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Theme Nights & Special Events: The updated CBC 2018- 2019 Awana Club Calendar is printed on the last page of

the newsletter. These are the upcoming Theme Nights and Special Events; wear or bring theme-related items to

earn points for your team or Awana Shares.

Feb 29 – Games Practice #1 (2pm to 4pm)

March 4 – (Sparks Only) Leaps and Bounds Night, T&T

Boys Store

March 7 – Games Practice #2 (2pm to 4pm)

March 11 – Super Hero Night

March 14 – Games Practice #3 (2pm to 4pm)

March 18 – Backwards Night

March 21 – Sparks-A-Rama & Awana Games

March 25 – NO CLUB - LDA

April 1 – Obstacle Course Night, Sparks Store T&T Girls


April 8 – Cowboy Night

April 15 – Stripes Night

Contacting CBC’s Awana Club Leadership (click their name to send an email)

Club Director Scott Jardon 942-5053

Cubbies Director (Age 3-4): Jody Courter 437-1946

Sparks Director (Gr K-2): Vicky Jardon 942-5053

T&T Administrative Director (Gr 3-6): Kim Dunton 560-6079

T&T Girls Director (Gr 3-6): Audrey Cunniff 234-6088

T&T Boys Director (Gr 3-6): Chris Casoni 361-5648

Awana® and the Awana logo are registered trademarks and service marks of Awana International. Used with permission.

March 2020 Awana Newsletter

Vol. 33, Issue 5 Calvary Bible Church, Derry NH

Because Kids Matter To God

1 Peter 2:2-3

Like newborn infants, long for the

pure spiritual milk, that by it you

may grow up into salvation— if

indeed you have tasted that the

Lord is good.

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Just as a reminder, we have a change to the Cubbies

calendar for the rest of the year. To stay on track to

complete the Appleseed Book, we did not do the special

lesson for Valentine’s day. We will be moving the

remainder of the lessons up one week from the original

calendar. We will still be doing the special lesson for

Easter on April 8th found in the back of the book. Sorry

for any confusion that this has caused. If your clubber

still wants to do the special lesson for Valentine’s day, let

us know and we will be glad to listen to the memory



Mrs. Courter - For Cubbie Bear

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Zachary Cheverette

7-year-old Zachary

Cheverette (Zach for

short) hastily finished

saying his last section

with his leader and

plopped down in a

chair across from the

interviewer for a

speedy interrogation

before the whistle blew for green meadow time. As

it was twin night and Zach was twinning with his

mom and dad who are both Sparks leaders, he wore

a Sparky leader uniform that was made for a grown-

up and reached well past his knees. Even walking in

that uniform is an impressive feat!

Now since you’re reading this article you probably

want to know a thing or two about Zach himself.

Alright fine.

Zach is an energetic and sweet kid who loves

transformers, dinosaurs, the color orange, and

orange transformer dinosaurs. He has one brother

and three sisters, two dogs, two cats, five chickens

(there used to be more than five but tragically hawks

got them), and five bunnies.

When it comes to food, Zach’s favorite thing to eat is

grilled cheese and his least favorite is burgers. Which

is interesting because, you know, they’re essentially

the same thing except one has meat and plants on it.

But we all have our preferences.

If Zach could invent anything he wanted, he would

make a robot that would make him grilled cheese. If

he could have any superpower, he would pick super

strength. And if he had to choose between going

skydiving or scuba diving, he would go skydiving.

When Zach grows up, he wants to be a policeman.

He’s already preparing for this dream by doing

fantastic in Sparky game time (rabbit hunt is his

favorite game) and gym at school. Gym is his favorite

subject in school. And also somehow simultaneously

his least favorite. I think we all get that, Zach.


As we approach the end of our club year clubbers

are working hard to finish their books. Here is a

chance for them to put their efforts learning those

verses to use!

What is Verse-a-Thon? Verse-a-Thon is similar to a Walk-a-Thon. Kids get sponsors for how many Bible verses they can say on a given night or specific timeframe. What are Verse-a-Thon funds used for? Verse-a-Thon money is used to reach kids around the world with the gospel through the Awana ministry. Every $10 raised allows one more child to be able to attend an Awana club for 4-6 years. Who Will Participate? Our Sparks club will be doing this event. • Sparks clubbers set a goal for the number of verses they want to say and identify people who they can ask to sponsor them. • Leaders encourage and motivate the kids each week leading up to the Verse-a-Thon. They can even participate by reciting verses as well! • Parents help their kids understand the impact they will make through this missions project. Assist your kids in identifying appropriate sponsors and encourage them to practice verses. • Friends and family can sponsor kids or volunteer to listen during the Verse-a-Thon event Information Packets will be handed out in Club Clubbers will collect pledges and practice the verses they will say (all come from their handbooks) until the Verse-a-Thon. On April 22nd we will recite the verses and collect pledges to be turned in the following week.

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In March the Awana Games and Sparks-A-Rama are held at Calvary Bible Church. This

year we anticipate Churches from Maine, Massachusetts, and Connecticut to join us. This event

emphasizes not only skill and ability but, more importantly, sportsmanship, teamwork, and a

Christian attitude toward competition.

--Because of the emphasis on teamwork, it is necessary that we be able to practice together as

teams. To accomplish this practices have been scheduled on Saturday February 29th 2-4pm

(registration begins at 1:40), March 7th and March 14th from 2-4pm. Team members are

asked to attend all practices. If this is impossible, please talk to your coach. Please be

advised, if team members must be cut, preference will be given to clubbers that attend

every practice.

All participants in both Sparks and T&T will practice at these times. After

registration, the Sparkies will move to fellowship hall for practice. The annual Sparks Ice

Cream Social will take place during the last half hour of practice on March 14th at

3:30pm. This event is open to all Sparkies regardless of participation in Sparks-A=Rama.

--The events with be held on Saturday, March 21st as follows:



ADMISSION FEE: There is no admission fee to the event, but an offering may be taken.

Please give as you feel led.

--To be eligible to participate a Clubber must have finished 10 handbooks sections this club year

(not counting craft or activity sections for Sparks)

--Before you child commits to try out for the team, please be sure he/she can attend the

practices and will be available to compete on the 23rd.

--On Saturday, March 21st, all team members must be present 45 minutes prior to their

event and have submitted a completed a permission slip specific for the event. These will be

provided at the first practice.

--Sparks cannot have reached their 9th birthday by September 1, 2019

-- T& T Grades 3-4 cannot have reached their 11th birthday and T&T Grades 5-6 cannot have

reached their 13th birthday by September 1, 2019

-If you have any questions, please call T&T GIRLS: Audrey Cunniff, Girls Director (432-

4280), T&T BOYS: Scott Jardon Commander (942-5053)., SPARKS Vicky Jardon Sparks

Director (942-5053).

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We have had a lot of hard work with this year’s

clubbers. We have a lot of kids keeping up with our

weekly section and doing the extra credit study silver

sections. A lot of clubbers are also learning extra

verses in the gold sections and even a few making sure

they are praying for missionaries in the GO sections.

We want to encourage everyone to continue to work


Pacers for January: EJ Kanu, Myles Casoni, Jadon

Illian, DJ Scarpa, Carter Seaman, Killian Sullivan,

Sadie Illian, Amelia Govoni, Lilly Anne Phillips

Payton Scarpa

T&T Verse Schedule

Mar 4 – Act 1:8

Mar 11 – Unit 3 Review

Mar 18 – Gal 5:14

April 1 – Psalm 16:11

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T&T Clubbers of the Month

Emilia Szalowski

Our Clubber

of the Month

for December

(yes she’s

been very

patient!) is

fourth grader



Emilia is a

rather quiet, very sweet 9 year old with many friends

in AWANA. She is home-schooled now, but wasn’t

always. She went to public school through second

grade and though she liked all the friends she made in

public school, she loves the extra free time she gets

now and all the great field trips she gets to do with

her Coop group. When she has down time, she likes

to play with her dog , Mellie (sometimes called

Smelly Mellie!) Her dog is a terrier, Chihuahua mix

that acts more like a cat than a dog!! She loves nature

and animals so much that someday she hopes to work

with them for her career. Even though her mom is a

doctor, she definitely doesn’t want to be an animal

doctor, but maybe something like grooming or

doggie daycare.

She also loves sports. Right now she is on a

basketball team for her town and is hoping she’ll

inherit her father’s tall genes. She also loves winter

sports like figure skating and hockey and skiing.

With homeschooling, she gets to go skiing most

Fridays during the winter! She is now even able to do

some moguls!

When she is feeling in a quieter mood, she loves

reading, especially the Narnia series. She is on the

Magician’s Nephew right now. She also plays the

piano and has even tried her hand at the Ukulele.

Her favorite part of AWANA , of course, is game

time and her favorite game is capture the flag. She

can be pretty sneaky at that game! Her favorite verse

is John 3:16, although she’s memorized many verses

while preparing for the Quizzing Competition this

year. Her basketball got in the way of her actually

competing this year but she attended many of the

practices and will compete next year for sure.

Emilia, though generally kind of quiet, can really

surprise you with her fun nature and sense of

adventure. She has really stepped up her game in

Awana this month and we are so proud of all she has

accomplished. Great job Emilia or E as she’s

sometimes called!

Killian Sullivan

Killian follows his brother as

clubber of the month for

January. Killian fell behind

on his some of his verses

early in the year, but has

surged back during January

making up for a lot of what

he missed. Killian is a quit

young man who comes to

club and just does everything

the best he can. His favorite

part of club is getting to earn

the “pops”, for doing his sections and a silver or gold

section. In particular he likes the strawberry blow

pops he earns for his hard work. After the month he

had, I bet it will be hard to find any of those in our

big box of lollypops. His favorite verse is John 3:16,

because it is so easy to remember. It was the first

verse he learned in Sparks. If he had to say it to a

leader it would definitely be Regan Corbitt – he is a

great student leader! At home Killian likes video

games and watching some TV. He likes doing it with

his favorite brother Tim. Tim also turns out to be his

least favorite brother…but having only one kinda

makes that inevitable. Killian like playing soccer,

loves tacos, thinks cats rule. His favorite rock is the

red diamond because they are so rare! His favorite

planet is Pluto. Sure it is only a dwarf planet now,

but he still thinks it is the best. His favorite colors

are black and gray, which is great because on Pluto

everything looks black or gray because it is so far

from the sun. On Pluto his red diamond would look

kinda gray. Blue team is glad to have Killian on their

line, and we are all glad to have Killian in our club.

Keep up the great work!

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On February 8 our church was fortunate enough to host the New

England Regional Awana Bible Quiz. We were joined by 3 other

churches to have a total of 26 quizzers participate. For those who

are unfamiliar with the quiz, in this event our T&T clubbers have the

opportunity to answer questions from any of the material in the first

half of their handbooks. They have a written quiz portion, a multiple

choice portion in front of an audience and, the most exciting part, a

nerve wracking speed round.

We had 3 teams. Lilly Anne Phillips andAmelia Govoni competed in the Grade 3 / 4 division Peyton

Zimmerman, Aaron Morin, Levi Seaman and Carter Seaman participated in the Grade 5 / 6 division.

Grade 5/6 was very competitive in the speed round. It came down to the last 2 questions to see who

would “quiz out” to secure a victory. Carter Seaman was one of those clubbers that quizzed out with 5

correct answers. It should be noted that only one clubber answered a question incorrectly during this


Grade 3 / 4 had their speed round last. Despite their inexperience there was some stiff competition

there as well. Lilly Anne battled against another quizzer through much of the speed round before she

had her 5 correct answers. She made a good showing!

In the end, Lilly Anne and Amelia captured 2nd place in Grade 3 / 4. Peyton and Aaron’s team secured

5th place in grade 5 / 6. Carter and Levi came really close to winning with a second place in grade 5

/6. You know it had to be close as Carter was the only clubber to earn High Honors by getting a perfect

score in all three sections. This earned him the title of Bible Quiz Champion in grade 5 / 6.

Great Job Clubbers!

T&T Grand Prix

Grand Prix car kits will be going on sale during

club in March. Kits are $3 each or 2 kits for $5.

There are lots of helpful tips on making your cars

as fast as possible on line. Mr. Jardon will be

happy to do some rough cutting of your wooden

block. You can design your own car or go with

some patters available with the club secretaries.

Our event is scheduled for Saturday April 18th in the afternoon. Keep the date open!

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“Hey, what are Awana Shares?” Awana Shares are the fun

(fake) money that Clubbers use to buy some neat stuff at the Awana Store

about once a month for Sparks and every other month for T&T.

How do I earn Awana Shares? 1. Wear your Uniform out in public!

T&Ters: Bring a note from an adult stating

that you wore your Awana Uniform in Public

on the FIRST Wednesday of EACH month.

*HINT* see #2 when you’re friends ask

about your Uniform! Sparkies: Bring a note

from at adult stating that you wore your

Awana Uniform in Public on EACH

Wednesday of EACH month for a Share. You

can have an adult write a new note each

week or print a new one from the Newsletter

each week. *HINT* see #2 when your friends

ask about your Uniform!

2. Bring a friend to any Awana Club

night. You will EACH get an Awana Share!

3. Sparks dress up for the weekly theme

night for another chance to earn an Awana


4. ALWAYS read the Newsletter for

other *extra special* chances to earn Shares!!

5. You never know when good behavior will earn you a share!

Check out our Facebook Page

Awana at Calvary Bible Church in Derry NH We are posting announcements, learning tips, and pictures of club.

You can even use it to invite friends!

“Hey, Kids! CUT IT OUT!!!”

“This Adult Certifies That

___________________________ Wore Their Uniform

Out in Public at ___________________________ on

Wednesday, March 4, 2020 and will get an

Awana Share when they turn in this note at


Signed, ______________________________

(homeschoolers can wear their uniform in

public too!)

NOTES: For T&T, this offer is valid only on

the 1st Wednesday of each month.

Sparks can participate EVERY Wednesday!

Get a note signed & return it to Club to earn

an Awana Share!

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2019 -2020 Club Calendar March 2020 April 2020


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4

8 9 10 11 12 13 14 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

22 23 24 25 26 27 28 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

29 30 31 26 27 28 29 30

What’s Coming up Soon!

Feb 29 – Games Practice #1 (2pm to 4pm)

March 4 – (Sparks Only) Leaps and Bounds

Night, T&T Boys Store

March 7 – Games Practice #2 (2pm to 4pm)

March 11 – Super Hero Night

March 14 – Games Practice #3 (2pm to 4pm)

March 18 – Backwards Night

March 21 – Sparks-A-Rama & Awana Games

March 25 – NO CLUB - LDA

April 1 – Obstacle Course Night, Sparks Store

T&T Girls Store

April 8 – Cowboy Night

April 15 – Stripes Night

April 18 – T&T Grand Prix - NEW

April 22 – Sparks “Versathon”

April 29 – Flying Saucer (aka Frisbee) Night

May 6 – CUBBIES AWARDS, Sparks Store,

T&T Boys Store+6th grade girls

May 13 - Sparks & T&T Award Night

Cancelation Policy – Because Awana is held during the school, we may have to cancel

club due to dangerous weather conditions or other reasons. Cancelations will be posted on, and our Club Facebook page (Awana at Calvary Bible Church in Derry NH). You can

also check the church’s answering machine (603-434-1516) for a message and we will send an

email to your email addresses provided to us at Registration Please don’t hesitate to call your

club director if you have questions.

Dear Parents and Boys and Girls!

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