Page 1: Englisch 6/1 Grammatikübungen -€¦ · We’re going to miss the bus. EXERCISE 1 Bilde Sätze im going-to-future. Du kannst die Verben dabei mit den eigenen Ideen


Englisch 6/1


Die folgenden Arbeitsblätter wiederholen alle Grammatikaspekte, die wir bisher in

der 6. Klasse bzw. auch schon in der 5. Klasse kennengelernt haben. Über die

nächsten Wochen sollt ihr diese Stück für Stück erarbeiten. Verwendet für jeden

Aspekt den entsprechenden Grammatikteil in eurem Hefter, teilweise werden die

Aspekte auch nochmal auf dem Arbeitsblatt erklärt.

Arbeitet immer ein oder zwei Grammatikthemen auf einmal ab. Ein neues

Grammatikthema beginnt mit einer dick-schwarz gedruckten Überschrift.

Die Lösungen veröffentliche ich am 24.03., damit ihr eure Antworten selbst

korrigieren könnt. Bis zum 3. April solltet ihr alle Aufgaben gelöst haben. Bitte

schaut euch nur die Lösungen zu den Aufgaben an, die ihr schon gelöst habt.

PS. Nächste Woche veröffentliche ich noch ein letztes Grammatikthema (Simple

Past und Past Progressive) und die Seiten aus dem Buch, von dem ich euch berichtet


Page 2: Englisch 6/1 Grammatikübungen -€¦ · We’re going to miss the bus. EXERCISE 1 Bilde Sätze im going-to-future. Du kannst die Verben dabei mit den eigenen Ideen


Alle Personalpronomen (Subjekt-, Objekt- und Possessivpronomen)

Subjektpronomen Objektpronomen Possessivpronomen

1. Pers. Sg. I ich me mich, mir my mein

2. Pers. Sg. you du you dich, dir your dein

3. Pers. Sg. he









ihn, ihm

sie, ihr

es, ihm







1. Pers. Pl. we wir us uns our unser

2. Pers. Pl. you ihr you euch your euer

3. Pers. Pl. they sie them sie, ihnen their ihr

Die Subjektpronomen ersetzen das Subjekt eines Satzes (Frage: Wer oder was tut etwas?).

Sie stehen am Satzanfang vor dem Verb.

Die Objektpronomen ersetzen das Objekt eines Satzes (Frage: Wen / was sehe ich? oder Wem

gebe ich etwas?). Sie kommen nach dem Verb.

Die Possessivpronomen oder – genauer gesagt – Possessivbegleiter ersetzen Substantive

nicht, sondern stehen vor ihnen wie Adjektive. Sie geben an, wem etwas gehört.

Satzglied Subjekt Prädikat Objekt

My friend can see your sister.

Wortart Possessivbegleiter Substantiv Possessivbegleiter Substantiv

He can see her.

Wortart Subjektpronomen Objektpronomen

EXERCISE 1 Fill in the right subject pronoun.

a) This is my friend Tina. She is in my class.

b) Hello, my name is Bill. I am from London.

c) Hi Bill! How old are you?

d) Tom and Sally are in the garden. They are playing.

e) Mr Smith works at my school.She is a teacher.

f) Sandy and I are in the same class. We are best friends.

g) Where is my bag? I can’t find it!

h) The kids aren’t at school today. They are at the park.

i) Please close the window. It is cold in here.

j) Jenny, Sally, come here right now! You must help me in the kitchen!

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EXERCISE 3 Fill in the right object pronoun.

a) This is my friend Bob. Do you know him?

b) This is my friend Kate. Do you know her?

c) I know these kids. I often see them in the park.

d) What’s wrong, Peter? Can I help you ?

e) Jane and her sister are singing. Can you hear them?

f) I really need help. Please help me!

g) Bob, Kevin, come out! We can see you!

h) Mr Hunter is outside. Please call him.

i) Kate is so nice. You must invite her to your birthday party.

EXERCISE 5 Fill in the right subject, object or possessive pronoun.

a) The Meyers have got a house. Their house is really old and big. They love the old house.

b) Let’s buy this book for Dennis. He will like it.

c) Susan is in the living room. She is still looking for her keys. She can’t go home without

them. Let’s go and help her.

d) I don’t like this jacket. It is too old. I never wear it.

e) The boys are upstairs. They are singing. Can you hear them?

f) My brother and my dad are outside. They are cleaning the car. I’ll go outside and help


g) Do you know Bob? – Yes, I know him. He is in my class. I know his sister, too. She is very


h) Tony is a very tidy boy. His room always looks nice.

i) There is a bird in the tree. Can you see it? It is building a nest. Its nest is very small.

j) Sally and I are going to the swimming pool today. Do you want to come with us ? – I am

sorry, but I am very busy today. But I will come with you next time!

k) My brothers and I have a dog. Our dog is very big. His name is Rex. Let’s go and play

with him!

l) Harry, James, do you want to play football with us? – Sorry, we don’t have any time today.

m) My friend and I can’t find our English books. We can’t do our homework without them.

n) Mr. Smith, where is your wife? - She is at home.

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Mengenangaben im Englischen – Übersicht

viele / viel

in verneinten Sätze u. Fragen, immer

nach too, so, as und how

wenige /


ein paar /

ein bisschen

zählbare Wörter

(im Plural) –

z.B. cats

many cats

viele Katzen

few cats

wenige Katzen

a few cat

ein paar Katzen

unzählbare Wörter

(im Singular) –

z.B. milk

much milk

viel Milch

little milk

wenig Milch

a little milk

ein bisschen Milch

informell, immer verwendbar außer

nach too, so, as und how: -

zählbar oder


a lot of / lots of

cats /milk

viele Katzen / viel Milch

Much und many

„Many“ bedeutet auf Deutsche viele(n). Man verwendet es mit zählbaren Substantiven –

das heißt, Wörtern, die man in den Plural setzen kann:

many friends – many CDs – many mice

“Much” bedeutet viel (ohne Endung!). Man gebraucht es mit unzählbaren Substantiven

(uncountable nouns), die man nicht in den Plural setzen kann:

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much milk – much sugar – much money – much homework

MERKE: Bei einer PLURALFORM (house-s, cat-s, people …) verwendet man many. Bei

einer SINGULARFORM (water, tea, gold …) verwendet man much.

Achtung: Manche Pluralformen sind unregelmäßig, z.B. people (Leute), children (Kinder),

men (Männer), women (Frauen), feet (Füße) oder teeth (Zähne).

EXERCISE 1 Setze much oder many ein. Denke an die Regel: Many kommt bei Wörtern im

Plural, much bei Wörtern im Singular!

a) much hair b) many dogs

c) many ideas d) much information

e) much coffee f) much apple juice

g) many children h) much music

i) much water j) much salt

k) many men l) much rice

m) many buses n) much information

o) many fish p) many guitars

q) many houses r) many tomatoes

EXERCISE 2 Setze das richtige Wort ein: Much or many.

1) Peter doesn’t have many friends.

2) We need to go to the supermarket. There isn’t much ice-cream left.

3) There are so many people at the concert!

4) Our teacher always gives us too much homework.

5) How much lemonade is there?

6) I don’t know many Americans.

7) Do you have many books about American history?

8) Quick, we don’t have much time!

9) How many brothers and sisters have you got?

10) A cactus doesn’t need much water.

11) There are too many girls in my class.

12) We don’t have much food.

13) I can’t find much information for our school project.

14) My friend’s cat has so many babies!

15) Many women work here.

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Some und any

REMEMBER „Some“ wird als „etwas“, „ein paar“ oder auch überhaupt nicht übersetzt.

„Any“ übersetzt man meist als „irgendwelche“ oder „jeder (beliebige)“ oder lässt es in der

Übersetzung ganz weg. Sie werden in unterschiedlichen Satzarten verwendet:

some verwendet man in bejahten Aussagesätzen (1) sowie in Bitten (2) und Angeboten

(3). Diese Bitten und Angebote können auch die Form einer Frage annehmen.

(1) We have some cookies.

(2) Could I have some cookies?

(3) Would you like some cookies?

Wir haben (ein paar) Kekse.

Könnte ich (ein paar) Kekse haben?

Möchtest du (ein paar) Kekse?

any verwendet man in verneinten Sätzen (1) und in tatsächlichen Fragen (2). Außerdem

kommt in der Bedeutung „egal welche“, „ein(en) beliebige(n)“ (3) und in if-Sätzen (4)


(1) We don’t have any cookies.

(1) We never / hardly have any cookies.

(2) Do we have any cookies?

(3) I’ll take any cookie you have.

(4) If there are any cookies, I’ll have some.

Wir haben keine Kekse.

Wir haben nie / fast keine Kekse.

Haben wir (irgendwelche) Kekse?

Ich nehme jeden (beliebigen) Keks, den ihr


Wenn ihr Kekse habt, nehme ich ein paar.

EXERCISE 2 Fill in some or any.

Setze some oder any ein.

a) Mum, do we have any chocolate? – Yes, there is some chocolate in the kitchen cupboard.

b) My family doesn’t have any pets. Do you have any pets?

c) Grandma, can I have some apples? – Of course you can. Go and get some apples from the

apple tree.

d) Ben, would you like to try some of my home-made lemonade? – Sure, it looks delicious!

I’d love to try some.

e) Let’s go to Santo’s store and buy some mozzarella. – They don’t have any mozzarella at

Santo’s store. We have to go to the big supermarket in Cave Street.

f) Hey, do you need any help? – Yes, Mr. Fielding. We’ve got some problems with exercise


g) My aunt has some beautiful paintings in her room. However, she doesn’t sell any of her


h) Are you sure this is the bus stop? There aren’t any buses.

i) I’m hungry. – Oh wait, I think I’ve got some sandwiches in my bag.

j) I don’t know what to do. Do you have any ideas? – No, I haven’t got any.

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EXERCISE 3 Translate the sentences into English. Use some and any.

Übersetze die Sätze ins Englische. Verwende some und any.

a) Ich habe keine Bücher. I don’t have any books.

b) Sie kauft ein paar Äpfel. She buys some apples.

c) Der Supermarkt verkauft keine DVDs. The supermarket doesn’t sell any DVDs.

d) Möchtest du etwas Eiscreme? Would/Do you like some ice-cream?

e) Ron findet ein paar Eier. Ron finds some eggs.

f) Die Kinder haben ein paar Skateboards. The children have some skateboards.

g) Kann ich ein paar Bananen haben? Could I have some bananas?

h) Hast du CDs? Have you got any CDs?

i) Ich kann kein Papier finden. I can’t find any paper.

m) Es gibt keinen Käse. We don’t have any cheese.

Some und any und ihre Zusammensetzungen

some: benutzt in

(1) bejahten Aussagesätzen

(2) Bitten

(3) Angeboten

any: benutzt in

(1) verneinten Aussagesätzen

(2) „echten“ Fragen

(3) in der Bedeutung „irgendetwas

(Beliebiges)“, „absolut jede(s)“

(4) in if-Sätzen

irgendjemand somebody / someone anybody / anyone

irgendetwas something anything

irgendwo somewhere anywhere

irgendwann sometime anytime

EXERCISE 1 Underline the right alternative.

Remember: Some wird in positiven Aussagen, Bitten und Angeboten verwendet. Any verwendet

man in verneinten Sätzen und Fragen.

a) I didn’t know what to do, so I asked somebody.

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b) Can I get you something to drink?

c) I didn’t say anything.

d) James lives somewhere in Scotland.

e) Do you know anyone at this party?

f) Can we eat something at this nice little restaurant?

g) Why don’t you go and buy us something to drink?

EXERCISE 2 Fill in: somebody / someone – something – somewhere; anybody / anyone –

anything – anywhere

a) Where are our friends? I can’t see them anywhere.

b) Quick, the boy has fallen into the lake! Somebody must help him!

c) Did you get anything for mum’s birthday? – Oh no, I forgot! I have to go and buy

something right now.

d) This party is boring. Let’s go somewhere else.

e) I don’t want to go to the new school. I don’t know anyone there.

f) Can I get your son something to play with while you are waiting?

g) Do you have anything nice to wear tonight?

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Relative clauses and Contact clauses

Relative Clauses:

1) Das Relativpronomen “who” verwendet man für Menschen und Tiere mit Namen:

I know a man who lives here. – …einen Mann, der hier lebt.

2) Das Relativpronomen “which” verwendet man für Dinge:

I know a game which we can play. - … ein Spiel, das wir spielen können.

3) Das Relativpronomen “that” kann man für Menschen und Dinge verwenden:

I know a man / a game that is really nice.

4) Das Relativpronomen “whose” übersetzt man mit dessen oder deren.

I know a man whose daughter lives here. - … einen Mann, dessen Tochter hier lebt.

EXERCISE 1 Fill in who or which.

Setze who oder which ein. Setze das Relativpronomen in Klammern, wenn du es auslassen kannst.

a) Nick is a boy who is in my class.

b) I have a new computer game which I can show you.

c) This is the book which we read in class.

d) Look, there is the teacher who gave me a bad mark.

e) The boy who moved here last week hasn’t made any friends yet.

f) The present which I got from my grandma was great.

g) She told me some stories which I didn’t know before.

h) Kangaroos are animals which live in Australia.

i) My dog Teddy, who is a German Shepherd, likes to go for long walks.

j) Do you have the pencil which I lent you?

k) Let’s look at the plan which our teacher gave us.

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EXERCISE 2 Connect the two sentences using whose.

Verbinde die beiden Sätze, indem du whose benutzt.

a) Example: I have a friend. His father has a restaurant. -> I have a friend whose father has a


b) A girl lives in the red house. Her brother is in my class.

A girl whose brother is in my class lives in the red house.

c) I know two authors. Their books are great.

I know two authors whose books are great.

d) There is a dog. Its owner is in the shop.

There is a dog whose owner is in the shop

e) Two men are sitting next to us. Their jackets are green.

Two men are sitting next to us whose jackets are green.

Two men whose jackets are green are sitting next to us.

f) I have a brother. His girlfriend is from Italy.

I have a brother whose girlfriend is from Italy.

EXERCISE 3 Whose or who? Circle the right answer.

Whose oder who? Kreise die richtige Antwort ein.

a) Look, there is the man who works with my father.

b) I have an aunt who we visit every year.

c) JK Rowling is an author whose books I have always liked.

d) The police have caught the thief who stole the Jewels.

e) The children whose parents have little money can have the books for free.

f) The boys whose books are still in the classroom must go back and get them.

g) The singers, whose fans are already waiting, will come out soon.

EXERCISE 4 Fill in the correct relative pronoun – who, which or whose. Put the relative

pronoun in brackets if you can leave it out.

Setze who, which oder whose ein. Setze das Relativpronomen in Klammern, wenn du es auslassen kannst.

a) The man who is working in the garden is our neighbor.

b) Have you seen the guinea pig which my parents got me?

c) Today I met the boy whose father died in the accident. I feel sorry for him.

d) I want a robot which can do my homework for me.

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e) The girl who we haven’t seen in weeks has returned to school.

f) The kids who are playing in the garden are my little brothers.

g) Dean loved the present which we bought for him.

h) There are many games which you can play outside.

i) The piano was the first instrument which I learned to play.

EXERCISE 5 Connect the two sentences using a relative pronoun. Leave out the pronoun if

you can.

Verbinde die beiden Sätze mit einem Relativpronomen. Lasse das Pronomen weg, wenn du kannst.

Example: The Rhine is a river. It flows through Germany.

The Rhine is a river which flows through Germany.

a) She knows a man. He has a shop.

She knows a man who has a shop.

b) I saw the big bird. My sister had seen it before. I saw the big bird which my sister had

seen before.

c) We have a dog. We bought it five months ago.

We have a dog which we bought five months ago.

d) My dad planted a tree. It is growing fast.

My dad planted a tree which is growing fast.

e) The window is closed. We left it open.

The window which we left open is closed.

d) The ostrich is a big bird. It lives in Africa.

The ostrich is a big bird which lives in Africa.

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Simple present und present progressive im Vergleich

EXERCISE 3a Simple present oder present progressive? Kreuze an.





a) Peter likes dogs. x

b) I am listening to music. x

c) They buy the books. x

d) Grandma makes a cake. x

e) Nick and Jenny do their homework. x

f) Dad is working in the garden. x

EXERCISE 2 Simple present oder present progressive? Unterstreiche das Signalwort und

setze die richtige Verbform ein.

a) Susan often visits (visit) her grandmother.

b) Kelly and her sister Jane go (go) to the chess club on Saturdays.

c) Look, the boys are playing (play) football in the garden!

d) I can’t help you right now, I am working (work).

e) Listen, Nick is playing (play) the piano!

f) Mum always makes (make) me a cake for my birthday.

g) Ms Parker lives (live) in a small house by the lake.

h) The Millers are planning (plan) their holiday at the moment.

i) I usually eat (eat) scrambled eggs for breakfast, but today I am eating (eat) porridge.

EXERCISE 4 Vervollständige die Fragen im simple present (a-i) und present progressive.

Ex. Susan loves chocolate. What does Susan love?

a) I see a tree. What can you see?

b) Cats hunt mice. What do cats hunt?

c) She goes home. Where does she go?

d) We buy a scarf. What do we buy?

e) He watches TV. What does he watch?

f) Mike plays computer games. What does Mike play?

Ex. Ann is eating crisps.

What is Ann eating?

j) I am making cookies. What are you making?

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k) She is waiting in the living room. Where is she waiting?

l) We are planning a trip. What are planning?

m) Bob is painting the wall. What is Bob painting?

n) They are repairing the chair. What are they repairing?

n) The students are doing a quiz. What are the students doing?

EXERCISE 5a Questions about your pen friend Jenny. Du willst deiner Brieffreundin Jenny

Fragen über ihre Interessen, Freunde und Familie stellen. Verwende das simple present, um

aus den Wortbausteinen Fragen zu bilden.

a) you / watch / The Simpsons? Do you watch The Simpons?

b) you / listen to / rock music? Do you listen to rock music?

c) you / can / play / an instrument? Can you play an instrument?

d) your sister / be / nice? Is your sister nice?

e) your friends / like / shopping? Do your friends like shopping?

f) where / your dad / work? Where does your dad work?

g) your mum / drive / you to


Does your mum drive you to school?

EXERCISE 5b Jetzt schreibst du Jenny keinen Brief, sondern chattest mit ihr und fragst sie,

was sie gerade macht. Setze die Verben im present progressive ein.

YOU: Hey Jenny! What are you doing (you, do) at the moment?

JENNY: I am writing (write) an essay for school. What about you?

YOU: Oh, I am just listening (just, listen) to music in my room. Where are you working (you,

work) on your essay? Are you (you, be) at school?

JENNY: No, I am sitting (sit) on the sofa in the living room. It’s pretty loud because my

brother and sister are playing (play).

YOU: Say hi to them. Is your brother playing (your brother, play) computer games again?

JENNY: No, he and my sister are trying (try) a new card game.

YOU: Are you meeting (you, meet) your friends later?

JENNY: Yes, we are going (go) to the cinema. We are watching (watch) a new action film

with Tom Cruise.

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EXERCISE 4 Setze ein: simple present oder present progressive.

a) Usually I call (call) Eva every afternoon, but today I am not calling (not call) her.

b) Ken don’t like (not like) books, but he reads (read) a magazine every day.

c) Janet and her sisters are (be) very clever. In class they always know (know) all the


d) Our teacher never prepares (prepare) for his lessons. He just comes (come) in with his

book and tells (tell) us to read the next page.

e) Are you (you, be) interested in music? – Yes, I am (be). I listen (listen) to music every day

and I often go (go) to concerts!

f) Where is Bill? Is he working (he, work)? – No, he he is not working (not work). He is just

sitting (just, sit) on the sofa and is watching (watch) TV.

g) Please be quiet. The students are doing (do) a test! They must (must) concentrate!

h) Eve cannot play (cannot, play) with you today. She is studying (study) for her Math test.

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The going-to-future

Das going to future bildet man so:

am / is / are + going to + Infinitiv

Beispiel: I am going to come. / He is going to be there. / We are going to go.

Man verwendet das going-to-future

1. für Pläne: I’m going to fly to Paris tomorrow.

2. für Ereignisse, die man schon absehen kann: It’s already 9.30. We’re going to miss the bus.

EXERCISE 1 Bilde Sätze im going-to-future. Du kannst die Verben dabei mit den eigenen

Ideen vervollständigen.

a) I / write I am going to write (a letter).

b) she / come She is going to come to the party.

c) you / try You are going to try the new chocolate.

d) they / help They are going to help their friend.

e) Bob and you / sing Bob and you are going to sing at the concert.

f) he / travel He is going to travel to France.

Bilde nun verneinte Sätze:

o) Josh / not study Josh isn’t going to study (for his English test).

p) the Meyers / not buy The Meyers are not going to buy the house.

q) Tim and I / not watch Tim and I are not going to watch the new show.

r) Grandma / not visit Grandma is not going to visit her son.

s) you / not leave You are not going to leave the basketball team.

t) I / not answer I am not going to answer your question.

EXERCISE 4 Das going-to-future für Pläne.

a) Write sentences about what John is going to do

and isn’t going to do in the holidays.

to do not to do

a) go to the beach

c) swim and lie in the sun

e) play beach volleyball

g) build sandcastles

b) stay inside

d) study for school

f) get up early

h) work

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In his holidays, John is going to go to the beach. He is going to swim and lie in the sun. After

that he is going to play beach volleyball with his friends. At the end of the day, John is going

to build sandcastles.

In the holidays, John is not going to get up early. He is not going to stay inside the house.

John is not going to work or study for school.

EXERCISE 5 Das going-to-future wird auch verwendet, wenn man über Ereignisse spricht,

die schon absehbar sind. Setze die Verben unten im going-to-future ein. Dann ordne sie dem

Anzeichen zu, das bereits darauf hindeutet.

a) We are going to be (be) late! 6.

b) It is going to rain (rain). 1.

c) You are going to (catch) a cold. 2.

d) They are going to fall (fall) asleep in no time. 4.

e) They are going to win(win) the match. 3.

f) She is not going to finish (not finish) reading it. 5.

g) He is going to get (get) hurt! 7.

1. Look at the clouds. 2. You’re only wearing a T-shirt in this weather? 3. Our team is much

better than the other teams, and they have practiced harder. 4. Jeff and his brother have

worked hard all day. 5. Jane thinks this book is really boring; she said so a hundred times. 6.

We have missed the last bus. 7. The boy is riding his bike without a helmet.

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Adjectives and adverbs – Worksheet 1

EXERCISE 3 In diesen Sätzen musst du einmal das Adjektiv, einmal das Adverb einsetzen.

REMEMBER: Ein Adjektiv beschreibt ein Substantiv, ein Adverb beschreibt, wie etwas gemacht wird. Adjektive

kommen deshalb häufig in einem Satz mit to be (am, is, are, was …) vor (Tony is nice), oder sie stehen vor einem Substantiv

(a nice dog). Noch ein Tipp: Wenn du das Wort im Deutschen durch „gerne“ ersetzen kannst und der Satz immer noch

funktioniert, ist es ein Adverb!

1. loud / loudly

My little brother is very loud. He screams loudly all the time.

2. easy / easily

This is an easy question! I can answer it easily.

3. sad / sadly

Sarah said good-bye to us sadly. She is sad because she can’t come with us.

4. slow / slowly

Ken is working very slowly today. He isn’t usually that slow!

5. nice / nicely

They bought a nice present for their mum and wrapped (einpacken) it nicely.

6. careful / carefully

A zookeeper must be a careful person. You have to handle wild animals carefully.

EXERCISE 3 Adjektiv oder Adverb? Setze das Wort in der richtigen Form ein.

a) Peter is nice (nice). He always helps old (old) people.

b) My sister sings well (good), but she plays the piano badly (bad).

c) The students screamed loudly (loud) when a heavy(heavy) stone dropped from the


d) My dad cleans his car very carefully (careful). But he isn’t a careful (careful) driver! He

often drives too fast (fast).

e) I can run well (good). But you can swim quickly (quick).

f) You’re walking so slowly (slow)! It’s boring (boring).

g) She talked about her dead (dead) husband sadly (sad).

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Comparison of Adjectives – Steigerung der Adjektive


John is as tall as Bill. – John ist so groß wie Bill.

John is taller than Bill. – John ist größer als Bill.

John is the tallest boy in his class. – John ist der größte Junge in seiner Klasse.


Einsilbige Adjektive + Adjektive auf –y

(a) Konsonant nach kurzem, betontem Vokal wird verdoppelt: big -> bigger

(b) y am Wortende -> i – pretty -> prettier

Grundform + er Grundform + est

tall tall-er tall-est

big bigg-er bigg-est

pretty pretti-er pretti-est

Mehrsilbige Adjektive

more + Grundform most + Grundform

dangerous more dangerous most dangerous

beautiful more beautiful most beautiful

Unregelmäßige Adjektive

gut good better best

schlecht bad worse worst

viel many / much more most

wenig little less least

klein little smaller smallest

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EXERCISE 1 Steigere diese Adjektive. Beachte dabei die Regeln:

(a) Einsilbige Adjektive (nice) und zweisilbige Adjektive, die auf –y enden (pretty) steigert

man mit –er und –est.

(b) Rechtschreibregel: Vor –er und –est wird ein y zu i (pretty -> prettier). Ein Konsonant

nach einem kurzen, betonten Vokal wird verdoppelt (big -> bigger) .

(c) Adjektive mit mehr als einer Silbe steigert man mit more und most.

(d) good und bad sind unregelmäßig: good – better – best, bad – worse – worst.

Grundform Komparativ Superlativ

small smaller the smallest

beautiful more beautiful the most beautiful

dark darker the darkest

handsome more handsome the most handsome

healthy healthier the healthiest

careful more careful the most careful

cool cooler the coolest

interesting more interesting the most interesting

fast faster the fastest

happy happier the happiest

intelligent more intelligent the most intelligent

short shorter the shortest

EXERCISE 3a Fill in the adjective that fits best in the comparative form: big – dangerous –

fast – small – intelligent

a) Elephants are _______bigger_______ than zebras.

b) Lions are ___________more dangerous__________ than horses.

c) Horses are ________faster_____________ than cows.

d) Mice are _______smaller______________ than cats.

e) Monkeys are ____more intelligent_________________ than cats.

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EXERCISE 4a Fill in the adjectives that fit best. Use the superlative form.

big – important – fast – intelligent – beautiful – dangerous

a) Whales are ___the biggest___ animals in the world.

b) Cheetas (Geparden) are the fastest animals.

c) Monkeys, dolphins and parrots are some of the most intelligent animals in the world.

d) Bears and wolves are the most dangerous animals in Europe.

e) In my opinion, peacocks (Pfauen) are the most beautiful birds.

f) Chickens are the most important farm animals.

EXERCISE 4 Translate the sentences into English! Please write on an extra sheet of paper.

a) Meine Tante ist größer als mein Onkel.

My aunt is bigger than my uncle.

b) Hunde sind intelligenter als Kühe.

Dogs are more intelligent than cows.

c) Herr Smith ist der netteste Lehrer an unserer Schule.

Mr Smith is the nicest teacher at our school.

d) Jane ist die intelligenteste Schülerin in meiner Klasse.

Jane is the most intelligent student in our class.

e) Tom ist kleiner als sein Bruder.

Tom is smaller than his brother.

f) Ich bin so groß wie du.

I am as tall as you.

g) Er ist der beste Spieler im Team.

He is the best player of the team.

EXERCISE 5 Fill in the right form of the verb in brackets.

a) This summer was a lot colder (cold) than the last one. I hope the next summer will be

warmer (warm) than this one!

b) This is the best (good) chocolate cake I’ve ever tried. Can you give me the recipe? – Yes, of

course. I found it in this old (old) cookbook.

c) Let’s buy this watch. It is cheaper (cheap) than the others. – Yes, it is, but the others look

much nicer (nice). And this one is not much more expensive (expensive) than that one; it

only costs 5 dollars more.

d) There were three dogs in our garden. One was very small (small). The other one was a

little bigger (big) than the first one. The last one was as big (big) as the second dog.

e) We have cleaned the whole house. The kitchen is now as clean (clean) as the bathroom.

But the living room is a bit cleaner (clean) than my brother’s room because he is so untidy.

My room is the cleanest (clean) of all!

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