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Principal’s Message

High Achievers’ Assembly Last Tuesday, the school celebrated the achievement of outstanding per-formers in the 2013 Higher School Certificate. In front of an expectant au-dience of current Year 12 students, proud parents and family members, teachers and special guests, including Mr Dominic Perrottet, local member for Castle Hill, the ceremony was one be-

fitting the importance of the occasion. Gerrard An, our 2013 dux, gave an inspi-rational, heartfelt speech about effort, re-

ward and resilience. His personal HSC journey, which started poorly with an as-sessment task “glitch”, captured and mo-tivated the audience to persist, no matter the circumstances. This ceremony is one of the highlights of the year.


Special points of


School Photos Info


Languages News

RYPEN Leadership


National Youth

Science Forum

Year 10 Physics

Roller Coasters

Swimming Carnival

Volume 2 21 February 2014

Telephone: 96344199 Facsimile: 9899 6527 Email: [email protected] Website:

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Gerrard An’s speech is printed below with his kind permission. Good morning students, teachers, parents and classmates from Year 12 (2013). It is a great honour and privilege to stand here to-day addressing you as the DUX of Year 12. To Year 12, you might be thinking that the HSC is still a while away but realistically you only have eight months until the end of your high school life. I guess most of you here are looking forward to the four months of freedom after finishing the HSC and based on experience, the feeling is fantastic. Why is it fantastic you might ask? For the obvious reasons of no homework, study and textbooks but most importantly that I set myself goals in Year 12 that I was able to achieve. This was not easy and it didn’t happen by chance. I had to work really hard to get the results that I achieved. The question you probably want me to answer is how did I do it? It was a very long journey and the most difficult part for me and in fact for most of Year 12 was staying motivated for 12 months. That will be your biggest challenge. It only gets harder as you approach the HSC. Some of you will not know what you want to do when you leave school and that is okay, but for me that assisted me to stay focussed and motivat-ed. I knew that I liked science and this was an ar-ea I wanted to pursue as a career hence why I chose to study Chemistry and Physics in the HSC. These subjects were hard to understand, if not painful, but due to my passion of understanding how the world we live in works, I persevered. Re-vising your work is important as it helps consoli-date what you have already learnt. A point to remember: Throughout the year, you will go through times and I mean many times, where you will want to give up. Things won’t al-ways go your way. Challenges will arise and they will weaken you. But really, there is no other way but to endure it and push through these periods. It is more like a mental game, because in fact, everyone experiences them. Although I have just stepped out of high school life, I know that the HSC will be just one challenge in my life, and a minor one at that, and there will be much more difficult and unexpected challenges which I will have to endure. Contradictory to what I’ve just said, Year 12 is not all about hard work and no play. Year 12 was one of my best years at school. So try to enjoy


The program was bigger than it has been in previous years, principally because of the num-ber of students who gained an ATAR over 90 in 2013. We celebrated and congratulated forty two students who received one Band 6/E4 in their results, thirteen students who received two Band 6s/E4s, seven students who received three Band 6s/E4s, two students who received four Band 6s/E4s, two students who received five Band 6s/EW4s and one student (Nicholas Stephens) who received six Band 6s/e4s. Special mention must be made of the following students: Gerrard An was our 2013 Dux with an out-

standing ATAR of 99.8. Gerrard An, Adriana Zaja and Nicholas

Stephens received the Premier’s Awards for achieving a Band 6/E4 in ten units or more.

Vladislav Trofimov’s and Sharun Chun’s art works were selected for exhibition in the 2013 Art Express.

Joel Pienmunne came 4th in the state in Information Technology VET, Lachlan Gachelin came 8th in the state for Infor-mation Technology VET and Katerina Metelska came 4th in the state in Russian Background Speakers.

The following students received an award for gaining an ATAR over 90: Brooke Dwyer 90.4, Sean Svanetti 90.95, Nikita Sharam 91.1, Man Yang 91.15, Ju Eon Woo 92.0, Youn Kyung Lee 92.08, Jacqueline Rhodes 92.1, Kurt Eckmann 92.3, Supriya Pozhuvelile Benjamin 92.65, William Soehendra 92.95, Declan McLeman 93.05, Crystal Sohier 93.1, Dularee Chelliah 93.15, Kenny Chi Hang Cheung 93.4, Thersia Lehnard 93.8, Digby Wai Lun Cheung 94.3, Marie Echevarria 94.4, Rhiannon Bell 94.5, Shan Zheng 94.7, Vishal Tandon 94.85, Joel Pienmunne 94.9, Sijal Ansari 95.3, Teresa Yuan 95.45, Nicholas Gaston 96.45, Saahil Turki 96.7, Rui Ye 96.8, Benjamin Wen Bo Chen 97.5, Constant Liu 98.1, Hanyang Liu 98.30, Nicholas Stephens 98.35, Amy O’Neill 98.35, Adriana Zaja 98.85 and Jong Seo (Gerrard) An 99.8. We are very proud of these students and wish them well in their futures.

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every moment of your final year and partici-pate in different school activities. This school has many opportunities but you need to em-brace them and get involved. Make memories with your friends because they are the ones that were by your side every step of the way. When you are exhausted and feel like giving up, talk to your friends, your teachers and your family. For me, they were my biggest motivation. They will always be there to help you and support you. I could have never gotten to this point in my life without the support of my family, both my parents and my brother, they were my biggest supporters and to my teachers, Ms Clifford, Ms Burke, Mr Eggleston, Ms Kim, Mr Minne and my mentor, Mr Kerrigan. I cannot thank them enough. Here is my final tip: Find things that you really enjoy doing. Spare about ten minutes every day e.g. when you are having a shower, and think about what you want to do in the future. Art, Music, Business, Engineering, construction, law, sport, management, computing etc. There are so many different careers you can choose from. So, try to do this until you make a firm decision about what you want to do. Then, start researching about it on internet. Contact people who are already in that field. And you’ll be amazed because there are so many opportunities out there for you and you may find other pathways that will attract you even more. So, build and plan your own future. Lastly to Year 12 (2014), I wish you all the best for the upcoming HSC. I am not going to lie, time flies and it won’t be easy. It is hard work so if you want the results you need to start now. It will not just happen. It is important that you don’t stop believing in yourself or losing sight of your goals. Remember, all the hard work and extra practice will be really worth it in the end. And like I said, please enjoy the last year of high school and look forward to the graduation and formal night. I guarantee it is a day to remember. Thank you.

Volume 2 21 February 2014

Swimming Carnival On Thursday February 6 the school held its annual Swimming Carnival. Pleasingly, partici-pant and spectator numbers were up on previ-ous years. School spirit was infectious, the weather was on our side, the competition was friendly but robust and the fun aspects were just that. All had a terrific time.

Year 7 campers On Wednesday February 19, Year 7, together with some intrepid teachers, farewelled us for the annual camp to Tea Gardens. Ms Alex Kenworthy, the Year 7 Year Adviser, has worked long and hard on the organisation so that students can have a productive and fun time. I’m sure Year 7 will return with extended friendship networks and stories of adventure and challenge. The teachers, I know, will re-turn exhausted!

The musical tradition continues in 2014 This year, Castle Hill High School will perform “Beauty and the Beast” for its musical produc-tion. Work has already commenced if the horde of very enthusiastic dancers and sing-ers congregated in the Hall this week is any gauge. Auditions for the lead parts will take place next week and full rehearsals will com-mence shortly thereafter. It’s estimated that the cast, behind the scenes and front of house crew and the orchestra could number 150. This is a very large produc-tion, one that I know will be well received by all. Opening night is Wednesday May 28.

FEES DUE SOON Shortly, you will all receive an email with an account for school fees. Our new system pre-vents us from doing it any other way at this stage. We would appreciate you paying those fees, soon. This money is vital to the teaching and learning programs we offer and the quality of the resources and facilities provided. I know you want the very best for your sons and daughters. Confidential conversations can be arranged if you would like to discuss alternative ways, such as staggered payments, to accommo-date payment of fees. Thank you. Vicki Brewer

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Update from HSIE The HSIE faculty enjoyed much success at the end of 2013 with many of our students achieving excellent results in their HSC exams in either Ancient History, Business Studies, Economics, Legal Studies or Modern History, (although some students did a combination of HSIE subjects). I would like to thank the Year 12 HSIE teachers who put endless hours into developing thought-provoking, meaningful lessons and assessment tasks; and provided authentic, rich feedback to their students so that the best results possible could be achieved. Whilst this is a time for us all to reflect on what we do well in the classroom and beyond as part of our teaching practice, it is also a time to critically analyse our work and identify ways in which we can continue to build the students’ capacity in their journey through our subjects. The end of 2013 also signalled a time of change to the HSIE faculty. Whilst we were thrilled to hear Ms Jo Bardakos had gained a promotion to a Head Teacher position, the realisation, that this position was held at another school meant that we reluctantly had to say good-bye. Ms Bardakos has been a stalwart of the HSIE faculty and CHHS for over twenty years. As an expert junior History and Modern History teacher and having held leadership positions related to wel-fare and student mentoring, Ms Bardakos will be greatly missed; however, we wish her every suc-cess and enjoyment in her new position and look forward to hearing her stories. In 2014 we are delighted to welcome Miss Olwen Higgins and Ms Helen Preketes to the HSIE fac-ulty. Miss Higgins brings expertise in teaching junior History, Modern History, Society and Cul-ture and in gifted and talented education. Ms Preketes is an experienced HSC marker and as-sessor for Legal Studies and brings expertise in teaching Geography, Legal Studies and Society and Culture. Year 11 Geography students have the opportuni-ty to participate in a fieldwork activity on 14 March at Towra Point wetlands. Fieldwork is an investigative methodology, crucial to the work of a geographer. Permission notes will be issued shortly. The day will enable students to apply their learning about biophysical environments and interactions to a specific wetland area. Part of the Year 11 Geography course includes a Senior Geography Project. This will take until the end of Term 3 to complete and provides students with a skill set related to questioning, collection

of data and information, and communication of research results. One lesson a cycle is dedicated to ensuring students gain a practi-cal understanding about how to complete fieldwork and then apply it to their area of in-terest for the project. During this week, Year 11 Geography students completed annotated field-sketches, detailed observation notes and the taking of photographs at various lo-cations around the school grounds in working towards proving a point about the extent of biodiversity at CHHS. Some photographs are below:


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From top left to right: Rowan and Denna with completed annotated field sketches; Taylor taking photographs to support information from Andrew’s observation notes; Phoebe, Katrine, Tessa, Sam and Emma-Jane developing annotated field sketches. Year 11 Ancient History students have the opportunity to participate in a site study experience on 26 March, at the Museum of Ancient Cultures, at Macquarie University. This is a hands-on, practical experience able to be applied to the content of this course. Permission notes will be issued shortly. Thank you to Ms Divola and Ms Branagh for organising this learning experience for their students.

Volume 2 21 February 2014

The HSIE classrooms at the top of A Block, middle of B Block, G3, P7, and P8 are grad-ually being ‘decorated’ throughout the term with student work, maps and informative posters so students can become immersed in their learning and teachers have a handy reference point to illustrate points being made. The maps and posters are particular-ly related to studies of Geography and Histo-ry although classrooms also reflect learning about Business Studies, Commerce, Eco-nomics and Legal Studies. We ask that stu-dents treat these pieces of work, maps and posters respectfully so that all students can benefit from a stimulating learning environ-ment. Here is a taste from one of the History based classrooms. Thank you to Ms Divola for maintaining a visually interesting class-room.

Ms Susan Caldis

(Head Teacher HSIE)

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RYPEN LEADERSHIP CAMP Ethan Gardiner and I are Year 10 students who had the great opportunity to participate in the RYPEN leadership camp on Friday 31


until February 2. RYPEN (Rotary Youth Programme of Enrichment) was an amazing experience where we had the opportunity to step out of our comfort zones and develop our leadership and teamwork skills. Ethan and I were two of the 80 students selected and sponsored by our local Rotary clubs. We both were apprehensive about going as we didn’t know anyone else going and knew we hadn’t been placed in the same activity groups. However, as everyone else at the camp was in the same situation as we were, we found that it was an amazing opportunity to develop our social skills and we can both say we made some great new friendships over the course of the weekend. We had a full on schedule involving various challenging teamwork activities and reflection sessions. The activities we participated in ranged from carrying a mannequin through the bush and up a rope ladder to completing crazy challenges in order to defuse an ink bomb. Sometimes when participating in leadership forums and activities it is hard to apply the lessons taught there to real life, but being thrown into challenging activities with complete strangers, all requiring teamwork and leadership really gave us the opportunity to learn how we can apply these skills in real life and it gave us the chance to practise them. The leadership qualities we all developed were delegation, trust and communication to name a few. RYPEN was an amazing experience that was insanely fun and we would recommend it to anyone! Many thanks to Castle Hill Rotary Club who made it possible for us to attend this camp! Hannah Spinks RYPEN camps are funded by our local Rotary Club (Castle Hill) and are available for nominated Years 9 or 10 students. If you in Year 9 or 10 and you are interested in attending a camp, talk to your Year Advisor or speak to Hannah Spinks and Ethan Gardiner.


Languages Alive

The Languages Department is looking forward to yet another busy and productive year in 2014. Al-ready the corridors are buzzing with “Konnichi wa” and “Bonjour” as our new Year 7 classes embark on their language learning and practise their new skills. We were extremely pleased with the 2013 HSC results in all courses in Japanese and French. Val-ue adding was demonstrated in each of the five language courses (French Beginners and Continu-ers and Japanese Beginners, Continuers and Ex-tension.) The means of most Languages courses were significantly above the state average. 100% of the Japanese Continuers and French Continu-ers’ classes achieved a Band 4-6. Every language taught had at least one Band 6 result (with four in Japanese Beginners and two in Extension Japa-nese) and there were 14 Band 6 results in total in Languages (including Chinese, German and Rus-sian, taught by Saturday School or Open High School but administered by CHHS staff.) We are very proud to be one of very few Lan-guages Departments in the State and we are all passionate about the importance of language-learning and inter-cultural understanding. After a year of preparation and planning and very time-consuming and comprehensive submissions to the Department of Education, we are delighted to be running our biennial French and Japanese Study Tours this year. The French tour departs on 2 April. The twenty participating students are be-coming very excited. Students will spend a week in Paris and then stay in home-stay and attend clas-ses at our sister school CIV, near Nice in the south of France. Ms Windrim and Mr Wright will also be accompanying the students on the excursion. The Japanese Study Tour will take place during the September/October school holidays, accompanied by Ms Baker and Mr Hovelmann. Mrs Donna Wood Head Teacher Languages

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The National Youth Science Forum

On 6 January to 18 January, the Australian National University in Canberra was the host of 150 students from all over Australia, as well from Germany, New Zealand and Canada. Both Dakota Harkins and I were privileged enough to attend this prestigious event. Who would have known that those twelve days, changed 150 lives? The National Youth Science Forum is a two-week forum, at Burgmann College at the Australian Na-tional University, in Canberra. The forum enables Year 11 students to experience what life living on campus at university is like, with the focus on sci-ence. Students who attend this forum have an op-portunity to visit first class labs, meet world re-nowned scientists and experience lifelong dreams, such as a video conference with CERN in Geneva, all whilst making friends who help motivate you through the hardest year of your school life. Not only did the forum have lab visits, but also throughout the two weeks, we had many formal events including an opening ceremony at Australian Parliament House, lectures on different careers in science and debates based around controversial issues of society. An eye opening experience, the National Youth Sci-ence Forum helped me find out more about careers in Science as well as learning more about myself. Not only did I make 150 new friends, but also ena-bled me to find a path I want to take in life. I would like to thank the Rotary Club and Castle Hill High School for providing me with the support I needed to attend. The National Youth Science Forum is truly a once in a lifetime experience that opens many doors for new and exciting endeavours. I recommend any Year 11 students interested, to apply for this forum, as it is an amazing opportunity. For more information visit: or feel free to speak to me directly. Shivani Shah Year 12 Student

Volume 2 21 February 2014

Year 10 Physics Roller Coasters

At the end of 2013, Year 10 Science students took part in a Roller Coaster competition. Students were asked to create a gravity based rollercoaster which had to incorporate a range of tracking as well as thrills such as loops. In teams of three or four stu-dents, they designed and created roller coasters made out of paper, using marbles to test the track. The rollercoasters were assessed on creativity, tim-ing of runs and stability. Congratulations to all Year 10 students who participated and special congratula-tions to the winning groups; 1

st Place- Caitlyn Sandiford, Georgia Kalebic and

Jonathon Blunden 2

nd Place- Sabrina Chng, Samantha Woodorth and

Erin Rowland 3

rd Place- Isobel Hinding and Victoria Manning,

The Science staff would like to say ‘Thank you’ to Ms Tracey King, the Science lab assistant for her contribution to the project.

Canteen News

The canteen summer menu has been a great success since the begin-ning of Term 1. The new juice selections, frozen grapes ($1 per bag), vari-ous salads and lots of healthy, delicious choices

have made the canteen a very popular (and busy) place – Yes, it’s not too late to volun-teer!!

Thinking ahead, the winter menu is now in our sights. New ideas and suggestions are always welcome, so if any parents would like to have an input on what we will be producing during the winter months, please contact Joanna at the canteen on 9634 1188. Our canteen is P & C operated so we very much en-courage parental involvement. This is your canteen, for your children, so it is vital that we all get involved! Joanna Sutherland Canteen Co-ordinator

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Castle Hill High School’s Swimming Carnival

Castle Hill High School held their annual Swimming Carnival at Parramatta Pool recently and what an occasion it was! This year we had a record number of students attending, with 800 participants. It was outstanding to see the school spirit on show. From the staff to the students, house colours were on display and the cheer competition was running high thanks to the great leadership by the House Captains and Staff Patrons. The House Results were as followed: 1st- Windsor 472 points 2nd Durham 390 points 3rd Caernarvon 385 points 4th Edinburgh 219 points Congratulations to the following students for their achievements in their respective Age Championship competition: 12yrs Boys Haani Qureshi 12yrs Girls Olivia Burns 13yrs Boys Calum Sproull 13yrs Girls Kumiko De Laney 14yrs Boys Ethan Zirh 14yrs Girls Rebekah Sefton 15yrs Boys Max Gale 15yrs Girls Megg Thomas and Shantelle Low 16yrs Boys Joshua Cramer 16yrs Girls Zoue Sefton 17yrs+ Boys Steven Duzevich 17yrs+ Girls Soo Hwang


Thank you to all the Castle Hill High staff that as-sisted on the day and a special thank you to Mr and Mrs Jalvo for refereeing the carnival. Finally, thank you to the C.H.H.S. PDHPE department for their continual support and dedication. Our talented Swimming Team will now compete at the Zone Carnival on the 4 and 5 March at Parra-matta Pool. We wish them the best of luck with all their events. Kate Riley Sports Organiser

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UNIFORM SHOP NEWS The uniform shop has had a very successful beginning to 2014. Thank you to those who waited patiently. Sometimes stock has been sold and a short wait is necessary for the next delivery. Thank you to the wonderful volunteers who make the uniform shop run smoothly. PE items not in stock and awaiting delivery are as follows: Size 12C Polos Size 12 Jumpers.

JUNIOR GIRLS WINTER UNIFORM Girls in years 7-10 will be required to wear the winter uniform for Terms 2 and 3. Royal Blue Skirts Sizes 1-22 Cost $65.00 Short Sleeve Blouses Sizes 8G-14G Cost $40.00 Long Sleeve Blouse Sizes 6G-12G Cost $45.00 Tab Tie Cost $ 5.00 JUNIOR BOYS Short Sleeve Shirts Sizes 32-44 Cost $40.00 Long Sleeve Shirts Sizes 34-40 Cost $45.00 Long Grey Trousers Sizes 12-XXXL Cost $35.00 Most items available from March 2014.

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Volume 2 21 February 2014


Published and distributed by email to parents each Friday

fortnight during school term

CALENDAR 2014 - Term 1






24 February



3 March



25 February


Year 6 Open Day Tuesday

4 March


Zone Swimming

Year 12 Parent Teacher Night 4-7pm


26 February


Year 6 Open Day & Parent Information Night

Assembly Years 7, 9 & 10 Hall Year 8 Year Meeting Gym


5 March


Zone Swimming

Assembly Years 7-12

Gifted & Talented Parent Information Night for Year 6 students – 7pm


27 February


Year 9 Scripture Seminar Thursday

6 March


Year 8 Scripture Seminar Year 9 PASS Bronze Medallion


28 February


Clean Up Schools Day

Year 12 Design Tech Excursion - Power-house—7.20am


7 March


Peer Support Session 4

Upcoming Examinations

Year 12 Half Yearly


Year 11 Half Yearly -Optional 29/4/2014-9/5/2014

Next P & C Meeting 19 March 2014 – 7.30pm Common Room

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School Photo Day Friday 21 March 2014 with THE SCHOOL PHOTOGRAPHER

How to purchase: Every student must have an envelope and complete their personal details on the front of the envelope. Complete the package selection options on the front of the envelope by entering the quan-tity you require. If paying in another family member’s envelope, please record the name, year and PC of the paying student. Every student wishing to receive photos must have an envelope.

CASH: Please enclose correct money as no change can be given. Please note that the envelope goes directly to the photographers and the school does not carry suf-ficient funds to issue change. CHEQUE/MONEY ORDER: Please make payable to THE SCHOOL PHOTOGRAPHER. Please record the child’s name and address on the back of the cheque – please note cheques may not be processed immediately. Online payments, eg paypal or credit cards: We only process these orders online at: When you have made your payment you will be is-sued with an ORDER NUMBER, this must be recorded on an order form. If paying for more than one child you can pay the total amount owing in a single online transaction and record the same order number on each of the separate children’s order envelopes. Please note that a $1 surcharge will apply to the transaction. Please seal the order envelope and bring to school to hand to the photographers on photo day, Friday 21st March 2014. Guarantee. If for any reason you are not happy with your photos, please call our office (The School Photographer 9674 9824) and we will endeavour to fix any problem or if you are not satisfied we offer a money back guarantee.

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Disclaimer: Advertisements placed in the school’s Fortnightly Newsletter do not reflect an endorsement

or otherwise by Castle Hill High School of that product or service.


17 Mulheron Ave Baulkham Hills 2153

For discount prices see


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Volume 2 21 February 2014

Bella Vista

Upcoming events & programs

Ideas for Parenting Teens $25 / $15 conc – 10 Mar 6 – 9pm; 17 Jun 6 – 9 pm

A 3 hour seminar that will assist parents to:

Understand what is normal adolescent behaviour

Reduce the anxiety inherent in raising teenage children

Develop skills to communicate & negotiate with teenagers

Being A Mum $25 / $15 conc – 24 Mar 6 – 9pm

A 3 hour seminar that will assist mothers to:

Understand themselves as a Mum

Really connect with their children

Understand children at different ages

Learn positive ways to discipline children and communicate more effectively

The Challenge of Disciplining your Child $25 / $15 conc – 7 Apr 6 – 9pm; 24 Jun 6 – 9pm

A 3 hour seminar that will assist parents of children aged 2 – 12 years old to:

Understand what positive discipline means and how to set clear boundaries that children respect and learn to appreciate

Use conflict as a tool to improve relationships

Use tips and hints on different discipline techniques

Positive Parenting $25 / $15 conc – 17 Mar 6 – 9pm

A 3 hour seminar that will assist parents of children aged 3 - 8 years old to:

Know and acknowledge each child as an individual

Understand the power of focusing on what children are doing well

Deal with what children do that is not working for themselves or others

Making Stepfamilies Work – 3 hour seminar (for couples) $50 / $30 conc (per couple) – 3 Mar 6 – 9pm

A 3 hour seminar that will assist couples in the process of forming a stepfamily or those already living in a stepfamily to:

Encourage an awareness of the need to forge new ways of being in a stepfamily

Develop strategies for coping with difficult stepfamily dynamics and relationships

Accept each individual’s current and prior situation no matter how complex or difficult these are

Phone 8882 7850 Bookings essential

Mention Castle Hill high School and for each

referral, $2.00 will be given to the school from

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