  • 1. EDU614 - Integrating Technology for All Students EDU630 - Integrating Mathematics, Writing and Technology Kathy Favazza [email protected]

2. Session 1 Agenda Poll Syllabus & course overview Why technology? - a prezi presentation Our class ning, The Gordon Teachers Collaborative Get everyone logged in Introductions Gordon login and Email 3. Let me introduce myself... 4. INTRODUCING Kathy Favazza 5. Gramma to Sophia 6. Hannah 7. and Zachary 8. My Favorite Places West Dennis Beach 9. Sunsets 10. Christmas Cove 11. sunrise at long beach 12. My golden - Timlin 13. My professional life middle school mathematics teacher for 19 years adjunct instructor here at Gordon for over five years served as a state PARCC Educator Leader Fellow 14. Technology over the last seven years it has changed my instruction a peek into my classroom 15. My classroom 16. Your turn Please introduce yourself Your name Where & what you teach or hope to teach What is your favorite technology - does not have to be educational anything else youd like to share 17. An Example of Technology Use an iMovie created on my iPad, uploaded to Vimeo featuring my students using their TI- Nspire CX handhelds and the Navigator system I use in conjunction with my Smartboard - all shared via twitter with Dan Meyer - the author of the original activity 18. Take a short poll... using your cell phone or computer. 19. Integrating Technology for All Students A Prezi presentation 20. Massachusetts Technology Literacy Standards and Expectations 21. Class Protocols Please do not have any website open other than those we are investigating. Examples: Facebook, email except your Gordon account to get links Please do not text during class unless it is an emergency. Inform me at the beginning of class that you need your cell phone out. 22. Syllabus EDU614 COURSE DESCRIPTION: Educational technology is an essential learning tool for the 21st century classroom. This course provides an opportunity to explore and gain working knowledge of current instructional technologies. Class demonstrations and hands-on exercises will focus on systems and tools K-12 teachers may find in their districts and schools. Students will become familiar with web 2.0 tools and their appropriate use in the K-12 classroom. Students will be trained to use assistive technology and adaptive communication technology. 23. Objectives Students will be able to: become technologically literate teachers incorporate appropriate technology and media in lesson planning prepare age appropriate teaching materials using specified technologies understand legal and ethical issues as they apply to responsible and acceptable use of the Internet, educational technology and other resources. 24. Textbooks Blogs, Wikis, Podcasts, and Other Powerful Web Tools for Classrooms by Will Richardson Who Owns the Learning by Alan November 25. Performance Assessment Classroom Participation(10%): This course is designed to be interactive. The success of the course relies heavily on student participation, which implies that all class members will be fully prepared to participate both in class and on our class Ning. During each class students are expected to completely engage in class activities by exploring the online tools shared. It is expected that no student will have another website open; this includes email and sites such as Facebook. Cell phone use is for emergency only. If you fail to honor these guidelines your participation grade will be lowered. Absences will lower your participation grade. 26. Performance Assessment Teacher Blog (60%): All course participants will create a personal Weblog on our Ning Community, The Gordon Teachers Collaborative. You will be instructed how to add to and maintain your Weblog during the first class session. Blog entries addressing the assignments for each week are due according to the schedule. Late submissions will lower your grade. Blog posts should be well developed, thoroughly written entries demonstrating thoughtful reflection. 27. Students are expected to write a minimum of 30 blog posts (27 are specified including reading responses and RSS feed responses. The last three will either be assigned as we go or be free choice posts.) including to but not limited to the following: Reflections on readings and presentations Assignments: Diigo, videos & podcasts, Boardmaker Interesting Websites, Blogs or other technological tools Responses to the reading of blogs through your RSS feed Students will offer at minimum two comments per week on the blog entries of your classmates. 28. Students will offer at minimum five comments per week on the entries of your classmates. Participants will be shown how to develop an RSS (Really Simple Syndication). Course participants should maintain an RSS with a minimum of three blogs (from outside the class). In response to three different blog posts through the RSS feed, students will compose a minimum of three blog entries. 29. EDU614 only BoardMaker BoardMaker Assignment (5%): Students will create a ten page communication board using the Boardmaker software. The board can be either an assistive communication tool or subject specific. Mac or PC? 30. EDU630 only Articles assignment (5%) Students will five articles on writing in the math classroom, then write an additional five blog posts. 31. Final Project & Presentation (25%): With an individually selected topic (with instructor approval) you will create a final project and give a fifteen-minute presentation. You must demonstrate proficiency in a chosen media environment and application of technology. Your presentation should include a section on how to use the technology for your classmates, benefits and limitations of the technology and your application. Include at least one of the applications that you have learned in this course. Develop, write and submit a detailed plan on how you would incorporate this into your classroom. In your presentation, share your plan and explain what 21st century skills are addressed. Proper attribution and citations must be provided. 32. Gordon Email All communication with me needs to be through Gordon email. You can redirect Gordon Email to another email account 33. Lets go to the Ning! 34. Twitter Best professional development for me 10 steps for Educators new to twitter The following was prepared by Joey Estes for a parent technology night. 35. Twitter is a Cool Tool By joining Twitter, you can connect with people all over the world about things that interest you. Imagine having literally thousands of people to bounce ideas off of, share best practices, and to give you recommendations for your next good read. All information is shared via 140 characters or less. 36. Time to Join! Once you have decided that Twitter is something you would like to explore, go to the website and sign up for an account. Its free! 37. Following Once you have joined, you will need to find people to follow. This means that you find people who have the same interests as you, or people you find interesting. Maybe you want to know what Time magazine has to say. Or maybe your kids are interested in Justin Bieber. 38. Now its time to interact. Anytime you see the @ sign in front of a name, it is like someone is talking to or about that person directly. 39. Links You will often see a link that is a small jumble of letters and numbers. This is a smaller link taking the place of a super long link. The real link looks like this: BlogPost&slGroupKey=0cf59848-a680-4169-abad- ba4fa2c99f46&slBlogKey=Blog:c55b1ea4-61d4-4827-90ab- 574b44d3b002@D|9;36|CommGroup0cf59848-a680-4169- abad-ba4fa2c99f46|&slBlogPostKey=Blog:c55b1ea4-61d4- 4827-90ab-574b44d3b002@D|9;36|CommGroup0cf59848- a680-4169-abad-ba4fa2c99f46|Post:f7a50b5e-a2a9-4b6d- 40. Hashtags Using a # is an easy way to follow a conversation on a particular subject. #edchat #edtech Every day there are new and different #s the pop up. #Idollivedavid #MothersDay #Parenting 41. Twitter Why Teachers Should Be Using Twitter. Twitter Chat Tools Getting Started with Twitter in Schools 42. Diigo Online collaborative bookmarking tag system of organization Use to bookmark any site we visit so you can come back to it when the course is over. 43. Please sign up for a Google account if you do not have one.

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