



ncmrE, iiemh*so^, * ossor^k,

^;• } i [

•»!**«<— iCl RKAL OFFJv»: Bv OJilUG.

«rMa •Ir0»l, Mtrt*» Third mm4 F^mrlh.

y—^—fr~J—9 yr-% * GEOROE I>. PRENTICE,

! I *1 || l|v H 'fff* ?f i

f>r tfef f.iB»»8fdik.

L jft »• : Fg:; M j: *«! : c, RiBWTurnrw bv MiJL-ia a^vasok:

I »•!?• F*i • r I: •fl : 1 1 o«»i- i bkhiMi «*

f ftiFf ifri rlirliiM |j £l;B; »,«1 • fcit ....iSl 7»|«I «Cit < « ; Wetklj 1 aMnlb f. .. »^ im> 1 l» 1 », ...r III 4W IKi Do « »«o« 1 ht

.|l» in loujlto ikuilll Till Do U «e lao

'• i **'1 ! !!' iK .*51

l^n»mro»ere!rWMrro<irlottoimtf>'ouwUhuit»• * •®l !5 ! 2' !2 !2 *** lnk»tbnip*of thrli*.,.1 IK. I Ml III In I Wl .... «.... I

.. II*. IM ITI 4»< 4». .....

P*' •?! *? fill *~* r~* TprRsmT. .TINT ?2 . i-<o

Sifrjif Jiiiff

riiilriflirliii*SI »el tt eitti$ ....|isi ibeitoi• i

1 «> 1 tt1



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1 tt 1 11 1 oul t tt1

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• 1> 4»« « 4»| 4 It

i $ Oil ..Ito ’

1 tti 4 tt *M tttj k-~« Ml • M 1 tt-l ——

mrmmt mmtM ardtd mmrh- ’m. F. B&AaaKkr wM* I Bbm Mnc«f iM ••fry-

mA m TMitiil •««! ! teCMB


A. oimlB wrM—M«yL KaK If §« « •».

« cmMt* H m*44 hmt nturm iKMyM tU toMM wW « —Mli—MUMlIlJt

• ror MMT M« iltoi iitoiato..

k«.«EKasii MB rtMw MHlr p« wito mt mmB •M' too «to MOM. OM PM ctoMiM IMMttoMMKPMMAI. Obcoton MMPna.S O. P. BAUH,

Mali F«b KoboMMibWiRAai Apmk far AMariaui Wuebao,

MllatoatoMA MtotoMpifetiKf LmKiIBKKP.

™ SKIKIFOB 1865.

m (WAT anranTOK or thi aok n

V HAOLmn* mmt pmwa Dcnjtx uj^tt kmum miM(} »».n KADL.PV, K CaKT (IM* J. 1. KJ.O.A Boue jTti iPiMrroia mm masii:factcb-yMPfllBiutB uM T hM n kkadi mnm.

wvamoa maman «T DonMS Mr MPM ^L-t KmI MmiMO. In nimiMy aBoi^n) fnoHTi.1MBt-T MpMiMt. nb>»bOn«o. BoAiw l*i» poaaa.mM flcumm n^aann. «a4 mibabim KnuMamt. ^wr MIom' bk«i> m umtukM- liko Mm Mtiiplr

M m4 u imia—uMp prwToa IbMr mronr aainm. miaf* t«i<« w l«mw w Mtor Akibt1 imtiiwBm. rkSSiMUTT anl nm ohipomMpru Id wi; LaJM wwriuF Ihi- Ei.lcp

V* wiU to acporWiMto patMcularIf to ail crowA-OfcsaB. CaMAOM. KaiiMnao Uaoa

.!« Few*. Aiui4Maito.fcr PcrtMCoaiMaiM Hornc, « Mm Mkibt mb to roum' wtoa to acr kpp m nail PiM<a m aaMlF « a Iilb ac Mrauv

Imzm tovMc Iba BMawa. aaMtat. aacMa~i iaiiT- M azaaiaa Mr DmfZ Kujpth

l. Mi ima Maiar lot a atiMM.c i>ai, wiU aarar aKariiillMi. lj

—“^-*---1— ParOaiuMMa

m. MtoVoBMC' LaooB Map aia amtoioa lo aC

in' aia Ma laM vraurr to Man part. anC a*-

nntirMr to* LiorraBT, bmM DaaiiaaM, ooaPOBPa-ao4 aooBOBioai. Actor aaar MaAa.m, fa a to MiiilmMi tr atoaa. aad to OlflaatriMuM'-itlP totAan. and to iMdiar to all aiaM-OLajan to MtirOm. aa4 tteaachout ttoCamn Mrarai^aaiia. Saaaaa ocCifi^ MnMtoi PaiMa Aaaaa* Mr toBMlarniaa.



r, !


I M PraMliMt aial

[OSOIM.ara M Aral aorp aBcM.

atoP to tor. ai a

I fto AMiMa toacBMi tocaala, Mt AmcImcmm a«

aaaaC to aaaiMito amt lAiapaP topaalMt: Map an

Mick Mai toaap, aoA ara hawkal ar ooactol oM

MBT1-— ara aOiMlTa. aaaatap a to! toaaM: MMa Mitto aai aaaal- tto arto arr waak- Ito aanac M

Zi ociMT r aBA liBpfltoaiM f'g.iAoto M Oa

to • MtolMapanaa M abltoal to atoar tot Maaal t

ManMto 4l a aol tLir) aaaena. wkieh ka>

aa Ao»a faaaa tto IttaA kuiMi Mia oM*. WbarittoaoptaartorpacaraiaDar toa<« Mb* UtMaatM

B it* vai tc toe HuiM* ai*£ toOBA la*a n toa; F

Me atoroa an toM Itr af <to ataor Cataiftial apBt

H. Wriar lac aar iiaaMhlac laarrlhi na toUt al

ap^n: M will to aaot KKKB to akr atom.

latJ. iB MUiLVn (jATAUB KKMRDT, a»Maatotiar.

UMmc tor. P. H.tok.A.l.A’BK-C«.. Piaapon U


MBraaMaaa. bma irriidtiam mf th» Praa*aAf » l BtoAaa Br Irndga, rtrhUmf la Ito

Fkraal. aaM PpaMP*

fttoMUap M apacaalli toatorla l la illtiMii— 4 MM

liiato aal Bnackial TotoK aauaal fer Oatonk. paaHi

Matuw M to parnaBao* can artoa aa«A to atoeactoto

ItoMaKiaMto. V tokaa to tuna, *• DPiar l>to lr

aa tto taaaraai aaaar al Onn-•ain toraaaUe to tor taala. aaft lor cUMraB, Meal;

to aKaeta. p*tal atoeaaMi to tto aatot aal toaca if

Ml aaaa tm4 to war toto aaarr itiaUr to tto laal


B.MKXl.nA Cto., Ma PrapHetAra.r PraMari. liltoaia.

a nm. Wbatoaalt Acaito tor Keotu. ky

to Btoa*.' to DKUOOime a» ar ; whara.


Ck * 7^knights Templar,

A larpe nMricaiil jato raoeiral at

r. J. HZRSCHBUHL^SJe\\ c*li‘V Stoi*e,

U'o. C33 Z^CaIza totroet.

pT uAal


(Fflr tli^ l>9utininr .rairtMl.]


GruwoU^i. Ili-plmni etal.; JuW't' SD art aci»rcTi-4 IVhruM'v J54h. 1*^ au

tiMaiard th^ iitotiK) T^««^nrr tir4«f nf Uie Uuiii'd SUk* f,

ao4 fff^arti d that Um*\ pH* itM bt* a UriTto) t«* lii

pavvM*tit»f all mn4 rcrtaiii p Jblir rbrI

aok timaiictt ia Uua raac la aa to ihr c<>cjaiit'au>icuJil/ «fI aaii4 met.

IfaR tba Knittod CArMCltntion di^UrH what[ahail ho a l^#al u ndP't aai'tna lo lir iiatunUR the Sn4^uiatian ia for if ao. do met mi i>U4Cioa» couM alter

! k. and it wchiM »ot hr an^ n >i .iraiioo loc judicial In-

arXirati* n nod dciorminatiooPrrvioua to Uw foni«atiua of tha natiooal Cooatitution

thr calotiica and tiwo Ibe 6ui**a. in the esArciar of aoT.ert '^ pnmer. had fmiMt |ia, each fbr itaelC wHhin ilF

own jariadictioD ai>d tar fla «>wn ritiiA*iia dodarvd a halphoDid Iw a innal tmdbr, n«4 alwa># raaCrirtinK ibia to

eitiwr tiMSallir ar Paper maoer, bat aoniettnaa dacUr*ior tobacoii and oUM'mominMditi<«a a t««ai tend**r.

Bv aectWiti A nrtKteK at the Ariiciar at CooMamtiao.H naa provided *'that the Uuked butea In Cockoreap aa-

arn^hied aball aiao have the aoir rs/ktfaweraf rveulatiiu’ the allor and en/ii# of aot'a struckb| their aern authority, ar by thataf the raepectivahtatea **

Is the forttiatian af a natiooalt aov'ereirn. aupremero^-e^unM Ui. it waa deavted proper that the ilate«ihruU putraader all tb**ir eovereirn pAwer over thl«va«t and in^pottaid eu^jiHA. avve akme the rifht to d*.claiv ^d and silver ra^n a leieal U*uder which ininhi heDtad* , and the valor refulah*d hvConyreaa, or If furewme«iin ife x al<»e at» reciilaled ll«*nre pxrarrafdi 1. aee*Utm R*. aiticU' L luited SUUa Cooatitutiou, it ia pio-vi^<d«->

^ l4d so State ehall coin m ner, or maha aiiythlnaItoitfeldfnd allver con a teo^tr in the pvvmmit o|dehta ** And h)' cUi.pek i»c h. eaine aiticl^ (3uiicre<aIP ».i\e« fte p'lwer *no rein niouey, refuLala the valuethrrrof. and uf fAreion Cidn.**

t>iit nowhere dare t^e c; netitutloo declare what ahallhe a ieaa tender: rm tin* eo*<tr«je, the lanni're of thet'<n»tiri:tlon« theli*^or> oi the C<4i%'etitioA. thi* ieiriela ' iew^ of the ipm-eninient under the 0»tiititut onail eonei ire Wi the inr% liaMe rofxSii-loti that it war nidistei ded to fit the laral lender lo t)»e Cri'iaiitiitiou h dU> leave It aiMd.r itio oninerouv auh^t* of ierie lUkon.

**h> "^Uitc ehall mate au.vtHof tut cold and Milv« rerin a tinoar ir the pa>*n ent uC dehm,** Icavee the iin

aneelionrble Hfht aid power in tlie htite*. to m-ikeP'Hh coil a a tender, and h'>w can th->v a. makeih<‘ntluth\ enartOM-i I* I? the C.Hiatitntioa haa pro-vked that emb ci n ehall U a lon*-l unJar whr lea^rthe f ( war ptUi witli the S:«tee to enart wh«t tbeCoo-titutiaii had ahefidy ordai' .*df Thia w mid be a foliy

not juetir inipuiahk ton l»odr of tuch vtei. and pRiifiliemen ae rallied th«‘ Coua*itutiouHid the Oofetififioo decUred what should he a lecal

kMkr th'« niuld have uvcepatuily withdrawn it fromtteeuh>c^paf Icfialaliuo. Ttie power t^ coin mooeyand refuiate Ite value i# uotrartHcied t >f«tld and eilre.-,

even it at centonded Id' eome, it ouly authoritat therivinafe of n«4'lalr.

O iari>m haa alnwdy cnioed eopper and nirkel. andabat*M it dpetn tha odoape *jf braa» ar r>ne. or otherlueta*# pnlitie it Sa not perceivp^ l»v what eUnae of theCotapt tuiioi. the ceii<*.^ and unlimited p»wertoeolnBiooev ia lo he r**»<rtcted ao«a not to anthorse thia.

and it all tbewe e*tiua af che p and baae mei«j U*rmuelanful mofter. afd a lecai tender l»y virtue of oooatitu-t'onal pr> tiaion. Conrrew Itaa placed it in the powiT ofSCI verM* d« htor* ttM«t l•f}•*<'tflaUy to deetroy their cned-ttoi** c«-U bv |ia^ inr larre amounle of t*»ea<‘ a-moet vaL..T t-m mina. notwitl MoodiurOoafZi W ha« d«*cUred th^tbf'V' pbould not be a bwal tendiT.Hut to ram pi' ihi- iintAitiinate eonanqnenaea of thia

tofical eor roUary, it ia aeaerted that the elanee (irnhihrt.

inp the Step p troan niakine anvthinc hut cold and ativereoln a lefal truder, rcatricN ihi atoi t to Cooertwa tocoin naer.ey.** and tin. ita thia rcocTal power, riven inf'i n<t al t«*rma to the ^cdlie p< •w«t to c^n ruld and ai hkct It ia htdkwd that io all th* blatory of our jiiria

prndetKc. ra inh- of cabatMirtioo can he found wh'cbatfdka • |<roiihition on Stall h^rialaiino ae a n-etrirtioaoti an r^fita^a power in reueml bTinatoCoi;*an>a.Snch n rnle of eooati uctioti ia dev-med new, ill* raU

illotiral. aid totally iineunKnted bi iudicial anthuti'f.N« ith«v can tL< ka ir of Incta and hi:iu«-a. and the im-

lait tci fer< ral but plain t< *nia b* m* x br th« moat heau-V" rihiiUPidi-. I IcfiaA amp itudi-a, dneziiiif drasHTy ofm pi rtr« . nor th< toriral aeiiterrea

Had theentiki-titMin int <jdi>d that Con i.’roao abotildi'rJn

f M i.nd •*’ ftlom it would have a*ad ao, a« it did >^yV > HaiiV ah<>u!«i mab* uothinr Init r<4d and vUvin e in

a h'ralti'pdei Ta«o«n liiootv aud rcruliic ila vaim ia

a '(Ty laict and p* uit. To muki pa d and -ii-

viTC in alotto a 'ifiU t.-udi r ia a vi*r>’ r«'atri.-ii d and»fw rilir pi-wer. It i# iitp*riy iuipoaeiblc that th*' coQv, n-tian ooiilto liave naed tlteae terme at f>yc*ouviu<Hia. Th*. yan iKit tf-. nor did tin' eonvenliAii to uae tiiflau.

Not did the con%*etitian iuteod to pvrp *trat<' the f>lly

and ateuiditv of niaklTtg t \iTy ooin wUubconwaii-uoeasd polio nnhl dktale U«t CaurrvM rbouM eutiKirise. a e|Eal tender: but havt f. wiei*l> iuvriit d Co::mvto Hh thi iipliiuiied pow ««r to coin tnonev. inteudc'd, nlivo.

to kwvc with tbi n the rirht to daclvn- wbu rhould aodmhM Kl.ould not be a lecal t•md•’l; auhject al(*ne to thequ^ifkoalbai tliat the Stntee mirht enact that tba ;oidand eilvar authorised and valua reroLUed b>Caarreaa. ebouM lie a Uwal lender.Auruat Mh. IT’C. the cntuBiUceaf detail preaent^^





fvrr BaunvKD a rnre i/>r or Borr sneu.J CKAMi,^ attar laxBrtaial toe a*aagaalwa>.«C. C. KU* KM A (JO.

AIX bb4 roKTBB aaaMaDllF aato ali yBaatoMaa.

C. C. BCFEK A (X) ,

ImK* Bala AbbiM.


TM-*atl ti BwBn. A HMltoa. aa Main l.f3^'tocto, aMtok tar MAKS, aAoto U tonto W«* «U- *> Ba**!. aaw 4ia* a awali Mar aa tto

. IM, toll ato*« tto koae, aa tto outoA*. an! a UtUaMr lakM «B to paMi a Urm ttoaor*.

KAK^R« A U iPErHE.ww Vmr the WoaiUad wmroen.

ttrc C'ovMaitutioci ae H hod been prevtAo^fy asroed uponIn eaovefdioD. The thirteenth nritrla provided ttiot

**tkO 8Ute, %rithi>mf tkr eofurnt ekf the fjeffudatHre nfth* tkeitid moke anythins but ^»<v*Matend* r in tlie paj-meot of detda.* If the ennvemion htdubderidood tM oothins but fold and silver Were t * bea Wol leader. eurel> they wnuid not have prtipoeed loienve with the Scativ the power to make eomftbins eleeaneb by the oona* nt af Cotyeai. boaide «hia ia a cleariod.CAtionIb'tt the cooveutiaD ondertfood tUvt the aub-

^ be cootioUpd by Couyretoi.l^ia -1p» w atrondly fbrtihcd l>y the diaeuwloa on

cUiwe 1. rertloo b, article 1, which, aa uri.;iually n-p( I e i. save to<kN>Kr«-e«* Uie power **to barrow moneyai d • m t bilia oo tlw CK-dit of the I niled State* **


<,«veTyw«r Mairia miurd loatrikc < III thewordaj

ei* If Im*L cn th* er*iiU ikf th* re-j

n aikii'S timt It moiilo be ouiipci awy If tlia L uiiodM«>te« l4ui rr>dit: n*’ele*a and nnui4 If Uiey h«d nA.

M*^. Madl'oo it^uin-d—**Will it «*ut be autheieut U>friiaAi?.,/ the jiiftk'nc th* m a tr^nf'Thi*. raid h*


will remove the p*mp*atioi to enail

titoia viib iiuinaf viera. And /'rAwi'a«>ry nofea «fi

Ihmt aAn/<e wuiy. fn nom* eiprri/- n /ea, b* bent.

Mr. Mfri-Wr plied, that «t:iklns out the word* willlra%e ro< n idiii for oobo of a riepooaible miuipu^,nirob mill do all tl.« sood without th< niiK’hle '.

Mr. Gmlwni waa bar atr.kiu# out WiUioni in«> rtinrai.> |»rohil4tioa. Kaid h«'. tlir power, aa far m* It will b•a^ ar nectnaary, ia involted in t-oat af borrowmfB.'*i(<y.

Mr Mi-'cer waa a ftuud to p i»cr money, and waano- *• >jtH'iitly epp IN d It a frthihifi m %UAC>‘tber. UP*W1; *'Jt Mtamp mtM i 'ion on the Gooert4$m*ntUt d#iri it n (ii0*rrtt4in ou thin jtotni.**

Tlwciauai m aa pinck* n out, but uo prohibition in-

d.Sc« Mtodiaon Paper*, 3 voi., pa^ l,S|rk aud t>ub«^o<*ut

pan* r*.

Uh resiaikabie that in thU diaeuwloo Mr. M^diaonKnod alone tui prohibitiu* Consrem frocn makiu} tbtv«-

tnaamy uofi**. or bill* of crodil. * h tral tendiT. AUcoiKvdt'd that the pAwar to ie«tte euch w*a inc*udi‘d in

that of boni wins money, and ueitbi*r Mr. Madiaou norany ether eincle one au*»:<'ati'd that U«e CociFtituiiou

bed ar mould ft ^old and «ilv> r ae tlie legal buder, northat to make RudB biiW of cr« dit a fecal tend"r WAuldooi JIlci with aoj cttHT c'*u^ Ot the Ci>i»tituti'm.

Aitd althi ufb thi' iMh article, ar r port**d. waa alb**'ed

bv tc* iking out the mord* * triCAoii^ CAe conaritf uf the

lArft*kmtetre tf the .v a/A.** aud the w.->id^

^iTi^ii ami xWner r«»tn** wen iuaerted in the a'ead of* .** ii-av iug tb«* Couatitutiou iu ite pr» neat Un-gi i pe tlu4 *^so pbail make an>Uliiu« hot cold aao

coin aboder in theparmeut o' d> ’Jt«^.* * yet lUie

in Mm in indtoateo that it waa iutead«'d to re4rict the

poweiv cf OnuTTp*. but lathtT tt«- cuutxarjr; uor canth.f ianguMg^' be raiiocially oocftne J m re trieve of

any of tie* e&imw gimuta or iM'seaaarily unpUed pow-er> from »ocb rraiiW of the (%matitutioo.

Ha^ing coctejnd up<« Cougrtm# the power to eilnai*d itarn at*: itr va'ue and of foreim col?'. It

m a ^-med eutiulr eafe to leave with the N'Vera^

Stetev 9€t n.uch of tticir ori^nal aoveie>yj nia-er <•::

tliip pubM<eC ar to d*< ax r’lrh coin a '<-.*al t *naer b *t It

ma* leaarCed or e«a>-ot*al they ehomd riitrerioer ail


u le I pe« er oa-er thi# ei tiiv - thia, ttua U'>U.<:ir


mnt WM intruded b> Uii* lauiruac*.The coivi ntue well knew tlmt thU fob’cet o( log*!


tei ^*r bad bei*u aixintiul eou'ce of di*eArdtout logi*!<M*


t on b V tht M-verai Mabv. In the making a eup.vmc,I *1 V ereigu. perpetua*. national gove rnment what cam dI

t ave more K|*prrp: lair and D*i'»v«ao* tluui to gtre


it PS prente c«aitio i>vaj the uaiioiuU curieucy by m’Llclj

i.i.iK*tii. :t> <( kind ai*d %’alue he produced am ogtlK H v*-m- Mat'T? And adU'-'iigli th p lAei tuu*-e are


geld aid ellvi^r In • Irca! let der w<ap •* .i li fi with ih*-

eiaUv. euc iIm-v coud ao m tie- aV'-ttC-* aad p t-i*e|to in d' luifMK* ot an. at-t «4 (Juugr< p . ; et thi* povetli.'AM hk' i xeiciwd ia Mihw c i; .t cm w t;i ;• I'R'er ot C '>

A. U -nai. tLc ne-XJP^, Ml:u tCeU*toU- i*- Vtoluc,

|i *4 j:”. c* id.

4i: I.U. eiiai of thit aeeBiinc iind.^ndAP j.uc aud inli ?;l */i 0.1 i-oPM i.tiot(. an r . K.ilnc of th*- U u.

f vfit ^ '!cm Up ( a' 1 i Hi xirUuoi* Imp CmiOi ’d the :i^’( t

U .« f -iiiN !h . ... I « rt

H .lx4 Ap'^J 3- 1 »S*A e*t».h iphinr •'*livm*nt (ir

'r fci* i: kirc? cuinii-g g<4d and pi ver r

a'ti . the MeubU •(Ua'.ity. andva'iieu- iti-

CO lie ».. ! p4- r*f , s;; .'Itoied •'in •* ! tli* oon-w .i.*.

=»*iC:d i#»tu-d uen paid u:l’ I i’' ' all »<"• /

in aK p \ im Ltp u *T.”1 s i ^e^ of 1 • h’ U'*". fVnrr*-*p prov ded t’- i

• firrf •• tie lidloai *'.l!i'.' that •'llic c«dd »»:»*.

r I* I . ii p ' 1 I.i(» Utid an . L«'- tiu .i, Ti » «!

pl- i: : ‘ i-ito. CL. Mtl t; *» •*. »• dt :h-- I •(< d •

if L* ii !• u- fit* -r •.*' t.,i pi; I;. .d to’' u :"

i t.ip art jf|*etol* d tin *el A i e-i 4. I' • >. m h ( h nui - uoflerlb lu* pt. rril^dl! 1 i eit a. . t.*n :i.*. r-i; t nTfin incnelM'd pIi id l*»* • r»*ived fr d'lTi r at p. .


•>eTiivd r»b> hut did not make th in a legal tender toi

*1 V I tl * r piup* pe.

f 'lj griT- Imdti -on ti;ae to time e^a'^ted othe»*la^«

rlianri' i ? « va‘u« of r< 'lain t<>t« iun c«miib. uni inuk nrt! *•« • Wi(t tender pennH'in' i» 1 r imitHd aud ap *c t *d

P' rf-o-ep. tltctt. aga*u lor a I purp<Hi*p. now b.’ wei.'iit

ihtiibv tKW* pnch were the acveral act* ot Ap i* Id.

1'UKai.d Ma'cii 8. n,aknig tb m reoe vahle |.»i

rnliUc latiOto. ard the wtr ot June t:k I'd!# and Mi'rh AU;4. d*ehu1i i> the bfral va ue of ceil via atlve^r himai(d tb>t llwy rboi: d p' fo ar motieT mithin the I'nitod

S aier b> Wlr /r^ fi(. imt^metft af aUOdbU.H> an art ef Jt.oe 1 *. Ui4. it mar di'ert> d that f reim

fold oiiW> f^iuld now cnm iit aa DM>»u-y w ihia iIm

i sited Staler, and he xeoeited in ait pa\ m**ut*. m i i.hl

wtotoadtf>g lo the tint'ono aud mt*« tbi rein *p**c«fivi.

Hv an **tti January l^. 1*JT. it war prodded Uiat

Uw Ftaodard f«g b* th gold aod aiiver coin* ahould the:e.

attej be of coe tbmiaand pan* by freight, nme liumired

phouktbei f pure nH ULaudoDe hundx^ o! alloy, andUiat the allo> of Mlvw ooine should be «f oo|»por, and the

allay of god oolua aboard be of oufipor aud*i(^er. but that orf over ooe-* alf of aurh al oy ahon dbe rLve*. aDT the meielU and value ot «MCh were pre-

•CfRed aud dec and to be a legal t> nder aorordiru; to

their mjniual value; and that the goid and aiivet ctiu

i ie%io«nl> hayed rl^'uld coixtiuue to be a legal tender at

their nomir*aJ value re though ef the ooimace c4 eaid act.

By an art of Ktbruary iTih, I^Sk the weight of the•ilvcr halt dolUr mae n duerd from h) 1 d graiiia.

and the icviwr aKver coin# pir^tiooately, aud tlhtov

meve n a^ legal teuAer onh io pa> incut of debu fui ali

ruo p not « xoecing fivrd«4i«ra.TLiu It iarees tl i.t CAnrretv ha* claimed ao^ exer-

cWd «i*iimUed pomerwverUw lugal tender, dec'atiogmiiat ooine ehalt ^ recH%ed iu payoMN>t of delibs * dm itlibL^ d*i g thi h-esl n Ddi*r<iua it> fregn oUkei*, tliocgbcoiiMd eld the value i« a.(I hd by it* own authority,wmeiitt «a in piea*iiig tneia wiU> Uw Uwalt uder ^udi yfo' ^vtfveC pulp eer ai»d t - liltiiia-J auiOUUt-. at uCllC •di< *a< iuf tie m a n uder f«w a * purpuver atid amauut*.1 bie toaeeitinn of p *wer l»y Caugiir*. and the Mwminc

rocoUawow-, wKiicmtch* (en«e, by aJ the departmciitaOilla iioverna 1


i. the picd* eaioii. ai*d pe«ip e frocn theoarlievt bu4on of the Oo»*uiiitiOD domu to thi* euact-D .1 ai ot KeMuary Mih. ie a i4r*ing proof ofm exiM.eioe, ai*d lt*ie rule of ouuatruciion b** beeaao o t*'ii

ri«gniC''d b) ibe ouprcoie Court of the Unite i Stat'Wai.d 11m- at veial State, a* bvrdiv lo uoed a recital of au-ihorii), itill arr Ma t>uve. lliiiiier. 1 WtM*4itoa til:C«4Mf*v« V.iroia,* Wheabo 431; Briaoor vm Liu^O'. K« I ttu k' . 11 Pt'iCTi 15T: Moor*** va. Citv of Re* diue,t» t'ttm !•>: NotH* V*. Clymer. t Petm. 1T7; People v*.

Creoi . i Wend. J74: P*'cp'e v* Conattot, ll Wend HI.AmiCl et r* Ir of oroetiuctiom baabeou tallowed ev«sr

ou>cr ttM* leedmg and exhauet<ve ip'uiou o the SiipreuM;< < iin of the I nited H< lea iu Me ull cb va. Maj y;aad,


4 M'iirt.loti t.c. byfTdrf juKic^* Mti>h* 1. Sitd tho' C4M it, * IaH Mw et»d Im' IcrHimatr—1 t it be mithin tlw•cope •* tlM'C*tiAitiilii>n.aDd al memua m-Uich are piaiu-

. 1> adapt' din that <*n4* which arm nof prohibited, b it

. ecmet!'tp milh the letter aud i|JHt of the f'AOfliitutioo are


o» naiii! t»m al •* • b • • ig


DO* p ohibited. aod i* really calculated to effect aui of


tl»e ol‘pcUe«*TTUtod lo the iioTeruniOiii. to uadertake^ Lixt U inquire Into the decree of &coea»ity, would he to

I.OnSVlU.E, I'ENTITKA', TIIl'li.'^nAY, .R'NE 22. NTMBER 209.

n eiJ, »i d to tr< toddm lexia.Ktiv c grnuuoa


.riilti;. »uj of tlM-|« lti« C-Mi tilutin l. ii. laT«. M..d P..W.T to 11... Bt U-. or tli- p..r.,.V

’"‘.'"f.I,'"* ".«• IToliil.itim. f

Iti c tenth ai->* 1'c.ti I'Tit to the CVjD^'itntioii tlixt **t i**

‘ lau- a I ot i.r. li.l .tl ft liy It t'. th.* Si.t*. .ro rfoorv-tl tltif SI,I*rt<n>*-livoIv,orU.ttop,..p|,.»

^ ”But U If uiyf.d Ih.-t iin.h r tl.. .rtirlf. ofronf.-d, r»ti..ii

' P'*'''""'*' to onat-1 tlna p.t.T iumi..|'. ..rtl till ft rii dit libHl tl If it .i,.| In flum I N- ,If.p,| I, i;d,r, utd thi. in truo; 1 it';.


.hc.,’ 1^ al)ili.t tl.ty did iHit. hrc.iiM* they could u >t,ci..rt the*, tv I.C » .-jl tciidcr, tl«ry d.d n<l totlM- M.tir. to CI KI rmh lull* to bf- . Icit.l t.-idt-r "fhi. 'ith. SIM. 6. at fl«. in.Ut.iT ot t^oof-rews did da aud tin-.

;h o, nolw itl.-ttu dii y to Coiartw wii. ctr..ii ih- etp'**

: .. If . *i d . I..P 1VC ,.o»cr of irwul.t!,.. the v.lur it' thecola Mnif'k hy it. own anthoritr mid th -.t of the i -»P«vfiv«- StaU**. IL'Ucr tio force i* potceivid in aiich ai-

' fi.ii ( rf.

TJ.. t’«nrtitiition hu not, then, decUred wh»t kIi-II




It tf iidrr not rv. n that c/f.Id and fitrar m uI -hull ro lie i.fw hu it conferred, in diicd tft mz th,*


|xmcr*atf,t.cicutoM dc. laie. It hv*. how. y.-r, I, rtIt .r » c f i,’ letri-Uiff .n, at d thi. p .wcr to dccimcahyraini,- a Iccoi b nd.-i tchnu-rrr t>iid if-'.-r. rvr tuu. d

In iilN- .rfcrt.iiicd riiit. c t! .• im id. nt .1 imiwit* I. t


ni.l u tln.rh M.rcpcvf, u if . ip.fuly U I'hr CI

any i’'linu up >11 tlic pnwci of f>vi,'rc.. ti d.'c!. eu c;;. y « t. ii.lci uii whf-rc to lie found iu the

f. I rtiliitioi.* WfUrtoU-thc next iiatuml andlociril' qiHtotlC'T.

Tt e State# are probiirti-dfrcm colningmAner, makinganv tH. r but golu ai»d aflvrr roln « lAgtol tender, and cn-nilitig ai<> lam »np*iniic the obhvatio'T ot r titiKC'**iMitnoaucb prohibition* a*e impOM^v upm Unigr--’and it *a a mot aignitirai.t fact thiu, whiht iieveral ofhnipro! ilRtion# a»e in pOM»d upon ll»e SUb a. Conirn'to t*Al ly p»>U«dfroiu ihiee things, to wit: |»a*siiig i.ii**of tottait d* r. ex |goif ./o«'-to law*, andciautio^ titles ufnrHiitv; ai*d. a* thinr inhibltlnti* s* to f'liigreeB a:cfrnmdiitftc ie*r pM^reding aertimi to th«wo Imp'^wdi:lHW tlie Stair*, blether miih the liiMorixwI uetB m«ja-iw i.«d lendcT It iu.iN»pib> to c< luveive th-vt tlii* nio^tin>f*Ariaiit *»»bjert o# legal teudcr rouM hare rWftoped thestt^nticf) of the CADveiition.1l*d sny inhibltiAn be»‘ii intended, but left out by

rapualt.v. it mould have Ueu fninU aiiiong the aiiirtud.n e* t* to the (V»netitutioo. moat of which Wx e adAptedat IN* auggeation of IN* acveral Suuv made at the time^ their ratifirstioD. and when the utmo«t vigilance and^ealou*} liad bc*c n t xcited by the earue*t opp<iaiti'jn !> If*

adc^ico made b> th#' St^ioa right* partV] and aoroo ofwhich ani<*odments h>.ve hern adofited aince CongreMbaa aaanted ita ri^ht over the subject by legUlatiugtl 4-1 4*on.

The CATi*eitnticn wsa aiWnt aa to wh%l sl»o:iM eon**t:>

tute a legal tender: tie Stanv might uot d4y*l%re evenfold and ailvcr coin to lie rach: it was a subject of va*t'Diftoirtsi c«; a oomtuon and general eoverunicut was bi*-

lut made, mhich wa* iut«*iided to be national aud sn*pi«li4eo\er *heAmetiran t>eopl« and their Stab'*, in-

alro mrith sovereignty and perpetuity, and to it

mi.a iiiti-nded to lie given the ni*n*sstorv powers to pro-tiTt tin* BOTcrviriitv. *»mr4*n»arv. and pcrMtiiilv, aud toenable it to sreompHah great ob'f'Ct* o! it* rrea*inn,in o udnrting tN<r fortngu lelatious aud controllingtl eir iiatkaiaJ aflaira.

Adk i*g llie pom-era conferred to accompliah these gn*vtobjirl*. Were tlie r»giil*tioM Af ronintcrre among tlie

Sutt**. to com money and recuLte i a ^ahie, and of fox-

eif-n C4'in, to N'lmw nioncy. to ra»ee and aiipport vnamiv

.pro-ii'e a:»d mamUlii a iiavy, and 1 1 call out the

niitiiia to repel i'fa-ion and aiipprt**M Iraurreetiou, Toii Inl it t'4mrre** fr in dtocUilntr il e le;:al tender, or en-acting *ni thiog bill fold and aiiver ahvti d be »ii hiiiliht a*'il«Hi*ly impair the efftciency of theee greit|rftwri* liib* idrd to be conf**r|vd m'itbout limit, vad pr»*-

dito» *eri4-ua *iid calamito.M emlnirraitomeut iu tiuira ofgi* at natioiuxl |ierii.

n»c i*aiio si celd was th*-n Isrce, and muat be p**o-

Ir** d for, ao am rutoii* m i-re our !aih**r* on thi* aubj* - t

thvt tliev pr<*vided bj daiiae l. srtir e '*, ot t*ie i kMiatitu-ti«'n that **al! del ta rof t‘t cb d *uj eng'sement* euter-<-d into, N'fore the ad-pttoii Af thia <>i.ptiiutlAn. shall he*a VfiHd nraitif-1 the United SUb** unde*' this Couatitlion ar iiiidej five lyonf* d«-;s*ion.**

Il’ d IIm* tVinatit-itinn bx* d gold and ailrsr a* the leraltei der. or had it bit it d Uon;re*a from tnvking any-tbli g e’ae Mich. tb«- principal and i itereft ot the u«tionsld* l t mould have be diaebarged in *iich coin*, whichW9f th#n literally imp'vaible, a* the entire eold aud *il-

^'er rimilstion rf tlw American people maa little laoivtliait stieqiiatc W one y<*st*s iutereat on the national6i‘ta.

The •ntal amotint ef specie received bv the Unlb dSt*b * Tiessiiry lor the vrara K*-* and 177!*. whllat en-gsged in the rrvoliitiona y Kruggle, snd when iimchm-eded. and the siitte rltlc* «'xeitiug every energy loget it, airotiiited to <«i1y SL^L*MC.After the ad«iptioo af the national Constirntion. mrc

learn frem theirports of Mr. lismilton, the tlrat Secre-tary af the Treaaurv, that tlie natioual debt amoant -d to>04 .


0-. (Ml. bearing an snnnal inb*re*i of mors tlian>.*. i«>o.u(a, wlH*n high authoritv hs* fixed the entire goldsr d silver cirruUtion ot tha peigile st this time at uot« xreeding thia *aUcr sum.1 Im acarrity ot the precious metal* at thia period m\y

he *1 mewhai ar>precist(*d from the oth ial rtHiiros of theAperation at the mint ratsb1**hed bv the art ofl7‘.»3,

from iTtCto Inc'uaive. a period of elrht year*, theeotire co inage f t the tkivsTiimeiit w*a. of g'-ild, pl.Ull.-

: silver. t4i.440.4L'»; total. P3 4M.74.S, or an anmi<ilsiersfc of aofrethiiig over three Mind'od lhou«and dol-lai*. History lis* m**-ll ntb Fled th;4t tli* crest tinauclalcn.bsTrsasmenta cf tlic United St


11*^ Haven mexit.uu-d< r tlie ait iclr* of conf* deratbm ^ th* several States,ai*d .the peepie at large, were am^eig the p'otaiiicntcat M-v which led to the fenu tion of tlie Nattoual Cuu-atiti-t'on.

It ia almost past eoniprehenaion that a b')dr of atirhwise end pittbtic min as the AnuTlcau p-ople havel4«*n taiifi.* to r* gard the <to>nvtontiOf. and which b«vehicu u> Miimoi sly ac'o-did *hem by picteritr, couldbate addtd to those (*ti*b irrassmenta by <he adoption ofsuch s pr« V laioii in Uc Constiratloii a* w.ui itieo liteml-ly iu itotoptble for tlie Governmoi t w pe-'ip*^ or botli

c-n.bimd to c**irp1y with. Tlie total co’d andsltvoroftl I- rruti^n . bcinr in: dt (fOiftc to the pv>*rueijt of the an-final iutrrcrt on tltA |•Ilbiic d<-l t mould Hhva left thepel !•> with' ut a Ccmt'.tutional currency to dVebarreil l ir privat' obligation*. Such a at Ir of aflvirs musth>%e rt**u!ted iXtrt'Oiely dissstroiisto both thA (^ven;-n*i-i t snd p -opie, and I* s p<‘Agnsiit ^set ao idiicive t » theU-Iii f tl Kt the convi-otiitu did uot intend to fix the Ic-'al

tl 1 der ii* ihi' C >n*titi.,ioti, nor to inhibit Cox gres» fmintli-largiat iuTisdiition over the aubj**ct. The s^ustiouof the Gi veil n cut, the p^p^e. and the currenev n*n-Cered it inipoaslble tor tlie conventioa, wirh anr deeroeA^ie'ltointy or salAtv. Iu tlx mhal should lie a conaMtu-lionsl rurreiicv alone: but siem. unreleutiAg ncci>a*hydi Bianded Uti.l iIht ihould leave it a subject of li^is!*-tion. t-ustisg to tliepatiiidiam and wisdom of the people,snd tNlr Cengt'-sa, sn^l the then «nto*<-n deve’opin-**»tM oftlie tiiture to carry them safely through tliose diih«*tiUemlarrartonti-nts.

Ti*e u: sceti auit altrngrt macic increase of the’prAciouairi-ta'a snd wmUh of the people, the nmgres* in thep« wers of the pstioo. and the manv periU by which theGovern luetit hr* been i nviioii* d. the moat imnilueut ofmiiich it 1ms Just *afi 1> emerged from, as the fl-itb*Hngii'dicstb-T a assure u% all toib*ai tlie great wisdom of theConatitutioii In leav liig tliis aubjert of li-ral tender un-rcftricted mitb the Uw-enactiog dc|»aitiu*utof the Gov.ett HM rt.

As tlie Con*t!tnGon haa not ordsioed mhat ahOI be aIc^’al Under, nor hsa it prol.ibltcd Ommeas from «a or-dsii ii.g, wr come t«> tlie oti<*>dlon m-)iether this |iowerlisslMeii eoi>fcned iipAn f'liigi-rsa aa a m^reasirv andpnin r iiiesTi* of i‘xecutiiig <4tlier powers expresslystatb-d^ Ali.ongtbe txpreaa |»nwers r*mlerre.i up->ntV^ngnsaby m tion 4. at tide 1, L'uilod Slates Couatitu-tioti. ars:To pay tlie d«-l»ts and provide bir the common defense

and g<*ceral mi-lfMn- i»l tlie United 8tat"s.To irvu'ste c< ii;i; cfce aiiioiig the several dtvtes and

m ilh tl.e IndUu tri! iv.To c* in Dioney« r. gulute the value thereof, and of for-

eirii iv>in.

To divlsr* war.Ta isise nnd ai.pport armii's.To pn V ide snd maifitain a navy.T'' pii-v ide fAT ciTinc the militia tA Axeente the

law* At itic I'ulou. suppiese Insurt 1x11011, and 'piel

tpvssioo.To .oake all laws which sliah be ncAoss^ry and proper

tor r’liri iiig lift » cxiM:utiou tiu' for*voin{i ;*o»cars andflfi j*oicers veab'd bv the U tiHitntiAn in the<»ovetno cut ol the Uniun! Sutes or in any dep^mnt'otibl-TCOf.

A* was said by (Tiicf Justice D*'nio, of tlie AppeUata0 iiito! New Yo«k. in Ma dis'-euting opinion advetm' tuthe Jutiooality of said act of Co grass of Pehrn-arj- 26:h. ImjJ. in the esae of Mei er vs. K'Siaevetl. dep-U'UiU rU'im, I**d3— 1.'> Sn iUiV N. Y. K. : ^*lt is not imn n.bent upon tlioai* who argue for the validity of tlie

liisaMi-rder clause to select asy oue express power,llicy may gnMip together any number uf thiv«- grant*01 lecisUtite autlioritv. and if the right toe lai’t tliat

proviriifD is fairly dcdiiribU from any oral! of them,ll*eir paitkgi is catablished.**

If ti I' power to decUre what mav he a legal tenderdc^ « xi^ thniKb bi-loiiglng tu th.*t clae> known as Im-plied |inmi"a. it i* aso^rri Igo power, snd Cungroa* Um*tw much ihht P vm-.ct lg^« fa* carr> log it into cxicu-tion as tluuiglt granb-d in direct terui«.

If This be a prr(»er and necesasn* o*eans of ex'Tutincany 01 e or luore ot tin cxnresa p wers. it ta not ouly auin plh-d |M>m4T. incidental to such evpn-w power, but.b’f virtue of cUiise IN section N article 1 ot the Unib'dStab at onatitutioii. C^rrivs ^‘mar make all lawswhichsliall be necoassry 4tid proper for carr>i. g it into exi'cu-tii p— or. iu 4 iImt W'tods. U’sv mak*' all nee** ary snJpxiper Uvs to irn trf* -oil the exifrr*ai axidl»ome’a f iir.d in the U>«a>titut!oii.

Fcf an ylaborf te disemaion of these sover.Mrn prwer*.SI I* Nurns vs. Ihiniphcn- 4 Mel. Ky. it . and .f -adeeB’iJlIse a«a a««pi*:ate cnhiion. 1 8’fO *f:iMA from tlie

%rrv ^ble I piiiioD of tJu* Appellate Court of New Yuik,In Jui'g* iHtviras. in tlu case of Meyer Koosevolt,Ito-b*'* n-etb-d, auptsininr tlie li eal lend«T rlanse.

**K>et> fmn of govvitiinent unavoid.-ibly includes agrant of iM nir discrriinuan iiowcis. U wuuM Ijc whollyiuitcc le w ithoiit them. It is imi»oaptble to forisi-e aUtlie I X ir er cie* w hieb may arise In tlie p'-ogri'ss of e\ enta,eofUM-cb-d m itli the rik'hte duthm. and o^-rations 'll' the(k>vi ti ii ent. If they could be toresi-eii it would be iili-

prseil ofc initio, t* p»'^vide lor them. Tlie nie«nsii-uit leaul^xi to p*‘ip'-Tual m -dificalion aud change;tl;*-;. n.i at li- rdspb-d b- ib<- t-xi ting mauiuTs. hal»;ls,

at d if'iiimt >!.* li aoclety, whicli are n< v<*r sUttiouaiy;b lb' p if-urscl d 1 gets or ne t > tie eu s 10V )< m : i«. g( iit*i*l and p<-> mauent ofier ith ns, hs well as tofnviti%* and 1 xtiainl'iiary i-iiie ci'iici* Iu alukri. it

t' I m Ifu'i Mailt'- ia mg rvvulut;ot iin d in every cMtii-vljiev.c’ ard !»:i«*leed in every gi'i^-ration, there inustt h 'tiAib to n L > Kdn hiiati r IheGov.-rumentaUrgi-1 ; : PF 1 1 d M ii-tii ' Hty 1 4»werve«p*!j|e of giesWor artii



-: -i. n. t lo circi!Hiaf*iie»-. mid MiHwieullyrtx I •< i.4t Ie I ^ri\. till- nation in t-ith*-r d*-atru L.giInn f * a r-g'd l i'I'b Iiup'iM-d upon it !»r ao iiiip'uv-id' !

• I :>;r;*s- I '-.'iy |m w*t. Iimv- v* r liiil'led. as wi-!laa 1*1 1 ! i-iniUowii risture rii-*<'--p*ib! • of sbuMv. V».i.u-t'li i*on ^ ‘•ll |.ii vtd« jM rh i-f cu .ida :iaainct it. t uu-

I' list • *- 1* p 1 ( d tofijs-e. be- «*: and In fiee gor<'r'iT» . ii*t t’ I leiinsr- ^ rt rii,. pacrtin-t H»-uai‘ a»e f.i.inu . 1 .

tl «• ' •}- f ‘M i‘it id : u!« la to tlie pe» plo. aii't in the j-:at. xi 'I *M <>! till «-!» I »i \ .• ttaiK !i:ih , ru 1 I lit i inanely 1 1 th»povii'tfti 1 4’W 1


et « l.niiL-e la-loiiginc to them, in c.1^ Fi«-'iiPtii-i exf ''toOi sill >ry i« in di»p.*'

II. Atd«ja>ii va l'•Mu:ln *' Wlie-ttAn, p r-- Su4. the(•11 taai: •'li e im-to i- : t* plan that '.'*»v- riiiiietit r u*I ' pf V it I'lit^ Itsviiig the < xe rial' disctii^>n Klinemli-ie. Kill iir ur’^y a.'amat tlu* ahuae ot s’lch dis-rnti. n n i at iea» 1 p u i. np 'l.itJtv , and st it. d sp;». tl#b pub II app|. b -li(-ti. ^Vbeie a'l p *WAr ia dorlved fi (Hiitl

.|.- .p‘f ,snd public hinetjonarn a tot slent iijb-rvals de

I . F I 'I » I tbi !ti t i f tl.' p’<- 1 -* b«* rt-toiinie t ag>iin onlyft lb* il i-mii w il s. idutot feaia iimv Im- nl-inind b>iIh n ruiitef a i f in>*>4 imitum, but individual liU-rty can1 4 •'ll lilt 4 dsvri-i.**

Tin- p' Wer b» Cl r’ari- the legal tenJgr Is *4i'' 1-m iiicidil-Ul b» scvertol aul-»tmitive piwei>; toe* u- ini'i'i t Slid re4 u sti- tts v lui' is subataziTive -imi Udeelaie pitib <^dn a legal t-ncer ineid nbil tN>r Ia- |<

bcn< w D.i nr. h aubatantive. «nd b> u-e an.-h mean*' a*I) a> U riirtaaarv toi X'*enteit sre Incld-mUl; to d«^l(femsr la MiNUnlivs. b» in ki-a binrkitde and >aiier timesn av lie iiK-idit Ial tlieret4 , tu raise and a-ipport an a in .

p-i'Wdr snd maiiiuiu a usvy are s:ib-T<iuiive, to armt-'jinp. sTid tTsi'*|H-rf tlie psme are Incidi'uttolBullor 111* u.«* of rr*lu «i d .ilxFr m a ciiri'ilntin* me-

dii ni by 'liF eivih*. d i>,tI.-Da Ibcxie would hare butnm |-r*| litllr v«lui - ttH>y an. nM intrio-nr.ll} n.aiH-> : fl.«rf m.i- b- lieuer rdapt.-d (> tlixl u-rHun rilirr r»*i mod Ifr. but wbn oui t<*II in il.r pruairm.of Mi* lire .lid cl-.miicl d**v. lopmrm tb.t wiiio olliein»Ul » w.ll or brtter adupiod to ,uch lue may uot brdiaco^eiid?TN- Esri of Liverpool, in hi* Tnatiss cn tlie Coiin- of

tlie Kea m. p. *•. L ua«i. 3. ssid: **M(Mie. is a sund-ard u.esMue by which tin- value of all tilings are reeu-ht4d sue asrerttoined. and is ttseJf. at theasuiot-mo, tl»evalue or ettuimbut for mbirh gunda are delivered**Kcihcld and Di.hi-h, in their Mamul ofiVilns and U.d’-b n Slid pi:|4' em lit tlM.11 to down to I-.',!, cb -pt 4ar aiN*' Ml L i.4*i-gre«»ional Library, page tk which is anih.'hl n-piMtto(^giesa ou enr coins, mye: **riilaisaatsndsrd di ti* il (ID given by til authuiitles fiuui.K'!*.Uitle dam n to the preveiif tia»e.**

•The commodity mhich has thus, by the miifo-mItut aib'iit urK’i rccrti d opi'iatbin of hnoMM motivessnd aiiiAii. Is-ci nu' Uie CMinmi n medium o( ezdi.-uice

. SI d g* iieral n cmaun o* value. coiiatiiuf4*p the inonev oftl>e 0 u ninoity. and in this cliai acter ii ueiitiiren an ixi-dtfional value

•‘Vaiiona ailirh*s In d:fT« n*nt countries and in d'lT.-r-

ei t aiKgiv of Mil'll ly, h«\e, in thi* wav, ai |uircJtiMp’f p***tv 1 1 uioiM'V. • • * • T'llMirco WHS mU<> 11 cdns a uulvefsal i-quivsb'nt in MH>yl«*.d snd Viigfuia."Tucker on rnoney and bat'kliig, p 4 aud i.

in Vifgiui* *nC thia State sie to tt* fonrul atitubni' giving so DiHXiv pound* of toNw: as c ads by tin* juds-


ment of ciuit, whiih weto afUT man» yeais » adelapsed, chat.fid by eoaclinf so that 1 arh pound of to

I itofco alM.uld be les'Hrdi'd hb of given value, thi* costsat'.uld be colic* b-d iu uionci at such r*tes. Gold mdailvei Keiog C( iiM'd. snd tlie value regulated, and tlc>

cisj ed tn be a b gal U'ndiT by aiith'irity of Cou^rctM, be-cin .1 ludti'd ^ffTtriouH metaU.**

liy in picitoiiig this legal tentk^r qtulity on the Gov-CTumei t’to umo nioDibe 10 pav.the too b* come of **/»rc

, rioUMvatve * In m hat c< risi>*tf the difference of con-puuitb«al power in Uh' in piea.<)ing with a new andvaliisble but n< i intiiusie qual t} uiot tU or papi-r? Theneater valui of ueitl.i^r is iiiitinslc. but deii ed frotuthe ou.nlpi4ent fiai ot t^oi gieas in ivdaiuiiig tbem ts 1 h'

• leral W-ncer, a« d inaki g tlH*m tlu* h*giil stindiitd byV liirh Uie value ot all eoinnioditioa. the «iis4-harge of allptivsUr lia* iliti«<ia, and tie- commerce «»f the countryshall be regulated, and by infusing into these iuuiiaate

H**d alir.oat vslueb-M* thing* th»* vltallt.' of s r*n -il itrigliii'diuni. M ating them w ith a iiD^sic am! nlmcvt inctoi*

I n'sl !4‘ vnliie.



il .4 making tlicm' Tre isury uftf* * ’er il tender d -*

iii^fpt tl 4 III with tbi-' til w, Im alimibb . arel m i >value, wlio can a^y it is n*.t a'uy ji. dp;^I*ir nii‘#nie «*f lx»n-ow’ng numej* Ti.ej*owe! of the Gom inni4-iit t'> isoie if*; seciriti**- for wh it

If n 4»y IM i d as c» nitwiiMatioii for eitlr r aer^ Ie* * or imr-ni 4 ditba ha» li-en k» oft« i 1 xemaeii, ao tiiiiviTi-ill v *'•-

(411b .-ccd ill and for so long a {mtI hI. and ati-triined ine%i ry IrslDiice in whi< h the queptloii in anvof It.^ph ta s

bar ci'ii.e licforc the ci-urls. us no btiirfr to In* cotisid-'Ad *11 I pen qeration f« ; fuittier ronfmvr av. Hiid h:iv.

ing ll>i» UL.t;ut atioi ed ri;'l t It iiiiiv iaMMejn^t stub siH'n.

ritic-f saUoncn>s rt>ay din-ct- eitlu r aa iub- eat hetririgfoiip* 11 U rids, diaigmd fAT pi'nraLcnt inveatnieiits. r ratiji ks, 01 Tri'Hj-ury noi< s, di—lgm d for eirruhitiAti as antidiuni. The latti-r chap i*btaine«l so early nsMr. Mndison** ada.iiilatraGou, ai;d has h'*eii U*uedaiitre. with the coiicunxrnre of onr Hble*t atnb*smenand jm ista. even cn brscinc th’^ of tlie in* *-t rigi'l eon-attuiticii, nnd exfnmrst {ffito* riwhls arliool. Kvi-nMl. Caitionn in the^ d States st'-nite, .Januaiv Uth,U4e. aab*; • I’ p,-r hns. to a certain extent, a deeidiid ml-\„pir ^old and silver. It is prefernhU* iu la*i.ert.uuia*eit transactioes, and r.'innot, in a country liker ins, 1 .A d'- 4*ens 4'd w ith in th. fncvl tranisctioiiri oftboGo'e* ntuei.t, w ithout imu h miaecrrS'iry expciim* a dil i-4>n\t-iii( i,ce tlietruthof .rhlch wou’iiaAou Ijemanif- I

Ifll.e ftoien r.ient ahouM r< rai-nt to oIfp


w?th theef T tspuiy drain*. Itm thi« is not ihe only loriu iti

w! ich i: n 4.J U r> cA-s.niy or cenvenirnt foi it tou«s {'*

o*' n cf» ( it.• • • I am deri 4 ’e 4lly cpn k d to G

c. r * • t 1 - iir M Ili'*ieve tlieiii tube, in rcalitr, litffe

b* tfi-*- tlisn a fr'‘ud i»n the e»»miiiiinlte, (fma i* in|

y.ofrto. and hirhlv injnrioii» it mtiile fn larj* .nnoun^s '

fn a/-# -/e. • • • It may lie laid down li* .-i mix-Im that uitlioi't banis and tm.iik m t**« l.irge Govi>rn-ment losns ate irrorarticable- snd without Munip iu|f>K*i. '

tuff aiK h b aUH. in 4he evenl of a war. wil* be unxvAUla-ble. The oi-lv ai.b«t tii’e wil' l»e fitiind te l»e in th*' •iiv >'1

Uh*hi/th*(ioo*fntn*ntufithi‘\rttere>lit. • • 1 hIk*jr*gsTd tl e 1 ISI* by the (toverimi* iit of it-i own credit in '

th^forvi uf Treivoiry n»t4 or .snmet'th r f*»’7cr.^or7n,a* indiap^ tiaable t tin* |»ernianeni aiiceeas of the p-jUcyol this bill.'* r*nh-Tr» Hsiirv Mil.)On « bii: authorichig the iamal of Tn-u*ury nf»te«, h*,

on 1I«, H->7, snid, **H-lleving tint th‘-emight be a sound and safe paper nifrency f'onn'l*d onthe credit uf th* (toremnunf (‘X*'fuafrWg, I was de-siious thiit those w lio were rvat»oDtili'e aud have thepower should haveava!U*d tlieniM Ives of the opportunityof the ten poi>ry deficit io tlie treasury.**In a relielllon of such gigHutir pniDortions and vs«l

U'Sgnitude requiring an army of a million of *oMi"rsand sailors to irTpri-ss it. Involving the GAvcrntn4*iit Ina daiiy outlay of iw>' two rniiltAus of dolUra, or of ananimal expenditure of say seven hundred and thirtyD illi tis ot dollars, could this v«ist anuy have Imn'U•hmised ai-d snpp'itU;d,'* and this immense navy ‘mro-%ided and mainialneu** on the eirciiUtius medium of theloyal 8t8U-^ iarluding the specie and ps|ier cuirencv,and that which bcUmfi-d t<4 individuals andcrorpora-tions? TIh' piccis4* amount esnnid be aeri*'taiiiAd: butwe liave sufficiently accurate data to direct with almostalisidi.te cf-rwlnty to a correct det4-rmlnation. Rr refer-ence !o|l*uitcd8utAsH4nkr*B*Mngn2ine vol. lip. 341-3,it w^U lie nrci rtalucd that the sp«»cie in the binks of theI01 al 8t» tcs, at the br<'akins out of the war. ainounb dto 214.713 and the eiiculatlon of s«ild lianks to _5«7.4M<: UAsl. >21a.*‘li3.1M; thus tin* entire cnpai'it* *»f

ail the banks of tlie hiyal 8tHt4^ w^s something Itua th>uiadeqi ate to one hundred and twenty dsvs expeixlitii 'O.

But it would hn\e lie* n wiielly imprHCficxbie, yea im-posd'le, for the hanks to have collected from IS this ciriiilstiiig inAdiiiuu and a ly r.tb^iiipt tode so mould I til have intei.aifit*a the financial piniaoftlefiislf4W in*»itths of the war. snd pnMliic-il »eneisjb> iikiup!c> iiiM*n tlie ptN*pIe and disaster to the Govern-u 4-1



hst tha ammiiit of sp4-cie In indiviihial hiiid<*wsaCant 4 1 )e aiM cilHiiM-d with any a tiafietorv de^'riv 4>f

teiliiint* , T or ^s it }inp4»rtant to do so, bn wh' tlier la^ger>r siii«ill. it w’Hp aooii lii».4rd«-(l arid S4*crct4-d mi.l of lintlilt e inoic uw to tic ixotcmiuent tliaii if it Inid notexial4 d.

1 he (lancers stt4-iidant np'io war, even with forMgnt>atioi>s, hs%e aim a( a caus4 (i the h a^'dii.c and secreti igot Ili4 pittoious jiettois No gov**rnTnent, h-wv-'ver en-ei g* tic atid 4^csp4ttir call prevent this, privite cupidity,*ti|i'tilst4 d bv elatm. hjw ever bei‘o. and will everpf4 v» .Utojtocti%e, sastu ioiis, and cflxicnt ftirtlic strongestand nKid vigilant goveri.nienl.Thi* mpi4iit>. sagRcit}’, and energy are g-ently en-

bancid b> ti e peii'sof a civit C'lmmotion endsiigerfngt^exlftci ce of the Um-ernment. unsettling priv .te

light*, inakii g iimertaiu privute prop«*rty, and jt«opard-fxtnr p4-reoti«l lilierty. whilst in a UAveminent mildat:d 1 ber.-il snd bem tufut iu its provisions and actionscarcely aiiv restr-«int it found over thH cnnCroliingpssaioii vt the huniau ht-art b> provide against ilies<»

p4‘tilaand calaimtics. The inevitable c^nstiinence ofthis rcNdlbm, ss in all p* st times, wto* to create alarmand dlstiust; each man became a vigilant giiar^t for hisow n inUieiU ana that of his fami'y, the creditor de-sired lo r4*alixe his d4 bb, and that t^>o in e|*ecia so far :vs

tot all prartictohle; the ho’del* of bank not4*s depiredtbem ledei bied in gold, lu ibis active state of alarmand visilsat cailng Cur private intarest. the bviiks wo 0soon driveu to a sm-iHUiaiiui of specie pavmeiits. the eoidand silvrr coins r tight tlie places orssCid . , si-enHzy, anddarkt'Sss. No longer did these perform the functions ofa *‘ciiculatiiig medium, ** and ho that loiight for tli4^covld moat truthfully rHu* n *'non e*d inren^m.**A Itnai-cial and cuiamerrial panic fM-i/.ed upon tha

eourtry.^The Treasure of the Government was empty,

ita 114‘4'essitb-a numerous and nuMt pr4^sainr, it want«4 1 1

l>oriow Uige stuns, but where were tins b-iideo! Thutal ks migl t be dep4 oded on to supply the first needs,but tliese would soon liecoiiu* exbaupted because sogreatly inade4iiiate.lithe GoM-n n oiit wou*d preserve its own national

exlstsiict It irtusf ‘••ais#* and suptMjrt*’ iiinm^nse armi4*s.* i-nA ide and maintain** va4 ri ,v es To do this re lulredmote iiioui-y sunually th’iii the etiltn* cir^'iiUtiaii o! thebmka. ni.d tlu* gctid ami silver cuius ef liic banks andthe fMople of the loyal Sist***.

Will* a si'4ixig, iiot to sny un'r!4‘n<]1e, disposition onthe pmt of the G(4xernirADts and pcMiph* of the t;v4> Jeul-inr if.iritin:4-, nifmilscfniirg, coinm4*i cl d. ami u'calthyi si{ni a4d Kur pc. toezAggerate the dnngt>rs and We k-i.tssot llw GoV 4 lament, aud mxgulfy the streigth andceitn'i ty o' sncc-a* of th** rcNrlli'-ii, h *00* of a torulgnha 11 (4 rid n< t be icaionably entertaiiK d.

lU pid4 the Guvcrnim’iit iniiat encountc: all the more*it-t uf^cc snd ffnandal p4>wer of the dUloval at b'lmdV ho, not Cl im-iit with al strarling the gold and allver4iiia ficm tie use of the G<(ve*nment, but mi*re c mstei'tl) with an energil.c vigilance decrying.' the Govi rn-11 silt (led’tai.d aei-uritiiv. usiuj ihr-ir fimncUl tdenUt cK'iile Ni:d 'prvad dictni.-t ami alarm, and tli.ur fitmicial ai d n 01 cy p. wcr lo eiuk the Gevemment ere 4it totl I !4iv (pt giade.

It- this trarsit*(m state from peace lo war, revolnthmi|4 the bahite of our p4-4'ple and the Aoiunierce ufIbe com.tiy, surrounded by di-^'oi altv, distruxtand alarm, the Goveiuiueiit n>upt p-ovid* foribepe new exigciieies. iinbisetui, cc ns4-.tue’ tly unprovided for, but sti 1 in:pcrimis iu their necivsities'ebe its attnies cr-uld not Ie ‘Taised and atip|»ortA(i:** Its

nsvies oenld not be ••ju'iivldcd and maint tim'd;’' andwithnit tliese it could m t f « I'lM-tiiate iH national exist-ence, 1 ut ii'USt vaiibh fniiu toe worldas a thin.’ of thepast, and with its downfall must go tlu* last, bright ‘*t

evidoiKC of mNit's csi«bilitv fur sidf-govertimcnt. If,

then, to iseue its own • promises to pa> ** in c-invenicntform Mid attioiinte for circulation, and to iniprcs-, thosetkith a new and magic quality and value, and therebyprovide for till* ovcmiMiig m^civsity and at once placethe Government in poaaesaiou of the nec(*iMar-y tnesu* to**rtoire snd support** Its army snd •*i»*'ovtde and mair-tatn** its na%*y, how aliall it be siid tld-^ was imt a ncceg'nary and pioper Uw f4>r executmc llo-sc powersfAnd it it was a proper and ne'-ersarv inciiisof exe-

cuting snv of tlie eiiun eiatod powers, it was not onlyincid( t tHl to HU'b |>oweis, but expresaly authorised bycU iis4 !•, sretn 11 H, si tide 1 uf the C4»iii*tituthiii.

But it is said thi t haa Congn'M iiirri'tiHSl the taxes,anc. pl4‘dg(d tlio public rc\eiiue and landa. or iMd it

OiAde tiei'SUO’ notes intereat->e»uiiig. it would haveDiuch Dime stAUired the (Wedit u4 the Goverumeat andtl>4 se 1 (4(v thiui to make them a legal U-ndcr.Now. it so lisrn''nt’d tiiat at the very sesalon that en-

acted Uiis legal tender, imtmmsc taxes were laid, theleveiiue p!edg(al, two years* five jK*rci'Dt seirii-nniiualcmqioo legal-tender trc«aury notes were tolsoauthorlK'Nland issued, and. notwitliptsudinc the legal-temler ({ual-

it}’ Was til parted, h ith all the other pr(i|>a sugge-ted. thecredit ot thi-se tieasury iM tt s,of all classes, cintinindtusii'k, until they uuuld mJ conimai.d iu lUtoikct fortyI•er(vlit, ( f th' ir par value i*i gold and silver, and is

t'lit am-thei evidence oi ihe imprsct'uaibibty aud unn;-HhI ility and vety insignitic'Uit value ot sjiecul.*itive

thiHMics.It is again said the fivA-tneiity bonds wore more vi!-

iialJe than tlcse 'I’rwssurv notes. The hietory ot thegHiiibling markets ot New York wouldehow they variedfn ID a lew cents 1h-!ow to a few c -uts above their pirvalue, in thise Trcruiiry uut4 S, pcihaps a Ur.'er part ofthe t'mc above par, but when it U remcmlK-red thuttNae bcoda weie to he paid ntuiatuilty in gold, snd theinti rest was to be paid scmi-xnnindly iu gild, this iiwtgfif4.ids neither aigun'ent nur inferenceH this piiiKcr decs exist, iU existence is c<*>ra-

nei us with tlie Coiistitmion, although tlie (x*o isixu forill* ( Xeicisc ma> not have cccurred until long si:i(X*.

T licie lue p(/wers wblcli were confemd b' MudaxUtcr»nt( mp4>iaiji'Ous with the Coutthutioh which were mAiiitf-i.did nor 4 X|if(t4d t- be excrcsed in t mes of {N*a^'4'.

Then wbctlisr the p iwcr to ui-ike thcM* Trc.isiiryDrt4 s a 1( gal U ndi-r be alcue included iu the p-^ivcr tocoin Uiuiicy aud ii-gulnte its value, aoi uf foreign cuius,or to bunoM muU4*y. or lo n*guUle c-niiincrca aimmg thebUtes. ui to raise and sup|ioit an army, and to provi *eoi<d maintain a navy, or lo ptovide tor calling fo. th theiiiilitis to puppitss inptinect on :uid ciituiC($ th« Uwit ofthe Ol wlictk' r il ie a p’‘0|Mt aud u^sst.


hicsns of I’Xi't lit'.rj'..' any du«‘ or hi*ie these pou «*te, Uis equally authorized by the Constitution, and ublig«t->r} os law.T lu'se express. soverA’gn. snd imlimiUd powcT we e

coDhTied upiHi the giivri mm-iit fur the Ira is-ct udi nt purpose of peiiMdm thig its existence, and tli<*M-b> M curing tb( lil»eity ox d UMt'oaa iCy uf the Ameiicuol^topb-to the laP st g4'iicmti4*n; and tliAQ. hvi thereshould be Mine iLfiriiiity iu the lancuogc c nVrriiig theIM.ueis. Insertion article 1. gnveto ('toiiim-s-* inllie bi(to(d( st !aiigusg4- the Ujuat plenary {Huver *’to iiiiikeaff latrn which sbsb be n-ccK>,arg and i>ro/H r for car-rung into ex(cutinn the Jorri/oim; j*oir. tH and alloth*r i*ctr*iu vested by ihfs CoT:slituiioii in the G4irArn.ifieiit of the I niled StaUs, or any detNiXtinent or otlirethciui.”As it was inlAtided by this elai-se to p**rfect al! th#

vcrtiy i*oMcia in ihcirfulh-t ai-Miifeancenud amplitude.Ct iigKSr liiUpt. to a vrent exteat. lie left I' iud.'ewbtotlav a ah( md Le mcomry Hud pn oer fi r the exe'*utiouot tlw rteu )>ov«ci>. aud in a cuvermuent derivi .g p*;'<%\eit f:on. i1m* pe- p'e. iK-inv mxde top •umt':' th trgenernl Utiftorc. urdtuKyu e the bl*-a-4Ui:;- 'if Hi*e' tv tot|}« II. Mild tlu it {M . ttiity. it* 'aws dttdcmd to l>e th'* * lu-Ud'iM 1 1 (*1 pub ic lit. subject to N* ch *n’.;e i 1

Il i^ii cd b\ this p .enl agency, iu> is also tii* C t

tun i S' f. \'b«ie L ‘..uid dip4-ietlun b’^ more Pt.el or1 14 J I . ly h»ri/ J tli::u in the h pie-eiit it:\* .^of tlie p • p s:ldl!«ir Kt .!• r? And lH!l"ie Coiiil-wil mi»'o tie lii *

li' r:(t p ( I tl is. a (-o-ordii tiU* depot ftiei t with 'heir ou\44.!im! u ill. thi hi..h P'jwer- olfiHctmeni. p}. .4 .uu'-l toiip ir''t(t Hiid 14 ^p tid l4> tlmt p’lblie se.iti ' 4M)t whhhwj.s d4 piLtiC«* to t e uiiA«u.t'ni!4»d and om nip Kent wUhintli« 4pi f-14'ard Hr44WnnceM4>t the Co:i titTp l.u*. the .• tn-j-t

1 4 •* , l-m d full;. Httd c!eat Ij Ilut I* e en.u tmei.t i.- wdli-uiit tl*e Mill Ol it 4 ol t)»e ( emal it lit IO' I, Mid e\ ** v r t>1 :u-al pti"-nu*i 1 i< Il in fi vor </f n* v-lulit-.* i.» to b i'-: 4I

ILt> if. rh'.wn. I S is ti urU ", with r*'as4<ntblc c*. 1 4111 -

ty ib.-tt ihe C 4 0 . tilutfi'U dc 'S nrt di c wh -.t -ImU b * al( id t' I d« r, not |o«s it 4>ti irtad the I-*;:'*!!** der to anvkii d 4 f lu' ufs. cauis, (t nioiiiq , sn-i th>* p >\vcrtide-r^Hie thcM- T (ssuty nri*# a le rnl tender is not a siil>-

p*anti^4- t lit d4‘rivHtivA power, snd w-is a iicc s--\n’ andpi4 pei eX4 cmi4 n nf se>e'*l ve-t d jiowci-. it feiii liiis 1 1

( 11 dicsli' th'- iiisticc atui li-gality <>t inGiitig t*»e-ii aur 1

in tl. 4 - 4i'K leiige fii pre-4'X‘stiiig d'-bia. and th-it m ither1 w. C'»nstituiioi', m*r giiMl conK-ience d«'mandth it a”yiiior** tlmn the I umiutol uiiiouut should be re 4 uli-t.d intill' dtribtotge uf si'di debts.This p‘W4*r to d< dare wbrt sh-ll U» a 1-*?al tA!id»*r

4 xist4 d tr* III tlM' ad' ptiou of the Uonstitntion to ht* cx-1‘icised in aiu’li msnne'’, and under Micti inodilicitiriTis

as ri' un staiicas misht n--|!iir«*,am1 the exi'/e'iA-s of ihctrc*vemmet't might d4'iimnd, and the geimral w 'If-tr** ofthe |»4-4 p’e migi t irld'(^te, and Its exercise being ot niii-

tutol hi'Zard to the credit s and d'*bt4ir, and udn iherthe r«)c or the etlMT cIms miclil lie tN* in'»re si-ri-Mialy

aff eted. would b4- cpiallj ju-t as itr ex4'*dm* must Im*

pl4-M:li:i d to Im* f«>r the ‘•lT m!'' t g lOd to tliegieat '-t

I urnk'-r.” ard ii'd lo fijoter or ii Hid private iulercst,I.t i-ce il dtvidnnl iiiter4-st should yi*-ld to the p.ihlicvihr-rrsud necc»#ity.

it bos l« en olrtsady remark* d thiJ whiM the 8ta» 4»B

V 4-re pixtiiDiud Irrm euuitiiig laws Itnpairiug the4 h-igstum uf C(A<tr cG, non*- was InipoM-d on Omgress.hut ( II llo coiitiary ChHigiesp is auth<iri«ed to “''tahlidiuiiiuiui )4 Wt> 4 ii the subji'rt of' iMukriiptcies thrmuh-out tl. 4 ' I’nitcd btatea’* Clause 4 ^*c. H— .\rt. 1. Itir tnu tl at this ia giiace d' <-s not in t'Tiiu sp-p*y to pic-4 xiatii-g 4^4 bto, )< t tlu' courts hiveunaniD curly uph< d th* cuiiBtttuti'innlity of bant-ri i»i laws, by wlich Ihe d<‘Mor« in pr(‘-"xiatififliabniiicp hav 4 - b<‘i'n lelf^scd on their own v lunliryrpplicstien and such laws liavi bei*a odjiHlicati 1 to l>e

c< iM-titntioti I by tint auiriist Mud suprcuie tiibuua',V bit b U.e pe4 ph- and Slab'^ have sefi-ru-d on tbe ti itlsibii4*r in all qm sthuis >•! **iaw aiidi-i|nitv ariidrig un-c*4-r this fons'ltiillon aii<* the Uws 4>!the (’uited fitofi's**dr. t< -wit tin- 8* p:4-iiie t’-curt (H the Uniu-tl States.'ibeae bankrupt laws Imve Is en sustrii i-d whci npplr-

iiq topi4-AXipl ng debts, on thb prit'ctple: tliHttluawssa IM veicign |M>wer vt*Mit*d by Uf Cdipt't'itiim iii'.uri-g44Hp, li d Iial II' to be 4'xerciwd t»y ilu*m tot any litm ;

ht nee tbut 4*M b coM»art wna made w i 1, tbe letfal i'lipH-est'.i n tbsl tbe ublU’HtioTl sbmi'd cztrt untU diseha cedby tl e obligi'i , uulos Cougrers sbould, in tin* im-‘iutiiiie.piivide for tbe ibligo'*’ ieJea*e by a Itaiikrupt Inw.riicist •>' po as to legal temier—Iliis i-owor to d'*c(ar - l!i4*

fi t a* b no4-r is soveM-ii tUoiigli lM‘l(Hi;.ing to flu* rl-irs ofill plii d I owt rs: When Luiigii'sa 4•ua^t(*d that gold andsdvei cuii'S rbon d be a legal tender, every oiitract fi»

pn> dollars was a c*'utu«rt tupaj-thd mnnv dollars oftbe told and silver loins so • ec'ar'Xl to hr a Ia-'^Itl I (*er, wilb the tinthiT legal in>p Icatii'U that if Go:i-giirs in tlie n:eHtit>me, should enact that sAiti,*tliit»g4'V ahi-uld lie all gal tender, tli-d the debumipht he li-*-

(htiried. and the cicd.ior would to rcc ivc. io this uewfir«l tender money or cuiiency. the exact *- 010,101 ofdollars I'd in tlo '


bhg itiiHi. and tiiifl iiuplied eoiidi1 4 n b/s much a purl tf tlm legal contract as La oip»'cfscui d'liuiis.

< ut.-.iiF* has in yaifinsways aff'CtHthe obll'it on4 f c I t»i 4 ta. M n-i tiinca in fiivur o' tlio creditor, th'i!i iui'’V' I tf Ih** d' bti'i . Huch ho* Ihm u thi- '-ff.-' t of ni ikin*go d ai d silver coins a legal t*'i der W’hen. previ m^ly,

It 'ont'iM nttol and oUi«w psp'-r luimev nnd n inm elitfiv

I Lad Leco a lei^iU ieud-.-r. War baeal.vaj'asciioiiS-y of

fA« t« d f . nt"irfs and ofl.*n unnthi! ifi'd tin* ri''h*s of th"c 44.Per. K** ImigiAs and l-l'vkait^'s haw hid * s mil r4 fi> ( U > I d the laus aunihiUted the obiicoioi'yf r-4 0 ! th( i^oi tiMct, M-t nil ihtai' Ikfcve Is.'ea uplwlil bythe huh' SI 'iidicitil sulliiir ty.Tic n‘ld c ins hy the act 1*7,4 bail L eu ao il

Ito'siMf tl Ht nireli -four 4*to-l«s of the p',>vi its (Ncni 'e

coninim d ns much gold MS line Imidrod under {h«s a -t,

> 4 1 it took ns iiiHtiy of ibe 0] 1 4*agl* s to di>«chvir':e a debt' s of the 1.4 \v c' gfi s. altlioo:.'j) the old h:»d 1 jreiP»r ni'\r-

ket vmIui* thmi the new, yet tlu sc were of e*piG value i'l

the €V4s of the law. iM'cansA 1h*i1i u<*re a irgn! ti'ndcr,s«i d'vtsicd by C'oin’teaM. for their noniinol v.iluo orav < unty and lu t for tin ir inark'-Uble value.TLi* Hiaiige of the Veal temier is no m w principal

eith' r iu English or Amc lean legislation, lu rtizV vs.

Iv Lindsay, it. al. H ()rer *J A.J in dsM on b-e-d fit

payii.cnt ct £'2i sterling* pica of temier. thit at the timiO’ pavn'cnt of said sum ef money, c.’rtxin mo ev w-i,-*

ruircnt In England In the pl '.cc of sterlings cillcd p"l*

1«t-(*s, held, that if, atthe tin c app/>inted fur'pavioimt. nb se n*rnev is cutrent in lieu of st rliiu. toud«'r nt th-»

tin c and place of th t h.tsa money is gooiL and thecri'iiit* r can ri covi r no o*hcr.Where il-o oVMgafioii wsa to pay on a t-iven dar five

qimiteis of whctot. which were woi tit fift** pounds i»n

theda> of tbe centrnct but only five pounds ou ihed ivcf paymei t the Jiidgnii nt Wirt for the five quarters of

' u be t or /fr< pounds, is recited from the yeat b»kd II,

1! II..XI

Viiesn K Izabi th by proi 1 -mntlo'i of Miy $lth, in thoI 47a v» ar 4»! ber ri ign. cli*clHted ami c tib'ishctl ?is law ul


ai d riinent mo! i-v of Indand » 4•ert'4^n mix>d inon*^I

wM' h she pad canM d to l>o coi' ed *11 the lijw.T "f Iedi r, to pay the iothI ainiy, and carry ou the in t'*ie


14 f-4- Hi ij of Tyrone.!

B't tt a mi'rclmiit of DrouL’lienia. lamcht go of Gi!»-


Nil in l.,ordoti. and becHiuc bound to himfirXl'Hi^I pti vi» us to aa»d pMwlHiiiHtion Brett made a tender of' ti e XlOci in this mixed mom-y—'his was li -td « *•>>-! tend'T. Parees K i>'. la Hirrb slon vs. Potter, I>*er -I*'.,

fi 1. f7. Alt' r the fall and di'bi.sriiu'nt of moiie. lii S


Fdw. VI.B dei't wsa hrousl.t cn te.ise f->r two v(* »r-i ri'r’l

In arrears, whicli fell due at March T«‘riu, 3 K-lw VI,Thi leascwasdatedNoV'-mla'rJl.SlyearLItfriry VIIL Attbi' time the rent fell due the shlliings wiTecirreut at 13pi-nre which wen* de« ried to H ptmee at the time otbringing the actiim. Tlie d«‘fen-iant pfi'aifi'*! tiUidAr oniia> s of psymeni In /*eet4M anjlua ' Oi*c.n* shil-lings and averred that l ach shilling was pavab'.o at ^3pence whim tendered, the plaintiff recidvcd the inonfvafti'r demuning **lf forvigii coin l»e inade current at ahigher rate than its intrlus c value, hy proc'amatiou. ater-d* r in fuch moni'v is good iu tJrcat Britain.** Bi-ccn*s Ah. Teiwli'r, b. 3, vol. 7. p. 23.V The same prinel.nles have Ncn upheld bv the American courts. JohnKarr vs. Mil’er, 2 Cranch 30. In the year 177T, wheq '

Virginia mriency conairl'Mi of paper money, Farr oh-|

ligati-d himself to pay ne ye.irly rent twenty-six poundsUirvLim currency, but p-.per currency, whitm waslawful mom y st rti^t ilale. hud N'cn withdrawn hy alaw cf 17>*1, the defendant Insistoil hecouliionly hecom-pi'lled to pay ill 17"3 wlwt this Virgiuia currency waaworth at the time of the coutract; that he hadnotcoo-tracti'd to pay specie which w»m the lecil currenev attbe time ot the jiidcment; hut the cou: t by Chief Jii'^tico

Marshall hidd: ‘This can only mAi\n moiiev current utthe time the rents ahall l»erome pavable. • • • Thep4 sltion that ifii' rrt/ne qf the money at fh* fiat* whenthe (Tnshb lation for which il was to bepiidw.'tsri*-reivi d 1* the stsndard bv which the contract i« to bemessured. is not a corri-i-t one ”

^Tber*-S4'uf Ifiirriuaiia vs. Porriiana exr., 1 W-mh,Virg., K 341, was a suit on l»on.d fiw XM j*ayahJ^ in Vir-ginia cumnev; thccuuit held that there WHS no p n«Tciiculi ti' I) h* Id ss cinieiit mom v in Ap'il. 1T *U; th I

the tl iid«-r must Im‘ inom-y ciirieiit at the tl.m* of tlie

tendet e!se it is not a fi'cal fender, and th ,t tlis ciirien-cy i.riii4'(t ill the bond bavin:: ci'Haed to la* C'liri'utmorel wi'uld n>'t fio ts f'mb't: ti nt th.- fi-.r.(l (-ff * toftl.c iiuol uaa to p‘«.v £.‘k! ill such nirieiicy a.<i .v.iscnr-ri'tit at tfii tino'ul payment.

In I'nit. d Kt'itiv V* Rnfiei-taon -b B- ters. <‘W4. th'*8.i-pri n-4* U< ml 4't llic Unib'd M fi s by f .fu-t c»' M ir-

sl s'Lsii!: ‘ An 4-bUgation to p:iymi'nt i.eTi(-r.i!!y is dis-rha'gid hr apstmc'it in Ie al currouc. *’

It will lie |>e c»'i\ed th-t the dchtoi* derived the h»a-eft from the alteratir n of tti« ciirr«*ncy in the recim 1

Frgliah cases, wliPat the credi 4»rs derived the iMuiefit lathe AnK^lcwii call's.

In tbe di hssenii'nt of the gold c-Mna by romwe-'s thed'-bto'B derived a g*eat I'l'mfit, hut thcpc betiefibt bipiivate j»arlies witc nut the moving motive of eitherKi.giand cr Ametica, are meraty incide toi M a greatpublic policy, sdepb'd to nu'i't the i xigimcu-s ot thetixni'a piuteitlbe puMic, aud peii>eti>atu the Goveru-met t,

Piivate it tercet including gains and lossot, must besccoiidarj ard subsiiilary 1 1 the gie it public poliev soesaentlsl to the proti (tion and pres rvntion of thu Gov-ernment. An overniMi'g necessity hts repiirt^ ufCongrepe another eboiige iu thu law-ul current niotieyof the c*Mtiitr\ :

tbe private tut' rest of tlie debtor class

it lx 114 t'ttcd hy this change, and the creditor floss mayhe injiuxl. but why should the creditor aov more thanIhe del tor be (M-rmitUd to obtrude his private inleroatto thwait an essential public polici ?

TIuk iMiwiTs w'ere given for wise and beucficent piir-

coees. Jt was uiA to be presumed tint Congrest wouldlicbtly trlfie with the g'('at interfst of tbe eoAtniiuftv,woik a revolution in the currenev au-1 commeice of theoountiy, without the most urgent ncoeasity.T N nec4*aaity for these changes caniiut be foreseen

ai d pi evil ed for, but must be acte 1 on when pri'seuted.T he hn 2»rds ( f such changes are mutual: no mau can,thi refute, rightfully complain of tbe iitjustice of hUGoveruirert when tlo'ee changes are ao Ciutimislymade, and fur aurh weighty reasons. 'Hie love of gainmay m-t be gratified, and piivate cupidity may he dis-fp]*4>inud. bit tliepatiiuticwillfindaiiipleconipensa-ti4 11 for bis incideiitaJ loaaea in the welri'ine retlcctionlUsI Ins Govi'tuinent 1ms Imcii rcecticd ficm ruin, its

flic ilatitutiona p4 |TM‘t";U(-d, Ids p.'ivsti* to tuui* s«-ruicd trim wteik and min. and his individ.ial libt'rtyand the lihi'ity of his p'isteiity guaranti«ed by the pre-aeivntiun of the Goveiiiiuent, and tli;it this legal 't 'udoract In a coiitriliuted much to thia pn'si'rvatioii.Now that ti>any hutidied-4 of iiiilUm s of dollars of this

cmi4'!c> 1ms f<uund Its way into circulation, ih-* cum-n.cice ut the country luu< lieen ad ipti'd to this new nn*-dii m MiPioiis tip'in tuillloiis of b 'th public and pri-v. t( liubiliiles l UtiTid ii to upon the fdth th it it w-isa ll ra! t' I'der, bundri'ds of bunks orgaiiituxl upm thisbsais. whli muny itillib ns of clrcnUtion. tlie soldiersand aadois Nen paid %vith t fi»r their p4.4ri!oucand men-ii'tkia H*'vi(v«, neither juatli^e i.or suutid pt tier r«'-

quires tlmt this U'*w pt ti’ of (.fTsiiv shoiihl be iiti-'citle«l,

am. tl IT 04 n.D:eici>J ai d finauei.J revolution p od iceil,

l'ii\ate fottuiK** WT4' k4-d. pi'.v-.te richt' di^'orbed, am)tin* glint intenvl uf soc'ict) wniil mly tamp *-4'd with.

Ifi'iore crnils should he exp'x ted to pronounce jadg-mi lit* thus iiiiH tiling setr' ol Ootigies^. the great hiiai-

of ccmitiuolties, a'ld producing such nio-u<‘ntoiisaid s.' d n suits, a atei n, uuri-leutuig uicer.'itytoprc*M*i viMhe C’4 natitution ahould l>e c'e-irlv d4'Tuon'*tratcd.T 1,6' 4' b but one legal atatidaid by ivliieh to mva.-* tre

the pai ment ot debts, and that is to retiuirc the di-htcrto pay tbe mimlier of legal (fidlars which may be calledfi r hy the conttact and rdjudrvd a-miort him.The law docs tu t admit ot any difference In the value

of dollars of its legal curret.ry, however the marketvalue (1 the ime or the (4her cum*ncy m«y differ orvary. The gold dollar dec'ar(‘d to l»e a legal tender willdiwhaige precUi'ly a dollar, nothing more; the Tr4'asnr>*1)4 1<‘ dollar declared to be a legal tundur iviit discliargepci-rlaely a dollar, uotMiig lea*.

^ 1 bis rule of tlie law ie plain, easy, and simple, andha* inoiiiouH in all its workings. IK'ttirt from it, andcontusion and einbarrasameut meet iia every wliere.The discharge of debts la rendered e-'iinpllcati'd and

mceiUkin, If a debtor canuAt pay a thousand dtiUarsot h)S ind(bU‘dn«ss with a thousand d 'llani4>f any cur*rei.e.v, uis()(' a legal tender by Uw, what amount of suchcurrency will dischoige it* Who is io apC4'rtaln theamount which will Im reiiuited? Aud hs what moansis it to be a^ceitalned? By what maiket or standardcan it be aKeitained* U the court proiiounoing thejudgment to say it may be dliM'harged by the jnil:m"ntofone smoui t of ouu kind o! legal cunencr, and by a dif-fi rei t amoui.t of anothiT kind of legG ennenevf NVhatlaw authorizes any suchj' dgment? I! theO'urt is uotto do it is the cu.lectiiig officer to de tv'nnine Uiicf Andit ko, is he to hear the co.ifiictiug evidence of witriea-4** und be go\eiU4‘d hy tu«* cunfiicting vabiioi of diffe enlni&ikeu-;oi' how is hetoanive nt hMt atidcu tami^^n-clnsioDp* And is he to iudge at h> peril, or Is he to bewholly irrepponsible? Is his ludcment tv he final, orsubject to icvi i>lon* Anditsuhjict to reversion, by whatDll de 4>f i pi'miiun and b.r what finiiiu*Thi-pe 4jii- stiouB are sugg« siive o* tN ab-*mdity of de-

paitirg fi4>m the ha> i)i<«hi4>us sin p%', nt d 'inbonu rufi' ofthe Uoiiatitiitien Mul the law s. 1 1 reca-ddoUars. decia im)

b> law to be a legal t«'U4ler, of die s iiae exa4-t value,w liftlu i ft coifc 01 p p r, recaidli rs o! the markol v.iliie

uf eitl er or b th. With thU rnle tlic duties of courts atdc< 111 <*t>ug (*!t)<eis aie sin p e. tirat fi>r the ciiiru to ascer-tain bow n any dolisrs aie tube pdd, and thi'n for thecollect ug uiiieer to asi-ertH'n whetlier the currency olfertd Is of ehhei kind Oiad" h>* la a* a legal ti'uder.

Mntb light ha* In'cn sheil tip^n this suh-ect bv theab e opinioiiS of Judaea Dtovii Si H ihtnn, Wright * 1111 -

nutu and Mai vim of the App 'ati* Court ot New York,in tl c case cf Meyer rs. Ro).-* veU aud other r'»s»*«4 triedatllies.,me time: and by tlic* 1 uited ehatei ('oartofU «uns, 4'piiiloi) by C1ii* f Ju I’ci U.^vy, iu Lath un vs.

riiited :?u>tcs, Murtli 6 U'jA.

F( »p ct lor itte leea leAruing a'*d integrity of my t recel e&^ues, Fat«'rs aitd Kobe;tsun, w. aid hk%e made it

a^re a"letoc(aic r with them, but lor m<* own cou-§i i -Mi'us cnvictions UtAt this Act waj* but tlw exerc aeut courtiititioiial t»owi'r bs Cuugivss. Tlie dUngroo^b eiitrei-BUy of d rSi-iiting from thi ir •’pinion, is. however,to some extcM relieved, when I retloct that the coustl-tutlonalitv of this Act was upheld hy the experiencedand able Circuit Judge who prividee over tho 13thUiptric*, in or.e can' and bv that leariud Jurist, theM tieinl Ie Uharceilor ol the Lou svil'e Clmucery Cou t,

iu iw 0 ether cases, now before(jourL



Tiik I-mmortai !ty of Bo<yrif.—Oae of tb«

most iiiflutLiinl mctivoi which prompted B>>thto his great crime seems to have beeu the am-l-ili 'D lo peipetriite his name in L-slory. Hdhas fuih achieved the iufimous notoriety he

sought. IIU frequent quotations ab >tU “theambitiona youth who tired the Ephesian domo ’

is xnndc clear by the fulluwi^)' piisa:;c fro.n

Uollins’e ui cient hUtory:The dui Alexander tie Grc*itw’s born the

CAlebr.ib:d letiip.’e ot DLua nt K;>he^*^s \vi-^

but) i*d. Il Ia well known luitt this temp'e w;i;r

ue ol the W'veu woiucrs ol* the wo. 1 J. It U ui

bun buil* in the ii'iiu * aud at tae eXi) ..i-"j jI

all A>ii Minor A drnat num-wr of ynivn vvo eeuq'I('\»(! in bnl'dirur it. In teneta wia fmrhni.("rtfl nnd taei U -live a»id It-; biuiUhtwo bi.Mlrtd und tweiitv. 1. vtun Kiip,yor,el )v

one bin died and iwenty-.'^eveu ci'liiinn.'^, lU tni-

pcrfe ftei Li*4 h. which minv K. tl) Ie wrought at a ureat ex| en c a‘i-i

by tbe mo^t IX *e:l( nt anl^t-, Wuo end'M\(ire':to excel one aiu thtr on tuia ocea«io;i P kre»^l ol llie Icuq'le coi req-oudn-i In ni'cn il-

C( net* V. ilh thti^b columns One Ero^tntii-* h ol

t'fct li e to lie temi'le ou purpo>e. H pmtu ll c tori uie. iu order 10 iorce bi.T) 10 c iut4*.?s

Ms motive for eorarnitiiiu^ so IntAmom :^n

acUoi:, he owred th. l it was with ihr view ol

uiakii R himself known to p '.‘•teiity nnd t > im-UiorUilizc h‘s name by di^uo iu^ so noaN asiruclure. Tbe rtialts Gener d of A-ia ima .'

Hied ihty hbonid prevent the success 4>f ht.-

vU w.- bv’puhlithine a decree prohihiilnic then euiton ol his name However, their pr4)Ui-

Itiiicii only excited a jrrtater cur.osiiy, Mrhciice one <*t the bbtorians of tiiat oi^e

omitted to Dieution eo nion-itroiH m ex’rav.i-

i^auce. Slid at the came Lime lell& us me tumeof the ciiiiiinaL

Kckoi fan Emiokatiox io Amkrica.—


heAftonbladet, ot Bloc .holm, in a »iriKiu< article

on Eurf'iHan emigration In the nineteenth cen-tury, pivts the followimr Inleretliia; stuUstics ol

the euiUrunts sent bv diOereut European coua-iries lo America between the ve. rs named;

Gtrinftrjv 000 1.^0—18^0France * 2i»H tHH) IH'iO—istK)Bwiizeriund 2Mkk» lsr»l—isi.s

Kdkiuni hO OtN) iHal

Italy and Bpain YT,0<Mj 1x40

Fn-m .Sweden il appears that 15 0 (It mitrranLwent out betweeu the V car; 1x51 aud lyd'j, oi

ahum a mjjorilv came U) the Unlit^d Sute<.Denmark lost by emierntion oniv tj OiHj euLjeculietwteii tbe ytars Isjo and I8O0 . the Rt'caler

partot wbom*w*'nt to I'tah. a-4 Vloiiuous Insix vearr—from iJ^ol to l>i57— !I«)!liiid S'*nt out.*10 OOO euiitranls lo varluu- patis of the worl I.

Frt'U' P -itutra), U-twreu Id-Vj aud lvI2. 2.5 050iDjikianl'* went to Brazil, while only Por-inidiit e tan-e lo tie United t^tates in forty

\e; rf—from 1820 tu

The imu•eli^c und recent prepou-.lcraQce ol

the (iHUiun immiffraii 'n into IhU cijumry b is

ulrer.dy iimde lu-elf felt, both sociaiiv and polic-

i( ujl>, and it-* ulterior con-tqUjLctis in both

-I c-cb' will probably be of lue verv’ ^ravtct Im-(Aittinca.

TheNiW Y 4 ik Tribune, in view of certain

Plan u.cLtb lalfulalcd to injure the sabscrlpti-iu

lor Vrs Lii'coiiia benelit, to th** clTect th it the

late Prefidert U-lt an anijile f nium*, Is ludiiciHi

t fUlc pObitiV' ly thi't Mr. Lir.cj^n’s cxocut jr

nnd ECM'ist fiiend. United Rialt»s Judj;e DmidDuvis, ot liliijt'U. after takin^r au ac ‘ouat of

the estate, has uotlticd Mrs Linc-dn thit sin*

cannot afford to keep h.»u^ on her means, bai

miut board.


n!fckBatii<p; Forner SiaTt'-iwiiars.

litfirnal R( V'puf OIBc r fiir Gfsri'ia.

R" Ii0?t(d TreatiD' al of Mr. Slef»h:*us

Pay f-f Vft'sPra OlSrers Stoppsd,

iBipoitaut to yitdical trsiy OiScers.

Sales of Gov. IIor?'!S aad Mulos,

St rions lllasss of Mrs. Ste’y Siwar;.’.

U. f. EiintfU, of Ky., io

Fur.ds for Payment of Troops ll-jr*;.

matUrs SE«1 Thinrs la I'harlesto.),

final Morialily amoux the Nfgroa«.

fardi(!atss for Pror. fior. of 8. f.

Arrest of Rebel Secretary Trenholm.

E( duction uf Dlissli^ippi Sq’jadrau.I

More Rebils Appljinx furPardin. !


Provisluu&i fiOT4rpor>hip ut Ala. I

Vaceccy in Siipma«> fourl Dnueb. !


Washinoto*., Jane 20.

In order to checkmate the elforU of the for-

mer slave-holders who are especially endeavor-

ing: to di^(rese the colored i>opulatir>n by wlth-

boldins: jnst compensation for their labors, .

Gen. Uowsrd proposes to settle the freeJ.iien '

on tbe abacdoued lands of V.r:;lDia os soon as|

f racticable.'

James C. Datinp, of Macon, Ga., has beenappointed Collector of Internal Revenae for


the Second Collective District of Geortcia. i

Tbe pay of a Isrjte number* of Weetejn ofll. I

cers has been stopped by the Pavmaster Gen- '

eral until they render the Qaartermaster’s De- '

pan ment the returns and au<»ant8 required by I

law and army reituIation.s. Most of the otfleers[

belouK to Sherman's armv.

It le reported that Alexander H. Stephens willi

be pardoned by the President and banished from)

tbe country.

Surgeon Gen. Barnes cantione medical ofllcera

of the arnayBKainstexbibilinK anytable statementor paper belonf^oK to the oIBcial records of the

Medical Department, orKivinK any information,

CO] y, or extract from tbe same, or any similar

infoi mution to any person whatever, exceptint;

those to whom sneb Information should beproperly rendend under existing re(;alations

and orders, nnless by written authority of the

Bnrfreon-Qcnfral, circulir, and circular letters,

rciiuesllDfr Information as to tbe results of their

observation and practice, will uot be replied bythe Medical IVpartment.

Tl d Government horses and mules now btinj;

Fold daily a' anction b-ine un average of about

•r'W euch. .(bout two hundred are dispofed of


Mrs. Secretary Seward, It is feared, Mill not


Henrv C. Burnett, who has a seat in ConijreF'*,

and rei-resented bU district in Kentnekv at

Richmond, id here, and assumes tbetmmp’a-cent air of one who has done no wroni; audneeds no i ardon. He thinks tbe Governmentcannot afford to be harsh in the treatment of

such an honorable man!

Tbe statement that tbe President refused to

allow the colored people here to celebrate the

4ih of July in the public Rrounds U untrue, as

it appears that he i>er8onally granted permis-

sion for (ueb a ^therini(.

A letter from Richmond annonnees the recap-

ture of the notorious Dick Turner, who escaped

from Libby Prison about one month since, lie

was cauKbt at bis own home in Richmond.The funds for the payment of all the troops

c-occregated at Louisville have been forwarded

ly the Paymabtcr-General.


Nkw York. June 21.

The Herald's Charleston correspoRdent sav»:The dclet utlon from South Carolina to Wa->h-incton, whose ai lival was announced yesterday,will ark an early appointment of a Providan\lGovernor for Ibid Slate. Tueir drst ch"l;ef>rthis pcsltion is ex-Govemor Aiken, aud theirsecond is General Gurney, post commauder atCharlestor.The late rebel Secretary of theT.evsury Tren-

holm, has b<en amsti'd at Columbia andtaken to Charleston and placed iu coniiaement.Cbaileston had a^-uin resumed a busiuess like


The work of rebulldlnE' that potion of thecity dertroyed du'intj the war U in active pr ver^. Tbe wbolerale merchan's were rapidlydi'i^ine of stocks of goods. Pureha-'erg Iromtie interior we~e ct mlnc- in in ’aixe aumbers.A heavy mortality is ptevaiUoK amou^ the

ceeroes iu Cbarledtou..\dmiral.Dahli<ren had i-sued his valedictorv

to the oflicers and men of his doet, aad expect-( d 10 sail fur the North immediately ou iMarjof th- Pawnee.

It ie raid tbut there are at ie-ist one hundre 1

thousand bales tf coiion a’on:' the line anJ

bctwe>n Charleston and Columjil. It wiU^ ba|

furwar(-ed to the market as soon as the ro-.u ii :

con pleltd. I

The Tribune’s Wiidhinsjton spccl.ul 2Vh «vv>:

H'*!!. Ja->. Johnson, the newly appoiu'ei pri>-

^i^:o^al Governor of Georgia,' 'cfi the dtv this

evt nirK for Ms State, via New York ani Savan-nah. G<>v. Johns-^n it pleiFcd with tbe Presi-

dent's v'ews on the tubjeet of reeon'trucil >n oftie S«', and takes the rtron-jest I'nlonKiounds, and will priiceed .at noec U> Inform the(eople oi GeorKia what thiir true conditiuu it,

and whit they idufI do to reo ;.'anlzd the loc il

government ard soclity.

G»n. Howard. C.'mmlssloner of the Free l-

iLt n's Bureau, iu a letter to the Commi-sioLer!ii hi<'tia.ond, ray-s of tixin,; eom[ieu.ati<>n t<>

ifMdnien: 1 am c^inc.lned lo ll.x even miiiira-ita

r»tis ibui shall apply to all i i-. s. The dive,•-

^ ly 1 f eiii uui.*-taui.-es is fo }-reat Ihit, I believe,cun Is* l etter approximated hv coirrieC-v

I I'll v»(l by the A'Fistjiit Commi-.-Mn r< Si-pi rii.lendai tr ot Fre, diu»*n, or otUir oIU.-.jrj euan;> in e(*nr.ection with the Bureiu.They iiiu.-t tlrrt satisfy IheiinFelve. a'* to whv,

l.'njiift tompent-ati'.u f"r tte different cla -..*>

r I It. Is 'rets iu ti e localities eoini-u; u'.Jor ilieir

iu ii.tdiate rupervisiuu. ll the Commiiioe tlx--.

» e* m;'< rsition the-e will seldom bo bii.l

inyihiiiir beyond that rat-. It will be suie.bowevir, lo proUct the employ ee a>;diut Ub .r

withr ut con.iiensaiion. Tue emplover is pro-tieled by this con'r.'ct, which the emtilove-,will n trt>**ted in eood f»Uh. !> bound to fui*il

Jud;;e Wm F Nordiog. D rect ftix Ci.m ul<-siot er for 8 uth CaroliuA, h is arrivtd here Ir vmCMirlttton He rep it. that the pf*ople of tha-;

city. notwithFtundini; Ihe pr**.uined scarcitv ofBDOcey, hme psid into the Unite.! States Treas-ury over $90,000 on acc uiit of the direct taxeslor whhh they were in arrears.On'ei> have t een bsued r. duciui; tha Mi..sU-

sippi Squadron to flfuen vea.els. .\ciiui{ Il-j.r

Admiral 8. P. Lee will rtmaiu iu comm lud. withLieutenant Comn'o'ores E. G. MeCibv-, J J.(JoiLWBlIis, aud J. P. Porter as his three divis-ion c< rmiundeis.Three gtinl'oata are left at the month of R *d

river. All of the monar TesseU and all thelou-clads, except 'he Te n**rs e un i oue other,are ordered to Metupbl--, and will at once beput ont of coromis.i"n.

All Ihe other ve..els now In the squadron willbe tent up to M< ui d C ty imiue* i ticiy and atonce put < ut of conjm''Spi>>n. I be 'remj*eet willhe'Fa'u r be llairsh'p of he squadronTfe President to-day pa d ced Mont-ose .A

Pallen, ol Mbsuuii, P. .VI Leach, ol Nor'h(jMroHna, ex-nicmber of Coneress, and R 1)

Arn< Id. late Va'orot Siviumb, tbesame whitU'tendered the city to Gen. Sherman.Warr.mlB lor p odon w re Ir.'W, e dlreete.l

t'l be bsuid to W. 8. VI'iiil., J. .V.,n. CIi riis, and R. C H iv, of North CarolinaviuorK the appein'ment. for pirdon to dowa. ihut ( f Lyneh the Cdholic Bisivqi

ol Cbarli ..'on. noted beret 'fore for hi. but r

uud mort vlnitent opposition to theG>veru-m< nt and tbe UuionTie jreiition 1. drawn up and slsTn-d bv

Bifhop Si'an'd'nK of Baltimore, and by th*!

Bi-hop ot B’.iffulo. The tone of the petitions uir

pardon were also filed this afternoon bv J >'iu

li. llildwiu, late mtuiber of tue rebdl Cju-prcfs.

John S Parbour, PresWent of the Oranj-c andAlexandria R R. Co.; P. P. Klpworth, of Viryiiiis; K. B Gobi's, E. A. Grie'son, and T.Hu I es, of Dilawure, were pilots and bli>; ka Ic-

mmiera.WAamm.rOR, June 20.

Sanford Conover, tbe Canada curre..{K>udeDt

cf the Tribune, a witneea iu the a^sossiaalion

Cf'e, about whom fome folieitnde w-». reeen"vI felt, arrived here t-i day. and will ajoiio up'nr»d njon the stand as a witnees before ths



IWA..itniQTO!i, June 21.

I The quadranzutar flaht for the Provi.iou.l

IGovnuorshlp of .Mahumit, between VV H


tuiilh. ol Rvndulp! ; Lewis Parsons, of Tille-


d* L-8; D. W. tk'bham. of .Athens, aud D. (J.

Ilnuiphrets, ot Hiint-vUlc, has prevented tbs,

ap|w,intment of either.


.Mr. Huu'phriys has the advantage, bein.^Cl'Hiiiiian of Ihe CommitPe on Resolution...Tbe tirn Tnion meeting In .Alabtma wa.. held


at HuntevlUe one year sz" lart w’mter.


.Mr. Parson appiears to have tbe larze.t num-I er of influential backer., and his appointmentit COT ti(*f nt!y «ekoce>l on to-morrow.

1 _Hon. Hor^'e .Vt ivaard. of Tennessee, is here

in Cl usnltatioii with the President. He is mu .*h

talked i f in iiruneclion with the vaemey outhe bcrch of the Supreme Court, cau-tM by thediaih uf Judze Catron. Jud<e Sharkey, ofMittlFtipoi, and .\Unmcy-Oeneral rtpeed, a ealso nentioned in thetivne eonnection.General Grant has commenced p-ep vri iz the

retort ol his retent campaizns to dav, and willP'lobahlv submit it to the War Depa-imeotduring the wtek.

Stcretiiry Seward absent from the Cab.inti BieeiiiiK to-day. .Mr. Ciarence Seward wasaifo detail ed.

Gin Dix has been ordered to .M lUtrcal onGovercuient bn^ess.


Cixnx^sATi, June 21.

A Nachville despatch to the Gvxettesays.General Wilson ie!ezraphs to the Government

that he has issued to the ptxir of .Vilant v, dur- '

il g the Itttt seven days, 100, QiW pounds of meat ^

and flour. The people in the adjoininz countiesare in a starvioz condiiioD, aud reflet most beextended to SO.iXX) people.

W.e.iiijiGTox, Jane 21. .

Edward Rntfln, of Virzlnb, who tired the first

zun on Fort Sumpter, is dead. He committed'

kuicide near Kicbmond on Saturday last byblowinz his bead off w th a z^n.A mcin< r.indnm was found amontr his papers,

says the Richmond Republic, Ftaiinz that beCl uld cot live under the G rvernmeut uf tbeUnited States; that he preferred death to doinzso.


Nkw York, June 21. !

_Dr. Mackey, the well-known Chariest m i

I'nionbt, prouunnees the delezaiion jo-.t ar-|

rived from citv to coaler with the Pre.l- :

dent rn the subject of employlnz treedmen I

in Si'UUi Caroliua, coin;«0'HKl entirely of orizi- 1

nul sece.sioiih-td aud rebels throuzbuul the w ir.!

He rep’nrils ih-lr coininz as an tuipudeut insult|

tu the L' niled Stales.|

Piiii.AOKi.piii.e, June 21.

A special despatch from VVa-hinzton to the*

F.venliiz Tcb'Z'iph ot this city aiinounc*^ thedeath ( f .Mia W. ll Seward, wife of the Seerc-taiy 111 Slate.

Bostox, June. 21.

Tlie .Africa sidled for 'Jverpool to-dav takinznosiecie. Hon. J. P. Hall and family, C S. '

Minitier to Spain, were amonz the pas-'enz-rs.' ix.'iATi, June 21— VI.

Tlie river is rlsinz. wiih 12 feet of water in I

the chanucL Weather clear. Thermometer Hiy.

CI.'SOI.'I'IATI, June Ul— M.No changp in flour or wh.-st, market dulL Uwt. dull

•I 6 I oru #tr*d> for ear at >1 .4'2ic, but duU lorel elKd al Mie. Wi,i|. er dull at 4iJ

Mecf pork aud lard dull; no m'w., Rii'k meat, firmera for .boulder# and aides, aud l.o fur i...'...

Grocciie# quiet.

a. 4S1 ' (Niiw Ypaq, June 81 -Mp Stock# brtter but dull for monev. Evchuize im-rliouised. Kradinx '.'4 Erie Ti'q: New York Cr-ntmlH3‘,. 6-SO ruupour. new iwiie, lii3'»; tCa ••.< ooip-in#.ll.'.: do tr|;iFterid HO. (iold u|>ened ol and clooedat 141

Cotton dull at 4iV<k41c. Flour dull without any de-cided Cluriit;#. Wtn at dull, at iSl Mf for ch >ic« amberMicIiIsku. Com dii L, at •>"<4-7e for mixed Wr#tern.Oat# bdte lower; 7.V: oek.-d lor w.-,teru. Pork lower

at i>e.rH4a5y« for n«w lu. lU, '« fur ’dS aud 'd-l do,i^l'uyla lor prime. Lord dull.

NoTifE.—Wm. H. Ehrich U onr authorized

azen (for tbe sale of the Journal for the StatesJ

of Tex lessee, Alabama, and (ileorzia, and all'

points Sr'Uth. Persons desirous ot subscribiuz '

for the J'funal, either in larzu or small quanti-

ties, will do well to address him at N tshvUle,;

Tenuescee, Box 181.j

St PoucK Prockf.dimus— if li.tfKl iy, 2l.—M C. Uastiuzs, cbarzeil Wiih felony. H'j ird aU'l


John Hunt, stcalinz a mule fro.Ti .Aathony

Sale. Cuniinoed from yesterday until to-[


Jthn L. Zamo, obtainicztwo ptil-* of i.ii'ter|

from L N. Kaplee and J. W. Suvktou, by false|

and frsuduleutrepresentations. C'tse cuniiaueJ. i

City t'f Louisville vs. J.ieeph PariUu, seiiinz

beir withi ut license. Fined ^a.

Wm. Casey, steallaz a tent cloth from tbe

Louihviile and Nashville Railroad Company.Heard and dUCharzed.


Euzene Gohin, stea'linz a pUi-rl' irouiajaj

Griibn. Held to bail in iflOO for three montlu.|

Several pw a?e warrants were disposed of.

SuoT —At a lale hour on Tue-day nizht, at or

near the corner of Preston and Lafayette etreeis,

tbe Provost Guard arrested a soldier (name uu-

known) fur some misdemeanor, and while con-

daclii z him to the headquarters of the Provopt

M.tifhal he tried to make bis eecape from tbe

Zuord, whtu Le was s^ot by tbe same, the ball

euUrinz bis zT'>ii> ranzinz upward. Tuedoctor that attended him does not ihiuk Le will

r)r.( i3;< N3 of the cocrt of APrF. vt.s.

PRtoNgroET, JtiM lidh,

TAr^ED f>EriI>Ef>.

Br*\ro it Nt'Ai v*. C4»UAiiK*iiWc(slih» Olvihtoi C4>uutyC< n l; 4i.

Hi*rAT(l A Kutlcr *. tmiDOk OMhtoia County CiurVn-weiatil.

1*1 life va. *nn f* OlJhvm Coiintr Ctmrt: rOTfr**d,Lte^Ctiiirr ctutAV, OlUhua Cuuaty C-Mirt: re*

ersf4,Mifi-toik Tuylor v*. ttuntA, OldhAtn County Co.irt, rt-

xtr*rd.Hrad ft mJ. vs. stoine, OtUloiun County C')urV rnTtsnrd.Msl.aa k LogDn rn. mo)0« Oldhoia Count/ Court; re>

f-1 |M*d,

.)4>iifs A Krlly m. I'ame, OUluun Count/ Coart; rw-frrsfd.Mounts BcUiufvs. nsxBC, OldtMm Couolv Court:


Ittoiid h Price rn. mmn, Jtffrmoo; stBnm’d.9toDdt ia vs. BrtiuIUiis tt Co Garrard: afflruifd.Dhultz, trustA O. vs. WUsoo ct lU.,

Ci-cii vs. UorlrAJu, Buvd; sttiriuc^

OKI>KU.Gregory m. TydNuo, L-uiisville C*iAn42*ry; eerlela

orisiLHl pttp»ra fifi d by co^-i#LHisud va. White. Lotiisvillf Ckanrory; siioe order.M tcbtll Va. H'orDt tt rt d1 , MAOIsoa: cootmuA^liurt.iui* HtiiuiuisUAlur TS. 15ui k, eontiow

uriLr. C. Bcny ve. Southern Basko/ Kcotu- k}'; Liriui*-

stou;I. . Bt'rry t*. safsf: Livinsatoa, f!».T»n plf. Htirkfr A Ca, Flfmiag;Mngow ad’s rl< cut^r vs. Fk-mio«; '

rioitb vs. MniH, FlfOilug;|

HorAvaa v*. Liter, Ffi mine;Peajre h JJou v*. Ihii'u. n A Son T., Snuib, Wilo-jt * Co., Fleming;

siibiuittfd on hriffr.

1 ilthr.}'# h. ira va Overtoa, LMiiaTill* Cboacer); I

CT« •# apt" of vraiited. I

iO>Miia.nv#. liickartal., Herflenna; metton to di*- •

lair. #p|. ol a# tn errlaiii *pp.-IIautaI kulriil el»l. V#. P.-ltiu vtol., CoMwell; motion to

dirmi## appeal overiulrd.lUnk m Kentucky v« Will a Fnankllw; arcuod by

Jenn M. Hariim *or A^pfllec« And argiuut.-ut (X/Dciudedby T. N. Liudrar, E#q., tor appellant

Haktari' Usivkb»itt Sports —The boys atOld Cambrldze are awake on the subjectol cricket, and tbe Harvard nine will pay tbeTfimouiitaln nice on Suurday, June 17, theplace not yet decided. In the latter part of :

June they will play tbe Lowell Club for theebampiouehip of New Eoziand. On the 17ihcf July they will p>Uv the Knlckerbuczera of Ai-banv. and on the IK'h of Jutv thev will playst Witliamstown with the Williams nine ofW illbms Colleze.As to rezattto, tbe Harvard crew la expected

to contend at the South B «ton race June 27.acct-mpacltd by tbe uuderzraduaie boats, andaho at that on the 4th. Tue Zf^-'t event willbe the Worcester rezatta, July 2t». On th**eveninz of TburMlay, •27ib, the Harvard andG.sle Gke Clubs zlw a concert and proaenad-:lute In Mechanics' Hall; Friday morniuz theHaivaid cricket nine will p!.ay the Ode nine;in the afiem-on comes the three races bet weenthe bouts ol the col'ez*

; and on Saiurlay i, uw i

city iizatta. Tbe hots all hope their lady,

trierds will eucouraae them by we-irinz t-i’e i

Harvaid colors, mazenla and white. The i

cLaB'pion Tu. ker crew of New York is ax- i

ptvU.a to be prisent azalo. !

P^^'fe^sor Mailleport. who b is snccee'l;M in,

cltariuz the cbkUuel of the James of o*kiuuv !

lion**, ihibkb that Ihe Dutch G.ip canal will u-U-j

maitly he ol zui^t aOTaauze to tbe commerce i

ol the rlter.

A hniliiibz in to he erected at .Alhanv f-ir the i

Twepiion ot trophies from battle lleldi whereNew York rcziiuents ba.tfonzht.

J. C. Hill in a Utter to tbe Htlifax Acadian*

Recorder denies that he was concerned In tha I

Blackburn yellow fever plot.

It is paid that ex-(4overnor Wise chafes a z^oddcaL and even foams at the mouth, because hisheuse Is used by Oid John Brown's dauzh'.er to


a pcLoolbome for te tchinz l>tlle nizzers. I

Exteniive zold flidds have been discovered iathe Canterbury Province, on the went cowM ofNew Zealand, and there are indicathws of its

piovinz another California or AueiralU.

Tbe New York H< raid estimates that its warcoriefpoudence duiiuz tbe poet four years hasLVmt nearly half a miJilnn dollars.


rfotice.W'F. TDK ^NO^lu•IG^E^>, noi.v; Bfsm:s.s -XT* * Knrfrilvilif, K' ., ne Whui*^•tol• Grueers, Dm er* inLiqiiuraanU G« i)e*al romniiaAioo Vfrch*nla. dnmut<;-liy #gt4 e to <lii%olv(* pHrtunxh )• of th'9 bfigiDeH*,UI der the t nine !)4 firm oi MuKHu^ M Cu., tramthi* datr foe wgx d.

Ail 4fcfii* due to the mid firm «re lobe p^ld gn>l thunoduf from th^ mme to b** m tilod at Ku*to*'« * iiks, ICy.« hyJ. B. Tcltuu, tbe ZtoNUA^iog tu* lubrr o* tho ^rm.

J.VtI. M M iHKOW.J H IGLIGN,w. J. suurr.

RriPtellTille, Kr.* Mny 19 1*»4, |3l du*

LO' aviLL.



Psklie Procnaiwa, Oraliww, aad BaawawC.

Pto-t^i’^to!f laaethe.* veiih GrMdOnoor, Ch*p>ain. toiw4 tf-tomumAb«lhr*B will report to Ih* CoaiBittoo#/ la.iwttoa in

*f 4to Tompio by the hoar wto will" C'-' 'wv'val to Uw Ch.i? toar-.'tal.^ procoaioa will to io aoed oo JotttMa Misjm.riphl rertio, .. Fifthbodie# report *• peonihla, that Hi* fiaaSeetoto^c Oi » „*eSS A. M- p2Slir* flTJjSLSS»ul thra more *>wb J.-*iwo .

r*t*"*L**-Main to ttcouL 'WtAocaad Jam a Ehe^mi to ^zth, out flixth to HiouJh a# iwBroodwoj to Fi,a. awl tlwn w ..uwTiIlrea*

;^y te t ourth. in Pouilh to the WChurch. wtooIPe eer# laaaie. oi ik* iby vill tokeptoMe*t.«rwhi^ Itoprormioa will re-tocm mi4 proewd^the Ten plo. wlrre it will be duau'.-'el.

Py* •'“"I'lel wUl be #«t ta ito Temple u I oVoakHuri^ th* hrmotioa and aovomoal of Ihe pmoamiaa

it will be under the eia oi vwtoa and eoamt •< itoaw#led by lb* foliowina aida eU:

V^' 9' ^ ^ Johnwm.Kohi. J. Elltoit, J. J, Gilnweo,

<*»w*e Kilpatriek.Imil# Mil er, A J F -Wm liipwell, Wm. R. Hardy,PredLaiweufeld, K II. Webb,^to#. J. Smilh, Wm. Kerr,N- P. K.ndrirk, John B. Dueiee,^ha M. Smitto Dr. R. A. Boll.Xr**“ —. 00* 1** Ln. a. A. noil.Tbe Aa#:.aant Xomhal# will meet at the Teaak Mm.

day eveuind, June iMb, at s o'rinek."

n. _ W. R. WOODRi rP.

To Army Officers.

V***"* «f a journew toWsvlmsgltto MO Iboir oecminig tritJed nmd corU^"‘M J froewdd m imimiom tetme by mm*o*cTib«r«. wbo b«v« mrrrj foeiiitr itruoM witb ^Tom^Cueat osd dmpiiirli.

Addreaa FI ally h IlIRDtJaLUp...... a!*”^ ^"T AtoWTu-v. fa, C-oim,,Correr 8<-t. nth #t. and Pa a*. yv.*hliwioa. l» (1.jju c'^dctlm* ^


mmmi irsn WtHis,M4 Crera s4., Re ra-t»»-h*Kr.

Wp ore tho maaufactuzera at ovary ilanrlpH m at

IH-OTU "worts..Bank Vau'ts, Prison Calls,

Firf an4 Burglar Proof Safes,

Verancla.-a, D.'klconie:^,

Wrought and Cast Iron a-xiHny,

Bvin, piacaimon.

Throe who-fcol letoreided ia our iaprovod work* willto plotmd by aivlbd usneaU.

culhvu k cnvnuLLi.

JOHNM, STOKES &30N,•t'Z9 Mala W . between flecoud au J TUi<


Manafacturers and Dealers in


To Ccntractors and Builders. n^K^nTRrto Z to^dtlilK MATKRIAIJ OK IIIB F.VULS CITZ HOTEL ’* “ *'* "* ^ toouufacluia wuteb wooSw vor»

aud the two Stores oa tb« coatern aide ot muxs *m|

In »lre*t aoutb ia*, betwfva ih-reuth aud IS gliab|

pa^l |hl> mVlVi^ f>AAlf tvrketr, Bie offered 'ur m’e to pertiir* JchowlU take d/wa


• -liiLvItj vlaelaell* A3li#; temeve the nuteriab without delar. Wl'ITm\eBi.Uain|tfl eouuia a lar/e quant ty ed Brick* aod I

^D(I er, with Duon and Window*, Ac. I -n, l. . va # ol i. a -

^ V. , , . I £roi»tbe«bee>eaMetbetttvii,or further paiuculara applj to the uavferai4n.cJ, at


eurner uf Mai 1 aud BalUtt ^trecu, Antrim*' Ww^t— ^«w**op.cp<.D.w.Ubo,.cehedaitorlh.d.thln.». ^

‘ *‘*'*’»

UK>KY wuiTtjfroNK, i**a Mkiack 3l«Attre.«t9e.<t

**** Archiitffrt.j

ot bfit quality and al lowral pricea.


IK.VNKFUKT, KENTICKY.:i.yr?iOUD hj.m;£d mm mmm

'''o iiK~ Paii > Off.—


e understand Ihtt or-|

UL13 n etc teieived from VVasiiinztm on lues-{

day to pay off, wilhont delay, twelve thous.ind

of the soldiers now encamped in the vieiuity of

the city.

A brizade of the 15ib army corps, we also un-

derstand, has been ordered to St. Louis.

Cii.isoED Camp —


be 2d .Minnesota veterans,

coamanded by Lieutenaut-Calonel Cane that

have been encamped below this city for tbe last

Week, marched throuzh the city this mominz.They were Z*hfr>K 4*ul on the Bardstown pike to


Fxiiinniox ok “NtRVK.”—The SpTnzflilJ

(Ohio) News end Republic is respunsiule for

the followinz: '1 ‘i232]

The celebratpil ‘‘J. N.” is rather heivy on“perve.” Recently meetln? an entire atranzerin a railway car, the foliowinz dramaiie con-verfallnn oietnrred:

"J. N.”—My lilend, are you a man of nervs?Sin.CKcr— I don’t know. I rather think I

I am.I

’J. N.”—Well, sir, do you object toihjap- I

plication ot a ust?S'.ranzer—Bv no me.ans.

"J. N. ’—Welt, then, sir (in a load voice sothat hll in the car c*>u!d hear him), have youtbe nei ve tu zive me a two dollar zreeuback for

on«?The.str.apzer “came down" in«tantane'>uslv,

piilltd I ut tbe two dollar zreenbiok, and re-

c« ivtd from the immortal p.'iilosopher a ‘•oue”Iu exebauze.

Tiik N.ition vl Bank.s —


he t>>IIowin< is aC'U iarame stateiLent or the nii'Uber, cipLsl,an! c'icul tl n of l.ha .Nat'on U Bmks nciii i:l.

or.: nizid ;or busiLc-'S pu'posi.’S tlu-*>u.,hoai I'-e

c ll t'v hi the eli**-e of I**';!, and of tue wcetttiJirz with June lo ISGo:

No. f'f B.i:k<. Ci.p'ti'. CitT'iliti.'ii.

n.c. ni l-i:i mi ei -vsi-.-ri .a:.,:;.::.,.

Juiu- li», l-*'i l.ssi i*i,4:;.>.:.jj ii;,;:a: I

Iiictra.o (k'S )>1'!S,TC l,im e:i.

Tl e ticexcd Ls a statement cf the N ui >->ni

Bank circu aiiuu (lez'iHy limited .'>th-ee hus-duo iir.i'tuu denar'), lo which ihe S, at s i a*uv l

arc coiitlcd. nd the , m unt al*eidv authoriz •

ni'f I'e ivcnd lo each date aud rerrit iry, up i>

Saliuday, Julc 10:

Cimilatinn to .Amount Amountwl'icb varh alri*aty Vrlireii-i

Name. 8l:iU' i» ei til ed, aut'iorizvd. lo date.Maliir b'.4I6 U U «.»<l,5Ul 770N(-\v Hainp^hitt’.#.. . xniX'.iu 3 4",000 LTHS**Vrltlit'lll . 5i0 Abi*,*'01 3.4'>>.3u0

MttjittacliuiM'ttd .21 7H5.UW (fu.7i*7.»yl X3 3i.i.7-il

Kh«>(l(‘ Ul-iiid . 4a':iM.«'4»o h.37I,300 l.;il.f.;

COUIK cticut . 7,332 5ii0 K4U.-VH 7, »6u.5ui)

.N.*«* Yoik .53.473 5u0 &17*i;.V« 33 Uo,44<»

New eJtTM'y . K,r;:akuuu & l*vl,V«l 8Pi'iiiiayivania. .3>s537.6<0 »'.’4''.AVt :K>>3X«;'jMniyliuid . 7.I37.UIIU 3M4 500 L5^7 5u0

. LV9 .ttO *n.:toDielriit uf Columbia 1.3!'j.UIK)

Viiyiiiia <

1 at \ irgiplai* 5>toij

Ohio .17.iM:i,5"0 17.!'*3.5il<) 11167.110]iHJi*'n* \W0,70'I An.>4,«<i0

l.liiiuifl .11. "*.<#10 !kiO fi

MUhigHO . X3UU 5 0 XI'LbW 1.3J1.1UUW*iecuii*iu . 1,311,5110 X"^i..v*0 l.wC.OiMli^wa . 4,4 >-.5'.'0 ft :IS\UU0 Ls^i.S'HMinu( *4 ta . L< .*10000 L'dAvoo *akfUv750

RaiDnia .. 'qi-iiO 90 miO •49,*MMi*auuri . !',(1>.,UI0 1,»57,750Kdit cky 10..5I n.000 l,75r»,5ff’) 4> at

Tl UU4 ttte bi'sionL4»’ii>ir.ii« .1U,5"I.UOO toixi.'O lAXU"'Ncbi ai k a Tun iU ry


. 1‘1 .too SH.S* 0 37.<ni»

i*o itrado Territury,


. VC. ,50 1*1",'UWMii'riit'pippi . A5U.VUIU i.'# Oa) 51,000Ger rgia . 9. i'JO. UO 000North (’ar4->Uua . 7.5t4i.54 0fc« nth i arulma . 7..e5*i <NM»

/rVaiiiuir#Vab nm . 7.(-i.0o"1 till) 1\'H tory . 3 i.isa)

• ttMiikU'U Territory **3.r»< 4|

Oligt u . S7D.50Mt ’ali:urtiia . X"«3.(><MNrvtdk Trilili ly... • 4'<.'00

New kli'&ico 4>*;w)Tex>* . ieei.tire

i- ioruia . ^CivVCuO

friicuiab . 37,>4)0

liialid total #2oJ,u7'J,'v*3 ,13T,l37.a|:t

Ainorz the seventy-one cidew cou'titiitiazthe clars wtkh .are now nnderz >inz 4be finalexumitiMion at West Poiut, are a son of C il

Lee, I f tbe rezular atniv; a s n of Gen. Mi c lell.

thedcceared astronoiuef; a zramisou uf Lewi.Casr; a zrardson of G. neral Toiten; and abroil 'Tol Major R ithb ne, who was in Presi-

dent Lincoln's box on the niziu of the murder.

It is now said that the indlctm.n*. of J.tTDavis WOK diawn up without the advice of oram 'oiifuliiii'i'n with the President or any oftLe Icadinz officials.

'J'HK MATKRIAIJ OF THE F.AULS CITZ HOTELOlid the two ktoii'* ua tbe uoatem #ido at oomo, on


Main alrect, #outb #ido, betweea Deveuth aud Edub|

Ureelr, aie ottered 'ur w'e to pa'tie# #ho wlU take d.wa|

aed lemci e tb« DUIeriah without delar.

T> o Bi.ilainii# coulaia a lor/e quant ly of Brick# aod I

Lund er, with Doore and Window#, Ac.j

For further particiUare apply to tba undet*is_cJ, at,

the corner of Mai : aud Bullitt -trecta.{

No picpoaol# will be recoil «d oner tho d'th InW. ^

UE.NRY WUITtirroNE.jat fr An hitert.



J. B. .%KIN, ------- Proprirlor.

T il Id 1AKi;E aVM> PLE4d.VNT llOtsn COVtab.iiii g ru«) burmifid anti thirty momn 1* Ddav iu

tbort ugh Older F*xu!t'is aud olr*^a wlahivf btmrtjing\

4^u:iug tbe FiiDiaer ror btt * can br ArcomiiiodaiM withfii glc or Biiit«a of i(.utU(i. Char- iw m Fnvuk- '

triu tj A tumn t-r rr»orU gff ' !* omny iodUvenxDt*.llMviiig all thr eriiTgoie*' 6^* uf a Urg«r cily, il jrt piv*>


acrav* ihc quit! ol' a O' utry village. a(Ki tbe br*aul:<alaj d farird »rrD«ii aiirroiinotug u '* uiiaiu»vMr<L Tbe


KtbtLfky Rivrr affords


fi^hin* aud D«lh:oga ao-l<ai«, eU'aUtbuaVq or •tnmera IvuviLg houtljr. afford ^ili*tit* for vstftiing all poLut* of lutcrcst ia Cvutral K *iv


tucky. Jil tJH



ct NwhviiMi dvroaiuti ib<vt tbia tfi iMe abouad becoiPpbWd aiid enrt-eiaa* ne^txad. Tb« boti«e >

f ( nt* about 175 fr«« oo Cberrjr atrcvC aod ruiM back *

with Cbmeb atryet abcHit IMS teaW-i* five bigb,and bill t in tha mfitt eiegaut »t' im ot nkodern arraiiuc- i

tuie. Hm 11 Rtort** up m ibu lower door, which can b« '

relt'agtd lor ibme than halt the Ware moory. Aleeee I

for a tirm of yvaia to • it tbe ie*Mgo ean be obtaiiwd,%hc litiilaiug to be fiu abtd lu acct'tdaiuM with thv Qr«gi-

Del p abg, under the diree«leo of the leeaer aod tmemrn^ i

the Imnr aunry to be appli(^i fim W the conpletioa ofIhe buildirg.


pjiTtiiwgre referred W> Hfirmee U. Uarri«ociq Bb|., who i


U authorised to coDtlude arr«u,>eineiit* for l^jtnig.


Ji'l dU*^



L'KOM THE I-Ol ISVILLF. HoTF.U ON WKDN>'3-* 0«}j 14:u 11 « 1., ou OlL-CLOrif C.VRFKI’ B.Vi I

Cl oUlRu g cicihea pepera aud pbocograph*. per*^ wlo got It wlllc iileragieatUvorooCajk U. A.iK'uncU ^ kaviug tbe psper* aud pbotfwrapli* atthe


Journal ( ffic« il wiafaiug to keep the etber*. j3l di*|


JNFRI.NCFIM. beware !!!-



i lujux cti. D I.aa ju t bveo ara akd hy the t uit-|


eo bt-vtoACi cu'tCI'Uit agAiDBi an inf. irg«ment «o the '


hkirt'Fi ppoitiog d* ou (le: -iirac^ Cfxaet with p iff* byaeilirg Take a* niug ! ^‘Paleute’' b# L. 1*. CDtpnaa*

jDeoUibet U. 1*»»3.** i* *«ampt d on aU the gen'oue. Tbe01 B legalized MaruGrtory in the Laitv’J dUbM* i« Nj.217 ^ ^ I.M’T atiett, Thilade’phia. iil Od



H frill WnBTlllNr.T'i.N, hy Mi- ll mrs.FaIKY HNUKKS. by Aulul C,rm ILicUic.

Moot 9. by Lvu m M. AlcoU.IM Z. by Ibe anibor ut Beulah.FlUl l.aNnrl. ’

C *T .Scl.L aMJ COMrOK r l,*- fw r- ml-y Part*:,rllklSI IA.N> MISiMKI'. ! Mu- ^(.llu^ .. 1

im. lIllMviMi BaY'i.NKT. by H -ruier. >

1 IIK < F J: UI S f.^SMC. h, N i,,r-.n. I

tKIK.VISH|:S ASU .'KKf' llti, i.> Ua*l tuuoUlou.A AKY KRA> In 1*1 ll. bv Cu' ler Piue,A S’ i> I'r IIIF. Soil. lap. per.IlAl MKI> I" "KAlli. do.ONLY A CLUL u, by M.<# B‘'ad<lun.

J.v». W, I’T.ARK*?,Fuu!th-t., unut r .M- 'X V. I It.'l.

X7tw Juveniles.

t''B.4N(’IS M* K r''N. br I'M* aiiibnr ri Wrldofi vy .'1 i

IHI. VILLA'.i: 9(.UC)"L.MAalEK, b/tboaut*. *r'

<•1 K-lr K UmIO.TlVl.s.N AM» 1113 VRIKXnsPCI 1. I'U SIliN Llfi RvSrOLPJ.IHK Sl’KINi; KII'K. I '-IlIi.LPAK-Al ItEKuW. lHEtUlI.I''.S B: BLE3TOK1E3.

J.N<». W. CL.VI4K12j:'* iM Ft’Urth .1., under Moxort Ha!l.

Strayed or Stolen,gmao w*. ' '.N IHI*. ITih l.NST. 1U< i.M THE YARD

l* 'D Hutolictlow.i. alma .Adun# *Xnet, t<v*>

hll- fat ll-»W3. I will pay • ll’wrat r*wad^ -*--*-f

' ibc rt'luin at any u>i»rm«ti< n e oeera-ibuui-m. JOHN r.xrE,

jXl o:<* Butcbertoirii.

Office U. E. feai-itary Commission,L(»riHTiLfiga Juo*‘ 31, 1'ttV

I *NTTL Ft RTHKR NOTICE TUE IddI E OF \t£G~L 4 tahh a tu the troopi in catup near LoiiUTtile will hemade ttEVi'-W»iRLT: and. aahc^tofbre, troM the WareIlruae u] v^e CoO'Diiaaiou oa Fifth -treet betweenket and Mvio, vrhtre blank re<iuia!tifma ran he haii

J. d. NEWBERRY,Aaa'ciab' dt'C. L. d. dan. i'-im.

ROP*T. T. THORNE, Aw*t dee- jedl dtf

stolen—eao Reward;

b'TOLK.> hlliHd THE dTABij: UK TIIK SI B-^ aenber, oi* Firel otrwt, near Rrwdeay, ea toenight (t Tu*w*»ay, ibe liah in> t , a *ec fuearU uewi oC

aiivrr-fboni.Wd, hrxaea otrap HLGivk ILVRNK.'^ withBlind BiiiBe. TT*o above teeatd wul bepAXifiiaayle e irtiiioiiia aaid llaru«M ta tee underaigucd or gmogauch iu.otuuui'jn aa will Lead to the reevrery ol u

#INO. W drUNR,J2l 1JW WcfA Fourth Ot , he*. If via and riv»w.

Court of Common Pleas.To the Uddotn of the LtmieoilU Jornonml:

Having rt^algnf'd thf' office of Circuit Judre fw thia,

the 7th Judu'ial Di^tHrt. you will p c%ee anu mnoe lov

tt* a raaoidooU tor the Ji ffi-raon C urt of 0<*ai Pd'm.J21 i!ti' K«TpA'cttiai>, At., P.B.MUR.

NOTICE.Imicisvill, .lime 15 l'«>5


cai-ital otfck "I lb** ' L**u<#rtlle Kitruil iro Mou-i-txtuiu*# Ch Uipoi y ' bavin# boM auboaito-l for. a coi I

< f Iwruiy prr cm nil tbe am- iiul i# beiob-’ ikaJo pi>- •

able at tbe elbco at tbe Lou.pauy oo at bi-Mt, Jua* XI. !


Mr. Jamr# W 3t kc I# *utborizH.« ,* r»e»lva and to-cipt for t*a> n-rcto. W. U. W cLKKlt, I

J. L. SMV3 R. :

JA3. w. aruKPs, ;

Cocp— at iro,I

OITc cor err Second and M tin, >vto Pooplo’a Bone. :


JOSEPH a. ogzi.so9r,F'ORMEKl.k i # litn RY. I Ka-NIKV, FROMPaitMi cuui.ty. Kv . con be«r ul oonii-ihin r to ei-

•dvautode by addit—inii Bux U, (iloa.ow, KLr. jl" dL.'* I

o* our own invenltoii. W* laxraatM th«a far *upsr!«Kto all oOtcio.

Call and oximin, our atork htfor, furebaaiac olotowbeii*.

jcni n. sTtaEs a wi.

HALL’S PaVTEaNTCoctrfte Fire and Bar;;lar Proof

W'B HA5T{ RKCEIVFD THE AUENCT FUttU.e*e rvlebrabd Boirw Wto # than nrtaw, ni i'ito

0001x4 *bic>i Mia auw ia u— u# the SiuUi aud W-#*.A lull inartiu iM alwo># ia otoco aud Kir «aU ot tt*

manuloctui— '• prieaaA B flEWPLB A 3D!«tt

jeS dkSta Lo* noi Mom Sixth #fac

Assistant Qnartermastor’s Office.JLVIL and RIVK R TRA.VIP RT.ATlUM OaPn'.i

( Brook aod Maiu Ito, 3LonaviLLA Kv., Juoo %, lr*4tt >

W'lLT. BE SOLD AT PI BLIC ACCnuN, TU TdMV * bldbett toddrr, oa Tbundar- J ao M l#tt, at UA. M., iKo ‘o'lnwlim rtovwritoDI PriwoMy. vieTwo I RRlMiR "Heteuioo'' *1 d ' Ama—a.*

with aitohiaery and ap^touascas beleaamd UmioM,all of whirh ore «• vkeimto, asd con b, ruitoitt v«yde #iraMe propelty


Tb, Bmu are Ijiat U the touUvilLi whotfr whMthay ran b^riantn^

CttiAft la r^oeemvoewl ftirde.

By Older Brid, Qdu. Rul^. ALLFH> Chf QJANLfd R, Vn cin^

JISfftd Capk aud A. Uw

B4>ardinr* 'AN BE OBTALNEU BX a (iENTLEMAN ANDV wLoia a,rivaiu toaiilv, afao tcverol day toor.loen

ran be »er>A Aodatod. by oddr—riiM Mri F CLoobvllle P O. KelPrewer# exebanoA. ;lidd*

FETROLEUM.I LA.aDd ntod LL.Vsftud (or aaW, aiti^lc'R tn Rau' ickFni ledMoa, hy RtNn* * iilTEiX. Uthw* Ne. iA

1 bird aiieat, Luiaa\ die, K.-'o jju dig*

aiOO KewnrcLto, fTi,*-EN FROM 3T.VBLR ON TK:NTH

atreet. near )la^ziue.(n 3:»»>dny

w ^ *tb ^nal., two hpown M.VRK Ml LER Syenaieto, 15Jq hs&da Tbe darker ixd'rvd ewe U

XI,. n kioju aud baa eue or two -knaalt whi e oo itiMui queiU'ia At»y ioe rviumauf Ihi aaw< te therr-i»i rd, c*r r^vbtg inkirioatioe aa wUiWedlitheu i«iuyt-:y, w’lUreeeivt the above rewaf d.

A. B At snx,'So >S* Q'>ar*eTna*t<'rS Oflke,M Chwsiniit -R.

Dog Ziost,y*N WrU.Nx..**, Ak, I HA 13TU. A FOINT-K*a I 1 K«, liver eotoeod and tlra-b*tten- -cooooa

Ito aoBi*' at ".Si aroa' -tow and heavy• I A iiiwioi rrviam Will to aivMu it twaraod to iito,• l)>» mr*mr of K- lutb aud Betodwav.jwuh* WU.L 11. U-NI'ENaKRl.Ka.

T F. i.R'KSTEAD KSCAPED »R'>M THE WEST->1. mn Luuuuc Aayliia ohou* ttowh«f laumlfaaud la wondetinp —mowlMr* in Ito touuuy. L—


^*ard worn noor Woedluirr, K*'. Any iao*rmg>i<iB atb # wketcatoot# will b, tboukiuUy iwoirivrd bW J Bi'aD,jS»d« Her— Cavov Ky.


GoDunissioii merchant,New Orloan.'*,

Cl (NjFAW'B op FARMEI B A WRUTHIR 'tMTAB-^ liab**d ia 1M3*. Spcelul otomtioB pa d to Ito r«—i.*fa

* In. and lorwmrd'ni at all deoci iiWcti# ai —<*—*«•Produce.-H *4»dWa

President’s Office Lonisvill* aadPranktoitK. OL,

LuruviLux Jua* IX IMtt

A CASH UIVIDBND OF TMaAE PEA X KNT 'trMHt ib.Terntoenx toxj boa b—a etc wad oa tto *ap^

tal oXeck o' ttw Uumtouy, pavxhfa a* Ito oAko at ilto

rieoourvrenanAaleT U— itbaf July next. Tto 'ontotar Ito tool far ai Stock will bo obned 'loa la* 3ita >4Juno to tto tih of Ju*v (V-otoamj.

)•> dlo KHWaKU D. HOBBS. Ft—(A» h«.


know n 3uU>oa oa Ito toulh #»de ai Morkot airaaa amr

twv en Third and Fouilba aad buvo dtlod A up ua •pl-'a

etd atyh ^ . .

We will keep evr -roer* e>ipplied w<tb the eheteert

iiquora aod c>Mwa» nod will he hafpy leaieear tnendi

at any time. _ _ * .

There will he th* ffneat hmrh ctrii •e-tugha {mKAiuaij,aX koVtock. evo r-- f-

’{i^grV XKOO.1« dim K O MILLER.

Strayed,A C <W. W TH RinHT BOR*

. Wokea aud InrhcdttWB. b-bSurd wlw to*mOtA> L.M .. .I nu a tod huv aura in A*l VU

leti. aud had oa a bod Any oon *a^— eiins #aid oiw to ma win to Htor«tly rto

uT^d. P F. C.IRftol-L,' Iiiria #1., boa. Wbhiiu and Ctotouui. ***> aula.


To fhoemakers. ......

F'UK 3AIJ! .\ ii'AU> rTA.S-A x.aNTRILLTcutod. with a t»*d ran of cuaOato. (ton — K—#xb*

eb—p on U—> Wrei #itt of PWyd. aoltobu Mto'-

krl orH JoOtTvba tXrwto.jSlea* CHKISTIAN SUES.



UNION TICKET.Far Caacmat, KIfkk DMriof.


Far Mate Tiaaaarrr.

WILLIAM L. VBALK.or lUdiMii Crantr.

THURSDAY, JUSE a. 1*<65.

MioraDce to charire U»e Oovemment and the|

Biliuiy aathorititf bare with producing the

demoralMation, Ineubordination, and ireneral

etampede among the negroes of Eentuckr

which the}- themaelveE. as we have shown above,

have caused and are now causing. The sub-

limity of impiudenoe cannot well go beyond


If the agiutors among ns believe that slavery

van be i•reserved, notwithstanding what has

taken plate during the war, will they please

tell ns bow it k to be done? The?' very careful-

ly avoid this question in all their b{>ee(.hes andaii.ings. Not one of their champ! .ns, so far

as We have observed, has touched It. They koe{>

at a very remote distance trom it, and malnuium profound silence in regard to it. Nor will

they ssy outright snd in plain words that they

(.xptet slavery can be maiutsined. They talk

iound it. cover it np with a multitude o. a ords,

utter “an infinite deal of nothing*' about “abo-

lition. ” and all that sort of incoherent stuff, but

Litey arc as shy of oomiug to the point of the

ugly question as a young darkey is of a ghost in

Mg Orpoimirns or Tii* Conwri rn<wAL, .

^ • * profound silence m regaisi«»u V

, OeHOKAi i/iuo THF NBono«* a»i>. _ , , .•

n* or- k*»TV<'WT —Every InieUigent man in,

*n m p-

tnekv knows luU weU that the efforts of theexpert slavery ^n be ^ii

mente of the OomdlUitiooal Amendment, i

‘O™** it- cover tt np with a


xm nlllmsteiwilts are concerned, are inuuer “an infinite deal of not

eqnectial..»d .m« he uttwly impotent|

^ -on of .

akrwhrtmavbethepolUicaloo-pkxion I

se shy of coming

« Ammst dcrtioe, the adortioo of that i

Bimem bv thme-fcmrthsof the fftates of the!

by tU ro^uk

mlsi..t;sc.rtain.e«.yfuU«event,of. i

Tbey «inrt to bamboozle

dca'charscMg.cnobe. II everr man to Ken- 1

tccky by assuming through l

vshoeld vouagatoto R,ltc;)«M no mote !

ot their words and acU that

tt or pot off that meswte than a child could I

«-rv€«, without saying soi

rr the r«er of Niagara bv hk tofmtUe|

^ «

«n. Thefiai hasgoneloittoanditkine- ,

It" »? «> "poiJ*

Me by any human power. Thk, we repeat, Jrauduknt Issue. They coni

y Hading. mar to Kenux^y and|

ignorasoe of the masses, at

of It of coarse knows, and none better than Iupon and pandering i j thd

leading opponents of that amendment to ij •* ihe seceasionists did to

We think, with the New York Herald Al'f'TTnV ^ ^ I

that there k a great deal of nonsense printed^ ^ •

to varlons papers to relation to Indictments for t-, iv-wt rr-viiri. i vrvr x.- vireasoD against Lae, Johnston, and..other mUi- ^ 'LJXjili V,0.


tary leaders of the rebellion. On one side there ( aumiou'k*1..‘U

are violent denunciations of the bloodthirsti- stiiiii>tTM-t»,_»i»i*e«iH,ituisiitofiUicGhf«ri,Toi)»cco,

hesf and bad faith of such persecution as it isSj'-vr' t>xd.>.


called, and on the other side equally violent ex-AucUonssrs.

pressions the other way. No one need feel iiuction Sale of Household Tueni-lunch dklnrbed about any such indictments. turoThey arc gotten up and engineered simply as a vt si- ci e tout i-tnet, b-awem Sixtti acd Sevsath ‘>t<.

means of notorirty by small politicians in Vlr- . .n udaY Mounim; next, June 21, *t

,nni» Xlicv emnnatA frnm incn who xVn-uL.. Us n’cUsk. will I’S fold, without n-« rve, n- ownerginia. iney emanate Irom men who choise eie.u.t wiid ruwwood 7.<wtcthat method to make a noise, lest the country Pi»uo-Forte fi,e«rlr sew. l.oeu in uee but four moutlu

1 -...IJ , r ,1. 1 1 . T.T,. ..iietift'ce I). -k. SofH*. Dirans, T»l)Iem Clinirs, Ctii'Slshould not be aware of their existence. When ,xtei.sicn ihnii^t TaW-. B.irea.u^ it. d.t. *ds .«•

the indictments have ac( omplished this objc-t "aab .-luud. croeXerx, At .; also Kitobon Pi-

they wLl be heard ol no more. —^


^ONIC FESTIVAL,. IN COMMI MOKtTION OF THK WJR tinir.liot.oiod Aiiniverfvr

PAY. tlioro will be, at the

/V'.UaSONKJ TPM'LK ciiUio / NT N


They cxiHrt to bamboozle the people of Ken- I

tccky by assomiug throngh tbe general tendency I

of tbeir words and arts that slaverv may bepre- I I infifl 1*11*00 I*


servef, withont saying win so many words-,

H t IlUCl 1> t dlj


which they have not the courage to do—and;

pnJ|.|l*AI|t' thus tty to get the spoik of ofli:* upon a

, 1 iC a li •

I Jraudnkntksue. They count largely np,m the t)02lUtlllll DUtlGnllCS*I ignorasoe of tbe masses, and h,^ by playing n f 1 • 1 1 *


{npun and pandering u their paseione—precise- * 311181111 w rappers,ly aetbe eecemionists did to bring about revoln- • Kz PIaHi Nof*'ikm, anarchy, and bkiod—to gel into office. We dOlll llfllS,

nnAipf only to the final result, vre might

1 ewer nil their sayings and doings with the

k nnd Mlna« of oootempt as unworthy of a

OBS tbongbt or a moment's notice. But

qnntttoo has other pbesee, and U is

^itsotber ressoos than the ultimate sncee^

the nmfndmfsit that we teal imperkMalv

^ npob by the sternest sense of dety to

to the cuhtoct—muck agaioat onr taste and

- promintott topic of disco


ioc to

fc Mould extremely dislike to see Kentucky

Reeled to the mortlficetian and humUittion

MbtonteK assninlng a poaitioo directly an-

M*rtir to the aettled and Irrevocabie policy

he general Govcrammit and of ell the other

la to the Union, merely to gratify a mker-

t and peltry party spirit nnd enable a

pemoos to obtain of&ee,eiMl then of backing

Mciy out of it, which abe would neoe^a*

be oompelied to 4o dtha peaoefqlly or

ewiie. We shonid be aotry to hare the im

go abroad that Kentucky k behind all

other States and behind the age. with her

k u-wnrd the ««ni and her eyw fixed to’.ent y

a the receding darkness, dinging dai>er.

ly. y« (mklaaly and impotenilr to the

kim palndlm^ of tkc post, and childishly

ifiowto oonrukions of the war ha re

I ttswy exactly where they found it. In

ease, abe would be the bntt of all the other

lee to the Union, and of all the reel of

totendom besides.M bar material toteresto would enSer

mnly by each a ooutne. not to speak of the

nsgliif efikets of It upon her repotation Ser

unon sense and totelligecca. no nrgnmeut

•geersary to prove. It musi strike

fty mtod almost totnitively. Such a

ivietioc lies upon tbe very surface



tii« ooe elovRTjt volitl ro^wood 7-octtwe

Pihuo>Fort<* furitrlr r<*\r. in him? but four moutliffj,

DivafiSa Tiiblem Cliiirt, ORii^etmPxteio<Uii Ihniiit; Tftbl'** Bnr«»A*s», U<*dffU'ids Mh(-Mt'NMv, WmmIi Suiid. Crorkerv, ^ at^o Kiicbuti rt-u>

_ yn

C. C. 3JPXS9rCI13s.





ON FUIPAV' MORNING, Jiiii* 23, at 10 o*c1«ck, at

Auriioii-Houira, will lie iK>ld ouo ut*w aad very <up *•

t ier rcwH'WOod 7-fM*thvu Piano-Fort^ fiu.«t recttlv«*d fromill** out* t baiobi'r iM*t of <*U*aaui lOM'wood Fiirui-

tiiic, Cfwtlu^: aud conffiaima of Bureai, Wafih-aUnd. BnHli'ti‘1* d, and Waidrolx.* one extra due Guitaraud ATTliiU'ctiiral Workffand lietifmH; adiie a-*i>rtiu.*nt

iit new Bni«feli>, loarxiii. li-plr, and St^ir Oarpt«t.«; 0'*c>

or d band CaiT^ta> hair r** at t'bairff, t'l.toklui; ],.-nini;e«,

S d< bcerdi*. Hu ream*. I'abl***, tVardrobc-*. cau«»>i*i'at

diaiiv, F.xten^ioD Tab^ra, PiaUd C’aatorf. ,Sp<»m< andForkr, Obina and UlMi*i>ware, t*nclo<*(‘d *f*h St an If


Soc^ab>f and Sofa*, ou« SiiiKeiV S 'U in

r(-<>d order, four duiiblF-barnd bhol-Guii^ with amid >*

Ollier articiM iu the liHiitFki-opiua Hue, Tin Piano a>id

ot*w < Arp( t‘ will Im* aold at precia *ly 11 o'clock, an 1 thel•i(|nilli rriH*woud Fniniturc St*t aud A.clufc*

W'oikii iiiiuiediatolr a.tcr. Sale iwpitiut*.

Term* caah. C, C. SPENCER,}2i d2 Auctio*>oer,

Evening of the 24th of June,


mid »liove<!i'lri«>iiix lliecil" U»CR »>« l<> b« douitoo ”UiC* Ih'aid nt llfliel

Good muaic will be In


GEO, e, £ eoo,

Corner ef fiZaiii and Sboond sts.|


, .1 . KMin j •!»» L.« ivertne it, Skidmore, J>»irrm5t r.

A.eJ I'lairnyun, Il.mry Love,

John H Dut if, Green, n

R W. Ki*e>, Thai*. Kiia*iuan,

^nlliMei Ik.iinIpM, Phil. ToinPlJ^J^ J**-*

j K l.Uut. N«t. Wl,o.>ler. J

1*. Stiirs, U<“ut. I.. •>”" ,

F.d« hid Mitllht, Lieut- >!«•"'?. ^ W.I.un,

t'liHrles VVw’ilnifT, l,i,-iil..l . t . .'•psiicor,

UiiiiiahKiiikiii, ?,.*';,**;*"*•..

Ileiiiy Kvmih, '' . H. •J’^wetf.

niw. Soilih. Muj. »• » *••

Niilioliih Millsr, Maj-Oflh Uoj t.

Hurry llmlfoc, t i|'L L- ^>r>pe,

i.iid. Fi.x. ‘ "ft „ I

hif’hatd UoynoldH, i *pt. L. M ir:*hjul, I

Jmmi'S Sliiifll, * *V*-



J. V. SUlih, « ‘pt. h. A. Me»c1i»iu,

JoHHrniy, A. A Arnold,

Fdw hid ,1,-weIl, (‘ A. L. Cux,

,1. F. ikWBll, 'V. f. Muug. r.

FI.Ot'R MANAGERS:,Tohn J. Ell'h, Jolin L- OrenmTCr,A, J. Fiaiim-an. I-ud. Fox.

l li«h. K VVMulri.ff, Tlioh. Kiuikin.

VV. II. Jew sit. Lout. L. Dow Gn-on.

Tickelh A1 50--to be procured Irom the Btiuiveera. i


Exli'a Announfeiuent.


ZfiOLOGKUL & EOmmiN,A.tti®£kOtlorL-

TAN AMPI ROn A CO.*S MAMMOTH MRVAIERIE,Fiim 53H and S4l Broadway, Nl-w Vork,



Will oxhiliit «t LouUvtIle, ca tlie lot on R^aad Choit-

mithlicctlor One WeeU. Onl.v,

nenday, Tuesday, Wedneday, Thursday,

Friday, and Saturday,

July Id. 4iU, llh, sth, 7th, »nd •tb. 1’<S.

Fii.l p-rfoinj*iice Monday Di,lit, at 7k o'clock, and

every alteinooii and niitht diirii>a the wi-ea.

Jl’LY FOI RTU.TUKKKGRA>DPKKFOR.M.VSCta,At 1« A. M., 3 F. M., and 7\ F M.






in the connliy. » ilh a .....STFD or PEKFoRMINr. HORSES. PONIES, AND


to any ether ihnt can be produced on thie lido of theAtlantic

Pi( min' lit anii'iiy tlie ,;itted peifunnen attached to


hi Pl'.RH riRC'I S THOI I»E» ill be found the name* of


MASTER CooKi:,and a full corpi of


VAN AlIBl'IlliB rC0.’S MtNAr.ERIEroMraiHRS the


BIRDS.frtni every -jiiarter of the rlobe that haa viaited thi.

ritv for Diaiiy yeiua, iuoludiut; amooii other promiueatfeature, tl„- world*,euowued


tlie fiiat one tliat ha, N-eu aeeu iu America tor forty

ycaTH; the fii.t and oalyHIMALAYA WHITE BEAU

evai brought to thin oouutry; a pair ofPoftSAU SLOT H BE ARS,

the flirt ever exhibited here,


LAMAS,I and anlnfliiite varii'tr of ether ran- r, •cimene of the

animal kiugcoiu, toiiuing the eranduat exporition of

ANIMATED NATUREtv er prr« tiU J to the American People.

Tlu; PRtii'-ESrlON of tliie etiipeiidoHe Conaolidationwill be prolific in ipleudid cSecta aud marvele of mag-uifeeliCe. The

C 0L08SAL G01,DE\ CU4R10T,OB

m^tholcglcal Oar of the Sensei,Coiitainiiig

PROF. Ton C.4VIHin'S BUD,Will be drawn by 13 be.utifiil Arabian Stoeda, cor-geoiiaiy Capariiioiicd witli cloth of volvel; richly at,idd"d

with britllaiit enib'ieiuatical omaiueuta of cold and ail-

v»r Tht Superb Delia, Carriage*. Baggage Wagon.,

eiK»giy toclite 10 the optoiun Uitt they under- nirt^.l- P- Jaa.ih llarhr ILiIg,late the intcUigenoe of the people of Kentucky, DlflL K Ou U1 cl U UCl Uj liflto)

and will be tomewbot dkappoiuted IS to the re- Qfl*0\VcultB of their philanthropic and Very fiislutorest-


bUUl Oil ft m iltiloj

tsd Ubort.I

A Niw Era.—


ith the close of our civil war etebytuing new, FASniONABUE, AND SKA-

ond tbe restoration of the Union, a new eraj

8UNABUI ATdawne to -American {lolilics. Old party organ- >

Izattoas and tbe main i»saes on which ihev- were;mm T'T'WT £/ r* IS T*T*1kT*C

divided have pmeedawav, and now, irresiiecUve,

I of former political lies, men ore ranging them|

selves together to meet the gnestions which

have grown out of the war, upon the wise ad-

jnstment of which tbe fntnre prosperity of the :

Dotion depends. In view of tbe result of the|

ncest ttinggle fur tbe Union, Hon. Clement L. i

ValUndighom. to a letter addressed a few days|

ktooe to a Young Men’s Democratic Association;

in Pt DDsv Ivania (in which, by tbe way, be take-

ihe gioULd that, slavery baviug been over-|

thrown by tbe war, there ohonld be no political

effort for Us restoration). ex]»essed himveU os

foUowa:* * * A new epoch in the American era


bos been reached ; and he who cannot now re-j


oUze, or wb'.> k nut wUling to accept this greu i

^ fact, wonld do well to retire to hk clmiiet and


ountlne himscU to funeral medOotloiu over the mrv TiTY o t' nnrmrw\

hktory of the d^^ or airy speculations I PP ATFCT & SMITHupon on unpossible future. He may become * * r -».»

on instructur, tut be k not fit to be an actor in'

Black & drab^ I ROUSSE.U,

LOOl olTfl'V ilfll8j Candidate for Congress.

* cto«, ihe woeli be the butt of oU the otber l**

to the Unkm, ondofallikeimiof foregcHng Mr. VAllandigham has an-

iklrsidnm bcf4dea. i

nonneed, to aci urale and forcible terms, the

|wa her material toteresto would sufferi

t>ew P*nod whirti has been reached in our po-

imalv by each a ooutec, not to spmk of the]

l»i*cal hktory, and, dropping the dead quesUons

Mging eflkcto of R upon her reputation S>.- of tbe pmt. be turns bk face to the fntnre. with

Moae and Intelligecee, no orgumeut ' it* Remr of de^ and viul Importance to tbe

MceKorv to prove. It mnsi strike !

No philosophical thinker expected

ry wivui almost totnitlvelv. Such a tl at our late elvU war, gigantic and terrible os

Bttelion lies upon tbe ^ emriaoe » faU to produce great changes in

tbe whole quettion. and cannot be avoided{

po{>ular ideas—changes which wonld necessitate

^«ptby wilfully ciasing tbe nadersuuding

nttntt tbe light wbieb seeks to flash itself into

r Bnt overlooking all these considerationa.

L^Mstoni as they may be. we ask the attention' onr reader* to tbe immediate pmctico: mW-

kf which the opponents of the C-anstiin -

•no! Amer^dment ore everywhere prodndog

the State of Kentnekv , snd producing n^

new political comLinatiocs hosed ni«on issues

widely different from tboee which hod agitated

the country betore. There are men, however,

who, wedded to prejudices that have grownwith their growth and ri(>ened with their years,

ere now devoting themselves to “funeral medi-

V-tions over the history of the dead pa>t ” and

airy speculotiuns upon an impossible future.

4Q0 Main street.

.Military Hats,

Military Caps,

.Military Cords,

Citizens’ Hats,

Straw Hats,

s I T M. r: K s ti t p r i. I K u



Candidate for Congress,^yiLL SPEAK AS FOLLOWS:

Moiidii^'.rTiuie 9^ Joluit*oo(owu, Jt'fToreon couzitr,

V MTiKHlArHyune 27 -BniDenitown, J«*ff«r*9Qconntj’, 3)^

V. MWt-dm*itdAF, Jam* 2* WoodIa4vn Gardeu, P. M.1 liurFdaVg rliuMi 2^ -Mtirkei and T**utii ** **

Fiidar, gliiUf and Gi*oon« ** **

8atiirda>. July 1 Puitliuid. ** **

McHiday, July 2 N«*ir C'Mi*Ue. Ky.« P* M-Tiur>^>, July 4 At baibecue, Ow**n co inty.

V>'rdfu-t>day, July k I^reuuaii Kid^ '* Henry county,jeJi dtj>-5


XLockaway and Carriage Sorses.A n;w EXTRA FLM; JUST RECKIVEI,

-wand for aale at iXrhoiu'.r'ff Stahle, on 9ecoudyirt\e»rect. lietwci ii Vatu ami M*irk«*t, j2‘id'>*


TER fNo 1-j will cmviiie THIS miLb-'V itlKW'i EVEMSO. Juue Ji, at 7), o’clock.

^Mrv By Older ol HP.jii dr GEORGE DOYLE. Socretair.

Masonic ITotice.ft Tile tOMMIlTEl. ON CELEBRATION

-^^will me.t THIS rilH K.S1)A»J KvKNI.Vi at•, o’clork All m.ixb-jr. who had tickv-U tor

/ vr \ .ale will lih-aae make ret irn*.

i*idl JOHN It. DAVIES. Sar’r.

». KMoHTS TEMPLAR.—.A railed meeting of

|>^^U)LTBViLLE COMM.VNDERY f.No. Ij «iil boIvdRSvJbeld at their Aaylum Tiiid M HU'RSD.VY’JPy' v*E\ S~NlXO. Juue 22 1-H5, at » o'clock.

„ pmifliual altei.dancA* de.ircd.

B, Older of the Em. Com.jJS dl* WM. C. MU'NOLIt, R.'TordM.

All of wliirli will be w>ld at low prieet by


vrkhuut any prtMpect or hope or I They do not realize bow a mighty revulntkm.

BtUlit;' of any oompcaaoting goui to return,

nf «rr ttwrywirr* dnaorofiwiy fie ami

mujmmtif fik lui^ir ef tiit SitMe. They arc

odnetag among tbe negroes the most disoe-i

Ni effects a*e diorge R directly npon

m. a'e ask tbe people of Kentnekv to open

•ir eyes end kmk to tbe subject exactly it is.

ttm aegro ogiutorA fur the purpose of

lalittl en ephemeral party triun4>h and

are nierintog tbe negroes and cMslng a

impede among them. Tbe latter ore foroak-

( tbeir bomee and fleang tbe>' know not

hRber to qoett of aoletv. They ore running

I tbe town*, enlisting to the army, or crossing

which has hotbed our loud in blood and con- i

vuked onr social fabric from top to foundation,

should open a “new e|>ocb in tbe American

era,*' and. beitce, they cannot adapt themselves

tC' tbe stirring scenes which are betore ns.

1 here k one grand object now commaudiugiLe attention and euergief of the American

etaiesman, to the achieving of which men of all

parties heretofore exkting should earnestly de-

votetbuuselves. Tbe shook of war Dover, and.

fioin a four year's convulsion, our nationality

k to be adjusted upon the new order of affairs

resulting from the war itoelL A loag and bit-

ter agitation of questions predicated npon nc-

- the liver into 1-rtt.w. Mtd Ohio, impslied ^ gm sUverT precipitated the country into civil

r tbe fear that unless they get away toon they|

fC bave im> cbonoe of becoming tree. The.

Tvonento of tbe Comtitatioftal Amendment|

Hunc. to order to give any point or on air of|

Mkteno to their conrae. to order to relieve it

(MB nbeolnte meaninglessnes> and stork idiocy,

ttt, ie mmte way or atktr, w4»ol tkeg art careful i

it Ie expiaia, slavery to Kentucky may yet bei

tied. If there k anything to tbeir wrgn-j

war, and one of tbe cotuequences of the strug-|

Rle k tbe downfall of tbe institution. To us

thk result appeared inevitable from the begin-|

Ding of tbe conflict, although we have

oonttonolJy labored to make iu occurrence grod-

uaL and thereby prevent any immediate

rocial disaster. But the ultimate result wenever doubted from the hour when the national


flog was asboulted npon tbe walk of Bumpier, I

, dtotribes. eeund. and tury, that k the up- i

aocs|d it now os oolv the reolusUon of

Mt of them; for If U cmmai be saved, vrhy at ^bat we onUcipaled four years ago. We were

mpt It? Why agitate the subiject at oil? confident thtt tbe rebellion would destroy

fby on effort to a/w«npiiah on im-j

slavery not only in the rebelliuus Slates, but

nmlidlitj? They know—os we Uve aliwady ' throughout the Union, for we knew, what is

^ .K-‘» inttitution k virtually de- b<>w so obvious, that the loyal border slave’

^oyed g»«s beyotid redemption, but yet thee I

Stales could not preserve it when freedom

emme that uik k not oo, and that vigor- ! "hould be estoblkhed south os well os north of

effurto, by eonstont ogiUtMO of the subject Itlirm. The shock which ovirtumed slavery

imong tbe people, and tbeir wirrmr at tbe polk ito Virginia and Tennessee aud Mtsskoippi was

it tbe Angntt electioa. eUmry ««y MiU be bound to |e«etraie tbe system to Kentn~ky ^

mM. Otberwke. all sophistical appeals t^od Maryland and Missouri, producing a com-.

» tbe t»-f«itaA “coBservatism*' of elavebold- I

moc result To this conclusion tbe secession

tw, ell tbeir twaddle about “abolition.’’ sad all ' •coders themselves arrived at last and,

btfr party acts ore wilboot meaning. We ,eeing that slavery could not be maiutained,

IhaDengc tfo—" to give any reason for they determined to Incorporate the slaves of

ovemeut unless R k founded upon thk ides the South into their armies, giving them the

H tbe pOMiUlity of yet pteeervlng sUvery. promioe of ultimate freedom.

CLey will nut ^iare to oonfeHS to tbe light ** condition to which the long-vexed;

ff open dev thet purpose to ell thk sgiu- ®>*very question stones to day. Fur more than:

ta over tte dead coiceas of slavery k only tu **>‘'*> J**" consunt source of secUmol|

at into efiv Nor will they dare to— to biuemess and controversy, and producing at|

reecrci. li^ering hope that the country may >*** terrlUe revolution on record, U


m plunged into a war with g»«g»ai,A ^tKiot the' forever determtoed by tbe

V.— of Ibe or with France f^o^d, and rtyy tebo Jh-tt drev the aword art re-

ibuot Mexioo, and that tbraugb such means tbe!

epatiU* fmr fi> remit. In other days the “rightf

iieriniiiiii may have onotber chance to try wrongs of slavery” were the chief sabject

tends against the Union, f/ titg eater- ^ puriy conflict, and it determined every Presi-

joio nnv such latent ideas, tbev ore not bold dentiol contest. In future, however, there will

Inuugh to declare them, and therefore we throw 1* 1*®* stake, and political organ!-.

3ie giove into tbeir face and eyes and ask them xstioDS cannot be formed with reference to it. -

M) give w anv rcosun for the course they are I* *««• are feU by the Southern people

UBBtog aside from tbe a-«iiw.p«uin of their Lorn the overthrow over of slavery, they must

thfliiv to anS perpetuate slavurv to borne os one of the natural results of the late

jE^ncky, despite what bos {>Uee. Now, tehelUou, and. grateful that the Government it-

Musybody knows that negroes ore easily excited saved, they should bury tlie preju-j

Hfi olonnod Verv few of them to tbe interior *'1'* ^ forget its tarbnlenl issues, and .

ran Ksd. and they understand very little about teter with brave hearts into tbe pew era ofj

the (uootsr of the Constitutional Amendment progtese which bos dawned upon tbe nation.

LLiongh the brtMiu of three-fourths of tbe should i>oUticians quarrel now about

^mt«f of iL* Lukin, and consequentiv of the slavery? Why should they* seek, by inflamms-

, tototy of tbeir ultimate fretdom. Thev sppeok to the hatreds of other days, to

I. VC learned to a general w^ during the ettrarg* tbe people from tbe government under

U.T that they ore to becotae freci bnt banging vhich they live? Here and there, bv such a

t:C4ind the ouLtkirtF of public meeting^,. Ikten- t®*?’ Kin a local party triumph, but

i: T to a word dropped here and there to coover- tie rdvautoge con be temt)orary only. Tue

( t><7n, they k am that on effort k spirit of the age. and the gr< at eveck tha'. have

deprve tb(-m of tbe long-expected boon, to lately occurred, proclaim ncive'sal freedom,

p<event them from beejming free. lusiontlyj

and the ludgmciit U irrevocable Fanera! m^d-

NISICAL HOODSAt Very Low Frices.

GITTARS. violins. BANJOS. FLUTI3. ACCOR-DIUNS: Italiau Violiu Guitar, and Cello Striu(i,

Or.; direct lm)K>rtatiaD at low sold ratee.

Tiadc *upptM.-d at lowtet New York priese b]*

D. P. FAl'LDS,Dealer in Pionov and Publiaher ol Mu-ic,

inrK' diitl *», Mail, it , bet. Seccud and Third.

0. RAWOQW, I lA. O. OAWaiW,•vn a A. amiDenoin), J irciuHE. bouos

Kk^^ SON, BROHxLA.'lUyA. 1 Oe,

rotoacoo r*«kot<oi*»4Jir

v^&erxl Commisfl'oii DlercbLaiits,!0O HftOAn rrEBHTv NBW yoKSL

Planters’ National BankOF LOUISVILLE.



LOUIS REUM.funs BANK WILL OPEN THIS MORNOia. IN1. Uw Paciple'e Bank bulldtns, Hamilloo bloel Sixthrtreet near Main, foe the purpoee of tranaiiCtinr a esa-aral Bankius, Exchanxe and OoUectiue butuneM,

Particular and proicpl aUentioc, will be given ta ool-laeUoot. J. If . DUMCAM, PMident.J. W. Batcbki-ob, Caahlsc. ml duxiiHarcb L IMt.UAnaeksr oopr.]


7-3(1 L(>AN. DOW bi‘in$ ropidlf taken np. PanCe«defrfriur to &A«ke b and permanent !uve9tinont»ffbculd call at ooce, whil« tbe oobM* are offoied at par*

cnminuBiou allomed Banks and Bankenmis dU J. W. BATCHKLiOKr Cailiier.

rTVmocrat and PreM copr.l

Lost Desk,

A WHITE PINK DPAK. ABOl T 2M FEET IlliiU,the lid op« Hid down, and uud<*r the lid two Minttll

draweia. Tlieir wer** Qiiart«*rmapi«TD* piipera in th<*

de*k belon^iuc to Lieut. L Tid*ti>*, K Q U. SiUh 111.

U wae loft on the* 12th of June, -tt cam** on thal•t4*aulhnfft Gen. L>th‘ from Cliiciuoati. and i» «tiptH>ped

to have been taken hy luirtake from the etoam^ixt or

fr* m the levee. A liberal reward will be paid for anyluioriratica in reuArd to it left at tbi# ufRce. jiS dU*


^ A DARK RED COW. WITH POIJSHEDV burni*. rather low, aud yit iuft milk. ^ re-waid will be given any one delivering

SB2£^MlkMiid cow to roe. JOHN HKdKV,uJ* ChurrhlU et., b< t. Figbth *ud Ni:*t)i.



FOOLS! FOOLS I!VI* ILL BE SOLD Dl RING TDK WEPK OP THET* raeux. iiR'Iit and niurniug, at the Young AmericaSaloon, on Third rirta-i. I^etw,*,*,, J<-fit'n<oii aud Greeu,con:nu uriug on Sntuida;. night, .I uue 24th. at “ o'clock.


j22dS 8. P. WHALEY.

S29 Reward—Stolen,ON SATURDAY MOlir, JUNE 17, I'T,,

ui> stable. In Maiiou county« Kt .« oa tucrection LelMtioo Lxtooi*iou Kailioad)

ONK GKAV MAKK,7 jeai> old, IS hitidi* two tnchee high, aeveral co'Urtntrkr, and juet in front of collar U a knit nearly adUrge ai a betiV egg. She It da*kei from her bipd backthan she U *n hont -troU well, d -Cd not t» tce I

win give d25 reward to any one wbo will enable me to

di.d ^r. Addttjffff me atHAts\ine Ma«ioii cmiiity, Kf.j22d2 CimiB GLA8C«K^«C. JK,

Sea BatblDg! Sea Bathlog!

The ALLEGHANY HOUSE, AT LONG BRANCH,N J., will be c<H*u tor U>« ruc**ptioo of rii**tore on

atd afiir July 1, I'viS Termt ^<2 per dav; half pricef9i clitldren and serranlei. ThU Uoua) ii eitnatel witb-iu a few bnndp'd yaidi> of tlie ocean, and eaff> ofaccoMby railroad from New Yo k or Ph'laJelpUla. RooineChu be engaged for tlie on tpplicat on to

I.rW'lNCOlT A tVGOLLKY, Proprietor-*,j22d2diw4* Loiiff Krarieh N J.

aKo l avnsFourth ol »Tuly.

A FEW BOOTHS FOR UEFBESlIMKNTS CAN BEicuUd by ing b<:on.- Satuidxy, Jiiu* 24. to

O. P MYEKSJ2S d2 At ilitf Pi oBic?.

To Builders and Contractors.

N ew I’Kl'I'oBAl S WILL BR KEUEIVKD BY THEund**;ffigued until tbe Utof fur roateriald aud

the tanouff bmiiclieft ol merh-uiical work lor the en^*tion of a Music UhH iu the city of New Albany. IlifL

will \h recf*ived for each biancb of the woi k eeparateiy»(jd aVo iu afgiegnt'-* tor the entire binUiug abjve Ihegrr ui’d.

Pi«n« and apeclfcatloiiP can be aeon at the cthceof tlie

.\rcluUrtM, f ti Pearl aUt* t. rpjwvite CattDon*^ new block,NewAilNtuy. bTdkNGLIFl'* A Vt>iDKS.j24dtd Arehit‘ct<.




Gent’s Fnrnisliinff Goods


CIlTe tbem a call beior* purcbaslnf•Isewber*.



Th«re k a duew* to which th« doeto.-, give miiny t\ Kiichen, end -Ublo. with a kMieugard-'O, full*'rKrUkii-a thn « mil*, out oo the New h'-irii lurnpixc.

namcr. but which few cf them nndantai'd. Itbiluipir Pot-,! n *i*eii inimwlukte:^. A. SYMMF'.SJ22 lU* C»»l Office. c«r. F'ifth a. nnd Court Pjw*. I

weokncee—a breokiug down of tb, vital forco.. Wh*t-

ever it* fond they ore iaoumerablej, it* aymp- VI/ Sn'tOd,4 GCOn BOYUIl TOl : YEaR< OLD. Te>.;.-)TO :

tama ore in the main Uus ume. Among tbe ma«t prom- -f th, country to wurk on, hum. <Vnnan pr.-t'erred. :

WHALEYAP.jPE.inCLt are extreice Inoiit ide, lora of appetite, loiM of fle.h, P2d3 VI Third atreel.


and great mental deprearion. ludirr.iim aad a Sfoni- TFantodacA Ci/udA ore alio frequently eoucomitaiita of ihi* dla- . X kxffRIF.M'ED WHITE DINlNG-R>jM SFiR-


it vai.t.towb, ni rru-l.ut emi'lovm^T.t will b<- *Wen I

Irceaing itate of bod}- andof mi id. The commen re- .M.irwuyc. Apply to RKl NEK luil SFh I

mark In reUti .n to pciMiia in auch a eosditicu U that,-2i.*l ' u\., y_

they are conrumptive. Now, what theae nnfortuaatee Safe fOT Sale. I

. , , a HKST R.VTFU SK« >iND-ll t.ND, WKai'.lIT-lreell} want la ri(/or—rihil afrcntflA; and a* certtinly a* Jt n,, p,n.,i .n*! B ir.! .- p «. S,,:r um *1 . Iu-

. . ^ • 'Uiie ol K T Dl RRETT, JefioriOu atreet b<-iw,wa :

dawn auccccJ* daiknc* they eiu rceoperata thair »ra-, (ii,,!, .,„• c.^irr. 'll it* i

temj and regain perfect he ilth by rmoitiug to U08 fRT-I



clear that a llfe-reviv Ing Tonic i* rtajuirod in auch caaoa1 ^1 CoUM.’^T'lween**'F*i" t

a. that Ort dying flame of an empty lamp require, to be

revlrcd * l*h a new lupply of oil. Perfectly pure andj

Mry Strre. 21* Fourth atreet.,

innocnotia. eontainlug nothin* but the moat genial vm- i JXeSll C®*" Sale.

etable extract*, aud combining the three graad efo-

j |menu of a .kunacliie, an alterntire, and a genUG Invig-|

I 2II^ |

orauV lloaTtTTta’a Biitibs are auiUbh) tJ ail con-sjt, “ruirMrikH^l^etl'''’


aUtutloc, and are a. applicable to the (liMuea and dial- A Brick H.'ijj-tn et lietween Market ami .!• tieraou. Lot 2d it. „ in. by

bilitie. of the fccbleT aez a. to thoee of men. 7:^ tt. _A largo Brick lloriw ••i l Lot on the We-t -ul * of

118 dl2Aw2 F'.ithih fUi-ct lietweru M-iiii and Market. Lot 14 It. by^

A Phyelalaaical t lew •> Jliimas*—ConloUl a Lot with Frame I loiue on Hie We-t ri.le of Twe lfth

Ing nearly SU2 page* aad 1*0 Bne Ptatea and Eninavin* I *'.^* *" Walnut aud .Madi^iu- Lot 2d ft. 3 in. by

of tha,y of the Sexoa: Orgaiu In a .tate ol, *'‘a tiS"Walnut rtreet. north .tde between


Health and Diaeaae, with a Troctiae on Solf-aboae, It* ' F'ourtei-utb and F'.lkeutb. L<4 3u It. by bU) ft. to a I'l-;

DeplorableConaeqnenee* upon the Mind and Body, with ftot alloy. n«j r-.ii*—.s. .

. . t J . . ... I A I.>t iu thntipcrt of the city calledt allfomiv tront-tbe AathoPi Plan of Troatment-the only rational and

i „* low ft. on Kineenlh -tn-et and **• ft 00 P . otiee i

mcceeafnl mode of cure, aa anow.'i by tirt report of eeee* I .tree t, la-ing a comer 1>4. On Iho lot i. a Brick H^wetreaVWL A Uutiuul adriaer fo tivo married aad the.

1;;^*?; I ’p^ivlr^eofitemplotiiw maxrifdce who eulo-toin droLI* of their npp'y to me on Filth hi-eet find door wtith ef Walnut, I

phyaleal eondlMou. Bent free of pcelar-r tc any addreaa or to O. M, Uewett, nt Wm. Terry’*, ttiin <tre^

on recelpl of If ceuU. In .tamp* or poetal eurreno' by ! 11 ' 1_ ,

addre»iu* Ur. LA CROIX, Nc. 81 Maiden Lane, Alho-1 FOT SftlO,

ay, N.Y. Ca*M treated by m-allaa before, marl dAwIyj ^ gpi.E^DID STEAM FLOi’rINO AND SAW

ZZ“rTnr"ZZZZI A MILL of troifls capscilT* ffUiisiad on ths railrowJ,

HAXB. D'TB! HAIA D7B! lu miRt from Naahvilw, In a fine wheat and timber

BATClIKUm’SCFUaFiHR.vrEDUAlRUYI*. i. TUB ;rouutry. Apply to

..BFSTiNTUB wcisuD. Tbc oDly fUrtulM, Tru^a atbd

, « «^

[>>• known Thii* ^leudid llxir Dye ie per* .Or K> Jos C . 3txbk, at Ppnnsneld, Tenn. 121 oli

fwt— rhsiigeff R*n1. Kiifty, or Gnsy H»ir inctAnUy to s'

Olot^trv or \afnrai Brctrn without inuring the Z*Or KOIltgHair or Htsioing the S^int lesving the llxir S«>G liwd 1 . • a or* k* rwnvr Knnkf Nv STT V Pl’RMT4liFH-Beaulilul: imparu freab vitalitv. trenueutly reuturing iu I A FBOOT RW^mirtinec«lorrat.dr«tilie.theill effect, of B«1 Dyea.

; I?,,*Thie Genuioe ia *lgm-d William A. iiKLoa; all In ^mi^on* M. A. H., tliro.i*li the Poit-ofllce.

ether, ar* mere imitation., and ahoiiM he avoiifod. S id J** "

hv all dnigri.ta. be. Kaerroax *1 Baaoi.a* »t., N. Y. _Bntrhelnr’a New Toilet freniu lop l>re«tlii« 1 FOT ftlff,the lliilr. odlly

; ryuw WOOD FROM SIXTY ACRES 07 LAND.-ui 1 a -1 'A'ill yield luncorda to Uiaaeie. Three and a half

The Bridal I Imuber, an EawiyM Warulng ai^|

niilea >rnu the city. WHALEY * P« )PK.lofflruetton for t otiDg Meu; sleo uew sBd reutfioie IrtNffS' .ill Thim i»trectmeat for of Uriavt?- ^Tjd 3«>xuxl —•ent free in )d env«Jupee AMrcei Or. %r ^KILLlli I

HOUGHTON. Howsi'd AseodMio.i, YhlktdelpUis* Ps.j

mOT ASiO*sp3e3n

I i ^NK DRAY, HOICK, AND HAKNKA.S;V* Two Kxurnm Wiuoom llor^ei* sod lismeet;

lliiiii|»lire]r’«» Spi^riHrMo- - Tbon?*sDdf> of luvsl ie One Kt<k»wft>« Ilo ge, sod llsmeM.hsAv Iteeb pvrfertiy cured of loiigHttsiidii g sllmi'ntfS WklAleKY' A POFK*the ii'ngHf Slid l»sr.e of tlieir liver, sod oo which the/ dT. 311 Thinl fitreet.

bsve ffpent hundiedff ill vein, by clmply tb^e iu* '

vslusbe Si s* UK'S. Note Fsinliv who hsve ever hffd TlRllt_onetf theffO Fffmily Usee* of UrMPiiKKY'B Sesturif s _ .

but would give b\v tiiiii*e tu cost rstlier thsu be /trilhcul i A fePUKSDID lIOl SE WITH ACRKJI. - of ground t*u Lit owdws3',mtsinin« twelve rooms.


A BKNTI F MAN CoNNFATED WI rH THE ARMYiloaiiea l>oaid far hiaamll and wife with . privalo

lami V. Addrem. immediately. Box *>4. Lmti.yi'»e

Peat Office. ’"H«i-“

Board Wanted,

By a sini-leman. im a pbivatb rai^y,fwpeeiaUy one that twlooics to the etnireb dtere

Ihcie aie nooe or few biardera. Tercae ef •\-tmamarb* Irom pd Ie be per weak. etc. Addrom -'tete'i.'*

Journal < ffiee.

To Orocers.U'ANTED-A rARl.-tXKiHlP 1\ dm RRTAB-

Ifebf'd Oioeery. whnl—s»o or (.•» 91'- - s:t/ orvieinity, by s mwn with csf'tsl swd AAfrom*^«i (8MW,** M t^iff X iBecp with biui.o dSwftero *a iiisr*vif w rosy !*• bud. 13 43*

Lace Clerk.

\ ( UMPITtNT LACE CLERK DMUR^ AAITL'-21. ation in >m# wbotnaleerh.ft-cImaretallMWyMiab.nienl. rpe. ka and corre- p iiA. Kitaliab au4 tae-maa.Plerae addiera W. W., Jogroal eftao. ft* <3


F' aid. tb* UuiHwen. aad Urn Fi aape." By Albertn. KIcbardwHi. New York Tribuae CarTaep.uA-m.Tb* moat iuterr-time aud excltliu boeb «,-yr pabi:.A>AeniLnarliig Mr. Rirhard • n'a UDparah-Uedexperieaee Arfour yaar*; IraveiliiM Ibrouah Ike AouiA m Ihe tear*-,aat, ice of the Ti ibuue at the outbtrak nf the war wftkour armi< • and liai t*. both Kut and Wart, darlM tiwtiittw, year, ef the rebrUioo, hie lluiiling eaptorr;


hi* eonfinement for twenty menlh. in «,«* ftm-reol1

ratelpriaona; bi«aecapr auii.lSauM miraeuieii.,<>ura*r: by ni^l of nearly «••> m.U-.. It wi'J abound In atirrlngtTeubi. and eontain mnr* of tb*- fact, ineiden*. and»manre of Ih war titan any other work yvl pubiLhed.

T'-adu-ra, ladi.-a. enrrg, ticyaung men, aad *m-wiallyntiiriwd and d iagbled wtldieta, la waitl *f prodtabl*, mployaw-iiL will dirt it aeculiarly ailaptrd Ie Ibatr eeo-


ditioai. We have a.- a*, elreriad $Ui> per —.-wkIH bieh we will pr,n* tu aor ifouhaing appHrant A-nfffor eireuloj*. Addr< m JONES, BHc^ « CU., IA< WeftF'ourth irtreet, Cincinnati, uhfo. ;e-*J tewlm*

Wanted to Kent,. , A .SMALU O •MFoRTABLE DWELLI.SCLliis HUl SE ceaaxoljy loraaad. Apply W

I ^llS HIGH DOUGLAS A CO.,ftl : kfoMaiuat.


at the Furailiire Store No, 2x7 Market rtwe*. mwlh


aide, between Fifth and Sixth. iS ft

Wanted,A lJkBl.R ANDPl.E tSAN ritty >M.rM?TBXISUEI\

.iluatMl near F'itib aad Moia rtreeta.


AddTM r. A.Ill dS Janmal Itfilea

I Agents Wanted.,^1n A DAY MAI>K BY UuuU.tGENTSrfSELL-vI** Ing the aaagaidc-nt Steel Bnaratinq Ua.k.ST

I ON HOR-^KBACK. Sold only by aubrnriptMa by earoutbotixed aaenw.

[Alto Jnat ready to ploca la Ihe bond, of eoaobfn, a

! .p),ndid importril p'eturr of ANDREW JAI EsOf.Ponrtvnll, ow hwid <ho florol .Soitooal, Polrlotoe, and

IMiweU>nc«ua Pictuica la AmrricaL

A. riLLEZ A CO.I Jeflbtaou *«.. above Etna


Wanted.IIOISES IN THK vESrUAL PABrr rt? TUB1 1 Cii> to reut and acU. WHALEY ft Pv>PK.j2P d.'. all Third rtreet.

WET NUB3E.Wanted,

WIlALEt t FOPE.,XdZ 311 roird ft

j17 eodS


Addree. 5ri2 BaoanwtT, N Y.

WHBATON’3 v XTJH.K-zrea. / wzss,AXOi«i’a v xz:v?a. For SaleSallklifumi Ointmeilt /Sali nii«um.


. . — THE V.VU ARUK MANUF.tCTUR-V.--I 1 .V T. W I ^ U ,

'a- . ot. _ ! LNcPKOPEKTYknowamthe-SYC-



Sg..T W AMURK MII.LS." locrt d about 22Ulei-T.,ChiffiUin*, *ndtilBr.ii.i;ou.« the Sk.m Pri'.^^ Ef mil.v Irom Nwheille. Toon., and 4)«

JKS 7'“^'"* *l.**T*i“


wkBBllIkmU-rt from tbo Cumborlaad Rirm, <»I W He S>canK>reCie.h. The property eonaU-ta

J» hn D . Park, Cincinnati. 0„ aud druggUt. aanerally.. ^ Ci ttou F'actery- for in Jtiiir cotton yaruiu exteiMlve

>*d Bevart of irnttattonn. eod->in^ work* lot th* mnnubi:tur* o( Gunpowder, with ail tbe' _ Dcccomry .hopis teiemeiila. te. Th* maeiiiiery la

liOiiisvillfi (told PpnffValitov fifilvf MffVIftfi ff ftoU ii,i arr. a iu eiiltivation. tho bnlance beavily liu.herod.

V, w a aTTT-r-, a e—ver, xva-WT IFor further paiticiilar. addrev,MANlTFACTOIiY, R. B CHKATllAM,r*.bvme.Toun,

_ .. 'Or Fo<*t, N van, A Co , Cincianati. l2u dim*Th* only Hoot* that 9ABaractare« Pens —

fiuulb of the Ohio River. Please C.tll Splecdcd Farm for Sale in Wis*tod Satisfy Toorselvei. conain.


‘ Wfw KsfTD, well wsisTFd by ffpriass «ntf other' A wiffv. cuiitsintDS about 1.1^32 acrvff iu town w MI . ^.a a I

Jsnt‘iv11l^ R-ek county, Wlsoonffin. sod io fUM f

Hits. ’ the inoel i»^ubrkMi», fertiU, pciicsful. snd oi*o divuriets

I ;

in tt o I'nitvd Ruu^ five roilei* from tbs d<MirUblu3 snd


bssiittlul dti ot Jsucirille. and tturty-ff’Z xsiisff frosi

' Msdiffoiu tbs ripUstl cf WUcsciffin— sboul hsif prsiris .

. ^ ,and half 'sk o|cniii||f about *v)S rchm eu tivaV»d, atid I

13 arc if not npsriM to any m *ias. Nx» acrea icrlceed b> fubfftitntiaJ foueaa. Uuitarslarss I

Itcaiatpnre, and writ itnt*d perfect In every. brick isa^ioa bouM* ferret d about twenty vsart aso by

Tbe trade' ChcpWr one of tha famous ksspar* of tbs old


Dtuiucr for VIFTY CSNT8 saeb Psu cir-^City Hotel iuNewYffrkj in good rsptiir, ns a taro-rttwy '



ptone hoiiM*, tens* t-hoi‘i^ largo bs”n»w *hrd*, very fins^« ft CTTT.Ta At bvw aud ^**^0 sranarr* brick Brooke hotteS, ise-hou’^,

3-Lv) V* '^”•1;lane Fairhank*» itails for wsishius cattle, Ac. Im- 1

Our Fend are ^nal if not gnperior to any !n *ias.

They are 14 eaiatp nrs, and wairAnt'd psrfaci In everyrv0p«‘Ct. Tbs trade tnppHed. Old pent repaired inIhe best rotinuer for FIFTY CSNTS sacb Psu dr*citlarc sent PRER. AddrSMR C. lULJUlJ.8. na.ijJ.8. HU L

jeS .nf

d. aulxm.

:i R. O. BILL 6l CO.,Gobi Pen Manafaeturera,

407 Viln anfl 788 Thiro >t*., Lonifville, Sly,proTCBi.iil* have onet at lco.t aSM,G)e in cboop time*.

Title iniilrputeblr. Will be .old on very rvaooaaUaterm*. Foi fiutber poitieulor* apply to owner.

WM. CL HASBRi.lCKjl7 412I.* Newburgh N. Y.mum & KozEN.

yifyrt ^united states

Piano-Forte ManyfactaieiJii7-30 LOAN.

and Ollier E*|uipaee* [mviiiifHCturiNi by tht* celebratedFielding Brotbei.. New York.J are of the iiio.t ulegoiit

and really dertripl'on, and of Incomparable .tyle audbiii.h.and really dertripl'on, and (

Tlie iiidi-K-ribable gr»nd*iir of ilii. wondartul Cavalcade frepri-re. ting, a. it dix-* a Mi)V'iNG PANOKAM.Vnf OVER A MILE IN LKNGTllJ. witii iU attractive

app jintmi nta aud attribufo:- i. mi .uperb N'yond on-ee|itiuD. exciting >u the bebo'der tbe realization of tbe

(cl vid oniua* menu n lilcb gave birth to chivoliy aud it*

attendni't pageolitrie..

The Nanai. zntsT derira to Imprew npon tlie p ib'ic

mil d that each and eve y (•etiure of thi. Grand Combiukt'on i. entirely uiiezcept omible and of a high

limd and niuiol ell ract r The uudviiiable exeelleuce

aud .upiiio.Ur ol thi. (Plabliahment i. a couci del tiut.

THE PERR)BMASCE3will icclnde every imaginable variety of


intiofucirgNF.W AND STAKTLIVil ACTS,

never l»-*oie given in ili . city. At each eutertiiumeutMr. C. W. Noye* will iiitrodiioe hi. famou.


tilt fiue.i tpecimru of equine bmuty inAiuvriei; .,Labi. celebiat«‘d

PERFORMING MONKEY, SIGNOR VICTOR,the leal, of whtcb are coirical beyond diwcriplioi.

A piipiloftlu: givat Van AsiBOiuiH will cuter tbedcL. <d Liot *, Tiger*, and Ix opard..

Each eiiteitaluiuent will a iijiiu'nn* with a

GP-AND ORIENTAL CAVALCADE,and conclude with ilie laacimble perfonnaoce. of Dr.


MEBSR.a. THAYF:r AND REYNOLDS, CLOWNS.1 1,-wir* opt n at ly, and P. .M.

Admi.rlou to the entire mun.ter combination, S3 ct*.

Cbildieii und> r twi lve. 2S cent..

Tie Con P'liy tt-illexbibil in all of tbe nrln.lptl citie*

and town, in Kentucky and Imliana duriog th<i month,of July, Aiigurt, and St-pteiuU-r, due uotlce of which

,lin e aud place will be given.P 8 - Do not confound thi* Moiirtor Ccnblnation

with oti rr cumpaiib-*, ueillu-r good bad, nor inditTereutOm'Z M«uk.—


leaie oUerve ti e >(1111 and dofe. andreuu'irber tlie

LARGFar ExainiTioN of the amusementWORLD IS COM 1.NO.

iiir.eS2,24 27 a>+juIyT,3

4U0 aennti pok

Uasos a dunUne^s Ctblagt OrgtnSiI

na Bzae aan ua m* KAiaov,!

K*:kw A.SM, aecM. dSe, attwam. atz«>. aaa Seveath, I

lanJT dtoi Lf»UiaVILLB. KY.

Galen’s Head Dispensaryj

THIRD SERIES,$230,000,000.

A huge cU.cfc jiirt received by Expre.. at

uaava g-ra* |7vaa...u«aj| ^,hotl»y Ot the Seeretary Of the TreaaiirT, Um

ESTABLISHED IN Ittb. ANO. Iandenlgnad, tha Oetieral BubaeripUea Kgeui Mr th*

^TeZVkl% -•« «**- 3e*<-«^ ofihr. ft lb. pabUe th.

ftfoiif 0/' third aerie* of Treafury Note*, bearing aevaa and Ihrae

^*^8F^iKNAi^‘wp\^'5FSS.***’ outtapereeut lulureat per aimam, known a* tbe

mmm & mn



AI5p, COCM, & C0„

Loul&villeFonnderykMacUneShop,Comer Main aud Tenth atieeta,

I-.OTJI*l'V7'II^3L.M, JEC.Tr,,

llannfartare and keep oonglontly on hand

L GenllBinen's Fiiinishing Goods||TPP 00|,Y]^pyj|'n


I.AKE, - - - M;muT-er.


Why ebould iKiUtidAne quarrel now about Portable & Stationary Steam '

ilaTpry? Wby ehuuW they seek, by InflimiBi- FnpiTTPR I

t<jt> appeoh to tbe hatred« of other day*, to'

1 J TVettraree tbe people from tbe (Mvercuen'. under ' QQ WellTOOlS aDu PIq C0IH“ '

abicb they live? Here and there, bv ivach aj

vvlgifo !

V une. they may win a locsd party triumph, butj


tie rdvautoiN; con be lemimrary only. Tue (jordage and Belting,rpiritof ibeofe, and the Er.ot event, tba*. have -n 11

® *

eololriy otenned, procUimunive-eal freedom, iDeliOWS & omitn~SnOP iOOlS,


te<-v take tbe alarm: one talk it to OBOtber;'

luie lefMrt tooeoee* to terror oe U flio*.

•od fear and fancy toveet tbeir condiUon

fti(L a tbouoaud Imaginary evUe, and tbe result

k ttet ttev take tbe ohatteBt coarse to a place

of mpiwsed oecarity axainst tbe im]>endiiiK|

ffonRere Forme ore tbw left wiibont bonds '

ftnd tbe indneuy of tbe State thereby enffi.TE|

kvooely froin tte niaehieroui work of a set >

olavery ofjtatoff lor the oole porpooe of pel- I

Imp iate cfUit at tbe expenoe of its moral andSAiional proeperkv . They will let tbe crain rot

b the field* of Ecntocky tkrouitb ttaie negro

nfttuboi). Hep em ride imbi ofurn. They will

ffrfttoraliae onr •errilc population if tter con•tentby <**«• u§ot. They will, by Urn,- fron'Oe

npptalc to pootton and prgjndlee J bitter de-

•nnclatioii of tbe policyof tbe Oovemment,keeppensoDgaaenccesttiy farmeitial law, if dtpearn ebiam ef<x if it. Ac sn lUeetraUon of tbedUoouoar ooneeqnenoec which are failing to tbe

wake of tbese oUvetr ogltatotc. tbe opponentsof tte ConttliQiional Kmendmeni to Ken-•ncky, we mate, npon tbe bigbest on-tbociiy ttek to one of tbe ooontte of tbe to-

kerlor aome wcoka ago. within two days after akoranifae by a candidate for tbe Legialatuie la

optwokiw to tte aasandesent, in wbicb he looktbe creund that in aome way or other eUperyteat be oaued, a teodreff «md ferip atprem Uff




mm*. b wac tbe natural effect of hk os-

anmiptioo. Thi* k by no mean* a eoUtory caee.'

like eawM* foUow like effects. Tbe wholebbor of Kentnekv hoe beoan.t- vitiated, andBcndcted nlmiiel wortbieo* by tbe work of tbeoepettUeraot afckatore. And every day k k be-oomtok worse. Tbk k the t*nm«Ai.^f ptoc-ttool prtoe we ate paytog mow not to «,iaa(k offctnre evUo—for tbk a>tempt to nnarfth. tbebiPsty qntpffon end ttUl to boieter k op on tbeFortaf a fcw pobiWriene for tbe eeke of iglce andF^vodar. Aut ret tbeae people have tbe coot

itotioift over Um. hktory ot tbe dead pa*t cuiaol

revive elovery; they are at beet but airy *|te 'nla-

tioo* upon an impogcible future. There ore

quectiozs enouRb of . practical rbarocter to en-

gsge tbe peoiile's attention without calling up

kecee wbicb have sunk beneath tbe waves of

P' polar revolution, and tbev who would be art -

01* in the sUrrlng ecenes belore u* must rid

tLtnyeelve* of old party shackles and indentify

tbeir bepee, tbeir ombitioof, tbeir imensU with

the ineviubte progrese of evenU.


(jordage and Belting,

Bellows & Smith-shop Tools,

Oil Well Tubing, Oil rumns,&.C.

nr~We have tbe Mk right for thia city to manukc-fute


We liave arrangement, mage with pnrtie* who atefnllr Oompiamt to nvcl the macliiiierr, drill the well*,uul ic|rtit tbe teolr. *0 that we can tur:ii*b any pattyA’itt >uch men at moderaa* w«ge*.

All informatiflo given aud order* promptly aM-nded10. my2 dtfla

mar A Washington despatch annouuees that

Edward Kuffin, of Virginia, who fired tbe first i

iSRIA^Elgun on Fort Sumpter, committed suicide ne:ir

; QQ^fQiy A.ND T(Kicbmond, Saturday latt. by blowing hk bead off

; General Conwitb a gun. Be preferred death to living un-


no. «-j broad street,

tier the Government of tbe United States. Liberal advance* will !

m J ok. I (dcDsfi to tbe abot e addrs*Edward Buflto was a very aged man, and the


ver> embodiment of rebel fanaUcism. He was I

occtu-tomed to boost of having fired tbe gnn that| DR. S. N

oi«Ded tbe bloody Uogedy of the late war, and,-cv v

tte seceeskm scheme having foiled, he preferred]

Oilto die witb to tboogb falling a victim to bis i South sMe Jrflt-r-oni

own bond*. Edward Ruffin accurately Ulus-! and Third, two

troted Use rebellion ikclt whic* was certainly jets ar-get,-

tbe meet enicidol scheme ever organized by

^roz our firet page tbk morning we pub-

Ikb the dkteniing opinion of Judge WiUioms,, atate

of tbe eupreme Court, surtaiulng tbe “green-j

(iAKBARD, TH^ legal tender, Tbe question involved «J . a randUatc for Sia

bos been differently adjudicated in differentfQ,- thi

Butes, end wiU be preeented to the United v. -e .a* .uthoriz.M»o*

flutes Supreme Court for final decision. Tbe »> g wistersmith* . . I . , - *hip ol 4he Ceiirt ol Ai*p««

o{dnlon of Judge Williaaae is a verj able one .Iu5ici*i Dfotrictof Um-m


WiilKi:\ \F.WfO?IB K to.,I


And General ConiniL-slon Hcrrhantii,No. «-J BROAD STREET, _ NEW YOKK.Liberal advance* will be luade upon preperty ecu- I

rtgned to the abm e addrew byfoMdtqnl* H D NEWCOMB A PRO '


South sMe Jellt-r-on flireet, between Secondand Third, two doors from Third.

jel2 <P-'Ae4>*

The editor of tbe Journal bos mode arrange-

menu to burl tbe next mountain be sees mov-

ing uu on Indplenl rebcUion.


And therefore tbe editor of the Democrat

tticnid get out of tbe way. Hell be tbe first

victim cirubed to death if be don't

TJOAIlDING IftjR A GENTLEMAN AND LADY ORJ) two tingle prutk-ui-ii can l>e has in aprivaie family.Front room, pkaaiuitly located. Apply at thi* office.

lMd4 Of

For State Treasurer.

J U GARRARD, THF. PRESENT IMCOMBENT,• 1. a randUatc for State Treaturer. jeSS iedte

For Jndpe of the Court of Appeals,W E are authoriz'd to announce the Hon. CHARLESIt G. WINTERSMITH a. a candidate for tbe Jiid.i--.bic of the Ceiirt ol Ai^peab iu thi., tbi- Third A|q>eUiteJudicial DietricI of tbe Stab of Keutiickv. j22 db‘


ito .^^fb-tn*K*ii of the IPth iaat., ooe email roan' 'NY HOUSE, about 14^ band* high, blind of

one eye A liberal reward will be piid for the returnefibeliofve So B. F'. LUDLU'M,A*.’t Biiryceii SSth 0 . V. Y. Ih Id Bilg. Temporaryrir.l4U,A.C. Jiii-*

Comer of Main anl Fourth sts.,

I'ttdcr the IVafioUYl Hotel.

3«15 dim SI’ROU'bF: & MANDFZVILLZ.

ii.iUtAKi) c’oi.i.t:f;r..CHANGE OF TIMI'..

TliC icFuUr exffiniimtiou for A^mireion wJl lit* bu*lJ

on MOSUAY Slid Tl tSUAY, Jul> iTih Stad InM, mo

s'lendy stmoui ci-d.

Tlie Eu&itcer vsf'stloD I1* It^ngtheiK^, and tli** «oc':nd

exiniiukiiou ii> tti^rt fore poetpf?n>*d to Ibi' date of

berUiCinf the firAt t* nu, TTlL’li-'^nAY, i*t U>h.

Ka<h exfiiLiDHtion bfiriuF at o'clock A. M., in No.

I hitetffitj Uallv and sttendHiire for two da; a iff rc-

-luiied. THOMAS HILL, TiwideU.CAhtmiii t;K, M . June IR, j'W dintv.'lwria

Spiced Oysters,IN CANS F'OH FAMILY CSFl,

.Jurt receivt-d at

WALKEE’S EXOaANGfE.^ je23 mAetf


tuUou will tajee place oo I'huradar, tbe X'th iuat^ Tbe t Kercbtia w ill commci»c«at o'clock A. M.


A train of cara will !• avu H:ird<*t<)tvn in t!ie aAcraoon,ffo ai* to c< uncct with tbe NttehvUle train for Louisville:

Iand i:M‘r> lacilit? will )>e ufiurdcd pi*rtoue viaitiua tbe

' luatit’itiou to to and frtiiu Bardatowu, wbero tuuple' aoti minadatioiii' can U ohtHined.I It will not br in the power of the 8'iffb ra to lodcc or

If'Uttfitalu Kuy uu*'. j22 dtd*


Hauiiliou'i* Buildiuir. ou ThuiiHlay, July 6th, l^oS,

Int!' o'clock A. M . for Ui** ffuhffcHplioii of ntork lutbeLoiiieviUc luduHtrial Workff.' OKO. AIN >L(K,


j*’22 d6 ( •orporatorn.

TOBACCO.I r,i b()Xf:.-<navy lbs.1 Ow eaddii-' “ X II**.

I-.» “ Black Swe<-t V lb*,

llti•• - •• lUB.

Juti p.l'kage* choice Briglit Work.1« •• Liugbotue li Son*' Virzinia.

All the aliovi- G of tin- cboloert leaf and pul tip by thela-rt nianiifactuTcre. Iu etore and for rale at currentui.ikt'I raba. A. II. DFU\N.je22 dk No. 812 Mnin *t. bet. 8,'cond auJTli'id.

ArPLE CIDKR:Ill'll LR iu F irkin*; in *tore and for « tie hr

j. 22 d» A. H. DEAN.


hip pro!c5itpioua1 M*rvlosa to tlie citizcQf of LonU*viile and vicinity Officeand iceideooe temp'irarlly No.

liOith sidf* Maikct. between ThirttH^ulb aud rour-teoutb airuirtm 6 doorf wcf>t of St. Pntrick'a Church,Office hr uiv 9 A. M. to 12 M. and 8 to fi P M.

tu; ti UKO. A. UYEB, U. D.

wm iriiV£LLl.\G EXOmiTION


ONE week ONLY,

Jltinday, Tu4'silay, Wetlncsday, Tliars'Jay,Friday, and Saturday,

• Jl NK W, £0, 21, £3, 23. AND 21, IH 'A,

TWO (JIVXD FEIlFOiniiMESK\cry AfWi.ocn and NigliL eommincing at 8 atid 7)fo'cicvk P. M.

Location CUct'iiit ctreet, between Eiutt and Floyd

The Most Superb Outfit.

The Finest Stud of Horses.

The Best Educated Mules.jW dS i

OIL! OIL! OIL!DO vor WISH TO or m*Y good oil

Territory or iiiKs^e in the Oil bii«itH*M. or fW^ire toliave e’llicr whIU <,r t*riit ry I'^kcUrt*;? See II001 AUTT'ELL. Cfbcu No. 336 Third cticetv LouiivUicy Ky.

FARMERS & KTotloo-

We lure manuftcitiriiif aad keep ooaetiuiUy oa baud


tlSEAT llE,<Til;A PREllini

Sugar • (’anc 3Iills,

TI e fame of theffeMilln hat already fpreal tbri)a£bo!il

the cciu*ti> v and they ffre knowa for their «lmpticity andDaatneffff,, combined wAh etrcui:th aud ctpacity. Wehare manufactuied and retd many hundreds of thee#

Millff, and lu every luffUnce ttiey have given entire oat-

itfactiou: and ifauyiaimer, alter tiylug tbeim »hould

not be ploaeod, be can return the Mill aud gut hia


UESTtR^ C.WE ^lU.I.:

No. A i>u gallon* per boiu: $75 (ft

No. B— 70 “ •• “ te 00

No. C— PO " « “ 25 00

No.D-llO “ “ •• lo5 00

No. E-160 “ “ « 175 00

A' \ Chartered hy the IjryviatHre I

Jl — I. ik of Kentucky, for tie treat-

Jn mentofJf'l TSd « YENEKE.AI, DlJ4E.\SK.S,

xTil SFiMlNAL WKOCNE.tS.Wfl/f And all .IJfectione of the t'Vf-

laiV k' net and tfeneraiioe Oi jaiu of'



ON VKNFFBAL DI8E.VSK3, INCLUDING GONOR-ihua, Glnt, By pbtli*. Su icture, Urare'-Stono Rup-

ture, P'l«* F'irtui.a, Uriinuy IXp-vit*. and ab ':wue.of th" Kidney., Blalder, Pro«tr*te illami, and •’ettlual

Veticlcv. and thvlr tre: tmeiit. luchid'ug a enapfor i ll DISEASES, wi'b obMiivatiun* ou m.r,,ag*aud tkv preventioB of coiioeptioo.'uing a T.-oa-

U*c on Bri.r Aiii'sa. Spermat rrhrj. Sexual a;id N>rv-oii* Debility, bai itniiw*, and imputauce in hot" tex •*;

tbe effect* of th<ae di*eA*e* on tbe bo,]}' and iQtad. a:id

the Anil oi’i Nzw TazarMtitT ot »U iLe." ^aae. 1”

the only Mifcewl'iil method eurm ^'ilh an exp witionof Vll'AcayitT. Thi. woik i* net a quick adverti*, meat,but * Waminc and a Quid' for married and *iaale. It

ir tbs ouiy that give- th" treafneut of aU the abovediwwee, iu p'aiu EitdUb, wi'h lull uirectio u for ."ILtreotm.i t at d co itaiii* valuable Intnrmatinn notprrpcr In meutiou in a public nouo*. The work con-tain* 8SU pyg •* and IlO p'ate. and "nirraviiigt of theabove dirm***. Sent to anv addroM, in a *eal"d wrap-p4 T, on receipt Ol e <l«!l,r. Tboi# alliictod with any ol

til" above direiwe., before p'aeliut thenwelve* •tnder

itof treatment of any one, abould tiral read tbi* work.TO PjCnKNlS —We devot" our entire time tj the

treatment of all I'ne above di>u***e«, by Um mort im-I proved method*, a* practi*e<l lU the h»»t F'rcnch. Bug-

li<l!. and Anii-rican lloepital*. Our Di»P''*i**rv ir the

only iu.titutinn of the kind in America which ha* beenertablirbed by a *pecial rb.artar, and thi* ftiet .boitld

give il a preieteuc" over the varioii* i|uack. of doubtfulchai.rler to la- fniind iu all large citru*.

PATIENTS AT A IHSrANCE- By aendlng a briefetatenirnt of their lyniptoaMSWlU receive a Blank Chart,contniuing a M*l nf qiiealioii*. our teinu for the counw of

trcHtmetit. Oc. Metlidnee aent to any part of the coun-try to cure niir car" at hime free froiu damago or curi-okltv. All coiiaiiltation* private and coufldeiitial.

OFFICE - 314 Filth atreet, between Market anj Jef-fft *oii, w< *t .id".

To iu*ure aotely to all Mterm dlieet to

GALEN'S HEAD DISPENSARY,mv^eod Drawer 247, Loiiuvill", Ky.




la. US Foartti it., tet. 9ata saff Watoir,

It2" "Odi.le Lorwvn.Lii irv


FITTING hu*In"*a In all It* braoche* at iu9 Green

itreet. between Tirrd and Fourth *treel*, .oulh tide.

N. B —Walk dnue witli promrtn"** and fidelity.

J2U ecdlalm

FiDdlLY DYE COLORS.Jiiit received a large lot of


fEnibraelng every Color on their E-t), large anl *mi!laize*. We offer tiieae azeel eiit Dye Color, to dealersonly at manufacturer*' KaaMru prictM. deliverei :it

LoiiUville tree of freight in any quantity. Sava timeaud Ueigbt by buy iug of u*.

WILS:fN A PETER.m27 eodlra S< Ie Agent* for Kentucky ft Teuiiewee.

Wftftted,i'OCKA. WASHERS, .AND Ihi'SESS. FOR THK" i'lty ctHiBsUy. WiiALKY # P >t*G»

j8b 3U Third MrtwA.



Nttt'eie UI IlcaikiuMttrrff tot KiiiLMoynMfiot %ud Ibawl

Kptotr. WUALtfV A P*>PKad3 SU Third

Wanted,F'ARM hands and G.tRDENEKA

WHALEY ft PyPM.ftU iB all fhird rtreea.


kind, to call and regirter tbeir aauiea.WH.kLKY ft POPS.

jfti dS Employ*11* Offio*. dU Third at,

Vast Hands WantedBy ADOLPH LETI,

,2U«!<T ftft Main «k, be*. FUtft and Smft.


to Ibe CMiLtry. t'e a woaaa who eaa eooft. waeh.and da aeueral boeee-weak feed waece wiU hr giy.Alfo want a good tai m-haod, owe who con handle hor«egwelL Apply MjjMda* BKIDGKFOKD ft OO.

A PI RMellEl BF;D-Bii*-ji. with OR WITH-eiil beard, wonlert by a tingle emUetnan it J<rtfor.

•cnviUa or a Hm*i di-taac* fieiB Laoievdla. Oddrw*,j2u e:.' H. GANNOY, Drawer 44, P. o- Leuiariltei.


Saint Louie, Mo. I ) NewOrfouia, laa,


TOBllfOand €0TT0N FiCTORJa:<d

General Commiaslon Herchanta,No. 38. Brood atroei, NKW YiFliifo

4 DTaNCBS will be made oh SBlPMSIfn OftA Tobacco, CoHom and FV*daec fo the aboea adortmby J. O. j ACto Aaao*.

North tlft* Main, bci. Third and Tom tb .ft,t4 ftmi* Loofeviila, Kx.

O. K. KING dk CO..Trolo«ooo -Cfactora

ii4 UiaiiSNi X?rrkte'i,

No. M4 Bread rtreel, MW YoBK.O. K. Sing. Tnaa J. BonX Tbo*. i. ft* Sabto.

Agent* in Louuviil* A. U. ft Juan S, dittB

Implement. an4 Marhlaa Bi'rta***.* aaaa* anatyle M MOOKF: ft BARKK f, and *eliritthe patron*,

of tbeir friund. aad tbk trauo geuentifo.


LouDviCo March L ! •«

rv.OO T O A Copartnership^i e_>V-r -I—i V-F


a I rrHEL’NDKBSlONHOHAV’BftSBuClATSDTHSW-__ . a...*,. law M -i Mivee toertber in a aoiwral Agriaottiuai, FvminftTlieae note* are ;«ueft under date of July 5, !«, and ilartiin* il.-rta*.*. nn^.tb* aam;^

are payab'e three ycori frt-m tiiat date in enireoey, «g “ MtX'BF; ft BARKF. r, and ^rittbe patrouaftft' of tbeir found, aad lb* trauo geuera^.

arr convertible at tb* optloa of tbe holder Into i J A M'itvBBFOK-SR* W. B.kRKieT.

'J. S. « -a0 SIT rrm. ODKT LcuDviE*. March L L.*

C0LD.BEARINC30ND3 J|00l!Li RiSISEf.Tbe«c Bouda are aow worth a haniftome presl-jm.

Olid grvrt' u'pL a* are *U tbe Qovemir.aiit Ilon(t*./iwi4 Ioranrm* to

SttUr, County, and Municii/al taaatwm. which aid* < j (1*

one to three per cent per anruerm to their aoiiu, accord- ' Held 5scis,Ic, to Put rate levied upon other properV. To* iuteccel r

I* payable Mmi-aan-aally by coupon, attached to eachI (Tflrllll'ir dl I Tl "l!'' 'TIC "iL

note, which may be cut o3 and mU to any bonk Of|

f C ' ILulllil u-1 llliutCiilSlUJ|

The Inlereirt nl 7-:iD pev cent mm*nnta:in 1 orfl |lftrin|npft


™ ifldLillilSSi

BHI's Reaper* *af Xearrs »t

•go u* » - -siOtM) “ reiinrrd prices.

Ml “ “ -wooe - Excrlhior Rfaprrs and Yowers,Nofoaof aUth*deTiomlnition»c*ti*d wUlbeprcmpb- DblO C hlTf Rfap^rS KHil .UpWfTSa

r tta - ' ChampioD Reapers and Mower*.TbeNoIca of thi* ThirdSrrie. are preciaely .•ttador Id


‘ „form and privilegM to tbe Seven-Thirtie* already fold, ' RentUcty I Upper M#Wefgezrepl that lb* Oovemment reagrve* to Itaelf th* option Hubbard Mpwer*of paying miemrt In gold coin u « per cent lartead of

i jj|,pr®|ed KflipSe SfparatOTSe7 Alith* in eurrency. Snbacrlber. wiU deduct Ibe la- n * a •ml a.

tereat in currency cp to July lath at the time thev *ah- HorS^-POWfrS aud ThreSHerS*

•cribe. MrSherry's, Moure’s, and Loti's

The delivery of the nolee ot tbii third .eriei of lb* ' (irain Drills*Sevrn-tbirtioe will eommeue* on Ihe lit of June, aad ' FaRSwill be made ptompBy ecntiuooiub- after tha ^ J* mt -e a- , t t

a,,,. Sprout’s 20' Tooth Steel Spring

The (light change mv7e in IN. eunffita-u* of thi*I

Ucrsr Haj RakfbTHiRD SLRIES afleeU only the nurier at tot. reft I RflolviH!; HorSP Haj RaLfS*

crur:::::rMt:itri“"^ and cotton suiky

The retwro to *peciu payment., in tbe e.ent of which Culthatcrse

only wiU the ot-tion to pay interert la Soad be avvtiedI

Sogareauf Mills and Eraporators.of. would *0 reduoe and equrtliae price* that poreha***

MiilS*mode w-itb .ix per eet.i in geld would be fully equal to I ^ V ..

tboee made witb Nven and Ibree-tentiu ycprtenl in cur-' ®‘*aW I UllrrS*

reiiry, Tbi* t*^

forn Sbellrr'«*

TEE o^L¥ 1.0 « .n4R&£T Harrows and fnltiTatiMrs*

V w K rt. V a .. -1t Steel Plows*

Now offered by tha Oo>*enij:iaaV %od lU n^eriov *•!- _ i. tr_ivmitaye. make U tbe PUWpS, 1 hUrUS llOtflfS-W rOg-

(ireat Popular Loan of tUe People, ers, and Washers*

Lea* than SJSil,ailO,uM of tba Loon taihorlaad by Lime, Cement, Pia>t€r, Af*, Ae.Congrea are iitw on the market. Tbi* amooot, at

| •* rote at which it la being abeorbed, will all he anlw MOORE & BARRET,•cribed lor withal aizty day., when thd not** wtU on-


Md- 3*JU N. wida Mutt, b#«. .Id A A*h ftiwal^

.-•abtedlr eemmoud a premloia, aa haa miUBnnIy heea[

ml7d iate

tbe e*M oa efomog Ih* aaliarriptian* fo Mhgr Loona.j

QSOXIOI! T. 0’D0HlfB&^In order tltal citiaeft of every town mid ftetfooof

j jud ioUQSellOr It LaW,th* oonutry may be afforded MctHtia* for lakingih* ^ ^ Liberty, eppoftb; thd

loon, tl* NatienoZ BonkaT Stale Barks, and Privat* ___ P-ft--ffien,

T'J' X3 "W ^ O Zto KK. «Banker, throagboal lb* oenniry bav* gaogrouy agreod

promptly to bn*in**i eo«mi«**d to5*2^^I* reeaiv* •ubacrtpltoiu at par. Subaaribgra will aetacl by Mrrehanu and Lawyer* to Ita ^*.1; aeJtotory

Pntalic take* tatlasonr bv evmni mnfttbeir own igenta. In wbeo they have eeuSdftud, and BF.F'EKgNCESi

^ HamBtonropoandOapI JototaMrtbft LooWvill*.Wbo only are to be raftooaible lor Iba daBverv of tbi yt, Nanau Sank. J. L ft D. A Biker (Cooa-

-Ill h ,h.- .i.n.rt.r. mirefonMeiebantattGedaritJ Liftrene*ao4*a tor which they reetova orders. ^ ^ flmportot*. * Smith William

-V a -WV *» J. and F P. JameaftCdv fB*uker% toJAY COOKE, wlu -tj ......^ Saw Tort.

„ FWV bar ft H<diart fMeteh*r.».>.»-i^kardlSewot miVTion Ai.awT, ^ fM#rrh*nt.y, atal Joba Ql Dcuglaa.

No. U4 South Third atreet, E*q. fAtioroav oCtewy .Cineiantoi.

Hay 15, I'-A. Philadelphia.ji4<i»ini*drti-^

Svasi aiPTiows wilx se Ba<-nrm> by tbd SADDLE?, HARNESS TRUNfS,8ic.

Fir&t NuUouol Bank of LouldTilla. Nk[^Second NuUuua! Bunk of Looisrills.

Louisville CUT Ndilonal Bonk of Laulovillft. -A-t UrtgA-aftood "W^loote-.... in IVl nAVBNOWON H.tMDTHE foVKGBftT AMO

r’lia.ters Naticnul Bank of LooLvilld, FT mo.* vwfod .Iiiiuiteaiit of aU the voriaoa artfo

— cle* pertolniod to the SadOfory buirt aai to be fwnd toAnd at the Custom H-use, Louisville, Ky., S»cityrw« eonaoll tbsir tntoreft by gritotolM OdB

bv- W. D. Gallagher, De^toeUary of Pu'oUe **ock and prieo* betoce purrhomn*^^ unj^

Moneys and Axent o( Jay Cook. Fretola* Sadffi*. HvrB*»K * M. iytoftirw.J ~ ^ S i aand aad rbfgfc^ *

mU dftwiwiw ib4 (Rnia Sba •Uoldoa Horan tfagffSfi

206 W.H.WALKER4 00., 206op«n lor vialtors. •' louisvillr. ky ,’

\''*8l’T^’lS^RE'RiiMi!itVED TH'a THB "WTlOl&Sfbl© DcalOrS IH' lime to visit the areat MAMMOTH CAVE and IN- pTTRR BOURBON AND OTHERniANCAVB. A Hpfoadid Uie of coocl^ run daily, * ^ ..iuiAkiD« cloM ooniMclKMi froai City Lrf>uU- KERTUCKT WlU8JUiY&riUe aimI M«ebvillti h&ibtMMla to <mu4 > UiMn cm ftjrajitnA. Mtt •r^m m km mw

newly rtucoverto laJuu C.vffi to^re-

Two renu


Ten “ ’

•go “ ’

Ml '

Note, of all tb* denomloution* cobred will be prompt-

ly futalrhed npoD reoelpl ef iutocrigtion*.

Tbe Note, of thi* Third Serie* are preciMly .riffidar to

form and privilege* to tbe Seven-Thirtiee already sold,

ezrepl that Iba Qovemineiit reagrve* to luelf tha option

of payiiu inlerert in gold eoia at t per eeut iartead of

7 Alitb* in eurrency. Snbacriber. wiU deduc* Ibe ia-

tereet in currency cp to July 15ti: at the time ihcv eab-


The deUvery of the nolee of tiue third ftriei of Ibe

Seveu-tbirtioa will eommeue* on Ihe Ittof June, aad

will be mode promptly' onJ ecntiunoiufo' aft<w tha


The (light change mvfe in IN. eunffita-u* of thi*

THiRD SLRIISS ofleeU only the curier of tob rift

The pay ment in gold, if made, will w ntulv ueutlu tie

ciTTtucy liiteieetof the tugber rote.

The retwro to epocio poymeoU, iu the e. ant of which

D" '9.' TO LEASE OR BUY GOOD OIL No. C- to “ « “ 25 to SP K! I ,1b li! ftJ f Teirltory or tiigoie 111 the Oil bii.iiK-M. or iforlre to No.D-llO “ “ •• Iu5 to f I wkJ I^M JCf Iff mJI Ift ftC'ahave e-llier W.-U. i,r foriit ry loc4l«o? Se" llOGT ft I. „ .... „ „ .. yIJTTEI.L. Uflice No. »B6 Third rtiert, Louiiville, Ky No- B—loU “ “ 1,5 to


„ , , ... a w r 1holet=ale DealersmWe arc euc mAaufactunng aud keep for aale tbe '




KEDUtTIONuF RATESI Jelu dl(ftw2i

Ta all Foints as far as Railroad '

Communication is Open Sjuth.I

The extbaokdinary demand by the u. s.Govcnmieut tor trun-portatioii having cea*"d over

the LoiiirvUIe and NartiviUe and L'. S. Militiry Riil-itud* eoiilb "I Nurliville. whicli include* the Naehrillew.a Ibvwtur, Nyhvill" and OlMttaii-M>ga. M-mplii* andUliaiUvtnn EacrTeiiuetwer and ifoorgia, and Kart fen-ne*M« m;d Viigima and Wivterii and Atlantic Road*, __ _ _hae enatled the Kxpieet Conipanr to extend their old- XBLAOICe*lahliehed aud Fa*t Army Freuht Li:ie to the termi- To be found

fntogb^’***'“ eUlpmeut of pri- mAgK Ku“f1

We are yiVywred to receive and *b!p at a very great meuta‘'o'!'’tii?ireduction of rate*, giving clear receipt#, i-i dtrtimitinii. The OKNUuid trdaht »hipp^ oa- able on delivory ol th* go-at*. In .»cli oieiiPerron* rtilppin* bj tbi* Liu* avoid all ri*k of dclav*aud expeuee ol traiiBfer* at N,u-liville, Special M-wieii- ^e toget* ^mpaiiy each rar of fr. ight to It* de,linat on: (,«,„. of Comand, liaviiig a peiiect tyrVem of agencie* e*ttbli*lied ^m27di*2mover tbe whole Itnw of the illffereut road", ivo feel a*-«:r*d that for low late*, fart time. *afety, and pr inipt r"(ellieniPiiG of claim" f.v In** or damage we can offer iu. XiXCUallgdiireiiieui* to *hipwr* (iiperiir to anv oth .-r liu*. ^IGUT KAiPal tie* having laige lota of fi eight to *bip <•"•* moke O

"peeial emit *cte at very low rate*. The Bank of 1

For lutber lulornutien iuonlrc o' and UnloiD. W C. ROWLAND. A.""nt. And Letter* o

OfTice Sixth ct., over Adam.- Expicai Odice. the Frankj(77<naU alSdtow

No 1 furnace aud pau complete, copper 6U to

For turtber particular* toU or *eud for Catalogue,

PE\BSO\,A!KI\,&fO.,Variety F'eimdery and Machine Works,M&ln Bt., bet. Twelltb aud Thirteentb,

Jelu dl(ftw'!bn Louiaville, Ky.



zro. 933Id80


Notice to Drovers.SMIBMtrw TUB UNDERSIGNED RE- >ft

rpecifully inform* Id* friend*arid tlie *t<a;k drivers to thi* ffiBBHw

a* — J* market, that be i* propired at^ftamolttthe Bourbon House Slock Yard, to furuUh the lu-vi .un-ple acceoinHidation* to all who may favor him with ttieir

cuatom. lie baa abuudout poituie ground*, immediato-ly odjuiidug the city, within oue-bw mile drive of th*stock pen*. 'The peu* ara aituated in the central port < I

tbe atock market, and are well floored, covered aud iiip-

plied with hydrant wiUot In every pen, aud a No 1 F’ai;-

Dauk acole for wi^igbing atoek. HU flwUitie* are luunr-p***c<d aiiywlicre. Thankful for the inouy year* of

patroiiage be ho* heretofore euioyed, be b,>i>ea for a coo-timiouce of tbe aome.

aii eo<Um n F. V13SMAN.


ConuEissiOB S!erchant«,47 Biiwi! sL, NKW YOKK.

Advances made on t-'fiNsinsMENTS. andkb« xi9ceMRJT atu*Dtioojfiv«j %c k>

JAS. L. OTsKNNv .yent,

llasnUod'iCuildinc, cora«r8iFtti

apV* dGuiif LonUviUa, Kf

or TUB

ZMEAOIC RUrrXiZ] COXMEFAinr,To bo found ou tmeb b<^x aud each pi«c« ot UENt'iAII

MAolC Kl'FFLIS. All UutMi*is ot wliatovar iirtuio, uolliavUiic Ih'ff mark are worthier imltetiooi aud infrlaft^Dteute on tbe itateiitr of ibe Mrtific UutUo 0«iiupauy.ThoGKNL’INK BLVGIC Kl FKLklS are lull cU yev^

in each piece, are well ni-ide ol ttie beat materiiU, audperli'Ct catiflfactiou to aouFuiiidra. a

For vale all tbe pHucipml Johhen and Ib^tallori.

Offict' of Coinpauy M6 Cliaroberi cUeet, Mew York.Bit? din3iD

Exchange on Montreal and London^IGUT KXtAlANGB FUR SALB UN-

The Bank of Britlfb North Amerlea, Moatreol, CoaKdo.aud Union Bank ot Loudon, BugUnd.

And Letter* of Credit available by trwvallen iwuad bvtbe FTOuklln Bonk of Keutoaky.

*13 dtow J. D. O'LEAKY, Ctoblag ,


Iboae made with •even and Ibree-tentiu yep^ynl in eur-


reiicy, Tbi* is


TB£ O^L¥ 1*0 4^ .n4R&£T


Now offered by tha Oovemmant, aud iu rogerioc al-

vautoyea make U the

!Popular Lean of thf Peopif.

Lea* than SiSil,ailO,uM ct tha Idoo saihoriaad by

Congrea are naw oo the market. This amooot, at

' lb* rote at wkleh it U being abeorbad, will all be aclw

•crihed file withal sixty day*, when Ih* noMs wtH oa-


Vabtedlr eemmaud a pramloia, aa haa xnUBnnly benthe ease aa ektoog Ih* iabarriptiooa to rthar Loona.


In order that ciUxej* of every Icnaa and Mctton ot

< th* ooiiotry may be afforded SaoBtiaa lot taking tha

' loan, Ilf Natienol BonkaT Stole Barks, aoJ Privst*

I Banker* throogboal lb* ecnitoy hev* gaogrouy agreed

I la reeaiv* •ubaertyttoos at par. Sutoaribara will aatoct

. tbeir own agenU, to wbao they have oniiStViiuia, and


wbo only are to be raftaoaibl* for lb* dattvarv at lb*

.ncrtac tar which they reeelv* ordars.

JAY COOKE,SoROc Riston Aokwt*

No. Ut fioutb Third Hiwtt

May lA I'is. Philadelphia.

Svii*< *iFTioit* wiLO. a* lai-mno by tbd

Fir&t Nutiouol Bank of LooidTilla.

Second Nutionai Bdnk of Looisrills.

Looistille City Nxilonal Bonk of Louisvillft.

noi-ters’ Naticnal Bank of LooLvilld,

And at the Custom H -use, Looinville, Ky.,

bv- W. D. GailoKker, De^iotiitary of Pu'oUe

Moneys and A«ent o( Jay Cook.

mU dAwiaflw

niAMmOTa CAVS BOTAX.Op«n for Visitors.

J. ft K. K. OWM.Y Proprlelora.

A'lSlTURS ARE RUMI.NTiED THAT SOW IS TUB> time to visit tbe areal MAMMOTH CAVE snd l.N-

DIANCAVB. A aplendid Uie of ooacbcc run doily,

uioking cloae eonneetiou frooi Cave City Station, UmU-vlUe and NoahvilU Railroad, to "Otd Cave. \ UiMrs can•top at the newly-Uiacovered laJiau Cave, gtaag ar ra-

tal uiog. jlu ad C'td*




W boU> the third utd foortb paffcc.

©’oo pr»« Tfir 8ou>nu» —It will beeec Iw <Mr detpatctiee ttaM laonef bM beeuent to |:«v off iLe eoidiere oow •modilie. TIim wili be fw>d sews to tbem. Waen

' iret tbeir poj- In tben be oo tbe lookoot

^Mt tbiever aad rlUaiitf of eret?' deecripJow,

Ibev will be fleeced oat of tbeir berd-

bamiA> TKanMOMAL.—A project we« «et on

L<ot oomc tiaic eiocc Cor Uie iwieing of • leati-

tanW fond of ooe boadred tboasasd dolUrt,

Tracedt in Tipton G>’Trrr, Tk\x.—


ne of' tbe BJO«< cold-blo<v*ed tr^^1l«*« that has or-

earned for a lorg: while, sa>s the Memphis A'*

pia. took place at Uloomii^oii, Tens., a fee

daer a{;o. Tbe drcamstances seem to be about

aa foUowa: Oc Sanday lart. a nei'ro man named .

KH{>otiick and another man named SmHb went{

t ) tbe teeidence of Judjte J. E. Walker, ne <r : Orriers .v . !l.

BloomiDKtoc, Tenn , to aee one of the colored

m< n lom-erly beloairinf: to that ircutlcman.;

An< i>riM>ii lounU ruin

The mao Ki!)>atrick went to the bouse of Walk-j

‘ ^ pptvrer, and told him that a brother of bis (Walk- !

*'**-'^ tiul Lli, CiI

dner’s), who bad left tbe country bome two jears

tfo, bad re'.nmed, and wa» at a oeitain pla-ej

•?* Mr C. (?. Spea


(^AUention Is called loan adveniaement in i

to-dayV pa(>er u( rutreahmcni b <oths for rentat the Fair Grounda on tbe 4th of July.

UikiKtraaTKie Mii.itabv Cohmamifi.Low. -VILLA, K» ,.luu»)ll, I-6j. I

? be Nile ol ritiacu clotbfnr to i-oidlcrf in and aroun 1

tli'v citr ii vtiirt'yAn< |>riM>u found ruiit/ oi to doiiK- will be Kverclr

I'l Ill^h.•d

Bi i<«iBiand of llrtA'Pt Rri* -'Ji-netwl Watkivs.A. UUl'LlI, ALd Ar.*:-Lml Aij**C«eu.

js3 dn ^

Mr C. (?. SpeaetT oells thi< mominn; t')"?

CAielenl furniture of a pri»at<* re.-ldence nnwalUnKtofeehim, ardiha: for the purpose of' lutnilure ot a pm at- re.-l.lence on

. .. , , V u A . Market rUeet, l>e:ween K'.kaieentb aud Nine-^irtaf: him tbe in'ormation, he had come to aee

, u.intb. Sk-e adveriUement.' determined to porebaae a farm I him. M alker did not eus{iect an>*tbin|t wronir.

ir prwfniatinr to Gen. Staemian. On tbe beele

f tbb came a ptopoeition from tbe frieode and

dmirert of Major-Geoeral Tbomae for a like

mribetation of confidence and (potitixle tow-

id Um. Gen. Tbomae at once proDoiuiced tbe

Ian extraraitant. andadriaedtbe appropriation

f tbe eoB pi<o|)oeed to the eaublishment of a

oFmAiMoi and pleaeanl home for maimed and

^bleid aoldicn. General Sherman, we nnder-

nnd, deieecated ao Ubetnl a donation to one

rbom tbe ooanttr baa almady ao bicfaly honor-

d m it bad him, advieed afrainet tbe plan, and

ecommended tbe empkn meat of tbe fnnds in

- •me oneb manner ae eafoteated by tbe nneeliab.

i,.u.rti»tojdr Tbomas. Since tha* time we bare

Mold IfttH* or notbinf; abont tbe teatimoniaL

It irom tbe rabjoined report of^^^naiandinf: officer of tbe Mat Ohio that tbe

^mit frimilT and anpporteiE of General Sber-

^n at borne, eeoooded and cheered by tbe

U,ooenclne contribotioas of tbe General'a

and ret out. in com|>aDy with Kilpitrr'ik. to see

hb returned brother. Tha two proceeded to-

irrtber to the j^ace indicated, when Instead ofaeeieg hia brother. Walker saw tbe mao Smith,between whom and bimfeif there bad existed

an eld fend. On tbe approach of Walker,Smith eciised an axe aud struck him on tbe

bead, tbe blow deariuK the skull from tbe

crown of the bead to the vertebral columnThe> tben struck tbe axe ioio each temple, so

as to be rare that tbe>' had killed him. and wentaway, leaving bis body exposed on the sfyit

where they bad committed tbe horrible deed.

It was three da> s before tbe body was Kmud, in

a pnuifyiDfr and mutilated condition. As theeare none who pretend to bold office or exerd-v

authoriiy in tbe connuy, tbe murdereis have

not been arrested, bat an still at laree.

A Waobinictoa correspondent of tbe NewYork Tunes rei>orts tbe substance of a recent

; conversation with John M. Botts. Mr B<>tts

! comrades in arms, atiU an acaioasly labor-| not pobev of tbe Ooverameni i

iiif tonScct theu objed. reirard to soffraL'C at the South. He thinks It

The filM, dec imated by loni: and arduons scr- nowise to restrict tbe riftht of votio(r by repair-

rice mder tbie iron-wUled and rerlstlesr beeo. jn^ luie^ent oaths. He would have the

Mstift not tom flauarincly by their liberal dona- of holding office restricted a great deal

tiona-totbe fnnd than they did by tbeir cheerful more »f.wr it ie, so that no min sbooU ever

mpport of and confidence in tbeir hero durinr, I10I4J cfiioe. South or North, who has not always

^e war, to bis incalcnlable woilb in the field.1 n thorough, inxyimprovnininfr I'nion min.

and hie wottbineas as a naUonal benefactor, q, thinks that Conginss sbonld mike a law by

Tbe 81st Is abeml in this race. Who are iu every man abould be required as a condi-

oMpeUtors? Wbat has become of tbe Tbomm j^jn of bolding any ofiiLe in tbe Uiiiled Sutea,

iestunonial.- The following is tbe reeoll of the j;orU, or South, to swear that he bad nevereontribnUons thns far in the t<lst Ohio. So one wrillen, or said any thing to prejadice or

mas panniUed U> Mtaacribe mure than five dol- injure tbe antboriiy of the Goveromeut of the


I'niud Stales, ner in any way, by a.t or word,Hs;ap- •< ariwr- WfcT O \ I .! gi^en aid, comfort, or encouragement to its en-

.'j' .?***


eiLles. This would keep ail the powers of the***^'

Government in tbe hand^ of ioval man. Mr.mumt tamA:.

Gawmao-I Uve tbe honor to snbmU the oh-ook negro suffrage on the ground

following i«t*urt of tbe amount aul> (Tioed and that it would iierixrtaate tbe authority of the

gnid: old siivebolden. It will be lor tbe iuteresl off aBe SukOAao * w ai the latter to make trkadc of and employ tbeti4^#irr oiticwi^- .• li W •

vAmraad MrLofCaai|aii.v A S' w former slaves, and, as the negroes would be de-

~ ^ as as pendent on tbem for employ mcnl, they will be

' “ Z r i5« m guided by them in regard u» voting. Tnismusl^

• *• “ f I* •• ooniinne to be the case until iba negroes be»• •• “G a* (A•• » ~ 11 7S at come educated and independent enough to“ “


* 2 think for themselves.

e»g at CffTbe Springfield (Maks.) KepuMicin tliinke

t am yonr obedient aeivant, the time has cume when it will do no harm to

Uent COL 81st O V. I?Tra5*?i‘ieg-t.I made laat wuiter to destroy tbe I uiled States

Pnovonr Marshai. Pm ••.AisAMNoa.—The foh I Arsenal there, which have hitherto buen kept

low tng U« of men were arrested by tbe Provost|qniet for indenUal reasons. It appears that a

Gnaid, with chanEot apedfleations: Rich- i torpedo, made in imitation of a lump of coal,

nrd PUlpat, private company L 1st Michigan was diseoverrd under a flight of stairs, in the

englcnera. charge. dWibedience of ortes: sent arsenal last Daiembor, and, on being opened,

to Bnrrxcfcs No. 1, Edmond Upright, private proved to contain powder and inflammable ma-

company K, l«t Michigan engiitoers. charge terial enough, if exidoded, to entirely destroy

dtocbebience of oiders: sent to Barracks No. 1 ! tbe boOding. Invertigatlon showed tbU the

Oscar E. Wr;gbt. company L. 1st Michigan en-|

infernal machine was left by two women, or

gineen. charge, dhmbedienoe of orders; sent to : men in women’s clothes, who were disturbed

Barracks No 1. DanW P. Hunt, private com- 1“> *® prevent them from IgnlUng its

panv F, TOtb Ohio, charge, drunk and dUor- • The Bepublican details two other aV

derly; akl to Barracks No 1. Y. W Pamsh,\

tempu to crl|.pie the armoiy In different ways,

I df'To get rid 01 t-ateri'n'er« go lo Cre'g’’.-


ton e. on Third -tre»*t be'.wecn Msrk<< itud .I«i-

! frr^ot, ;ind git one of those btcp-iadUers, a»d


Him your trce!=. j.M d2

irii It is oaly neceessary fur you to call andfxhn>iiie lor ' ourself iu order to be eouvines 1

that MfGill Jt Mullet) 's, F>>u;il) street, nearlyopp<4-ite National Hotel.k the place lo buy yourbunin er clothing and Gent's furnishing good?.ji22c6

gfr Thf f^mit 'Hit t unm'Tcial CnH-tjf recciv*'ssluuems in bouK-acei>ing, writing, ,vc., at anytime during tbe ye.vr. Pupil? from other schoulswill find onrs a j ica^mt and jt >fi table sch-xd

I at which to s|iend their va>.atioD. For par-


licniars call at college rooms, corner of Jetler-


Bin and Third s reels, or adire-s

If je22dik lm J. J. B'lVD. Principal Jj]




utlers and purveyors can. rai ply themselves, at lowest prices with -houl-I dei-sirayis. chevrons. cor|»s badges, medah,I iVe., iVc., on application toi • E. U. HAYliKN, Brown’s H te'.I


Ka«-r Po-ii-onm> —The nue over VVioodlavvn,between Betlie aud Alaul Broux, which was tocome ufl Urdav, has been portioned until Mon-day, the I'lith. first day of the rer,ular iroUiugmteting. They will siso trot a la.e of twomile heats for *1,000, P. or P., on Baturd.iy, the1st of July^ edtm

The test photographs made in the city

are made at Elrod's Gallery, No. in'.) Mainstreet. Photographs of Generals Sherman,Grant, Lewan. Kilpatrick. McPherson, Hooker,and Jiff. C. Uavia fur sale. jiH eKkmJ*


The Toiuet.—


mong the best compounds

now offered to the ladles for toilet purpoeea,

there are few so favorably received as those em-

anating from the laboratory of Joseph Burnett

& Co. They possess, in an eminent degree, ail

I the qualities «f purity and efficacy, and are nec-

essary ft rerlrrat of every lady’s tollot-tablc.

8< lut of the best of these cempounds are G> •«*-

AiNK for the n.viK, KAU.i»yi>N for the Skis, the Tooth Wash, a very elegant denti-

frice; F1.0UIMM-, one of the choicest pi rfuiacs|

- in the country; and Coiavonk W.vrriL, preferrej

by many to the irrix rted article.

Bunatt'.s Staiivlard E’;t acts taVe

umxcejtional rank as the t-c.-t made InAinevi-

la. The propiietors of the fauiou.- Fifth-avenue

Hotel, in New- York, s;vy : ‘AVe rcg.ird them ;vs

the lK--t in the world.”

All Ihe-'C preparation? merit a high de.gro of


Ckl-oav Tii'mne.

J 'tej'b Buniitt iV Co are also manufacturers

of Jo.NAs Wiinisiwit s -Asthma Rkvikhv. It

has cuieil tl'usaud^ of ca?es. Many eminent

nu u h-ive ultected lo its virtues; among them

E\-Fi:r>u>E.>r Mai.ti.x Van Bi iciui, Washino-

TON IliVl.NU, Dit. Ol.lVKK WkNKKLL llolAllji,

and others.

‘•Fiirnctt’s Pior-l Hand-Book and Ladies’

Calendar” conioius a complete dictiuuary ot


tbelanguageoftiowers, and many j»ofclical gems,

' which, U'getber with a descriptive list of tue

! ctioice prepivratlous of this house, render it a

valuable addition to the boudoir and toUei-table.

I/'ui$riUr Journal.

Burnett’s Preparations are for sole by all re-

si'ecli'blc druggists and dealers in lancy good.s.

may 2 ihun-iCsuiukwCm

g;f-llraltb. tbe poor man’s rlcbcR, the H~hman's bliss, is t< und in AVF.R'S MKDICINEd.after a Irnilless search among other remedies

I A word to the wise is sntllcient. j2u eod:t


' MF.DIC1 .nE. Pamphlet mailed tree on recel(»t

i ol ten cents. Addiee? E. B. Foote, M. U , N'O.

IIKKj Broadway, New York. j5eowdiw&w4

U.0i^037-0 YELEGKAPHIO Ng\fS.

Gen. ilurlbutto be Court- martialed.

MOlA E have li-l'-i Jlt’ul I.NU llIK -vllOViJ CEI.K-V* hi>U 1 KiiliiO- lu' six Ttuis, »in U' I oiiH of U.t

Ur«# niia.lier *ol» iinx f.-uled lo kIvb entire «*ti»l*ctio?L

It E- «ckucwle<JreC bi all .re ^yuytiiied with lu

merit# i»’%l they are iine«4UAJIf^ for »truprcit ,

ity, vtoikmai.r^ ip« tuid oikM of dialt. r<>e> m om# eatilj

moved ii -III me tMnn tiH'toer m a c-oiuidoii wmmo u,

TUo aid-ffuit)' Of leurliAit di*wu loncee i# avoided by

memiB oi the jotuWi iu the lin*:er bius ti Klrh sJIowi il tc

Md ci»tirel> over --mi by uo oiljdr

lArhuie..t^We wi*h It to be nndo.-jiWvd hr th^

we hove tlie er^tire ooutiol ut the Huckeye MHchtue foe,

Keutucky nod ieuitei>#e». iJbo iu AiidiAun* iu t'le oouu-tlee Hdjficetit h t!»e ilver 'I’hciv »re other m%-


ehike« in thi# m%rke> which h*ve heei» a# tue tm- I

uroved Biickeve. We repeiii iliffil ih» Buckeye Marhiue '

u Dot lor by an) cUier parutr In thi# ciiy«mtd ilDb>e

wh<t #el1 their machiue »• iiie«>0 or iraprovid|

Burke>e represent a talethoeM). We h%ve p’.ircUai*evl • i

liiriU'd Dnn her of BLcl:e>e MHcMne# cf-otaminff all » i# i

Ikteft iniyroven«eiiU. advi#e Uio#« Yriabtiifr ^ pur- i

chai^ to Bend iu Uieii orders earl>' to secure tuachioea.


We keep extras for every part <^1 the oiachiue alwnrs^

on hand. We have also mr own »hop lor rv|»niriTUHO'*-

« and < ur customers can depend «>o havuiit their

reppJrinf done ou shoit uctico. in tbe uiuat suUlaatial =

manuar, and at a reiu-oiiahle cost.

W AUK ANTY.We warrant our macMuet to be veU mitde, of the host

material^ stroiix, dm able aud easy of draft lor twohoires At % lu'av-er it witl cut from li* to 15 acres of

Diail srain. A# a Mower it wiU cut Irom 7 t«> lo acresof irras# and clover per da>v RUd wUi cut CiOver wlocfi is

dcwii aud tauf led without clo^iu^.

CASH PRICK.Reaper and Mow er Combined $Jd(Reapei and Mower w Uh l>rop( erLarre sixo Mo’Y'oramaii k*z« Mowor 1)1

A Lar^e In Faneuil II all.

Affairs )u tha Slate or Geors^U-

INfsrofs a fVoTk for IbMrOStJ Masters

Tbe Faraiiu" Interests Froiohijia:.

Utath of Mrs. 1!. Se’.rarJ.

Sanitary ( omuisbion Store Cnrii*d.

W.wHiNo-MN, June 21.

Mr. iHjster rend a paper In the ca«e of Payne.

He considered there was but one question,

namely,How can the convictfoo of the prisoner

in doing that which he thought w;vs right io

attempting the murder of StcreUry dewanlmitigate his punishinent? The coun-slgave a ffi?tory of the prisoner, and excused tin

crime as the result of his tfouthern education

slavery having trained the u.ssass'ui. Thu ac-

cused was a fanatic—:in enihusioH—a here*—not a hired Uk>1. Mr. Duster said: .Ap.irt fromthe cr.uie Payne iiad comiBitted.ho baJ furta:; I

an I ‘titu.'ite of his character little short of ail

mi'atioD. Mr. Duster then read a statem ‘ut

fiom A’zerat saying he was one of the party

Dk-vth sROM HrMiopiior.i-v.—A man named

Simon Ghee, residing in St. Looia, was bitten on

the cheek, on Tuesday last, by a rabW dog. Oa

Wednesday ev cnhig he became very ID, and on'

Tboisday he was taken wiUi cunvulaioiia, of

which he died on Thursday night,

(T^he Evansville Journal contains the fol-

lowing items:

f i-i'wrii'K iNK.tMTK iDK —The bodv of a new-

Nirn child was toued in the river, near tne

PixeoL creek hildge, on Sanday m<wning. Mepresume there 'va? an investigation by the Cor-

f.ner, but we have been unab.e to learn the re

who atreed U> capinre Pre-ident Lincoln, hut siiH.. v a

when Booth hniechcd a-ssav-ination, he (the1 rl-onei) posi'.ively refus d to have aavthiug the Gi lcen Eagle accidenially fril from that

to do with tbe affair. Booth wanted him to ' oat Into the water yesterday and wm dn>wn-

mivt'er Vice-Pre?ident Johinson, but this be It is said be never r>^ to tn® surface

pereiuptorilv refused to do. laliiug into the water. About two houi^ alter

,, , he fell in the body was recovered by Giifio, tr«:Ci.NC, June -1. wburg coal man, and the rem.>m.s were de-

Tkc Ohio Slate Conrention met at Columbus rfot].) prepand tor interment. Tbe deceased,to day. (ieu. VV. B. Woods was elected Tre-i- i ure lolU. belonged to Lmcinnali.dtui and W. Beevt Secretary of theCuuveutiou.

MOXTMT'rror tijotti and grain ATcniCA«;ra-KK.CKlKrs A.Nti aiilPtiX.NTa KUK TUB WK>:iCUjMPAK.V 11VE lUA.ali'n AN1> sliievavi A


The Wlowiog wiwBuwy ihsw. the «p4 .Sly-Aciitff ci floor ffiDd giwm: mmm riytirmoAe of nh-paoui, duriag tho wook JnaoiTth;

nrro <»r m.oom am* »vuiw« tmk wubE.MinM* Ji.NA Kra.Frr. W*it Cww. OMb. Ry«.B«r‘T.

Riccixed hr hblo. ha. ho. ha. bo. hatAi«l X— 1S&7S I'cms »*.« >«•a. L K K. isAt Hu:'> f?-Al Ijij |>IW1. C K. R. . l*iu ywsu «®M uum ....

K R .-'uf !ri» t»M> m* itN. w. h. it. ...Uf hsi.’u i«i3-“ rtw ?. »C. * A a. K. . . «k.l 7-3. MW XGU :VMOl er roMk> All s—»

Tutsi ol-ok: ..uoiu iAe>a 1mmCur. wk !atly’r*:.» t V ;: iju »0J iiitT Sw®MLirMa:,!. t.i rLKi'B A»n ..r-Aia •c-i.s.i riia ri*»

.(a.fTr. WliX Cera. OWl Rya.Bw'r.•w- htt. M. tui. hu.

B. roil rml .. HSSS InSt MSI 7&:4 xv'i

I'ldUloby lake .i.w it '.'m &•«*• 17.00 t'-wrXtt. 3.?74 .Thiai .... _


V^diLeburK Slw »« Auu®

(nlirr f. a. wile US 13' *« 7«Port Swnia M'S lL<7aMoDtini '•<*» ...IKiori-loa ft»X6

i.uiKiich •>1 luisi* 75i;

Total l4u«at S«;4.e ^Cor. w'kluty'r.uOaU VovJa shNaa 1XIA?1 <0» S2..W

The fu4l«K,iix thaw the n«< >tr and thiraaaoMM iSnnT and eroin Iiaa Jonuorr ler W Joaa t.Ta, Suefiiir r«w*

001.011' I? or rL..ra aan i.asi-s roo roca saaao.NOi

l-». l-.|. issj. ie,-.i

Kloiir atJ.s^ «1,«Mwihsi . 7tiA.u:i aal.voiI xm;at Aa.avACon* i.SP-.4l« «.::7S.ST« 13"1»SSS - 7:tl,!. |outt s -4.;^ auai?-* xmt.tii r:v'>isKye I-?4uia 4S1.4M SaS.WO esLMaBirlei 3 A74A l4SWa UlTTs (1S.4M

l•llll HO.xTS or rLOTB Asa -.aAi > ruo r.>«o aavy.s-.

liA-h lr»4 I'wa. MlFloar )


Wheat I.alstai a,.'*'u.hsi 1; -Lul.i

Gen. .1. D. CuX was nominated for Governor byacclaiL.'iUon; Hon. 8. 8. Warner, of Loriin^iita-uitr; J. Brinkerhoff, ot Richland, Alior-

lUiportant Order by Grn. Tbomas. nej Gtwrai; James .Moo.-^c.^ord of pujUcWorks; Lieut. ILodney, Clei k of the 8upremeCou'.t.

Tb«> Naiiitarv «4 TMasirs The Convention passed resolutions givingNfiLllarj r&tr At f nica..,)« Oo<i thanks tor tue ovei throw ol the rebeiliou,

lamenting the death ot President Lincoln, en-dursieg the policy of President Johnson's ad-

The Proceids Amtunt to !j;300,000. miuisi ration that the four years of the sanguin-' ary w ar demonstrated slavery and its ins'.iiii

t on, and that while we are anxious tor an earij-

(4T Thomp«»n,s celebrated IP >op skirts jnst ' ^^Fraoraxt Foaokoxt hardens and invig-^

rcciived at J. Buee'e Varieties, Nos 218 and 220 IDf*tes the gums, pnrifies and perfumes the

FonrLh street ie't ibreath, tleanses, beautifies, and pre=erves the

^ teeth irom youth lo old age.

M- 8llk. Delaine. Boulirg. and .Muslin FHgs Bold k'' Drnggirts. jl7 eodi?

Fourth street. je21

ff Silk. Delaine. Bunting, and .Muslin FHgsat hues's Vai lilies. Je21

.fisr New sty Its fancy Tuck Combe at J. Sues’s

Varieties. je21

A fresh arrival of Baby Baggies at J.

Snee's Variety store. ' je21

Eff- Play ing cards. Dice, and all kinds ofgauHi* at J. 8uee's Variety store. Nos. -J18 aud22" Fuuith street, between .Main and Market.


Bradley's Duj'lex E liptic Hoop SkirtsThe great invention of the age. Tue trade sup-plied at factory prices, freight added, by 8miibA; Cambridge, C24 Main street, sole agents for

Kentucky. jc21 dSm

PITT’S PA'SBNTTnv Dn. Bii K»r:i,i.’8 Siki p —It cures Dysen

tery,Diarrhita, Cholera .Morbus, Pain or Cram

in Stomach or Bowels. It contains no opiaf' i

Reliable, safe, and pleasant. For sale by all

Drngglble. ^13 eodfim

EcKFKA. the 1NFAU.IKI.K UAtR RkSTORA-nvK—Decidedly the best article for restoring

ffray /.air to iU natural color (not dyeing), effect-

ually curing all di.-eases of tbe scalp prevaut-ing the hair tn-m tailing off, giving it » soflne?®and gloss that nothing else can produce. 1S7It. Price ! 00 j>er bottle; sold by all Drug-gists. RAYMOND A: CO., GeuT .Agents,

m7 eodSm 74 Fonnh street, Louisville.


vamuriage, n.-y .?.am sireci, 80te^nn«ior|

Natio.xal Mo.xvmknt Associatio.x.entucii}. je21 d3m


Rhhard J. Oglesby, President; Sharon f'yndale.

Again on Hino —


fre.-^h assortment of I

Bocrelary; Clintun _L. Coukling, Assisiaut 8oc-

t am TOW obedient aervant,WV fl. HILL

Uent CoL Flat O V. I , Trostee for Keg't.

Provoot MABiMiAi. Pm M-AiKOiNGa.—Ttae fol-

low ing U« of men were arrested by tbe Provost

white and black iiiusion-putled waists; also, in-

fants’ dresses, at

M. ARON’S. 33.3 Market street,

J20 do* lieL Third iV Fourth, south side.

retary. Col. Morrili, Military State Agtmt, at

Louisville, Kentucky, is appointed S/KciiU A/fent,

to receive and forward funds from Louisvilieand vicinity. Office No. 91 Second strnet, nextdoor to St. Cloud Hot«sl. mlj dtf

private oomp®BT D. fifld Ohio, drunk; aenitoj

which fonunalely failed as completely

Barracks No. 1. Fred, Swiney, a citixeo ofj

^L'uisviUe, selling whiskey to eolilcis; sent to

' (^Secretary Seward has suggested to Seore-

Banweks No. 1. T. J Eempic, private com-| ^^y v\'eiie0 that be conunnnicate to the naval

pany £. 21M lUinoiA charge, drunk and strikingofficers ot the United States that Great Britain

the offioar of the day ; tent to BuTackc No. withdrawn her concession of belligerent

1. Michael Cannon, a cih/en ot Jeffersonrig^u- to the rebels; that tbe right of search ot

county, charge, indebted to the InuadB-pifij vessels is terminated, but that, t'oe

Smies Oowertimenh sent to Borracka Na. 1. i

British Govemmtnt not baring fully rescindedTbomas Gallagi:er. private company F, 82d

jtwentv.four hoars rule, customarv courte-

Ohfo.otefgc. drunk and resisting the gnard;|

rf,,^ not as yet to be paid by Federal veB*ilssent to barracks So. 1. Curnehus Shay, i ^ iBoae ot tbe British navy. Secretary Sev?-

a CklRCTi of LgmisviQe, charge. drunk I 1 «i»tanwW^irtn» F. irl Rnsoidra note norm*nd disorderly; sent to Barracks Ko. 1.

Patrkk MuUarran. a dtixen. of LTuisviUe,| ^

Ky., charge drunk and disorderly; sent to Bor-| ^

racks Na 1. James H. Walla, a discharged^

•okUer, drnck and disorderly; sent to Barracks :

Na 1. G. W. Praaer, a discharged soldier,^

drunk and dieorderiy: tent to Borraxto No. L.^

J. McGfoughiin, a discharged aoidier, charge

drunk and disordeiiy; aent to Birracks N j 1.

James A. Ervy. company £, 1st Michigan En- '

gincers. charge mu'iny; sent to Birradt? No. *

1. James K. Valley, compupy L 1st Michigan '

Enginetrs, cLi 'ge exciuiig and Jo'tn'ing a nn- 1

«iny sent to Banucks No. 1. Frank Frith.'

cempany L 1st Michigan Engineers, charge '

disobedlecce of orders;eent lo Barracks No 1.


Newcomb Emgsbwy, company F, 1st Michi-

gan Engtoeers. disubedienoe of orders; sent to

Barra* ks No. 1. Albert Kinnermon. company

F, charge drunk: rent to Buracks No. 1. J

Kver, eompan' F. 18Ji Ecntncky, drunk; sent

to Barracks No. 1. George 8’>«wait, a dtlEen,

of ShelbyvUie. Ky., drunk: cent to Barracks No.

1. Baurv An Ixrsoo. company F, Cth Wlsoon-

alu, drunk: sent to Barracks No. 1 Charles \

Malbotn, a c'oian, of New Albany, djunk; sent

po Bamckt- No 1. Lieut. W. H Riu her, com-

poav io, llth Kentucky, drunk aent to Bar- '

racks No. 1 John Casey, company L, 5ihj

Eentncky cavalry, drank; sent to Barracks No. i

1. Thomas Kennedy, a citizen, of Portland.|

K« helping a soldier U> croK the tern , sent >

lo Barraihs Na 1

John MoGoon, ooin;>any G 31st Wiseonsim '

drank: aent to Barradu. Pat Bly, a dtixen

of Lonisvilie, Ky., horae-Uiief; sent to Barracks

'No. 1. John bly, a cilixen of LxfisvOle, Ky.,

boiwrihief. sent to Barracks No. 1. Hugh Tot*

ty, compnay K. 6th M’lsconBiii, drunk; eent to

Barracks Na 1. Mike Kelley, cumponv F,,dOJi

Hllnois. druni : sent to Bin Ac'a-.

There were thirteen fematos a-rc:^d by the

r’T’rov ost Guatd vesterday evening; cha*-ge, sell

ing w hiskey to eoidie,**. ^

Troop* for St. Loci? —The Xfi briga-'e. 4 .h^

ffipfijsijfon, 170; army corps, Brigadier-General t..

^J. 3l^^rrnd commanding, passed throngh thej

cky jTSterday, en ronte for St. Louis, Mo. Toe I

follow ing ik a list of tbe oflienrs:^

Brigadier-General C. J. S-albrand: Captain|

ard, in ackaowledging Exrl Ruisell’s note npon

this matter, takes occasion to repeal bis pruter

against the act of England and France in hav-

ing etneeded “belligerent rights” to the rebels,

and informs him that the sorrender of tbe rebel

pirates will be demanded, regardless of tbe fl ig

they fly, or of any i>retended transfer to other


flrA meet'mg ot chaiJains was held yesterdav

morning in the lecture-room of St Panl’e Epis-

copal Cbnrcb on Sixth atreut. Varions regi-

menis of Sherman's army and detacbmsnts and

post bosf'itals were repre^nted in the meeting

Chaplain Morris, 113th O. V. L, was chosen

Chairman, and Chaplain Cnittesden, of the 43d

O. V. V,, BocreUry. Intertsting devotional

exercises were held, follow.-d by the dUcus7i3n

of matters of importance connected with tbe

aimy work here Tbe in eting adjjuroed to

asK-mble at the place on Soiurday, the

24tb inrt., at 9 A. M. AU chaplain* are invl.ed

to be luescnt. I

Ead a>i> Fata). A< * ikest.—


aritley VN’are,

son of James Vrare, E?q, of Owensboro, a very

premhing yonng man. went out hunting ooe

day last wcxk with a double-barrel shotgun,

and not returning at nighL search was made for


him, and he was found next day dea<), his btud


being Uterallr shattei ed to p’ltN es. ludicatiou-


were that baring fired one barrel of his gnn, he

Ibad attemiitcd to blow in the barrel with h'is

> foot on the coik, and getting it on the wrung

c (k, his fuot Elipixid, as it always doc:- in snch' c scs, dL •'barging the contents of tbe bar.el

into his bead, with the resnit? indicated above.

I’m'ROvckix) Mi'Rklr —


hile A. J Nur-

man, who lives eight miles from Frankl'in, in

Millian sou county, Tennessee, near Hillsboro,

was pfoughing in bis field on fuesday, he was

ai'|*iuaihtd by five armed men, in Federal uni-

totm, and fired on wriihout provucation, and

I killed. Tbe asFaliacts are supposed to have


been returned rebel soldiers dbgui-ed, tbe more

Iao. as their victim was noted for his devotion

; and services to the Union cause.

Alwavs ox Hand —.\n extensive assortment I

of Ladies’ aiid Ml see' White Waists of mv own |

manniacture. 8. L.ANG,|

Manufacinrer of Ladies' and Children’s wear,3.30 Jefferson street, bet, Thi*d aud Fourth.j21 d2

Qff~Gents’ tine Jewellery, at Barnes's. jl9 if

Use Dr Vri.noc's Pink Ckr vtk. the celebrat-

ed remedy lor all kinds ot skin di-eases It is I

warranted a safe and sure cure. For sale by allj

drngglsls. See advertisement iu another col-

umn. j20 do*

Whoijd«aiji. M 1L1 .INKICY G«kh>s, Bs:i.t Bcckuis,Rir.Roi»8

,Stk.vw Fiower-s. Lace Points, and

VAXTii-uts.—Otis & Co. have received invoicesot seventy -five coitocnsassorted. plain and fancyribbons, besides an assortment of belt bU'.kltt

and straw flowers. These, together with tbeir

already well assorted stock of trimmed iiafs

and other desirable goods, will enable them tofiiJ all orders promptly during the week. City

and ct unify milliners aud merchants can tlil

their memorandums at reasonable prices. jl8

Cff*! large stock of American Watches andGog) Pen.—great redaction in pricos— vt Hill’s,

333 Third street, near Jeffers."n. jcl8 dtf

fiff-Adcitv of the stomach In females and thedisiressii-g sicknes.* so usnal during pregnancy,

y ield spctrdilv under the healthful influence ofTarrant B Effs.kveb* sixt Ski-tzer Ai-kkiext.

Jbold by all Druggists. jel7 dl2

Vaccine Vikcs.—


ost received and warrant-

ed pure For sale by JA8. E. BROWN, Drug-gist nonbeast corner Third and Green slreeu.


City Tax Rju siver's Os'kc-k I

June 16. 1865. J

All City Taxes for 1865 are now due andplac«d io my bands for collection. Office hoursuvm 8 A. M. to 4 P M.jelSdlm ADOLPH RAMMERS, Roeeivor.

««-‘'Ei eeka” Gold Pens at Barnes’A Jli

•TR. C. Hill ik Co have tbe lar^ett eutorUmeui ot Gold Pens in tbe West. The trade sup-plied. See advertisement in another colnnin,or call at the manufactory. myl dtf

“ The j>erjuvifi linht

SUaU through th, mviuf ahtba-ftr

A ltd ertrg air U hrmru tri'h the ii totli


oy orange tlmeert that bl-totn

! V t)'i mirirt ef rom't."

i Such woi the flowery land tilled with bsellng aim and

Iife-prei*enriiiit producte where Dr. Drake di?ooM-rcd tlie

chiet iiiKTtdieut- of bit woiideiful Tonic Medicine—

Plamtatioh Bittebs -tbe eiichitnted tropical itlaiid ef

St. t'loiz. The Plantatkim BiTnas. coinbinins all

the nudiciuol and ton*r rlrture of the beolins imd lite-

turtKiiilng prodeet- cf that favored clime, are, without

doubt, the Worltfi* Great K' liiody for Dyrpi-ptio, Lo v

Spiiite and all other Stomachic dilTiculUea.

ja eodSAwl

The friends of Nathaniel P. B-tker, Ijutant-

Geneiol ol Iowa, have pre.-ented him an elegunl

house at Clinton, loaa, as a tobtimouial f r

lat*«>rs ill the I'nion cau-e.


We have eontrol of the above machine in the State el

KC'itock; , and in Indiana borderiag tlie river. Tlie>

were intioduoed into thU State live yearv a«o, aud haveeetahliilitd a reputation a* the luodiuf mochiue. We•aid a large number of them laet year, aud we havebtwrd but oiMi opinion expieawJ, which ia, that tbe

Piit't Separator aud Powei will run Ughtor with a •low-

er motion for the team, aud clean mure graio in a i>er-

fert manner, than any machiue lu operation iu thla

Wrl*'. For Jurabiiity and floe finub they are oiia-

aualled. CASH PRICE.fl-bor»e ttepanitor and Clt^nerv witii Powerfl-hCA K* •* •• ^ ** “4-Lt;t«e M a u Id **


The Gblfl PItloi Awarded to Sheridan

[Special IVvpatch lo tlie Loui^vine .Tnurnal.], -Tune 21.

Tbe exdUil conteit fjr the gold i>Utols ended

at noon yesterday. The vote stood thus:

ShcriE n 13‘.i, SheriJun 317. At the closing of

tbe polls last night the vote stood as follow?:

Sheridan 879, Sherman 4 17, Grant 11 1. So the

gallant little Phil. Is voted to be tbe most p.op-

ular soldier of the war. Tbe proceeds of tbe

fair Bi> to date were $3f>0,000.

The Italian Opera closed a brilliant season

Iasi night. '

[Spevial Despatch to tlie Louiaville JournaL]

Nahiiviu.k, June 21.

The follow ing highly imi>ortaut order has jint

betn i'fued.

llrxiHjrAi’.Tgiui Mii.iTvnv Div. of Tfnnf-^hff,Nasuvillk, ri'-N.-f., .lune av l-u«. 1

General Orders .Vo. 1.

By order of the President o.' tbe United StatesI liereby assume command of the .Miliury Di-vision of the Tennessee, embracing the Dsiixrt-ment of Kentucky, Department of Alabama,and Department of Florida, with hcadijuartersat Nashville. The Department of Kentuckyembraces the State of Kentucky. M iJor-Oen-enil J. M. Palmer, United States volunteers, is

assigned to cnmiuand, with hendqiurterv atLouitvUle. The Dej'ariment 01 Tennessee em-braces the State oi Teiine'See, Major-GeneralGeoi ge Sioneman to command, with hea<lq(

t< IS at Knoxville. Tbe Deiurtinent of Georg aembraece tlie State of Geogia, M-aJor GeuerjJJ. B. Su-adman to comtiiaud, with bead*|aar-tcre at Augusta. Tbe Department of Alahxinaembraces tbe State of Alabama. MaJ'ir-GeneralC. K. Wtods to comm.and, with headquarle.sat Miibile. The Department of Florida em-brni es the State of Florida and the dLsiri<.*t ofKt ntneky west, Major-G-. neral A. A Uaui[ihre>to command, with headquarters at Tallafaas.-;eu.

GKO. U. THOMAS,Major-General U. 8. A.

.An order will soon be issued forbidding the

diliercnt post commanders from levying anyj

tax or imi>ost npon the local trade of tholr

resiiective posts, either for the support of the

poor or for any other purpc.?s. AU such mat-

ters are t«i be turned over to Ike ShUe and local

civil authority.

To tbe .laaorlalee Ptmo.

New York, Julc 21

The Herald’s M'a?hitigt*in letter Sitys: T.y

deleration from South Carolina, which arriv d

r con?tiuclion of fraternal rcl:iiion.s with theinscrgenly St:itcs, we demand that it shall t« I

on ?uch leims us will give a.*?nrance, [>etce,

and seenrity to the loyal peojile aud pros^ierilv|

to the Federal I'nion. I

New York, Jane 21. j

The steamer Eigle brings Havana dales to i

the 1710. !

The rebel General .^Lughtcr was driven out|

of Brownsville by his own men, and had reach-ed Havana I

.1. C. Brrckinridge, Colonel Taylor, Captain I

Wilson, A D. C. to -Jell Davis, two soldiers,

aud a negro arrived at Curdenas in an openboat on the 11th, probably from the Floridacoast. Breckinridge wa- Mcompanied by anbflicer trum CorUenas to preceul him to the

C aptain-Geueral, and is now in Havana.'I he Hay lien war coniinncd. but Pre«ident

Geflrard's troojis were Ticlori<)us In all their en-'

R**r.:.FRv.—Friday night last two men went

to the house of Davis Fuultz. in Fayette lown-

•hip. In this cf.nnty, and by threats compelled

bi? wife to deliver to them three hnndred and

lv»enty dollars, a part of a sum her nusband,

who is now serving in the army, had re.c.vcd

as bounty m<*ney .— Jeira //*:»V Kxprett.

The “s' like'’ epidem'c has broken out w i hextteme virulence in Paris. .Among the cla-*-*«9

of uit zan? that are “on strikes” arc the hack-ney -couebmen, the washerwomen, and the

h liise- porters.

Two hnndred thonsand Vlrginian.s are dai'y

fed on Guveiumeot raUons. Eleven lhuo?auaratkins are i??ued dailv in KIsfam >nd.


Daily review of the MAKKEr.Ofpi 4 k or THB LoriBriLtB •Torn't


l.>WciuSUkDAY, P. M.« JuiM XL, i

Metier €0tit!nun> oiilf in modfratc deiu^od* with

p!e pui'plf lit foricer nUi'*—9 > rest. ExchABM bop*tyleiity—bu> itift at par, and aelliuf at par tol4iipr*>

minm.A itood bIiowot of rain frtl about noon, roakina tbr aW

m< sphere more pU-araut, axul out duor bti#iqew> m >ro


Thr liTor i# reported at Fitt#bura riaio^ and •omecoal

CuiUOaUbvr .


..s4iH.4> AGitial

^AgelDentd, aud the forces of the rebeia were ( ha^ d«*parted; a* we antirtpklrd. the denirad afleat hwdcCiOatiUK*

t nw i

brrn prcdur«*d on the market bore* aud holder* hava ra-W.VSHINOTON, June 21. ceded Iruni thvir lot. «lvan« l« the fonnor rtoa ix.

The Aoung Mens Association have closed a ver) hroIUiv netivity prevoila inneorlyoU hcanchsitheir transaction fur the pnrehase of Ford s merchanw are s.ully engaged.Theatre lor the sum of one hundred thou-vaud , i . .. -

dollars. Several church organuaUuns had been ^ ^ «« "ill treatt lor it.

’ ^ manner of *awlf kerpiiv Ooremmont

There is as vet no decision as to when and <» rwoverin* thjm if iSoten:

wl.i-ii- -I. If Davis is to be tried I'-nd? may be obtained wliieh are revLtered in theWtiULdvn oavis IS LO oe 4rieu.uaii.e *.f the owner, and neither tbe inler.-.* ner r inei

PHII..VliEI.rilI.\, June 21. polcan lb< n beobnunrdexieet by the owner or h.. d*i rT-. a, NT.,,,- iL...-.> !

author ixi-d attoru.-y. Ttieoe reri^hTed bond, ore uot wLndrrlhc instructions of the Navy Depart-

. n«-iet1.>ble •• the renpon bendo. b*it they ore perleellymcLt League Island was vUited yesterday for i raf* t-> Iwid. Wiibc*>n|K>al>en<bi|heniiniVr*>l>ouldU

the purjiooe ut i>rcjiariug it fur t'ue inin-clods

which are all to l>e laid up there. There are

several monilurb in the stream off the citv wbicbcame op ye-lerday from tbe Siuta Atlanile

Blockiiding S*iuadron, including me .Mma-dautk.

C.WRo. June 21.

Governor Clark, of Mi?.iissi[>pL is reported to

have pa.‘sed through Meiidiau, under .t milimryescort, last Tuesday.Tbe Southern road will scon be C(*mp>leto] to

Vicksburg.One hundred bales of cotton came np yes-

te rday.

To Ihe At e*4rru Asaoclnted Prc-e«.

New Yoke, June 21.

The St' ck market show? a partial recoveryfrom the depres.-i >n uf the last two or threedays, and Ihe upward turn in gold has p.Lrttal!y

recovered confidence in tbe snccess of op>era-

tiuis, and the result was a[>parent at the first

Buard in tbe general advance of prices. N. Y.Central, Erie, Hudson, and Cleveland and Pitts-

burg were e«i>ecially firm. Transactions werennusually light, and seem to have l>een almostconfined to bull ['arctuk^es, vide fur effect.

During tbe day tbe market conuuued steady,

witli no excitement in either direction. Guv-err ment stocks were quiet and steady, withscarcely any change in prices from ve?terday.

B ck stoi'lts firm. State stocks and railroad

*v- vTT.V'i*

in Washington yesterdav, have insirnction.s toj b<.i ds generally quiet Gold firm and active

represent to the Presideut the expediency ol i for txi> rt and" small speculation. Petroleume?iabllshlng an effic.ent plan, whereoy the re' i-

| s o ks fiimer to dav, with more demand; Pit


United 8tate*<? Cincinnati. Major Audernm. Cincinnati.i'tiarlr»s Cincinnati. Kiuc Winjt. Keutuckp K.

(^Id#n Faaj;!^ Memphia. W. K. Carter. New Orlcan*.tAciare. Uarkerrburic. Fine Grove. Parkerftxirg.t^wai.ow, Parkemburff. Nonnand. Parkcraburg.T. J. Pickett, Parkereborg. Victris#*, Parkcrabiirp.Fannie Rrandei*. Paik^*!:. Ikulawaie. Parkersburg.Morninc Star, llendervuii. Ijiberiy No. i, Mcmphi*.J. K.HoylevUowliug Green. K. W»C4Ut«r, New uricaus.

l>Kl*AhrLB.fe.^ yKSTKRI>AY.

United Btatea* Ciucibii»t'.. Major A\ndei.'Ou«CiticlDnit:.



We have tbe exriokive eoutri 1 of tiiia Evai>orUor foi

Kentucky ai d Tei-i>eseet». and iiiiUHnia U tn<' next lo ibprKer. We *o«d alsrce nnniber f Igm i andcould eaaily have doubU'd our rale* rotitd thev have

I been Dimiicfactured. 'fhey Hre without doubt tho•#t and iD<*Ft e«Ati:p‘.*teK\’t4>‘j:at«>r ev*T ime^ited Grow-tz9 ot •orahiiBi are invited to van ai»o cxaisiue itutokn

•end fbt a eircDlar riviiijt luU dew'./iytivA.

CASH PRICK.No. I galLaiiiZbd Pa’i, cOBi'tyteNo. S •* ’• “ ?»

N . 4~ u .. 1. 5

No. t ooppor “ ‘s UrNo. i “ “ “ 141No. 4 “ “ •* L-'

El Cliarli-r. Cinriniisti. II. lie Wing, Keiiineky K.Uulden Kogle, Ciuciuuati. KUa Kab*-r, St. Luc.i?.

l.*claie. I’arkei.lsiig.Swallow, Parke? tburg.VietitYO, l^ikii»buri?.

l’:ue Uioee. l*«rk<r..bnrs.1’. .1 P.ckelt, rark.-rabarg.M osoiirl. New Orle.rnii.

ll.t:i.R<iAi* I :i*s.M —-As the down pas -en-

ger Uoin from Chattanooga wa? i*a--ing L .ludun

on Sanday morr.'xg. two of tbe box cars, con-

taiiiicg soldiers and irfueee families, wire

B. w. I'lwcou. A. A. A. G ; Copi^ Jeff De*-j

’ffi^own from the track yoite a na?n:>er of the

.fc. Pbelii*. .'.. W M.

f 1 ilh llllii'iie V 1'Frao Infartry—Bwt B-ig -

ttencrai U >1'-: Lwuicnant-OokMMil MaloombCotF-lobd; .A*'jaiatii C. M'. Loaig: Quarturmostier

B. V Ford; purtc'* B*r.d.

15tli lUuiuis A'c.*«ran Volunteer Infantry

Brevet B.'ig;'*^i«.'’ -<»cnera] G. Rogers; Licul.-

Colonel L. u Ooinac: Adjutant H Ucrahey;QuortennoaUrr Gco. .4. Aosiin; (. aap'ioin

Borers.SXd A'tteron Volnnteer Infantry

Lieaietiabt4.x*k>i<el Geo. H. Eug isn; .M.j jr

SmiiL Towni-cnd; Adjutant F Y. Hcdlvt; (Joariennoeter John Keck; Surgeon W. H £.ing.

Tbese regiments have served in tbe old 17 Ji

corps throogt all of the campoigne of tbe

Wert, including Sherman's grand drcolor

march throogt the defunct Coofederocy. Upon•nivaJ at St. L/ oie. ten per cent of the menwill be ftuiongbed. They received their paybefore kavitig thi? city.


I> 32 asr T I S T ,lll.'bll blKKKl,

Ualf wtuojt touth ul fuel-'. (Tied.

What is inocet for if y??n d?>n’l Sfrend adollar ft?r a boii'e • f Hurly'i liittert when youneed a siimnlaticg t.-uic, ur a sure antidote lo

d: ?i'ei ?la. hcadocae, or ions ot ap(>eiite? Wedon t envy liie man or any t.^A who would noL

J7 dAwif

THE MAN'S FRIE.VD.Let every n,an he his own doctor. This is

tl e name f,f n yiedidnes iireparod by aneminfiot Physician in Cincinnati; it contain? a{•reveuiive and enre tor oU private diseases,with dirc-ctiuus bow to treat each case, thero-lure with the A'oune Man’s Friend in your pos.

session, you have the full direciiune and medUcine tor tbe treatment of yourself and irieiids.

It IS lor Sale by D;nggi?ts everywhere. Ask <ur

the Y(?nug Man's Fiiand. Fur sole by druggistEgenerally. jel2 fitf

g? Gold Pens and American Watches at r«.

daorf prices, at Hill's maLuloctory, 4U7 Main,and 333 Third street. J8 tf

‘Masonic” Gold Pen? at Barnes’s. jeS dtl

Watch Maker.—


jewellery stand, withBtoik and fixtures tur sole very cheap. Tins is

an old stand, with a good re|?airing trade. Ad-dress U>x LXil ,

or call at 4"7 Main sUneLjt6 dlf

American Watches —Prices greativ reducedat Barnes 'e, coiner uf Sixth and Main streets.

a24dU“Fine Ciamhino” at Gkratt-t Reddckd

PaK.Ks—J. M. Aimstrcng, on Main, ojipusite

U ? National, is vun off'-riug hi? imnaiur and ef-

' fgnnt stock ot Men's, A’oolhs’, and Children's' Ciuibing at gu'utly reduced i*rices. Those inI w :.nt ut niie guods will cf couise visit hl> e?tal>.

I bctuie huying. mfiudlm


1 runict, bays, and valme, mor «co sa^a


for adies' oxMl gentlemen's a?e. and tMirisLS’i uag? of all guides and varieties cm be found


for 'o'.h the whoiesule and rctcii trad, at J.' r. Smith & Co ’s saddlery and trunk w.-iro-

I bo'n e, next d x>r to the LonlsnUe Hotel. Be-I

i oi'irg dnn*. in a workmanllKe mauier.j

ol4 tlAsaSm

1Norifs;—J D ,M right auctioneer, is prepared

I to sell real ertate. lun iinre. merchandise, iin-l

I all kinds of j-roi>erty at auction. Can be foundat auiii'jc room? No. 527 .Market street, southsk'e, between Fifth aud Sixth. Charges reason-able. al5d3mi&san

(j'Tuii.k-bags and VaUses below cost pricee,

a! > .dional Trunk £cii>oriuai. northeaH corner

Moruiiir Star. Ilt-udcrsoa. l.'b?rt) No 3. Memphisiieitha, St. Lnm«. Mmervo, St. Loutii.

Ciin-iliA, 6t Luulr.

The BciX Hits if tbs b. S. Mail Packet tnr Branrville

and all way landiucF from the city whsrf at 4 P. M.

'llie atcainer W. R. Carter arrived Irom N.-w Orleans

day Ijefoic yeotuiday with Chief-Jiutics Cboee on

bv'erd. Elie leavca for Nch' Oi lean» Saturday oyening.

Tlie river Ip five f? et two inchea by tlie canal luai k.


• t<•


HffARRinS).On tlie seth in»t . at tlie reaideucc of Samael L.

Giiw K-.(. L, the Rev. W. VV. Hill. Mr. Jvmiw E.

V . 'ittli'K ;•! K 'filiey, M*'-i*f't'Bi, to Mi?* Kn'ia .V.

Orn.EK. ol ,Jt iTerrou county, Kentucky. dl*

DIED.On lb? Itnh iiipl., CiiARi.Es t'BOVtE Kzi.i.o.;*;. acedia

yean*. B oioutlus and a day?, ?ou ul June? N. and Vir-

fiaia Ki'il'xn:.

Hi? Iiiurml will tak? p'oee from the reridenc.? onVVoinut pt*t?-t b*'twi?-ii S*'VciiUiaDd Lislitii, on Tti'-.r?-

dpy cveniuc, Jun* '43d. nl 4 o'cluclu j> 21 i-lSiml*

PAEM13RS,Take N" o t i c e





On Ci-mWnfd Reaper and M -wer 4.'; duliart;

on late? (iFAd 4Ci.weij dolUit;Us ou<ali iUe Mower A* d'jkora.


Combined Reiq<-r and M->iver 14|

•< “ •• ‘'wits Droi>|.er . . 8i.^ oo

Larve Buckeye Mowct 1:5 WbmaU Buckgg M' .--‘er 15& UU

tW~l)out wfcii&t all uo lold before pmcLociug andbe compelled to bay a wcidt.lepa n.achiui-.

m24 dljB PITKIN. WlARD. A CO.

'iliil.Kt*' -.i



tiuus between the fruedmen uf the S'.ate audtheir emjfiuyers in regard to lalior and wage*cun 1« satistaciorily arranged. They pro!e?a awillingness to award to the treedmen they mtyemploy one half tbeir crops os recompense tur

tbeir labor, but nniess they have a guaranteeliiat Ihe labor shall be contiuuirus, U wid be of

CO use to commence operations. Another id ais, if the late slaves are to be allowed to choo ethiir (.ecupatiun.-' they will select corn- planting

a? tbe easiest work to the great dimlnmlon i f

Hie tx*Uon aud rice crops. 'The memoers of th'is

delegation arctj>t abolition, dedariDg it Is

really the siaveuwners who have secure-f their

freedom bv getting rid of them. Thev expre s

a determination to be loyal, own they hv>efailed bi a great nnderlaking, and think theywere light in seceding, out admit theymtyhave cued.Tke same correspondent say?: The rebd

Secretary of the Treasury Treiiholm went to

Columbia and retried to onreomm mdanl that

te was rcadv to deliver hiiusell np at any time.

He then led off with oeal to carry Into effect the

military emuncijiatlon oitlers, and was liisi lu

ccntracl satisluttorlly with his freedmen. sev-

erul hundred in number, not one of whom 'ef

him. Before the war he was a ^aduil cmtncipationi.'t, and his ready adoption uf the Govirument views ai d policy in Columbia had asalutary effect in that region, and under C tlonCl

H* ughton, who Is i-raised by all parties there,

the trial will be a fair one. Sub-equenlly auori'er was received from General Hatch fur bUarrest. Tbs order was jiromi'tly obeyed, andTreLhoim drove home under parole to Orange-

burg in LB own carriage, and proceeded iheue--

liv railroad lo Charleston, where he was lo*lged

li. jail, . In a conver.=alion with Trenholm's s m

B o ks fiimer to dav, with more demand; Pit

Ho e I'c'h, ’Terenta 225, Webster f.v>, H-^ldri ;k

DO. Excelsior 310, Tack 56. Buck Farm 8.‘>,

Oceani" 165. Oil Creek .'>5U. Kyud Farm D-i, C.S 2*15, Empire City 86 Petroleum—crude in-

a live and firm, with large sales

Large num' ers of paroled rebel? are now In

t> e city. Many are leaving dally for lh;‘ S*>n .h;

o hera' declare' tbe'ir intention of rem domgNorth, and are going to towns in tke country.


Ak tbe trolling yesterdav over the Union c**niCoiir-'o, L. I., best 3 in 5, for 45,000, between io» No.

G o. Wilkes and Lady Emma, Wi.kes w >u the gnoa-liiit heat, and Ladv Kimna the two fulluwtng, arrux \

when Wdkes was wilhdrawm Best time 2:2?.j,,

M: jor-Gcneral Rosecrans and Bish-up R i->«-

cran?. ol Cincinnati, arrived here yesiurday. one -n.i

At a banquet to Gen. Nye, at the .A?lor

House. la.'t evening, speecbes were made b;. Ob.u

Gen Rosccrans. Thurluw Weed, and others *l4ufo

Gc-n Ri .seer an? goes to Nevada ia a few weeks Corn nIbc fiist through night express train f-om re.rrat

Ciniiuuati over the Atlantic and Great Western mamR?ad arrived this evening. q„ick t

Admiral Go d boro, of the naval squadron,

destined for Euroi-ean water?, sal's from Broik- pounCalyn Navy -yard to-day on board his flagship CM Limu?orado. Oihi-r vessels ol the sqjadruu wili


shorUy foUow.The' president ia resolved to cut down ex-

penses to the lowest iroini. He is known to ta- 4;«>ki

vor retrenchment as a m<«MiS for reiu'ning t-* AflC.f.i

si>ecie payment, which he will recommend to eauiad



It is expected the army will be reduced to the N. '

liiO.RK) men try New Yeir. n-mi?The TrU-uee publishes General Sbermau's re _»ak-

port of *he campaign from Atlanta to S.ivauuab. .

The army that left .Atlanta for Stvannah w-i-

sevei ly ihuusand strung. Sherman's first oh-

lui-rvivi-d. If dll? Docica ta fIvfii of I.-.*, %nr *ali- aOvr•iirh DcticF i? wirhin n arh at tlie buyer. I# vaid, and ibaoncer may recover hi? iirofM-rty.

Tbe II uil crop tliia year pruaiiMo a loo;? yield. ArrciiDl? frem oil .|tiortera arv (roiifyiiw. tn tUi? Suirllierrniar he roiue ali-’ht drawbo. ko, bug os a (rii.-.-t

tliiUK, Ihe ezop proBiees well. Iu Illiaou the proopocL-

ore L* cuiiai ly riicuui sfiue. especially m> in the recieo of

South Pom. the la. gr?t fruit diatrict of that S:ate,whe;<%

ffoni the reporti of the Peoria Koraer, coa b* oecn in

the Uicst fl..uriehins condition, upward? of ?S.1UU pooeh

tree?, apple ttcee, iial I>ear Ueea. akik?' srope-

vinei, beside- 5-.V oem of fruit tree*, and Mocroa of

ert|iov ne?. all in a bUh jtote ef rultivotloo, pramisiu*

ou abucdoiil aud prolific yield. Iu thi* oeetiuo. alx>, oi«

Mi aciea 04 straw lierTy vine* under eultivotioa, and

thia seaton IIm yield amcmited frou ?-'> to 1£ bushel? of

Ii u t pi-r day , and, but tor tbe April trool*, would ka-eevreeded thi? aiuounl.

The itrprrt? into New Yoik ef dry «onS rontinuoe

lirht tbe total tonded for the week endinir tbe l*'4b liut.

bi-ing veined at le*a than one million dollar?.

utmuTK i>r riioaib.v uav goous at .ai'a tous.

For tbe week. l?sa. I-*M. 1>M5.

Entered at the |?>rt ®7;7.Tih • y wij -45

Ihtomn on market hfiaini Jx6,s4l Lilli'Sfilucc Jou. Ut. 1-?I3. l->4. 1'?cv

Eiileied at the port 92“ -77.7-7 ®4',;r*g5Sl 931,.?*;,:*!’.

Thrown on market. ia,147,71>'> 43 £)?.&t7 91,112 “SI

Deeratcbe* to the MeiehonU' Exchange cave lue open-

in< rote of sold iu New York at 141, deciiains tell. x.and odvaociui: to 141',. Cottr.n dub aud aunriaoL otto,

tor n.idd'inr. M*-?a pork declioed D bid. with ?a e?

at 9'.:5«4:i.',^ but rallied in tbe evenine, rloain*; at ®Jk.

Klour and itrain op<-ued dulL but eki?ed with oomo im-proTimenl. Lord dulL at I? .. UwB li^Tc lower.

VVhi?ke) nominal. Kio eoff e lower, at 37i4:'l*4c in

cold, fiuear Porto Rico prime tu i-him-.* at It<-4 o ic;

lioid •lasdord, 19ac. Tni - lero—lower iriwle? dec:l .

tlw range bi-imr iii4A c. A Fp.eulatjr in laid is repnii dto I.ev.- ?k«daduled,

Ciittun -lulerior to low m ddiind Trnuee?«M 'I'tof?*!

lu-law he t'.fid ni; tb«t Mr. T. was I'urced to j^ct was to }'luco his army in the l.c irt of Ge^r-

tuke the y'osiiion of Seercta y of the rreitsury lUerfering between Macon and Augusta.

We ore isllliif mih snr Brapdralgr M abor® eel®-

Ilireted HiU, which U for ahead of all otben for •trenyth,

durability, and capocilfr. It U bnlll on on entirely dif-

ferent principle from any other mill and eoniiot be ex-celled. Onr Noe. 1, t, oitd S MUli or® fully equal in aio®

and copeeily to Noe. 2, 8, and 4, of any other monufoa-liire, which make* them the oheap««4 oi well oe thobeet. We warrant tbem to bo iuperiec t® uty otherklud cSered for aole in thii market.

CASH PRICE;No. 0 fight, eapocity 40 relloni per boor 8I<!

No. 1 rniAll 1 -horse, capacity St' gohoua per boar.... MKn. 2 iarge l-her?e, “ 8U “ “ .... bHNo IrraolIS-honio. “ leO “ •• ....111No. 4 recHloi 3-kors®, “ liJ “ “ . . . . Ifii.'

No. S lame 8-horoe, ••1*0“ “ ... «f

L take the position oi ssecrtin y oi me ire!i-<ury

!under IJuvls. He dtcliutd twice, and w.v> at


last I? reir.j'.torily oideied to report ai IL-h-

I uji iid by Duvis in the following despatch:

j"Your ten ict? are ne"xltd. Kepo-t here im-


' irtdiaielv.'’New York. June 21.

Tbe Ftf rimer .3rago. from Hiltuu He.vd I’ue

l8;h. has arrived. The Savannah Herald L~ re-

1 lelxed, but contains no news uf note from that

! city.

A large numlier of orlcrs relulive to p dice

and other n gu'ations of the city Lave been is-

sued b>' Gen. Wuodfurd.Augiina dat:6 elaie that Howell Cobb wa at

•Macop.Bei>ort8 are favorable of tbe incoming wheal

and corn crops.

Ttc Augusta Gazette saj s tbe local authori-

ties in the adjacent towns and village) b?vequ-alifitd themselves for their uffii'es, and every-

thing is harmonious. The negroes are goingbai k to their former owners to work fur wages,and the forming interesU are promising.

New York, June ‘21

Tl.e Commercial's Washington ?i>eciai ssv?:

g‘a. lUerfering between Macon and Augu?to.

and oMiging the enemy to divide hU forces to

deitna not onlv thuse points, butSavonuah audCbaile?'on. He then aimed to leach VVoehiug-

lon. His subordinate? all obeyed hi.? instrn •

lions, and all his plans were fully realized. The

dewils of tbe march have already been given to

tht j'ublic.

During the reception of volunteers at the

S Hers' Heme, on Staten Island, t-i-day, a c d-

iision occurred between tbe soldiees and citi-

Ci'T-iii', V Casa The


aIu? to-day wi active, at a'lr

for No. 7uu, )p-« fur No. ouu, aud 41r tur No. t

8iioaTiM.A Uiiiwn ibeetinc? havi.- declioed 3c. 3 dmUiTot Wtalcru. 5 bale*, at 3?e.

Ki.'it a- fiialee 3LU bbU extra family at ®7 Jo, in Ii4e

and -Dia'' ?.1» at ®7 t(; p'oin extra, ?'>?<•. TIm oupply

ol cLcici- flour i? very iniolL

GB.VI.V. Wl.i'xt ceotiuuc? acarec at ®1 3* for red, and

®I 4U for whiti" ?olca from store of prime whit- at -)1 ID

Com nrm flrtt hand? steady at ?- <4-'*c, with ioka (rom

?P.rr at ®1(41 *V. Uote *>4^<4e, and frotu store at 7«c.

MaNrvAi itaaii Touvecu -da'cs or® very oetivt audquick tor choice Virginia che vim at Ticukdt V 7*. htoek

sweet “• and 1*» at T.-t^TSc: do '•qa at ^uat'ie-. uavv

pounds at S*^7i«: do j* poiiodi at 7 d'oc Wieht fluo

INjiiuii? ®1 ?-dl 74: nii-dium do i|I 11/4! 33; do If

rounds Wi4S4c: bright lus and V? '•4,^'jr; ooounoa

pound- ivi|uT4c' do out of eondilioD :5t*oi«.

Co vL- K* taiiiug at :Nc, detiven d. lor best Pittab.irv.

Add.t'.ouol ?urk will be on the luorkel ia a faA Ua>?.

eauiAd b> the late r1?i‘ at Pittrhiirr.

PooviMOss- Nutw ilhatondiDC the ri;> rted iLvIiai- iu

tbe Ni'W York nurkcL boidor.- cuoliuui- firm, exei-pi tor

n-rsB |>nrk. which is dull at ®.:4.d'.>'s iu mail loU. B xon-•oh- country suies at l4\ ,aloc,ss to quality: pwk-

b* •ides c..n>tijaiiu 17c, in lots and aboalders. 134

l- Kc. Pldu liam?, couvu.-sed, Sue- augur-curi'd hoiu?.

3;i3)'lc: S'a. s's h?as or*- ;i g*-?! derauud. with 1‘ghl

stuck -ii.oll taV- at 35c. Lord u- rUct-.d; p.ii.. , iu

tierces, l-.*sI-Hc- and prime h-af. in krgo. Ju.v,sadlr.

Dried heel- plaiu 17u V ib* oird •ucor-coxt.d do, in can-

vas, l-,*al''c.

Cut NTXv Peopi thoTce butter in bor-

es oi-d fiikias ::• ui.4c. B><?wsx bu>iug at X 4-e.C'hee-?c- iM'iy choice 3lul:'4c. Wr-t* r-u nserv* in lots

Kite., ?ina)I ?alc? at l“\c, net weiyhu llamhurr !'• 4l:*Kr, Dried opp'io—TvdM fur old. Dried piocire?

an^iic Kralhero- buying price 53u*.'>7e. F'utxse-?d SI >,0,1 45. Putat,?s-^o!dot 444-* 8). now at .**• bbL E^v-

zens. A p.atoon Of ScMlers fired on the crowd. '“•* •?«-* o*. uew • p ooe co-r-

Uiutesant Nelbon, of the 6th New Yurk, wa- ;»'<4Sic lot tre.h. Broom»-eon..uou di.gv Sd-ker. u.?t

wf'nnfftd, it D supposed, mortaily. .?,veral|

qu 'lii; • S'* 4*‘*4'' .V' if dor. Uinseitg huyiugat ou4 -c.

tiiizr-n* and one soldier, of the 1.3.3d New York,

were wounded. S.-veral pers. us were injuted

by btouts :iiid bricks.

Wa«his».ton, -lane 21.

The funenil service of Mis. 8ea:ird will take

j'iacc :i'. Sl i'anl's C'hnrch, Auburn. N. Y , her

Beans Doniinol at ®1 3o for white.

CarxEaii? Soica 8U Logs Kio eofkt at

iru.'Ul soles at -IgtSlIfic. flolra iU bbb hard standard

rugor at :o>ec; 1 hlub Porto Rico, raw, at ISc; 24 bUs

bioun rt flued. low mde, at 14Xc. eoff:-e smmn ranee

01 1?Xii»lHXc. Kaetein sirup?, - jr.,**.?! 44, as W iaai,t>


back to tht'ir lornier owners t*j work tur wages, tiainlor Auburn on Thursday morning,and the forming interest? are prumis:ng. The Secretary of War has dtc-iguate-1 Gen.

New York, June ‘21 HuUeck and bl:*ff. and the Surgeon-General has

Tl.e Commercial's Washington a[>eciai ??vs: been oet'died. Major Norris, Surgeon U. S. A.,

GcLtrul Hurloui i« to be eourl unutiuled ut New oce ot '.be physii'iiius who attended s*i retary

home, on Saturday next, at 3 o’clock F. M. i Plantatien rcIosci-o, fil U4I 33 V *ndh>o. ocmnlinc to

Her rem;iin« will leave Washington on :i ?j>ecial}


UrIeuDs cn eeri- us eburge.:. S, ward during his iltness, is also to accumpany

H. 133 I T'lO' C3^Officers from New Orlean? report that Kirby

jtue Stcreiarv to Auburn.

Smith made nothing privaielv in cotton ojk ra-

tions. He only used cotton to fceare pay audMr. Cnandler, recently app'^'inted .\ssi?tant

Secrelat \ of the Tita-ury-. L.?.? taken the Jilace

suirlstence for hU army. His quartermas cr bi .Mr. Fields, and not of Mr. Harrington, w Huse

laielv turned over to General Caubv three thou- <'is?«>r has nM been appointed.


occniwnu- of the train were inju-xsl. several ol; ^ varieties orn be found

them ,ulieH;vepely, and one lady was seriou?'}’1 u,r 'oth the whoieeale and rcicii trad- at J.

LnrL nut being (xp-ee ted to Uve. The cor? were F. Smith & Co ’s saddiery and trank w.nre-

Tm ‘T'l siEAia.i." Prw — .V ;>cw in a <' »nrr*;-



gatiooal meetinghouse i® thus odvertb-ed fur|



D right auctiooeer, Is prepared

tb?. « .?,», , • ru-joi V Frorw I

*0 ^'''* lun iinre. merchandwe, on-lsale m the (M>«.)

1 kinds of j-roi>erty at unction. Can be foundA I'CW m the incCkirr-honre of -M nr?.

, arl?hat aucii'jc room? No. 527 .Market street, south

in AniberH. The mar that own? the i>ea' i* »n? between Fifth and Sixth. Churges reason-Uie right of • rpace just as lung a« the pew is. d3m&sunfic>ii. tbe buttum ol the me*ling- house to the —top or roof, and he can go a? much higher as 9^Tnii.k-hags and Valises below cost price®,

be can get. It a man will lm> my {>cw and sit at > .,t!onal Trunk £mi>oriuai. northeoft cornerin it on 8undays, and rci<eni and be a good


ot Fourth and Main streets, optHisite National

OKlmCTKl* .

w< called

man, be will go to htaven. and my t-ew d os

good a I'luoe to start Irom os any jew in the

lueviing- bouse.

Lion-Tamei; “Chaw ko Ur.”—A li At time.’',

says tbe New Alliany l?edger, attached to tbe

Combination Ciico®, while “taming’’ with a

cowhide a letroctory liuce« to Terre Hau’-e,

lost week, hod several fingers gnaw.d off.

Hotel. J. H. MeCleory offers his stuck ofTrunk-lntgs and Valises at prices below cost,fur lie purj.'ose ut ciuring busmes? within tbirtvdays. City and cuuntry dealers a.x: offered rareinducements^ m20 dim

Ztch! Itch! I Xteft!!!Sf-'RAICH: St HATCH!! StJKATCH!!!

BLANK'S ITCH CEKATBWill cure tbe UCH in thirty-six hours; also

iceoe of the 21rt we called tbe attention of tu® 1

poUoe to tbe “forty ^bieves,” and ratber oc- i

cosed tbem of Mf bring as vigilant os they,

•bottld be; bat we rinoe learn that tbe police{

Lave etresbd tbem Umebod figoin, end taken|

tbem briurr bk Honor Jndge Johnston. Toe!

boy® being too yonng (avenge age fifteen) to

tend to tbe Penitentiary or Work-honae, and

tbe Home of Kefege bring oc yet incomplete,

they have to be permitted to run el large until

tbe letter place is finisbtd for tbeir recepUon.

Wbm tbit is done we feel safe in aaying tbot

tbe dommnnity will not be annoyed by those

outlaw* but a very ebort time.

ffflB onr ieeae of tbii; morning we announce

tbe Hon. Cbories G Wlntenmitb as a candidate

far tbe Jodgeidup of tbe Court ot di>peal« in

tbb. tbe Third Appellate Judicial District fur

tbe Stole of Kentucky. Hr. Winteramith ie on

^^le lawyer, e man of fine integrity, and supo-

attoinmenta, and, if riacted. wUi discharge

duties of Jndge with credit to himself and


Lwt night between tbe boon of

eleven end twelve o'cfock, Thomas M.Eivogue

ebot a Mr. Slnkborn (his barkeeper). We did

not foern tbe particnlars. He was shot with a

terolvet, tbe shut taking effect in tbe right side.

Be M not mortollT wounded. Mr. M.Eivogue

was arrested and coodnetod to Jail.

_ . ,'

. , cuu* tculd Head, Old Sores, and oil Eru'uUoos 1

Tbonch fond of noioneiy, he object? to being qj- Skim contains no merenrv. Price 30 I

lionized—in that way.I

Em APEi> —Daniel W. Poor, who murdered bis I

sweetbeuit in Clarksville, Teun., some ten|

month? ago, made lus oscajie from tbe Clark?- i

vUVe Jail yesteiday. It is tbonebt that he will

be recai>iatxd and returned to tbe dvil author':- I

tks, to be dealt with os be dc:-erve«, as be has :

net bod lime to get very for.

E»u«tisc. iu the Reoi labs —Tbe War De-;

partinent bos decided Ibat voluntuer fioidiersj

wiotaing toeuliet in tbe rei^ular army will be .

forthwith mustered out of their respective com-|

monds, receive tbeir discharge? and final state-|

menu, oitd not be sent to the rendezvous, but

recrive their final pay ment*.|

Negro &Hcrr —.A negro man namel !“‘3l!

Mitcheil was shot by a white man named Gso.

Littleton, about half a mile north ot NxfbvUle,

on Monday nigbL while in the act of carrying

hi? horse in the stable, and the probabUitiis: are

thai he will die. Littleton hv been arrested.

gy J. H. Garraid, E?q., the present Stole

' Tnofurer. U will be seen from an ann.iunce-

ment in ancUtcr coinmn, is a can<iidate for re-


jgff" John NWhois, charged with stealing a

horse, was arrested yesteiday cveulcg, and cum-

Imiued to jalL


Suct< f- );c to S*M'i. UxKiu,

COS XtY-olL fihre t, uext tioor abov*ImruavLle liotsi,

MANl : .LLT'i.'BElis and WHpj „3*TT DEA'.r.JU



thijnks,BuiU'fi 10 tha gouthfriii luul nai'Leu.

fr»i<ll4-n, Llorn, nn'l Kuhber Covers a>WB004I?; LrUiles, Filling?, nad O&rlingul*,

ko:b Eiigli'ib and oar ov n make: tiirtb

end Kfln Web.-: KIding and Qrivluf

WItiirs and BH?: Saudlers’* Uaf*ness, and Truuk-nakers*

naterlal, ail kind?;

SALEfiKD CUSTOM HARHISSOi «dl kiitflt xufl U ikU

Ilf orfl

Trunk Departmentwill be foond all kiniGof Ladles* and Oeut's


Vie t Ju rWwut- iu CAllirw v»nr pArticBlar Aiosoti hdVitbe Abov e tTAcliiue. 'Dus we considt-r uue ut the motS'a-€??-ii IaU r-?Kv:nr in,; iri-i? it? i,.-'* iK-tur? Ihe pjUlic. It v.'iU SAV? 111? lAl?)r ul oii? uiAU Olid torm. m

Slowiur c?m -does ite wuiX os -veil ur boiler IIiau tbs..utl? ?liuvei, Ai:d At th - ?AiUL' ti.'i'.e tiiAblu? Ibu o,?:rA-

4cT to ride ill All ?isy a it iiuu-nd of w Uk »s 1 1 will

ennd dollar? in go'd as reliel priiiierty.

Captain Mehaffey arrived to dav, having in

1cbaige Mr. Gayle, of Cahawbo, .Ma., who ad-

' wrtisid propusa!® to assassin-at,! PiC'iiiluat

jLincoln tor a million dollars. Tan p i-un-

Ier Is a lawyer, and claiio? that the affair wa? ajoke. He has applied fur R.-verJy .luhns >n andJ. T. B-adv a-s counsel.

The Post’s.Washlnifton sj'Pcial sa' ?: Presi-

J. D. BONDURAST & 00.,XMIain, bet. Xhii d and Foorth,

Ajreut lor the Improved

cents i^er box, sent by nuol, or bv ex|«re^ at ^^4 BAliS) i

per dozen. Addreas DR. BLaNK A CO., Box 'T'YrtVTiVr*^ for ShinoiEL:^2. Cmcinnatl, Ohio. For sale by aU drug- A

WILSON * PETER, and —.26i3»4M-_ i W..

j_ jj_ BONDURAKT & oc(OSMOFOLlTiK (ilFT BUOk BOOM, Kain, bet. Xhiid and Foorth,


210 Fourth Stx'eet,A^-eut Irapr^e

;Oppolite Ifational Hotel,XsooisYille. ,—_v* -


D row ready. It embraces over 4.000 volnme®

of all the standard and miscellaneons books

pablisbcd, which we sell at the lowest puVdeh-

ers’ prices.

Tbe largest and most liberally conducted

KtablUhment of the kind iu the United States.|

We constantly koep on hand oil the oundard|

and miscellaneons books pubUehed, which we

aeil at the lowest publishers’ prices, and a gift

with each book, at the time of sole, worth from

filtv cents to one hundred dollars. Coialugnee

mabed to anv ai^ress npon the receipt of nve

cents, or furnifiUoi: gratis at the st»re.^ M. MURPHY Agent.

fl (jca, Post-office Bux 7i5.

0~Col. Marc. Manny s announced us a candi-

date fat Congress in IhL (the FJtii) ijon-

greiBiona! l^trict. dtc

I’lun crK'ki d luw ? A. ?A.'<> H-io tHuroUbbiv a? atmiyhl xk Ut Johnson dei’liDcS appi.lutiiig Gen. Mtx:.?,dUfs. 'nieii?r?iorlui* jsif.-ctcoiiliol ol il-conuioT? ,,f 8S Pr,ivi-:oii:il G Aermr of lU >t•h? ?lii.v?i? »»r st.ven luraw, Ol rAi?e t.iem ?u- o.„,- nn th? uroiu.H ih-,t h? hA.4 u-rv?.'i in th?tin y out of th? zrouud. W? au Iiipiu?! iDSt-ACeAtid ' -aic, on the gtouuo lUal ne na.? serveu in me<?-i. uul) say thr.i w? wArrAiil them to p?-. orni to Ih? rebel srmy.ouli'OstL'lArtion of th? p' .rli ??r- «i *s re:.’ id 4L. V?\v Tnne Time >1U.-UC-1. S-udfor Smiciulive c!r,',a

« '’uK, June

Rear Admiral Dul Igren having hetn re!levcJCAbH FIJIOE; of It e ct'n,mand ouhe Mt’Eidfou bef'.re CUxrief

.•’*hr-.» t?ti n, has left fur the Nuith. Hi ha.? i?socd a

Ei'.iA u ..ii!! 4 farewell orOir to the tieit, 'n which he record?ihelr deeds. He is tiariicular t<> claim for theDuty a share uf the honor? ac rnred in si cii?iug

a pi .-itiou in Chaile?t'.in harbur, notwiiholind

k'£< t ifl I I’ 3 ' iff' ir.g it hud lieu usicricd iu soul; uf th'-aim

I* 1 1 tl |\ I . I } I I if 1 Ii Ji circle? th it the cat-lure could could h-wj hceo

Hill ii. liils wade without the •x-ssi-lan-.e of iheuivy. lie

lefer? to the sacrifices m.?de, -ir d the lo-ises ? 1?-

UifE <*si/>l *At»*-iT»<r Taorli lair id by the navy lo r how with wh-ai ze il. duDirll Ulj^ X Cl .Ul vuiiun, endnraiice. and skill thev p?if-jrincu

...... . - n B ,4 . IT. IT tl eir uidiious duties, and spcuk? Ul the hiche?-Y7tintrod'iC?d the Rutms 3'Ofll S; rl ttor.® 1»»5 ,,.,,0= . t Ei.r ll', anil nifn

Rake into thi* niArk-t Ixct seAiou. V\ e AresiUuficd. lerias ut hL tlucers auu mi n.

]. dfc'i’ielroii. tlis niAu> |,rair«?- lMct.iweJ uu it by far- W.tsHlMiTOX, .Tuue 21.chsers. tL»t w? c?u ??il them gisua-.u-eiii*>

w ill yiTfc entire sHtifUciisii. W e sr? aasj wam.iAfi.u- The Ptoicnou’e Of the Sanit-ary Comm'8?ionL'is tl;? Tl nun' II K?vo.vini- Hij- Rake w Lioa wa war- In Alevindri;! w .is destroyed bv fire thb ino n-taol tobi better than auy Rake ever sold. was a large twme bnUdingcrected uta

/lAtciTJ ThTi T/'t'I-’. the firat ce and .\lt\ tndria rillro id depot.* Aort X Xvlt-yHi. jttfg ^‘n, jj fieward, wife of the 8;cret:>''y

Rldiiiy Hors? ItAk?. Spiiuir Tei'th $.ti. of St:itC, died :it 10 o’cbx'k this morning. HerRi-vt.ivin» H-ir*-' KTke 14 Twth. Is leni.iins Will be embalmed :n7d taken to Auburn.Bernivios Holt® bake, I'.vb l??tii li

-f gj.jte Ih-pvrtnient Is closed in c •nsciuen-.'e

of her death. The family have been called uponto-day bv dioiicgui?hed' olhci.ils to leader ihcii


H0K!iE ILU FORK. Swie'ary Stanton's report ol the operation-'

of bis dei>arlment fur the Ia.-t year uf the war

Ws soM 4uiteaDDmb®r of the nor-sDay Fork last is pntlisbed, from which it u|>[ie4rs that th ‘re

leuoa. They gave euitre sAtufsetiou. We e..>iuides were forwarded to the lieid l«'.i 62ii soldiers, andtl'iiDAspsAtA l^r-«viiif tuAchiM AS the Buckeye musUrcd out and discharged 2t8.114. O.' rMower, the Steel dpring Horse ^ke or any oilier iiu- .vu, ,1 have h«en caiitiired from th? ri>heUplomeut iu use. They ore certain to come into genu •! J>0 nags note nwn lapiureu irom lu® ruoei?,^ as the price Is so low Uirt every fern-er wh? caisee There were li'1.8uO colored Soldiers IU the ser-

Iweiity arree of gnus con oHorit to buy U. C*U aud vice. The Pay master General’s reiiort is up to•xASiliwii.

^ June Sb. ImD. and the dlst ur-q-menls up to m.tnASH frt(~;k 7 I

time umounted to ;;3l 3 481 8t>5 a7.

ilMMi ILW il\kji

With Stpci Siiriag Tec'.hi

Wtintroa'icrfl the Rhting fl'sel S; rl nor?e I’a}

Rake into thi* niArk- 1 Ixct seaiun. Wc ore siduficj.

]. diii’ie Iron, tlie nioii> yrairee- iMctiwed ou it by i-ur-

ebsers. that w? r?u ??il thciu gitA.a-.ueiiig>

t* ill give entire sHtiilacLioii. We ar? ahio ioaui'tacl.:r.

L'lS tl;? ri nun' II K?vo.vini- Hvy Rake wLioa wa war-rool to bi better than any Rake ever sold.

C’ASH PRIC^K:P.idinft K«k«v Sptiu|( TtN'tli $in

Eovolvinir Hort>* K«ke 14 TtMih It

B«vn|vm< kiifcd? V'Vli T«wUi 1>

HOKiiE im FORK.We eoM ?uite a nomlMr of the nor.*® Day Fork last

leaeoa. They gave entire satufsetiou. We e.^uaides

tiirm as gi eat a labor-saving tuarhiue os the BuckeyeMower, the Steel dpring Uurse Rake or any oilier iiu-

plomeut iu use. They ate certain tu cume into guueiDuse, os the price is soloiv tiist every farmer w'h? raises

twenty arxee of grass con oSurd to buy it. Cat! and•XkCJu® It.

CASH PRICK:Comp'eto, Su tee* of rope 89i

M' . Kwing will on Frio a v afternoon present|

his ;irLniiieut lu bebulfof Ur. Mudd, wn eh will

cohclude all that is to t>e said in defer cc ol the


The arguments for each accu.ied are generally

cohcevItcT lu pus-ess much legal aad literary '

ability. Thatot .Mr. Duster w;is lo bya dci.-'C auoienre, aud his a|';ieal in beh tit uf

h ? ciltnl .Mrs. Surratt was mure than *rdiu iri

ly eloquent and touching. I'hc court has gi.cueven lacUity to the couu?el fur defence iu the

pn cnrtmeiitof witnesses, and has shuwu themm rked amml'm.

New York, .lane 21. i

G illagher’s Exchange—(iold 112?L N w|

Yolk Certriil I'a;',, Erie 75*^ U ?1.'.. i

.Mirh’g:in Central Ihi'’*'. .Michigan S lU.hi'.i ti|

t;’',. Ill.riois Central l-’2;-L Puash'org u-


Cuhton 38. Gold after call 1 1'5.;

PiuLAi>Ei.riii.t, June 21.

The suli-criptions to the 7 ifo loan t<>-da> !

uiu, uut lo *3,l' ii.4"U. The First Naiiona:'

Bank cf LoubviUe lubstribed .r.sHt.OUO.

Uuw fiK.tbT Gut istii the War —The wc!l-

kni wu cerrespubdent ot the Boston Journal,

who writes under the signature of “BurUlgh,"

thus relates the story of Grant's re-eniran.-e

into the United army, at the outbreak o!

the rebellioi:i:

Four years ago this very month, Mr?, firaat

lived in' her quiet home in Galenx Her hiis-

tmiid was .Mr. Grant, ine b ather dealer, a plain,

mudtst, re.iabie roan, wilhoal much apparent

iorce, who attracted very liiue aueuiion any-

wav The war bad commenced. The flag hwl

i-een shot away from Sumter, and shut uul o: a

retssl cannon at .MemphL?. l»ue morning .Mr.

liranl called on Senator Washbume, who ro-

-ides in Galeba. He told Mr. W. that be diii =

not feel right—that he could not sleep nights,

that he fell that he was not doing his iLiiy.

Wushl’urne asked him what was the mitier.

Mr. Grant replied, “I am doing nothing lor mvcuur.try. I have been educated at the uatiou's

expense bnt beie 1 am at horn® doing nothing

1 don't know what to do. 1 am no jioliti ian

I don’t seim to be wanted anywhere, yet Cfeei ‘

a* if I wi"C fit for si-taeihlug if f could onlv

imd my place ” Mr. tVashburne Invited hDneikhtor lo accompany him to Springfield,

hare tbFir taMm. and ar<

uc\f p*>l&ir Me fur unwai*Lted, and for tub>

warlicd* aiul <(mc tor cLoiev.

> &Fi«®uTK—To Miiiiphits pound Ido S«>r; rom, bar.

4<>c; flouTv 73c; »pp!e« due; mU. ;jil 93; ceweui, T-V; beer

Mild ale. $1; whi-key and oU, JS; pork 4I V bbl;

hforK's? ipnlefs 9? H hraX To N MhviUe *»Ge for

p find loC«. Flour $1 V bbl. To Ttunc^tn^e Kir«r, $1

V lu*' pound#.

Toma 4 01 Tb market wma ven’ active to dn7« with -

Karac fain*. Prirt:' well mau.taiu< d tor *11 Knulca, withj

•“ me biKh tidff the flurr ttuanilea, r*ui;ia< at^ ?4 |

t" We Y.cte of U3U hhde, the bi«!> oa 3 loliie OoUy

lelni; rejected—d hhUe tnusb at 3?'>4 1 75* li hUda uc>

tur} at Itnal > at #5(43 9- , 47 bbde moimoont '» at j»‘7(^7 sw, li blut* do heavy liu« at

ht.<h common Uaf at 11 at 4 1

Id 5ua It dc> heavy do at 1^11(^11 73, lu «i 41141*73, 13 »X

<ali; 7£a 1- at 73, li at 7.% il mi A'.* 4111 73 1* hl.d» #4X1*1 to fiut- leal at e'.7<4t7 7S Id \|

P 7S n tit tA4i * 75, 7 at 'jrlu^iu T v .*» a -:l 4-7 4

•t ..'s % nl aJ-i 73» S at 4i4 3u« 1 at

1 at r.i* lal riril .3 iOweurouutf^ ilttiii; leal at pKN|

ai*u 1 Uatis c m.ty cuttt&a leaf at '‘^4' a).|

CiwriMj* KTi. June P V *

There If a fair demand tor Uw later ^adc;< cf d'iU! at

^ i»'i !i*»» t* -I’t-.w ‘ at a. .1 ri .• ht .7) f«*. priTT e TCi. C -n ‘ r



e»rv and llir ui iuttud i(<-4h1 U?(-9 m iai* dcuiauU »t x* .

! ,a’

-r lire fi,|p.) l»rll»g light !

' h 4.11II at 0‘- I

(*Mo Ml lie ditU. Hii'k moaU oflerDd at liV41*i^c|

rathtr til cl' . hut imjI iu*M:h oiuo. f.t t.


b< touKht at and !aid gT)^e. tta'k an«l «u trrd> an-* 17c. hilt are held hi|(iicr. P*.aa hatrti*


adYacri’d io* |

Uutd *4*., anu ii*iu.

Neh Yoaa. Joue Xlr P 5L|

t'l tton heary at 4<^ fnr mul«! tnff. >

1 i» U’ ai.U pru* e w-thout chan/**: 9^ 1*>4^ 9*|

h»f iitra^Maie and 7»'ta*i -» tor ci ra roua- ii,

utiii. the maik* 1 1 '4 -i»« beavv.\' biFl*M3 at vil®»r Wffot-»m.

hr»l t I'coeu hea» y, and •- d le ^ .her, irith ab^-t#i e\;Hrt uenmxMl; ;#1 96(41 ^ for Chtcaao #1.At u>r i>luu.ptail ikK 41 a >41 -C lor No. 1 Milaa icee,

'•u icr eht*Mx’ amber Michiffan. ^ <ht iTR*te Mijran. rl 7Ut4 r Na. 1 witOcr tid. aua r*! **7 6ar him-

cine rpnna. K>e dull, lorn rpent-d «rilX. and daet-i

aUnit -c I (ttci : fur heated and n 4*7c for com*n.nii toptime liiUcd Weateru. O-iUdulL.

::*u«ax him.Feiioseum 9h4^ for enula, S-^^'Se for refined In

bi tid ai 4t 7' ta. :'c lor retiued

Folk cpeDk’d dull aud iowrr, and cinaed with moreat ^..g i tor new Diet>j>, tor

‘*4 4 tlo., rvKutar way, tor prime, and 41'* ’m

(0:;U tor pnn-e meca Uv*! dull at lor plainm* M au i d7 Jial** lor extrt meaa. I» cf uatoa tiuiet at

73. Cut uieata firmer at 11^U)|« iar abouiiftera,

aud I7rt4l*c h r lianiff. Haron quiet at 13\ 4l • 4 lor

CnttiU'fUnd cut. aud 14 . 4l4\c lor abort nbbrd. LardOuii aud luurr, at 13''i(4i'*‘ae. Butler dull at 9m4J<h

tur Olirts and £744 .;:ic ur Skate. Cbeeae qu:ct* att« 1 !'• UaBoou to prune.


Mm e> ta liti'ie eaay, with a larffO mppYy at 4^ ^cent ou call loniia dter.iny caeban^o dnd. G<rid

oiHUtd at 144)^ dacliued lo advanced to IkkCH'ai* r al HPi.Cuariniiitutitock* without chaii^.t>ts rka dull; 1 iiuoia CeuUal lsl)i< CieroUnd and

trr. Lulls !d4iUKrr.9r. Lnria, Jrnm li.

Hbmf dnlea reported to-day ware 14 bnlei esi-4choice uudxeaaed at diou; Xi baieo da 4rictly prijao aitl45: 49 hnhf* prime da at 41^ and 1.* batea do aipls7 30 per Ion; alao, If kaka unoa>erjd hock«ed tow aift£i per Ion.

isi .NNiu iMoa bale* now aiafll# fnniiiea «l Tdcband 9 balri* douldo da at 4UC.



\\harfb«al Proprieloft,

WHOLESALE 8R0CER8,Boat^itore Supplie.*;,

awD * *

VrattsiBr A§«nts fcr 1. O. K. JU

Kranhir lmk-|.eafl?iis Pw-wneer Pnrh-t.Far wi«rii.>aris. Svas.„illr, matt WayELNOK.V— K- L. tbom M-skr. Lew. Bixi.xx. CVrli.

I—.. Will lomro am obov? 111.. (Mr. Juna JO.m .-efl 'Syt 7 B. M., pw;WT?ly, fsaa B.rtlA..J

' art. For traioOl «r w^aarn saaM oab>aiu us Ki U. Ml >M C.Vi.31 & CO- Atrn»a.>?a 1 il tUM WoU sirwg.

Atlantic and Mi??l®«ippi Steamship Company.tar f aira. .Mmakaa aag .Wew IfrtraaaiTba sai?uilul si4»-wlwat iMKugar stMMr

W R.C.tKTER II.'.;K.>•T, MsaMe.Will l?a*a Pwtlaud En ioir, Juua 3^3 P. M. w*i»valjr. For tre>gk» JM

U?-.. r Asriy am bamrd ar lajt-j MuoKmeoD « CO,. AesoM.

Far WOealiaw oaM PWiakarsi.MAKMtjK.*... .. Wii ttaae;:. MaMor,

WUI laav# A. obova this dav,xx 3 P. M. tnaa tha city whart. tarni*fit cr wfA®» Awty 0* board ot la


I .MTBD ATATBW .YfAIL.War Owsa.bara lAad fisaaacllla.

la nanictMO witu th. Uiajr Kmtlc auU U..s;ii;k .?toi,

ROSE HlTE ..K. ± .VTXc-k Mwaw.), , Will IcaT. M Ah.?? thi. (Mr.Jmt? Jl*

p . - a,t i P. M. yonusety, irua mm eg EmxmH^BrimiMa. a«i??t. Po? '>?i«M ' rassota nv9‘y 'Wbumu o« ta XKWIN A PO.N tHI K. A4?ata.

MM.I I.AM '..VTIMUAY PA( KKT.Far RviuMviUr, Padarab, ialra, aad Yiam.

paia,ST. PATRICK O«o. O. UxitT. Mo-t®,*

W'.U Isasa Portlacd for tha abas'dla ^ ae aot irdav. Juaa S4 M IP

..liicfo. hot bcidbt or faM*es savtPm*. I Ml w Ol b.jcia ERWIN* DtiNAHCP., AcotiWl

Far i'alra, .IlaMRbla, Tlrhobarg, aad Na?*tkrIrasMi

Tfa tne p isMiigrr s®rAia«rW R. CARTER H.V,. « ?*-r. Ma-tar.

W ill ioava as abava aa t rtdap. Juma Hb7 P.M pasitltclr. fircM Portlaud. Fa*

c^HOW^MireigM r oMsad? Mpiv< haard or Mjc.-i KRWt.N R lioN.AHtIt. Ageaso. 1>I>KPKNI>E.'*T P.UMILNG KffiPAtKRT.

I Far Owea.bara, KvaBavlUa, aad all Wa*ELNORA R. L. Butd, MoMor. Lnc. BasLaa.Cerfe

WUI leave am gbav. riiarsdar?luaa3 o'cl.'ck P. M., poaiUvetr, irum i.l*

^MMSWffik V rarf. For fretafat a. pmoam a®WF Mkoai u or to CROPPER. PAITUN, * Oo„ Adaulo.Jvfl

IS63t IStt-H

Speed, Safety, 4 Confort*LOlil.a* II.I.P, RT.ANaTII.I.R, g'AIRO A>ffi

.YIK.WPIIIW PAt iat.T « ?*.

Lsavn evary WKDNEdUAY aad RATI« «l?oaut tud suBtptuous paMcaacT .trsioar


Carr WES. CtiNMlB Eo. U. .Trwaa Oo-kJW ilHaav? Lau»riUa te- MoBphi. av«S7 Waiu.y..4g.

a 4 Pcoica P. M., posstivaljr.

Tbo Hoot ahd ®i«gAul

•iT. PATMU K.OEORT.R O. n.VRT VvtmtWill Irars l/xiiovill? for Miocpbi, every doiuiJag, ®|

4 O'clock P. M.,1 III ^ Tima boats will buad for Aright i*

^^^^^M^Ffraight and pusvug.-n si ait way --ArAt lecuou p«k?t ru...

? and pMMnarrv lor Whiti aad Ahaa- to*Riv » A» ircriptrd through at runnshi. ralM.Througb rcciipio tut iraidhl auj poMOad to 3c L-ori

At curm.l rateaFui Uoigh: aad posota® apply on baart oc to

p J CAsf'.tEY. .

)tlAJREUR.VD A 00..; A.? il%

I. M. fcfc'iVXN, 5

May ta, WA —nSl

KEKPKIS packet COXPANf- ... TUU U.xr. C.IMPR18RRTHR hXlb

g -A*' ^^’•Lnv INfi Fli«rA,LAdRiU>KWUE4dMHMbK liTEAMhRd:uAC't. DEAN I'lpbil® ii. A. JravdiSILVER Much C.W«ai.. w A Ml

. DARLlNU UpCaiB E Y BWsbrimtAlLDEN EAiiLE...... Captain Low K .Id*ROBUIT RLRNR. CwWtnOao D. B .

CLlFToN I Froak 2?^®%Tb«aa gna sfoaiaers ara eutcmsaihid byaxpwioued*

oSsris, and psasi ngwe aud shipsisi soar raly -*«*havaig tbric Vu-ucm prou-pcly aiA vroporty vurudd*to. Uiw of tba abov. aaiurd DoM will Isava ImuvUI®on WRDNRaLAYa, FRoDaYA aad dCNDAYR Minch weed.

4,'rappap. Panaa. dfc A'*.. Apaadoa•s 14Z gad 143 WaU maM.

F'ar i'alra aad .tfoMphas.ROBEKT BI RNS ttii-Lca Wi.H?p.

Will leava M obova tb* day. Juas-^lb A. M. pusiCoty, «?y wharC six,.?| or r»?-W' »4 yiy oa boaid or Ip

JrJ CMCtfTTtk, PATI^ d CU.. Op® la




tiu. ill the »boT? iWmmrn will laav? J-u.y at '..lo't . <*M ftnin theohioaad Miwii-'ppl 'rraarpi'iAaticn C »pMiy*s whailbiMi. ha-t tt 3ou,th MroaO f»oiiuvtmd .4Cinciuoati h itb tha < A. M. train. :ur ail tb? Nnrthrraai utCuMiDCiCc. Eortrric?: ‘T pMoui? *pvi .-u ^or *f Lm» Jkl B. J. CA3FRKY. *g«'.t. V Wdt sg

liRFK.N HIVFK P\? MET.Far Bawlli,® Crvva aad all Way l^auJlagiM

The oc a aud light droug.?.t Aumiamt

J. R. UOYLh. J. tianw, Maotei.R. M .I.-h.sw.n, l ri„ Leats. for tha obav. and all laOeroiM

M SI—• loadine. avory ToMdoy at » P. 1^MrikMBsekatKiM oty K'baif, pusiUToty. For new®*u. oaHMa oPTiT oa hard or ta

B. J. CAk 1 REA. Aceak I3T WMI troog.

N. B. TIwJ R. ilo.l* w.'.:ii.a? in-igM loe al a iidi

Lm cn tha Ubia riaar, oa for down a. Kvmo Ula, ••P'.ik.i rat?. »>

iset*. XB04.LOClF-VlLLi. Afti dESDERSOS




, ,

Buu.bT Touh. faJ4 aUD,®

ri'lO'Ojei IToc3.^ood-Buivrll's liuiHOMNl Cotnbiiii-d Kivi»'r and Mower 8J5Kiiiv.II's In.proted UiopjeM' aud M*w?r, i?! aal t'J

Rh.«:U’» Lai go Honor Ij'

Bali's Cr.u;biiii-d R?a(,'r and Mi’wer rts

BhU'sK.uliicky •••• J-Wood's M. IJ'

Kei tiirkt Ciil'twis l‘«

ni37 dis

Gus Smith, ,q renegmle New Y irker, late a

(iiiieral iu the rebel ainiv, has not lieca arre-i

ed as rc(ioiUd, but was un the slrecfo ut .Ma.-on


Conventions have been helil in the

cuubties of Georgia, at which re-^olutlous aclu aflditlofi to th® oboivB we kei» a Uryt and general i bjjoyv'ltffging the laws and aiilhorilv of tho

I uited Suites weie i-aosed, aud r.-mVlug t'le

AcrrlrnltlirRl IlMniPIlieRt* President to api'Ohit a Provis'u n-al Guvciao.Agrlcnltural biiplemeEt* & Seeds,

oilier AfUla, Flow*,OnttUfE Bcxei,Com aineller*,

Flow*,Harrows,Com Flauter*,Hst Frosses, Ae,Ooltivators, UsT Frosses, Ax

§ar Ageuts wonted lu every Uotuitj hi the Sut®.

PITWN, WUUD, & to.,

311 main Mrcpl, Laalovtllc, Ky.OX: OAS-idaiS

until the reorganization is effected.

Bo-rox, June '21.

The Hon. Thoopliilu? Parson? jire^iilnl eiver

a large gathering ot citizens in Faneuil U.i I to-

dav, tu discuss matter® relating to the lu'meI'iosi<erity of tlie countrv'. Amoug the Ii?i of

speskers was H. Ward B'.>ech‘ r, K H Dam,Gov. BiJUlwell, and other prominent geuile-


men.Nkw Tup.k, June 21.

1 Gold alosed to-cigbl at 1 13.

am going in me.” “Hold on a day longer, pnTfiBvRei eilL M VRKKr.Said Warhburne. The next dav an imimrtanl

Pirr-. i a., JimelioiM u?-ion w ns held^ in it* v-oimcil


At Mr. V\ asbburne 8 reiiue?t Mr. G.aut wa,j im. i; .. .v*i tarr, .• Th,; w,Hk'.bp,'>a.a*v»l»*ca

railed in. H? held an Inierview with the St iie uie. iniKiiiiriyiiihoudiA

aulii. rltiee lor ihil tv minutes, and rtjeu went N*n»i Hull and notmaoL at SOASM: frsa. 40i*44?

tut tvihedeior c^. Guvermir Yates c.hd

(*Ot, ‘ Good G‘ d, >> as‘b*>uriR^ wbo IblUliUlAU,^criptB. ^ifFcr )ow water. Ihe arriv arv 'riilff U4Lt. [

I have learned more aliOUt II0«>t>s in this Ihiriv . tn-iglitm. fietne don? by honi?*. k??i«. aad riots.I

minutes than I knew all mv Uie. AU I can do khlsd on. J**irs *w bb. h^-d. d?iw.-red in iminuti. i

, ,. . -

.t.rf- Y..U''I ITi'I o< ptna at 5-Jc; * « do. d? iver.-d in Angiirt. at 3-. ; i

lor him now is to put him on1 ,ud3.s,dr;o?i«li.n th? ?«-. at at. during Aura-I.


bonit; fklid ft ICiiUlMflll, ftod 1 If cooacil*>l a1 j ^ in I^ilaiiv'Vhia. 4t f4iioo,

Mtti fts ColouU.” The Ihioje wftd d'tne The t*« skik* 6t hbw u i

,e?t of Ihe story the world know? by heart ^Ch.ot^*:

1 , , . . i.k-1 lai' fij; 44 to 47 mvlly: 3iM dn at III,, rkia I

The liftv veors’ peace between England ana I „ |.,n;id iasi du lUUi oil at 31c. pkgs returned. Bak i

Fismte i?'to be celebrated by a jubilee I on p uualiy laid ?ui »t Uw mark c !

U. S. MAILBOATSFur Owensiioru, EvonnvliJa. aad HendoTSoa,

cunncetiug at Evan?vilie wltk the

Cairo and Svansnlls Facketa1 1«. II?w sad h>n4-a.sA aaswirs MOR-MNi XToJl

and UKKY RAULR will laava ovsvy TuasdnMW sdiMaday, Friday, o^d aai.Jdgy , a® 3 P.K

X o 'r I c E


All M®bi and pmwancara must bv at tha Portloa*wbarf bviors 3 u’cloca P. M.. am Ibv boatv wilt as* ha dmiayed afV-r that tima uiidsr any cimin .Isnsss L?>is»%biUa at ladmo. park-ipsa. «c., m ist ha lm« with tb*SKUha CO Fourth swval, hatwvan Mata ouJ Iba*P«v 3 o'ckich P M.dlTdtf J. H. BVNC’*.»;p’E

Itrruiar L9ai7i%ilie,

farroiltoH, and i>dar Lork Park^l®nTK.aWiLM WHILX,

Son Soju-Eoa Misias. Q. W. Wouna, OMcR,Wit! tsava bv Iba obova aud .atari

m*dtil_>B-<?riaiv putnm Monday, WtC.;.iB*|and FRIDAY KVRNtNi)*. *1

imab . 1 Moe>RHBAI> b UO., Aasofo.

^Rfobiil-AR .nail. I.INK P.RiMJiVFar f'larhiwkit,

Cnnnactinf at Ctarinuati witn oarly MMlgrB traia®.Tba agniflcvul passmigw itsamsio

INITRD STATBS Wiirrrna. Mostal015N. LA TUt Ooi.noa. M ?iwi

.^aamaam ^ Ona of tba obava itianisn will laov*.uctuaOy aU o'clock M. RkUy. omlu*

MAjeiR ANDRRdUN Ctnrnn. Mo.«®ri4.1:3?. BCKLL PvuA MsafWill laavo Ibr Iba sama port at 4 o'alaib P. M. daily,kuudnys uiespbA For tndrbi *r a«a*otn wply <ia b-iag*

or la JeriRPH CxMPlo.ii. XgwvOlSaa oa Moil Co.‘s nuaiiauai. am? oi t'-o.-* sttvafo*

Krko’ar Packst far

?Ia<H5oa, < arrallttffi. a t'r4&r Lock®RI.C* Al'INU NO. -L

ta Lima. MsMar D. W. Uoaaa. I9atrtTbia hght-*rai,g|N Wsiwiw wd> 'WW

him as Colonel.” The thing was done The

red of the story the world know? by heart

The fifty years’ peace between England and

France is to be celebrated by a jubilee

LoriavtUs rmvy Twmdot, Tb?ed tnbir4*v, at t a?c!<iakr M.rmiFTH*. FATPriM. * OOi. Ai

k« bexas P-z^ Slarah;lia do BiXinFroriw*te* WOOOBLFP « 008



Wotlccto Oontracton.MBBOBalt wQI be reodved at the

iOmoe wtU Taaider. Jose 27.

)L, to exec«uUie<olk»wlB* wofk,

^e fieeoetd etmt, LaclodiBg ddc>

voK Breddnrtd^e to 8i Joeej'h atraet,

S3e^«ita<*T atnet. tecladUmt tbe dde-

froiB Tbifd atreel to Flow'd etreeC b^ Of-

T*«e 81. CetberiBC itroet. tododlnir tbe

Ik. from ruth atraet to Fio. d atraet, tf[K*« ,

trade Fird atraet. iectediiiK the

tipm Keatoekv to Uak etrfet. be ordi

Brook atrati. iDctadink the aidi-

from Keuneky to Oak atraet, by wdi-

trrade aiMl repara tbe aDer nwaliik ead(t brtweeii Maw and Market and fian

d CUv draetr^ br rara<Btti«:

rake Cabal atraet tram a poiat 720 feet

Kith of Fntuie atrad. to a ooint 1,U"itbwaidlT of Fattnn atraet. be ordiaaBce;

rake Oatiel atrad fr^n tbe aoatb aide ol -

atraet to a poira 720 feet eoathwardlv of

fCraet. bt ordwaoce;trade Uabd atnM from tbe eeleert la

Me crark u tbe north aide of Franklicrn ordinance:

it- and wall a arali at or near tbe inter-

Fuarteenthand Higb airaete:

ir and wall a ctateni (200 barrd«) at o-K intaneotioii of and FrankU,.

ift and wall a ridern (MK* barrel^) at O'Intetaei-tian of Sereniwenth and Ma:-

tf ad wall a detern (600 bairele) at orM intcraecuati of Fnlbw eiraet and Poiv-••II ne.

ticadnne on tie In tbe Gkr Engitiear a

teparave bide on raparate pieoee of pc-tth pood aeenrUy. will be required tor

laoeot workPBIUP TOMFPEBT, Mwror.

a'* Omer, Jane 20. 1865 jefl dtd

Froclbmatkm.MaToa'a Omtw. laW'n.^nxR, Kr.,1

Jane 17. 1066 fpaaona owninc or hatink doira or bofc« in

pMaaeraton arc beratrr reqoirad to keepcantoed npun tbeir praraiaea for Mztrbaa tbir diate, nadcr pcnalir of twentvtut and low of tbe animale found at

t tbe anatratioo of tbe aiUtarv antbor-

J1 piTtone an reqaamed to keep alo;« andI the Wieeie and nUen—partk-olartr o*t

antte.*. Tne aeason demanda tbe ntino-4

n tbe part of erart one to prerant aick-

tui cnch ab uld be watrhfal of bia own— PHILIP TOMPPEBT. Mayor,

loerat and Aneeicer oopr. jelO dflO

LIT nrBAKiM.-Thr B«o. Oarret H. Vaunao

Mdiaiatar Ciaarra la Ibr treaut Oirtrir*,

rnkm...tiUr, FridV. Juar SM.

iMtuiau. Jui.* awh.H r.. H «4.r JaBraWk.»»u •. Turadtv. Jane tTtk.

Mr. W reaiMrr. Joar SWh.• arrahae Taurr4ar, J uua >Mk.aaaur. I'rUa) Juirr, Jab- iR.ktn> M tiMr. Jair aa.

mam. Tiirraa?. Ja*T Wk.neare. Wf4i.ataaT. Jolr ftk.ka ThiirrMr. Jaly Uk.r*«41. FiulaT. Jal Wk.xtoem m. amiraar. Jaly Wk.Rjii> PrrriTMt. Matia>T, Julf I"tk.^TFratin**. W.earaaak)'. Jaly UUi.keriiitt. Thiirraar. Jair lUk.BMtk Ua*v. FriMf. Jalr lack,

k Ora.4 MaoWir7Jalr 17A1i1k.T>MaaBtr. Jalr Irak.

Wr'eaa takay. Jaly Mk.f. Tbaiwtay. Jaly IMk.

FHear. Juli Mat.rUie. aat»Mr. Jalr IM.Mrne M nM> . Jalr attti.

Ri Mar. 1 iiiajay. J aiy Slk- at- W. inraatj . Jalr M*.

V>. Tiiun4a.r. Jaly ITIk.Latnrk. FiMay . Jalr nk.rillr aataiday. Jalr MIk.

Mai.ear. Jaly SIR.Mri iia. T i l 'I


w. AoroR lot.

larrillr. tar AaroR M.w tu BfiRiaiR at I leclaek eack Oar. Hoe. ifirMea «a aMerR CkR «aiwointmrnti.

ISMnthal’t ttale.

kgom McFarlandkr . ^dR S la Cbanewr. Mo.lSt««.

tniwl M Pt-ker, be. *

BT VIKTUB UP b DBCBEB OP THB LOUIS-rUlr CMoeery C<ieit, rauderad la ttta above oaa«a,

the nb rrlrnnd or ORC of OA will, oo Saturday, July 1,

iRtt. idwal the koor of 4 <eclaek P. H.. tell tt publir

gafl*— to tka biMeR biddar, aa the pratniaea Lt that

aati af He cHy «f laRiraiHe fome'ly knowD at Poct-

T. M. EKWIN, F. X. DOSAHl*F.,Iota Aaent Adoma Exproaa Co,

gafl*— to Iba biMeR biddar, or the pratniaea Lt that

El af He cHy of laRiraiHe fome'ly knowD at Poct-d, at> a credit of A lA and le mnutbo,

A norsB Ann lotlo Pi itlanA baviaa a fraat of U foot 4 inebet oo Watarotirvt Uiaeeo CotniDereial and Grove R <•140, by a4r|4h <4 <«t t'ou alley, brine th< eaRRartiy ptr*of 4T fort t iocNt of nr unddeeditd to M.FAland andMuUao kp P.aojuer.

A ItorSF. AND LOTknown aa Lot Mo lb', la tauarr No. M. on t*w plan a)

H. itloi A tatiiaR d ca tlw touthaaot Rmer of MvKetoi-d Ot '•ve Ri««W, liavina a tr nt of 1>A :ert r i M ukRRivrt h. a drRh <f fo.<. upon wbirh or.' * fr»n<


dtn-ll'Da a- d .!> iee-boi •«. Iba lot will be auhdivido,:

and ro:d Rnalfoi pttorla1-hr Houar oi.d L a <ai W tier Rrrrt will be tiid firR

Tbe puiehtaR will be required lo a,va twiiA. witr t;

i proved Mwiiritv. bmrlaa InterrR frotn date until pikic

and a Ucb will be rrta*nod at oddiliotial atenrlty.

Tii<«. A. UUROAN.ftrahti Louit.lile Ctamrer. C<r.ut.


BEarsIial's Sale.T m. H Utvidaun't ex'iA be.,)

oatinR {lDClMaeerr.Nt.1<i.3,:s-

E>eeC. Hailord' 1

By VIRn."E OF A DI',<’REE OF TTIK LOITS-ville CURneetT Court, maforod in the above cauw

,the under^irA ar one ol ua a-ili, an Monday, JuuvM

- iRA tbnnt tbe hour of II o'clocic A. M.. aril at piihik

to tliF hlchoR bidder, at the Court-bouar door.

. in tbe city of Lauir< ille, Mate o« iimtnckr.on arrrd:l

•TA lAP. and Mmortha, r> laiirli aa may b« nrc -aawv

to mtiRy thr docret baretn of tbe pt apR'

ty In plondinai

I aiRjiaDed tin;

A H<n 8E AND LOT OF GROl-SD'I In aaid cltv, ritnated R tha oortheaR comer af Bread

wo.t Olid Brook R'eela havina a front o' l.tafoet oath,i DRib lOdr of a dretbef los fr-t to anallay.

I kr tbe inine Bare or leaa t uaRhia - with the dwr >lar

ERWIN & DONAHUE,foiumission & Forwarding


Oflire. No. *7 Fonrth Street....LO|l^^^LLE. KY.

AGKNW for IIE.M>KRdON. MEMPHIS. NKW OR-Irana. CuD'lierlaiul. luid Truneiyee Hirer P« krta.

Wc haTc nittide srraiiiit’UietitF which will t*o sbls ub to

pmnipllT lrsni>feT and forward freifht for all polutc oo

U.c road» and b> Hvrr.W f n»fccUiiIly solicit coDFirmn«*ntF.^

jlOdIra ERWMN & DONAntK.





AT AUCTION./ iN Tin hSDAV MOK-MNO, Juae iS at 10 o'clock,‘

1 » I. 1 1 I" tr'.i pioiiij ••'.A at a P '*.h’

oo Maikrt .tp-'t Eiyliteoiith slid Nluetr«

an »xtrHtnt U't of llrr Iloy-rhold ki.rnll'i-e rmbiiu-

iian-alHyuiy liaii-cloth I'aricr twG U.ur-rl* t-arp« ,

Bicv* rile Clirtn'lia. Wardioirra.

aid fpclra.a \Va.h Stvnita. Inirain riid 3 pi) Cupeta,

f>i r B<«;ftrKta. marhlr-*np Crutrr Tt.irr K- rrrr.

I'.arra, l.athrr Hrdr anda on Tabic, t baira. Ch na and ‘.l.ia-w r. U XI if

R.ine and Kiiilim I H ' l». with . y H ^ * i 'l

rrrrraar> to a wrll-oppointed rMidoiior: alao a

*'l»^*TT*r ^»e''ai>lo rrn>p'^i-oa a

celiint Eunifiirr ‘f


5. SPKNCPR,•Tirnia raab.

Auctioneer.j3* S3 —

Great Salccf Government Stock.

briM «"d oUmt improvetneok thereon, brine tbr •am'conveyed to toid Bi<* C. BallorA dereaaoA by A. 0

Aai-ui-aBrnn* Draacnmrr np KnirrroKT.ll>'< uviuA. Ei« Jnne lA ladt. )

<<»der». Sk as.

niian baviny been wd* at tb aar headquartmvrorta af alneaa tbR the foatdm oftbetr aiav. aal bv military oalkiirftr. aa tbe and that tbo

iibermod aUwa may be made avoUobe atMied laborer*, their perawia prRncfoA and tbe

to be fivon be aaenrod lo tbom. it la hero-onnRd that, in all naa*a arktra tke owne-t of

A-clare la «Titiaf R> tkeir Ravea that ' haynil tbina* reann! thru aa birad aorvoam. and in

amtiaf asine tt pay tbam woam fur Ikairon anarnu-nl * ill be pint Red la all iR parte

y autlernt)- 1 »aadda4 aoid Aanoratioa ta wiii-—A I,, tur rngRer balarr tome mi itory attotra poR or apodal detachment w beforelta'vhal.aud aaa»-n<id m told a'ave.

beiRc whom andi Areiofeaioa ia auda. will

a copy tbrneR to tke aoid owiaR, and any ORva•akeam.i.iamap a nwp* almihr dedniexian for tkdr mlaor

.-.-ilnrrnHfberitieearfllreaaird the psrtinr to each

em II b«c. and will enfoiee tke paymeau of

Mfii ni i are nlviaed to antt i Into the awree-Biplatad la Mua ardm wkRiever tkC)- con do

k laR and bamaai aiaRM*awawiid R Majar.Qem tal J M Pauvaa.

E. M H skLAM.pbwl Captain and AadRaal AdlVGooeral.

OCLAMaTION BT THE OOVERMOR.a Sberibr af Jebtiaan. BuRUt. WRaan Bpaoner,in, Meade. Laraa. Hart. Bonen. Hooiea, C«B-m»A Uiiitoa. Wayne. SiiRrll. Caeey, tdncola.blaflir Hanon. ToyM. Oraon. Adair, and Hm-dnptan. Honan. Taylor. Oman Adnir, and Hm-taamp ira*' Third ApnallaR Jadidgl UiatriR;tMo JoHUw EnuUML Mr Jadpe of Ike TkirdMa JndidaJ Diatrlot, hneiap baan ramoved fromw tbr OaaaniR. by nad parananl la Ike oddrom"enargl dmenibly R tka Caiamaairaaltb af Ken-tam ibtrR R oaM Honor eaneiuriaatberein—.tkarafara. L Taonoa E. BaaBLcrrm OevarnarC imim nnarmltb o! Kivitaiby. da kerakr diroRI rla rtiar kt held ia Ike aooartaa af JeCeraon.. HefoMk Mi raeer Hardin. Mrada iRnie. Halt,.Maaraa. C'lwharianACItataa. Wayne, • tmel., n aln. WaRuaeton Mtrian. Tei-tar. Graeo,and H. loolfo. at lha arve-ol Rocea af eotiaf

a aulkoriaad for law. an M' iMDtY, the 7tb dayrR. UM lar the larRian of a Judea of Ike Conrlooia IR tke Third Appal iatr J udiRgl IlRlriot. toanrancf armn aoiiibi the raoaovol of Joahaa F.b aiid ibat I an oaiaae poUa to be opened 1a aoidM aawdiaa^; aiR Umt ran prae^ lo eaoduR^ due retara af tke aald aMtioa ia the modeI Raatiaa ia the mode


la aoid eit)', dewribed thua; Bee'““*"»w' aide af Wotoot atraet. a a point *>J, f?'* Third

Rreet. ranniiRtheBee waRwor^^Ui WolDut R-aet

n faR. anil extemliae back Dorth ward!v. «f tbe aeroa

width. R rIelA aneM. Ida faR to oo a'ley. b«na Ibr

reaidmee of B 4. Adoan. drreaaed, lo whom b war nm! vajadbyS D. GroRandirifc.

r A LOT OF GBOTTfD.' With tbe apporfonanoea Iberoan. boeinnt"e R a point

! tbr D«v> aide of Hoio aleart. IMM feR eoR of dec

Iood Rivat. and runnine thenoe eaetwor'ily with Mai:.

Rf«R M fo-t kinebea. and exteodine hirk R rirbt an-

jeka anrCbwmrdly. R aoine width, to Warbinefon RroRbHue tki'tf eonva ad by aaid Adaiu* and wifo l>

Wh'liani I Bullock. Jr., ad nlniRralor. with tbe wil

IomieseO M R. C. Ballard, dreeaerd: aim. Cba* Oalla-


eberY ohlipation. M pkOTf 4k, Inurbind tne aae of theI pert) trail ref-ired to in tiid deed.


ruRTT-SEVEN LOTS OF GR<HTfDI In Adame A HullY additina to raid city, known and

Idmenbed oa the pUl thereof lote Nuv. 1 A A <i. T. alA IT. lA andki. in Kloek No. I; Nr. L A A A T. A II

' Till. lA Ik. k . ami the vaR hal' of IR No. tin KloCaI No X; Mr A k. Ik IL U lA IA IA IA IT. and Iv in

I lil«* No. A Nr L 4 A •: T. A X. 10. lA K la. the ovbait o| tot No. A a'd the eoR Ix f.-etof IR No. IA i

K'oA No. A brine pait of the ptopertr eaavered o-

fo am and daarrihrd iu raid deed from aaid Adaioa t

aaid Hallai<Tr pervonal r-epr'-mitot'Vra. ae alomeaid andare in th, viriuiiy R the purk-bouae formerly owned b)Hull. Hunt. A Co.T« rut) -three loir of erouad in C-oitchfieiav mb-

div iidon of IRt In mid ritr, allotted to raid RvHar<r< Rtafo in tbe eeer o' the NnRbem Bank of Kentuek,aeainRCrutrlibrlA vie: Nm. All and!3<»tlie uortleidr R B mdwmy; K -e. It IA lA IA K. and I*. <os

I north ei^R Jvreh atreR: N<« SA for ST, S<. SA tA an


tl, aai tfo- eeiilh aide of Jacob atrort: Nut. 4A 47. 4A 4x

(A (1 . end tA or tbo noRX aide R Loiiral et. oR. SaidCl iitcliSclg'a aiib-divkion ia bRwean II aneock and Clo)RrrRa.TwenCr lofo af emuiR lo Tbomw* roh-divialoa af lot-

in paid ritv. known and deal nibod on tb.- pUt Ibereo' vfota Nm W>. kl. Xk the weM ba<fR |.-t N v Xt; l.iU N.uST. 44. M. «1. X TA TA M. 77. TN TA Aj .iA 4A tl ai'4 U.brine part R the pmperti ronveyei by Jaa. S Th «»lo aaid B J. Amnir by deed reeoMed in JefferaonCounly Court Clerk*, ofliee. in deed bonk No. DA pacetSX. Ac. TboR loir are dtuoted hRwaao Broodwo)- andMrpIr and Twelfth and e'ltaoentfa Rrerta.A IraR Rload oonloinioc T am*. I rood, and k polar.

1) ine on the narthoRl ride R the Work-houre rootL be 1

einaine R aebReenmerto Pa)BrhlinArunn‘ii< tbeoor|

Willi rayiae'r line noRfa 44M. eaet S3 polot rovermm I

T-t» R a pnfo^. fo a Raka whare Rood a lioeeh tree, cor- -

ner to Gutbrir; tiakioe with aaR tier at Guthrie'# liner|

north l4if eaR polea to another comer to Guthrie:theaMC anlh oaallaor line of Guthrie*, oorth M W. lo aenmer arltb man. In the middle at the aouth fork o*BroiieTaR. thenoe np the creek, with iu meoadet*. Ic

the ernier of tbr ane art* IR convo) ad May 'A laSe. b«Ceo. Pi ice tr Sauter; thenoe arltb a hne of aaid one acreIR aouth W dee tt min ooR tT poim, to the roiitboaRetrarr at aoid one acre loL ia tke north line of tbe four-eere M. which k port R the land conveyed July foIxM. by IHiyrr to Gi-o. Pnee; tbeuee with aaid aortLBar N. 4&V. eaR ItAa polea lo tbe becinnine. beinrthe mine ennva) ed by aoid Adomr and wifo to aaid BjI-lock. adminirtratR ar ofoieaiud: botna the aonte oonveyed to mid Adomr by Sarab T Price bv deed, recarded ia book No SA pare »A and hr J. A. ^xldm.and wifo b daad recorded in hn4i Na luA poxekA leaone acre thereof. eoU to Broarr and conveyed by doeAreemdud m book No. luA pare did.

The undivided I alf R a IR in raid rttv, hneinnlnx onIbr BOitb RdeR Kr Ur Rrret, do tretemt at Campbe"itreeA mi.iiina thence e-rt with KeiUr rtmt SO teRand rxtmdlna bock northwardly 134 . tecA to a thixtoR;foe« alfoy.Thiae Ictr R round in DeWRf*r weRem addition t<

wu4 Rty, ibe Bnt brxi ni<-d on tbr erntn rid* R Mvinrtrret. 74 <• i4 erR R Eichtri nth RrueA runninti thenaeaR wit* Haiti rtrcR 34 liorA and extondiiic back tluaame width R riyht auclrc lOi focA lo a 10 foR allev:

the treand brcinninc on tbe amath ride at Maio atreR.MAR eoK of Nil Reeuth aitecA nuuiiac tkrnor ranantb M hh atreet 4*- free aiidextmdi'ic baRaoiithwardly R liltkl oaalea lU' ieiA to a 1" foR alley, the third,brciuiiltip an tlw nortb eidr R Maio RreeA 4* foR ear,R K im-leautb RreeA tbemw eoR aritb Main Reeet ttforA aaid exfoudinr back nRtbwordly tbe aonie widthloo teet. to a Iv leet alley.

The raRwonUy A< foR Ra IR booad«d thna: B*rio-nine on Uw rouUiwordlv ride R U.Kh rtreR ISO loRwi-Rwonltv R the routneaRwardly comer R He. SI; thenoe by a Hue whiefa wou d be R riratonyfor to Pivtlauo Avraue Hu faaA more or law. to apRiit Sk’ leR diatont tram the avenue: tbeooe R rUbianairr wcRwardly SO foR- thener R rtytal aocler northwardl) Sdu <oR BMwe or lean to Uieh atreaA thenoe witt. !

Hiah atieReaRaardly to the bcaiuniiwi. beiiio port o:

eoaaln teolr Nm SS and SK. in (ieneral hvtir’r mapA IR betniuiiiR an tlw aeutbwaidly aide a Uicfa atreeA

fo( leR weRwardly at tbr nortbeaR comar R eountrycR No. SS. tbCLoe with tbr line R the malty abovedmrribrd. and which would be R riybt onylor to thePurtioad Avenae. Sfo facA morr or leaa, to on alleytbeooe R licld onylm wcRwordly 4u fecA thenoe Rrifht aiiyier nortbwardli Ox feR more or Ima to ilixbRreR Ibeiioe with Bipb rtroR oaRwoidly to the bepiniutw.AbtURport R tbe (atlowlny dmcribrd propeRy. in

J. fliTMO county. Uitir en tbr eorlem aideR tie Lmiirvilw tad Naebville KRlmod. Said tnurt ir on tbvwatcfv RPiodCreak. and ir bounded tliu,: BeriuoinaR a rXake. near a beech and awrR yuai. come: p-

Phiilipr* tbotwond acre enrvey . thenoe north TAoaet aS.'

piika. to a inim and two beech Rump*, lo Allen Davie'title: Uwoev north A>H.and XS pok* to a Rake near l*irav

BOBUr Ikencc uotth A'i'a. woR SS paler, to two yumr’ rud a m«pl«, coriwr to GaiUU'r aurrei ; thenoe rout 1 h

dry 64 nun. n.R kSpoM. to aiCoiw marked P.:th4noe‘ Durtb If**. wnR TSAX pofoo. to a Rake to Ihr liiae M

Swords, “"i



Hat Cords,

Gold 4 Gill Shou;der Strapsif

I flimM Ot 18 tiOl

i llr cf.intnsii

1%/r A -r> . T3 . H.TTI3:I1a’3. ;

>h«A<ii«=y i^i*

i iSl <."i

Fourth, het. M irkvt and Jeff-rrm ata.

jelt dim

TMe riorence !Ti?litiiigatc ol gy yjJQ]the Xurberj.

Ir v||| *TMU11S

The follewinf U on extroR fiom a letter written hy v/^ld an >the Her. C. Z. Weieer, to tbe German Keform''d Mt* emUocini: e*i

w uyer, R Cbambcrrlmry, Pennaylvoaio: wR inA BENEFACTRESS. llaudlien'hiefi

Juft open the door for her, and Hra. Winslow will Ij H *

prove the Ameticoa Florence Nuphtlnyolo R the Nur- ChRlny, Ovei

rcry. Of tbia we ore aure, tbR wa ariiJ teach our Teima coah.

•Bua)*'toaay, “A mmeiny ooHra. Winalow” fur tieip-***

iuy her to aurvive and eacope the yripiog. oolickiny.;

and tcRbiaf aicye. We confirm every word tR forth in^

be Proftwclua. It performr procieely whR tt profotew FOIBTEEN

topetfoTB, every portR tt—noUiiii« leer. Away witli /\NBATUR1your "Ccedial,'* "Pamporic," •‘Uropa," “lAudaniiin,' ^ will to a

and ovary other “N trcotic.” by which the babe lavRi,^**14^ Ho

dniestd Into Rupidity, and rendered dulloud iiUR.c with ret eiol t

f« life.Term. oath.

We I'Ave never aeen Mra. Winalow -know her only.

^throurb the preparation R bet ''Sojthiny Symp for

Children TevUiiny.** If we hod tbe power, we would

make her, aa the U, a phyaieol mvienr to the Infant BKII.A, Vit

Race. St cenu a bottle. Sold by RI Drum'iRa.

>*’*•*’“i f'.N MONDA

Oiri. X A-mxtavt Or.KvruuixTrA >

l'»Mr Nr.i.xox, KT- Jnne I's I'*!!. $

B There will to aoid i.t DiiivUlA.-ftt,

- Ky., ei niiii' niiny .lime 2'Uli. l“'»v%t a jarte niinitor nf nii-i-ieiciible

. aiiinial* - lloire«..Mar< a and M .ilea. mJ|i2^bka1 a n‘ » iil coii.iiieiir,' la '.' o'clock .AM, 'TmTiy,

June I'R. and contiiiur from day tu day fouudaya,-xripfi-dj ui til all an aoid.

Tciuia eaah, and the auiuiala to he rcmovid inua?di-i.tely hy ih# piJiftoixT.

The all' iition of faibiera and Stork dealera la called totlii- aale. Thi onin ala ate very niiieh aiiw rior to tieecUriially arid at condemned aalea, ni< ft of them tolnx on-ly t< inpororil) unn-rvin able and wild beraiiM< ih<' Gov-cinnu nt ia not likely to have liirtber iia.- for them.

lie nniinaiiiTof Major General J. .M. I’tiJiKACom-niandicic lX|iaitcii.'Ut 01 Kentnrky.

F. B. W. HKSTIEAT X.jil f Capt . A. M.


{ ^ THURSDAY, S3d Jane, R 10 A. M., win betold an aaaoilment at Staple and fancy Dry Good.,

emhrarini; c*a<* .loana. Coarima’ca. Meltona, fllotlia.

flaiiiiola, ire. bRra ixiiabiirya, Ticka. Domeaiiea, k- :

1m aeverR inviiicea R SoiRl Warea. Snap«nd,'ra. Linenllaiidlien'hiefa. Silk Hondkerebiefa. T brradA &€.

At It M. will to told an oraortment R Bwdy-modeClotMnf, Uver-Shlifo, ll'.ta. Capa, Ac.

Teima coah. THUS. ANDERSON k CO.,JIX d4 Auctiouueia.


• _ _ >ol mimL BltuiOrd sboi

^\^TE.^TI«^,Sn LEItS;’;

1.1 1"' fruit tn ea R llie I



: der^oul cuUivHt'ou anT I J n* • TMf U 01 iIk- mori

iCifats,TooaccoS| 8 iio FiaeSi;j

. O' ’ r * pitfHciwiOD cculd be ail

• ^ a.1 a. -asymrtA a** jesr. ll W8llt«*d: % prr rent 'em thsn owt, onlr for SO diyt, at : - ^ ^75 p,.r


rciD.t Uoiicarbon. . tor, liidS.

3^4 MRd aA. bet Third A Fourth, north aMe.- (inTaitASoo'aStorej. . j; p._An omuihna; JelT dSm . I o'c ivk 1*. M , to occunit

yj will to told, at Stiurkenc) '• SUo'a comer ol Mor-kR and S eoud Rrerta, by order R Ilopkina A Mcll-vuii.e. 14 Horvea and Mnlra well tatoke to UurnrasWith eeteiol t'axl Brood Mold#.Term. oath. C. C. SPENCER,JSi' 46 Am-tiatwior


PLACE aT public SALE’

ON MONDAY AFTERNOON June •34th, R 4 o'coek,on the pr. niiaea, will Or poeiiivrly soal lo the hiah-

erthidd r, my country ai- iL c.'n»«iiiinii y) acre, fovol

No 1 'Rid. aituRvd about S mi tw beyond fi'-ai toll-y-.te

on tbe lliirdetowii T le improeoaicuta ore ruli-

rUiitiol, R d the jilaee every wa.v lii aiiablc Tbore arel.G^' fruit tn-ea of llie beat kind- fiiarl nearinxj on theplace, rood w ati r, outbiiildinpa. Ac. Tiie place ia uii.

deryoid cullivathu oudennoad with id.uik fonciiiK.

'Tliia ia lair ol Ito mort beautiful placca in the vicinity

ot Ijouiaville. Tbe place will b: aoid, aubj-ct to a 6

) 1 ara leoic. froai lat NovemluT. IxM to I'xi'.*, Ctbouqbpofaeaaion could be umuted R eud R tli a or a ly anc-

u-i'diur year, it wanted) at llie rRr of «|Xoii per annum,pavab e R ^76 p,*r uioiith Tile ieoae inciudea aboutel.ixbol yeiroiiR effi-vta. TilV rood.

reiDii Hail caab on lat .fiilv and half en lat Nnrem-tor. Ie«i6. T. W CH.VMBEKLIN.

C. C. SPRNLEia, Ancui na«t.

N B.— An omuihna will leave Stonoer'a atore at I

o'c ivk 1*. M , to accunimialRe all wirhing to go ciA iVee

ot I liarge. did

roll SALE oil KENT.




W r WHaL OFFKH FOR PATaE ON THR Ud davul IK'lolirr ou tbe preiuiMt ** the rulu-

sMo l..n Fri*|HTly kiimrtk m Hie TKSNESSEKI OLMNO >V(»ltKSa wiih ^.441 rf L«n'% sImiuIMN ncrft> fai Using UiiH, clenrtd sud uoirr friiro,

pitUHtud oil the i iitiilierUnd River fittv ruil«*« *hovf tbeD'< nth. In Lynn rttunty. Keiit u'Sy, eiabrscin^ s lirtfeSlid con.pIeU' iC(fl<iiig Mill, s Forge with tWt'nt.v Nob-bling Fiii'iu s Mprliiu#' Shop cotaUiulng L\t^08. Horiiig


sod Flsuiiip Machine*, s lih s R dli r and Kririne loiiin PfOftrHte fioiti witbs Glut Mill attkrhed. sli«n,e WsiehfUte. I>rr Gisod* St-ore. Rtiok Oihoe, and

Is large iiuUibtT (<f n«ellinci> for Wa>rkm<‘n, AliMKa!>oil

! fo't> thoiusnd hi.phelp of Stouo CoaU ^d tixl/ Ibju-4sud biiphcip of Charcosl.

'J he aliove iron Woikr have been in puecoaeful ope-ralir>i4 h»i a ihiuiImt ot yeara* and the rryutatlo i of iha

iron fully i-ttabliphcd. wiiu a capacity for masiue five

or rix ih* uf^aiid of nujerlbr ObairtJsl Irou \ early—un-uip«»»<-<l hr »uiy m*nuUcto(7 in Ibd United Stnli't.

1 he fMciiitiep for obUinu g aO;: Iron are iiip* rlor to a^iy

efUbU. kiiJtuI IU the Woft, lb« ra b' lug three thereoffuiiiiuis one to ihreviutlea of tbe M‘1 cxpibieof yrc duciijg kwh oreiibt thociaud t<jua of i*ig iron>«eai ly,

Tlie facilities for rbtaininc ch^p piippUoi of Uoru,Puik. and iitht-r ai tides* are uiuunms«L‘d.bhipmriit« of iron can he made to ibe inoiiih of Cum.

beilsud Kivtr all ecspont of tbe year.

Tf rina of • nie:

*n^e Rdling Mill. Forge, and Lands theieto allarhed,

sll too'H. rnihraeiug Mill, Force* and Blacksmith T<m>Is*

and Weighing goal*-# sie t*> be sold o» a credit of •me.

two. thiee. Slid lour y»‘srs fiorn d-de* with approvedst<curity, Slid lien retained until the purchsae money !•

paid.It if understood that the pnnhaser of tb** mill, lands,

and fixture* ie to take th»* wroug\j| Iron and cast iron

irtaps, ptotie coal rharroal, farming tools carpenter*!

tcoli, corn, bay* muh-s, cattle* bogs* iron safe andlix-turss in ofhr«', WMv'aa-. CHiia nirdiciiu'e, audp«y<'«sh at a fair valuation, two disiuti'rested men to fix

said valuation; in cute the}* do nut agree, to call iu athird man.The object of the talc is to c'ose up said buaineee

I agre« sbie to the sriicies of partnership.I'apilalnU wiBhiug to invest in a profitable iron prop-

jeity will do well to examine tlie natne, where compe*b'ut men will be rrady at all times lo show the pr'^ertyand give ii.riiiculara until d«y of sale.


Saddlefji Harness, and Tfunl Cincinnati silk house

^ Jfi


BFCBS. aad HOESK COVEHtt eoMtontiy on baaS mlmafia to arfior oa akort nolioa. and an the moR rtaaoaafoetorma. JOHN M MYERS,Baceaaaot to C. PbOOL, Ren at tbe ORdou Saddle,

tlT TUrfi afoimt, bRweou Kaio and MarkR.


trattaR Po>AU>EKT Jou!«e<ia—two view.; 8r.<'aa.

TABT UaanaM: Queen Victoria; the Bmpre-i Eugenie: ^ O 1 xZktto Emperor Afoxa»der;Juliua Cwaor, with akrtebea of *V XX C.)Xfc*?^C4. 1 1?Character; the Conepiratnra, and How they Look: tlie i

Phyeiogpomy R Clamea; L ve and Lovera: Second Mar- m.vv 3tUF*11* ti

Silk andMiUinery Goods,Enlarging the Lnnga; Immortality R tho Mind: AWotKlaful Prediction Fulfilled; Hymeoiol Poetry; ^O. 2 iMaiden'a Eyea: An Appeal from tbe South; Arta and

Artiata; Practical Pnwcliing; Work-Day Raligion; A ^ rn T 'A*^Hiut to Maiden Ladiea: DicUonory R PhrenRogy and ft— J- XM ^ .A. -tto A.wi .Am. x * ,w-w .

Pliyaioguomy, with engnvinga; Uala-a New NRion.

i luatrated: Our Country: -Able-bodied Men;" Early

Potriola R Aineriaa. Uluitratod: Our Finaocee; Tlw hSV6 lU't & V^rVAtlantic Coble, and Americana in England: with much ,

^ ^,


‘«cli VicwHi and

mu -w. am.. r./wuyi • wauiA siaDdard faats of all (malilies.No. S'**, Baoaliw At, N. Y. isUdiwS • n • vt rt— flowers m Carmine, Rose, Bull,

NATIOKAL CLAIM AGENCY. ard other choice colors; Ribbons in

No. S'**, BBoalittai, N. Y.

/w Tratmmam Whmaf. I faavv hetwootoa I. aubaciibi ad a y pamo. and aaaae 4 iba goal R

. AtoOamnitiiwiabli to be annexed. DmcR Franktaat. tbia 6(h day R Juno. 1M6, gad

HIb yoor R the ComnMiiWwalth.THOR. B BRAMLEm.

Oavntnar .

4d E. L Vak Wuiux Sacrctoiy RStada.

PUBLIC SPEAKING.*p *> Tonna or naamoca ootwtt, kt.L Tkytat. aamdldaae tar tbe l,nr«RRii «• will ad-foe tramte R tbr tRlowiogtimm and plnaot, to wit:viSr. Thumdai. Jana tU.lam. Frtoo). Jana SMri^arL tatarday , JaneMIb.mat die. Monaor. Jaaa SKk.or timknt mmfo trill ba madt Moa. Rpoakii girtoRP M JTdAwtd






*s Ohk) Reaper& Mower,

SdSpole* to tto fowinuing oo»taiaina 16v aerea.Tto puichaaav will be rr*ulr«d to give bmad. with ag.

provad aecaritr, bearing UiterrR Irom date until pmuad a lira trill bd retoinod m additional aoenrtty.

THUS. A. MOR'*r»t..l Louforille Oboneor)' Cmirt.

N. BEALL GANTT,y IS <**4 Dapuf Mar-ba!.

V twenty -nvv uouara. awe up.u uk ki*;uufvu, vi

SHcHenzie’s HoteLE TUE PBoPlUEDtR. JAMU H> CKSZIE Hon. Alex . Ramaey, Senator Irom MioueiotA.

IgleR the Loui viJle HoteL would reep-ctfuly Hon. R F. Fenton, R New York..naouiior to tbe citiartia R Louiaville and tbr Major-Geairral Pope.

Btoir R Kri.twcfcy. and to tae travel lug eonmooitf Hon. R. V M balcy, M. C , W«R Va )e6 eod imotreaeraily. ihR be baa opened a luge and comin idieu-bote: on tto eaiMV-R Set vntli aad Market atraeia in tbia

etty, where beta prepared to rumiablndgtiig.dtybouA ^^V FWfTlLTA* — AIT AmVTCI“.rT" ?***'^^*: EOIdTiX'!G UJmO S.

Thi* H«trl DM biTti thoroucblr r«-pnirv4. irfuruiRbcd.end fitted up iae Mpirb and elegant manuer. ao oa P/ iMixivTvn awn aaiv nvcamtMB to the wanU R tbe pnUlc generally. Th IM1*0RTED AND hOK BALE BYbouea will be kept w both tbe European and American


plena. Meela amy to bad R any hour during tbe day. i | A ^ D D D ITTCDand lodginga will be fumlifo-d to permaaent and ' ij LR 13 • ri II I Ib It


mnoieol gueRa. Day foiaid fumiah'd an maaonoblcj



ZNTSBXrAL B.EVBBrUB.^lAiE»-,<I*aT'MIFJIFTATES INTI:RNAI.BEVEXLT’:. AS4FS Jel4^^V srwor** jLlfiwe, Third Uistiict Ketauch^'t Loaii-

thi* d vuiet. iucludiog tb^ eiu «f Lgoui^v'Utesnd c^nty I Dr. Velloc’s Pink Cerate,

l.i iVa Ui< idioued in wtirdule A, oa pruvided for in tto .^ *•* *T? *^*2 ^ ArtPiea. la ttia only aatr

law rMitled-Aii act to provida littiwiial Rereouat. “f r«n*d) for 8at« ^agahM. URtoe^-mUaipport « V «<wenimeBC to pay IntotvR on tto p.iblic * o'hin. unimured oi^dtld. and fv other purpoara. Approved June 3>i. l-*:i

*?*?, **?? J"' ”'*'*?*'

? Haa amenddd by tbe^ Rllareb A l-dk Ac Ac." faee worth a demn R any other remedy in the market, oa it

to lx iaS^eT^a, i ilc., aw:. looe

iavaterate maeaR Caur Imu. BaaI Uuvetore giw bvtiee to RI tox piyei, and Rbera lo- ' Kupwaon ahould

foieaord in tu-w' hau. tllR they ore open tor public inj

R »!**• mvRuable roiuody, oa tt in

DANIELS &: SHERWOOD,t hades most in d^mind together with

avanet, of straw 'Irimminssc«rdsu.c.

Xas.xls, Ornampiits, Jrts, sc.J. Daniels, u.l. 8uerwood,

i - *LRe cra., t. 8 A. LRe Q M., u. 8. A. Wc havc »lso determined to oner t«i

tk E WOULD INFORM ALL MXLHAKY OFFl . , .g'*„l.,„.V» ceio. whether in or o.itR the aervico,thR we have (iUT TCgU HF tmi'e VCU great inUttCe-had large expel ienor in Ibe aeufomeut of the aocouata * eit * ir*R Rtaer. ito OOTeruroent an^^ a pei^oa mU tS IH jOb lOtS Of BOnilCt*, llfttSkno*rUr*fge of wIiaI t« requiivd and aceepied in even J ’

'nT‘aS:end''.to£to!i^ie*:r«^^^^ RiblNtn^, Flowefs, Lace’, ^iliI', and

general Mii inery Goods, of which ih«ytbe IRh-r caae. RI dra U ore obtRued from the U. S ; . H , _;i ,i. ...l,,,,-.'1 1raaurt, and mode payable to tto aider R the olfi^, Will TO Well tO 111811 tllCm^elVeS,oo tliR tnere it little <v no danger at lota.

We atttle Ri claraea R army uid navy ooeoniita, cR- — — —Irct bark pa.r. bounty. rxmaioiM, and prlxe money, with JAJjfT££ J) gJJfTg gr (JQpr"tuRu a. audd'vpatcb. '

We alao give ajvrial attention to tto clR>ntR R! Peart ttrert^ VInrInnatt,loyal eitixrur. for puperty taken or d'wtroced by the

umy, collect or piircbaar Qiiorterraaotera' vouehera, ouopioaecute rIRna tolore tto Coait R CIRma. We re-

quire DO advance tee. oud RI iuloimation given free oi

charge. Our ordinary fee for aettling otKoera' acoimutria twenty^vc doUora, payable upvU tbe avUiomeut Rtbe aaeouuL

Bxnszxais;Hon. Alex . Ramrey, Senator Irom Mioueiota.Hun. K F. Fenton. R New York.Mojor-GeiierR Pope.Hon. R. V Whaley, M. C , Weot Vo. )e6 ood imoa iicag

tritoire in iiu-ae iiau. iiiR they ore open tor public m-ipa> t on. aad will oo rrmRn tor t e da> i.. and ail per-atifa who A aiie to cerreel ttoir liata hy oppva! from tb<rtlumr made bv tto Aaaiatvttt AM..-*.ora can do oo atOU) lime tto tow a*ya RorraRd. All app<;a


toual to in wriuiig and muat vpvrifr the pa'Xic ilar'CM-. ii.<iller. or U:ing rKpi-ctiug which a c=-‘s.uo !•

• qiiert'-d. an' n.uat alao •OaP- tlie rmuod ar p'ioc:pl''error oninpUined R. No appewia will to lin’d o corrir'iru, n ed< ill tlx- liata Ktter the aome bare ptaa diuP' t)'.* hai'Oa R t'o* Co! t-ctor.

A1 |- iiv”i- »ha riquire Uernara, and have fRl.d t"re: .-a .i: i. ocur< tto a«ne. and all paraoto' rryiin d blaa to make r turn R thru inoomr tax. or a-ti !• •

U'l iitu I • d i'. irik'du'c A. arc noir aulijcct t-j tto p.-iia:-

tur Ui p «cd b. law lot tailura ar t<. do.KIIGAK SEKDH.VM.

}lx Aaaaaaor Till'd l>.at K ut i-kv.

wy. II DiN'.ax. » ( r. M ssiTii.Lata B Q M.uti. Inu.CaV.) ,Latc 14. Q.M. tobKy.UL

Rirea tp*vdy rellR.

Be aure and gR tbe genalne, iranafactured by T. WFamrwottb A C'O., N-abville, Teun. For rale by RIdruggiete. Sent to any a'draaa on loraipt R fil 11.

R. A. BUlUNfiUN A CO., WhowaRe Ag't*.

JeP dSm touiavilto. Kv.

Froclaaiatica by the 0«ve.ncr.

S300 Reward.

ifisell’s Combiced Reaper ' ^ SHI HI,

With DHOTPEB reqral to SR:-Kaker),

ntucky Harvester,

io Chief Self-Raker,

No. 419 Ji firnra atreR bR Fourth A Fifth (up aiaica..

XkO-UjLMK7-llJ.Oa VC -y.

A o aeyBforthe forctiouoi€^0 srnnK'nt Claimp.

W'HLGIVFSPIX'IAI. ATfESTIOS T<) M4KIN".» up UFIT EKV wETUKXS PR'bJUK SG CEltTIFI* ATIJi i»F M»'-lNDEBTEL»Ma> CUU.ECTl.NG BA< E PAY. PFNSluNs B -UNTY. and all mantier Ot legitimate ciauu arRnR tto UulM StateaOwi < Xtouaive expeii. aor In the S-rvioe and Claln.

BuRoava, aitbiwo eXporMoord Poitneriat Waabiogtoo, D C- affoid, us rupariar loriliuoa for tto rinrtwtul provrrutMai at any buaiueaa antiu-tod to our care.jeI6 OA* Im DUS lAN A SMITH.

BTOTZeUW’E HAVE TAKF.N. TEMPuRARlEY. A PART* R uefitw-Rort WorRiouaeoa tbeeuroarR Sav-mwb and Hru atraR., wtiaic wo ahoU b« plemed lo aaeOT' ftimiA aaR rtiatomcmThimjgh Iba kind ond^g'-neroat offora R owr noigh

bon m tho tigov here, are wiU p-otuptly axocuto all or.daaavi.tniatad I" oa and will take r~rra^1 meoau am tcr^niab am atoek firam tto Eoaura aurkata w thout

fo^lhia adxtr daya w* h -pe to bo oHa ta oecupr rareld BiorrR huab.eaa partURy Oeatrryat bv die.ie1kdlSAw4 K. A. RuBINS IN A OO

1 • wOTZCB.[Celsiora \V*' have TAKF.N. TEMPuRARIEY. a part" »» R U«fit«-Rort WorRiouaaoa ttoeoroerR tor.

mwb and Hru atraR., wtMic wo aboil b« plemed lo aaeOT' ftimiA aaR ruatomcmThrmjgh Iba kind ond^g'-neroat offera R owr nolgh

gvgvr^ Tnril/am lUT/anr/xm bora m tho tio'v here, we will p-omptly exoc-ito oU or.

OOG Junior uG.0Weri draarMruatadtom and will take prompt moaau ea tc' ra^nlah om atoek firam tto Eaaura aurkata w thout

fo^lhia Rxtr daya w* h -pe to be Rita ta oecupr rar, ,

tod pioaeR huab.eaa portUlly deatoryod bv die.

jntucky Gbpper. . a »oM.stiN , oo

BOOTS! BOOTS!.BONOURANTACO., iauu Bocite <4i dRrala Mr —Hr'rhtMip hf

Mm su. ktt. TMrm^

SM u t e ri!i

^ ud Apdthttari, riiUlJLLsK.KomMrlMM oMOnen. * R tbr above named Ai.

IdiClSVlLLB. kt.BgoD vrooK or pukk luoiGiMBa toilct^Hrioa Pwjiimtoy. foo, to wbla i ^ at-



m** aMMoinat

Zfotice to Bnilders.CF.ALPD PeOPudkLs rOM THE VARIOUc4-. w rka and mabriola oeoaaaory for tbe alieraciotwDd adritfon, R t e Fi'th > d Tveth W*rd City Sefaool-toueea wi.l to reoR<ed by tto oi deraigurl. «t ttooflb,R NKAlWHAW ABitU.AicbItoet.. HainaBeet,a*«vaTM'A an<il U M ot Saknrd-y, the Sttti iiul Plan-ord apeRficwlfona tar aoR work may be aavo R tbt oOc-R Ihr above.namiR Aicb.toua.


]I4 dW Brilding OoBm^ltea RTFS


« c a ihal « He Graeu J''vn did ioM'V' l'">6. aOl d n.urdai .I’.hn Miller, in Adavir county. oa«r C >!knORa, Ky.. gi.d ia iu>w, a fugitive bum juaUco auj gaimii raive.N .w, tbe-Rore, I Ttioa E. Bramiotte, Ooveruor R

Ibe ->nwesm sfoii* id. do b«T6t>< oTo” > re•id o' thiA*# hMiddred AoUsrv fm the sp^rahsaxioa 0(

t *fo.icCvteef Ji/baeona aud hi* d^^Lverr tu tbd ia’lCT* Adair couatf* wlthia oae year 'rom tbd dite her«M>r

^^r*s Ia tminiiiii. irtMreuc. A laava hareu it

fof m} hsud. S04I eaiMd th* aesi of ib

\ J — j^offiibonweiilth to be aftixed,

5 Done nt Frsukt' ci, thir tbe *tr daT of Jime-Slid in iLc «4tb r»*r of tlie Cka&x^jcoMealih.

TUOb. H. BiiAli;RKr'’S*By tbe 0*^emor:

K L. VAM WINKLE. l*e T«l*r> of

By Jaa, K. Pa.OE* AieiaUr.t >tirret<ry. )el2 dim

Administrator’s Sole.K’ILL BE SUED ON Till KSDAV, THE 231b D.kVFt R tto prtaeul ui'Uita ol June. RI ttiepi auaalpa. p* tv tol Dgiug to tbr eatHte R tlie Rev. David CP wtor. deeeaard, R hia form, two mdea bolow Fraukkri, cuui ating at atoi.t

dP bead R Marea Mule ColU, and Young Horaea.

aome R tbim very auperior;I agvd Jack, a good breiRer;A ae:eR IR R Milch Oowa and Ileifera;

All the Hm aabold ard Kitchen Fumitnra very poodAnd Kaiming Uleuaila R variou. deeei iptiora.

nUiiale lo oommooce about 9 o'clock, and may coo

tiDuc two daya.

Txkuk or Sale—


or anma R d'i and ander cash; fo:

uma nver lit aud uR exceeding $xu. six montlu' credit

CTM fitV, twelve mnotha' credit rill be givou. N'Aer

w>ih good Hcurit) (alampa IncludcdJ. rill be requirac

*f tbe luiulniiff btlore ibt* n ino»*l of th^ pr^^*»tF.JAMia R HIGUKS,

T4 dtd Adm'r R the EeUle R D. C Pioelor, dec'd.

K. B.-A l» t R Mi.lea will alao he aRd. ^

A. M. STOUT,Ocle Col. ITtb RuaU Kj'. VtL Iuf.j,

.Attonxoy «xt l.iet'w,LOUlSVIfoLE, KY.,

H as returned to ms profession, willpisMiae iu all the FcderaL atiiiUry, and Stat-

oitiU he'd in the c.t), aud proaeeato cUiau agaiiut

I’.ie Unttad Siatoa.

in the Law School Balldlng, in Court P .ee

Dtau tto Corrt-houao. jel4 o%t

nm. c. K. kPKJtrcBm'H

Fragrant Odouselaine,I*or- tlxoTootlk.

It ia oneR tto very beR artielea far dean ring and orotarvlag tto Teatb over Riered to the p'lblic. *od ia warranted to eoelRn no add nor may Rhor ingredieui iu

Ito lead injuriout to tbe tooth. A eake R .uuTior %n<Apaale orcampaniev each bottle. The Odoufotaiue eta Vafonnd R wbolraala or retoll by DmrgMa gonnra'Iy.

C. L. SPKNCEB A C<1, Pr iprivtoraProvl janoe. K I

DEVAS BARNES A OO , Now York, SJa Arei.t«. tow biiE all o.tieta ahnild b* oddieated. jex dim

R W. TUCK, A. P. TUCK1 Chriatiau Co. LouieviUo.



Late with Ptolpi. CsIdweU, A Co.

iTUCK, I >AVIS, & CO ,


COMMISSION MERCHANTS.JU3 Mnin Ntrrel, Uel. Kifililh JL Ninth,



Plielpe. CaldtvelL 4 Co. Sprat! A Co. Geo. W. Witka.: Glover A Co. Kon-ild A Bi'o,

B. W MoCrae. Clarkavillo. Tenn.MaRe) ntot', McGowan, A Co., New York.


kllJID BnlllDlXli!I

The I.II.IITNIMl Fl.Y-K II.I.KK b an activa

: p< iac*i retiren.'d aUi active iotlie* to t^eir entire <ic«truo-

It kilU inttmtlr. Try it. Vou vrill tbt* c^erd and dyitix 'kfith’D five rairaiitc*. They r*suuHa«ra* to iall iuto amibiYif; but eeuemlly die ue^rtdt

- p'aU*. A Ho4r!e wliere file* are Udek* wlU kill »qnart. FMlow the d rerti*Kii a id witii n*n tJie rrauU.

Krmen.licr th-it it i« DL'TCUKH*d die* thii. attc*

renuc (he liu^- ixmt.ttioo« th.t aie ofi.* ed. Tke rt:a

ailicle it tor tale by all rrxpActablc l)rue>.i*ita and ftei

cIauU. wnu.*iON ft Pf.TKKvR. A. Kum\jt*»N A CO.,KDVt AK1> WILDKR,

Scott Connty Farm for Sals.|PM WlMllNG TO QllT FARMING, I

ft ill fell n-y Katin- FiiuaWd ou ibe water*Nutth ^IkboiT). tiiar tbo ('neat Cro*a*

liiXto, ."ajd unit * frtmi ( lei okt town, contaluhi||k^7)ditc tw,

75 arr*8 ot th** tttubei laiidiu tbe dt ite. i'n * ia

one cf the n*opt p <Mlucnve fauiui in |!ie itute, peeuliarly

adapted io Die r- lainj o' stock It ia uiid**r a h ph a'at^

ot riiitivalioii, 11 lanced* with water in abmilAiie-* at

all •' baor.* ot the yoir. T)>e in rrovemviiU coti2 *t of alariecwriliiik'l otiae. tuiltin W1 eotita niti^ 13 rooiua,

with all the siode n io p ovemeuta and cuii\* in* uc *t

aii4i rther buildinra nee* a«ary to car: yiiu ou <a aiinfone: iitiona—o eta' (I cotilMliiing ah*mt 4 U tHtbCh «ud ap*

pie trera. and a ».'ieat Vkri>‘ty of a.t hU fiuita aui b*9r-

r.ra Teiu a t ery eaay to tbe iMi c *H#R*f.


llIiJllLtry B^and for Sale a Gre.Yt



- . ONY OK THK M* STCKNTUAL AND BKSTataitdto <or th*- MilH' ery and t>re«a-)(akius bo«i-

neaa in LdOtiievill** can be linil at a ba <%iu;AuderaBox H'A>* L* ulfviiV Kv jli«dlui

City School Bonds for Sale.

Tm.SP Ik.NDS, TO THE AMOUNT OK *1»Mj0U.weie iiioeU tor the puipoee of btnidmf new arb<Jol-

houM*. ±e. Tbeir tasue ua* a t^»o iz^ by an alfn<»*t

uuauiuioiia vote of the people, aud wiia alao ordertt I bye G*‘'eial ( oiirc U with tho appntval of the Mayor.

7 Iuy will he due Iu twenty vea*^ limn their Leue* audIxar il tereat at the rat4‘ of 6 p»r cent pnr anuuiu* paya-,tie Hia.-aauu^lly at the lifflee of the City Tiea«iir'*v:

the pavDxut ot both uite*’ept aadprinr*fp«l beiBf a^ rujTil by the coUrctiou of au aoiounl of t.t\ ont' e nc evK’d pio^crty of the eity. Tbe tax tin* Uat the *ale t»l 6 eeute on the $U>0. and will pioduce aoexc(w overihe int n*et of aboi.t :illu,0'Jd.

Pcieoiie wkhieg to icveit in tluaa nonda will apply to

A. 8 WOODKI KK.Cbalnnan Fiuance Con tn*tt*»e B T. P. 8.,

At the Oftice of Wi*odn IT A Co*. Main atioet, •outbMire h* tween *1 bi'd a. d Kotirh.

(Demoriat aud Prew rt>py ] jW d7

1,000 Barrels fer Sale,

Empty flour harkei.s skcond-hand porkBarrel*, aitd B neia vniuble *or Liow, all In food

order, aud for tale in oiiHn*i»ie* to *nU purchaso'^. Ap-plv to C’*pt. J. J. HAYK8 C. 8. Vda.4J16 dfi b’xU*efth and Broadway.

For Sale—A Fine Blooded Stallion.OOT THIS IS 0»ER THE MNE.ST horsesVajMy- iu f'* Staler, dark hrnw'i. a perfect moilto


power and beauty, and rau b« bought at

IV.1 7: a bargain.


uiie or two Svddle Iloiaea will be taken iu ptrt

Sn'or fuMlicr pa tlculara .pply to JOHN U. COIINYNI

C»pl. MidC S , Hvad<|uarteia I61h A. C. Jl’i dlu*

' A Good Bnsin* ss Stand for Rentand Stock andFistnros tor Salo.

. , THK STOCK AND F.XTURKS OF SDIKE4^1^ No. 1W Marked *trf eta no’th ride, between Fir<«i

and Brm^k ktxeete. a*^e fjrflalo, aud tbe 8t>re will

CvitiiUd. Apply at t* e !t *re. JUd^*

Booms for Bent.TKQ1 IRE AT DK W. G. WOKX.VIAN'S OKFDIE.i comer of Cheetnnt and Pr*'*ton totr**etii. jh> dl:f*


For Sale,I obml bkar wallow farm, barren9^0(niity—400 acre*, wii^ t e priviieee of

1^S5—three D ile* trum the L* AN R. H.. j£:’JLru tl e L. A N. pike* with aood and oomf>rtah'e baito-Il fh, wfII act ill fraea, aupplicd bountUully with a l leaa* a* f f the tear W both (audly aud at'ick pnr-poaee, in a bifh Ftate of cuitiviEtion, -lod lu tl 6 mhUt ot

ei>od aeciety 1 h ee wiabinf to eiamUia the land* willepply t) O. tf . Binitb, leBidUf upoa the p: em'aea, or toti e uud*-reifiuMl, U LouUviUe, A/.jlSdl»* W*M HARR.

For Bent,.fo^ ONE OF THK HE.S l' HI .Sl.VF.RS rTANOS INTrm ti e city, and 8t«>ck tor eale A food ch vice f«xA **t one- ri e Inf to fo into hu»ine a. The nl teeia well ei*tehU«}wd. and doiiif a fO d trtd*<. An 4y attha Ftir< itnie Mote 5J7 Mh.ket itreet, a uth Mdo ho*tw fen Fifth and dixih. j«*>« du

Farm for Sale.•M. MAJOR JOHN U . H ANI.Y, UF J FS3

' miue rotiiity, Ky.« oflera b * t>pleadtd lanu fjNmo^A forafle. If applU*d U»on or h4*f'>ra the 3nth vJrday ot «luly next, or it uot ao aoid. he wiP offer it al pii'.i-

lie ai cUcu, ou*tbe let day m Aufuat, to tbe hifbeiil

bidd«T.Tl ia ia one of tbe very beat and moat deaimble farm*

in the Wt*at4 ni country. It la beiiutiiiulv located o i th**

cliffp ot tlie Kentucky river, and. in point m' bold a'ld

chamiina ac* uer» , tliere ia notUiiik In ill** W«*at to coiu-

parc w'itb it. Tl ere la a areat amotiol of timber, of Uielarfcat aize. and o? every d**aci iption4 on the pl-tce. afrreat qinu>tity of it nn**er cultivation, aud even nowtl.c croj a I evt r hmked better.

1 he place ia abundHntly anpplieJ with water, bothmniilnf and in pouda. toi atork, h«Mid**a a never-iailiur

aprinr,ct the puK'at wat**r, for dotj.eatir pn**p )eea. Theplace ia auppoeed to cootaln about oae tbouaxnd fLlKKlj

aorta.Tl'.ia ia a rate chance far any oite deeirout to procure

a pUce ctjnihtuinr all the Yttractimia o( beauty, ricb-ut*0t oi *oU, abundance of timlter, Ac.. Ac. Ap dicatiriii

tu be made tu the owner ou the premlnea* when theplace can be ioapt'Cb^, an* U^nna aiade known.

lie will alao aell a tract of abx>ut &i\v (^*) acra*. lyincesht of the Tui opike Kund. at the roH-jUiU), all cleared,alao, ab ut Suu acre*, ailuated In Garrard ooacty, on thei(»uib cide* and tmutinf on tlie river. Thic ia nevriy alt

io timber of the Hneat uuaiity, aeveral acrea of it theb(‘ft i>otu*ni land, acme of it under cuativaiioa,jn dtaul



will Iw ^ivoa t.j lo Weavera and H drinnera. Applyto K. WUBEH Sa|>L.

u , u.' io 1. Iii.l , or fo


jIT 1. >iiixvtIIo.


Wr'BRXed, I

Agents tn every culnty WR-iTOFTHPlor


>I!Efr.M \N A>!> lU't C’AMIV\H;\'4.I

B>- Colonel S. M. FV wman and Llcutenani-CoTonol R. B i

Irwin, 1 Vol. •ivo., 5tD piv’e*. C'utli, A* 6**. Wah 3**v- I

en Bh-el Porto aitc hy our l>oat Artifta* and numero-ia

Map# and PUna, furubhid by the Chief R >^iu*eroftlie

Army.Tht cxtraonlinary eair.pifcna of Major-Geueral \f. T. i

Shetn au and hia noble army hrve iKeii the t’lh.eitof i

the iji«yl ui!<}ualificd pi aim* in tverr aeciion oi o»ir

C^'Ui to> « ar d have comUdaitded the altcutiou a>id adini-rfttion of the world.Tbia werk ia the complete Official IIi*dorr of th!*

riaud Armya* a whole, aud In all ito d**tiila, the an-thoia lui^iufr free accew m> private record^ aud dneu- I

ni« 111* ac#*r<*aib!e tor no one elm*, and which are Indi-pen-anble to> a true and faithful accovviirhment of iuch an '

undcitakiiift.F.veiy coipa divUion, hrirade* and repltneni I* award-

ed it! fiill Phare of credit aud praii*e; Tlio r u«e!ofUiarchcp are earefully lollnwtNl: the bitt..*a and •i^*r-

B.irhciare d«*m*ribed with the ividne*wnf Par-ticipation, ard the whiile na: i:*tive '

. ittvened bv tlwct'UidU** incidt'nta, b- th fad *iid mi’thfnl, th<a weioaoiuevilab’c ac<otnp\«iinenl of *nch canioaun*.

1>I<M liAR'aPn 8'»LmRna awn Othiks iu want of prof-itable tmplu>meiit could do no bt*tier than take an



Sl nd fer a circular with fut! information !-

c. T A oo.I Wfttem Publichert. 3S Wci't Fonrth ptrv^t,


jelT (id Cincinnati, Ohio.

I Wanted Zmmediatcly,


put diwii a well b)' lha fix I or ol‘iarw.a'1 Ov dfforanev. given if required Apply to G. W. NICH-OLS. Illyria. Lorain eo.. Ol io jl6 jo*

Wanted,. BY JULY I't. A UONVFNIENT HOI’SE,•n|a Laving 4 tu R ruonio. wa'I locatri. A Ubaral bo-

nua oCered. R«i.t paid in advance-. Add'aaar.V . P. O. Dl awer Mi7. JH dd*


form of diwarr* to call at tha Wmrrta MxnioaL Or-|

viria, SUS Markrt atreel, near S ooiid, LouiwilU. Ky.or al ,6), Foat Fourth atreel near Sycamore, Cincinnati,

Okio. and b« anred. Private idiaeoMa cured In from

two to ton daya without cauatic, mercury, or pain. .Ve

rharge until eured. DiaoatM relative to females apeed

ily cured. Medicine aaut to any person writing for i

if they live full deaeripti'vn ot tlieir ailmeuta, Ac , A.

all piivate and confidential.

Charge, moderate. Advice free to the pvor.

jelO dUniAwlTm

W ant«a,'

Agent s for thf NuiaK and sp y, the mostj

inWi«wtins and ficitii-K IkxA cv«i pahli*>h^ en-brsciu^ th« sitventur*** of' s W'*m.' n in tho Union A-niy


at MunCa dcout, aud bpy* kivior a m«j*t vivid inusr pic-ture of tre Wi%r. Rciurnid and di*:ibi*Nd oilic«r! andeolniei* in v ant of pinfitahic eii ployui«*nt tvi>l ti d it !

fcciiHarly *d pt«*d to their co ditioo. Wo h%vs Ax^nto|

cIccMtif M:t mouth whlci will orovw t*> any '


d*oi*iii|r applicant, dc'id tor circular!. A^*ltda*\

JONP> REUS., A (X)., 14^ ^ect Fuorth A . fbiw^n-Dali* C bio, JelO dAwlm*

DRY' G(X)DS, &0.1

OT!*S <5. CO.


NhV; RfN.MNfi ARa\!iCE3IEyTOil nia




NERY' 04.-ODS generaPy, wMch la area iTgec uow

'.L.un Lt an:- time during tire ae.gao, wj Lave^uat r»

ceivod a full Uus (.f


Less thanGoldFrices

Thetd, with a faB line of SILK MANTILLAS aiK

CLOTH CLOAKS, or* well worth an examinatUa

frooa those who detii* a larg* aaaortaient at reoaonohlt



. BAlZiir TtJLLUa


v'lloita fuilotr.: I

7*1 141 A Vf Fvpraaa, for Chl.’Jigo,,

I.”*' A. rVl Le.,1.. liiro, la-IUnap^ I

Cineirnatl. and all polufo W-at North. a.nd N rthweat.|

4). *.J IJ \l D 11) fexrept Sun lar aj. mkoa I

^.O '. / A . 1*1. dirvrt eonnettiona foipnrcAT LMHA.N.tlNlIJai


Fog ClovelarA, Fiiijb..rc. Ptl-aAsiphlo. New Y --k, B *-I

lou, He'Lui .e, Weabinttiai City, oral Rlpoluta Hiatand NuiltiweiL , 1

For Chleag ,. Ifotrcit, and all pniiila in the North andN«nthwe<. I

For Loire. -H. Lenia, U' nnilMtL (Julrey. da Jnee**!, foe.

9.1 C P aI

iKil" fSa-i-<S,-a axoepwv<>.. L>J X . 1*1. —*41'*, •re-* ,w»ieiir.l».li^..


follawa: I

at 3EVMOUB:j

For St. LonJs, Cairo, St. Jeeeph, and all points Weal I

AT IMOlANAPUUStFor all P.a.te.-n and Nortb*o.tam eitia*. '

For loled'., Ifotru I. foe. I

For Uhic.d(o and North weatern and Wemern alttea. I

Kdf’Piuee gert b> toki'oi thia ro-ita avoid a ftaogrea* I

able and ditotv OMNlBl S KIDK OF FIVE MluKS| rm tr it tiO MILKS SHuRTKK, and naaaoa. i

geraaave I'J HOURS In time over any ondollotaatreutca to Chicago a-ul the NorthweakTTtm la THE ONLY n,KEi/r AI L-RAH. ROCTI TC


tv- P.wtenrera should KXAMINE THKIRTICKmC.YKI.FILLY to tea tiau thoy read -JEFr ARSONVILLE KAiLRU.VD." _tV~Any iniomuitlon con he obtained or Tlck'tt pur

ebaaed at the office of tto C,anpaiiy. SOUTHKAST eo^ner of .Main and^ird attveta, LouiaTiUa, Ky..og at tht

R. R. Dep*>t, J«£,r*oavil!«.

Fare ttlwaya los low aa by loay other rooto.

ol, J. A. NA FEW, General Ticket .Vgo-t.

BonlsTUle A. Fraakibrt AZMli^KUaA Fraiikiort Ballrofodt.

(YN AND ArrRB MONDAY, HABLH ISkh, UU\J Traina will lag** at fDllrra:

No. I—Leaves Lamiavllls doily foxcaH fcadai at *• tA. M.: atupping ol all atatn .

-na axaapi FitOroa; ea. Kaco Coiinfo. Brownahora, and BaRa*d«w. Leavw Lexington at hue P. M., outarrivea at Luuiat itle al 7:Ut P. 9L

No. id- Leaves - Luuiavllls at kH P. M. ffomdiyiarcuff adp, stopping at all atatioa axeapt FabQrciuida, ilac» Coarao, Broimaboio. aad .Srrtt

B«i too. Leavat Lexiugtou al Ic40 A. IL. oodorrivm at Ixmiavllla a^0;44 A M.

No. 3—Acconuuo«Utlon leavei Lagraugo doily noiada)t axtepto di at toil, A. M., and armca ol

Louiavilla at -rio A H. Loavw Louiavilla Uat 4:64) P M.; airlvm al latgrauga ,1 AM P. M

FRBIGUT TRAINS leave LoniavlUa and Loxlagto'doily, Sondeya azeaptad.

ffii4 SAMX anx. anp-L


Ol L WELLIVT{loliinery

Portable Steam Enginesfol varMOT alMlfo

Boring and Extrac'dn? Tools,

Pumps and Tubing

Alw.y* OT hoBd. D.IYIKM * CO.,

WwMngbm feattdary.

Coroar Ifatai rad Mn** ala.

Oil WellTAMILS \.\BXAnn>F.BY

']P p O Q ^ ^ TT Qj

Louisville and Nashville BallroaiL

*1 <1C A .YIONTII ! -AGENTS WA.NTED every- '

where to iutrodii.-e tbe lmp''*vBd CiAau <4

Clark dfoi family Srwinti- M'tchitte, throniy luw piioemachine in theconi;t,' whic" la (ic'iwd by Grover fo

Hr.ker. Wheeler A WilKn. Howe, Si uger, fo Co , andBatbelder. AU other marhln't low ao d for Ira thxcforty eullara eo< h ore infrinyment*. and the aellor anfuttT mreliable to Jtne and tmfortitanmerU Balar-/

expemea or large roB,miarion allowed lUiietroted eir-

eulart aentyi-M. Addrea SUAW fo CLARK, Hiddo-ford, Maine. mrgdfowim

4tf7ll -* MONTH !— I want Agent. OTerv-vhera at

qr J vf $711 a Meuth. expri aaa pail, tn a>*ll Fifteen Artielm, tha hert telling aver efforad. Full pvrtieulart

free. Addreea OTIS T. GaBEY, Biddafurd, Maine,myk dfow'/im

Bnhiness Bonso Wanted,

fl3,8UT.aBLK FOR GROCERY A.>D COMMISM !ion btifincM, on Miln tweet, b*t«ve«u Sddcoad

\L and Seventh rtreeti iVoti'd not object to? toika t

lot if KfXM ! with Itnuse. Oniniaolcttion *trc'ly coufi

deiitisl il rt«4ue4>ted. Addri^ P. O. Dux NjlO iiir


Dcr with X cm^h e-piud «f t*eoor tluee UiouAutcd«'llsr 2 for the puipivc o op<*u1tu m Drax it i e iu C3h«to

txiHiosii. Tenn., Atlanta, G«. For particular! addrt*!t

J. IV. R X 4U^« ChattiDO Tciiii.* until June 'lu

and eLtttiiif time aud place tor rurt'tiua alter thu doteTbi be*t refeience* fn\eo a d *^uired jPdli*


C!t< d coutAiniiir five or n!x runuie, by a Kinily-M- ile cMipiatiur of ooiy a aeuUeai'Uk and wiie. Ad-Qitpm *talia< locaility and tenuA dinwer idl* Poet-oftioe.

ji:: att

X A Mu^Tll— Ayert** waiitonl to mu« 8ewtu.*-M*-^ M * cfilaea We wiL pay a lih 2r>l faijury and ex-peneo*. 'V $ive l»ry*» onon iwiO* *, A.ldr*^!JcliKlla' D. B. HKRRIvrciN 4k CO.* D*-tr-lt,M1oh


Woodlawn Trotting Oourse

White, Green, Buff. Mode, and ali poaee, in a lii|rh rtate of cuitivation, 'lad Tn tl e mbidl ot

fchadevS most in dpnnnd togt^ther with eppl; t'l O. M. Sni’tb, leaidlag upou the p em'aea, or to

< .*_ p i.ix_ I. —• • _ J C V iiiid-rtigiutd, lI LouUviUe, Ky,a varifty of Straw i nmmings, Lords jisai** wm h.vre.

and Tasxls, Ornaments, Jfts, sc. For Bent,ttt 1 1 J . • 1

*’ - * .fo^iiONE OF TDK HE.S i' HI .Sl.VF.'tS rTANOS INWe have also deteruiined to oiler tR T^-l C-e city, and St<icktoraale A go,.achvicefoc

Regulitr tpilDg lUeetiDg, 1865


ZkSOrrDAB, JT72VB SSth,AND CONTINUE DURING THB WEEK.Firni l>ny—.lloiiday, .lunr *,£(1,


6vecp*tr.ka for BtallioDn, Gel Huca, and Mare!, anyaye; Mi e Ueato $ beet in 5. euhecrTptiod, for-

feit: 4'liMi aedid by Aeauci^Uf'n, prnvidetl or niofh

btait: two o" m v« to U'ske a race. Cloaed June 15, ItoT*

Bilh tbe lollowinit eiitrien:

let. K. A. Alexander, natrea b. k. !. B'ac^, byMi ml er1i o ('h ef; dam Klack Kofoi*.

:id John Willlamm namra b. a Dauiel Bo 'me.

St*coud Diiy^TyeMlny, -Iiidf tHS*5*

Mile lletito; any double teujxiihda esn be putto^t*therrurae $ue0.

SAME DAY-SECOND RACE.Fiicinr Khcc; Mile Heato; 8 bcrat iu 5: Puree $V).

Third Diiy— \Vt*cliH*t*aliiy, Juitf lS35wMile S beat in 5; *or llon*^ Gi'ldioss D^d

Mhic«! thrt lia\e Lever troi*ed fur iLuuoy iu pub ic.


SAME DAY- SECOND RiCK.Mile lU ata; 3 beet in 6. Ptol-eeilcr'* Purse; Oeldinpi

and Malta. aUa^ea. Purae

Fourth Dny—ThurMTny, June '^9* fS(»A*

Mile !!(*«:!. 9 beet iu 6; lor tlorae!, (Ktldiiura, audMare* that have ucver UettoU Iu public uuUer ^50Pui»e

Fifth Dny- Fridny, Juno liO* ISU5.Mile Heat!. 3 bert in 1^; f r llorm^ Geldlui^*, and

Mare* that have uever trotted iu public under ^3>.

Puite ^lUO.

hixtli nny'SHiiirday, July 1, 1SG3.Two Milt lleata; Piu'eo

All llie al>ove tobarmis*. double ti^m lo warou.Race t4> c« inuieucr at .1 oVb- k precieely.

Cki« H illlcuvc the ct pot at fifteen lu nute* after twuI



PaoIb for sale on the ground* and at WaHcer** Kx*I cliati^'cc\ery eveiiitn! and m'Tiiiu^ by A’frieaui tk Co.I kubaci iU*r*, adureiM

W. E. MILTON, Stc’y.


fLonaTii.T.r, 5^y 30, j»19

J) AiiicricHD pe* pie demand a fimt cia*« weeklv *,

journal devoted ex*!nvi*^oly to the #po.ts •! the turland field, and to ayricultural and literary piiisu.t*. w* ;

bavr made arranftemento toptiblUh !tich apip^'r. Wltkthe return of peace to our f*Dd« war aud usexr*tinf |iaru* i will no lotuter eogroee the attention and fo' tn thechief to pic of diecuMion. Tberetiple will return with |

new vlfur to the rports of the field and turf, to tlwbret'ditiff ( f fine Hock, and to the develupment ot the <]

r*eu rcetoi the country Tlie want o{ a jouruxl de-voted to the lieet iiitereato of the whole co sniry w%m


never *o aeverely felt aa no^. To rnpply thi! waul we i

prupoae to e*tahli*b the Turf, Field, and c'arm. *

We embark in au enterprise ret|uiriaft much Uborandexpenae: buttwe believe tluit the pei»le will !uetUcu! in ito Our fitcililiet for puMUhina a nr«t claa* aporv *

inc and Hteiar>' jonruaU are not excelled in the Uuited'

Statt^. Our looy eoiineciitia with the turf and i*t4ickf

keeocialioD! cf the couiitr>' warrant ua iu thua boldly!tatiur thi* fact. It rhsll he our earnest endeaT>»r tc .

piiblleh a paper that will Inlerett the Keoursl reader,

Politic* will be excluded from ita c<>liijDn8* aa we have|

DO deaiire to indulge in bitter aeper*lona and to eoea;;e|

io beaUKl diactualona. Tbe turf will receive eepecialg

attention and it will form one of tlie leadian featuru* of|

the paper. We have made arrsuacmenta to) aecure cor-! gn epoDdenta from every State which tain pride In en-. |

couraxing Ihia noble iport. Tbe breodinr and ralsinit ol I t

fine itock will alao receive eepecial atteutioo. The,

! horiw. the uobirH of tlie animal creatioo, for yenrs ha* '


I been our ftudi , and we are pifpared to treat th* aubject ’



in a mauucr tuat will challenge tbe criticiaak of thepublic. .

To profTote the IntereeU of the farm will be anotherof our chief endeavor*. The aut^ect of agriculture it


of vital intorivt to tlie American ptsjple at thi* particu- *

hu time, recovering aa they are firoui th^ efibeta of a|

long and dtvaatatieg war. Neglected fielda and aba'i*

d«>tied plantation! nmat axaiu be maito* to t*'em withlile aud blooni with th^ Fuiti of the »)iL None of ut

are M> wtae hut that we repiire inHiurtioo* and by on*ce«.^iog effort* we hope to make thi* departmeut valu* i


able Mid mtetfvtins.\

No paper, to the general reader, would becomptote|

witbcut a liter«iT di-ptirUneui, and it ia uoi our imeoHi'iu touverb ok ihia important teature. de «2Cti«ma f-cic

the ablert « ritei i oUhe count' v. a»d coatributl-m* fpMD i

iH me rt Uieuirat leady aud echoiarly peua o* ibe day*will 2crve to enrich our column*.Heiieviug tlial ihe peii>^tuiitioo of ihepriocipte* npoc >

which our iioverument U fmnded* depend* upon the ,

geiieial diffueiou of ku>'wlcdgo. we ehall Ubor fur Uu )

adt aiueUiCnt of ibe cau*e of education. I

l o u tereBt a!l every t^per muat aiMlgn a eoliimioimore to the recoi ding of iniporinnt event* trvu*«piiiiig *

in uurmidet* ilterefore we dudl devote a amall »p.*ce tc =

tilt* uurtuit ue«* ot th* day.|

But our aim i* to talablieh a fim-chwa journal dev^ded

to the be*t iutriert* or the country; a yWr that will bt|

waimly w doomed by tbe geutU meu of the turi* a lour-

o»l Uiat will prove valuat )e to> tbnae who t>«ke delight in -

tU> bm-dit g of fine *n>ck; a paper that wiU be hvihal

a* a welcume viaito r oy tke taimer, ooe that wFl be|

read with plea«rie in the couu*inc room, tn the otficet i

ill tbe ailtcaui car* and hy th* fireside. To aufttaiu uc |

in our t ffoi t w e appeal to tbe p aronag^e of the .Vmericar c

po'pie* and we b»'li«'Te that t‘ie app'*al will not be io '

vain. No pain* nr cxpence will be cparol to nutke thr

Tiiri. Field, and gaim worthy of the mo<t geaeruut .

lupport.. I

A limited space will be devoted to advertising. I

Uurteim*o( iubaeziption aud rate* for advertlalni ;

we give below:

FIVE DOLLARS, A A'EAR IN ADVANCE.Single copiea 15 cenU.

To CLCue—Five copie* <30. Niue coplet <3d.

EATra or auvrstisino*

Tl irty cer.U per ll**e each tingle Ineert! •'n

MuFiy cent* per Ui e one monthTwoUoiUii per line thr^ tuf fith*

Three dolUrv per hue *ix montiw

Pietmattor! are rcquc^tf^d to act aa agenU aoi re:aiL

90 per cei t fur their trouhle. Thin par cent i* uot to 1>

dt ducted tioin club rate* We would be plea ed to eeH*h an axency in every po*i-office towu in tm

Unite 1 ctate*.

Ti e fiiH number of tbe Turf* FieM, and Farm wil*

be *uvued on 8**turday, the 6th day of Aiii^iiai Wio. Ouibo4»kn ar«* ik>w« pen lor fiibxciiptiou*.

The Tu Cl Field, and Farm mil be puMi*hed at New\oi k.Abdrcpt 8. D. BKICE, No. 35 Broad itreet, New

Yuik: orB. G. HBUCE, Lexington, g.-. dlS



will run at •.'llowa:

foOO A. M. Thronah F>-I»*'t for NtahvEI# and way Slg.

t'Miad.i ) f< Suiid.y|.&XI A. M. Fm.t n.rT Tiain lor Lrt>,nrti», PaTTrlllfo

U.nvilir, It- tT'd-bt" K.Caiiipbi'llaiiilr, ODdColuOTbi**'a1l' .'rxirpt Suntt.Tj

T:«0 A. M. Mill and Pa.arnr rTraln for NaabrilotB w'ii'gOrcrn, oudUluki'.itte dai'T-

7:16 .1. M. Fr.itlit tbr Lrh -too Branch R-wtl oa M-apdar, Wcdrirwlay, and FTidar.p M. A.-rt n.niodatiou Train for<M"Wn doilyfaxirpl S'ind»yJ.

«:W P a, PrrigM to- N'ahTilla RnwIIng Green, oo4M> ii.yhia Branch daily f'-arepl SiindayJ

TrW P. M. Fxprwa P-ni-ncr Train for Naenrille dally.

mJU H. MAKSHEL Sup't Tranafoartoli .n.

Lonisville, BTcw Albany, and Cbl-caco BaLroad.

I AM HANUFfoL’TlKING UlO KKaP UudSYAPTi It on iiaod P»fohle rad Sfotimiery SlOT.*a BiiicIa MSBMtng T'fola. ood JttMr narktodry *a«d fo forfod MOB mat SoB.

JClJUfo BAKBAKOeX,Byftnalk Foandray aad Hacoiii. Shr-to

dfoi k-lto*1foXK

SliElBVllfllSESTOlK VIRUS,To DroTen and TraTeilen.

THK SHF...BY llul dtt STOCKYAK1>S ate fo ro’apfe'* arOm, bfonfofitored, enrered, a»d tupfeit-d with for-

XX ~ xl ifeaiit water tn Oman too. ArraiiOTgieula ha*. I era taoda Ilt tnam eg tbe foot qualfoywithin halt aa boiir*. drlra ft«n ifo* pen, 6w all ato-kathat may to pul ap with on. Out Itoia. will beintad fothat may to pul ap with on. Out Itoia. will beintad fo

ail Ln.c* fo good erdpr and aur tahle a»:pplfed witx thabrat in Ihe Balked. Tbe prrprfeaara pleiiie ihoaelo tpar* no rffoTB I* renuar tbeir quee-e eneafri J-le lae*M y peiticnfor. Pricea aardarmie. fa autt Ihe pmee.

Ifei"g Ter? U eakfitl ( r part poaro-eee. we bepe brftrict atteuiion to eet bnainraa to met t a eOTainnoa ea4tbe .aB#. Infoitnailtai ctoerft>Uy airen to our ftfonfofo

aud a>* etOTOTuBicniiona mf Inqulrr pr mnalr a".«wa^leditfB IM.NALOSON * BatOoKlNQ.



9 -*-ill \ Cl.lcago Expreea doily Sundoi t

.O'* x\, xYl excTpIcr*, utakiug.dlrcex


onnerticn at Mitchell f r St. Louis, Cairo, Eranari to. dl. J»arph. LeaTTUWoitb, Kautto City, and all poiiito WaaO.alao at Green Coatl* and lain, ette for Terra Uu>to, Mai-loon, Alton, Decatur, Spfnnield, .lackannrille, Quleev,and ' I points in C'cnirri lUlnois, and al Micttiia,t City

far IViroit, Chicago, and points Northwnil.

9,*Jt. 1> VI SI. Fouls and Cairo Nkfat Bx-. dm* ’ X . iM • pieoa, daily, making diroed cob-

nrrtiona for ail points Weal and Nurlhweel, aud Ibr Ctn-dimati Slid all Esaietn Cities.

Only ooe change of rmrv to S*, Lotifa, Chicogrv and Cin-cinnati. Ra-'gare rh* rked throiu.’b from the lloteia.

Frr fnither Inf'umatiuu and through ikkato apply al

the c.ffire of the Company, aouth weal corner Main andTliid atro U Louh-eUle, Ky. ttlfieenpendnndayafruB8 to 7 o'e'nck. PM 8. S. P.VttAKK, Agenk

B. F. MtsTK*. SHperintei>de:it. tlodif


.. . I.r.e atocY of all alxea of Ihia

S*“^^LNRIV \1X EO pr,OU JH, moo-aOTOTOTV'-Saattira ofartured of the aery b»t moJfe

ri L uiioar the ..'nal tuperyiafaa of sox Mr. Bifoly.

Ibe lureoler and pefanfae.

ftrict atteuiion to ent bnainraa le mer t a eOTtinnaa eoftbe aoBe. Infoittigiltni ctoerft>Uy fiaen to oar ftienfofo

and alt cfOTOTunicnliona mf InqLlrr pr mella a"a«pra^Jeditfm Ib.NALDSON fo BttOoKlNO.

Unit«d States InternBl BereniM.CoufooTOB** OrrK'W, 9n Dtaraurr ne KaaTrrrM

la»is*iLi.A Kt., Jane 1. Info, ,

N'OnCK IS HEREBY OlVEN THAT TUB L .>UTSDS'otc. I leetita Tax lo now fine tad rayehl*-

1 will be la ay office, fo the c-natoOT bnuae, batWOTBtto bauia of • A M aifo 4 P. M., froOT Ihio foty B Ilia

Kith > f the preeont meuth far Ihe puifeoe of riiia rlnff

eld Tax one iaoiiing the L ceneae.That all peraona may iioderatond Ihe peoaMte af Ihfo

lew, I appeod s pert af the IM leali iin of the lutorralBeaenu# Law:"If any penoa ar penaaa ahon axerdram earry am

any trade, buttocaa, or proMmioB, or da any act he-a^afttr ineoli< nod far tbo axarriatne, carryfog oa. ar dfefog of which truda. bus'nooa <« prnlaom in , Ueonee ia

requliod hy this oeO. without I .king out taeh lleonoe aafo that behalf renuired. ha aha or they ahoU far oaarymuch oOrnee, baaidea bring ILble to the paymaat af ihfo

Tax. be mforct to foip-lMHimant far a term ao4 exciedfog two yuora, tg a fine nut axeaad'ng tee hnndred both.- PlilliP SPEEU.

]1 ddu teriectoe.

Auditor’s Offlee, Keut'ackj,FOA.aaynar, May M 16B,


All clmpaniks okoanized undek chab.ter fo Ito Kralutky Leg ahunre are re*ii,rad to pay

One H'judied Dotlora belo.a they eon ba>e UM benedmI

af ttoir acTerml seta of into perriloa.> fine of S6u* wtU be imp aad to all whe fitU to pay

tto 4I0O,Setol on yeur checks far tbo Slon, and sate hftM.

I Sea Acta of KcuiuTk'- Lri$4alatura, ch aptor La6u. pagfo

IM— Alto Adtumnad Scraiea. lari

W. T. SAMUKLBjl dfo Audllay.

McCORMICKMImpi*ove<l Sell-Rikkittg

‘ znm BirEHiii Mil

Desiiable Mill Fropnrty for Sale. w.rrUE FINK PKIIPKKTY KNOWN AS THE " II \R- 1 g LorieTii.i.F, May 80.

X EOL'S t'KI.KK MlLtS** aitu-tej at tto mouth 01\ __ , _ ... *

Ilanea'a One* , wreu irilea frooi the city, L( offe- -d for TrClllUGf HSSOCl't tlOtt-ale. The mill will turn not Irom l5o tn St u bbla flour

jprday. Thriu a;e 17 or It ae ra floe garden Und tl Ctxrc Dnctalrco nnani ctod. and eounrctod with tho mill are two dwelling- CWk cpa UfoRea UpBU.honaee In fair irp-lr. Tu a goo't miller, nr a |M>ra>u

| dnaf a m *Veonijcteut to take ch rge of Ito hiiaint'i‘a,dh!a piopuity to^jT T jpt'L'ctTera rare iiiduceiueLta, For te: me and «tlier p triicu-

; HSS, ^iJ^'Va'i'.lKI 1\~UiBMliltto PE ER SMITH * 80.S. ! BfT_-A _

jj dim* HecooA het. Uri, auJ McrkeL i

**ia prr-eniliirmly the beet Pinna la .\oieiirm.’

** And iken/ore not ezcelled by any In tht world.

LOnTS TRIPP,Snug AeuT roB KxKTi-r.n

I hare a!ae a full mpply of tbe eeiebrfoad

HAINES BROS.’ PIANO,Which baa been tr* fitvento Plano in this mork^H fat

the iart efoct years, and given urdvecaol aatuiactior-Ataomy

SCETCX^Ifo r*IAJN-OA fii*t cls!! 7 octavs. low prie^ Pisso, wursaM 5give perfivt rati* .vctlon, tewstiMr wi Ji s eouiplote x»!Oitai«ut o4 Sh«et Mi'iic* indluicUoa Books, orgfotw


I Oflereil In !•!A Good Znvestmeat. _A TWO-SD'RV new KttVMK HOUSE T^K FOLLOWING SWF.EPrTAKF,^* AK8 NOWAND Li^'f lor ou Bioiuiwxy* bctw**t*n ^ open, tn bu tiotted fur over tho No*hviUu Cour**.* ou

Jlijr Foartofulhl Btid Fiftifiith rtrofls oppoaiw Ihv 27lh, and I'lli of.Iune.

tlic [irrrsck?, fuunble lor a Grocery Store. The ki*iM»A\, June 3fi.—Sur4*trp-tak**! for hor«ea th^t h-tve

h*Mipe 1! iitw'ly builL 53 l*^* t front, 43 leet deep, never trotted a mi.e under 3;5o. Sulwiiplion e*ch.

with ttvo etore room* witn neat dhelviiia* and P* P witk added by the Ai'rociatiou. MileCiMJDter*. und four lar*jv r»»omi» up -ti'r*, Inil 5'» find U*i3iii6 in harne**. To luuDdaixd c'.o-e oufn iit bv ra !eol rteen. For tern.* *tnd ptrticu’ar*, iu- day of June.quire of Saioiivl K >tiichild, 31 7 M.i.k.*jt eircet bet.veen Tvksiiav. .Itmc 37— S^tH'P'drkeii for hon*c« that nevei^‘C*uid and Tbit d. m37 dim trolled a mile under C:4u SuhiK*riptIou $75 e U.U.

^ JoifieL V ith added by the Aseoci*!! m, niHc heaU

Baedlc rad Hare ess KGrees of mi ®‘“‘ ‘“'™***-

VVriiNranaT, -Time SS.- Sweep-tokea for all trottim

IR afo _ qLx!*',',**'^ NLM’IlKOF RfiRrgANl hiMB,ij.ilc U'fita, l>er*t 6 iu 5 iu luruea*. 8iib*criptiut>

PZ .

Snf'dle f|oi*« tttvh buit lu.frilt, the AarociAtiou to 4dii ;a5aA) il

M **''• *vhl h I w."*H i»e pieA*6'i W li.rte oi more vt 4it: it only two rt\it, tlie A.^'^-iclitt-ou U^UMfoaJ-. -tMW to at-fu iiifT t’l

( add Tu u* Die and clore tile 31et d'vy u* Ju e.L. ij- ^R a ,, , aajlBIl

my’*‘ dtf Kv N< pilt nt'on«» to Im iimCe to the imdepsiened. enclosing*: note with Bppiovi drceurity for thean*ouiilof tie* f'»r!eil

ah A It . eirlff. Cvs* ^ JdNFS, Nec*eUry, f^yxeite Otti''®.ASaC gKCSIut*^CC X JF •9'AlBfo jeSdl^ N'»**hvi lie, TeunZ-'efcirab.c Bt sidt-ace fjt SaIb,

A Gi ill) 'rWo-SiilKY BRU-K DWE ,1.1 '(<

year* cvtahPiiYed in N Y.City."**Ont> iufa lible emcdic* koowu."**Fiee ficiin Poipnr!*‘N« t dargerou* to the Human F*Trily.“^*Katf ociue out of tbeir bole* to die.*'

“f o$tffrV’ Rfft, Roarb, Kt,, E\trrnil!iator*

I« a pa«te—UM^ for/b<ifji,

A'odc/iec, HLark andJied Anfa, Ac., Ac , Ac.

“fostar’b” Uril-Buff ExtermiaatorI* a liquid or wa*b— uted tooertr'y and al*o a* a pre-ventive for Bed-BugK, Ac.

“Coslar's” Elfrlric Pttwilfir for Iuiect»II* fer MotfiM,

FUa^ onPlanUt F<mfUk AniinaU^ Ac.

ffy^&dd Wholesale in all large eitlo*.

kV^^ld b> all Dri*gg{'t«> and Hetsilert ev.-rywhere! ! BrwARE ! ! ! of all wortlile»* imitit^oua.e that name U ou each H x. Bo^e,

at d t* ibtk before you buy.rr'Addi.s* IIFNRY tt. < OST%K.ta^PfcieciPAL Dipot 4‘3 Beoadwat. N.* Bold by K. A K0Bl>SGN A CO,

WILB^JN A PKi LK,Wko’^;!i*e A'?<*nt*,

And bt all rruggL-U and DeUer* at tf0uU\*iUe, K/.jffli} dAu.'iu


Stereotypers,Mo. Ul JtfferiKHi at., bet. Tin: andFouith,


H aving estaklismeu a new stereotypbPi'iindery Id Loulaciile, we invite the aiteulim of

duthoT*. PuMlehera. and Print-r# t> out irnrqD,Li.ri>facilttiea far Sterol' piog Bo-Jta, Miuir. Wori Cuti,Stun pa Druggiefe* I-Abelt. ai-d Join of all kindt exe-ciilrd In the beet manner and at the ahuiteat notxe.J16 dim*

and 1.01.6 'i< *eei ircot on rir-t -treet, helatarto ia Graj ai.d Cl'm-nut Toriue re it


iif.ble. -^ppi

Z'or Sale.X BUAUTIFLL KLSiDKNJK, ON THE ^Newbur* road, 3)( mile* fiom Loui*vil e.

JlalllLunth 44 acre* aitAchcd. The ho iie i* a -JUOH^iem bnek, with Wfo*e"-worktth:ouAh U Atid a finecellar uud, r the wi;«.l'* bui d''jg. 'rhe cot hnoafo-v*. ?tvble, aud iev bou*e ffilluo with i**e) **re of tb>4 ben kiii4A ifoif e orchard «*o itAiuing tbe fii e t varietie* of ^ruhire»^. Tbe Unc lief luuiooou U '*t the beet ifualit«vHl'. a large fnmwe on U » road, and iu th» rear ia t

creek afffidiug con exiieut wabir *or «b>ck. Tht* b omof the nio^t de*irab!o home* iu G;e country*. For t**ruif

of Bale iiiqui.e of White A Rei*d. ww* iide of Boc-nK*idnvb between Main and Market itrfuta, or to rf. Lfiharp* on tbe p*iice. my4 dtf

Vuloable RohI Z2stat« for Sale.I WISH TO SELL ONE OF I'HB ^

be«t Kam.* iu M*mignuier/ coouty, Tenn^ JMAI

mA* fituated abi'ut lix inl'A* ft* m 17iark*ville, a*« Mon the Men-pbi* Branch oi Um* LotiUviIIo and Na-nvuitR R, eoutaiulng about 1 ^10 aensa, #011 of •iip*-rlotquality, and *o anaoged ib&i it m«r eouvealeutly bedivided int two or moie cof, on wolch are two gooddwelliiig-boure!, li< or 13 gi-nd eabiua gA<>d new haru!with IV om rutficiei t to eu*e lUO ubv 1b* tooaooo itabloaioe-hoi'ecf. 3 goed detern* one nevi»r-f'Jliug wall, pUn-t> ol «l<y*k water, <i*e good orch. .rd* alMut 2tf tnitetpUbk ieudog and one mile 0*Age oranye b«*dge in goodoidei, the (Abur fundug In goud reudkir; abx-LtSKj or 90i

I^nilrsir> Claim .4g:eacj*


all Claim* gni- i*t ibe I'li Ld Suite* Guverutn*; it

tl nt iiMy b>* left ir> hi* caire: wili a*ieod to the ooiecliui'

cf bifk pay cl Ulliceia. S I ih*i*, a> d tUeir h**ir*; wil

oitAii) tif« aud Peueioii* tu.' th«>*e * iitiUed tha-eto

will give *uict atieiitii u tu the eoUectWuoi allciiitnr

(iu*uiaI or in orma’} c<'ijt:actf : b» the Q larlcrmist'^iv

or U« n inbrliKieii* *( tl»e Lut ed 8t-tte* .-vr'ay whe»vJIor*if4 or other j^roj'erty h** been UtkMii f*»r ilie b»«aedi

Ol tbe Ot^vernmem aue wbere no recc or vuuchetwet»-giveu.gyAill pmctlw IdAW before the MtMU»'y C*»m!»U*

eioi *, Ourt* Mariiab *Uid Civil Court* gcnei'ally.

gir*SuU:i iiti-* and dmittdd niau w.S) MY inoney Ir

the hi^uoa of i tt ce * in Keutuck' , louiaut. or Ohio.• U.-1 who d**eMi*d or viete duchargod, cau gel tbet'

n.‘ i»f> bv a| pit lux to iM* •fi'*e.

ku' Ai,v te a'iiu;ed at exry coiintv «e*LJOHN Mci’ARTUY*

Attornev at Law,Otfiee No. 5 Cjurt Place,

jc7 daHm L 'uGvil e. Ky.

To Cspitaiists— Peremptory Sale.


»» o'clock .'U 'IHUhSDAY', June *>. l»<5 on lh«

?ivmiMa iiithvcit' ol Pailucoh, Kentucky, the dosiro-

.e piopccty known aa ti’O

jekhey city mills,

Tecether with lot of Ground, aa follow*;

No. I. I* a gi:pcri r Merchant Flouring MilL gitnafad

W a L 1 3^1 teci gquare. at the infaraectinn of Broad Lo-

Heiooeong Giiilan. Vi .Una ana every varUdy of Mifocal Ouoda to be fcuud In a fi' it-claM Mugic iljaaa. whfoI will aeU at uaXATLT BKirecou raiuM.

Bf"l have the heat PI.VNO TUNER In the Wwl.XI! orders h t at thia bona, will be promptly ard MtiaCoct-yrily attended to. LOUIh TRIPP

(Late Tt Ipp fo CragG-ops' UI Fourth (tiwt

A. J. DUNCAN, Fie»ldon1, J. C. WARNER, Cxahi*


^nslivillo, Tenn.



Ei'.d Ncf .4i:.t1cot, m^ke Inverlmful npo*t dcTv. At

I*i*tf urtiona complie^l with ro lS>13id


DIILD 1 N 4 W.Umi.\N,TiiHHiO *M) liENCKiL fO'l*

MEJU HWTS,10^ N Water iti4!|t.t And tOG N. DuIawxts Avc-jne

IAdolloll-lA.myl3 d:Xii

Stagg'S Hams.Stage’s Keg Lard,Stagg’s Barrel LardOn hand aud for tale by

FudliUlUBITT fo SON.

No. x33 Market it.

W# ar* th* tol* manafaeturcra and proprittog* b|

Ket'tucky og ib*{


XUL AND WRINORR,which tt a ar* aatladad la tbe otry boat articl* at tb* kial

aver offered In thia markM.A*ao dfnfeT. in the I'lIAMPION, B.XT-L, and KK24-



LOUic'S t>JL-Sr.>NE W' RK3,UIKON (SK1ND8T >.SlLa


a»lA W’a P.-' TEN r '».\S ai .1 VM.flag r loking aud ueauimj.

HKI.M.X, DflDfllLfV ll.XHDY',D> al< ra iu U.rdwar* CnUeiy, foe..

,TJ-T Wart Main at., tolw .An Third and F.'u.t'i,

B.' 6 ii,*:ini tg-uLvire. Ky.

For State Treasurer.

JOARRadI*, tUtfpi«»cat inciiiALrutfo W s eandidsb

• In Si»i« nUl d»

NOTZCB.Sale of Army Alules^.

Or eaTroMOTrs uxaxoaL'a oarii'O. I

W .aUiNoTo.t D V., May >*, l-fo.)

Many TIIOl SANDS OF Mt LeS ark BELNt'dirpuaed ot at piifel c tri* at VY.ahmgIno.

The ••!* will coutlnud nucil the nu'nber of on'oiali

ia -educe d in pi • pi-rLuu to the rcducLcn at th* ariaietnow goU g on rapidly.Thei* aie in tto amilea of Ihe Poto-nae of Ihe Tmi-

o***ve and of leroryia pnhahly Fiyl ItTdDlflANr4iF THB I'lNrcT hlX-MULB TE.AMS IN TUffWORLDMany cf them ware bought io the heginnlDg at tbi

war, aa yoong mulea aicoenpauicd the arintea fo anUeir nuuchca aud compa ami ar- Iboronghly brnkea.hardened fo ixe ciae ge. tie ard lamiiior, Cinoa beingmo lung anrroundi d by ito aoldie aThe whole St i Ib ia >tnrp d cf farming atick. tad tha

Noith abo ha* -iiffured troin the drain of tiiitnala tokecto aiipply the aimieaTl-e e au^ni,!* ar* gold at poblle aiirli'tn; THBT

WII-L NOT BRLVj anything LilllS TIIEIF'TKI E VALl E: and anch cpportnoilfea nr farmer, kilick tl.t'i: faiira, aud for d overt aui dea>e-a iu ttoaa

Ic n - ke ertvl rpecti>riiona by purchat ng them and th*

P-aiug at tlu.m iu th- S-uth eiL n-' *. occur ania.M. C. MtICS,

Q artermaatcr vte'rc.aLjS dtJuIP B--1 .4 Maj ir GeiieraL


the citizen- ot LoniavT'o aa \uctlonee*' .'d, the ao-e 01

Beal ItrU'e. UooaaboU Pr. petty, foe. Chaxcce mod*

n-ie. N-ulh *ide Jefferaoo, near Fiilh. jo7 dfo*

/'IJARS 1:16.1 uU CLEAR SEED CIG-XHS. eompneiuay lit, ,:ijwirc cr-ehraied broide: Eepwi-o-a. HUlobo. Cu'. anu, K'va Saut’oeo, ITgaro. Elraw Mendo.and La Frrucia, which wc < iTcr to l"e trade at very lowpi IC *. W. fo U. Bl KKHAKDT.

Oj:il 6U Mam atreeE

(hi l ilt S'FDAND HAVANA CIGARS, o' fol-

,M4, i.'I'f*1, u ,u. brarria: fA-rraa LegiMinidad, La

B< -u c*. slid I >c.r do Aburnio, lor taie hvW. foU. BUKKH \R:>T.

m'-l 611 M-uu -.roei.

C I.V \K HAVANA t II. \KS-5.a.c o L,. . 1„ c!. ar Uaa a-ui seuara;I.t,' lh> t.-'kllU-lU-Ul * "

Ic store aud lor rale low bvW fo H BUKKDIl-Virr.

mS4 611 Main aueol

IL 1***^*^*’ ''"•'’*^ eemprUInr IlM

1«M', • ••a' lollowiiig braiiua: M oiilov. Pcn'cciio loTip Tiy. La Patti. La 4'ooa.,Priiua DuunvBelle nt K alucky, lu^le of An-.ccica, U. Clay, Waehlagloa, aocPuucb, which we edrr at r-diic«d p'icee.

W. fo U. Bl KKH.XRDT.m34 6U Main atreea.

= , „ , C ASFS 1 RESU CANNED FRL IT in atore an#«XI ’ ' loi «Ue fo W. foU BUKK'.LXaDr.

n-w4 611 Main atrccL

One of the Ornate Pt La’>or-Pivliij

Blachises of the

Mkp«D.>«klc t« Far:^r ttodM Vmr Tiraefo

NallafartlM 4;*ar*.-»reri ta INareRaeora-

r Mi HAN.Ce S VgSfor K/. acd Teata.

D. C. B*-*I'Y tCe. Ad'^Louia.-iio. Ky.

ac'r* cf the I-.od e'eared Uie b*!-nce timbered: aoon* I rual. and Frauklord atreeu. extendinr lo lalan i Creek.4i4i acri* Well act In clover and rroia. about Ofl acrot b. I being a loiir-at Ty an.iie ouiicinc. 3*xi>l feet with Sh.ilwhial, and I6i‘ acr* a pn-p.n-d f.j- corn and lobaceo

If C* aired, I w'll Cao it U with tto land ab JtA U hea^woik nuilea the C'-tt'e, hot* larining iiteual’a woRcia&c.Tibu*—


oah.For lurtlicr information uppl lo B. C Va' ghen, oi.

the p-emieea or, in m> a:eouce, to I E Bi-ooduaClaikavilla Teuii. HUGH DUNLUP.

I w iU alao teU m* 'i;OBAUX) FACTOBY and grounda^clHd. eonlaloin- Sanea. upon whieh are a ooirlo.Sable and eouveuiew ' rick r w lling, good brick cabiuaice-hWM^ aUblea ^.d * good ciafama. The fact ry iao*is of ibe b(-*t lo tbe cUj . su4 cout In* 10 * re.'v*.with c«pH«itv to put np LW) hhl* tnli*.t«, All tbe fix

oikrt*. Tlie property' il very diMirs*b!i—tha U«rstiou r.U'<m'p.\M*<l.

Truie—Two-third! cwh; tbe bsbuiae iu one

ffg, ras KM aHLGU DGNLOF.

CI&Tkfville, Tenn., Msv 1—d3m[I b'pvicret e* pv two frontbij

NOTZCB.( kNORBEFOKEMAY *1, .Mi5, THERE W.ASTRANS'-r polled ftoni the ateaiuer Darling (then liiiigKgroiii.d on the FalI*J, a lau-re Black Tnmk. tied witli alad-cord, marked 11. O. Ilurlich, Cinc.iaiuiti. Ohio, andwas to have la-en delivered to the owner, on b-ard tlie

Loiiiaailie fo Cincinnati MnU'ioat. aiuco which timenothing baa laien towid from it. We will thank a dlila'rally toward Uie poraou who ahali return aaid truukto our ofhev williout delay.

CUOTEK. PATTON fo OO.,JelGdU llSaudlD WallSucrt.

being a loiir-at >ry an.iie imi*Cinr. saxSd feet with Sb-.iL

eie eualne. 4 tun of beat French bnhia and all th* nec-

aaeary mad in«r< fur eondnetiug a firat-elaaa Mereh-.n'

Mill. Ou the a-me pniuioca ia a two-atory Ware-boi'ae 36x1' U feet.

No 3 Adjoining No. L ia honnded bv Frankfordrlieet, Iriniid Creek, and fronting on Ihe TeiiiioaaiRiver about 6<li feet. Tli't iut contain* a two-*t ry

Strap' S>w-Mill wHh 3 b ’ileia and engine. a.wh aud cir-

cular aawa and all ollirr ntcca.ry at weinery; also, ousame lot ia a Piauli'g Mill {Woo'*W"rth'a pxtentj con-

tained in a lwo-*lor> buildia* 4UcN) bet.

N S. Da two *biry Prick Store, 36x40 f et. with

Warebi'ure adjoining ard La t of Grnnnd. ait.iated at

tto iiilerarrti'Xi of Locii-t. Bioad, ai d Elixaheth itieeta

No. 4 Cons *ta of In Building D l* lioiiUiig .m Diciul

atrrrL eath 40 leet wide aud extending la depth 140 fuel

toFrmnkfard atnet. ,No 6 C* nip iae* 7 Building L-to. awch 63 faet wida

fronting on Deiiet *treri aud running back t > the Ten-ne»ie Kixer about SfO feet

Terms and couditioua made known on the day ot

sale.PlAPt tan be teen and liifarmatioa given on anpllco-

ti„u to KOBf.KT R. LKVICK,No. 635 Mark t at , Ph",4rlphia, or

JA.ME4 L.ANGSTAF6',Je7 Ct.leSR Padii'TxV Ke'iiiickv

f.lklt Bulls bagging, pUWEtt lo )M;c)' l.noH r..ila Bale K pe ' Hemp Leaf” brand;

I'UXX) .be t'wiiir: far tab* byjrlS d3m RICHARDSON, CHATARD fo CO.

/ aASTUR OIL-30 bbia (or aale hvV- mIodU W1WILSON fo PETEB,

PiBW OOOD8 rOR. OLD!The i .slerfigneu annoubcb that they

have )u>t I p< u.d a bouae where thev will eou*taiitli

kr*p on h.i d a gw d aaaoituieot cf QUFENSWAKfand FI KNITI RE. which tbey will sell uo the nmat re,tunable term, or axchange for OLD KUKNITUHRLiveuaacaU. MILKS fo CAKK.

je dlx* S. 8. Maio. bet. Tenth aud Kiaventh

HIDES! HIDES!|A fo HAVE EOK aALB ddfoO GRItigi BALTIC-T city hutcl er Htdi*, Iu good aouditloa and fret

fi'313 Ciitd. wM-> we win iMI to Tanuera and uUera (amaU fat. to loH liaao'.. HOLT fo TAYlrUK.

Aft Hals ita acoth idTa,fl5 ditni MWb


Paw* tie iraniilactureia tbe fluevt qu.alitiea of L X-rCll I'lia* and OKNT*S MlSSEJ aud CIIIL-

I REN'S B< >OTS, BALMuKAlA and GAITerr, whien we will aril to the tr-<,to at Gold prleea

M>A REaDY fo MAKHN.i0!< Main at , bet. Filth and Sixth, toath tide,

my 30 43m

nXAnAOX O’DAZA\VOVLD KfcaSFtCrU’LLY ANNOl NCR TO* * th- public that hu removed to the «outhtidcol Market !iro»ta betweun Ji«ek*oo and IUn>euck* Uiird duor from Hancock, where *he mar becriirnltcd by all who miijr de*tre to know au> itffnsof Y I Trxi Kvxntb. She will five the name, ace:ard character of any peraon. 8be will al*o J.^lin»atc chaiact<»r fr* m rkencMca. d‘m*


or KiiMrd Clotb o> our make can te aocoinmudat^by Modina tbeit wool toj. D. Boudur intak Go.; M-un•U'Ct. Loi^Uvifte. K/ri and we wtii return tbe oiaau-lactured good* to Ibe «am*» place.

JOUN A JOHN K. QAGGIM.June 10, 1866—ol4 O'Baaaou, K/.

AIE »08ifrA Rnout:d*8 cei.kbr.\t»u> pittsburg Si^ak Air iu **t4>r * v. dfor tai'* byW 4 U BI KKH.^KDT, Slltfaiattivet,

Agent for Joabua Rividra 4 8^



Atbt lat'lLAM, Mir.


Bacon,Lard,&Ua,* By tb* oak. tfareo. karT*l, kag, or in lota lo suit

purrh laera.


rroclamatioii by tbe Oerenior.

S300 REWARD.Coiutoiiwtai.Ta o* KxaTrrmv, I

Ext 'ern* D*pa*ritca*.f

O. UFREA3. IT HAS BEEN MfoDE KNOWN TOvv at* that oa* WUkica WarT*a,ea Ibafo-lh ad Xpii],

1<M>. murde ed . — ASama ia the aouuky at Ka llKgad is DOW a tugltiv* Gam jnatiea and Is goln* ri hrrtoNow, Utoretoia L Thea. K Biw-ilatl*. Govarner 4

tb* looimoawaGa omccaaid. do herahy aM*r a rawa’Sof l>rae Uandiwd DnU.iT, <ar lb* •ra—lriwira af I'msaid Wilkin. W.rr*n aud hia aatl intry to vt* jallar MBath eocnty, within <m* v-wg tram lb* >Hm haraeC.

I.V wauRMor. i !>**«

^ hereunto set my Itond and cwwmI the saol 4I foKAl. x-Lo CommonweaitV W be ritixad. itoaaafo

'Frankkri tM*tb*l3ib d»» af May, A.” Isdi, aud la tto- 73drtwr *f the 'kmat-ofe

wr*llh. TUOS K BMAMLKfffflBy the Oovevncin

E. L. VxNWijrki.*, Sa« n-tarv 3t *e.

B) Ja*. K Paug, awittoul Saerc^riy.

pESGiiirnGN.Aboat Si yaart at aaa 6 I'eri 1* Inchns bl. b, wads 'i*

abu'it 146 Its, black bar at d evea ai d hot a pocri; .g

at ST voice—IciiT whiak.-* Had .« w. ar. hacomatittefftbv murder militair aawt, Mr'ped panto, and m*b-'uvp 4boots. ig '.j.ria



Tb* favariht xnatruoimd* M Pbi iwtdphifo

At VfcRY LOW rioi fUfS byU SHUMAN, Soto Xv* X

NM Thi.d at . fol boot south k Itm Puri-affM*.

iWP»anoa tgnad aad lapaltad. OT^ <



ObilcfEe find Mforkfot strevU, south (* Brofoi^

X.1SUV1LX.E. TE-X.!.

foVOTMMMtow fomriOTm-a ra me,

Sholby Street tardea ObilcfEe find Mforkfot strevU, south (* Brofoi^

The l-NDERSIONKD. H.XVIMO mTED UP THIi AKIIl'II I E. TEX!.Garden in tb* mori riagont alyl*, emi proatia* hfo

il.KStlP 1 M-ft.friendtaud tto public In general a pleawknt tiaa*. d — ,w„, . .- —

. ii,i,|aiimfMgood bond wiil oa ia attvudouee cv*r> d-u-toy oifow fo^^Liberol advanew man ea eetutiamOTOT

noqa. AU ar* Ink itod. Must re*pecttu Ily. — —my,d3m Ji^M J. HAUPHOPT. myw JOT

SOKITHHiQ WORTH KWOWnra U. S.CLAIM AGBNCTTTTHH UNrKBffiGNBD PII»>P' MEi TO PW'ffBUtJTH^ Mrinal th* Unitod Matas GovenuowMmeat ot KKFKiGEKATOKfo. IGMLttBVnt, Wfo- .a..-.. leftl. Ma coi*l WUI aMrad to Ifo* aallOT

TKM OUOlERS and FILTEBS couibiimil in th* MW h pay at ulBeotk Si ldfag*, aad Ifoalr todrmto Iw found at ,_a-i . WIU obtain iCuiMaa and Pepmora^ thoa* itiMMil

Betwaau Mam aud Market. Ctoima fwhribac tormri ag lafar—a aDotrarira b*OT**lm ^


WEST BADEN SPRIN 31S,OKANLiK COUNTY, IND. ,to SU Jeffbiaao skraaa aaolb asdM

This CKLKBKATFD ESTAHLlSUMEirr WItX betwara Tblrd aad Paoilfo OTWMip«u lot tb* laeeptlua ol vlaitcri un lb* lat af Jon* foam v®— • . . —


1-46 Hoa BUad Ballard, u. 8 Joraa Ldomviafo.

Ttowe In pnnmH *f pleasni* wIU bar* Ind a aofoi Haj. Ora. L. U Rouataan. C a Army,cork and cooiiortabi* retraak fte* fraan etty n-daa dusL 11 n Ben. S CcA*, Ohirnbla Ky _and beat, with biUiarife, ton-plna seed buntlna and P Tbnm aa, m. AMarnay a* Lem, "•i tMll Myfishing to amin* them. Thoee In piirsolt at beolin wiil a»14 dlmfowOTtore find th* towt fitted up piri* and the graatol varl»

ty of mineral water, in tn* Warn. In tact thev ara m 9l|Or011Kb-BrBll tlw

J PfolVATK SALfo Ifea thona*.

IWA dally line of hsclu w<U Mav* OrtoaOT. raj^ RdtoL.,N. A.fod R R., for tbe aceommoda^ M ^ •?£.Irom tbe East. Those euoiiug troaa the Wisri arm Mv«tbe O. fo M. K. K. at tbs Shuola By both roatea they

arrive at th* springa tbs *aaia day. , .

For fortbar lufatmatiao addrata Weri apnngaV, foOBT W.XRfoKN uc


mi, dSm W*sl Bodan, LnL

bav* atom him to b* asM af Ifos aarittta If nt fin* ai** and artioa—b.vla* ra-

fliaaraW bge*dtg-airi i»a* afoib* yarat

noto a rar* o**<riwilW fa* a eayd tgv

rar^lata affottma m*. mar Franfolait.

c. lbwhl

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