Page 1: English 2311 by Claudia Rivers

English 2311Final Reflection

By : Claudia Rivers

Page 2: English 2311 by Claudia Rivers

Table of Contents

Course Objective


Unit 1 : Communicating with Employers

Unit 2 : Formal


Unit 3 : Usability

Unit 4 : Instructional Documents

Page 3: English 2311 by Claudia Rivers


Claudia Rivers

My name is Claudia Rivers and I am a sophomore pursuing a Kinesiology Degree along with a minor in Public Health . This class is a required prerequisite for my Athletic Training Masters . At the beginning I didn’t understand why a upper –level English class was required but as the semester went on I understand exactly why. English 2311 is a class that was very beneficial in every way and I encourage everyone to consider taking it !

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Unit 1 : Communicating with Employers

Flipping through the syllabus on the first day of class I began to really question why I was taking this class ! I saw the first unit titled “ Communicating with Employers” and said in my head “oh this will be a breeze” , As Kylie lectured about job materials I didn’t realize how many components actually went into a cover letter , resume and thank you letter . I learned and personally think that a cover letter will either make or break your resume because your resume can look incredible but if you aren’t stating the appropriate information in the cover letter then your resume will join the “not qualified” pile very quickly. I feel better about my resume and cover letter after working through this unit !

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Unit 2 : Formal Proposal This unit was the most intimidating and scariest of them all . I would have never thought that I would have to actually draw up a proposal in my higher educational years or ever ! I was also worried about getting grouped with people I did not know but I have to say I wouldn’t want to be paired with anyone different than my awesome Group C . We all had amazing strengths and talents that aided in us creating a successful proposal . I appreciated this unit because it allowed me to be sociable in a class I thought I was not going to talk in and it allowed me to open my mind to do something that in the end was very beneficial.

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Unit 3 : UsabilityFiguring out what communication problem was the easy part but trying to figure out what we were going to do to solve the problem effectively was the big question . After we put all our ideas out on the table we finally agreed on an application for the bus systems that Texas Tech students could use ! I think this was the greatest idea ever and honestly wish it could exist in reality. I had fun coming up with ideas about what the app should consist of and really enjoyed hearing feedback from our peers in English 2311 about what they would like to see if this were a actual application . This unit helped me really understand a technical communicators role better and we created something that could be very useful in the future.

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Unit 4: Instructional Documents We use instructions with new products that we purchase but making an instruction set is no joke and I comment those who do it for a living .My group and I had some challenges with is but overall we achieved our goal of making our documents clear and precise . We understood the assignment but this unit was not as simple as it sounded . In this unit it taught me that there is a lot of planning that goes into making an instruction set and the instructions should always target the audience that it is intended for . The final product was amazing especially with out Editor and Designer Davian’s great skills put forth to our application it made everything worth while.

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Reflection This class really opened my eyes to something new and exciting . I really enjoyed each unit because I gained so much knowledge from each one. This will definitely help me become a better and professional communicator in the work force. This class may have started off as being “pointless” in my mind but I am taking away so much valuable information and tools that “pointless” is no longer in my vocabulary . Like the old saying says “It doesn’t hurt until you try” and that indeed relates to everything in this class.

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