Page 1: Education for Improving Resiliency of Coastal · Lessons Learned and Best Practices: Resilience of Coastal Infrastructure

Lessons Learned and Best Practices: Resilience of Coastal Infrastructure

Education for Improving Resiliency of Coastal Infrastructure:The Coastal Resilience Center of Excellence

Ismael Pagán-Trinidad (PI) , Ricardo R. López (Co-PI)Civil Infrastructure Research Center (CIRC)

Department of Civil Engineering and SurveyingUniversity of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez, Mayagüez, Puerto Rico

1- Department Director 2- CIRC Director/Dept. Associate Director

Lessons Learned and Best Practices: Resilience of Coastal Infrastructure March 8-9, 2017 San Juan , Puerto Rico

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Mission: Coastal Resilience Center of Excellence (CRC)

• To conduct research, education and outreach to enhance the resilience of the nation’s people, infrastructure, economies and the natural environment to the impacts of coastal hazards such as floods and hurricanes, including the effects of future climate trends.

• The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill leads the CRC, made possible through a five-year, $20 million grant from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and Technology Directorate, Office of University Programs.

• The CRC is a consortium of universities, private companies, and government agencies.

Lessons Learned :and Best Practices: Resilience of Coastal Infrastructure March 8-9, 2017 San Juan , Puerto RicoLessons Learned :and Best Practices: Resilience of Coastal Infrastructure March 8-9, 2017 San Juan , Puerto Rico

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CRC Projects Grouped by Thrust Topics

• Coastal Infrastructure Resilience

• Building Resilient Communities

• Disaster Dynamics

• Education and Workforce Development

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Coastal Infrastructure Resilience

• Al Wallace, Rensselaer Polytechnic University: “Decision Technologies to Support Coastal Infrastructure Resilience”

• Victoria Bennett, Rensselaer Polytechnic University: “Establishment of Remote-Sensing Based Monitoring Program for Health Assessment of the Sacramento Delta”

• Dan Cox, Oregon State University & John van de Lindt, Colorado State University: “Experimental and Numerical Study to Improve Damage and Loss Estimation Due to Overland Wave and Surge Hazards on Near-Coast Structures”

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Building Resilient Communities

• Jennifer Horney, Texas A&M University: “Implementing the Disaster Recovery Tracking Tool”

• Larry Atkinson, Old Dominion University: “A Tool to Measure Community Stress to Support Disaster Resilience Planning and Stakeholder/End User Engagement”

• Phil Berke, Texas A&M University: “Local Planning Networks and Neighborhood Vulnerability Indicators”

• Rachel Davidson, University of Delaware: “An Interdisciplinary Approach to Household Strengthening and Insurance Decisions”

• James Prochaska, University of Rhode Island: “Communicating Risk to Motivate Individual Action”

• James Opaluch, University of Rhode Island: “Overcoming Barriers to Motivate Community Action to Enhance Resilience”

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Disaster Dynamics

• Brian Blanton, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill: “A Multi-tiered ADCIRC-based Storm Surge and Wave Prediction System”

• Scott Hagen, Louisiana State University: “Development of an Optimized Hurricane Storm Surge–Wave Model for the Northern Gulf of Mexico for use with the ADCIRC Surge Guidance System”

• Casey Dietrich, North Carolina State University: “Improving the Efficiency of Wave and Surge Models via Adaptive Mesh Resolution”

• Robert Twilley, Louisiana State University: “Integrated Approaches to Creating Community Resilience Designs in a Changing Climate”

• Don Resio, University of North Florida: “The Incorporation of Rainfall into Hazard Estimates for Improved Coastal Resiliency”

• Isaac Ginis, University of Rhode Island: “Modeling the Combined Coastal and Inland Hazards from High-Impact Hypothetical Hurricanes”

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Education and Workforce Development

• Robert Whalin, Jackson State University: “PhD in Engineering (Coastal/Computational) at an HBCU”

• Helen Chen, Johnson C. Smith University: “Preparing Tomorrow’s Minority Task Force in Coastal Resilience through Interdisciplinary Education, Research, and Curriculum Development”

• Meherun Laiju, Tougaloo College: “Institutionalization, Expansion, and Enhancement of Interdisciplinary Minor: Disaster and Coastal Studies”

• Barry Keim, Louisiana State University: “LSU’s Disaster Science and Management Program”

• Ismael Pagán-Trinidad, University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez: “Education for Improving Resiliency of Coastal Infrastructure”

• Gavin Smith, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill: “Expanding Coastal Resilience Education at UNC-CH”

• Sandra Knight, University of Maryland: “Development and Testing of a Project Management Curriculum for Emergency Managers”

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Education and Workforce Development

• Robert Whalin, Jackson State University: “PhD in Engineering (Coastal/Computational) at an HBCU”

• Helen Chen, Johnson C. Smith University: “Preparing Tomorrow’s Minority Task Force in Coastal Resilience through Interdisciplinary Education, Research, and Curriculum Development”

• Meherun Laiju, Tougaloo College: “Institutionalization, Expansion, and Enhancement of Interdisciplinary Minor: Disaster and Coastal Studies”

• Barry Keim, Louisiana State University: “LSU’s Disaster Science and Management Program”

• Ismael Pagán-Trinidad & Ricardo López, University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez: “Education for Improving Resiliency of Coastal Infrastructure”

• Gavin Smith, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill: “Expanding Coastal Resilience Education at UNC-CH”

• Sandra Knight, University of Maryland: “Development and Testing of a Project Management Curriculum for Emergency Managers”

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CRC 2nd Annual Meeting Feb. 1-3, 2017

HSE Educational GapResilient Coastal Infrastructure (RCI)

GoalHelp educate the community by transferring state of education and practice knowledge and experiences to stakeholders

Target Stake Holders

Students, faculty, professionals, first responders, work force, others)


Engage stakeholders in advancing state of knowledge in coastal resilient infrastructure

Formal Education

Courses, internships,projects (MS theses, undergraduate research, special professional projects)

Informal Education

Conferences, workshops, seminars, lectures,short courses

Main Outcome: Resilient Coastal Infrastructure


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Resilient Community Ladder Through Education


UniversityGraduate School &Work Force

DHS Enterprise Leaders

Labor Force:Improved State of Practice on Resilient Design

More Resilient Infrastructure and Community

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CRC - Scope of Activities








* Theses

* Projects

*Undergrad. Research


*Short Course



Curriculum -

Elective courses





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Engagement with HSE Professionals and Organizations

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BAA-ERDC2: Stochastic Simulation of Tropical Cyclones for Quantification of Uncertainty

Thesis Proposal

Efraín Ramos-Santiago

Proposal submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of




(Environmental and Water Resources Engineering)




Approved by:


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Resiliency of Coastal Transportation Infrastructure

Figure 1 Emergency situation involving transportation infrastructure caused by Hurricane Matthew's passage 500 km south

of Puerto Rico. To the left a road closure on PR-1 in the municipality of Salinas, to the right a satellite image and trajectory

of Hurricane Matthew. Credits to Univisión and Noticia al Día.

Figure 2 Víctor Rojas bridge was torn out of its foundation by a combination of storm surge and floodplain inundation

caused by Hurricane Georges in Sepctember 1998. Credit to PrimeraHora and GFR Media.

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5 - 6 December


1Ismael Pagán-Trinidad, 2Ricardo López-Rodríguez, 3Agustín Rullán, 4Oscar Perales-Pérez, 5John Fernández-Van Cleve

1,2,3,4 College of Engineering 5College of Agriculture ScienceUniversity of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez, Puerto Rico (UPRM)

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]


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5 - 6 December

Structural Vulnerability to Natural Hazards in Puerto Rico

Ricardo R. López-Rodríguez, Ismael Pagán-TrinidadDepartment of Civil Engineering

University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez, Puerto Rico (UPRM)[email protected] , [email protected]


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Presentation to Professional Engineers at UPRM, 27 August 2016

The one day activity held at UPRM August 27 of 2016 was entitled Anticipating surprises and taking action; integration of CIAPR in the Climate Change Council. A group of about 30 professional engineers and surveyors visited UPRM for a series of presentations and visits to the laboratories. Dr. Ricardo López presented Effects of Natural Hazards on Coastal Structures. Dr. Luis Aponte presented Wind Engineering: Vulnerability of Tropical Cyclone in Puerto Rico. Dr. López hosted the visit to the Civil Engineering Structures and Materials Labs.

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Jose O. Guevara, Ph.D., P.E.

Civil Engineering Department

UPR MayaguezJanuary 8, 2017

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The Senior CE Capstone Experience (Coastal Environment)(Credit: Sample images are from on-going Capstone project)

Design a model coastal urban


Found a design professional


Develop a Feasibility


Conceptual Design

Preliminary Design

Final Design


Mayagüez Bay Area


Ten students/company

Five Professors

Five Graduate Students

Feasibility & Sustainability

Legal, Political, Social, Cultural, Environmental,

Technical, Economical


Site Development, Environmental ,

Transportation, Water/Waste Water ,

Geotechnical , Structural/Architectural

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Project Site

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Capstone Training on Coastal Hazards

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Coupling of Basin H/H and Storm Surge Modeling(Dr. Walter Silva-PI; Felix Santiago SUMREX)

Basin Hydrologic Model

Storm Surge Model


• Gridded Surface Subsurface Hydrologic Analysis

(GSSHA): 2D finite difference structure grid model.

• Advanced Circulation model (ADCIRC):is a hydrodynamic circulation numerical model.

• Simulating Waves Nearshore model (SWAN): used to obtain realistic estimates of wind-generated waves.

Conclusion: • Results from this case study showed that overland

flow could aggravate coastal flooding under storm surge conditions.

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Earthquakes, Hurricanes and other Disasters: A View from SpaceEERI February 23, 2017 Auditorium CE Department - UPRM

• Ronald T. Eguchi, President and CEO of ImageCat, Inc.,

• Visit and conference: Mr. Ron Eguchi, President and CEO of ImageCat, Inc., a riskmanagement company specializing in the development and use of advancedtechnologies for risk assessment and reduction (

• Sponsored: Earthquake Engineering Research Institute as part of theFriedman Family Visiting Professionals Program

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• SUMREX and Internships: Students pipeline/interest into RCI enterprise, help identify research andthesis topics, attract students into graduate programs and labor force (2 students recruited , ERDC–USACE and NOAA –USA)

• Creative/Research/ Development Projects - Students projects and theses, Faculty training modules,and presentations: Undergraduate and graduate students, and faculty engage in active and creativelearning, develop teaching/learning modules, pursue external funding and long term researchprojects, develop presentations in local and international forums, participate in meetings andconferences associated to RCI. This results in human resource experts development andstrengthening of the potential of labor force for RCI.

• Course Impacts: Faculty has envisioned formal inclusion of new RCI material into existing and newformal and informal courses. The CE curriculum will be impacted by incorporating the RCI sustainabletechnology into traditional engineering analysis and design.

• Stakeholders and Partners: Increase interaction, collaboration, coordination, and partnerships todeal with RCI and HSE.

Anticipated Project Impact

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AcknowledgementThe authors want to acknowledge the contributions that deserve all the credit behind the workand efforts reflected in this presentation which are the results of the cooperation, collaboration,supports, creative work, and diligence of all those that are identified, mentioned, referenced,cited, or helped in anyway for preparing this presentation. To all of them, our deepest andsincere appreciation.

This educational project within de Coastal Resilience Center (CRC) of Excellence is sponsoredby the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) through the coordination of an outstandingteam of researchers led by the University of North Carolina (UNC) for the research componentand Jackson State University (JSU) for the educational component. We thank CRC leaders,administrators and staff for their continuous support. Our deepest appreciation to Dr. RobertWhalin, leader of the Educational Component for his encouragement and support.

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Video at Córcega Beach, Rincón, PR ,, IPT, January 2017

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