
The risks should not be discounted. Emerging economies today are more fragile and volatile than in the recent past. Structural reforms imply the need to pay short-term costs for longer-term benefits. That is why economic growth in emerging markets must be cohesive and reduce inequality.Emerging Submarkets:Duck farming is considered to be the growing industry of the countrys economy but also plays a major source of white meat and protein for an average household.The main threat to the farming is the meat of chicken, ostrich and quail. Developing a taste is the first thing which matters a lot in capturing a submarkets potentials for our business. Emerging submarkets for duck meat is its introduction in fast food category like duck meat burger, duck wings and other products related to fast food category. On the other hand we can export the meat of duck to foreign countries and earn money. The main advantage that duck farming provides is that its each and every thing is useable, its feathers, its beak and meat. Feathers are used is making decoration products, jackets etc. On the other hand there skin is used in making of hand bags, wallets etc. There meat is full of nutrients so overall all of its products are capable to export and for that we can sign contract with different customers and export these raw material to them for making of these finish goods. Growth opportunities in Pakistan for duck farming and products related to it are very huge. After the taste is developed among our target customers the profit margin is also huge, because we are gaining a competitive edge by introducing duck meat products within our country. Distribution system is totally based on number of orders we are receiving and price is also different is selling duck meat to local customer and international customer due to tax and custom duties. Potential Market The User Gap:The potential size is there for duck farming, target market is there and submarkets is also there. Duck meat can be introduced in packets after purification process like K&Ns provide, though its a follower strategy but as per the customers are there so it will generate huge amount of profits. Duck egg is full of nutritions and it serves 4-5 people easily, more energetic them chicken egg. Duck meat is of less cholesterol and beneficial for heart patients. So there are the gaps that can be overcome by launching of duck meat and promote its farming. Its meat can also be exported and as the trend increases so in future the export of duck meat is almost same as the export of high class birds. Ducks can also be imported from foreign countries, like in Germany duck farming is a huge business so we can import excellent quality ducks for breeding and increase production of meat with enrich neutrinos. Forecasting Growth:Forecasting the growth of duck farming in Pakistan is totally based on the response coming from the customers side. As it is in the startup or initial stages in Pakistan so market is there to grow and produce further, but on the other hand threats of substitutes and taste that already developed by customers is not easy to change. So to overcome this thing submarkets like exporting duck meat and other products can provide us a profit margin to sustain and compete in domestic as well in international market. So this leads to the sales of duck meat and other products which can increase sale and revenue with the help of which we can analyze the forecasted demand and sales and no of orders in future we can get from our customers. Distribution System:As our business in its initial and start up stages so our distribution system is aligned in such a way that we can promote our core product at its best. For this we can come up with a customize data base of our sales and customers in which we keep a record of sales. With the help of this we can provide discount services for our those customers which order in bulk in this way our sales increase but we can earn very minimal profit in this case but side by side we are encouraging duck meat sales and promote our business as well. This system also help us in maintain a data base of our local and international buyers. Distribution to local customers is simply via road transportation or via online order booking services, and for international customers direct order placement service is there by which we can sign a cutation with them and provide them product fully packaged in 4-5 working days via cargo services like DHL etc. Key Success Factor:Duck meat is a very flavorful type of poultry. Most people do not cook duck meat at home, but it can be a delicious treat when eating out. Duck meat is a good source of protein, niacin, phosphorus, riboflavin, iron, zinc, vitamin B-6 and thiamine and smaller amounts of vitamin B-12, folate and magnesium. Duck meat is relatively high in fat and cholesterol, especially if you eat the skin.

Point of Differentiation:Following are the few point on the basic of which we can differentiate our product.

Cholesterol: A 3-ounce serving of cooked duck meat with the skin contains 70 milligrams of cholesterol, and a 3-ounce serving without the skin contains 75 milligrams. This is approximately 25 percent of the recommended limit of 300 milligrams of cholesterol per day for healthy adults. If you have heart disease or high cholesterol, limit your daily cholesterol intake to 200 milligrams per day. Saturated Fat in Duck Meat: Saturated fat consumption has a greater effect on your blood cholesterol levels than cholesterol intake. Limit your saturated fat intake to no more than 7 to 10 percent of your daily calories. Three ounces of cooked duck meat without the skin contains 4 grams of saturated fat, and 3 ounces of cooked duck meat with the skin contains 8 grams of saturated fat. For someone on a 2,000-calorie diet, this is 20 percent or 40 percent of the recommended saturated fat intake for the day, depending on which type of duck meat you consume. Limiting Effect on Cholesterol:If you are watching your cholesterol, choose duck meat that is prepared without a lot of added fat and limit yourself to no more than one serving of duck without skin per day. Avoid ordering crispy duck, as this is usually duck that is fried with the skin on. Baked, roasted or braised duck is a better choice than fried. Consume foods that are low in cholesterol and saturated fat for the rest of your meals on days when you consume duck.Technology and Production Systems Development:Technology and production systems improvement presented during the seminar includes the development of artificial insemination to improve production of mule ducks; establishment of nutrient requirements on ducks to facilitate the usage of completely formulated pelleted diet and to enlarge the scale of duck production; development of electric incubator to achieve a stable supply of healthy ducklings; research and development on duck meat and egg products to provide consumers with a variety of duck products and which is important in terms of sustainability of the duck industry; and further selection of economic traits of important breeds, germplasm preservation, biotechnology, processing of duck products, and alleviation of heat stress. Assistance and extension to the duck industry is always emphasized.Production systems have likewise been improved considerably through technologies and practices such as improving the farm's general layout, sanitation, biosecurity, husbandry and health practices; management practices and key performance index of duck breeders in closed and open houses; changes in choice of breeds, trends in housing system, and simple and natural management practices of duck farms; development and management of layer duck farming and marketing of duck eggs; and production performances of breeders.Government / Economic Trends:SMALL-SCALE DUCK PRODUCTION SUBSTANTIALLY CONTRIBUTES to household food security, helps diversify incomes, and serves as a renewable asset in many rural households in developing Asian countries. However, small-scale duck producers are constrained by poor access to appropriate technologies and information, as well as market and support services, which could otherwise translate into improved productivity, increased income, and sustainable duck production systems.Ducks easily adapt to various adverse environments, and are well resistant to a variety of animal diseases. They can grow well with locally available feeds and less manpower is needed to raise them even under meagerly equipped facility, so that even women and aged people are able to easily manage the production. However, small-scale producers are constrained by poor access to appropriate technologies and information, as well as markets and support services, which could otherwise substantially improve productivity and income generation.On the other hand, in many developing Asian countries ducks are still raised in traditional system of herding and scavenging, where ducks are mostly kept in small flocks by farmers as extra activities in between their crop farming routines, and are expected to produce eggs only as additional income to the farmers' households. Variability of production is still very high because of low performance and productivity under extensive and subsistence system.Under small-scale conditions, the main challenge is how to encourage farmers to shift toward a more intensive and efficient production system, and to help them overcome problems facing the duck industry such as low-quality breeding stocks, scarce and unpredictable quality of locally available feedstuff, source of quality day-old ducklings (DODs), lack of information on the nutrient requirement of ducks, high cost of commercial feeds, and limited space of herding.Technologies are then required for improving productivity and efficiency in intensive and commercial duck farming, especially in supplying good quality breeding stock with efficient feed utilization, and improved cultural practices. Duck farming has a great potential as a commercial entity for small-scale farmers, with the right program and policy support from the government and private enterprises.Future Prospects and RecommendationsThere are different scales and levels of duck production systems in the Asian region. In some developing economies, duck farms remain under traditional system with low productivity and practically no breeding farm. However, interest toward intensification is increasing in recent years due to changing technical, social and economic environments. Modern technologies are required to support more intensive farming system in order to be attractive to farmers. Development of commercial strains, feeding strategy, and institutional innovations must be intensified, and regulations and standards must be implemented toward the sustainability and competitiveness of small-scale duck production.In developing economies where small-scale production is prevalent, research and development and market and support services are critical to boost the economic importance of duck. Problems on quality breeders, high cost of feed inputs, threat of avian flu, and shrinking agricultural lands are the most immediate concerns needing attention from the government and the private sectors. Some development strategies to improve small-scale duck production include organizing farmers into cooperatives to facilitate efficient management and achieve economies of scale, technology diffusion, supply management, and improved production and market.The general trend will be towards organized and larger units and consolidation, especially in the area of duck meat and egg processing. Some issues and concerns toward this trend include intensive duck farm management monitoring, sanitation, surveillance, biosecurity and emergency response systems, and food safety and traceability, which should be addressed to cover the whole range of duck farming. Along with this expansion are changes in production systems such as choice of breeds, intensive cultural practices, and housing systems.

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