
Special Feature: Safety Technology in Hino VehiclesInterview with Executive Technical Adviser Keiichi Kitazawa

What does the future holdfor commercial trucks?


10th Straight Victoryin the Under 10-litre Class at the Dakar Rally 2019

HINO TEAM SUGAWARA fielded two HINO500 Series trucks at the Dakar Rally 2019 held in Peru from January 6 to 17. In the trucks category, Teruhito Sugawara coupled his driving skills and wealth of Rally racing experience with the maneu-verability the medium-duty HINO500 Series to pilot Car 2 to ninth overall and a record 10th consecutive victory in the Under 10-litre Class.

English only

Established in 1950, the

Hino Red Dolphins rugby club is the flagship sports team of Hino Motors. The team plays in Japan’s top league and is actively supported by the city of Hino.

Hino’s Global website has been updated and there is a corner where lucky site visitors can win a present. Please have a look!

Printed in Japan in 2019

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Hino Motors, Ltd.3-1-1, Hino-dai, Hino-shi, Tokyo, 191-8660, Japan

Issue 034 EG

A Global Brand for All Customers

Active safety

Passive safety



Protection for other

road users



Our efforts in the realm of “vehicle” Pursuit of vehicle safety

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Sensors monitor things such as the relationship between vehicle distance and relative speed and the system alerts drivers when the situation may require special attention.

Next, collision safety technology is designed to aim to minimize damage in the unfortunate event of an accident. Hino trucks are equipped with an underrun protector to contribute to preventing lower vehicles such as passenger vehicles from ending up under a truck in a collision and also feature a reinforced cabin design that acts as a barrier to protect the engine in addition to contribute to keeping what we call “survival space” by helping to prevent the cab from being crushed in collisions with large vehicles.

Q Does Hino boast any safety technologies that you think set it apart from the competition?

One important point is the fundamental approach that we bring to manufacturing vehicles. We have a policy of making the newest safety technology standard on our vehicles. Doing so it helps to spur the spread of this technology. We don’t want safety to be an option that people can add, but rather have in place a culture in which we are thoroughly striving to provide safety technology to as many customers as possible as quickly as possible.

By developing products and getting them to market as soon as possible, we believe that we not only can hone our own technology but also incorporate feedback from customers into the technology and combine additional technology to further enhance safety.

Q First, could you please tell us about the basic way of thinking when it comes to safety at Hino Motors?

As commercial vehicles, buses are entrusted with the lives of many passengers. Trucks, because of their size and weight, if they are involved in an accident, they may lead to significant damage. For these reasons, we see vehicular safety when it comes to trucks and buses as an issue of the utmost importance.

Q Can you tell us about Hino initiatives being taken to ensure safety?

We have set a target of helping reduce traffic accidents casualties. Toward this end, we are thoroughly gathering information related to the causes of accidents on general roads and highways. Based on what we learn, we will implement measures. Enhancing vehicle

Truck and Bus Safety as a Social Imperative

Hino Motors believes that as a manufacturer of commercial vehicles it has a responsibility to society to help make each and every truck and bus the company makes are as safe as possible. Hino both works to develop technology that contributes to enhanced safety as well as undertakes educational activities to promote safety in markets around the world. For this special feature, we sat down with Executive Technical Adviser Keiichi Kitazawa, the man in charge of safety technology at Hino, to learn more about the philosophy behind and approach to the top-priority issue of “safety” at Hino.

technology alone is not enough to prevent accidents. At Hino, we believe that it is essential to undertake an integrated, across-the-board approach that hinges on vehicles but also addresses infrastructure, vehicle operators and drivers preventing accidents, as well as operations management. At our customer centers, we conduct activities such as safety training to enhance the skills and awareness of vehicle operators. This is something that we do not only in Japan but also in places including Malaysia and Latin America.

Q Can you please elaborate on the ideas of preventive safety and collision safety?

Of course. First, preventive safety involves a warning system and technology designed to warn vehicle drivers about and help control vehicles to avoid dangerous situations. The technology used in our vehicle-stability control and pre-collision system helps to prevent trucks from rolling and skidding when cornering.

Keiichi KitazawaExecutive Technical AdviserHino Motors, Ltd.

Safety Technology is the Top Priority

Special Feature: Safety Technology in Hino Vehicles

Note: ”vehicle-stability control” and “pre-collision system” are used for function explanations only.

In addition, since we are part of the Toyota Group, there is the added benefit of being able to efficiently standardize safety technology by optimizing the safety technology and parts developed for passenger vehicles and putting them to use in commercial vehicles.

Truck platooning at HAMURA proving ground

Hino’s Approach for Automated Driving Technology Development

To achieve “zero traffic accident casualties,” we will move forward with our technological development aiming at “full automated driving.”In that process, we will be commercializing our technologies in phases based on market needs and progress in social infrastructures, etc.

2018 2020 2022 2025 and beyond

Safe Driving


To Automated


Full AutomatedDriving

“Zero traffic accident casualties”

Improve transport efficiency, maintain and evolve

transport services

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Q What areas are you looking to strengthen or enhance toward achieving the goal of zero traffic accident


Although we are working to enhance advanced safety technology and bring it to autonomous driving, we would like to disseminate worldwide technology that is developed and established in Japan. I would like to extend autonomous operation of vehicles to vehicles that operate in limited places such as terminal tractors at ports, bus rapid transportation (BRT) systems, and mining trucks around the world. We are gathering information and diligently listening to the voices of customers as we work to engineer technology improvements.

Q Please tell us what you see as the significance of the platooning vehicle initiative led by the Ministry

of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan and in what technologies advancements are being made.

Simply put, platooning refers to multiple vehicles operating together in a line or close formation. This comes with technological challenges such as dealing with falling objects or when other vehicles cut in between platoon vehicles, but we are harnessing AI and moving ahead to overcome these issues step by step.

In the initial stage, drivers will drive each vehicle. The lead vehicle will communicate its speed, acceleration and deceleration to the following vehicles. This will enable the following vehicles to maintain consistent formation and very stable vehicle distances. This will dramatically increase fuel economy and improve transportation efficiency. We also have been developing a technology that can control lateral directional movement with an automatic steering assist system that automatically keeps a vehicle in its lane. Vehicles in the platoon almost automatically follow the preceding vehicle. Although drivers constantly keep their hands on the steering wheels, we believe this change will greatly reduce driver fatigue.

In the second stage, drivers following in the convoy stop actively driving and only monitor the vehicle. The lead vehicle rotates, with other vehicles in the convoy taking turns in the lead as in team pursuit speed skating. Periodic replacement of the lead driver for the purpose of reducing driving fatigue contributes making it possible to travel longer distances more safely while also improving logistics efficiency. Ultimately, in the final stage, the vehicles following in the convoy will be completely unmanned and autonomously operated. The driver of the lead vehicle will control two following vehicles. The lead driver is necessary because human judgment will be required if a problem crops up such as if an object has fallen on to the road. A key issue is how well can vehicles in the convoy follow the vehicles ahead of them. A major challenge that we are developing technology to overcome is how to manage safely the platoon in relation to other vehicles on the road.

To Realize ‘Trucks and Buses that Do More’

Safety Technology is the Top Priority

Special Feature: Safety Technology in Hino Vehicles

Q Last but not least, do you have a message or anything that you would like to share with Hino Group members

around the world?

To embody and to realize the Hino slogan of “trucks and buses that do more,” we will continue to develop advanced technologies and self-driving technologies for safer and more efficient transportation. We are fully intent on accelerating development in order to hasten the time that we can offer this technology to customers around the world, and we thank you for your cooperation and patronage.

Hino in 2005 launched driver safety training seminars for customers. This training is actively conducted in Malaysia and Latin America, among other areas.

Image processing for AI deep learningFour Japanese commercial vehicle manufacturers conducting highway testing of truck platooning in Japan in January 2018.

Self-driving simulation analysis being conducted

Q Please tell us about your activities related to the hot topic of automated driving technology.

In Japan, advanced driving technologies have gradually proliferated and the number of accidents has been decreasing. Yet, human error is the cause behind 90% of accidents, a fact that points to the extremely high promise that autonomous driving has for reducing accidents. Another factor extremely relevant to commercial vehicles is the shortage of drivers. The demographic situation in Japan and elsewhere is such that there are fewer young drivers, and in the future it will be increasingly hard to secure adequate driving personnel. Obtaining a license to operate commercial vehicles is itself a challenge, so it seems likely that the operator shortage will be an ongoing problem.

At the same time, many people use passenger vehicles to get around. As the elderly stop driving, more people will be using buses, but if a shortage of bus drivers results in fewer buses operating, this could have a significant negative impact on society as well. We believe that self-driving technology is the answer to these problems. Artificial intelligence (AI) may replace the role of the driver or operator. We believe that this is far more feasible for commercial vehicles than passenger vehicles, in part because of the comparatively fixed nature of their routes. Of course, the cargo of trucks and number of passengers on buses may vary, so there are difficulties related to variations in vehicle handling that accompany changes in weight. We will need to raise the level of this technology through simulations, using actual drive data and making AI learn. The human factor will still remain essential because it is people who will be responsible for educating the AI.

Human Element Key to AI Automated driving Technology

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HinoOwners’ Voice


Hino Always Ensures On-Time DeliveryElinar, LLCMr. Yury BorisenkoDirector

Sladkaya Zhizn Plus, LLCMr. Alexander Savinov

Head of Transport

The history of the Elinar group of companies began in 1879. Elinar got its start in the village of Ateptsevo when a merchant named I.I. Aleshin founded a small factory to produce wrapping paper. This plant formed the foundation upon which the Elinar of today was built. With time came development, modernization, and expansion including new plants and subsidiaries in countries around the world. Over 140 years, the company has grown into a large international agro-industrial holding operating in three main areas: industry (electrical products, fiberglass, plastic products, packaging materials), agriculture (poultry, livestock and plant production) and development (the Elinar group of companies is actively developing large-scale projects in the Moscow region, the Kotovo Industrial District, the Rozhdestvo Industrial Park, renting residential and industrial facilities and selling plots of land). At present, the company is developing very dynamically, and the transportation carried out by Elinar LLC, as a member of the Elinar group, is an extremely important element of the group’s activities.

“The company transports broiler meat, which to maintain freshness must be delivered to network logistics centers at the beginning of the day without delay. We simply cannot be late,” says Yury Borisenko, director of Elinar LLC. “Hino trucks are very reliable, and this is

Russia is a vast country that carries on the glory of the Romanov dynasty, which ruled an area from Asia to Europe. Following the end of the nation’s one-party dictatorship, the country continued to grow and develop under a market economy. The nation boasts a land area of 17,098,000 square kilometers that stretches across 11 time zones. The climate in continental Russia is characterized by large temperature differences in summer and winter and during the day and at night. Also, due to the nation’s sprawling territory there are regional differences, and during the severe Siberian winters, the temperature can stay at below minus -20 degrees Celsius for days on end. The nation’s flag is three colors, with the white signifying nobility and frankness, the blue honor and purity, and red love and courage. The flag was revived as the national flag in 1991.

Torgovyi dom VKT, LLCMs. Irina Shchukina, Executive DirectorMr. Vladimir Yablonsky, Chief of Transport Division

A Philosophy Closely Aligned with Hino’s

VKT distributes food products to store chains, big and small. Since 1992, for 27 years, we have been distributing products to retail shops in the districts of Nizhny Novgorod and Privolzhskii Federal. In the past, we used vehicles made in Russia. As the company’s business started to grow, VKT decided to invest in foreign trucks due to their better quality.

“VKT has been purchasing Hino trucks since 2012 and we now have 45 in our fleet,” explains VKT’s Executive Director Irina Shchukina. “Hino’s philosophy fits closely with our ethos emphasizing ‘loyalty, quality, and tradition.’ Our key criteria for selecting vehicles is product quality.’”

“Each truck makes deliveries to around 15 to 20 stores each trip. We are glad to have Hino trucks because they are so comfortable and reliable. It is paramount that our customers receive their food products on time. That is why we place a premium on stability and reliability in vehicle use. Hino trucks hardly ever break down, so there’s no need for additional repairs or extra time in service,” says Ms. Shchukina. “That makes planning work and deliveries easy and enables us to provide a high level of service to customers.”

For VKT, it was very important to use Japan-made trucks. “Russian customers trust Japanese products because of their high quality and durability,” says VKT’s Transport Division Chief Vladimir Yablonsky. “We love Hino’s powerful engines, model design, comfortable cabin, and excellent refrigerated storage.”

VKT also delivers to schools and hospitals that are only accessible via narrow roads including as far as the district of Nizhny Novgorod. The exceptional maneuverability of Hino trucks makes them perfect for this task, according to the company.

Safety is another critical issue for VKT because road conditions are sometimes poor in Russia. “As a company we place great emphasis on the safety of our employees. We find Hino trucks to be very safe for reasons including the disk brakes on the rear axle,” Mr. Yablonsky says. “Safety is one of Hino’s biggest advantages.”

Looking forward, VKT seeks to develop further its business, enhance technology increase sales, and find new customers and delivery channels. “We also plan to replace our old trucks because we want our fleet to stay modern and reliable so we can always deliver our goods without delay. We are committed to ensuring that both ourselves and our partners do not fall behind the times and making it possible to succeed in business.” Ms. Shchukina says. “Moreover, we want to diversify our business and provide outsourcing logistic and warehousing services for large companies. We want to develop our online sales, expand delivery areas, and increase sales destinations.”

Looking to Expand Business with Hino

Sweet Life is a large holding company specializing in the supply of food and beverage products. The company serves 7,000 customers via 3,000 store chains by making 33,000 deliveries each month. The company makes deliveries using light-, medium-, and heavy-duty trucks.

“As a transport company, trucks help us achieve our daily goals. And to provide the best for our customers, we need the best trucks,” Sweet Life Head of Transport Alexander Savinov explains. “Currently, we have 150 HINO300 Series vehicles.”

“Since each truck makes an average of 1.5 rounds per day, comfort and reliability are key. Our drivers are satisfied with Hino trucks because they are a

pleasure to operate,” says Mr. Savinov. “The trucks are also among the most reliable too with no concerns about fuel systems, a common issue in Russia.”

“Hino belonging to the Toyota Group also is an advantage for Sweet Life because Toyota is renowned in Russia for the quality and durability of its products,” Mr. Savinov explains.

Since purchasing its first Hino truck in 2012, Sweet Life has been pleased with the cost of ownership. “Hino trucks offer the best cost performance around, since they cost less to use per kilometer,” says Mr. Savinov. “Moreover, Hino dealers help us find appropriate maintenance depots, which is a real bonus.”

Sweet Life is committed to growing its business by attracting new customers in new markets and regions. “We are quite sure that as we grow so will our truck fleet. We also plan to replace old models, so Hino will be increasingly important for us,” Mr. Savinov says. “We are just waiting for Hino to introduce telematics services to its trucks. We would gladly be the first company to test these,” he says.

Russian Federation

Kremlin Matryoshka

extremely important for us. We now have 26 Hino trucks, each traveling about 300 kilometers daily.”

Partnering with Hino has provided Elinar with reliable vehicles. “Hino trucks practically never break down,” Yury Borisenko says. “Besides this, Hino is a part of the Toyota Group of companies, and Toyota products are known in Russia for their durability and excellent quality, which is very important for us.”

Top management at Elinar places high priority on cutting-edge technologies too. We strive to make possible the production and sale of products that are globally competitive. We’ve stressed using state-of-the-art technology in considering trends in corporate development. We would like to use the best technologies in the world in the field of commercial vehicles, and Hino has them,” says Yury Borisenko. “But beyond that, Hino dealers are very attentive and constantly keep in touch with us, to find out if we have any problems or difficulties. Hino offers exceedingly high-level support if an issues arises with a Hino vehicle. This gives us peace of mind. The dealers are very professional, and we feel that relationships with them are mutually beneficial.”

Moving forward, the company Elinar will continue to develop its business producing meat products. “This means that we will be transporting more volume,” says Yury Borisenko. “However, we must remember that the cost of transport directly affects the price of products. We hope that Hino, as a valuable partner, will be able to help us remain competitive while continuing to provide us with help and support in terms of price and other areas.”

Please refer to the Owners’ Voice content available on Hino’s website.

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HinoOwners’ Voice


Hino Vehicles Have a Reputation for Beautiful Design and Comfort Over Long Distances

NHAT TRUONG VINH GROUPMs. Nguyen Thi Tuyet Le, General Director

One of the member companies:Nhat Truong Vinh Logistic Joint Stock Company

Mr. Truong Quang Van, Director of Transportation

Nhat Truong Vinh Group is known as a leading trader of steel pipes, shaped steel, water accessories, and fire protection products nationwide but in Ho Chi Minh in particular.

As a first-class distribution agent for Maruichi Sun Steel Company, Hoa Phat, SeAh and directly importing steel from overseas, the company diligently monitors the quality of products and, its prices, shipping to the construction site, and customer warehouses.

Diversification of business lines is also a long-term strategy of Nhat Truong Vinh Group, which always takes the initiative in transportation vehicles to best serve customers. With that motto, we have established member companies: Nhat Truong Vinh Logistics Co., Ltd, belonging to Nhat Truong Vinh Group and have

invested in over 30 trucks with crane equipment to facilitate the loading and unloading of goods. For these, our company chooses Hino brand trucks. The advantages of Hino trucks are their spacious interior, smooth operation, and elegant cabin design. In addition, the engine capacity of Hino trucks suits Vietnamese traffic conditions, enabling the convenient and fuel-efficient transport of iron and steel goods while making our business as effective as possible.

We are very satisfied with Hino’s after-sales service and that of Truong Long Dealer, which provides us with warranty and quick support whenever necessary.

With many years of management experience in the field of transport, Director Truong Quang Van, of Nhat Truong Vinh Logistics was very confident that Hino was the right choice. At his suggestions, the Board of Directors decided to invest in Hino trucks. The results attest to Hino’s high quality and efficiency and the rare incidence of failure.

In the future, we hope to continue to enjoy cooperation and support from Hino as well as Truong Long dealer as we continue to use Hino trucks for our transportation.

Vietnam has a long coastline that runs north to south along the South China Sea. The country’s name comes from two Vietnamese words, “viet” meaning “beyond” and “nam” meaning “south,” which literally mean something approximating the “land beyond the south.” Hanoi is the nation’s capital and features a vibrant mix of eastern and western culture. The commercial heart of the nation is Ho Chi Minh, a metropolis teeming with energy and towering skyscrapers. The nation’s climate is tropical and subtropical, with the dry season from January to April the best time of year. The central region, home to the ancient capital of Hue and the international port of Da Nang, tends to have less rain and better weather. The national flag has what is called a gold Venus or star on a red background. The red represents blood shed by warriors in pursuit of revolution, with the yellow star symbolizing the unity of workers, farmers, intellectuals, youths, and soldiers.

Socialist Republic of Vietnam

Ho Chi Minh City is the economic heart of Vietnam

A street vendor selling fresh fruit and vegetables

Saigon Beer TransportationJoint Stock Company

Mr. Nguyen Hoai BacVice President

Some of Our Drivers will Only Drive a Hino

Our company is a transport service partner and supplier for leading domestic and foreign companies in Vietnam. We transport beverages for companies including Coca-Cola Beverages Vietnam, dairy products for Vinamilk, TTC Bien Hoa – Dong Nai Co., Ltd, Frieslandcampina Vietnam Co., Ltd, Uniben Joint Stock Company, Heineken Vietnam Brewery Co., Ltd., etc., and many other prominent brands with echoes in the marketplace. Currently, we operate a fleet of 111 Hino trucks out of a total of 387 vehicles.

The reason our company chooses to use Hino vehicles is because we want to sign long-term transportation contracts with major companies under optimal conditions. Although Hino vehicles are comparatively costly to introduce and that impacts our transport expenses, but our current customers have been

willing to accept these conditions. The reason is that these customers hold the Hino brand in such high regard. Hino vehicles are safe and durable, even during intense weather conditions and over long distances. I believe that with Hino, we can safely transport our cargo while maintaining its quality and arrive on time. Our drivers have immense trust in our Hino trucks. “Being able to drive a Hino is one of the aspirations of so many drivers, so Van Cong Thanh has been striving to convert all our trucks into 100% Hino trucks.”

We intend to continue to enhance our corporate value by using Hino vehicles to further improve our company’s high-quality and customer-oriented service. By using Hino trucks, I believe that we can appeal to our customers and general consumers by offering high-quality transport for high-quality cargo. I continue to have high expectations for Hino in the future as well.

Hino Has Helped to Enhance Our Brand

We transport Saigon Beer, which has 40% share of the beer market in Vietnam. Established more than 90 years ago, the company is headquartered in Ho Chi Minh and has three branches in the country. We deliver Saigon Beer from 26 plants to 63 provinces around Vietnam.

Previously, we used trucks made in China, France, the U.S., Russia and elsewhere, but since 2014 we have been using Hino vehicles. Today we own 80 of them. There are two key reasons we opted to go with Hino vehicles. First, market demand for our beverages skyrocketed on to the heels of rapid economic growth from 2014 to 2015. We needed new trucks, but we also wanted to go with a brand of vehicle that would improve our corporate value. In Vietnam, Japanese brands are held in high esteem for their reliability.

Introducing Hino vehicles to our fleet helped to enhance our brand image. In addition, new regulations on overloading that took effect in 2015 drove us to focus on Hino trucks for their durability, economy, and high quality. I believe that if you compare Hino trucks against other brands, you’ll find it is the best-made Japanese truck. I believe this validates the trust we place in the brand.

We greatly appreciate Hino’s high-quality after-sales service. We really can’t comment on Hino’s repair service because, although we’ve been operating Hino trucks for four years, we haven’t had a single breakdown, so we haven’t had to take them in for repairs. This is proof of Hino’s high quality. Currently, the aspect of Hino that we most value is the driver training, which the truck operators are eager to take. They take great pride in being able to operate Hino trucks that are always in good condition, safe, and get great fuel economy.

Van Cong Thanh Transportation-Trading-Services Co., LtdMs. Phan Thi Ngoc ThanhDirector

Please refer to the Owners’ Voice content available on Hino’s website.

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“Honestly, at first I didn’t have any confidence. When I was a student at Hino Technical Skills Academy, my abilities didn’t particularly stand out compared with my 10 classmates in the machining course. Being selected to compete in the National Skills Competition was a surprise that made me both nervous and at the same time I was also interested in competing. Now, several months later, I really feel that my way of thinking and how I see things has evolved, and my technical skill level has also improved. I think I’m at the point where I can compete in the National Skills Competition where people gather to see who is the best in Japan at what we do.”

Asked what he feels is most important when it comes to monozukuri (manufacturing), Mr. Yagi says the sum total on-site skills, teamwork and ability to work in spurts. He also explains that these are the strengths of Hino Motors. He adds that monozukuri is about more than making something or even giving shape to something that did not exist, but rather it is about craftsmen putting their souls into making products. Even as automation makes advances in machinery, he remains convinced that the human touch is key.

Mr. Yagi is currently working to train and lead the next generation. In particular, he is focusing his energies on training individuals to compete in the National Skills Competition, an annual event in which individuals aged 23 and under vie for the title of being the top in Japan in a specific skillset. Good results at the national competition can qualify a competitor to compete in the WorldSkills Competition held once every two years. Competitors include young employees at companies as well

students from high schools, universities, and vocational schools.

Although Hino has participated in the skills competition in the past, it stepped up its activities in 2018 as one component of a human resources development initiative. This is supported by two key pillars: generating human resources to serve as models for young employees and training technicians/individuals with outstanding skills. Currently, two promising 19-year-olds have been selected for this initiative. Under the guidance of teachers including Mr. Yagi, the competitors refine their skills, acquire additional knowledge and strive to improve daily.

Hino’s Meister

* The Award for Outstandingly Skilled Workers was established in 1967 for workers with exceptional skill who are leading experts in their fields. The objective of the award is twofold: to serve as a goal for craftsmen as well as young people aspiring to work as craftsman and to also raise the profile of skilled work and skill standards.

Hino Technical Skills Academy: An institution operated by Hino Motors that accepts junior high school graduates for three years of in-house training. After finishing at the academy, graduates are assigned to departments at Hino Motors working primarily in manufacturing.

In his four-decade career at Hino Motors Mr. Masashi Yagi has continued to develop his skills as a machinist specializing in grinding work. With his five senses finely honed by years of experience, he machines with 0.001-millimeter precision. This is part of the reason that he was recognized as a contemporary master craftsman, receiving in 2015 the Award for Outstandingly Skilled Workers from the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare.* He is quite literally a “Hino meister.” He spoke about receiving the award with characteristic modesty, saying he had a complicated mix of feelings when he received the award and wasn’t sure that he deserved it. He says that he wanted to pay tribute to his predecessors, who helped taught him what he knows, and adds that he felt as if he was accepting the award on their behalf.

Born in Kanagawa Prefecture, Mr. Yagi joined Hino Motors out of high school. From his second year in the company he was assigned to a workplace dedicated to machining work and had to learn various skills from scratch. When asked what motivated him to focus in particular on mastering the skill of precision grinding he answers simply “the interplay with the steel.” He explains that in machining, his five senses and intuition are key and when it comes to the finishing touches his powers of concentration, attention to sound, sparks, and the smell of the process are crucial.

Despite the prestige associated with the Award for Outstandingly Skilled Workers from the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, there is an accolade that he has received that is even closer to his heart. He received the award in 2003 from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. He received the award for his idea to numerically quantify the intuitive processes of machinists. He improved operations by devising a jig that would allow both veteran and beginning workers to achieve the same precision work in the same amount of time. Mr. Yagi says that seeing his idea forged into shape through teamwork and praised for its success was something that made him both extremely happy and proud.

Monozukuri: Craftsmen Putting their Souls into Products

Fumiya Sugimoto

At Hino Technical Skills Academy, Vice Principal Touji Nakajima (left) and Mr. Yagi work together to preparing two competitors to compete in the National Skills Competition.

Natsuki Masuda

Masashi YagiMaster, Global Human Resources Development Division,Hino Motors, Ltd.

Fumiya SugimotoMaterial Engineering Division

Natsuki MasudaTool & Die Production Engineering Division

“Mr. Yagi speaks to us in a direct and friendly way when we are working and asks how we are doing. I think we are lucky to have such an excellent teacher. I really get the sense that he is working hard to train us. I’ll continue to value each day as I do my best to be able to qualify to take part in the National Skills Competition. After that, I plan to return to Hino and put the skills that I’ve learned to work.”

National Skills Competition Participant

Medal and certificate received in recognition of the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Award

Outstandingly Skilled Worker Award plaque and certificate

Photo of Mr. Yagi at the awards ceremony for Outstanding Skilled Worker

Please refer to the Hino’s Meister content available on Hino’s website for more information.

Asked about his expectations for the pair, he says, “Both of them have steadily improved their skills, but they haven’t reached the level where they can go head to head with competitors from around the world.” He adds with enthusiasm, “I want to improve their performance over the next year and a half to two years so that they can go compete on the global stage.”

As the interview concluded, Mr. Yagi articulated his ideal vision for Hino Motors.

“I’d like to see Hino make people-friendly trucks and buses, and the company be good to all of the people who work to bring Hino vehicles to the world.”

Special Feature: Safety Technology in Hino VehiclesInterview with Executive Technical Adviser Keiichi Kitazawa

What does the future holdfor commercial trucks?


10th Straight Victoryin the Under 10-litre Class at the Dakar Rally 2019

HINO TEAM SUGAWARA fielded two HINO500 Series trucks at the Dakar Rally 2019 held in Peru from January 6 to 17. In the trucks category, Teruhito Sugawara coupled his driving skills and wealth of Rally racing experience with the maneu-verability the medium-duty HINO500 Series to pilot Car 2 to ninth overall and a record 10th consecutive victory in the Under 10-litre Class.

English only

Established in 1950, the

Hino Red Dolphins rugby club is the flagship sports team of Hino Motors. The team plays in Japan’s top league and is actively supported by the city of Hino.

Hino’s Global website has been updated and there is a corner where lucky site visitors can win a present. Please have a look!

Printed in Japan in 2019

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Hino Motors, Ltd.3-1-1, Hino-dai, Hino-shi, Tokyo, 191-8660, Japan

Issue 034 EG

A Global Brand for All Customers

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