


One of the best sports in the world!By Charlie Rolfe

What is down-ball?This game is a simple, fun and small sport. You can play it nearly literally anywhere! You need a rubber bouncy ball, tennis ball or any ball that can bounce fairly high. You also need four even squares (at least one metre squared). Some call it Handball Four Square or even Two Square but it is very well-known as Down-ball.

royaltyThe King is the most powerful position or person in this game. That is why he or she gets to serve every time to start play.The next most powerful position or person is the Queen. He or she is kind of like the heir (to the King). Once the King is defeated, the Queen swaps positions and royalty with the King (this does not make sense in real life).Jack is the closest to dungeon. Jack has the easier chance to get dungeon out. That makes dungeon very vulnerable!Dungeon is the most dangerous position! Once he or she gets out, he or she is out for the rest of the game! You go to Dungeon when you get out if youre in Queen or Jack.

5 main rules1.The four places (King, Queen, Jack and Dungeon) wait for play to start. Each stand in correct position according to their royalty.2.Once play has started you have to hit the ball in your own square once and wait until it bounces into someone elses square. This keeps on going until someone gets out.3.You can get out by hitting the ball out of the court, full the ball over the line without it bouncing in your own square once, the ball bounces more than once in your own square (in a row) or it bounces in your square last and goes out of the court.4.You have to follow the Kings rules (and the normal game rules). If you break the rules you swap positions with Queen (if youre King). Otherwise, you go to Dungeon.5.Once play has ended (someone got out) you return the ball to the King so he or she can serve again.

Did you know?A liner is when the ball bounces on the line. So then you replay play from there!

sweepsiesA sweepsy is a master Down-ball move. It is when you cup (not grab) the ball in your hand and move your hand in front of you then let it go watching it sweep the ground. Make sure it does not roll!

No! No! Yes!

SummarySo there you have it! That is all the information you need to play Down-ball. Hope you enjoyed it and learnt some things!

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