
A u g u s t , 2 0 1 2

Emmanuel Lutheran Church Clovis


Dear Christian friend,  

It is interesting that the largest construction project ever undertaken by humanity was the building of a wall, the Great Wall of China. It is said that enough stone was used in that 1,700‑year project to build an 8‑foot wall girdling the globe at the equator. It is the story of humanity: walls, walls, everywhere walls.   

We live in the time of walls: the gated community. It’s the sign of an exclusive neighborhood. High walls, a gate across the entrance; sometimes a guard. Most of the time it’s for security. We understand that. Every‐one wants to be secure. However, a pastor in Auburn, California asked one of his members who lived in a gated community what he liked best about it. Without hesitation the church member said that what he liked best about living in a gated community was the fact that only “certain” people could get in and the “rest” were kept out and then he went on to characterize the “rest” as being those who he deemed to be less than “the cream of the crop.” Walls, walls, everywhere walls . . .   

You know who doesn’t like walls? Jesus. Listen to what the Apostle Paul says, “But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far away have been brought near by the blood of Christ. For he himself is our peace, who has made the two groups one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility, by setting aside in his flesh the law with its commands and regulations. His purpose was to create in himself one new humanity out of the two, thus making peace, and in one body to reconcile both of them to God through the cross, by which he put to death their hostility.” Because God’s nature is love. Wherever God reigns, love reigns.   

Did you hear the story of a Christian farmer who raised sheep? He had a serious problem. His neighbor’s dogs would, from time to time, get into his sheep pen and injure or even kill one of the sheep. The farmer went to talk with his neighbor but his neighbor didn’t do anything about it. So the farmer thought, the next dog that attacks my sheep will be a dead dog. But he knew that was wrong. His next thought was to sue the man. But Paul makes it clear in the 6th chapter of 1st Corinthians that Christians don’t sue Christians. “I’ll build a wall,” he thought, but that would have been expensive. He didn’t have that kind of money. And besides, walls are such ugly things.   

Finally he prayed, “Lord, what should I do about my neighbor’s dogs?” Then that night the answer came to him. The next morning he went out to his sheep. He selected two baby lambs and he took those lambs to his neighbor’s house and gave them to his neighbor’s daughters as pets. The girls were thrilled (there is nothing cuter than a little lamb). His neighbor was thrilled because his daughters were happy, and since he now had sheep of his own to protect, he started controlling his dogs.   

When God wanted to make peace with the world he didn’t send walls. Instead He sent us the Lamb of God. Christ came to tear down the wall of hostility. Never has the world needed the peace that Christ brings more than it does today. God’s intent is that we all be one family. And we shall be when you and I give ourselves over completely to the love of God through Jesus Christ.   

In His name,  

Pastor Ed

August, 2012, Emmanuel Lutheran Church Grapevine www.emmanuel


As newly elected chairman of the Governance Board I look forward in serving and leading Emmanuel Lutheran this coming year. God has truly blessed us here at Emmanuel as we Love God, Love Others, and Show It. Opportunities abound to serve God right here at Emmanuel. Opportunities in Bible Study to cleanse our hearts; learn what the Bible tells us about our finances, and just learning more about our beliefs and be in fellowship with one another. We have the opportunity to meet and pray weekly for our church, our country, our leaders and for each other. I encourage every member to reach out to those around us and invite them to visit us at Emmanuel and share in these opportuni-ties. Also opportunities to invite our neighbors, friends, co-workers, and mutual acquaintance’s to get involved in one of our small groups. It is my prayer that we all might find an amount of time to read and pray as individuals or as a family each and every day. My big audacious goal is to have the out-reach, the fellowship, the volunteers, and the activity that we create each and every year at our Easter Egg Hunt going on each and every Sunday morning right here at Emmanuel.

May God Bless You!

Darrell Strickler

From Your Vicar: 

Hello again! I pray that this monthly update finds you in a spiritually healthy place. I am back from my Summer Seminary studies in   Irvine, CA. My last class focused on Ministry in the Inner‐City. It involved a prayer walk in the neighborhoods around the Trinity Cristo Rey Lutheran Church in Santa Ana, CA. It was a poor area with active gang activity. 

So, you ask... "What is a prayer walk?" (That's what all of us Vicars asked too). We walked through the neighborhood in small groups and listened, looked, smelled, and basically observed what was going on the neighborhood, without us talking to one another. We said hello to people we saw, but our job was to pray, not to stay and talk to everyone. When we heard or saw something that piqued our interest, we prayed about it. I prayed for the people in the neighborhood and for the occupants of the houses that needed new roofs. I prayed for the family that had all the disabled equipment in the front yard. I prayed for the people who appeared to be living in broken down vans in the side yards of the houses. And I prayed for the area around the liquor store. The neighborhood was quiet at 1pm, but the liquor store was very busy and I felt a dark, sad, and oppressive spirit around that store. 

What good did it do? I don't know, but I do know that God heard my prayers just like he hears all of yours! I did learn a lot about the people who lived there though. Psalm 145:18‐19 says that if we call on Him, He hears our cry and will save us! I have to keep reminding myself however, that my idea of "saving me" isn't always God's idea of "saving me." Read Psalm 145, it is a wonderful Psalm of Praise. 

Try doing a "prayer walk" sometime. You don't have to close your eyes or fold your hands, you just have to be willing to look and listen and pray for people in the places that you come across. In 1 Thessalonians, Paul tells us to pray continually. That is what we did on our prayer walk, and I feel blessed by being able to do it.. 

Next month I'll tell you about all the stuff we have been doing in Youth group. Thursday nights from 6‐8pm are now Youth Group Nights at church. Last Thursday we had 13 people there! 

Until then, please continue to keep me in your prayers. I am doing my best, but I am finding it challenging to balance Church, marriage, family, teaching music lessons, Boy Scouts, etc. My comfort is in the Lord, and it is also in you! I am thankful you are a part of my life, and I look forward to visiting with each of you in the near future! 

In Christ! 

Vicar Gary 

August, 2012, Emmanuel Lutheran Church Grapevine www.emmanuel

Busy Month of July

Steve Chow was back with us the morning of July 1st.   He had   another bad turn, and was ex‐tremely weak, but his attitude was good and he had a smile  on his face!  He never loses his faith in the Lord, we can all learn from him and his remarkable family!  On July 22nd he was back and much improved after throat   surgery. 

Pastor Ed talked that day about  TRUTH.  Always telling the truth in the most loving and tactful way so that those around you know they can trust what you say as true and know that you are not trying to hurt them but are trying to help them.  “Thoughtless words can wound as deeply as any sword,  but wisely  spoken words can heal.” Proverbs 12:18 

Pastor Ed is showing the kids a trick during the   children’s  sermon about  how adding salt  to the water will make an egg float.  Notice how intent the kids are and eager they are to participate in this experiment.    We really have a great group at   Emmanuel.  Our kids are interested in what they can learn from us and the adults are  not only Interested in learning but in teaching and helping our kids. 

In this children’s sermon,, led by Jim Deis,  these girls   demonstrated a way to let someone know you like them.   I think that would work , don’t you? 

Emmanuel  Congregation Members eagerly going up for  communion.  It doesn’t seem like a very important thing, but if you look at the faces of the communicants, they all take it very seriously and it is a most important part of our belief, the body and blood of our Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ. 

That’s one way to keep them in line together!

August, 2012, Emmanuel Lutheran Church Grapevine www.emmanuel

Busy Month of July (cont.)

This picture is of the  kids who were at Vacation Bible School (or at  least  some of them) who came to our Sunday  worship service on the 22ne of July.  I don’t know why their eyes show up like that , maybe it’s because they ‘saw the light’ at VBS! 

Now tell me, aren’t they the cutest? 

Our ladies at the Monday morning group even coordinate their outfits! Elaine and Irene are in matching colors down to their purses.


August , 2012 , Emmanuel Lutheran Church Grapev ine www.emmanuel c lovis .org

Youth Fund Raiser

Remember to SAVE your PLASTIC WATER BOTTLES, & SODA BOTTLES for the green youth trash can located in the Church House. Thank you for supporting our recycling program.

Altar Flower Sign-Up If you would like to honor a special person, date or event, please consider providing altar flowers one week during the year. The sign-up calendar is located on the wall near the restrooms in the narthex.

PREGNANCY CARE CENTER Remember to bring your baby items to fill up the bassinet for this organization which gives the choice of life to many young people who might otherwise decide on abortion. Small baby items, blankets, Diapers, formula, bottles, or whatever else you may be able to think of.

RESCUE MISSION DONATIONS Please keep those donations coming for the Rescue Mission. Items needed are personal items:

Wash Cloths Deodorant Toilet Tissue

Personal Hygiene

All items are greatly appreciated. Items may be placed in the marked box in the Hall of the Narthex..

PRAYER CHAIN and CPR We have two prayer ministries going on at Emmanuel the Prayer Chain is led by Helene Kipp and she can be reached by phone 447-9369 or e-mail [email protected]. CPR is led by Martha on Wednes-

days in the church house at 1 pm. You can come and join us there.

What’s Happening?

   Staffed nursery care will continue through August for the Sunday worship service AND the Sunday School   

Bible class hour each Sunday.  An anonymous gift has made this paid staffing addition possible.   Pastor Heidel’s Wednesday night class is taking July and August off from Bible Study.  See you in September! VBS was so much fun this year.  We had crafts, singing, stories, games outdoors, skits, and great snacks.     Best of all, we met new friends.  We had a family night with food and a bounce house that was lots of   fun and we had our families come and see us sing on Sunday.  Steve Chow came to worship with us a couple of times.  He is very weak, but stays cheerful.  He still needs   our prayers.  He loves to hear from us, so keep sending him cards and letting him know that we are     thinking and praying for him even though he can’t be here with us, we know he wants to be here. Pastor Ed continues to heal and have therapy for his injury.  He looks like he is healed already, but remains   in some pain. Let him know that we realize how blessed we are in having him as a pastor for this         congregation! And all those involved in the VBS this year, be sure they know they are appreciated for their efforts with our   kids.  The children are a particularly important work.  The Sunday School Teachers too.  Let them know   they are appreciated! Thanks to the Millers for the use of their home for the Congregation BBQ and Silent Auction on the 4th of   August.  It was really a Fun Time with Great Food and Good Company.  The Auction was fun too! 

Want to raise extra money for Emmanuel? Just turn in your empty inkjet cartridges to our church office for recycling.

This is a continuing project that we will do throughout the year.

August , 2012 , Emmanuel Lutheran Church Grapevine www.emmanuel c lovis .org

Mission Statement:

Inspired by the holy spirit, we share His love and invite people to Christ by proclaiming and living the Good News.


Doug Richardson DebbieSpence Darrell Strickler

Rod Kirby Sandra Lucero

Editorial Staff of the Grapevine Cristy McNicholas and Sandy Wisener

Elizabeth Bombini and Marlene Coffman

August Sunday Services:

August 5th HOLY COMMUNION 9:00 Worship Service 10:30 Sunday School Youth Bible Study Adult Study

August 12th 9:00 Worship Service 10:30 Sunday School Youth Bible Study Adult Study

August 19th With Communion 9:00 Worship Service 10:30 Sunday School Youth Bible Study Adult Study

August 26th VBS SUNDAY 9:00 Worship Service 10:30 Sunday School Youth Bible Study Adult Study


Cristy McNicholas, Office Manager (559) 298-0725

[email protected] New Office Hours: Mon.—Fri

9 a.m. to 1 pm

Prayer Praise & Bible Study!

We meet Mondays at 9 am for fellowship, Bible Study of Proverbs, to Praise our Lord, and to pray for whatever may be on our hearts.


Electronic Fund Transfer is available! You can have your Tithes/Offerings automatically withdrawn from either your

checking or saving account and given to Emmanuel. There are

many benefits to the New Emmanuel, as well as to our

members and friends. It is safe and secure. For more

information, please contact Mike Kipp at 447-9369, or you

can email him at [email protected].


I hope everyone is looking forward to the congrega-tional barbeque on August 4th. We want to thank everyone who will be involved in this event from hosting, barbecuing, food preparation, and silent auction donations. “Oh that men would praise the LORD for his good-ness, and for his wonderful works to the children of men!” Psalm 107:8 Julia Bettencourt shares in her devotion, “Summer Kind of Wonderful”, God’s wonderful works. Let’s ponder on the wonderful summer blessings in this valley. - The Sun. When we think about summer we think about the warmth of the sun and here in the valley we get an overabundance. The sun is such a fascinating creation as it lights up the whole world, it helps our crops grow, it’s a power source and it’s good for our bodies. - The Fruits and Vegetables. We are blessed with an abundance of these in the valley. The mouthwatering bites of fresh watermelon and corn on the cob bring a smile to our faces and tummies. The numerous fruits and vegetables supply so many good things for our bodies. - The Trees and Flowers. Everything is in full bloom in summer. Are you struck with awe at God’s beautiful creations which give us so much pleasure? - The Ocean. As we watch the waves roll in and out, think of God and his creation when you look at that water and all those creatures you know it contains. - The Bugs, Bees and Insects. We’re not necessarily a big fan of some of them but think about how God made each one of them so intricate and each with a purpose.

Yes, it is summer in the valley. It’s fresh and

new and we can see God’s hand in it all around us.

Join CPR on Wednesdays at 1:00 p.m   for an hour of prayer for your church, your country , your state, county, city, schools, and safety organizations as well as  fellow  congregation members.  Whatever we feel called to pray for.  This is so important, you don’t have to pray aloud, just be willing to say the AMEN.  “Wherever two are  gathered in My Name . . . “  

Anyone who is interested in   serving at the information booth, please talk to Chris  Watkins,   297‐4922, she needs more     

Helpers to talk to new people as they come in to worship with us, give them a gift, and have them 

sign in the guest book. 

Bible Study Wednesday Evening led by Pastor Heidel

Is on vacation. God Loves You. See you in September.

Reckless words pierce like a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing. Proverbs 12:18 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . An anxious heart weighs a man down, but a kind word cheers him up. Proverbs 12:25

August , 2012, Emmanuel Lutheran Church Grapev ine www.emmanuel c lov is .org

Christian Education News…

Lesson themes for August: August 5th Bible Story: God Protects Moses

Theme: God watches over us

August 12th Bible Story: Moses meets God at the Burning bush Theme: God is Awesome

August 19th Music with Amanda Hutto August 26th Bible Story: The Israelites Escape from Egypt Theme: God’s freedom lasts forever

YOUTH NEWS Hello everyone, this Summer is bringing many, many changes. Linda, Sela, and Stephanie have graduated high school and will be in college in the Fall. Andrew is finalizing his plans of a joint business venture with some friends in San Luis Obispo.  Rachel, Meghan, Michelle, and Lissa graduated Confirmation classes and will be joining the Youth Group now! If you need any yard work that needs to be done (or  small projects around the house) let me know and I'll get the Youth Group to come help. God wants us to love one another, and this is one way we can show that we care about you! Each month, we will try to do something to serve our community. If you have any    suggestions or ideas, I would like to hear from you. Some new news next month.  

Hello everyone, this Summer is bringing many, many changes. Linda, Sela, and Stephanie have graduated high school and will be in college in the Fall. Andrew is finalizing his plans of a joint business venture with some friends in San Luis Obispo.  Rachel, Meghan, Michelle, and Lissa graduated Confirmation classes and will be joining the Youth Group now! If you need any yard work that needs to be done (or  small projects around the house) let me know and I'll get the Youth Group to come help. God wants us to love one another, and this is one way we can show that we care about you! Each month, we will try to do something to serve our community. If you have any    suggestions or ideas, I would like to hear from you. Some new news next month.  

In August, we will go down by the bayou to Where fearless kids shine God’s Light! 

Each Sunday, the students will hear the Bible stories of Moses and the Israelites, and learn about how God…is with 

us, is powerful, does what he says, and cares for us. 

August 5th, 12th, 19th and 26th 

August, 2012, Emmanuel Lutheran Clovis GRAPEVINE www.emmanuel

August 5 August 12 August 19 August 26

Communion Assistants

Neil Hoppus Mike Kipp

Fon Vangsycha Andrew Vangsycha

Mike Golden Scott Linenbroker Darrell Strickler

Todd Weber

Usher Don Rutherford Vern Meyer

Gordon Miller Fon Vangsycha

Jim Deis

Stephen Edmonds Joshua Daily

Scott Linenbroker Bill Dehning

Fon Vangsycha Vernon Meyer

Don Rutherford Martha Wilson Bob Hammond Pat Hammond

Gene Garcia Suzanne Garcia

Joshua Daily Neil Hoppus Bill Dehning


Greeter Jim Deis Cheryl Deis

Don Rutherford Ardis Rutherford

Gail Davis Cristy McNicholas

Todd Weber

Helene Kipp Claudine Steinhauer

Don Rutherford

Counters Don Rutherford Darrell Strickler

Sandy Wisener Suzanne Garcia

Irene Stinson Sandra Lucero

Travis Kirby Steven Chow

Info Booth

Sue Garcia Chris Watkins Sandra Wisener Cristy McNicholas


Our Praise Team: Jill and Gary Gerloff, Paige Weber, Judy Strickler, Keisha Watkins, Steve Vickrey, Amanda Hutto, Doug Richardson, Darrin Lowenthal, Joy Cunningham and Art Howansky. Contact Jill if you are interested in joining.

IF YOU ARE SCHEDULED AND CANNOT SERVE . . . Please call your team leader. For the info booth it is Chris Watkins, 297-4922 ([email protected]), for Communion

Servers it is Mike Kipp 447-9369, Counters and Greet-

Coffee with Krueger – Ask a question; discuss a topic Free-flowing hour every week

throughout summer Grab a drink and a chair.

Come as you can and bring your Bible.

(In Church narthex, close to the coffee.)

10:30 am

A good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and an evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his

heart. For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of.

Should I attend the New Heart Lessons? Yes, if You are seeking to have a closer walk with Jesus If you want to be freed to tell the Gospel story to others

New Heart Class 10:30 am

Church House Fireside Room Leaders: Rollie Otto & Martha


(10 – week course)

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 1 pm CPR Group 6 pm Praise Team

2 6 pm Youth Nite


4 Congregation BBQ at the Millers

5 9 AM WORSHIP with Communion 10:30 Sunday School Youth Adult Bible Studies 5, 6, 6:45 pm Sm. Groups

6 9 a.m. Bible Study in the Church House 6 pm Sm. Group


8 1 pm CPR Group 6 pm Praise Team

9 6 pm Youth Nite



12 9 AM WORSHIP 10:30 Sunday School Youth Adult Bible Studies 5, 6, 6:45 pm Sm. Groups

13 9 a.m. Bible Study in the Church House 6 pm Sm. Group

14 Gov. Bd. Meeting

15 1 pm CPR Group 6 pm Praise Team 7 pm Country Team

16 6 pm Youth Nite


18 7 pm Country Gospel

19 9 AM WORSHIP with Communion 10:30 Sunday School Youth Adult Bible Studies 5, 6, 6:45 pm Sm. Groups

20 9 a.m. Bible Study in the Church House 6 pm Sm. Group


22 1 pm CPR Group 6 pm Praise Team

23 6 pm Youth Nite

24 Assemble Newsletter


26 9 AM WORSHIP 10:30 Sunday School Youth Adult Bible Studies 5, 6, 6:45 pm Sm. Groups

27 9 a.m. Bible Study in the Church House 6 pm Sm. Group


29 1 pm CPR Group 6 pm Praise Team

30 6 pm Youth Nite


Sept. 1

If we have omitted your birth date or anniversary date or have the wrong date listed, please call the church office with the

corrected information. Please accept our apology and HAVE A GREAT DAY IN THE LORD! THANK YOU.

August , 2012 , Emmanuel Lutheran Church Grapevine www.emmanuel c lovis .org

August 2012

August Birthdays  8/1 Jennifer Moebes 8/2 Fon Vangsycha 8/5 Jon Stevens 8/7 Violet Witte 8/7 Joy Strickler 8/8 Lynette Burgasser 8/10 Suzanne Garcia 8/11 Callen Burchnell 8/12 Marcia Weaver 8/12 Kem Cunningham 8/12 Shelly Alexander 8/13 Jason Anaforian 8/14 Linnie Clark 8/15 Elizabeth Bombini 8/16 Shari Otto

Newsletter Deadline

August Anniversaries            

Paige & Todd Weber 8/07/1993 19 yrs Maenene & Fon Vangsycha 8/10/1991 21 yrs Jeska & Tony Garofalo 8/10/2002 10 yrs Nancy & Clyde McGehee 8/11/1972 40 yrs Lauri & Ross Young 8/21/1997 15 yrs Virginia & Steve Morgan 8/26/1978 34 yrs Karen & Ed Krueger 8/28/1993 19 yrs

God’s Blessings and Our Congratulations 8/21 Sam Moebes 8/22 Chad Watkins 8/23 Drew Vickrey 8/24 Beth Granicher 8/29 Rollie Otto 8/29 Chance Vue 8/31 Amanda Hutto

When an old man died in the geriatric ward of a nursing home in North Platte, Nebraska , it was believed that he had nothing left of any value. Later, when the nurses were going through his meager possessions, They found this poem. Its quality and content so im‐pressed the staff that copies were made and distributed to every nurse in the hospital.   

Crabby Old Man   

What do you see nurses? . . What do you see? What are you thinking . . . . when you're looking at me? A crabby old man, . . . . . not very wise, Uncertain of habit . . . ... with faraway eyes?   

Who dribbles his food . . . . . ... and makes no reply . When you say in a loud voice .. . . . "I do wish you'd try!" Who seems not to notice . .. . the things that you do. And forever is losing . . . . . . . a sock or a shoe?  

Who, resisting or not . .. . . . lets you do as you will, With bathing and feeding. .. . . the long day to fill? Is that what you're thinking? . . Is that what you see? Then open your eyes, nurse . . . you're not looking at me..   

I'll tell you who I am. . . as I sit here so still, As I do at your bidding, . . . as I eat at your will. I'm a small child of ten . .. with a father and mother, Brothers and sisters . . . . . . who love one another.  

 A young boy of sixteen . . . . with wings on his feet Dreaming that soon now . . . . . a lover he'll meet.. A groom soon at twenty . . . .my heart gives a leap. Remembering, the vows . .. . that I promised to keep.   

At twenty‐five, now . . . . . I have young of my own. Who need me to guide . . and a secure happy home. A man of thirty . . . . . . My young now grown fast, Bound to each other . . . With ties that should last.   

At forty, my young sons .. . . have grown and are gone, But my woman's beside me . . .. to see I don't mourn. At fifty, once more, . . babies play 'round my knee, Again, we know children . .. . My loved one and me.   

Dark days are upon me . . . .my wife is now dead. I look at the future . . .. . .. shudder with dread.. For my young are all rearing .. . . young of their own. And I think of the years,. and the love that I've known.   

I'm now an old man . . . . . and nature is cruel. Tis jest to make old age .. . . look like a fool. The body, it crumbles ... . grace and vigor, depart. There is now a stone . .. . where I once had a heart.   

But inside this old carcass . .. . a young guy still dwells, And now and again .. . . . my battered heart swells. I remember the joys . . . .. . I remember the pain. And I'm loving and living . . . . . . life over again.   

I think of the years, all too few . .. . gone too fast. And accept the stark fact . . . that nothing can last. So open your eyes, people ... . . .. . open and see. Not a crabby old man. Look closer .. .. see ME!! 

August , 2012 , Emmanuel Lutheran Church Grapevine www.emmanuel c lovis .org

August , 2012 , Emmanuel Lutheran Church Grapevine www.emmanuel c lovis .org

Congregational BBQ @ the Miller’s Saturday, August 4th 


   5 pm    Hors ‘d orveres & silent Auction    6 pm    Dinner  

  Tickets: Adult $10    Child $5     $25/Family of 4+ 

Men’s Retreat @ Shaver Lake August 24‐26th Cost $100 

See Doug Richardson to sign up. 

Marriage Encounter Weekend October 19‐21st 

Fresno Piccadilly Inn 

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