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  • 8/13/2019 Dr.ingrid English 3


    The Correlation Between Depression

    and Insomnia

    Written By :




    JAKARTA, JUNE 2011

  • 8/13/2019 Dr.ingrid English 3




    Depression classifications include major depressive disorder (MDD), depression with

    melancholic or catatonic features, atypical depression, and seasonal affective disorder

    (SAD). In the primary care setting, where many of these patients first seek treatment,

    the presenting complaints often can be somatic, such as fatigue, headache, abdominal

    distress, or change in weight. (1)

    The depressive syndrome is frequently accompanied by a group of vegetative

    symptoms, such as decreased appetite or insomnia. Decreased appetite often leads to

    some weight loss, although some depressed persons will force themselves to eat

    despite decreased appetite, or they may be urged to eat by a parent or spouse so that

    the weight loss is minimal. Less frequently, depression expresses itself as a desire to

    eat excessively and is accompanied by weight gain. (2)

    Insomnia may be initial, middle, or terminal. Initial insomnia means that the patient

    has difficulty faliing asleep, often tossing or turning for several hours before dozing

    off. Middle insomnia refers to awakening in the middle of the night, remaining awake

    for an hour or two, and finally falling asleep again. Terminal insomnia refers to

    awakening early in the morning and being unable to return to sleep.

    Patients with insomnia will often worry and ruminate while they are lying awake.

    Patients who have terminal insomnia may have more severe depressive syndromes.

    Depressed patients also may complain of restless sleep, indicating that they have

    awakened so frequently throughout the night that they scarcely got any sleep at all. (2)

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    A number of long-term demographic studies have indicated that there is alongitudinal relationship between insomnia and depression. For example, one study

    showed that current insomnia carry a high likelihood of developing depression in the

    future. National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) Epidemiological Catchment Area

    Study results, noted that, over a 1-year period, individuals who had no evidence of

    psychiatric conditions other than insomnia at study outset were much more likely to

    develop new major depression after 1 year when the insomnia persisted compared

    with those in whom it resolved. These and similar studies have supported theories of a

    causal link between insomnia and major depression, a link in the direction of the

    former to the latter. Such theories have been supported by the high comorbidity of the

    2 conditions and shared neurophysiological findings, such as cerebral cortical


    The existence of a causal link between insomnia and depression raises the

    intriguing question of whether effective management of insomnia could offer an

    opportunity to prevent the future emergence of depressive disorders. Indeed, the

    available data suggest that alternative explanations can also be made regarding the

    link between insomnia and depression. For example, one of the longitudinal studies

    cited above also shows that current insomnia enhances the risk not only for future

    depression, but also for substance abuse and anxiety disorders. Another also indicates

    that hypersomnia is even a stronger predictor of future depression than insomnia. (3)

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    Chapter 1


    Major depressive disorder is a common disorder, with a lifetime prevalence of

    about 15 percent, perhaps as high as 25 percent for women. The incidence of major

    depressive disorder is 10 percent in primary care patients and 15 percent in medical

    inpatients. (4)

    Common Causes of Depression(5)

    If you're depressed, it might not be easy to figure out why. In most cases,

    depression doesn't have a single cause. Instead, it results from a mix of things. Here

    are a few of the things that can play a role in depression :

    Biology. Studies show that certain parts of the brain don't seem to be

    working normally. Depression might also be affected by changes in the

    levels of certain chemicals in the brain, called neurotransmitters.

    Genetics. Researchers know that if depression runs in your family, you have

    a higher chance of becoming depressed.

    Gender. Studies show that women are about twice as likely as men to

    become depressed. The hormonal changes that women go through at

    different times of their lives may be a factor.

    Age. People who are elderly are at higher risk of depression. That can be

    compounded by other factors (example : living alone and having a lack of

    social support).

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    Health conditions. Conditions such as cancer, heart disease, thyroid

    problems, chronic pain, and many others increase your risk of becoming


    Changes and stressful events. It's not surprising that people might become

    depressed during stressful times (such as during a divorce or while caring for

    a sick relative) can sometimes trigger depression.

    Medications and substances. Many prescription drugs can cause symptoms

    of depression. Alcohol or substance abuse is common in depressed people. It

    often makes their condition worse.

    Physical Examination (6)

    No physical findings are specific to major depressive disorder; instead, the

    diagnosis is based on the history and the Mental Status Examination. Nevertheless, a

    complete mental health evaluation should always include a medical evaluation to rule

    out organic conditions that might imitate a depressive disorder.

    Appearance and affect (6)

    Most patients with major depressive disorder present to their physician with a

    normal appearance. In patients with more severe symptoms, a decline in grooming

    and hygiene can be observed, as well as a change in weight. Patients may show

    psychomotor retardation, which manifests as a slowing or loss of spontaneous

    movement and reactivity, as well as demonstrate a flattening or loss of reactivity in

    the patient's affect. Psychomotor agitation or restlessness can also be observed in

    some patients with major depressive disorder.
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    Major Depressive Episode (6)

    Criteria for the diagnosis of major depressive episode are laid out in the Diagnostic

    and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, Text Revision (DSM-IV-

    TR). A major depressive episode is defined as a syndrome in which at least 5 of the

    following symptoms have been present during the same 2-week period :

    Depressed mood (For children and adolescents, this can also be an irritable


    Diminished interest or loss of pleasure in almost all activities (anhedonia)

    Significant weight change or appetite disturbance (For children, this can be

    failure to achieve expected weight gain.)

    Sleep disturbance (insomnia or hypersomnia)

    Psychomotor agitation or retardation

    Fatigue or loss of energy

    Feelings of worthlessness

    Diminished ability to think or concentrate; indecisiveness

    Recurrent thoughts of death, suicidal

    A pattern of long-standing interpersonal rejection ideation, suicide attempt,

    or specific plan for suicide.

    Depressive disorders can be rated as mild, moderate, or severe. The disorder

    can also occur with or without psychotic symptoms, which can be mood congruent or

    incongruent. Depressive disorders can be determined to be in full or partial remission.

    When an episode lasts longer than 2 consecutive years, the depression should be

    diagnosed as chronic.

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    Chapter 2


    Insomnia is a sleep disorder that is characterized by difficulty falling and/or

    staying asleep. People with insomnia have one or more of the following symptoms: (7)

    Difficulty falling asleep

    Waking up often during the night and having trouble going back to sleep

    Waking up too early in the morning

    Feeling tired upon wakin g

    Causes of Insomnia (7)

    Significant life stress (job loss or change, death of a loved one, divorce,



    Emotional or physical discomfort.

    Environmental factors like noise, light, or extreme temperatures (hot or

    cold) that interfere with sleep.

    Some medications (for example those used to treat colds, allergies,

    depression ,high blood pressure, and asthma) may interfere with sleep. Interferences in normal sleep schedule (jet lag or switching from a day to

    night shift, for example).

    Physical Examination (8)

    The physical examination may be helpful because findings may offer clues to

    underlying medical disorders that predispose the patient to insomnia.
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    If the history suggests sleep apnea, perform a careful head and neck

    examination. Common anatomic features associated with obstructive sleep

    apnea/hypopnea syndrome include the following:

    Large neck size (18 inches or greater in males)

    Enlarged tonsils

    Mallampati airway score of 3 or 4.

    Low-lying soft palate, particularly in patients with hypertension or cardiac


    Other features include enlarged tongue, retrognathia, micrognathia, or a steep

    mandibular angle. An elevated body mass index (BMI) of 30 kg/m 2 or higher is also


    If the patient reports symptoms of restless legs syndrome or any other

    neurologic disorder, perform a careful neurologic examination.

    If the patient reports daytime symptoms consistent with any of the medical

    causes of insomnia, a careful examination of the affected organ system (eg, lungs in

    chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) may be helpful.

    Diagnosing Insomnia (7)

    If you think you have insomnia, talk to your health care provider. An

    evaluation may include a physical exam, a medical history, and a sleep history. You

    may be asked to keep a sleep diary for a week or two, keeping track of your sleep

    patterns and how you feel during the day. Your health care provider may want to

    interview your bed partner about the quantity and quality of your sleep. In some

    cases, you may be referred to a sleep center for special tests.
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    Chapter 3

    Depression and Insomnia

    Most chronic psychiatric disorders are associated with sleep disturbances.

    Depression is most commonly associated with early morning awakenings and an

    inability to fall back asleep. Conversely, studies have also demonstrated that insomnia

    can lead to depression: insomnia of more than 1-year duration is associated with an

    increased risk of depression. (9)

    Insomnia and depression often go hand-in-hand. Although just 15% of people

    with depression sleep too much, as many as 80% have trouble falling asleep or

    staying asleep. Patients with persistent insomnia are more than three times more likely

    to develop depression.

    The relationship between insomnia and depression is far from simple,

    however. Until recently, insomnia was typically seen as a symptom of depression, but

    new research shows that insomnia is not just a symptom of depression. Insomnia and

    depression are two distinct but overlapping disorders. Research shows that by treating

    both simultaneously, doctors have a better shot at improving a patients sleep quality,

    mood, and overall quality of life. (10)

    It can be difficult to distinguish between the occurrence of primary insomnia

    or insomnia as a symptom of an underlying psychiatric disorder. Insomnia has been

    demonstrated to be a risk factor for major depressive disorder (MDD), dysthymic

    disorder, and bipolar disorder. One sleep survey found that more than 40% of patients

    reported symptoms of insomnia before the development of a mood disorder. Another

    study found that unresolved insomnia increases the odds of developing a new

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    psychiatric disorder over the course of 1 year. Some evidence has demonstrated that

    treating the underlying symptoms of insomnia may provide beneficial effects toward

    reducing or preventing depression. Thus, it is tempting to predict that aggressive

    treatment of insomnia could, in some cases, help prevent the occurrence of depressive

    disorders. However, this would require additional study because other data have

    suggested that the use of hypnotics themselves may contribute to the incidence of

    insomnia. (11)

    Can Insomnia Trigger Depression? (10)

    Its easy to understand how insomnia might be linked to depression. Chronic

    sleep loss can lead to a loss of pleasure in life, one of the hallmarks of depression,

    explains Stanford University research psychologist Tracy Kuo, PhD. When people

    cant sleep , they often become anxious about not sleeping. Anxiety increases the

    potential for becoming depressed.

    Indeed, recent findings show that insomnia often shows up before a bout of

    depression strikes, serving as a useful warning sign. A worsening of insomnia can

    also signal depression.

    But the relationship is far more than simply cause and effect. When depressed

    people suffer from insomnia, their risk of recurring depression is greater than that of

    pat ients who dont have insomnia. So, insomnia may serve as a trigger for depression,

    but it also appears to perpetuate depression.

    How Insomnia Treatment Can Ease Depression (10)

    The latest findings have helped improve treatment strategies. Evidence shows

    that treating sleep problems can ease depressive symptoms and may even prevent

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    relapses. In one study, 56 people who suffered both depression and insomnia received

    psychotherapy for their sleep problems alone. The symptoms of depression eased in

    more than half of the people, even though their treatment had not targeted depression.

    Another study, with 545 patients, found that depressed patients with insomnia

    who were treated with both an antidepressant and a sleep medication fared better than

    those treated only with antidepressants. The people treated for both insomnia and

    depression slept better and their depression scores improved significantly more than

    patients on antidepressants alone.

    Both of these studies offer strong evidence for why its so important to treat

    insomnia, whether its associated with depressi on, chronic pain, cancer, or other co-

    existing disorders, Perlis tells WebMD.

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    A complex relationship exists between insomnia and depressive disorders.

    Increased emphasis should be placed on treating insomnia in depression because it is

    a risk factor for depression. Insomnia also plays an important role in the course and

    severity of the depressive episode, and persistent insomnia is a risk factor for

    depressive relapse. Treatment strategies should address both depressive symptoms

    and insomnia and should consider use of both pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic


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    Halverson JL. Background of Depression. Available at Accessed on June 12 th


    2. Andreasen NC, Black DW. Introductory Textbook of Psychiatry. 3 rd edition.

    London : American Psychiatric Publishing ; 2001. p 272-4.

    3. Doghramji K. Insomnia and Depression. Available at accessed on June 14 th 2011.

    4. Sadock BJ, Sadock VA. Synopsos of Psychiatry. 9 th edition. USA : Lippincott

    Williams and Wilkins ; 2002. p 534.

    5. Chang L. Common Causes of Depression.

    causes. accessed on June 12 th 2011.

    6. Halverson JL. Depression Clinical Presentation. Available at Accessed on

    June 12 th 2011.

    7. Chanin LR. An Overview of Insomnia. Available at

    accessed on 18 th June 2011.

    8. Benbadis SR. Insomnia Clinical Presentation. Available at accessed on 19 th 2011.

    Accessed on June 20 th 2011.
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    9. Benbadis SR. Insomnia Due to Mental Disorder. Available at Accessed on

    June 20 th 2011.

    10. Jaret P. Depression and Insomnia. Available at Accessed on June 20 th


    11. McCall WP. Exploring the Relationship Between Insomnia and Depression

    Insomnia as a Precursor of Depression. Available at Accessed on June 2o th 2011.

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