  • IT5670 Spring 2012 Page 1

    Margo Bedford:

    This design document is a work in progress. Tentative title of your EdWeb: Welcome to Cherwell, where yesterdays values connect with technology. 1.0 Objective

    List your formal instructional objective in the shaded box below, i.e., copy your refined objective in the box below.

    Given the online course and the employee orientation guide as a job aid, new employees are armed with knowledge and information for a smooth and quick integration to fully functioning and productive employee within their first 30 days. Upon completion of the module, employees are inspired and motivated by the rich history and deep roots in the help desk industry. New employees use the online course and job aid (the guide) to identify Cherwell's culture, recognize its history and roots in the help desk industry and capture their own thoughts on what brought them to Cherwell Software within their first 30 days of employment.

    1.1 Interesting Introduction: This is important because it should motivate your students.

    See Horton p. 296. This is essentially your objective restated to be interesting and motivating to your learners. Use the shaded table below.

    What is Cherwell? This section will answer the question above and enable you to smoothly transition into your new job.

    1.2 Mastery test questions to measure the degree to which learners achieved this objective. How you will measure if a student has mastered this objective? Your mastery test is essentially the criteria part of your objective. If your learners are volunteers, you can still provide a mastery test but call it a self-check or quiz. It will provide important information for you about what your learners learned. Hint: Frequently, a well written objective can become a mastery test question. Example objective: Given the Root Word job aid, students will correctly identify the roots

    in 10 out of the following 12 words: (1) . . .(2) . . . . . . . (12).

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    Example mastery test question: Using your Root Word job aid, identify the roots in each of the following 12 words: (1) . . (2) . . (12). For full credit, you must correctly identify the root in 10 of the 12 words.

    Knowledge Check: Using your new employee guide, identify the correct words from the list provided to complete the following statements: (You must achieve 100% to receive a complete status for this course.) Turn to page ? in your guide to complete Question ? Identify the correct words from the list provided on page ? to complete the following statements: (You must complete these statements correctly to receive a "complete" status for this course.)

    - Cherwell started selling publicly in 20__ - The name Cherwell came from: _________________ - _______________ means we listen to our customers and respond to what

    they need most. - Reflect on the information in this section and write down the answer to What

    is Cherwell really about?

    1.3 Description of Content Go to your EdWeb A&D document, Section V: Design, Subsection 3: Learning Activities. Copy the description of your learning activities for this objective into column one of the shaded table below. Fill in columns 2 and 3, to describe existing content and images you will use to dual code the text. Add rows as necessary.

    Learning Activities (from your EdWeb A&D document). Use one row for each Absorb, each Do and each Connect activity.

    Status of Content for each Learning Activity. If the content exists, where is it? What is the file name(s)? If you are creating this content, what resources will you use to create it?

    Dual coding and picture superiority effect. What images do you have or will you create to dual code each of your Learning Activities?

    Absorb activities

    The student will use

    the guide and

    information in the

    course to locate

    specific historical

    Content being developed and reusing existing content on Cherwells website. May reuse existing video on Website also. Ill script a storyboard and stakeholders will review and

    Images will come from Cherwells brand site and Website.

  • IT5670 Spring 2012 Page 3

    events in the

    Cherwell timeline.

    On page ? of your

    guide read about the

    Cherwell name and

    answer the question

    on page? regarding

    the geographical

    context for the



    Do activities

    Students will

    complete an activity

    in the online module

    (not sure if it is

    going to be a puzzle

    or other activity)

    regarding Cherwell


    The guide is being developed. Although the content is in the works, images exist in our brand center. Ill use Storyline to make content interactive.

    Images will come from internal sources, same as above.

    Connect activities

    Finish the sentences on page? in your guide. In your own words explain the Cherwell values.

    The content is in the works. The learner will reflect on absorb, and do activities in order to answer the questions. Ill use Storylines pre-built quiz templates to create a fill-in-the-blank knowledge check.

    Images for the knowledge check will come from storyline and Cherwells brand center.

    1.4 Job aid Job aids replace memorization. Does your objective call for a job aid? If yes, describe it here and attach a prototype. Should your objective call for a job aid because it is not important for learners to memorize this information? If yes, then revise your objective above.

    Attach a prototype of your job aid when you submit your Content Inventory. We need to be able to see how your activities support your job aid.

    The history about Cherwells name will be mentioned in the online module and a complete story about it will be provided in the job aid. The learner will need to go to the job aid in order to answer the connect question.

    1.5 Our CIVs Describe specifically how you will apply our CIVs to this objective. You may not be able to apply all five of them to this objective but use the shaded table below to

  • IT5670 Spring 2012 Page 4

    describe your ideas or possible strategies for how to apply at least some of our CIVs to this objective. Be sure to review what you wrote in your EdWeb A&D document about applying our CIVs. Objective

    Copy and paste your objective here.


    Below, describe specifically how you will apply at least some of our CIVs to the instruction for this objective, i.e., which of your activities exemplify each of our CIVs?

    Learner Centered

    The learner centered instructional value is applied through: 1. Reflection when answering the question What is

    Cherwell really about? 2. Because the training is not graded, but they must

    pass the knowledge checks to continue, this gives the student autonomy and requires them to be self-directed.


    Contextual instructional value is applied through the introduction of many well-known industry icons who work at Cherwell. Also, learners will identify with our customer-centric approach and putting customer values first.


    Learners will be issued a social challenge to meet with the CEO they have been introduced to in the online module.


    Active instructional value is demonstrated in the do activities that require the learner to interact with the online content.


    Supportive instructional value is applied through clear instructions and expectations, and the non-graded, well organized online course and job aid. Also, upon answering the questions in the knowledge check, the learner will be provided with feedback that encourages them.

    1.6 Your theory of learning Review and revise, if necessary, your theory of learning, which you described in your EdWeb A&D document, Section V: Design, Subsection 1a: Instructional Design Model and Theory of Learning. Describe your theory of learning in column one below and describe how you will apply that theory to this objective in column two. Example: If your theory of learning says that students learn by reflecting on their prior experiences and personalizing new information, then what activities have you included above, in support of this objective, that provide for that reflection and the personalizing of the new information?

  • IT5670 Spring 2012 Page 5

    Your theory of learning

    How will you apply your theory of learning to this objective.

    Based on cognitive outcomes, the learner will be inspired and acquire new knowledge by absorbing information, participating in do activities and demonstrating their connection with the materials through survey-type questions. I will focus on following Gagnes nine events of instruction as I develop the online course, and in conjunction with Hortons Absorb, Do and Connect activities the learner will achieve the objectives for this class.

    By matching Gagnes nine events of instruction to the organization and development of each piece of this section. By matching Hortons absorb, do and connect to each of the pieces of instruction in the online module.

    1.7 Other than Hortons Absorb, Do, Connect model (section 1.3 above), our CIVs

    (section 1.5) and your theory of learning (section 1.6) , what, if any, other instructional design models do you plan to use?

    In your EdWeb A&D document, Section V, Subsection 1c, you may have identified other learning theories or instructional design models you want to use. If you completed that section, please list those theories or models in column 1 of the table below. In column 2, describe how you plan to apply those theories or models to this objective. In column 3, describe how these additional models overlap, complement, or compete with Horton and our CIVs.

    Instructional Design Model (other than Horton or our CIVs)

    Specifics about how you plan to apply this model to this objective

    How this model overlaps, complements, or competes with Horton and our CIVs.


    I will focus on following Gagnes nine events of instruction as I develop the online course.

    This model complements the CIVs and Horton. It really helps with organizing and making sure Ive organized each piece of the online module.

  • IT5670 Spring 2012 Page 6

    1.8 Notes or comments Use the box below to describe anything not covered in the sections above.



    2.0 Objective

    List your formal instructional objective in the shaded table below i.e., copy your refined objective in the box below.

    Given the online course and the employee orientation guide as a job aid, new employees are armed with knowledge and information for a smooth and quick integration to fully functioning and productive employee within their first 30 days. Upon completion of the module, employees are inspired by the rich history and deep roots in the help desk industry and the values Cherwell employees commit to upholding. New employees will read the content about our customers and how we treat them in the course, to prepare to support a wide range of global customers by listening to them and responding promptly to their needs.

    2.1 Interesting Introduction: This is important! See Horton p. 296. This is essentially your objective restated to be interesting and motivating to your learners. Use the shaded table below.

    Who are our customers and how do we treat them? This section will answer the question above and enable you to smoothly transition into your new job.

    2.2 Mastery test questions to measure the degree to which learners achieved this objective. How you will measure if a student has mastered this objective? Your mastery test is essentially the criteria part of your objective. If your learners are volunteers, you can still provide a mastery test but call it a self-check or quiz. It will provide important information for you about what your learners learned.

  • IT5670 Spring 2012 Page 7

    Hint: Frequently, a well written objective can become a mastery test question. Example objective: Given a list of the 6 steps in the Shelter program, students will

    arrange the steps in the correct order with 100% accuracy. Example mastery test question: Below are the six steps in the Shelter program. Arrange the steps in the correct order using your mouse to drag and drop the steps.

    Using your new knowledge from the online module, complete the sentence.

    - As Cherwell employees, we __________ to our __________ and _______________ to their needs.

    2.3 Description of Content Go to your EdWeb A&D document, Section V: Design, Subsection 3: Learning Activities. Copy the description of your learning activities for this objective into column one of the shaded table below. Fill in columns 2 and 3, to describe existing content and images you will use to dual code the text. Add rows as necessary.

    Learning Activities (from your EdWeb A&D document), Use one row for each Absorb, each Do and each Connect activity.

    Status of Content for each Learning Activity. If the content exists, where is it? What is the file name(s)? If you are creating this content, what resources will you use to create it?

    Dual coding and picture superiority effect. What images do you have or will you create to dual code each of your Learning Activities?

    Absorb activities

    Read about Cherwells description of our customers and approach to customer relationships.

    Content being developed.

    Images will come from Cherwells brand site and Website.

    Do activities

    Learner will interact with images on the screen to reveal information. The learner will read the scenario and select their response. The right response will

    Although the content is in the works, images exist in our brand center. Ill use Storyline to make content interactive.

    Images will come from internal sources, same as above.

  • IT5670 Spring 2012 Page 8

    provide validation and the wrong response will provide how it should have been done.

    Connect activities

    Answer the fill-in-the-blank questions in the knowledge check. The learner will complete a short quiz that refers to the scenario about customer interactions.

    The content is in the works. The learner will reflect on absorb, and do activities in order to answer the questions. Ill use Storylines pre-built quiz templates to create a fill-in-the-blank knowledge check.

    Images for the knowledge check will come from storyline and Cherwells brand center.

    2.4 Job aid

    Job aids replace memorization. If yes, describe it here and attach a prototype. Should your objective call for a job aid because it is not important for learners to memorize this information? If yes, then revise your objective above.

    Attach a prototype of your job aid when you submit your Content Inventory. We need to be able to see how your activities support your job aid.

    A list of departments with short description will be provided in the job aid. The learner will need to go to the job aid in order to answer the connect question.

    2.5 Our CIVs Describe specifically how you will apply our CIVs to this objective. You may not be able to apply all five of them to this objective but use the shaded table below to describe your ideas or possible strategies for how to apply at least some of our CIVs to this objective. Be sure to review what you wrote in your EdWeb A&D document about applying our CIVs.


    Copy and paste your objective here.


    Below, describe specifically how you will apply at least some of our CIVs to the instruction for this objective, i.e., which of your activities exemplify each of our

  • IT5670 Spring 2012 Page 9


    Learner Centered

    The learner centered instructional value is applied through: Contemplating how they would have responded to the customer in the scenario interaction.


    Contextual instructional value is applied through their interaction with customers in their new job.


    Learners will interact with customers through many modes of communication. This section will help set their expectations as to how Cherwell wants its customers treated.


    Active instructional value is demonstrated in the do activities that require the learner to interact with the online content.


    Supportive instructional value is applied through clear instructions and expectations, and the non-graded, well organized online course and job aid. Also, upon answering the questions in the knowledge check, the learner will be provided with feedback that encourages them.

    2.6 Your theory of learning Review and revise, if necessary, your theory of learning, which you described in your EdWeb A&D document, Section V: Design, Subsection 1a: Instructional Design Model and Theory of Learning. Describe your theory of learning in column one below and describe how you will apply that theory to this objective in column two. Example: If your theory of learning says that students learn by reflecting on their prior experiences and personalizing new information, then what activities have you included above, in support of this objective, that provide for that reflection and the personalizing of the new information? Your theory of learning

    How will you apply your theory of learning to this objective.

    Based on cognitive outcomes, the learner will acquire new knowledge by absorbing information, participating in do activities and demonstrating their connection with the materials through survey-type questions. I will focus on following Gagnes nine events of instruction as I develop the online course, and in conjunction with Hortons Absorb, Do and Connect

    By matching Gagnes nine events of instruction to the organization and development of each piece of this section. By matching Hortons absorb, do and connect to each of the pieces of instruction in the online module.

  • IT5670 Spring 2012 Page 10

    activities the learner will achieve the objectives for this class.

    2.7 Other than Hortons Absorb, Do, Connect model (section 1.3 above), our CIVs

    (section 1.5) and your theory of learning (section 1.6) , what, if any, other instructional design models do you plan to use?

    In your EdWeb A&D document, Section V, Subsection 1c, you may have identified other learning theories or instructional design models you want to use. If you completed that section, please list those theories or models in column 1 of the table below. In column 2, describe how you plan to apply those theories or models to this objective. In column 3, describe how these additional models overlap, complement, or compete with Horton and our CIVs.

    Instructional Design Model (other than Horton or our CIVs)

    Specifics about how you plan to apply this model to this objective

    How this model overlaps, complements, or competes with Horton and our CIVs.


    I will focus on following Gagnes nine events of instruction as I develop the online course.

    This model complements the CIVs and Horton. It really helps with organizing and making sure Ive organized each piece of the online module.

    2.8 Notes or comments Use the box below to describe anything not covered in the sections above.

    NA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    3.0 Objective

    List your formal instructional objective in the shaded table below, i.e., copy your refined objective in the box below.

    Given the online course and the employee orientation guide as a job aid, new employees are armed with knowledge and information for a smooth and quick integration to fully functioning and productive employee within their first 30 days.

  • IT5670 Spring 2012 Page 11

    Benefits: Upon completion of this module, new employees will correctly identify Cherwell products and state two examples for use.

    3.1 Interesting Introduction: How can you make this really interesting to your students? See Horton p. 296. This is essentially your objective restated to be interesting and motivating to your learners. Use the shaded table below.

    What are my benefits? What are the products we sell? This section will answer the question above and enable you to smoothly transition into your new job.

    3.2 Mastery test questions to measure the degree to which learners achieved this objective. How you will measure if a student has mastered this objective? Your mastery test is essentially the criteria part of your objective. If your learners are volunteers, you can still provide a mastery test but call it a self-check or quiz. It will provide important information for you about what your learners learned. Hint: Frequently, a well written objective can become a mastery test question. Example objective: Using Chapter 7 of the book Teach Your Dog 100 English Words, the learner will identify the correct Respect Training strategy in three out of four examples. Each example will exemplify how the dog owner established herself as the pack leader.

    Example mastery test question: Using Chapter 7 of your book, review the following four examples of how the dog owner established herself as the pack leader. In each example, identify the correct Respect Training strategy. For full credit, you must identify the correct Respect Training strategy in three out of the four examples.

    Using your new employee guide, identify the correct words from the list provided to complete the following statements: (You must achieve 100% to continue to the next section.) Using your new employee guide, identify the correct locations for specific product information. You must answer this scavenger hunt correctly to continue. Content does not yet exist. I envision a quick, short matching exercise.

    - Product Info - Information location

  • IT5670 Spring 2012 Page 12

    3.3 Description of Content

    Go to your EdWeb A&D document, Section V: Design, Subsection 3: Learning Activities. Copy the description of your learning activities for this objective into column one of the shaded table below. Fill in columns 2 and 3, to describe existing content and images you will use to dual code the text. Add rows as necessary.

    Learning Activities (from your EdWeb A&D document), Use one row for each Absorb, each Do and each Connect activity.

    Status of Content for each Learning Activity. If the content exists, where is it? What is the file name(s)? If you are creating this content, what resources will you use to create it?

    Dual coding and picture superiority effect. What images do you have or will you create to dual code each of your Learning Activities?

    Absorb activities

    Read about Cherwells products.

    Content being developed.

    Images will come from Cherwells brand site and Website.

    Do activities

    Learner will follow instructions to locate specific information and provide page numbers, web links, and section title headings in specific documents to complete the scavenger hunt exercise.

    The content exists on our Cherwell Facebook page, our Help link inside the product, in our training manuals and White papers. Images exist in our brand center.

    Images will come from internal sources, same as above.

    Connect activities

    The learner will select the correct answer when presented with a list of products and features.

    The content supporting this exercise about each product exists. The learner will reflect on absorb, and do activities in order to answer the questions. Ill use Storylines pre-built interactions.

    Images will come from storyline and Cherwells brand center.

    3.4 Job aid

    Job aids replace memorization. Does your objective call for a job aid? If yes, describe it here and attach a prototype. Should your objective call for a job aid because it is not important for learners to memorize this information? If yes, then revise your objective above.

  • IT5670 Spring 2012 Page 13

    Attach a prototype of your job aid when you submit your Content Inventory. We need to be able to see how your activities support your job aid.

    The job aid will provide a list of products and very short description and where to get more information

    3.5 Our CIVs

    Describe specifically how you will apply our CIVs to this objective. You may not be able to apply all five of them to this objective but use the shaded table below to describe your ideas or possible strategies for how to apply at least some of our CIVs to this objective. Be sure to review what you wrote in your EdWeb A&D document about applying our CIVs.


    Copy and paste your objective here.


    Below, describe specifically how you will apply at least some of our CIVs to the instruction for this objective, i.e., which of your activities exemplify each of our CIVs?

    Learner Centered

    The learner centered instructional value is applied through: Reading and learning about Cherwell products and relating the products back to the learners actual job. Product information directly relates to every job in our organization as Cherwell not only sells these products, they are used to conduct business internally. The learner will begin to make the connection as to how their role and their unique skills fit into Cherwell.


    Contextual instructional value is applied through how they support the products they are learning about. Some employees are help desk employees, some are Marketing folks, some are product development folks. Each student will find a connection between their job and the products we sell.


    Social instructional value is applied when learning about the different Cherwell social networks that support our products, and how to join in. The learner will be issued a challenge to participate in the Cherwell social community.


    Active instructional value is demonstrated in following through interactive pages of information that introduce the learner to the products.


    Supportive instructional value is applied through clear instructions and expectations in both the online module and the job aid.

  • IT5670 Spring 2012 Page 14

    3.6 Your theory of learning Review and revise, if necessary, your theory of learning, which you described in your EdWeb A&D document, Section V: Design, Subsection 1a: Instructional Design Model and Theory of Learning. Describe your theory of learning in column one below and describe how you will apply that theory to this objective in column two. Example: If your theory of learning says that students learn by reflecting on their prior experiences and personalizing new information, then what activities have you included above, in support of this objective, that provide for that reflection and the personalizing of the new information?

    Your theory of learning

    How will you apply your theory of learning to this objective.

    Based on cognitive outcomes, the learner will acquire new knowledge by absorbing information, participating in do activities and demonstrating their connection with the materials through submitting their forms. I will focus on following Gagnes nine events of instruction as I develop the online course, and in conjunction with Hortons Absorb, Do and Connect activities the learner will achieve the objectives for this class.

    By matching Gagnes nine events of instruction to the organization and development of each piece of this section. By matching Hortons absorb, do and connect to each of the pieces of instruction in the online module.

    3.7 Other than Hortons Absorb, Do, Connect model (section 1.3 above), our CIVs

    (section 1.5) and your theory of learning (section 1.6) , what, if any, other instructional design models do you plan to use?

    In your EdWeb A&D document, Section V, Subsection 1c, you may have identified other learning theories or instructional design models you want to use. If you completed that section, please list those theories or models in column 1 of the table below. In column 2, describe how you plan to apply those theories or models to this objective. In column 3, describe how these additional models overlap, complement, or compete with Horton and our CIVs.

  • IT5670 Spring 2012 Page 15

    Instructional Design Model (other than Horton or our CIVs)

    Specifics about how you plan to apply this model to this objective

    How this model overlaps, complements, or competes with Horton and our CIVs.


    I will focus on following Gagnes nine events of instruction as I develop the online course.

    This model complements the CIVs and Horton. It really helps with organizing and making sure Ive organized each piece of the online module.

    3.8 Notes or comments

    Use the box below to describe anything not covered in the sections above.

    N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    4.0 Objective

    List your formal instructional objective in the shaded table below, i.e., copy your refined objective in the box below.

    Given the online course and the employee orientation guide as a job aid, new employees are armed with knowledge and information for a smooth and quick integration to fully functioning and productive employee within their first 30 days. Upon completion of this section, new employees will demonstrate that they know their options for product training by creating their own plan for learning Cherwell software.

    4.1 Interesting Introduction: This is important! See Horton p. 296. This is essentially your objective restated to be interesting and motivating to your learners. Use the shaded table below.

    How will I learn Cherwell products? This online module will answer the question above and enable you to smoothly transition into your new job.

    4.2 Mastery test questions to measure the degree to which learners achieved this objective.

  • IT5670 Spring 2012 Page 16

    How you will measure if a student has mastered this objective? Your mastery test is essentially the criteria part of your objective. If your learners are volunteers, you can still provide a mastery test but call it a self-check or quiz. It will provide important information for you about what your learners learned. Hint: Frequently, a well written objective can become a mastery test question. Example objective: Given a UPI Evaluation & Management Documentation booklet, participants will be able to correctly classify patients into one of three categories (New patient, Consultation, and Established patient) in 8 out of 10 scenarios. Example mastery test question: Using your UPI Evaluation & Management Documentation booklet, classify each patient in the following 10 scenarios into one of three categories: New patient, Consultation, or Established patient. For full credit, you need to correctly classify the patient in 8 out of the 10 scenarios.

    Using your new employee guide, identify the correct words from the list provided to complete the following statements: (You must achieve 100% to receive a complete status for this section.)

    - Your training ramp time will be _______________ - CSM stands for ________________________

    4.3 Description of Content Go to your EdWeb A&D document, Section V: Design, Subsection 3: Learning Activities. Copy the description of your learning activities for this objective into column one of the shaded table below. Fill in columns 2 and 3, to describe existing content and images you will use to dual code the text. Add rows as necessary.

    Learning Activities (from your EdWeb A&D document), Use one row for each Absorb, each Do and each Connect activity.

    Status of Content for each Learning Activity. If the content exists, where is it? What is the file name(s)? If you are creating this content, what resources will you use to create it?

    Dual coding and picture superiority effect. What images do you have or will you create to dual code each of your Learning Activities?

    Absorb activities

    Read about Cherwells product

    Content being developed and reusing existing content on

    Images will come from Cherwells brand site and

  • IT5670 Spring 2012 Page 17

    training process in the online module and in the job aid. The online module will refer to a page in the job aid.

    Cherwells website. May reuse existing video on Website also. Ill script a storyboard and stakeholders will review and revise.


    Do activities

    Students will follow instructions to find the training registration site and be issued a challenge to sign up for a class.

    Although the content is in the works, images exist in our brand center.

    Images will come from internal sources, same as above.

    Connect activities

    Given the information in the section 3 about products and this section about training resources, the learner will reflect on and answer the question in their guide outlining their ownership and proactive approach to how they will continue to learn at Cherwell.

    The content is in the works. The learner will reflect on absorb, and do activities in order to answer the questions.

    Images for the knowledge check will come from storyline and Cherwells brand center.

    4.4 Job aid Job aids replace memorization. Does your objective call for a job aid? If yes, describe it here and attach a prototype. Should your objective call for a job aid because it is not important for learners to memorize this information? If yes, then revise your objective above.

    Attach a prototype of your job aid when you submit your Content Inventory. We need to be able to see how your activities support your job aid.

    A description of Cherwell products and associated training will be provided in the job aid. The learner will need to go to the job aid in order to answer the connect question.

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    4.5 Our CIVs

    Describe specifically how you will apply our CIVs to this objective. You may not be

    able to apply all five of them to this objective but use the shaded table below to describe your ideas or possible strategies for how to apply at least some of our CIVs to this objective. Be sure to review what you wrote in your EdWeb A&D document about applying our CIVs. Objective

    Copy and paste your objective here.


    Below, describe specifically how you will apply at least some of our CIVs to the instruction for this objective, i.e., which of your activities exemplify each of our CIVs?

    Learner Centered

    The learner centered instructional value is applied through: Reflection when answering the question: How can you keep learning as you integrate into your job? The learner must pass the knowledge checks in this section to continue, this gives the student autonomy and requires them to be self-directed.


    Contextual instructional value is applied through the suggestion of products and courses and they will select the courses that will help them be successful in their job.


    Learners will be issued a social challenge to sign up and attend a class with their peers. They will have the option of sharing their special sauce statement with the class.


    Active instructional value is demonstrated in the do activities that require the learner to interact with the online content.


    Supportive instructional value is applied through clear instructions and expectations, and the non-graded, well organized online course and job aid. Also, upon answering the questions in the knowledge check, the learner will be provided with feedback that encourages them.

    4.6 Your theory of learning Review and revise, if necessary, your theory of learning, which you described in your EdWeb A&D document, Section V: Design, Subsection 1a: Instructional Design Model and Theory of Learning. Describe your theory of learning in column one below and describe how you will apply that theory to this objective in column two. Example: If your theory of learning says that students learn by reflecting on their prior experiences and personalizing new information, then what activities have you

  • IT5670 Spring 2012 Page 19

    included above, in support of this objective, that provide for that reflection and the personalizing of the new information? Your theory of learning

    How will you apply your theory of learning to this objective.

    Based on cognitive outcomes, the learner will be inspired and acquire new knowledge by absorbing information, participating in do activities and demonstrating their connection with the materials through survey-type questions. I will focus on following Gagnes nine events of instruction as I develop the online course, and in conjunction with Hortons Absorb, Do and Connect activities the learner will achieve the objectives for this class.

    By matching Gagnes nine events of instruction to the organization and development of each piece of this section. By matching Hortons absorb, do and connect to each of the pieces of instruction in the online module.

    4.7 Your theory of learning

    Review and revise, if necessary, your theory of learning, which you described in your EdWeb A&D document, Section V: Design, Subsection 1a: Instructional Design Model and Theory of Learning. Describe your theory of learning in column one below and describe how you will apply that theory to this objective in column two. Example: If your theory of learning says that students learn by reflecting on their prior experiences and personalizing new information, then what activities have you included above, in support of this objective, that provide for that reflection and the personalizing of the new information?

    Your theory of learning

    How will you apply your theory of learning to this objective?

    Based on cognitive outcomes, the learner will be inspired and acquire new knowledge by absorbing information, participating in do activities and demonstrating their connection with the materials through survey-type questions. I will focus on following Gagnes nine

    By matching Gagnes nine events of instruction to the organization and development of each piece of this section. By matching Hortons absorb, do and connect to each of the pieces of instruction in the online module.

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    events of instruction as I develop the online course, and in conjunction with Hortons Absorb, Do and Connect activities the learner will achieve the objectives for this class.

    4.8 Other than Hortons Absorb, Do, Connect model (section 1.3 above), our CIVs

    (section 1.5) and your theory of learning (section 1.6) , what, if any, other instructional design models do you plan to use?

    In your EdWeb A&D document, Section V, Subsection 1c, you may have identified other learning theories or instructional design models you want to use. If you completed that section, please list those theories or models in column 1 of the table below. In column 2, describe how you plan to apply those theories or models to this objective. In column 3, describe how these additional models overlap, complement, or compete with Horton and our CIVs.

    Instructional Design Model (other than Horton or our CIVs)

    Specifics about how you plan to apply this model to this objective

    How this model overlaps, complements, or competes with Horton and our CIVs.


    I will focus on following Gagnes nine events of instruction as I develop the online course.

    This model complements the CIVs and Horton. It really helps with organizing and making sure Ive organized each piece of the online module.

    4.9 Notes or comments Use the box below to describe anything not covered in the sections above.



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    We only provided four sections, corresponding to four objectives, because we think developing the instruction for four objectives is probably the most you can complete in INTE 5670. In the future, you may want to add more sections to this Content Inventory if you decide to expand your EdWeb. 5.0 EdWeb Content Other than Instructional Objectives

    Describe the introduction or attention getter you are planning for the beginning of your EdWeb.

    You may also use this section for content that is not part of an instructional objective or is an instructional pre-requisite students complete before taking your EdWeb.


    Now that you have landed the job, let us tell you what Cherwell is really about and how you fit in.

    Attention getter

    Welcome to the A team. (Im not thrilled with this, still working on it.) Revised: Welcome to Cherwell Software, a different kind of company.

    Other components of your EdWeb

    6.0 Advance Organizer (AO) Explanation of an AO: An AO provides students with the big picture and the specific details of your

    EdWeb. An AO is typically used as a transition strategy, i.e., you show students an AO at the beginning of the EdWeb, as an overview of what the EdWeb is about. This is the big picture. Then as you prepare to present the instruction for your first objective, you zoom in on a specific part or section of the AO, saying something like, "This is what we are going to focus on now." At the end of the instruction for that objective, you show the AO again, identifying the section that corresponds to the instruction you just presented and then point out the big picture again. When you move to the instruction for the second objective, you do the same thing, i.e., "The highlighted section of the AO shows that we are now going to focus on . . . ." So, the AO changes slightly to indicate where you are in the EdWeb and, most importantly, to remind students of the big picture. The AO is like a zoom lens on a camera, where you start with the big picture, zoom in on the topic you are going to address, then zoom back out at the end of that topic to show the big picture again. That helps remind students of the context (big picture) of the details you just presented. There are basically two types of AOs: Structure AOs and Content AOs. The navigation in your EdWeb, typically on the left side of the screen, provides the big picture of the structure of the EdWeb and/or topics within the EdWeb.

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    A content AO is typically a diagram showing the different topics (objectives) in your EdWeb. Example: See the AO in the eCollege course shell>Course Home>EdWeb Examples>Catch the Buzz. The original AO is on the Bee School page. Notice that the developer of this EdWeb provides both types of AOs (structure and content). We think this is a great idea. Students benefit from seeing the big picture of both the structure and the content of the instruction.

    In Unit 3 of INTE 5670, you will design an Advance Organizer for your EdWeb. You may want to add that diagram, chart, image etc. in the shaded box below or use the box to describe your preliminary ideas or images for your AO(s). How do you plan to help students see the big picture of the structure and the content of your EdWeb?

    I dont have the graphics identified yet, and the colors will be very different, but I plan to use something similar as the image below.

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