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ENBE | Final Project | Part A –Process Journal Report Compilation | Pamphlet & Model Representation




FNBE JAN 2015 | Taylor’s University

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1. A City

2. Investigation on Better City Guidelines and Issues

3. Investigation & Data Collection: Ancient and old cities

4. Investigation & Data Collection: The present city/cities

5. Investigation & Data Collection: The future city/cities

6. Information about the city location and site

7. All about The New “X” City / Or the new name

8. All about The Pamphlet

9. References list

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For our ENBE final project,we were required to purpose a better future city as the mayor of the “X” city

Underground City Underwater or floating city (Sea,saltwater) Underwater or floating city (Freshwater wetlands) A city in the Air A city in the Forest

The city should be between 30-50 kilometre square with a population between 100,000-250,000 Malaysian Citizens

What is a city?

Generally city is a place where many people live and work. It have complex systems for sanitation,utilities,land usage,housing and transportation. City is an incorporated municipality, usually governed by a mayor and a board of aldermen and councilmen

A city has an urban area that is surrounding a city. Most inhabitants of urban areas have nonagricultural jobs. Urban areas are very developed, meaning there is a density of human structures such as houses, commercial buildings, roads, bridges, and railways.

"Urban area" can refer to towns, cities, and suburbs. An urban area includes the city itself, as well as the surrounding areas. Many urban areas are called metropolitan areas, or "greater," as in Greater New York or Greater London.

A TOWN is a human settlement larger than a village but smaller than a city

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A CITY is a human settlement larger than a town and more important

A SUBURBS  an outlying part of a city or town

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As for rural areas, it’s a total opposite of urban areas A RURAL AREAS is an open swath of land that has few homes 

-Have low population density and large amounts of undeveloped land- Many people have migrates from urban areas to rural areas- Close Contact with Nature- Social Interaction

-Size of the Community-Improved technology has decreased the need for agricultural workers 

CHARACTERISTIC OF A GOOD CITYA good city to walk in and to stay in for a while includes:

room to walk with dignity, integrity and without overcrowding

comfortable climatic conditions – sun and shade depending on the season and protection from the wind

pleasant facades at street level to stroll alongside and observe

good conditions for people with disabilities and people with prams

clear structure in the pedestrian system – it should be easy to find your way around

a pedestrian system that connects important destinations

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ability to promenade through the city

good walking rhythm with few interruptions

few and short waiting times at intersections

many well-placed benches

widespread secondary seating – such as steps and edges of planter boxes

well-situated cafes and outdoor restaurants

beautiful and effective lighting.

A good city for social and cultural exchanges includes:

space for cultural activities and communication

space for street theatre, clowns and jesters, music and small-scale commercial activities

democratic public spaces for all.

A good city for talking, watching and experiencing includes:

low level of noise and few disturbances

intimate public spaces

fine views and good details

interesting facades, window displays and exhibits

a lively, diverse and safe city to move around in

residences to ensure a 24 hour city

educational institutions to ensure life and vitality

safe places and streets day and night.

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What Makes A Better City?A great city is bound to elicit a multiplicity of responses and an ability to effectively govern or bring about sustainable development. A great city is a cities themselves must be attractive to people

A great city has their criteria that is:-Social and cultural atmosphere-Opportunities and activities for learning-Clean and attractive streets-Accessibility and inclusion- Good economic- Fair political engagement- Cultural Experience- Good Medication

For envisioning an urban greatness are by:

-Respectively standing for currency-Cosmopolitanism-Concentration-Charisma

Commen Issues

-Organized Crime-Traffic and automobile issues-Lack of slaes tax revenue-Lack of water resource-Unbalanced pay for city employees like firefighters, police-Decaying Downtowns-Lack of affordable housing-Poor Planning


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Venice, Italy, is known by several names, one of which is the ‘Floating City’. This is due to the fact that the city of Venice consists of 118 small islands connected by numerous canals and bridges. Yet, the buildings in Venice were not built directly on the islands. Instead, they were built upon wooden platforms that were supported by wooden stakes driven into the ground. The map

The city of Venice was built on wooden foundations.

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The use of wood as a supporting structure may seem as a surprise, since wood is relatively less durable than stone or metal. The secret to the longevity of Venice’s wooden foundation is the fact that they are submerged underwater. The decay of wood is caused by microorganisms, such as fungi and bacteria. As the wooden support in Venice is submerged underwater, they are not exposed to oxygen, one of the elements needed by microorganisms to survive. In addition, the constant flow of salt water around and through the wood petrifies the wood over time, turning the wood into a hardened stone-like structure.

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Located in the western edge of Hunan Province, Fenghuang Ancient City is a well-preserved historical and cultural town in China. The plentiful historical and cultural information has aroused great interests among the litterateurs, artists, historians as well as architects. It is also claimed to be the most beautiful small town in China. The mountains, waters and town have all been employed as inseparable components here to realize the unification of human beings and nature.

The residential concept

Fenghuang Ancient City highlights its unique layout and architecture style. The designers made wonderful use of the mountain landscape and water flows and magnified the spirit of the land and waters. Following the undulation of the mountainous landscape, the town walls encircle the ridges and span over the ranges while rivers wind along the corridors before flowing out through the town. It is thus by absorbing the artistic philosophy of traditional Chinese garden design and making best of the limited space of the mountain area that the town achieves well-structured layout.

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Especially those timber-structured stilt houses which line along the river looks so picturesque against the Nanhua Mountain full of big old trees. A river with mountain shadows and a town covered by the green shades has made the town the perfect example for the harmonious integration between human and nature and a masterpiece of ancient Chinese architectural arts.

Mountain landscape

Water flows

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Capital city of Malaysia that act as the centre of the parliament activity and also for business purposes.

Kuala Lumpur also hold for other activities such as entertainment ex: Pavillion, Berjaya Times Square.

The public transportation in kuala lumpur can be consider as moderate because it does not cover all of kuala lumpur just towards the major parts in the city.

The road traffic in kuala lumpur is also consider to be dreadful especially during the peak hours.

This is cause by the incapability of the public transport provided by the government to support the need of the people there to reach their destination.

The layout of the city is to be consider as unorganized compare to other major cities around the world because kuala lumpur is contructed during the world war II era when british invade Malaysia during the war.

The result of the war cause the construction of the city to be out of place for the most part of the capital where everything is centre towards the middle of the city from business to entertainment purposes.

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Putrajaya jaya is used to serve as the federal administrative centre of Malaysia.

Putrajaya is constructed due to the overcrowded of kuala lumpur. Putrajaya is thought out to be a planned city with the latest

communication technologies and progressive infrastructure. The streets are elegantly designed with a European feel, along with

well-paved roads while the government buildings are a blend of modern architecture with Islamic arts.

Commercial, authoritative and residential areas have been divided into precincts that blend into each other cohesively.

The setback of this city is the transportation. The only railway it has is the transit to KLIA. It was planned a monorail to be constructed but it was suspended due to insufficient funds.

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From what I have gather between this two city is that both have their advantages but it also has it flaws

Between the two city one has a good transportation system the other is a well thought out city.

with this I can take the the pros and cons of both city to inspired me to start on the planned of my city.

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AIMThe type of city that I was assigned is a floating water city. From the research that I have gather from the other cities I took the pros and cons of the city to be used in the city that I will developed.I decide to create an eco-friendly and also a self-sustainable city that can accommodate all the need of the residents living inside the city.

CONCEPTThe concept that I propose for the city is by le Corbusier where the main capital of the city is located in the middle of the city surrounded by commercial and residential area. This to avoid the traffic and transportation problem. I will focus on more on public transport so that the citizens will not be bother by traffic jam.

Furthermore, I will separate the city into a few section which to accommodate the needs of the citizen such as I will provide building from the low cost, mid cost and high end residents. This able the any resident to afford living is such a city.I will have a few spherical shape district surrounding the major city. It also is provided with about 48%-80% greenspace to suffice the oxygen need and also climate of the city.

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TRANSPORATIONI have research a few cities and other soon to build city such as venice, Italy where the city is surrounded by water. I have took this as and inspiration to the transportation that I will provide to the citizens. The city is mostly surrounded by water, in conjunction to that aspect I consider to build a water transportation system where I will provide a boating system and also submarine system for underwater transport. For travel to other countries I propose to use air transportation. To sum up the city will have:

Water transportation (boats/submarine for domestic purposes) Air transportation(airport to travel outside of the city)

ENERGYThe type of energy that the city will be mainly focus on is tidal and solar energy. I chose this sources because it suits to the city surroundings. The city can be generated by hydroelectric that is provided from surrounded sea waves.

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INSPIRATIONIn japan, they have plan to build a floating city. I took this idea as an inspiration to my city.

The 3 Parts of Ocean Spiral:

1. The first part is the floating surface, which will be topped by a 500-meter sphere.

2. the central part is a spiral 15km long with room for business zones, apartments, residential areas and hotel rooms for 5000 people.

3. At the very bottom at about 3000 to 4000 thousand meters under the sea the spiral will be linked to an “earth-factory” – a research center for developing energy sources.

I will incorporate the main concept that I will be using into the final design of the city.

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The location that I have chosen is at the west shore of bangan lalang. Why is decided this location is because it is located at the strait Melaka which is famous for ships to pass from all across the country. Also it also provides shelter from the eastern monsoon winds.

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The new X city (CAHAYA MATA CITY)

The name for my city is Cahaya Mata City which means City of New Born which I think is fitting considering the city would the first to be built on water.

The Aim

To be a sustainable and be a green Environment city to preserve nature.

To become a futuristic business cityProviding the latest technology to move theCity further.

To accomodate the the increase of populationOf citizens and providing quality household.

To set as a stepping stone for other future Development follow.

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A pamphlet is an unbound booklet (that is, without a hard cover or binding). It may consist of a single sheet of paper that is printed on both sides and folded in half, in thirds, or in quarters(fourths-not used regularly)called a leaflet), or it may consist of a few pages that are folded in half and saddle stapled at the crease to make a simple book.


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