Page 1: Doers or Visionaries PACIFI ITIZEN€¦ · TO THE POINT: Shig Sugiyama Doers or Visionaries WashIniton Electi-ns an! an everyday rren~ In American Ilte. et. attUSt-med as we are to

TO THE POINT: Shig Sugiyama

Doers or Visionaries WashIniton

Electi-ns an! an everyday rren~ In American Ilte.

et. attUSt-med as we are to e electoral P<'"~" and mn .. UI!, the ouadrmnlal rllual adln~ t, the nomlnatlrn or

dldatos ror the pruldmcy the Ullited States and e"en ..

or the acene. One must either try to un ..

de'stand whal Is beIng sald and done (orten w 'tl, a sense of uner-e cr lORb"dlnll) or t-tally I""ore the pro COS s much like an rstrkh wIth head In the il'Cund.

y the elecUrn In Novem.. Intelllllel)l apprallal of can .. s"mellow enthralls the C!1c!at~ 0 .... ml.6 "r what they

alcan publl.,.......t le.n so wUl art-I"v" If elected would ""..... media would have 'e"ul Ihem to be mer"ly. and

beJjeV1!. at ~;I. ",,",pro' I"n. of hop., hrhap' belnll at the Na .. er wbal tbe candidate would

all', capital helabten. rDe'l l'ke t., see accomplished. Tbe ... arenosa or and senslUvlb' I "'lIty is that as the poat ..

the polJtl<al manl!U,·erlnl{. Wate ... ate revelatlrn. and the ery and ,-phlltry which ,~"lt\n~ art'ens by decision ..

mrre aoo'rent In a make.s and citizenry alike resk'~ntl.l electlcn year. A$ Ioave c'ea,ly dem~nstT1lted. no

• poUlleal ob$erver qua ob- sln~Ie indivIdual In a demo .. rver. the entl.e P'~s cou'd craUc scdely such as ou .......

be an Intenst'n,. If not eurI .. ~ he PrM'dent. Coogressman, ou.s pben'menon r .. r academic iud'e or anyone else-has al>­study. Since. hrwever. the s~lute .uthorlty or power to outer..,., "r I presidential elec .. carry cut ,Irrvernmentol pro .. tion can al!ect. In one way or eraD'S er octi .. ". "o-d Or bad. aneth ..... the lives and Ilvell.. Tbe .. atlrn·s leaders can at .. boeds or all or Ia. It is dU .. ~mpt to .el the mO<'<! and lkult to be a mere _rver poInt the dlrecllon. but noth ..

Over 70 appncatlons reviewed for

JAL·JACL cuHanl herllage fellowship

In~ will resull as ront.mpl"t .. ed "nJ ... tbe public In gen .. eral I. wllJln~ and able to IUp" p ~ rt tbe planned Or propoled arltrn •.

Thus. we need to consIder what o"lIlIcal candIdates lor any rmce say as to what they c'<P!ct to do when elected­nr t .0 much as to what It II tbat Ihey promise of Itselt, but what the premises reveal ab"ut tbe pers ~ n's wisdom and orrbable crmpet~nce ror the j<b . and In that Jlllbt, wheth .. er we wlU be wU'ln« 10 plve ~ 1m the c· nfldence. the chBnce. aild the necessary suppnrt for leadlnlli the nallon on to bet .. ter things. .

To be able 10 dreom the 1m .. 'P-rslb'~ dre.m may b<> pleas .. ,·,eob'c. but lew can allord the ' uxury "r !\lch p'easure ror e'<tended or Indefinite perlcds. Tbe everydny world of ours. be It In the ramily, the ccm .. munlty. the natIon. or In or .. ranluU'n. such as JACL, re .. quIres that we address our .. seln; 10 dolnq what need. t~ b2 done rather than on'y dre"min" about wbat ought to be.

Acblevlng what we want usually Te"vlre p2rsonal er ..

SEABFOOK. N J. - Over 70 with the V In e 1 an d (N.J.) r"rt and the "glvlng" or some .. applleaUcns we r e revIewed b~ard or edu ... atlnn. has ~en l"lnlli frrm or "f ourselves. thl< past week '(Way 8) by • an active advrcate of culturol Thu. ]rl'klnl! to s('meone else preliminary panel or judaes I., alts In S<uth .Jersey Mra. Na .. t , give "S what we want with .. select eilht ftnallits and two ,ao, a mlcroftlm Syst~ms su .. rut eypechtirn or needIng to a'ternates r~r the rour Japan per v I • 0 r with Cumberland l'ive of ourselves and of our AIr L' .... ..JA('L Cultural Her .. ~unty . Is an adult education cwn rescuree. Is sheer roily. IlrIe FeJlowshlp.s beln, orrer .. Instructor speclalWnl In Ja· Yet many or us tedoy have ed thl. year. It WIS revealed panese .. Chlnese cuisine. ~me entrapped In the no .. b, Ellen Nakamura. chalrpe.r.. Seatt Nagao, who haa just tlrn that II we wlall for some .. Kn cf the p..,lIrllinarY panel. returned home here arter 2'n thlng stronll enou,h and we

MDC re-elects

Ullian Kimura MILWAUKEE. Wls.-Thc JA .. CL Mldw~ . l DIstrIct CouncU re"~'~"'ed LllJlon KImura as dlrtrlet governo, lor anether bIennIum ot Its r p rl n~ meel­Ing beld hero AprU 9 .. 10. Cathy Hlronaka of Dn)'1on Is the new MIdwest Dlstricl Ycuth Ccuncll chalrp~rson, lucct:tdlna Seott Furukawa or Cleveland.

The MDe board Is com .. p I',d or thrc ~ eleckd officials (g'verncr and two vice eov .. rners), Immediate post ,ov ..

erner, and MDYC cbalrper .. se n SInce noUce to amend was net timely 61ed, no ac .. tl r n was taken.

MIdwest JAYS nnd cbop .. 1m. were ur¥ed to circulate Il'HtlonR , upport'ng a Pres· Identia' pardon for Iva Togurl d'Aqulno.

relegales were apprIsed o( th" cne .. thlrd cut In the MId .. v'csl Office bud!!et rrom S31 ... 500 to $21,000 (or the com .. In~ fiEcal year-whIch meant e'lmlnotlrn of a professlonol .tnfT momber. SInce the dele .. gates were generally agreed a pre' esslonlll stall member's presence was most desIrable, methr". or retaIning the pres .. cnl r mce was discussed at length.

Att, ndlng were representa .. tlves frem aU the chapters, IncludIng the new Hoosier J ACL from IndIana. Delegal<!s stayed at Holiday l'Pn MId .. t- wn and met 8 few bloCM away at International Instl .. tute with Henry Dou., MIl .. wauke" JACL chapter pres .. Ident, hesling the group gath· ering at h's home after Sal .. urdny dinner.

PACIFI ITIZEN VOL. 82 NO. 19 FRIDAY, MAY 14, 1976 Sublerlptlon Rat. ptr Vur

u.a n . For.lln t .. 15 CENTS

$2 billion seen for evacuees PORTLAND, Ore.-Arter I lr. rul .. and r egulation.. ed 10 theIr "OPpel I ror action". years 01 walttn,. a Natlona ; Reparation. would be au .. or Ihe 35 providing 0 numer .. JACL commIttee waa tlnall ~' thorlzed under the basIc plan lcal ceunl ror the lUrvey, 778 convenz<l to droft a repara · to (l) thne who voluntarily memlnra WC'e pre.ent to bear fens pion for Japanese Amer .. evacuated, (2) tho.o who were Seattle JACL'. appeal whIch h:an. who were denied their Involuntarily c va c u a Ie d - was On tape and In print. constltutlonal rights durin ~ whICh was the molarity of Nearly 70% were In full W'rld War II ~cQuae or Ihe'" 120,000 NikkeI then re . ldln~ Dareement for repnr~tfon.; ancestry. In the We.tem Defen.e Com .. 70% ravored Ihe "boolltup"

The Nallonal JACL Repara .. mand. (3) IndIvIdual. who fundIng concepl Ins~ad or tt-na Campal~n C~mmltu!~ were one kd ror evodln, alkng Con,reu ror approprf .. met at the J ACL rcplonal or .. EVDcuotlen nrd ... and .ent to otlons; 89'1'. favored Indlvldual ftce he" ever tbe May I .. J camp. and (4) Hawall NlJckel l£paraUclll, 11% were eppol­weekend propr.ln, a basic arruted and detained. ed bul ravored payment to plan wIth two amendment, An expanded versIon of NIJcJceI creanlzatlon. ond an alternative for cons'd .. eUglblllty Is otTered In Amend.. Nearly aU (97%) prererred eratlon at the national con .. menl, I and 11, whIch. Ind .. lsael prIority In any dlaburae­vtnU"n In Sacramento ne .. 1 dentally were approved by 4 .. 3 ment or repOTallon.; 70% fell month. marBlns with the committee the $5.000 per perlOn and $10

The basIc plan calls ror pro.. chairman, PNWDC Oov. Ed p~r day In comp WG-, "ruson .. vldlng S5.000 per person plus Yamamoto, canine the decld .. able", 29% said It was ",ros . .. $10 fQr eaoh day of conIIne .. Ing vou.. ly Inadequate". ment. Estimatcd cost woul1 Amendment I conceIvably A1~rnatlve Plan

Though not diacUlItd be .. ealae of time. the cornmft~ Tec<!lved an Dlte"",Uve, the Columbia Basin JACL ptan.

rrom Yamamr,lb. It calf. tor the enUre reporaU<nl awarel 01 an eltfmau,d .1 billion be placed In teuat with br,th prln .. clpal and In~reat to be Ihar .. eel half .. half to flnante hu .. man I'rvlce type .ct,vlUea nnd to pro m I) t e J.pan_ Amellcan underotandlnc:.

It calls lor uplrata arm to pu'" Ihe ctlmpalen. dlaaflow. indivIdual claim. because of bureaucraUc erOllcn c.r th~ award, and prcp:S9 • NIkkei .. dlrccttd hun fGuncl:otJ~n to the .warc!l pro­,r ami.

CGmmlllee member lb date

be about $2 bllUon, It wu would Include all penOD" of stated. The unclaimed por tion Japanese anceatry In the US. of the reparaUon, would be -especIally thr.e re.ldlng In placed In trust (or JapanCl'e the weltern US. and Hawaii Amellcan cultural .. educatlon .. who were not subject to Evoc .. al purpcses and a legal de .. unllcn orders but were denIed tense lund to protect Nll<k~1 due process due to ancestrY. (rem dIscrImInatory or un .. AJao eligIble here would be equal treatment under federal NiseI who were rec.lassllled In NC·WNDC's 29thchapler formed' 1942 to 4 .. C (enemy aUens) and

the non .. J .panese married to

NIMH $10,000 granl underwriles JACL e V~::~ ~ment II Involves eU. ~=r.:~~~e;~~ .iAJ:I~ ::~ ~~n~fOo~ddm: jllblllly fer an utlmau.d 1,000 rpenson. the TrI .. Yalley JA .. WNDC governor Wea!ey DoL

I a f b NI I II I J apanese from LaUn America CL beld lis Jirst meetln, Apr. Fremont JACLers Ted Ino-

p anDlAg con a on se re remen :;:ps-:vere

detained In U.S. ~~e;; U:;d%~~t=~' rt; :Z~I~~I:r~r ~Yfu~~~

noalim wlll be flown May ,ears studyinll Japanese at seek cut whomever promises 22 te San Francisco ror oral Alch1 UnIversIty. graduated that whleh we want, we can Intnvl" ... and Imp rom p t u trrm Juniata ('oUe,lle. In 1973. rere' ve whatever we wan~ ap:!eCbH belore a dJstjl1l\l'.b .. M's Ooka. recipIent of a JAL .. wlthrut pers"nal ellort Thus ed panel or jud~e .. who wlU JACL rellowshlp In 1968, Is p-Illlc.l candldau.s, It seems. anncunce the winners duriD.( .... Istant to the curator of Far olu.n become ensnared In the the awards bAnauel the nut F~rn Art at the Philadel .. some trap and begin to cater day. May n. 6:30 pm .• at the phta Museum of Art and has to th1s notirn merely ror the

Sheratrn Palace Holel. an M.A. In Japanese litera .. -altWei:t.f llie v~~ BIennIal Na. A two .. term :"eabrook part tu..., fr ... m (',.lumbla Weather ..

presldenl. W" Nakamura said Iy Is the JAL 'Publlc relations tlrnal JACL Convention just all JACL dIstrIcts were ex ahead, the delellates to the mme1, well represented b; man based In Atlanta. ' National Ccuncll will have

SAN FRAN(,ISC0 - Under· psychIatrY, and Dr. Shorrn Fu .. written by a $10,000 grant re .. jU, v'ce presIdent or Oeron .. celved from the National In· t' loglcal Planning AssocIates, stltute 'rt Mental Health, the Santa Mollica, wlU develop Notional JACL this past week tbe ccnrerence and wrltlng of (May 4) revealed a conference the report.

Seattle MCL Plan :'dthe~:i o:!~a County, ~ 'te~ ~~ ~a~~hlch wID

Seven members of the cem.. Members basIcally resIde A eeneral meeting" ached .. mittee dealt with the Seatt'e In Amader, Sunol and Diablo uled May 27, lime and place JACL plan and lis unique . Valleys -the principal cities t? be anncunced. n. executive "boot. trap" comcept to budget being DanviUe, Dublin, Liver .. board was to meet May 13 to reparations. Proponents, head· mere, Pleasanton and San adGpt a c.bapter cannJtutiO'P. ed by HenrY Mlyatake, com.. Ramon. A charter InstalJation party II prr rllised la~r In the day to A$ the 10lst chapter In NI" belna planned with M'ashIo establ'sh a trust rund from aUcna! JACL and the 29th In Tonarl. San Ramon. as chair .. unclaImed reparaUons, a suh .. the Northern Cal lfornla .. Weat .. man.

the Ipollcants. who hive rna.. FlnallsU are t~ be Inlormed ample opportun'ty to demon .. jort<! In a variety of .tudle.. by Oall NlalIloka. put Na.. strate their wisdom and lead .. including law, art. Jan",a,e ti~nal JAC'L youth d'rector, ershlp ability-as deers with IDd oclence or were ,,",ned ror the 61ght to Sen Fran· vision, or as merely vIsIon .. In d've,.e flelcls or employ .. elsco. Japan AIr LInes Is host· arIes.

ror planning the retirement o( Conrerence will ltudy the NiseI Is being scheduled this unique prcblems of NiseI as fall they approach their retltem""t

Japanese American partlcl.. years. then develep stra~gies pant.. trom across the U.S . wUJ and reccmmendations to meet be Involved and a dnal report these prcblems. Because Nisei Is to be published II:J the spring, are different tram ether Amer .. 1977. acccrdlng to DavId Ushlo. leans the prcblems of rellie .. nallenal JACL executive dI .. ment' will differ, Dr. Matsuda rector, who said rece'pl 01 th\-" uld. The negative self .. lmage grant ful6lls one of JACL. that NiseI have wUJ also be mandau.s. dlacussed as "It can malte reo

iecl not considered In thelr em Nevada distrIct, It was or.. For membenhip 1n10rma .. plan. ganized during a balr"year er .. ti~n. call: ment. Ing the coclrta1I reception at

~It was a m ... numental and the ba'Pquet rl'r Japanese Am.. As'lan Caucus ... ueUnl! task lor the preUm· ba'sador Furnlhlko Togo and

It was reported 39 chapters rort beaded by Dr. Harry Ha.. Darl • .., 0-. IIIZl v .. Zapata. (30 west coast) bad respond .. tasa.ka, NC-WNDC new chi P- DubllP "* {tJa..l243I.

"'ary judflul! panel." she said. his wife. The unbasador will Ot~er m~",bers or the panel : be the evenIng keynou. speak-!t W.e,:.:n.N~D~:; er. 00 .... aDd lama K W .. \beTl,.. Tlckels are $11.50 per per ..

son. Reservatinns are beIng PreUmtnaT7 lad,.a handled by Phyilla Haya.hl ..

Mr •. Oye. current Seabrook bara. Nallonal JACL HQ (415 JACL president and secretary -921 .. 5225).

SACRAMENTO - An Asian caucla of AsIan legislators and starr personnel or the Callfornla legislature was formed April 21 to help Iden .. Illy A$lan problems and es .. tabU,h a communication net .. work with Asian communI ..

"Tbe 1974 Co'!ventlon man- IInment difficult If noi dated we deal wIth the plan· with e/fectlvely" he added. lling for NIsei retirement, ~ , Ushlo explained. It took JACL Nakamura, JACL 18 months to secure the grant, pm en t ~mrllittee

Wendy's trial date set: June 14 B, LEE RUTTLE grand jury In 1972 had not

..... __ .:..... ____________________ ., lies. Tbe Asian legislators are

Sen. Allred Song, Assembly .. men Paul Bannai and S. Floyel Morl

not an extraordinarily long was delighted the time by rederal standards. government recogniz ..

(PC Special Correspondent) been crrss .. examlned by de .. OAKLAND-Tbe trial dau. In lense. Judge Pullch ruled the case or Wendy Yoshimura agalnst Larson'. petitIon.

peremptory c.batm>ges of the JUrY panel based on pre-trial publicity wblch baa been mc'Uy prejudldal to Wendy. FIOM JACL NATIONAL NIADOUAJlTEIS


, Proiect Responsiveness FInding out about private dures. and act'vllle. are at

fl:undatl~n. and theIr attitude roundaUrns. She will also &f.ward .. Japanese American. cover what the Involvement IJt Impor1ant to everY jlTOUP or or frundatlons wIth Japanese orgacJz.atlcn. Project Respon .. American ~ps bas been. slven .... , 8 pro,.am aponsored Amy nou.s thl>t people will ~ by the Japanese AmerIcan surp rised to learn how little Cltluns Lea",e and funded at~ntl on Is paId to Japanese b) the Campalpn ror Human AmerIcans by roundations. nevelrpment (CHD). will hrn Overall, the workshop llIar .. a wnrkshop that deal. speel .. antees participant, a greater lIcally In the area of philan· understanding or foundat'ons, thropy. and how to go about 1Ia!1Iin,

On Tuuday. JUy 18, 7:30 support from roundatlons. II m .• the Sequdl JACL will brst a work.hop at the Palo Other workshops planned Alto BuddhIst Church. 2751 durlnll the next rew montha Lculs Road. Palo Alto. ror Northern (,alltornla reo

Workthop. put on by the pio'" Include San Francisco, Project CoordInator Amy Dol Steckton. SalInas, and Contra' COOlIn or communIcating to Co.ta For more Informatlon the Jlpanese American com .. ahcut Project Rerp"n. lvene18, JllUnll' wbat the objectives, call Amy Dol at (41&) 921 .. polletea, operaUonal proce.. 5225.

Convention Credentials San Franeloco

JACL chapUt.. were re .. mInded to aubmlt names and acldr." or theIr dele,alel to the 1976 convenUon by M'a, 20 to N 8 lIon a 1 Hudquartert. Chlplerl are allowed two del .. .1!8~1 Ind Iwo llternate elel .. elUll .. but <nly carry one vote

4-Paym.nt of ehlpter tnltJa. tJon dun of flO, 11 • n.w ehlp1er.

5--Payme.nt of Inual ehapter dUH (110) lor 18'15 and ItT • • ~ P 'Jm.nt of nilional ttl tor

fndh 'Jdu.a1 mf'mben. 1-Plymtnt of . n,. (U.trJet due..

ft .. ' r .Mu'menta. I-U .. ,. lIuonlbly cooperated

tn proJtet •• proplmJI ind Mrvlc" carrJ.d on by the NIUonl1 01-c.n'utlon

In Hltlonal CouncU proceed.. Crntrlbutlonl "r $&0 per bl .. In.. To be credentlaled, 8 cl"nlum by chapter. ror the chlpter mull be In ,oad JACL Irlvel pool I. optional rtllndlnl-whlch means: Ind dell,ned to aulsl thOle

I-M.lIlbonhlp of U or more chap~rt travelln, to the con .. !,":;,t1bn tlUz .. n •. 11 )'u,. old or v~ntlon.

eJ~dl~' C:':,.·.'!tcs:~t, :!~'r:!~f'~'; Headquarter. alao dbtrlbut-n ,. ..... old ed proxy rorm., whIch requlr .. ~C1lapu, ecnJ1ltullon and b,.. ed a $10 lee t? be forwarded

~~ti •• "o~~r~~I.:Il:.~g"b~!,:.~~1 to Natlonal Headqulrterl,

Student Aid Program Philadelphia

Student lid granll In m.m .. ory of Abe Halllw .. a, a pIo­n er yr uth worhr In Cleve .. I.neland Chlc.,o and a JACJ... • r of tbe Blonnlum. tntallln, U,~ wlll be available ror "70. It "'" announced by Orayee Uy h.ra. nltlonal JA .. CL achollrlhlp c6mmlltee chlhperl<,n ,

"pplleaUnn form. are ,vall .. abl Irem JACL Headqugrt .... at the roll~nll omee. I'ilin,

d •• dllne It June 30. Program IJt de. leneel prl ..

marlly rOT the needy . tudent. Oranll rlnle from $200 to $500 a. de~rmlned by a panel 01 judg.l. Namel DI awardee. are not publlclzed.

Any student or Japanese an .. aestry permanently re.ldln, In the US., members and ram .. Ily memb'rs of JACL In ne.d or fln.nclal help In aU"ndln, hl,h 'chool, colle,e, trade or lechnlcal ochool may Ipply.

1976 Memberships SAn FunellCO

Mmtberahlp during March Indudtd 8,'" addltlon.1 ror a Marth 30 total or le,uo or 140J, 01 the 1.70 ,oal or 30,,, 500 flrnkdown by dlltrlcll .,,0"' •.

0 .. , !,/IOU


'Al' '.A< It:~ t_ 1.112

7.0.'. Pd, 1"44 IO~ 1_ 111 l,a.. 11..1 ',H1 15 I

112 10 0 ~11 1t1 ... 101 MI U' II

14_ 11~ 140 Th. March \LUll Ihow.d V.lley JACL • tIll

"th. Icblban Chapter" wIth 1,312 cnroll.d or 88 pet or II. 1875 tOlal 01 1,&22. Tbe tGp ten here ar. : O.'d.... 1,a12 8 M..... 141 • Ie ,. 1.0:14 -.c'w lSa Wt..A ... Itoa\ LA 832

n:::,a ~:: ~al~:'" m F<urteen chopterl have ex ..

c til d 1870 memberlhlp thu. f.r;

PHW-Columblo a.,ln ; He.WH. OC-OU/O)'. Muln, ... n O.nllo C(Unl,. aooome Ciluftt)'. CCDC­C&o1fI.. "n,." TuJ.lre Counly ; PI'WDC-O"IIf't p ... dena Ar •• , JIf~"h 'an cn.,o. Pan Mlan. Ioulh !"~i,~1da .. 'alia. and MPDC

Dr. Mlnoru Masuda, Ulliv. slgnUlcance and UI!I. W85 dellnlteIy set for June 14, Judge Pullch empbatieaU, of Washington professor of of this concern. It W85 announced May 3 after remlnded prosecutor Horner Beadlt Pre"...

Philadelphia JACL's sales booth at 1976 Folk Fair

Philadelphia JACL The PhiladelphIa JACL par ..

tlcl'Pau.d In the 12th biennial Folk Fa' r a t Cr nventlon Holl April 23' .. 25. Members or the Delaware Y a 11 e y J apanese ce mmunlty and Irlend. look part In prc,rom, exhibit sales and rrod phase. or the three .. day allalr In which more than 50 ethnic IIroups parllclpated.

\d. vice pres'dent, of the Ja .. pan A9soclatlon of Phlladel .. phla, were at great assIstance In "ndlnll the talent to per .. term the demonstrations.

The sales booth, featurIng a larlle red tOri l. was kept busy selllng lays. puules. ceramJcs, pll\l1lers. chawDn, lanu.rn. nod assorlcd J opanese novelty and aT l goeds. Cholrman Elko Ike .. dD ond co .. chalrman Chlzuko Sakoto were assisted by:

ccnslderable argument from that the ooly conspiracy ror d f which Wendy Is being tried BERKELEY - A benellt pro-

both prosecution and e ense. h to d ·· ~th b Indlctm t gram for Wendy Ycshimura Detense Attorney Jam e s as 0 w. er en Larson pleaded ror mOre time a l~ng with Brandt, Bart.'n and will be beld May 20, 8 pm.. to prepare his case In view Ruhenstein lor !X"'sessmg U .. at La Pena Cultural Ceoter,

Mn. Botty Nil •. C.o ... al· of the ract that p;"'secullon legal guns. ammullillen and 3105 Shattuck Ave .. r"turin, ll'uchI,obI·aaCy"'''O tB.&ra

rs .!la

nd, hB'~'IMlokrtO: had Intrcduced so many con .. exploslves. He said, "A$ far 85 -pealters, muslI: and A5lan

Ma.s ..... I I el ts In t I am concerned that Is all &be American poets. net"".., at .. da. trow"~:=S a emen recen Is ~Ing tried ror.n torney Jim Larson and Wen ..

The tced baoth was a popu.. """" d will be th speak lar spot leaturing suldyaki, Dep~ty District Attorney Larson later revealed that y amcng e ..

H the next motlufl be wID file ers. Program Is sponsored b, yalr:1 .. bliu (beef and ve~e .. Jeffrey orner. on the other sometime this week (or May the No. Ca1lt. Wendy Yoshl .. tables on a skewer made with band, argued ror a much ill extra Fair TrIal Committee. a terfyakl sauce) , su. hi, chick.. ea.rller date to wblc.b Larson 3) w be to request mura en u.rlyald, tea, rice. fortune vehemently objected. Hom .. cooldes and ame candy. ChaIr.. er's request was based main .. man Biro, hl Uyehara and co .. ly upon his desire to 110 on chalmlen Tem and Llllian Ka.. vacation In August. shlbara were nsslsted In the Judge Mar II n N. Pullch logbtlcs of the rood booth sympalhized with tbe oPPO"" operation by: lng counsels and settled on the

Sho Maruyama. Tak Morh.chl. Ray Mu tera. PlunJl Ikedl, Ko,e Suto. Hatsuml Barada, Yone Oka­moto and SIm Endo.

Cookbooks Sold

June 14 date. Earller Judge Pullch an ..

nounced that he was denying LarS')n's prevlo~ motion and he declared the Preclla Ave. and Mo= SI. entries and searches In San FrancIsco by the FBI to be legal. He Is still withholding his decisIon regarding the Daly CIty en ..

A proud legacy


6 weeks 'til 24th Biennial Nat'l

JACL Convention

June 21-26, 1976 Sacramento, Calif.

A blcent ~ nnlal condellSed ve nd~n of the hIghly success .. ful "Mama·san's CcokbCl('k" wa, published ror the 1976 Fair. The unusual cover. de .. sltned by Debra KomUura, featurEd an origamI crane wh10h by stages was trans .. rormed Into an Amet Ican ealle. The crane was an ac .. tual rolded orlgaml.

trY and search although be !... _____________________ _

previou'lly Indicated he be ..

For Inlonnalion: SacnmenlD JACl P.o. Box 22583, Sacramenta 95822

The cookbook. edited by R07 and Yurl Klta, feaUred obrut 30 recIpes and a nUllber of the rlb .. tlcJc]ln~ llIustracl~ns by Fumlo Theda from the orlaInnl book and sold fo' $2.

('halrmen rpr the 1976 Folk Fair. besIdes' those alr~ady mentlcned, were :

o:o~~ kk RI~:~r,)':~~hr:: . ~¥>~ . Kotnn Kurcdl. swe<!pstakH: Yurl Morluohl. pub.: Larry Mol', pho· to •.

Ueved It to be Irrelevant, Larson petitioned to rue a

mollon ror a post .. lndlctment hearing based on the faet that all wItnesses called before the

Utah sr. dOzen

survey underway

rts--~ I I I I I

I \

I I ~ .--.--.-- .----. --.------ -- ... --- ...... o.;;.:.-t,;.;,i;.------ ••• -. The Fnlk Fair •• pon.ored by

the NaU~naflUes ServIce Cen .. ter or Ph'ladelphIa. Is a show c/lle promcllnl( understandJng and appreciation or the rich cultural herlta,e pClSessed by the varIous ethnic and no ..

Alameda JACL

SALT LAKE CITY. Utab­The Salt Lake County dIvIsion on agIng has commenced a survey on the J apanese com· munlty with Allce Kasal as project supervisor or the J ACL project She Is beIng assisted by Klnuyc Morl. KlnsaJcu Ino .. uye, and Mrs. Chlyo Matsu .. morl.

I I I I 1 I I I I \ I

Ilonollty jlroup' In the metro.. HI Akagi once agaIn tokes polllan PhiladelphIa area. The the reIns ot Alameda JAC'L. theme thl l year was "Many Thla year mnrks his lourth Tradltl"ns-One NoPon." FaIr, term M President of the chap. wa. attended by approximate" ler. In a messolle to hi. chop .. ly 60000 people. ler members, Akagl exprcss ..

Alluned to the theme 01 cd his crncern for th" lutu re the prOllmm. a group of 22 nr the chopl"r. He stressed JAC"L dancers presen ted "Old that many rl the present lead .. and Now Japan." Old Japan ors will nel be around rorevor, WII rep'elt'nted by D Lion and thaI new leodors must Dance. New J apan by "Belu" . Iart 10 emer,e. boru Ondo" (baseball ondo). StIll with lower members, Program chairman wa. M ... Alamcda ho. been able to lial.uml Harada. nuliled by kcep up An Dctlve role In the Mra. St plch and Mn. MllIUyo ccmmunlty MaIlers. One 01 Ihe lorge' t DctlvlUe.,

Cultural Exhlblt l drawlng most or the mem .. bcr, hlll. II Ih o bowlln~ le. ~ u e.

The cxhlblt .booth, with a ThIs week Alameda JACL be .. • !ruduro Ilmulntlng 8 Japa .. IIan I~ onnunl HandIcap MIx .. neoc lea hOUle, WDI Ihe bock- ~d Fnu'somc. League at Mel's ground lOr demonl trallonl or Sr uth Shore. It meels every orilioml , tea ceremeny. flower Tucr1oy. Alter the lummer arranging ond call1,rophy. leollufl. Alomella belflnl It.

ScI, Fuyuumc WOI exh l .. wIn I ,. lenRue. PInna are now bit b e~ lh choir man. The Rev. bcg'nnlnll to t, ke shopo lor Yrahltak" Shlmadn 01 the th" .en.en whIch . torls In Phlledclphla JAponc.. Chrl ... September SllIn .. up. are urI" tlan Church; Or K- jl Shhna· d now tor tho.e Interened d., pr"ldenl. ond Selll Kuro.. In bowfin, Call clther Roy

Takasugi confirmed WASlfINr.TON Tit" Sonatr ''(}"O. ",ttl Mny 0 the noml .. nation <I H<twTI M T/lk.'"wl a US. dlslrlct Judi" lOr the ctntral dl trlct (1M Anllel~.) or Call1ornl ••

Hoyamc. Don Kuge, Merl Ike .. d. . or ShIll Imozuml. Haya .. m ' 1 phono number II 582 .. 0820.

nlrr nlf'lIulai Rhow

III the Hlccnlennlal year. nwny JACL chapler. DrC do .. Ina lomethlna to celebralAl

O\\f coUnlry's 200th birthday Alameda JACL had a tremen· dous event held on May 2.

WorkIng tOllether wIth oth .. er J apanese AmerIcan g 'oups In Alameda, lhc progralT. fea .. t'lted ewhlblB and demoustra .. tlons. The public saw a db .. pllY or Japanese dolls, B ~nIBI • J pone"" sword., and looked 01 Dn exhIbit relaUnll the hIs .. tory 01 the J apanese Amer .. Ic n 442nd Combat Team and rclocaUon camps or World War 11. DemonstroUons dur .. In ~ the daylon" event I"clud .. ed bon odorl. koto musIc. lea ceremony, marUol arts, a.nd cqlllgraphy.

Annthcr port of the Blcen· tonnl al program !eolured a lOIu.r 01 all tho Japonese Amedcans servIcemen.

Othor events to be held this year by Alameda JACL In .. cludo: Oct. Z--Issel Aprrecla .. lie n NIght. and chapter nsh .. Inll derby to be held some .. Jrtne In November,

Alameda Is n chapler Ihat h . recTeotlon ond fun In mInd tor oil I~ members. To b come n member of lids ac .. tlVe group, contact Sachl Na .. k muro , membership chair ..

n, 130? .. B Cheatnut St., 1\lnmeda 04~01. (&21 .. 1~07) . Chapter due. ure $15 LIn,lcs, nnd $28 couple •.

Approximately 300 names or Issei and NIseI over age 60 have been compiled sInce tbe survey began In March. Mrs. Kasal reported. Many or them are currently partlclpatlng In Ihe hot luncheon .. soolal pro .. er Dm In 12 centers throughout the county.

Survey calls ror address, hrusln,. sources of Income, kinds or problems and Imme .. dlate needs ot tbe NIkkei aged.

For the Record One lin. or co py W1IS In ..

advertently omilted In the West L.A, JACL response to the Natl~nol JACL "cease & des'st" order on Iravel (Mny 7 PC) whereIn the c.hapler letter to Shll Suafynma, na .. Uonal president, spealcl to use of the JACL acronym. The en .. tire (sIxth) parairaph should read:

III the NaUonat JACL c:oo.tltu-

~:?O'hI:I~I~n b,;I ':'C h!~~:~ ,~ tg: ~~: o~~r':::lro7lo~r~A;h~ ' J~ t:~t~ :i,~~~~ :~·,tl:r J:~Loni!~~ · 'ni~~ tho chlpter Ilvel Our chapter lollvttl .. ar. Board approvtil In· 01",,4In. IU 01 tho Chapte.r trlvel

! ;;;,; c,;.;,e;..q .- ~t';'; iNMW: ~ OI'lllSll .. "9i$fIr.,IIItGo1T ____ ._

o I."" .. "V d"'loII1tT_ T ___ .... _

PAQ(AC£ ow. _ CIIT:'

=""et:':=:;:- m __ Illy fl __

Wtstt<n 880. SIyonata BIoqutt I Boll SS3 lilt< 1lIIY 21 __



Ub r_ T~ 1_ 1 fII'l.:l aaoJ $ ,

m Golf T_' (\lore 10 am-e (lOll TIMb T_, (lion . 1'IItl.1·5 (lOll lOW Tour (T .... 10 .,.., fII'll

IS ogUSI ..

Mont. CIIto MI ___ (lUIS • prn.1 1m)

Awvds l_ fWtd 12 pm-2 fII'll GoIII Counfly TeM (Th .... 9 .... 5 pml 8J.ConI ...... , 80nquel {T1twt. 1 pm-IO fII'll

' Wino Tour (Fri 9 ... ·5 fII'll W" .... 180 (Fri 1 pm-IO fII'll r .... TN (SIol I .... fII'll fashion SIJow (SIol 12 po!I.:I fII'll SIyo!wa iIII1qUICJ8IlI (SIol 8 ... ·1 .oj

S I $ I $ • $to $'5 SID St SS $ & SIt

.......... Tl1IsTDall: '---Plwolllk. CI\teI< or IIoIloy 0nI0f hyojIIt .. 1'" JACI. .. __

Soot! Tl1Is 1ItgIs .. """ r.nn , ~1 .. _ -.. IIog. Olmn.. 11101 ~ Dr __ CJII. t5IZ5

Last Chine. for the $53 Plebee Dul

Page 2: Doers or Visionaries PACIFI ITIZEN€¦ · TO THE POINT: Shig Sugiyama Doers or Visionaries WashIniton Electi-ns an! an everyday rren~ In American Ilte. et. attUSt-med as we are to

~ ~~~w~!.~ePt~tl~~~~.~ 2; of Ihe yur at 125 Weller SI .• 1.0. An,elM.

- ~lif 90012. Phone: (21S) 8l!8-6936. 628-3788 No ...

ShI,eltl J. SUJl,ama. NaUonal JACL Pre.ldent A1Jred Ratale. PC Bond Cholrman

Rarry K. Hondo. Editor

Seccnd...,la .. post ... paid at Loa An,-Ie •• Calif. Sub.crlpUol rales (payable In advance): US. $7 year; Forelcn $11 year. Note: hi-cia .. delivuy available upon request. ask for rales. $3.75 01 JACL memb<!rshlp dues for one-year subscrlpllon throulh JACL HQ. 1785 Suller St. San Francisco. Ca 94115.

2- May 14. 1976


Reparations Program Persistence in JACL is paying oU. Six years ago.


JlJAYiJ }t4770NAL

CONVeiV770N AUG 10-15,1976


,--_F_R_O_ M_ H_ A_P_ P _Y_ V_ A_L L E Yl

Howard Hughes Y ... , .lII.I" ..... C.,4 tf~ .. ~ ..c" kt'ol. ,., 21 .. ... If J I'M. l..-h,l""",,,,,, ",2S h'" .44""",,J ..... $4 ,., .... B1 SACHI SEKO

Salt Lake City The d c a th of Howard

HURhe. and the en.ulng spec­ul tlon. as to hIs will were of mOre thon ordl:lOry Inlcr­CIllO u,. Perhaps becaul. In o aomawhat peculiar m.nner he and hl ~ empire have nlttcd In and out of cur pro, Ie live •.

.ctarle. and would Ernie try to locali' quall~ed applicant. ----------­•• quickly I. poulblo. Our - G,eata, l<n Ancales Irlend Ilreared the urgency by __ :":"~~~~-:::~~~_ .oyln/l thai h. wwld call at AlA'" ,,,T't. TIIAVIL

• .p 'clne<! tim. the M"t day 'u' "i2J~?~!;";,A 10." Mait' ICcrrlarlc.. f"4pecla1Jy USA .. Ja",.n .. WOor1dwld.

thr •• wIth pxtraordlnary . klll . AJR ·II:A - LAHO . CMt _ "(/TEL In bolh typlnll and .horthand Pl •••• (aU 'T~m o. OJod,. arc a mInority In Ihem ... lv~ . ,L4Wil VJ~N 0 .. 0 .... 'LOa;n' They Qr~ • minority withIn a 'lO'lltoS £ """

minority I am marrIed to I~~I ~:o ;~n;·~u~;;i t,.~41 ~lI! a man who J)0156~ thOle FTO "'''v.c. ... "Id .. ~ skills althouah he dou not u.e -----them prolrsslonally Ernie at Hlnl FLO_1ST (ne time, and he may not bave 3~' ~h# I~t~' ~. r,~ ~~~ y~t bt!en displaced, had the F~~~I II.,.,. T.~"«. ¥~~~o~~ra'i~ °fltreOld~' d~ha~ YAMIo.TO T_,Wfl IUU ... U champlcn In both c.te.orl.... )12 f ':JAS~.M, I';OOJ2)

Our friend Irusted Ernl.· • judJmpnt In acreenlnl Ihe - Wahon.,lIIe, Calif.

Edison Uno called for reparations Cor Japanese Amer­ican evacuees as a form of redress for civil rigbts deniEd during World War 11. Tbis past week in Port­land. be attended a meeting of tbe newly organized National JACL reparations campaign committee where

'We're campaigning too!'

I remember 0 telephone call many years ago. It WOl around midnIght, our time. To me, lhe phone'. rlnglni at thot laic hour .Ither slgnlne. a wrong number or bad new •. It W3I

our Irlend, an admlnlllraUve aIde to Howard HUllhe.. Hc was calling to see whether my hwband. Ernie would b<! In­• resled In a position 8' an aide to one of the Hughes trium­virate. He asked whether Ernie could catch a night out to New York the next day.

pr<lpcc:Uve candidates It I. unllk~ly Ihal on. ean deceive a Il"raon who hlmaclt take. ,horthand at 200 wpm and typ,s a re.""ctable 120 wpm In addItion to prot.,.le nal

TOM HAKASl lEAL TY Ac'.ao-~.~ ."W' ..

be and Kaz Oshiki were consultants. TOfI'I T ,.. .. 10-..... ,It <Of ,~ C""o.o A.... (40') 7'2A--4A77

And as consultants. tbey helped to fashion details which are now being prepared for consideration by the JACL at its national convention in Sacramento June 22·26.

The campaign committee has agreed that repara­tions include compensation of $5.000 p~r person for

An Overcrowded Nation

CoIncIdentally. withIn the aame week, Ernie had al­ready declined another po.l­tlon In New York City. It had not been an easy decLslon to reach. We bad among other Ihlngs to consider the fUlure of our then very young son and my commllment to my tomlJy'a busln ....

.kllls, the Hu,h., appolntmentl - San Jose, Calif. required oIrict adh~rence to a certain moral code. fDW A_D T MO_IOKA. Pcoho<

I remember teasfn« Eml,., 9"5 S e~ s..n JCM

that he wa. probably the only Su. "6·6_ P .. 2AJ,,"5-<

those affected by Executive Order 9066 and $10 per By BARRY SAJK.J diem for time spent in a detention camp. Eligibility of Tokyo reci{lients and amount of payment required more dis· As an out!lder .Ittlng In, eusslon-and it is likely to take as long when the Japan continue~ to present In­basic plan and variations are presented at the Conven· lrlgulng and scmeUmes fru~­lion . traUng quirks 01 actions and

The plans differ only in terms of eligibility of reo activities. In saying that I am cipients . Plan I involves those who evacuated volun. an cut!lder, I do not mean to

tarJly to the frt: zones or were evacuated involun· ~f'cJ~~ m~a!.s ~~ctap~~be ~~~= tarily to the camps because of Executive Order 9066 mal daUy routine. in 1942. Plan n includes others who were affected by To p~ople whom I come

th 'd t ' 1 d h N'kk .. th Into contact with casuaUy e same presl en la or er_uc as I el In e during the course of day, 1 am

free zones whose constitutional rigbts were abrogated just another middle-aged Ja­because of Evacuation, Nisei who were reclassi.(ied as panese. I shove and get shoved 4·C by thzir draft board and conceivably many Japa· in boarding the subway trains nese Americans In Hawaii and back East. Plan mal. during the momlng and eve-

I Lat' A' f J nlng rush hours. In any res-

ows ID meTicans 0 apanese ancestry wbo were taurant cr shop. I am just an-interned by the U.S. government to file for reparations. rther cust'mer to be treated

The committee further recommended an "umbrella as courte<'usly as the manage­award" be made and enable tbose who wish individual ment desires.

reparations be ptrmitted to file. while the remainder n':y ~~~O~: h~~ ~m, b::=

oC the award (because others do not choose to file) be -ployees as well as close turned over a trust fund for use by the Japanese friends: develop on a man­American nonprofit community organizations. to-man basis and run closely

Tbe JACL committee. which has representation in paraUel on almost all

from all district ~ouncils, is still toiling with the ques· !~o~gS~:h~~; t~: a~u~ tlon of bow the bill sbould be drafted, seeking funds to teplcs or In a mah jong game. print a leanet and convincing the JACL chapters to The fact that 1 am an out­support tbe most far· reaching effort since Repeal of sider b2Comes apparent In llt­TitlE n to the 1950 Internal Security Act. tle way~, through rem";,,ks

What will be required is an "open mind" of dele- ~"t.c~ ma~. ~d d?t!i:lc~':~~o'~'~ gates as the plans are explained. As for jusfification, "Have y<'u ever eaten 'cha: since over a billion dollars will be involved, the Con. wanmushl'?"; or " dldn·t think gTt;SS I\ill be extrEmely reluctant to enact such legis. that yeu knew so much ab ~ ~t lallon but seeking redress for denial of one's consH. Japanese culture or history . tuUonal right should continue unabated The Evacu. To boceme thoroughly Ja­

ation Claims Act only settled the loss of property not ~:::~. S~~~ I~u:!a:~a~dan!~ the loss of one's civil rights. which Is now compensable. newspapers .,{d journals and

watch the tel .... lslon programs.

Let Freedom Ring because the values and opin­Ions of the Japanese people are trday largely b<!lng formed by the mass communications medla, as well as by home tralnlng and schools.

Excerpts from The Palnot', Blbl •• Orbl. Books. ($3.g5) Mar,knoU, N.Y. 10545

Justice Is justly represented Blind, because she sees no Difference in Parties concerned. She has but one Scale and Weight. for Rich and Poor. Great and Small. Her SentEnce is not guided by the Person. but the Cause .. Impartiality Is the Life of Justice, as that is of Government. -William Penn (1693)

Prewar Attitudes

In the prewar decades. there was a difference. Tbe strong, provincial conservatism, com­b'ned with the authoritarian principles laid out by the Edu-


Two Books at $6.95 Each When bcok. go over S I 0 •

ccp),. On<! Is dl.po.ed to blame Inhlltn. Int'reas~ In produc­tlrn c(~Is. etc., but two have ~ome in r~cenl week. whJch ILst at 589>-and still do • c~mm~nd.ble job of telling the .tory.

suit of 20 years' research, an landed on Japanese soU In adventure story that cemparea 1543. Miyamoto's research Is with th. sagas of the VIkings rich with detalls during the who raided northern Europe last cenlury the Wako were and .eWed distant shore. of active with Chinese pirates as Oreenland, Iceland and even the latter kept records. In Ncrth America. 1636. Hldeycshl Imposed his

Descendanu of the 14th Isolation Edict, wiping out Century Wako comprised the the Wako activity.

J hi h I d d ThaI Miyamoto called them

apaneae navy w c nva e VIkings wh lle the Jap""ese Korea around 1400 with "tur- and the vlet'ms (the Chinese, tle .hlps". which were Iron- Kcreans and Filipinos) re­clod - centuries before the !larded them as pirates Is a M'nllor and Merrimac 01 CIvil llterary juxtaposlUon t h a t War fame. Ouns were added would app~a l to any adven­when the nut Euro""ans .ure-Iovlng soul.


caUon MInistry, tended to natlonallze and to provlnclal­Izp the various segment! of the p' pulaUrn at the same time. While b<!lng naUonallstic along the lines advocated by the Gevernment. the people were still provincial to the pOint of conlormlng to the local cu.­toms and mores. Strong bonds were develcped In their youth. as ""dokenjlns" and "d6kyu­sels" (lccsely translated as prefectuarl ecnsclousness and classmate bonds) .

At times, these relationships paved the wIlY lor asslstlng each other In later Ute.

Although some vestIge. of this past sUU remain, provin­cial feelings are gradually los­Ing their Influences; for J apa­ne.e soclety Itself has changed radically. Admittedly, certain favors can sUU be gleaned b, the formallty of Introduet'on from some Important frlend In the blerarchy f but In the "dol­lar and sense" economy of modem Japan, profit! and pragmatlsm dominate the de­cision - m a kin g functions of every successful enterprise.

One may contend that these changes are for the b<!tter, but b<!fore venturing so, we should analy... the reasons for the changes and wbat Is b<!ln& lesl

Pcslwar ChaDrea

Major reasons lor chan,e are urbanization and tbe do­minant lnlluence of the mass media. Rapid IndustrlallZai and InternaUonal trade ha consolidated econemlc ac ' -ties wfth varfeus urban -ters, dDawlng an IncreUing flow of pepulatlon from the mere conservative agricultural areas.

In the splrituol vacuum of cities, the basic valUes are

25 Years Ago In the pc. May 19. 1951

May lo-Nuel bowlinl turns compete for tlrs't time in national ABC champfonshJps at St. PauJ, Minn. .

Ma1 I3--JACL-ADC calLlomla Le.lslatlve Committee tnJUatea drIve tor remedial Laws: (1) old

~fc~ ~~raJ,:!'r~°1ft~sr:i' t~~= f~ aUen, (:) re ~ urn of escheat case n tUement funds, and (4) return of liquor license. held by Nisei and revoked in 1942.

May 14 - JACL .su Defense Dept. to authorize Buddhist "'8" on OI dolta's. (Bid denJed-June 2.)

May If-First two Nisei KIA bod lea (Pvt. Haruo TomHa, Pue­blo: SI1. I_ac Furukawa. Se­atUe) arrive from Korea for burial a t Arll.n,ton National cem­etery.

May 17- Vlce Presld e.nt Barkley heacb ~K t Ibt at Wuh.lnJt;on. D C. pr ~ mlere. "Go For Broke" ,

Admllt.edly. there aren't as man), P lOS 81 In tomes wh'ch l1,t ot S I 0 and uP. but Dr. K.lut) Mlyamrtr', lourth bo~k. VIKINCS OF THE FAR EAST (Vania,. Preu. New York) and Budd Fukel'. IIrst elror THE J A PAN ESE AMEnWAN STORY (DlUon Pr .... Mlnn~apoll.) wlll prove p'pular addition. to the Japa­ne .. AmerIcan library. FROM THE FRYING PAN: Bill Hosokawa

Budd Fultel c"vera rround that II ve,., familiar to Nllel. His Inllllhta ar. viewed as a newlpaperman who wa. uk­rd by DUlen Pre .. to wrlt.e a beok on the Japanese In America I', the'r ethnic herl­lag aeries. (For the .arne prlce-SII US each. yeu mlaht ~ Int.r. t'd In th~ ItOrles of the Norwellan. Swedllh, Oer­man and Irl.h t'UlturH In America )

01 pal tleular Intere.t to JACL I. the actually written by Mike Masaoka on "Wb, J a p nne, e American. Cu,p:Tll\l!d" with the U.S. lovernmenl on EvacuaUon. Even Mfore It WOJ ,dv.,Uaed In th.. Pacl/lr CIUzen, Mary Nal/ao 01 ~abrook JACL (then vl.'Une u. In Loa An­lelel) found It worthwhile to order u allis 10 prl'Unt to • rodu.tes 81 a fr,rlhromlnr rllnn r.

Bud.1 whl) marie I"veral 1.1 ... I" rur ctnre In the pur­IUlt of tlola Dnt! pl,IUr •• , dlv­I~ • hI I ~O-p.~er with hl.­tl'Jry •• dal CUlt,- m_, conlt'm .. p~rar, problem •. a look at In­term.rr la,1!, Inti • r r-ipe tor .ukl,.kl

WrlUnl 11 an Ivt>CIIII,," ft;r Or MI,amol'). nnw rellr~d .. • It neral p'aclltlon •• In m.d­Ieln fl'rn In lI.wall In 1000, h IIr.du.l~d fr m 81 nl~rd .ntl ~rn d h'. medlral d"­,r." At W.lhlnllcn Unlvor­fly In 1/01 •. H~ .""nl nine

, a.. In H'Jnolulu and th~n w nt 10 Japan to Jjurau" hll ar r lurth r. '1) dollzln, In

,II rn. belor~ r turning tit HAwaII Th~ .uh)tcl "f Jopan ...

plr.I~" who roamet! Ihe lea. fr"m U,.kkalflo 10 ulh.n t A a butw n UOO nt! 1830 fa. Inale<l hlm n. he r d (If tholr explclta In, I urnlll Th boolo: the 11-

Mass Media • '42 In

Denver, Colo. The Atorll lAue of The <;:ulll. a monthly

m'Iazlne publl.hed by The Soclely of Pro­f_lonal J ournalists, Sigma Delta Chl. car­rie on article of pal tlcular Interest 10 Japa­neac Amerlcane. It l. IlUed "The Press Was an AeceSlOry." and It tella how newepaper. and radio led the hYllerla that led ult'mate­Iy to the evacuatlen 01 Japanesc AmerIcan. from Ihe We.t Coa.t In 1042. The author I. Ivea Neely, de..~rlbed o. a major In the U.S. ~l:irln. Corp. at Camp Lejeune, N.C.

Like many hallowed Amerlcan In. tltu­lions, the preu b on a .ell-exnmlnatlon kick thea. day.. It Is llkely that many young j( urnall.ta, tolally unlamillar wllh ~he Japa­n. ~ American .tory, will be .Iunned and I8dd~n.d to learn how mllorably the pre .. falled Ita tradltlonal relpon.lbliitlea In thl • cpl d. ... American. them.elve. arc only to') f;,mlliar wllh Neely'. rev"lation.. He ~II. hr w the pr ... trumpeled wild ohorlles 8 •• 1 I Jap.n .... Am ... lcnn. without que.-lion Or challenae, how they oeeopli'd rumor a. fACI, how they lolled to put the new. Into prr.p!'r perlpectlve.

"Th~ ma" modla on tho We.t Coa.t play­w n ... nltleont rolr In .uppor t of the evoe­u lion." Nrely writ ••. "The prell con.l.tcnt­I, linked Ihe US clUzen. of J aponue dClcent with Ihe Jnplln.· e cnemy. hclplna to d"v~l( p " no.attve , tIlrertyp. of Jopnnea. Amorle.M Only " fow Weat Cont "dltorl ItrHl"'J civil riahtl. Many morc, with Ihe help 01 .yndl ... I.,J rolumnll . urlled tvac­UBtI"" Flul the pr<'U W"I not aCllng unMr Ih ... InnUMre of ony Il'" tleulor ,roup. It w .. .upporllvc of the oVNwhelmlnl/ pub­lin mocd Imply, U .. r~ wu fror of D Jnpu­nesn air altark, ond thl. I~d to fcor ot tho ... racIally Id'nUn.d wth the cnemy nDtlon "

• N oly IIOC!' brl.n, Inlll th~ lonll hl,tory

of th W It Coo.t P" .... c.mpalan. ",aln.t ./ p n and the,M.r. Am .. lc.n. 110 quot.e. II 'Iranldy prophetic pa"a,o by tho

late, respected Wolter Lippmann In his 1920 bock, "Llb<!rty and the News":

"I ca.n lie my head oft, and If I choose the right series of Ues, be entirely Irrespon­sible. Nobody wlU punish me If I lie abQut Japan, for example. I can announce th at every Japanese valet Is a reservIst and every Japanese art More a mobilization center. I o'm Immune. And lJ there .hould be hOltUI­ties with Japan. the more 1 ned the morc popular I Ihould be.

" If I aaserted that the Japanese secrelly drank the blood of children. that J apanese women were unchaste, that the Japanese were really not a branch of the human r_c. alter aU, 1 guarantee that most of the new.­papers would print It eagerly, and tha.t I eeuld let a hearln, In churches all over this country."

Neely points that while It wu proper for the newspapero to report new.w0r;tl.y l tatcmenta from public cmclal. hostile to the Japanese American., tho pre .. failed to provide equally prominent coverage to of­nclols who aald Evacuation Wal not nee .-

• Tho.e 01 us In the new",aper bu.ln ss

tedoy IIkc to think that we are more ra-1I0nnl, more judlclou •• more responsible than the prc". wo. In 1942 But there I. alway. th~ danaer of the preu, b<!lng the preduct of humnn endeavor, 1I0ln8 oft half-cocked n orltlcal ISlues. Thus It I. ImporOlnt to mugnllne. like The Quill rcm lnd prof . -lonnl. 01 arlcvou. errora In the pOll.

A I rradon of thl. column know. I have If nil contcndtd that 0 pre •• aoUna re.pon-1I,ly. chnllonlllnr ond que.Uonlng ond urg­

Ing r~a.on. could very well have prevented Ihr Ir.,edy 01 the Evacuation . Neoly'. erU­ole. whllo neither profound nOr complete. lend. lu pport to thl. conlcntlon. The per­lormance of tho We.t Coast press In 1042 Will a lOrry ono. It I, cnccurniling that In the yea.. alnco, vlrlual ly all the aullty "ew,phpo>tI have I .... n able to rlae 10 hlihcr lovel. of JournaU.tlc re.pon.lblllly.

measured In terms of money. net sentlmenu or past rela­tlenshlp,. Motivating force be­comes how to survive or suc­ce.d. Old mores are no longer valid. The individual must change his thlnklng or return to the provinces.

PresenUn, new values are the mass crmmunleatlons m.e­dla. The highly literate Ja­panese are avId read eN of newspapers, magazlnes and beoks. Their consumpUon In­cludes not only geed reliable jeurna)s, but an array of pulp mUazlnes and cemlc books.

With seven television chan­nels here 10 choose frem and with more TV sets ""r eap'la than any other counlry except possibly the United States, the viewers have a wide range­NHK with both educat'onal and reJ(Ular channels ; NTV; TBS; Fuji ; NET; and Chan­nel 12. Competing to oblaln flccd ratin"s. live commercial channels present a whole gamut of programs {rom good to bad to Indltferenl

Individual ReadJUIlment.

Those who are fortunate eneugh to lind employment In ccmpan'es that sUIl foster the paternallsUc cust-ms 01 the past will IIn<1 their readjust­ments In the clUes easier. Others must quickly change their old values to fit Into the new urban phllcsophles-ma­terlallstlc and calculating.

Friendships tend to b<! bas­ed on convenience and per­scnal gains rather than on bearl- to - heart relationships. Fe r the yeuth who were born and reared In the cities, there are no uhC'metowns" and few "bosom friends". Even their assoclaUons with r e la t I v e s have been visibly weakeIled as frequency of contacts decreas­ed. In many cases. the only contacts are confined to oc­casional meetings at weddings, funerals and other ceremonlal

~~:a~U~~~ntT,:o::.~~~r aHI~V;:; _ Sea"le. Wash . Ernie was apprecIative of

our !rlend's offer and thank­ed him fcr the opportunlly. We ma'nlalned Our friendly relallrnshlp over the year. and perlcdlcally ErnIe would be asked whether he had cbanged hlo mind.

and frustrating .tory .hort. Iwo acceptable candidates Impenal Lanes were lecatod and hired. One' "OJ 71r>d ~ •• :;., [j\ SoH1S wa~ tound In Idaho. The otherl . ~,:M ~tWd - J,~ 1 ... ""9,, 11-01 .

had INmerly been Oeneral Kil1omote Service Dou"las MacArthur', ~rJ()n- F,.".. 'f Klf"IIOM(t~

31 secretary I "2' ~tT Sf }If; 2~ I ~22 We have had postcards and

letters trom cur frIend. over I remember another call

from the Bahamas on a Sun­day. Our friend said that they desperately needed male sec-

the yean. which have permlt- GAlA SUPtRIIAIIUT IAZAAItS ted u. to kncw first-band the I whereabcuts of a most tam- " ous recluse. S"meUmH we

~:;e O,:,eltu~~~ ~:~ :~;v:l~ ~........ .~ ...

~cca.sions which bring the rel- lhrcugh Salt Lake. ~=': -":''''' nUves t"'gether as a matter of I remember a! kin g him , ...... -G' '"''''

formality. early cn whether it was true I ~rI" ... , CI- ...

While higher standards of thai Howard Hughes wore', llvlng tend to Plake people Kleenex boxea for Slippers. ., m more materlallstlc. they also That', a rather uncomfortable I '"'+ appear to destroy the close thIng to do. Our friend laugh- ,." '.' 1

hum a n relatlcnshlps - the .d and continued to tell uti s-" ... ; _ ........ 0".' heart-to-heart oneness--whJch s~me o( the more cutra,eous' !,..A" ,',~. i:':::'ro,;r"

bad v a I u e s greater than myths which were clrculal- I _~~====::====:~ money. ng. I

Thus. new Japan Is chang- Our friend was one of the _ Ch· III Ing her pee pie. The new gen- tW) aides who then monitored ruc


eratlon twenty yean from direct lines to Howard Hughes new wlU become even more on a 21 hour basis. He told SUG1~ ? /~~w~~vla pragmatic 'lind materialistic, us that il wa. custcmary to 9".5-<" 641.7193 paylng lip service to tradl- hear from him In the very I G~ 1"'33 1£'. s..,,) Uona! values. Outwardly courJ early mernlng and to receive ------.... - ........ -­tecus and Inwardly comput- Instructions lor several hours - New York City lng, the Japanese may ~- Then there wculd ~ days or come even more buslness- weeks of .sllenc.,e. I Miyazaki T ra\fel Agency, erlented than the commer- Inc

clal-mlnded Am~rlcans them- I had an unexpected letter ...... St.,.., >,. '.n selves. (rom cur friend at~r the cOl - 7tl"l It.. ell'll 160-;toO

Why? In this overcrowded viewing of "Farewell 10 Man-nation. individualists cannot zanar." He enclesed cl'pplngs - Washincton, D.C. survive. They must make con- of reviews and inquired abeul -----------­cesslens Or starve. In tbls re- my reacUon 10 the film. With­spect. the huge land mass that In a shert time, Howard ,.epresents the Unlted States Hughes was dead. Is a boon for Americans. In In one of those ageless the Bicentennial year, Amer- game' which all 01 us must icans should be grateful for scmeUmes play. I've been her natural endowments; for, wondering what might bave she stIJJ has room to provide been. But having watchrd our ample freedom of cbolce. f1lend age premalurely, known


~~;~~~t - ~~.,;o ~

MARUKYO Kimono Store Ba"" Sa!ld, who halb f~om his unexpxted and often ex-

PTeuJQr Stockton. b wllh a tremely long absences from 250 Eu, Firsr Street Tolqfo public relation. finn heme, I den't believe we're KoJ mo At~ "·5 aft.,. TetirinQ the U.S. sorry It's even amusing to • ATTnI/. He .tpmt a mojor part have had thIs small connee- los Angeles of his milita." care.,. In Ja- tlon with one of \he world's II 62a-.369 pan. mcst enigmatic men. 6

· ... 1976 Japan Flights 1-;;;;;; -­el ' '-~ It ,,~ Sponsored by Nat1 Japanese American Citizens league

HJ ... CL fit. D_

No. 3-June 28-July 21 No. l1--Jul 10-Au, 1 No. 5- Jul 24-Au, 14 No.6-Au, 7-Sep 4 No. 7-Sep 28-0ct 19 No. 7-Sep 27-0ct 18 No. 8-Oct 2-23 No. 9-Oct 1-22 No. 9-Oct 2-23 No. l0-0ct 3-23 No. l1-Nov 11-29 No. 12-0ct 12-Noy 3 No.l2-0ct 13-Noy 4

Dep." fro.

S.F. (San Jose adm.)

Dayton-Cincinnati Lo. Ancel" San F,anclsco S.F. (San Jose adm) S.F. (San JOie adm.) Los Anceles San Francisco San Francisco Chlc~co

Portland-SF S.F. (Cent CallSacto) S.F. (Cent Cal/Sacto)

Ai,.nft IC'D

747/GA100 /lS2 747/GA100 747/GA100

747/GA100 747/GA100

747/(;" 100 DC8/152 747/GA100


Roundtrip For. $46S

$465 $46S $465 $46S S46S S465 S46S S559 $46S S46S $465

Sooh .....n.billty

Open Full

Open Full

Oo.n Full

Open Ooen Full

Ooen Open Oo.n Full

AI, subject to revIsion pending airllne"s bre increasH for 1976; criees include round trip airfare, $3 airport deoJ rture t.x, $25 JACL .dminidrativt fee Adult and chi&d Hats umt price on an.,. one '"oht; Inhnts under two years 10CJ6 of re-gul" vr:curslon hre 5e.tlno cIP.cily sublect to increase. "t1 d.tes m.y be sublec' to (h'nae 4· I 2-76

Please Co "tact Your Local Administrator for the Follow;nc Fllllhh

No. S. No. 7~,ant Shimizu. San Jose JACl Tr:ovtl 724 N Arsl St.. San Jose ~IJI 9~11? I~AA\ ?<\7·?MS No. oI-M"s Y?m'sakl. Oavton/ClncloMIi J_r.L 351 S VlIIaoe nr .. Cenlm·ll • OhIo 45459 ,<", 4.".?QC16 No. lB--Fn>nk SakPmolo Chlc>on J-Cl. ~423 N r,t.r!( St . C~lcaoo . III 6OflolO ""1 <~I'''1l5 Ho. 12-Mlke Iw"tsubo. Central CallI J.ACL 1417 K.m SI . Frasno CallI. o37M 1?flC\\ ?t:n.OQ70 No. 12- Tom Okubo. Sacramenlo JACl, P. O. Box 22386, Sacramento, .Calil. 95822 (916) 422-8749

FLY Japan Air Lines


JACl Autllorlud RII.n Tnnl AI .. II

Fo, l.nd Tour Amlglmlnll. Ooc.mlntllioD II' CUilomll Slrvlea, Conl.el On. 01 til. Fallowta,

Aulilorft.d Aglal.

: _ Send .hll en,.. ....'1 .. J ... CL-.... ~ : , T .... I ..... rot. CIlo .... T .... I a..I_ .. : I ,,..Wt,,t, DlItrict ., ..... ".1 Office, ..-: I

HatIe •• 1 J ... CL T, ... eI , 17" S_, Street : Se. , ......... CoUf. '.I1J , ,

Send m. Information RE: 1976 No, '1 JACL Jlpan ' Flight.. "paclolty Flight No • : , , N C~ o - m-. ------------------------ --------- :

~--------~'~-------------- ---------- : Str .. t

CI/y s, ... liP

D.y Phon. Chap'.r

GARDIN", CAl". '01" 11U)

~,~~oa ~'.~I(= •• ~~~hJ.g~~ ~r. e.$t32~~ SAN OliGO t7141 South ~.,. Tr ..... '" J E Dunkl., 100S Piau 81

PO. 8011( 19$, N.UoNiI City 92050_ .7"·2206 ORleON ISOJ) A~~no Tr.",.' Service, G.o Aw",,-no 'Jlm I .... ukl

.cOO SW .th Ave . Po,tland 97203 223..62 .. ,

~_ Eagle Rock Fox Hils Mall . Garden Gme Huntington 8eacll • N~ PIlente H~1s Mall· 0raDge - West Covina - Torrana! • San Bemar· d'1IlO - Westminster • WIIiIIier




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Establishetl 1936 NISEI

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I .. ~~ Tal;:' tor."'d,; , ~~,~/ cr,~f: IWli 889-6-fU ,..._~ __ ...... _ .... __ ..........

sunLl. WASH. 9.1- 120.,

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.DAHO 110.) C.'dw,n T' ..... I S.,,,,'u. 8tH,

PO 80x 638. C.ldwell 83605 CHICAGO. ILL. '06--

..,59..0819 (JU)

s...y~ME· TC::I~I ~'(ft·i. F~.nk . ~ .~ _ 9 .... -$f ....

V.rn.t<b T,~ ... ,I S.",ke. Rkh.rd H yatnIdA "' N C •• ,~ S. ItO)


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100 Mlln SI . LantCbl. 19 .... 6 2.2..J3 ... 6 NIW YORK, N.Y. 100- t2 '2) Ntw Y~r" T, ..... I S.rvlce, S,.nt.v Okltda

53S Fifth Av. (17).. _ 6S7~7981



3 t 8 East F,,,. St, ... r

los Angetes. 'C.hI .

MA /> ·5681

Page 3: Doers or Visionaries PACIFI ITIZEN€¦ · TO THE POINT: Shig Sugiyama Doers or Visionaries WashIniton Electi-ns an! an everyday rren~ In American Ilte. et. attUSt-med as we are to

Wayne Hor;~hi

Plain Speaking


Wasblngton A voup of Jap'D"'" Amer­

IcaDI under the leadersblp of Toshl Yoshida and BUI Kyo­no bave formed an ac:tlve and dedloaled ol'1lan.lzaUcn called the Committee for Internment CredJ\. They are seeklna 1",,"­Ialloo on a naUonal level to provide dvU service credJt for those Japan_ Americans wbo ... ere placed In intern­ment campa durin, World War U.

Many biOs have been 10-tr<xIuced In their behalf from Stloh CouJrU:SlDen and Sen­taon familiar to JACL as Senator Inouye. Concressmen WlUJam Ketohum and Robut u,,,ett.. In addition. the Com­mittee for Inlernment Credit bu vI,onIUsJy lOueht and ob­tained tbe endonement of such MUona1 and prominent or,an'zaUoM as the American P<-stal Workers Union, AFt.­CIO. Ca1It~mla State u,lisla­lure. The Natirnal MsoclaUon of Retired Federal Employ~. and the NaUonal FederaUon of Fede .. 1 Employees. JACL bas also endorsed tbelr ettort.

wbo wue placed In reloca­Uon camps durIng World War II and thcso J apane.e Amer­Ican$ wbo wUl be ellt1ble for civil service reUrement. Pre­liminary ~re. indicate that perhaps only 3,000 to 4,000 ""- pIe will be eligible. Tb~ f~re, the Uablllty p I ace d aealnst the clvU service re­Urement fund o\1&bt In be neallilble•

ne CommUtee fo r IDler ­ment CredJt Is beglonlog to oraan1ze. Hence, they need names. addresses and tele­phone numbers of Interested p"ople who wculd be wlilln, to wrile thelr Congressmen and Senaton. especially these members of Coneress and Senators on tbe Post Omce and Civil Service Commit.­tees

Senators and Congressmen on these committee. are (sub­ject to chanee atter the fall elecUons):

Senatf> Post otftce and Ch'U S e r ',.1 c. COmm.1ttH - McGee

~~Ili. c:w'.8i. '\;~~= gH :'".!"lx~)~n~riau: b rJ!~ :

I wu de",bled III Yel>nIJlr7 an:o:::e s~=~mlttoe on Retire. to bave the cppcrtun.\ty to ment and Employ... Ikn, ftt.­... t with the Ccmmlttee wbo Whl~ rTu ). chmD... Donie" besides Bill and T ... sbI" In- !:~I: :-~ (~h S .J':n~~ elude Mull Furlya, Zane Ma- (5 C ). Zohnoon (PoJ. Beard lIuzakI. Frank Nishimura. (Tenn.). UclaU (MiL)

John Va.<umoto. Carl Yano, M ycu might expect, not Jim Otsulti. Bcb Mldzuno and enoudl can be said about Con­olben. I found them to be eressman Norman Mlneta wbo most gracleus and p-slUve has belped the CIC substan­about paaalnll tbelr bill but Ually. also very reallsUc In what bad U you are a const' tuent of to be done. any of these congressmen or

By the way. J ACL stalrer senators, or even It you bave Don Hayashi bas done a yeo- anotber congressman or . en -

man's job as 1WIon for the ~~ ;:'~bl":" Y ~~~ ~ ~ ~';U committee.

Very simply. the bill will !(yono at: &lve c1vU service credit for Commm.. lor Internment tb 0'" Japane", Amertcans ~ · Fr~~~· caJlf . M W



tiberal Terms No Extra Charg"

National JACL Credit Union '.0. Box 1721 , Salt Laka City, Utah 14110 OffIce: 242 5. ,"h Em, Salt Lake City

Tal.: (101) 255-1040

Remember. you can borrow n ,ooo on your signature with I qualified credit rating.

INTERESTPWS ... A new concept In time depOSIts.

~ In Ihe race lor top inleresl rales ,n time

deposrta. all good banks finish a boul Ihe same. But no. Sumltomo mov .. e head wllh the na. .........

Now. $2.000 in a one-year Time Cert ilicale 01 Deposil earns a lull 8%, Ihe h'ghest bank Inleresl rale PLUS one ollhe mosl generous a nd unoque package plans ever ollered !

A maxImum S1,OOO cr8dllllne (oyardrell protection) I Fr .. checking account (no minImum ba la nce required) I Commlnlon· lree Irayelar. cheque.'

PLUS many more opportunities ~ to N yal • + So get Ihe best run ever lor time

depos,l money 81 Sum,lomo. _ ""-'J'''' #\ ... ;..--... I"'.'.,.,.....· ••• PO'IO' ..... IWf •• ' dt ... ,

• ~e 8umitomof:JJank,gfGaliforq/a _FDIC



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IF ...... ,I, . h. I.ft" ef T. Il, . .. C.' ...... I.)

1041104 .. " 'DIC

Sen FllncitGO Office 5 n Fllnc,tGO Jipon Clnt., OffICe.

O.klend OH,cf F"mon, Off,,, P.lo AIo ~

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W.,'O... Off 'c. !..I,,.. ClIf,co ~"t'N:nto Office

s,oc~''''' 0111"0 Fro. .... Off ICC

Nor'h F, • .,... OHlCo

LA Mo,n Off,c. 616 W 6th Lo. AnQ.I., Off,c.

"'on"L r . or" ••

.(. ,5) H 5·0200 H IS) • • 5·0300 .(. 15) 839·9900 .(. 15) 792·9200 (. I 5) 9 ~ 1·2000

1. ,5) H8·891I (.08) 298 2 • • , '.08) 298·2 •• , H08) . 2 •• 2888 1916) ~. 1·7900

(2091 .66·2315 (209) 2330591 .(209) 226·7900

(213) 972 ·5200 (213) 687 ·9800 (213) 726·0081 (213) 731.7334 C,."Jo. , .. Off;r.~

WOl'.rn L A Off,ce ........... ....... (213) 391·0678

G.'d .... Ofr",« To" .... _ orr". p, .... ,.m. Cllr Off,«<

NI"" C.""r,. Off.,. S.",. !'IN. 5th .nd MOin Off,c. IIv,,,. Off"., 17951 MI<'Arrkur Sen 0,. ,Clvo<: Cen'" orr".


... (213) 327.0360 .(213) 373·841 1 .(213) 893·6306 (213) 92.04 -8817

.( 71~) 5412271

.(71.) 549·9101 (71.4) 236·1191


1000 Club Memberships

Pulse Alameda County Organlzatton flO per copy. of Chlnese Amerlcans a Mel The chapter alao Is sponsor­ot lectures on Health Prob- Ing a bonsai clA.S at Hoover lerns ot AsIan Amerlcans at J r. Hfgh witb ClIft Pottberg as the Alameda County Educa- Instructor. A toundlog mem­tion Center, 685 A St., Hay- ber of the Polnmac Bon. ~a l war David F . Der, MD, lee:- Assn. and president of the lurer. 15 cblef ot surgery dept.. Baltimore Bonsai Club, be bas at St. R~ Hospital. Next been leaching at various 10-lectures are scheduled May 20 cales Includlog the Smltbso­on common dental probJemI roan and Amertcan Hortlcul­and June 17 on health care of tural Society. The nine-week cblldren. COu.rse> me e t . Wednesdays,

May Events

Apri I Events

• Contra Costa" JACL will feature a panel discussion on estate planning May 14, 7:30 p.m.. at tbe Berkeley-Rlcb­mond Free MetbodJst Church, 5395 Potrero Ave., El CerrIto. This b one of tbe many edu­cation proerBmS belog ar­ranged by John Sbinagawa, cbalrman. On the panel will. Wub\nc1on. D.C. JACL be: beld a J apanese »OUuck sup-_0 MIzutanI. IIoeIal gec:ur per April 24 at Herbert Hoov-117: Marvin Untsu. nUremeni er Jr. IDgh Scbool 10 Rock­=' ~ D~tn!:'r~ : ~~t; ville, Md. The annual event kahan. tax .. : Joe Y_ 1tl willi, was cbalred by Fum1 lid, as­probate. ' stated by Claire M1nam1 and

Em1 Kamacb\. • Two JACL chapters, Eden The D.C. JAYS also bad M1-To-"lp anti Fremont, are cbl Weglyn's book, "Years of co-sponsorinl with tbe So.Intamy", on special sale at

Investors Dream AccetoI'laauruc. How Doabl.d to S40.00D

Open Saturday Sbol ld • Hilld., IaU on. Frld., or lIoal.,. I .. office will .110 b. cloll1l 01 tb. S.lanl., preceding or '0110"1, til. HoUd.,.

wblch began April 21.

Ft. Lupton JACL met Apr. o to bear a pro and con dls­

on on the J ACL' proposal reparations. Edlsoo Uno of

Francisco spoke for the posal wblle Bill Hosokawa Denver opposed the plan.

The panel discussion was SQODSored by tbe Mountalo PlaIns dlstrfct councU.


Ma:J I. (PrI~ Contra COIle-Katet. P

..ruur. Berke1e,.-lUehmon

..... Meth Church . &1 Cerrito, ,:30 p.m.

5aIInu ~e:~~p cInr. 'I'll. Pub, I p.m.

ilia, I~II Cl!lcaa0-.7apaDe .. movie benoftt.

rranc. .. Parker BlIIb. 7 p.m.

All Aboard mode 1)".l.Ible th~ "'\tllnll fJf lAlPr Immigrants It> m ..... tholr contrlbuUon tor a borll", wl)rld for theIr chlld .. ro and -


May 14 , 1(176

lJy TOM FUJIMOTO thulr ('hlldren', rhlldr~n 'n<l " II, .. _ wh' pplna d.-In the poolwv,c I. thp BI- ,., unl (.n Ih ( ·(,nv'r,.ttr n

(:(,nlennlal Bunquot VI hI 0 h p~c"",j(~ wlJl be held 01 th~ I)OCrou. ___ _

It'. Thursday


Socr.menlo Ccmv.nUl)n C .. n-ler to accrmmcdw. the lar,e Welley UMW Cookbook crowd c!xJ)ected for tht. lradl- tA,h PllntHv,l h., I:j

Uonal event O, .. nta' afV$ '.' ,.,. , .... ~ ()rn.hrt'l , .. 00 HMldI.'...., ~

II'. Thul'l<loy, June 24 of Conv nUon Week . Don't for­Itel the oompllment.nry Con­tlncnlnl Breokflllt In Sulw. 607 nnd 808 Regl. troUon wJII eontlnue ot the Convention Lobby In the Sacramento Inn .

Plan now to atl(:nd the 241h Biennial Notional JACL Con­venUon in Sacramento on ~'~~,~"~rd ::~f~::!. i'::;:.; June 20-20, 1978. Mall In your ______ prp-regl.traUon torm. with , _ _ _________ ~

While lhe deleeale. ore con.ldcrlne Nollrnal Copncll wue., " P"US<>S, b~".Wrs and romlly members wlLl hcod for the Gold Country I? see where It all began, the ,II(: 01 the Wolwmauu Ten and Silk Farm Colony ncar Gold HJIl In E1 Dorado Counly.

the nC!C~ ... "y lee. by May 21 ~

With hope, pride, Industry nnd paUenee. the bordy ImmI­granu trom Japan choOle thb parUcular aile to seek their fortunes, and a new life In the United Stale.. Their Ill­fated struggles marked tbe heelnnlng of Japan""e ImmI­grallon to the new world . It

Beginners Danee Class L •• rn Disco, w .. t eoh' Swing

.nd O,h., Popullr Dine ••.

St. rt l • • f rl., M", ' 4 .t 9 p . ....

J.P""u. R.t".",."t Hom. 325 S. 8"". Ayo" L.A.

Ample Fr •• P.,k'ng For Fu,· ,her In'orm,"on c..11 Bob Q..llck 666·8780 Dlh., CI ..... Now I~ p,ogreu It SJme Add,eSJ.

FRIDAYS 730 p.m.-Int.r. medlot. SUNDAYS 7:00 p.m­B.glnners, 8:30 p.m.-Advanced .


Support Our ReUremen' H om ~o lll' .nd En!oy

THE FRIENDS' FAIR Carnival Bazaar Arts & Cralls, Food & Produca. Flowera & Plants. Games. Enlertainmenl

50 cenls Oonallon, SenIor Cllizen Free

Sat., June 5, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. J a pane.e Retirement Home, 325 S. 80yle A.,.,.

Lo. Ancele. 263-9651

::!:E:-::UHlUlllii!!ti.!!iHmmiffi!?_::m:r:::!!!i!mmmi:1iL!:iii::mi!Hamm:::-e::--=::---::-:;:2S-=:=' ~ ~ ...... .,



43rd ""nu. 1 Flower Show --Open Until Jul, 1-

Open 9·5 d.lI, .... pt 1040""", Unusual ~nd Exotic

T rap,cal. and Uctu.

"CACTUS PETE" 4~49 V. lley ."'d., Los "" •• Ia

CA 1·2290


Kazuo Miyamoto

A fast-moving, absorbing history of the Wako,

the Norsemen's counterparts in the Far East.

Chronicles the rise and fall of the daring Japa­

nese pirates who brought to Far Eastern shores

the same fear and terror the Vikings brought to

Northern Europe. Close look at the early econo­

mic, social and political history of the region.


At your boobtore or pottpald fro",:

VANTAGE PRESS, Inc. 516 West 34th St., New York, N.Y. 10001

Shiatsu Massage F,ng.,.Tip Tho, py

(0' Pel .. , o( Po"" CI"ul.h.n I~c:.'ot"f.d

Kuuko Takada

244V2 E. lit St., L.A,

Appo,ntm."t. On)y

628-387 3 2 6 1-1580 ,.-.-___ .-______ A


One viji/ convenience I

a part of caring at a

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That's why RoSt' Hills

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cremato!)·. dignified mausoleums and Bower

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consideration and care

... At Rose Hill a

tradition for more than half a century.

So much more ..•

COlli no more.



CEMETERY at Rose Hills ~Iemorial Park

~~~. J=o~'l.nta But>ara IACL holll: Montecito

~~A~~\~~.W~. 3900 Workman MiU Road

Whittier. C3 699-'>9~1

want Park. ~t-"aml17 pIeD ... Central I~

ANNUAL INTEREST RATES ON INSURED SAVINGS All ,. ,., .. , "., ....... ''''

O""""·Troutclal~P ... nta AppreelltioD dnr.

Ma, 17 (lIIoa"7)

~::;:;Dg~ . ~i.JJ~~~ , '!:;~ •. Ma, II (Tu • • day)

seq\loia-ProJ Resporu:1venHS workahlP'r Palo Alto BuddhJJt C!lU"':'&),:r. fT'l:itn4&)')

WMt Lol AnCeI • Clt1J,en D&),. Dime71and.

Edm Townablp"FHmon~Rblth 1eeture, A la m~ . COunty Edue g:;b::~Ord. 7:30 p.m.: DenW

Ma7 fI (Pr1day) Marin-Forum : 100 Y ean in Am e rl~ • . CoUe, e of Marin . 120

r:~:'f' p . ~~ ' br~O~ ~ ? TO ~I~ Ed-:OkrTownl hlp-crl duatu -St DIOr ~lDltion Eden ICC.

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~ ~ :O~ n l,h t, Adams J r ,h,


Escorted Tours from San Francisco:

CANADIAN ROCKIES·VICTORIA (8 Days) deporting June 22 . ....... $480 BI·CENTENNIAl TOURS:

East Coo it Summer (9 Days) departing August 10 ... ..... . .. . $580 Deluxe East Coast Fall Foliage (10 Days) departing Sept. 29 ... . $715

JAPAN TOURS (Specialized Itineraries) .. Group Departures: June & October

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HEAD OFFICE 800 WII.h lre 81.,d ., Lo. An,ele., C. IIf. 90017

LITTLE TOKYO OFFICE ' 321 Ea,t Second St ., Lo. Ancel .. , Ca lif. 90012

GARDENA OFFICE 1600 W . Redondo Beac h, Ga rde na, Ca lif. 90247

SAN FRANCISCO OFFICE 425 Montcomery St ., n r. Ca U'ornla

(213) 623-7191

(213) 680· 265 0

(213) 532· 3360

(415) 788-3600

Member FDIC

Coming Out May 15, Reserve Your Copy Today

Frank Chuman's

~The Bomboo People' legal History of the Japanese in America written in layman's language.

"A historical treatise that needed to be written from the perspective of a Japanese American, with his own observations, Interpretations and commentary upon the tragedy of racial discrimination and the dignity of those who endured It ... A stimulating work."- TOM C. CLARK, Associate Justice 01 the U.S. Supreme Court, (Retired)

lIIustraled, 345 pp, Preflce, Footnotes, Indu.

Published by Publishers, Inc., Del Mlr, Calif. UI. price: $12.95.





------~---------------------JACL ·Japanese American Research Project c/o Midwest JACL Office 5415 N. Clark St. , Chicago. III. 60640

Please send me copy(s) of Frank Chuman's "The Bamboo People" at the special rate 01 510.95 plus S5 cents lor mailing and handilng per book. Name~ __________________________________ ___

Addr6S':iS ______________________ _

City, State, ZIP _____________ _

Make Check or Money Order payable to: JACL.JARP.

Amount Enclosed: .. $ _____ _

Page 4: Doers or Visionaries PACIFI ITIZEN€¦ · TO THE POINT: Shig Sugiyama Doers or Visionaries WashIniton Electi-ns an! an everyday rren~ In American Ilte. et. attUSt-med as we are to

4- PACIFIC CITizeN May 14, 1976



to braneb. ~atUe JACL board m"m­

bu Quaid Y...... was pro­moCed manager of Set-Flnt Bank's InternaUonal branch. Born in Spokane and Itrod­ua of O'Dea Hish and Se­atUe University where be mo­Jcred In Ilnanoe. be i. also artive with th" Fint Llon.s, Japan America Soclell' and Baliard Cbambu o( Com-

""''''''. Calli. AMemblyman S. Floyd

Morl (D-Pleasanton) baad! " new IIve-membu subcommit­tee on employment an,! eco­nomic development to develop plans to stimulate the state'. economy and job mar'tet. A full scale analysis of the cur­rent condition wtll be the 1lrst crder, said the former econo­mics professor.


Oakland vlee mayor Frank Opwa and othen.

Church ..

CarolYD Yabukl. daughter of the H'deo Yobukls of Se­attle a.nd rec:<mt graduate in .e.,...,..U~ n - park mnnacement from W e s t e rn Wasblngton Slate College, I. working wtth the Youn, We Movement in Osal<a. based at the Yoo Evan­gellcal Cbureb. She worked with the group for two prevl­oUi summers In Canada. She L, a member of the Seatlle Ja­panese Baptist Churcb.


• Richerd Glm.

HawaII Today




1582 S. 1st St. (408) 297·1185 San Jose, Calif.



Naomf, Dress Shop Spo" (, C,m,./, S/U I '-f8

11 6 N So n Ptdro 8, to. Anpeltt 68(1-1 "3

Open Tut .· '" 8 ~ O..o :2 0 ,and Bt l. U ·t CIQRCI Sun ·Mon

..,...,..,......,.,."".,."..,...,.. ."...,." .... ",..".,##,..".,~.,.,,##~..,.;,#,,#,#


nJJ''''OTO'S !DO MI50.

..... 11.&1 •• t Vou, Mno. Em! yamaltl o( Los

Angeles was among women saluled during April by the Human Relation Ccmmlsslon'. BlcentennW Salute 10. the Wcmen of Los Angeles. Now dJr~r of the Lltlle Tokyo hoi meals program for senior cltiun.s. she bas served In areas of education, health and wellare for the past 25 years, Including the Eastside Out­reaeb, PTA and sebolarshJp loan (or needy youth.

VI Mar of Seattle became Ibe first woman to head the Harborvlew Medical Center board 01 trustees. She W08 IlIso the Brst woman member and cha1nnan of the Seattle Com­munity CoUege board (rom 1973-75 and bas been acttve wtth American Cancer 50-clety, prealdent of the Sealtle­King County DenW Society AuxilJary and an omcer with the Seattle Art Museum.

Aloha AJltn. has Issued Its Declaratlcn of Independence In thelr campaign for repora­Ucns as members at their Rllo convention last month voted to declare themselves "a. peo­ple who are sUIl a sovereign nQUon" . . • ReaJ estate vatu" In the state have Jumped n times Its volue In 1950, ac­cording to the Advertiser. Some areas have Increased more than 50 times In price . .. Unemployment rate rose to 9.3 pet. (34,300) In Febru­ary, accc.rding to slate labor dlrectcr J oshun A,salug ; tbu. continuing n 24-yearrecord high of Joblessness .

Specialists In I FlYo,iI. Shoppl., ('A.t.,

Conduit & Wire for Agriculture Use I FUJIMOTO' (0. Pm. Row Sportl Scene Featuring a Complete LIne of Electrical Supplies 302-306 S . .4IM VI'It

Sail uke C,ty, Utah Aut ~ moblle Club of South­

ero Callfornla's monthly pub­I'cotron, West ways, features " Haiku" In Its April editton. Ph ~ t "gra ph s In color are by R. Yut ..... Fukuhar. of Long Beach with text by Susan Mltcbell.

bot~~':..c~I~~·C~~:~~os~~l: 755 E. Evelyn Ave. (408) 732.7101 . -~...-~-".

Tom Shitanishi

R~~Y JACL vloe Pre5-Id~t Tom Sbllanlshi. wbo Is asrt. man""~r of Cro~ Na­Uenal Bank in R~ey. wu el~ted tTeasun!r of the Reed­ley Chamber of Comme",e.

Two m 0 r e Japan-based bao.b an! enterln, the Call­femJa picture' Sippon Fudo­s&Jl Bank LId.. of Tokyo. is open1n& a Los Angeles n!p­resental've <moe at 800 Wil­shire, and SaD...... Bank of CalUonUa was granted per­mission 10 cpoeo a Saeramen-

Los An18les

J ...... ese American Jtepab­lIeans me! lItay 10 at the Ja­panese Rettrement Home to bear (our U S. senalcrlal can­didat~ : Alpbenso Bell. Robert FInch. John Banner and S. 1. B.,.akawa.

San Franclseo Eastbay In­ternatlenal lnsUlule named Mme. Mlehl7a B. n • y. gl ameng the outstanding for­eign- born members to be hon­ored May 8 at Goodman Ball. A classical J apanese daooe in­slt uctor, sbe had been recom­mended by the Oakland-Fu­kuoka Sister City SocIety, JA­CL-Northern CoJJtornl~ West­ern Nevada District Council.


San FnnclKo

Mllnton ..

50th Weddlnc: A N I s e I couple born In Hawall. the George Ycmogfdas of Long Beac:h, Call!" were honored by their chJldren and friends April 24 at Tin Sing Restau­rant, Gardena. Couple was married May 3, 1926, In Sac­ramento.

.support ot the Center. Saku­ra Kal, senior citizen group, Is starting Its thld year.

MlnnNpolil-St. Plul

MJnnthon An. Cenfer opu­ates a hcspitallty center at 924 S. 2nd Ave.. MlnneapoUs to aid vlslt ~rs from Japan dur­ing the Bicentennial summer. Project has been endorsed by the MInnesota Bicentennial Cemmlsslon.

lege (Shreveport. La.), suc- Sunnyvale, Calif. cct ds head coach Bruce O'Neil at Unlv. or Hawall . .. Two ___________ _

:;rSrn~d~~·a ~~e~!~~!: POWER EQUIPMENT SALES J~okson of Monrovlo, Calif., $peclalists In were indicted by the Oahu Agricultural. InduSlrial _ Commerclll Mo.ors grand jury on second degree Authorized Distr ibutors fe, G.E. Sterling, Cefltury, B.ldor & burglary c h a r g e. stemmln, P T (rem a Feb. 13 break-In on ower ronsmlsslon Equlpmeflt the Manon c""'pus ... Ed- 998 S. 2nd, San JOle, Calif. (408) 294-0237 mUlld Torno. termer McKinley ,::======= =:::-:--:~ ::;:;;;;;;:;:;;;;;;~i;~:;.=,:;;;;;;; High princlplll. and Berman Clark, for mer pro (ootball p'oyer, were named to the Aloha Stadium Authority .. . Hawaii Leis signed Marola Louie, 22, nation's Bah-rank­ed tennls star and a Chlnese American frem San Francisco, ns Its No. 1 s ingles star .

Nam .. In the NeWi

HawaiI's National A s~n. of Social Workers named Masa­ru Oshiro as social worker ot the year. He Is deputy direc­tor with the Dept of Social Services and H 0 u sin g . . .




1523 W. RHoM.

11.4. ..... DIN,. .,. '-II" Food 10 Go

AI, Ccndlll-.l B.nquet ....... 20-200

American P 0 s tal Workers _---------0# Union te-elected Glenn Saka- "

Urgest 510tk of Popular Jlnd CIJSsic Jap,nese Records

Jap,nese Magn lnes, Ar. Books Gifts

3eO E. lot St .. LOl ...... 1" S., Prop.

@C!.("~ Barbor CoDeg. DaDe. Co~

dJrected by SachJye Nakano, assodate professor ot danoe. will present a concert May 14-15, a p.m., at the Mainstage en campus. Four danoes ebor­«craphed by K.elko MorIwa-1<1 of RoWn, Hills and Linda T.nabe of Gardena will be premiered.

A 10,OK·Il>. steel beam ....... heisted April 29 to top off the 22-story CalJtornia First Bank being cemplelA!d at 350 Cali­forola St. Occupancy Is ex­~ In mid-1977. At the same Ume, l>ank president Ma!ao Tsuyama pledged to help forest a series ot parks Stockton

gawa president In a special court-ord~ election . . . James Morita, chJet exeC\j­tive-chalrman o( City Bank, was presented the Humanita­rian Award by HawaU Friends of National Jewish Hospital and Research Center.

'Ii {& ~~

~!..Sl . "",."_ II A<t ... ~ SUtI ....... 81'fd. ......... ICI. C.1If.


and cpen spaces planned tor SloekCon Bonsai Club holcb San Francisco nelghborhoods. lis 11th annual exhlblticn

S.F.-E.tat lay May 15-16 at Micke Grove Park, trom noon. in coniunc-

Saknra Kat wtU porUelpate tlon with the Sao Joaquin in the Community Involve- County Spring FesUval. ment Center international food , bazaar M.,. 20 at Grace Lu­theran Cbureb, 24th and Bar­rett, Rlebmond. Proceeds trom

Join the JACL

Quote of Note

Heights were made to be looked at. not to be looked trom.-G. K. Cbesterton.

UU1. Tokyo AlaU-Bvletion Task Force will show two films Way 15 at Japanese Union Cbureb: "Okinawa", 3 p.m. and "Salt of the Earth" (Spanish). 7:30 p.m. the fund-ralser will go toward ------------.----------


SONNY'S WELDING SERVICE ......... II Agr1ctlltlrll Fabrtcalloa - finn Equlpmelf. Rep.1n

Portable Welding Service

Oasis Road (408) 385-4613

King City, Calif.


EMCO EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE CO. 81*111,11 In Agrfeultarll Fabrtcation - firm Equipment Rap,'n

117 N. 211d, King City, Calif. (408) 385·5401


L & M MACHINE & WELDING SHOP Agricultural:

• Fabrication & Repair Our Specialty • Fu"y Equippeq Mobile Unit • Steel Fabrication

Open 6 Days Weekly

825 E. Sanbom Rd., Salinas, Calif. (408) 758.545

VALLEY TANK & WELDING INC. Certified Welding Pori.ble or in Our Plant

Manufacturers of Steel Tanks Farm Equipment & Repair - Design

Fabrir.:a tion Engineering

20956 Spence Rd., Salinal, Calif. (408) 424-2951


BRUCE CHURCH INC. Fruit & Vegetable

Packers & Shippers

1020 Merrill (408) 758·4421

Nam's Restaurant Cnh_Co_ '-Dr Style D ......

~ ...... c-.. ~ ........ 205 E. Valley I .. d. San Gabriel, Calif.

T.1. 280-1377

EMPEROR REST ... URANT .e9 N. Hm St. (213) e.5-12 ••


c:.ctt.1I LM ...

, • .., & """,­Fac1Iitia


......... ftftft ... ft,.ft~~.


seMood treets


so ~ely 10 prepare

MRS. FRIDAY'S Gourmet Breaded Sh.rimp.


1327 E 15th 5 . .. Los ,,,,,,,"Ie 121Jl 7C6·1307

UMEYA's exciting gift,of

MARUYAMA CO. INC. FIt~ e. ... M,.u'ect.,.,

Leo .... 100

CHIYO'S J.f:n':,M ~~~~ft

C,.ftki11 • Art . F, .wnWlO'


Chl,oko K. W.lch, P,op. 2'''J W. I.U lAt.

(714) "'·24" AJulhei.m, C .. Iif.

()pon M-W-Th·F-So 10·5 f,. • ....-. to 1.30

AIJO Le'Uons Giwn

..... fo, ...

'Cherry Brand' MUTUI.\. SUPPLY co.

1090 Sa .... m. St. Sift FrarlCilco, Calif.

Aloha Plumbing LIC. <201675


- R.~'" Our Spcc~lty -

,,., S. G,..411

Lot: .......

.1 '04)7t


rt.Jn?o1eI And Re-pll d W.t'f Hut.'I, G., bage Ol:lCJOutJ,

Furno ...

- S.,...icint l .. Angela -AX 3-7000 RI 3-05S7 -------... ~--...,.

Sukiyaki . J.PM'ese Rooms Sush, Bo< . Cocluails 314 E. FI .... St_. LA.

T.I: 629-3029

• Emplrt7melll


'V •• ~LO" •• "" -_ ..... " ....... .

.U£.btllt., .... m.L



.. SR I TO R E R LT'T' ro

110MES '''' ... U~I- · c;

• One of ~ Ur~I Select.",. 2421 W. JeHu_. LA.

731-2121 JOHN TV S""TO & ASSOC' .... ns


9919 W.I ~r 5 •. Cypr .... Col.f. 90630

/2131 .431·1351 171 .) 826-8400

MikoWOf8 Sweet Shop 2« E. 1st 51.

Los Angeles 1M 8-4935

CommertIaJ & IID.tstrIaI Air-<OOd,tJonino & Refnoerotaon


Sam J. Umemoto lie. =208863 r~20-38

fA. RBBOW CO. 1506 W. v ..... An.

~ Altpla AI HZIf EIjJerienced Saa 1939


T_& -....~

----KOGO Hawai Rest....., 226 South Harbo< Blvd Sen •• AN. Coli' 92704

t7U1 531.1 232

Harllins Rd. & Burden Rd., Salinas (408) 424·0548 Salinas, Calif.

crispy goodness Tops lor sheer fun. excltemen~

OPlH EVtlV D ... Y ~.l'·JO-l'" O_s ... -II'"

_ 12,00-11""


Specialists in Farm Welding, Electrical Acetylene

Farm Equ ipment Repair - Steel Fabrication

#33·3rd (408) 675·3421 Gonnle.



P.O. Box 1843 (408) 758·8416 Salinas, Calif.


J. J. DISTRIBUTING Fruits & Vegetable Brokers

1150 Abbott (408) 758·2783 Salinas, Calif.


Salinas Armature & Motor Works Sp.el.II.I. In Agricultural Molorl

1.1.1, Service, Parts - RI"alr, Rewinding. Rebuilding

urge Stoek of New Motors Up to 10 HP Oea l.r for General Electric Motors

899 Vertin Ave. (408) 424-3741 Salina., Calif.


wisdom ~ --- ... , plus A..AVORI ~:&::&::&::£::.a::&::.a::&::a:.; ....,..,..,........-.--.-.-...~

@l ! Na~~~ ,P~!~~ing IT~~O~~ u..,. IIlcI Clb CI. :t Los Angel .. , Collf. n · 309 'S SAN PEDRO ST

Agricultural Fabrication & Repair Our Specialty laI Alpfa :t ANgelus 8-7835 f. ·los Anoetes 626-8153

Prototype Portable Welders - Complete Machine Shop !::====================='l·;:,:,:r.:r.:r.:r.:r.:r.:r.:r.·; ~ 637 AbboH (408) 424·1981

Salinas, Calif.

VAL'S PLUMBING & HEATING INC. Showroom Sales Offering

Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning Sales, Service & Supplies

413 Front (408) 424·1633

Salinas, Calif.

Agricultural Flying - Fe rtiliZi ng

Seeding Dust ing Spraying

203 John , Salln8l, Calif, (408) 422-6454

Seaboard Equipment & Supply Inc. A gricu ltura l & Indus trial Equipment

Specialists in Electric Motors Sales - Service • Parts

Authorized Distribu tors for Baldon & Sterling Elec tric Mo tors

1306 Burton Ave., Salinas, Calif.

26-B Menker St., Watsonville, Calif. (408) 728-4211


ill PoinseHia Gardens Motel Apts. iii

13921 So. Normandle An. Phone: 324-5883 E.' COMME~~~I I_ "'nd and SOCJ I~~RINTING EEl======.."


"Units H .. ted Pool Air Conditioning GE Kltc:f'len1; TetevlsJon ;::- IIJ'V ~1 __ ---

OWNED ... ND OPE .... nD IY KO .... T ... nos. ~ 114 Weller St" Lee Allpl .. 90012 MA 1-7060

Yamasa Kamaboko -WAIKIKI BRAND­

Distributors: Yamasa EnterJ)(ises

PIta .. 125-2%11


e mlYRKO

Lunch.oD Plmut, Cocktails

PASADENA 139 S. Los Robl o. · 795-7005 ORANC E 33 Town" Country. 541-3303

TORRANCE 24 Dol Amo Fosh. Sq .• 542·8677

--.. _ ... --_ .. -_._._.-----_._, Llltle TokyO's Finest Chop Suev House

SAN KWO LOW F,mous Chin ... Food

228 E. lit St. Lot An,elel MA 4-2075 . _----_._ .•.. __ .-._-------_.

The New Moon lI.nquet Rooml ,VlII.b'. for 1m. II or I., ••• ,OUP.

MA 2-1091

•. ~;~~ === & =- - . -=- - - ~ .. ====~====== ==

I Eagle Produce 929-943 S. Sail Ped .. St., Los ARpIei


Bonded Commission Merchants

- Wholesale Fruits and Vegetables -

los Angeles Japanese Casualty InsurOJlce Assn. Complete Insurance Pro.Klron

Aiha'il la •• At'" Aihara-Omatsu.Kakifl -Fujtob

I i

250 E. Is. S ............... .. _ .... . ................... _ .. 626-9625 "'.lOn Fujio'" AIJ" 321 E. 2nd, SU I" 500 ... 626-4393 263-1 109 fun,lItOlhi 'n.l. ASl1" htnlko $ .lI .K ~ a w • . M. nak~--Mo( e y

321 E. 2nd 5 ....................... ... _ .... 626·5275 .62·7406 HI,o ..... I.s. Ag, .• 322 E Second 5, _ .... 628·1214 287·8605 Inou,. I.,. "'gy .• 15092 Sylvanwood Ave., N n .. 1 _ 86~ - 577 4 Tom T. Ito. 595 N. Loncoln, p . .. dena.. 749·71 89 (LAl 68 1·44 11 Minoru ' Hi .. ' Nagd" 1497 Rock H,\ten M",'ere-y Park 268 -~S s.. St ... Nihil. 1196.4 Washing.on Place ... 391·5931 837 9 150 S •• o I.,. "'gy .. 366 E. 1st St ...................... 629-1.425 261-651~

Shimatsu, Ogata and Kubota Mortuary

911 Ven ice Blyd. los An ~e les




Th,H' Genera tions ~ t

E."Qer i ~e .. .

F UK U I Mortuary, Inc.

707 E. Temple St. l05 Angeles 90012


Saieh, Fukui. Pres;dent James!oaw.J. MaflOlgE'

Nobuo Osumi. Counsellor

Top Related