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Love Mudika coz’ Mudika Loves You

M a r c h 2 0 1 7

Saturday, March 4, 2017Monastery Hall, St. Francis Church

“Don’t Worry”


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Kata Pengantar 3

Contact Person 3

MudiKalender 4

Voxpop 6

D.U.P. 7

Profil Mudika: Brigitta Nadya 8

Article: Be Anxious About Nothing 10


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Halo teman-teman semuanyaa! Udah lama yaa kita ga ketemu di Misa Mudika, welcome back in Misa Mudika bulan Maret ini yaa! Gimana liburannya temen-temen? Semangat uni di semester baru ini dan kerjaan smuanya juga ya!

Tema misa mudika bulan Maret ini adalah “Don’t Worry”. Seperti yang kita bisa baca dalam Filipi 4:6, Allah berkata,”Janganlah hendaknya kamu kuatir tentang apa pun juga, tetapi nyatakanlah dalam segala hal keinginanmu kepada Allah dalam doa dan permohonan dengan ucapan syukur”.

Yaa, sama seperti firman Tuhan diatas, kitadisini sama-sama mau ngingetin satu sama lain kalau kita sedang menghadapi masalah, kita ga boleh terus kuatir dan gelisah, melainkan Tuhan selalu ada untuk mendampingi kita yang tekun berdoa dan berserah kepada-Nya.

Oh yaa, jangan lupaa kalo kalian mau kirim D.U.P atau tulisan kalian atau pengen dimuat di Profil Mudika.Don’t hesitate to contact Gracia/Gabby/Feli/Thea yaa, kita bakal appreciate bgt contribution kalian!Love Mudika cos Mudika loves you,


contact person

Buat kalian yang ingin tahu informasi lebih lanjut mengenai Mudika dari MudikaLink, atau sekedar ingin tulisan kalian dimuat disini (cerpen, puisi, karikatur) hubungi:

Felicia Sabrina 0432 541 057

Anastasia Thea 0431 097 062

Gabriela Bunjamin 0450 529 238

Gracia Stephanie0451 232 905


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Choir Practice Date : Every Monday Time : 6:30-9:00 PM Location : Monastery Hall, St. Francis Church 326 Lonsdale St, Melbourne VIC 3000 (Melway Ref. 1B L2)CP : George (0403 808 630) Clinton (0451 189 478)

Welcoming Afternoon Snack Date : Saturday, 11 March 2017Time : 3-5 pmLocation : Fulton Lane ApartmentCP : Marcellina (0452 568 696) Christian (0401 609 485)

Corica: Best Apple Strudel from PerthLast order : 12 March 2017Pick up order: 18 March 2017Time & date: TBACP : Yuli (0426 261 996) Adhi (0434 629 744)

Mudika Goes to Camberwell Market:Fundraising event for retreat Mudika 2017 Date : Sunday, 19 March 2017Time : 6:00 AM – 1:00 PMLocation : Camberwell Sunday Market Market Street, Camberwell, Victoria 3124 CP : Eugenio (0450 721 411)


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Misa Minggu Ke-3 KKI Date : Sunday, 19 March 2017Time : 2:30-4:00 PM Location : St. Francis Church 326 Lonsdale St, Melbourne VIC 3000 (Melway Ref. 1B L2)CP : Marcellina (0452 568 696) Christian (0401 609 485)

Misa Mudika April 2017Date : Saturday, 1 April 2017 Time : 11:45 PMLocation : Monastery Hall, St. Francis Church 326 Lonsdale St, Melbourne VIC 3000 (Melway Ref. 1B L2)CP : Marcellina (0452 568 696) Christian (0401 609 485)

MUDIKA CUP 2017Registration : From 4 March 2017Date : 8 April 2017CP : Stefan Kurniawan (0450649789) Anthony Widjaja (0402750930)


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what are the things you are most worried about & what’s the solution?

Gabriel George

Im worried that I am not prepared

enough for the future. My solution is to

do everything that I can and let God

help with the rest :)

Cindy Carissa

Make planning, do my best in each

and everyday, pray and let God do

the rest :)


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D: Ocin

U: Semua anak Mudika

P: Good luck for new semester guys!

D: Essa Fans Club

U: Elle Arnesia Ranggi

P: Akhirnya bisa nonton TV, bukan ditonton TV

D: Ms Random

U: Mr Random guy

P: ia berdiri sehangat mentari, menghangatkan semua kehidupan pertiwi

D: Chris

U: Semuanya

P: Hi guys! Udah lama nih ngga mismud, udah super kangen sama kalian semua.

Jangan lupa semester baru mesti semangat semuanya yang belajar juga yang


D: anonymous

U: panitia retreat 2017

P: semangat buat persiapan retreat nya yah

D: anon

U: Karin

P: Kapan” mau ikut makan pho dong hahaha

D: Komite Retreat 2017

U: Mudikans

P: Ayo semua register ikut annual retreat Mudika yaa!

D: Anon

U: Komite Mudika 2016-2017

P: Semangat melayani Tuhan guys, Tuhan Yesus memberkati


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1. Haii hai Brigitta! Kenalan dulu dong..

Halo semuanya! Nama gua Brigitta Nadya, dan gua anak Melbourne Uni 3rd

year yang umurnya agak sedikit dibawah rata”. Mungkin pada taunya dulu

gua vegan, tapi sekarang sudah tidak bisa (jadi bisa ajak gua makan deh

sekarang hehe). I like reading, drinking tea (green tea and vanilla-chamomile)

and skyping my friends at random times.

2. Apa satu hal yang paling menarik dari Mudika sampai akhirnya

kamu mau join?

Satu hal yang bikin tertarik buat ikut Mudika dari dulu itu adalah kebersamaannya.

Mau di Jakarta, Melbourne, pasti rasa kekeluargaan dan acceptance dari semua

itu yang paling mengesankan

Brigitta Nadya


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3. Gimana sih ceritanya bisa jadi committee social di

Mudika?Ini... gak tau ya mesti nanya Pak Ketua Bener” cuma tiba” di

message ditawarin.

4. Suka duka selama jadi committee social apa aja sih?Suka dukanya belom bisa dibilang karena memang programnya

baru mau jalan.. cuma yang dirasaiin pas planning adalah gimana

caranya bisa narik perhatian orang buat menderma gitu.

5. Apa yang biasa kamu lakukan di waktu kosong?Mungkin jawaban mainstream netflix kali ya HAHA. I’m always

reading, or running (away from my problems)

6. Ada engga perubahan yang terasa sejak masuk

mudika?Di Melbourne, because it’s a new city dan kita dilepas dari keluarga,

emang butuh something yang bisa tetep motivasiin buat rajin gereja

dan maintain our relationship with God. Ikut mudika itu kerasa

banget karena pasti ada yang selalu ngingetin hehe

7. What is your wish or hope for Mudika in the future?Semoga Mudika makin sukses terus dan banyak yang makin ikut


8. Lastly, pesan apa yang kamu mau kasih untuk temen-

temen yang baru join Mudika?Jangan malu-malu ya sama kita, we don’t bite kok.


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“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.” (Phil 4:6)

Paul also mentions the command to “not be anxious about anything” but about “everything” we can commit it to “prayer and supplication” but it should be “with thanksgiving [that our] requests [are] made known to God”. What Paul is saying to the church at Philippi is to not be anxious about things but simply “let your requests be made known to God…by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving.” We don’t have to worry because we can simply let God know our needs. God does not want us wringing our hands with worry over things in this life.

We have no need to be anxious when we can go to the throne room of heaven and simply ask Him. That is why the psalmist tells us to

“Cast your cares on the LORD and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous fall” (Psalm 55:22).

Article: Be Anxious About Nothing


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Even our doctors tell us that “An anxious heart weighs a man down” (Prov 12:25). It is a weight we were never designed to carry. It is a load that we cannot handle. Even so, we tend to worry about things that we cannot change and over concerns about tomorrow that may never even happen. When we do this, we are borrowing worry from tomorrow and paying interest on it today so why not

“Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you” (1 Pet 5:7)Jesus gives us the perfect perspective on life in his saying. You cannot add one day to your lifespan by worrying, but you can actually subtract them. The birds don’t sit in the trees and worry about what they will eat tomorrow. No, the sing in the trees with not a care in the world about what they’ll eat. The lily doesn’t sweat about how they will grow or if they’ll get enough rain to survive.

All of God’s creatures, except man, don’t have a care in the world about their future. The ravens don’t have a storehouse where they can store up food for the winter. They live day by day without the thought of what they will eat. How much we can learn from the nature around us that God provides for them and since God cares infinitely more for us, why should we worry?


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Love Mudika coz’ Mudika Loves You

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