Page 1: El · 2020-01-02 · thesis of atmospheric data (pressure, temperature, and rainfall) and oceanic data (sea-surface temperatures) has led to theview that El Nifio-Southem Oscillation

indirect study, coal was oxidatively de-graded with sodium dichromate and theesterified products were identified asbenzo- and dibenzothiophene deriva-tives by mass spectral analysis. The in-vestigators concluded (17, p. 380) that"thiophene derivatives must be indige-nous to coal." The direct XANES re-sults reported here support these conclu-sions.

Simulations carried out with othermodel conmpounds yielded spectra thatbore little resemblance to the coal spec-trum. For example, simulations thatused sulfate as the inorganic componentyielded incorrect relative intensities forthe absorptions at 3.0 and 11.8 eV, to-gether with peaks at 15.0, 17.4, and 27.1eV that are not present in the coal spec-trum (18). Simulations with other organicmodels shown in Fig. 1 and in otherratios yielded peak positions or intensi-ties, or both, that did not correspond tothose observed in the coal spectrum. Wetherefore conclude that the thiopheneunit is the most likely candidate as themain organic sulfur functional group inthis particular coal.The results described above illustrate

the applicability and usefulness of high-resolution x-ray absorption spectrosco-py, based on the use of intense synchro-tron radiation for direct, nondestructivedetermination of the nature of organicsulfur in coal. It remains to be deter-mined how sulfur in coal transformsthrough natural and various thermo-chemical processes during coal conver-sion and combustion. We expect that, bysignal-averaging multiply scanned spec-tra, it will be possible to improve thesignal-to-noise ratio shown in Fig. 3a sothat quality spectra in the EXAFS regionat high energy may be obtained andanalyzed to complement the near-edgedata.


Corporate Research and Development,General Electric Company, Post OfficeBox 8, Schenectady, New York 12301


Boeing Company, Post Office Box3999, Seattle, Washington 98124


Corporate Research and Development,General Electric Company

References and Notes1. J. N. Chakrabarti, in Analytical Methods for

Coal and Coal Products, C. Karr, Ed. (Academ-ic Press, New York, 1978), vol. 1, pp. 280-321;A. Attar, ibid., vol. 3, pp. 585-622.

2. A. Attar and F. Dupuis, Prepr. Am. Chem. Soc.Fuel Div. 23 (No. 1), 214 (1978).

3. L. A. Harris and C. S. Yust, Adv. Chem. Ser.192, 321 (1981); V. Valkovic, Trace Elements in


Coal (CRC Press, Cleveland, 1983), vol. 1, pp.107-113, and references therein.

4. L. R. Ember, Chem. Eng. News 59 (No. 37), 20(1983).

5. R. W. Bryers, Ed., Ash Deposits and CorrosionDue to Impurities in Combustion Gases, Pro-ceedings of International Conference (Hemi-sphere, Washington, D.C., 1978).

6. C. W. Gehrs, D. S. Shriner, S. E. Herbes, E. J.Salmon, H. Perry, Chemistry of Coal Utiliza-tion, 2nd Supplementary Volume, M. A. Elliot,Ed. (Wiley, New York, 1981), chapter 31, p.2159.

7. R. A. Dalla Batta, A. G. Piken, M. Shelef, J.Catal. 40, 173 (1975).

8. T. L. Thompson and F. B. Raymer, in Chemis-try of Coal Utilization, 2nd Supplementary Vol-ume, M. A. Elliot, Ed. (Wiley, New York,1981), chapter 9, p. 56.

9. G. F. Morrison, Chemical Desulphurisation ofCoal (IEA Coal Research Report ICTIS/IRI5,International Energy Agency Coal Research,London, 1981); D. L. Khoury, Coal CleaningTechnology (Noyes Data Corporation, ParkRidge, N.J., 1981).

10. Z. Hussain, E. Umbach, D. A. Shirley, J. Stohr,J. Feldhaus, Nucl. Instrum. Methods, 195 115(1982).

11. F. W. Lytle et al., ibid., in press.12. J. A. Bearden and A. F. Burr, Rev. Mod. Phys.

39, 125 (1967).13. E. A. Stern and S. Heald, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 50,

1579 (1979).

The years 1982 and 1983 were charac-terized by large, coherent climate anom-alies over much of the earth (1, 2). Syn-thesis of atmospheric data (pressure,temperature, and rainfall) and oceanicdata (sea-surface temperatures) has ledto the view that the El Nifio-SouthemOscillation (ENSO) is a large-scale inter-action between the atmosphere andocean in the tropics (3). Recently theseinteractions have been linked with ex-traordinary weather conditions in di-verse locations over the globe (4). Un-derstanding these interactions with thegoal of predictability requires a long his-tory of past events. Currently this recordencompasses 116 years (5), of whichonly the last 60 are well documented.

Results from the glaciological investi-gation of the tropical Quelccaya ice capin Peru (6) since 1976 indicate that majorENSO occurrences may be recorded onthis ice cap in the form of substantiallyreduced annual snow accumulation. Theannual mass balance of this ice cap is anintegration of the annual precipitationand radiation balances. The purpose of

14. Registered trademark of Chemplex Industries,Inc.

15. D. H. Maylotte, J. Wong, R. L. St. Peters, F.W. Lytle, R. B. Greegor, Science 214, 554(1981).

16. Analyses of this coal were performed at theUtah International Inc., Sunnyvale MineralsLaboratory, Sunnyvale, Calif. Results of theseanalyses were as follows: H20, 6.91 percent;ash, 7.10 percent; sulfur, 1.44 percent; volatilematter, 36.08 percent; fixed carbon, 49.91 per-cent; heating content, 12087 British thermalunits. Sulfur forms were determined throughAmerican Society for Testing and Materialsprocedure 2492-79.

17. R. Hayatsu, R. G. Scott, L. P. Moore, M. H.Studier, Nature (London) 257, 378 (1975).

18. Recent measurements on a freshly cleaved py-rite mineral specimen by G. E. Brown of Stan-ford University show that the absorption peak at11.8 eV in our pyrite specimen was actually dueto an oxidation product on the surface of pyriteparticles. This impurity which exists in both thepyrite model compound and the coal specimendoes not, however, invalidate our conclusion onthe nature of the organic sulfur species in thecoal examined.

19. We are grateful for experimental opportunitiesat the Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Labora-tory, which is supported by the U.S. Depart-ment of Energy.

9 May 1984; accepted 19 June 1984

this report is to examine the temporalrelation between the amount of massaccumulation on Quelccaya and thesetropical Pacific ENSO events.Each year since 1976, -25 water sam-

ples representing 1 year of snow accu-mulation on Quelccaya have been col-lected for analysis of the microparticleconcentration, oxygen isotopic abun-dance ratios, and beta radioactivity (7,8). Figure 1 is a composite of the micro-particle concentrations in eight pits (1976through 1983) that are joined to producea continuous time series. The dry season(July) horizons (Fig. 1), easily identifiedby visual inspection within the snowpits, result from the concentration ofmicroparticles during the dry season (7).The thicknesses of these annual dustlayers reflect the annual snow accumula-tion (Fig. 1, dashed lines). Using mea-sured densities, one can convert snowaccumulation into water equivalent ac-cumulation estimates (Fig. 1).The 8 years of pit data yield an annual

average of 1.10 m of water per year.Precipitation was sharply reduced (-30


El Ninlo-Southern Oscillation Events Recorded in theStratigraphy of the Tropical Quelccaya Ice Cap, Peru

Abstract. Snow accumulation measured during 1982-1983 on the Quelccaya icecap, Peru, was 70 percent of the average from 1975 through 1983. Inspection of 19years (1964 through 1983) ofaccumulation measured near the summit of Quelccayareveals a substantial decrease (-30 percent) in association with the lastfive El Nifio-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) occurrences in the equatorial Pacific. The ENSOphenomenon is now recognized as a global event arising from large-scale interac-tions between the ocean and the atmosphere. Understanding this extreme event,with the goal ofprediction, requires a record ofpast occurrences. The Quelccaya icecap, which contains 1500 years of annually accumulated ice layers, may provide along and detailed record of the most extreme ENSO events.



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Page 2: El · 2020-01-02 · thesis of atmospheric data (pressure, temperature, and rainfall) and oceanic data (sea-surface temperatures) has led to theview that El Nifio-Southem Oscillation

percent) during 1976-1977 and 1982- Oscillation index (the pressure difference for 8 years (1976 through 1983) positive1983, both periods of intense ENSO between Tahiti and Darwin) (9) (Fig. 2a) SST anomalies are significantly correlat-events (9). In Fig. 2 we compare the and annual sea-surface temperature ed (R = 0.66; R2 = 0.44; significanceQuelccaya mass balance data (1975 (SST) anomalies at Puerto Chicama, level = 93 percent) with a decrease inthrough 1983) (Fig. 2c) with the Southern Peru (1, 10) (Fig. 2b). On an annual basis the snow accumulation (water equiva-

Particles 0.63 to 0.80 jAn Quelccayain diameter Standard deviation SST anomaly mass balance

per milliliter of sample (10)Mass balance (Tahiti-Darwin) (OC) (meters of water)

0 6 12 18 (meters of water) 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 1 0 -1 0.85 1.05 1.250 July 1983 1983 l I L L L _

+5.2El Nino 0.86 1982 J/I t

0 1.25July 1982 J/1i

1980 J/J t1.25

2 1979 J/iJ

0 July 1981 1978 J/J b

1977 J/J1.12

2 1976 J/J0 ~~~~~~July1980 1975 al_____b c

2^E 0 - July 1979

2 1.23 9-: ;9,20

0 . ---July 1978 1978-1O9I



0 -

El Nino

2O ,__ _ _


July 1977


July 1976

1.03 -~~9217

. Ju_uly 1975 ' 972-197

70-107 ¾

Fig. I (left). Small-diameter particle concen- 18 9691974,trations measured in samples from successive 2 0-9pits on Quelccaya ice cap from 1976 to 1983.20High particle concentrations are associatedwith the dry season from May to August. Thedashed line represents the July snow surface, 9818and hence the separation between pairs ofthese lines represents snow accumulation 4 y 965-1Iover the thermal year (July to subsequent ~June). Mass balance variations are given in0n 2meters of water equivalent. The El Nifto years.of 1976-1977 and 1982-1983 exhibit marked.reductions in mass balance. Fig. 2 (topright). Time history (1975 through 1983) of: (a)the atmospheric pressure anomaly at sea levelat Tahiti minus that at Darwin (1), which isused as a Souther Oscillation index; (b) theannual sea-surface temperature (SST) anoma-lies (1, 10) [the standard deviations for theSST record are with respect to the 26-yearmean temperature of 16.9°C at Puerto Chi-cama (1J)]; (c) annual accumulation (in metersof water equivalent) on the summit of Quelccaya as illustrated in Fig. 1. All the data are calculated for the thermal year (July to subsequent June),thus spanning two calendar years. Fig. 3 (bottom right). Photograph (1980) illustrating the stratigraphy within a 26-m crevasse 1 km east of theQuelccaya summit. Looking vertically down into the crevasse, one can view the horizontal dirt layers preserved within the ice cap. The annuallayer separations shown on the right were used to calculate the mass balance record presented in Fig. 4.OCTOBER 19845 OCTOBER 1984 51

Page 3: El · 2020-01-02 · thesis of atmospheric data (pressure, temperature, and rainfall) and oceanic data (sea-surface temperatures) has led to theview that El Nifio-Southem Oscillation

lent) on Quelccaya. Moreover, a lesserevent (1979-1980) (present in pressureand SST records) is modestly recordedon Quelccaya. These data support our1983 field observation that a physicalrelation may exist between the amountof snow accumulation on Quelccaya andmajor ENSO occurrences.

In 1980, samples were collected fromthe walls of a 26-m crevasse located 1 kmeast of the ice cap summit. Figure 3illustrates the excellent visible stratigra-phy along the crevasse wall from which a16-year (1964 through 1980) snow accu-mulation record was obtained (Fig. 4).The annual average mass accumulationover this period is 0.95 m of water, lessthan the average for 1975 through 1983for the summit (1.10 m) because of thelower elevation and correspondinglyslightly higher ablation at the site. Al-though the average accumulations areslightly different for the two sites, thefive overlapping years (1975 through1980) exhibit similar trends about theirrespective means (summit, 1.12 myear-1; crevasse, 1.00 m year-'). Peri-ods of lower mass balance recorded in

Standard deviation(Tahiti-Darwin)

3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3

SST ano(OC)

2 1

the crevasse (Fig. 4c) are better correlat-ed with positive SST anomalies (Fig. 4b)(R = 0.45; R2 = 0.20; significance lev-el = 92 percent) than with the negativepressure anomalies (Fig. 4a) (R = 0.35;R2 = 0.15; significance level = 87 per-cent). The lower mass balance in 1970-1971 is not associated with either ENSOindicator. All data used in the correlationcalculations reflect the thermal year(July to subsequent June). These rela-tions may be investigated over a slightlylonger time interval if we construct acomposite accumulation time series fromthe crevasse record (1964 through 1980)and the pit records (1981 through 1983).The correlation characteristics for thislonger time record are identical to thosefor the period from 1964 through 1980.The reduced annual accumulation on

Quelccaya recorded at the summit (pitdata) and in the stratigraphic record ofthe crevasse is thus temporally correlat-ed with two prominent indicators of ma-jor ENSO events. This relation suggeststhat meteorological conditions governingthe annual abundance of snowfall on theQuelccaya ice cap may be physically

Quelccaya crevassemaly mass balance

(meters of water)0 -1 -2 0.65 0.85 1.05 1.25

Fig. 4. Time history (1964 through 1980) of: (a) 3-month mean values of the atmosphericpressure anomaly at sea level at Tahiti minus that at Darwin (11), used as a Southern Oscillationindex; (b) annual SST anomalies (1, 10) [the standard deviations for the SST record are withrespect to the 26-year mean temperature of 16.9°C at Puerto Chicama (10)]; (c) annual snowaccumulations (in meters of water equivalent) (Fig. 3) from the 1980 crevasse I km east of thesummit. The annual mass balance and SST anomalies are calculated for the thermal year fromJuly to the subsequent June, thus spanning two calendar years, whereas the pressure anomaliesare 3-month averages.


linked to the major climate anomalies(ENSO events) in the equatorial Pacific.In addition, the precipitation on Quelc-caya originates over the Amazon Basinto the east; thus there may be a linkbetween meteorological processes overthe Amazon Basin and equatorial PacificENSO events.The potential relation between these

ENSO events and Quelccaya mass bal-ance may prove especially valuable sincetwo ice cores drilled at the Quelccayasummit in 1983 contain 1500 years ofannual deposited ice layers. The 1500-year record of estimated annually accu-mulation that will be extracted fromthese cores may provide an equally longrecord of major ENSO occurrences.Equivalent records of microparticle con-centrations and size distribution, oxygenisotopic abundance ratios, and specificconductivity will also be available. Ifthese ice core parameters exhibit signalspeculiar to ENSO events, one wouldthen have further confidence in the re-cord extracted from the ice cores. Thehigh temporal resolution available intropical ice cores from carefully selectedsites makes them a valuable source ofatmospheric information when an inter-pretable record can be extracted.


Institute of Polar Studies,Ohio State University,Columbus 43210


References and Notes

1. E. M. Rasmusson and J. M. Wallace, Science222, 1195 (1983).

2. M. A. Cane, ibid., p. 1189; D. Halpern, S. P.Hayes, A. Leetmaa, D. V. Hansen, S. G. H.Philander, ibid. 221, 1173 (1983).

3. J. Namias, J. Phys. Oceanogr. 6, 130 (1976); K.Wyrtki, E. Stroup, W. Patzert, R. Williams, W.Quinn, Science 191, 343 (1976); R. L. Smith,ibid. 221, 1397 (1983); E. M. Rasmusson and T.H. Carpenter, Mon. Weather Rev. 111, 517(1983).

4. E. M. Rasmusson and J. M. Hall, Weatherwise36, 166 (1983); R. S. Quiroz, Mon. Weather Rev.111, 1685 (1983).

5. W. H. Quinn, D. 0. Zopf, K. S. Short, R. T. W.Kuo Yang, Fish. Res. Bull. 76, 663 (1978).

6. The Quelccaya ice cap (13056'S, 70050'W) is inthe Cordillera Oriental of southern Peru and hasa summit elevation of 5670 m above sea level.The ice cap is on the extreme western edge ofthe Amazon Basin.

7. L. G. Thompson, E. Mosley-Thompson, P.Grootes, M. Pourchet, S. Hastenrath, J.Geophys. Res. 89, 4638 (1984).

8. L.G. Thompson, Ohio State Univ. Inst. PolarStud. Rep. 64 (1977).

9. A. E. Gill and E. M. Rasmusson, Nature (Lon-don) 306, 229 (1983).

10. R. T. Barber and F. P. Chavez, Science 222,1203 (1983).

11. J. Rogers, personal communication.12. This research was supported by the National

Science Foundation Division of AtmosphericSciences (grants ATM95-15513A02, ATM-7821609A01, ATM-8105079A02, and ATM-8213601A01). We appreciate the support by theNational Science Foundation Division of PolarPrograms for the initial 1974 field investigation(GV41411) and for development of the solar-


Page 4: El · 2020-01-02 · thesis of atmospheric data (pressure, temperature, and rainfall) and oceanic data (sea-surface temperatures) has led to theview that El Nifio-Southem Oscillation

powered drill (designed by the Polar Ice CoringOffice, Lincoln, Nebraska) used on Quelccayain 1983 to obtain two cores, one to bedrock. Weare indebted to numerous scientists, engineers,and technicians from Electroperui (Lima andHuaraz offices) who provided both scientific andlogistical assistance essential to the success ofthis 8-year effort. Logistical support was alsoprovided by the Inter American Geodetic Sur-vey (U.S. Defense Mapping Agency) office in

Lima, and we especially thank W. Berk. Over 8years many people have participated in theannual field programs, and their collective ef-forts are gratefully acknowledged. We thank J.Bolzan and P. D. Kruss for reviewing the manu-script and R. Tope for the illustrations. Contri-bution No. 509 of the Institute of Polar Studies,Ohio State University.

16 April 1984; accepted II May 1984

Temperature Effects on the Rate of Ty Transposition

Abstract. An assay has been developed to measure the rate of transposition of thetransposable element Ty in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The assay is based on thealtered expression of the glucose-repressible alcohol dehydrogenase gene of yeast

upon insertion of a Ty in front of this gene. By this assay the transposition rate of Tyelements was found to increase approximately 100-fold at temperatures lower than30°C, the optimum growth temperature for Saccharomyces cerevisiae.

Ty elements comprise a family of ho-mologous transposable DNA sequences

present in about 30 copies in most labo-ratory yeast strains (1, 2). These se-

quences are about 5.9 kilobases (kb) longwith direct repeats of 330 base pairscalled 8 sequences at each end. Theirstructure has many features in commonwith the Drosophila transposable ele-ment copia and with retroviruses (1, 2).Attempts to measure transposition fre-quencies with the use of marked ele-ments have not been successful becauseof the difficulty of distinguishing transpo-sition events from gene conversion ofendogenous Ty elements (3). To avoidthis difficulty, we used a method fordetecting transposition of Ty -elementsbased on the ability of Ty elements toalter the expression of adjacent genes (1,2) and, in particular, the alcohol dehy-drogenase 2 (ADH2) gene. Saccharomy-ces cerevisiae has three ADH isozymes:ADHI, the fermentative isozyme;ADHII, an isozyme repressible by glu-cose; and ADHIII, an isozyme associat-ed with mitochondria (4). Medium con-

taining antimycin A can be used to selectfor cells with ADH activity because iteliminates respiration, thus requiring cellsto use their fermentative pathway andtherefore ADH activity to grow (4). Mu-tants that express ADHII constitutivelybecause of mutations at ADH2 (theADHII structural gene) or at regulatoryloci for ADH2 have been selected from a

strain lacking ADHI by their ability togrow on medium containing glucose andantimycin A (4). Seven of the nineADHII constitutive mutants selectedthat were linked to ADH2 were shown tocarry Ty insertions upstream from thisgene (5).By determining the rate at which anti-

mycin A-resistant mutations occur andthe percentage of such mutations whichare the result of the insertion of a Ty5 OCTOBER 1984

element adjacent to ADH2, the rate atwhich Ty elements transpose into thisregion was estimated. A potential prob-lem in the determination of mutationrates in the ADH system is that cells

expressing ADH on glucose-containingmedium have a shorter doubling timethan cells that do not have ADH activity(2 hours and 4 hours per doubling at30°C, respectively). To circumvent thisproblem we used the P0 method, whichbases mutation-rate calculations on theproportion of cultures with no mutations(6) (see legend to Table 1). Even thoughuse of this method leads to larger varia-tions in mutation rate than estimates byother methods, it eliminates biases dueto growth rate differences of mutants.

Mutation rates to antimycin A resist-ance were determined in several inde-pendent experiments for cultures of a

strain carrying a deletion in ADHI, thestructural gene for ADHI (7), grown at150, 200, 300 and 37°C. A total of 83independent antimycin A-resistant mu-

tants was examined. DNA was isolatedfrom each of these mutants, and trans-

fers (Southern) of genomic DNA cutwith Bam HI were examined after hy-

Table 1. Determination of mutation rates with the use of strain 315-ID (adhl-Al ADH2 trpihis4). Construction of a yeast strain carrying a deletion ofADHI (mutation adhl-Al) has beendescribed (7). Each line in the table represents an independent experiment. For each estimate ofthe mutation rate to antimycin A resistance, 16 to 18 cultures were grown for six to eightgenerations at the experimental temperatures, and a small portion of cells from each culture wasplated on YEPD medium (yeast extract, peptone, and dextrose) to determine the total numberof cells per culture. The remaining cells were plated on YEPD medium containing glucose andantimycin A and incubated at 30°C (4). Colonies were counted after growth at 300 for 5 days.Mutation rates are reported as the number of mutations per cell per generation ± the 95 percentconfidence interval (6). The increase in transposition rate at low temperatures was not due to aburst of Ty transposition when the cells are first placed at low temperatures because only asmall number of mutants per culture was seen (the median number of mutants per culture isbetween 0 and 7 for all experiments). The cells were plated at approximately 106 cells permilliliter for cultures grown at 20° and 15°C and at approximately 107 cells per milliliter forcultures grown at 30° and 37°C. For 315-ID cells grown at 37°C the estimates of the number ofcells per milliliter from hemocytometer counts was ten times higher than estimates from thenumber of cells that grew on YEPD plates, indicating that only 10 percent of the cells wereviable. Hemocytometer counts were only about 10 percent higher than viable counts for 315-1 Dgrown at the other temperatures and for three independent mutants carrying Ty insertionsadjacent to ADH2 grown at 370, 300, and 15°C. The detection ofTy insertions is described in thetext. DNA was isolated as described (17). Transposition rates are reported as the number oftranspositions per cell per generation. These transposition rates are minimum estimates becauseonly one mutant from each culture was tested by Southern blot analysis (8) for insertion of a Tyelement to ensure that all the mutants were independent. The mean number of mutations perculture was less than 3 for all experiments so that sampling errors should not be a majorproblem. Also, mutants carrying insertions at ADH2 appeared to grow as fast (or faster than) asmost other antimycin A-resistant mutants. Reconstruction experiments in which three mutantscarrying Ty insertions adjacent to ADH2 and strain 315- ID were grown at 370, 300, and IS°C andthen mixed at appropriate densities (10 to 100 cells per plate for mutants carrying Ty insertionsadjacent to ADH2 and 107 to 108 cells per plate for 315-lD) showed nearly 100 percent platingefficiency for all three Ty mutants grown at all three temperatures.

Temper- Mutation rate Mutants with Ty insertions Trans-ature to antimycin A position(OC) resistance* Fraction Percent ratet

15 (1.1 ± 1.0) X l0-7 5/12 42 2.4 x 10-820 (1.6 ± 1.5) x 10-7 5/18 28 1.7 x 10-830 (6.6 ± 7.4) x 10-9 0/7 3 <7.4 x 10-1°

(6.8 ± 12.4) x 10-9 0/5 <9.3 x 10`0(4.9 ± 5.4) x 10-9 0/11 <2.7 x 1010(4.7 ± 3.0) x 10-9 1/12 2.1 x 1010

37 (2.4 ± 3.6) x 10-7 0/2 0 <1.2 x 10-7(1.7 ± 1.2) x 10-7 0/16 <4.9 x 10-9

*Mutation rates were estimated by the PO method (PO = e m, where PO is the number of cultures withoutmutants and m is the mean number of mutations per culture; m is then divided by the mean number of cellsper culture to give the mutation rate) (6). tTransposition rates were calculated whereby PO is equal to thenumber of cultures without antimycin A-resistant mutations plus the number of cultures in which the mutantanalyzed did not contain a Ty insertion as PO.


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