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  • 1. Raelynns Best Friends
    (and mom)

2. 3. LOGAN
Logan is a wily devil.
We met in gym class
freshmen year and weve
best friends ever since. He
is one of the funniest people Ive ever met. We both share a love for the movie Anchorman. We quote it all the time and I honestly think the anchorman bond is what keeps us together.
4. Kaylen!
Kaylen is my best friend of
time! We met in middle
school and she has been my
favorite person since. I can tell her anything and she is the BEST shopping buddy I have ever had. We have loads of sleep overs. We have even cried in front of each other so you know its friendship. I would do anything for her. I love her.
5. D-dog
DWIGHT od D-dog as we
like to call him, is the
wind beneath my
wings. He is the cheese
to my macaroni. We tell eachother bed time stories and we even have songs. We have a dance too from our favorite movie 500 Days of Summer.
6. Our Dance.
7. EMMA!!
A world without Emma is a world
I dont want any part of. We bond
like everyday in tech class and
have a relationship that can
withstand steel trains. We
actually didnt speak much before this year but now were Bffffffs. Its truly magic.
8. Courtney Loflin
Courtney is the little sister I never
had. We are always there for
each other and she is really cute.
We both love Bob Marley. She is
very short so sometimes i have to
get her things she cant reach. She drives a pretty steller Mini Cooper. I love her always.
When I cry you help me outWhen I'm happy you hear me shoutWhen I grin you know I'm really madbecause you are my best friendYou can tell when I'm sad
You're there in thick and thinYou're my best friendYou hear me out when I want to talkYou help me out when I get madYou are the bestest friend I've ever had
So hear me out when I sayYou're the light in my dayYou are the moon in my nightYou shine very brightYou are the bestest friend I haveand I miss you
My mom is
my rock. I
would not be
be who I am
now without
her love and
11. Raegan
My sister is
Completely cool. We
are opposites as can
be but our relations-
hip is so very strong.
She is three years older than me so I can go to her for really good advice. I love her so.

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