  1. 1. DUTIES AND RESPOSIBILITIES OF VARIOUS CATEGORIES OF NURSING PERSONNEL Presented By: Jafsi KP Second year Msc Nursing Al Shifa College of Nursing
  3. 3. ADMINISTRATOR Recruitment and retention of physicians Overseeing quality Improvement of processes for efficient delivery of patient care Setting standards Creating financial and business strategies Budgets
  4. 4. MANAGER Planning Gives directions Gives rewards fairly Nursing care of individuals, groups, families and communities Supervising and evaluates other nurses performance.
  5. 5. COUNSELOR Help new employees Take new employees round the hospital Show them different departments and explain their functioning Explains rules and regulations of hospital and of cafeteria Issue lockers and uniforms Introduce them to the administrator and medical superintend
  6. 6. Helps in reviewing training needs Improving better communication between employees and employers Helps in solving personal and official problems of employees External and internal stress, lack of training, difficulties in job, emotional deprivation can be tackled under employee counselling
  7. 7. Create a better harmonious hospital staff environment
  8. 8. Problems to be handled by the Counsellor 1. Emotional Problem 2. Behavioural Problem 3. Personal Problem 4. Environmental Problem 5. Organizational Problem
  9. 9. Emotional Problem fear, anger, and jealousy, which are harmful to the well-being and development of individual employee in hospital setting.
  10. 10. Personal Problems Housing, transportation, admission of children in schools etc.
  11. 11. Behavioural and Organisational problems Lack of group cohesiveness Role conflict feeling of inequality, role ambiguity, role over load, lack of supervisory support,
  12. 12. constraints of rules and regulations, job mismatch, inadequacy of role authority, absenteeism, job dissatisfaction, labour turnover and job stress
  13. 13. CHANGE AGENT Identifying the problem Assessing the clients motivations and capacities for change Determining alternatives Assessing resources Determining appropriate helping roles Establishing and maintaining a helping relationship Recognizing phases of the change process
  14. 14. RESEARCHER Participates in scientific investigation Helps develop knowledge about health and promotion of health over the full life span Care of person with health problems and disabilities
  15. 15. CASE MANAGER Coordinates the activities of other members of health care team (Nutritionists and physical therapist)
  16. 16. COLLABORATOR The nurse initiates nursing actions within the health team
  17. 17. HEALTH EDUCATORS Educating individuals and communities about behaviors that can prevent diseases, injuries, and other health problems Organize an event, such as a lecture, class, demonstration or health screening Plan programs that are consistent with the goals and objectives of their employers
  18. 18. ADVICER Act as advisor in Tech-Serve project on matters relating to hospital management improvement in provincial hospitals, based on previous experience. Contribute to the development of provincial hospital planning and facilitating the implementation of Standard Based Management in the Provincial Hospitals.
  19. 19. Technical assistance to EPHS workshops conducted at the provincial and central level as well as participate in visits to provincial hospitals for purposes of training Travel regularly to the provincial hospitals for the purpose of supporting, training, and monitoring the activities of the hospital leadership.
  20. 20. Act as a resource to provide models of best practice for hospital management through research, training, document translation, and any other means as needed. Participate in and sometimes leading quality assurance and performance improvement activities as required by the hospitals.
  21. 21. Collect statistical data as needed for the purposes of monitoring hospital performance and providing comparative information on hospital performance
  22. 22. ADVOCATOR Clarifying treatment and medical options. Gathering information. Asking specific questions. Note taking to make sure all the appropriate information received from caregivers is captured and retained.
  23. 23. IMPLEMENTER Implement all of the hospital policies should implement patient care according to the planning.
  24. 24. EVALUATOR Evaluate staff performance and give feedback about their work Helps the staff to improve their knowledge and practice
  26. 26. DUTIES OF NURSING SUPERINTENDENT Supervise nursing staff Oversee hiring and training Patient care Create work schedules Make disciplinary decisions Manage other departments
  28. 28. DUTIES OF WARD SISTER Clinical Activities Assesses the situation of given unit in relation to different types of patients care,facilities provided by the nursing personnel
  29. 29. Identifies the patients need/problem in the unit. Assigns the patients care and others activities to nursing personnel. Evaluates the patients care given by nurses. Attends Doctors round.
  30. 30. Checks and caries out and delegates Doctors instruction and order after round. Participates and refers the patient for rehabilitation therapy. Guides and conducts health education activities to client as required including MCH/FP ,disease control and health promotion.
  31. 31. Supervisory Activities Guides and supervises all staff for giving bed side nursing care. Maintains regular records, report concerning the patients care. Provides direct guidance and supervision of nursing and non- nursing personnel
  32. 32. Encourages motivates, assesses the effectiveness of their own works and develops their potential for giving good nursing care. Uses the standard guideline and manual for supervision
  33. 33. Administrative Activities Makes duty roaster for 24 hrs coverage in unit of the Hospital. Conducts nursing conference, meeting and individual conference when necessary. Investigates complaints promptly and takes action according to rules and policy of the hospital. Reports and records absence and sickness of staff including leaves.
  34. 34. Maintains cleanliness of the ward and its environment, furniture, equipment, ventilation, lighting, heating, noise, odors. Maintains adequate linen, other supplies, requisition for ward stores and repairs, replaces supplies as necessary.
  35. 35. Keeps up-to-date record of drugs and maintains records of its administration. Checks and manages all equipment periodically, to see that it is in good order. Checks daily availability and conditions of emergency equipment and supplies.
  36. 36. Maintains inventories, reports, breakages and losses. Helps in Controlling the visitor of patients as needed. Ensures that relatives of very ill patient are allowed to stay with patients when necessary.
  37. 37. Accompanies, the Matron on the round and reports to her any important incidents. Informs Matron immediately of any special emergencies or accidents in the ward, and keeps a written record of nay incidents.
  38. 38. Takes active part in condemnation of useless materials. Helps Matron for annual plans and budgets in her ward. Delegates responsibilities to the responsible person in her absence. Assist the Matron and Assistant Matron for disaster plan and organization.
  39. 39. Educative Activities Identifies the learning need of staff in ward. Plans, conducts and recommends the in-service education and training programme for her staff. Manages and facilitates the clinical teaching activities for the students and staffs.
  40. 40. Principal (school of nursing, College of Nursing)
  41. 41. VICE- PRINCIPAL Financial Assists Principal in carrying out financial activities: Planning and revising budget Monitoring College expenditure In the absence of Principal, performs all the functions
  42. 42. Educational Assists Principal in planning, implementation and evaluation of the programmes. Assists Principal in identifying needs for professional development of faculty and conducting staff development programme. Supervises postgraduate students in conducting research. Participates in teaching of various educational programmes
  43. 43. In the absence of Principal, chairs the assigned committee meetings. Supervises all educational programmes in coordination with the coordinators. Guides faculty in day-to-day academic activities
  44. 44. Supervisory Shares responsibility with Principal and Professor in supervision of teaching and nonteaching staff. Plans academic staff assignments in consultation with Principal. Participates in conduct of orientation programme Supervises and guides staff in conducting their activities
  45. 45. Writes staff performance report and reviews evaluation report of assigned staff. Assists Principal in monitoring students welfare activities e.g. Mess, hostel, Health, Sports, S.N.A. etc. Assists Principal in administration and supervision of library.
  46. 46. Establishment Assists Principal in maintaining rules and regulations in college campus Supervises overall functioning of staff and students' hostel. Assists Principal in maintaining discipline in the college. Assists Principal in reviewing recruitment and promotion policies of teaching and non-teaching staff.
  47. 47. Interpersonal Assists Principal in maintaining human relation and communication Identifies conflict among staff members, initiates solution and reports to Principal when necessary. Communicates with staff in explaining administrative constraints. Facilitates guidance and counselling students and staff as per need. Any other responsibility assigned by the Principal.
  48. 48. PROFESSOR, COLLEGE OF NURSING Administration Participating in determination of educational purposes and policies. Contributes to the development and implementation of the philosophy and purposes of the educational program. Utilizes opportunities through group action to initiate improvement of the educational program. Interprets educational philosophy and policy to others. Directs the activities of staff working in the department.
  49. 49. Instruction Identifying needs of learners. Identifies the needs of the learners in terms of objectives of the program and utilizing records of previous experience, personal interviews, tests and observations. Assists learners and identifying their needs. Develops plan for learning experience. Participates in the formulation and implementation of the philosophy and objectives program.
  50. 50. Assists learners and identifying their needs. Develops plan for learning experience. Participates in the formulation and implementation of the philosophy and objectives program.
  51. 51. Helping the Learners to Acquire Desirable Attitudes, Knowledge and Skill Assists learners in using problem solving techniques. Uses varied and appropriate teaching methods effectively. Uses incidental and planned opportunities for teaching. Encourages learners to assume increasing responsibility for own development
  52. 52. Evaluating Learners Progress Recognizes individual differences in appraising the learners progress. Uses appropriate devices for evaluation. Measures and describes quality of performance objectively. Helps learners for self evaluation. Participates in staff evaluation of learners progress
  53. 53. Recording and Reporting Maintains and uses adequate and accurate records. Prepares and channels clear and concise reports. Shares information about learners needs and achievements with other concerned with instruction and guidance. Participates in the formulation and maintenance of comprehensive record system
  54. 54. Guidance Cooperating in guidance program. Shares in planning, developing and using guidance programme. Gives guidance within own field of competence. Helps the learner with special problems to seek and use additional helps as indicated.
  55. 55. Counseling Helps the learner to grow in self understanding. Promotes continuous growth and development towards maturity. Continues to develop competence in problem solving process. Cooperates in and/or initiates group activities in development and evaluation of studies. Utilizes findings of research.
  56. 56. SENIOR TUTOR Participates in teaching and supervising the courses of undergraduate students. Participates in curriculum development , evaluation and revision. Guide in research projects for undergraduate students. Acts as a Counsellor for staff and students. Maintains various records.
  57. 57. TUTOR Participates in teaching and supervising the courses of undergraduate students. Coordinates with the external lecturer for various courses as assigned. Participate in the evaluation of students. Guide the students in conducting seminars, discussions and presentations etc. Maintain students' records. Participate in student counselling programmes.
  58. 58. CLINICAL INSTRUCTOR Demonstrate standards for nursing practice. Supervise and teach the students in the clinical fields. Participate in evaluation of students. Assist the students in conducting health education programme.
  59. 59. Maintain students' records. Participate in the student counselling programmes. Participate and promote student welfare activities.
  61. 61. General To organize, direct & develop all the community health nursing & midwifery services in the district. Will take part in all relevant discussions of health services in the district. Will interpret the needs of the nursing & midwifery services to the DHO and Zilla Parishad
  62. 62. Administrative She is responsible for the implementation of policies and programmes relating to nursing & midwifery services in the district. Will make recommendations to the DHO regarding the selection, appointment, leave, transfers, further education and possible promotion of nursing staff
  63. 63. Responsible for intending of supplies and equipment for her section, and also taking part in budgetary planning. Will evaluate all reports from nursing staff in district, sent to DHO office. Will submit monthly and annual reports on the work done by her to the DHO.
  64. 64. Supervisory She will aim to promote harmony & efficiency within the health team to improve the quality of work
  65. 65. Educational She will initiate & assist with In service educational programmes Orientation training programmes Dais training programmes Health worker (female) training programmes Training student nurses in rural field health centers.
  66. 66. Thank you

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