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report zReport1.tables: lfa1.

*Pantalla de Selecciónparameters: c1 like lfa1-lifnr.

*Inicio del programastart-of-selection.

select single * from lfa1 where lifnr eq c1.end-of-selection.

write: lfa1-lifnr, lfa1-name1.

initialization.c1 = '1001'.

report zReport2.tables: kna1.types: begin of it1_kna1,* INCLUDE STRUCTURE KNA1. zcliente type kna1-kunnr, land1 type kna1-land1, zname type kna1-name1, ort01 type kna1-ort01, end of it_kna1 type standard table of it1_kna1 with header wa_kna1 type cod_cli like kna1-kunnr.

parameters: p_cod like kna1-kunnr.


cod_cli = 'deudor07'.

perform buscar_ultimo_cliente using cod_cli.*PERFORM asignar_cliente.

*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**& Form BUSCAR_ULTIMO_CLIENTE*&---------------------------------------------------------------------** text*----------------------------------------------------------------------** --> p1 text* <-- p2 text*----------------------------------------------------------------------*form buscar_ultimo_cliente using p_codigo like kna1-kunnr.

clear: it_kna1. refresh: it_kna1. clear wa_kna1.

select kunnr land1 name1 ort01 into table it_kna1 from kna1 where kunnr = p_cod.

loop at it_kna1 into wa_kna1.

if sy-subrc = 0.

write:/5 wa_kna1-zcliente, "kunnr, 20 wa_kna1-zname.

write:/ 'cliente encontrado'. else. write: 'no cliente encontrado'. endif.

endloop.endform. " BUSCAR_ULTIMO_CLIENTE

*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**& Report YREPORTE4EMM*&*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**&

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report no standard page heading line-size 121 line-count (5) message-id zcurso99.

tables: spfli, sflight, s_carrid for sflight-carrid, s_connid for sflight-connid, s_cdfrom for spfli-cityfrom, s_cdto for spfli-cityto.

data: begin of it_hdr occurs 0, carrid type sflight-carrid, carrname type scarr-carrname, connid type sflight-connid, cityfrom type spfli-cityfrom, airpfrom type spfli-airpfrom, cityto type spfli-cityto, airpto type spfli-airpto, end of it_hdr.

data: begin of it_dtl occurs 0, fldate type sflight-fldate, seatsmax type sflight-seatsmax, connid type sflight-connid, seatsocc type sflight-seatsocc, price type sflight-price, prec_tot type p decimals 2, por_seats type p decimals 2, end of it_dtl.

data: wa_hdr like it_hdr, wa_dtl like it_dtl.


select distinct b~carrid b~carrname a~connid c~cityfrom c~airpfrom c~cityto c~airpto into table it_hdr

from sflight as a inner join scarr as b on a~carrid = b~carrid inner join spfli as c on c~carrid = b~carrid and a~connid = c~connid where a~carrid in s_carrid and a~connid in s_connid and c~cityfrom in s_cdfrom and c~cityto in s_cdto.

sort it_hdr descending by carrid.

format color 4.

if sy-subrc eq 0. message i003.

loop at it_hdr into wa_hdr. write:/ '|',wa_hdr-carrid,' |', wa_hdr-carrname,'|', wa_hdr-connid,' |',

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wa_hdr-cityfrom,'|', wa_hdr-airpfrom,' |', wa_hdr-cityto,'|', wa_hdr-airpto,' |'.

hide: wa_hdr-carrname, wa_hdr-connid, wa_hdr-connid.

uline at (108). endloop.

else. message i004. endif.

at line-selection. if sy-lsind = 1 and sy-curow > 3. select fldate seatsmax connid seatsocc price from sflight into table it_dtl where connid = wa_hdr-connid.

loop at it_dtl into wa_dtl.

wa_dtl-por_seats = wa_dtl-seatsocc * 100 / wa_dtl-seatsmax.

wa_dtl-prec_tot = wa_dtl-price * wa_dtl-seatsocc. format color 2. write:/ '|',wa_dtl-fldate,' |', wa_dtl-seatsmax,'|', wa_dtl-seatsocc,'|', wa_dtl-prec_tot,'|', wa_dtl-por_seats,'|'.

uline at (82). endloop.


top-of-page. uline. format color 3. write: '|',5 'Id ','|', 17 'Nombre',' |', 34 '#Vuelo ',' |', 53 'CdFrom',' |', 70 'AiFrom','|', 87 'CdTo',' |', 103'AiTo','|'.

uline at (108).

top-of-page during line-selection. format color 1. uline at (82). write:/ '| ', text-001, ' |'. write:/ '|' , (11) 'Aerolínea:', wa_hdr-carrname, (40) ' No.vuelo:',wa_hdr-connid, '|'.

uline . format color 4 .

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write: '| ',6 'fecha',' |', 19 'Max.Asi',' |', 32 'Asi.Occ',' |', 51 'Totales',' |', 68 'Porcentaje',' |'.

uline at (82).

*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**& Report YREPORTEEMM*&*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**& Nombre: Enrique Moreno*& Fecha: 07-Dic-2011*& Descripción: Prueba de Reporte GICSA*&---------------------------------------------------------------------*

report yreporteemm.tables: trdir.

selection-screen begin of block uno with frame title text-001.parameters: r_opt01 radiobutton group rad1, r_opt02 radiobutton group rad1, r_opt03 radiobutton group rad1, r_opt04 radiobutton group rad1.

selection-screen skip.

parameters: p_opt01 radiobutton group rad2 user-command aaa, p_opt02 radiobutton group rad2, p_opt03 radiobutton group rad2, p_opt04 radiobutton group rad2.selection-screen end of block uno.

selection-screen begin of block dos with frame title s_opt1 for trdir-cnam, s_opt22 for trdir-cnam, s_opt333 for trdir-cnam, s_opt444 for trdir-cnam.

selection-screen end of block dos.

at selection-screen output.

loop at screen.*----- Option 1 if r_opt01 = 'X'. if screen-name cs 'S_OPT1'. screen-invisible = '0'. screen-input = '1'. elseif screen-name cs 'S_OPT22' or screen-name cs 'S_OPT333' or screen-name cs 'S_OPT444'.

screen-invisible = '1'. screen-input = '0'. endif.

*----- Option 2 elseif p_opt02 = 'X'. if screen-name cs 'S_OPT22'. screen-invisible = '0'. screen-input = '1'. elseif screen-name cs 'S_OPT1' or screen-name cs 'S_OPT333' or screen-name cs 'S_OPT444'.

screen-invisible = '1'. screen-input = '0'.

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*----- Option 3 elseif p_opt03 = 'X'. if screen-name cs 'S_OPT333'. screen-invisible = '0'. screen-input = '1'. elseif screen-name cs 'S_OPT1' or screen-name cs 'S_OPT22' or screen-name cs 'S_OPT444'.

screen-invisible = '1'. screen-input = '0'. endif.

*----- Option 4 elseif p_opt04 = 'X'. if screen-name cs 'S_OPT444'. screen-invisible = '0'. screen-input = '1'. elseif screen-name cs 'S_OPT1' or screen-name cs 'S_OPT22' or screen-name cs 'S_OPT333'.

screen-invisible = '1'. screen-input = '0'. endif. endif. modify screen. endloop.

*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**& Report YREPORTE_ALV_EMM*&*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**&*&*&---------------------------------------------------------------------*

report yreporte_alv_emm.


tables: scarr.

type-pools: slis. "ALV Declarations*Data Declarationtypes: begin of t_scarr, mandt type scarr-mandt, carrid type scarr-carrid, carrname type scarr-carrname, currcode type scarr-currcode, url type scarr-url, end of t_scarr.

data: it_scarr type standard table of t_scarr initial size 0, wa_scarr type t_scarr.

*ALV data declarationsdata: fieldcatalog type slis_t_fieldcat_alv with header line, gd_tab_group type slis_t_sp_group_alv, gd_layout type slis_layout_alv, gd_repid like sy-repid.


perform data_retrieval.

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perform build_fieldcatalog.perform build_layout.perform display_alv_report.

*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**& Form BUILD_FIELDCATALOG*&---------------------------------------------------------------------** Build Fieldcatalog for ALV Report*----------------------------------------------------------------------*form build_fieldcatalog.

fieldcatalog-fieldname = 'MANDT'. fieldcatalog-seltext_m = 'Purchase Order'. fieldcatalog-col_pos = 0. fieldcatalog-outputlen = 10. fieldcatalog-emphasize = 'X'. fieldcatalog-key = 'X'. fieldcatalog-do_sum = 'X'. fieldcatalog-no_zero = 'X'. append fieldcatalog to fieldcatalog. clear fieldcatalog.

fieldcatalog-fieldname = 'CARRID'. fieldcatalog-seltext_m = 'PO Item'. fieldcatalog-col_pos = 1. append fieldcatalog to fieldcatalog. clear fieldcatalog.

fieldcatalog-fieldname = 'CARRNAME'. fieldcatalog-seltext_m = 'Status'. fieldcatalog-col_pos = 2. append fieldcatalog to fieldcatalog. clear fieldcatalog.

fieldcatalog-fieldname = 'CURRCODE'. fieldcatalog-seltext_m = 'Item change date'. fieldcatalog-col_pos = 3. append fieldcatalog to fieldcatalog. clear fieldcatalog.

fieldcatalog-fieldname = 'URL'. fieldcatalog-seltext_m = 'Material Number'. fieldcatalog-col_pos = 4. append fieldcatalog to fieldcatalog. clear fieldcatalog.endform. " BUILD_FIELDCATALOG

*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**& Form BUILD_LAYOUT*&---------------------------------------------------------------------** Build layout for ALV grid report*----------------------------------------------------------------------*form build_layout. gd_layout-no_input = 'X'. gd_layout-colwidth_optimize = 'X'. gd_layout-totals_text = 'Totals'(201). gd_layout-totals_only = 'X'. gd_layout-f2code = 'DISP'. "Sets fcode for when double "click(press f2) gd_layout-zebra = 'X'. gd_layout-group_change_edit = 'X'. gd_layout-header_text = 'helllllo'.endform. " BUILD_LAYOUT

*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**& Form DISPLAY_ALV_REPORT

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*&---------------------------------------------------------------------** Display report using ALV grid*----------------------------------------------------------------------*form display_alv_report. gd_repid = sy-repid. call function 'REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY' exporting i_callback_program = gd_repid i_callback_top_of_page = 'TOP-OF-PAGE' "see FORM i_callback_user_command = 'USER_COMMAND'* i_grid_title = outtext is_layout = gd_layout it_fieldcat = fieldcatalog[]* it_special_groups = gd_tabgroup* IT_EVENTS = GT_XEVENTS i_save = 'X'* is_variant = z_template

tables t_outtab = it_scarr exceptions program_error = 1 others = 2. if sy-subrc <> 0. message id sy-msgid type sy-msgty number sy-msgno with sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4. endif.endform. " DISPLAY_ALV_REPORT

*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**& Form DATA_RETRIEVAL*&---------------------------------------------------------------------** Retrieve data form EKPO table and populate itab it_ekko*----------------------------------------------------------------------*form data_retrieval.

select mandt carrid carrname currcode url up to 20 rows from scarr into table it_scarr.endform. " DATA_RETRIEVAL

*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**& Module Pool Y_MODULEPOOL_EMM*&*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**&*&*&---------------------------------------------------------------------*

program y_modulepool_emm.

tables: usr21, adrp.*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**& Module USER_COMMAND_9000 INPUT*&---------------------------------------------------------------------** text*----------------------------------------------------------------------*module user_command_9000 input.

case sy-ucomm.*Abandona la Dynpro actual when 'SALIR'. set screen 0. leave screen.

when 'BUSCAR'. select single * from usr21 where bname = usr21-bname.

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if sy-subrc = 0. select single * from adrp where persnumber = usr21-persnumber.

if sy-subrc ne 0. adrp-name_text = 'El usuario no existe'. endif. else. adrp-name_text = 'El usuario no existe'. endif.endcase.

endmodule. " USER_COMMAND_9000 INPUT

*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**& Report ZALV_GRID*&*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**&*&*&---------------------------------------------------------------------*

report zalv_grid.

tables: ekko.

type-pools: slis. "ALV Declarations*Data Declaration*----------------types: begin of t_ekko, ebeln type ekpo-ebeln, ebelp type ekpo-ebelp, statu type ekpo-statu, aedat type ekpo-aedat, matnr type ekpo-matnr, menge type ekpo-menge, meins type ekpo-meins, netpr type ekpo-netpr, peinh type ekpo-peinh, end of t_ekko.

data: it_ekko type standard table of t_ekko initial size 0, wa_ekko type t_ekko.

*ALV data declarationsdata: fieldcatalog type slis_t_fieldcat_alv with header line, gd_tab_group type slis_t_sp_group_alv, gd_layout type slis_layout_alv, gd_repid like sy-repid, gt_events type slis_t_event, gd_prntparams type slis_print_alv.


perform data_retrieval.perform build_fieldcatalog.perform build_layout.perform build_events.perform build_print_params.perform display_alv_report.

*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**& Form BUILD_FIELDCATALOG*&---------------------------------------------------------------------*

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* Build Fieldcatalog for ALV Report*----------------------------------------------------------------------*form build_fieldcatalog.

* There are a number of ways to create a fieldcat.* For the purpose of this example i will build the fieldcatalog manualy* by populating the internal table fields individually and then* appending the rows. This method can be the most time consuming but can* also allow you more control of the final product.

* Beware though, you need to ensure that all fields required are* populated. When using some of functionality available via ALV, such as* total. You may need to provide more information than if you were* simply displaying the result* I.e. Field type may be required in-order for* the 'TOTAL' function to work.

fieldcatalog-fieldname = 'EBELN'. fieldcatalog-seltext_m = 'Purchase Order'. fieldcatalog-col_pos = 0. fieldcatalog-outputlen = 10. fieldcatalog-emphasize = 'X'. fieldcatalog-key = 'X'.* fieldcatalog-do_sum = 'X'.* fieldcatalog-no_zero = 'X'. append fieldcatalog to fieldcatalog. clear fieldcatalog.

fieldcatalog-fieldname = 'EBELP'. fieldcatalog-seltext_m = 'PO Item'. fieldcatalog-col_pos = 1. append fieldcatalog to fieldcatalog. clear fieldcatalog.

fieldcatalog-fieldname = 'STATU'. fieldcatalog-seltext_m = 'Status'. fieldcatalog-col_pos = 2. append fieldcatalog to fieldcatalog. clear fieldcatalog.

fieldcatalog-fieldname = 'AEDAT'. fieldcatalog-seltext_m = 'Item change date'. fieldcatalog-col_pos = 3. append fieldcatalog to fieldcatalog. clear fieldcatalog.

fieldcatalog-fieldname = 'MATNR'. fieldcatalog-seltext_m = 'Material Number'. fieldcatalog-col_pos = 4. append fieldcatalog to fieldcatalog. clear fieldcatalog.

fieldcatalog-fieldname = 'MENGE'. fieldcatalog-seltext_m = 'PO quantity'. fieldcatalog-col_pos = 5. append fieldcatalog to fieldcatalog. clear fieldcatalog.

fieldcatalog-fieldname = 'MEINS'. fieldcatalog-seltext_m = 'Order Unit'. fieldcatalog-col_pos = 6. append fieldcatalog to fieldcatalog. clear fieldcatalog.

fieldcatalog-fieldname = 'NETPR'. fieldcatalog-seltext_m = 'Net Price'. fieldcatalog-col_pos = 7. fieldcatalog-outputlen = 15. fieldcatalog-datatype = 'CURR'. append fieldcatalog to fieldcatalog.

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clear fieldcatalog.

fieldcatalog-fieldname = 'PEINH'. fieldcatalog-seltext_m = 'Price Unit'. fieldcatalog-col_pos = 8. append fieldcatalog to fieldcatalog. clear fieldcatalog.endform. " BUILD_FIELDCATALOG

*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**& Form BUILD_LAYOUT*&---------------------------------------------------------------------** Build layout for ALV grid report*----------------------------------------------------------------------*form build_layout. gd_layout-no_input = 'X'. gd_layout-colwidth_optimize = 'X'. gd_layout-totals_text = 'Totals'(201).* gd_layout-totals_only = 'X'.* gd_layout-f2code = 'DISP'. "Sets fcode for when double* "click(press f2)* gd_layout-zebra = 'X'.* gd_layout-group_change_edit = 'X'.* gd_layout-header_text = 'helllllo'.endform. " BUILD_LAYOUT

*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**& Form DISPLAY_ALV_REPORT*&---------------------------------------------------------------------** Display report using ALV grid*----------------------------------------------------------------------*form display_alv_report. gd_repid = sy-repid. call function 'REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY' exporting i_callback_program = gd_repid i_callback_top_of_page = 'TOP-OF-PAGE' "see FORM i_callback_user_command = 'USER_COMMAND'* i_grid_title = outtext is_layout = gd_layout it_fieldcat = fieldcatalog[]* it_special_groups = gd_tabgroup it_events = gt_events is_print = gd_prntparams i_save = 'X'* is_variant = z_template tables t_outtab = it_ekko exceptions program_error = 1 others = 2. if sy-subrc <> 0.* MESSAGE ID SY-MSGID TYPE SY-MSGTY NUMBER SY-MSGNO* WITH SY-MSGV1 SY-MSGV2 SY-MSGV3 SY-MSGV4. endif.endform. " DISPLAY_ALV_REPORT

*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**& Form DATA_RETRIEVAL*&---------------------------------------------------------------------** Retrieve data form EKPO table and populate itab it_ekko*----------------------------------------------------------------------*form data_retrieval.

select ebeln ebelp statu aedat matnr menge meins netpr peinh up to 10 rows from ekpo

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into table it_ekko.endform. " DATA_RETRIEVAL

*-------------------------------------------------------------------** Form TOP-OF-PAGE **-------------------------------------------------------------------** ALV Report Header **-------------------------------------------------------------------*form top-of-page.*ALV Header declarationsdata: t_header type slis_t_listheader, wa_header type slis_listheader, t_line like wa_header-info, ld_lines type i, ld_linesc(10) type c.

* Title wa_header-typ = 'H'.

wa_header-info = 'EKKO Table Report'. append wa_header to t_header. clear wa_header.

* Date wa_header-typ = 'S'. wa_header-key = 'Date: '. concatenate sy-datum+6(2) '.' sy-datum+4(2) '.' sy-datum(4) into wa_header-info. "todays date append wa_header to t_header. clear: wa_header.

* Total No. of Records Selected describe table it_ekko lines ld_lines. ld_linesc = ld_lines. concatenate 'Total No. of Records Selected: ' ld_linesc into t_line separated by space. wa_header-typ = 'A'. wa_header-info = t_line. append wa_header to t_header. clear: wa_header, t_line.

call function 'REUSE_ALV_COMMENTARY_WRITE' exporting it_list_commentary = t_header.* i_logo = 'Z_LOGO'.endform.

*------------------------------------------------------------------** FORM USER_COMMAND **------------------------------------------------------------------** --> R_UCOMM ** --> RS_SELFIELD **------------------------------------------------------------------*form user_command using r_ucomm like sy-ucomm rs_selfield type slis_selfield.

* Check function code case r_ucomm. when '&IC1'.* Check field clicked on within ALVgrid report if rs_selfield-fieldname = 'EBELN'.* Read data table, using index of row user clicked on read table it_ekko into wa_ekko index rs_selfield-tabindex.* Set parameter ID for transaction screen field set parameter id 'BES' field wa_ekko-ebeln.* Sxecute transaction ME23N, and skip initial data entry screen call transaction 'ME23N' and skip first screen.

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endif. endcase.endform.

*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**& Form BUILD_EVENTS*&---------------------------------------------------------------------** Build events table*----------------------------------------------------------------------*form build_events. data: ls_event type slis_alv_event.

call function 'REUSE_ALV_EVENTS_GET' exporting i_list_type = 0 importing et_events = gt_events[]. read table gt_events with key name = slis_ev_end_of_page into ls_event. if sy-subrc = 0. move 'END_OF_PAGE' to ls_event-form. append ls_event to gt_events. endif.

read table gt_events with key name = slis_ev_end_of_list into ls_event. if sy-subrc = 0. move 'END_OF_LIST' to ls_event-form. append ls_event to gt_events. endif.endform. " BUILD_EVENTS

*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**& Form BUILD_PRINT_PARAMS*&---------------------------------------------------------------------** Setup print parameters*----------------------------------------------------------------------*form build_print_params. gd_prntparams-reserve_lines = '3'. "Lines reserved for footer gd_prntparams-no_coverpage = 'X'.endform. " BUILD_PRINT_PARAMS

*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**& Form END_OF_PAGE*&---------------------------------------------------------------------*form end_of_page. data: listwidth type i, ld_pagepos(10) type c, ld_page(10) type c.

write: sy-uline(50). skip. write:/40 'Page:', sy-pagno .endform.

*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**& Form END_OF_LIST*&---------------------------------------------------------------------*form end_of_list. data: listwidth type i, ld_pagepos(10) type c, ld_page(10) type c.

skip. write:/40 'Page:', sy-pagno .endform.

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*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**& Report ZBAPI1_BRF*&*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**&*&*&---------------------------------------------------------------------*

report zbapi1_brf.

*Crear ordenes de compra, la transacción para crear una orden de compra es la me21n*Lo primero es declarar nuestras tablas internas que mantendran los datos *correspondientes, haciendolo de esta manera:

data: l_poheader like l_poheaderx like l_t_poitem like bapimepoitem occurs 0 with header l_t_poitemx like bapimepoitemx occurs 0 with header l_t_poschedule like bapimeposchedule occurs 0 with header l_t_poschedulex like bapimeposchedulx occurs 0 with header l_t_return like bapiret2 occurs 0 with header line.

*Declaramos un espacio para nuestra orden de : v_purchaseorder like bapiekkoc-po_number.

*En mi caso puse un parametro para la selección de mi proveedor.selection-screen begin of block block01 with frame title text-001.skip 1.parameter: p_vendor like l_poheader-vendor obligatory.uline.skip 1.selection-screen end of block block01.

perform rellenar_bapi_cab using p_vendor.perform rellenar_bapi_pos.perform crear_pedido_compra.

*Y bien comenzamos, esta rutina me rellena la cabezera de mi orden, lo que vendria *siendo de la tabla ekko.form rellenar_bapi_cab using p_vendor.

clear l_poheader.clear l_poheaderx.

l_poheader-comp_code = '0200'. "sociedadl_poheader-doc_type = 'PGOC'. "Clase del documentol_poheader-creat_date = sy-datlo. "Fecha de creaciónl_poheader-created_by = sy-uname. "Responsable que añadió el objetol_poheader-vendor = p_vendor. "Proveedorl_poheader-purch_org = 'OC02'. "Organización de comprasl_poheader-pur_group = 'G03'. "Grupo de comprasl_poheader-doc_date = sy-datum. "Fecha del documento

l_poheaderx-comp_code = 'X'.l_poheaderx-doc_type = 'X'.l_poheaderx-creat_date = 'X'.l_poheaderx-created_by = 'X'.l_poheaderx-vendor = 'X'.l_poheaderx-purch_org = 'X'.l_poheaderx-pur_group = 'X'.l_poheaderx-doc_date = 'X'.

endform. " rellenar_bapi_cab

*Ahora la rutina para mi detalle que vendría siendo lo de la tabla ekpo.form rellenar_bapi_pos.

data: pos_rep like ekpo-ebelp.

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clear pos_rep.

clear: l_t_poitem, l_t_poitemx, l_t_poschedule, l_t_poschedulex.add 10 to pos_rep.

l_t_poitem-po_item = pos_rep.l_t_poitem-material = '000000021033017002'.l_t_poitem-plant = 'B001'. "Centrol_t_poitem-stge_loc = 'B001'. "almacénl_t_poitem-quantity = '12'.l_t_poitem-po_unit = 'PAA'.l_t_poitem-item_cat = '2'.append l_t_poitem.

l_t_poitemx-po_item = pos_rep.l_t_poitemx-po_itemx = 'X'.l_t_poitemx-material = 'X'.l_t_poitemx-plant = 'X'.l_t_poitemx-stge_loc = 'X'.l_t_poitemx-quantity = 'X'.l_t_poitemx-po_unit = 'X'.l_t_poitemx-item_cat = 'X'.append l_t_poitemx.

l_t_poschedule-po_item = pos_rep.l_t_poschedule-delivery_date = sy-datum.l_t_poschedule-quantity = '12'.l_t_poschedule-deliv_time = sy-uzeit.append l_t_poschedule.

l_t_poschedulex-po_item = pos_rep.l_t_poschedulex-po_itemx = 'X'.l_t_poschedulex-delivery_date = 'X'.l_t_poschedulex-quantity = 'X'.l_t_poschedulex-deliv_time = 'X'.append l_t_poschedulex.

endform. " rellenar_bapi_pos

*Y por ultimo mandamos a llamar nuestra bapi con exportando nuestras tablas e *importando la orden que se creará =).form crear_pedido_compra .

call function 'BAPI_PO_CREATE1'exportingpoheader = l_poheaderpoheaderx = l_poheaderximportingexppurchaseorder = v_purchaseordertablesreturn = l_t_returnpoitem = l_t_poitempoitemx = l_t_poitemxposchedule = l_t_poscheduleposchedulex = l_t_poschedulex.

if not v_purchaseorder is function 'BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT'exportingwait = 'X'* IMPORTING* RETURN =.write : / v_purchaseorder.loop at l_t_return.write: / function 'BAPI_TRANSACTION_ROLLBACK'.*En caso de que halla error, me lo regrese.

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loop at l_t_return.write: / l_t_return-message.endloop.


endform. " crear_pedido_compra

*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**& Report ZBATCH_BRF_XD02_A*&*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**&*&*&---------------------------------------------------------------------*


report zbatch_brf_xd02 no standard page heading line-size 255.

*include bdcrecx1.


*perform open_group.

parameters: file type rlgrap-filename.

data: begin of bdc_tab occurs 0. include structure end of bdc_tab.

data: i_msg2 like bdcmsgcoll occurs 0 with header line, i_msg like bdcmsgcoll occurs 0 with header line, modo type c, update type c.

*Dejarlos en código duro o como parametros de selección modo = 'A'. update = 'L'.

refresh bdc_tab.

perform bdc_dynpro using 'SAPMF02D' '0101'. "'X'perform bdc_field using 'BDC_CURSOR' 'RF02D-KUNNR'.perform bdc_field using 'BDC_OKCODE' '/00'.perform bdc_field using 'RF02D-KUNNR' '3200000006'.perform bdc_dynpro using 'SAPMF02D' '0101'.perform bdc_field using 'BDC_CURSOR' 'RF02D-D0110'.perform bdc_field using 'BDC_OKCODE' '/00'.perform bdc_field using 'RF02D-KUNNR' '3200000006'.perform bdc_field using 'RF02D-D0110' 'X'.perform bdc_dynpro using 'SAPMF02D' '0110'.perform bdc_field using 'BDC_CURSOR' 'KNA1-NAME3'.perform bdc_field using 'BDC_OKCODE' '=UPDA'.perform bdc_field using 'KNA1-NAME1' 'Grupo Motor'.perform bdc_field using 'KNA1-SORTL' 'MOTOR'.perform bdc_field using 'KNA1-NAME2' 'Prueba para completar información'.perform bdc_field using 'KNA1-NAME3' 'de los clientes'.perform bdc_field using 'KNA1-STRAS' 'Gran Vía 2B'.perform bdc_field using 'KNA1-ORT01' 'Madrid'.perform bdc_field using 'KNA1-PSTLZ' '23004'.perform bdc_field using 'KNA1-LAND1' 'ES'.perform bdc_field using 'KNA1-SPRAS' 'ES'.

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*perform bdc_transaction using 'XD02'.

call transaction 'XD02' using bdc_tab mode modo update update messages into i_msg2. " AND SKIP FIRST SCREEN*Controlar los mensajes*APPEND LINES OF i_msg2 to i_msg.* READ TABLE i_msg2 INTO wa_mesg WITH KEY msgtyp = 'E' msgid = 'V1' msgnr = '042'.

wait up to 1 seconds.**&---------------------------------------------------------------------**& Form BDC_DYNPRO*&---------------------------------------------------------------------** text: Start a new screen*----------------------------------------------------------------------** program* dynpro*----------------------------------------------------------------------*form bdc_dynpro using program dynpro.clear bdc_tab. bdc_tab-program = program. bdc_tab-dynpro = dynpro. bdc_tab-dynbegin = 'X'. append bdc_tab.endform. " BDC_DYNPRO*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**& Form BDC_FIELD*&---------------------------------------------------------------------** text Inserts a field*----------------------------------------------------------------------** fnam* fval*----------------------------------------------------------------------*form bdc_field using fnam fval.clear bdc_tab. bdc_tab-fnam = fnam. bdc_tab-fval = fval. append bdc_tab.

endform. " BDC_FIELD

report zbatch_brf_xd02_b no standard page heading line-size 255.

include bdcrecx1.


perform open_group.

perform bdc_dynpro using 'SAPMF02D' '0101'.perform bdc_field using 'BDC_CURSOR' 'RF02D-D0110'.perform bdc_field using 'BDC_OKCODE' '/00'.perform bdc_field using 'RF02D-KUNNR' '3200000006'.perform bdc_field using 'RF02D-D0110' 'X'.perform bdc_dynpro using 'SAPMF02D' '0110'.perform bdc_field using 'BDC_CURSOR' 'KNA1-ORT02'.perform bdc_field using 'BDC_OKCODE' '=UPDA'.perform bdc_field using 'KNA1-NAME1' 'Grupo Motor'.perform bdc_field using 'KNA1-SORTL'

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'MOTOR'.perform bdc_field using 'KNA1-NAME2' 'Prueba para completar información'.perform bdc_field using 'KNA1-NAME3' 'de los clientes'.perform bdc_field using 'KNA1-STRAS' 'Gran Vía 2B'.perform bdc_field using 'KNA1-ORT01' 'Madrid'.perform bdc_field using 'KNA1-PSTLZ' '23004'.perform bdc_field using 'KNA1-ORT02' 'España'.perform bdc_field using 'KNA1-LAND1' 'ES'.perform bdc_field using 'KNA1-SPRAS' 'ES'.perform bdc_field using 'KNA1-TELF1' '1233445'.perform bdc_transaction using 'XD02'.

perform close_group.

*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**& Report ZBDL_BRF*&*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**&*&*&---------------------------------------------------------------------*

report zbdl_brf.

tables: mkpf, mseg.

data: it_mkpf type standard table of mkpf with header line, wa_mkpf type mkpf.


*GET 1get mkpf.

check mkpf-mblnr+0(2) = '49' .

wa_mkpf = mkpf.

*write wa_mkpf-mblnr.

append wa_mkpf to it_mkpf.* delete adjacent duplicates it_mkpf byloop at it_mkpf into wa_mkpf.write: /5 wa_mkpf-mblnr.


*GET 2get mseg.

*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**& Report ZBRF*&*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**&

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report zbrf.

*data: begin of it_clientes occurs 0,* codigo(2) type N,* alumno(15) type C,* end of it_clientes.**START-OF-SELECTION.* it_clientes-codigo = 01.* it_clientes-alumno = 'pepe'.* append it_clientes.*** write:/'codigo:',it_clientes-codigo.* write:/'alumno:',it_clientes-alumno.* write:/.* write:sy-uline(50).* it_clientes-codigo = 01.* it_clientes-alumno = 'pepe'.* append it_clientes.* it_clientes-codigo = 02.* it_clientes-alumno = 'pati'.* append it_clientes.* it_clientes-codigo = 03.* it_clientes-alumno = 'jaco'.* append it_clientes.** loop at it_clientes.* write:/'codigo:',it_clientes-codigo.* write:/'alumno:',it_clientes-alumno.* endloop.*

****************************************************++*tables: dfkkko. ", dfkkop, but020, adrc.*** data: tabla type standard table of dfkkko with header line.***Campos de trasferencia para la tabla DFKKKO***** tabla-opbel = '280000217376'.* tabla-fikey = 'X20051031002'.* tabla-applk = 'P'.* tabla-blart = 'AP'.* tabla-herkf = '01'.* tabla-ernam = 'USUARIO1'.* tabla-cpudt = '20060322'.* tabla-cputm = '004408'.* tabla-waers = 'MXN'.* tabla-bldat = '20051031'.* tabla-budat = '20051031'.* tabla-wwert = '20051031'.* tabla-xblnr = 'EP000000520'.* tabla-awtyp = 'FKKKO'.* tabla-awkey = '280000217376'.* tabla-storb = ''.** move-corresponding tabla to dfkkko.* insert dfkkko.*****delete dfkkko.** if sy-subrc eq 0.* write: 'bien!!!!'.* else.* write: 'lo sentimos no fue posible la transferencia'.* endif.

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*REPORT NO STANDARD PAGE HEADING LINE-SIZE 121 LINE-COUNT (5) MESSAGE-ID zcurso02.**TABLES: spfli, "carrid AAA, BBB, CCC* sflight, "conid 1111, 2222, 3333* scarr.**SELECT-OPTIONS: s_carrid FOR sflight-carrid,* s_connid FOR sflight-connid,* s_cdfrom FOR spfli-cityfrom,* s_cdto FOR spfli-cityto.****DATA: BEGIN OF it_hdr OCCURS 0,* carrid TYPE sflight-carrid,* carrname TYPE scarr-carrname,* connid TYPE sflight-connid,* cityfrom TYPE spfli-cityfrom,* airpfrom TYPE spfli-airpfrom,* cityto TYPE spfli-cityto,* airpto TYPE spfli-airpto,* END OF it_hdr.**DATA: BEGIN OF it_dtl OCCURS 0,* fldate TYPE sflight-fldate,* seatsmax TYPE sflight-seatsmax,* connid TYPE sflight-connid,* seatsocc TYPE sflight-seatsocc,* price TYPE sflight-price,* prec_tot TYPE p DECIMALS 2,* por_seats TYPE p DECIMALS 2,* END OF it_dtl.***DATA: wa_hdr LIKE it_hdr,* wa_dtl LIKE it_dtl.***START-OF-SELECTION.*** SELECT DISTINCT b~carrid b~carrname a~connid* c~cityfrom c~airpfrom c~cityto c~airpto* INTO TABLE it_hdr** FROM sflight AS a* INNER JOIN scarr AS b* ON a~carrid = b~carrid* INNER JOIN spfli AS c* ON c~carrid = b~carrid* AND a~connid = c~connid* WHERE a~carrid IN s_carrid* AND a~connid IN s_connid* AND c~cityfrom IN s_cdfrom* AND c~cityto IN s_cdto.** SORT it_hdr DESCENDING BY carrid.*** FORMAT COLOR 4.** IF sy-subrc EQ 0.* MESSAGE i003.** LOOP AT it_hdr INTO wa_hdr.* WRITE:/ '|',wa_hdr-carrid,' |', "2 espacios

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* wa_hdr-carrname,'|', "0 espacios* wa_hdr-connid,' |', "4 espacios* wa_hdr-cityfrom,'|', "0 espacios* wa_hdr-airpfrom,' |', "5 espacios* wa_hdr-cityto,'|', "0 espacios* wa_hdr-airpto,' |'. "2 espacios** HIDE: wa_hdr-carrname,* wa_hdr-connid,* wa_hdr-connid.** ULINE AT (108).* ENDLOOP.** ELSE.* MESSAGE i004.* ENDIF.***AT LINE-SELECTION.* IF sy-lsind = 1 and sy-curow > 3.* SELECT fldate seatsmax connid seatsocc price* FROM sflight* INTO TABLE it_dtl* WHERE connid = wa_hdr-connid.*** LOOP AT it_dtl INTO wa_dtl.** wa_dtl-por_seats = wa_dtl-seatsocc * 100 / wa_dtl-seatsmax.** wa_dtl-prec_tot = wa_dtl-price * wa_dtl-seatsocc.* FORMAT COLOR 2.* WRITE:/ '|',wa_dtl-fldate,' |',* wa_dtl-seatsmax,'|',* wa_dtl-seatsocc,'|',* wa_dtl-prec_tot,'|',* wa_dtl-por_seats,'|'.** ULINE AT (82).* ENDLOOP.** ENDIF.**TOP-OF-PAGE.* ULINE.* FORMAT COLOR 3.* WRITE: '|',5 'Id ','|',* 17 'Nombre',' |', "8 espacios* 34 '#Vuelo ',' |', "1 espacio* 53 'CdFrom',' |', "6 espacios* 70 'AiFrom','|', "0 espacios* 87 'CdTo',' |', "8 espacios* 103'AiTo','|'. "0 espacios** ULINE at (108).**TOP-OF-PAGE DURING LINE-SELECTION.* FORMAT COLOR 1.* ULINE AT (82).* WRITE:/ '| ', text-001, "24 espacios* ' |'. "36 espacios* WRITE:/* '|' , (11) 'Aerolínea:', wa_hdr-carrname,* (40) ' No.vuelo:', "29 espacios*wa_hdr-connid, '|'. "33 espacios*** ULINE .* FORMAT COLOR 4 .

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* WRITE: '| ',6 'fecha',' |', "2/4 espacios* 19 'Max.Asi',' |', "2 espacios* 32 'Asi.Occ',' |', "2 espacios* 51 'Totales',' |', "3 espacios* 68 'Porcentaje',' |'. "3 espacios** ULINE at (82).************************************************REPORT zprogrambrf01 LINE-SIZE 80.*****KNA1= nombre de la tabla****PARAMETERS p_kunnr TYPE kna1-kunnr OBLIGATORY.****DATA wa_kna1 TYPE kna1.*******definir tabla interna que tenga la misma definicion que la scarr**DATA it_kna1 TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF kna1.****SELECT carrid carrname currcode url**FROM scarr**INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF TABLE it_scarr.****IF sy-subrc NE 0.** WRITE :/ 'No se encontraron datos.'.**ENDIF.****LOOP AT it_scarr INTO wa_scarr.** WRITE : /2 wa_scarr-carrid,** 12 wa_scarr-carrname,** 35 wa_scarr-currcode,** 50 wa_scarr-url(30).**ENDLOOP.


tables: bkpf, bseg. ", dfkkop, but020, adrc.

data: tabla type standard table of bkpf with header line. data: tabla type standard table of bseg with header wa_bkpf type bkpf, wa_bseg type bseg.

*OPCION 1types: begin of t_bkpf_bseg.include structure bkpf.*include structure bseg.types: bukrs type bseg-bukrs, "ya existe en BKPF belnr type bseg-belnr, "ya existe en BKPF gjahr type bseg-gjahr, "ya existe en BKPF

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buzei type bseg-buzei.types: end of t_bkpf_bseg.

data: it_bkpf_bseg type standard table of t_bkpf_bseg initial size 0, wa_bkpf_bseg type t_bkpf_bseg.

*OPCION 2*data: begin of it_bkpf_bseg,* bukrs type bkpf/bseg-bukrs,* belnr type bkpf/bseg-belnr,* gjahr type bkpf/bseg-gjahr,* buzei type bseg-buzei,* ....* .* .data: wa_bkpf_bseg type t_bkpf_bseg.

select * into table it_bkpf from bkpf.

select * into table it_bseg for all entries in it_bkpf from bseg where bukrs = it_bkpf-bukrs and belnr = it_bkpf-belnr and gjahr = it_bkpf-gjahr.

loop at it_bkpf into wa_bkpf.

*OPCION 1 loop at it_bseg into wa_bseg where bukrs = wa_bkpf-bukrs and belnr = wa_bkpf-belnr and gjahr = wa_bkpf-gjahr.*OPCION 2* read table it_bseg into wa_bseg with key bukrs = wa_bkpf-bukrs* belnr = wa_bkpf-belnr* gjahr = wa_bkpf-gjahr.

***read table it_bseg index 5.if sy-subrc = 0.

wa_bkpf_bseg-bukrs = wa_bkpf-bukrs. "wa_bseg-bukrs.wa_bkpf_bseg-belnr = wa_bkpf-belnr. "wa_bseg-belnr.wa_bkpf_bseg-gjahr = wa_bkpf-gjahr. "wa_bseg-gjahr.wa_bkpf_bseg-buzei = wa_bseg-buzei.

append it_bkpf_bseg from wa_bkpf_bseg.endif.*endloop.endloop.

delete scarr from table tabla.* if sy-subrc eq 0. write: 'bien!!!!'. else. write: 'lo sentimos no fue posible la transferencia'. endif.

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*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**& Report ZBRF_2*&*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**&*&*&---------------------------------------------------------------------*


**Create Push Buttons in Application Tool Bar**How to create pushbuttons in application tool bar in case of selection-screen?**REPORT zsiva_test*MESSAGE-ID zprecot.*TABLES : afru.**TYPES : BEGIN OF ty_test,* ism01 LIKE afru-ism01,* END OF ty_test.*TABLES sscrfields.**SELECTION-SCREEN : BEGIN OF BLOCK b1 WITH FRAME TITLE text-001.*SELECT-OPTIONS : so_werks FOR afru-werks.*SELECTION-SCREEN PUSHBUTTON /79(10) charly USER-COMMAND abcd.*SELECTION-SCREEN END OF BLOCK b1.**INITIALIZATION.* MOVE 'Press' TO charly.**START-OF-SELECTION.**END-OF-SELECTION.***AT SELECTION-SCREEN.* IF sscrfields-ucomm = 'ABCD'.* MESSAGE i000 WITH so_werks-low 'Success' .* ENDIF.**


*Example Code For Drill Down Reportreport zmm_rept_purchorderkkb01 line-size 80 line-count 65(3) message-id z_msg_class no standard page heading.

*------------------DECLARING THE STANDARD TABLES---------------------*tables : ekko, "PURCHASE ORDER : HEADER ekpo. "PURCHASE ORDER : ITEM

*------------------DECLARING THE INTERNAL TABLE----------------------*data : begin of it_ekko occurs 2, ebeln like ekko-ebeln, "PURCHASE ORDER NUMBER bukrs like ekko-bukrs, "COMPANY CODE bsart like ekko-bsart, "PURCHASING DOCUMENT TYPE lifnr like ekko-lifnr, "VENDOR spras like ekko-spras, "LANGUAGE KEY zterm like ekko-zterm, "PAYMENT TERMS KEY end of it_ekko.

data : begin of it_ekpo occurs 2,

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ebeln like ekpo-ebeln, "PURCHASE ORDER NUMBER ebelp like ekpo-ebelp, "PURCHASE ORDER NUMBER werks like ekpo-werks, "PLANT matnr like ekpo-matnr, "MATERIAL NUMBER matkl like ekpo-matkl, "MATERIAL GROUP end of it_ekpo.

data: it_ebeln like ekko-ebeln occurs 0 with header line.

*DATA: it_ebeln_high LIKE ekko-ebeln OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE.

data: p_ebeln type i.

*------------------Declaring the selection screen--------------------*

selection-screen begin of block blk1 with frame title text-001.

select-options : s_ebeln for ekko-ebeln.

parameter : p_limit type i.

selection-screen end of block blk1.

*INCLUDE z_incl_purorderkkb01_sub_f01.

*--------------------------------------------------------------------** Validation for number of records to be printed **--------------------------------------------------------------------*


* IF p_limit GT sy-linct.* MESSAGE e010.* ENDIF.

*----------------------------------------------------------------------** Search help for purchase document number (s_ebeln-low) **----------------------------------------------------------------------*

at selection-screen on value-request for s_ebeln-low. call function 'CONVERSION_EXIT_ALPHA_INPUT' exporting input = s_ebeln-low importing output = s_ebeln-low.

perform form_search_help.

if sy-subrc <> 0. case sy-subrc. when 2. leave to screen 1000. endcase. else. loop at it_ebeln. if sy-tabix = p_ebeln. s_ebeln-low = it_ebeln. exit. endif. endloop. endif.


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* Search help for purchase document number (s_ebeln-high) **----------------------------------------------------------------------*

at selection-screen on value-request for s_ebeln-high. call function 'CONVERSION_EXIT_ALPHA_INPUT' exporting input = s_ebeln-high importing output = s_ebeln-high.

perform form_search_help.

if sy-subrc <> 0. case sy-subrc. when 2. leave to screen 1000. endcase. else. loop at it_ebeln. if sy-tabix = p_ebeln. s_ebeln-high = it_ebeln. exit. endif. endloop. endif.

*----------------------------------------------------------------------** Start-of-selection event **----------------------------------------------------------------------*


*----------------------To attach a user interface----------------------*set pf-status '0010'.

*---------To fetch the data for the basic list-------------------------* select ebeln "PURCHASE ORDER NUMBER bukrs "COMPANY CODE bsart "PURCHASING DOCUMENT TYPE lifnr "VENDOR spras "LANGUAGE KEY zterm "PAYMENT TERMS KEY up to p_limit rows into table it_ekko from ekko where ebeln in s_ebeln.

refresh it_ekpo.

*---------To fetch the data for the secondary list-----------------------*

if it_ekpo is initial.

select ebeln "PURCHASE ORDER NUMBER ebelp "PURCHASING DOCUMENT TYPE werks "PLANT matnr "MATERIAL NUMBER matkl "MATERIAL GROUP from ekpo into table it_ekpo for all entries in it_ekko where ebeln eq it_ekko-ebeln.


*----------------------------------------------------------------------** End-of-selection event **----------------------------------------------------------------------*


*---------To display the data for the basic list-----------------------*

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format color 4 intensified off. loop at it_ekko. write :/ sy-vline, it_ekko-ebeln under text-002, 18 sy-vline, "PURCHASE ORDER NUMBER it_ekko-bukrs under text-003, 27 sy-vline, "COMPANY CODE it_ekko-bsart under text-004, 38 sy-vline, "PURCHASING DOCUMENT TYPE it_ekko-lifnr under text-005, 50 sy-vline, "VENDOR it_ekko-spras under text-006, 62 sy-vline, "LANGUAGE KEY it_ekko-zterm under text-007, 80 sy-vline. "PAYMENT TERMS KEY

hide : it_ekko-ebeln. endloop. write :/ sy-uline(80).

*----------------------------------------------------------------------** To generate the detailed lists **----------------------------------------------------------------------*

at line-selection. case sy-lsind. when 1. set pf-status '0011'.

*---------To display the data for the secondary list-----------------------*window starting at 10 10 ending at 90 30. format color 5 intensified off. loop at it_ekpo where ebeln = it_ekko-ebeln . write :/ sy-vline, it_ekpo-ebeln under text-002, 15 sy-vline, "PURCHASE ORDER NUMBER it_ekpo-ebelp under text-008, 30 sy-vline, "PO ITEM NUMBER it_ekpo-werks under text-009, 45 sy-vline, "PLANT it_ekpo-matnr under text-010, 60 sy-vline, "MATERIAL NUMBER it_ekpo-matkl under text-011, 80 sy-vline. "MATERIAL GROUP endloop.

write :/ sy-uline(80).


case sy-ucomm. when 'EXIT' or 'CANC' or 'BACK'. leave to screen 0. endcase.

*----------------------------------------------------------------------** At user-command event **----------------------------------------------------------------------*

at user-command. case sy-ucomm. when 'SELE' or 'LIST1'. if sy-lsind = 1. set pf-status '0011'.

*---------To display the data for the secondary list-----------------------*

window starting at 10 10 ending at 90 30. format color 5 intensified off.

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loop at it_ekpo where ebeln = it_ekko-ebeln . write :/ sy-vline, it_ekpo-ebeln under text-002, 15 sy-vline, "PURCHASE ORDER NUMBER it_ekpo-ebelp under text-008, 30 sy-vline, "PO ITEM NUMBER it_ekpo-werks under text-009, 45 sy-vline, "PLANT it_ekpo-matnr under text-010, 60 sy-vline, "MATERIAL NUMBER it_ekpo-matkl under text-011, 80 sy-vline. "MATERIAL GROUP


write :/ sy-uline(80). endif.


case sy-ucomm. when 'EXIT' or 'CANC' or 'BACK'. leave to screen 0.


*----------------------------------------------------------------------** Top-of-page for basic list **----------------------------------------------------------------------*


format color 3 intensified off.

write :/ sy-uline(80). write :/ sy-vline, 03 sy-repid, 60 text-015, sy-uname, 80 sy-vline. write :/ sy-vline, 03 sy-datum, 35 text-012, 60 text-014, sy-pagno, 80 sy-vline. write :/ sy-uline(80). write :/ sy-vline, text-002, 18 sy-vline, "PURCHASE ORDER NUMBER text-003, 27 sy-vline, "COMPANY CODE text-004, 38 sy-vline, "PURCHASING DOCUMENT TYPE text-005, 50 sy-vline, "VENDOR text-006, 62 sy-vline, "LANGUAGE KEY text-007, 80 sy-vline. "PAYMENT TERMS KEY write :/ sy-uline(80).

*----------------------------------------------------------------------** Top-of-page for secondary list **----------------------------------------------------------------------*

top-of-page during line-selection.format color 2 intensified off.window starting at 10 10 ending at 90 30. write :/ sy-uline(80). write :/ sy-vline, 03 sy-repid, 60 text-015, sy-uname, 80 sy-vline.

write :/ sy-vline, 03 sy-datum, 35 text-013, 60 text-014, sy-pagno, 80 sy-vline.

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write :/ sy-uline(80).

write :/ sy-vline, text-014, 15 sy-vline, "PURCHASE ORDER NUMBER text-008, 30 sy-vline, "PO ITEM NUMBER text-009, 45 sy-vline, "PLANT text-010, 60 sy-vline, "MATERIAL NUMBER text-011, 80 sy-vline. "MATERIAL GROUP

write :/ sy-uline(80).

*----------------------------------------------------------------------** End-of-page event **----------------------------------------------------------------------*

end-of-page. write :/ sy-vline, 03 text-016, p_limit, 60 text-014, sy-pagno, 80 sy-vline. write:/ sy-uline(80).

*INCLUDE Z_INCLUDE_PURCHORDERKKB01.form form_search_help .

refresh it_ebeln. clear it_ebeln. clear p_ebeln.

select ebeln from ekko into table it_ebeln.

call function 'POPUP_WITH_TABLE_DISPLAY' exporting endpos_col = 21 endpos_row = 35 startpos_col = 12 startpos_row = 1 titletext = text-012

importing choise = p_ebeln

tables valuetab = it_ebeln

exceptions break_off = 1 others = 2.


** A demo program to create subscreen in your ABAP Program**** A demo program to create subscreen in your ABAP Program**** This report will display the user last login date and time.**** Subscreen selection 1 : User Name** 2 : Last Login Date** 3 : Class Belong To**** Written by : SAP Basis, ABAP Programming and Other IMG Stuff*****

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**&---------------------------------------------------------------------***& Report ZBRF_POO**&**&---------------------------------------------------------------------***&**&**&---------------------------------------------------------------------**report zbrf_poo.**Es el mismo reporte solo qye este codigo comentado manda error de*STATEMENT IS NOT ACCESSIBLE**DATA customer_count TYPE i.*DATA tyre_price TYPE f.*DATA var1 TYPE i VALUE 786.*var1 = 890.*MOVE 900 TO var1.*WRITE 'ABAP/4 is easy.'.*WRITE / var1.***& try text field literal vs string literal**DATA: str1(10) TYPE c VALUE 'abc',* str2(10) TYPE c VALUE 'abc '.**IF str1 = str2.* WRITE / 'str1 and str2 are same'.*ELSE.* WRITE / 'str1 and str2 are not same'.*ENDIF.**DATA: str3 TYPE string VALUE `abc`,* str4 TYPE string VALUE `abc `.**IF str3 = str4.* WRITE / 'str3 and str4 are same'.*ELSE.* WRITE / 'str3 and str4 are not same'.*ENDIF.***CONSTANTS**CONSTANTS: c_nump TYPE p DECIMALS 3 VALUE '123.657',*c_city TYPE c LENGTH 10 VALUE 'manchester'.**c_nump = 23. causes syntax error***text symbols*WRITE / 'testign text symbols'.*WRITE: / text-001, / text-002, / text-0a0.******why is this not working??????**write 'can i store during run time' (002).**DO 5 TIMES.* PERFORM dataobject_example.* WRITE: / 'sy-index: ', sy-index.*ENDDO.*

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**&--------------------------------------------------------------------***& Form dataobject_example**&--------------------------------------------------------------------*** text**---------------------------------------------------------------------**FORM dataobject_example.* DATA ct1 TYPE i.* STATICS ct2 TYPE i.* ct1 = ct1 + 1.* ct2 = ct2 + 1.* WRITE: / 'ct1: ', ct1, 'ct2: ', ct2.*ENDFORM. "dataobject_example**---------------------------------------------------------------------*** CLASS C1 DEFINITION**---------------------------------------------------------------------*****---------------------------------------------------------------------**CLASS c1 DEFINITION.* PUBLIC SECTION.* CLASS-DATA create_count TYPE i.* METHODS constructor.*ENDCLASS. "C1 DEFINITION**DATA: o1 TYPE REF TO c1,* o2 LIKE o1,* o3 LIKE o1.**CREATE OBJECT: o1,* o2,* o3.**WRITE: 'Number of created objects:', c1=>create_count.***---------------------------------------------------------------------*** CLASS C1 IMPLEMENTATION**---------------------------------------------------------------------*****---------------------------------------------------------------------**CLASS c1 IMPLEMENTATION.* METHOD constructor.* create_count = create_count + 1.* ENDMETHOD. "CONSTRUCTOR*ENDCLASS. "C1 IMPLEMENTATION


*Este codigo corrige el error STATEMENT IS NOT ACCESSIBLE del codigo* de arriba

data customer_count type tyre_price type var1 type i value 786.var1 = 890.move 900 to var1.write 'ABAP/4 is easy.'.write / var1.

*& try text field literal vs string literal

data: str1(10) type c value 'abc', str2(10) type c value 'abc '.

if str1 = str2. write / 'str1 and str2 are same'.else. write / 'str1 and str2 are not same'.endif.

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*DATA: str3 TYPE string VALUE `abc`,* str4 TYPE string VALUE `abc `.*----->start of correctiondata: str3 type string, str4 type string.str3 = 'abc'.str4 = 'abc '.*<-----end of correction

if str3 = str4. write / 'str3 and str4 are same'.else. write / 'str3 and str4 are not same'.endif.


*CONSTANTS: c_nump TYPE p DECIMALS 3 VALUE '123.657',*c_city TYPE c length 10 VALUE 'manchester'.*----->start of correctionconstants: c_nump type p decimals 3 value '123.657', c_city(10) type c value 'manchester'.*<-----end of correction*c_nump = 23. causes syntax error

*text symbolswrite / 'testign text symbols'.write: / text-001, / text-002, / text-0a0.*****why is this not working??????*write 'can i store during run time' (002).

perform create_object.

do 5 times. perform dataobject_example. write: / 'sy-index: ', sy-index.enddo.

*&--------------------------------------------------------------------**& Form dataobject_example*&--------------------------------------------------------------------** text*---------------------------------------------------------------------*form dataobject_example. data ct1 type i. statics ct2 type i. ct1 = ct1 + 1. ct2 = ct2 + 1. write: / 'ct1: ', ct1, 'ct2: ', ct2.endform. "dataobject_example*---------------------------------------------------------------------** CLASS C1 DEFINITION*---------------------------------------------------------------------***---------------------------------------------------------------------*class c1 definition. public section. class-data create_count type i. methods constructor.endclass. "C1 DEFINITION

*---------------------------------------------------------------------** CLASS C1 IMPLEMENTATION*---------------------------------------------------------------------***---------------------------------------------------------------------*class c1 implementation. method constructor. create_count = create_count + 1.

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endmethod. "CONSTRUCTORendclass. "C1 IMPLEMENTATION*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**& Form create_object*&---------------------------------------------------------------------*form create_object. data: o1 type ref to c1, o2 like o1, o3 like o1.

create object: o1, o2, o3.

write: 'Number of created objects:', c1=>create_count.

endform. " create_object

*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**& Report ZBRF_POO_2*&*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**&*&*&---------------------------------------------------------------------*

report zbrf_poo_2.

*----------------------------------------------------------------------** CLASS RAJ DEFINITION*----------------------------------------------------------------------***----------------------------------------------------------------------*class raj definition. public section. data: c type i. methods : sum importing a type i b type i exporting c type i.endclass. "RAJ DEFINITION

*----------------------------------------------------------------------** CLASS RAJ IMPLEMENTATION*----------------------------------------------------------------------***----------------------------------------------------------------------*class raj implementation. method sum. c = a + b. endmethod. "SUMendclass. "RAJ IMPLEMENTATION

data: v1 type i,v2 type i,sum type i.

data: obj type ref to raj.


create object obj. v1 = 2. v2 = 5.

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call method obj->sum exporting a = v1 b = v2 importing c = sum.

write: sum.

*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**& Report ZBRF_RFC*&*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**&*&*&---------------------------------------------------------------------*

report zbrf_rfc.

* Global Data Declarationtables: spfli.

parameters: p_carrid like spfli-carrid default '222', p_connid like spfli-connid default '1234', dest like rfcdes-rfcdest default 'NONE'. "Agregar para sincrona

data: system like sy-sysid.

data: itab_spfli type table of spfli, "agregar para asincrona msg_text(80), flag, return like sy-subrc.

* Calling the Functioncall function 'ZFM_RFC_BRF'destination dest "Agregar para sincrona

*The system starts a new session for the RFC and processes the results*directly after the RFC server answered. starting new task 'TASK1' "agregar para asincrona performing form_results on end of task "agregar para asincrona* exporting carrid = p_carrid connid = p_connid*Since you now receive the query results in a subroutine* IMPORTING "comentar para el caso de asincona* EX_SPFLI = spfli "comentar para el caso de asincona* SYSID = system "comentar para el caso de asincona exceptions* DATO_INVALIDO = 1 ""comentar para el caso de asincona communication_failure = 2 "agregar para sincrona system_failure = 3 "agregar para sincrona others = 4 .if sy-subrc <> 0.* MESSAGE ID SY-MSGID TYPE SY-MSGTY NUMBER SY-MSGNO* WITH SY-MSGV1 SY-MSGV2 SY-MSGV3 SY-MSGV4.endif.

* Handling Exceptionscase sy-subrc. when 1. write 'No hay información disponible'. exit.

when 2. "agregar para sincrona write 'Conexión no pudo ser establecida'.

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exit. when 3. "agregar para sincrona write 'Systema no disponible'. exit.


* Wait Statement (Specify Condition) "agregar para asincrona*Include a wait loop to ensure that the data is displayed only after it was returned:wait until flag = 'X'. "agregar para asincrona*Add an if-else statement to the wait loop that checks whether the system did receive the data correctly and can display it:if return <> 0. "agregar para asincrona write: 'Error'. "agregar para asincronaelse. "agregar para asincrona

* Displaying Results

write: 'System:', system color 4. "agregar para sincronaskip 2.

write: spfli-carrid, spfli-connid, spfli-cityfrom, spfli-cityto, spfli-deptime, spfli-arrtime.

endif. "agregar para asincrona

* Set Context. Formal Parameters for Passing the Task Name.*subroutine that receives the data.*Include here the import parameters and the exception you deleted from the function call.form form_results using task.* Receiving Results of aRFC receive results from function 'ZFM_RFC_BRF' importing ex_spfli = spfli sys = system exceptions dato_invalido = 1.

*Finally, write the statements for processing the wait condition:* Processing Wait Condition return = sy-subrc. flag = 'X'.* Goto Wait Statementendform.

*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**& Report ZBRF_TRFC*&*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**&*&*&---------------------------------------------------------------------*

report zbrf_trfc.

*Dentro de la selección se pide el customer number, el nuevo phone number, y el remote destination.*Relay the start time for the change by 5 minutes.

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*The system changes the data in the local system and displays the change. In addition, it displays the*name of the remote system and the time at which the change will be executed in that system.

report xx_trfc_tutorial.* demo program for performing a transactional RFC

parameters: custid like scustom-id, phone like scustom-telephone, dest like rfcdes-rfcdest default 'NONE', time like sy-uzeit default sy-uzeit.

tables: customeritab like scustom occurs 0 with header line.

perform read_customeritab.*call in the same systemcall function 'XX_TRFC_CHANGE_SCUSTOM' exporting customer_id = custid i_telephone = phone exceptions no_data_found = 1.

if sy-subrc <> 0. write: 'Table entry could not be changed! ID:', custid.else. write: / 'Change executed in local system:'.endif.

perform read_customeritab.

*call for the other system with destination destcall function 'XX_TRFC_CHANGE_SCUSTOM' in background task destination dest exporting customer_id = custid i_telephone = phone.

* Plan job to start at given timecall function 'START_OF_BACKGROUNDTASK' exporting startdate = sy-datum starttime = time exceptions others = 1.if sy-subrc = 1. exit.endif.

* End of LUWcommit work.skip 1.write: / 'Remote System:', dest color 4 inverse.write: / 'Change in remote system planned via tRFC ==> Start time:', time.skip 2.write: / 'Double-click on OK to continue!.',40 'OK' color line-selection. call transaction 'SM58'.

*Subroutine read_customeritabform read_customeritab. skip. select * from scustom into corresponding fields of table customeritab where id = custid. loop at customeritab. write: / 'ID: ', customeritab-id,

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'Name: ', customeritab-name, 'Tel.: ', customeritab-telephone. endloop. uline.endform.

*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**& Report ZDEMO1*&*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**&*&*&---------------------------------------------------------------------*


report zbdc3_va01 no standard page heading line-size 255. include bdcrecx1.

types : begin of ty_head, auart(4), vkorg(4), vtweg(2), spart(2), kunnr(10), bstkd(10), end of ty_head.

types: begin of ty_item, matnr(18) type c, kwmeng(13) type c, end of ty_item.

data: it_head type table of ty_head. " Headerdata: wa_head like line of it_head.

data: it_item type table of ty_item. " Itemdata: wa_item like line of it_item.

data:v_kwmeng(30) type c, v_mabnr(30) type val(2) type n value : w_file2 type string, w_file1 type string.parameters: filename like rlgrap-filename.parameters: filenam1 like rlgrap-filename.

at selection-screen on value-request for filename. call function 'F4_FILENAME' importing file_name = filename.

at selection-screen on value-request for filenam1. call function 'F4_FILENAME' importing file_name = filenam1.


w_file2 = filename. w_file1 = filenam1.*************** HEADER ************************ call function 'GUI_UPLOAD' exporting filename = w_file2 filetype = 'ASC' has_field_separator = 'X' tables

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data_tab = it_head.

*************** Item *******************

call function 'GUI_UPLOAD' exporting filename = w_file1 filetype = 'ASC' has_field_separator = 'X' tables data_tab = it_item.

perform open_group. loop at it_head into wa_head..perform bdc_dynpr using 'SAPMV45A' '0101'.perform bdc_fiel using 'BDC_CURSOR' 'VBAK-AUART'.perform bdc_fiel using 'BDC_OKCODE' '/00'.perform bdc_fiel using 'VBAK-AUART' wa_head-auart.perform bdc_fiel using 'VBAK-VKORG' wa_head-vkorg.perform bdc_fiel using 'VBAK-VTWEG' wa_head-vtweg.perform bdc_fiel using 'VBAK-SPART' wa_head-spart.perform bdc_dynpr using 'SAPMV45A' '4001'.perform bdc_fiel using 'BDC_OKCODE' '/00'.perform bdc_fiel using 'VBKD-BSTKD' wa_head-bstkd.perform bdc_fiel using 'VBKD-BSTDK' '30.01.2006'.perform bdc_fiel using 'KUAGV-KUNNR' wa_head-kunnr.perform bdc_fiel using 'RV45A-KETDAT' '30.01.2006'.perform bdc_fiel using 'RV45A-KPRGBZ' 'D'.perform bdc_fiel using 'VBKD-ZTERM' '0001'.perform bdc_fiel using 'VBKD-INCO1' 'CIF'.perform bdc_fiel using 'VBKD-INCO2' 'COST INSUSRABCE FRIEGHT'.

loop at it_item into wa_item .concatenate 'RV45A-MABNR(' '0' val ')' into v_mabnr. concatenate 'RV45A-KWMENG(' '0' val ')' into v_kwmeng.

perform bdc_fiel using 'BDC_CURSOR' v_kwmeng.perform bdc_fiel using v_mabnr wa_item-matnr.perform bdc_fiel using v_kwmeng wa_item-kwmeng.

perform bdc_dynpr using 'SAPMV45A' '4001'.perform bdc_fiel using 'BDC_OKCODE' '/00'.

val = val + 1.if val > 5. val = 5.endif. endloop.val = 01.

perform bdc_dynpr using 'SAPMV45A' '4001'.perform bdc_fiel using 'BDC_OKCODE' '=SICH'.

perform bdc_transaction using 'VA01'. "MODE 'N' UPDATE 'S'endloop.

perform close_group.

*----------------------------------------------------------------------** Start new screen **----------------------------------------------------------------------*form bdc_dynpr using program dynpro. clear bdcdata. bdcdata-program = program. bdcdata-dynpro = dynpro. bdcdata-dynbegin = 'X'.

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append bdcdata.endform.

*----------------------------------------------------------------------** Insert field **----------------------------------------------------------------------*form bdc_fiel using fnam fval. if fval <> nodata. clear bdcdata. bdcdata-fnam = fnam. bdcdata-fval = fval. append bdcdata. endif.endform.*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**& Report ZDEMO2*&*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**&*&*&---------------------------------------------------------------------*

report zdemo2.

***************************************************************************************** Entra a la transaccion VA02 con los parametros de selección indicados* y le quita el bloqueo a este pedido.*El número de documento de ventas se manda a la VF01 y crea la factura correspondiente****************************************************************************************

tables: vbak, "Sales document, header data vbap. "Sales document, item data

data: begin of g_vbeln occurs 0,vbeln like vbak-vbeln,end of g_vbeln.

data: begin of bdc_tab occurs 0. include structure end of bdc_tab.

select-options:s_vbeln for vbak-vbeln, "Sales documents_audat for vbak-audat, "Document dates_auart for vbak-auart. "Sales document type

start-of-selection. perform get_data. perform remove_billingblock. perform bill_documents.******************************************************************** F O R M G E T _ D A T A*******************************************************************form get_data. select vbeln into corresponding fields of table g_vbeln from vbak where auart in s_auart and vbeln in s_vbeln and audat in s_audat. if sy-subrc > 0.

call function 'POPUP_TO_DISPLAY_TEXT' exporting* TITEL = ' ' textline1 = 'No sales documents found'* TEXTLINE2 = ' '

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* START_COLUMN = 25* START_ROW = 6 exceptions others = 1. endif.endform. "GET_DATA

******************************************************************** F O R M R E M O V E _ B I L L I N G B L O C K* Quita Bloqueo a pedido indicado( Transaction VA02 )

*******************************************************************form remove_billingblock.

perform open_group.

refresh bdc_tab. clear bdc_tab.

loop at g_vbeln.* Selection screen perform bdc_newdynpro using 'SAPMV45A' '0102'. perform bdc_field using 'VBAK-VBELN' g_vbeln-vbeln. perform bdc_field using 'BDC_OKCODE' 'UER1'.* Screen 40001 perform bdc_newdynpro using 'SAPMV45A' '4001'. perform bdc_field using 'BDC_OKCODE' 'SFSP'.* Screen 0253 fast change of billingblock perform bdc_newdynpro using 'SAPMV45A' '0253'. perform bdc_field using 'RV45A-S_FAKSK' ' '. perform bdc_field using 'BDC_OKCODE' 'SUEB'.* Back to screen 4001 perform bdc_newdynpro using 'SAPMV45A' '4001'. perform bdc_field using 'BDC_OKCODE' 'SICH'.* Insert perform bdc_insert using 'VA02'.

clear bdc_tab. refresh bdc_tab. endloop.

perform close_group.endform. "REMOVE_BILLINGBLOCK

******************************************************************** F O R M B I L L _ D O C U M E N T S* Crea factura de pedido desbloqueado ( Transaction VF01 )*******************************************************************form bill_documents.

data: l_nline type i, l_cline(3) type n, l_fieldname(20) type c.

perform open_group.

refresh bdc_tab. clear bdc_tab. clear l_nline. clear l_cline.

perform bdc_newdynpro using 'SAPMV60A' '0102'. perform bdc_field using 'BDC_OKCODE' 'ENT1'.

loop at g_vbeln. l_nline = l_nline + 1.

if l_nline > 16.* The screentable is filled, go to next page perform bdc_field using 'BDC_OKCODE' '=P+'. endif.

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* Convert linenumber to text move l_nline to l_cline. concatenate 'KOMFK-VBELN(' l_cline ')' into l_fieldname.

perform bdc_field using 'BDC_CURSOR' l_fieldname. perform bdc_field using l_fieldname g_vbeln-vbeln. perform bdc_field using 'BDC_OKCODE' 'ENT2'.


* Close screen 0102 perform bdc_field using 'BDC_OKCODE' '/11'.

* Insert perform bdc_insert using 'VF01'.

clear bdc_tab. refresh bdc_tab.

perform close_group.


******************************************************************** F O R M B D C _ D Y N P R O* Start a new screen*******************************************************************form bdc_newdynpro using program dynpro. clear bdc_tab. bdc_tab-program = program. bdc_tab-dynpro = dynpro. bdc_tab-dynbegin = 'X'. append bdc_tab.endform. "BDC_NEWDYNPRO

******************************************************************** F O R M B D C _ F I E L D* Inserts a field*******************************************************************form bdc_field using fnam fval. clear bdc_tab. bdc_tab-fnam = fnam. bdc_tab-fval = fval. append bdc_tab.endform. "BDC_FIELD


* F O R M O P E N _ G R O U P*******************************************************************form open_group.

call function 'BDC_OPEN_GROUP' exporting client = sy-mandt* DEST = FILLER8 group = 'ZSM02'* HOLDDATE = FILLER8 keep = 'X' user = sy-uname* RECORD = FILLER1* IMPORTING* QID = exceptions client_invalid = 1 destination_invalid = 2 group_invalid = 3 group_is_locked = 4

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holddate_invalid = 5 internal_error = 6 queue_error = 7 running = 8 system_lock_error = 9 user_invalid = 10 others = 11.endform. "OPEN_GROUP

******************************************************************** F O R M C L O S E _ G R O U P*******************************************************************

form close_group. call function 'BDC_CLOSE_GROUP' exceptions not_open = 1 queue_error = 2 others = 3.endform. "CLOSE_GROUP

*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**& Form BDC_INSERT*&---------------------------------------------------------------------** text*----------------------------------------------------------------------** -->TCODE text*----------------------------------------------------------------------*form bdc_insert using tcode. call function 'BDC_INSERT' exporting tcode = tcode* POST_LOCAL = NOVBLOCAL* PRINTING = NOPRINT tables dynprotab = bdc_tab exceptions internal_error = 1 not_open = 2 queue_error = 3 tcode_invalid = 4 printing_invalid = 5 posting_invalid = 6 others = 7.

endform. "BDC_INSERT

*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**& Report ZEX*&*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**&*&*&---------------------------------------------------------------------*


report zex.

tables: ekko.

type-pools: slis. "ALV Declarations*Data Declarationtypes: begin of t_ekko, ebeln type ekpo-ebeln, ebelp type ekpo-ebelp, statu type ekpo-statu, aedat type ekpo-aedat,

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matnr type ekpo-matnr, menge type ekpo-menge, meins type ekpo-meins, netpr type ekpo-netpr, peinh type ekpo-peinh, end of t_ekko.

data: it_ekko type standard table of t_ekko initial size 0, wa_ekko type t_ekko.

*data: zcurr(8) type p decimals 2.

*ALV data declarationsdata: fieldcatalog type slis_t_fieldcat_alv with header line, gd_tab_group type slis_t_sp_group_alv, gd_layout type slis_layout_alv, gd_repid like sy-repid.


perform data_retrieval.perform build_fieldcatalog.perform build_layout.perform display_alv_report.

*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**& Form BUILD_FIELDCATALOG*&---------------------------------------------------------------------** Build Fieldcatalog for ALV Report*----------------------------------------------------------------------*form build_fieldcatalog.

fieldcatalog-fieldname = 'EBELN'. fieldcatalog-seltext_m = 'Purchase Order'. fieldcatalog-col_pos = 0. fieldcatalog-outputlen = 10. fieldcatalog-emphasize = 'X'. fieldcatalog-key = 'X'. fieldcatalog-do_sum = 'X'. fieldcatalog-no_zero = 'X'. append fieldcatalog to fieldcatalog. clear fieldcatalog.

fieldcatalog-fieldname = 'EBELP'. fieldcatalog-seltext_m = 'PO Item'. fieldcatalog-col_pos = 1. append fieldcatalog to fieldcatalog. clear fieldcatalog.

fieldcatalog-fieldname = 'STATU'. fieldcatalog-seltext_m = 'Status'. fieldcatalog-col_pos = 2. append fieldcatalog to fieldcatalog. clear fieldcatalog.

fieldcatalog-fieldname = 'AEDAT'. fieldcatalog-seltext_m = 'Item change date'. fieldcatalog-col_pos = 3. append fieldcatalog to fieldcatalog. clear fieldcatalog.

fieldcatalog-fieldname = 'MATNR'. fieldcatalog-seltext_m = 'Material Number'. fieldcatalog-col_pos = 4.

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append fieldcatalog to fieldcatalog. clear fieldcatalog.

fieldcatalog-fieldname = 'MENGE'. fieldcatalog-seltext_m = 'PO quantity'. fieldcatalog-col_pos = 5. append fieldcatalog to fieldcatalog. clear fieldcatalog.

fieldcatalog-fieldname = 'MEINS'. fieldcatalog-seltext_m = 'Order Unit'. fieldcatalog-col_pos = 6. append fieldcatalog to fieldcatalog. clear fieldcatalog.

fieldcatalog-fieldname = 'NETPR'. fieldcatalog-seltext_m = 'Net Price'. fieldcatalog-col_pos = 7. fieldcatalog-outputlen = 15. fieldcatalog-do_sum = 'X'. "Display column total fieldcatalog-datatype = 'CURR'. append fieldcatalog to fieldcatalog. clear fieldcatalog.

fieldcatalog-fieldname = 'PEINH'. fieldcatalog-seltext_m = 'Price Unit'. fieldcatalog-col_pos = 8. append fieldcatalog to fieldcatalog. clear fieldcatalog.endform. " BUILD_FIELDCATALOG

*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**& Form BUILD_LAYOUT*&---------------------------------------------------------------------** Build layout for ALV grid report*----------------------------------------------------------------------*form build_layout. gd_layout-no_input = 'X'. gd_layout-colwidth_optimize = 'X'. gd_layout-totals_text = 'Totals'(201). gd_layout-totals_only = 'X'. gd_layout-f2code = 'DISP'. "Sets fcode for when double "click(press f2) gd_layout-zebra = 'X'. gd_layout-group_change_edit = 'X'. gd_layout-header_text = 'helllllo'.endform. " BUILD_LAYOUT

*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**& Form DISPLAY_ALV_REPORT*&---------------------------------------------------------------------** Display report using ALV grid*----------------------------------------------------------------------*form display_alv_report. gd_repid = sy-repid. call function 'REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY' exporting i_callback_program = gd_repid i_callback_top_of_page = 'TOP-OF-PAGE' "see FORM i_callback_user_command = 'USER_COMMAND'* i_grid_title = outtext is_layout = gd_layout it_fieldcat = fieldcatalog[]* it_special_groups = gd_tabgroup* IT_EVENTS = GT_XEVENTS i_save = 'X'* is_variant = z_template

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tables t_outtab = it_ekko exceptions program_error = 1 others = 2. if sy-subrc <> 0. message id sy-msgid type sy-msgty number sy-msgno with sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4. endif.endform. " DISPLAY_ALV_REPORT

*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**& Form DATA_RETRIEVAL*&---------------------------------------------------------------------** Retrieve data form EKPO table and populate itab it_ekko*----------------------------------------------------------------------*form data_retrieval.

select ebeln ebelp statu aedat matnr menge meins netpr peinh up to 20 rows from ekpo into table it_ekko.endform. " DATA_RETRIEVAL


**EJEMPLO 2 ALV***&---------------------------------------------------------------------***& Report ZGUMM**&**&---------------------------------------------------------------------***&**&**&---------------------------------------------------------------------***REPORT z_alv_dynamic_data_v2.*DATA:* g_mandt TYPE mandt.**SELECTION-SCREEN :*BEGIN OF LINE, COMMENT 6(33) v_1 FOR FIELD p_table. "#EC NEEDED*PARAMETERS p_table TYPE dd03l-tabname OBLIGATORY MEMORY ID dtb.*SELECTION-SCREEN : END OF LINE, SKIP.**SELECTION-SCREEN :*BEGIN OF LINE, COMMENT 6(30) v_2 FOR FIELD s_mandt. "#EC NEEDED*SELECT-OPTIONS s_mandt FOR g_mandt DEFAULT sy-mandt* MATCHCODE OBJECT ddsef4clnt.*SELECTION-SCREEN : END OF LINE, SKIP.**SELECTION-SCREEN :*SKIP , BEGIN OF LINE, COMMENT 6(33) v_3 FOR FIELD p_max. "#EC NEEDED*PARAMETERS p_max(3) TYPE n DEFAULT '200' OBLIGATORY.*SELECTION-SCREEN END OF LINE.***---------------------------------------------------------------------**AT SELECTION-SCREEN.** PERFORM f_check_table.***---------------------------------------------------------------------**INITIALIZATION.** v_1 = 'Table'.* v_2 = 'Client'.

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* v_3 = 'Maximum of records'.***---------------------------------------------------------------------**START-OF-SELECTION.** PERFORM f_display_data.***---------------------------------------------------------------------*** Form F_DISPLAY_DATA**---------------------------------------------------------------------**FORM f_display_data.** TYPE-POOLS: slis. " ALV Global Types** DATA:* lp_table TYPE REF TO data, " Pointer to dynamic table* ls_layout TYPE slis_layout_alv,* lt_fieldcat TYPE slis_t_fieldcat_alv.** FIELD-SYMBOLS :* <lt_data> TYPE STANDARD TABLE. " Data to display*** Create internal table* CREATE DATA lp_table TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF (p_table)* WITH NON-UNIQUE DEFAULT KEY.* ASSIGN lp_table->* TO <lt_data>.*** Field MANDT exists ?* SELECT SINGLE tabname* INTO p_table* FROM dd03l* WHERE tabname = p_table* AND fieldname = 'MANDT'* AND as4local = 'A'* AND as4vers = '0000'* AND position = '0001'* AND rollname = 'MANDT'.* IF sy-subrc EQ 0.** Read data* SELECT * UP TO p_max ROWS* FROM (p_table) CLIENT SPECIFIED* INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF TABLE <lt_data>* WHERE mandt IN s_mandt* ORDER BY PRIMARY KEY.* ELSE.** Field CLIENT exists ?* SELECT SINGLE tabname* INTO p_table* FROM dd03l* WHERE tabname = p_table* AND fieldname = 'CLIENT'* AND as4local = 'A'* AND as4vers = '0000'* AND position = '0001'* AND rollname = 'MANDT'.* IF sy-subrc EQ 0.** Read data* SELECT * UP TO p_max ROWS* FROM (p_table) CLIENT SPECIFIED* INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF TABLE <lt_data>* WHERE client IN s_mandt* ORDER BY PRIMARY KEY.* ELSE.** Read data* SELECT * UP TO p_max ROWS* FROM (p_table)* INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF TABLE <lt_data>* ORDER BY PRIMARY KEY.* ENDIF.* ENDIF.

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** IF <lt_data>[] IS INITIAL.** No table entries found for specified key* MESSAGE i429(mo).* EXIT.* ENDIF.*** Build Field catalog* CALL FUNCTION 'REUSE_ALV_FIELDCATALOG_MERGE'* EXPORTING* i_structure_name = p_table* i_client_never_display = ''* CHANGING* ct_fieldcat = lt_fieldcat* EXCEPTIONS* inconsistent_interface = 1* program_error = 2* OTHERS = 3.* IF sy-subrc <> 0.* MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno* WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.* ENDIF.** ls_layout-zebra = 'X'.* ls_layout-colwidth_optimize = 'X'.*** Display ALV List* CALL FUNCTION 'REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY'* EXPORTING* is_layout = ls_layout* it_fieldcat = lt_fieldcat* TABLES* t_outtab = <lt_data>.**ENDFORM. " F_DISPLAY_DATA**---------------------------------------------------------------------*** Form F_CHECK_TABLE**---------------------------------------------------------------------**FORM f_check_table.** DATA :* l_tabclass TYPE tabclass, " Table category* l_viewclass TYPE viewclass. " View Type*** Read table category* SELECT SINGLE tabclass viewclass* INTO (l_tabclass, l_viewclass)* FROM dd02l* WHERE tabname = p_table* AND as4local = 'A'* AND as4vers = '0000'.* IF sy-subrc NE 0.** Table & is not active in the Dictionary* MESSAGE e402(mo) WITH p_table.* ELSEIF l_tabclass = 'INTTAB'.** & is a structure, not a table* MESSAGE e403(mo) WITH p_table.* ELSEIF l_tabclass = 'VIEW' AND l_viewclass NE 'D'.** Only use views of type "Maintenance view"* MESSAGE e309(sv).* ENDIF.**ENDFORM. " F_CHECK_TABLE************************* FIN DU PROGRAMME Z_DYN ***********************

*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**& Module Pool ZMODULPOOL*&*&---------------------------------------------------------------------*

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program zmodulpool.

tables: usr21, adrp.*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**& Module USER_COMMAND_0100 INPUT*&---------------------------------------------------------------------** text*----------------------------------------------------------------------*module user_command_0100 input.

case sy-ucomm.

when 'SALIR'.*Abandonar la dynrpo actual set screen 0. leave screen.

when 'BUSCAR'.*Buscar el código de usuario basandonos en el que se indique en pantalla select single * from usr21 where bname = usr21-bname.

*Si existe el usuario se buscara el nombre completo, de lo contrario se muesra el error if sy-subrc = 0.

select single * from adrp where persnumber = usr21-persnumber.

*Si no se encuentra se muestra mensaje de error. Y si existe no tengo que hacer nada por q automaticamente aparece*el nombre en el campo de la dynpro. Esto es por q hemos declarado el campo de la dynpro igual que el campo de la*tabla de la base de datos. if sy-subrc ne 0.

adrp-name_text = 'El usuario no existe'. endif. else. adrp-name_text = 'El usuario no existe'. endif.

when 'SAVE'.

*Guardar la info en alguna tabla

when 'CLEAR'.*Limpiar variablesclear: adrp-name_text, usr21-bname.


endmodule. " USER_COMMAND_0100 INPUT*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**& Module STATUS_0100 OUTPUT*&---------------------------------------------------------------------** text*----------------------------------------------------------------------*module status_0100 output. set pf-status 'MPAINTER'. "En segundo lugar crear el menu painter (Nombre en mayusculas) set titlebar 'STB'. " Crear Set title bar primero (Nombre en mayusculas)

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endmodule. " STATUS_0100 OUTPUT

*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**& Module Pool ZMODULPOOL2_BRF*&*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**&*&*&---------------------------------------------------------------------*

program zmodulpool2_brf.

tables: ust10s.

data: t_ust10s like ust10s occurs 0 with header line, "guardara el resultado de buscar los objetos y autorizaciones de un determinado perfil i type i. "variable que controla los registros que pasamos al Step Loop*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**& Module ASIGNAR_DATOS OUTPUT*&---------------------------------------------------------------------** text*----------------------------------------------------------------------*module asignar_datos output.

*Es una asignacion simple debido a que la tabla t_ust10s tiene la misma estructura que la tabla ust10s

ust10s = t_ust10s.

endmodule. " ASIGNAR_DATOS OUTPUT*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**& Module USER_COMMAND_0100 INPUT*&---------------------------------------------------------------------** text*----------------------------------------------------------------------*module user_command_0100 input.

case sy-ucomm.

when 'SALIR'.

set screen 0. leave screen.

when 'BUSCAR'.

refresh: t_ust10s. clear: t_ust10s.

*Buscar en la tabla ust10s el perfil del campo PROFN de la dynpro y el *resultado lo guardo en la tabla internaselect * from ust10s into table t_ust10swhere profn = ust10s-profn.endcase.

endmodule. " USER_COMMAND_0100 INPUT

*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**& Report ZQQ*&*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**&*&

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report zuploadexceldata .

types : begin of gty_currency, currencycode(5) type c, currencyname(50) type c, end of gty_currency.

data : currline type i, gs_exceldata type alsmex_tabline, gt_exceldata type table of alsmex_tabline, gs_currency type gty_currency, gt_currency type table of gty_currency.

* Import data from Excelcall function 'ALSM_EXCEL_TO_INTERNAL_TABLE' exporting filename = 'C:\currency.xls' i_begin_col = 1 i_begin_row = 1 i_end_col = 2 i_end_row = 1000 tables intern = gt_exceldata* EXCEPTIONS* INCONSISTENT_PARAMETERS = 1* UPLOAD_OLE = 2* OTHERS = 3 .if sy-subrc <> 0.* MESSAGE ID SY-MSGID TYPE SY-MSGTY NUMBER SY-MSGNO* WITH SY-MSGV1 SY-MSGV2 SY-MSGV3 SY-MSGV4.endif.

* Load data into internal tablecurrline = 0.sort gt_exceldata by row value.loop at gt_exceldata into gs_exceldata.

if currline = 0. currline = gs_exceldata-row. endif.

if currline <> gs_exceldata-row. currline = gs_exceldata-row. append gs_currency to gt_currency. endif.

case gs_exceldata-col. when 1. gs_currency-currencycode = gs_exceldata-value. when 2. gs_currency-currencyname = gs_exceldata-value. when others. endcase.


* Display data write : / 'Code', 10 'Currency'.

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loop at gt_currency into gs_currency.

write : / gs_currency-currencycode under 'Code', gs_currency-currencyname under 'Currency'.


*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**& Report ZREPORTE_BRF*&*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**& Nombre: Beatriz Romero*$ Fecha: 7 dic 2011*& Descripción : Primer reporte de prueba GICSA*&---------------------------------------------------------------------*

report zreporte_brf.

tables: trdir.

selection-screen begin of block uno with frame title text-001. parameters: r_opt01 radiobutton group rad1, r_opt02 radiobutton group rad1, r_opt03 radiobutton group rad1, r_opt04 radiobutton group rad1.

selection-screen skip.

parameters: p_opt01 radiobutton group rad2 user-command aaa, p_opt02 radiobutton group rad2, p_opt03 radiobutton group rad2, p_opt04 radiobutton group rad2. selection-screen end of block uno.

selection-screen begin of block dos with frame title text-002. select-options: s_opt1 for trdir-cnam, s_opt22 for trdir-cnam, s_opt333 for trdir-cnam, s_opt444 for trdir-cnam. selection-screen end of block dos.

* AT SELECTION-SCREEN OUTPUT.** LOOP AT SCREEN.**---- Opción 1* IF r_opt01 = 'X'.* IF screen-name CS 'S_OPT1'.* screen-invisible = '0'.* screen-input = '1'.* ELSEIF screen-name CS 'S_OPT22' OR* screen-name CS 'S_OPT333' OR* screen-name CS 'S_OPT444' .* screen-invisible = '1'.* screen-input = '0'.* ENDIF.***---- Opción 2* ELSEIF p_opt02 = 'X'.* IF screen-name CS 'S_OPT22'.* screen-invisible = '0'.* screen-input = '1'.* ELSEIF screen-name CS 'S_OPT1' OR* screen-name CS 'S_OPT333' OR* screen-name CS 'S_OPT444' .

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* screen-invisible = '1'.* screen-input = '0'.* ENDIF.***---- Opción 3* ELSEIF p_opt03 = 'X'.* IF screen-name CS 'S_OPT333'.* screen-invisible = '0'.* screen-input = '1'.* ELSEIF screen-name CS 'S_OPT1' OR* screen-name CS 'S_OPT22' OR* screen-name CS 'S_OPT444' .* screen-invisible = '1'.* screen-input = '0'.* ENDIF.***---- Opción 4* ELSEIF p_opt04 = 'X'.* IF screen-name CS 'S_OPT444'.* screen-invisible = '0'.* screen-input = '1'.* ELSEIF screen-name CS 'S_OPT1' OR* screen-name CS 'S_OPT22' OR* screen-name CS 'S_OPT333' .* screen-invisible = '1'.* screen-input = '0'.* ENDIF.* ENDIF.* MODIFY SCREEN.* ENDLOOP.

*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**& Report ZSERVIDOR*&*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**&*&*&---------------------------------------------------------------------*

report zservidor.

parameter: p_path(100) default 'E:\usr\sap\EC1\DVEBMGS00\data\tbxstat'.*'E:\USR\SAP\EC1\DVEBMGS00\DATA\E0001OAC.DAT'.

* 'E:\usr\sap\EC1\DVEBMGS00\data\tbxstat'.

*DATA: BEGIN OF ti_registros OCCURS 0,*reg LIKE file_table-filename.*DATA: END OF ti_registros.

types: begin of t_registros,reg like file_table-filename.types: end of t_registros.

data: ti_registros type table of t_registros with header wa_reg type t_registros.

*OPEN DATASET p_path FOR INPUT IN TEXT MODE ENCODING dataset p_path for input in legacy text mode.if sy-subrc ne 0. write:/ ' Error no se puede abrir el fichero'.else. do. clear ti_registros. read dataset p_path into ti_registros.

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if sy-subrc = 0. append ti_registros. else. exit. endif. enddo.

close dataset p_path.endif.

loop at ti_registros into wa_reg.

write wa_reg-reg. endloop.

*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**& Report ZSMART1*&*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**&*&*&---------------------------------------------------------------------*

report zsmart1.

tables: mkpf.* ----------------------------------------------------------------------* Nombre del modulo de funciones del /1bcdwb/sf00000152 type rs38l_fnam.

* Tabla auxiliar para los begin of aux_mkpf occurs 0. include structure end of aux_mkpf.* ----------------------------------------------------------------------* Programa principalperform cargar_datos_demo.perform invocar_smartform.exit.* ----------------------------------------------------------------------form cargar_datos_demo.* Limpiar las tablas auxiliares antes de usarlas. clear aux_mkpf. refresh aux_mkpf.* Cargar los 10 primeros registros para probar. select * into table aux_mkpf from mkpf.endform. "cargar_datos_demo* ----------------------------------------------------------------------form invocar_smartform.* Inicializar el formulario. call function 'SSF_FUNCTION_MODULE_NAME' exporting formname = 'ZIMAGEN' importing fm_name = /1bcdwb/sf00000152 exceptions no_form = 1 no_function_module = 2 others = 3.* Si hubo errores, desplegar mensaje y terminar, si se continua se* produce un error de run time. if sy-subrc <> 0. message id sy-msgid type sy-msgty number sy-msgno with sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.

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endif.* Enviar datos al formulario e imprimirlo. call function '/1BCDWB/SF00000152' tables gs_mkpf = aux_mkpf exceptions formatting_error = 1 internal_error = 2 send_error = 3 user_canceled = 4 others = 5.* Si se produce un error, controlarlo if sy-subrc <> 0. message id sy-msgid type sy-msgty number sy-msgno with sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4. endif.endform. "invocar_smartform* ---------------------------------------------------

*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**& Report ZSOL*&*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**&*&*&---------------------------------------------------------------------*


program zsol no standard page heading.

data: number like dummy like begin of cards occurs 52 , entry type i, row type i, col type i, vis(1), end of card_num type i, suit_num type i, suit(1), card(2), rows type blank(3) value '***'.data: next-card(4) value 'Next'.data: restart(8) value 'New game'.data: reveal(6) value 'Reveal'.data: test_num type i, to_num type i, moving_num type i, pile_num type curr_c type i, curr_h type i, curr_s type i, curr_d type moving_suit(1), to_suit(1), moving_card(2), to_card(2), pile_suit(1), pile_card(2),moving_type(1) .data: moving_row type i, moving_col type i, to_row type i, to_col type i, test_row type current_card type i, min_card type i , max_card type currentfield(50).data: disc_c(3),disc_h(3),disc_s(3),disc_d(3).data: rows_out type i, cols_out type i.

perform shuffle.perform show_screen.

at line-selection. get cursor field currentfield. perform process-input.

*---------------------------------------------------------------------** FORM SHUFFLE *

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*---------------------------------------------------------------------** ........ **---------------------------------------------------------------------*form shuffle. min_card = 3.max_card = 24. curr_c = -1.curr_d = -1.curr_h = -1.curr_s = -1. disc_c = 'CCC'.disc_h = 'HHH'.disc_s = 'SSS'.disc_d = 'DDD'. number = sy-uzeit mod 1000. do number times. call function 'RANDOM_I2' importing rnd_value = dummy. enddo. refresh cards. clear cards. sy-tabix = 0. while sy-tabix < 52.*do 40 times. call function 'RANDOM_I2' exporting rnd_min = 0 rnd_max = 51 importing rnd_value = number. read table cards with key number transporting no fields. if sy-subrc <> 0. cards-vis = 'n'. describe table cards lines rows. case rows. when = 'y'.cards-row = = 0. when = 'y'.cards-row = = 1. when = 'y'.cards-row = = 2. when = 'y'.cards-row = = 3. when = 'y'.cards-row = = 4. when = 'y'.cards-row = = 5. when = 'y'.cards-row = = 6. when = = 0. endcase. cards-col = cards-col + 1. cards-entry = number. append cards. endif.*enddo. endwhile. current_card = min_card.endform.

*---------------------------------------------------------------------** FORM SHOW_SCREEN **---------------------------------------------------------------------** ........ **---------------------------------------------------------------------*form show_screen. rows_out = 1. cols_out = 4. do 7 times. skip to line rows_out. position cols_out. write blank hotspot. cols_out = cols_out + 4. enddo. loop at cards. perform make_card. if cards-row < 20. rows_out = cards-row + 1. skip to line rows_out. cols_out = cards-col * 4. position cols_out. if cards-vis = 'n'. write 'XXX' color off intensified off inverse off. else. if suit = 'D' or suit = 'H'.

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write: suit no-gap color 6 intensified inverse hotspot, card color 6 intensified inverse hotspot. else. write: suit no-gap color off intensified off inverse off hotspot, card color off intensified off inverse off hotspot. endif. endif. else. skip to line 20. cols_out = cards-col * 4. if cols_out > 48. skip to line 21. cols_out = cols_out - 48. endif. position cols_out. if cards-col = current_card. pile_suit = suit. pile_card = card. pile_num = card_num. if suit = 'D' or suit = 'H'. write: pile_suit no-gap color 6 intensified inverse hotspot, pile_card color 6 intensified inverse hotspot. else. write: pile_suit no-gap color off intensified off hotspot, pile_card color off intensified off hotspot. endif. else. if cards-col < current_card. write 'XXX' color off intensified off inverse off. endif. endif. endif. endloop. skip to line 4. position 40.write: disc_c color off intensified off inverse off hotspot. skip to line 4. position 44. write: disc_d color 6 intensified inverse hotspot. skip to line 4. position 48. write: disc_s color off intensified off inverse off hotspot. skip to line 4. position 52. write: disc_h color 6 intensified inverse hotspot. if min_card > 0. skip to line 23. position 1. write next-card hotspot. endif. skip to line 23. position 20. write restart hotspot.* skip to line 23. position 40. write reveal hotspot. skip to line 25. position 1. write currentfield. sy-lsind = 0.endform.

*---------------------------------------------------------------------** FORM PROCESS-INPUT **---------------------------------------------------------------------** ........ **---------------------------------------------------------------------*form process-input. if currentfield = 'NEXT-CARD'. if current_card = max_card. current_card = min_card. else. current_card = current_card + 3. if current_card > max_card. current_card = max_card. endif. endif. moving_card = space. currentfield = space. perform show_screen. exit. endif. if currentfield = 'REVEAL'.

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loop at cards. cards-vis = 'y'. modify cards. endloop. perform show_screen. exit. endif. if currentfield = 'RESTART'. perform shuffle. currentfield = 'Restarting'. perform show_screen. exit. endif. if moving_card = space. if currentfield = 'CARD' or currentfield = 'SUIT'. currentfield = space. rows_out = sy-curow - 1. cols_out = sy-cucol div 4. loop at cards. if cards-row = rows_out and cards-col = cols_out. currentfield = 'Moving '. perform make_card. moving_row = cards-row. moving_col = cards-col. moving_card = card. moving_suit = suit. moving_type = 'm'. moving_num = card_num. currentfield+8(1) = suit. currentfield+9(2) = card. endif. endloop. else. if currentfield = 'PILE_CARD' or currentfield = 'PILE_SUIT'. moving_card = pile_card. moving_suit = pile_suit. moving_type = 'p'. moving_num = pile_num. currentfield = 'Moving pile card'. currentfield+17(1) = pile_suit. currentfield+18(2) = pile_card. else. currentfield = space. endif. endif. else. if currentfield = 'CARD' or currentfield = 'SUIT' or currentfield = 'BLANK'. rows_out = sy-curow - 1. cols_out = sy-cucol div 4. test_row = -1. if currentfield = 'BLANK'. to_col = cols_out. to_row = rows_out - 1. if moving_card = 'K'. perform move_card. else. currentfield = 'Can only move K to blank'. moving_card = space. endif. else. loop at cards. if ( cards-row >= test_row and cards-row < 20 ) and cards-col = cols_out. test_row = cards-row. perform make_card. to_col = cards-col. to_row = cards-row. to_card = card. to_suit = suit.

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to_num = card_num. endif. endloop. if to_col <> moving_col or moving_type = 'p'. if ( ( moving_suit = 'D' or moving_suit = 'H' ) and ( to_suit = 'D' or to_suit = 'H' ) ) or ( ( moving_suit = 'C' or moving_suit = 'S' ) and ( to_suit = 'S' or to_suit = 'S' ) ). currentfield = 'Can only put black on red or red on black'. moving_card = space. else. test_num = to_num - 1. if test_num = moving_num. perform move_card. else. currentfield = 'Can only put on next higher card'. moving_card = space. endif. endif. else. currentfield = 'Can only move to another column'. moving_card = space. endif. endif. else. if currentfield(4) = 'DISC'. to_suit = currentfield+5(1). if moving_type = 'p'. else. test_row = -1. loop at cards. if cards-col = moving_col and cards-row > test_row and cards-row < 20. test_row = cards-row. perform make_card. moving_suit = suit. moving_card = card. moving_row = cards-row. moving_col = cards-col. moving_num = card_num. endif. endloop. endif. if moving_suit = to_suit. case moving_suit. when 'C'. test_num = curr_c + 1. when 'H'. test_num = curr_h + 1. when 'D'. test_num = curr_d + 1. when 'S'. test_num = curr_s + 1. endcase. if test_num = moving_num. perform discard_card. case moving_suit. when 'C'. curr_c = curr_c + 1. when 'D'. curr_d = curr_d + 1. when 'S'. curr_s = curr_s + 1. when 'H'. curr_h = curr_h + 1. endcase. else. currentfield = 'Can only discard on next lower card'. moving_card = space. endif. else. moving_card = space. currentfield = 'Can only discard on same suit'. endif. else. moving_card = space.

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currentfield = space. endif. endif. endif. perform show_screen.endform.*---------------------------------------------------------------------** FORM MAKE_CARD **---------------------------------------------------------------------** ........ **---------------------------------------------------------------------*form make_card. suit_num = cards-entry div 13 . case suit_num. when 0.suit = 'D'. when 1.suit = 'H'. when 2.suit = 'C'. when 3.suit = 'S'. endcase. card_num = cards-entry mod 13. case card_num. when 0.card = 'A'. when 1.card = '2'. when 2.card = '3'. when 3.card = '4'. when 4.card = '5'. when 5.card = '6'. when 6.card = '7'. when 7.card = '8'. when 8.card = '9'. when 9.card = '10'. when 10.card = 'J'. when 11.card = 'Q'. when 12.card = 'K'. endcase.endform.*---------------------------------------------------------------------** FORM MOVE_CARD **---------------------------------------------------------------------** ........ **---------------------------------------------------------------------*form move_card. if currentfield <> 'BLANK'. currentfield = 'Moving xxx to'. move moving_suit to currentfield+7(1). move moving_card to currentfield+8(2). move to_suit to currentfield+14(1). move to_card to currentfield+15(2). else. currentfield = 'Starting emtpy column'. endif. if moving_type = 'p'. move 'from pile' to currentfield+18. loop at cards. if cards-row = 20 and cards-col = current_card. cards-col = to_col. cards-row = to_row + 1. cards-vis = 'y'. endif. if cards-row = 20 and cards-col > current_card. cards-col = cards-col - 1. endif. modify cards. endloop. current_card = current_card - 1. max_card = max_card - 1. if max_card < min_card. min_card = min_card - 1. max_card = min_card. endif.

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if current_card < 1. current_card = min_card. endif. else. loop at cards. if cards-col = moving_col and ( cards-row >= moving_row and cards-row < 20 ). cards-col = to_col. cards-row = to_row + 1 + cards-row - moving_row. modify cards. endif. endloop. test_row = moving_row - 1. loop at cards. if cards-col = moving_col and cards-row = test_row. cards-vis = 'y'. modify cards. endif. endloop. endif. moving_card = space.endform.*---------------------------------------------------------------------** FORM DISCARD_CARD **---------------------------------------------------------------------** ........ **---------------------------------------------------------------------*form discard_card. move 'Discarding' to currentfield. move moving_suit to currentfield+13(1). move moving_card to currentfield+14(2). case to_suit. when 'C'. disc_c+1(2) = moving_card. when 'D'. disc_d+1(2) = moving_card. when 'H'. disc_h+1(2) = moving_card. when 'S'. disc_s+1(2) = moving_card. endcase. if moving_type = 'p'. move 'from pile' to currentfield+18. loop at cards. if cards-row = 20 and cards-col = current_card. cards-col = 0. endif. if cards-row = 20 and cards-col > current_card. cards-col = cards-col - 1. endif. modify cards. endloop. current_card = current_card - 1. max_card = max_card - 1. if max_card < min_card. min_card = min_card - 1. max_card = min_card. endif. if current_card < 1. current_card = min_card. endif. else. loop at cards. if cards-row = moving_row and cards-col = moving_col. cards-col = 0. modify cards. endif. endloop. test_row = moving_row - 1. loop at cards.

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if cards-col = moving_col and cards-row = test_row. cards-vis = 'y'. modify cards. endif. endloop. endif. moving_card = space.endform.

*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**& Report ZTC_BRF*&*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**&*&*&---------------------------------------------------------------------*

report ztc_brf.

tables: ekko.

data: mark type c.controls: tc100 type tableview using screen 100.

data: ok_code type it_ekko type standard table of ekko initial size 0, wa_ekko type ekko.*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**& Module DATA_RETRIEVAL OUTPUT*&---------------------------------------------------------------------** text*----------------------------------------------------------------------*module data_retrieval output.

select ebeln bukrs bstyp bsart bsakz loekz statu aedat up to 10 rows from ekko into corresponding fields of table it_ekko.

endmodule. " DATA_RETRIEVAL OUTPUT*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**& Module POPULATE_SCREEN OUTPUT*&---------------------------------------------------------------------** text*----------------------------------------------------------------------*module populate_screen output.

data: ld_line type i.

* linea de table es el top de la tabla de control mostrada if sy-stepl = 1. tc100-lines = tc100-top_line + sy-loopc - 1. endif.

* move fields from work area to scrren fields move-corresponding wa_ekko to ekko.

describe table it_ekko lines tc100-current_line.

endmodule. " POPULATE_SCREEN OUTPUT*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**& Module USER_COMMAND_0100 INPUT*&---------------------------------------------------------------------** text*----------------------------------------------------------------------*module user_command_0100 input.

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case sy-ucomm.

when 'SALIR'.*Abandonar la dynrpo actual set screen 0. leave screen.

endcase.endmodule. " USER_COMMAND_0100 INPUT

*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**& Report ZUP*&*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**&*&*&---------------------------------------------------------------------*

report zup.

type-pools: truxs.

parameters: p_file type rlgrap-filename.

types: begin of t_datatab, col1(30) type c, col2(30) type c, col3(30) type c, end of it_datatab type standard table of t_datatab, wa_datatab type t_datatab.

data: it_raw type truxs_t_text_data.

* At selection screenat selection-screen on value-request for p_file. call function 'F4_FILENAME' exporting field_name = 'P_FILE' importing file_name = p_file.


call function 'TEXT_CONVERT_XLS_TO_SAP' "alsm_excel_to_internal_table exporting* I_FIELD_SEPERATOR = i_line_header = 'X' "Con esta línea de código indicamos si el archivo a cargar tendran nombres las "columnas a crear i_tab_raw_data = it_raw " WORK TABLE i_filename = p_file tables i_tab_converted_data = it_datatab[] "ACTUAL DATA exceptions conversion_failed = 1 others = 2.

if sy-subrc <> 0. message id sy-msgid type sy-msgty number sy-msgno with sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4. endif.


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* END-OF-SELECTION.end-of-selection. loop at it_datatab into wa_datatab. write:/ wa_datatab-col1, wa_datatab-col2, wa_datatab-col3. endloop.

*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**& Report ZTABLA_CTRL_RTO*&*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**&*&*&---------------------------------------------------------------------*

report ztabla_ctrl_rto.

tables: vbak, vbap.

data: it_vbak type standard table of vbak with header line, it_vbap type standard table of vbap with header line, wa_it_vbak type vbak, wa_it_vbap type vbap, i type i.

types: begin of t_vbak_vbap, hdr(1) type c, vbeln type vbak-vbeln, erdat type vbak-erdat, netwr type vbak-netwr, line(1) type c, posnr type vbap-posnr, matnr type vbap-matnr, posar type vbap-posar, zwert type vbap-zwert.types: end of t_vbak_vbap.

data: it_vbak_vbap type standard table of t_vbak_vbap with header line, wa_it_vbak_vbap type t_vbak_vbap.

controls: tc1 type tableview using screen '9000'.

*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**& Module USER_COMMAND_9000 INPUT*&---------------------------------------------------------------------** text*----------------------------------------------------------------------*module user_command_9000 input.

case sy-ucomm. when 'SALIR'. set screen 0. leave screen.

when 'LLENAR'. perform llenado.


endmodule. " USER_COMMAND_9000 INPUT*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**& Module STATUS_9000 OUTPUT*&---------------------------------------------------------------------** text*----------------------------------------------------------------------*

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module status_9000 output.* SET PF-STATUS 'xxxxxxxx'.* SET TITLEBAR 'xxx'.

* PERFORM llenado.

endmodule. " STATUS_9000 OUTPUT*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**& Form LLENADO*&---------------------------------------------------------------------** text*----------------------------------------------------------------------** --> p1 text* <-- p2 text*----------------------------------------------------------------------*form llenado .

select * into table it_vbak from vbak.

select * into table it_vbapfrom vbapfor all entries in it_vbakwhere vbeln = it_vbak-vbeln.

loop at it_vbak into wa_it_vbak.

if sy-subrc = 0. wa_it_vbak_vbap-hdr = 'C'. wa_it_vbak_vbap-vbeln = wa_it_vbak-vbeln. wa_it_vbak_vbap-erdat = wa_it_vbak-erdat. wa_it_vbak_vbap-netwr = wa_it_vbak-netwr. wa_it_vbak_vbap-line = ''. wa_it_vbak_vbap-posnr = ''. wa_it_vbak_vbap-matnr = ''. wa_it_vbak_vbap-posar = ''. wa_it_vbak_vbap-zwert = ''.

append wa_it_vbak_vbap to it_vbak_vbap.

endif. loop at it_vbap into wa_it_vbap where vbeln = wa_it_vbak-vbeln.

if sy-subrc = 0.

wa_it_vbak_vbap-hdr = ''. wa_it_vbak_vbap-vbeln = ''. wa_it_vbak_vbap-erdat = ''. wa_it_vbak_vbap-netwr = 0. wa_it_vbak_vbap-line = 'L'. wa_it_vbak_vbap-posnr = wa_it_vbap-posnr. wa_it_vbak_vbap-matnr = wa_it_vbap-matnr. wa_it_vbak_vbap-posar = wa_it_vbap-posar. wa_it_vbak_vbap-zwert = wa_it_vbap-zwert.

append wa_it_vbak_vbap to it_vbak_vbap.



endform. " LLENADO

*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**& Report ZREPORTE_FORM_RTO*&*&---------------------------------------------------------------------*

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report zreporte_form_rto.

tables: bkpf, bseg,kna1.

data: it_bkpf type standard table of bkpf with header line, it_bseg type standard table of bseg with header line, it_kna1 type standard table of kna1 with header line, wa_it_bkpf type bkpf, wa_it_bseg type bseg, wa_it_kna1 type kna1, belnr type bkpf-belnr, /1bcdwb/sf00000160 type rs38l_fnam.

data: it_bkpf_bseg type ztabkpf_bseg_rto, wa_it_bkpf_bseg type ztbkpf_bseg_rto.

parameters: l_bukrs type bkpf-bukrs default '0001', l_belnr type bkpf-belnr default '100000001', l_gjahr type bkpf-gjahr default '2012'.

select * into table it_bkpf from bkpf where bukrs = l_bukrs and belnr = l_belnr and gjahr = * into table it_bsegfrom bsegfor all entries in it_bkpfwhere belnr = it_bkpf-belnr and bukrs = it_bkpf-bukrs and gjahr = it_bkpf-gjahr.

select * into table it_kna1from kna1for all entries in it_bsegwhere kunnr = it_bseg-kunnr.

loop at it_bkpf into wa_it_bkpf. loop at it_bseg into wa_it_bseg. read table it_kna1 into wa_it_kna1 with key kunnr = wa_it_bseg-kunnr.

if sy-subrc = 0.

wa_it_bkpf_bseg-belnr = wa_it_bkpf-belnr. wa_it_bkpf_bseg-awkey = wa_it_bkpf-awkey. wa_it_bkpf_bseg-bldat = wa_it_bkpf-bldat. wa_it_bkpf_bseg-fpayment(25) = 'Pago en una sola Exhibición'. wa_it_bkpf_bseg-eanred = 'GRUPO '. wa_it_bkpf_bseg-ename1 = 'CABI ADMINISTRADORA'. wa_it_bkpf_bseg-ename2 = ''. wa_it_bkpf_bseg-eort01 = 'México D.F'. wa_it_bkpf_bseg-kunnr = wa_it_bseg-kunnr. wa_it_bkpf_bseg-anred = wa_it_kna1-anred. wa_it_bkpf_bseg-name1 = wa_it_kna1-name1. wa_it_bkpf_bseg-name2 = wa_it_kna1-name2. wa_it_bkpf_bseg-ort01 = wa_it_kna1-ort01. wa_it_bkpf_bseg-yearapp(4) = '2011'. wa_it_bkpf_bseg-noapp(5) = '01234'. wa_it_bkpf_bseg-quaty = '1'. wa_it_bkpf_bseg-sgtxt = wa_it_bseg-sgtxt. wa_it_bkpf_bseg-pswbt = wa_it_bseg-pswbt. wa_it_bkpf_bseg-tswbt = wa_it_bseg-pswbt * wa_it_bkpf_bseg-quaty.

append wa_it_bkpf_bseg to it_bkpf_bseg.

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*belnr = '12345'.

call function 'SSF_FUNCTION_MODULE_NAME' exporting formname = 'ZSMART_FORMS_RTO'* VARIANT = ' '* DIRECT_CALL = ' ' importing fm_name = /1bcdwb/sf00000160* EXCEPTIONS* NO_FORM = 1* NO_FUNCTION_MODULE = 2* OTHERS = 3 . if sy-subrc <> 0.* MESSAGE ID SY-MSGID TYPE SY-MSGTY NUMBER SY-MSGNO* WITH SY-MSGV1 SY-MSGV2 SY-MSGV3 SY-MSGV4. endif.



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*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**& Report ZREPORTE_EXCELFINAL_RTO*&*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**&*&*&---------------------------------------------------------------------*

report zreporte_excelfinal_rto.

type-pools: truxs.tables: kna1.

types: begin of t_kna1, zcliente type kna1-kunnr, zpais type kna1-land1, zname type name1, zcity type ort01, zcp type pstlz, zregion type regio, zcalle type stras,

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ztel type telf1, end of t_kna1.

data: it_table type standard table of t_kna1 with header line, it_raw type truxs_t_text_data, it_wa_aux type t_kna1, it_wa_table type standard table of kna1 with header line.

*selection-screen begin of block uno with frame title text-001.parameters: "z_opt01 radiobutton group rad1, l_file type rlgrap-filename default 'C:\Users\rmartinez\Desktop\SAP\Curso GICSA\Repaso ABAP\Datos Clientes - KNA1.xlsx'.**selection-screen skip 2.**parameters z_opt02 radiobutton group rad1.**selection-screen end of block uno.

** LOOP at screen.**---- Opcion 1* if z_opt01 = 'X'.

* At selection screenat selection-screen on value-request for l_file. call function 'F4_FILENAME' exporting field_name = 'P_FILE' importing file_name = l_file.

*START-OF-SELECTION call function 'TEXT_CONVERT_XLS_TO_SAP' exporting* I_FIELD_SEPERATOR = i_line_header = 'X' i_tab_raw_data = it_raw i_filename = l_file tables i_tab_converted_data = it_table exceptions conversion_failed = 1 others = 2 . if sy-subrc <> 0.* MESSAGE ID SY-MSGID TYPE SY-MSGTY NUMBER SY-MSGNO* WITH SY-MSGV1 SY-MSGV2 SY-MSGV3 SY-MSGV4. endif.

loop at it_table into it_wa_aux.

it_wa_table-kunnr = it_wa_aux-zcliente. it_wa_table-land1 = it_wa_aux-zpais. it_wa_table-name1 = it_wa_aux-zname. it_wa_table-ort01 = it_wa_aux-zcity. it_wa_table-pstlz = it_wa_aux-zcp. it_wa_table-regio = it_wa_aux-zregion. it_wa_table-stras = it_wa_aux-zcalle. it_wa_table-telf1 = it_wa_aux-ztel. it_wa_table-adrnr = '11111'.

append it_wa_table.


*Lo mas recomendable cuando son muchos datos. insert kna1 from table it_wa_table.

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if sy-subrc <> 0.endif.

* endif.*EndLOOP.

report zreportedatosmasivos no standard page heading line-size 255.

include bdcrecx1.


perform open_group.

perform bdc_dynpro using 'SAPMF02D' '0101'.perform bdc_field using 'BDC_CURSOR' 'RF02D-KUNNR'.perform bdc_field using 'BDC_OKCODE' '/00'.perform bdc_field using 'RF02D-KUNNR' '0000000100'.perform bdc_field using 'RF02D-D0110' 'X'.perform bdc_dynpro using 'SAPMF02D' '0110'.perform bdc_field using 'BDC_CURSOR' 'KNA1-TELF2'.perform bdc_field using 'BDC_OKCODE' '=UPDA'.perform bdc_field using 'KNA1-NAME1' 'Servicios de Limpieza'.perform bdc_field using 'KNA1-NAME2' 'y Mantenimiento'.perform bdc_field using 'KNA1-STRAS' 'Av. Comonfort 514'.perform bdc_field using 'KNA1-ORT01' 'MEXICO'.perform bdc_field using 'KNA1-PSTLZ' '04378'.perform bdc_field using 'KNA1-ORT02' 'Miguel Hidalgo'.perform bdc_field using 'KNA1-LAND1' 'MX'.perform bdc_field using 'KNA1-REGIO' 'DF'.perform bdc_field using 'KNA1-SPRAS' 'ES'.perform bdc_field using 'KNA1-TELF1' '(55) 34982364'.perform bdc_field using 'KNA1-TELF2' '(55) 23234545'.perform bdc_transaction using 'XD02'.

perform close_group.

*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**& Module Pool ZMPOOL_RTO*&*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**&*&*&---------------------------------------------------------------------*

program zmpool_rto.

tables: ust04, usr11.

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data: begin of t_perfiles occurs 300, profile like ust04-profile, texto like usr11-ptext, end of t_perfiles, i type i.

controls: tab1 type tabstrip, table type tableview using screen '9100'.*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**& Module USER_COMMAND_9200 INPUT*&---------------------------------------------------------------------** text*----------------------------------------------------------------------*module user_command_9200 input.

case sy-ucomm. when 'BUSCAR'.

clear: t_perfiles. refresh: t_perfiles.

select * from ust04 where bname = ust04-bname.

t_perfiles-profile = ust04-profile.

select single * from usr11 where profn = ust04-profile and langu = sy-langu and aktps = 'A'.

if sy-subrc = 0. t_perfiles-texto = usr11-ptext. else. t_perfiles-texto = 'No hay descripción'. endif.

append t_perfiles.


tab1-activetab = 'PERF'.


endmodule. " USER_COMMAND_9200 INPUT*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**& Module USER_COMMAND_9000 INPUT*&---------------------------------------------------------------------** text*----------------------------------------------------------------------*module user_command_9000 input.

case sy-ucomm. when 'SALIR'. set screen 0. leave screen.

when 'USU'. tab1-activetab = 'USU'.

when 'PERF'. tab1-activetab = 'PERF'. endcase.endmodule. " USER_COMMAND_9000 INPUT*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**& Module STATUS_9200 OUTPUT*&---------------------------------------------------------------------** text*----------------------------------------------------------------------**MODULE STATUS_9200 OUTPUT.* SET PF-STATUS 'MENU_ES'.* SET TITLEBAR 'TITULO'.*

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*ENDMODULE. " STATUS_9200 OUTPUT*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**& Module STATUS_9000 OUTPUT*&---------------------------------------------------------------------** text*----------------------------------------------------------------------*module status_9000 output. set pf-status 'MENU_ES'. set titlebar 'TITULO'.

endmodule. " STATUS_9000 OUTPUT

*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**& Report ZLEERARCHIVO*&*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**&*&*&---------------------------------------------------------------------*

report zleerarchivo.

parameter: p_path(100) default 'E:\usr\sap\PRFCLOG\dev_coll'.

types: begin of t_registros,reg like file_table-filename.types: end of t_registros.

data: ti_registros type table of t_registros with header wa_reg type t_registros.

*OPEN DATASET p_path FOR INPUT IN TEXT MODE ENCODING dataset p_path for input in legacy text mode.if sy-subrc ne 0. write:/ ' Error no se puede abrir el fichero'.else. do. clear ti_registros. read dataset p_path into ti_registros. if sy-subrc = 0. append ti_registros. else. exit. endif. enddo.

close dataset p_path.endif.

loop at ti_registros into wa_reg.

write wa_reg-reg. endloop.

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