Page 1: Effective seo checklist for ecommerce business

Effective SEO Checklist for ecommerce business

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is very important for

e-commerce business to rank top in search results, attain

impression on brands and gain more quality traffic thereby

increase sales. Organic search results are considered

trustworthy by the customers and they prefer the same.

Hence it is essential for having a strong SEO strategy.

E-commerce websites need to follow SEO checklist 2016 for

increasing sales conversion rate. The factors to be

considered in SEO checklist are keyword research,

competitor analysis, user experience, site architecture,

on-page optimization, usability, navigation, content,

analytics tools, site speed, mobile friendliness, internal site

search, customer reviews, backlinks and social media


Page 2: Effective seo checklist for ecommerce business

As researching is the most important factor of SEO, do

keyword research & competitor analysis before starting

on-page and off-page optimization. It is mandatory to have

analytics tools (tracking and measurements tools) like

Google analytics & webmaster. Create an XML sitemap and

submit it to major search engines to help them crawl your

website better.

While considering on-page optimization frame proper &

simple URL structure, make right site structure, unique title,

keywords, description & H1 tags, canonical tags, image ALT

text, image file name, schema markup, internal and

external linking, Inform search Engine not to crawl and

index unnecessary pages by using a Robots.txt file, install

rich snippets, add breadcrumbs to improve navigation of

your site both for users & search engines, have a look on

website design and check whether there is proper

description for products.

Page 3: Effective seo checklist for ecommerce business

Speed of the e-commerce site is an important thing that

need to be considered. Hence, minimize the website

loading time. Use effective Content Management System

(CMS). Make your e-commerce site mobile responsive.

Ensure that the content in your website is unique, clear,

interactive and user friendly. Make checkout process simple

and easy. Add customer review options for every product.

Earn outbound links by doing link building for your

e-commerce website. Integrate social sharing option in

your website and have strong social media presence.

Follow these e-commerce SEO checklist, draw more organic

visitors to your e-commerce website by giving them better

experience and increase sales conversion rate.

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