
Board Member George Reilly and Cheryl Norfleet, Family Centers’ Intake

Coordinator, were honored by the Connecticut Council of Family Services Agencies

(CCFSA) for their dedication to improving the lives of local families.

For the past three years, George has selflessly donated his time and energy to the Family

Centers Board of Directors and improved the lives of individuals and families living in

lower Fairfield County. As the former chair of the Center for HOPE’s Board of Directors,

George helped facilitate the organization’s merger with Family Centers in 2005 – a move

that created a comprehensive continuum of care for clients and reestablished the Center

for HOPE as a leader in bereavement and critical illness support.

As Family Centers’ Intake Coordinator, Cheryl is often the first voice clients seeking

the agency’s services hear. Whether they are coping with a mental illness, the death

of a loved one, a failing marriage or parental challenges, Cheryl ensures that clients

are quickly referred to the appropriate program or counselor. She is also a longtime

Friendly Connections volunteer. Congratulations! Reilly and Norfleet


On July 1, Family Centers and HealthCare Connection madeits merger official during a ceremony at the City of Stamford’sGovernment Center.

As staff and members of the Family Centers andHealthCare Connection boards of directors looked on,Family Centers’ Board Vice Chair Laurie Grauer and theRev. David Van Dyke, HealthCare Connections BoardChairman, signed the merger documents. Stamford MayorDannel Malloy also attended the ceremony to congratulatethe two organizations.

The merger is effective immediately, and HealthCareConnection’s four programs – the School Based HealthCenters, Stamford CARES, Care to Care and the TLC HealthCenter at Kids in Crisis – are now part of Family Centers’already diverse service mix.

Top: Family Centers’ Board Vice Chair Laurie Grauer and the Rev. David Van Dyke,Chairman of HealthCare Connection’s Board of Directors, sign the merger documents.

Bottom: (l-r) The Rev. David Van Dyke, Chairman of HealthCare Connection’s Board ofDirectors; HealthCare Connection’s Interim Executive Director Tricia McCann; LaurieGrauer, Family Centers’ Board Vice Chair; and Family Centers’ President Bob Arnold.


Family Centers and HealthCare Connection Complete Merger



2 W W W . F A M I L Y C E N T E R S . O R G

Special thanks to this year’s sponsors,whose support helped make this eventpossible – The Windmill Foundation,M. Bonnie Axthelm Foundation,Ring’s End Lumber, UST, Bitter EndYacht Club, MasterCard International,Cheswick Wright Wealth ManagementLLC, The CJB Group/Merrill Lynch, Jan and Bob Dilenschneider, PatriotNational Bank, Kitchens by Deaneand Wheeler Real Estate.

“Lights of Hope” Shine Bright for Center for HOPE, The Den for Grieving Kids

Photos clockwise from top:

Event Co-Chairs Carol Cheswick Wilson (center) andCarol Matton (right) with Gloria Veeder, FamilyCenters’ Director of Development.

Peggy Kaminski hits the runway.

Luncheon Speaker Pam Zangrillo (right) and GailBaldwin.

The grand finale!

Family Centers’ Senior Advisor Karen Casey (right)and Joanne Shakley.

Family Centers’ Board Chairman Jan Dilenschneiderand Senior Advisor Ginny Bantle

Janet Plotkin of the Adolph and Ruth SchnurmacherFoundation, Inc. and Family Centers’ President BobArnold.

Walt Ritz, Director of Family Centers’ Housing ResourceProgram, shows off some fresh duds on the runway.

The Center for HOPE held its AnnualLuncheon and Fashion Show andtransformed the Wee Burn CountryClub into a scene straight from NewYork’s Fashion Week.

Named “Lights of Hope”, this year’sevent was co-chaired by Carol Mattonand Carol Cheswick Wilson. Morethan 200 guests watched models strutthe runway in the latest spring fash-ions from the Darien Sport Shop andjewelry by Betteridge Jewelers. PamZangrillo, a Darien resident and for-mer client, spoke about how theCenter for HOPE’s support helped herovercome breast cancer.

The more than $80,000 that was raiseddirectly benefits the Center for HOPEand The Den for Grieving Kids, FamilyCenters’ programs offering critical ill-ness and bereavement support toadults and children living in lowerFairfield County.


3W W W . F A M I L Y C E N T E R S . O R G

Thanks to the generosity of Darien resident Ginger

Morgan, the Center for HOPE now has a serene place

where clients can reflect on their feelings as they cope

with a death or critical illness.

Morgan, along with her sons Reed and Andrew, spear-

headed a complete renovation of the Center’s backyard to

create a beautiful garden for clients to enjoy during the

summer months. With the help of Boy Scout Troop 53,

the Morgan family removed debris and prepared the

garden area for planting.

Several local landscaping businesses also helped in the

project. Noble Lawn & Shrub Care seeded, aerated and

fertilized the lawn, while The Growing Concern donated

the garden’s flowers and plants. Once the work was com-

pleted, Morgan put the finishing touches on the garden

by installing a new fence and donating comfortable out-

door furniture.

The Center for HOPE hopes the community will utilize

the garden for meetings or small social gatherings. For

information on reserving the Center for HOPE’s garden for

your next event, contact Gloria Veeder at 203-869-4848.

Local Volunteer, BoyScouts Help Spruce upCenter for HOPE’s Garden

Ginger Morgan and Family Centers’ Board Chairman Jan Dilenschneideradmire the Center for HOPE’s newly landscaped garden.

Splash Car Washes recently helped ensure that quality sup-port services remain available to people living in lowerFairfield County.

The Splash location in Darien recently presented theCenter for HOPE with a check for $2,685 to help fund theprogram’s bereavement and illness support services.Splash’s Stamford location also awarded The Den forGrieving Kids $1,059.

The money represents a percentage of the proceeds fromSplash’s annual holiday gift card sale. Every year, Splashlocations in Connecticut and New York adopt local chari-ties and earmark part of the proceeds from gift card salesto those charitable organizations.

Splash Car Wash Donates Fundsto Center for Hope and The Den

Deirdre Lewin, Director of the Center for HOPE and The Den for Grieving Kids,accepts a check from Splash owner Mark Curtis.

PILGRIM TOWERS RESIDENTS CELEBRATE40 YEARS INDEPENDENT LIVING Pilgrim Towers, an independent living residence for

Stamford-area seniors, celebrated its 40th anniversary with

an open house and reception.

Local dignitaries including Rep. Philip J. Giordano were on

hand to mark the occasion. A special proclamation from

Stamford Mayor Dannel Malloy was read, and declared

June 29 “Pilgrim Towers Day” in Stamford.

Located at 25 Washington Street in Stamford, Pilgrim

Towers is a HUD-subsidized complex offering affordable

independent living services to people over the age of 62.

Family Centers provides a host of onsite support services to

help residents maintain a greater sense of independence

and enjoy a better quality of life. Family Centers also offers

psychosocial and physical support when necessary.


4 W W W . F A M I L Y C E N T E R S . O R G

Bob & Barbara Wells

Alice Holbrook, Fred Bontecou, Teresa Haskett and KK Lowther Ben & Leigh Carpenter and Jessica & Basil Zirinis

Arlene Mark, Sharon & Barney Phillips and Reuben Mark

Valerie & Mike McKeever

Barbara & Ed Netter Jan Dilenschneider with Peter & Laurie Grauer


5W W W . F A M I L Y C E N T E R S . O R G

Carlos Ferrer & Eric Fast

Cathy & Randy Weisenburger

Avery & Allison Bourke Laura & Chris Jachino and Maura & Andy Igoe

Dee Dee Sherman, Kathy Clark and Rob Sherman Jack & Anne Ball Gillian Steel, Nancy Coffin and Mary Moran

Doug Brown and Ben SaleebyCharlotte Minor, Nick Somers and Terri Walker

Darryl Branch, Barbara Thompson and Dr. Johnnie Lee Icy Frantz, Lisa Stuart, Scott Stuart and Scott Frantz


6 W W W . F A M I L Y C E N T E R S . O R G

Family Centers’ Greenwich Head Start Preschools recently held a graduationceremony to celebrate the 21 students moving on to kindergarten.

Teachers presented each graduate with a “diploma”, and all 34 students enrolledin the preschool performed a collection of their favorite songs. Afterward, thestudents and their families gathered for a pot-luck lunch.

In addition to honoring the preschool’s graduates, the ceremony recognizedtheir parents. Head Start teachers – along with Family Centers’ clinicians – reg-ularly work with parents to help them identify and achieve their vocational andeducational goals.

The Public Relations Society of

America (PRSA) recently honored

Family Centers for outstanding pub-

lic relations/communications tactics.

Family Centers picked up a Gold

PRSA Mercury Award for its 2007

Annual Report, which resembled a

children’s book and featured inspi-

rational client success stories. The

publication was designed by New

Leaf Graphic Design and under-

written by GE Real Estate. The

agency also received a Silver

Mercury Award for the community

awareness campaign that helped

prevent the “Dancing Dolphins” pre-

school classroom from closing.

Along with the Mercury Awards,

Family Centers also won three

Hermes Creative Awards from the

Association of Marketing and

Communication Professionals. The

“Save the Dancing Dolphins” cam-

paign earned the prestigious Platinum

Hermes Award, while Family Centers’

Agency Video and Annual Report

took home Gold and Honorable

Mention Awards, respectively.


Family Centers’ Communications Director BillBrucker (left) accepts a Gold PRSA MercuryAward from Matt Scott, WTNH-TV meteorolo-gist and reporter.

Head Start Preschools SendStudents Off to Kindergarten

Left: Delmy Reyes (left) and Brittany Soriano. Right: Xavier Estiverne proudly shows off his diploma.


The Young Parents Program (YPP) wrapped

up the year with a picnic at Family Centers’

Stamford offices. The event gave the

program’s participants the opportunity to

celebrate their accomplishments and relax

with their families. This year, YPP helped

to ensure that all 12 girls enrolled in the

program either finished high school or

earned an equivalency degree.

The Young Parents Program supports preg-

nant teens and young mothers as they

transition into their roles as parents. In

addition to providing prenatal/parenting

education and support, YPP clinicians help

young parents further their educational

and vocation goals.

Photo top: Young Parents Program CoordinatorAndrea Payo (right) and Ebonie Ruffin. Photo bottom:YPP graduate Trinia Holman and her baby, Makiah.


7W W W . F A M I L Y C E N T E R S . O R G


Officers • Jan Dilenschneider, Chairman • Marge Berkley, Vice Chairman • Laurie Grauer, Vice Chairman • Michael McKeever, Treasurer • Kevin Walsh, Assistant Treasurer • Laurie Host,Secretary • Allison Bourke, Assistant Secretary • Bob Arnold, President & CEO

Directors • Tom Ashforth • Will Ault • Anne Ball • Abby Bowers • Ellen Bromley • Doug Brown • Molly Byrne • Dave Campbell • Leigh Carpenter • Helen Dixon • Cory Donnalley Patti Fast • Jane Frank • Judy Gooding • Carl Goodnow • Julie Graham • Ruth Gretz • Hazel Hobbs • Richard Hokin • Alice Holbrook • Seeley Hubbard • Jim Jakubek • MystiqueJohnston • Kip Koons • Muffie Lynch • Arlene Mark • Jeanne Matson • Charlotte Minor • Sharon Phillips • Michael Pralle • George Reilly • Allison Rubeli • Nonie Sullivan • Mimi TabahKathleen Tropin • David Tuttle • Rev. David Van Dyke • Terri Walker • Joan Warburg • Bunny Weicker • Cathy Weisenburger • Bob Wells

Senior Advisors • Liz Anderson • Bert Ballen • Gini Bantle • Lucy Barrett • Mary Birle • Darryl Branch • Karen Casey • John Conte • Suzanne Curto • Bob Fields • Muffie Fitzgerald Joi Gallo • Edwen Goldstein • Mickey Graham • Hy Hoffman • Debra Katz • Karen Keegan • Kim Kispert • Howard Kraft • Dr. Johnnie Lee • Tom Melly • Mimi Pivirotto • MarionSchmeelk-Kirkman • Margaret Sirot • Alice Zea

Richard F. DalyMrs. Claire M. Daly

Karl HassenfratzMrs. Marian C. Hassenfratz

Betty HazenfieldStephanie, Ray & Tess Richards

Alvin and Elizabeth JosephyMr. and Mrs. Steven Wolowitz

Mimi KayeBackcountry Ventures

Mr. and Mrs. James J. CalabreseMs. Jacqueline R. Chamandy

Mr. and Mrs. Michael N. CohenMs. Margaret Connery Dietz

Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan G. CunninghamMr. Rocco V. D’Andrea

Mr. and Mrs. Tony DiPaoloMr. and Mrs. Douglas A. Dorman

Mr. and Mrs. James DutcherMr. and Mrs. Robert F. Frankel

Mr. and Mrs. Frank FrascaMr. and Mrs. Philip H. Groth

Ms. Judith S. HoffmanMr. and Mrs. Peter HortonMs. Mary Elizabeth Jaeger

Mr. and Mrs. Hagop MeneshianMr. and Mrs. Neil J. Metviner

Ms. Ellen MoshirMs. Norma G. Perlstein

Mr. Louis P. PittoccoDr. and Mrs. Joel M. Rein

Ms. Joyce Roper NyeMs. Delores C. Sheehan

Sount Beach Partners. LLCMs. Amanda Starr

State of CT – Court Operations UnitDr. Elaine M. Suchman

(Mimi Kaye cont’d.)Whitman, Breed, Abbott & Morgan

Ms. Diana S. WhyteMr. and Mrs. William Zales

Margorie LaffMr. and Mrs. Kenneth I. White

Peg Murta & Mary CorcoranCaroline Andrew

Mr. and Mrs. Bill BrennanMr. and Mrs. Perry D. Caminis

Karen M. CaseyMr. and Mrs. Bourke CorcoranMr. and Mrs. Roland DiLeone

Mr. and Mrs. William J. Dolyak, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Neil B. ForsterMr. and Mrs. Lars Jonsteg

Birgitta LindbergKerwin K. MayersReinhard Schreiber

Richard ShillingCatherine Sommerfeld

Mr. and Mrs. Fordyce B. St. John IIIPatricia Steigerwald

Peter Thurell

Anne OstroskyDr. and Mrs. Walter J. Richar

Robert RechMrs. Ola Rech

Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Weihs

Julia RobbMr. and Mrs. Theodore J. Cutler

Patrick SexstoneStephanie, Ray & Tess Richards

William J. SperanzaMr. and Mrs. R. Byard Hires


Elizabeth Radley AndersonAnstiss Hunt Smithers

Candee I. Weed

Laurie M. GrauerMs. Diana L. Taylor

Arlene MarkMr. and Mrs. Michael A. Carpenter

Maureen E. MeehanLaurie B. Stuek

Joan NorfleetMr. and Mrs. Walter Sidas

Leslie P. SexerMr. and Mrs. Jonathan Kern

Joan Melber WarburgBruce Museum

Cathy WeisenburgerMr. and Mrs. John Kramer

Susan YonceMs. Amy Gerry



who joined Family Centers

as the program coordinator

for the Stamford Reaching

Independence Through

Employment (RITE)


Donna will assist RITE clients

living in Stamford strive

toward self-sufficiency

through career counseling,

educational assistance and

case management.

Prior to coming to Family

Centers, Donna worked as

an addictions counselor at

Liberation Programs in

Stamford. She also operated

a private practice offering

psychotherapy and marriage

and family therapy.



The State of Connecticut’s

Department of Public Health

provided the School Based

Health Centers (SBHC) with a

$49,453 grant to expand the

dental clinic at Westhill High

School in Stamford.

The SBHC dental clinic is open

to all children enrolled in

Stamford Public Schools,

regardless of their family’s

insurance coverage. Staffed by

a board-certified dentist and

experienced dental assistants,

the clinic offers an array of

dental services including rou-

tine cleanings, fillings and

restorative care.

School Based Health Center dentistCristina Simoes Oliveira, DDS providesa thorough cleaning.


40 Arch Street,P.O.Box 7550Greenwich,CT 06836-7550

Non-Profit Org.U.S. Postage

PAIDBridgeport, CTPermit No. 347

Contact usFamily Centers’ Executive Offices,Arch Street Preschool & The Den40 Arch Street,Greenwich,CT 06830 Tel (203)

Family Centers GreenwichTel (203) 629-2822

Family Centers Darien/New CanaanTel (203) 655-0547 / Tel (203) 972-0556

Family Centers StamfordTel (203) 324-3167

The Center for HOPETel (203) 655-4693

Early Childhood Education &Head Start Preschools

Gateway PreschoolTel (203) 531-8430

First Steps Head StartTel (203) 522-0633

Kids Corner Head StartTel (203) 869-2730

Joan Melber Warburg Early Childhood CenterTel (203) 629-2822

More than 350 guests joined Family Centerson a trip back in time to 1940’s-era Havanafor the agency’s Fiesta Cuba benefit.

Held at the Belle Haven home of Laurieand Peter Grauer, Fiesta Cuba raisedmore than $720,000 for the agency’s

30 human service and education programs.

Before sitting down to an authentic Cubanfeast, guests were treated to Havana delica-cies like mojitos and hand-rolled cigars.Meanwhile, roulette, blackjack and othergames of chance were played in the world-famous Riviera Casino. Once the sun wentdown, the party really heated up, as a 13-piece orchestra played a mix of Latinstandards and party tunes.

Fiesta Cuba was co-chaired by BoardMembers Patti Fast, Julie Graham, LaurieGrauer and Nonie Sullivan.

Guests Enjoy Sights, Sounds andTastes of Cuba at Annual Benefit

For more event photos and a list of ourgenerous sponsors, turn to pages 4-5.

Photos left, top to bottom: Lucy & Ricky. Fiesta Cuba Co-Chairs (l-r) Patti Fast, Laurie Grauer, Nonie Sullivan andJulie Graham. Richard and Justin Hokin.

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