
September 2015 Volume 15 Issue 7


Festival 2015



Email to: [email protected]

By 9/21/2015

We have completed another

very successful St. George

Festival. The weather was

favorable and everyone

worked hard together. My

congratulations to Craig &

Vicky Michaels and to all

our department heads and all

the workers. I am amazed at

all the hard work and ask

God’s blessings on you and

your families for your sacri-

fice. - - Fr. Tom

We want to thank everyone for all

their hard work at the 2015 Middle

Eastern Festival. We really appre-

ciate everyone’s help. From all the

prep work, baking and working

during the festival, it’s a team ef-

fort and we are proud to be a part

of our St. George Team.

We want to thank the leaders of

each of the areas for stepping for-

ward and for all their help this


Anthony and Myrna Rezcallah-

Food, donations and advertising

Hind Kojack - Sitty's Cafe- along

with the Assad Haddad family

Mary and Tom Rudquist- Bake


Pat and Willy Percy- Faranee


Walter Awada and Joe Patton- Bar

Grace Ablan- Marketplace

Anne Ablan, Brigitte Khoury, and

Sara Larson - Silent Auction

Lina Smith- Camel Boards

Myrna Rezcallah and Kim Bum-

garner- Kids Games and Activities

John Khoury- Live Music

Nancy Ayoub, Madelaine

Khoury, and Sue Perry - Dance


Cindy and Paul Karos- Ortho-

dox Expressions

Craig M. and Rana Jubran-

Finance and Reporting

Aurelia Peterson, Katrina and

Brigitte Khoury- Ticket Sales

Paul Ablan - Donations, Legal

and Risk Management

George Khoury- Purchasing

Tony Khoury-Logistics


FESTIVAL REPORT We are almost there with the Festival

numbers and they should be complet-

ed by next week. Here is a snapshot

of the results: these are rounded num-

bers. Festival sales were $107,000

and net profit is between $57,000 and

$62,000, depending on how our ex-

penses come in. We are in the pro-

cess of confirming our expenses and

reconciling the credit card purchases,

which come in after the Festival. We

should have that done next week and

we will have a more detailed report.

We would be glad to address your

questions at that time.

Michael Hartwig- Outdoor Set up

and Aesthetics

JoAnne Droubie- Information Desk

Khouria Beth Begley- Bookstore

Maia Price- Henna

Mike and Eva Etoll- Face Painting

Vicky Michaels - Internal Communi-

cations and Scheduling Thank you to all these committee

leaders for being willing to

lead! They would not have been

able to do their jobs if it weren’t for

all of you who stepped up to help in

all the different areas of the festival.

We each do what we can--some do-

nated, some baked, some worked the

festival--every one is very much ap-

preciated! We couldn't do this with-

out all of you and all you do. Thank

you from the bottom of our hearts.

Yours in Christ,

Craig and Vicky Michaels

2015/16 Festival Chairs

The Parish of St. George joins

in wishing each of the cele-

brants congratulations and best

wishes for a joyful, peaceful,

healthful year. (Updated


Each month we endeavor to

provide a complete list of Birth-

days and Anniversaries so that

we will know who to commemo-

rate in our prayers and to greet

on their special day. If we have

inadvertently omitted someone,

please let Father Tom know so

that we can include you. The

purpose of the list is to be in-

clusive rather than exclusive.

Please help us keep the list up-

dated. Thank you and all our

prayers on your special day!

Birthdays & Anniversaries

Brigitte Khoury

is our “Sunshine

Lady.” If you

know of anyone

to whom a card

should be sent, please contact

Brigitte at: 651-210-2289 or

[email protected]

- Fr. Tom

Anniversary in September 1 - John & Madeline Khoury

2 - Anthony & Myrna Rezcal-


2 - George & Souad Bchara

5 - Terry Conway & Nancy


10 - Joseph & Rita Khoury

11 - Eugene & Karen Tennis

13 - Robel Hagos & Welela Tze-


27 - Scott & Dyana Brynjulfson

28 - Paul & Anne Ablan

28 - Mark & Markda Awada

28 - Fr. John & Kh. Jane


28 - Michael & Sue Droubie


We congratulate Mark Mikhail

and TJ Perry who each won the

Fellowship of St. John the Di-

vine’s, Metropolitan Anthony

Bashir Memorial College Schol-

arship. TJ Perry also received

the St. Francis Academic Schol-

arship offered by the Archdio-

cese. At the Archdiocese Con-

vention in Boston, the Patriarch

presented the awards to the win-


Congratulations to Deanna &

Rami Jubran who have relocat-

ing to California. We wish them

well and ask that God watch

over them and grant them many

blessings in their new home. We

will miss them very much!

Our congratulations to Robel Hagos

and Welela Tzegay on the baptism

of their son Ezana on Saturday, Au-

gust 15. Ezana was given the bap-

tized name of George. The godfa-

ther is Abiel Geberekristos. Many

years to the newly illumined servant

of God, George and his family.

Birthday in September 2 - Natalie Tangen

3 - Leah Buddensick

3 - Qwynn Thotland

5 - Jessica A. Hartwig

5 - Angie Sicora

6 - Debby Etoll

6 - Roseanne Athey

6 - Lisa Marie Hartwig

7 - Rita Khoury

7 - Mark Mikhail

8 - Suzanne Perry

8 - James Ablan

8 - Haifa Jiryis

8 – Julianna Ayoub

9 - Drew James Hamilton

9 - Christine Quam

10 - George Dahmah

10 - John Price Jr.

10 - Jodi Adams

10 - Paul Abrass

12 – Mira Almadein

12 - Rahwa Tesfe

13 - Kristin J. Tennis

14 - George Rezcallah

14 - Helen Katsampes

15 - Stefan Tchepichev

16 - Kristine Awada

17 - Mona Etoll

19 - Virginia Toms

22 - Rana Jubran

23 - Kh. Amy Hodge

25 - James Joseph

26 - Joseph Demillo

26 - George John Damian

28 - Faith Hodge

28 - Sonia Yovtcheva

28 - Elena Palici

29 - Ann Margaret Marinkov

29 – Camille Goll

MEMORY ETERNAL We are saddened to hear that Samir

Kakish’s mother feel asleep in the

Lord in Jordan. Our condolences to

Samir and all the family. May her

memory be eternal!

MEMORY ETERNAL On Wednesday, August 12, Lorraine

DeFlorin fell asleep in the Lord. We

will dearly miss her. Our condolenc-

es to all her friends and family!

May her memory be eternal!

Page 3


“As for Me and My House We Will Serve the Lord”

Joshua 24:15

Church School starts Sunday September


! This year church school will begin on Sunday Sep-

tember 20th. This is a little later than past years be-

cause of Labor day being late. The day will begin

at 8:45 when all the teachers, students, and parents

meet in the church to say the openings prayers to-

gether. After a greeting from Father Tom, we will

dismiss the children with their teachers to go to the

classes they will be in. Please be patient these early

weeks as we work to get all kids into their correct

classes. Each year we have some arrivals that we

hadn’t known about and, while everyone is wel-

come, we might not have every name listed, or

spellings and birthdates correct on the class rosters.

Commissioning of the Church School At the conclusion of the Liturgy on Sunday, Sept.

20th, all students, parents, Godparents, teachers, and

the entire parish are invited to show their support

and commitment to our Church School by saying a

special prayer to commission the Parish for the be-

ginning of the church school year. It takes a whole

parish to love, care for and educate our youth!

School Supply Drive We are again sponsoring a school supply drive.

Items needed include, ruled loose-leaf paper, col-

ored pencils, markers, crayons, rulers, pocket fold-

ers, pens, etc...Collection of items will take place

through the end of September and then the supplies

will be given to an area school and given to stu-

dents in need. Thank you in advance for your gen-


Exaltation of the Precious and Life Giv-

ing Cross, Sept 14th

St. Constantine sent his mother Helen to find the Holy

Cross on which our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ was

crucified. Constantine had seen a vision of the cross in

the year 312 shortly before his victory over Maxentious.

As word of the cross’ discovery spread through the Ho-

ly City, vast crowds gathered to venerate it. The Patri-

arch of Jerusalem, St. Makarios, carried it up into a pul-

pit at the site of the Holy Sepulcher and lifted it up

high. As he did so the crowds cried out “Lord have

Mercy”. It is through the cross we are drawn to God,

and death has been forever swallowed up by His Glori-

ous Resurrection.

Creative Arts Festival 2015/2016 Theme

Announced “As for Me and My House We Will Serve the Lord,”

comes from the Book of Joshua in the Old Testament

and is this year’s Creative Arts Festival theme. Look for

more information about this theme in upcoming news-

letters. The theme was chosen by Metropolitan Joseph

and is intended to be studied throughout the church

school year and then expressed in one of the four cate-

gories of art, poetry, photography, or writing.

Megan Rudquist (Grade 6) has been cho-

sen to be a Ball Girl for the MN Gophers

Women’s Volleyball team. Congratula-

tions Megan!

Page 4


The Children's Dance Group re-

ceived new costumes for our Fes-

tival this year. Thank you to Rob-

in Ablan for sewing the purple

dance pants for all the dancers in

the Children's Dance Group. The

girls are very appreciative and

thankful for Robin's talent and

time. The dancers looked great

thanks to Robin - Sue Perry


Orthodoxy: Learn it, Love it, Live it, Hold it. Our very own

Bishop Anthony Michaels, will be our Family Camp speaker

this year!!! If you have considered Family Camp in the past

and have been on the fence about going, this is the year to

come!! As you know he is passionate about “living Ortho-

doxy.” Deeply committed to helping our families face the

growing challenges in our world, he has much to say about

the role of our faith in our lives. Come share his words of

wisdom and visit with other Orthodox families in the beauti-

ful northern retreat of Camp Courage near Annandale, Min-

nesota. Family Camp is the perfect setting to learn more

about your faith, spend time with your family and make new

friends all while enjoying a beautiful autumn weekend. If

you have never been to Family Camp, ask some of your

friends who have attended in the past or check out the fre-

quently asked questions on the website. Join us this October

2-4! Questions? [email protected] or head to



His Grace Bishop Anthony will be with us for his annual

visit from October 9–11. Also, the Upper Midwest Dean-

ery will be meeting here (St. George Antiochian Orthodox

Church) from October 7-9.

The Treasurer’s report as approved for August 11, 2015.

It shows, Stewardship down 40% below Budget,

Income down 35% below Budget,

Expense totals are 32% over Budget.

Accounts Balances as of August 11, 2015:

Checking = $12,659.81,

Savings = $13,154.34,

Building fund = $13,305.07.

Accounts Total= $39,119.22 and Mortgage Balance of -


Page 5


Page 6



FROM THE NOMINATING COMMITTEE In the name of The Father, and of The Son, and of The

Holy Spirit. Amen.

The nominating committee for this year is:

Fr. Tom Begley 612-723-0681

George Khoury 651-208-3954

George Droubie 651-457-4218

Sanaa Jubran 651-731-2988

Stefan Tchepichev 651-405-3060

If you are interested in serving on the Church Council

and are a member in good standing, check the Church’s

phone directory’s back pages, it explains who is a mem-

ber in good standing. You can call the above committee

members before October 18, 2015 for information, we

will be filling 3 open seats during the November 1, An-

nual Meeting. Three council terms are expiring. There

will be no nominations from the floor. All candidates

Our SOYO group helped out at the FOCUS dinner on

August 9. It is great to see them actively helping the

needy in our community!

The teens are hoping to have some exclusive time with

His Grace Bishop ANTHONY, when he makes his par-

ish visit in October.

Lyn Olson Medical Crisis Program Gala Sep-

tember 20th LOMCP received 501c3 tax exempt status ear-

ly in 2015 enabling the ability to offer 3 medical

crisis grants in 2015. The success of the 2014 ga-

la prompted a repeat event on the terrace of the

Stillwater Public Library. Please purchase a ticket

to come and hear stories of how these grants have

impacted healing.

LOMCP is collaborating with var ious par tner-

ing organizations such as FOCUS Minnesota and

Nadia's Gift to help identify applicants in dire

need. Additional partnering organizations are:

Neighborhood Assistance Consulting Agency and Home Liberty http:// ; agencies which assist

people experiencing foreclosure or negative equi-

ty, to be able stay in their homes. A majority of

people suffer from the loss of their home as a re-

sult from medical crisis in their lives. Tickets will

be on sale starting Sundays in August. Brigitte

Khoury and Deb Korluka will have tickets availa-

ble. Ticket cost is $25.00 which includes enter-

tainment by Patty and the Buttons and a scrump-

tious appetizer bar.

MEOCCA CATECHISM Introduction to Orthodoxy Classes Begining Septem-

ber 15th, the Minnesota Eastern Orthodox Christian

Clergy Association will sponsor a twelve week

(Tuesdays 7-9pm) course for anyone interested in

learning more about or preparing to convert to the Or-

thodox Church. The classes will meet at St. George

Greek Orthodox Church in St. Paul. For more infor-

mation and to register online, visit our website A schedule of classes is available

at the usher’s desk.

must be in good standing spiritually, canonically and

financially. They must regularly attend services and

have received communion and confession in the last

year. They must agree to uphold the teachings and

traditions of the Orthodox Church. They must be in

good canonical standing with the church and must

have supported the church financially over the last

year. These minimum standards have been set in

consultation with Bishop ANTHONY!

Page 7

Moldova - Romania

Orthodox Christian Mission Center 2015 Summer Mission

Orthodox Christian Mission Center (OCMC), a pan-Orthodox organization under the authority of the Synod

of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of America (SCOBA), supports the work of the Orthodox Church around the

world by supplying both long-term and short-term missionaries at the request of the local hierarchs. This year,

OCMC continued its summer work in the nations of Moldova and Romania by sending a short-term mission

team to continue and strengthen the work already being done among the youth in those countries.

The primary team that was sent this summer went to Orhei, Moldova at the request of Metropolitan Petru to

assist Bishop Antonie with mission outreach in that part of the country. Bishop Antonie has the vision of es-

tablishing a mission center in the area to help re-establish the Orthodox faith after many years of oppressive

Communist control. Although

Moldova’s Orthodox heritage is

obvious everywhere, many of the

young people see Orthodoxy as

something that belongs to their

grandparents’ generation rather

than as something that is relevant

to them today.

Moldova is also now receiving a

lot of influence from the West,

and particularly from America.

(Even the local radio stations have

American-style call letters and

operate with American-style DJs.)

With this secular influence comes

a low-level message that Moldova

is backward and not quite up to snuff. Some of the young people with whom I visited told me that they

thought they really had no future in Moldova, no matter how hard they applied themselves in school. They

will likely be looking to move to Romania, where they can be granted automatic citizenship, or to some other

country in the European Union.

When life hands you a lemon, you make lemonade. Our mission team consisted of six members: three older

men and three younger women. Along with one of the other men, I hosted a “History and Traditions” class at

the Moldova camp where we fielded questions about America. This gave us an opportunity not only to talk

about America, but to help the young people realize that the grass is not always greener on the other side and

that their own country has quite a lot to offer.

Likewise, the younger women on our team provided evidence that Orthodoxy isn’t just for Grandma, but in a

country like America, with all its affluence, there are young people their age who are excited about the faith.

The women on our team did some very effective outreach through dance and music classes and discussing

highly relevant topics such as dating.

Secularism is not the only challenge facing Orthodoxy in Romania. Since the fall of Communism, a number

Page 8


of sects have come in seeking to find converts. Although I was told that this is not as big a problem as earlier,

it is still noticeable. While we were visiting in the capital, I noticed a couple who were probably Jehovah’s

Witnesses proselytizing a man in a local park. Then, after arriving in England to visit my wife’s family at the

end of my trip, I came across an article in one of her parents’ magazines where a Protestant missionary stated

that “the Moldovan Orthodox Church is no friend of biblical Christianity.”

Perhaps it was here that some of my own background proved useful. Having come out of a Protestant back-

ground myself, I was able to discuss some of these deeper issues with a small number of young people who

were interested, and I hope I was able to help strengthen their faith by doing so.

Bishop Antonie is fortunate to have the help of Father Sergiu Aga, an energetic parish priest about 30 years

old. Father Sergiu has a real talent for relating to and communicating with the young people. He proved to be

the backbone of our mission endeavor, organizing and motivating the young people at the Moldovan camp. In

addition to working at the camp, he works hard among the local youth all year long, even to the point of hav-

ing a special mission center of his own across the road from his church. This rather basic meeting area is used

by perhaps a dozen or more of the local young people on a regular basis and in my opinion serves as an excel-

lent example of incarnational Christian witness and outreach.

After the Moldovan camp finished, I traveled with one of the young women on our team to a second youth

camp in northeastern Romania. This camp drew about 600 young people from all over that part of Romania,

and although it lasted only for a weekend, the two of us were able to develop a number of good relationships.

The attendees at this camp are as a rule fairly serious about their spiritual lives, and as a result this camp host-

ed a couple of intense presentations from university professors and from the metropolitan himself.

Would I go on this trip again? I would do so in a heartbeat if the opportunity were offered again and I my

schedule allowed me to do it. I would also encourage anyone at St. George who is interested in making a huge

difference in the lives of others to take the plunge.

However, what happens between mission trips is every bit as important as what happens in the mission field

during the summer. Orthodox Christians here in North America have the resources to make a huge difference

in the lives of our brothers and sisters overseas. The Orthodox mission center that Bishop Antonie would like

to build in Moldova would cost an estimated $150,000 altogether. Although difficult to impossible for them to

amass on their own, this amount of money would pose no huge hurdle here in the United States and Canada.

With a concerted effort by our various jurisdictions, this kind of dream could become a reality for them. I hope

we can all catch the vision.

This summer we had 29 young people from

St. George attend the St. Mary’s Orthodox

Church Camp. This is a great experience for

our children to camp with Orthodox youth

throughout Minnesota and Wisconsin.

Page 9


Announcing :

St. George Orthodox

Church will celebrate an

Arabic Divine Liturgy

Friday, October 2, 2015 at

6:30 P.M. The Liturgy

will be celebrated by V.

Rev. Fr. Nicholas Dahdal,

Economos. Everyone is

invited to come and hear

the St John Chrysostom

Divine Liturgy in the Ara-

bic Language using the

Byzantine chant. Fr. Tom

CONGRATULATIONS Our congratulations to Zereseney

Tzegay and Wudase Tesfamariam

who were married August 22, 2015.

May God grant them many years!

Their names after the marriage are:

Senay Habte & Wudase Habte. They

are pictured above in their tradition

Eritrean dress. The Eritrean wedding

receptions are truly a celebration. I

know that those of us who have at-

tended have truly enjoyed them.


(Means in place of the table)

In the Orthodox Christian litur-

gical tradition, the Antimins is

among the most important litur-

gical adornments used in the al-

tar during the Divine Liturgy. It

is a type of icon, a rectangular

cloth, traditionally sewn of either

linen or silk. Beautifully embel-

lished, it always reflects the im-

age of Christ’s entombment, the

four Evangelists and scriptural

passages related to the Eucharist.

A small piece of a martyr’s relic

is ceremoniously and prayerfully

placed into the fold of the Anti-

mins as each one is blessed. It is

an essential component without

which the Holy Eucharist cannot

be celebrated. This Antimins is

inscribed with the text from the

Holy Saturday Troparion, “The

noble Joseph, taking down Thy

most pure body from the tree,

wrapped it in clean linen and

sweet spices, and laid it in a new


After the Great Entrance, the

chalice and diskos are placed on

the Antimins and the Gifts

(bread and wine) are consecrated.

The Antimins is consecrated and

signed and/or sealed by the presid-

ing Metropolitan. Any Orthodox

Church may only celebrate a litur-

gy if they have an Antimins

signed by their ruling hierarch.

In our Archdiocese each Antimins

has been consecrated in the arch-

diocesan chapel of St. John Chrys-

ostom and contains a relic of St.

Raphael of Brooklyn. In light of

the 100th anniversary of his re-

pose as well as his relic being

placed in the Antimins, the clergy

have been encouraged to teach

their congregations the Troparion

to St. Raphael. (edited from a let-

ter saint to the clergy from His

Eminence, Metropolitan Joseph).

CONGRATULATIONS Fr. Dan & Kh. Eileen celebrated

their 51st anniversary and their

daughter Anna’s birthday & son

John’s birthday Sunday, September

6. The priests said a prayer of bless-

ing and the congregation sang:

“Many years.” Amen!

Page 10


Antiochian Women September Newsletter 2015

Cookbook Update- Our inventory for cookbooks counted that we have 112 Fifth Edition Cookbooks and 15

Fourth Edition Cookbooks left. If you want any for your children, grandchildren or gifts, the cook books are

in the bookstore at $12.00 each.

The Antiochian Women served 150 meals at FOCUS and had about 20 helpers from St. George. Thank you to

all who helped make desserts prepping the food, cooking and serving. The chicken was donated by the Festi-

val. To reach out and help others is an important calling as Jesus would do.

NAB Silent Auction asked for donations from the 48+ parishes in our Diocese of Toledo and the Midwest to

make baskets and raise money for the College Scholarship Fund. The ladies donated Wild rice, a taste of Min-

nesota, and a Church Cookbook to add to their basket. Thanks to Joannie and Lamese for your help.

The Antiochain Women discussed buying a stackable washer and dryer. If voted on at the next meeting, it

would be placed in the janitor’s closet across from storage room.

If anyone interested in the Chanhassen Dinner Theater, it would be fun to go as a large group. More infor-

mation to follow. Just an FYI.

Our next meeting is September 17th at 6:00PM for dinner and 6:30pm for the meeting. After the meeting, our

guest speaker will be Father John, who will share his mission trip to Alaska. Please join us for this wonderful


The Antiochian Women activities are posted in the Church bulletin weekly to keep you informed of any pro-


Thank you to those who helped with our dear sister in Christ, Lorraine DeFlorin’s mercy meal. May her

memory be eternal! - Sue Perry

The Antiochian Women

made a chicken and rice

dinner for Focus August

9th. With love and kindness

we served 150 meals.

Thanks to those who

helped prepare and serve

those in need. Please keep

Matuska Vera in your pray-

ers. She broke her foot and

is a real trooper of FOCUS

Minnesota. - Sue Perry

Page 11

Coming Events ... If you would like

to host a coffee

hour by yourself

or with someone,

sign up on the

sign-up sheets

located in the

rear of the church

hall to reserve a

date. All that is asked is that hosts strict-

ly follow the Fasting traditions of our

Holy Orthodox Church. And as always

everyone is invited for this period of




HAVE YOU MOVED? Don’t forget to tell your church about

your new address. Please contact Joannie

Alevizos so she can update our mailing



Anyone interested in receiving the

WORD Magazine please contact

Fr. Tom. Any member of St.

George may receive the WORD



If you would like to offer the Holy

Bread in memory of loved ones or

for the health of your family, etc.,

call Joannie Alevizos - 651-453-

1894 to secure a date in advance.

The same is true for the Memorial





If you would like to host a coffee

hour by yourself or with someone,

sign up on the schedule sheets, or

contact Sanaa Jubran to reserve a

date. All that is asked is that hosts

strictly follow the Fasting traditions

of our Holy Orthodox Church. And

as always everyone is invited for this

period of fellowship.

WEBSITE Please check out the St. George

Website: http://saintgeorge- We have updated

the calendar, bulletins and news-

letters. If you think there is

something missing on the church

calendar or if you would like to

see something new on the web-

site, please give Fr. Tom a call to

add to the calendar or for sug-

gestions. An updated website is

important if it is to be viewed by

friends and parishioners.


LEBANESE FESTIVAL The festival will be held at St.

Maron Catholic Church, 602 Uni-

versity Ave. NE, Minneapolis, MN

55413. Saturday, September 26,

1:00 P.M.-8:00P.M.; Sunday, Sep-

tember 27, 11:00A.M.-6:00P.M.

There will be Lebanese Food,

Games, Raffle, Gifts, Live Music,

Dancing & much more. Please visit for more infor-

mation. (See flyer on the bulletin



SCHEDULE –Joannie Alevizos

If you would like to offer the Holy

Bread in memory of loved ones or

for the health of your family, etc.,

call Joannie Alevizos - 651-453-

1894 to secure a date in advance.

The same is true for the Memorial







NEED, please be sure our Priest

and the Sunshine Lady are aware.

Only then can they carry out their

duties! Also, if you would like to

have your home blessed, call the

Priest to make arrangements.

BISHOP’S THRONE Recently St. George Church received

a beautiful new Bishop’s throne. The

throne is located directly behind the

holy altar. We are use to seeing the

large throne in the nave of the

church but originally the Bishop’s

throne was located in the holy altar.

This is where the bishop sits during

the Gospel and his clergy are seated

on his right and left.

St. George Antiochian Church 1250 Oakdale Ave. West St. Paul, MN 55118-2601 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED


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St. George Newsletter 9/15

* Festival * Sunday School * Moldova Mission

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