +33 (0)1 45684275E-mail:[email protected]

Mr MOUKALA, Edmond Tel: +33 (0)1 45683619E-mail:[email protected]

Ms NANAUMI, Yumiko Tel: +33 (0)1 45684318E-mail:[email protected]

Ms OHINATA, Fumiko Tel: +33 (0)1 45683950E-mail:[email protected]

Ms POIVRE, Josiane Tel: +33 (0)1 45684395E-mail:[email protected]

Mr PROSCHAN, Frank Tel: +33 (0)1 45684427E-mail:[email protected]

Ms ROSSET, Mary Tel: +33 (0)1 45684414E-mail:[email protected]

Mr SAMADOV, Rasul Tel: +33 (0)1 45684162E-mail:[email protected]

Ms SARR, Oulimata Tel: +33 (0)1 45684272E-mail:[email protected]

Mr SCEPI, Giovanni Tel: +33 (0)1 45684113E-mail:[email protected]

Mr SICARD, Hugues Tel: +33 (0)1 45684769E-mail:[email protected]

Ms ZHANG, Min Tel: +33 (0)1 45684168E-mail:[email protected]

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