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Over 1,000,000 brand and sales accomplished objectivesfor +500 happy customers

since 2008

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Why Don’t Skip?

Technology and Creativity change:People BehaviorCommunication

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Which is the first thing that you do each morning, when you wake up, within the first 15 minutes?

A. Wash my teethB. Exercise

C. Check my phone

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my wallet

house keys

ID / driving licence

car keys

public transport ticket

ATM card

When I leave home I check if I have

Source: IQS Online for Google; Study, 2015

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practically all the time

every few hours to check for new messages,

news etc.

once a day/less often

in my free time

I use my smartphone only for calling / I

don’t know

several times a day

Q: How often during the day do you use a smartphone for other purposes than calling?Source: IQS Online for Google; base: respondents who own a smartphone, N=792

Source: IQS Online for Google; Study, 2015

I USE MY SMARTPHONEduring the day

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•Q: In what mode do you usually keep your smartphone?Q: How often do you check your smartphone for new messages, notifications, news, etc.?Source: IQS Online for Google; base: respondents who own a smartphone, N=792

It is almost always on I silence it only in very special situations

It is usually onbut I silence it quite often when I don’t want to be disturbed when I’m working or meeting friends

I often keep it silenced I prefer to check calls and messages every now and then than be bothered by ringtones

I don't know / hard to say






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4%in a bag/ backpack

42%always at


54%within easy reach,

e.g. in a pocket73%

next to me – at

my bedside

81%I use it

as a watch / alarm

44%I use it before falling asleep

Q: Where do you usually keep your smartphone...? / Where do you keep your smartphone when you sleep?

Q: Why do you keep your smartphone at your bedside when you sleep?base: respondents that keep their smartphone at their bedside when sleeping, N=582

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Act on Impulse

We want to DO, LEARN, INSTALL or BUY




We want responses that are accurate, relevant,




We want to add puzzles that will shape the big



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Online research during/ for off-line decisionsUnder 25 years25-34 years35-44 years45-54 years55 and over





5% Source: The Consumer Barometer Survey 2015Base: Internet users (accessing via computer tablet or smartphone) | Answering based on a recent purchase (in select categories) | Researched online

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Solving unexpected problems

62% of smartphone users are more likely to take action right away toward solving an unexpected problem or new task

Consumers in the Micro-Moment, Google/Ipsos, Mar2015

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Small steps for a big goal

90% of smartphone users have used their phone to make progress toward a long term goal

Consumers in the Micro-Moment, Google/Ipsos, Mar2015

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Try something new, like a new look

91% of smartphone users turn to their phone for ideas.

Consumers in the Micro-Moment, Google/Ipsos, Mar2015

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Taking Action

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Taking Action1. Moments Map

Buy a smartphone

I need a smartphone

Is this the moment to change my phone?

I saw the X model on TV/ OOH

Check for discounts. Talk to dealer

Buy. Is it available on local stores

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2. Customer Needs in-the-moment

Buy a smartphone

I need a smartphone

Is this the moment to change my phone?

I saw the X model on TV/ OOH

Check for discounts. Talk to dealer

Buy. Is it available on local stores

Find how can a smartphone improve

the life.

Find info about product. Presentation

Give the right links to contacts/ forms/

phone no.

Give the relevant info regarding availability

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3. Use context to deliver the right experience

Buy a smartphone

I need a smartphone

Is this the moment to change my phone?

I saw the X model on TV/ OOH

Check for discounts. Talk to dealer

Buy. Is it available on local stores

The launch of X model takes place right in


Try a new experience! A new operating

systemWorking hours We can deliver in 1

day or visit local store

Find how can a smartphone improve

the life.

Find info about product. Presentation

Give the right links to contacts/ forms/

phone no.

Give the relevant info regarding availability

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4. Optimize across journey

Buy a smartphone

I need a smartphone

Is this the moment to change my phone?

I saw the X model on TV/ OOH

Check for discounts. Talk to dealer

Buy. Is it available on local stores

The launch of X model takes place right in


Try a new experience! A new operating

systemWorking hours We can deliver in 1

day or visit local store

Find how can a smartphone improve

the life.

Find info about product. Presentation

Give the right links to contacts/ forms/

phone no.

Give the relevant info regarding availability

Remarketing on Desktop. On YT, with a videoRemarketing on

Desktop. Your product is still in stock

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5. Measure what matters

Objective Mobile Desktop

No. of Conversions/Sales 1 10

Low no. of sales coming from mobile devices compared with desktop

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5. Measure what matters

Objective Mobile Desktop

Frequency of visit 4 1

Product Page Views 10 1

Read Review 9 2

Check price/ availability 10 1

No. of Conversions/Sales 1 10

Assisted conversion/sale

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RecapThere is no unique/ ideal consumer journey.Imagine micro moments. Organize around moments.Be there. Permanent.Be relevant.Be contextual.Measure also other actions (micro-conversions)

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