Page 1: Engine Temperature Warning Light - Understand and Follow the steps



Driving Tips fromCar Leasing Made Simple

Page 2: Engine Temperature Warning Light - Understand and Follow the steps

Yesterday, I have received the temperature warning light in my car that was due to low coolant level. So I filled the coolant but when I checked in morning then the coolant was not there, it was completely empty. So the problem is coolant leakage. I am sure it going to be expensive bill at tomorrow's garage visit. So thought let me update the blog post what should you do when you get engine temperature warning light.

Page 3: Engine Temperature Warning Light - Understand and Follow the steps

When the engine temperature light appear on your dashboard that means your engine is overheating. Your engine cooling system is not properly filled or working properly.

Driving with engine temperature light 'ON' can increase the risk of serious engine damage.

Page 4: Engine Temperature Warning Light - Understand and Follow the steps

1) Stop the car in safe place

This is the first step o do when you get this temperature alarm signal. Your car needs to get cool down instead of keeping driving.

Page 5: Engine Temperature Warning Light - Understand and Follow the steps

3)Check the coolant level

Check your coolant level again after some hours, if it's not there than it must be coolant leakage. Common leak points include radiator and heater hoses, hose connections, the water pump and radiator. Internal leaks (such as a crack in the head or engine) can't be seen and can only be diagnosed by pressure testing the cooling system.

Page 6: Engine Temperature Warning Light - Understand and Follow the steps

4)Do not drive with leakage

If you keep driving with overheating light then it can cause serious damage. The engine may start to knock and turn the cause piston, ring and head gasket damage.

The primary job of the cooling system is to keep the engine from overheating by transferring this heat to the air, but the cooling system also has several other important jobs.

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5)Visit Garage or Call for help

If helps is easily available then would advise to call for help. If you cannot manage then drive on very short distant to get your car to garage. Keep your air conditioning off and open the car window that helps in some ways.

If you keep drive for long distance then it is unsafe for you and your car.

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