  • 8/9/2019 Electronics for Mechanical Engineers


    Electronics for MechanicalEngineers

  • 8/9/2019 Electronics for Mechanical Engineers



    Materials that allow the flow of electrons are called

    conductors. Some good conductors are:





    Most metals

  • 8/9/2019 Electronics for Mechanical Engineers



    A resistoris a two-terminal electrical or

    electronic component that resists an electriccurrent by producing a voltage drop between

    its terminals in accordance with Ohm's law.

  • 8/9/2019 Electronics for Mechanical Engineers


    Voltage & Current

    Current is the flow of electrons in an electric circuit.

    Current can be compared to the flow of water in a pipe.

    The basic unit of current is the ampere.

    Electromotive Force orVoltage is the force that pushes the

    electrons thru the circuit.

    Voltage can be compared to pressure that pushes waterthru a pipe.

    The basic unit of voltage is the volt.

    V I

  • 8/9/2019 Electronics for Mechanical Engineers



    Resistance opposes the flow

    of electrons in a material.

    Resistance limits the current

    that can flow thru a circuit.

    Resistance can be compared

    to a restriction in a water pipe.

    The ohm is the basic unit of

    resistance. Fixed-valueresistor

    Variable resistororpotentiometer

  • 8/9/2019 Electronics for Mechanical Engineers


    Types OfResistors

    Fixed Resistors

    Some resistors are cylindrical, with the actualresistive material in the center (composition

    resistors, now obsolete) or on the surface of

    the cylinder (film) resistors, and a conducting

    metal lead projecting along the axis of thecylinder at each end(axial lead). There are

    carbon film and metal film resistors

  • 8/9/2019 Electronics for Mechanical Engineers


    Types ofResistors

    Variable Resistors

    The variable resistor is a resistor whosevalue can be adjusted by turning a shaft orsliding a control. They are also calledpotentiometers orrheostats and allow the

    resistance of the device to be altered byhand. The term rheostatis usually reservedfor higher-powered devices, above about 1/2watt.

  • 8/9/2019 Electronics for Mechanical Engineers


    Adding Resistors

    The total resistance of two

    resistors in series is thesum of their individualvalues.R

    t= R1 + R2

    The total resistance of tworesistors in parallel is theproduct over the sum.

    Rt= R1 x R2R1 + R2

  • 8/9/2019 Electronics for Mechanical Engineers


    Voltage and Current?

    It is possible to have voltage without current, as inthe case of a battery by itself. In order to havecurrent, there must be an electrical path (circuit) fromthe positive to the negative terminal of the voltage


    E I R


    - A

  • 8/9/2019 Electronics for Mechanical Engineers


    Ohms Law

    Ohms Law is a formula that shows the

    relationship between Voltage (E), Current(I), and Resistance (R).

    E = I x R

    Ohms Law is applicable to all electrical


  • 8/9/2019 Electronics for Mechanical Engineers



    Air Core Variable Iron Core

  • 8/9/2019 Electronics for Mechanical Engineers



    A capacitor is made by

    separating two conductiveplates by an insulator ordielectric.

    Capacitors store energy


    Capacitors tend to block DC

    and pass AC.

  • 8/9/2019 Electronics for Mechanical Engineers



    A transistoris a semiconductor devicesemiconductor device that

    uses a small amount of voltage or electricalcurrent to control a larger change in voltage

    or current. The transistor is the fundamental

    building block of the circuitry that governs the

    operation of computers, cellular phones, andall other modern electronics.

  • 8/9/2019 Electronics for Mechanical Engineers


    Types of transistor

    Transistor circuit symbols. There are two types of

    standard transistors,NPN


    , with different circuitsymbols. The letters refer to the layers of semiconductor

    material used to make the transistor. Most transistors used

    today are NPN because this is the easiest type to make

    from silicon.

    . The leads are labeled base (B), collector (C) and emitter (E).

  • 8/9/2019 Electronics for Mechanical Engineers



    Transistors amplify signalsusing low voltages andcurrents.

    This is a PNP transistor.Base



  • 8/9/2019 Electronics for Mechanical Engineers


    Integrated Circuits (IC's)

    An IC (Integrated Circuit)

    combines several functions intoone package.

  • 8/9/2019 Electronics for Mechanical Engineers



    Relay is an electrical switch that opens andcloses under control of another electrical

    circuit. In the original form, the switch is

    operated by an electromagnet to open or

    close one or many sets of contacts.

  • 8/9/2019 Electronics for Mechanical Engineers


    Relay construction

    An electric current through a conductor will

    produce a magnetic field at right angles tothe direction of electron flow. If that

    conductor is wrapped into a coil shape, the

    magnetic field produced will be oriented

    along the length of the coil. The greater thecurrent, the greater the strength of the

    magnetic field, all other factors being equal

  • 8/9/2019 Electronics for Mechanical Engineers


    Working of a Relay

    In the above schematic, the relay's coil is energized

    by the low-voltage (12VD

    C) source, while thesingle-pole, single-throw (SPST) contact interrupts

    the high-voltage (480 VAC) circuit. It is quite likely

    that the current required to energize the relay coil will

    be hundreds of times less than the current rating of

    the contact. Typical relay coil currents are well below1 amp, while typical contact ratings for industrial

    relays are at least 10 amps

  • 8/9/2019 Electronics for Mechanical Engineers


    Relay Panel

    Shown here are three small relays (abouttwo inches in height, each), installed on a

    panel as part of an electrical control system

  • 8/9/2019 Electronics for Mechanical Engineers



    A solenoidis a device that produces mechanical motion fromthe energization of an electromagnet coil. The movable portion

    of a solenoid is called an armature. A relayis a solenoid set up to actuate switch contacts when its

    coil is energized.

    Pull-in current is the minimum amount of coil current needed toactuate a solenoid or relay from its "normal" (de-energized)position.

    Drop-outcurrent is the maximum coil current below which anenergized relay will return to its "normal" state.

  • 8/9/2019 Electronics for Mechanical Engineers



    When a relay is used to switch a large amount of

    electrical power through its contacts, it isdesignated by a special name: contactor.

    Contactors typically have multiple contacts, and

    those contacts are usually (but not always)

    normally-open, so that power to the load is shut

    off when the coil is de-energized. Perhaps themost common industrial use for contactors is the

    control of electric motors.

  • 8/9/2019 Electronics for Mechanical Engineers



    A contactoris a large relay, usually used to switch

    current to an electric motor or other high-power load.

    Large electric motors can be protected from over

    current damage through the use ofoverload heaters

    and overload contacts. If the series-connected

    heaters get too hot from excessive current, the

    normally-closed overload contact will open, de-energizing the contactor sending power to the motor.

  • 8/9/2019 Electronics for Mechanical Engineers


    Types ofRelays

    Electromechanical Relays

    Time Delay Relays Solid-State Relays

    Programmable Logic Relay Arrays

  • 8/9/2019 Electronics for Mechanical Engineers


    Time-delay relays

    Some relays are constructed with a kind of

    "shock absorber" mechanism attached to thearmature which prevents immediate, fullmotion when the coil is either energized orde-energized. This addition gives the relaythe property oftime-delayactuation. Time-

    delay relays can be constructed to delayarmature motion on coil energization, de-energization, or both.

  • 8/9/2019 Electronics for Mechanical Engineers


    Protective relays

    A special type of relay is one which

    monitors the current, voltage, frequency,or any other type of electric power

    measurement either from a generating

    source or to a load for the purpose of

    triggering a circuit breaker to open in theevent of an abnormal condition. These

    relays are referred to in the electrical

    power industry as protectiverelays

  • 8/9/2019 Electronics for Mechanical Engineers


    Solid-state relays

    As versatile as electromechanical relays can be, they do suffermany limitations. They can be expensive to build, have a

    limited contact cycle life, take up a lot of room, and switchslowly, compared to modern semiconductor devices. Theselimitations are especially true for large power contactor relays.To address these limitations, many relay manufacturers offer"solid-state" relays, which use an SCR, TRIAC, or transistoroutput instead of mechanical contacts to switch the controlled

    power. The output device (SCR

    , TR

    IAC, or transistor) isoptically-coupled to an LED light source inside the relay. Therelay is turned on by energizing this LED, usually with low-voltage DC power.

  • 8/9/2019 Electronics for Mechanical Engineers



    Large electric circuit breakers do not contain

    within themselves the necessarymechanisms to automatically trip (open) inthe event of overcurrent conditions. Theymust be "told" to trip by external devices.

    Protective relays are devices built toautomatically trigger the actuation coils oflarge electric circuit breakers under certainconditions.

  • 8/9/2019 Electronics for Mechanical Engineers


    Schematic Symbols You Need toKnow





    Variable resistororpotentiometer




  • 8/9/2019 Electronics for Mechanical Engineers


    Programmable Logic Relays

    An Introduction

  • 8/9/2019 Electronics for Mechanical Engineers


    What is a PLC?

    A PLC (i.e. Programmable Logic Controller)

    is a device that was invented to replace thenecessary sequential relay circuits for

    machine control. The PLC works by looking

    at its inputs and depending upon their state,

    turning on/off its outputs. The user enters aprogram, usually via software, that gives the

    desired results.

  • 8/9/2019 Electronics for Mechanical Engineers



  • 8/9/2019 Electronics for Mechanical Engineers


    How They are Developed ?

    Programmable Logic Controllers were developed to

    provide a replacement for large relay based control

    panels. These systems were inflexible requiring

    major rewiring or replacement whenever the control

    sequence was to be changed.

    The development of the micro processor from the

    mid 1970's have allowed Programmable LogicControllers to take on more complex tasks and larger

    functions as the speed of the processor increased.

  • 8/9/2019 Electronics for Mechanical Engineers


    How a PLC works?

    Modern PLCs are quite complex with many possible

    functions all programmed in a step/ladder program.

    A typical manual will comprize many pages. Most

    manufactures have their manuals downloadable at

    their respective web pages and are to the fresh user

    a heck of a hand full to follow. 50 to 150 pages is not

    uncommon. So as you said, start simple and workyour way up the "ladder".

  • 8/9/2019 Electronics for Mechanical Engineers



    Ladder Logic

    PLC had to be maintainable by techniciansand electrical personnel. To support this the

    programming language of Ladder Logic was

    developed. Ladder Logic is based on the

    relay and contact symbols technicians wereused to through wiring diagrams of electrical

    control panels.

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