

Elephants (scientific name) Loxodonta Africana By Chris Tortorella

Physical features Elephants weigh more than 1,ooo pounds. The top of an Asian elephant head has two domes. An African elephant head doesnt. The nose weighs 400 pounds. It lives up to 70 years and it is in danger.

HabitatElephants live in rain forests and dry deserts.

LandformsThe African elephant lives in Africa. The land is huge. There are a lot of trees and there is a lot of sand.

Food Elephants eat leaves, buds , twigs, fruit and grass. They are herbivores.

How they actElephants live in groups of nine to eleven. Their related females and their children are led by an older female.

Reproduction-babiesThe adult elephant takes very good care of the babies so any animals that try to sneak up on them get hurt.

What it looks like An elephant has two tusks, and its skin is gray. The elephant is the biggest animal on land. Their tusks are white, and their skin is tough.

The trunkThe trunk is used for breathing, trumpeting, smelling, drinking, eating, gasping, fighting and communicating.

Interesting factsAfrican elephants can migrate up to 62 miles a year. Elephants are calm most of the time. Elephants aren't the biggest animal in the world, whales are.

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