
    Term 1bLe mot de la directrice/ A Word From the Head

    Chers parentsEn cette fin d’année 2020, je souhaite vous exprimer, au nom de l’ensemble du

    personnel de l’EIFA, nos remerciements pour votre soutien et votre collaboration tout

    au long de cette période si particulière. Rien ne nous avait préparés à affronter une

    pandémie qui nous a isolés pendant de longs mois et qui nous oblige encore à la plus

    grande vigilance. Nous mettrons tout en oeuvre pour continuer à offrir à nos élèves un

    environnement protégé pour qu’ils continuent à apprendre et à s’épanouir entourés de

    leurs camarades

    La Newsletter de ce demi-trimestre vous fera revivre la vie de l’établissement, riche de

    projets, d’apprentissages nouveaux et de sourires partagés.

    Nous vous souhaitons de passer de belles fêtes de fin d’année

    Bien cordialement

    Madame Zurbach

    Dear Parents,As 2020 draws to a close, I would like to thank you on behalf of all of EIFA’s staff for

    your support and cooperation throughout this unusual period. Nothing could have

    prepared us for a pandemic that would leave us isolated for several long months and

    which still requires us to remain vigilant. For many children school remains the only

    place where they can enjoy a social life under the watchful eye of their teachers and

    other staff who are striving to create a safe space where the children can continue

    learning alongside their friends.

    This Newsletter for the second half of the term allows us to share some of these

    moments – full of learning, school events and shared laughter.

    With Season’s Greetings and wishes for a Happy New Year

    Kind regards

    Madame Zurbach

  • CM1 / Year 5

    Year 5 pupils have been reading Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl. They will be writing about the

    chocolate process from tree to bar. Obviously, they needed to research by doing some tasting of different types of

    chocolate from 100% pure cocoa solids to vanilla flavoured white chocolate.

    Les élèves de CM1 ont créé un mur des compliments pour célébrer

    la journée internationale de la tolérance.

    Chaque fin de semaine, ils prennent le temps d’écrire un mot gentil

    à un des membres de la classe, qu’ils glissent ensuite dans les jolies

    enveloppes ci-dessus.

    Skye Felson

    Dylan Jocky

    Oscar Maisant

    Dan Susskind

    Qaher Nusseibeh

    Black = No Photos AllowedBlue = unconfirmed

  • MS/ ReceptionPendant cette période, les MS ont adoré prendre

    part aux différentes activités autour des transports.

    Montgolfières, hélicoptères, avions.. Nous avons

    failli nous envoler !!

    Freya Anderson

    Sienna Basilisco

    Sophie Bolelaya

    Alexandre Fages-Caram

    Zane Pappoulas

    Armand Fages-Caram

    Anita Imberger

    Paul-Emile Jalbaud

    Noemie Nefussi

    Emma Susskind

    Black = No Photos AllowedBlue = unconfirmed

    Les MS ont aussi commencé à

    écrire leurs premières phrases.

    We enjoyed our outdoor

    learning sessions at Regent’s

    Park, focused on our transport


  • CE2 /Year 4

    We have been learning about

    Prehistory! Some of our students

    brought fossils to share with the class

    and we have been making our own

    cave paintings to retell prehistoric


    Year 4 have really taken to our

    learning surrounding ‘Our Planet’.

    We are preparing to engage in a

    project with other schools around

    the world, creating our own

    posters to raise awareness. There

    has even been talk of putting into

    place a ‘Nature Club’ and some of

    our students have designed board

    games encouraging discussion

    around the theme.

    Chloé Fardad

    Ethan Nefussi

    Scarlett Nguyen-Weller

    Black = No Photos AllowedBlue = unconfirmed

    We have been sharing our

    different ways of solving

    mathematical problems and going

    for maths challenges!

    Dans le cadre du cours de questionner

    le monde, les élèves de CE2 ont

    effectué une recherche sur un pays.

  • PS/Nursery

    We have had a great term and have learnt lots of new skills!

    This term we learned about People Who Help Us and looked at how festivals are celebrated around the world

    Georgiana Nguyen-Weller

    Clovis Claoue De Gohr

    Oscar Peter

    Olivia Ropers Parramon

    Black = No Photos AllowedBlue = unconfirmed

    The police and road safety!

    Firemen rolling out the hoses!

    The doctor listening to a

    patient’s chest.

    We discussed what we are thankful for at Thanksgiving


    I can write my name using

    movable letters

    I know how to hold my pen

    I’ve improved my cutting skills!

  • CM2/Year 6

    In Maths, we have been

    focussing on problem solving

    and reasoning about

    perimeter and fractions

    through collaborative work.

    Waverley Hegland

    Noa Elash

    Angélique Gravel Kostava

    Chloé Sorrentino-Assimon

    Victoria Kim Foubert

    Iris Maisant

    Black = No Photos AllowedBlue = unconfirmed

    Year 6 have been enjoying a cross-curricular study of the Industrial Revolution and the Victorian Era. They have read and analysed

    Charles Dickens’ Oliver Twist and are currently reading his famous novella A Christmas Carol, after which they will watch a theatrical

    production, live-streamed from the Old Vic theatre.

    Lettre à un professeur qui a marqué votre scolarité.

  • Year 3 had a fantastic time

    writing their spelling words into sentences!

    Les élèves de CE1 partent à

    l’aventure en voyageant avec


    Les CE1 travaillent sur les 7 familles d’aliments.

    Arthur Meyer

    Nathan Byrne

    Gustave Harris

    Louise Le Cam

    Pol Ropers Parramon

    Adele Vaillancourt

    Black = No Photos AllowedBlue = unconfirmed

    CE1 /Year 3

  • CP/Year 2

    On the 16th November, pupils in Year 2 took part in Tolerance Day. The

    children created posters conveying how tolerance is demonstrated within

    year 2. We play with everyone, help each other and practise sports as a team.

    During Road Safety Week, pupils in Year 2 reviewed how to cross the

    road safely. They explored road hazards by classifying road situations

    into categories which are safe and those that are unsafe.

    Eliott Elash

    Avesta-Reza Noory

    David Suryanarayanan

    Black = No Photos AllowedBlue = unconfirmed

  • During outdoor learning, the Y1 children counted more than 35

    traffic lights on their short walk between the school and

    Crescent Park. They also had to spot the different road signs

    and try to understand their meaning.

    This half-term, we talked about road safety in Year 1. We had

    many discussions about how we can keep safe when walking,

    crossing the road and riding our bikes or scooter.

    GS/ Year 1

    Alix Cohen

    Victor Delamare

    Penelope Maag-Carteau

    Alexandre Gravel Kostava

    Marcel Masciaro

    Ottilie Nackers-Thomson

    Black = No Photos AllowedBlue = unconfirmed

    The children also learned about Garrett Morgan, the inventor

    of the traffic lights. From there came the idea of creating sets

    of traffic lights for the school to remind everyone to slow down

    and stop when walking around!!

  • Little EIFAWe had a very busy term at little EIFA. The children learnt all

    about road safety and explored their favourite rhymes for

    nursery rhyme week.

    We have also started

    our topic of the

    month - winter


    Arnold Fedun

    Celeste Maag-Carteau

    Alexander Marshall

    Constance Suryanarayanan

    Sonnet Eloise Trueman-Rowold

    Bodhi Diana

    Rose Mehdi Gentet

    Black = No Photos AllowedBlue = unconfirmed

    We loved role

    playing at the

    nursery rhyme


    Road safety


  • EAL and FLE

    Ameen donne quelques

    instructions en français à

    Ilaria Biancamano. Le

    message est passé 5 sur 5.

    Nos élèves de FLE en 5ème ont présenté une oeuvre littéraire de leur choix

    Please see individual primary class pages or

    excel document to check photo permissions.

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    Year 7 celebrating their achievements

    - first diploma for online language learning

  • The Arts (Art & Drama) Art

    Please see individual primary class pages or

    excel document to check photo permissions.

    Check No Photos Allowed Here are some of the beautiful art displays that our students have

    produced this term.

    DramaWorking on characters in preparation for our June performances.

  • In Year 5 we have been learning how to play a Christmas melody on the ukulele and have also sung a Hanukkah song.

    In Year 6 we spent the last lessons learning to sing the beautiful song “Somewhere Only We Know”

    In Year 3 and 4 we are learning how to read music and play

    festive melodies on the glockenspiel.


    Please see individual primary class pages or

    excel document to check photo permissions.

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    The Arts (Music)

  • College/ Senior SchoolFrench

    Il était une fois, dans un collège merveilleux… les élèves de 6ème lisaient de nombreux contes. Afin de transmettre leur savoir et la sagesse qu’ils avaient acquise, ils firent apparaître des panneaux magiques en unissant leurs forces.

    2nde/Yr 11Liam Menard

    3eme/Yr 10Mah Nilla Noory

    5eme/Y8Matan Susskind

    6eme/Yr 7Natasha Byrne Rebecca ByrneAramis Claoue

    Hannah Nefussi

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    Les élèves participent à

    un projet culturel

    impliquant des classes du CM1 à la

    3ème venant des quatre continents.

    “La Foire des sens” est un recueil de poèmes aux formes diverses rassemblant les créations d’Alivia, Liam, Mathias et Noé.

    Chaque poète associe un sens et une émotion avec créativité et lyrisme.

    Les philosophes en herbe de Y9 ont créé des dessins d’idées répondant à la question: “Qu’est-ce que philosopher?”

    Prochaine mission à suivre…

  • College/ Senior SchoolOur students have been participating in some experiments

    exploring osmosis under the microscope. The red onion cells made

    it very easy to observe movement of water outside of cells.


    2nde/Yr 11Liam Menard

    3eme/Yr 10Mah Nilla Noory

    5eme/Y8Matan Susskind

    6eme/Yr 7Natasha Byrne Rebecca ByrneAramis Claoue

    Hannah Nefussi

    Check No Photos Allowed, see below:

    Les sixièmes ont recréé des cellules en classe de SVT. Ils ont su être très créatifs!

    Our iGCSE students carrying out a half life activity [Radioactivity] using interlocking cubes

  • College/ Senior School

    GermanLes élèves germanistes ont fêté Saint Martin, personnage célébré en

    Allemagne, le 11 novembre.

    2nde/Yr 11Liam Menard

    3eme/Yr 10Mah Nilla Noory

    5eme/Y8Matan Susskind

    6eme/Yr 7Natasha Byrne Rebecca ByrneAramis Claoue

    Hannah Nefussi

    Check No Photos Allowed, see below:

    Les plus jeunes ont construit des lampions (“Laterne”) et appris la

    chanson “Ich geh’ mit meiner Laterne”.

    Les élèves de Y9 ont créé des affiches pour présenter la légende du Saint allemand.

    Mathias et Alivia ont produit un film de 2min30 dans la langue de Goethe

    expliquant les origines de la légende du soldat devenu évêque. (sous-titre français)

  • College/ Senior School


    Les Olympiens ? De vrais “people” !Nos journalistes de 4ème ont reçu sur le plateau de leur

    émission télévisée deux dieux de l’Olympe : Vénus et Apollon ! Pendant ces interviews exclusives, les divinités

    se sont présentées en latin et ont parlé de leurs passions. Noor et Alexandra leur ont également

    demandé de raconter une aventure exaltante ou une anecdote à leur sujet : Oscar a narré son combat contre le serpent maléfique Python tandis qu’Olivia a évoqué

    Jules César. Valete!

    2nde/Yr 11Liam Menard

    3eme/Yr 10Mah Nilla Noory

    5eme/Y8Matan Susskind

    6eme/Yr 7Natasha Byrne Rebecca ByrneAramis Claoue

    Hannah Nefussi

    Check No Photos Allowed, see below:

  • College/ Senior School

    2nde/Yr 11Liam Menard

    3eme/Yr 10Mah Nilla Noory

    5eme/Y8Matan Susskind

    6eme/Yr 7Natasha Byrne Rebecca ByrneAramis Claoue

    Hannah Nefussi

    Check No Photos Allowed, see below: Maths

    Functions work by Carine S, IB DP


    IB DP Mathematics work by Carine S; using software to analyse functions

    Series definition of Euler’s Number the

    function e^x by Matan and Noe: Mathematics Enrichment Lessons

    Additional Mathematics Lesson (Noe,

    Liam, Mathias and Olivia)

    Year 7 exploring Modular Arithmetic in Enrichment Lesson

  • College/ Senior School

    7B focused on their reading (we’re studying “Journey to the

    River Sea” by Eva Ibbotson) on a chilly December afternoon.

    The IGCSE English class have begun to use the new

    management system for accessing and uploading


    2nde/Yr 11Liam Menard

    3eme/Yr 10Mah Nilla Noory

    5eme/Y8Matan Susskind

    6eme/Yr 7Natasha Byrne Rebecca ByrneAramis Claoue

    Hannah Nefussi

    Check No Photos Allowed, see below:


    MusicIn Year 9 we have been learning how to compose our own melody using the pentatonic scale on the ukulele!

    Year 8 playing the melody of O’ Christmas Tree on the ukuleles!

  • Spanish2nde/Yr 11

    Liam Menard

    3eme/Yr 10Mah Nilla Noory

    5eme/Y8Matan Susskind

    6eme/Yr 7Natasha Byrne Rebecca ByrneAramis Claoue

    Hannah Nefussi

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    College/ Senior School

    Welcome to our Spanish class!

    Here are some of the new posters from our ETwinning project.

  • Sport

    Courir en franchissant des obstacles en CP

    Ultimate frisbeeen CM2

    PS took part in an obstacle


  • Events at EIFA

    iGCSEOur iGCSE students were congratulated

    for their fantastic work by Mme Zurbach and Mr Kuhn.

    Please see individual primary class pages and secondary list below for

    no photos allowed:

    2nde/Yr 11Liam Menard

    3eme/Yr 10Mah Nilla Noory

    5eme/Y8Matan Susskind

    6eme/Yr 7Natasha Byrne Rebecca ByrneAramis Claoue

    Hannah Nefussi

    Virtual Internet Safety Assembly November was Internet Safety Month at EIFA! Our students from Y3-Y6 were able to engage with a virtual assembly by the team behind Internet Legends!

    Road Safety Week

    GS participated in the event ‘ Wear your stripes’ as part of Road Safety week, which took place between 16th-22nd November. See the following website for more details:

    Pour la première fois, huit de nos élèves du collège ont passé l'examen DELF (diplôme d’

    étude en langue française) ce trimestre. Nous leur souhaitons bonne chance!


  • Web Radio

    Nos élèves de 4ème et de 5ème ont réalisé deux émissions de webradio. De l’écriture des textes aux aspects

    techniques liés à l’enregistrement, ils ont pris en charge la majeure partie du travail. Nos journalistes en herbe ont

    exploré des thèmes tels que la Bretagne, les cristaux et ont évoqué le parcours du mathématicien Ramanujan.

    La prochaine émission sera une édition spéciale menée par les enseignants.

  • Christmas Jumper Day

  • TéléthonPlease see individual

    primary class pages and secondary list below for

    no photos allowed:

    2nde/Yr 11Liam Menard

    3eme/Yr 10Mah Nilla Noory

    5eme/Y8Matan Susskind

    6eme/Yr 7Natasha Byrne Rebecca ByrneAramis Claoue

    Hannah Nefussi

    For the 6th year in a row, EIFA took part in the Telethon. The Telethon was founded in France in 1987 and in 1949 in the United

    States. Each year, everywhere in France and around the world hundreds of events are organised to raise money to support the people suffering from a genetic disorder. These diseases are very often aggressive and disabling. This money is also used to finance

    research and to support the patients and their families.

    Tous les élèves de l’école ont pu déguster des crêpes. Merci à tous les cuisiniers !

  • Téléthon

    In PE, students took the opportunity to engage with sporting challenges; on Friday, December 4, students in Duchess House took turns skipping all day.

    Le Vendredi 4 décembre a eu lieu une assemblée lors de laquelle les élèves de IGCSE ont expliqué le rôle du Généthon, laboratoire dédié à la recherche génétique qui fête ses trente ans cette année.Nous avons créé un planisphère du coeur avec toutes les photos envoyées par les familles.Enfin, une grande rétrospective de notre engagement pour le Téléthon est visible sur le site de l’école :



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