
Drug Administration Errors in Anesthesia:

A Review

D. John Doyle MD, PhD, FRCPC

Pema T. Tulotsang BSc

Revision 1.1 DRAFT NOTES Refer to file drug review ww 8g2.doc for color scheme for references and additional information

May 12, 2004

Department of General Anesthesiology Cleveland Clinic Foundation 9500 Euclid Avenue E31 Cleveland, Ohio, USA 44195 Email [email protected] Tel 216-444-1927 Fax 216-444-9247

KEYWORDS Drug administration errors, error prevention, medical ergonomics, human factors in medicine, risk management

53 Pages



Drug administration errors have been an increasing focus of concern in

anesthesiology. These errors usually pertain to the type of drug administered, the drug

dosage, the rate of administration or the site of administration. Past studies have

attempted to identify and understand the underlying etiology of these common forms of

errors, so as to avert its often serious and sometimes fatal consequences. These

studies have focused on errors relating to the administrator's theoretical knowledge,

clinical experience, individual technique and other such related factors. This growing

body of research has proven invaluable, not only by addressing the preventability of

drug errors by clinicians, but also in leading constructive efforts to minimize their

repeated occurrence. This article attempts to highlight the current understanding of

drug administration error in clinical anesthesia and discusses the risk management

techniques that may be of value in dealing with this problem.



Error is an inevitable aspect of all human endeavor, but in medicine, and

especially in the field of anesthesia, it can take on life or death consequences.1-3 The

overall rate of critical incidents in anesthesia is cited at less than 1% of all reported

cases. However, 50% to 80% of these preventable 'critical incidents' are due primarily

to human error, with nearly 7% resulting in otherwise avoidable, "substantive negative


One of the most serious type of errors, comprising a significant subset of these

events, involves drug administration.5 Approximately 15% of all anesthetic critical

incidents involve drug administration errors, which can include administration of the

wrong drug, the wrong dosage, the wrong route, an incorrect speed of delivery or any

combination of these.5

Past reports analyzing various aspects of these drug incidents, including error

etiology and future prevention, have been published.4,5 Nevertheless, numerous

incidents of otherwise preventable drug errors continue to occur. This article attempts

to summarize the current understanding of drug errors in anesthesia as an aid to clinical

risk management.


Drug Administration Errors

'Error' has been defined as "a planned sequence of mental or physical activities

which fails to result in an intended outcome" 6. In this review, 'drug errors' in anesthesia

are addressed specifically in the context of the following four categories: wrong drug,

wrong route, drug overdose, and drug rate.

Wrong Drug

This is the most pervasive type of drug administration error, whereby a drug

other than the one intended is administered to the patient. In one survey, 30% of

anesthesiologists admitted to having made this type of error at least once in their

career.7 According to one report, wrong drug errors constituted approximately 60%8 of

all drug administration errors and in another study, these were responsible for nearly

8% of all reported anesthetic critical incidents.9

Anesthetics most frequently implicated in “wrong drug” errors were non-

depolarizing relaxants followed by opioids, succinylcholine (suxamethonium), and local

anesthetics. Table 1 lists the anesthetic drugs most commonly “intended” for

administration, while Table 2 lists those most often incorrectly “selected” instead.9

The primary source of wrong drug incidents are generally "syringe swaps" or

ampule errors, both of which refer to the accidental interchanging of the intended

container with another, resulting in the wrong drug being administered. Syringe swaps


occur more frequently than do ampule errors, and they are the underlying factor of at

least 46% of wrong drug incidents.9 By contrast, ampule errors constitute only 25% of

these cases.9 Table 3 lists some syringe and ampule errors in anesthesia.

In both instances, over half of the drug errors involved ampules or syringes of

similar size, label and/or color. This occurs despite the fact that, in nearly two-thirds of

the syringe swaps, the syringe or ampule was correctly labeled and, thus, readily


Other contributing factors cited in wrong drug incidents include errors involving

drug location, labeling, assisting personnel and equipment use. In the study done by

the Australian Incident Monitoring Study (AIMS), 'fatigue' was a major factor in 10% of

reported wrong drug cases, while 'inattention' was cited nearly 50% of the time.

Fortunately, none of the 144 reported drug error incidents resulted in serious long-term


Wrong Route

Critical incidents involving the administration of an anesthetic drug via an

incorrect route are sometimes a result of risks inherent to a particular procedure. For

example, the incidence rate of inadvertent dural puncture during epidural analgesia is

cited at one in 100 (although inversely proportional to experience of the

anesthesiologist).10 Alternately, migration of an epidural catheter into the subarachnoid


space may sometimes occur. In such cases, the drugs believed to be administered in

the epidural space may end up in the subarachnoid space.

A quite different situation exists when drugs normally given intravenously (IV) are

given via the wrong route. For example, Stedmon and Hammond11 documented a case

of midazolam and fentanyl being accidentally infused through the epidural route. In

1987, Chong and Davis reported a case of intra-arterial injection of propofol.12

In comparison, the number of documented cases involving an inappropriately

chosen route, using either an intended or unintended drug, is much fewer.

Drug Overdose

The administration of an unintended dose of drug is a relatively common error in

clinical anesthesia. These errors can include large doses of the intended drug or, in

some instances, be compounded by errors in drug selection.13 Such errors are

sometimes a direct result of arithmetic mistakes in dilution.

Confusion between preparations of varying concentrations commonly occur

despite the warnings and markings prominently displayed on drug labels and

packages.14 An example of such an incident was cited by Edgren and colleagues 15 in

1986. This incident involved a mix-up between a 5% dextrose solution with lidocaine

hydrochloride, which resulted in the IV delivery of 1200 mg of lidocaine over a one-hour


period. Although the patient was only 6-years old and fatal outcomes in adult patients

administered similar dosages have been previously documented, the child recovered

fully without sequelae.

However, in the Cooper et al. 4 study, which examined over 1000 preventable

critical incidents across 4 hospitals, approximately 20% of the cases classified as

'substantive negative outcomes' were associated with drug overdose.

Drug Rate

The speed of anesthetic injection can become a serious concern when it involves

drugs such as vancomycin or ritodrin, which dictate a specific rate of administration

(Table 4). This instant flooding of the circulation by toxic drug doses can produce

serious, if not fatal, consequences.

For instance, in 1983, Chalmers 16 reported the inadvertent administration of

etomidate at a rate of 250 mg over 45 minutes, rather than the prescribed 35 mg/hr, or a

tenfold increase in the intended rate. Patient death resulted within the following week,

succumbing to a deteriorating cardiac condition. This case is representative of other

incidents of incorrect rates of drug administration, usually resulting from misuse of

anesthetic devices. Other cases result from problems with drug labeling or other causes

17, 18, 19


Risk Management

Drug error usually remains undetected until the patient manifests unexpected

physiological reactions or, in fewer cases, fails to exhibit an expected result.9 Either of

these situations can signal to the anesthesiologist that a procedural error has occurred.

Ideally, this event will initiate a series of steps to successfully manage and resolve the


Comprehensive procedural outlines governing anesthetic risk management are

an essential aspect to reducing drug error. As discussed in previous reports, once the

mistake has been recognized, action should be directed to reducing or reversing drug

toxicity to maximize patient safety. Fortunately, most drug errors are quickly detected

and successfully reversed.20

Second, an immediate investigation into the incident is necessary so as to

identify the primary source of drug error (e.g., ampule swap), thereby reducing the

likelihood of another similar occurrence.

Third, all drug error incidents, whether major or minor, should be reported to the

relevant parties. These parties may include hospital risk management officers as well

as various national agencies. Regretfully, there are strong incentives against such

reporting, particularly when anonymous reporting is not available.


International forums, such as the Critical Incident Reporting System (CIRS) in

Switzerland and the Australian Incident Monitoring Study (AIMS), both distribute and

collect critical incident reports. They guarantee a maximal degree of anonymity and

medico-legal safety, a situation that tends to elicit very honest and detailed accounts

from anesthesiologists. These reporting systems provide insight into contextual details

and contributing factors to critical incidents, thus guiding correcting strategies to curb

such future occurrences 9 INTERNET These reporting systems are universally applicable

and in fact, often draw parallels between common anesthesia-related errors across the

world. For example, the first 2000 reports collected from Australia and New Zealand in

the AIMS study shared some similarity with the pattern, nature and proportion of

incident reports found in the United States “closed-claims” studies. 9 INTERNET

In Canada, it is recommended that incidents associated with drug labeling be

directed to The Canadian Society of Hospital Pharmacists (CSHP), as well as the

Canadian Drug Manufacturers Association (CDMA). 21

In the United States, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) oversees both

drug experience and drug quality reporting systems, which monitor adverse events

resulting from drug labeling, packaging and other related factors.

Specific factors often implicated include similarity between drug packages and

drug names. These reporting systems are invaluable not only in alerting manufacturers


and health care workers of error-prone situations, but also in implementing the

necessary changes to reduce their future occurrence. 22

Preventive Measures

Lack of experience was one of the most commonly cited factors in anesthesia

critical incidents, reflecting the need for greater and improved instructional training of

anesthetic administrators. This is most relevant to residents, whose "sudden

immersion" into the often stressful environment of the operating room (OR) may

possibly increase their susceptibility to error.4

For instance, a survey conducted by Cooper et al. 13 reported that over 50% of

the mistakes made by staff anesthesiologists during their careers had occurred while

they were residents. These figures suggest that closer supervision of residents and

stricter adherence to standard protocol could minimize these sources of error. Similarly,

past studies have consistently emphasized the need for "meticulous attention" during

anesthetic administration. 21

Another preventive strategy includes the standardization of drug arrangements in

the anesthesia workplace so as to avoid placing similar sized and shaped drug

ampules, syringes and other items close together on the anesthetic cart.23 Some even

researchers suggest changing suppliers, if need be, to obtain different labels and

reduce the likelihood of drug confusion. 21


Ideally, analysis within individual anesthesia departments must be undertaken to

properly identify frequently implicated sources of anesthetic errors in that environment.

Only then can effective safety measures be implemented to minimize drug error


These and other preventive strategies were recommended and discussed in the

"wrong drug" study conducted by the Australia Incident Monitoring Study (AIMS).9

Although most outcomes involving drug errors are uneventful, those few cases of

otherwise avoidable long-term complications, or even death, clearly stress the

importance of drug error reduction. One such incident involves the epidural injection of

15 ml of 15% potassium chloride, when the latter was mistaken for 'distilled water' and

used as a diluent for bupivacaine. The patient's physiological reaction was immediate

and severe, resulting in permanent paraplegia and then death six months later. 24

Drug Labeling

The issue of drug labeling has been a source of continuous contention in

anesthesiology. Currently in North America, there is no single standardized system for

the distinctive labeling of anesthetic drugs. Only basic packaging and identification

guidelines exist which, in Canada, are set by the Canadian Society of Hospital

Pharmacists,21 while other agencies, such as The Health Protection Branch (HPB),

regulate the manufacturing and marketing of these drugs.25


Similarly, the FDA and its subsidiary, the Center for Drug Evaluation and

Research (CDER) is responsible for the regulation requirements and final approval of

drug labels in the United States. 26 However, the FDA is currently leading an

international project that aims to harmonize drug approval standards across


The increased focus on improving basic drug regulatory standards have left

many practitioners to call for a global drug identification system, that could facilitate the

ease and consistency of drug recognition. 28,29 For example, the color coding of

anesthetic agents into broad categories, such as induction agents, tranquilizers, muscle

relaxants, etc., would not only aid in proper drug recognition, but also provide greater

opportunities to identify improper drug selections made prior to administration.7

This last point is most pertinent to wrong drug incidents, where there is an 81%

probability that an incorrect drug will be administered, once accidentally selected by the

anesthesiologist.9 More precisely, when an ampule is inappropriately selected, the

likelihood of administering it is only 58%, but in the case of a syringe, the probability

jumps to 93%.9

Thus, the concerns expressed over similarity of drug labels is a valid one, a

situation that could greatly profit from the availability of these secondary cues.


This point is demonstrated in one ”wrong drug” incident involving the interchange

of similarly labeled ointments of lidocaine (5%), and nitroglycerin (2%), both of which

were manufactured by the same pharmaceutical company. The department involved

had commonly used lidocaine as a lubricant for endotracheal tubes and would have

overlooked the drug error if not for the peculiar color of the applied ointment. This

situation prompted a rechecking of the drug label and thus prevented yet another

anesthetic “mishap”.30

The value of a drug color-coding system becomes increasingly apparent, as

more anesthesiologists admit to relying on ampule appearance to distinguish drugs. As

one editorial summarized, "when such a number of different ampules are available,

primary selection of the one required is often by the overall appearance of the ampule,

its size and shape, color, style of lettering, length of wording etc. - all taken in at a

glance by a sort of mental shorthand developed from frequent use."7 This above

statement is clearly reflected in the fact that at least half of all ampule and syringe errors

in 'wrong drug' incidents are primarily description errors (Table 5).6

Apart from color-coding, some recent recommendations to improve drug labeling

have included painting the ampule tips red for drugs which are exceptionally dangerous

if administered at an incorrect rate.7 Others suggest that pharmaceutical companies that

also supply to other countries print only the generic names on drug labels, as common

names can vary across borders and lead to drug errors. 31 With the emergence of


similarly spelled drugs, suggestions such as capitalizing the initial dissimilar syllables to

enhance recognition have been proposed (Table 6).28

The lack of progress toward standardizing drug labels and packages in Canada

is due largely to "the lack of convincing evidence" demonstrating the need for such a

system.32 This point emphasizes the importance of reporting all anesthetic incidents, if

change is to occur.

Critics also have referred to the complexity of formulating and implementing

such a nationally accepted system. However, supporters counter that plausible

frameworks already exist. These include the (CSA) Standard for User Applied Drug

Labels in Anesthesia and Critical Care for syringes, the color codes currently applied to

gas cylinders, or even the user-applied color-coding system for anesthetic drugs

developed by the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM).29 Of special note

is an ASTM drug standard that calls for black “tops” with white lettering indicating that

dilution is required for all vials containing drugs that must be diluted prior to


Nevertheless, studies citing increases in drug errors with the color-coding

system, have fueled beliefs that 'complexity breeds mistakes' 33 - through encouraging

reliance on descriptive drug features, while detracting from the careful reading of drug

labels. Conversely, some practitioners argue, the use of plain, identical labels would

"necessitate the careful reading of the drug".21 Also, some clinicians believe that


standardized color-coding per drug category might make it harder to distinguish different

drugs in the same category. Regretfully, to date there are no data to show that color-

coding or similar standardization schemes actually reduce drug errors. Thus, as the

current controversy over the role of drug labels in risk management persists, vigilance

will always be "the foundation of sound anesthetic practice". 34

As one editorial comment affirms, "There is firm evidence that a considerable

reduction in the incidence of avoidable mortality and severe morbidity could be achieved

by the simple expedient of increased vigilance by individual anesthetists...There is a

failure to appreciate the importance of minute-to-minute observations of the 'whole'

patient...In all these cases the tragedy could have been avoided if constant vigilance

had been exercised." 35

The need for increased vigilance cannot be overstated. Whether additional

safety measures such as drug labeling systems are introduced or not, 'scrupulous

cross-checking' of the drug name, concentration and expiration date remains the most

obvious means of reducing drug error. 36 Any other cues the anesthesiologist relies on

can serve only to complement, not substitute, this basic drug identification procedure.

The foregoing notwithstanding, vigilance can never be perfect, and it may be unrealistic

to deal with drug errors by demanding that clinicians simply be “more careful”.


Error Etiology

Anesthetic administration incidents can result from any of the following four broad

categories of error classification drawn from Rasmussen’s model of human cognition

(“skills-rules-knowledge” model ) 37

The first form of incident includes "skill-based errors", to which even the most

experienced anesthesiologists are prone, as they often occur during highly routine

procedures.17, 37

Cited errors are reportedly precipitated by factors that include boredom, fatigue,

haste, increased workload and inattention,9 which can detract from the

anesthesiologist's ability to correctly read the drug label and more important, to properly

absorb that information, as well.

An incident reported in Britain illustrates the serious effects of drug label related

errors. During a routine dental sedation, a patient was inadvertently administered

adrenaline in place of atropine, despite the proper labeling of the drug ampule and its

double "verification" prior to injection. This seemingly minor oversight was not detected

quickly enough and patient death soon resulted.18 Classified as "technical errors",

these incidents refer to faulty execution of an otherwise correct plan or course of

action.6 They can result from the incorrect use of anesthetic devices or as mentioned

previously, be an associated risk factor of certain techniques and procedures.


The third category is "rule-based errors". Failure to apply a rule, such as

standard preparatory measures or routine checks, that are intended to reduce adverse

outcomes serves as an example.17, 37 To avoid these errors, adherence to protocol to

identify potential drug error sources, such as inaccurate or incomplete manufacturer

drug labels is stressed.18,19

Lastly, there are "knowledge-based errors", where the initial intention is itself

wrong, due to inadequate knowledge or experience.6, 37 Table 7 lists all of these various

types of error according to those factors most frequently cited in anesthetic critical

incident surveys.

This system of error classification has been applied in many anesthesia studies6 in its

capacity to identify underlying sources of human error. It provides a valuable source of

practical and directly relevant information when formulating preventive measures.

Modelling Human Cognition

An important contribution to our basic understanding of human error has been

Rasmussen’s model of human cognition, upon which the previous error categories are

based. The model has three distinct cognitive levels (“skills-rules-knowledge” model) 37

At the lowest, or skill-based level, behavior is unconscious, nonverbal, and automatic

(“a continuous time, feed-forward control system generating control signals apriori

based on an internal model”. Example: picking up a pen.


At the rule-based level, one step up in Rasmussen’s model, people use stored

(or pre-compiled) rules acquired with experience on the job. At this level, workers

recognize signs in the environment and the execute the rule associated with that sign.

Example: stopping at a stop sign when driving a car.

Rasmussen’s highest cognitive level involves knowledge-based behavior, and is

most suited when operating in unfamiliar environments where prior experience is

unavailable to provide a system of rules. Example: troubleshooting a new computer for

the first time.

Under Rasmussen’s “skills-rules-knowledge” model, human behavior moves

along this “ladder” as on-the-job experience increases. Early on, when one is placed in

an unfamiliar environment, problem-solving behavior will be at the knowledge level. As

experience is gained so that rules can be formed, the rules level takes over. In some

situations, further experience may lead to even further automation (skills level).

For each of the three cognitive levels, the way in which information and

environmental cues are perceived differs. Signals guide skill-based behavior, while

symbols apply to knowledge-based behavior. Signals supply time-space information

only, they have no meaning at higher levels, and they cannot be verbalized. Signs may

trigger rules (stop, start, etc.) or may indicate the state of system (valve open/closed)

but they do not express the functional relationships (e.g. the consequences of an open


valve). Finally, symbols refer to concepts that support analytical reasoning, such as

modeling the system to allow one to determine the consequences of an open valve.

What does all this have to do with avoiding drug errors? The answer lies in the

following. Rasmussen’s three levels of cognition can be grouped into two broader

categories: 1) analytical based behavior (knowledge-based behavior) and 2)

perceptual-based behavior (rule and skill based) 38 Such a categorization is important

because perceptual processing has important advantages over analytical based

behavior: analytical behavior is slow, demanding, and serial in nature whereas

perceptual behavior is fast, effortless, parallel, and less error-prone. Thus, the goal of

design should be to help people avoid situations requiring them to work at the

knowledge-based level, while supporting the use of analytical problem solving for use in

unfamiliar situations. Design guidelines that match the environment to the people

involved is known as Ecological Interface Design 38. A formal exploration of drug

ergonomics issues in the context of the Rasmussen model has not yet been

undertaken, but it would appear to have much to offer. As an example, the suggestion

that one should generally avoid working at the knowledge-based level and work

primarily at the perceptual level reinforces the notion that drug labels should include

signs (e.g., color, warning symbols) as well as information (e.g., drug name and

quantity). In this context, for instance, the suggestion sometimes made that all drug

labels should be uniform in style to force one to read them carefully amounts to making

one work more at the analytical level and less at the perceptual level.


Based on these and other considerations, Doyle 39 has offered the following ad

hoc approach to drug ergonomics:

Ten Ergonomic Principles in Drug Delivery

1. Labeling

Package labeling should be clear and unambiguous, with readable fonts and

sharp print contrast.

2. Warning

Special instructions or warnings should be highlighted and prominently displayed

on the packaging (e.g. drug may be sedating; please avoid heavy machinery).

3. Product Identifiability

All products should have a product code, lot number, expiration date and a

suggested route of administration. In addition, tablets should have unique

markings to allow for product recognition.

4. Generic Name

The generic (scientific) name of the drug should be prominently displayed on the

drug label.


5. Trade Name

The drug trade name, if displayed, should not be expected to result in drug


6. Dose

For tablets and other oral dosage forms, the dose of each tablet should be clearly

stated (but not necessarily as tablet markings). Tablets should be marked with a

unique identifier.

7. Concentration

Labels for drugs in liquid form should clearly indicate the concentration and


8. Strength

The strength of the product should have predominance over the number of units

in the package.

9. Safety

The drug packaging should not present a safety hazard to users (e.g. glass

ampules that disintegrate when opened).


10. Special Needs

Consider those patients with special needs: child-proof containers, help for

patients with limited vision, patients with arthritis.

In response to the Drug Ergonomic Principles given above, Rosen 40 made some

additional comments:

“Perhaps the most useful recommendation is to include the generic name,

perhaps in abbreviated form, as well as the strength, on each tablet or capsule.

This would be useful because many patients transfer medications to different

containers. There are few more frustrating times in my office than those involving

a new elderly patient with a pill-dispenser filled with pills and capsules of every

size, shape and colour.”

To deal with this and similar identification problems, Doyle 41 has suggested that a

multicharacter code might be used to identify drug products. For example, a three

character code could uniquely code over 50,000 different products, and might be used

for tablets, while four or five character codes allow for millions of more choices. A novel

feature of this proposal is that Internet Web technology would service users inquiring

about a drug from its code (sometimes referred to as “license plates” for drugs).

Similarly, companies wishing to register new products would go to a related but highly

secure Web site to pick a new code from the available pool and enter product


registration data (dosage form, generic name, brand name, strength etc.) to complete

the entries for that product in the computer database.


With the increasing array of anesthetic agents on the market, their growing

clinical versatility and new delivery techniques, the risk of drug administration error also

similarly increases. Hence, anesthesiologists must be made sensitive to the underlying

source and likelihood of these errors, as well as to factors which can minimize their


Ultimately, the anesthesiologist has the responsibility to ensure the safety of

his/her patient and to guarantee, that in all cases, the correct drug and correct dosage is

being properly administered. The above notwithstanding, the need for research and

regulations directed at the drug error problem remains strong.


GLOSSARY American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM): Sets standards for User Applied

Drug Labels in Anesthesiology according to class of drug. The types of color codes

used include induction agents - yellow, opioids - blue, neuromuscular relaxants - red,

tranquilizers - orange, anticholinergics - green. Web page:

Canadian Adverse Drug Reaction Programmes: Collects reports pertaining to adverse

drug reactions.

Canadian Drug Manufacturers Association (CDMA): Collects reports pertaining to errors

resulting from drug packaging.

Canadian Drug Manufacturers Association

Suite 606, 4120 Yonge St.

North York, Ontario


Canadian Society of Hospital Pharmacists (CSHP): Responsible for drug packaging

standards in Canada. Also collects reports pertaining to errors resulting from drug


Canadian Society of Hospital Pharmacists

Suite 350, 1145 Hunt Club Road,


Ottawa, Ontario


Canadian Standards Association (CSA): Similar to the ASTM, this agency formulates

the Standard for User Applied Drug Labels in Anesthesia and Critical Care for

anesthesia drug syringe labels in Canada. It specifies design requirements for size,

color, pattern, shape and typeface used on labels applied to unlabeled syringes filled by

the user. Web address:

Critical Incident/Mishap: An incident or mistake that could be harmful or potentially

harmful to the patient during management of anesthesia. Its outcome can range from

increased length of hospital stay to death.

Error: A 'flawed' plan or action which deviates from the ideal. When a planned

sequence of mental or physical activities fails to result in an intended outcome.

Food and Drug Administration (FDA): The United States federal agency whose function

includes monitoring reports of adverse drug and issues associated with drug packaging.

For more information, visit the Web at

Hazard: A risk, peril or a source of danger.


Health Protection Branch of the Ministry of Health and Welfare Canada: Responsible for

approving drug packaging designs, in Canada, submitted by the PMA. For more

information visit the Canadian government health ministry on the Web at

Institute for Safe Medical Practices (ISMP): A nonprofit organization that provides the

clinical community with information about adverse drug event prevention techniques.

Special strengths include relationships with other clinical organizations and an excellent

educational outreach program. Web address

Knowledge-Based Errors: The result of formulating a wrong intention or plan due to

inadequate knowledge or experience.

MedWatch: The Medical Products Reporting Program of the U.S. Food and Drug

Administration (FDA). This program accepts reports from health professionals about

serious adverse events and product problems from drugs, medical devices, nutritional

products, etc. Reports can be made using a toll-free telephone number 1-800-FDA-

1088. Further information is available at their Web site:

Negligence: Failure to take proper care. Failure to prevent, recognize and treat

appropriately a well established hazard.

Pharmaceutical Manufacturers' Association (PMA): The agency responsible for

developing drug packaging designs in accordance with the criteria set by the CSHP. It


also addresses concerns regarding drug packaging and collects reports of drug errors

due to drug labels.

Pharmaceutical Manufacturers' Association

302-11 Prince of Wales Drive

Ottawa, Ontario K2C 3T2 CANADA

Rule-Based Errors: Failing to apply or misapplying a rule designed to avoid error or

minimize adverse outcome. This can often involve a lack of preoperative measures or

adherence to routine procedures such as equipment checks etc.

Skill-Based errors (includes slips): Errors to which skilled operators are particularly

prone. They are often a result of inattention, haste, fatigue, illness or other stress.

Slip: Temporary dissociation between two control modes for human action: the

automatic control mode and conscious control mode. Automatic control mode is fast

and efficient, drawing on habitual action sequences. Conscious control mode operates

in a novel situation, it is slow and effortful, and heavily dependent on limited cognitive


Substantive Negative Outcome (SNO): A critical incident that results in mortality,

cardiac arrest, cancelled operative procedure, extended stay in recovery room,

intensive care unit, or hospital.


Technical Errors: The incorrect execution of a technique that can result in an undesired

outcome or no outcome at all. This may be a result of deficiency of technical skill or

from poor human factors design in the equipment or apparatus involved.

Vigilance - The ability to sustain attention.


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Drugs most frequently involved in “wrong drug”

incidents - “intended” drugs

Drug # Incidents

Opioids 21

Nondepolarizing Relaxants 20

Succinylcholine (Suxamethonium) 10

Saline/Water 9

Local Anaesthetics 8

Vasopressors 8

Atropine only 7

Atropine/Neostigmine 6

Midazolam 6

Antibiotics 5

Hypotensive Agents 5

Thiopentone 3

Nil (including 11 volatile agents) 13

Others 23

Source: Currie M, Mackay P, Morgan C, Runciman WB, Russell WJ,

Sellen A, Webb RK, Williamson JA: The “wrong drug” problem in

anaesthesia: an analysis of 2000 incident reports. Anaesthesia

& Intensive Care 1993;21(5):596-601.



Drugs most frequently involved in

“wrong drug” incidents - “selected” drugs

Drug # Given

Nondepolarizing Relaxants 23

Succinylcholine (Suxamethonium) 15

Vasopressors 11

Volatile Anesthetic 14

Opioids 10

Local Anesthetics 5

Hypotensive agents 6

Atropine/neostigmine 6

Midazolam 5

Water/saline 3

Thiopentone 3

Others 14

Source: Currie M, Mackay P, Morgan C, Runciman WB, Russell WJ,

Sellen A, Webb RK, Williamson JA: The “wrong drug” problem in

anaesthesia: an analysis of 2000 incident reports. Anaesthesia

& Intensive Care 1993;21(5):596-601.



Syringe and Ampule Errors in Anesthesia

Category % of All “Wrong Drugs”


% of Category

Syringe Error 40 100

Same Size 20 52

Correctly labeled 24 63

Assisting personnel 11 29

Ampule Error 33 100

Similar ampule 18 54

Wrong location 8 23

Assisting personnel 5 15

Source: Currie M, Mackay P, Morgan C, Runciman WB, Russell WJ, Sellen A, Webb RK,

Williamson JA: The “wrong drug” problem in anaesthesia: an analysis of 2000

incident reports. Anaesthesia & Intensive Care 1993;21(5):596-601.


TABLE 4 Drugs which ordinarily should not be given by

bolus injection











Note: Does not include oncology drugs



Drugs which have been confused by anesthetists # incidents


Potassium chloride/calcium chloride 81

Water/aminophylline 2

Methlyprednisone/hydrocortisone 1

Pethidine/atropine 10

Ergometrine/atropine 3

Neostigmine/atropine 1

Calcium chloride/water 1

Curare/morphine 1

Vitamin K/neostigmine 1

Curare/suxamethonium 4

Alcuronium/neostigmine 2

Source: Smellie GD, Lees NW, Smith EM: Drug recognition by nurses and

anesthetists. Anaesthesia 1982;37(2):206-8.



A drug labeling scheme designed to facilitate recognition

Generic Name Propriety Name

ATRAcurium TRAcrium

DOXAcurium NUROmax

MIVAcurium MIVEcron

VECuronium NORcuron

PIPEcuronium ARDuan

PANcuronium PAVulon

Source: Rendell-Baker L: Reducing syringe swap errors.

Anesthesiology 1993;78(3):623.


TABLE 7 Factors associated with critical incidents

Inadequate total experience Inadequate familiarity with equipment/device Poor communication with team, lab, etc. Haste Inattention/carelessness Fatigue Excessive dependency on other personnel Failure to perform a normal check Training or experience - other factors Visual field restricted Mental or physical - other factors Inadequate familiarity with surgical procedure Distraction Poor labeling of controls, drugs, etc. Supervision - other factors Source: (modified from) Cooper JB, Newbower RS, Kitz RJ: An

analysis of major errors and equipment failures in anesthesia

management: considerations for prevention and detection.

Anesthesiology 1984;60:34-42.



(primary source of error)

TABLE 8(a) Wrong Drug Administration



1 Bupivacaine (.125%) Midazolam and Fentanyl epidural equipment misuse none11

1 Cinchocaine Gallamine intrathecal ampule swap none42

1 Contrast iodine 50 mg Lidocaine intravenous swap none43

1 Dextrose (5%) 1160 mg Lidocaine HCl intravenous drug swap none44

1 Distilled water 15 ml KCl (15%) epidural ampule swap paraplegia24

1 Dixidextracaine 2 ml Frusemide (40mg) intrathecal ampule swap none45

1 4-6ml/hr Fentanyl 1 g Aztreonam in 100ml D5W epidural misread label none46

1 1ml Fentanyl 1ml Sufentanyil axillary ampule swap none47

2 Glycopyrrolate Epinephrine intravenous ampule swap none21

1 Lidocaine (2%) 7mg Epinephrine (.1%) cervical swap none49

1 2ml Lidocaine (2%) 500 mcg Epinephrine (.01%) intravenous syringe swap none50

1 Lidocaine ointment (5%) Nitroglycerin ointment (2%) endotracheal

tubes similar label none


1 Lignocaine (.5%) Lignocaine (.5%) with

adrenaline (1:80000) intravenous swap none



1 Lignocaine (1%) with

adrenaline 15ml Thiopentone (2.5%) axillary route to

brachial plexus


syringe swap none52

1 30ml local anesthetic 15ml Thiopentol (2%) epidural syringe swap none53

1 10mg Metocurine 62.5mg Dobutamine intravenous similar labels none54

3 Nitrous oxide Carbon dioxide airway cylinder misfilled none55

2 Oxygen Carbon dioxide airway cylinder

mislabelled none


1 2ml Pancuronium

bromide (4mg) 2ml Hyperbaric (1%)

bupivacaine solution subarachnoid

space ampule swap none


1 Radiopaque 15ml Mepivacaine (300mg) intravenous - none58

1 50mg Ranitidine 50mg Ritrodrine intravenous ampule swap none59


TABLE 8(b) Route Administration Error




1 dorsal pedis artery intra-arterial no 2ml Ketamine (5%) equipment misuse60

194 epidural intravascular no epidural block associated risk61

1 epidural subarachnoid no 8ml Bupivacaine (.5%) associated risk62

1 extradural intrathecal no Bupivacaine (.375%) in

8ml of Dextran associated risk


1 extradural intrathecal no Bupivacaine (.5%)

in glucose (8%) associated risk


1 intravenous brachial artery no 4ml Propofol associated risk12

1 intravenous intra-arterial no 8ml Propofol (1%) equipment misuse65

1 intravenous radial artery no 150-175mg Thiopentol

(2.5%) associated risk


1 intravenous intra-arterial no 400mg Thiopentone

(2.5%) associated risk


1 subarachnoid intrathecal no 10ml of hypertonic

solution of Amidotrizoate associated risk


1 intra-arterial intravenous no 2mg Vecuronium equipment misuse69


TABLE 8(c) Dosage Error Administration



3 Atropine sulphate (.3mg/5ml) 1000X dispenser minor70

1 180 mg Bupivacaine (.5%) 2X dilution minor71

1 5mg Epinephrine (.05%) subcutaneous dilution none72

1 100 g Fentanyl 13X misread label none73

1 Etomidate 250 mg over 43 minutes 10X death due to


causes 16

1 5mg Hydromorphone 10X dilution none74

2 500mg Lidocaine 10X misread label none75

1 1g Lidocaine 20X assistant none76

1 1000mg Lidocaine 10X misread label none77

1 2g Lignocaine 10X syringe swap none14

4 15 mg Morphine 10X dilution none79

1 200mg Morphine 50X assistant none78


TABLE 8(d) Speed Error Administration



1 4mg Atracurium over 75 minutes 37mg over 75 minutes 10X equipment misuse80

1 2.5ml Epoprostenol/hour 50ml in less than an hour 20X faulty equipment81

1 50mg Morphine and 50mg

Midazolam in 50ml solution 50ml over 10 minutes 150X syringe misuse


1 1.5mg/hour of Vecuronium 37mg/hour 25X death 83





Drugs most frequently involved in “wrong drug” incidents - “intended” drugs


Drugs most frequently involved in “wrong drug” incidents - “selected” drugs


Syringe and ampule errors in anesthesia


Drugs which ordinarily should not be given by bolus injection


Drugs which have been confused by anesthetists


A drug labeling scheme designed to facilitate recognition


Factors associated with critical incidents


CASES OF DRUG ERROR IN ANESTHESIA (primary source of error)

TABLE 8(a) Wrong Drug Administration TABLE 8(b) Route Administration Error TABLE 8(c) Dosage Error Administration

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