Page 1: EEA Report – The Alps

Federal Department of Home Affairs FDHAFederal Office of Meteorology and Climatology MeteoSwiss

High-Resolution Pan-Alpine Precipitation Analysis and Application

MeteoSwiss Contribution to EURO4M

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2 EURO4M @ MeteoSchweiz – Christoph Frei and Christian Lukasczyk

EEA Report – The Alps

• Water-tower of Europe

• Vital ecosystem services

• „Global climate change ...

• ... threatens the alpine hydrological system drastically.

• ... may worsen current water resource issues and lead to increased risk of conflicts.“

• Need policy guidance (for local and regional stakeholders) on robust adaptation strategies.

Regional climate change and adaptation – The Alps facing the challenge of changing water resources

EEA, Tech Report, 9/2009, 9.9.2009

• „Support monitoring and data collection networks to expand the knowledge base and widen the scope for in-depth analysis of long data series.“

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3 EURO4M @ MeteoSchweiz – Christoph Frei and Christian Lukasczyk

Alpine Rain-Gauge Networks

Compile pan-Alpine rain-gauge dataset:

Alps and adjacent flatland,

high-resolution (all accessible data from national/regional services),

daily, multi-decadal.

Frei & Schär 1998, Frei et al. 2006


> 6800 stations1971-1995

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4 EURO4M @ MeteoSchweiz – Christoph Frei and Christian Lukasczyk

Gridded Dataset

Develop method for gridding

km-scale (~ 2x2 km), daily, 1971-recent, building on experience with APD

Provide dataset for research

preliminary version in month 36.

Schwarb et al. 2001

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6 EURO4M @ MeteoSchweiz – Christoph Frei and Christian Lukasczyk

Extreme Events

Floods of the past 50 years

consistent spatial analysis,

for hydrological modelling in trans-boundary catchments (CC impacts)

MeteoSwiss 2006

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7 EURO4M @ MeteoSchweiz – Christoph Frei and Christian Lukasczyk


5-year return level of 1-day precipitation (mm, SON)

Evaluate other precipitation datasets of EURO4M

Updated E-Obs, GPCC, regional RA, downscaling from reg. RA

representation of extremes, decadal-scale variations

Frei et al. 2006

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8 EURO4M @ MeteoSchweiz – Christoph Frei and Christian Lukasczyk


Station data Grid 1 Grid 2

MeteoSwiss 2008

Addressing errors and uncertainties in gridding products:

check for data quality, examine effect of variable observation practice,

account for network variations in time,

quantify interpolation uncertainties (ensemble gridding)

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9 EURO4M @ MeteoSchweiz – Christoph Frei and Christian Lukasczyk


SEVIRI-based surface solar radiation and cloudiness over Alps

optimized Heliosat method, improved cloud/snow discrimination

2004-, daily or better,

development ongoing in CM-SAF

Dürr et al. 2008, Stöckli R.

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High-resolutiongridded datasets & derived productsfor Europe

Merging nationalgridding products

Precip, Temp,Pressure, Snow-cover

Use Synergies betw. EURO4M and EUMETGRID:

trans-Alpine grids vs. tiled national grids

gridding methods for other climate variables

derived products and user contacts

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11 EURO4M @ MeteoSchweiz – Christoph Frei and Christian Lukasczyk


• Co-operation / co-ordination with data requests

• Knowledge exchange on QC and gridding methods

• Learn potential/limitations of regional reanalyses and remote sensing data.

• Links to users, share experience on user needs

• Learn about new climate monitoring products and forms of user/public communication.

• …

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Christian L


Mark L


hristoph Frei

Gaudenz F


Christof A


Reto S



on Scherrer

Francesco Isotta

Christian Jung


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