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THE imm lNSTITDTEiKM6FiaJiffiNG]pS|ie ^

TMU;^'*' '* Hear hk>tnie>


* giaia Cayafary. D I M in H k

Hmiw Tueaday T4%lit.


(BY OUR SPECIAL coKRBSPONDENT.) Mr. John Gaioes, 76 years old, The first day of the January i a member of Go. A, 4th Virginia

Farmers' Tn«t'tiitft, which; beyan j Confederate Cavalry, and one of yesterday, brought out a large'the best known citizens of the assembly of both farmers and | upper fK)rtion of Prince William teachers congesting the spacioustcounty, died, altera bnet illness, court room at -the cpurt-house | in his home, near Hickory Giroye, where the Institute was held." at_an early hour Tuesday night

At' the_jnoming session th-. j of pneumonia. The funeral took Heck spoke on the importance of | place from the home yesterday, physical health in the schools and l af tenroonr Rer. W. E. Gibson,

—the CTsentinl pointa in.adwaation. I formorly. pastor ef^h<-J>tiddle-Ante-wcperimeiat t» ahow thai burs ehuit^ officiating, an t in-need of general medicaJ mspec- ferment was made in the family tion, all the students of schools'

i' in Orange county were exarnined

Df^tn Intera^rino AMrt%M to

Sckool League of Tkat Towa Ffiday Nigkt^

The Senior School League, of Occoquan, held its nionthly meet-

RARI AT TO SIWNTS MJM Porter, F i ^ d Secretary o l

Y. W. C A> J>elight» Rait. •nStadadsTlib Wedc.

by an expert wid there were found 30 per cent afflicted with bad vision; 21 o-!r cent, with adenoids anff many with'efllarged tonsils. Over 70 per cent, need­ed dental work at onoe. - -

Dr. Heck urged better attend-awig 4w the hJoalt M the beat means of getting better school

— work. The best educatiori is -:-tliat which best prepares for life

i and no scheme of vcducation is g o ^ that ignores the home en-

» viKHimentoftiieehiM. Wemust teach real things and by mlans of real things. ' 'We must interr pr^ tii«4ecareninr«HBent ©f ^ ^

'child as »means of education." Nature study ntifflild, be^teught

-«nd mechani<»a8 aTmcafiff Of tniiuiriE tlrr hand and eye." All girls should - study _domeBticBcience and home hyeiene. TfiS'abstract »abject3'a>e of little use u"|e»

ttilities are learned. JAoclg

burial ground, near his former home. ,

The-deceased, who was an hon­orable and upright citizen,, kind neighbor^ devoted husband and

followed Le^and Jackson through

vivod by hio widow, thgoo dough' tert—Mrs. George Galleher, Mrs. John Brawner and Miss Lacy' Gaines, and by an .oAly son, Mr. Latham Gaines.

eAflismir ?0T£S N^ Nature Hriany Bnovtig. pejwtugnt^ n „ j i—.- p^a. K» c i ^ ^ ^ M.; . .

i^—fMrnmBoHPrtt^g^ Stitmgeet Opqxmeirtl

ing last.JVidayt^January 10th. at t week with_ th^ advent and de-iightful vipit of Mi93 Porter, one o f the ji^eld S e c r e t a r i o * ^ tho'V

7:30 p. m., in build-ii>g. There was a large attend^ ance , of patrens, students ancT others interested in the organiza­tion and the building was filled

W. C. A. Aftw an inforrr\al reception in

the parlor of Vrrhees Tiall and to its utnoost' oapacity. It was the discussion of. a deliciouis cup an etrening wen to be remem­bered.

of coffee. Miss Porter addressed those present, giving a-few at-

Our president, Mr. Tyson Jan- tractive raanojiirwhy it was well n^, ^ « w d ^ e meeting and ali- fo^fill itudents to be enroled as joined in singing that beautiful National song, "America,'* after which the invocation was de­livered hy Rev. Mr. Atkins.

Mr. Geo.,C. Round, of Manas­sas, delivered a ve jy interesting

father, and a Inave soldier who, j^dreasf giving many historical and interesting facts in relation

was a paper read on ' 'Occoquan as an Ideal Summer Hiwne," by Mrs. B. W. S^lecman, which elicited applaose.: Miss Eoaf«' gave a talk upon the subject, "Is ti*e PobKc School~a SicMra," which was listened to vHth tiau^ interests.

Mr. naydete-i^ t^coquan senoot, deuv^red an ad^ r.iJ:UI.>.B--*J:TrrngiTO.ii .i^M^ian


O t j e c t t e P laee Trade CoadJ. ,Empba«ixed Proper .Satritatiim^

tiont oa M<WSafer a a d ^ a l - | , Recommei ided Medical

isfactory Basfa. ' Director For S c k w i ^

A rarfe treat was given the stk- | At a meeting of . the retail dents of Eastern College this

members of the Young Woman's Christian Association.

Tuesday momirtg Miss Porter gaye a telling address on the ad­vantages of, becoming liienbers of th« College Asssociation.'

Tuesday /afternoon she *and

Ais and MJter irfwaK ' Thuwr 4ea at ^6M^ Cottage, the home

dthpr membera of the fccplty^fvwy impts-tanLoxioyement upon "P^" ^ * sanitation of schools were entertained a^ aftarrkionJVhgjwtHt^f ^h.. >m«itiP«« m^^

of Professor and Jtfrs. B. Tr H. ^odge, on North Main street.

Tuesday night those who were-already miember ' joined Miss Port^ at the camp-fire in the large mnsti roMa « i d wa?eini- BFl^Sz iHi Wt^ F R f l ^ tiifflre is ag^iod sewerage^stem, tiatedinto the mysteries of this > y M l * - V r VU^ t, m^DO said the distinguished speaker, vet7 fadnating and truly pro^ta- ' the cases of typhoid and other

_.l!he43copajsitim tfthondfi&tnpfe vUle diMtrk'rip-frintfg WtlHam

instiructive a n d^ entertaining. The patrons are well pleased at tjarogg i S r

j ilj ^T rnf ffi ^^ IUnes» She malignant dtseaser are redQ<^^ ^ " ' .j»a.rofaJmam. .saivaQonisfreeT

-taid-hu, piil uvaji LLlMg efe costs ty the College Y.jf. a A.,

If nofitJiPr merting was ftelcg this alonie woold be most helpful in elevating'^the standaid of liv-jBgrgaedHuid hw)py^#ge8r

A very interesting and perhaps merchants of Manassas, held *t the most importantlfeaturenLthe the store of Mr. Karl Austin on TCO^KO—) T„„** * • , i . \i j _ • u . ,.. , leacners' Institute was at last Monday night, an orgamzatioil . . , n c »v loa., WHS fttfeftted and nearly wary "'K"* ^ sessiop. wten^Dr... Allen -merchant in the town enwlled. W- Freeman, Assistant State The following officers for dhe eh« Health ComniiHfitnp«r. ftdfffeesed suing year were elected: Messrs.^the assemblage upon the all-im-p. R. C. Jphnsori, preBident; portant subject of Medical In-Henry Camper, vice-president; „ x- - o i. . T ^ E. R. Conner.ltreastirer; Karl ^ ^ ^ ^ f ^°' Schools, ]>r. Jte.^ Austin, secretanr, and Messra '"«'" being, one of the best au-R. S. HynsQU. Wv, C.^WageBier"*^»riti«>onaanit»tieByid alogi-and Jesse Bell, directors.- cal, magnetic speaker, he knew

The object of the ^sociation where of he spoke and his ad-is to better the trade ^onditk>r^^,^^^^,^.^^^g^^^^^^ ^^^^ in Manassas and vicinity and ,to . j ,. . , . bat'credit ta those JKho_AL^L|''"^l*^;°*'^° *"* was. great-deserve it and to extend it to lyeojoyed. those worthy of i t T h i s is a ^^' Freeman spoke not alone.

wmcn tney our town and, no doubt, other-^"<^° tney are located.* He towns and business sections Of emphasized the importance of a ttenHsonty" . ,- , „ _ to ioop- sewert«e syarttem for the town of erate witii the Manassas orgam- Manassas and ventured the as-wtion in plftciw bnsineiw iipon^ BcHiun that th«=^wh could p>£

vide n<5 greater asset Where safer and more satisfactory

IMM in Home m-County W|

money,/and if we W9iu:c a good V w u u Ttuu «> tWn« we must pay fqc it and onct yrs. Eliaabotfa Hibbs, 78 years ^f t f e fffsa^jJ^Wimw^i^

eld; died in her home in I''o"?*lyB!MM~for Manai^fe IS

^Course without loss and mueh^of i eal valoe m a y ^ ad(^.

I, for ^ W^ '' 1^ tfMfhpffl of the Qei^

highwayar 61 t6& dfetrfct was defeated in an election held Wed-After a aumptons lunch served

S w f ^ ^ hundred persons th* «»v^ votes. There was s i x ^

shoidng satss&etpry pmgt<aa. -According to the report of a

(iom'iafttw tha Bbm of $60 hud

Wednesday. Miss Porter gave iEFea^ ^pleasore^j^ pennant pro^by-the addresses and priy-ate.mtgYiewaiifitkBtudentBwho WftBttd to know iitbtv aRwit Uig

^ f i i g h r i r j <J'ek«k. after a;i|,„^h upon ttw nnsanitiiry c^" ^ n w n i ^ L a i s ^ r f A - c ^ ^ which" obtains in m«et

- teacners m^ in t h e Denaefetf hnilding and the farmers m the

^^ f<wr " ^ "-gty-eiyht ayainat

been ooll< tng~ffie

towards improv-grounds. Owxng-

work of the assoeiafioh • and its fifttiftn Of riiBwuMH . ThgjFnnwul athwls wUetwiiBcommoiiaiflhk-teok place this "morning at 11 o'elock. Rev. Marsh of the M. E

ing cup is osed for'the enture

wMii thouser About ninety farmers and their

wiyeg listCTed to_aJinql" intereBt. iuB' audita&dctivefectare by Dr. Jos. K. Bombaker of the t ^ t e d

try and a native 0 tiie contagious d i s e a s e s aninuds, emphasizing tiu>8e "black leg" 4uid bog

of of

_ cholera. Blackleg^ a mpst fa^ disease of young catile^^JThe cMl J' is|h]^ft'opDah«rQf parsoos wbOid»i characterized by alai WswelittJiP on the legs or belly of the animjal vdiich gives a cradding sound iffh'^^'^*^'^ hftfAuaeof t h e bub-bles of air cont&ined. It is^atal

^ tw«i^-four to t b i T t y - a i i 4MMW8.' It is coBtracted froip the yrmmrt t.he same as tock^w

: . _ . amall cuts orscrstches. in


" ' ties, -if seroew;hat resembhii tg- F^rederiekabargft«ie Lance,-with

As there Is no cure, pievenfaon is of great unportanee and;~ci^ ~ be accomplished by vaccination., The vaccine is feyrnished freebj^: iheJImteiiStf^eaJ^^lileBt of AgricoltorS f(»ruse.

that the hypCTdemnc synnge, behiiUgiug iM the MMauuwo A&ii cultural Sebool, may bi borrowed f or

Hog cholera, is a most conta«i:_ ens diaeJg'''affootipg aO leaali |

phoid fever in its symptoms and is fatal in 75-to WO per cent of

^ a r S ^ . ^ i / ? « l ^ on theJate Jt«Ure R L Moncnre^or fW of p e o ^ Igitogs, ^ rniF ning water aiid most of all by thfi tMi?.zards. As t h e r e ^ no cure it must be prevented by Taeclnaflon; The_yamije.caube

thio countFi

by Mr. Corbin Thomi>-wdbridw Dniry Barm, y, who tel'

the proposition to bond. lr»HtiS^51jJ'ttiiI!iU!Ji: Itioii devd^

to the illness of his wife, Mr. Wr Lynn, t h a ' vica-praa^dent o f

objects! A<t«|rthe eveningmeal ° " ° ^ ^iT^ZEt^:^ P"^^ *** - " ^ " ^ * ^ ^^ — I - x . , - , ^ 1 . . - . - _ - - , _ - _ . . - Church, Soutii, officiating, and dinned-into oti-wmTmnn « . « , - i a pleasant half hour was spent in

was at Catharpin where only ^ g - Ipftg"'*. was iJimblu UTW the parior with Miss Poarter aMi ^L__.I. ^ ^ , pi^^it^u

votea.were cast in Javortrft^**^^ TKte meeting (ghwjEMJiby' JiiLiibe dociets^

^_t- ,- J m__. dipped- into, one common vessei. interment was nitid* m iibenewr pfoujaeuosty^-tinar endangering

|h[n^jgiigyi!jg'jM n ffontayiuu'* -JBte

«ngiirg*^WiIl There l» no Stars in My Q g o w i C ^ t ^ whigi the

Testi^tlajr nK^ningr Miss

^banted for by the failure of elec£^ to quali^. themselves by paying thefar caiHtation tueff.ux months prior to the election, and

JMjfS iWMnhttigH ihsperBftd, hiii» ing sp&at a most enjdyalde even­ing; X.

ter wait" CHV Eiar way to s e a l ^ Bonshine and SgReddeats of af^

*_ M ia__i^jni.Lii_ ;^ • through «MHi )ecttofir 4 ^ sons. M r . ^ « ^ f l , b B ^ ^ pupils, or thS? patents, that the ^rtA^exandna, andMn^Ka. Hihhs. ^^^^ vi^ia-faHi fastened- i t ir

of the firm <rf W | ! ^ A Gi jdiHga, la , ^ apcm them th the primitive anuHig. t h e ooUeees.

^ii£ieDt8 of otii'er X.

Bffi ASSDOAHOI !L\'«!l!W»1'J'<"t: WiS^

ofitlBniasBas, aild by one tered, .Miss Katie Hibbe, Round HilL , • ttrs. Bibbs was <rf

stage of the disease. « ' be-a conainon

irshooM thintr, said Dr-

.. . . . . F CSHWW. to see pupils going to that kind ; ; t ^ > ^ K ^ . 3 , ^ ^ - g ^ ^

canetrto totfe ufHrn the proposi . __ tlOQ. - #gUowing is the vote by pre-c j a ^ i j Haygiarket, 45 for, 14 agwrat,.-Hickery GJpOf* 7 fw, a a r a i n s t. WgtBrfal^ H iw aKtthisU Oathaipin,'

: G. Flaa^ Eiact«d[ J And R ThoratoB I>avies, of . Manaii


•4 lot. 06 At the auuual unaeUim uf th.e. War Aaanoi^frinw ^f thp R J T t ^ t h

And Native of tUa Goontr

Miss Julia BrTTenchr^ yfetiy

motherly^ dJspooSbnwhreh e^- dual drinking cup formfnga part deared her to 1 ^ ^^F^ <>* *U of^ns school M o fai^w^h» apdahflPiriH. te guarditJia-^osdraThisbooks.

^-.-the praamunit^ a s b i ^ she'so- loBsr has resided.

Dr. Freenaan^dso onphasizeti-^: the 1 great neglect of pf»vidiiy^

The Moncure Faafly.

THE JOURNAL, in ffiseanepg the kwgevity of he Ribbftrtirfftm-

PtofesBor Button anncgjmeed:'iFt 'P .t« "*"* of Dsesmber 87,

Judicial Cirraltofn^ma, Whidb took place last Friday laorains in t&roBd!^ of CoL Eranda L. Snnith, in Alexaadria,_the fo.low-"["«>ndocted^ ing officers for the ensuing year

oM. riifid in ha hpipg ia jgjnsa;,

have the sympathy trlmudii la Uttflf tutf

rof^ ^^^ ^ eomfortabte ooofe^op yipil9-im4-

f-a Iwst of of sefeing to it that t^e light to the desks oune irom a dcractitMi

top, of pjhromoaia fotiowed by pjiralysis, on Tuesday of 1 ^ week. Thefantralwavices we»e

^ ^ 3 @ » o n , ithedmthirf

• •-'" - ^ . V and pointed oat the physical in-jury as the resolt thereof. He

News has just reached h « e of econpn^nded that t h e school

pastor of the IVttfWte Dauflst-

stutid' a jiombef of its eohtem-puraries along the same tine s^fe

were_elected: R. Gofdbh'ITnney, 6f\33exandria eoontr. firesideot,

cEncb 01 wiuTeot^irimd: iater-ment was madfr inTthe WarreiK

r e s y e c t i v e teamtoties, com^Jorw^d a statement from ottFCoteomod eontomp<wajgrj S »

H. Thwnton Davies. of Prince <<m •cemetery:


^niam^ thrlate William C ^vector f»- the schocJs.-stating^ Merchant wlib wi« one of the i ^ , ^ ? ' " * ! ^ was-twt after thfe

WillBimoounty; X R. Catop. df I ter of the hUe JJanieT FVench and Alexandria city; Wimm F a n v ^ «-Bative of Prince Wilham coto-

thie most impcni^t ^KivisioBs to ue Hivaeu a i i c r . ^xuu V'v-yilfXSfV

b^ocethe beginai^ dC tiie/nvfl 9^a» « M * year'. sair^Rr fka-

r!ef erenee to the family oi ih€

Fairfix ewiBty, md 9f. tt. Gtota, of Alenadria eooaty,' vtee preai

ly, fr SBTVtved by tv»o'sata«— IbK George Frank, moChef of

dents; 6 . W. Lewis, of Alesuui- Tlkos. Frank, editor and proixrie-'

w^r and who jptef nt Fed the mcT- medical attentfoif to members of cfcntiW hosftieasirftertheekwe <rf yonr family through' diseases

^[hoatilitiea and contmned therein brooght to voar ham«» Etp yniii»

'many yeais tgesident of theSu-preme- Court of Virgima. Fd-Inwing are the names, ages and

4riB.seeretwT>«BdB.NoelGae^lQr of the-ltpquier Doaoerat, Aer, of Alexandria, treasurer.

An interesting feature of th« and Miss Locy Ftelbcb. bolE:^ Warroitos. .-^—

In-the early seventies the de-

fOr over a decade. . ; '—, duldreo fhim the schotd. Th" death of Mrs. Mexehant raogh phsamtaiy conditions

oeeorred at the -.home of her prevailing thereinr^—j—_« — brotberT Mr. Jos. B. Sheiniard. It Is periiapa notgcnaaUy

jilase 61 residence of the fwaily represeii tali v us anrnow townsman. Judge Chas. E. tiKtA, had by applying to Hon. Geo. ... , • TT- • • L •

Hninrr f]W" rnminisaiones-^ IMsfcJWt. nnlY in Y l f f ^ Pttt ,„ 'Till Tilinrifiilr I Agriculture, at Kichmona, andjin the faraontnand-Weiti— -j rA.^ .>^,^^wu«» costs from tw^ty to forty cents per annimal according to sixe:

^ The marketing of milk was i ' in u soiSrof

• meeting was an inKrmrBTpp«HW ,aflBwl, iu compauy with her sis.! ueai Mlimietillt. abotft ih&juid- kiiugiu aaid Ik. Pieeunm, tlatt jasj^JS^^w^pM W - m Bsrtary Grirtdle of "December and she was there are a lar»«- proportira of

in the nir Sontn ano ^eK. Judge J. C. Monciire, IShrevB-

pwt La.. 86 years; Mrs. A. |C.

ham, wte engaged in the nuUi-JUid torest inthe Sheppard fam taoir

±B -Main. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ " ^ ^ ^ ^ S t S t door to the-residen^

ijt-Mr. B^JL. Merchant The bers with their invited guests.

Paynter, Chicago, IIL. 83; RrC. L. MbncuTB, SlaffofJ, S r ^ r s .

r..nafT^ tA the H o t d w h » e « - b a a q a « t iUKT

d of the nee<L A. Mrgsn; Staffed. 78; Dr. W, of cleanliness and of pronspt ce-f rigeration of the lacteal -flmd J42ce_thai_25„.per cent of .the products of the farm reach the market in an injured ccmdition. Thii Ingg fsTlu uii the piuduL'l.'. ntjchmond. 60. Use a Uieimometer and cool the;—The average age of the nluti Jil|

P. Moaeure. Fairfax, 71; Mrs. A. JL Chichester. Stafford. 68;

66; W. E. Moncare, Frederfeka-Ymr^ fia-. H II If m Mrmnnws

pared ) ^ direction of the Ctindall Maefc^

^•°*g!»*;6mi; after a short

iWirrenl^ ciationT Alexandria enmty. was master. The banquet was a most


business ca-i -reBwred—to-

colored people tly hlinal gr"'"^ K t A* h ^ una. aw> afflicted

than white who w i t b tnfrrrTiTnnMi

bend whfr preceded ner-tfr toe y t you allow them to come 4nto grave neuly a quarter centui7~y<JQr homes and do yo<a> washing ago. without exandning Jnto the ^ -

^ ^ ^ t t e w B

«r^^aai<'| a Boeee8»4

miUinCTy business in thatii ^K***"*; Messrs.

The deceased was a stepmotbor vironments of such colored peo«-of Mi*. Jane Adams, of Wash- pie and api^ng a speedy jsm_~_

B. D. Merchant, edy where needed, of Ifscararar J<^irMei«hsnt of 'se&ded that proper

He recom-precaution^

Miss French was a consistent Alexandria, and WTC: N . M6f "be used in gucTi^ses" and^wKen a£-tii/i. ^mim.i- . . < .,». — - • i • ! ' . • " 1. r - •••

milk quickly to 55 or 57 degrees and there will be no trouble in k«ct>'"g it "»*»l ^^ reaches the market

To-day the discussion of sell-

72i years, the average age of the first four is 82 years and the first five 791

Judge Moncure was the father of 14 children. Tw6 died in in-

irgwill be taken up att^fciaern-1 fancy and twelve hved to man-j ^ited JUacoda Boqaefort BentB

enjoyableone-and^aUpiestMilM'^aijddevoutme^ „f niiillmii^ li'-^'^^'t^ i^nditi-n't—- f-rinffiTi^l^tfr

io w"i.-'Jr»> "F:i;rmr"ta;^i^g ii t S ^ ^ g ^ ^ ^ g ^ - ^ . " ^ : - t r ^ through proper meth. thJrr^'nn ' ^ ^ ' « WJg ^^^ ^^^ ^ ^^ ^ regular at- Mrs. Aafy «aite,'«f WashingRmvrods. upon a r gdv munHly. A Can«p* Fr»nc«j»*— rtBTidant utm> her church ser- and one s^ , Mr. Samuel Mer- remedy that wilMessen iKe an-

Virginia Celery Alt* oiiTe. vices. She was a kind aMl sym-1 chant, of A l o a n d r i a . and bv one niial death toll of Mana«umTP.-.nM

Cnamed Mtfbed PoUtoes Lettace and Tomato Salid

iBg session. "^ « - Ihood and womanhood. iKctr C<Ht«i

•faetevcd Sor her amiable eharae-teristics. ' Truly, a good woman' has gone to hec just reward in "The Great Beyond."

with jrhom she haa made her At the conclusion of Dr. Free-home since the death ^ her bus- man's address be wis enthuaia»-band. tically applauded. >"

Page 2: eAflismir ?0T£ NS^

T H E M M N A S S A S JOtJft?^At:.-FRTi>A¥. JAirtJA«¥-i-7 . -^y^3

>AVrinnaT ItC Pfrlifi^ti«:feavgrdqg"^nder such ra*esj^a*fra4E?T SNlXTHE SANL. ( U T t p t K l U r • K W A W l j , ^ ret^ulalionsas t h c ^ i d direc-! —-:^,z=:-~--^ — r

:nalor ^

BUi Last W e e k JFoir GoT«ra-

and retyuiauonsas i n c ^ i a au-fcc-j


n-a t( R



B r .

ti... tt.

Swa iuon IntroclScrir a ] may prescribe: Provided, that all-ineesnr number of the.RicBmond b i d e l h a t l beopeired by arepre-jVirjrmian there appeared an H u n U l i v e o f - t h e Office of Pubrjc | articte by G. W. Ferryman. N o » Roadft in public and in - the prea;i£oau-Va.. d^aliny wi ih t h e case ence of a duly qualified represen-1 of FJoyd,aiid Claude Allen. Your tative o f \he state or its civil , correspondent regrrets that such a s u M i v ^ M u -AU:gQntract&^^]^^ haa boon bo ttwardod iointly by the aaid I created in fayor .oT tlve vouBg

S ::ator Swanson introduced in th( - m a t e last week bill No. $.

to provide for the con rnaihtehaqte and improv«-

; jf post roada and ruraf de -, routes througUthecooper

an 1 joint Mtioffof the-Na* II i; )vt> rn meat and the sevei

:n whicb such P^a^ ronda delivery routes may be

u d, which bill was twic6-! -eforred to thu Connuit-' i'(«t OffifW" and Porft

director and duly constituted ^man which expresses itself in the road authorities of the state or I petitions that hie life be spared. its civil subdivision, t h e director He also cites cases inQthey states

W A S H INGTX3N*-D^C.vti ' S. A.


rthould i-t be enacted h'.A-. will fill a. long-felt !• J ighout: this'^Srale and ;ailed with deiiir'^t by ail ".]. Now tliatthi'Uttilca

ixernment Ts usiniJ:-Qut

; " ; . " ^ , •„. - - - r "fii'the first place, with due re-authonj^es Shan have 3o,nt super- ^ ^ ^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^.^^ ^^ vision^over the construction, i m - j ^ ^ ^ . ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ j ^ ^ n m v > e r e n o t : ^ „ j ^ v e m ^ n t ^nd maintenance o^li,,^^,!,^^!^ The^m^^ have erred. •^• all roads vt-bile being constructed - - J

t ifu wftmtan'iTffl/i niwi i g

dv o; X

afeo-eeing^n behalf of tRe United [where like petitions have been States to pay one-half of the i presented for the life of some^ same: ProvideTturther.4hatany j notorious criminal. In drawing or all bids may be rej'e.cted 7or i his papallels he admits he does^ cause—'• ~~'' "' '" - " — ^ - t n o t J c n c P r t h e facts of the AUen


S E C . 3. That t h e D i r e ^ t b T o f ' case, but sij'S that the verdict of thegOffice oUBublic Roads of the United States Departra.ent of AyntruHtirc and-thoatatw or local

a jury should be final. Allow me to present-another side_of the ^aser—

Trnpi'DVed or maintained' under the provisiohs of this Act. The joint supervision of the United

n ia l s for rural deli-yevy o f . alter it is r ightand proper

L .-hoiild bear a portion- o f II nse of the maintenance '. public Wghways F o K l ^ „ as it ceaSes to expend any

' ; ^ ^ ' ^ ' ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ o n e y for the construct ibn , l in: t(l to : ' • ;'.i to

S t a t e s Government thus jointly exercised sliall be discontinued as

J i •v. ^^^ -provement- or maintenancfe^ot provide-for the con- ^^ i A '""

The first jury failed to agree, the> second gave Claude fifteen yearS i in the penitentiary. A third jury \ oa a new indictment with thei same evidence sentenced him tol^ denth. Later on Wesley Edwards i ai id^iduey ^feiT^rereggcTrgiven ] fifteen yearron . tKe g r s t indict-


; L tit of post roads ancTrurtil ry routes: thrqugh- the cn-:ioii and joint aetion of £He • n;ii Gov^rnnteftfe^aM - t h e il states in which such-post

- oi- rural delivery foutea '>'-- e.-tablished.

• enaclecl b y t h e : S e n a t e

fcifiC. 4, That,i»neJiJrif.of the coat -of such construct ion/Jm provemenf or raainteiianC5~8ha11 ^ paid bxj theJPrcMgrw.of the

t h e i r - cases^rompro^

TTSKona ra a n n x<B •vns7-J:rik-«:; ra >••

a: ,„ :I

<: - • • ' :

uricj of Repr .: - 1 Stages of America in

.^i^ss a^spmhled, thftt tho

Unated" States itgOT warrants f r ^ n the said Direct or of the Of­fice' of Public Roaas» dSllicH SfioOnt "the Treasurer of the

. _ jT)itprt f fttf>fi fthftl! charge to the :SBipMj M g t w a y ^ f j t i M n s t t o t ^ >A Raid:, Jilale."- ^ ' ^ e

Office o f PubUe created, tho director opceifying of the _ , the United States De^ of AE:ricultare-j»"h^fe'

• • 17P.1 ffnii ( l irw'^l . p i ^ e r

"ral supervtdoB^ of. t t e •V^^ricutturo, to car

. • 1 : pro^-idions of t h w "Act inaftai^set forth, and he

td^n-ploy s u e h e h -

in theTFyeasury otf th^ Unit^ 5iatea- hotJtaiej<si:is€> Mppropt:! ated, the sun> of $25,000,000 for

' the |iJUrieStu>f «aiijiiMg"»ut.'tlic

;r such other expenses in >;' Wasiiington and else-

»" 'tip nef.nssarv. i t n d i — " - - - - - - ' " ' , L J L ^ ::,.n..e theicuf Lhal) be 8 ^ 5 . P g J ^ » g g ^ ^ ' - g ° f l ^ ^

l u a x

• appropriation hereiiL-•nade."" " _' ;-- ''--'- :

2. Th t upon-•tpplirfttion -aid dir(jctor by the'legifr. jf any state, or such officer ; gi^lature or the governor .tsignate. or of t h e 4 e q ^ •;-ies of civil, subdisis i

•^tate. who under t h e taw nt: o! of the construction, -nerrt o.'- maintenance of


in said warrant the s t a ^ to which the same, is to h e .charged

in the penitentiary. If Claudi? Alien bad not been tried w h e n he was no o n e . believes he would have been convicted. Projudioe

. /^ _ ^ • ' ^ \

We are offering in good qu^ties at the following lo«r prices. It will be of a(iTantage>to you to invMtigate, '


Seamleu Sheets, bleached, regulation bed size—81x90 mg^ inches; in a good qusUity sheeting. Our price.:...^.. OUC

Linen Finished Pillow. Cases, made fromgood qual­ity pillow cas^ cotton, each..

Single Bed Sficiet*, in good generous size, each.

-^31gee>faprt»y Bwt"?feieO> ^^^^^ center, eacli

-WhitT Craehet. Sproadei fop thiiife guartef


was strong. The law recognSes i. thia^ppssibility^ ..and g ives t h e ] judge the right t o set a a d e the, yeni ict of any J ury. I t goes 'urther~than that.<nd says ^ t e

s tate may

power t o set-aside its verdict by

RRn. S. That there i s hereby

the , exercise^ the pardoning U H>WLT vested in hi Ha. Thirty

• tioTro--w>at rtanrio Allen shodia

hav4^-asked_CrOTOirnor^Mann -to spare his life. l e a n seenpthiBig inai;q>ropriate in such acti;

provisio?i3 crtfi isSct,^inio5gTWe several states,- oa*-half thereof In t h e ratio wfaic1t-the-p6puIatioii or: e^eh" s t a t e shall ^pear to t h e

timiwanrf iwniTin in Virgfl^iW',

not die in t h e electric chair, and

I c i p j e ^ Justice. In doing 8o~he confuses ^e^'wS'fficls^ With abstr^efe^^tice._ In magy c ^ o o they are fa t . differ Juries do not de i l oiif justice; courts dff n"* "^Q^'^O jnaHgP total population of the United

States as dwv^bxLibe last cen- Tbeir verdicti are only approxi-HS nd the remajmng ott^t^l^^e'iustiee. They are merely

among th*«veMl atatea in t h e . i ' , ^ ' : " ^ ^

«ach.. '~~"Xoloire?"Ba"Sp=eiairfun lift6, l cTtt-eegnw flTld R^tt

^Single faed^slze... ^Th^e-quarter bed size. Double oed size.. B ^ t e r Roll CUwrer, to nlatch^preads......................

Cameo Clqth, good jmality oi white cottpn; cloth wtfli a soft chamois fiiiiai. price a vard.^.^^^ ••.^

$2.50 $2.75 $3.50

the bolt-:W i% price per yard^^i^d 1 ^

]m£ T I F

REMEMBER aBAI:JAKgARlgl(XEAmN&'F^ ^^^^^^^^ff lC^^DSOJOE^^i^^^S

J^Jdkejy^nb^ (f Pat^ M »KL-Lrt ^ P^

ratio which the jniloago; o f etar. e x p e d i e n t a t o h e l p i g ^ e t a o q g ^ ; ^

routes and rund delivery routes mmcenance « , ^ ^ c h state 5 h a U b ^ : t o >th|

r. questing nati<auat^tal mileage of Star i ^ ^ j ^ n a " rttralqehveryrouteaotlBe Umtefr

To deal w t jiteti^e fea PJan y<m need to know his hereditary in­fluence lus" aiicestry, #hia en-vironmint and edacatioa. and

f hffjTHotiveiB for theact.

JVe #ant to ^ » ^ the New Year with new ones lubd witt^Ye our old and new caeisBt^^

• of any post road or • - ' Ajut^ and oetting forth

ht_the ri of the Post Office Department ^or

l ish hitJK. meoordingty-

^^h road is-a pnst mad nr the first of Jaly " B B eye far aa eye and »

.ivcry route, that i t i s OH *• diatribiAiQn:—Frovided. that the traveled highway, that ; vement would be of nefit to the state^ t h a t ,

be a v a i l a b l c P u t - ^ e

sppbft ibnmgnrt tTno state s h ( ^ be less than. $100,000. .

S E C 6. That, it shall be the d u t y o f the DirecEoTa^ttroOfficio

for .a tBOth." ' Sbeh ia i a p e e n -^Ir^OTceahHtrtetixistie!^ is UQ-

t a t c o r i d e s f i i a ^ ^ ^ f c ^ ^ ^ ^ j j ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ > ^

possible; w e are merely doing what w e can t o , protect sdcie f iom harmfgl . charaetera and

To pot te deatS

: fr-dy half of.theeiapenge ; roposod improvement ^t

statement, as soon after the pas-oii^y of thla Aet aapooaiblti, aho

thi! IPHwt • w i p o n s i h l f t , ^ .

JWe.cany a fuH line of grocmes, meats ^d^£eed> We pa^rcaA far CfMinfiy

[V 0

i o g ^ h e amotartjg thg-approprifc

f the said director f * * ^ ^ * , , state a n d -the ameant ir.vestigationtxr

correctness o f all t h e :> made in suchappHca-

.j. Lo determine whetfao' . oveineut or a a i u u n i -

:esirable and for the •^^Ifare. If h^ shall ap-

U Ch opplW>ati<m hft -: i^:i\d state or local ao-

and then surreys,plans, .:ionS. anH ».«rim«tpji for

CTJaainaUwiH notgain tfeeae ends, but ivfflvtmdce 19- f e ^ tess respect-

and Oyyt^- / •«

which must be provided_by each l U t a t e or local-aiHborities to se­

cure the benedti)>~<Kr tins Act, and to tmnnianit g^fh ^^jfAm<»nt tft the state highway department of each state, or. if there be no such

^ecg-^eOTreapondept apeaka of sentiment M if it w w e a c h a i l e f ter ls tk of the wieefc-mindei Sent iment is the ows t powerfol forcejD homair Itfe. Mao ' s be-iag^s not chiefly intelleetaaH is largely emotiooat ' frtnaAar what piHt-of your l ife i»-eo&-

r 'if"

, ' ^

. be prepared 1 ^ — . ^ „ ed by the joint action o f ^ ^ ^»^ ^ ' ^ Secretary of the

~ Treasury, w h o shall capae the

oX the Treasury Department.

part sentiment is the chief f»c-tor in, and you will s e e how

.i.:d directwr and state ori , _ ^ . _ _ j ^ . _ . irhorities and whieb s h a l l ^ • f ' " * * * ' ' ! " " * ' " • ' ' • ? "

r t- totally approvedi A l t e r

I t shall fae-fee^doty of tiie said director to make the apportion' ment x>f thet moneyjherein appro-

L ^ ^ n g j h e ^ e r a j j t a ^ . . a f e - h g g g jasTDlsSBd through.

! ? ! ^ ^ ^ y . . ? ^ o ' ' l ' ^ J ' ^ ^ wonderiol week la the c b ^ yeartv life, and yel the Qunst-ma»-tide with all of its joys and

j a p u n g j ^ H luullef of sentiment, yet the man or wo-m s n s o p r a c t i c e » ^ w t i e • »



1 :11 i r u

h^vp Kpen a n ^ S v ^ and cred»tw« « « * State with the Iran s o ?*f*«tt5K, » p r o B w e » nave been approved and . „»*. ^ i f i_»_ i h a t they wouW rob Chnstmas

rector is satisfied tha t . the - uf tisUmaUid u j i i lu be by the state or dvi l subdi-

-. thereof will be duly avail-it shall b e j t M

amouift therein gpeeifiod. - — ^

roadi'.!.- and route?" and

"roFal d e l i v « 7 'star routes" as

rfgct?5r~5nd state or rities, ^ r thay m a y >!;rtlsg for bldti fof ibt; iHkv-

it of such improvements tenance when the amount

• ypended exceeds $6,000. i hall be made arid oon-

rmt ir ail bntH<*w ami mlvertarl-^ . ne of such road.

of this seni nt azid gfve a s f icta—ti iere is no ffrV thp l3arg"fact3—ptere i s no

place for tnem yi i W Jihl nLel'e children are-

be hoH t^l It may be sentiment, yet it is seB^Tmefil rwitirgood

jaag incwl and baUef Tn Justice of jthe highesit kind that makes us


m£,jm itlANASSAS, VA.

i the nigf =TfegriMf I IJBiude SwaiisuH Alltiit -

HAIR BALSAM •MM and br«.-rL.''.es the IM

i^'^rer Tmn9 to B««tor« Hair ta ita l ^ o i b f U '

has not had a sqoare deal, and, with thousands of o t h « ^ . trust Governor Mann can feel that his

j i i i a shou ld be spared. JosF.PH Gr 'K.

fanassas Transfer Co., W . S ATHtT.Pronr ia lor -

•>h*n^t»f nr ntli«i-<nantoilitiw pttmptirmat | foTTwi or'.^liTered. - -.. 4

honey's Speciairoy Bui ty $50 SeldbyAdvcrtWniln

, ! • • >««•«• D b v c t « • tb« Mople. wc m a t TO* to know hov irell tUa

* » _!»'•'J ibi >.-of t>r-trtni (pUt hkk-

• s d paint tbe

f e a t s m : I.» > t k « r Q«»rt*r To». S or « B s i u . I .«atfa«r Cink-

m»*- B » r k • , V« tn CofthloB

and 11:1 k. Padrtrd P't^ti w I'l fun. Full

r » * 1 U J J L .•me BAcrtna

'w-KecsrosdnSSS' C o n i» I i n s , Saa4 Baada an whaato,

I A p r a ^ Batetorccd Shaft*, f a m t S a ^ Cnraaia 1*01 airt*m3'lf" « > „ . . < > _ . . .«»rCa*TnIa«.fcrfSpSf««aTa. * " " " " "!•••>•

PR08EY CARRIAGE CO., i sS t SV..'! w. O-C

Page 3: eAflismir ?0T£ NS^


^ m MANASSAS *KIURNAL[^^v°«^5L,Y^^' ' ' ' "* HJ^VB jrou bcFUghtttat'Prince H

Flushed Kv«fTl:¥iSs> sfontt^br f PreaMJent-d«^1^3i»n wmh'deitina^SJW Sat for tke. inftugura-

t t b f <h<Hw


BnUrad'si HSe 7((st 0£ce at M»n«sw*, V«. M •eoond cU-;* oi»it io»ttex

SoBScwmON RATBS.—$1.50 Per A»-- t U a i f Eaui Strictly la AflwmgB SiBKle Copieh Three Cents

FRIDAY. J.^NUARY 17. 1913.


. VOTE. ' When Virginia's presidential

ftlectora met Monday in Bichr iTKJnd and cast the^tate'S twelve votes for Woodrow ^Wilson for president of the United Slates an4 for Thlomas R. Marshall for vice-president, this. State wit­nessed an occurrence th]r" ike oT whick has not been witnessed in

Tii-^tnis^foriiearly a century.—

Not Since 1820 has the State cast its electoral vote for a na­tive Virginian. Then Jamer Monroe.ofJWcotmorielaod V7^ fhfifufn prpardffTit ^ i th ' only

otffe dissenting cJectoral vote., which was cast f or J&hn; Qumey Adanas"by Wiltfam Plumer. -

K<> V ^ o m / v w i f ' h n m i n Virgfinia

| ,^y kopn ^nminat f td

for the presidency until Woodrow Wllaoo was choseiUat^he Balti­more convenlaop in 1912. • Judge R. T. W. Duke . was

elecjl;ed to preside over the.State's L

Ja5. M, Hayes, secrefaUTi

V Messrs. R! A. Hutchison, of jf^ t ^° '^"^•y, wbo"is anaerfloitag:%^vertisem^rin^

^ .tfeatnoent in 4 Washitfjftoo hospi-•fafl. and PPBfitoin ;W (>T^ph«^rf-nf

- ffl«'M"fffr!?n rffintY; t H ^ggtora^ «b«enJa(rib^JQiiEtitK mA Ninth

Wa^Williams. of Giles coiintv. and clerk of. the Hpuse of Delegates,

' wa&£leeted i t jftpt for Jlr^Hut-

•hd, of Emory, :preBid«nt-Ailtict-of ISe^StpeTl^onnat and: Indtw^ School for Women, at Radford. was chosen to cast- t ie vote of

-Mr. Oamphrfh-r^ Mtr^Jml B, S a y ^ Jr., was

,<ie£drniited to carry the vote to _WashinKton-fiMrLdeliveiy to the

lit QlJifi_JJ: Senate, siad , in accordance with

^ United Stetes Senate an<i flagae

aim, wifl, an F^brvmr^\?iln, can-ij^Si^^E ^^£ .aeyyrri <t«>ta» and certiftr tiic re-

STATE HeiniCm.TUl|AL •'"• -"'addETY MEETS. • Theaerenteenth aniuwl nttei-

, W « f Ui»V&«toi« State Hi«:*«^J«»«»^l? '«13 .Mrf^^^ qJtoml Soaioty, which took place in Lyioehbars last wedc was CQnaiictoed the md^ aocceaaful of any within jtn hintqrr Thrrr

lirg^ aod .^fti^uaojtic/^ tendaxkce 'and ¥ magaifieent ex

• ^ ,

^>e«kerawere prcaent and moch V aloaUe lu fui uiaUmt ibated among thiage_dixeetbr io? " frBttffi JirhffrtiCTilmw • -~

tapecinwittt iiHituding the Albemarie jriwliwof world-wide repatitjeii. which.arc not exc«Dedin"si»eaodqualii^of flavor in ^ v fu^tinn At Ka iv»in^


1^i£R&.-are four Oungs does not return''and the fact ^MMild be bourn in mind—the

the keynote of his administration policy in £ k recent remarkable speedi in Ghicagow He aoonded in,tfae presence of a gathering of the moat poworfiti buatnooe men


of the middle weat, thfr warning that'he has been convinced that there 4^iBts amiMiey trust or p^r

THERE has been v«;y little of sleigh i)ells heard in.Manassas this winter, but wedding bdla— tte: qiy:

THE parcels post may be a^joke to the uninitiated, but it has not

l i a ^ m o f e accuratetyr"!^"credit fy«t tickled the express comp«|Uips beyond measure.

LAST Monday was January 13, 1913; rather an unlucky day to

trust." "We must see to it," said the distinguished speaker, "that the business of the United-State* tr-set-absohrtety—frerTjf every feature o f This can mean only thia—that natural resourees thuseontroiled

climb a tre^, jump on and off ™°"°P°^y"trailroad trains or get in th e i » t h

of an autonrtbhile.

must be wrested'therefrom and placed under such. government supervision as will insure access to them as the right of anyone wfao"desireB to use them and on the same terms that are grafted to anyljody else .~ '

As the president-elect. ap-

wheh he is to assunae his great rt^annnsihilifJAg H P in aponlringr in

^OTe aennite J e m s of what maj be expected ;f rona^^admi) tion-ei-thc affairs of the chantry.

rXhtiagu,Jiddressiftasi«:wafeF Hfe n;iiderin>FcdR;5eeF ing to business monopolistis and his Chicago conduct, in keepiiig aloof from p6liticians, Was a ser­vice of notice thajt politics ia not going_to no the firat buaineas-of:

THERE'are no ]%d headed giiis^ m Baltimore., judging from an

Sun-calling for twenty heav^t^ giris,*fort)pg week's aigagamieat

NINE persons were kiJted. dur­ing the twenty-day rabbit hunt­ing seMon in Oni .' This shows how easily it i.s to mistake a man for a rabbit.

THE St. Louidkman who was buried by parcels post, having his^hesmaOed to the cerpsteiy, ;the ruling passion agaiusL .ex' press extortion appears to have been otrong in doatlii

THE destruction ,of thousands^ ot dollars worth of'prO^rty and

homeless was tlie toll taken by the ^%at flood which s^ept along the Ohio Blver^iirday and Sun­day. - "- - '- '..'


Mi^., Benjamin Harrison, f<»mer miiitr^sed'1>f the. Whibr;Hduae

B XX isax x




The NaticHii^ Baifc M M a n s ^ 3 PER CENT PlsT'r^ii-r^^\

AM xax assne ac


nn fVin of^^yp jr. "T'Kn J .a);^y' i r « « n

Oklahoma,"-the rtxilaremeiil be-must be

teen years, measure .36 inchoo bust. 5 feet S in«h>a in haight tt;D^

pi»eferably with red. hair. One hundred and fifty mad* applica-ta^but tbe.prefereiiai Jbixprtaa^ f ' ^^^** ! was entirely" ignored. - iT^ seema a "ptty'thaTTf K^:**ff6i^ City" had no red headed girls to avail themselves of sucb 0K>or tunity of liberal remuiieration, as aU that wasreiqmted of titem was to sit at a table, in^tiie second act,. Mv& their hair dressed at

formaincgand *a lk to the- j f e r o -box' <TOee~~9atarqay nigiMrTfnd rirflw »» p a y Manaw-Wi

weare dinm^gui^^ of Mrs. Wit-ham ^oWard r%ft Satardijr

This-jyelL.kaQ»n milling ^^-^^^S-MjS^t^llt.^'" "^ ins^t^ey» recently and 8eF"in flrst op


coftm^ tion, is now being c pterated by a miller of years'of ex . penence. The. Floor being

-ftt thia miII, yancy- ana \aaXk. Isfaetion wharevftf uswgv.and

is rapidly abstracting ifew cus-tooiers.' It is made of. the

«ghts- I Wki•i*•M*r2•.^^k•A,ls•\Jl^T:^;w•i^lv:'^.'m i

WoOPgQW ^WttSOSrJias^ >,.aal«.J^atCT iMit l iet ~fagBr on the "turkey trot" and other like dances. -which shows what pray bB" ?x=-pecf6d of her undet" the Wilson.

tfrp-^irhnTnin fimPtifiTiB at thf

" W E are forcibly imiwessed with^'the notnber -of checks we ar6 WCejVllig' ft&n our sobscrib^ ers as compared^wife- the money Qrders, r^ristered tett^s aiid loose m<Hiey in envelopes former-ly, receved /in payineat of sub­scription accounts."—"K^tewater

teed pure a id healthy! fean; -WiddJin^ and other ffeedfCT

made of No. 1 corn, constant-aiid is siecoHd-^ ly o n jyaltf,

nonot—Alt ordorg igomptly mied aiiJ delivered to ueai-by-merchants if desired;




Iii.llu!_CkrL'B OfficeiilJiie Cinuut Coui t ia i l l l l l&L. BOOTHB. ol the County of F-riace.William on the Iflth Siv of Decenibef, 1812. "^"Hnr• BroiriT^nd A, ~A: Hooff: p«rtner»

trading und^ Uiestrle and SnB. name of lit own A HooS, Complainwits

E* WHW C*r Wttlmi^^

-Tbe obj9Ct,of this suit i r io aet tstde ^ad" ansol a deed (rpm ^ettior C. Wilklns, tnisr iWsty E, WilkiagiiwriagdateSoTtBi-v

''Ijej 16, l«2.'Df the intBiwt-of W. H. WU king. Jr.. ill bi» jathw'^ real ertat^ to com; r^.^hfi Hlj'* '"•"''- to tnaEe proper nwttle-jai»t» Vt h<>.»eewwte MUTer » deed ePWWt froui tim Haiti 1j^H.;ffi>lflfi«: 314 Vt t>M Ajigast..l4.'I912; to d e d w i^^ id .a prf.

^tended debt ram the ^ d W. B. AVtlkliiB, , tot tjirliaiis of W. B. ^friUins, aud tu

obf in> judgment agsiiiBt «he paid W. H.

• \Sl fnaUait. J \ VlwPnaUa eBO. E. ¥1E7I£LS, Oaakiv '

FffiST l l A ^ ^ BANI^ . A T L < a 3 C A M X > R . I A , V A ^ ,


STATBS, _ •10».l

—UI&ECTOBS— . G. L. BOOTHK, U. B. HAIU.OW, -G. B. wKRFifasy.. - - J. Jr. axrau WATUl KDBIUlTS. K BAKR. JB.

DOITOLASS STUAST Prompi atteiHirro (iTcu (•'aU boainieu.

^?iH"'-;!fr^rl,!S:°S^!tT^-^^ ^^-Lm-fud-iaal-

aotd and the ptoneda itom the same a<«el] as the awet ( in-the hand* of the said li'ttgde*.-applied ta the purmeai of uampUiB-kMts said claim of «44:4t.-int»reet and eoeta

tiful dcaigna of WaH Ta- A per tc cnoo to choose from

WALL »AFtt at

and ter general retieF been made and'

, . , . H- Wilkins, Iti. P h n n p TTiPi RagAa ip \hfjn\X\ • • ja.oox.s leeMkotof the-SBtte-ofrVirgiBia,'!*

' ' i» erdend that h«>dO Appear here within £f-

.A Bd aA affidavit haviDg filed that the defeodant. \\.

Beiiitim\^tmice!^vai^M^t^^ itt*WifTy in pmtact hJB

THE JOURNAL has no pn efo*-

Rirj.'jjiT-a/.ij-j.'.rti have BHide i bettig ialiiWiaB than [ euuHiirfic

7 - ^ ^ B i ia^aaaft- WOBder that Judge Rdbert W. ArdhibaUyaa Impeached by .Coagie— aJiwrfae waa ffhtrged with the mhH* for windi he waa^tried ind doovictod

jnent chaiii|i08''WieKf sent by.the HoaM at R^mastatiTea t6 tia»

froi tbe K^Jonal Gec«T f«hica)

wsa fotmd guilty ott Juamry 13, ISiS. TherrwereHurtaoifOQati in the charxea and on the thir^ teentfa Jwor <rf ^ day—one

(itl^teaehiiMiit vtiSeB.' Wfa«t

:Mbit^^atany^dj s t i n g o H E ^ idatt-Ui»M.^ww.laWth audjm ChariottegviUe •" ' ;• r "T- - r-p- :— iiiwiiiiihiiii iijiiiW Itiiui iMWi mv m i l 1 UBKlUtteiH euuM 1av<iil)<WfiBF

ii\ seetiens «f - the' UBJMT. WOFO in WaaKagtcg

C<»gressmen*to vote f<»r the lull obir j^Odlng bettiK^ttm-^aip^ro-IffiationconrunitteeotthffHnniift, . uiiividiUB 92S0.W0 for an expoai tion bo celebrate the progress of

spoken word, the sped arrow, the past life and the n^lacted 9?Tpg|v

that(tbe nagW Ih VjsJUmtti' States daring the past half century. Under the proviaion of tHe IMH the Secretary of the Interior sf.oyi.i fix

iai t ^ soath twie, ^rho aitiveEtlir New Y<Hk last Friday, his vessd ben^delBiyed mom tbuL ttdity-

YoriE be w»i tbe^gaestoftiie fc^acal 4oci

aiid^veli]S~fir8t ppbliellectare «t€anie«[ie ball 'Aiaadar'niB^

THTJ; wTpte nhir^ ^ ^ « /rfrtria

•ention fai

but If*

affornmoda-tioas were inadequate at tbe lat-i ter place. This the fizst tnna| t h e Anti-Saloon League ever

01 Vtrgmta. Thft meeting wiD be hdd Feb-ruaiT 18 and 19, and Sa0^4ei«-i gt*« ar«. oxpeetad to belpgesent

FxTirtor'a Natixj


Haydocka—aich nuide.of ^ e very, beat material availaUe. boajrfit j n th^ white wcod and

Two Carloads of •Buggies*

tve jast r e i v e d one eaE load of Blue I^t^fT Buggiea,

putted as per oar instmetkma.

the place for"5oldrng PT^V*-^7

>r.«>Df4 hailing rlAiTti« a^ainiu ti^ aaute of Ajinie R l.i WIMKJ. Hi-f^aiied. arg req— led 10 pre«>ent them, yirrrperif Tenfied, to the; jK It rsi,;ned f>r pafmfnt. sottlniMR: nff dpbls linr- ihp '*a i <>«t«t should be mad« '


1> R TBvS. RfHIfiH

i^Aib Teiegnpk Tafe.

for wjuch we pay caaii.

" H k ^ r W I M i v K i

PFB Jn thia mit. > A B ^ it-fa-finilar rea^Uat t, copj hereof be'pn'blighed obee'

TOtfl ordei a ffeak lor fqar. .the iSiS^SSiM JbcsNAL, a neirspaper published in the <Joiint; of Ffince William, and that a copy

fconw (rf ihtg«iMty OH ili» uth day pf Jma' tin^


E"HEBkEtL. Oork. A Copy—Teste: '

/ . E. HERRELL. C I B A . . HcTcaisox,F.Q. 12-2Q4t

RROWW J& Hflffli;


Do No4 Hm-rt Sor* F « ^

Hot RoOa, Bread, Cak«^ Pioraiid Every CoH-' ^

l l lQliE3T Q U A L r r r .

«iesE^ ly^you t o .(MaiW-. ym. p i t y i y u u iiM HiTit i i -

stock and ^ c e 6 ber -me . fore placing your order^

a. L. xumscHn. Vm.


^H^ ^ T ^ -


,Pr(q>eri^ eased and-

Phone or write f e

*r-«:TO01IC^ •• r. t«


lafcaraat at ^ pmr cent, per taaa, payable «enri-«naaly^.i both interest and priadpal anteedbyns. Prii " "


Refoattcea: Any bank in Al ezandria, Va.

UtamkmCmtitimimtt. cao. H. RucKm.



^~S" .StNCLSifi Kxoeuior

A i H ' F««* "V^ .r.t3MT:-tT- rxTwri^r ir yovT iiho** AH




.^alwcribe for THE Joui tJjWVa vear in advance

A (Tiiarfr C^wtxTr— B^n<

Page 4: eAflismir ?0T£ NS^



BRffiftee - -^Mr. Worth Hulfiab. for^rly

Colles:^, who has been on the sick l i ^ iiconvalescOTt. 7 '~~~

-r-The National Bank of Fair­fax has declared « semi-attBlia'

dria. ha4. purchased a house and lot on Gameron street,, in that

—The SupreauKJourt Wednes-dgy: Higuaad tfce petftten tritthe «r^tefiier o f flTeOm'way, Gordon Aliens for a new trial and Gov emor Mann granted a respite

etty. and contemplates making-funtH March 7th. Attorneys for the omdemned men havesignified extensive improvements to the

ffreperty. -

--Mr. W. L. DiehLhaa-Sold his -, farm, a nart; of tile J. S. HolsJOtr-

-A. Randolph Howard, form-

and Garnett National Bank of Fredericksburg, was convicted in the United States Court in Alex-^idria last w e e k , upon the


their<att«ntion to carry the case charge 0 /embezz l ing funds of the to t h e / u n i t e d States Supreme bank to the amount of $30,500,

-The residence o f Mr. Nqah and sentenced to serve ftve years in Ihfe li'ederai petiitfefttlary at Atlanta, Ga.

—Under the-provisions of a biU introduced i>y Senator Swanson the sum of $60,000 is to be ap­propriated for the construction of 8 public building in t h e towh of Leesburg,- for the "use of the United States postof fks^nd for other Federal purposes: Provided that, not more than $12U)00ol the sum jpeeif ied shall b e used for

The Peoples Natkmal Baak of Manassas, Va. — , . • I W. H. BROWN, PKKHrosrrr * . W. SINCLAIR, VICE-PRESIDENT [

3 per ceaL paLi on sa^iiifs account

s t a 0 e r t I


r ? c c


t t

dividend of seven per c e n t -

— A poUie hoikilng iof W M -reoton has been provided for ih abin^introducedt)y SenatorSwan-son. ,

—Mr. Wilson N. >Wenrich i s

avtack of

erplaeenear Brentsville, to.M''-Noah E. Garber, o f Nokesville,- Emiis, near Orlando, together for the sum of $6,100. paid this office a yesterday.

—Mr. Henry Douglas

Mr. Diehl wIrtJnfiiSQrtton c f Its coHtents w a s pleasant ^Tf|<J^8t'"oy«d j>y ^^^ Sunday night.

The loss is estimated a t $600', partly covered b y insurance. The origin of the fire i 8 not

frj^ rt I t » *••»

w u XI r III*


street, through an grippe.

Mrs. J W. Teatts, yvhp has

andoah Collegiate Institute, is —Mr. R. Moffait. representing' reported quite ill in the home of

The Adco Window Sign Company, jlier parents in Harrisonburg. - M r . J h o s . B. Whedbee a i i d l ^ f N o w York, was in Manaooao Mioo Gorbcr is a^ncav rtlfttiv<i 6f

South Miuq^ tArei^ from an attack of Krip, is very much better.

"family. HiU.,Jiear Ma­nassas, w b o ^ v e been ill o f . t « r - ^ , f i n d o ^ of severa l of oaf bus i -*er ,>of Nokesville, silitis, are-very much better.

— T H E J O U R N A L gives the latest

—Thf>frwft.jr>nni-is.nlH daiighfrpr in,r.' ano

chants SOU "flf ^r ,_ W^ N J J e r J ^ chant, of near Manassas, has se-1 formant. cured H position in a machine shop; in New York City, and has. entered upon his duties In rela-' ti n thereto. _, , - - |

—MiM Harriet Garber, daugh­ter of Mr. and Mrs. John N. Gar-ber. and a student in thw Shen-

during th^ week and adorned the

ness houses with handsome gold-letter signs.

news up to the hour of going tqj _ f h e residence of Mr. Geo. press and' spares neither time.

Messrs. Edward and Noah Gar-

—Mr, Alvin I ynh, in two days' fishingjn Quantico creek, betow Dunifries, caught la6t week;

Peverfir, in onrneighborTsourttyrf^. P®**^J?Jf*• f^^'^^ J^«^ trouble nor expense to obtain it. Fairfax, together with nearly alii ted him over $200 in the city mar-

I kets He is stiU fishing and witli its contents, was totally destroy-

parents on Prescott avenue last

ldow»^-«ld-4^ttthWflaiiS' wherr

&e piirchaise of aisiteT —Over one hundred tax-payers

of Prince William. County have been Summoned before the pand jury for the February term of court Thiaisinaccprdancewith the policy pursued'in all counties of the commonwealth at the sug­gestion of State Auditor of Pub tic-Accounts, C, Lee-Jtfoo^-for an investigation of property and moneys improperly listed f o r


• — December 13th.

Dear Friendt—

The Best Chriitmas gift is a bank account

Start your children in the b*bH of aaTing if

fore they acqiure the h a b h of apcfidiiig. No

jnutttfr nfha<-riiP-fntiire hoidg ift Store for your

' I

little-t)n«& the knowledge of the true-va\ue of money will do more toward assisting them on the road to saccesa, than any<ri^eri^glf-thing you call dq for thera. . , ' *• . _:!

It merely recjuires your first guidance-^they ^wmwisrtQ Incr^^e the depositsaiata^e^e account grow. ' ^

It is an education in itself. Yours very truly, - -——


Gaododicd m t h o ; H ^ of itr g ^ ^ n a t ^ T f o f f ^ tr We Wish You it JMbrt JChmtiiMtt of a coal oil lamp been engaged with the electrical

„, . •—-—-——H——Mr.H.L.AJaiiHi!,form«r route -3^Ji«^tjmstmgflf the-Barlagent of the claim _ _

A?so^8tioirofi*e^txfe«^ Seatbem ^riiway^ Ci^ Circuit of Virginia will beipany, and who is well known by held at Manassas on the second L^n way employes inMahassfferTi W^esday in May and those mU^yj^g at one time 1 attahdance . will hff pnt^taineHj

contractors on Uie Washington and' Old Domimen-jtailway^ aB4

•fwrtwprbis^^een spending his Chriatmas and New Year, holi-**3>8 with his parents, Mr: and

-Hamson-BeaverSr nearXa-nava, left.horo"1ggisagFfiSoff^fa^

^•J, - - .-• • • . - • M l •• *^-- : — ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ M

arid a Prosperous Ne^ night.'_

—Robert N e w m a n , son" o i Councilman Newman, J e f t here last night for Bridgeport,^ Conji., where he has 8ecupe4a4ueEative

—The Tpeaeefol^untylof Staf­ford did not hold a session of I S e circuit court Monday, there be­ing so .littI»TSisiness of imppr-tance on the dock^. . -

nasTeagef — - J u a ^ _ to John M. R m l , for a slurti worn, hi premises on thb' uurtlHsast

—The- stock" of goods .(3i~- the late Patrick Mulho]larid was sold

East Centre s treet lastSatorday. Thotiyh the terma-ftf t^w aalft

coiner of King and Wasliltigtun streets in Alexandria:. '^ , Motftors^ Meeting next jg idav

Mr. R. A. Hutchison,. who has been_undergoijBg' treatment m Wasfiihgton f<a-- appendicitis, has nnty-jyrneovppod aM^ialtuidi^lly iu^ilaJ Ui bC yitatnl expected home today,

-Postmaster Ho^wdP.Dodge

merchants and other business

—Rev. T;^g;% Clarke, of Ma-

gregation in the Baptist chim^ in

New School

Sunday nioming at 11 o'disck.

-Mrs. John M. gline, arhn hak

t)y^ Judge C. E. N iwL j to this division of tho ro«drj-wa» jlieceededthisw^k,by V^non A. OUutliSf, (it AluAUJ dria. " ^

irefe-'eraih, the goods, in "nS^ cases., brought fair pric^- < ~

afternoon, January 24th, Tat 3 o'clock, at the liume of Mrs. A, K Spies. All mothoro and all

Bethesda, Mtfr, ctfntinuo in the

where he employ c^


—It has-been discovered by a Des MoineSi Iowa., firm that, the first zone OH the official mapssup-posed^to be fatt^'itiiiesiwMifcat

—The Southern Quartette, Of H^massas, eliUvened the vicinity of the passenger depot Saturday Tright, withhold pTa'.ntatirin'

contraUtorB referred to: —Prominefat cftteenis'of .•^en-

j-ington, M:d., headed by Mayor

'4tbirty-five miles, and nc ace to that effect was promptly sa-yi^ on rh e Postoffice- Departinent Saturday. It is pointed out that if such a mistake has been-made

melodi^ and.Other sopgs wjijch were x ^ l a n c h enjoyed. • If ^ ^

John^A-Cannon, a farmer citizefi 4t^already-has cost the Tpe< le^ of Manassauand faUiierof Ira E. Ciannen, of this place, airan^?

large,^um in excessiye postage: How much .extHTpoiitage hagjt:

The W. C. T. II. wiU holda ^ant to^gatha-a crowd upos our streets let it be known.that this ?iuai*&tte "wm^ntertain them^

Monday n i s ^ ^ forTthe. (nrganiza-tion of a troop^ot Boy jscouts tor

c(»t our M M i a s s ^ people?

pJwu>ate~, JoUBNAi^ Mr. T t o s . W- Howard,

, L^s^ir: J . W remoTedfrBm t h e Spifgs. f a r a x j ^

informs us i t o t tiw-pMrfcei^ p o e ^ the Sudley road, near Manassas, IS being hhsraJix Alburta ..Cotton Mills; in

•In accordance with the foife-

Ihat town. i. Phillip Herrffliw; chairman of a special committee,

-The Fairfax Commandery. No . 25, Knights Templar, of Cul-

cast in tho laot Mi i e of Tl ia aill make f.ppl./. if< (<Tr, ffy jf; j , p local Organization to affiliid&i^th

.f « o » . . « ^ w > ^ : » « v W ^ m g P M n g f o f c M g t S i

H<^ng^ who J * ^ inspector for the Washington ^"Srrfrv^z; -TjTi&nsion qfJiie.jSogfeem Raihray,

the leom "^f Mr' Lawrence

-—^An'unsuccessful attempt was made Saturday, to-eeti

peper,. has recently presented Mi. J. W. PhilUps, Deputy Grand

of agniflgent"roM

Templar watch

Maryland about two months ago, was in Manassas a. fey days ago lodkiickg at) hands toit t ^ mills.

y(Hingiest daughter lat^

been quite lU In'heTrome heur the Church

jVont_Royalj3^Hr A. ppJIman^-Jadge of tiie Ciieoit Court of Faaqmer county .-and librarian of the Warrentoii

fMhraiyrdtadlft her Ikaatftrr rentpn

n«niiiiii'HKiJin<ii i i i i i ih*|u»^^ weeks, ia mucl i imiooved in health. Mrs. Jack .^iford on-GxantaT»r

, J J . _ - . ^ nue, on the lot f o r m a l owned

of repBirstoseabrand^pj,^ j,y^g contn«5to«. Messrs. —Much

in the wayof repairstirseatrand a new lock f<v tilte ladies'wait­ing room at the SoQtbon.Bail-way offico, in thio 'plaae, wag made this

y^iliLg-iaL-ateawr weighing from 1,000-to ,1,200

imore vea-terday, for 6 to 64 oentr per pound, why are we paying,ap high fw beet »nrW)tt»»,sa«?_l_

is now in Baltimore, expects to again make Manassas his home when i» is able to pursue his business as tiasreHng salesman, which,__he_ thinks. willWiash.

Monday, January 20th, makes Lee's tnrthday

The law a legal

Pope, deeJeaaejfei Hr.jLE.JiaB^ auction in front of tl»e Peoples National, Bank,in-tfua Jpiaaeran;

B ^ has he«n appontted asaiatMrt to Mr; Howard. ; —Mr. A. Al Hobff and Iw two iittte seng; Ailisou au4I>oMini;Ue!ft

a«ra d(e»ree of the (Mwirt, the farin of 125 acres of land sitjiated

Greenwich, in the_ci^|se of n M. reflfrifls, admr. et'at^

in~7the ihtfjfjir njrji <*w>»s, muddwl w i ^ diamonds, pearls and fairies.

p^>ar, naadtr tTi"er preseatatioh speech iwhicb w^* feelingly re-spcnded to by Mr. ' hiUipe.'

— At the regular annual meet­ing of the, stockholders, of The 'NatioHal^nk..h«iaT-ip?dny:thit, following jjirectcirs were elected fortheensntngyear: iJ,-ti' \.ynn


andChflo. R. MoDonajd, of Cat-lia^in C. A. Heineken and Jas. E. Beale,' of HaymarRet; 1^7 77 Hafe arid iTf W. Herring, - of Nok^iviUe. ^ We^t^y-Hutflhlson, G. E, Nash." Hyiiuon, IB.. It. Coimei^TUoa. H Lion, J^ R, Horhbakecand Abrara fiotiner, of MaTt'assaia. -1^-~ ^ t is the dgsire of-the M ^ nass&^hapter of the U. IX- C. to obtain phf>tft|n-aphgv>f on niyny Confederate veterans, residing

iCraghte+®'-^ eounty^m* who h a v e 1 ^ ^ mwved therBfrom, for the pur-


jwaenf framing tho phrtogiaphs '_ I and hangii^samein the Copter \ room. IPhose who hara Gihoto- 1 granha taken, i»it.hAip tn HtJtenB

y-nig^t, of pneo-

—1%^ ^UHlsom^ V^bidtiMe .of

J. R. HoWe £ Son, Saturday, jjisito,^ ^^^ reportedio have a and the keya tamed oiyar to tl e AKHea:

—:T1» fodrtii g o a r t e ^ ecnfer-irtiSlaD, o f tike


- —Grace M. E . Qlburch has j o s t been n e w pets placed uu ifan aiajarand in

pearance of the building.

SoQth, win be held a t the chdich

Wth Tiid I t t h . TMk; «r cQOZse. Jfr.the las t conference of

—Elsie Monroe, y ta i uld juuUi.

r fboiteen-

caped death at fiemp. near the

iy auUtfllK^ the acodepi wbaU ha>e i«ov«d fataL'

with the Virginia Stave Com­pany, of Nokesvi%, to famish

—Sheriff Barbee, who went toi OOO or moo oords <^atave tim-Springfield,ni., in q i ^ f o f Bras "t^- Messrs. H. A Hall and

vMt Mr. Hock's niother in Charles^ town, W. Va. Mr& Hooff left here'at the same tiipe to visit her mother, Mris. Quinnjitf J arlbOTo Md. tier husoand and ehddren accompamed her on her trfp 'as

Haraabejwaugh, et-al TlisBes Ann Phillips and

clothing or uhif<Nrm—tiie Uitter preferred-twill please bring or

- sffnd them to Mrs. M. R. BaK

-^The Uigfa iiiehool baSketbaU quint will. play its next h<»ae £une on Friday, January

EDe~dp Fredericksburg H i ^ School The

Only <me bid Qf t iUpOhaying b e ^ made the sale ifi^ pofi^^nedon-61 4fi(er Feitniary term ef f court,,,;_-_...._..__, .i .-•:_-;•' •( ' " ^Rev. JT A. •Taylor;jHmu>f;Uf First Baptist •ehoreh. in Futton,

Btey Snoolc, QfBostow^ w ^ e t ° town on business Tuesday; Mis^

pe. perhaps, hafa the best memtiMrrinf any iije redding in yjmf ^f'ff'fl"! ^^tTi f*** r - - | y ° T tainly the best recoUeetion of ppwpinPft ffitizens of the lower

Ml. mlui • • • • i i l l u I W U I U M I •'•tull t ' f>"t""^ 'fV V ' l f ^ H " Vt,VWS IVITIri

^ ^ ^ • ^ " ' X ? * P ^ ^ " ^ \ 7 ^ seelwr hwkiuR au well. l i was _ - Rfchraond, after kwfang over the „ . pi.;,,;^ , . ^ ^ « . * ^ *u..

7 2«h. ^ T l S t ^ ^ , ^ ^ " ^ ^3atholie la^tej«r^ei^yrnear

good fa and il is lainied tha^ a raiywi <»in«Hl M W torn ^ut to seie ^ gaaae.: TlwganieViB be:-eaUed at 8^5 p. m. 1 ^

^Elppa Barn i,'- Indep^'d^C Hill, butchered last Week; a hog ^»hiA AwMed-BOB ppMMto.. Mr. M C Beid» of this ptece, is our authority and he says-it was the ^eavieet hoy boiciiered in Coles district in- the- past foittf ye«rs and that its immimflfl wftigM ia partly due to last fall's heavy cn^ of acorns and.persimqiu>ns.

^Thw banks will bn di ia l mi|it*wto*-Mff ii. . \*^«^n li ill il iiiiT' **' M « » ^ Rnain^ ^ ggr=Bg

offered ttnr.- Rev. Taytor is a nephew 0 / CoL D. Cole, of ^ '''*'**Tr' '<hort[. who.' toaeti with Ser. Ti rfai S (rrindfatha*.

co mtgri ——MI. WT A. RUIiiia, who was managW of -'Fairview '^vm;2^;:^f^^'»Zy'';^'^^^'^^ll near twn, during past year, h i ^ t e j ^ . ? S ! ! ^ ^ " ^

in IJiai^c^idrch. secured a positkm with the Pennr arlvania Railway Comparry, a& bridge carpenter, a ^ TeR^fete iast l''riday n q ^ f^Washington to entfg-uaffi- his duties, g a

i ly , -FhoarenowatWelt inr'~ , , winjoinMf.Jtoliins in WashJ^^^^^*

w i t h i n the next fe»

—Mr. Mdvin C. Hazen, civil engineer for the District of Colimn-bia, and president of the Prince "William Horseman's Association. waa on Monday, olortfd premdent

as the property of W. B. Bulkxkv j the eatting and d^very of t h e l " / • ' ^ i ^ " ^ * * ' * ' * * ^ ^ ^ * * *

Min Phillips \Hu> donated the.

ters. —Th«> m^ny fri«.f>Hi» of EMer-

J. 'A. Norton, in thia dace, witt tegtet to team that te waapaiaw lyxed in his hcaite ia Washiagtpn

Jaatt -fiomimttBe;: STaT

—There is a well authenticated rumw diat an effort is h«ng made by the Bell Telephone Com-T?any-to get possesston of enough ' ••""- 61 the Central Mutual i;entral Mutual Tele­phone Company of this county to <y>nWI Vmk and finally t u ^ i : overlo the Beh Tpk>i^ne people. It woaW be agreatmirtake^poa-'^ the part of owaera- of Ceatnd ^ ^ Matial Stock to jriaceth«nselves " ^ dtthemMcy Ufa mroopoly which _ — w<«ta^aoon ( b i q ^ i^era to'pay e . x h n r h i t a n t ^hgne ae dtargpa.

subsequo^Iy appointments The wish to freriy gapi^eood hy his umnetuusfiieads that heaMHF spediaUy recover and. be able to oSH6nue

are ^ i i selling winter hat; they Ire laying m thar stock of sum-

citement Monday" by the re­port that Mrs. Henry Camper was ilHjfdiphtberia, in iier hcnne on East street: Dr. J. M. Lewis,

throat Sunday, which

—DroBmiars from the differeaf wholesale hoaeea,-

b«ginning to arrive in Manassas, and oar men^ante are giving:^: their orders fora^ng and som-mer goods. While our mlllinAr,

r-goods.. The, sample r eems the apiwuauro Uw yggToT

"Bowtt gard«i in which there gmitpLUHUiL-imypljr

—At tiie regular annual meet> ing of the stockhokJers of TS^

the family physician, had made I r J T . t ^ n g t ! ! ^ ' ^ an examination o^ his PftLltint'H | wi clcetcj: W. S ! ^

Siiiulair, G. BpftWft, A

Raymond Ratciiffe. but who c ^ d not k«ate his man I timber to the SUve Company'ai^" f ^"»»in«^n- .yr.Haten. jstrorymqicaoonsotmpntneretre'K^ holiday and PTDvidestfaat-wheirror the^tor^ r^l^^ y. » i . ^ , wtttr- . ^ ' j^ho hag j^jammeiL home "<«r|ConditKm ai^ out o f j m - ^ b « H L 5 M ^ " A " a legal LuhUa, iall. oh bunday. i sas yesterday " ^ Z ^ " ' " " ' - A n attempt waa niadiL J ^ I T S t " " \T- "' ' - ^ l ^ f S S ^ l ' ^ ^ t h M ^ ' ^ ' ^ ' ^ * * ^ ' ^ E . - ^ ^ * L ^ - 5 ; thp followiffB- Qavihust he ob- , 1 . . .._ «^ ^ t T ^ ^TtWesley Haaen and IS a naflve of antitoxin to both Mrs. CamoCT. Rn»,.Kg^ n n o — ^ L ^ T

^ "^•—Al^-n^-tinU Of Mir TGaS^r^j^^lLE^^^ Although the ^ her x-months-old child ^ IE N e S i , ^ ^IYT^'"- T^t'^ pendent Mutual Fire Insurance'^"^ ^^"^"'*^ ' ' * liK)«p. m,, | ^^^^ ajnii,., ,.,.^gV.r^„i..-.i..xi «.,i . •'.„..,ri • n- 1 , c . ixeison. The former bank of-servedC ! this c o u n t y . Aitnougn the 1»»« nertHx-monuis-oia cnua and 1 E. Nelson

* Prince WllUam and FaU(jui6r liilfej sent a "smeaf ' to a Rirhniuud tigers • r^Z- <^-7:4^'"^""-_'^^>y i 9 ^ ^ y ^ Fairfax county, held; " ^ .jf " " ^ ^ ^ ^ ' ^ .'^•f^jtormerly ran throiT^ the Hazen j specialist for exaainati^ ^ith i J j ^ " v^^-r'nl"^Jtf'^^^ of Richmond aT^tormer pastor 1 m ATiHndna Monday, Mr. Geo. i Lynchburg Tue^ay mornmg. by 1 ^^^^^^ ^ "Pilgrims R5st," ^ request that he wire him at once '- .^f^^^^tion of Mr. H. J.Carr of the Baptist church of Mana>»- -G. Tyler, division superintendent P' * '" ^ railroad tie on the track.' ^ i \vi>^ accepted the (..astorate of Schools of Prince Wilii!'»w ' ^ op^rstor »t ttu- t.o».<=r dis--r* - ' - t f t n j r t t e R «ftd -St. - Stephen? • conrrty. arrrt Mr." Ty>oTi JanneV i£uver©d the aii*ujc:-..n_baiaili. iE

1 icf-l.: t. -;\ ..-CK

.Mr. Hazen claims he was bom in of hif fat"her's home > ,v ,, Will.^iTi counr\-

The D i T t i i

iin the the result of his investigation. Waters A reply^ received Taesday after-,^'^^""• r i>on, stated that there were no

room of Mr. re^fsmed: VVi

pr -.dent. A W. ir. *vir-e-prpsi,ient: G T;

R. Weir a-T, H.

"tor • : ,it-

Page 5: eAflismir ?0T£ NS^

' ^ -J


-TheF^rfax Coiuit^ Board of |jimU£r-?£OPL&;VK& KNOW Supervisors, at the suggestion of Commonwealth's Atforney.Ford. jjr. William Bumard, of Fred-

J H ! l , t ^ fi";"« fP <lerick8burg. was in Manaasas on « roqin in the old county clerk's building for the use of Judge Thornton as a retiring room and nflRc.ft fnr tli<» tr«nRft<'tif>n of busi­ness outside the court room. It

Monday. Mr. Geo. O. Ferguson^ of Lees-

burg, was in towll on bunness Saturday,

&ir. J .E. Tribble, of kichjnond, is stopping for'a tsm days wl^ Mr. T. A.B«at — - -

Mr. E. K. Bodine, of Nokes-ville, was in Manassas on busi­ness Wednesday* "" '

Mr. W. W; Buckley, of Clifton, JKaa_in_to^n on business yes-terday afternoon.

Mr. W. H. Fletcher, of near Beverly Mill, was in town on business Tuesday.

Attorney, C; A. Sinclair, of

Mrs; Chas. WaH». yjy> haa ^ n the guest of her sis^r, Mrs. -J. R. Hombaker, on West street, for ten days, retunved t j her home, va Easton, Pa.,' the lattei-

• jjart joLJa*t weelc, . ._ Mr. C. D. Stickley, of Mt Jack­

son, Shenandoah county, was in Matiassas this week, prosg^ting for a place to locate in business. While here he was tiie guest of Mr. Geo. JV. Leith.

Mt.^JL JS» Ryekman <ra» in,] Washington on business Tuesday.

Mr. William Ramey, treasurer of Stafford county, waain town on business Wednesday. Mr. Ramey formerly was a partner with Mr. Joa, F. I^ewis ia the cattle business.

1 ^

^ This Store Will Deliver Goods by j ' ' ' ' ' ''

Parcels F o ^ After January Ut has tdbO increased the appropna-tion for farm demonstration wfork from $400 to $600 per year, and Allowed a bill of $2,300 fw the construction of the F a i r f a x -

-Vieasa macadam road.

! . —Early in February the new -• nickal coins will-make their ap^

pearanoe, in t h e circulating medium of Manassas. The de sign, which has been accepted by Secpetaiy MaeVeigh aHd4»4iie Creation of J. E. Fraser, of New York, is a unique one. On one

-- .,side is-the. i:epmdiictinn of head of an Indian. At the top is the word "Liberty" and at the bottom the year, in which it was

^ coined. On the reverse side ap­pears the figure of« buffalo and

—— ^ the denomination of the coin. -

Miss Mary Hulfisb, of Hay mar­ket, is visiting at the home of

A^ advertisement telling you about Uncle Sam's latest iimovation and how you can.use it td your advantage^


jlace. ,wag in Washington Col. V . B.

-"It wH! no doubt be interest-

le^l business Saturday. iHt. R. A l i e n Merchant, of

Richmond, expects to spend Sun­day with his parents in this place.

Mr. Grayson Tyler, of Gaines-yijleiiistrict, wasm town Sattg-d a ^ ^ attend an advertised. land

ing -to the dairymen; of. Prlnge . ^ e ^ William <50urtty to Je&m thatCbrf-grt flannai njiHIu nrYirglllW fttAjft

Mr.JVilliam T.

and popular passenger conductor of the Southern Railway Com­pany, in Alexandria.

Mr. C. A Sinclair, of Manas­sas, was in attendance upon the meeting of the Bar Association, ta Alexandria; Satu^ay, and was I^aced on the Executive Commit-tee^oTtWaasoctistibffr :

Le^is of Ma yland and Dr. A : ; .^- V.J^tin,~duef of the Bureau o^|<iay and Sunday.

. i?*." '"Animal Ina&Stry;accompanied by

and Mrs. John H. Burke Satu^^

—'a- ^^^gaaon -o-J icMitgomery: jildairymen. appeared

before th&^ouse Committee on Agriculti^e Saturdajr, and re-

^«i apprt^iMiuu uf ^0;*-

Mr. A. "k Washington, of Gr^nwfch, warshridng^ h«idel with his numeronaJnends in Ma-nass^-Wednesday. ' •

and efficient cashier or tne JVoKes-viUe Bank, and Mr. W. t.^Uan, its former cqmlie'ent and sub-staulial president," were in- tdwn

reimburse dairymen whose heen visitingrfriends in the-vicin-lu L lulled unde> iiybmiTnltwra ityo: returned tQ her

hnmp ShTTirfny niyht.

on t>u«nes8 this week. Miss Loui£^ Walker, who 1 4.

staying with her laiele,-Mr. W iT Willrrr «rvA<tiTif t.h*» High School, is spending thif w«»«JV.i»n< with her father. Dr. J.

-= Work was"' begun -Mr. R. W.^QQdyagd,^perin-^; T Wn1^OT, ft* PTT^hfliursville.

m the remodeling of the interior"t^dent of. the Virginia Stare

m- of the hardware store of Messrt.

-TnbTBrttomplotod lihcro will be an entire tcapformatitevof^.itfr^W' m^CQ^itionlnto that of greater convenience and ftij&re sightly ap-'

cbang6s Mr. Nash found a goW-fllledrinjg studded witb ihrue Ting'

:^iojniaon=lJHlliants; Tightefr h e _xnisSfed-Jsamfi_timeLjigQ -JtQg&thec

^^tH <r ft MT" vt»'r and: j.piecws. ' • __ ~ ~ , "~" ~' ••••

^^AB^rat .at)Oui ouxou IGGU, 0 0 ^ ; ^ premises of Mr. Jas. Hall, —fffii ffif#HN4w M'n (rainftflvil]? and

Buekland, .togethecwith between -QD<Lttad_two hjandrad barr^B off corn, sevei'id tonaof

r. Uitfal and a nuauLity ol hayrtwy; totally datrpyedHi^rfize^^ aa eariy hour last Friday night

2-7 3%«'k)9s is' estimated at about |1,fiBn,p*il.lji Snvwiil lij) imnnc-ancel The fire oeeuned in the' aartien of tho hoy loft in jwhish no one had occasion fe gooince the hay waa s»»ed and tbeorcpn c f i n s a jaayatjery.

—Ujq)emlle, Fauqutei' county; - has - ettied the longevity ques­tioned which waa started in THE JOCBMAL a feiL weefcg ago, f<g all'time to come, by ooninng for-wafd with ihe atatemeui Unit

T^^tBittown, d i e d S t o a d a y l S w ^ ^ ^ ^ '««i»ercoumy.

<]!otnpBny; of Ncflcesville, inia in toWkxtn. bnatnbaa Wedncflday.

Mewrre;-R=^. HJekey and W H. -Mathers, two

TBiia.Joseplmntt Grosaman, Cf

of Clifton's hustling business . n i ^ yrere in ^anaasaaiSaturday. Ifcr.tiiekey

Alexanfftiai: jspent.tixe. week enjt: wi^ihd" ^renis,' Mr.' and Mrs.

was ime"*^

A> 4irossm&a, On Quaixy .strwU

jy pureha^ the Chichester

Watoa, Wrifl^ & Biokey, of tUS placer':''7":- ''• •' \ '^'',


Beginning Januaiy 1st, our f r i ^ d s who a r e a t a distance can get goods by the new Parcels Post system. -» _ e « » 3

W w H R e l i v e r anywhere in the United^Statee^mjr package weighing not more than eleven pounds by mail. , J t- ^ _

L^YoCucaa ai^aage wi fe this otore go that by aihripry tiropping a Ime or calling us n the telephone, your mail carrier will deliver your wants a t your door the next time he passes. , \ "' - .

^~\ We're getting very luxurious in these days in the country as well as in'the

' V : ' ' - - ' ^


_ J JrQm.:tmie toL-otoelt ill all iinea of gc ^ come to this store, all you need do Is writ^or'telephone and we will send i ton

wgUs. i:3«ii: Wfcepf R^ ^ a i to what wo havi in-< Wjl n Yt)U need aftVthmg and it, isn f rynnvpm- nf fn


. . . ^ 'S^t^ that buying ^jyinail will ever wholly take the p ofeoimn^:to^^tore^t<^niake.your-sel^^ ratherhaveyou^ come^Aere. The Parcels Post, hQ^yever, comes to your rescue when you know

, fractly what you want and know:ihat w«^e%ot4tr In-afrsucbcases yojr can "^ buy with just as mudi satisfactidn by nmil or telephone- - ~ '^- — ^ - - -; -: U ^

cem in 1 l OOdtt LhaL WU Mill JilW nt iho Innrnrf pnm^i^lh p^Vf"^ f h ^ ^ ^ n ^ fflli

. the country, department- store of mail order house-_that can s6ll vm rower tiiaji we can r

house^that can s6ll ywr

We prepay the pos^gemeverythirtg,^:on

Miss j ^ e - D6tri6k, of Mr. John

place, near Nokesville, paid JoDBKAL office a ball Wednesday.

Mr. Gea. Mja d dijn aiL_ who hasbeen (m a three wee^^ visit tohis soB Mr. L. N. Huddiman, in Rnanokft, has yrtjanraed'ti his iK»ne tn this- place.

~Mrs.-E. R. Conner and little daugy»rs,s Bltvene and Vii'ginia,

Branch Pyrote&Mining'Cooapany, ;cmmty, ^gJio-haa 4)eeft

visiting Jier friend, Miss. Eliza­beth Smitn, 01 ijuipeper,3asl*^ tingled to Ifech iriea:

^near Thiftt

- Major R,^3teInEri«*j«ffio^as been on a two weeks' Visit to hbj^ former h<»ae. in South Carolina,

retamed to ius heme, irt

member of "€or A, of M "

wfflPik's visit: jyith i tatives and frignds in Washinifton.

Mr. i^d Mrs._A. W. Sinclair,, who have been visiting their daughter, Mrs.. K -tt;J4a»b* ia

siyled "Senaun* i:jtiiFBnson''s dbu bte," has many warm, .frieitfe in llianassaa. ~ ''"'• ~

amous Rangers, died in his home, in Washington,. Stuiday at tlie a£;e of 68 years. _ i f c Pwiiit_ tohsted HeTjMeeby" at the age 10 years:


He was. taken prisoner at Uppei> ville in November, 1863, -having 'Been be&ayed, comrade by a former mi ^-Us—battidion-wha-had-beea

¥r&DSi Rt rail, ha^ PBCameCTto theie heeae in MaBtasae. —•=•

<>fliiTtimai4jiitpri, Yaif whn a«»apfti<

T1i6re w;as a Eazge attendance

Mias Nel l ie RaymhnHp whft haa

hfiftii viititing her mother. Mis.

'i->*'g>i.\-itV^t>S?»! Vi>.lT?nji to hear the very intewn^ny vhA

"6o tt>e ^Bdenrf-lines»- Mr. Proat and hia cotnradag ware tato

Anme Raymcmd. at BuckfaaU, re-tUTDed to her home, in Piobidd-phla, Saturday morning.

thoir l^a^lghte^ mnA Mrtw w«w»

amusing lecture of Rev. Samad Qn^in, ] ^ o r of the lL "dnuch, of Anacosda, D. C., on 'The End of the Rainbow," tak-ittg las text ftom Ecdesbgtea, Ist chapter, 9tfa yecae:"Tliere

WaBhingtrmand phtmi in thfi nlrt

rd at my fJte^on MOiXXomaef f ^ f ^ ^ en to I farm, J Sllathiaa. I.:ia2t

Capitol prison and aubaaqnantiy

guCTts Sun^y, of Mr. Athey'a oncte, Mr. Edward DOOJKIB at

New Year, at the affe (tf 103 yeara. It is alao daimed that

'Aont Cutdine" remembered when tbe_&itiah to<^ Washing-ton in IHl4i R io alao elaimod

-that hec_^tfaer. • rijggro namfii Levi Proct<»', died in Faoqoi«r coontv aTtSe iijge of PS'yeara. We v« fieUiliig Biuie to aaji.

=BT=W=S. MHJBTi nf-iWaiagr aasy BaiTOWiy.eacapM iUIlOU IB-jury when the large touring ear which—fae-jras driving collided with a telegraph pirie,near )iriag Paric station, AJeac^^tar *t a

'fats hfflW Saluniayim^ifc ^e^ JUiaa-ff.Hzalwth DaakinB. wb» I'Hi "fBT ^ p 1. I iiit ^ M han bwn the giimt oLMrn_ ,L A thrown acroaa t h e , «iH«>wftnc.

where it landed on the concrete the sioc-

walk •'•^ which

from a ravine through Hooff'Si Run flows. The machine settled on tne

Miss Frances M. Heiakr, who has been ^tending a few days wi^ Mrs. A. <jroBBraanrlBHnB plae , fetdHi«d t^ her home,' Philad^diia. Sunday neon.

i snohewtmiw under the adoT' MI; Qiafluu kqilUla audi

convuiacu jiiui nmtniBrwitnwa Indicwiua allatury, which evwy child in the l«ad has heiard ooo-, eeniing the hag of gold a f t b e end of tBe rainbow and th^t ^AYMARKET HAPPiHtNGS

Mra. J. R. B. Qam&, of Bna-tow, was the gueSt 6f ttr8.>C E.

^ NokeeviUe. waa the g u e e i ^ th« MjigaoQ KaaK »hig irrrki

been TintiBg ho- aaot, Mrs. Wil­liam Bettia, <» Maple avenue, returned to her bone; at G<4d-vein. this state, Sunday momittg.


•ifteaaJinjcelatitm thereto. The tijpturer a^iad hja taut;

in <«e instance, to a fanner who had a much deformed p ^ which. TMrfifallY djgpoaed of far a paltry anw. ^ ^ f p « . i n « r » t h ^ « » „ . r w l

Price iol Adwiaaion. 25 ceota." What waa h» surprise when ^ e familiar defamed gig waagve-ie^ted toThim jpa the wooderfol curioRty. - " ^

returned to her h<wne. in Charteyf town, W. Var; Monday uiQiuiiigr'

Mr. John LeaiY, -deputy treas­urer for Coles. Occoauan and;

coping, 1 with ona ^nd hanging Dumfries districts, with

was ^ ^ ^ quartePS ftt-OeRl#U»|i»' wa?


over ^ creek, ami ^ « j j^HrmasaiiJU buAineaa Oatmdaj. wrecked. The accident occurred p . ^ ^ «. .» .«- , . through an effort of Mr. McCoy ^ Mia* Cora Bonner.^f near Ma­te avoid striking a wagon. Mr. nassas. left here Sunday after-Mcf.v Aa.- formerly associated ro-r. for Calif.>rr,-"i to visit hor

VOU^ S H O i l L D ^ f t ^ D

removed to Pcunt Lookout. While in prison hia father died at Falls ghurdi, leaving aevaaal ehildniir to rappcHrt and, upon thejple* of hia mother. President tAaf»Atk imdaned the young Ckmfedeiate beeaoae of l s moSer'a destito-Uuu aial liia'TCBtte

sas, who waa one of Ute ypuog man's comndeat knew ICr. PNNll' and ia familiar with the drcont-j^Bfyi ofhia latptBre gitiYnnVm

- M r W h j f r i u i y R a a n h»Q ro»»rT»4wl

fn»n a vkit^-two «icka tOftc Solan, ya.

Miss Grace Md^iough, of Alegandria, waa the week and * ^ ^ J ' ' S i ^ / - ^ ' ' t ^ « ^ 4ieater» at Aa^in^^ Mr. arf Mrs. O. C. HrtcMagP

Miaa Mai y Pi ice was"hostess at a pleasant meetiiutfll the bn^e Qub <Ma Wednesday aftempon.

A Progressive Euchre party for.the benefinuT tlM Haymar' ket library, will- be heki at the


I far wli^pMwt

_Tbe tax books for Coles, Occo-' ^ qtian and Dumfria districts art " iMMiMa my hands for colleetka: ^Qse who havir not paxi ihar wutes will Trfease <»n»Mt WW pay same. John Leaty; dppnty trpnnurcr,-Oecbqnan. Va. -'" •"" ' " i-iT-m,

flower stands^sew-insr maeftines. bhu:kboards, ch«ek> ers, pocket mirrors and all hotise-hnld goods at S T Hall's j ^ m i

For Sate. -Iflfr barrala eoi $3.50deliTei

—100 faaarria corn at red or |3.25 per bar-

For Sale or RenL-Oue.^ld-iwui huustt. 24 a«0 lot, bMHi and outibuildings, 'large garden aioA orehMdryater at doer; also OB^ ? 4 o m ^isttae-4oiH4ale-c^ r s ^ €r. W Ifettonr 110 4tpd

For SfOe at Rent—A good tiboK huuw with thn^f<Hut&&a«re <d landisnd aatBcnaates an toC, at " • "* " ^--fo R.. Hl f GakMsvilSe. fiweDoe, CSon TiT

For Sale. — One -paa* heavy mules and 1 tsoA work hors^ E. R. Conn«. ^ 1-3 '

Fbr Rent. Honse MidTQE in the

Reas(NMible rent C A. Sinclair, Cum. A. V. Weir . Mtr^Al

99^^:1- ham^s preserver, liiHiledjunonnt.-at "Austin's.

BhakeiH. robes md eaffUjtfe 12^tf

_Sa e. power trtatjonjuy^ "8 boUer. A. A. SME^

Cheap, 25-hor8e wigiw andf

~ " 11-22 FOT Rient.—A large 8-room

house on Crant aven«te, consist-

ict:;75g^ir:i;a5".:^si"i'"ij^Ej!g'i:^°^^ •k^ le+i. ;,.o4^.nt iww^».;.w. . 1 ing and kitchen room, also 4 bed the 18th instant, beginning a t | ^ ^ ^ ^^^^^. ^ Marietta W :Admis8iaQ._JiifihdisK-j::& B^TTs: ,4>a. & oohmonto. aSeents. No pmca. j "t,""^ ">; -»~yai r^-

Mr.-^nd Mrsrlfr T. Dasmwl^"^^ waU-ijaperand room motd-Woohington visitors thiri^^see or wnte Geo. L. Larsen

.„„.- ^p. 0. Bwe^f^, Manassas. »-i0^tfi

WantPd -.3 itHul tiesifom lBaq>«ideat Bfil to Manaasaa. F<ff foxther mfor-

lo TofiiTfrftary, Oc-eoguai^ 1.17-8t

Great reduction jba alt minin«T~*: atmyplarrnyiMninjitrcct 1 AVMI

cents, now Lickie.

rWA« €a uad 7& 40 denta. Ida M.

3 Sty GramOated sugatat Be fa—Sr


- Sobaeribe tor THE JiKflUtuu, fi-QO a j ear fn adnuire

jwrtwiiniw mrwvicKg eaaei. aiii'inmsi ureteftr'


BAPTIST CBOaCB. R « v R I . Q , T . « — . ^

Wti imi—grwT SoBAcy


E>«r «tk 9Mard>r at t-M p. K . aa " a t U a . « .

PKKSBY I'KKIAN CHURCH. R r r . WM H . D E x m . PMtar. -

•» l»«»«-ET»r\ Sumiiy at u ». m. S a n d u 10 «. hi. ^ ^

A daily papt;r that contains a plete tel^rifi' ii"!! pall!f Htink't' cm ioas». Marifin Whitf will erinK the wor-la State news troxr^^i. •"' '- Elizabeth. N. J.; the first of harness at.^natm'.c

One aet sfvond hand hugg^

. For S a l e . - A t $5 rK> each a lit-Mr. , t ero f six'-Prtrook .TPT-SIAY" hr oW

12-6-tf-Lutujuuiiiiawn ii •ll p«rt« ni Vtnprft»Uw- \fc>if>k it\ be present at t,h<r" and North Camiivia. It« local servic^ j marriage of" his brother, __ gives-aTTW „efe_^ iikiuikMW WW \v inston M, White, to Miss Hed-;the sire, !<) months old, •pras su ur s. S<H'Ktv(, nnancrai. market . , , i -ti . i • L ^ i j ..t.- .i_»i T i

•and ?p< rt, e ps^*- .to ar, in charge| ^'i^ Baas. which Will t ske-placc jbutcbdfed this fall and netted M f auifiont«»-•••! tn.>s.--»!H- ia.. .viibjpots. fon the 22nd instant. 5&^ lbs. The grand.'^ire of tliis ":> -•?;; ir.par.,.-; t: :r,c to vlsu t . (>*• Mi v ^ r . Gary Smith, of near Wool- Htter wa? ?nld at a stooK sale int

'""•"' . - ;r.. : :,T. ,..V,,, , ^ .,^, .. •; ^ :^j^ ^ THinuiS for t ne >U:-;v: >'•'«' , \p-a r - wt tolork

Page 6: eAflismir ?0T£ NS^


For the Road ^

i^R RAYO DRIVING LAMP » the most C0D3pa£tIand efficient

figKtit^ device tor all ktttds uf vehfcles.-' ] -- W i a not btowr o u t - w jar out.- £ ( q u i ^ e d with thumb screws, so that it is easily attached or detached. Throws a clear light 200 feet ahead. Extra large red danger signal in back, t r i y muipped iwiUi Iiandle, and when aetafeed nake»-ar*ir±-^ good hand lantern. Strong. Durable. WUI last for eara. ^ '

At Da«i*n Eoitti]fu>h*rm

- (bMwp««Ui la N«w immr rtowarih N. J.


No Place For a^allor. The Rev., Mr. Puysoo trni'lavlted by ' Answering •

tbe Miirlo<> Bibt« aucletyof rvrtluuU. "Cau'l /uu tell .JiM^.itisMts» OutMtmp wfeo bH i ;w»au*j« ,ia^.. M

teiMd to be In port u& n certalD Sun- Board's Dairymau M.VM: ~mr ftp wa« ramoua «» :• No; for tbe reaxon thrtt tbere «r» «'

prttactiw %adf tlMw were •everat of i mtioy men tu all ihe bneedn'tbat ari •AkluK tb«Jr .M<»s iTtxiilfjirunUUIt la initxMalMe far oa (« mt^kv q <>tiul<-t for tbia or aay other man btQt our

Horses are verr fnoH -of-a rn.-riety. aud (UDHIIIK alwii.vs jmys ID tb*- better coDditdiii iiiHlgreal-er uaefDlnpm of-tiitr bOf!«'."

Never whip a borse when be atUca. I t wlU tacreaw hUi t^tf.

._ Coofideuec

* JectK

«nbs(Ttl)er 'wtjir m<> wlilrb is tbe Diosi t •

lie fburct WM gvercrotrrted wttlt .Jm-k tara.

TenJiwiury aents were orc<'tf<l iji ttn' aelTeK. aitd wliei niajeii ani.l at tb» fur ui tiw t»JW» b.v ! anr own cboke we Hud ^i,^j^ TerxJarxv

puttinti dry c'x"!* ly a rantter of taste, buxea here Mint With C«WB aa with other tloiue«tl< tlie're aud nUiuK- ^ aaimala. thei;_alwnvg do the best wtHi lut; buarda acruiis tbvae .ueo wbu have a fuiidiieaa or Ilk i l » j n . Uke nrtt- , ngt!JOT-tinua-.-Jjideed. we may nii.i cii-cHi! seats. this is more true with cows than an.\ •~Ttrc—pieai.iigf otBpr animni. wiraii* wab describius feoiale and'a mothetJ u

. : . c .TiJJi ' , i l l

• * ' tiiB sialute law ol ibo Pti.rt- • »^'-•"•*•,''• sires to have ilH caj»u.j! ftwi. 'J <i brrti palter wt lortli, 1, l.V D.IMI,.

« Ul-t»to.ftrlver will do • iJe"" ° i y ' l ^ ° T " ' * j " ' ^ ' * ' ' ' -"" ^ . . . t l U I ( W i r T l J I ^ . * ^ 1 ^ B^'chins, do hereby certify a-' I U<< • Jectn ^ • a It is just aa iiecesaury to'(It <i

wTIar to a borae a» it la to Bt a

Cartificate £or Decrease c^ the Capitat Stocks of t i w - ^ « t of N^liaavaiar Incorpoi alecf. WilERE.\P. Tho l-kml. or

0Orp*f»W«i,»'ctjp»jrmiuri d'l';

-ttir: "trrw and us xuch

to ' her

• I * ' J l - !

L« pieaoigf otBpr animni. t.

descrlbius feniHle and'a n the- (lay of the particularly ximpet'tible to • her a v o l a s t Judeuieut' |lk«» aiKt-dialH^eic 1.tJ«re7jfre_a-lot uf>J

- is Sfi_ en- fiQw nwiiPi-a M-K.i nra t>llffd tu (blw [H+U-i* dedvur to • dpi^ when it pliiys a very impprt-ant | J l?i?*n"?* ""i*"^*'^ part with their propt. :" .^. ' —.— » to. his audic-oce-^ Every breed of <ows has .its. dis ! J ^'•^ t^sing bin tinotlVe'IllW ilf uu»tUU-.n.—Tin- JeWiiy a

^^^^ y^ thft fAi>t A man .cannof~worl oo boUed

turult>a alone: Deltb*-r can a t o r s e work o u ' • dlel. uf .atraw

and ro<tder-It cu«ta a good deal of inoucy

.to buy a satlafuitury team. lu motit cases thlK can be avoided by tb« farmer ral«lus his owe.

Always -tie your teiim or put them ID a tmra when ro» go to

FIKST. TMu oo^tlic 'oi-A ber. 1M]2, in ifie liuTr;» l.m:vi


-l.PnKi o,I* ratf

» • ^ :

id Vox-

town, it is inijol) obt>a|)er Uuiu having to buy a flew hiirrieaa

A Big Stock of Lumber ^ " . . . ' » • . I ^ . I I I ' -

- At both the Bristow aiid Clifton Yards of J. R. B. Davis & " .Co., with Hugh H. Green, manager at Clifton^ A,full atock V.f HarHwnraalwayann hnnH at ('Mfton. Bristow quotations on hardware^ furnished from the t i g stock, of R. H. DaVLs & Co., aud at both yards everything . .

FROM (i-OUNDATtON TO ROQT^ IIigt>'S'.'a>Jc DuilJeis'Liun' alwaja in sli'Lk* at butli taida.


will strike and be tiasbed to pieces on •I the rocks of ereruity." "

The last words were, .hiirdly uttered When one of the boards t'ave Way uti-deTthf weight of ibt ixs-u imats wUii-a

Estimates furnished on any claas of building, and all eeti itied. — inateaare for firat-cfass material', unless otherwise specit

Where buyer is not in- a position to do his own hauling, we will'deliver stock at actaal-4ifn«-cost. Writg, phone, wire or call. Long distapcp connection at Clifton Yards.


B1.IU Doyi'-N i.owea y

sermon with, the *'""'~ worilM, • Then OUT -ro THE world, driveu by

LOOK. (ip |„j^ temjle^t


Is a wonderfully eKjnnmlc constiiner \ and close roann/actiirer^ of food into milk liPllds. So in the Uuernsey. Both yield uillk rich Iq hutter fiit. and Iwth are bishl? prolilable provided they are] good r'ows and you do your part. j

The 4r™hire is a very hardy, ro-' bust breed ynd another hiH*tly eoononilc , oousumer of fffKt.ami o f .noedltun:

aud waKOQ. • The horse thiU Isjill the time

beliit: la(>>etfM»it b - the whipner-e-x knows what his master meHQs by It add. comes to think he means just nothtiij;

Counijr, Va.»»)ter (ju<' It-j/ul IHHIO- '.O HII the Directors, there vm Li'M u initiuin of >>»id Board of Directow of «airl t i r,<jr«tir»i). iit which meeting mure tltau u '|iii>rum wu»

• ^preseiit mict at wliicliiuertiu^ it uijpeHnup to ^ ths Boiird tbat, thoupib tbe niaxi^ium cubital

stock waa >?5,(iO.'.0<t, oi,!y ?:2,rX»i) Ijad Ijeen actually puid in nud thHt'ttie ssid bank had been succw^ful with -'ittli o.i I'l C»pi-

• i tai, aixi tbHt it fiirtlieriifi xarut-; ibat it was • \ adri«Hble lo'di'crease iltu nlnck to naiJ lum \ i of in3i5lW,Ui ajidfuall tln.itti(Aiiiiivii.riM«4 • \ and i^sat Lew au>c)t fuily [jiiirt \\\\ anrf where-• «»» decided that tJi« (ir Koiit aiNxi-

stttss atuouaiAf ^Tupital.-tu-wii: 92<>,'0vU0,



••ghe has struck;" yelled a Afilor. in tffe xaDefy.-3 and he-jirOiiiiJfly threw tiinisrulf i.ri.r- th.. .rail Hint ,wr;at>olng

weiehji. but hop milli rnroly cjoocdo 4

nnn IPg HV.uinil a nillar. itH<j «^^ tbr loWei*" tlouri—"1 iiin't ijiifin; to-B*. on no burrifane de<:t In a wrw:fcl '—far r •crted jta-



9 » •» •» •» •»» •»»» • • •»»» • • • • » • • • • » •» •»»» •> • • • • • • • • • » •»» • r ^-' '•— : " • .. •' ' •—' ^^^^-———' —r—rr — •

TuVlmffTTpf^lT 4 -PpfVf 420r26 Seventh St , Wuhington, D. XX.

OR i«of»r)




o 1 1 l > l >


Ladies i i ^ ^ ^ Sifc, Dres^ Goods, Dndcfwe^ Petticoat flovesy

lineiis, Domestics ANP EVERYTHING TtfA^tWELPS-TP- MAKE

-Ar-Fmyr-otAss t m ^ G o b o s S T O R E -



UiKineutiJ m nvid colara. ,. •_

J. ^ r p c Q t Mor-< 4~S*n» J'ounger theu

thai. he-_Ui ao^^ was tiding out of thi! dciiut with- a frieod wbnt bis iiat blowing off.

by a" •goat

Funeral Director — Licensed Fitihn hner Utry hoiii».-Tfce4w«t«>iAMlMit

yIpfffVf rTnffina-^fl^QpiY « Sanerpaftjr- WW jfli.etir-thf Triilir-


mtan PartJFeri ITHiSII f i^

York Ameri<-a«>. il,_t)l£. al reej.—New,:

Our Purpo— Heroi Xbii ask me, oh, aincereat frl<'nd,'~"

What In Our purpose here Wbil*p«8KinK days may pnwar<l"lrenel

And jfaay'ijupjlinfafh yvwft.-—"'.-'^~--r

W ^ t pticpose taxsest place ghontd ttold ln"hsart diid^Hfe axA ^ pldii"? -^- *—•'

What is a soul's nrio'at treasured soU •_ In this tbe sphere of mant-

was XDpn than aullicient fcf liie t>urpo«es of the Corporatios, Olid J Iwt t oi,Unie>huuJd be . decsWffM fo tbe sum of *(2.iV"'.cO aud at which niceting. and to pff-'ct tbe rfiarfg* aforesaid, tl:e said Iteard cHlle-l ;> int^liiig of

[ the a lock holders ol ibe said C'«rp(;ratioii, of which mseiinf ivii IIBVH uMice »»« yi»e«— each ftockhtlder of. record, wbii-t Dolice

I caatained tho liuie, pl^'« SIKI oh<ct of rwH meeting and tht uajouiit tu which it was pro

~~~'. i jxisefl to decrease tbii.('ai)ital «i(>i!t:. • Points to Not* When Selecting Sows; SECOND. In piirKuuiioe t* the aioretaid

For Breeding Purposaa. ' hoftce giieu. iis aforenaii! anl lu iiccordance In belectlitg a brood s-mv there are with-the terms thiTiiin couiHiHe.1, ii:ere was

certulu-i>eiats -whit* Tjn-so-jnmeratty^HW »i '^e i.fVi''''' "'i*^ ij[Hding anH « c c e i « ^ Ihat-they mnv otTcr a ^ tiide | !''» f; " " ' h ? ' V'H^' " rV''7' " ' ' ."^l^' f . .,, , _, .; .; . J , meetUig of toe ttiia Mix-luioideis. at wbicfc ttJ-tJip-beginntr or-f. tU.- l.recKler who : ^ ; ^ | „ , ^ „ , , ^ ,^j,„,^„,^, , , p „ ^ . .^^ wouhl improve ,his Ueid. I't^rha^ lite | jjy proxy over fvu tl.iril« iji au.uum of tlie' demaiiUs of the p.acKer win sorve as a' stockhoidrrs <.f the sa;d Corpv-rnfioDTand at

KtiidB tu tiib ni;iiicj__xUm!J>imi ScEer^

A cfetlAlh.lS-lk! or 6d^ U niiWt IMVkBfillH* for hltn becuose It will produce the largest uin&Dnr of snlntM^ iwri; .with the smallest iimotuit of wu.ste . .\ny hog th;it varies ft:oti| this fJiJe is ton .

j-fnKitpd with B rnrlHtiiiu in prlcf wheii

BUIUUill uijin 'n fitvor nt decrenkins

Tb» answ^ Is' not liiaril to sjw Has ft esoaped.your view,

ABO nard'yatMMiiVM K iiuiAi at nw And 1 »o amall ot you?

Oh. Itindly friend, tbe answer seen. . . ^Xtk« atara thiit.ahlne above.. , -la.tfaia. and.only VbXa. I wean:

•We Uv» \ -rltoualaa Oobbtea,

Csjrkilta Pontiac. a reglsterod' Hot-

inilk cents iTilnx 70S pounds' of fat In one year Htider official test. Tlils ia ugul'iuimt.Ut 887 pounds'of bni—

- tw. "• This cow was' bred, tuised and to Owned by the University of Mls-souH and U_a inniiliiigTiVa Ot UU well itnown Hengeryeld-De Koh- SI


I is '^ne ninth, cow in- inis licrd make a batter record In exicesa of TOO po'tiada and the thirdTto paaa tlie KlO .pound^Martu.... . -•->.•-" --.

li« gtM^ to the market. -' The hei^d should b*« medium in leugttt. with It ftili jowL whirli iiiust 4iiA bg heavy or'buggj-; the neck imist be short and full;, the -sliotilders .aijili-aiBtAJsd-in line with the sjde: \0 chest fall, well )et. dowa 'and Vide ijctween, the - l e s ^

ilie.tapitBi snn-k fi'ujii iggJ.OOOOti m f 12, .MX)J>U, which. Dcit is Icf tliaii tiie niinimn

records of said Corporatjon. the faid stock­holders finding t e preKout. maxiiiium amoant of aiitboriaed- < cieiit for the purposes of h'Aid fJoi-poration; and voted to recall the shati',! of every stock-hnlHnii nnrl li -.iMHr imui. iji-...-=pftwl;m-fi» •

I the back rounded: the^lower Hue should t-be straight and tht'''ribs, well spmny.

with the afoteHsid acti.i! • Thei«for».liu»^ceTtificaie'iy i>o>-- signed by

J. P. Mituuel, Pru-itleiit t4—ii»f Bu»k of Xokeafville, In^orp&rateJ, aforessTd, witfa its

tTorporate Seal therplo jili\»l '.•tty,iH^ IW •W. Vu Huuchiu8, its ^iecre»«rj, at it* lAiJic

iJj^not^rgund. Xheiie'^liduld Be plenty | SI .DeefjuJsHjSltfe of nieat on the loin., the sides should be strsJsbtaiidXbe flank low. Too cutny brieeders oTerloiak.'the Imponu^ce pf theil

j Battfr K. low. J e w Ha 'k- mw^na a d<yn

AR. IntalligMit Goat.

Harieai Vas. muatlr. rock, and waa tUoUii «?• qtiat»'BiraftM~5oiac of Ita-TDost caD8Pii:g.<>i>s Inhabitants, the New Yorti Central' rall-ruad traius woiiid pnaa Itowldcr gifter-

• alda %nd iniddHiig aud uieaus n (paiii»aatgi3r"ggqit Bide ttria Tiatu. 'rtipl!iji'A.i'£ OF. yilUilKiA. per cent la butter fat'. Aa a b a ^ for

ctoaaiag with pore bred Ooenmey «»• flank is one of the iudexea.of a iiulet la tlie_old 4ayB. wheu New Yorfc'a [ jarapy gfa^ tteife l a TO totrodathrtr-*sp«siti«"- easy feeding and eaiSy^aSt

tiiat la finer than the •Ayt^hlre grade

bowlder paJDteif oyer with ndver

was selzeid

wliK<i bevm

^Bduced to -ttate"way; seema to. tie a pntural "oicS" between 'the. Ayrshire grade female and the pnre t>re<l tinenisey or JeraeT whereby hetrefis uiw .piudnced , tb.t:

nbow gtcut eaiiiKlitji fui tuaftthbla dui?.*, Work..;. '. : ' . .-. Hie Holrtpitt iB-a groea .feednr- aud ybndertui proatioer. • On a farm w:l>cr«' tlieie la-an abnaKlange iif good. CoUsh agi^'-W«*l backed ap *ttB-Trgeii«»«»a«-grain, ration, sbv.eaa and, has. -tieirteti all oijiBr.rbrpeiaa hi grosji'prodticaoc.

• "Whether tlu.« has befen done econohri-calt.T is dispiited bj the parttaaos of aOier breeds.

oaava qffef any" Jiympathy. : -' '•Di>o<<ed Intelligeat goat ^tiiatr be fair 01~

An tutor—tod- LJato"*'- -Kba^Oaade Grahame-watte.- tUe ta-

•i^aal aTlatof. was la this ooantry -^ot 4o«^ajar he waa apendlag a Wi-efc enft. a taeookl

F e e l t ^ rety enthuataatte over tbe-fe-

woman wkit^nu hla fa i taer at tbe'A-lOe nf MMiw nf thr ilttrtla nf ttMt iTla-ttob aport. aUaa'aat liBtB the deaaert..

[ :fn»araU tiie utttJiCi WBera; ^ tka. jvaat WOBMUI had oot attatcd a •tacie wpE0. -*I am afraid I bare bean

TOO V t t h i t h t o a ^ P talk." be 'aa i f 'be ikeald apokeise

' iha a t a t w M k la wipy peate tooea; -bat wonM yo» mSaA tall-M m t . w h a t k a r l a t k a ^ ' - ~

'HoMada S w * ' I Hart «ra ^taaeat w h o l b f aWrfcm*

th^i*MfcAaaM tjA-m^Jllimjim*: "A

^ b o ^ C ^ i s i ^ Laths, Doors, Sadh, Blinds and Buflding Material


decided that nay **UX»k WM ipHIt !• nigat or itlB^lowar

bArtiy tndifl—tiow of Hor—aL

- T h f Btewij-t^wligrtii nttar iato Dotice. . She has been txed'^aud her l>ody"-fasbioned to meet the stress

- e fae tere aoTinntto-rilmWng for mHlBy-|-' yeaTH.. «v>n<u»<]n<aifiy ghe has aat yet icqnired that red Dement o# I'orin. that

an hwMidfl t.uiuajp at laat- m this land

t h e ^ we-are. Redoeed to the qncattoe like that oT

poUtkii or xiHlgtoo or tore-laA-mattef Terr targeljr of peraoeal partfannahip, s u a ai» w e come baefc to the 'place oT

Bat It .is geoaratty wise fW eaer? .aMUk to aeteet,aaeh ttreied aa >« Mhea beat, that aptwiela l i i in i jTai

mi rapflBocr -taa^asBtmnm aceac« that tNataem ttat irBl eaa tlH^einia t» 4» ihcir beat:

The Qaeatiea-la- oXUia. aakad. "Whitt la tta t«M style of hoc t r o o ^ r w r t t ^ e . P. WUHaais la the National Stock-• n a . We-«se hwigha la aafc Anawh Bartoai haaa^ a w alghi

_alisht)7 6e» aa to aaake the widtt ht-top'

ahoat tea liicbea The aMee aboukl be ar atx iBcb boarda aailed ta (he beveled


"ftoiCB .WjLIAta jl MI-STT, T<>-wn>-« —: I.-W"rT.AU*!i. « Slataj-y PuiiTic iu 8iidfor_

J.tlie Comity^aiaTeKijd, in tlie.STta'.e oF Vir-•jjjjiniaido hocby ftrtify riuit ,T—r Maunri

jfni-^r'L HoQi;(iiii». Pre.-'idtwraud Secretar, jtMTpectJTelTof t ie Bank o! N-ttU,^ilie,Jncoi^ . porated, wTICBe-nam-B an-aigoAt to tlic foiw-

j^—IglHBgceirlifics'e, bearing date t!ie of- December, li)2. haiTf-ai3fcnmdedged"ti»7 oiiTim V».ffirf mg in my Cuiii.H'.ifiiiwniiL '

eg uiiiier my. baud .thi . lOtb imt of.—

iSGMMOiWfiAfcTff^' ViltlilNflA, • !^^partment of the S<»te Oorporatiool ^CSiy"5t Ktchmond, 2(Xfi aSy of tfeem •

b»r, 1912.-The accompanviag'certilicate fi r ao ameod-

mem to the charier of the i<Mnk ,./ Knk.^^lU

I W O B Jluber.. Jr., I3 .9SS~wlK>iC

champion Berkshiir* l>aMr-' at tbo' Wlataaahr- ' ^

, and a npg wteh-iw^ gnnd tlaiifc and a guud 1 ^ be fooiid to-powueafi these. . Depth <<-_bodr3a more easeotiai than-

Jeagtt. altboqgh iMtiL-Siy desirab<«i • " y •«»'^*l'*'^ "^•"*-'-T'-flrntft '' L"Th

uod a good ivp^Mmt. low, bruad •tiarta WW fcaod fcai aad hit!>

io'lS.aB. '" :g^_!LjMt |i>igiwas=gc"ti^aia

ctailiiTig'" Ser pntgaij wlff be^fu dp-feaaa a a a aaay,«ee*iof> into priae wta-

"-There haa been for aj^og time, tiraailwi that one coaldliot aewtnt

ar-tack|~iaa aawca a a a o e a hog of aar ooe of. tht laid type-bteaila. TliU, tthWBVgr: jaMiDMoaa TT«e aorplua haa^ which l a n r baggy appearance. Is aa.Bi«K:1i waate Batcrial. and any "Wtlttlaa-thai

be bred into a bog sheatd go Into la swaaoilng a hog tbe dts-

If e Ktairted for a theater, aad

Btidnight came .wlthoot aay trace i called In my ii>.m»i luup

haa soujziji tiaaiiera ewt ^ag: Tro^iaw aaeuni ^w^^i^S,nnr (S i^ w1iM» tr> tinitra nfirtra toe mv nnnain • \ \ gie>eirt-«rsr Cteaillng

( VHCIM7 haT» been . mnnded Ufcety to,»»»rpaad j wooid hare a gaod Idea of

qtttt. 8halk>wer troogas waste reed, rtype ' ' Deeper troogbs Intlte the hogs na put Tbe herd boar ahoald be tbe best tb:n th>«r ff it Into the ftaaah while drlna. VHa bay." This does-not ii«suc

that be Aftofa ^ aernred at ;Sn exi^rbl taat.prir-e. btiTTt d<>e« meuii tftat fci^

i BlM far when <>oa(ieDi7 ae

freijeently anttM' from tD4t> gestloB Imperfect nntritlon Bare the teeth ntteniied to by a reter

n tJlre the drinking water be

quaHties aboold be socfa -Sa are needed te the b^wl anrt <tw>nM *^ ,1,,, ^ff^ ^ tSelr kind and that a (eie doUaia ahoaM P0t;et«BA4»theway of Mapar^ • ^ • w ' e w a a e t i y tbe Tight aafrotT"

few moiaents. when <>oa(ieDi7 ae mi «p. pot BM mwita fiana n>' niy wr mff -Vhtspend. 'Jim. ttieie are stz-fert tr tUa bed " Forget it.' T said. •Yoopf o > « ^ • i r i t h that ha nllmhtf^ nnt frmp

tt.t.d aay bolhy fo»d ; SaRii :jESi l y H s p . at Boon or y ork the faoese soon after tt j ^ • * ' " ^ " * t h e ^

free access to rock SiJt ' <"•* thinly and tbe salt sprinkled over meal Alloiv B<>d with SHwdust or planing mil. «h« vines ;r, be ents Ills bedding Feed whoi« u.'it.i IBMI nnd BBI n^ith |iiin

*hnli|<t h» «Tp,-»i|i*

j i g i l d i n g - j n c a t p d a s ^f>f.~-o .'ii tbJM.lOth j a y

Xttest: .J 1' MAXTKUPiiismEHT.

jHOl'tTilNS, . -• ~"SBC»WAI

JPecembef, 1912; «v^;^fecrEs'. >'; p.-

My cbmmiwuoD eajifreti Jan 31, I&Il

Anwriinrafedrwaf ny-a-:#egW|gcB^^g nBt ^ btaudiogcapitsT stock, tigucd in aceprdanoe with Uw by J.^P. HaoDet, its-Prtasident, un^ detlhe seal 4( tha Corpofxtjo^rartes-ed i>T W.-,t,. HoiKAinii, its Secretuy. aad dalj aciuoaladaRl Uj' lll««a^ having been ft^ aeattd to tae State t:ai;porBtiot I'omnMsaics-

any, zsquirsd iy^ law baring "^' "" luiiX'uouusisie

tJorpotatMe '•^^' >*jMneadabK^ J for the p^f, V

tica \A itsdiaitar set forth in said a'ppliea-ties.- Thneloi*, it ia ordcmd that tbo ehar-awof tire Bank of NokosviUe, iBco^oraled, aHui]JtiisUuu Biiawl by State Uorpora'tifla -CoaaniiMipa, be and the same ' and ^tartld'ui tBe autiascr UKI tortfeep^i^ poses Mil fnilHs aaid-eerttficate .to tha <aMt «st<M as if ^ said epplicaunn wera new hswm traascribed ia faff ' •_

hseeby sertiGed tq the StT'ataij at ttn fVan BweaSjbrj^eecd.

MrlUjUK.CiAK. * "

COMMONWEALTH OF VIBdlSU, O t o o f ^ Sacnygr of ti» f i n - i ^ . . WUIU, i a 'tha (Atr a RichmiBa tha »)th day al Deeeiaber, iai2.

The fongoiog aaendma^-of the Chartar oi tha BKnk of NokewrilU, lacorpoi^Md, was tkia d ^ reomred and dnly rrtwded ia thia Oneeaad ia heretj eertiiei


OSoe of the Clrrnil Cosrt , «fcB Wlh daj <a.

1912 The (oriff'^r ''''—*•— inii i i i i i i l t^f ' ihiadsyK-

aad cenificAtsaf the the CaBmonwaaRh thancn

iaKfc.<]£ the State-CornratMW G Taata; J. B, ngRnSLL, O w r

A Con TMTTt:-~ -t- £v tentRlLt, f t i i i .

ereoly. l)e«ttisrit is impossible to wort the salt through all of the hotter If tbt •alt la iheswn all lu uue pm.t

ed his wa> aroond to the foot 6T JTR-j wheat bran, weited at feeding lime J *> or-niottied tjuttar Is ( « »

O'T X n."; X. Union i L E X , \ o 1=;' a V. fl

bed and hepin to paw c«r feet. "Ydn'r*-right.' hp y:il'i. «ffer a mlrnte 'I've

I coiint««t ~rrr T^H--thepe's only four ' "

Stre.Tk causer

Atlow one ixiiui^ of this inlxTUTit i i i M - ^ onevgn salting. . .\fter saltiDg thf each i(«) ol if.. "elKht and elve a 'ik. • butter shoald be allowed to stan(f for a" o .,;r . .\i-A or ttmothy or prnirii- ' ^ "r s i i honra and then worlted ~ - I - - o a ^ t n

Tci OM F Si €K. IM

Wa.sliiiufion. D*C

Page 7: eAflismir ?0T£ NS^

THE^MANASSi^^ JfflJTJNSLJ'SIIliJV JAmM^¥47^ i 0 i a

: >.t

FOOT of the Best -FreparatkHis: RfcaFfeurT^Kte^^fei:!^^' iSHlif preliminary

_. stages. •. . . . . RexaH-Ciieny Juices 2Sc. For tiiat. tickling s e n ^ -

tion in your throat. -"


=EE n^W tntrrr t ,u It U hMii t» tell wbetb«r ttae w««r«r r ibf UtU. wta» ik "tomlng or K « ^ ' - t ^

theiftoat yaari Mem* to tDedplnto • tntt. Tfi» wrip *(»Hy : # l i ^ iboat tha flgBr» fc < TW-y nmcefnhway irhea its weanr wwrc*.

HttJlWrS rU^WiRLH •*« Jha n>«pp«J at itch lr> jyMjleetjiL

' • ' • • _ " . / . , Fahric • • , ' . . , • Why h W tiMtt to fftw grlTltr caa t»

an tliMT ito It OMt thi-r bavr li* '~-KlMk iTHjtti ctecfc or no nal eMtctig-tioa of tk* T«tae at time?

Tbe-^lri wto ^always tate? wbo u-rivea t<B, Mt>e« »r,perh»pe thlrtj mln

Tbe School of Motbercraft, vrblcb for oVer ft jnatCr tJU be«o dotag mCb Bpjcn-|~ did work la fJew To'rlf. wa» founded •Dd U directed by Mias Mnx; L.. Bead, < college fntdnate. wbo baa applied her anlrervlty treinliiKtothenaraer.T.. Miaa Read In bar s e t Tery long life baa been both a klndargartner wbo rerogDize^ln Freebel the.Btother educator'«Bd a ae-dal w«Mlc«r wbo caiKiden skltTfiil motber wock ih* sar^t Mth to aotial proi^eiHk'

Th» achani «f MnthPrnnift In oBrrrlBg soLJbe-ta Leaaen.-for ideal AUdhood and ideal wofciaD-bood. with tba aame .«tta) method of tcacMat tlkWlKB' tBc' aoiM 'life, the Uadergutae *Bd eotdOM' acdvltiea,

Tbe oM fashioQed idea that any wo-maa e f arerage IntetllKeuvg waa lutul-tlrely equipped b j nature ^ftcjS^JJ'e'^ bee(M^M-JK>t^ho<lJESiS^ with tbe

aeif adentUlcahy pr tliis Tocation tite aaaie boilDesaHke maobar as for a


Rezall Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil, $1.00. For deep seated cold. A cold that yon have had for sometime. , - ' .:

Rexall Wine Cod Liver Ezteact, $L0O. A tonic-pleasant to taker - ;

IccommeDd them to any one. .toiye them a trial and if

t#kb£ated f^waas Grsin DrilM ^—-In effect Nov. j ^ 1812, „

anSlire not ~guanu>l««<r Fertilizers,- Ga&oiine E a y i o ^ e .

' Farm Wagons, Plows, &e7. &c,

h Special price* on

Buggies, Surries,

i Runaboiits I S E L L T H E


~ T n u u to MANASSAS aa Couowa

D o w e 1 l s P ha r in a c y STORED'

KAltWAi - n a s i €AUyBi w nE^om

. No. » enanection

SOt'THBOOND. ' Dairy loc^l, S.iit o. m. Delivera - M Onugu dmi) <at«v» t)uad»^

With a repctation fgr service that is surpassetj by none. ' ""•"

HARNESS an<F Vehicles alwajrs on hand, ant: my prices are always right

J. A^Morgan

to C. A O. \ o . 413 (or donlousTJIla ami Riclunond. -

Ho. I il—Except >->uucI»y, 11:25 al m. Local for VVairentou and iotanuediatc ^iuta.

No. 43-- Daily iKrougii traia, 11:66 a. ak, inUftop •! MguaasAK na da£, ^iio. l7--jE»';eptrjMnday7Ecallro««»Waah.

iootou to Warreulon, ti;l^ p. m. Ko. 15—D»ily local, 5:4U p. m. So. 41—Daily .tliroui li tium, 11:04 p. m.,

(top* tolet'uS paSBgBBCTi. from W««h:ng»fai topii t<) Ift'iig paSBgBBcTi. i ua .Aiexandha and to (ak

.w \8-ir . xMANASSAS,.VA.

I aud .AJexamlna and to take qn' pasaeugen j far po»oteat<ytri<ih MiLatliiX^ lA .u/ y, _ .;

-VOKTUBOUND. JJo. IS-i-ExL-et-r Suuday, Ipcai from War-

repton to-ft'aahia^toD, iS-5i a."in~~ No. 10—Uaii - throug'j trjmJjMween Ua

lasaaH an^ ATax<indria :45 a DI. . No 114—Except .S«n<J y. .^rrrrrManaa* ^ T'»i4''• '" . from Warrentoii*»nd iotrr-owHliiile. )»iiits Pulluiao Parlor Car,

• No. lU—I>ailv lo^al, 1;1(J p. m. Cootxcta «l CHinB* witJi'C. A O. Uailwat tiuu. Biuh-

-StEEPmrrOTGH. ieTCenatruct Thia Very Pepolar

Apartment. . Tlie ateeplag perctf may h»e a t td.biH

a bore. S ' ^ ^ j ; ^ f ^M' | -«ere ai«.boiieea specially designed to-««comm<i(iate sleeplag porchea. and

nuisance ped stltoa la the aoclal fa&ric Seoiv one is always trying to i l l to the lK>le made by iher tardy arrlTBl.

at the girls AW^ y a i can be.«B^t&neT No di>u|>t joa_tblpl: yon laatai op fisir'yoiir U'^isew^atid tile trouble yen aiuse by yonrapoluctles aad >onr aaHleS, t^erhapa yon cajL

n m t l j y r a megaa tobercnlar.

Amplest method of <K>ntnrAictlugL a real aieepiag.p<ychfe a-hew be«a« 4( iiiodei9~|^Mii'lluiw is to cosHtZqet a genenSoa (lM%>6r tn tte. roof on the

.^nyi wh« iMTj. B-aitBd. lorpet thelT Berroasaesa apd impatl^iKe and ang*!< aa aotfn as yeo dor Bnt they <io not.

j & e w>et°°s »Tui haiy Hhlinfered awl b«me(r wfetlv her dtniRr reversed-JBil

-procesi doeajwt focifet > p u g g

She has beett took Itkc

^ e T o w i pafiar. I h e h«s bad ta^say pleasant Odaga while she thot«bt tbf ^pposltei '* .—

Thnt ghairt'T expectaacy that- per

•FMfM"TlH '^-' i^rihe i t entlrelT opw^^ at the bant ezc«t>t to a point abont twei feet abOTe the floor, to .wbleh. -fael^rt It abonM be boarded iip. Ja-lhla way a m«m of adeqbate size is ror^ed wlthntit flrfftjl ,^"'i J"'!"^'''''^ ffl'T *


price, CASH OR TRADE Higheat Market. Price Paid foe

"Age^ ta for Pr. H^MTang Clarit'a acea and Stock JFoods


SHEETISmSig ly» 1"«* i?*» ajj*i;-glMy» -ffinrnt. itft ni d f taitDicait.all staiidard ppfmlar knuiic, opijr IQc

try Chma fc Sanboiiife^

• W B l W J k ^ W ^



t'"»f..V*«0"**^ Dwivfl^Mk


CHAS/EFiaiER, T-T Maimwai.Va. . - — 1

IPRON SEMBUiOt: ^tGia:9>visa^iticr

ireparatMT, ^ifRsk XIOUML, CsMwcy, £ lis BMe, Mwic i ^


/ ^

•Bftaln in bvht to eacnre pefvacyr Ar good piiaaia'taattluele the: eotf^andf

a*desha»d-to-iar*-he«ry^grad«nflf p i ^ pared caavaa en the floor. This caofing

deck canras is waterproof, so strong'that it may be walked pn ftedy. eemee in widths of thirty and tblrty-sJi4,

. .oa TO.


foe dta fanner fca^pjl FaB ralae far ewaajr do^ar.

Vepertmaat. K^ooi ^ZaNrfnlty Selected

RaaKwaHe Kate*. Open to VMc lor Catalogne.. Ad'

monil *nei OordonsTiil*. Nu. I t2-Excupi Sunday. Arrive Uauaa-

»as 4:1(1 p. m., from Warr«aton and iater-r.ediftt*! points.

No. 44—Daily throu>;h train between'Ma-«u<M« asd Wacltiofftoa. 6:35 p. m,

No. 3R—Daily through train, coath«» aad ' » pmg ora for WnBhJBgtoff Bd Nen T«*;i

.-liSl) p. nj J, atopa on Aim. _ ReceiveB eoanee-llo"., ilnily txcopt SMnday at Onuigy (mm C. A C . from kiclimond and OoidoaiTille

-*5r <!>.-Daily local, lj:30. a. la'. Now 217—Exiept Sanday, local, 6:46 p. m. No. 13—Except Sundaya, PolliBialParler

Ckf'luaa Vfw\\agt/a,V>"BairiKiiMSgTT:Vr %Hnr

- NORTHBOUND. __No. «8—Except Stoday, local, «:i6<

No.l4—ExeeptSonday.Pnllmafl Parior Ckr iramHarTiionbuijzto.^VaHliiogtaii, loistiaja.'

w» 9a—T^i«..^-.Tntirrft-TiHTflW^aah iBaloa7:68p. m. TraiBs No*. 218, 217 and 13 in connectioa

with Main Line trains Ko«. 9^rad 10, betweCk ¥aniaaiin«nd Uxange afford good aerrieeto

A-0. Railw^.

-trs CUAPMAN. V. I>. andOca. 1 ^ . -& H. gA^DWICK, Pass, trafle Iter.' H.KT3XHT,Gen."raiirige ~'^ U 8. BROW]?, Oeneral Afleat. H.L.B18g0P. PaMMifcMAMtiL •

^ ff; QTdH.B.O>'

^ a n u ^ o M r s ^ S a t e ^er-


_•••••' ' E G £ d ^ - ^ ^

1bf> Ik fHce freidd far*iUs WUtf

. Ce<kirjaP4.))y-™tl«e-*=^ a decree entered 1^ the circuit court ol Prince Willjaiu CoaB-tjj M thePaeambari Wi, tefa at naiJ 'loaiilii

als.7 tbe ondersigned special oommiaaiooen,' "8iere'B apmuBted fo^jAe^iagiggejalinal^gig ^

-BOLGfrANO^S Sonare Deal" ScnSd^ tmA

.I_^esaEtUC!ES £GGS LUCE THIS Mr. John. Baer, RaspetNux, Md., had

SEB 6t m rnleetate utfidni^sliaU, <m

at .Bftco' of jtat 3a ri£r%«<Bl ol tttePoev umoe,-in MaoMl ir~ psUic auction, tho« two tract* et lead ettf-tain:ng reepeetivefv twelve, and t' ' acraa;near hidepenocat 4 ill, in said Ot riMch tl>e4ate FrenKPeUnhan die^

a u P ^ -nn _ ^ ^_ , her own calm jMsumpaoa of perfect pose a id facile sra.v'ety. She g«i» '» hervourlMadaeiM! as she pg-tUTBt tin-wrert of her menu. Sou spoil the ar

when It la put doiwn.. anil it is-taai^ed. wtth Aclts no,J raiHie tbun ap IJicb uffirt

Tf r bcsst t o ^ e U n <»>»r of pamt at •e and to keep it painted at iBterrals

fiew, B u g g ^ Stnd^Miker and Fisb Wagona, Catasniy —T~ ^^Eod fHto; Hairows^ Nevr idea Sirfead^n. .

and feedia '.S<pisr»-t>ea;

fair for.her even If the i-ook """"K^ t o i ^ n - h o n t tbe ycnr. Make provlfikm to sare^the dinner.

i-^ yewafttt yiw hsTs iisprasdieaa eaTtben

No: B« age farieetK d e eweh iadallltlf

ler dralBlBg off wster. wbici^ idlLaure-i V K atJTffi m yllen haHl sturias

Dr. l ^ r y Wklls^Patrick. pretddeat oi tbe ADiericaa Collexe Faa Cilrls, in CooKta^tinople. la a ixttee af Caatar hary. .>i., H..' aad tecelred ber educii-

,)fcs in two Iowa wtlegea. tn laOLBtUL

ttr'beUsnj! e

The Bhie B ^ Creaiii S^pa^wi--T^i T H E B E S T t P N E A R T H — - —

a week-rafter Sciat4^ Food It

week he g«^ 72 csga, the second week be got 172 eggs, the third week he got 2M eggs and 4be increase continiud tiptil he was getting 380 eggs pei wewk.

: DOi^rrai: FOotEir:—-Theresa a difference l i f yenr.toeatmer-

aad poBsessed. - 'Iliese &acte aje fdjacaat te eaeii other, and coot* in a. dwelliiu and .out. baiWegfS aa4 wiU a ^ e a desiraMe I

tEaMS.-Oaah onto&T'o l aale.^^M--sewrioo to ka 0Tef: the j.iircbaseri^mB eoa-fiiniaiiiia nf aelB W il>e eiwirt ' ,/

Taoe. B . Lroa, ;.-v>.-.T, , •""<'. A,-£iscfc*»i—-^—r^-

(fradtiated by Xyona coHetK with A. U^ decree, and la -ISBOjiie

epectel ccnrae In the State anivenilty "lowiT

nisi' . Btltutioa^ Since ~th» she has taki B

'ciarBe«".«t'j; S"*''«?**»*" ** : ztiricft. Lciijaia. oeiiiintg*^

bjch ithe went at>roM J"

The College For Girls hha been chaooii by tbe.Ttifkiah goTenimeot for tae trtriniatT^ guTernmeitt'atadeDts n w r e ' a r e at prewSat morr than a j^

watmi M* Tuiii»h girla. Two yaong Tnrkbh women Two ft^uig BaUde flancuin and OnHsbtau Han earn, both eOtAtUitea of tbe Cellei;^ rer Uii1s.-IMVe dIatioKntsbed tbem-

wwaaa, i i i • 4 by Wr mptkJoT the VoyngTark perry

—Mnt. A. CaMwi ttaunnelBt la waM t» be die <miy woman wbo stumt;'^

k. o^nntrr f«r W. . . r tmw Wihmn. .Shr

ty edncetioB Is th* poblic schools aS' waa graduated from the Maaaacbii><«Tt» Law ecboet. tMie la in actiee pfHttk-*-ia her profeaalon. maklag a speclxlty

itterv, eal estate-mad probate is thoosht to be the uulj wemae

ker and tmantauqaa trr who trnot a fliemtiefwf aaj-dafe

' sagrage orgaBisatlnnT M»«»'

•iesta a a ^ the a i ^ t l y MfMcaw u is Importaat to haTe. « tUck and welT 1BEBB~llBttx«SB, both for comfort and to keep the ceid firam^penetfatfait- UttW s|aa ia the way ef faealehtBua l e j e e d ed except perhaps a n g op the floor:

:— The Ante IhaMeial Paradat =-Jt-^la-hattsr to hs a large rrag-JnJk

in llMlMBll' Hiiii HUH uau laM i e a d , ad l ib . . WWch Is,to aay.tbe suf-tra^atf wni set marcn In U t e i i a o g i -jRB parade «o March -4. bot"wUl |fcl>''* • paiade IV'l^'tBetuaeKeB 'fbe 4iv b » tort. Dr. Ani^ Shaw and Mbe knows, hccKtise she has lost returned trpm tlie l iaaij meetiug xf the Wonr-an's NatlcMal Sntfrage iaaaoclatton. bekl j STJ^Siea^'weeiragKTBe'^ff iaBIolF ton. sairrage orEaniai^tioB^ of whR-fa.! Miaa Florence^-GUridge. a charming. ^Uliahr~yoang lawyer, is president L-.1 p-^rt . . , . : , . «K« « . H « « « t h»«WI tn

uu acuuB oil tiw becanae tbey fearrd to undertake any-U U f W M^nnnitioi UWlu.velvea.' Tbe natlotittt board thought jgp ia i iJ|ir2^"''tTT fITJ



lb hrighteti yoar T&mF afh-Winter, Thanksgiving Time, C^^st—a Tiafty

j Ewt^"' Time, alao in yoto' Lawns and liTowei;' _Beda i^ the first opening Bf| ^tetgg^Time, IT giy l(Hant HjmaBTJ»a,'y

CMapGeod r.Htmftomrt '«M P^for-:GMh4iM.

6^JBm iMi i i iw die &•& W l J u M

jpWFJJtY, WA-nrifir<i, nnncf t ryp

GLAsaes <:uT caAsa. stLwumAKt

s m j h e y toKl the W*jSI '"'"fgoalMKrwitb «rn»ngeroent!«. They ap-

potDted Mr*. Harriot Siantwi BJatoh to BWlWt* *** -natjonat work ftar the p«-t»0* because jtbe a (o i laa for mak-1 •MM •fc^m nnfm.OTnrfni ahe dfiaa.jmC eat t-

- -kiiPir a>e ba.^'lieeu apjiuOti wHTiir aftrlrt*.


Tabta Deeeratieti. Flowers and fmit mixed make a

eoMtloa for the dinner ta--Ma:—Put a glaae tray with • deep-hOL

["OlFeHItBr or n n laWe and Bll tt -with oraafOB,- leaMoa aad bay iea»ea

I and In thia place white, ocanin^ pale yaitev floven. Let 4re»D

fBOtga haag down tbe aMaa ef tii«

IndivMHSli In speak-bs to the twirls at Barnard

eoltege. -Vew ¥ork city. In cbapel a •Inn I w lule AlEO LW.- -jicCJasciinc. Toe-newly appotnted- heed of the depart­ment ef beeltb at Colnmbln unlTersUy:.-

aa etaoleal Ufa ar» hndlty banlTh t well poised mind and h>d!rldiiall.<iiG. The last be differentiated from eccen-

m CTT'»«r nif t " - • ~ r '*"<^ * ' ' • • ^ ' T 'U l l j ' ' " • ' " t . i ! , * ' . " ' : ! ' _'|"»l'l» tilch makcH us not creatnres apart.

hot ratherji human piece of tbe we ld ' s I plctoro paizle—uulite the-other pteeea. i hat ntting in perfectly With tbfi rraL

Now 18 the tinte to j^use your (Hftder for eggs of these thoroughbreds fOT dpRvpry in March. Aprir and VLay *^50c a .setting.

1 H. DODGE. PropoHer

chaht-does ^ot selF BoIgiano's<>ei!uiQer "S4taare-Deal"^»Ddnfy«^€W«kJ'ood»'

y» a paatal, ai.e will tell y— »tHi

Biiui . Omw', Boar. A. U UTCBUMT,

., Cr^missionera. iLsit a a s ^

Cregoa B"»^ ' « ' ^ ' lii&e^ W» and

—TAttr mrt.»:C«TAtOGJJE wfUi -bMutifuP ptmrtM' and ^ ; about bow to grow them seat free if yba will


i: BOLGHIie & SON ^ i f t S i : WhaiC BALTONCHtE, aiD.

flvlJir~g._HnuaiBLiH. lim ul' ibtujiiiuumiiai e n appMnted to make the-ferepoing aala, ~ baa .«xacoladL^ha.hond.irqaiiad by decBce.^-: ain«tiag'sye, tids- itft day ti Dececoiier, i^a. J. E tfEhkELli,-€l«ikr

• • * ;

1-9 4t

UKUliRTAkKKS.UAVU lJkL'i.VA. ' '[ Prompt aad. satietaetoey eauiee aeeare

Searae famiabnd fnr aay reaanoaUe diataaoe

^mHam^il^M, M<;i«f PalaiffiiHi i W i i itTuiiy*

sv Science* vdVi W6oicine'i"ov| wMnns - ~ u>A» rt7Kaaxv*TT.aBi.H

Lax A.f^ »Xi» CocmtorsB, , Pyonipt ^taactiop gitea aH. ordera. t>iee>

aalow a a ^ i d semoe anrt matenel wU jes-tifr. MstaBf CashaH curiad i« Stock.


every Tuesday

Craa Ceiehrmtioa, PeaaaceW.. f [rU., MahiU, OaTaaTWew Oadeana. 1

i j <tT»rar A n f e t abiiiii I fiasirA SMtherl R«iT»sy WilT scIT /greatly redocedroand trip fare iickets fmm ail important Virginia rviiutR, icrlixiiBg Washington. D C . to fVnsarola, Fl« , Mo-

- -VHI*. Ala, aad Ktw OrlearBi. TJ . Jajicary 2Sth to FeliriKrr 3rii iD<'lw»irp; final l.tsit

1 to rfach riric:;.R stsrm p w v rf-nr; •a iimi^ our reptl^Msrviwis quick ard^tflcM-n^' -o'-'g,,,!' p„,<.>:.«r <M

aiewsiim I I fioi'l limit w tuil ?JH'!i]i..inj„

- At Thtirsday.

Weehingtea i i t r e e t , N. W.

l>eoB<ee Natioeal Bank BniMiae, S S t - t o MANASSAS

enng. Consul tatio(&

adiSesa..: asdO

becawae eyerv one of our m g c h ^ i c s ^ aw e i p ^ L — N o dtUyS—n* tin"

^ ^ I AH work gttaranteed. I free.

"th T H f a . J . RANDALL CO ta



t i c V e i s WAV •,Sm

M a r c h 3 . 1 : 1 3 . \>y \!«nica^'W Cf^^ox-Aiag «cket Kilii Stircial Aoent „« poiMn nag»^. Slop oven, pencilled rn ro't«.\—!•>>» 1«11 particnlaro as in terem achuliueo, r: . (x<n «nH ^giats rrr Tmte L "^ Brr"*?* ' .•ntral Aaeni, 705 18ih street, S. W ^ yashingtoa.

^ . - « : — -T ll?eb.2.191S

Page 8: eAflismir ?0T£ NS^

: i .:. ai A•:,/Ahtii'.:< jt;i , i:.\.':.. TTUDA^ J A J -a3Ll&i3. ^ * -

THF. ftfOI-SAlDOM I j - A M -^


Sch«duled to Meci ia Rjt Tt"* *; l>i«-l»i»«»«^.>V«*hmgton HifhwaV It Can Rua Wi^Ktut Moaey- An Optimist Compana Prajent

Next Mootli —^nafiar Kpa*--I-

-ttt,Tr«Tgr»ei3pnwr Portion of J^ince WQliauB. Charitable iostitatioii.

The twelfth annual convention * .It will, no'd(>i^t. be disappoint In a recent articTe commenting An optimist,, commenting on; of the Virginia AntF-StiiHn Jt^orjingr to many of tb« residenta ot on efforts of various organiza- the present- hig^ c o ^ of living, gue will convene in Roanohe' the uliptf r'Jibrtlon nf Prirtce Wi>- tiona to secure free publicity an | comparcBtHe present prices with Tuesday evening, February IStbVliiam < 0H9(X tQ__know that at a Illinois editor made the state- those which obtained 1 n 1872. and willcohclude its workop thei meeting at the executive <;om- ment that it took m o n e y s runa He says: "I have lived spme

FWitbTlMM WUeli' ObtaixMMl bt 1872?

evening of the SOth. ' mittee of tJrieRicbmond-Wash- newspaper. iZany other editors seventy years and 'my mem<»'y i s Secretadfy licAlwter giv|Ba out > ington HiffhWay Aasoe^tt«efl,beid are laboring under a similar delu-.; good. I witt take sonw figores

the following statement:. —: last FridayJC,the office of Presi- sion v d for the benefit of this repr«en^ing_^nces I paid—. For several years the eonveaa-1 dent Henn- ' W. Anderson, in class, Th<nna8 W. Mavo.puSisherj goods in 1812, and conipare-^ea

tions of t t e Anti-SaloQQ League Richmoud, it was decided that of the Record. St., Anne, III, has.twith the prices whieh^^^prevail have been heid .eithei in Richrthe route for th^ great highway given out the following-htHn«g-'today: • " mondof i » the eities east of Rich- shouU b^ from Washington to mm i m n y :: ::—_—— 1—"For thrw tons coal, ^ ; one mond. It was considered''best Occoquan. Dumfries, Stafford '*It takes money to run a news- barrel flour, $16.25; two busihela this-year tn go westward, a n d l C o u r t h o ^ s c , Fredehckjsburg, paper? What an exaggeration: "ftotatoes. ^.507 one pair shoes, several cities' to the west of Rich- j Spottsylvania X6ur4h5>"s^. Ash- what a whopper. It is not a, $5.50;'one felt bat. %100; one mond Were considered. ' land to Kiehmond, niaking^ a total business venture but a chariti- •, suit clothes, (not all wool) $35;

The.attenofflic^-aporthe Lea-rof 126 mfle?. - „ - . ble institution^ J i is a bi^gipgione iront- quarter.rAfeel,-.-150 gue conventions have been sol There Avete present at the concern and a highway robber. I pounds, at 14e. lb., S2lj o n e large in recent, years ^hat thaimi*ati.-4..Pir-,a«ui*in:f Ar.defson. ~i. The newspaper is a child of tba. dressed hog. 175 ponndy f^tt^ que^.tion of enteitalomeDt M s be-^jC. Easiev. John Stewart Bry*n,-aTr, a creature "of a dream. . It' lb., $21; making a total of $156.25.' coino a prwblami

dream, i Preston Betviii)—Ho^rt All port can go on and on and on when"'Thosamcgoodo coat today: Three

- .r Better k?e tim2 not aeeit Than to aeed it and not bve

Phif Qm Sm^Ud


I am ageiit^«^4fe€ strongest flome and Foi ejgn COIDT paniesh, i-^reeenting miHiojlB of dollars in assets ~

The League would have beenjand Mr. Colemarl, • who repre- any other <bncem would b.i iaitons coal. $18; one barrel flour, heartily weteomcdia aithor Char'I wnttd Cawt. St. Julian Williqn, tho hands of the .-ecciver and |^$6.25;twobu8hel5potatoes,$1.60r lottesville or Lynchburg, b u t [State Highway Cotnnriissioner, wound .up with cobwebs in the t same quantity beef at 12c. $18; owing to "the hotel situation ini who is rl!. windows oi'its establishment. j same quantity pork at/Oe. $15.75; both of these cities the^local tem- Mry^Sicfirt states that the "It takes wind tojrun a news-. one' pair better quality shoes, peraace iiicces did not think iVf high rfa^ wjlV be completed by .jpap«-; it takesgailto run anew?-;$4.00; 0 n e . bett^^naajlit; b»t, advisable to undertake to provide j Novemi>er, in ttstg for u-?e during-pape-; it^taikes scintilialing. acro-j$2.25; and d n e suit of better public accommodations for~fqnr tne convc.ntipn Of the American; batic imaginntjon,. hglf a doiten l-quality "M nnVe. $24, a totaV<^-VI fiiL hii»jdiLddLltipt^==i JAtuniiie i\.»."«tiBttont wtaiah will whito ahjija a i i d j rTiTlrr~* r ' ' ° ^ | j ^ ^ ?" * ^viTiy iT^f/MJav'*

An enthusiastic invitation > * ^ , ^ iheljjjvJSi(hr""n^ during ^^"^tofmmnew^pnpfT extended tfa^ State Exwnitive jnnnth lyf PvTfi'ni*""' ; "^—H bcavejis to Betsey and six Committee by the RnnwnifP«T.«>a. gue to hold the convention in the

tioBs and to press'the *oi4t to; words are the medium Of ex completion. Subscriittions forjchange that do tlie business fiw

Roke LeagQfftaBtWTBek; and^wifh-=|%oHdtn^the ti ifhwnj amnnnt tn|ihF pdifrnr — Mnd words and irifati itour a eonvcntion hQl was

Magic City." . Secretiary -McSli*: ter met a Conueittee of'the Roa-

secured, entertainment and pub^ ];-•<:>' corhmitte» appointed, and ail thelocalpreJkBiniaLry arrange^ nientj for the feenventiotr^adef •way. . . -- --j-^,'- - - : " • _

This is the.flrst^tints Saloon—Irf'agHP/ has,ever hf'M »

"been already osedLjtndJhe addi-tioraltCT percent, called forvvill .swfiHfh«>-total to $17.100.

Koanok3, and. a& the. west, and southwest sections of the State have HTV. ays Been ctro^igl'o^ of temperance, t m d ' t h e Koanofce Anti-Saloon Loa^t" ont>^ty~CMpna.fiinii^^ '"fc mosf g|ggTPsghr»-m thp y;ih t />,ji|7 u n_M5aally_JaiLgg_j^teada^e wiH- • be expected.,

and many, other pntfitable fea­tures is being prepared.

Anti-Satoon LBggg'exptirts u^

It was decided to-catl fnr an-iVountdr-whoever noaded gaooey other t e n . ^ r c « n t . M a u b e ^ conduct a newspaper? Kind

all—due respect to the memory of thia optimist—h»

f F 7 . ^ . ' j - ^ l ^ h $ll-jWO hasl^ihujTh^soeiablc tieketa ^Wfaen yoii ,see an editor with nooney, watfli bitn, JBle?!! be pacing his bills and diagraciog [its' pmf<s-

Mr. Coleman' promiaieO, foc.the | gion. Nevet give pipney .to an Hi^wra^ Commifwioner. thafr'T a editors-Make faittTtrade i t Gat,

ip would be. prepared, shpwihgj he likes'ffSwjtfi.

ing been i^' t | ^ general merchan-<iiiW howtmiaa,'in Man«ii<an»^ duT^ ing Uid same period mcatiott d

to WtirK Vftt HI ir nmiiifrjnl Hnuii l lliiiiuiid fnryita hi4. m&p wiir b6 p r e s e n t to

the executive, cijinnmittee .at a l&e*:tlag to be h^ld in two we^sT

J.'ynotfcrrii MarthiaHfli"

sneered-at ti>e editor ajid ii is lit-tlc,Jim- Crow paper, he ^tte ihaA yod have your wife send, in f<g

Last Friday nightr

three extra oojaea^jrobe of yoor weeping chikben, and wfaen^^ reads the geneKss-and tooehing

[ notice abont y ^ , X(>nt.Warn her tp-nerfeet toaeod t J w v d i U y y -

A program- rich in edueattdagjlisIL tfaeJMtakebsll teafti ui titff;[^^^^^j[^ Tjt yonld o r rwl e>m fikbassarT/^ncEdtaral H i g h i y ^ ^ l loneyis a corrupting thing School opothared the team of |to any ed i toranaTir ia6»^ iTt7

Some of th^ most prominentiJfai^all HiEfe_^ch,OTi^^:to2,-,— " jyj, j^"lj^ ^^Mts fa your hwrrf®^

? ' ^ ^ i " y ' ^ ^ ' ^ j ^ y ^ ^ f ^ '>^^A.raE^eTR^irSe can tbaiik the

statement a|s to prices is not cor­rect, judging his figures by those which 4^btained in Manassas dor-ing the same period mentionailrf The editor of 'I'm; JouawAfc hiwC

by ' 'optimist." iiie p t i c ^ quoted by him grsatJy exceed those chai-ged by merchants h e r e Goedlgbufc^Jlil JJUL exeeed t i g

^ ^ beef s(dd for 8|e. and iore-qnart terjixT^; poA^^roagfat 8; to S c : a good aB-wori wnt for $li> aDd-«gewr*Bltli«tfw^^ret»1

Whatever cost o£ Jiniig' dtirins^iiifiated periods of the


N. B.—T.Tp6CDmb s Fire Insuianee Agencj is one •Aii&ln NuiUimu Vli-

giBia. ErtaMsheiinJST&^-OflBkce hcgpss ifronr 8 ». m r t o fr p. mr Some ne ahrays thw^F tcr vair i ta yoo. fhone. at office and also at fawBe. Call in aat/^

J l M F t e ,


wortrp wtHte tor t n ^ j eaeeas i^ <M88«r|aOT| ^ad^itiy

th^ lAilanthroiart aiM refoilioqr i»"^getiHUi3r" m^csfie

WJP^^^:^^iiTprintS^"^HtteF^S5t the this country wiffi address the conventio^ Amon^|~would probably M v e been ' MTger J.I^^^^^ GiveVoorJob WOTIC to them will be-Dr. Pl^A. gak»^[ hnt for suh^fftiitions on the homp tfaV^iBg man7 ai>d th^n^^E NationaJ Superintendeat. Rev. T>! team In the secondJalf. Afl it, f„ ^^^ ^ ^ ^ f^ ^fa,^j, B«fae«L M. Hare, who was OTC of t l » i ^ a s BTerr^meaftheE^ tHe. Jocaij^^^ ^ ^ lodge l e t ^ h e ^ i ^ great leaders ih the fight^for jsqaad was given ayworks)ot.jstationery -printed-twt of to#B State-wide Prohibition Tn W « t , twelve, men b«Bg us«sl d imng i -_ j ^ii ,__a__j th« odltar^wMl Virginia where, tt^.l|ii»eadmi?nt! the-«ODtestc .'Williams and Hay- ' - was r'-grTTTil liji II iiiiijfwtty nf; Hnn wgrt. H»«» g»»r«^ nf ^]tg

and- <tbep flood tbe--editor ydxh. id thoughts Gi-resd

d cards'of thajiks. a-2,312,andHon. Jpoift'Woonoyt|toamwhile,<yrowHBontin Mffb^ mair«. mwh spu^ wwiirty, a-r^adv- weH known tft tht» p<!>npTp j «titfit> pytirH, al?0 fflav^

t j ^ senator KPnynn nf Towa M s ^ L b j ^ ^ PitfJIfc a yK)d ga^^ ^^ t h o « L C o w a g « « B ^ benator-Elect Sheppafd. of Tex-jat fryward •hite I^wiLs- pj^fimr.^^ y U d S ^ — ' a^ the authors of the j[aleTst^jat center in;: the s^ecoi^ ^*^?i "Rnt^ tmwwy—««mm t h e ^ ^ . ^ L quor .Shiom^nt KO now ptgad^ >. iplearty-' A«n>t «aaxi lu^ oppoaent t lucre. Don't let the pore inno-;njf refore Congress, will be »e-jThe line-op: . ieemt editor kimw anything abnot cured to address tluumventioa.iWr»ittfftt' -•——• Itirifcall '~ \^ There will be a aOK^"MiMJgtti^iMpo*^ T- <• " — RMMH, r. t*

Keep that for anrdid t iadm

. That in the death of Jfifts CdqtdKXiti the board has loBt a faithful and devoted worker

tron tyf thii elauna ef Vimuua Iw r^'*"'''gfl'"teM^ f. qv"i%Bt T'-fe a State-wide E o r i ^ g .Act a n d ^ ^ ^ I . , 3on-,e of the strongcrtiaeai xtTtke State will sppA- ftr^iluB 'OU Dominion. OthermHoftHatkm w;;i be given later.' — —^*""

Col. Willard's CaL

Jtottoa isr ICDiaiBu. JSeta T«r 'CM*—M«aM

Co,. Jos. E. WUhrd, former' t.ieutcnant Govcraer of VirgiaiBi and who is slated by ptditiciaias l«r tr.c WUstat^miniwuation, par-,

H taxicab in which he and Mrs. VVillard were riding oh fifty-fifth )i.trf^t N<>w York VTMJB-, wg^ wrecked^ ifr a-large,tQJiiint car. _CoL Wiliari wasbadSii:catju>d l»BBirt< wi

tlM dragged -frwa-flia HfnAagm bg thoae wbo witnessed the aeeideSt and hastened tohis rescue. .M^_

received no f u r t h e r injuriiea.

abied to return to their rooms in the Hotfl Gotham. Thnae wha witncaocd the acdde^t regard it a very iiarrow escape for the

people trhe Charge for their yatea.' The Lord tovea a cheer­ful gHHii. .ng UJkiu care ef the

H.|Bba: VgT G l i « « ^ < c i i J U ^ ^ ^ » charter from the Stafe Stta»bfaition»-Bia<it»ea idr KaMU** * ^ * a doar-nyt f w nwjwg;-

i^ l iwi . ftir A«y. i W f t * i*wi.. !lfP^«'«»**'P*i andftwd.upfarj

Referee-Mr. McDcTi t t .

•T^rrwhai ¥otf raft fear caec—Poa ' t "wocryaStiattheeditar-he'Bgat

on—the Lord knows - how—hot suiue how:-*

The High School team leaves p p.«>w,aL u>*iugiK lor jn^Tanona wnere. they play th* Alcatodria ^ igS i

MMJ it desges to recwd its appge-datiooof If iss C<^qd!^Mm'siim^ and Tabled senrioe in behalf e f l l m I H H I H ' I I I mJ i i i l i n » * m i i m . , h i i f it9»>eariier prinperifyand osefol-ness toher'insdom aad eflkatibcr-l i « v HIP Vmattv wtw>m «h«» l<wprf JtZtd *•« u«*1 a»»t- tn IM» tlji) ^ ItHntfMMjP Maggd Wflfda. vw«^ 4<Rie. good aikjt a a t ^ a jaeryaBt, e i ter tJbos iMo the joy of thy LgnL

, llodkvlll*. tte tJretna Green ^&Si£. Wfflr^^lBg^iBoidigtag=-Hii^rfajarre<SHte^gr Mar-

itf ii ijiin-f IJLtii.v.s JMLinl iliiiliitf ilw TanniiJi? Garden.

Luttsr cuiiditiuii-ihaa thtajearaad

jr*** r ^ ' ^^^ "^ nrhi^K »««a ^,. j j^f J * _^ __ thin

. , , . - , . , , , the District of CohimKa. WKflie, oadc the victory. It » P«>b»bte ft^ «n^K^ »f K ^ ^ O ^ ;« , t w ^ » T ^ . • "••*"^- . " - * ' '^~*^ thf nnmhfT nf tirenww n ahnot -geedi ta artw. fctdfaal

accpmpttny the team." htg the preceding year, the mio-

A K f R » « n l f « i * » *^ marrying parson, who' C9\ I V U a i l S ^ j ^ ^ 175 j,f t„g couples in wed-

L i S T i r o g R FARM

Swanks & Hoodafc

lock. An examination of the imarriage Iteense record in the-f Prince Willi im county derk's of-fiee d»ows that there were 72 li-etnaCT til whiti and Pi rnioeed

issoed during the y«*r 1911 U d U M I r I I_ n _ 1 ipZ-^ whjte and 25 cokxwl-R G D tSUtC UUlCIS ^ ^ j e d dunng the year just


[dosed, showing that marriages in oar county are on the increase

VIRGINIA by over 50 perewJt.

Wood's Seeds —^ •forlBT

Our Wgw Hejcilptl^c Catalog tm^itt

%«~l>e3t and izibst laroEuhie

Grasses and Ckwren, ^FoUtoes. ScedOili, \

TbeBcst Seed Coon ^ mnd all ocher

Wee^t Seed C««alo« ha. long hfT" wfngn imd — a •>•» -liwrfl i)i ir**~^*y n f - ^ ^ - ^ ^ "

on reqneat; write 1


WAN A S S A S , V A .

Ijfigtcting Stoire

liMtiiMMtrproTerit l i a b l e . C>arit»I>.

'% ha* bees Doaa'j-Badpey Pifc b«<ie eted in my ease, i BCTer had —oiSer me<lieii>e g •odi flwcqnril.wotk. I eoakl not wocfc eaaeeMMfof tte luae aatpmtiM mamamfsstc • bad ««— ef lamhagn—TW p

roiingilaKiHrtB, ,J3H\ V» . ^ tViM.Jif n .^-

W A S H t f l G T O N . D . C .


We make a spedahy S[ sath woAjukj goaranteeaatiafac-

AppotI OB short notice. FSFl

XuckflLauuiMista r Ta* iHATrt call OH Of w r i i e ier Bjw tareiai i wae, vr aew qfwt, i

trip Ian (•iaeijMi paiato ul Viigiui«.i»-

t dwling WatkniruiB, D. C . to ColataH*. S.

NOTKE. 3. a aad 7.1913: bui li»it ta w»efc<»Hsrn*i

a i o i s nm u< final limit &> Straj-ed into my piaceat Woolari^iie bad by-depoaiua^ " ir- -itti jjpciU]

Tripee Wilham eountv, one '"" |Tiy -^"T'pad Tinrir B i f i i f fee ot fl.OO p«r I pami aad « • • dark brova blind aore. bcket. For fi^~ partK-aUn cmen I Owner may bare s>m« b; proving >rop- iarsa. icbedBlaa, ate. coomh areata «rty and paying proper cbarTea. wnte L. S. Broara, -Oeoarai AgeBt. W«afc

i-n-3t , iB^tnn, Tl f* -.1 y.b. 7, mix

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