
Dome of the Rock ?Dome of the Rock ?

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(The Superdome)(The Rock)


Dome of the RockDome of the RockQubbat As-SakhrahQubbat As-Sakhrah

History of the RockHistory of the Rock

►The rock which the dome surrounds is The rock which the dome surrounds is considered one of the most holy considered one of the most holy placeless, not only by Muslims, but placeless, not only by Muslims, but Jews and Christians as well. Jews and Christians as well.

►Called Haram al-Sharif (the Jewish Called Haram al-Sharif (the Jewish Temple Mount) it is an outcrop of rocks Temple Mount) it is an outcrop of rocks that Muslims have identified as the that Muslims have identified as the place where Muhammad ascended to place where Muhammad ascended to the presence of God described in the presence of God described in chapter 17 of the Koran. chapter 17 of the Koran.

History Continued History Continued ►The same Rock is associated with the The same Rock is associated with the

Creation of Adam and where the Creation of Adam and where the Patriarch Abraham was commanded to Patriarch Abraham was commanded to slaughter his beloved son Isaac.slaughter his beloved son Isaac.

► In 692 the Dome of the Rock was In 692 the Dome of the Rock was commissioned for not only religious commissioned for not only religious but also political purposes. Chaliph but also political purposes. Chaliph Abd El-Malik placed the monument on Abd El-Malik placed the monument on the the Noble Sanctuary, in order to the the Noble Sanctuary, in order to enshrine the sacred rock. enshrine the sacred rock.

Image taken in 1925 for a magazine



►Stockstad, Art History, Revised Second Stockstad, Art History, Revised Second edition, 2005edition, 2005



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