

Abandon, v. trans. Quit : P. and V.

, KaraAcwwv, <J7roA7r', foAei-

(Plat, bllt7TIV, 7TpoAl7TlV,rare P.), V.

lielinqnish: P. and V.

Ar. and V. /x0fc<r0ai (gen.), V. Si<i-

/AcfficVat.Leave tra Me ZiircA : P.

lUld V. Acurcu', JCttTttAfjTreiv,

rfcTtw (gen.) (Plat.),

ow, Ar. and P. TrpouVae, or mid.

(rice ?>, yieM : P. and V. /c8tSwae,

fy : P. and V.

<>tC*); P. and V.

V. TrttZe

J bandon (afeeling,

onex&lf (to a

feeling, file.) : P. and V.

(dat ).41 bandon to slavery :

AaW vpoMtu (Dom. 102).abandoned themselves to their fate:V. Trpofaro <r^>as airot's (Thuc. 2, 51).Abandon one's post : P. rafti/ ActVv,V.

orAbandoned, adj. L%alone ; 1*. and V. tyrj/w. 'lietrayed :

V. 7zy>o'8oros. Bane (of character)P. and V. *&>$, aJcrxpos, V. -*--'* -

/Ve, Ar.audV.HOC Rrwn,

Abandonment, subs. P.

Betrayal ; P. and V.

Abase,,y. Iran*. P.audV.

Ar. uud V. fcrxwttWv, V,


also P. uid V- HtpimtrOat, (Plat.).

Abasement, HU(>B. 1'*

Abash, v. tmnn. anhanwl : P,

and V. cu8<u

abashed :

(dal.).u Trtpw

P. and V.

See ashamtfL

Abashed, adj. V.

Abate, v. trans. P. and V.

.see r0/<aw. V. intrans.

P. and V. A(o(av, avlei/at, P. cVavtcVat.

Abatefrom : P. and V. Aw<av (geu.),(IvZeVat (gen.), Ar. and V.

(gen.), V. jci'l^ai (gen,).

Abatement, subs. P.

(Thuc.), V. &i>aKQv<jn<ri5,

, relieffrom : P. aud V.

(gen.), aTroAAtfyty ?/ (gen.) ; seeT

, cessation.

Abbreviate, v. tons. P. and V. ow-

Abbreviated, adj. P. uid V. <nv-


Abbreviation, subs. P. cruvro/ua, ?/


Abdicate, v. trans. P. and V.

cr^ttt (gen,).

Abdomen, subs. Ar. and P. ^TO ; see belly.

Abduction, aubs, P. and V.

or pi, V. aywyij, 7; (-flSHoh., Ag.


Aberration, subs. P. aud V. ^A^,>/, V. TrAcfros, 5, P. TaptJLxy, ry ; 806


Abet, v. trans. Encourage: P. andV, ^TrtK^Aeuct^, Trapa/coAeti/, op/Aav, V.

<5rp^tv ;sew) fincvuraye, aid. Ilaw

a tiand in ; l\ and V, <rv/A7rpacnm>>,

V, <ru;i^>vrve(i/. J/cr fatlwr Meitfr

abets his dowjhtar herein : V.

(Ear,, /ld, 40),

Abettor, nubn, Sco acMMtory, hdper.

Abeyance, leave in, v. trans. P.

and V. lay, TrupaAccWv.



Abh Abo

Abhor, v. trans. P. and V. /xio-cir, V.

orvyciv, fy$ew9 AT, and V. tvmrrinv,

Abhorrence, subs. P. and Y. /u<

TO, cf}(00$,T

X0/.a ^J ^' OTifyoS, TO,

fjuhnjp,a tTO. Object of abhorrence,

Stlbs. : V. /u<ro?, TO, /ifo-iy/io, TO,

yos, TO, OTvyiy/ia, TO;see hatred.

Abhorrent, adj. P. and V.

KaTcwrrworros, V. /ucnfro's,

crrvyvos, Ar. and V. ftiroirrucrros ;see

hateful, hated.

Abide, v. trans. Waitfor: P. andV., Al\

P. Wpl/Al/tV, P. V7TO/AVtV, V.

(rare P.), A/tyteWw; see

wait for. Endure: zee endure. V,

intrans. P. and V.Ar. and P. /a P.


see wai. Dwell: P. andV. otKctv, KaroiKtw, Ar. and V. yatecF


see <it0eZ -4&&Ze Sy (decision, terms,

etc.) : P. and V.lp.if.ww (dat.j.

Abiding, adj. Lasting : P. /xovt>o9.

&2CW0 : P. and V* /SejScuos, dcr^aX^s,V. /^reSo5. Lasting Long : P. andV. xpoi'tos.

Abiding-place, subs. Ar. and V.

a, 7), V. &aoTpo^TJ, r; ; see

Ability, subs. P. and V.Cleverness : P. Seworq?, 17-

powers : P, $poVi?o-is, i

natural ability for : P.

[*s (aco.) or wpos (ace.)].

Abject, adj. P. and V. T&

things extreme : P, and V.

Abject poverty: P, /u>pi'a

(Plat.), TroXX-J; evScux, 17 (Dem.).

Abjectly,adv. P.

Abjuration, subs.



fin.) : P. and V. Suraro's, otcfe TC,

ticavos. Having natural ability :

P. and V. u^9 (Bur., ^>^.).J5e a&Ze, v. intrans. : I*, and VSifmcr^at, !x "' olo'y T ctrat, Ar. andV. o-^Veti/.

Ablution, subs. P. aTro'Aowns, >>,

Ably, adv. Cleverly : P, and V <ro-

^0)?, PFeZZ : P. and V. ?,

Aboard, adv. P. and V. eVt jW>s.

aboard, put aboard : see embark.

Aboard, prep. P. and V. tot (gen,).

Abode, subs. 507^55 ; P. and V.

6, oim)<rt,$, fj} OLKIMO,) TO, Ar. and P.

OIKOX, Y;, Ar. and V. SO/AOS, o, SW/ACA,

TO, p,\a6pov, TO, ISpa, 7; ; soo

dwelliiig. Of the gods : V.

(also Plat, but rare P.).

Abolish, v. trans. P. and V. f

, P. dvtttpctv, Ar. and P.


Abolition, subs. P. icaToXix

Abolition of debts : P. ^peair

17 (Plat.).

Abominable, adj. See iiaieful,

Abominably, adv. See hatefully,

Abominate, v. trans. Bee hale.

Abomination, subs. Soe hatred.

Object of hatred : V. cy

jw-io*os, TO, /xf<n;/xa, TO,

TO, ttTre^^/tei, TO.

. and V.

TO, ayog, TO, V,


Aboriginal, adj. P. and V.

Abortion, subs. P.

abortion to : V.

(ace.) (Plat.), P. and V.

(ace.) (Plat.).

Abortive, adj. and V,


VAr. and P. cfca/Aoo-to, ?/. Benunda-

; Abortively, adv. / mln : I*, atui V*tion: P* dwopp^o-ts, ?;.

Abjure, v. trans. JD0n?/ on oa^7i

and V. eo/AviWi (or mid.),viWi. Jffie?K>?^w;e : P. and V

Able, adj. Clever : Ar, and P.

, P. and V. cnJverog, Sctvosr,

Having power OT capacity (\\i\h in-

aXXw9, /xan;vP.: see iw twtX tutdor n*,,

Abound, v. intmns. P.

irKy&vtw (iilwc Wat. hut mrnAr. and V.

flourish. fUmuntl in I1,

(gon. or clat.), <f*/ui(4<r


(geu. or tkt.) (l*Iat.



Abo Abs

but rare P.), irXyOew (gen.), Ar. andV. ftpveiv (gen. or dat). Flow with :

P. and V. etv (dat.). Let the means

of life abound : V. 7rpippira> jMw(Soph., El. 362). Abounding in :

V. <f>\<ov (dat.) ; see n'cfr *n.

About, prep, of time or place. P.

and V. ircpi (ace.), V. apt (ace.)

(rare P.). Of time, also P. and V.Kara (ace.). About this very time ;

P. far afrrov TW xpwov. Near : P.

and V. irpcfe (dat.), eVf (dat.) Aboutone's Jcnees : V. dft^t yowacrt (Eur.,Ate. 947). Concerning : P, and V.

wept (ace. or gen.), V. fyupt (gen. or

dat.). After verbs expressing anx-

iety, fear, etc. : P. and V. Kept (dat.),

d/A<i (dat.), forep (gen.). For the

sake of ; P. and V,, ei'*a (gen.),&d (ace.), x&p (gen.) (Plat.), &rep(gen.), Ar. and V. ovv*a (gon.), CKOTI

(gen.), V. //ca (gen.).

About, adv. Round about, around :

P. and V. 7Tpt (rare P.), *cXo>.

Nearly : P. and V. o-x^SoV, o-xeSovn. With numbers: P. /xoXtorra, &>*,

or use prep., P. d^t (ace.),

(aco,), P. and V. ct? (ace.).

rtrc you about $ P. and V. rt

Xts ; Be about to : P. and V,

p&Xciv (infin.). Bnw^ it aboutthat : see effect. Come about : sec

happen.Above, adv. P. and V. Svw, Ar. and

JP. iirivw. In a former passage (ina book) : P. &>a>. From above : P.

and V. vo>0(v), P, KaOfacp0 t &&&far, V. fyo'0v (Plat, also but rare

I?.), ^^ptfc. ^lioi?e ground, onearth: P. and V. liw, V. 8v<otf

Above, prop, of place. P. and V.

(gen.). Of measure : P. and V.

&rp (ace.) In preference to : P.

and V. Trpo (gon.), P* fywrpocr0v

(gen.) V. irpoVfa (gen.), Wpo* (gon.).

{Superior to : uso P, and V,

(go.u.), V. ftrcpTpo? (gen.),

Aei/i3 bribed : P. xp/fw*TW|/

Above tlw law : r, tiAirpo<r6w

vofjjw. Not to wish to be above the

law ;

fle'Xciv (Bur., Or. 487). JBemoan overa?id afcove : Ar. and P. n-epiytyvco-^ai,P. vepicivai.

Abreast, adv. In a Zme : P. and V.

Ifijs, <#)?. Zeep aftreasi o/, v. :

USe P. and V. errcorftu (dat.), trvveire-

<rOai (dat.).

Abridge, v. trans. P. and V. <

vetv, crucrreAActv, xoXovciv.

Abridged, adj. P. and V.see 5/tori.

Abroad, adv. 074* of doors : P. andV. 2, Ar. and V. Atpoun. -Prowaferood : P. and V. e^tfcv, Y, 6ti

Of vnotion to : Ar. and V,

Away from home : use

adj., P. and V. IK^/AOS, V. 0upaTos.Go or live abroad : P and V, *8^-

ovo-^at (Plat.), Ar. and P.

Lvt V. faovcrOai. Going or

abroad, subs. ; P. and V.P. uTroS^/ita, . Cr0

abroad (of rumour) : P. and V.

SUpXcv&cul see 60 bruited abroad,under &witf. Owmg to service in

the field and occupation abroad :

P. SMI ras crTpaT^tas Kat TT)V vn-epoptov

A<rxoXtav (Thuc. 8, 72).

Abrogate, v* trans. P, and V. Ka0cu-

petv, Xvciy, Ar. and P. /caraXvctv, P.


Abrogation, subs. P. /caraXvcrts,

Abrupt, adj. S/ieer, steep; P.

Kp^yutvos, KpYHWtoSris, aTroro/Jtos (Plat.),

&7roppu> (Xen.), V, v^^Xo^p-^/xvoy,

^Kpt5 ; see sieejp. O/ apeccfe : P.

/JpaxvXoyos. Sudden: see sudden.

Abruptly, adv. Jw jfew words ; P.

and V. ^ ^pax^t, P. 8ta

Suddenly : P. and V.

Abruptness, subs. O/ speech ; P.

/3pax^Xoyta, 17. Suddenness ; see


Abscess, subs. P. ^a, TO (Plat,).

Abscond, v. intrans, Bun away :

Ar. and P.

Ar. and P.ayro/xoXetv;


Withdraw privity : P-

Absence, su and V.P,




and V. &7/wa, 17,P. aTro&^ta,

Absence ofmind: P. and V. Aiyft;,

Absent, adj. P. and V. im&v. Fromhome : P. and V. licS^/ios, V.

polo*. Forgetful : Ar. and P.

Aijcr/uov. -B0 absent : P. and V.

oSrai/at, aVoorciTcti/ (Plat.), P.

nvfac. Se from home : P. and V.

fK&qjjLtlv, Ar. and P. dVooS^/icrv. /#

i* nothing. Finish your tale Iwas absent in mind : V. o

Vpaw o* ^/3ifjv yap oAAoo* (Bur.,LT. 781).

Absolute, adj\ Entire: P. and V.

S/Wer ; P. etXiKpwfc, cwrAovs, a/cparos.

Supreme in authority : P, and V,

icvptos. Despotic, adj. : P. and V.

rupamfcos, P. 8nroTwcos. Arbi-

trary : Ar. and P. avroKpartop.

Absolutely, adv. P. and V. mbm,wavreAws, P. 5A<os, Ar. and P. WviJ,

iT^o>s. With a negative : P. andV. opxiji'. Despotically : P. Tvpav-

yt*a>9, Sccr7roTt/cw5. Taft^n 6^ ^^/;P. avro naff aM. Purely : P.

P. airX&s (Arist.).

Absolution, subs. Pardon : P. andV. aruyytajjuri, ^, V. oi/yyvoto, 17.

Purification: P. and V,

Absolve, v. trans. P. and V.Aj5v,

cieXtfCCP, 5^>Zevat,Ar. and P. &roXt>tv


see ocgwi^, purify.

Absorb, v. trans. JDnwAi ; P. and V.Trfrew. Use up : P. and V. avc&i-

CTICCLV, P. KaravoXto-Kctv, a-rravaXtWcty.

Mix up: Ar. and P. icara/ayKwat.JBe absorbed into : P. <rvyKara/uy-Kua-^ai e2s (aoo.) (Plat.). J)ra? ; P.and V. tWcv. ^Ssor^e^ m (met.) :

P. OXO? TTpds (dat.), V. &V&fJLVOg <t?

(aoc.). Be aJsorfod! iw (met.) : P.

and V. vpocrKtio'Oai (dat.).

Abstain, v. intrans. P. and V. &r-v<r^<u, S^rra<rd<u ; see refrain.Abstainfrom : use verbs given withthe gen. ui&stawi /rom /ood : P.and v . 5crZTtK

Abstemious, adj. P. and V. <


Softer, adj. : P. and V. vfow (Plat.),

&>/<* (Plat.) ; see temperate.

Abstemiously, adv. P. fycpaTote, P.

and V. o-dMjipoVG* ; see temperately.

Abstemiousness, subs. P. yKf>T a


17, Ar. and P. ar<a<t>p6<r6viit y ; see



subs. Self-restraint : P.

cy/cpctTeia, ^, Al*. and P. 0"<tf^pooni;KJ/>

^ ; see temperance. Abstimnct

from food : V. aortTta, ;.

Abstinent, adj. P. e>cpaTT}s, P. andV. <m0pw; see ie^^era^.

Abstract, v. traoas. P, and V. fyot-

petv, ^Trc^dtpetv, V. ^7ro<r7rttv ; SCe

sica?, re??ioa;e.

Abstract, subs. Swnman/: P. xc-

<f>a\OLQV, TO.

Abstract, adj. Opposed to concrete :

P. avro's, e.g. abstract justice : P.

avro TO StAratov, abstract bttCLUtif ; P.

avro TO KaAov. 2Vi<3 abstract, con*

ception (of a thing) : P.

to, TO ; see concrete.

only in the nwnd : P. vo^ro$.

Abstraction, subs. Theft: i\ amiV. icXoTny, 77. O/ W/?wJ ; V. TrAczvos^

6. Thought: P. wfopw, v; sec


Abstruse, adj. l\ and V.urra<^

aS^Ao?, 7T04KtAo5> V. ^wret^<TOv <rt/-

/A09, 8voTV/xapTt>s ; see olwcwt;.

Abstrusely, adv. Ar. and V, Trr-

/ctX(i>7 ; see obscurely*

Abstruseness, subs. l\ <}<ru<pvn, h


Absurd, adj. Ar. and P. 6Vy<*\ I/-

and V. /A<Z>po7, cuijdi??; SU fMli$it .

Strange, odd : l\ and V, &<&<,>

(Bur., ;r

ra<7.). y?/r/i'eit/otM ; P.iuwlV. yeAotoff, Ar. and P. Karay<'Aatrra>\Unreasonable : P* <I\uyov.

Absurdity, subs, jfrW/y : I*, ami V.

fivota, T/, /Awpttt, t;, I*. <v^t((i ( i),V.

fwytfia, >/. liidicultttMMM : An wlP. aTOwta, r;. jft iir i//r /li'<//^ o/absurdity; P. fort iriAAJy Awy<.

Absurdly, adv. P. mid V. &;&*,Ar. ana P. ^o>/rw5, i*. i*tot>m (Xo*) j

see fooliMy. IlMteulondy ; {,,


Abu Ace

Abundance, subs. P. ewopta, 7/,

via, ^, Ar. and P. Trepiouo-ia,

Also with gen. following: P.

and V. Tr\rjOo$, TO, V. pdpos, TO,

Abundant, adj. P. and V. TroAifc,

a<0oi/os, Ar. and P. cruxes* dnropos,V. OTtppvros Rich : V. TrAovo-ios.

Abundantly, adv. P. and V. <i<jf06W

(Bur., Frag.), P.

Ar. and V.

Abuse, v. trans. Misuse : P.

(dat.). Speafc evil of: P.

and V. Ka/cois Aeyew,civ (or mid. with dat,),

oWStgeti' (dat.), P.

^X,acr<f> (els, ace. 01'

*caTc, gen.), Vi7pca' (dat.), Ar.

and P. <rvKO<l>cLVTw t V.

Sio*roj(Aiv, KvSa<cr$ai (dat.).

Abuse, subs. Reproach, insult: P.

,-uid V. v/fyife, ?/, om&>$, TO,

?;,P. on/peta, 17, j&Xaor^/Aia,

yopia, >/, ftaarKavtOf T;, Ar. and P.

evil : P. and V.

Abusive, adj. Ar. and P.

s, 1*. $Aa<r$?7/ju>5,



P. andAbut OH,

and V. Ka

Abusively, adv. ?.

<amKa>?, P. and V*

Abut, v. intrans. ProjectV. -wpofyay ; seo project.he near P. fao-Sat (gen.).

Abysmal, adj. Ar. and V.

Abyss, subs, P* and V. x/*"* TO,

V. ^os, TO, x<*^/J8iff, ^, Ar. andV. (3W&, 6. Mot. of flrrw/, trouble,dc, : uso P, and V. iriX&yoe, TO

(Plat,), V. /8<lWos, w. yw* Aoi?a

^.O'frte to such an dbyaa of folly : P.

fe TOVTO d^ix^c pvpW'?.

Academy, subs. Ar. and P. ^A/caSiJ-

ft<to, rj ; see 5C/^0/.

Accede, v* intrans. P. and V. <rvy-

X<optv, ^Tratmv, o-waivciv (Plat.).3ta6*fe to ; P* and V.


Ker<wv<tK (ace.), V,

dat,) ; see aweni, oi/ree.

Accelerate, v. trans. P. and V.see hasten.

Accent, subs. Ar. and P.

TWOS, o. Way of speaking : P, andV. <wj, fj ; see voice. Mark on

syllable to show accent : P. 6fuY^s,^ (Plat,, Orat. 399A). Jla-ye a /or-

6/gf/i accent v. : P. wv.Accentuate, v. trans. Met. increase :

P. and V. <xuavo/. Inflame, em-bitter : P. and V. va

Accept, v. trans. P. and V.

t, Ar. and P.

recede ; P. and V. \ap.fidviv ;sea

receive. Agree to : P. and V.

exce in : P. and V. o-Tpy' (ace.or dat.), V. enVe^ (ace.), 1J .


(ace. or dat.) (also Ar. absol.). Be-

lieve, trust: P. and V.

(dat.), Trwrrc&iv (dat.).

Acceptable, adj. P. and V.

dpco-ros, V. ^iXo9, SiifWySrys ; 866

agreeable. If the swne course be

acceptable to all : V. d ira<n raMvTrpcty/A* ttp<rKOVTO>S Xt (Bui'., 7. T.


Acceptably, adv. P. and V. ^ScW ;

see agreeably.

Acceptance, subs. P. and V. A^is, /.

Acceptance of bribes: P. 8/>o8<wct'a, t/.

Access, subs, P. and V. ewroSos, ^,

TrpoV/ftuns, ^, 7Tpo<rj8oXT;, ^, Ar. andP. TrpoVoSo?, T; ?

P. 2<o8o5 , >/-^

person : P. and V. AroSos, / ; seo

intercourse. Vixttation, assault :

P. and V. 7rpo<ro\yJ, r/.

P. Karaflo\y,

ofpassion : V,


Accessible, adj.

(Plat,), P.


see a/able.

Accession, subs.

V. irpoa-^w/, 4V. ^80x17, 4,

see fit. In acoexit

os (Soph.,f0aUf; V.

(Kur., JPluMH.

P, and V. rf/Ja?(Xen.), V.

P. ^-

. cforpoo^yopo^ J

Addition : P. andSuccession: P,and


Ace Ace

Accessory, adj. P. and V. O-

KOWUVOS. Accessory to : P. and"V, o-wotTios (gen.), Kotj/coyds



/teroxos (gen.'),/zTamos(gen.) (Plat.),V. irapaiTios (gen.), torcop (gen.), J30

accessory : P. and V. <n5i/eiSei/cu.

Accessory, subs. SomeMng added :

P. and V. Trpocrftyjci?, r/. Somethingsubordinate : P. and V. Wpcpyov,TO. O/ a person sharing guilt : see

Accident, subs. P. and V.

<rvjj,<f>opd, r),P. 7Tprra>/m, TO,

TO. In. case o/ accident : P.

Accidental, adj. Unintentional : P.

and V. o^x eKovo~io$, P. aKouonos ; see


Accidentally, adv. By chance : P.

and V. Tvxfl, P. IK TVX^?, Kara

TVX^". Unintentionally : P. and V.

ttKovo-tcos ; see unintentionally.

Acclaim, v. trans. Celebrate : P.

and Y. fyimj'. Shout approval :

Ar. and P. 6opv/3v (absol.). Ap-plaud : P. KpoTiv (absol). Praise :

P. and V. GTraivtiv.

Acclamation, subs. P. and V. 66pv-

os, 6. Applmse : Ar. and P.

icpoYos, 6. Praise : P. and V.

Acclimatise, v. trans. Accustom:P. and V. '0v.

Accommodate, v. trans. Gratify :

P. and V. xfipgorAu (dat.). BbW,/wwe room /or ; Pt and V. x ^"(ace.). Accommodate with a Loan :

P. cuTTopctv (ace. of loan, dat. of

person). Accommodate oneself to :

P. and V. cixiv (dat.), P. trvyKaQwai(dat.) ; see T^'eZd.

Accommodating, adj. P. pc&os, P.

and V. wxep-fc ; see obliging.

Accommodation, subs. Lodging :

P.and^Y. Kem&iW, ^. Terms ; P.

6/AoXoyta, ^.

Accompaniment, subs. P. and V.

/xeAo5, TO. To ^/ie occowijpawMew<'

o/ : P. and V. fat (gen.)-

Accompany, v. trans. P. and V.

yuZXccr, Ar. and

P. aKoA.ou0iV, irapa/coXoutfeu', P.

a"waKo\ov0civ9V. /xc^eTTfia-^at, 6/>tap-

Tv (all with dat,). On a journey :

P. and V. o-u/wropevecrftxt (absol. or

with dat ). Be with : P. and V.

o-vveLvat, (dat.), truyyiyvea-Oai. (dat).In music : Ar. uTrooVj/ (dat.). Ona voyage : P. and V. crvjjarXcw (absoLor dat.). Ow ^a expedition : P.

(n;(rTpaTTjiv (absol. or dat.).

Accomplice, subs. P. and V. crvr*/;-

yos, o orr), o-uramoffy o or

17, /co4r<wrd^,

6 or ^, oruAA^TTTcop, 6, /xeroxos, o or

^, V.oru^pyaT^?, o, o-vvcpytfTt?, ?/.

T/tfi p^^"^ o/ a?i accomplice : V. TO

crwSp&v XP*'S (JBur-i -d^id. 837).

Accomplish, v. trans. P. and V, aw-'

, Stawptio'aretv (or DQld. in

.1, ircpaivew, V. ^avt!'T

v, TeXe> (rare P.),

V, KpCLlWv, CTTtKptttVfitV, P. CTTtTeXctV J

see complete. Help to accomplish :

P. and V. o-u/ATTtpatVciv (T/, T*W),

eruyKaTpyaf0-6at (TI, Tivt). Ilarhltj

accomplished these labuurx : \\

a0XwV TO)VS' *7TpTXl}s (Soph., T/W.7/,

36). J5e accomplished (of <m,

oracle) : see 6c fuljillfid,

Accomplished, adj. Fulfilled Kjs, P. and V. TXtos (rans I*, i,

(rare P.), V. cKTcXt;?* TcXt-

Met, <;/cer ; Ar. ami I '.

, P. and V. /*or-


Accomplishment, subs. 1\ an<J V.

^pa^s, 4 V. 5v>7, $ (^Ksch.

713), End: l\ and V. rt'

rcXcvnf, y/, Wpa?, TO. Skill : P.

Accord, subs. P, oft

7; (Plat.). H^tfi owe ocronf ;

and V. o/xotJ, P. /Aif 6p/t^ (Xon,), *K

/Ata$ yi/wft?^, diTro /xta^ Qppjs, At*.

P. o^o^v/i<t8ov ; see wuiniwmtOf one's own accord: ue


and V. fociv *

a4r<jrttyy<XTo > P.

ye clvoi. O/ things, without hwrnan

agency : use adj., P. and V-



Ace Ace

s, P. faro TavrojuiaTou. Be in

accord : see agree.

Accord, v. trans. See grant. Accordwith : P. and V. vvvafiew (dat.),

crv/x.<^>ptv (dat.), P. cru/x<jba)Viv (dat.),

V. 6/Aoppo0av (dat.),

Accordance, subs. See accord. Inaccordance with : P. and V. K<Lrd

(ace.), sometimes e* (gen.).

Accordant, adj. P, and V. o-v/^wi/os

(Plat.), <Hh/o)Sos (Plat.), Ar.^andP.

aKoAou0os, V 7rpo<rco8os, (rvvirjyopos.

According to, prep. P. and Y. Kara

(am).Accordingly, adv. Therefore : P.

and V. o$v, OVKOVV, TOtViJv, Tocyap,

Totyapouv, Ar. and V. vvv (enclitic),

Ar. and P. Toiyaproi ; see therefore.Act accords

" "

Accost, v. trans. P. and V.

yopvctv, TTpocrctTrctv (2nd aor.), V.

avSav, TrpocravSai/, Trpocrc^cDvav, Trpocr-

tfrOeyyecrOat, tvv&rtiV) wpocrcw/^Vetv,

wpo<r^yoptv 5 seo address.

Account, subs. Narrative: P. andV. Aoyos, 6, /AV^OS, o. ffi-ue awacc0?w o/ o/wj*^ career : P. TOU ^Stbu

Aoyoi/ SiSoi'tti, Report, description :

P. tt7rayy<Aia, T/. Faitie, considera-

tion : P. and V. A(>yo?, 6. Make noaccount of : P. Trepl ov8Vos TI

(aco.), V. o^Sa/Aou rtOcwu (ace.). O/no OCCOW74i : V, avaptS/xrjTOs, wap


oi/S^V. 2? o/no account : V. ovSa/xoi

ct'tt4. Ztortt ^o account : P, and V.

Xpfjcrfat, (dat.). On account of : P.

and V. 82t (ace.), ivKtt (gen.), x{

(^on.) (Plat.), Ar. and V, oui

feon*)* <TI (gen), V, u/xa (gen.).

JtecJconing ; E and V. Aoyo^, 6, Ar.

and P. Aoyioy/ufc, & Cast accounts :

P, n&Vttt ifffaow; (Dom. 304). JAat?e^ mentioned wen a fraction ofthe sins standing to their account :

P. o#8i TroAAocrrov /A<pos *pi7/caroiv

io OWe'

account, V. : P. KaTaAoyi<r0<u (rt,

TIVI), P. and V. Sva^cpetv (TI, 45

rtva) ; see impute. Take into ac-

count : P. woXoytfcor^at.

Account, v. trans. See consider.

Understand : P. and V. <ri5vZei/ai ;

see understand. Account for : P.

\6yov StSoWi (gen.). Be cause of :

P. and V. atrios clvat (gen.). Besatisfactorily accounted for (of

money) : P, Stfcatcos d7ro<cuW0au

Accountable, adj. Lia&Ze ^o giveaccount : 3P. and V. STTCV^WO?, P.

VTratrtos, woXoyos, Ivo^os. 27^6 Ca^5e

o/; P. and V. amos (gen.); see


Accountant, subs. P. #0wo$, 6,

Aoyicmjs, 6.

Account-book, subs. Ar. and P.

ypa/jt/AaTtOK, TO, ypa/fiara, rd.

Accoutre, v. trans. P. and V.

o^etv, < (Plat,), P. KaroL

. Arm : P. and V. 6?rXtfav,

\%w (Plat.) ; see flfress.

Accoutrement, subs. P. and V.

cn<wj, 7), oroXiJ, 7} (Plat.), V. (ray?/,

^, Ar. and P. oTrAW, r; ; see dress.

Accredited, adj. Be accredited asconsul

tv. : P. wpo&vcrv.

bassador : Ar. and P. wpAccretion

,subs. P. and V.



Accrue, v. intrans. P. and V.

Accumulate, v. trans. P. and V.

accounts : Ar* andP. $$vva, ^, or pi. J9<5'/?*a?wf one's

accounts : P. Xoyov <l7ratrcci/.

ritfr account : P.

and V. VCM/, P. cruwctv. V. iutraiis. :

P. and V, crvAAeyecr&u, a0po%<r0u.Accumulation, subs. Heap : Ar.

and V. 0<o/Aos, o, Ar. and P. o-wpo?,o (Xen.) ; seo heap. Quantity : P.and V. 7rAJ0o$, TO.

Accuracy, subs. P. d*p/ia, ij-

Trw^: P. and V. 4X^cea, ^; see

truth. Correctness : Ar. and P.

<Jp0<m7$, r/, V. v5/xc'prcia, &.

Accurate, adj. P. andTrue : P. and V. JX^AfoJ9e accurate : P.

accurate : V*


Ace Acq

Accurately, adv. P. and V.

Truly : P. and V. &\rj8S>s,

Know accurately : P. and V. dfcpZ-

ow (ace.) (Plat.).

Accursed, adj. Under a curse : P.

^yjsi en-apaTos, V. apaios, Ar. andP. AXfrqauK . Abominable : P. andV. Karapdros, /uapos, Ar. and V.


ITTVOTOS, Ar. and P. 0ois

Osofucrrjs ; see cursed.

Accusation, Subs. P. Kanryopta, ^,

KanrjyopvifjLOL, TO, P. and V. atria, ^,

atrta/xa, TO, eyjcAij/za, TO, V. ^rucA^/ia,

TO'. LegraZ mi* : P. and V. Sun?, ^.

Malicious accusation : Ar. and P.

Accuse, v. trans. P. and V.

(TWOS, n), amacrftxi (TWO*,

irama<T0at (nva, T>09), ey*a-

(w4 TI), Ar. and P. twiKaXclv

L, rt). Prosecute : P. and V.

Swo/cetv, Ar. and P, ypdtyco-flai,.c/bitt

in accusing : P. o-uyjca-nryopetv (TWOS,

TIVI, or Ttvos, /xTa TIVOS). Accuse

maliciously : Ar. and P. vvKofavrelv.

Accused, The (judicially), subs. P.

and V. 6 ^ei/ywv.

Accuser, subs. P. and V. Komjyopos,

6, i).Prosecutor; P. and V. 6

Siujcw. Malicious accuser : Ar.

and P. <rO/co<dVn7s, 6.

Accustom, v. trans. P. and V.

c^tv, P. orw^/. & accustomedto (with infin.) : P. and Y. to>0eVai,

Ache, subs.

iv, >/,

P. and V.Miry, r/,

, TO, Ar.

and V. 5Xyos, TO', a^os, TO' ; see pain.

Ache, v. intrans. P. and V. a

,V. a

Achieve, v. trans. Win for oneself:P. and V, KTcu

o-^at, oc<pe<r0ai, cvpicrKtvQai, Ar. andV. <^pi' (also Plat, but rare P.) f

evptWctv, V. KOIU&IV ; see w/w. 1 1 7

6y labour : V. 7rort^, */>;(#(>.

Accomplish: see accomplish.

Achievement, subs. Aciptifiitwn :

P. and V. Ki^o-ts, r}.jf

ytot : P. amiV.


Acid, adj. P. aiJorr/po's, Ar. and P.

Acidity, subs. P. av<m?ptm;s, >/.

Acknowledge, v. trans. Confess ;

P. and V. o/xoXoyciv (only thnui

times in V.), P.wpocroftoXo^?!' ;


confess. Admit as genuine : l\

6ftoXoytr. Reco(j?iise, receive: \\

and V. &XcrOai., 7r/x>fr8t^rrdat. Jr.

knowledge (favours, ate.), repay :

P. and V. ttTro^oi'at Oc'/)U')-

Acknowledgment, subs,

sion : P. 6/xo/Xoyta, //.

recompense; P. and V.


Acme, subs. I*, and V.

//<*/ //;//,

/iot/fr/, /

Met., P. and V.

P. and V. u

o/ madness : 1*.


Acorn, subs. P,


7 (Hoxiti-r

r ,- . and Aristotte),

Accustomed, adj. Customary : P, Acquaint, v. trans. P. and V. iWi-and V. vo/x-t/^os,

(Dem. 605), P. crw-

Ar. and P.Accustomed to: P. 00/^7^5 (dat.),

Y. ^c!s (gen.).

Ace, subs. Z%within an ace of defeat : P.


Oil (ThuC. 4, 129). J?6 04706

an ac o/ i^ngr M^ ; P.

tv (Isoc.

, >}.Acerbity, subs. P. and V.


(i.) i/tmflf ; P. and V. yr>/'<fn ,

pav6dviv, (ii.) persons : P. arwl V.

',P. ypfyrOat, (d

andy. oftiXtw (dat.) T

Acquaintance, subs.

yvoipto-t?, 4 (Hat.),

adj., P. onmjApotV<To9 ; see friend,

with, experience of'



uf :


and V.



Acquainted with, adj. P. and V. '

l/jt7Tt/30S (gen.), OTIOTT7//JKDI' (g6n.),V. ISpis (gen.) ; see versed in.

Knowiiig . V. wmop (gen.) (alsoPlat, but rare P.). He made him-

self acquainted with all he could

of the Persian latiyuagc aiid the

customs of the country : P. 1%llepcriSo? yXcoorcr^s ocra rfBvvaro KOTC-

r(trfcr not r&v e7rm;8u//,ttTa>v riy? vcUnas

(Thuc. 1, 138).

Acquiesce, v. P. and V.


arcpycu', Ar. and P. ^yon-av, V.aiYciv ; see a#mw/. Acquiesce in :

P. and V. crWpytti' (ace. or dat,),

P. dyairai' (aec. or dat.), V. cuj'?i'

(ace.) ; seo endure.

Acquiescence, subs. Endurance :

P. minTcpt'a, w. 6r

afo : Ar. and P.

Acquire, v. trans. Win for oneself :

P. and V. KTttcr0tt(, $epe<r0at, KO-

nifaruttii cvpt'trKfcrOatj CK^epecrtfat,

Ar, and V. <e/>av (also Plat, butrare I"*.), tvphntw, V. apwa-Oai (alsoHat. but nire P.), <o/T<;cr0ai. 06-

ivetr, P. vt/ruiroiciordat. j


Ay/ Labour ; V. KVOI/IV, I

Artjuirt in addition :

I** and V. 7rtKTao*#ai, P. 7rpoo"KTtt-


/f) acquire, ; P. <rvy-

KTirl?at (T/, Ttvt), a-vyKaTa^Ta^^at (,Tin).

Acquired, adj., opposed to native,

P* and V. oraKTos, *7rra/cT09.

Acquirement, nubH. P. and V, /

m^, /. liecciving : P, and V. Aiji

>}. fc'ftiM ; P. and V,

ted : P. and V. <^uytv,Ar. and P.

Acquittal, Sllbs. P.

Ar. and P. #7ro<ei;is, 17, P. and V.TO <jl)vy/r.

Acre, subs. Use P. and V. vMOpov,TO (about a quarter of an acre).

Many broad acres shall I leave

'IfOU : iro\vir\4Qpovs Sc o-ot yvas Xcn/rca

(Bur., Ale. 687).

Acreage, subs. Div'ide by acreage :

Ar. StcXciv KOTO,

Acrid, adj. Ar. and P.

Acrimonious, adj. P. and V. vucp.Acrimoniously, adv. P. and V.

Acquisition, ub. See acquirement. \ Act, v. intrans.

Something acquired : P. and V, ! 8pav,

KT^fta, TO. Advantage, gain : P.;

ana V. Kp8o$ TO,j

Acquit, v. trans. P. and V. AiW, j

, <!<uVcu, <ro'>eu', Ar. and P. '

v, P aTro^cpOTOKCti' (g6tx) y

(KOH.), <iw<myi><i"


Acrimony, subs. P. and V.

Acrobat, Be an, v. P. Mpto-rav ; see


Acropolis, subs. Ar. and P. d/cpo'TroAis,

?;,V. aKp67rro\L$, 17.

Across, prep. Through : P. and V.&d (gen,). Over: P. and V. fecp

(gen. and ace.). On the other side

of : P. and V. -repay (gen.). Adv.,P. and V. Tr^ottv. Crosswise : P.

$opfMI$6r. At right cmgles : use

adj., P. cy^apo-to?. Build acroxn

(so as to intercept), v. trans. : P.


Act, Subs. P. and V. Trpay^a, TO,

TTpafts, ?/ pyor, TO, Ar. and V.

Trpayos, TO, V. ^pyfta, TO. Legislativeact : P. and V. ^^wrfta, TO', i/^}</o$,

P. and V.

,P. leara-

Caught in the acf t adj. : P.

, V. iTTiXi^rro^.

P. and V.

v, trans. : P. faoKptvccrOou (aeo.),

riyo)nc<rdat (Dem. 418 and 449);seoalsop/oy. Actpart ofAntigone :

P. "AvrtyoKi/K \iiroKpW<rOai. Answer,succeed: P. and V.

(bravely, etc.) : usesee bduive* m acquit-

X<^p'v ; see answer,

Action, subs. Opposed to idleness:

P. and V. ?rpa&9, ; ; see ac^. Thetumult of the young are braced foraction ; V. veW rot r




Act Add

(Eur., Frag.). At law: P.

and Y. 8^07, ^, ay<6v, 6. Bringaction against : P. ts dyva /ca0i-

<rravat (ace.). Virtue, power (of

drugs, etc.) : V. Stfvacris, ^, *"x^5 >

17. BattZe . P. and V. cpyov, TO.

Pi4 ships out of action : P. vaSs

aTrXous iroicitr (Thuc. 7, 34). SowsA0V671 ($W_p$) wereput out ofaction :

P. ?TTa TIVCS cwrXoi eya/ovTO (Tbuc.7, 34). Action, as opposed to

passivity : P, irpofis, 17.

Actionable, adj. P. WSiKos.

Active, adj. Swsy : P- and V. oo-x"

Xoff, Y. TroXijTrovos ;see industrious.

Eager : P. and Y. TrpoOvpos, IVTOVOS,

O-UI/TOVOS; seeeagrer. Ofmind: Ar.

and P. ofe. Nimble: P. and Y.

eXox^pos (Xen.), Ar. and V. KOV^OS,

0oos, Y. Xou/^po's. Energetic : P.

and Y. Sptwrnjpws. .4?t ociwe man(a good walker) : P. avrjp eufcovos

(Thuc. 2, 97). In active service (of

ships) : P. i/pyos. J5e on active

service (of troops) : P. e&crTpaTCvaflai

(perl mid. of fi/carpaTeueiv) ; see

take the field, under field. Takeactive part in, be busy with : P.

and Y. o/uXtt*' (dat.). Share in :

P. and V. /coivcDvetv (gen.) ; see

share. Manage : P. and V.creiv (acc.).

Active agent, subs. Ringleader : P.

and V. TiyejjLw, o or ^, P. e^yTynJsj

Actively5adv. Eagerly : P. and-

Nimbly: V.

Activity, subs. Eagerness : P. andY. <r7rouS^, ^, irpoOvfua, r/. Energy ;

P. T^ Spacmjpiov. jffase o/ 'move-

ment : P. euKoXta, 17 (Plat.), vxcpta,^ (Plat.). ,4g% : P. ^Xa^p^s,4 (Plat.), V. ^1175, ij. JStirffo : P.

^tXoTTpay/iocrvv?;, 17. Quickness : P.

^^nys* 17-

Actor, subs. Ar. and P. ftroKptrjrs,o. Pantomime actor : P. /U/AO*, 6.

2%ird ra^ actor : P. Tpwuy<ovrnfc,o.

Actual, adj. Genuine: P.True : P. and V. 4X77%, V.

(also Plat, but rare P.),

Exact ; P. and V. dKpt/frfc.

Actually, adv. Genuinely : P. l>

dtvo>9. Truly : P. and V. aX>/5<

r>7Tu/i,a>s. Heally : P. and V. or

Opposed to nominally : P. and V.

lpycj>. Exactly : P. and V. afcpt^&os.

Actuate, v. trans. Induce :P.^

andV. irpOTperrtiv (or mid.),

J "

TreiOeiv',see 'induce.

Acumen, subs. P. and V.


Acute, adj. Dangerous : Av. and P.

gerous. Extreme : P. and V, &rx-TO?. Violent : P. o~<o8po$, iV^vpc^.

Quick-witted : P. and V. <rrn/ToV,

<ro<o5, Setvos, Ar. and P. ai!^

<j>p6vl}j.Q$, P. dyxti'ou5. Clever (of

things) : P. and V. o-o^fcos, Sctvcfe.

O/ aw angU) accent, etc. ; P. <3V<5.

Acutely, adv. Violently : P. im<l V.

orc^dSpa, Sctvcos,! . t<r^vp!o^. CwFPPltf ,"

P. and Y. oro<oi$. I^r//, axtrdnwli/ ;

Acuteness, subs. Violence: P. r/r.

SpoVTys, 17 (Plat.), Q^/cifc wuA ; *<<


Adage, subs. P. ami V. Xoyov, /,

Tropoi/ua, T;, 9^T;/A7?, ;, V. aTi'ov, o ; s*^

saying. According to llw

f P. TO Xcyo/xei'Oi/.i

Adamant, subs. |P. and V. <^

Adamantine, adj. P. and V. ii,vv*

Adapt, v. trans. P* and Y.

iv, tyapiufaw (Xon.),Ar. and P. fra/>/Ao(i'. //<*

for : P. and V. u/>/iocu' (dai.

Trpos, aco.). Adapt oiw&elf tn ;

and V. trup,<p<rft (Jat,). >

io . P. and V. ?K<tv (dat.) ;

Adapted for : I*, anddat or

JT/JO?, iMKJ.h

, ace.),

Adaptabley adj. tt&xy to

P. fu/x-Tax<tpt<rro?,

Add, v, trans. P, and V.







Be added : P. and V.

calculate : P. and V.I added that I had no expectations :

P. irpocre&'rjKa on o&Sc Trpoo-oWw

(Dem. 355).

Adder, subs. See make.Addicted to, adj. Habituated to :

P. <run}0ip (dat.). Inclined to : P.

TrpoTrenfc (?rpos, aCC.), V. 7rpovo)7r^s

(t?, ace.) ; see inclined.

Addition, subs. W7wi -is added : P.

and V.P. 7rp6V0<ris,

, ry..4ci of adding :

addition to,

prep. : P. and V. Trpo's (dat.), 7ri?

(dat.). fr& addition, adv. : P. andV. Trpos (rare P.), eri, Ar. and P.

His exacted seventy drach-

mae and a sniM mm in addition :


rt Trpos (Dem. 611). In

compounds, use P. and V. xpo's,

e.g. receive in addition ; P. and V.

Additional, adj. Use In addition.

Additional pay : P. Imfopd, ij.

Additionally, adv. Roe besides.

Addled, adj. P. foe/Maw (Plat.), Ar.

U7ry;v/uos\ Mot., ROO WHlrf.

Address, KU!>B. P. and V. TrpoVpwo-f \ ' c n ' ' *\r

7;, Aoyos, o, L*. Trpoorp^fctt, TO, V.

Puhlic sj>eech : P. and V. Xoyos, 6,

P. ttypqyopfa, /.Address to troops

btfortt battle: seo exhortation.


courting ; P. fopcwma, ?/.

o/wj* <3kfo2res.S'6K to ; Ar. and

&p&ri;'v (ace.) ;see oown5.

Address, v. trans. 1*. and V.

7rpo<r7rctv (2nd aor.), V, Trpoo-avSav, Trpocr-

address the goddess Pallas in

prayer : V,





PWI1868)". 'Adaress (publ&ly) : Arand P. (ace.). O/


a general addressing troops : P.

irapaKeA.afecr&u (dat. or absol.) ; seeexhort. Address oneself to : P,and V. Tp7r<rOai (wpos, Iwt, ts,

aCC.), c^0-^at (gen.), vovv irpocrexw

(dat.), KaOLcrrao-Qcu. ?s (aco.). Oon-P. and V. eircpxevOai (aec.).servants all addressed their

hands to work : V. Sfuocs ?rpos epyovTTttvrcs t<rav xpas (Eur., JS7^. 799).

Adduce, v. trans. P. and V.

Adept, subs, and adj. Use P. andV. <f//,Wipos, emcmqiJLwv.

Adequate, adj. P. and V. oftos,

tKavos, apK&v; see sufficient. Beadequate, v. P. and V. opxcTv, 4ap-/ctv ; see 6e enough, under enough.

Adequately, adv. P. and V. dp*ow-S, P. see enough.

Adhere to, v. intrans. Cling to:

P, and V. Xcr0ai (gen.),

(gen.). Be attached to : P. and V.

Trpoovccurdcu (dat.), Trpocrctvai (dat.),

and V. ft/xi/tv (dat.).

Adherent, subs. Use adj., P. andV. <A<*> e&/ov9. 4% : P. and V.

<ru/A/*axos' W7?i #.v adherent, v. :

P. and V. -rrpocnroictcrflat. Receiveas adherent, v. : P. and V. Tpoo--

\ap,/3<Siviv. Be adherent of, v. : P.

and V. 7rpo<m0eo-0ot (dat.). /?e

friendly to : P. and V.


Adhesion, subs. Good-will : P. and

T).V. cvvowt, T).Addition : P. and V.

Ar. andP. orv/x/xa^wt, 17.

Adhesive, adj. P. yAdieu, interj. BeefwrewelLAdjacent, adj. P. and "V.

r. 5/xopo5, Ar. and P. Tr

see neighbouring.

Adjoin, v. trans. P,

P, and V. 7rp<xricwrflat

Adjoining, adj.

Adjourn, v. trans. P. and V.t? uWts




Adjournment, subs. P. and V.

Adjudge, v. trans. Decide : P. andV, Suca^eiv, SiayiyvwcrKeiv, Kpivtw,

Siatpclv. Assign as judge : P. bri-

8uc< eiv (TI, TII/I), V. KpivW (TI, TIVI) ;

see assign.

Adjudicate, v. intrans. P. and V.

ffifco&iv. Adjudicate on: P. andV. Statpetv (ace.), 8iayiy'a>o7ce' (ace.),

8tfea^iv (ace.), Kptvav (ace,).

Adjudication, subs. P. and V. Kpwrk,

y, P.8iayi/o>cri?, ^.


Adjunct, subs. Addition: P. andV. irpo<r9yKrj, r/. Something second-


wry : P. and V. Trapcpyoi/, TO.

Adjuration, SUbs. P. rapa/cX^o-is, ^,

V. -Trapa/ccXevcr/xa, TO ; see entreaty.

Adjuration of the gods : P.


Adjure,V. trans. P. 7rapaK\evt<rOat,,

P. and V. irapOLKaXeLv, cTrtcrKTyTnretv ;

see entreat. Call on as witness:

Ar. and P. cirLfjLapripccr&cu. Call

to aid: P. 7ri/Joacr0<u.

Adjust, v. trans. JftJ : P. and V.

P. and V. irpoor^eVat. Pwt i?i

order : Ar. and P. SiaTW&ai, Ar.

and V. icaTatrrcXXeiv. Adjust (a

quarrel, etc.) : P. and V. 5 rWeWtOr ev rWeo-Oai J 866 ?7Wl&fi Wjp.

Adjustment, subs. Arrangement :

r. Swi^o-is, ^. J?eco7t<5iZw&iio7t : P.

and V. SioXXayoJ, rj, oriJvaXXayiJ, ^,

P. SiaXtKrts, ^.

Administer, v. trans. P. and V.

otfcetv, vftetv (Thuc. 8, 70), Ar. andP. StOfc/CCtVj /ITCtYtpt'^O

w^Clt, TCllUCUCU/

7rtTpO7reutv, P. Sta^eipt^ctv. Supply;P. and V.

flrap^civ (or mid.) ; see

supply. Administer oath to : P.

c^opfcow (ace.).

Administration, subs. P. oW^crt?,>7, Staxccpur^, ^7. Those at the head

of the government : P. and V. ot ^T^Xet, P. 01 rl rots 7rpayyLtao-t.

Admirable, adj. Excellent : P. andV. xptivras, $ya66s, onrovSaio?, icaXo's,

Admirably, adv. P. and V.

a/jt/x7TTo>s (Xen.).

Admiral, subs, P. and V.

6, <rrpaT77yo9, o.

Admiralty, subs. O/^cc o/ admiral :

P. lauapxto, 17. Board of ad-

miralty : use P. ot d-TToo^roX^s.

Admiration, subs. P. and V. }Xos,

6. Praise : P. and V. 7r<uros, o.

Admire, v. trans. P. and V. Qavptx-

*iv, ^Xovi/, V. eKTrayXctor^at, Ar* andV. &ya<r0(u (also Plat, but rare I*.).

Admire (for a thiny) : P. and V.

OOMJJL^LV (gen.), ^Xovr (gon.)* -W-wire/i iy a^ a^J- : P- an^ ^, TT*/>/-

/?XTTTOS. ^?c admired and honoured:V. 7Tptj3Xe7r<r0ai rtfjuos.

Admirer, subs. P. i?XAmfc o. Lover;P. and V. cpao-njs, o ; see suitor.

Admissible, It is, v. impors. P. andV. escort, 7rdtp<rT( ? 7ni/>(i,, Trapa/ct/,

P. <VSXTat, cyx<pci, Ar, and P. ty-


Admission, subs. Letting in : V.

e<Vaya>y)J, ^. TTa// m or

07iirawe : P. and V.

Confession ; P. 6/u.oXoyt'a, T/,

yijfio, TO.

Admit, v. trans. /^ />/ ; J*. and V.



,ciort&ac. Confess : P. antl V.

Xoyca/. Accept : P. and V. flex- ,

vpotr^i^fcrBai.Admit (ft vhlim,

etc.) : JP. and V. 8xc<r^u, 7r/cm.<r0<tt, P, d7ro8cxc<r0ac* Admit of:P. frS^xwftn (aco.). 2b admit </oxcusc .* P. Ctnd V*

<n/yyro'>/x>/v 4^ta%Admittancef

subs. Soo admmwn,Admixture, subs. P. and V. */*>*,

ij, vvyKpaa-tSt y (Bur. , / Vo//,), 1 F// // -

o?^ admixti(,re> pure : P. aiul V..

Admonish, v. ti-ans. 1*, ami V. cm -

ut,v (dat), V.or/ecu' (once),6ooi: P. and

t\ and V./y.


Adm Adv

Admonisher, subs. TeacJier : P.

and V. StSoo-KoXos, 6 or ^. Chasten-

,6. Counsellor :er: P.

P. and V. <rv/*/fovXos, o.

Admonition, subs. P. and V.

v0"is, ^, vovflenjo-is, ry,

Ar. voi>0<rx, ^.

Admonitory, adj. P.

Adolescence, subs. P. and V.

ry, wpa, y,Ar. and P. qXu


Adolescent, adj. Full-grown


s, V.

P. and V.


J5e adolescent :

v, V.

Adopt, v. trans. Into a family : P.

7TOiacr#ai, ctcnroicurftu. (5ei adopted:P. ctcnrotctv. C?ei oneself adopted :

P. lauTov cio-Troiciv. Adopt a course

of act-ion : P. and V. <upeur0<u, P.

P. and V. xwrfot (dat,)-

new manners: V./ietf

i/c'ovs (^Esch., P.V. 309).

Adopted, adj. P. ciWoo^P. and V. here's (Plat, and Bur.,

Frag.). Whoso receives adoptedchildren into his house : V.

<rro (Bur., /'Vrt//,)*

Adoption, subs. P. aoTroiV*?, *;

r'y.Choice: P. and V.


Adorable, adj. P. and V.

(Plat.),P.pao-T(>(Plat.).P, and V. Trpocr^iXrys. Dearand V* ^tXos.

Adoration, subs. Wonhip: P.^pa- Adumbrate, v. trans.

Tretit, ^. Honour; P. and V. Tfyn;, ^WC.- P. -OTroypa^ea,

ry, V, o-^Sav, TO, Love : P. and V. Adumbration, subs. Sketch in

Adore, V. tranH. Worship .- L\ &pa- [ crwaypa^ia, T/, TVTTOS, 6.

vtfiWj, P. and V. crifaw, <r{f3<r6iu,\

Advance, ^v.trans. Load or


equvp. Ado>n oneself ; Ar. and P.

Adorned, adj. Y.

Adornment, subs. P. and V.6. Ornament : V. tiyoAfux, TO.

Personal adornment .- r. o-w/xa-roy

o^/AaTwr/Ao's, o (Plat.). 2%fi art o/personal adornment : P.


Adroit, adj. P. and V. 8vos,a0<fe, AT. and P. Sc^td?, V.

Adroit in : P. and V.

(gen.) ;see versed in.

Adroitly, adv. Cleverly : P. and V.

(rodeos-WeM .- P. and V. <&

Adroitness, subs. P. and V.

^ T X^7> ^> Ar - and P.P. 8IVOT17S, l).

Adulation, subs. Bee flattery.

Adulatory, adj. See flattering.

Adult, adj. Full grown: P.

V. /CTX^S.

Adulterate, v. traus. P. and V.

Corrupt : P. and V*Twc,- P. and V. pj.y-

viivai, OTjft/uyviSi'at, ava/uyvui/cu. D(3-

j2te : P. and V. /itaiVeiv.

Adulterated, adj. P. and V. ^817X05.Adulteration, subs. P. /

Corruption ; P. and V.

Adulterer, subs. Ar. and P.

6; see paramour.Adulteress, subs. P. /xotxJrpta, ^.

Adultery, subs. P. ftoixta, ^. Oom-tnit adultery, v. : Ar. and P.

/, Ar. and V.

Low : I*, and V.

(gon.) (Plat.); Ar. and V.


VdcAdorer, Bubs. Worshipper: P. tf-

pcwrcvnfr, o. /Jrt/wr . P. and V.

Adorn, v. tran. P. and V. KQO-IAW,V* aytiXXciv, dcr/cetK, ^aorxetv ; 800

forward : P. and V.

*Pro7?w)^, /tc^ ow ; 'P. and V.

aWSew, eVMTTrcvScfiv, With non-

porsonal subject : P. 7rpo<pv </V

(ace.). Promote in rank : P. andV, ai&dfvv, flrpOTt/jtov,


(tv^ywv. J5r% ^o greatness : P.

Trpoiyeu/. J5ri?^ &> 5WCC65S .* P.

and V. K&TQp0ow> JSrmg forward,



Adv Adv

: P. and V. errayciv, w/xxr-

-7rapYcr0ai. Increase : P.

and V. avgavcw. Lend, adwwice

money .- Ar. and P. Bavet&iv.

Advance, v. intrans. P. 7rpopxcr6XAr. and V. TT/XHCWU, P. and V. wpo-

re',irpoftaivtw. March . P. and

vopevtcrOcu. Improve: P. andV. irpofCoVrttv, Ar. and P. rt8E8ovcu.

Advance against : P. eTrtgcpxecrQat

(dat.). Advance in price : see rzse.

Advance, subs. Ar. and P. wpoVoSos,

17. Improvement : P. &rt5o<ri9, 17.

iodw .- P. 8avr/Aa, TO. In advance

of: P. and V. *rpo' (gen.). Shipssent m advance : P. vijcs TrpoVAoi at.

Knowing Tissaphernes* intentions

far in advance : P. eia>s /c ^rXeibvos

TTJV Tta-cra^cpvovs yv^^v (Thuc. 8,

88). Advances (friendly) : P.

dcpaireta, 17..Bffc&e advances to .- Ar.

and P. QepaTrevav (ace.).

advowees (to an enemy) : P. Xo

7rpo<r^/)iv (dat.), ^dtocwwjfis (o/ a

Zowsr) ; P. Wpacris, fj (Thuc. 6,

56).Advanced in years, adj. Use P.

Troppco rJs ^XiKias, wpo^&e/JXtyic&s rj

^XiKi'p. .ffis ^/<s & already faradvanced : V. TrpoVw /xev -589 J&'

(Bur., Hipp. 795).

Advanced-guard, subs. P.

XaKT;, 17,OL 7rpo<t>v\aKC<s,

Advanced-post, subs. P.

Ytor/Aa, TO.

Advancement, subs. Improvement :

P. rffloo-ts, ?. I?KJreOSe - P. a


Advantage, subs. (Jam . P. and V.

*4>8oy, Tti, X.r)pfjLa, TO. Benefit ,- P.

and V. a><e'A.aa, ^, o^eXo?, TO, o

^, Ar. and V.6^4X9/10, TO, V.

Aiycris, ^. Superiority : P. -TrXco,4 7r\eovKTy[jLa, TO, To /&g advantage-of, in favour of: P. and V. TT/OOS

(gen.). Hcvue the advantage, v. :

P. 7Tptco/at, irXcov l^etv. Get the

advantage of, v. : P. TrXeovcKrav

(gen.), TrXcov <^peo-0(u (gen.), irXor

^tv ^gen.).Take advwitaye o/,

v. : P. and V. &n>XavW (gen.).

Use : P. and V. x/oijo-ftu (dat).

Derive advantage, v. : P. and V.

jccpSatveiv ovw/ao-flat. Scw?e the ad-

vantage (benefit) o/, v. : see benefit.

Fight at OM advantage : P. IK

wpw>vros Aywigcotfat (Thuc, 8, 46).

It is a great advantage for him to

be sole master of the wJiole position :


TToXXal irpoXi Pern. 10). tyrantshave 'no such advantages : P. TO&8c rvpdvvois o^Scv vTrdpx**- rotovrov

(Isoc. 15, C). TAe borrower has

the advantage of ws in everything :

P. 6 8avt o/xi/os K wavTt -Trpoe^ct 7;/*air

(Dem. 1283). We /iave 7wa?A7/

wafwrai advantages w war : L\

irpos TroXe/xov TroXXa ^vo-t trXeo^cic-

fjfjLiv 7rapxi (Dem, 124).

advantage is there ? V. Tt 8*

TO irXcov; (Eur., Phoen. 553).

advantage will it be to the

dead ? P. T* lopTat -Xv T$ yca-jroQavovri ; (Antiphon, 140.)

Advantage, v. trans. See benefit,

Advantageous, adj. Profitable. .

Ar. and P. Kp8oXos, P. Xv<rwXi/v ;

superlative, use V. KepSwr-ros. bene-

ficial : P. and V. <rJ/A<opos, <ruyw,-

</>pwv, xp^o-tjoos, 7rpocr^)op05, Ar. andP. w^cXt/to?, Ar. and V. <?)^Xr;ori/rfV. owyo-t/AOs. S^aSZc ; P. cViK<upo9.5e advantageous, v. : 1*. and Y.

a-ufjL&pciv, (u^cXe?vf Ar. and P. Xwn-

TeXeti/, V. Xt5v TX-)7 or XtJetv alono;see profit.

Advantageously, adv.P. /cepSaXeo)?, XvortTeXowrO)?.

ficidlly ; P. crvfji<l>6pus,

CU^Xt/ACU9, (rU/A<f)p6vT<t)$. Wftll .* P.

and V. cS, AcaX<o9. ConunicMltj :

P. and V. trpovpyou.

Advent, subs, P. a^t^t?, iy,P. ami

V. -rrapovo-ia, 17.

Adventitious, adj. P. aud V.

^Tra/cTOS, ^7rrttKT09, V. dupat9Adventure, subs. hictdc?it ; P. :vnd

V. <rv/x<^opa, r/, Trrf^o?, m 7iw& /

P. and V. /ftvSwo?, <i ; Bon r/ufc.

Adventure, v. tntni*. and intrant. P. ami V. roA/tftp ; CMJ //f*r*'.



Adv AfF

Put to risk: Ar. and P.

Xeo~0at, V. i&pcutiv ; see risk,

Adventurer, subs. One who dares :

P. KivSvvevrrjs, 6, ToXjUMf-njs, 6. Im-

pudent impostor : use P. and V.

vjSpMmfc, 6.

Adventurous, adj. P.

Bold .- P. and V. roX

Adversary, subs. P. and V. a

, 6, V. iraXcuorTfo 6, dvnypenjs, 6,

s, 6, or use adj., P. and V.

ios, P. forci/avnos ; see opponent,

Adverse, adj. P. and V.

irpovwrri's. Hostile : P. and Vcapo's. Ofwind : P. and V. evawos,v. evavrtouftevos. Be contrary (of

wind), V. : V. dimooraTCH'.

Adversely, adj. P. and V.

Adversity, subs. P. and V. I. ,,

fy Tratfos, TO, irdQijfML, TO, anjfJL^opd, ^,

KCl/COVy TO, V> 7T77jWi(Xj TO, Tn/JfJLOVTJy "fj9

Advert to, v. P. and V.

(737)09, acc.),

Advertise, v. trans. Proclaim: P.

dvayopVtt>, P. and V. dvewreiv.

Puff : P. /jteyoXi!i/v.

Advertisement, subs. Public notice :

lr irp6ppv)<ri$i 7y.

Advice, subs. P. and V. pouAi), 17,

TropatWcrt?, r/, yvwfMj, 17,P. <rvfjL/3ovXa,

7), Ar. and P. oij/A/JovX^, rj.

moi*io)t : P. and V. v

l}, VOV&TV)/W,tTO. I/ 7/OW

O(Z0i00 .* P. &v ^/AOI yp$7<r0 <rv/xj8ot;>

(Dom. 659, /. .ffisch., P.K 322).

Advisability, subs. JP. and V. TO

Advisable, adj. Advantageous: P.

and V. <rv/A<opo$, wpocr<opos, x^^*"/to?, Ar. and P, <J>^cXt/*o5. jfi ^advisable ; soo iZJ profits, under

Advisably, adv, P-

Becommend : P. and V.t (n, rtvi), Ar. and P.

t (, Ttvt). Advise to doP and V. (TVIJiBovX.VLV

(dat. and infin.), Tropatvetv (dat. andinfin.), P. vTTOTCOevOau. (dat. and

infin.), V. alveiv (acc. and infin.),

?ratt/tv (acc. or dat. and infin.),

)3ovXciW (dat. and infin.).

Advised, Be, v. Be wise : P. and

Advisedly, adv. P. and V. & Trpo-

votas, P. efc Trapaovceuifc, Ar. and P.

cVt-nyScs ; see intentionally, on pur-pose, under purpose.

Adviser, subs. P. and V. <rv//,j8otAo9,

Advocacy, subs, P. crui^yopta, 17*.

Recommendation ; P. and V . irapaC-

Advocate, v. trans. Speak on behalf

of a person or thing : P. and V.

<rvV7jyopw (dat.), vT

(Plat.), P. <rvvayopeuo/ (dat.) .

for a person : P. and V.

(dat.), P. (rvvemelv (dat.). Recom-mend : P. and T.

Advocate, subs. P. and V. o-v/

6 or ^, o-vv$wcos, 6 orT/,

P. Tropdi

6. Owe w/io rficoTWTiewds : P.

yiy-njs,6. Advocate's fee : Ar.

o-unyyoptK^i/, TO.

>Edile, subs. P. yopai/6>os, 6 (late).

Ofadiles, adj. : P. dyopavo/AiKo? (late).

Aerial, adj. P. and V. ofyxiwos. ffigf/t

tn air ; Ar. and P. /Wupo** Ar. andV. ju.erap<nos.

Afar, adv. P. and V. /wwcpA/, P.

jforoOev, Ar. 7i;Xov, Ar. and P. Wppto,Ar. and V. airv>0w9 V. wrfpo-o), wpoo-w,

4K<i$ (Thuo. also but rare P.) . Froma/#r : P. iroppajtfev, &7rQ6w> V. TrpdV-

o)?^ TifXoflcp, Ar. and V. iTrd)^;soe far. Sent from afar, adj. : V.

Advise, v. trans. P. aad V. <ru/*^ov-

Xfyftv (r^, rtvt), ir&panyw (n, rtw),

At. and P. &rorir^ W wt)*Admonish: P. and V*

Affability, subs. P.V7rpo<njyop&,


^tXavtfpWTP&ij 07,V. c&^Trcta, 17.

AflPable, adj. P. and V.P.


Aff Aff

Affably, adv. P. and V.

(Plat.), P. <iAav0punr<M.

Affair, subs. P. and V. Trpayjuo, TO',

XpJJfia, TO, irpa^ts, 17, Ar. and V.

Trpayos, TO, V. XP*05* J see a^so

act. Affairs of state : P. and V.TO, vpa.yp.aro,. Affairs, property :

P. and V. ovo-ta, 9, P. TO. oWa.touch : P.Affect, v. trans.

Kara/cAav, P. and V. aTrreaflai (gen.),V. avOcarrtO'Oai (gen.), Otyydvw(gen.), i/raiW (gen.). Overcome: P.

and V. fleXyeiv (Plat, but rare P.),

Tfyyciv (Plat, but rare P.), V. /xaA-

Odcrcreiv, vZ/cai/, Ar. and V. /AoAaoHrav.

Dispose : P. oWiflevai. TPWZ 0/ec-fid : P. cS Sia/cei/Avo$, P. and V.

Be affected, moved : P.

and V. KdfjarT<rOai. Influence : P.

and V* porn/v l^w (gen.). Change :

P. and V. fLTct)8aAA./ ; see change.Be affected, feel : P. and V. Tr

Jte similarly affected : P.

affected by my accusers I know not :

P. o,Tt fiev V/ACL? . . . 7r7roV0aT faro

TU>V lp.S>v Ka-nTydpwv, ou/c o*8a (Plat.,

Ap. 17 A).

Affect, v. trans. Pretend to : Ar. andP. TrpoonroitLo-Qai (ace. or gen.),

ju.era7rotwrtfat (gen.), ttiTfrTrotetor^at

(gen.); see pretend.

Affectation, subs. Pretence : P.

^rpooTro7o*is, 17. Over-refinenient :

P. and V. Tp^J, ^po'^s, 7 (Plat).

Affected, adj. Ar. and P.

P. and Y.

natural affection : P, ra TT/S

oiVcta (Dem. 1117).

Affectionate, adj. P. and V.en.).

Loving one's children : Ar. and V.

<^t\oTKvos. Loving one's husband :

V. ^tXaywp. Affectionate message :


Affectionately, adv. P.

P. and V. o<p(Xen. but rare P.), Tr

Ar. and P.


UGs (Plat.),

Pretended : P. TTPOOTTOI^TOS, P. andV. TrXaords (Xen.), V. VOII/TO?.

Affection, subs. P. and V. ^tXta, ^.

i<w : P. and V. fpo>s, 6. Desire :

ir66os, 6 (Plat, but rare P.), Z/xpos,6 (Plat, but rare P.). Goodwill :

P, and V. dSvoio, ^7,P.

j.Parental love ; V.

one's husband : V. ^>t\av8ptaj *7-

Bodily affection : P. ?ra0os, TO,

TO. D-itiease : P. and V., ??, vo'oT7/*a, TO. Z7/<3 &OW<?5 O/l

Affiance, v. trans. P. and V. c

(or mid,), eyyuav, erui-oc/ctlfctv, V.

dp/Ao'&u' ; see betroth.

Affidavit, subs. Ar. and P. avT^uoo-tu,

17,P. Sia>/w>o-ia, 07.

Tafce ^m affidavit :

P. AvTO/xvucrtfat, Stdftvuo-ftx/.

Affinity, subs. Kiiiship: P.criryy<V/,,

^ ; see kinship. Connection bymarriage : P. and V. KiJSos, TO*

joJSwjua, TO'. Connection generally :

P. and V. Kotvwvia, 17. Similarity ;

P. 0/XOIOTT75, ^.

Affirm, v. trans, .-ifiwl: P. icryw/jA-

8u.<rxvpt&(rOa!.. Opposed to

: P. and V. <t>dvai9 P, fcara^crat.o^ how to affirm or deny

this, my child : V. O$K oTS* &rus ^t?>

TOUTO fcal /XT; qSo), riwov (Eur., LA.

643). 4$m ** opptutitioH, : I*.

and V. ttVTtA.cytv.

Affirmation, subs. Opposed to /;/'-

(jation : P. ^<rts, r; (Plat.). Oath :

P. and V. O>KO$, o. Affidavit ; Ar,

and P. dvroj/xoo-m, T/,P.

Affirmative, Answer in the, v.

and V.

> /;.


Affix, v. trans. P. and V,

P. TTpoo-ryXorv, V.

and V. irpocrtraervuXtvw ;

i Afflatus, subs. P. *Vw>m,




Afflict", v. trans. P. amV V.

KOKQW, Kiifav' H06 dtttrCM

afflicted : use also P, and V.

vo<rv, V. ttTa<rftu. I? afflicted

with, labour under : P. and V*

o-*Wx 0r at (flat,), <rtv<ii'rti (dut.) ;

see labour under.



Aff Aft

Afflicted, adj. See sorrowful. JZZ,

Mck : P. and V. vo<r&v, Kdfw&v ; see

also maimed, mad.

Affliction, subs. Anything that

causes trouble : P. and V. KOKOV,

TO, V. 7n}/xa, TO. Distress : P. and

V. \v7rr}, ?/, TTOI/OS, 6, V. m^a, TO,

f, TrwQos, TO, P. TaXanrcopia,

M'isfortwie: P. and V. Sucr-

7rpat'a, 17, <n;^<opa, r/, W^oy, TO,

TO, P. 5ucrrv;(ui, r; ; B66

misfortune. Disease : P. and V.

1'00-OS, ?}, VOO-17JLUX, TO.

Affluence, subs. P. euTroptV r/, u</>0o-

w'tt, ?/.Biches : P. and Y. TrXow

o, P. U7ropia, 17.J30 in affluence,

V. : P. and V. irXovrew, P. evirope

Affluent, adj. Rich : P. and V.

PTrepTrXovTOS (Plat.), V.

P. cuTTopos ;see

Abundant : P. and V. a<t>6ovo$,

Affluently, adv. P. cwrdpws, P. andV. <ty0oVa>s (Eur., Frag.), Ar. andV.

Afford, v. trans. Supply : P. andV. irapf\ew (or mid.), irapacr

(or raid.), Tropt^ctr (or mid.), cKTropt-

fcn/ (or mid.). &vwt : P. and V.

to : P. and V. ov^t/cai/os efyu (iniin.).

/Jw.// : P. and V. <?>i/to-0ai.

Affray, Biibs. V. <ru/xj8oX^ r/, Ar.

and V. o-iivo8os, 7} ; see /rV/At.

Affright, v. trans, P. und V. faf}v,

\7rX7jfr<Ttv, K<^>o^u% Tfyidcnrccy ; see


Affright, Hubs. P. and V.^o<r, 6,

T/, Scc/xa, TO, Seo?, TO;


P. and Y.

see /oar.

(also Plat, but rare P.) ;

Afresh, adv, Jfrowi

P. and Y. ^ apxvg; see again.

w beginning:in? dpX7js, ^

Aft, adv. ke stern :



Affront, v. trans. P. and V.

ir/win/AaKtfcu'* a/V^o-tfai ; see insult.

Jh affronted : UHO P. and V.

Affront, subs.^

!>, and V.

vft(>i<rfj,a^ TO, ttiictrt, ty,

Afoot, adv. 1\ 7T^, or tmo adj., P.

arid V. mfa.Afraid, adj. P.

see U.IBO cowardly. Jk afraid^ v, :


After, prep. Of time, place or de-

gree: P. and Y. perd. (ace.). Oftime : P. and Y. fc (gen.), fat (dat.).Just after (of time) : Ar. and P. iVd

(aoc.). After a twie (interral) :

P. and V. &a xpowv. After dinner :

Ar. aTro Sewn/ov. Producing artju-vwnt after argiment: P. Xayoi/

Xoyov Xfyov (Dem.). 0?tfi a//eranother : Y. otXXos 8t* aXXoi.


Insaarch of: P. and V. fat (ace.).On the day after the myxtenes : P.

r$ uorcpatflt TOJV /xvcrnypiW (Andoc.15). On t/te day after he was

offering sacrifice for victory : P.-rg

v<rTpcu $ $ T<A cVtvwcta 0vei> (Plat.,

S'ywip. 173A). Shortly after this :

P. yuera ravra ov woXX vorTpov(Thuo. 1, 114). Immediately afterthe naval engagetnent at (Jorcyra :

P. eu019 ftcra T^I/ ci/ KepKvpq. vav/Jia^av(Thuc. 1, 57). (JBe 7za??ze^) a/ter :

P. and Y. fat (gen. or dat.). Be-hind : P. and V. 6W0CK (gen.).

After all : P. and V. Spa., V.<!/><*.

ifo?w niaa I was after all, (though1 did not know it) : Ar.

<lpa (Nub. 1476).

After, adv. Of time : P. and V.

P. and V. ot iTrttra. P. ot

e7rtyiyi/oyu,<voi, V. ot /wftJorepoi ; seedescendants. Of place : P. and V.

iW^/wv, SirwOcv, see behind.

After, conj. P. and V.see when,

Afternoon, subs. P. and V.

r) (Koph., Fray.). Late in tfut

afternoon : P. wp

Afterwards, adv, Thereupon : P.



Aga Agg

and V. etra, &rTa. Later : P. andV. VGTT/>01', V. fJicOvCTTCpOV. H&Te-

itfter : P. and V. aMis, dmvOus, V.

Again, adv. P. and V. a$0ts,

au0is au, Ar. and V. a*'0is au TraAiv

(Ar., Nub. 975), afifa TrciXiv (Ar.,

Pi. 859), jKcfA' a{fo (Ar., Niib. 670),Ar. and P. ?raAiv av; see afresh.

Again (turning to a fresh point in

argument, etc.) : use Ar. and P. enSe. Twice as much again : P. Sis

Totrouros, V. 8ls rocros ; see twice

Against, prep. P. and V. erf (ace.

or dat.), Trpo's (aoc.), ts (ace.). After

verbs of speaking, deciding, etc. :

P. and V. Kara (gen.). In oppositionto, contrary to: P. and V. irapd

(ace.). (Stumble, etc.] against :

P. and V. Trxfe (dat.). (Sin, etc.")

against : P. and V. cfc (ace.). Over

against : P. and V.

Opposite : P.(ace.).


en.), or use adj., P. andV. eVam'os (dat.). They piled abank of earth against the city : P.

^CO/ACL tyovv irpos Try TroAii/ (Thuc. 2,

75). In compounds to express

opposition : use P. and V. dvri,

e.g. Ifo-fce a stand ayainst : P.

and V. av9t<rra.<r6cu (dat.).

Agape, adj. Ar. and P. KC^VOK (perf.

part, of x<"r/ceiv). Astonished : P.

and V. KwrA>7y/jie)/os (perf. part.

pass, of eKTrAiJcrcreiv).

i,subs. Period of tvme : P. and

6. Kww of life : Ar. andP. ^At/eta, 17, V. aui/, 6. Generation :

Ar, and P. yVa, 17, V. yoviy, r}, yo/va,

^ ; see generation. Time (ueneraL-

ly) : P. and V. x/xws, 6. uld age :

P. and V. yvjpas, TO ; see under old.

Of wfiat age, adj. (indirect) : P. andV. 17X6005. Of siich <m age, adj. :

P. and V.

Advanced in aye : P.

7)7 TTOppti) T7J5

P. iJAiWmyff, o, P. and V. yXiZ, 6 or

^, V. 6/1-5X1^, 6 or ^, <rvi^At^, 6 or 7; ;

see contemporary. Ofmarriageableage, adj. : P. and V. abates. Mar-

riageable age, sabs. : Ar and P.

17.He died at the age of

even : P. e-ny yyoi/a>s 7rra KlveOave. Be seven y&ars

of age: P. eirra er&v etraf,

about fifty years of age : P.

717 xpt .TrevnqKOVTa (DemThose of the same aye ; P.

TT/V avri^v ^AtK/av OITCS (Dem. 477).

Vge, v. intrans ttrow old P. andV. y7/oaorKtv, Ar. and P.

Aged, adj. P. and V.

y^patos (rare P.), yjjpaXV. -n-oA-uos (rare P.), Tra


ye/xuo?, V.

o*;, Ar. andV,

Ageless, adj. P. and V.Immortal : P. and V. a

see 'immortal.

gency, sabs. V. o-uwAAtiy*}, ?;.

hrough the agency of : P. and V,

ace.), Ar. and V. e*<m

Agent, subs- Helper, atsocialfi : L*.

and V. crwcpyds, 6 or

6, KOtvwvos, 6 or ry, P. <ri>vttyri)vtrrr/Js%

6. State agenl : P. vpo'ciw, o.

Steward : P. and V. ra/zm?, .

Hireling: Ar. aud P. fuor

P. and V. o

Aggrandise, v. intrans. P.

V. trans, hwraafie : P. amiV.

Aggrandisement, subs. I*.



under advanced. Be of age, v. : P.

and V. ij/3ttv ; see come to manhood,under manhood. One of the same

age (contemporary), subs. : Ar. and

TO. JncmtM : I*,

Aggrandiser, subs. P. vAcoy(Krt/, .

Aggravate, v. trans. yi^r : P. amiV . Trapofi/^ctv, V. oAiw ; HtHJ twt/?r t

Make worse : P. and V.

aiJfctv. Contribute, to : P.

(gen.), i*. and V. rrv/t-

(gtm, or /s, ace,).

Aggravating, adj. P. and V,

Aggravation, subs. Aivjtr : 1*. and

Vexatiownewi : JP. and V.



Agg Agr

^, P. /&xpvn?s, y. Going to furtherlengths : P. and V. ^rep/SoX?}, 17.

Is not this wi aggravation of his

shocking greed ? P. ravr ofy inrep-

/JoXry Sewfjs alcrvpOKCpSaas ; (Dem.825).

Aggression, subs. P. vXeov^ta^ ^7rXeovKT7//Aa, TO. Wrong-doing : P.

and V. aSt/cta, ^, etSffcry/xa, TO, TO

P. <t>L\ovLKLa, ?/.

Aggressive, adj. Exacting : P.

Pugnacwm : P.<jta-

Aggressively, adv. Exactingly : P.

Pugnac'iously : P.

Aggressor, subs. T/te wrong-doer :

P. and V. o iSuct&r. J50 i/ie aggressor,be the first, v. : P, and V.

Aggrieved, Bo, v. Be injured : P.

and V. ttSftcao-ftu, Feel oneself

aggrieved : Ar. and P.

P. aA-cTTois <^6', P. and V.

s, 6, P. jaiTjcri?, 17, Tapani}, r;,s

V. Tapay/xos, o. Revolution . P.s


s, 6 ; see revoZwftoM.

Factiousness, subs. : P. and V.

Aghast, adj. P. and V.

fLtVos, ic7rX<iy4s (perf. and aor.

part. pass, of cKTrX^row).

Agile, adj. P. and V. IXa^pds (Xen.),Ar. and V. KO?<OS, ft>ds, V.^pd$.

ility ,subs. V. ^^9, fy, cXa^pdTiys,

. (Plat.).

Agitate, v. traus. -Move, sftafce : P.

and V. Ktvctv, orctW. Met., Dtstwb :

P. and V. raptLcrcruv, <rvvr<ip<icr<rtt,v9

^K7rXr/<r<rav, Spaororcti' (Plat, but rare

P.), Ar. and V. o-rpo^ti/ ; sue <K$-

ittri. JSatntte : P. and V. cWp^v,efatpav (Plat.), tivaTTTtpovi' (Plat.).

Jlte agitated : also P. and

pcorflot, V, fyOyvai (1st aor. pass.of aipctv) . Agitated : Y. TrcTraA/xcVos ;

Keo eusat^fld. ul(]ftaf0 (politwallij) :

P. V<(i)Tp^tV.

Agitation, subs. Mmwtienf, : I*.

Ktnycris, ij. Mentat agitation : P.

and V* ffarA7;&,^;, tfdpyjSo?,

6, P.

rapa^, 7), V. livrtKUT/crts, 7/ Topay/xds

6, T^pay/wt, TO. D^i7^'6aw?e (J?oMor otherwise) : P. and V

Agitator, subs. In political sense :

P. 8i7/Aaya>yos, 6. Bevolutiomst :

use adj., P. vewTcpoTrotds.

Ago, adv. Ar. and P. TrpbVcpov. Ayear ago : Ar. and P. irepixri.. Twoyears ago : P. irpoiripvan. Longago : P. and V. WXcu, P. CK

V. /c /xa/cpov xpwov.Agonising, adj. Ar. and P. <

v . 3i<i>uvo? ;see painful.

Agony, subs. P. 7Tpo8wa, ^ (Plat.) ;

see pam.Agrarian, adj. Rural : Ai\ and P.

yewpyifcds ; seo rural. Agrarianlaw : P. vd//,o$ K\rjpovxiK6<5, o (late).

Agree, v. intrans. Sonj ditto : P. andV. <rvp.<f>d,va.i, Ar. and P. 6ju.oXoy<V,P. crui''OjLW)Xoyfitv 9 Ar. and V. 6/ioppo-

Sdv. Agree with (a person or thing

s&id) : P. and V. ov^dvat (dat.),

Ar. and P. 5/AoXoyai/ (dat.), P, <ru/m-

^o>]/ti/ (dat.), o~wayopV> (dat.), V.

vpocr<$w (dat.), avvawtlv (dat.).

Correspond (with) : P. and V.

o'UjUi^cpctVj or pass, (dat.), wutQoJLVGw

(dat.), crvvrp&xew (uat.), <rup.m7rriy

(dat.), P. <ru/A<^(t>va' (dat.), V. o/xoppo-

Seiv (dat.), crvyico'XXa)? $x*w (absol.) ;

see correspond * JHolGv so/iize views *

P. o/jafoeif, P. and V. Ta^ra ^povciv.

Consent: P. o/ioXoy^, P. and V.

Etv, crvvatvctv (Plat.), V. cruv-

Conscnt to * P. and V. o*v-

stv (aco.) (Xen.), tmvevew (aoo.),

iivctv (acc. or dat.), orvvYWDcrv

(dat.) ; see coTwewi. J/romise ; P.

and V. ftiriorxvcto-Sat, iTrayycXXecr^at ;

seo promise. Make <w> agreement :

P. and V. <rv/Aj8ttivtv, orvvr^ccrtfou,

<rflat. 4flfrec i?t wi&hwg; P. andV. m;/xj8<nJXecreai (Plat.), Ar. and V.

crwdtXctv. <4#7*0e io, accept : P. andY. 8xeor^a'r WSixceptfctt ; nee accept*

Agree with, suit : P. and V, dpp.o^tv

(dat.). Settle with ; P, and V. ow-


Agr Aid

(dat.), oru/xj&uWtv (dat.) ;

see covenant

Agreeable, adj. Pleading : P. and V.

/ySifsj ap<rr<>s, V. <5?A.o; see pleasant,

acceptable. Charming : Ar. and P.

^apices, derrclo?. Agreeable to, ui

accordance with : Ar. and P a/co-

Xou0os (gen. or dat.), or use P. andV. wpos (gen.). Be agreeable to :

see please.

Agreeably, adv. Pleasantly : P. andV. 178609, 3peo7cai/To>s (Plat.); see

also pleasingly. In afriendly way ;

P. and V. <p.o<poi/o>s (Plat.). Agree-

ably to, ^n accordance with : P. andV. Kara (ace.). Agreeably to the law:

P. Tots vo/xots dfcoA.ou0a>9 (Dein.

1100).Agreed upon, adj. Fixed: P. and


Agreement, subs. Assent : P. 6/u>-

Aoyt'a, 17. Concord : P. 6/xavota, ^,

O-VH^WLO, fj (Plat.). Written bond :

P. -ypaiJ.fjMTLov, TO, (rvyypa^T;, ^,

ypjLya/jcara, Ta. Covenant .' P. andV. <ru/x,)3acris, ^, (rwOrjfJLa^ TO, crui/^ij/cat,

at, P. o/toXoyta, ^7. J5y flgrceTWCM^ ;

P. CK CTW^JKI/S. /7& agreement with,

adj. : P.6/xoyi/(i)/Aa>y (dat.). 5^ wz-

agreement with, make common causewith : P. /cotvoXoyewr^at (dat.).

Agricultural, adj. Ar. and P. yewp-


Agriculturalist, subs. Ar. and P.

Agriculture, subs. P. ycwpyi'a, 17, Ar.

and P. yij* pytio-ta, ^.

Aground, adv. 2taw aground, v.

trans. : P. and V. <5/ceAAetv, P. Iwo-

KeAXciv, V. iceAAeLv, clo/ccXXetv ; v.

intrans. : P. <5Ke/\Aeu/, ^TroiceXXetv, V.

Ague, subs. P. ptyo5, TO.

Ah, inter. Exclamation of surprise :

P. and V. a, lov, Trcwrat, /SSjSai (Eur.,

OycZ.), Ar. and V. co Trairaid (Eur.,

Oyci. 153), V. <&>; (also Xen. but rare

P.). Alas / P. and Y. </>&, CN^UH,

tov, Ar. and V- afar, f<u. Cry a/i,

V. ; V. offiS{ccv, a<aciv, $eD<u (aor.of <^v^/), 4^ 77^3 / see

Ahead, adv. Onwards : P.

V. -Trpoo-o), iropcrw. In front : P.

v. Forward: P. and \7

TO -rrpoo-Ocv. Look ahead, take pre-cautions : P. and V.

Anticipate: P. and V.Ahead of : P. and V.

(gen.), P. 1/jLTTpoo-^ci' (p;en.).

a/&0fld o/; P. and V. ffttidvcw (ace.),

Trpo<j>Qavcw (aCC.), 7rpo\ajjt,/Bdi'tr (ace. },

P. irpoKaTaXaLupdrw (ace,); dee also

excel. Be ahead, be in front, v. :

P. Trpofyciv, 7r/>o\a/4j8ai'cn' : mot,,Excel: P. and V. Trpofyar. (in

ahead, advance, v. : P. and V.T!-/><>-

fiafaew, Trpo^tDpetr.

Aid, v. trans. P. and V. ri^cAcii*

(ace. and dat.), Vw9E>A,<rr (at*ti.),

eirapKC?r (dat.), eTHKoupcu' (dat.), /^<>7;-

^eti/ (dat.), Ar. and V. <t'n;yeci' (dat.)

(also Sen.), Miwyw (dat.) (also

Xen.), V. Trpotroxj^Xeu' (ace. or dat.),

(dat.), Trpoo-apAcav (dat.),

(dat.), P. bnfimiOw (clftk).

P. and V. dm^crcu* (dat..),

(dat.), cjTian/^crctr (clat.J.

: Ar. and V. cny-wra/wr-(dat.), 7rapt<TTrt<rftftf (<ittt,) t V.

(dat.), o-uyytyvco-^ifc (clttt,). /'VV///H

o?i /id .s-Wfi o/; L\ and V. <ny//4w?v

(dat.). Wor* w7A; P. and V.

rruAXa/x/Javeti/ (dat,), <ny<7r/w<r<r<O'

(dat.), (m/pya' (dat.) (Xcn.) f V,

cnty*7jwii/ (dat.), trivyKttfM'itv (<lut.)y

o-tWpSei*' (dat.), frri'dfTTOMo* (dill.),

owcpydfarfat (at)Hol.). Ar, atid P.

<n*i'aya>yt2[c(r0rxf ((1at. ) , A itl {tt it't trlf


P, and V. <nyA7rptt*nren' (ftCO.), irvvfywir

(acc.) (Thuc.) V. trvwtrMtn' (tiint. I ;

see share hi. Help fwwttnl ; \\

and V. <r7Tt'(5tn', tV^rjrrr'rtf/r, Withnon-personal Hiilijfjcit: I*. vpn^^^ck (ace.).

Aid, subs. P, and V. <Ar/>A</, #/,


TO, ap/frt5, ?},


, TO ; H

; P. and V.


Aid Ala

Aider, subs P. and V.6 or ^, Ti/A<i>pos, o or ?/,

o (Plat, and Eur., Frag.), P.

o or>}, Ar. and V.

6, V, jSwySpojuos, 6 or ^, Tlpaopos, 6

01'7;, apeoyo's, 6 Or

>; ; S66

Aiding, adj. See helpuuj.

Ail, v. intrans. P. and V.

<i(rdVLV, P. ttpp<DOTU'.ails' 7/ow? P. and V. TI

Ailing, adj. P. and V.

Ailment, subs. P. uor&Vem, ?/.

/W&S : 1*. and V. 7/00-05, 17, ro'cn//*,a,

TO ; see xickness.

Aim, v. trans. Direct a weapon:V. o/c>0ori', WTTTCII/, t^Di/ctv; see shoot,

direct. A mi with an arrow : P.

and V. rofavetv. Generally, direct

(to certain point) : P. aud V. V/(c??, ace.).

Aim at, v. trans. With a weapon. ;

P. and V. oro;(ttrtr0ui (gen.),rt/i arrow : P. and V. ro&vcu'

ace., rarely ace. alone (Xen.), V.

also gen.). Tie aimed his arrow at

another: V. oXXu 8* Awt;

(Bur,//. R984)/ ^im ^ ..

^////) : P. and V. cpToxafco-^at (gen.


V.(gon.) (rare P. and V.


V. 0ttA.7Tii/. -4f';f

(opinions) : P. andV. diro(t>aL\'cr6an, P.S/iO?r o^: Ar. and P.or mid. (ace.).

Air, subs P. and V. typ, 6 (Plat.),

, o (Plat.). Shy : P. and V.aros, 6. TF7>id ; P. and V. aw/u^K,

6, ?ri'v/xtt t TO, Ar. and V. TTVOT;, -y;,

a{J/>a, -7 (rare P.), V. a^a, TO'. Tune :

P. and V. ju.cA.os, TO.^.^pea^'cwic?


see appearance. H'igh in air : Ar.and P. /u.T<opos, Av. and V. /xerup-(r/05. ^ the open air . use adj.,P. and V. uTraiOpLO^ V. at0p<09

(Soph., Fray.) ; also P. & W0pw.Z/iz?e in the o-pen air : P. 6vpav\efv,ev xaOapy o?/ctK. Take the air


walk : Ar. and P. TrcpiTraTctv. w,^Z

can ties in the air : P. ovtpon-oXe?r.

Airily, adv. Light-heartedly: Ar,and P. veai/iKO)?.

Airs, subs, (traces : P. and V.

Tpfc^, ^ (Plat, and Ar.), xXtStf, ^(Plat.). Pw/. ow air^ a?id graces,v. : P. and V. rpiJ^ai/, Ar. and P.

0pv'7rrar&u. (rive onexelf airs: P.

and V. <xptW0(u (Plat.),


Oat,, Ar. and V. x^Sai/, V. 7ri/tV

Ar. and


Si/Xot rofytyw y TtVtv ^p^wvr., Or. 1129), flg propones a

decree awied atjaimi, an'individual: o 8c ^TT* di/Sp

' (Dem., 692).a. : V. oVro^owell, adj.: P. and V*

Aim, aubs.


Afarfc amwid nt^ : P, and5. P^r/)oa : P. and V,

Spos, 6, /touXcv/Aa, TO,

f'olioy ; P, irpoacpccrt?, ?/.

Aimless, adj. Fd-m ; P, and V.


I Airy, adj. R<//* m i/ia a^r

P. /*T<tfpos, Ar, an<l V./7A or o/ Aa *% : P. aud V. oup

Light : P. and V. ^Xa</>po?, jc

Lightly moving : Ar. and V.

Fleeting : P. and V. Tmp/o'? (Plat.);see also unsubstantial. Vain : P.

and V. Kvo5, /*iTatos.

bight-hearted : P. and V.

Akin, adj. P. and V. crvwcn

Koiv, ivayKtuos, V. o-uyyovos,

7?, 6/Aoycv^ (also Plat, but rare

f, Kt'0<?, P.

<K (Soph.i

Kawlom :


Aimlessly, advT Atrawhm; P. andV- M}.

Air, v. trans. Dry : P.

see kindred.

; P. and V. <

, P,

Met. of

Alabaster, subs. Alabaster box ; P.

clXaj8tt<jTofliJ*c^, 17, Ar.

Alack, interj. See

Alacrity, subs,


P. and V.



Ala All

Alarm, v, trans. Arouse : P. and V.

^eycipeti/, Ar. and P.

Frighten : P. and V.

TrroeZv (Plat.), Ar. and P

Alarm, subs. P. and V. <oj3os, 6,

tKTrXiy^ts, fj, Sfit/WL, TO, 8eos, TO, oppcoSia,

17,V. Top/3os, TO. Confusion, noise :

P, Tapa^iJ, 17,P. and V. 0opuos, 6.

Signal : Ar. and P. oTy/^iov, TO ; see

signal. Beacon fires to qive the

alarm: P. and V. ^pwcTot, ol; see


Alarm bell, subs. Use P. and V.

Kco6W, 6 or 17.

Alarming, adj. P. and V,


Alarmingly, adv. P. and V.

Alas, interj. P. and V. <),TTttTrat, toO, Ar. and V. au, it*

alas : V. ofywo&iv, cua&iv,

(1st aor. of 0vfiv). ^4Zos /or ; P.

and V. <f>v (gen.), Ar. and V. 01/^01

foron.). U (gen.),

Albeit, conj. P. and V. o/<ws, V.

fywrds ; see althouyh.

Alchemist, subs. P. and V.

Kevs, 6. Sorcerer : P. and V.

6, 7ra)Sos, 6, V. ciotSos, 6.

Alchemy, subs. P. <ap/Aa*aa, 17.

Drug : P. and V. ^>apju,aKov, TO.

Jfa/7'W ar^s : V. fjLayiip.a.ra t rd.

Alcove, Subs. V. /cev^civ, 6, /caJ^o?,

TO', Ar. and V. /xvx's, 5 (rare P.).

Ale, subs. V. ** *pZ0cuv /x^u, TO'.

Wijie : P. and V. oW, 6, V.TO.

Alert, adj. P. and V. Ready :

Imported, foreign : P. and V. c-a/v-

TO'S, 7T6^o"aKTos, V. ^pato^. /^t/./1-

barous, adj. : P. and V.

Alien to : P. aXXoTpros (gen.).

Alien, subs. P. and V. ^Vo?, (% fein.

^1^7, i), V. fcti'05, o, emyXi^, Orr;,


7n/X(i-n75, 6. ^/K'?i resident in

an adopted city . P. and V. /ACTW /><?,

o or 7).Be an alien: P. and V.

-dUww act, subs. : 1\

?;. ZViu; ow rexidvnl

P. //,Toi/or T m Banixhaliens^ v. : Ar. ICV^/XUTUV.

Alienate, v. trans. Tratnxfw : P,

aXXorpfouv, aTraXXorptoiv. Mttkfi

hostile : P. aXXoT/uovi/, ttiraXXorp(or'r,

woXe/xovo-tfat (mid.). Set at variance.:Ar. and P. Stwrroivai.

Alienation, subs, P. &XXor/>/Wf?, /;

see hostility.

Alight, v. intraus. Dimtwnt, from

chariot, etc. : Ar. and P. Kara/3alvtvt

P. and V. tt-woj&uvsu/, tKJSniiw.From a horse, etc. : Ar. and I\

/caTaySa/Wr, Of a bird, insect, etc. :

P. l&tv. Aliyht on, of a bird, etc. :

P. evi^ctv (dat.), V. 7r/jo<rtfa>''

ace.), Ar. tyjccr0<u (dat).

o?i, generally : HOG /i/y/^ w.

Alight, adj. Lighted: V. and V.


Alike, adj. //iAvj : P. and V. />yno"o? ;

see like.

Alike, adv. In lihv -manner ; P, umlV. 6)uota, o//otW. EqualIn : P. amiV. 6/AOtO)5, ?<T(l)5> ^ TOV, P. <7TO T|JJ

tcry;?. Tot/Atlt&r^at the

P. and V. o/xou, S/xw, dftmW, V. o

P. and V. CTOI/AOS. Zealous : P.and V. irpoflv/xos, ?VTOVOS,

Se 07^ ^ ater^ : P. 8<a

l^/, V. cv


Alertness, subs. Quickness : P."


a, 17,


Alien, adj.

Caution: P. and

P. and V.V.

, Ar. and P.


Aliment, subs. l\ and V.

ortTos, o ; see food,

Alive, adj. P. and V, v> j^r^w.Breathing : P, and V. /<ws. W/oJJiu : see live. Take a///r J/M

prisoner), v. : P. t<Dy/>?v (ace.), /&a/i'ye io : P, and V vovv


(dat.). .fear zn rntot : P. and V.vvoti/ or mid.

All, adj. P. and V. w, **** V.

wpoVa9. TTfeo^: P and V. SAo.^1W together ; P f and V. crv/iwcfc,P. owaTa? (Plat.)* ^1/^y all : P.



and V. Spu, V. Zpa. All but : P.

and V. oa-ov OUTTW, P. oo-ov ou.

Nearly : Ar. and P. oAfyov. Theyare all but here : P. oo-ov owo>

7rtt/oert (Thuc.) T/ifiT/ took one ship,Crew and all : P. P.LO.V (vavv) avrols

dvSpacrtv cIAov (Thac. 2, 90). Theblack abyss of Tartarus hides old

Cronos, allies and all : V.

i KpoVov, avrola-L o*u/x,/xa;

(2Bscn., 'P. 7. 219, cf. Bur.,

705). At all events : P. and VT ye

(enclitic), yovv. One's all : P. TO,

oAa. At all, in awj loay : P. andV. 7ra)s (enclitic), Ar. and P. TH;

(enclitic). JfoJ at a : P. and V.

apYwi' o$j p. oyv oA<tfs, Ar. and P.

OV TO TrttpttTTttV,V. OV TO TTttl/. J5^

no means : P. and V. oflSa^ws,

v/wns : P. and V. Too-wSc ju,aAAov,

TOtrot'ro) /jtaAAov. ^IW i/Afi ZfiSS : P.

and V. rotrffie rjarcrov. On all

(jrMwdx : P. and V. iravraxn- Runon all fours : V. rp^v x*p<V(/Each./JSIiiw. 37). It is all over

with : see o?v*r. -4W iw a/I ; see

everything. It in all one : see one.

Allay, v. trans. Stop : P. and V.

"&<! ii^r: P. and V.

Plat,), C7rurot>tca' lV.


Allegiance, subs. ^7

a^/4 : P. andV. TTto-Ti?, ^. Obedience : P. andV. Treiflapxt'a, 17. Throw off one's

allegiance : P. a<i'<TTao-0<u.

Allegorical, adj. Represented in

allegory : P. / woi/otat? ireTrot^cvos

(Plat., .Ztep. 378o). Legendary:P. /xu^(o8>7S.

Allegory, subs. P. -un-oVoia, ^. JLe-

^ew<i : P. and V. ju,{3$os, 6.

Alleviate, v. trans. S^qp ; P. andV. -n-a^cv. Lighten: P. and V.

P. and V. Koi/u'frtv (Plat.). Soften :

P. and V- TrpaiWv. ^Wa?/ one's

<Ajrt : see qutnch.

Allayer, subs. V. Travo-nyp, 6.

Allaying, adj. V.Travcrnfyuos (gen.).

Awiytntj pain : V. Travo-rAvTro?.

Allegation, subs. Accusation ; P.

ana V. ain'a, 17, fyKA>//wi, TO, V.

^TrtVA^fta, TO ; see GLC&wation>. Ex-owie : P. and V, 7rpo<tt<ri$, ^, cr/c-JJ^tg,

^, vpwrxw -** Assertion : P.

and V. Aoyos, o, p^fta, TO.

Allege, v. trans, l/rje a# accusation ;

Ar. and P, aZnao-dat, CTrgre in ea?-

P. and V. 7rpoi5x<o^at, V. wyirrw.Assert : P. and V.



(Plat.), V. ifafjLapifav. Soften: P.and V. irpdvvciv. Lull to rest : P.and V. KO<.IJ.{&.V (Plat.), V. Koi/xav.

Alleviation, subs. P. and V. SvcwrauAa,

y, TravAa,^, Trapa^?;, ^ (rare P.),P. TrapafivOiov, TO, Kovfao-is, % (Thuc.),V. <?vcwcoi<^io-t5, ^. Relief, subs. :

P. and V. tti/aTrvoiJ, 17 (Plat.), V.

d/jwrvoij, 17, P. POIOTWVT;, 17.

Alley, subs. P. Aavpa, 17 (Hdfc.).Narrow way ; P. and V, O-TCVCDTTO'S,

^. P^C6 to Walk : P. TreptVaTO?, o


Alliance, subs. Ar. and P,

);. Friendship. . P. and V.

7). Traaty ; P. and V. o-rrovSai', at.

Alliance by marriage: P. and V.

ictySos, TO, K^Scux, -ij, KYySevfia, TO.

Marriage : P. and V. 7^05, 6, V.

Ax<>^ TO', or pi., Ac/cTpov, TO, or pLDefensive alliance ; P. 7ri/Aaxx, 17.

Jf^t alliance with : P, and V. cvo-Tror-

So$ (dat. or gen.). In accordance

with the terms of tlu alliance : P.

Kara TO crvfJLfMt^iKov (Thuc.).

Allied, adj. P. and V. o-uft/uuxos,

before fern, words, P. wfijuavfe.4Wic(Z with : P. and V. &<nrovoo

(gen. or dat.). ^ZWed friends : V.awao-Triora! <f>t\oi.. Allied forces :

Ar. and P. TO orvftft&x^^'- ^e

allied, v. : P. and V. wpp&x&v.Be MM with, v. : P, and V.

<rvfL/xax<tK (dat*). One

marriage subs. : P. and V.

6, Ar. and V. Kq&fyw9 6, V.

TO'. Met., Kindred : P. and V,

ib* ; see kindred.



Allocate, v. trans. See a<Zo.

Allocation, subs. See allotment.

Allot, v. trans. Distribute : P. andV. vip,Lv, irpoave/jLcw, Ar. and P.

Stave'/xetv, P. ajrove/JLGLV, Ka.Tuvfiiv t

t7n.fjLViv. Appoint : P and V.

Tacro-/, -rrpooTaorcreiv. As&iyH bylot : P. and V. /cAr/pour, P. cTrucXf/pouv.

jEiaufi allotted to om : P. aud V.

K\rjpov(r6aij Aay^ofveti' ; see obtatn

by lot t under /oi.

Allotment, subs. Distribution: P.

vo/A7J, ^, Stavo/^rj, 17.Piece of land

allotted: P. *Aijpos f6. W7*a* w

allotted, share : P. mid V. /Acpos,

TO, V. Aa^os, TO. Land for allot-

ment : Ar. yrj icA'jypov^i/c?/.

Allotted, adj. Appointed : P. and

Allottee, subs. Of land: P.

Allow, v. trans. Measure out : P.

and V. /Arp/ Concede : P. andV. cruyxopctv. Oo/M* ; P. and V.

o/xoAoyeiv (rare V.)- OrawJ : P. andV. StSovat, vfj.w, P. irapaSiSoVai, V.ctKti/ ; see grant. Permit (persons) :

P. and V. fii/, tyffau (dat.), rruyx>-

pctr (dat.), fAtGiwai (dat.), TrupZcVat

(dat.), Trapexciv (dat.), Ar. and P,

iirvrperrtiv (dat.). Allow (put Upwith) things : P. and V. av)((r/)cu.t

Ar, and V. tgiwtxeo-Qat ; see endure.

Allow to (with intin.): P. and V,eav (acc.), Traptevat (dat.), l<j>Uva.t,

(dat.), V.Triipfytw (dat.). 4Wow a

person to be injured: Ar. and P,

irtpiopav or P, TrpoU<r6a.t riven tt8t/cou-


Allowable, adj. P. o-vyyv</>/jo>isAr.

and V. o-vyyi/wcTTos ; see lawful,

right. It in allowable : see it U

Allowance, subs. Pardon- : P. amiV. (ruyyvw/xiy, 7;, V- cruyyvoia,

allowancefor* P. and V. (r

cxeu' feon ), V. x^"' (dat.). N

i/ii/if/ 'measured out : V. /Ar/)>;/-f,

TO, P. /x7/>ov, TO (Plat., /iV/;. <5t2lA).

lleC'Gwe an allowance o/, v. , I*.

fjeTpeio-OuL (acc.), btafjLeT

Alloicance for 'provisions ; I\

pccnor, TO. Pa// : P. and V.

Alloy, subs. P.' Kt^Aa'tt, 7}.

o//// a//o?/, adj. : P. and V. aic

Alloy, v. trans. P. and V. /

Corrupt : P. mid V.

.u : P, aud V. /uyriii'fc,

Alloyed, adj. P. and V. K//M//AO*.

All-powerful, adj. P. and V, fcv/uo^

Ar. and V.

All-seeing, adj. Ar. and V. irw>?rrjys\

Allude to, v. il/ttr//* : I>

. an<l V,

(aoc.). Mention : P. and V. /in/-

(rftji'ui (lior. paSH. /^/xi'^rA-ctr) ('JftMl.),

children : V. OVK avcerat TCK-

roiras <JAAous (Eur., -47irf. 711).scms a/zd aWows

iratSas tKriKVOvpevos X<Wpad/AA,t (Eur., /aw, 438).

Allow for, take into account : P. foro-

Aoy^eortfat, V5r<J\oyov,7rotrtfat (gen.).Allow of, admit of: P. evSexco-tfou

(acc.) ; see admit of. Allowed, it

is : P. and V. !<m, Trolpeorn, TTCI/XX,

irapetW, irapfyet, P. v"' &?. andP eyyiyvcrot,

(aor. pass.

(gen. or jrc/n and KIMI.), I*,

(acc.) ; wee nwntwn.

liefer to wcertly ; Ar. and I*.

atn!rrcre<r0at (aoc. or <tet ac<3,), I*.

e f /_, \

U7r<>(rt)fj.a{.viv (ilCC.J.

Allure, v. trans. P. and V, Wy<n%e<^eA/cr0<u, iirttririitrOttt. AlltlW />//

/#/,W ws : Ar. and I*, ^f,y*ywy*?r.

Dellykk : P. and V. rc/izr<fi% /I/////V

Allurement, suba. P. tVaywy*/, /

#a/ : P. and V. 8cA/>, TO, C 'tut nit ;

P. and V.' ^ ""

and V, vSoi

Alluring, adj. P. tn

7rpcraywyo5. WwushitJ ; I*, and \\

fff : Ar. and

Alluringly, iulv,

Allusion, subs. Mention : P, and V,

/&,&,^^o: P.


All Alt

Alluvial deposit, subs. P.

r/ (Thuc. 2. 102)

All-wise, adj. P. and V.

Ally, subs. P. and V.

or ?;,t

, 6 or 7% P. and V.6 (Plat.), Ar. and V.

^ o, V. truvao^riaDj?, 6J

see friend, helper. Introduce as

(illiM, v, : P. eVa-yca-flai (ace.). Takeat> au (i//.//, v. : P. and V. 7rpo<r\dn-

ftaveiv (ace.) (mid in P.).

Ally, v. trans. See w/z'/e. Ally one-

s'*// (A// wwimaf/d) with : P. and V.

/*Jrt05 <riWirrcn* (dat.) ; 866 QOlllWGt.

Ally oneself with: Ar. and P.

m'vtcrracrOai /terri (gon.), P. and V.



Almighty, adj. P. and V.

and V. Tra-yfcpaTTys.

Almost, adv. Nearly : Ar. and P.

is L*. oAtyo" 8tr, /X<K/JO?, P. andV. <r;(&>'. All bnt : P. and V. ocrovv TJ of >

fM*7r<i), L . oow or.

Alms, subB. <r/:/7 : P. and V. 8o/>ov,

ro; see tjift. .Ufc ./ww; P. andV. yrpwumw.

Aloft, adv. I*, jind V. <u/w,

Ar. and I*. tVavo, V. p&yi

/'Vom <r,/-o/i ; P. and V.\


. inWflcr (Wat, also but

Alone, adj. I*, and V. /tow?, V.

/io^(fe, iSo/tor//: V.

alma : V.

v, trans. : P. and V.


i(n Mi

WCtt : I*. li

. . /A/ on

V. tt^>tcrTafr0ai (gen.),

(gen.) (Plat.), &o-Ta<rQai (gen.), V(gen.).

Aloofness, subs. Ar. and P. d7r/>a>-

Aloud, adv. P. and V. /x,eya, P.

what ymi mean : V. av

M ^>&)Vt /xeya (Soph., IVi/,/. 574).

My master prcvyed the contrary,

speakiny not the words aloud : V.

/A09 ffvx^r* ov

Aoyous (Bur., EL 808).

Alphabet, subs. P. and V. >pa/A//,a,T(X.

Already, adv. P. and V. 17817.

Also, adv. P. and V. KQ.L Andmoreover : P. and V. /cat 817, P. mil

&; /cat. -4^ tJie mine time : P. andV.

tt/itt OjUO?, V.o/x,ois.

Altar, subs. P. and V. /}oi/io9, o, Ar.

and V. &r;(<fy>a, 7/,V. ecrrta, 7), tffyj

//. Cj/' i7i6 dtor orV.

)8o')/jLw>5. Before the altar : V.

Trpo/3<!)iJio<5. Gnardiwj the altar .

Ar. and V. lortoD^os (also Plat.

but rare P.). Altar of xacrijiw .

V. ^e^i^Xos cVx^m, >/.S/rtW/ A//

/./M4 ^//(f'/', V. : V. c7nlj8(D/JUOrrTar<?i'.

T/w tt/ifltr precbictit : V. irptfonnw,rti (Eur., Ilerad. 79j.

Alter, v. trans. P. and V. /ucmrt0*.Wf f

Alone, adv. J\ and V.

Along, prop. P. and V. KWT& (ace.),

Tit rout/bout,: l\ and V. 8i (gen,),TU (aco,) tot* (ace.) (mre P.).

ftide of: P. and V. *-fy>ri (aco. or dat.

according as motion or rest IB

expressed), All alomj ; Ar. andP. Stfc

Aloof, adv, P. and V.

i', dAXotoiV, a/xt/^cti' (Plat, but

rare P.), P* pT<nroiv t /MTOK^V ;

sec cluiiiyct. V. intrant P. andV. /ACTfurrrcbif v

P. 7r/>u<rTa<r0<H ; HetJ

chanye. Alter owe'* wwd ; P. and

P. /*ri/o*a'. /I //<3/' w/ia4 i,v written :

P. and V.

Alterable, adj. P.

Alteration, nubs. P. and V.

>;, /x6TaXAayy, r; (Plat, an^ ur.,

Vaf/.), ^Tacrrcurts, 7;,P. dAAoiW/s, }.

Altercation, subs. P. and V. fyte, r/?

a, 7;,Ar. and P. AvriXoyui, ^ ;


Alternate with, v. Succeed to:

P, ari'l ftia^^trOaL (dat.) ; see



Alt Amb

Alternately, adv. Ar. and P.

P. and V. ?rapaXXa. In siiccession :

P IK SiaSo^s, Kara SiaSo^v.

Alternation, subs. P. and V. a/xot^,

i) (Plat.). Succession : P. and V.

Alternative, subs. Choice: P. andV. atpeo-is, ^. Way of escape : P.

and V. oVoo-rpo^i}, 17, efoSos, ^, P-

ava<fiopd, ^. Owe o/ i-wo alterna-

tives : P. and V. Ooirepov

see two alternatives: V.

POT? (Eur., Hel. 1090).

Although, conj. P. and V.

TTP (enclitic) (both take the parti-

ciple and are used when subject of

main and subordinate clause are the

same). Even if ; P. and V. t *<*),

Kt, lav /ca?, fy KO.(, K&V ; see thowjh.

Altitude, subs. See height.

Altogether, adv. P. and V. TTCIJ/TWS,

LVTcXck, Ar. and P. TraviJ,

i/ais, P. Kara Travra, oXws, wavra-

,V. 15 TO Trav, TO Tra/x-n-ar, vap,-From top to bottom : P. and

V. KOLT a*pas. Utterly : P. and V.

Always, adv. P. and V. act, Ar. andV. atv. .For e-yer ; P. and V. at',

Sta T\ov5, Ar. and V. <ueV, V. tVai,

<raei, etg ro -JTOV xpovov, rov $C atcovos

Xpovov, P. ts iravra ^pdi/OK, ts

Through everything : Ar. and P.

Am, v. intrans. See be.

Amain, adv. P. Kara /cparo?, iravrl

Al\ Kara TO Kaprtpov: see


Amalgamate, v. trans. Mix totjeL/wr:P, and V. <rvyKpawvvat, (rv/t/xtyviSvat.

JSa^cZ togetJier : P. <rwrTavcu, P. andV. o-iWyav. Uw/^e (politically in

one city) : P. crwoi/ct'&tv. V. intrans.

Use passives of verbs given; also

P. and V. o*iW/>;(ecr0at, ets ra'firov

Amalgamation, subs. P. and V.

o^/yKpdorts, ij,P. OTU/A/UIS, -jy.

Unionin a single state : P. o-u^t/ctcr(9, ^

Amanuensis, subs. Ar. and P.w

ev's, 6.

Amass, v. trans. P. and V. t

Amateur, subs. Ar. and P. I%IMT>}<S, o.

Amateurish, adj. P. ?&,omKo's.

Amateurishly, adv. P. toWiMos.

Amatory, adj. P. epam/co's.

Amaze, v. trans. P. and V. Vir/\>y<r-

o*v, P. /caTa7rA.7/o-er> J S60

BQ amazed : see wondar.

Amazement, subs. P. and V.

rd, /c7rAi7|ts, ^, QdfjLftos, TO

but used in Plat, and Thuc.).

Amazing, adj. P. and V. ftuv

Sctvos, a/Mfoai/os, Ar. and 1*.

ores, *7rep^>v7;5, V. cKTrayXos.

Amazingly, adv. P. and V. (

P. 6avfjLarrrG)$9 ap.rj^ov^^ Ar. andP. &rep<iKus 6a.vp.&<ri<o<s.

Ambassador, subs. P. irfxtrfaurtj*.

6, Ar. and V. Trpecr^iJ?, 6. For pi.

use P. and V. irperr/fas, o/, V.

jSoj/AaTa, Ta (Eur., Sty/;/;. 173).ambassador, v. : Ar. and P. tt

V. Trpcor^ctv (gen.) (Eur.,

479). Seni ambaitsitdnrx : Ar, andP. 7rpc<r/3cv<r0a,i,. fellow-am fat ven-

dor : see under fellow,Amber, subs. Use P. and V. >JA<K-


Ambient, adj. V, Tre^Tr;^. '/'//(?

cmb'ient air : use V. otywov TT</><-

Trrvxot, al.

Ambiguity, subs. P. jtantycm, i/,

Ambiguous, adj. P. <Jft^oA9, V.

P. and V, oVctyrys, ffiti^Xcw, V.

Sucrre/cftapro?, 8iW/>ir<i J Ht*C <*//


Ambiguously, adv. p. (rc/0wv, V.

Ar, and V*

Ambition, subs. P. and V. ^T>/ (Eur.r /*/. 532), TO

(Kur., /./i. 342, #4/5).

purpose : J*. and V,>/ ;

Ambitious, adj. P. and V,. Fond of rule: P.



X09. Pushing, grasping : P.

Ambitiously, adv. P.

Graspinyly : P.

Amble, v. intrans. Use P. and V.

ptt%iv (rare V.)-

Ambrosia, subs. Ar. and P.

Ambrosial, adj. Use divine.

Ambuscade, subs. See ambush.

Ambush, subs. P. frc'Spa, ^, V.

Xdxos, 6. Lay aw ambush, v. : P.

ev$pU(i/, P. and V, Xox&v. Liein wribush, v. : P. IvcSpeucw, eXXoxav,P. and V. Xovav. Lie in ambush

for, v. : P. &/Opewfw> (ace.), eXXo^av(ace.), V. Ao^av (ace.). Watch for:P. and V. <vXa<ro-iv (ace.), tyeBpev-w (dat.) ; see lie in wait for, underwait. Occupy with <m awbibsh, v, :

P. irpoXoxtfcv (ace.). Be caught in

an ambush, v. : P* X.ox%o-6a<. WeLie in ambmh in the Leaves of the

bus/Ms : V. 0<ifWMv XXoxio/Jij/ <o(us(Bur., fiacck. 722). Demosthenes,

fearing he should be surrminded,

'posts heavy armed troops in ambushon (t certain road which ran between

banks and was covered with scrub :

P. o Aty/xoorflci'^s Scura? /AT; KvicXw^t^ct ts bftov TWO. KQlXyv /cat Xo^/AoiS^

Xtrtt9 (Thuc. 3, 107).

Ameliorate, v. trans. Use P. and V.

/wtWa Trotcti/ (??w^7<;e better), Ar.

&rt TO p&rlov Tporay. Improve : P.

and V. 8w>p0oi)v, ^foptfow, Ar. andP. rai>op0ovv.

Amenable, adj. Doci/e: P.

yos, aV/nos, V. e&xp/cros; see

o, obedient to : P, andV. fafc0ij* (dat.). /^tette : P. andV. ^TrevStwoj, P. vrroSiKOs, iramos,

?voxv. /^ amenable to, allow of:l\ ^'8cxrflttt (accO-

Amend, v* trans. P. and V. &op0ow>,

i&p6ow, Ar. and P. Aravoptfow ; see

also alter, improve,

Amendment, subs. P.

, ro. Improvement; P.

Propose an amendnwit ; P.


Amends, subs Eetributlon : P. andV. rt'o-ts, }, SiVci;, 17,

V. aTrowx, ra

(rare P.), 7ro/r/, 17 or pi. (rare P.).

Remedy : V. a/cos, TO ; see reinedi/.

Making good : P. dvaX^i/us, >;, V.

ava^opa, 17. Mafee ar^e^s, v. : P.

caK<r9a.i (Plat.), tt/celo^at (Plat.).'

amends for : P. and V. ava-

i/ti/ (ace.), aKclo-Qai (aoc.),

(acc.), egiaartiou, (ace.). Paypenalty : P. and V. Sfioyi/ or

Ww, eKTtvctv, 8r8ovat ; see-

under penalty.

Amenity, subs. P. and V. x<*pi*>

17 ; see docility.

Amerce, v. trans. See punish, fine.

Amiability, subs. P. cu/coXux, T},

-n-paoT^s, 17, ^iXavtfpama, fj,P. and

V. cv/x-ei/eia, ^, V. TrpeuMcveta, ^.

Amiable, adj, P. and V. evuwys,

Trpaos, <j!>tXavtfpa)7ro5, ^tXo^pwv (Xen.) T

Ar. and P. dfeoXos, P. paStos, V.

Amiably, adv. P. and V. u

.), P. UKoXlt)9,

Amicable, adj. See friendly.

Amicably, adv. See in a friendlyway, under friendly.

Amid, prep. P, and V. cV (dat.), fr

/A<ra> (gen.). Between : P. and V.

& ^Vcrw (gen.), /ncraiii; (gen.), P. 8th

fji(rov (gen.). Rami amidships : P,

c/x^SaXXcti/ nicy (vtjt) (Thuc, 2A


Amiss, adv. P. and V. K&K&S, o&c

opfloi?. In composition, P. and V.

?rapa, e.g. Trfydytw, lead amiss.

Take amiss ; P. xaAejr&s <t>ipw

(aoc.), Ar. and P. xoA.7r<Wv (dat.),,

V. Trwcpois ^cpctv (acc.) ; see be angry.

Amiss, adj. P. and V. ^Xavpos.

Amity, subs. Bee friendship.Amnesty, subs. P. a$cui,f}> Bindingthem by stringent pledges to grantMl CMnnesi : P. op/cc5<rarTO m<rrccru

', 74).

Among, prep. P. and V. iv (dat.).

In presence of : P. and V." J

(dat.), Ivarrtov (gen.), V.


Amo Ana

(gen.). To the presence of : P. andV. TTotpa (ace.), ws (ace.).

Amongst, prep. See among.Amorous, adj. P. cpurtico?, V.

yfytos (Bur., LA. 392).

Amorously, adv. P. IP<DTIKW$.

Amorousness, subs. P.

7;. Love ' P. and V. epeus, 6.

Amorphous, adj. P. a/xop^os.

Amount, subs. Quantity P. andV. 7rXi}0os, TO. Size P. and V.

/*ey0os, TO. Number : P. and V.

apc.0//os, <*',V. uptd/477/x.a,

TO. Sum(of money) : P. Swa/us, r;. Thewhole amount : P. and V. TO cnJ/xxav.

PF/ia$ amount of, kow much, inter-

rogative . P. and V. TTOO-OS ;indirect

P. and V. o-n-oo-os

Amount to, v. intrans. Lit., P.

yiyi/o-0ai. Met., Ar. and P, Sifva-

0-60.1. A demand peremptorily madeon ones neighbours before itx justicein tested t be it large or Miiall,

amounts equally to enslavement :

P. Ti/y <LVTTJV Swarai SovXaxriv 7)TC

fieyurnrj Hal eXa^t'crny SIKOUDCTIS . . .


(Thuc. 1, 141). If to yield yrud(}-

'ingly and to }/ield quickly a/mcnint

to tlw ttame thiny : P. ei TO avro

oVparut "^oX^ *tt' Tavi

(Thuc. 8, 46).

Amphora, subs. P. and V.6. A mmny-bowl to hold ten am-

phorae : V. Kpwnjp ScKa/x^opos (Bur.,

Cycl. 388). Holding ten tlimwand

amphorae, adj. : Ar. /;pia/x<opo$.

Ample, adj. Large in space : P. andV. ftyas, /Acwcpd^, o'pds. Lcvrye in

quantity : P. and V. /xeyas, TroXiis,

d^flovos. Enough : P. and V. IKOVOS,

<tpK<av, V. IfopKrys, P. Stapes. Aforei/wwi enough : P. and 7. 7Tpr<nfe,

Amplification, subs. Filliny in,

completion : P. ttir*pyao-ttt, ?// JB^r-

ayyerat'ion : P. Scowm?, >;.

Amplify, v. trans. Fill in in detail :

Ar. and P. &rpyar0ai. Exag-gerate : P. fiya\wti/, P. and V.

Koo-pfw ; see exaggerate.

Amply, adv. Abwtdantly : P. and

V. a^oi'<us(Eur., Frarf.). Knvnyh .

P. and V. 5Ars , SS^ (Plat ), .S/i


TWS, P. (/cavws ;see twMttfh.

than enough P. and V.

Amputate, v. trans. P. and V. T/AI'M%

Ar. and P. (iiroTC/U'cu', V. uTrajUar.

Amputation, subs. P. and V. TO/II/,

7).Need amjmtatum : V. Tr>//i/.

Amulet, subs. P. TreptWTor. TO' : SCM


Amuse, v. trans. Make Itintjh : Ar.

and P. yA.o)Ttt TTapt^eu' (tltlfc.), \ .

yeXoyra Tt^eVat (dat.). IMitjM .' P.

and V. Tp?r(r. Amit&e onewlf,

paw the time P. Siayctf, Ar. andP. 6Wpr/3eu'. AmtiM owrw//' wv///,

^os* ^/tc ^ww> oivjr . Ar. and P.

Amusement, subs. Lautjhtur : P.

and V. yc'Axns, 6. rimfiuw : P.

and V. TjSovv, 7;. I^attthm : V, and

spwuhmj time : P. and V. ^T/>r/^/.

7/. Holida'i/makiwj : P. and V.

}. fyMcttwlfl : Ar. and P.

7; ; see .s/w/M/0. /*'</;/// n/'

adj. : P. </>t/\.o^i///'ui'

(Plat.). jf'V>/w/ of ///,//.//////'/ : P.

^tAoy\w$ (Plat.).

Amusing, adj. P. and V. yt'Aorw.

Amusingly, adv. P. y<W>s\Analogous, adj. L//r: P. and V.

O/AOtO?, to*OS ; 366 //Vi'rt. ItttlltMtMM /<N

proportionate tu : P, < Xayo^ (jjc*n.).

Analogously, adv. tiimilarlit : P.

and V. rV/totW. / prtywtiiw : P.

/caTaXfiyoi'y KttT TO>' ai/roi* Xoyor.

Analogy, nubs. Jsikiineitx; P. o/^wT7s, 77. Proportion : P, Adyiv, ,

| rivaXoyt'a, 7} (Plat.).

Analyse, ute. /i*'//v /'/ */*

nients: P. S*aXmi% Kjttmhw ; P.


; Analysis, nubs* KftuttitMtwu ; P.

Anapaests, sub*.

Ar. A'U7rmw, 01.

Anarchic, adj. P. and V,



Anarchy, subs. P. and V. wopta, 17,

avapxta, 17,V. TO tkvapxov.

Anathema, subs. See curse.

Anathematise, v. trans. See curse.

Ancestor, subs. P. and V. -n-poyovos,

o. One's ancestors : P. and V. ol

TroXat, ot 7rpoV0v, P. ot ava)#ev, ol

TTpOTTttTOpcs, V. ot irdpos.

Ancestral, adj. P. and V. TrarpSos,

Trarptos, Ar. and P. TrctTptKos.

Ancestress, subs. P. and V. Trpo-

yovos, fj.

Ancestry, subs. See limaija. Con-

cretely, use ancestors.

Anchor, subs. P. and V. ay/apo, ?/.

At anchor : P. and V. eV aytfipas.

linny to aiwhor, v. trans. : P. andV. 6p/uciv , see anchor (verb),Coim to anchor, v. intrans. : P.

and V. opfJLL&crOat, P. Trpocrop^ecrOai .

Drop anchor : P. ay/npaj> a^ici/at

(Xen.), V. ay/a'pav /AcftcVat. Lieat anchor : P. and V. oppew. Lieat anchor opposite : P. <xv0op/tv

(dat.). 72icZ<? a one/tor : P. and V.

<>Xi<r0<u. Ridiwj at a-;ks/tor, subs. :

V. ayKVpovpa, ^ (JEsch., fito&p^).

706). IVfligrA anchor, put out to

,sw ; P. and V. &vdyc&9<u, e^avcf-

ytcrOat,,V. I'aw a^op/ur0ae, P.

Itopjuw ; see jm O-M^, I7/^ xatfor

weighed the ttfaip'tianchor : V. vaurat

/x7;pwavro VT^OS rx<8tt (Soph.,

Anchor, v. trans. P. and V. o//u'ti'.

V, intmns. L\ and V. bpiJ.tfa<rQ<u,

l\ KnOopi^<T&aL, tyapfjufarBat,* An-chor in front of, v. trans. : I?.

vpoopfuZtw (vavv) 7rp<> (f2;on,. Anchor

round, v. intrauH. : P*


Anchorage, subs. P. and V.

o, r'aiVra^/xov, r<>, V. rai'Xe>xo

ttf. Harbour : P. and V.

o, Affordhm anchonuje, tulj. : V.

iwuXoxtt?, tvopfjuK.tAfftmlmj bad

tinclwrtt;!? : V. Nwopfjiw. lirin<t

rtnuul into ttHrbuMt/G: P. TTC/HO/U/JI-

f<n' (ace.),

Anchoring, cuminy to anchor, Hubs,

JK Trpwrunitnns, if.


Ancient, adj. P. and V. dpx<uos,AT. and V. TroXaiycviJs, V.os. X/07W/ existing : V.see o?d. Belonging to

former titties : P, and V. 6 TroAeu,6 TrpiV, o Trpoor^o'. 2%e ancients :

use P. and V. 01 TraXaiot, ot

ot TrpocrOfv.

Anciently, adv, P. and V.TTttXat 7TOT6, TO TTptV J

And, conj. R and V. *at, T (encb'tic),V. ffi (rare).

Anecdote, subs. P. and V. Xoyos, o,

p.vOo<S) 6.

Anger, subs. P. and V. opy?/, ^0V/M9, o, Ar. and V. x^ V> K<>To*>o, |*vos, TO, V. /iijvis, 17, X^05



J?7/ reason of Ares' old anger againstCadmns : V. KoS/tou jraXouJ&v



(Euv., Phoen. 934).

temper : V. ofvAyuo, >/.

Quutik to anger : see angry (adj.).

Anger, v. trans. P. and V. opytgci*

(Plat.), 7Tttpofovtv, e^aypio^v ( pass.), dypwDv (Xen. and Ar. in

pass.), V. o$fi'iv, opyatvtv, ^ijyeiv.

An^le, subs. Ar. and P. ywia, y. At

right angles, adj. : P. c^apAngle, v. intrans. See fath.

Angler, subs. See fisherman.

Angling, subs, ties Jiuhiny.

Angrily, adv. P. and V.

opyfo Ar. and P. x^*** <>/>-

vt'Xcos, Ar. and V. wpos opy>}v, V. &TT*

Angry, adj. P. and V. m/cpos, Ar.

and P. X^XCTTOS, P. 7rpiopyr;?, ryjytXos,

V. {yKoroff. O/ /<w%* : P. and V.

<rKt^p()7r<)5 ; see nation. Quick to

anger : P. and V. ois, Ar. and P.

<ije/>ttx<>Ao9,Ar. and V. O^W/AOS, V.

S&ropyos. J^e<///'/!

A to anger t v, :

V. o^>cZv (also pass, in Ar.).

angry, v, : P. and V, o/>yt^o^ac,

(Plat,, also Ar.), V. opyou-

* fu/i/tetv, Ar. and V.

, P. 8tVOV 7TOttV, SctJ'til' TTOt-

; see ^^ '/;e^d, under 1?^. 7^e

or with, v. : P. and V.

(dat.), SC/xow^at (dat.),

Ar. and P. ^iXc9r<uVcv (dat.), ttya-


Ang Ann

(dat.), V. oW/Av<uvc' (dat.),w (dat.), YoXovo*0<u (dat.) ; see

be vexed at, under vex. Be angryat : also P. oWxcpaiVsiv (ace., dat.

or ITTI, dat.), Y^Xerrws <t>epiv (ace. or

dat.), V. oW^opctv (dat.), Trt/cpGs

<epen/ (ace.). Angry with hisfatherfor the deed of blood : V. TraTp!

Mvivws <f>6vov (Soph., El. 1177).Jbwi w being angry, v. : P, <rwop-

yi&crQcu (dat.).

Anguish, subs. P. and V. XiiTn?, 17,

oXy^Stov, 17, avfd, 17, aXy^/wt, TO, P,

raXanropia, ^, /caKOTratfeia, ij,V. Sv>;,

M Jti-iS .iju ^ <imn.iMi<m M ~~*jfinf* Ji

7jt vnyyuiu, TO, TrTjfAOVi/f 17, TrcVvOv, TO,

ot^-us, ^, Ar. and V. S^os, TO, aXyos,

TO; ze&pain.Angular, adj. P. ya>vta>%.

Animadversion, subs. See blame.

Animadvert on, v. See blame.

Animal, subs. P. and V. $ov, TO.

Wild beast : P. and V. 6jp, 6, Ar.

;and P. OrjpLov, TO, Ar. and V. icvoi-

SoXoi/, TO, Y. SaKos, TO. Creatwc

generally : P. and V. flpe/u/xa, TO


Animal, adj. E.g., animal (passions) :

P. and V. dypi&fys.

Animate, v. trans. Befresh : P. andV. avaijtfxtu'- Bring book to life :

P. ttva^t<t>o-/ccr^at. Encourage: see

Animate, adj. P.

V. fMl/vx$'P. TO. irepl


Animated, adj.

ei/rovos, crwroj/os,

Cheerful (of looks)

<<uo/>o's, V.

(generally) :

animate world :

(Plat., Hep.

; P. and V.

P. and V.

Cheerful; see

P. and V.

P. and V.

Cheerful-ness : P. and V. eMc/ua, oy (Xen.).

Animosity, subs. See anger, wmity.Animus, suba. See eimity* Envy :

P. and V. <t>0ovos, 6.

Anise, subs. Ar. twvQov, TO.

Animation, subs,


V. TTOSWV (LpOpa, TCt, TCVWl', O, MVAbeautiful ankles : V. cvo-^v^o?.

Anklets, subs. P. ^Xca, T< (Xen.).

Annalist, subs. P. XoyoTroto's, 6, Xo-

yoypa^o?, 6.

Annals, subs. P. and V. Xo'yot, of.

History : P. o-vyyyoa^r;, ?/.

Annex, v. trans. Ar and P.

Appropriate: P.

otKtow. Enslave. : P.

Subjugate : P. andV. Ka/raarTp<f>cr6ai.

Annexation, subs. P.

r/.Enslcwetmnt : P.

^, Subjugation : P. K

Annihilate, v. trans. P. and V. 6W-

XiWi, Ka6ai/>tv, V. Swrrorj', ^r


destroy. Wipe out (mot.) : P, andV. oXj(>ii'. Do atrnj/ irft/*; P,

andV. a<t>5y%w, Ar. and P. SwXvc/j-.

Annihilation, subs. P. and V. <>Xo

^pos, 6, &a<0o/x/, T/,P. ^o'Actci, ?/ ;

see destruction.

Anniversary, subs. Day : L\ an<l

V.^epa, 17. /^fea,si ; P, and V.

copny, 17.

Annotation, subs. Note : L\ iVo//r*y-

/3t, TO.

Announce, v. tnin. J*. and V.


owe within : P. and V. iVuy-Proclaim : I


, and V,

o*tv, TTpoetTreti', di'curcti', Ar, and P.

SvayopctW, V. JKm/piV(rcir : Sf*t*.

proclaim. Declare ; P. and V.

^, V,

r, Ar. and V,no'itnce baforrJiand : P, 7r/*yy/Xxirpoe^ayyeXXw. IWw w*i// <!////

o?tr arrival? V. T& . . ,

KM 103).

adj.; V. K

//orid tiding tulj. : V.

Announcement, HU)W. Ar,' atid l\

Ankle, subs. P. and V. <r^5/>oV, TO, i ayyeXm, ?/, P. and V. yyA/i, r**'.



Ann Ans

Proclamation : P. and V.TO- see tidmys.

Announcer, subs. P. and V. a6 or ^.

Annoy, V. trans. \VWCLVt avloa/j 8a,KViv,

e'xeu' (dat.), Ar. and P.

ctr (aCC. or dat.),,

(dat.), Ar. and V. Kvi'ciy,

V. dxXeti' ; see distress. Be a/wwyed :

P. and V. A,F'7rt0-0ai, aylacrdat, 8a/cj>-

cr0ai, axOco-Oai, Ar. and P. dyavaicrctv,

P. ^ttXcTTtos <f>tpiv ; see 60 vexed,under mr. Harass in warfare : P.

and V. XuTrciv.

Annoyance, subs. P. and V, XAn;,

?/, ttvfa, 7;, Swrxtptut, T), a^Saii', ^ ;

see distress, angerr. Came annoy-ance, V. : P. and V. o'xXov

(dat.), Ar. aud P. Trpcty/xara


Annoying, adj. P. and V. Xv

/Sftpife, &ytcipos, dXyciyds,

&j<rxpifc, oxX^po's ;see vexatious.

Annoyingly, adv. P. and V. Xv^pS? ;

see vexatiously. For tlte purposeof annomnq : P. Si* dv^Sova (Thuc.

i*0).' '

Annual, adj. Ar. and P. Mercies, P.

and V. i'xv<nos, In/mos, V. eretos.

Annually, adv, P. K&T InavroV, Kara

CTOS cKacrrov.

Annul, v. trans. P. and V. /ca0<upeTv,

XiiSetv, P. aKvpov, Trotetv, dratpeti/ ; see

V,Anoint, v. trans. Ar. and P.

P. ^raXttVv, Ar.


; Ar. and P.

; Ar. and P.

; Ar. and P.

(mid.). Anointed with :

Ar. KaTfiLXi7TT05 (dat.),

Anomalous, adj. Strong* : P. andV. Setwfe, toroiros (Bur., J^r

Anomalously, adv. P. andP. ATtflTAK.

Anomalousness, subs. Ar. and P.

Anomaly, subs. Use P.

TropoXoyo?, 6.

Anon, adv. Afterwards : P. andV ZireiTOL, vcrrepov, V.

Immediately : P. and V.

, evOvs, ev^ews, Ar. and P.

Anonymous, adj. P. and V. rtrw

Another, adj. P. and V. aXXos. O/i^o ; P. and V. crcpos. Another's,

belonging to or o/ another : P. andV. dXXorptos, V. ^vpatos, e.g. an-other's prosperity : V. 6 flfyxuos

oX/?o? (^Esoh., -4(7. 837). Of another

country: P. dXXoScwnfe (Xen.), JTJ

anotJier direction : P. and V. aXXoere,Ar. and P. erc/>a>cre. 0^ anotherkind : P. aXXoto?. ^li anotJierplace :

see elsewhere. At another time :

P. and V. <SXXoT. Hereafter : P.

and V. t<raB04$. 4^ o?ie me . . .

ai another : P. rorc /^eV . . . TO'TC

fie ; see under time. One (mother ;

P. and V. dXXrJXous (ace. pi.). J?i

another way : P. and V. oXXws, Ar.and P. oXXiy, ^rcpcos, Ar. and V.

Answer, subs. P. and V.

ri (Bur., J?V-a/7.). Defence : P.

dtTToXoyta, r). Oracula/r answer : P.

and V, xpyo-fM?, 6, /xayrctor, TO, Ar.

and V. /mi/Ti;/Aa, TO ; see oracle. Inanswer to, prep. : P. and V. TT/JO?

(ace.). Sewd an answer by letter :

P, ^Trto-ToXV foren-m&ei'ai (Thuc. 1,

129). The answer to the letter wasas follows : P. dyrev^ypaTrro

(Thuo. 1, 129).

Answer, v. trans. P. and V,v(r0<u (Eur,, Suyp. 516, Bacch.

1272), dyTtXcyctv, dyTC7rty, V. dv-


behalf of ((mother) ; Ar.

yco-tfai (ge^O- Of ^^oracle: P. and V. j<W *v

4w5wcr (a nddZc) : P. and V.V. 8tt7rtv; see aoZve. Answer aknock : P. fa-a/covwi' (absol. or dat.

of persA Answer (ctwrges) : P.

and V. a7roXoy*r<r0at (ffprfs, aoo.) (cf.

r,, -Booofc. 41). Correspond to :


Ans Anv

P. and V. o-waoW (dat.),

(dat.) ; see correspond. Equal : Pand V. ivovvOai (dat.), curov<?6a

(dat.). Suit : P. and V.' "

(dat.). Answer for : see guarantee

Defend : Ar. v7repaTOKpti/e<r0at ; see

defend. Answer to: see correspondto. Besemble : P. and V.

(dat.), eo/Aotoo-0ai (dat.).

P. and V. 7Tt0e<r0ai (dat.).

him sail home to answer the chargesthe city biotight against him: P

cwrorrAciv ts cwroAoyi'ai' a>v T

(Thuc. 6, 53). VSwceed : P. and V. e



P. and V.



X<i>piv, i

&OVV (Or

<f>p<r9ai. Turn out:

K/3awciv, P.


Answerable, adj. See responsible.

Answering, adj. See corresponding.Chant an answering strain : V.Trcuava

Ant, subs. P. and V. /aV>fu?, o.

Antagonism, subs. Hostility: P.

and V. x0pa, 17,

Antagonist, subs. P. and V.

yowoTTjs, o, V. TraAawmys, 6,

6, avTriperys, 6, or use adj., P, andV. cvaim'os, P. v7Ti/avTi'os.

Zaw; 5^^ : P. dvrtStKos, 6, J?i a

speech : P. avrtXeyan/, o.

Antagonistic, adj. P. and V. AWT/OS,P. ^TTcvai/Ttb?. Hostile : P. and V.

^flpos jsee hostile.

Antagonistically, adv. P. and V.In a hostile way : P.

Antecedent, adj. Prior : P. and V.6 irpoTtpov, Trporepos. Antecedent to,

before : P. and V. TT/OO (gen.).

Antecedents, subs. Past hfe: P.TO, ^f^tco/jicva. Generally : P. TO,

TrpownjpyjjLfya (Dem. 314).

Ante-chamber, subs. Fore-court :

V. Trajoao-Tas, 17, or pi., Sripolv, 6, Ar.and P. TrpoQvpov, TO.

Antediluvian, adj. Old-fashioned :

Ar. and P.


see old-fash-

Antelope, subs. P. and V.

$ (Xen.), V. ^o^oXts, ^

Frag.). Deer: P. and V.

6 or17.

Anterior, adj. P. and V. 6

irpoTtpos. Anterior to, before: P.

and V. Trpo' (gen.).

Anthem, subs. P. and V. fyii'os, 6.

Song of 'Victory or thanksgiving :

P. and V. Tratar, 6 ; see song.

Antics, subs. Sport : P. and V.

Trai&a, 17. Posturing : P. and V.

o-^/AaTa, Ta (Eur., Cycl. 221).

Monkey tricks : Ar. Trt^/ctor/Aot, ot.

Anticipate, v. trans.

o/. P. and V. *

vew, Trpo^^otvctv, P.

Perceive beforehandvr0ai, P. and V.

Expect : P. and V. Trpoo-S'o/cav, cXTrt-


Anticipation, subs. Expectation :

P. -Trpoo-SoKto, 17, P. and V.

Antidote, subs. P. and V.

TO, P. dXe^ap/xaxov, TO, V.TO ; see

Antipathy, subs. P. and V.

07, ^^05, TO'; see dislike, hostility.

Opposition: P. cramWis, ^. Di6'-

cor^ ; P. and V. Zpts, ^.

Antiquarian research, subs. P.


Antiquated, adj. Obsolete: P. andV. dp^atbs, 7raXato$, P. 5u>A.os, ap^at-OT/OOTTOS, Ar. dp^OAKOS.

Antique, adj. P. and V.see ancient.

Antiquity, subs. P. and V. 7

Concretely, 7*6

P. and V. ol

P. frr/fans, ?;.

,P. dp^

ancients :

TTflSXai, Ot T

Antithesis, subs.

Opposition :

^rary : use adj., P. and V.

Antler, subs. P. and V. Kpas, TO'.

Antlered, adj. P. and V, /ccpao-^opos

(Plat.), V. cffjcepo*. With masc.subs. : V. Acepcumfs. With fern.

subs. : V. Kcpcwrrifs, Kpo?<ro"a.

Anvil, subs. V. (Sopb,,

32Frag.). As with a blow upon an


Anx Ape

anvil, swinging his club above his

toad, he brought it doivn upon the

child's flaxen head : Y.

TTCUOOS cs gavObv Kapa. (Soph., Frag.).

Anxiety, subs. P. and Y. <j>povrfe,

^, P. dyoDvta, 17,Ar. and Y. ftept/iva,

^, V. avwoia., 4, /jie'Aoyjtia,TO

; see/ear,

Eagerness : P. and V. -rrpo-


see troubles. Per-

tttrbation : V. Tapayjua, TO, Ta

Anxious, adj. JS7a0er : P. and Y.

QV/MOS, O/TOVOS, crui/royos. In susense:P. fcTea>pos. Fearful : P. Tr

and Y. o-/a;0p<iwros, Y. o-ruyvos, <rwo>-

P.Y. K

P. and Y.


anxious abotit : P. and

(aOC.), (gen -

or prep.), cnrou8a^tv fe^p (gen.),

KTJSecrflai (gen.), Y. TrpoKiypatvctv

(gen.), irpoKTqSeo-Oat. (gen.) ; see /ear

/or. Loofc anxious : Y. o-6/xvov

Anxiously, adv. Eagerly: P. andV. (TinwS?, wo^vfwos. Jw /ear ; P.

s, Y. o

Any, adj. P. and V. TIS (enclitic).

At any rate : see however. Atavt/ytwte : P. and Y. TTOTC (enclitic). In

any case : P. and V. flravny, TravTws.

^d c^i^ew of (my country rather

than his natwe land: P.


(Lys. 143).

Anyhow, adv. By some ineans ; P.

andY. TTWS (enclitic) . Without order

or arrangement : P. and V. cltf, P.

^vSiyv, ovSen /coV/AO). 2!^ least: P.

and Y. ye (enclitic), yoi-v, y fwjv,

Any one, pron. P. and V. TIS (en-

clitic). Any one soever: Ar. andP. oo-tto-ow. Any chance comer : P.

P. 6and Y. 6 Tfyoiv, 6

&v, Y. 6 r6v.

Anything, pron. P. and Y. Tt (en-

clitic). Any thing soever : Ar. andP. OTIOVV.

Anywhere, adv. P. and Y. wou (en-

clitic), Ar. and P, my (enclitic).From anywhere : P, and V. 7ro0o/

(enclitic). To anywhere: P. andY. Trot (enclitic). Anywhere rather

than at Thebes : P.

(Lys. 168).

Apart, adv. P. and V.Set apart: P.

P. and Y. cra-o&ov. -4i Zo?i# distances

apart : P. Sta xoXXou. SiamZ apart :

P. and Y. afao-TacrOaij atrocrTar^lv


Apart from, prep. Without : P. and"V. xv>fe (gen.), &>eu (gen.), Y.

(gen.), voV^t (gen.) (rare),

(gen.), &TCP&CV (gen.). Outside tlw

scope of : P, and V. !&o (gen.)."PFii/iow^ reckoning : P. and V. ivcv

(gen.), xV>fe (gen.),^& (gen.).

Apartment, subs. P.


. ot/cos>

TO, Ar. and V. So>os, 6,

TO, //.e'Xaflpov, TO, or pi., Y.'

areyos, TO; see chamber.Men's apartments : P. and V. dv-

Spdiv, 6 (Xen., also Ar.), P. dvSpcovms,

71. Women's apartments : Ar. andP. ywaiKwvms, *>?, P, yuvanccov, 6


Apathetic, adj. P. and V.P. and Y.

J5e apathetic, v.: P.

P. and Y. iJcnJxos,

P. orutos. Dulled:


P. and Y.

Apathetically, adv. P. and V.

/io'i'cos. Calmly : P. and V.


Apatny, subs. Idleness : P. and Y.

, , pyto, ,P.

Ar. and P. ^^Ca, ^ V.TO ycrvxcuov. Inactivity: Ar. andP.

d-Trpayftoo-iJny, ij,P. TO awpayftov.

Ape 5subs. Ar. and P. TT^KOS, 6.

Ape, v. trans. See vmitate.

Aperture, subs. P. and V.Outlet: P. and Y. IfrSos, ^, Si#b&>r,

^. Chasm : P. and V.





Perforation : Ar. and P.

Apex, subs. P. and V.see top.

Aphorism, subs. P. and V.Xo'^os, 6,

7rapoi/u'a, ty V. aTi/o5, 6. Aplwisms :

P. and V. Tvca/tai, at. Speflfc in

aphorisms, v. : P. 7rapoi/Awzr0ai

(Plat.); see worm.Apiece, adv. Use P. naff 2/caorw.

Between two : P. Ka0* e/caTepov.

Apocryphal, adj. Made up : P. andV. irXaoro's (Xen.). Counterfeit:P. and V. Act^Xos, Ar. and P. *ropa-

5. Legendary: P./wluSiTs; see


Apologist, subs. Advocate : P. andV. o-wijyopos, 6 or ^.

Apologise, v. intrans. Make defence :

P. and V. &roXoyr<r0<w (Bur., _5occ7&.

41). Make excises: Ar. and P.

7rpo^ao*i'ecr0a6. Askpardon: P. andV. irapaLTLCT0(Ut irapteo-OaL*

Apologue, subs. See fable.

Apology, subs. Defence : P. diroXoyto,

77, d-n-oXoy^/xa, TO. Excuse : P. andV.

Apophthegm, subs. See aphorism.

Apostasy, subs. Defection : P. dwro-

Betrayal: P. and Y.orao-15,

Apostate, subs. Traitor : P. and V,

Trpo&my?, 6.

Apostatise, v. intrans. P. d<rrao-0ai.

Apostle, subs. Messenger: P. andV. ayyeXos, 6 or


Apothecary, subs. Ar. and P.

/AaK07ru>X775, 6 ; see also doctor.

Appal, v. trans. P. and V.

crav, <^o^iv, P. KaTaTrX^o-o-ctv ; see

Appalling, adj. P. and V,

<jx>pp6$, V. l/^o^o? ; see terrible.

Apparatus, subs. P. Kcn-ao-*^, ^.

Contrivance : P. and V. wx&rf* r)

P. rexyrjfjLatTO. Implements : P. and

V. opyavo, rd. Tackling : Ar. andP. <TKVYJ, TCt.

Apparel, subs. P. and V. jtffo 17,

Tfi, OTOXTJ, ^ (Plrlt.),


, ^, V. efyux, TO, aroX/ju)?, 6, Ar.

and V. 7rrXo)/Aa, TO ; see dress.

Apparel, v. trans. P. and Y.

9 V. o-reXXetv (rare P.),

Apparent, adj, P. and V. 817X09,

1/817X05, cvopyifc, ^avcpds, <ra</77S,

eptfravqs, c/c^anj?, ircpt^ai^s, P. /cara-

^av^'s, Ar. and P. /caTdSS^Xos.

Assumed, not genwne: P. and Y.


Seeming: P. and V. Sojcoiv; see

Apparently, adv. As it seems : P.

and V, o>5 Notice. To all seeming :

Y. ws cwcaom, 015 ircifc&rai. Op-posed to genuinely : P. and V. Xoyo>,

opposed to !py<p.

Apparition, subs. Phantom : P. andV.

</)(XCr/^a, TO, L/eO)I/, , l8a>Xoi', TO',

^dvTowr/ia, TO, V. <nctd, , ot/as, 17, 80107-

crt5, 17.

Appeal to, v. Invoke : P. and V./

(acc.), juapTt5p<r0at (acc.),rtv (acc.), V. dyKaXti/ (or

(acc.), Ar. and V. KoXeti/ (or

mid.) (aco.), KiKXtfc-Kciv (acc.), Ar.

and P. tvripapripta-Qai (acc.), Pem/3oa(r6(u (acc.), iTriKoXtlv (acc.).Call m as witness : P. and VfjuipTDpO'6cLi (acc.), P. eTTiKoXctr

(acc.), Ar. and P. i.irifjLa.prvpcr9ai.

(acc.). Conjure: P. and V. ITTLO-K^-

Trretv (dat ), iKerweiv (acc.), Ar. andP. cVt/wxprupeo-^at (acc,). JUaVGrecourse to : P. and V. Tpenwflat

7rpo5 (acc.). Pkase, gratify: P.and Y. Tp7ri', ^apt^co^at (dat.).

Appeal to (another tribunal): P.

t^ceVat 15 (acc.). J2b wished for the

future to pay three obols IM he hadappealed to the king : P. TOV Xowrov

Xpovov l^ovXfro Tptci^SoXor StSovat IW&v /SacriXea repi7roa (Thuc. 8,


Appeal, subs. Invocation: P. &/<-

icX?7o-&s, ^, V. KtySw, 17. Appeal co

the fjoda: P. rttfaor/AoV, 6. JS?i-

treaty : P. TrapdicX^o-t?, T), P. and Y.

r;. Exhortation : P. 7rapKX/;fr<5, ry,



ia.^ (Plat.), V.

TO, P. and V. TrapeuVcors, rf. Appeal(to another tribunal) : P. <ecrts, fj.

Appeal to, use of : P. and V. xP t/0>

y (gen.). Appeal to pity : P. and V.


Appealing, adj. Suppliant: Y.

iKcVtos, t/cnjptos, TrpooTpoVatos (rare

P.) ;see suppliant.

Appear, v. mtrans. Seem : P. andV. <jba'Wo-0ai, P. /caTa<cuvecr#ai. As

opposed to reality : P. and V. SOKCW.

As it appears : P. and V, <S>s 2ot/c.

Gome into being: P. and V. ffraCvtcrBai,

yLyi/o-0<u, $vc<rQtu, Ar. and P. aj/a-

<t>av<r6aL. Come into prominence :

P. and Y. <aiV0-0ai, K<<uveo-0ai, V.

7rpo<t>aLvccr0ai. Appear in court : P.

<x7rai/rai'. .Be ws$Ze : P. and V. <u-

vecrOaij 6pacr0ai, <avTaeo-0eu (Plat.),/c<aiW0ai. Appear above : P. wrep-

<j>atv(r6a,L (gen.) (Thuc. 4:, 93). .Be

visible above : P. and V. -uTrcpe^tv

(gen.). Appear before (a judge,

etc.) : P. eio-pxo-0ai (cts or

aco.), cwrayrav Trpos (aco.).

Appearance, subs. P. and V.

TO, e?8os, TO, fSe'a, ^, oi/ris, 4 V.

i/ris, ^. Shape: P. and V.

j, ^ (Plat.), TUTroff, 6, <i/o-is, ^,

. /jtdp^co/jux,TO. Apparition: P.

and V. $0107x0, TO, ewctov, ^, ctSwXov,

O, <^avra<r/m, TO, V. ovcia, ^7, o^ts, ^,

ris, ^. Approach : Ar. and P.

s, ^. Presence : P. and V.Arrival: P. a^i^ts,

. .Ma&e 07^*5 appearance : P. andu, cK<t>aivc<r6at (Plat.).

^$pearcwzce, pretence, opposed to

reality : P. and V. or^j/jLa, TO, wpd-

<rxwjLa, TO. Semblance : P. and V.

SoKT^crts, ^,V. So'/oyyuLa, TO.

people think : P. and \7 , So^aUnder ^Ae appearance of : P.



Jaithful to them and to all appear-ancenolessfriendly to theSyracusangenerals : wc/wrovo'iv avSpa or</*icn JJLW

TTitrrov TOLS Sc TCOV Supaicoo-tW orparT;-

yois T^ SOK^O-CI ofy

<Thuo. 6, 64).


Appease, v. trans. P. and Y. irpan-

vcw, P. TrapafjuvOcLo-Oai, V. wapryyopctr,

^eXyetv (also Plat, but rare P.),

fjt.a.\6uia-<rLv9 Ax. and P. /jLoAao-o-eiv ;

see soothe, propitiate. Charm:P. and Y. /c^Xctv. Appease one's

hunger : use P. and V. ia-BUw.

Appease ones thirst : use P. andV. -n-fi/cu/ ; see quench. Hard to

appease, adj. : Ar. Svo-ttdQapros ; see.

Appeasement, subs. Soothing : P.

/ojAiyo-ts, 17 (Plat.), Trapa.fM0Lat $(Plat.). SometMng that soothes :

V. -tfeAjCT^ptO^, TO, /ACtXty/JLO, TO, 0cA.-

yrjTpov, TO ; see propitiation.

Appeasing, adj. V.

Appellation, subs. P. Trpovyyopid, 07,

Trpoo-p^^ta, TO ; see twiwie.

Append, v. trans. See add, attach.

Appendage, subs, P. and V. Trpoo-

0^/07, 07. Something secondary : P.and Y. trdptpyov, T<{.

Appertain, v. intrans. See belong.

Appetite, subs. Desire : P. and V.

lirWvfua, r). Appetite for food : P.and V. -yaor^p, 17. Hunger : P.

Trelva, 17. Appetite for, desire for :

P. and Y. eirW^ia., $ (gen.), TTO^OS,6 (gen.) rPlat. but rare P.); see

desire. A slave to one's appetite :

P. yoorpos ycr(rti)v (Xen.), V. DySvos

^<r<n7fLvos (Eur., Frag.). Measur-

ing happiness by appetite and basedesires : rfj ycurrpl /jLtrpovvTes /cat

rots arxnrocs T^V u8at/w>vtav (Dem.324).

Applaud, v. trans. Praise: P. andV. &7r<uvLV, P. eyico))Lu,a^etv9 Y. atvciv

(also Plat, but rare P.), Ar. and Y.

evXoyctv. Clap hands : P. Kporrtiv

(absol.) ; see clap. Cheer : P.

Oopvfiew em fdat.).

Applauder, SUDS. P. CTratven;?, 6.

Applause, subs. Praise : P. and V.

enmvos, 6, Ar. and P. cuXoyta, 17.

Clapping : Ar. and P. /cpdros, 6.

Cheering : P. and Y. 06pi5/?o9, o.

Apple, subs. Tree oifruat : Ar. andP, ft-QXov, TO.


App App

Appliance, subs. Applying : P.

irpoo'Oeo'ts, 17, Trpoo^opa, ^, P. andV. TrpocrySoX^, 17. Instntment : P.

and V. Spyavov, TO. Device : P.

and Y. P7xavi? ^Applicable, adj. P. and Y.

applicable to : see

Application, subs. P.

, 17, P. and Y.

O/ tfifi mind : P. TrpoVe&s, 07 (Plat.).

Diligence: P.

17, Bequest : P. and Y. xpa,at/nyfta, TO, avrqcris, ^.

Apply, v. trans. Pi to : P. and Y.


, 7rt<f>epw. He applied the

goad to the horses : Y.

(Eur., ffipj9. 1194).tach : P. and V. irpocrrtOevat.,

) irpoo-apfM&w. Use : P. andY. xpi7<r0ai (dat.). Nor again cam,

I apply the dream to my friends :

Y. ou8' <LV (rvvdijfai rovvap eis ^tXous

IXCD (Eur., I. T. 59). Y. intrans.

Suit, fit: P. andY.dp^KM. In his accmation he spoke those

words which nowP.


s which now apply to himself:

/yopw Kwovs Toi>9 Xoyovs ctwcv*

(Dem.4=16). Be in force : P. and Y.

Apply onesmind to : Ar. and P. Trpo^cti/ (dat.),

TTpoo-exw TOV vow (dat.), P. and Y.vow l^tv (?rpo5, aoo. or dat. without

prep.). Apply oneself to : P. andY. fyea-Qat, (gen.), crre<r0ai (gen.),

7rpoo7Cr0cu (dat,), foOdarretrOai (gen.),P. &rm'0o-0<u (dat.). Apply for :

see seek. Apply to (a person forhelp, etc.] : P. and Y. wpoo-cpxco-tfai

(dat. Or ?rp<fe, aCC.), crrepxeo-flai (aCC.).

Have recourse to : P. and Y. rpc-irco-Qai (^rpoff, aco.), P. KaTa<f>vyW

(wpds, aec. or ck, aoc.), V. ^7/yav(cfe, ace,).

Appoint, v. trans. P. and Y. *a0i-

crrdvai or mid., Tcwro-etv, Trpocrrdarcreiv.

Set up : P. and Y. Tt0eV<u, toravat,

irporWlvai or mid, .Fir, Za# &)w?7i :

P. and Y. bpt&iv. Set over: P.

and V. e^wrravat. iforfc o/ : P.

aTroScticnJi/at. Appoint by lot: P.

and V. *\77pow. 50 appointed : P.

and V. irpoKi<r6at. Of laws, etc. :

P. and Y. Ktcr0<u. Appoint before-hand : Y. TTporacrcreiv. It is ap-

pointed (byfate) : P. and Y. clpaprai,Y. 7Trpomu. Appointed (by fate) :

P. and Y. tfuzp/x,ci/os, V.

(rare P.). Appointed, fixed :

and Y. 7rpOKt/AV05, KiJptOS, P.

Appointment, subs. Jic^ o

i?igf: P. and Y. Karcurrao-is,

oj^ce : P. and Y. ragis, % ; see also


Apportion, v. trans. P. and V.

7rpooTfttv, Tdto"0"iv, 7rpoGrrao~or

a.TTOV[j(.LV, Ar. and P. Stave/x-etv.

Apportionment, subs.



Apposite, adj. P. and Y.Ar. and P.

Appositely, adv. P. and V.P. -TrpooTy/ see suitably.

Y.Appraise, Y. trans. See

Appreciable, adj. P. an


Appreciably, adv. Use P. and V.

a&ov Xoyov ; (see Plat., Ap. 23B).

Appreciate, v. trans. Esteem : P.and Y. rlpJay't see value. TJiinJc

highly of : P. ircpi TroXXov Trotet^at,

Y.-n-oXAoii/aliow; seejpme. Praise:P, and Y. fVatmi/ ; see praise. Pw-derstand: P. and Y. o-wZeV<u (ace.or gen.).

Appreciation, subs. Honour : P.




and Y. rZ/wJ, ^. Praise : P. and Y.ratvo9, 6; see^rawe.

Apprehend, v. trans. Arrest :

and V. <rv\Xa,jj,j3civi,v9

see armi. Gra5jo 10 j

P. and V. Xa/ji/3avLV, Ktt

alcrOdveo-QaL, airrecrdcu, (gen.),

o-/cti', P. KaToXa/i)8avn/, tydi

(gen.) ; see grosp. JFfear ; P.Y, <^o/?6cr0(u ; see/sor. Anticipate :

P. and Y. Trpoo-So/cav, irpoo-ScxccrOou.

Apprehension, subs. 4rre5i : P.

t5, 17. Percept'ion: P.andV.



V).Fear : P. and V.


os, 6. Expectation: P. irpotr-1


Apprehensive, adj. Fearful : P.

Apprehensively, adv. P. 7repi8eo>s.

Apprentice, subs. Ar. and P.

rjfr, 6.

Apprise, v. trans. P. and V.see inform. Be apprised of: P.

and V. irvvddvco-OaL (ace. or gen.) ;

see hear, learn.

Approach, v. trans, or absol. P. andY. irpocrepxcorQcu. (arpos, ace., or V.

dat. without prep.), -rrpoo-fiajvciv

(dat.), -TrAiyomfciv (dat.), irpocr/Jtiyvvvai

(dat.), brepxea-Oai (dat.), P. irpocrx<-

peiv (dat.), irpoorfucryciv (wpos, aCC.),

Ar. and Y. irpoo-epTrew (dat.), V.

TTcXo^ctv (dat.) (also Xen. but rare

P.), TrXiyo-Mifetr&u (dat.)

(2nd aor. of 7rpocrj8A.a>o7ceM/) fdat.V

or dat.),c/reXaeiv Or pass.

7ri<rreix U/ (ace.) ;also absol., V.

7rpo<rcrrix'. Make to approach :

V. TreXofccv (aco. and dat.), xpt/-wrr*/

(aoc. and dat.V Approach, applyto, a person : P. and V. &rpxe<r6<u

(ace.), irpoo-epxccrBai (dat. or Trpos,

aoo.). Approach (with prayers) :

V. nercpxca-Qai (ace.).

Approach, subs. Ar. and P.

8o5 , t, V.- ' ^ -

V. c&roSoff,


<?/ approach, access : P. and

, Ar. and

,P. 2<o8os, ^, wpocr-

Approachable, adj. P. and V. v-

^aros (Plat.), P. 7rpoV/3aro9 ,

V. -ffpoaTrAaros, cwrpoorowrro?. O/persons : P. cwpoa-oSos, P. and V.


Approbation, subs. See jprcwse.

Appropriate, v. trans. Take as one's

own : P. oZicctovv, or mid., cnfrerepi-

<-o-Oai, aL&o-Oai. Claim as one's

own : P. see claim.

Sei aside for any purpose : Ar. andP. KoraTj(0Cr0a/.

Appropriate, adj. Suitable : P. and



7rpoa-<^opos, P. ot/cto5 ; see

Appropriately, adv. P. and V.

TJ/i/^erpo)?, P.

Appropriation, subs. P.

: P. Trpcxnrot^orts, 17.

Approval, subs. P. and V.6. TTiife ^owr approval, if it seems

good to you : P. and V. el arol

Approve, v. P. and V. cVcuvetv,

yctv, Aj. and P. aycwrav, V. atvelv.

: P. and V. Se^eo-flat, c'/cS^e-

v8^eo-flat. Exatmne : Ar.and P. SoKifui&Lv ; see

-4jpprcwe o/ : P. and Y.

(ace. or dat.), P. dycwrai/ (ace. or

dat.), 7rpo<riW0(u (ace.), V.

(aec.). Praise : P. and V.

(ace.). ^fproa?0 ^seZ/ to ; see^Zeose.e7oiw iw approving : P. (ruvra>eri/

(ace. or absol.).

Approximate, adj. Nearly hke or

equal : P. TOPO/WHOS, irapaTrXiyo-tos.

Approximate, v. trans. Make equal :

P. and V. to-ow, efurow. ikfafe Z^e ;

P. and V. 6/xoiow, cfojuoiow. V.intrans. J5e ??w&dfi equal : P. andV. tcravo-Oai, IgiarovvOcu.. Be madelike : P. and V. o/Aoiovcrftxi, co/4oi-ovo-fiat. Oowe wear fo : use P. andV. eyyvs etvat (gen.).

Approximately, adv. Nearly ; P.

and V. oycBov ;see ?iar, nearly.

Approximation, subs. P. 6/wnoxm, ^.

April, subs. Ar. and P. MovrvxcoJv, o.

Apron, subs. Use P. 8tao>/Aa, ro.

Suitable : P. and V. T


P. v/xer

ty: P.


to manage :

Possessed of goodP. and V.

ur., Frag.). Apt to, inclined to :

see inclined.

Aptitude, subs. Suitability : P.

17. Quickness at learning :


Aptly, adv. Suitably : P. and V.P.

Trpezrovro)?, (

named after : V. cuXoy<>s

(gen.) (-Slseh., S7^p. 252).



Ari Aro

, $ Xoyrrw7, P. and V.

fe, 6.

Arithmetical, adj. P. Aoyicm/co's,

, V.


, 6, Ar.

Arithmetician, subs. P.

6, Aoyto-njs, 6.

Ark, subs. Ar. and V. ayyos, r6,

a-K&^-ri, y, V. /ri;TOs, TO,

Arm, subs. P. and V,and V. dyKoAai, a", <5A

6, wiJxus, o. Forearm : P. and Y.

7T77XU5, 6. Ira i&e 0r??as, adv. : V. ay/ca-

0ev. Clasp in the arms : V. #7ray/ca-

Aio-0ai. Come to my arms : V. I/cwrc

. . . fa* dyKAas (Bur., And. 722).

JEsap at arm's length, v. trans. : met.,

P. 7TOppO>0V aOTTO^ CT^(U, V. 7Tp6Va)0Va<r7rdc<rO<u. Arm of a river: P.

*pas, TO. .4rra, weapon, subs. : P.

and V. oTrAov, TO' (almost always pi.),

o7rX.urfji.cL, TO (Plat.) ; see weapon.Arm, v. trans. P. and V. oTrXl&w,

c&irMfav (Plat) . Arm oneself with

breast -plate : P. bnJ&upaKC&o-Qai

(Xen.). Armed with a breast-plate:P. reOwpaKicrftevos. Be armed to

resist : P. and V. dv6WA/or0<u (dat.or Trpos, ace.) (Xen.). Armed witha spear : V. coToAwr/Aa/os Sopt (Bur.,

Su/pp. 659). -4 well-armed host:

V. 6^ KKaOTU,I/OV SoDU (-ffisoh., jEWtt,


Armada, subs. P. and V. ordAos, o,

vewv aToA.os, 6, V. vavfldrqs o-roAos, 6.

Armament, subs. Equipment : P.

and V. o-Kcuy, 17, crroAi}, 17 (Plat.),V. cray^, 17, Ar. and P. oVXto-w, 17.

JbrCd : P. Swa/*ts, 17, irapaa-Kewq, % ;

see amy, ^0^.Armed, adj. V. Tux<r<l>6pos, &/o?rAos,

P. and V. owrAto-fco'os ; see underarm. Armed force : use

Heavy armed, light armed : see

under heavy, light. Well-corned :

Ar. and P. ciWAos (Xen.).

Arming, subs. Ar. and P.

17,Ar. and P. irapao-Kevn,

Ach. 190).

Armistice, subs. P. and V.

at, Ar. and P. e/cxpi, , P.


Armlets, subs. P, ty&ia, Ta (Xen.).Armorial bearings, device, crest.

Ar. and V. a^^elov, TO, V. o%ia, TO,


Armory, subs. P. ^0^17/07, 17,P. and

V <TKGVo6iqK7], fy.

Armour, subs. P. and V. 6VAa, Ta,

V. reuxy> Ta, vayy, 17. Breast-plate :

P and V. 0d>po& 6. Full suit ofarmour: Ar. and P. iravo7r\ta, ?/,

V. -3ravTt>xt/a? ? Messed in fullarmowr, adj. : V. ?rdVo7rAos. Dressed^n golden armour, adj. : xpvo-oreux?;?.J?& /wH afWKW, adv. : P. Trai/orrAta,

V. o-w iravrevxtq,. Fighting in arm-

our, subs. : P, o^Ao/za^ta, 17.

Armour-bearer, subs. P. and V.

&raamo~'n7S, 6 (Xen.), V. i

6. Esquire : P. and V. fei

6 (Thuc. 3, 17) ; see esquire.

Arm-pit, subs. Ar. /jwurxaA^, r).

Uwaer i/ifi arm-pit : Ar. and P.

foro ftoArys (Plat.).

Arms, subs. P. and V. oVAxt, Ta, V.

Tvj^7, Ta ; see also war. Arms

stripped from the dead : P. and V.


and V.

(sing, also in V.),

/utTa, Ta, V. Acf^>i3pa, Taj See~against, v. : P. 6VXa

(dat.). By force of arms :

^y violence : P.

arms, v. : P.or mid. Take up

r,v. : P. and V. iroAc/xov

0-60,1. Under arms : P. and V.

oVAots, P. crvv oVAots, V. ^" oVAo(9.

Wearing similar arms, adj. : P,


Army, subs. P. and V. rrrparo?, o,

TO, crrparoTreSov, TO, P.

i, y, V. (sometimes) $6pv, ro

(Bur., Phoen. 1086). HtXjwdilMm :

P. and V. oroAos, 6 ; see sxpedUwn.Aroma, subs. P. and V. oo-u^, ?}, I?.

j 5i/ e


Aromatic, adj. P. and V, cvcioV.

Around, prep. P. and V. ^pi (ace.or dat.), Y. ap</>t (aco. or dat.) (rave

P.), 7rpt (ace.).

Around, adv. P. and V. /c&cAo>, Wptf(rare P.). In composition : P. and


Aro Arr

V. -Trcpi.In distributive sense : 8ux;

e.g., Look around : P. and V. Trepi-

; hand around: P. and V.

Arouse, v. trans. Awake : P. andV. eyeipeiv, e^cyeipeiv, Ar. and P.

7Tyeipiv, aveycipetv (Xen. ) . Kindle,excite (persons or feelings): P. and V.

eyetpciv, eeyipeiv, cTrotpeH/, /civeZv, Y.

dyew, opvvvai, Ar. and V. o>7rvpeu/.

Eowse : see easc^e. Arouse in (a

person) : P. and Y. /A/3a\A./ (TI'

Ttvt), ivrtKreiv (Plat.) ( TH/I), P.

c/x-Troteiv (rt T/t), V. tvopvvva.1 (TL


Arraign, v. trans. See accuse.

Arraignment, subs. See accusation.

Arrange, v. trans. Manage : Ar. andP. SiOLKGW, P. and Y. owcctv, ve//,etv,

Y. vfiftav, irop(rijviv ; see administer.

Set in order : P. and V. Koo^cZv,

v> <rwrd(To-(.v, Ar. and P. Sia-

P. 8uLKQcrfj.LVj 8taTacrortv.

Prepare .* P. and V. -Trapaovceua^iv,

^apTSciv (or mid.) ; see prepare.Settle : P. and V. Ko&cnravai. JEWpio arrcmge : P. and V. o-uyKa^torcfvat.$eWZe satisfactorily : P. and V. ev

or /coXois Ti^ci/tu (or mid.). Miafee

af/reewien^ : P. and Y. cru/Aa/eiv,<Twrti9or6at. We ca/rvnot arrange how

far we loish owr empire to extend :

P. OU/C loTtV 17/UV Ttt/Jtt1JOr^a(, IS OO^OV

j3o-vX6fjL6a (Lpxfw (Thuo. 6, 18).

Arranged, fixed, agreed uponand Y. 7rpoKet/ivo5, PTJTOS.

Arrangement, subs. P. ana V.

97&e?&, bargain : P. and Y.

07, <rwOfiK<u t at, o-w^/xa, TO, P. O/A

Aoyta, ^. Le^ owe's friends come to

some arrangement (in a legal dis

pute) : TOIS ^SiXots ^tTpci/rat StatTav

(Dem.). Let our friends opme to

some arrangement concerning Jiis

dispute with me : P. lv TOIS <f>t\oi<s

8(,aScK:acracr^at TO. irpos //, (Dem. 864).

Arrant, adj. Absolute, complete : P.

cbrXoii?, a/cparos; see absolute.

Array, v. trans. Sei owi in order :

P. and V. T<(ra-tv, oT;i^rao-o-tv, Ar.

and P. SictTao-creiv. J.7*w : P. andV. 6wXt^tv; see arwi. Adorn: P.

and V. KO<rfJLw, V. do-Keiv, Igao-Keiv,

ayoAAeiv ; see also dress, equip.

Array, subs. P. and V. T< fe, ^, P.

StaTct^i?, 17. CZose array, press : P.

and Y. <rrt<os, TO. Adornment,subs. : P. and V. /cooy*os, 6. Dress :

P. and V. OTKCUTJ, 17, /COO-/AOS, 6, oroAiy,

^ (Plat.) ; see dms. J^ZZ array,

full armour : Y. sravTcu^, 17,Ar.

and P. TTCLvoTrXtot, w. jfn full arr&y .

P. -n-avoTrAtot, Y. oalv -^avrcu^tlgt, or

use adj., Y. -n-avoTrAos.

Arrear, subs. Be in arrear (in pay-ing the award of tJie court) : P.


Arrears, subs. P.

Arrears of tribute : P. <opcov iK^etat,


Arrest, subs. Apprehenswn: P.

orJAAiji/ris, ij. Summary arrest : P.

aTraywyiy, . Liable to arrest: P.


Arrest, v. trans. 4KPre^e7^ : P.

and V. cruMuoLpfidvciv. Arrest sivm-

marily : P. dTrayctv. Seize : P. andV. crwap7raeiv. Check, Stop : P.

and V. jrauW; see o^ecfe. Arrest

(the attention) : P. and V. Korcxeiv


Arrival, subs. P. a<its, ^. Presence,P. and V. Trapovom, ^. -By sea ; ^P-

/caTawXovs, 6, /caTayajyiy, ^. New-comer: P. cTnyXT/ny?, 6, V. tTnyAu?,

6 or ^.

Arrive, v. intrans. P, and Y. &i-Viar6ai t etcrd<t/cvetcr$cu. Ar. and V.

t/o/eto-^at, V. ftccEvetv, QucvclcrQcu,

Karaipcw (rare P.). Biflwe arrived :

P. and Y. ^v, tyqMiv (rare P.),

i&IKcw (Plat.), Trapclvat, Ar. and P.

7rapaytyvcr^at, Y. -Trpoonyicctv. ^.rm'e

&2/ 5ea : P. /caTflMrAetv, P. and V.

Kardyea-BaL. Arrive beforehand ; P.

7rpoa<eveto-0ai. (^m-ue) ai : P.and Y. cts (aoc.), ITT)? (aoc.), also

V. aoc. alone. J.rr*ye ai a con-

clusion : P. o-uAAoyc^eo-tfai.

Arrogance, subs. P. and Y. ^pov^/wx,

TO', vpts, 17, oyicos, 6, Y. <f>p6vrjcrt^ 17,


Arr As

, P. inrpv}<t>av(a, TJ, /icyaXau-

Xt'a, fj, wrepoi/ri'a, ^.

Arrogant, adj. P. and V. o-e/wo's,


,P. wrcpi^avos, ;ttyaXo<pcov,

(also Plat.

but rare P.), vi/oyyopos, o-c/x-voaroftos,

Ar. and V. yaupos. Be arrogant:P. and Y. <povetv /x,cya, o~//,vi5v0~0at,

Sirep^poveiv, Ar. ana Y. oy/n)o-0at

(also Xen.), Y. cfoyicoucrflai,

Arrogantly, adv. P. and V.P. //.eyoXo^poVcos, V.

Arrogate, v. trans. Claimfor oneself:Ar. and P. Trpocnroteicr^at (aoc. or

gen.), P. avTmoMio-Qai (gen.).

Arrow, subs. P. and V.

orro9, 6 (rare P.), /?eXos, TO (rare

P.), V. cos, 6, orpaKTOs, ^, -nrepov, TO,

s, at. .Bow? aw<2 arrow : P.

and V. TO&X, TO". oo arc arrow? :

P. and V. TofcuW. Shook (aperson)with an arrow : P. and V.Ar. and P. KaYaTo&iW. S7to &T/

a?z arrow : V. To^evro?,

Arrow-head, subs. V. yXwxfe, ^.

Arsenal (naval), subs. P. and Y.

P. and Y.Ar. and

V, TO, P. 7TiVlOV, TO.

subs. : P. and V. ovccvo^io;, 17.

Arson, Subs. r. TTDp/caia, ^.

Art, subs. P. and Y. Te^, 17; see

c?-a/i. Eefin&nwnt:fjiovcriirf, 17.

WbrA o/P. 0-KUOS, TO. Y. TeXJ

TO, P. 6/oyacria, ^. SAiP. and V. Te

?(;fe)^ world of nature and art : P.TTOLV TO ^VTCVTOV KOL TO O-fCCUttOTW

70/05 (Plat., Rep. 510 A). Producingall oris, adj. : V. -TravTc^o?.

Artery, subs. P. dp^pta, 17 (Arist.).

Artful, adj. P. and Y. Troi/dXos,

s, Sctvos, TTTJ/CVOS (Plat.), Y.and Y. al^Xos

(also once in Plat.).

Artfully, adv. P. Travovpyws. Bycraft : Ar. and V. &>Xo>, Y. o-uv

Artfulness, subs. P. and V.

yia, ,Ar. TTUKVOTT;?, 17.

Article, subs. P. and V.

Xp/^a, TO, Ar. and P. or/cevos, TO.

Clause in an agreevnent : P. ypa//,/Aa,

TO (Thuc. 5, 29).

Articulate, adj. Clear : P. and V.

Articulate, v. trans, or absol. Utter :

P. and V. <0eyyeo-0<w ; see wter.

Articulately, adv. P. and V. o-a

Artifice, subs. Trick : P. and V.

airdrrj, fj, arTpotfry, ^, o-o^to-/jLa, TO*,

MXdwifM., TO, Y.TX^r/, 17, Ttxyripa,

TO, ^rXo/cat, at ; see irw?&. Contriv-

ance: P. and V. y^o-v^ ^, MX&-TO, o*d<^tcryLta, TO, cvprjjjLa, TO,

TO' (Plat.), Ar. and V. #-

,6 ;Artificer, subs. P. and Y.


Artificial, adj. P.

rious, pretended : P. Tr

see fictitious.

Artillery, subs. Enqine of war : P.and V. /AT7Xav77 ^' ^- WX^vQt*a'

tTO ;

see engine.

Artisan, subs. P. and V. Siy/xtovpyos,

6, V. xp<wo& o (Soph, and Eur.,

Frag.), Ar. and P. xArtist, subs. P. and Y.

6, P. TCX^my?, 6, Y. TKTft)V, <>.

or^is^ m (eic.) : use adj., P.

Trcpt (gen. )or cb (ace.). Paintw : P.

and V. ypafavs, 6, P. ^wypa^os, &J3i s thought the best artist : P.

oSros etvat Soica Tcxvt/coiTaTOS' (Plat.).

Artistic, adj. P. ^iXoVaXos, ^tXo'-

TCXVOS, XKIKOS. SMful (of things) :

P. TCX^KO'S. Accomplished : P. andV. /tovo-wcos ; see accomplisfied.Well wrought : P. and Y.

KoXo's, Y. So/SoXos.

,v. : P.

Artistically, adv. Ar. and P.

cos, P. TxvtK<55. Beautifully: P.and Y. icaXais ; see skilfully.

Artless, adj. P. and V. d^rXovs, P.

; see guileless.

Artlessly, adv. P. and Y.see guilelessly.

Artlessness, subs. P. cwrXoV^s, $As, adv. Of time, P. and V. or,



Asc Ash

yviKa, V. cSre. Of cause, beca/use :

P. and V. on, P. 86m, V. oft/exa,

vr. Sfcwcg ; P. and V.

0)5, &ri8i7, cTrewrep, Ar. and P.

p. O/ comparison : P. andV. ws, oWcp, ola, Ar. and P. Ka0cE-

TTfp, V. C&OTf, 07TC05, &Tp, OTTOta,*S66

also Mfce. JT& the way in which:P. and V. 5, <5o^ep, V, oVc>5. As if:P. and V. oxm-cpet. As far as : see

under /ar. .4$ quickly as possible :

P. and V. <us Ta^iora, oa-ov TdtYterra.

^s S007& as : P. and V. o>s Tojicrra,ri

Ta^wrra,P. CTretSJy Ta^iora, V.

era-cos rdxurra. -4s /or, prep. : P.

and V. /caret (aco.), &rf (dat.), cvtKO.

(gen.), Ar. and V. I/cart (gen.), oiWa(gen.). As for yowr question: V.

o 8* ovv /oo)TaT (^Ssch., P.F. 226)..4s ii is ; P. and V. vw, VWL (Eur.,

/Swpp. 605, but rare V ; also Ar.).

Ascend, v. intrans. Ar. and P. &va-

flatveiv, V. atLfiawcLv, P. and V.

avepxecrOat.. Be lifted up .' P. andV. alpea-Oat, Svco tfrepecrOai Be raAsed

into the aw : Ar. and P.<&pL&-<r0ai. V. trans. Ar. and P. va/?<u'viv

7rt (aco.), Ar. Mv8fiabw &rt (ace.).

Ascendant. In the ascendant : use

adj., P. KOjOvn-eprepos, V. ferepre/oos.

JBa in iAe ascendant, v. : P. and V.

fcparetv ; see prevail.

Ascendency, subs. Superiority in

power : P. and V. /cpdtros, TO.

Leadership : P. -^ycftovta, ^. Iw-

fluence : P. and V. 8&/a/u5, v-

Ascending (of ground), adj. P.

Trpoo-avnys ; see rising.

Ascent, subs. Going up: P. dvay8ao-t5,

^, l7ravoSo5, ^. Way Up: P. d

/8ao-t5, ^, V. -7rpoo-a//,^acri5, ^.

Ascertain, v. trans. P. and V.

vwcrKfiv, 7rw8dvc<r6at, V. irvOc

Ar. and V. cKmn/tf&ctrftu, Ar. andP. SbaaruvOavea-Oai ; See ZfiOTTl.

: P. and V.

Ascetic, adj. Temperate : P. andV. <r<5^po)v. Grabbed: P. and V.

Sparing : Ar. and P.

Asceticism, subs. Temperateness :

Ar. and P. o-w^poo-wTy, ^, P. and V.

TO cruKfrpov. Crabbedness : Ar. andP. Suo-AcoXwi, ^. Sparing : Ar. andP. <^t$o)A/a, 07.

Ascribe, v. trans. P. and V. am-

</>ptv9 TTpoorWcvat,, Ar. and P. eTra-

T/a0epetv, avarW^cu.; see impute.

Ash, subs. See 05^. Ash-tree,subs.: V. /AcA/a, ^ (Soph.,

lyric passage).

Ashamed, adj. V.

asfearT^d; P. and V.

&raurx6vc<r6(u, Jrat,Sel<r&ai (Plat.),V. aiSelcrQai, /cctTatSeto^ai. I a^ashamed: also P. and V. alSw pfyci- Be ashamed before (a person} :

P. and V. altrxyvecrOcLt, (ace.), Ka.Ta.i-

cr)(&vcrQcu (acc.), Ar. and V. /eaT<u-

Seto-^at (acc.). Be ashamed of: P.and Y. ataxuveo-0ai (dat. or acc. or

#7T/o, gen.), errawrxdj/co-flai (acc.), V.St" alcrxforis e^ tv (acc.). 5e ashamedto : P. and V. ala^vearOai (infin. or

part.), ejraicr)(uvcr6ai (infin. or part.),V. atSetcr^ai (infin. or part.).

Ashen, adj. O/ ash : V.

(Horn.). JPaZe: seej?aZe.

Ashes, subs. P. and V.

(Bur., Oyd. 641), V. enroot, ^Ashes of the dead: V. o-TroSoV, 17.

Reduce to ashes, v. : Ar. and V.

/eaT<u0oA.o9v, KctTaiiSctv, V. /car

viv, Ar. cnroStfttV J S68

reduced to ashes, v. : V.

KaTCLvQpaKovo-Qai, avOpaKOvv&ai. Hewas reduced to ashes : V. c^ci/raXco^

(aor. of <t>$aXov<r6ai) (^Isch., P.F.


Ashore, adv. On land : Ar. and P.

KCIT& y}v. Ib the land : P. and V.

Trpos TTJV yfjv. Bring ashore (into

harbowr), v. trans. : Ar. and P.

icaTayeiv. Cast asliore, v. trans. :

P. and V. te&ptiv, V. fy&OW.Oast ashore, adj. : V. 1^X1^05. Sacas^ ashore, v. : P. and V.

Be drwen ashore, v. : P.

ai9at. Pw^ a$7w>r0 (^a?w2 a person),v. trans. : P. fcfiifiAfyw. Put ashore?

v. intrans : P. KarairXclv, P. and V.


Ash Asp .A , , see also touch at. Bun(a boat) ashore, v. trans. : P. and Y.

6/ceAAetv, P. errofceXXetv, Y. KcAAetv,

c^ojcc'AAetv. Bun ashore, v. intrans. :

P. oiceAAetv, en-OKeAAeiv, Y. efo/ccAAetv.

Ashy, adj. Pale : P. and Y. <ixp*-

Asidle, adv. Out of the way : P. andV. K7Too\6v. In compounds : ?rapa,

cwro, e.g. tfwrTi OSfccfe : P. irapaTperreiv,

P. and Y. dVoTpeTretv. Iw a whisper :

see whisper. Speak aside : P. andY. Aeyctv irpos avrov (to Oneself).

Lay aside, v. : Ar. and P. diroTi0e-

o-0at. Set aside, v. : Ar. and P.

dVoTii0ecr0at. Beject : P. and Y.

dVa>0eIv (or mid.), 7rapu>0eiv (or mid.) ;

see reject. Undo, cancel : P. andY. KaQatpelv, Avetv ; see cancel.

Stand aside, v. : P. and V. a^tora-cr0at, dVooTaVctv (Plat.). Standaside for royalty : V. TupdwotsK7ro8ci)v u0taTacro (Bur., Phoen.


Ask, v. trans, or absol. .4sfe a gwas-20? .* P. and V. epwrav (Ttva Tt),

pecr0at (Tiva Tt) (2nd* aor.), dvpo>Tav

(TlVa Tt), 7Tep0-0at (TtVtt Tt) (2nd

aor.), 7rw0av(r0at (TO/OS Tt), Ar. andP. cTrcpwTav (nva Tt),

Ar. and V,Kirvv6dv<r0at (TH/OS Tt), V. wrropctv

(Ttva Tt), dvtcrropetv (Ttva Tt), eftoro-

(TIV< TI), ^epa>Tav (nva),

(TIVO) (2nd aor.),

Tt) ; see inquire.P. TrpcxrcporaV

pa>Tav. ^IsA; a##m ; Ar. and

cTraveponrav. uls/f m return :

dvTcp<oTav. ulsfe as a reguesi : _ .

and V. atTctv (Ttva Tt), atTt(r0at (nvart), 7rapaiTi0-(9at (Ttva Tt),

(TIV( Tt), 8eur0at (nvos Tt), 7f

(Ttva Tt), Y. efawetv (Ttva Tt),

(Tt). Entreat: P. and Y.


^(gen.), Ar.

.civ V. Atir(r(r0ai, dvrta

a?tv, Ar. and

*w return : P. dvrtSet-

Jom iw asking: P.

to dor, atTetv (Ttva, infin.),

and P.


vv (TIVCL, infin.), 8ter0at (Ttvos,

infin.), 7rapatTt<r0at (Ttva, infin.), V.<i?ratTtv (Ttvd, infin.). Demand : P.

and V. dftow (infin.), 8t/catoi5v (infin ) ;

see clawi. Invite : P. and V. /coActv,

Trapa/caActv. Ask back, demand back:

P. and Y. oTratTetv. Ask for : P.

and Y. atTetv (aoc.) or mid., oVatTe?v

(aco.), Y. atTetv (ace.) or mid. ^.5

a favour : P. and Y. 7rapatTcto-0at

(Ttva Tt), 7rpo<ratTtv (Ttvd Tt), V.

/or : V. ^opjyTos ou/c atnyTos (Soph.,O.B. 384). -4sfc /or in return : P.

dvTaTratTftv (ace.).

Askance, adv. Loofc askance at :

P. and V. foro/JAeVetv (ace.), Ar. andY. 7rapaySAretv (aoc.), V. zrape/A^Ae-jrctv cts (acc.) ; met., P. v<j>opa<r6(u

(ace.) ; see suspect. Be lookedaska?ice at : V. #7ro/3Ae7ro-0at.

Askew, adj. P. dTdicrcos.

of order: use adj., P.

Crooked : P. <ricoAtos.

Asking, subs. P. amyo-ts, y.

Aslant, adj. P. TrAdytos, V. Aoo's.

Adv. : P. cs TrAdyta.

Asleep, adj. Use P. and V. /ca0 l'S(ov,

Y. V7TVCJ> VtKO)/4VO9, jB^ asle&p .' P.

and V. KS0v86tv, c^Sctv (Plat, but

rare P., also Ar.), Ar. ana P. Kara-

Sap0dVctv ; see sleep. Fall asleep :

V. ts wrvov TTwrretv. Jw 0725*5 sZ^ep ;

P. ica0* vnvov, P. and V. cvVTTVCJ>,


Asp, subs. See serpent.

Aspect, subs. Appearance: P. and

97. Z%e ospfici of affcwrs : P. >v

wpay/juiTcov KardoTacrts. Look at it

in this aspect: P. ovcorrctre 58e.

Shame is but one aspect of fear :

P. fjLOpiov yap atS&s Seov? (Plat.,

Euthyd. 12c).

Asperity, subs. O/ temper : P. andY. TrlKp6rrq<s, ^. O/ ^5^0 : P. aucmy-poV^s, ^. Wi% asperity, angrily:P. and V. m/cpSs, Ar, and P.


Asperse, v. trans. See slander.

Aspersion, subs. See slander.


Asp Ass



Aspirant, subs. P. and Y. 6

One who desires : P.see also suitor.

Aspiration, subs. Hope : P. and Y.

lAmfe, $. Desire: P. and V. rt-

Oijfua, TJ. Pious aspiration, castle

w the air : P. e^p} ^-

Aspire, v. intrans. : P. and Y. yrv.Desire : P. and V. ^mJd^^lv ; see

desire. Hope : P. and V.

Aspire to: P. and Y.

(acc.), ^TCIV (acc.); see seek."

De-sire: P. and Y. brifivptiv (gen.);see desire. Hope for : P. and Y.

\7rt^Lv (acc.).

Ass, subs. P. and V. 6Vos, 6 or07,

Pack ass : Ar. KavOuv, 6, icay^Ato?,

6, P. ovos /cavfliJAios, 6. As term of

reproach : use fool. Of an ass,

adj. : Ar. ovaos.

Assail, v. trans. See attack.

Assailable, adj. P. eTa/m^os, eWi-0Tos. JEas# to &e tafeew : P. and

Assailant, subs. Use P. and Y. 6

wpoo-jSoAAo)v, or participles of other

verbs meaning to attack.

Assassin, subs. P. and V. <ovnfe,

6; see murderer.

Assassinate, v. trans. P. and Y.

<l>ovcviv ; see mwrd&r.

Assassination, subs. P. and Y.

<oVos, 6, Ar, and V. <ov<u', at ; see


Assault, v. trans. See attack. As-

sault a person: Ar. and P.

Assault, subs. See attack. Assault

and battery: P. oiiaa, ^For reference to case of assault, see

Dem. 524, 525.

Assay, v. trans. Ar. and P.

Assay, subs. Ar. and P. /3&ravos,

rj ; see trial, test.

Assemblage, subs. See assembly.

Assemble, v. trans. P. and V.

Aeyeiv, onVotyctv, d0poietv,

ew, crvy/coAov, Syetpeiv, P.

pctv, V. &Xtfav (rare ; used also' in

Plat., Orat. 409A, in a derivation).Y. intrans. Use pass, of verbs

given, also P. and Y.

aWlOTCMT0at, P. O~UVTpX<lV, O~UppLV.

Assembled, adj. P. and V. d0poo9.The assembled company : P. ot o-u-

VOVTC? (Dem.). Assembled in coun-

cil, adj. : Y. o-iWSpos.

Assembly, subs. Act of collecting :

P. and Y. o~vAAoy^, fj, c^poio-ts, ^People assembled : P. and V. cruA-

Aoyo?, 6, o-iWtos, 17.Crowd : P.

and Y. o/iZAos, 6, o^Aos, 6, a^poLo-fta,

TO, 6/x,^yupi5, 17 ; see crowd. Assem-

bly for a festival : P. and Y. -n-av^-

yfyKs, ^. Popular assembly : Ar.and P. tKKXya-ta, y. Hold an as-

sembly : Ar. and P. e/cjeA^cria^en/.

Assent, v. intrans. P. and Y. <rvy-

X<0pH', OTJvatvetv (Plat.), ercuvetv, P.

o/x-oAoyctv, V. o-uweucv. ^Lssew^ to .'

P. and Y. ejrivcvew (acc.), KttTatvctv

(acc. or dat.), a-uyxwpclv (dat.), onSvat-

veiv (acc.) (Xen.), P. opoXoyelv (dat.)r

7Tpo<rri6ccrQai (dat.).

Assent, subs. P. 6/ioAoyta, ^.

Assert, v. trans, or absol. P. and V.

ptc*O"$cLi, oLLfryvpLLccrOotit Assert con

ftdently: Y. auxetv (rare P.), elavxetv;see swea/r, vow. Assert in opposi-tion : P. and Y. dvrlAeyetv. Assert

(a cZcwTTi, etc.), make good, secure,

v. trans. : P. /3e/3atow. -ks^er^ aP. aVTWZXH6O"&U (gen.)^

(gen.), Ar. and P.

^acc.). Assert oneself,be bold : P. and Y. ToA//.Sv, tfpcwrv-

Assertion, subs. Statement : P.

and V. Aoyos, 6, p^fta, TO. Claim :

P. irpocrrroirjari's, fj. Self-assertion,

subs. : P. and V. ToA/*a, ^, Qpdo-os,

TO, P. flpacn/rqs, ^. Aggression :

P. -jrAfiovc&'a, ^. Obstinacy : see


Assertive, adj. BoZ<Z ; P. and 7.

flpaonus, ToA/i^pcfe. Aggressive : P.

TrAeoi/e/cTiKos ; see also obstinate.

Assertively. Boldly: P.

Aggressively: P.

also obstinately,

Assess, v. trans.


, tribute, etc :


Ass Ass

P. Taoxrcty, oWToivarciv j 866 Value.

Damages (in a law-suit) : Ar. andP. rlfj&v. Against oneself : P.

Assessment, subs. Fixing of the

: P. ra^t?, ^, 7rpo'crrai9, 17.

.: P. crwrair,

O. Damages (in a law-suit) :

Ar. and P. rf^/Aa, TO. Fixing ofthe damages : P. T^O-IS, ^.

Assessor, subs. Owe wfeo assesses

damages : P. Tt^nfc, 6. Ora w?&0

/ieZps mA advice : P. and V. criW

Spo9, 6 or17, 7rape8po9, 6 or 17, V.

owfla/cos, 6 or 17.Be assessor (to),

V. : P. irap&pViv (dat.), owStfea^etv

(absol.), "V. tyrjcrOai (absol )

Asseverate, v. intirans. Protest:

P. and V. paprDpcr6a.L, P. Stcyiap-

TupcarOai ;866 SWfiflr, 0SSfi?'.

Asseveration, subs. Oafo: P, andV. op/co9, 6 ;

see assertion.

Assiduity, subs. Perseverance: P.

/caprcpia, ^, /caprep^o-t?, T). Industry :

P. <iXo7ron'a, 17,P. and V. (nrovS^,

T/ Practice : P. fteXeT^, 17.

Assiduous, adj. Persevering: P.

and V. AtTrap^s (Plat.), Ar.

Industrious : P. ^tXo?rovo?,

O/ tilings : see continuous.

Assiduously, adv. Cont^nuously :

P. o-wcxws. Industriously : P.

woVeus, P. and V. crirovbrj*

Assign, v. trans. P. and V.

7Tpo(rve/, Ar. and P.

P. oarovfjLLvt cVtvcftetv, K

Assign by lot : P. and V.P. irrtKXypow ; see under Zotf,

jpoint : P. and V. Tacro-eiv, TrpoorraLcr-

<rciv. Everywhere through the

domain consecrated lands have been

we: V. Travraov Se


Assignee, subs. One who receives

assignment of land : P. KX^poi/xos,6.

Assignment, subs. D'istribution :

P.vo^^Siavo/x^iy. Land assigned:P. A^pos, 6. Store allotted: P.

and V. /AC/JOS, TO, Y. Xo^os, TO,

Assimilate, v. trans. P. and V.

OfJLOLOVV, l&fJLOLOVVj P. <X<o/X.060{)l/, 1TpO<r-

Assimilation, subs. P. 6/w>io)crt5, 17.

Assist, v. trans. P. and V. cu^cAerv

(ace. or dat.), &ro>< (aoo.), &rap-/cetv (dat.), erriKOVptiv (dat.), ftoriOew

(dat.), Ar. and V. &pijycw (dat.)

(also Xen.), ira.pfryeiv (dat.) (also

Xan.), V. ^Spo/ictv (dat.), dp^ecv

(dat.), 7rpoarapKiv (dat.), wpoo-w^cXctv

(aoo. or dat.), P. lir^orjOflv (dat.).

Ser-ue: P. and V. vTr^pemv (dat.),

vwovpyctv (dat.), $;7n7pTti/ (dat.).

Stand by : Ar. and V. o-u/Mrapa-

crra.TLV (dat.), wapwrrao-0<u (dat.), V,

TrapaoraTCiv (dat.), crvjJLTraipLcrra,a'6a.L

(dat.), <ruyyiy/cr^at (dat.).

o/: P. and V.



P. and^6vV.(dat.). TForA?

(dat.), o-vi/cpyetv (oat.), V. <ru//,-

lv (dat.), o~yy/ca/tvtv (dat.), o~vv-

(dat.), o-wK7roi// (dat.),

(absol.), Ar. and P.

. Assist (a work} :

P. and V. crufJLTrpacra-ew (ace.), cruv-

Spav (aoc.) (Thuc.), V. oiJi/eACTrovctv

(aco.) ; see share in. Helpforward:P. and V. o-TrevSetv, eTrto^rcvSav.

With non-personal subject : P. ?rpo-

<f>pLV 19 (aCC.).

Assistance, subs. P. and V. w

^, eVucovpta, 17, Tt/AWpta, 17, P.

^, V. (o^eXTyorfc?, 17, eTrox^eX^/ia, TO,


, , ,TO; see/w^.Assistant, subs. P. and V. e

6 or17, Tt/wopo9, 6 or

17, irap6 (Plat, and Eur., Frag.). Fern.

V. 7rapao-TaTt9, ty P. fi&q&os, o Or7),

V. apcoyo9, 6 or ^, /So^Spofjio^, o orr),

ri/xaopos, 6 or17, Ar. and V. crvftfrapd-

<rra-n?s, 6. Servant : P. and V.

7n7pen79, 6. Partner in work ; P.

and V. o-wcpycfe, 6 or ^, o-vXX^Trnop,o, V. OT5vepyaT^9i 6. Fem. cruwp-

yart9, ^, P. crwayvvurrqs, 6 1 See

Assisting, adj. P. and V.


Ass Ass

(TllUC., Plat.), CTriKOVpos, P.

V. oT?o>6>os. Defending: V. uAe-

Associate, adj. P. and V.V. o-wreXifc CZEsoh., ^10. 532),

Associate, subs. Partner: P. andV. *coa/(oi/o9, 6 or ^, o-wepyos, 6 or ^,

crvAA^rTcup, 6, orWofcos, 6 or ^, Ar.

and V. cru^iJyos, 6 or ^ ; see partner.

Companion : P. and V. croupes, 6 ;

see friend. One's associates, com-

panions : P. and V. ol crwdvres.

One living with another : use adj.,

P. and V. CTVVOLKOS (dat.). One

brought up with another : use adj.,P. and Y. o-vVrpo^o? (dat.).

Associate, v. trans. Make partner :

P. KOLVOVV. Alas J for the doomthat associates a just man with his

more sinfulfellows: V. <f>eu rov crwoA- opviflos /SpOTois Sixaiov av-

Bpa Totcrt Bvar<r/3(TTpOLS (JEsch.,Theb. 597). Associate with oneself',

take as associate : P. and V. irpocr-

<r&ai, P. 7rpoo-aipr0at. Unite to-

gether : P. awtardVat, P. and V.o-wSctv ; see umte. Associate (men-

tally) : P. and V. irpofrrtGevat, ; see

impute. Associating folly with the

gods : V. 6court irpocrOcls dfjiaOtav

(Eur., Higp. 951). Associate mtht

have dealings with : P. and V. <nry-

yfyvecrQat. (dat.), crvvewat. (dat.), crvvaX-

Xacro-civ (dat.), (rvvip^crQai. (dat.),

KOIVOVV&OLL (dat.), KOLVMVtiV (dftt.),

ofjfiXew (dat.), irpocro/juXfw (dat.) ;

see dealings. Associate oneselfwith : P. and V. irpo(rrt0c<r6ai (dat.).

Associated with, adj. : P. and V.

crvvotKos (dat.),

Association, subs. Dealings : P.

17. Political club : Ar. and P.


Associations, memories : P.


Assort, v. trans. P. and V.

(Eur., Jft-oy.) ; see arrange, separate,

Assorted, adj. Of various kinds :

Ar. and P, wai/roSaTros, P. and V.

Heaping abuse upon his

ill-assorted marriage: "V. TO 6W-Trdpevvov Xcicrpov evSarov/ACi'os (Sophu,Trach. 791).

Assortment, subs. Arrangement :

P. 8ia00-ts, 17, SiaTfltfAS, 17. Batch :

P. and V. -jrX^os, TO, 5pt^/ids, 6.

Assuage, v. trans. P. and V.'. Stop, check : P. and V. c

' '

:P.andV.-& (Plat.), V. .....iv. Lull to rest : P. and V.v (Plat.), V. KOL/J&V. Assuage

one's thirst : use P. and V. vtir&v \

see quench.

Assuaged, adj. V. 7rro>i/ (Soph.,0.0. 437). Fern, adj., V. iren-upa

(Soph., Trach. 728).

Assume, v. trans. Put on clothes,

etc. : P. and V. ev^eo-Oat, irepipaX-\.ivt

Ar. and P. apj^ifw^vai (or

mid.), V. oLLLdHBd^A-CfrOoLLj tt/i<itOU"

O~UCLL, Al' t and Y CLLid>tTLvVO,lf (Of

mid.), &fjari<rxew (or mid.). !Ifo&e

ow oneself: P. and V. avaipcto-^at,

irpocrriOecrOcLij u<wrracr0ai, P. di/aXa/x-

ftdvcw, see undertake. Assumingthe trouble of your rearing ; V. (7*7)

TravoWovcra -sratSctas OT-Xov (JEsch.,!F/ie6. 18). Ss assumes and takes

y/pon himself all these men's tni-

guities : P. Trai/ra dj/a^e^ofievo? Kat


r^fjLard lort (Dem. 352). Pretend :

P. and V. -rrXao-o-iiv, Ar. and P.

irpocnrotetcrtfai. ^L man might assumea fictitious character : P. Swair &v

Tts ir\dcra<r6<Li, TOV rpoTrov rov avroO

(Lys. 157). Infer: P. and V. i-

ica^etv, TCKftatpco-^at, Torra^ea' ; see

m/er. Assume (hypothetically) : P.

rt&cvat (or mid.). I wiZZ assume it

to be so : P. 0?Jo-G> yap ourco (Dem.

648). Assume as a principle : P.

',vjroriO&rdaJL. Be as-

P. virdpxw, wo/ccwrtfat.

assumed : V. VTTOITOS

.iJSc (Eur., -BZ. 1036).

Assumed, adj. Pretended: P. *r/>o<r-

TTOO/TOS, P. and V. wAaoros ; see


Ass Asy

Assuming, adj. Insolent: P. vfipi-

's. Meddlesome : Ar. and P.

v. Aggressive : P. 7rA>-

$.' Assuming that, if: P.

and V. ct, <&/ ; see suppose.

Assumption, subs. Pretence : P.

01770-15, 77. Insolence, : P, and

:?, T). Meddling : Ar. and P.

zyytwcrtfi^, ^ Supposition :

P. iw&ecrw, 77, 0eW, 77.

Assurance, subs. Pledge of goodfaith : P. and V. morris, T), irurrov,

TO, V. irurTwpaTa., Ta; see warrant.

Trust: P. and V. TOTTM?, 77; see

confidence. Certainty: P. fte/Saio-

TTJS, T/, P. and V. do-0oXa, 17.

Insolence: P. and, 17.

Promise : P. and Y. vrroVxco-is,

77. Perchwnce to-day will be cmassurance of mucli good fortune :

T) 8 vw MT6>s TroAAoiy vn-dp&L /cvpos

y/jifpa qaX&v (Soph., J57Z* 918)*

Assure, v. trans. Make swre or

5ec2W^ : P. ftcfiaiow. Asi

OUSly : P. loyvpLfccrQai,

<rQcu,. Promise: P. and V.

(imperative): P. and V. Mt, P.

aKpififa urBt, Ar. and V.cra<jf>*


(also Xen., Oj/r. 5, 2, 32). 5eassured: P. and V. o-a^ ctSri/at

(Ant. and Xen. but rare P.); see

also learn.

Assured, adj. Safe: P. and V.

Assuredly, adv. Yes, in answer to

a question: P. and V. vtu, va^f,

/jAiorra ye, wois yap o#;Ar. and P.

KOfuSy yc, S/AeA.64, Travv y, V. /cai

KCLpra, Kal KapTa yc. 4^ a^M/ TCtte ;

P. and V. y, yow, y 817, dAAxi,

"Aa . . . yc. verily : P. and V.Ar. and V. /copra (rare P.), 77

pra. In oaths or strong asser-

tions : P. and V.-JJ p-rpr.

Astern, adv. P. Karh. Trpv/^vav, V.

Astonish, v. trans. P. and V. &-TrXtfo-creLV, P. KarcnrXyvcrew ; see

surprise. Be astonished : see


Astonishing, adj. P. and V.

<rro5, Servos, ct/jW7^avos, Ar. and P.

Qav/tdcrios, uTTfp^uiys, V. e/cirayAos.

Astonishingly, adv. P.

dju,77;(avo)s, Ar. and P.

0av/J.acr{(i>s, P. and V.

Astonishment, subs.P.^

and V.

0av/jLat TO, ZKIT)(.T}I$, 17, Qdpftos, TO

(rare P. but used in Thuc. and


Astray, adv. Lead astray: P. andV. Trdpciyeiv, ?rA.avav, P. aTTOTrXavav.

Be lead astray.- also P. -n-apa^c'-

peer&u (Pkt.). (?0 O5^a^ : P. andV. ir\<rO(Li

',see err. (roiwgr

astray, subs. : P. and V. vXtirrj, 17.

Astride, adv. Seated astride on;V. ^^5 ^rf (gen.), /*/3/3ai? (dat.),

5e seated astride on : use s^ on.

Astringency, subs. P. av

Astringent, adj. P. and V. m/cpo's,

Ar. and P. crrpv<j>vo<s, P.

Astrologer, subs. Ar.

(rr^s, 6.

Astronomer, subs. P.

ftereajpoXoyo?, 6. #6 awv. . Ar. and P. doTpoi/

Astronomical, adj. P. .

Astronomy, subs. Ar. and P. dorpo-

Astute, adj. P. and V.

, P. 6&j$, Ar. and P.


Astutely, adv. P. and V.see prudently.

Astuteness, subs. P. and V.


see cleverness, prudence.

Asunder, adv. P. and V. x<P^ ^a,P.

Si.xrj. Tear asunder : P. and V.

Stare/^eiv, V. 8ia<^ptv, Ar. and V.

occiti&opciv ! see tear.

Asylum, subs. Place of refuge: P.

P. dTTo^vy?/, y). Protection, subs. :

P. and V. ^tJAttKrJ, 77. Right ofasylum: see sanctiwry. Whatstrmger will protectmy tife, offeringan asylum and a home where 1may be safe ? V. T& yrjv iwXov KO!


At Att

SO/AOL'? ^eyyuou5 fei/os

pvo-TCu Toufibv Seju-as, (Bur., 3


At, prep. Of place: P. and V. eVt

(dat.), Trpos (dat.), Trapd. (dat.), v

(dat.). Of time: use P. and V.dat. or & and dat. Of price : use P.

and V. gen. Against : P. and V.

rf (aec. or dat.), flyxfe (ace.), fe

(ace.). (Rejoice, be angry, etc,) at :

P. and V. brt (dat.). (AfosA;) at ;

P. and V. v/3p%iv (ets, ace.). (Throwor #ww) at : use gen. .N0 at all :

P. and V. apxty ou, P. ou^ oAws, Ar.

and P. ou TO Trapairav, Y. ou ro iravJ

see under aZZ. At enmity : P. andV. Si' 2x0/o js. -<i hazard: P. andV. T#X#, P. /cara r^v. ^^ 7&0m0 :

P. and V. OIKOI, /car' otfcov, ei/Scw,> SO/AOIS ; see under home. Atonce : P. and V. i>0vs, ev

jrapavTiKa., Ar. and P.

see immedwtely.Atheist, subs. Use adj., P. and Y.

Atheistical, adj P. and V.

Athirst, adv. P. and V. 8/rw (Soph.,

Frag.), V. &'i/aos. Be athirst: P.

and V. Sii^v (Soph., Frag.).

Athlete, subs. P. and V. deXyrfa 6

(Eur., Ale. 1027), P. do-^r^, 6.

Athletic, adj. P. -^vacm/co's. Ath-letic contest : Ar. and P.

ayoiv, P. and V. aywv, o, V.


Athletics, Subs. P.yv/^vacrTwoy, 17,

17.JCoue athletics, v. : P.

Athwart, adv. P. cfe ^rXayta, or use

adj., TrXayios. ^< right angles : P.

Atmosphere, subs P. and V. a^p, 6;

see temperature.Atone (for), v. P. and V. Bt^v 8t8oV<u

(gen.), Sftojj/ rtvLv (gen.), 8)?K^ ^K-

rS/ctv (gen.), V. Sftojv 7rapextv (absoL),Ar. Afkiv (ace.), V. CLTTOTLVCIV (aCC.),

rtvcw (aoc.). IfaJfce gfood: P. andV. avoAa/A/mveiv, ttKtcrtfat.

Atoning, adj. V. Ko^opo-tos.

Atonement, subs. Expiation, puri-

I fication : P. and Y. Ka6ap/j.6?, o,

i ATJO-IS, 17 ; see expiation. Conipensa-\

tion : Y. arrotva, ra (Plat, but rare

j P.), Trow], h or pi. (rare P.), P. andV. TtVts, 17 (Plat.). Iffl&e atonement :

see aforae. Purify : P. and Y.

Ka.9ajLpw ; see purify.

Atrocity, subs. Cruelty : P. and Y.

w/AOTTys, ^, P. dypior^s, 17. Ifem^Zfi-

ness : P. Seo/o'-nys, 17 Dreadful act :

P. and Y. roXpfjpjn, rc5, Y. ToA,/xa, 17.

Atrocious, adj. Savage: P. and V.

m<7 : P. and V. atVxpos. Terrible :

P. aud Y. Svos.

Atrociously, adv. P.<fyt,ws,


Shockingly' P. and V,

Terribly : P. and Y. Sewfo.

Atrociousness, subs. See atrocity.

Atrophy, subs. Wasting away: P.

<t>06r], TI ; see nwnbness.

Attach, v. trans. Bind : P. and V.

Scu/, <rui Seti/, V. e/cSctj/. Fasten ; P.and Y. dprav,

(Xen.), Y. ^a^Trrar, Ar, and V.e<MTTe/ ;

see also fasten. Met.

(blame, disgrace, etc.) : P. and V.

, .,

V. SvaTTTctv, Ar. and P.,

7TpiTt0o'at. Attach to oneself, met.of friends, etc. : P. and V.

^[^ac/i oneself to : P. and V.rttieotiat, (dat.).

Attach to, v. intrans. Belong to : P.

irpocnqprfjo-OaL (perf . pass. vpocrcLprav)

(irpos, dat.), P. and Y. Trpoorctvai

(dat.), 'jrpocrytyvecr&u (dat.), irpocrKci-

orOa.i (dat.). Avoiding the discredit

attaching to such 'conduct : P. -nyi/

yoiT$ (Dem. 67).

Attached, adj. Friendly, lovmg : P.

and Y. <A,ios, euvov?, irpocr^tXiJs.

JBe attached to : P. and Y. ^Uelv

(ace.), <rrpytv (ace.).

Attachment, subs. Anything that

s : P. and Y. Seor/wfe, 6, <rw-

i,6. Affection: P. and V.

po>5, o ; see love.


Att Att

Attack, v. trans. P. and V.

jSaXXeiv (dat.), cwrj&iXXcii/ (cts Or irpds,

ace.), TrpooTrtTTTcii/ (dat.), ior7T

(TTpOS, aCC.), 7T^tV (eTT?, dat.),

Xe<r6ai (dat. rarely ace,),

(dat.) (Xen. also Ar.), eT

(dat. or ace.) (Xen.), V. e<j6op/xav

(dat) or pass, (rare P.), P.

(dat.), e7rpeo-0ai (dat.), ITTI-

yiyv<rBo.L (dat.), eirnriirriv (dat ),Ar.

and P. eirirWcarOau, (dat.),

(dat.). ^Ztacfc &/ sea "

(dat.). March to attack : P. andV.

cTTtoTparcvctv (dat.). Join in attack-

ing : P. owe7rm'0eo-0ai (perd, gen.and dat. of object attacked). JCay7&ands 0?z : P. and V. U7nro-0<u (gen.),

rtXa/A/3diveo-0eu (gen.). ^iiacA; (wi/i

words) : P. and V. eVwrXiJo-o-eiv, P.

KaOaTrrearOaL (gen.), Ar. and P. cy-

*io-0(u (dat.) ; see occwse. -Itocfc

fl Statement: P. dvriXa/x,/?avecr0<u

(gen.). 4toc& (o/ sickness or

physical sensations) : P. and V.


(dat.), Trpoo-TriTrrcH/ (dat.

(els, ace.). Ofaplague:(dat.), P. and V. &#-

(ace,). 5fi attacked (by

disease, misfortune, etc.) : P. andV. cnWxecr0<u (dat.).

Attack, subs. P. and V.

17, cur/SoXy, 17,P. 7T40m,

Attack by sea : P. cTrwrXovs, 6. O/disease, etc. : P. and V. -n-pocrftoXy,

17,P. KaTafioXj, rj. Open to attack :



Attain, v. trans. Reach : P. and V.

afaKveio-tiat, (els, ace., or V. ace.

alone), tcra</>wcvt<r0<u (cts, ace., or

V. ace. alone), Ar. and V. ucmcrflai

(cts, ace., or ace. alone), V. &KV-crOai (cfe, aco., or ace. alone) ; see

rawfe. Have attained, have reached :

P. and V. 97*iv (cts, ace., or V. ace.

alone) ; see raw/a. Attain an object:P. and V. e&KvelcrOai (gen. or ace.),

n/yxavai/ (gen.), e^aTrrecr^ai (gen.),P. l</>LKvcL<r0ai (gen.); see also ac-

accomplish, gain. Those

attained to the greatest

power : P. ot kv St/ccXt^ ?rt TrXetcrTOF

^prjcrav Suva/Acws (Thuc.).

Attainable, adj, P. KaTaX-yj-nro^.

Attainder, subs. Loss ofc^v^l rights:P. and V. &Tt/ua, ^.

Acquirement :

, 17.^SWZ : P. and

Attainment, subs.

P. and V.


Attaint, v. trans. Deprive of civil

rights : Ar. and P. O.TL/J.OVV.

Attainted, adj. Deprived of civil

rights : P. and V.

Attemper, v. trans. See temper.Suit : see suit.

Attempt, v. trans. P. and V. emxci-

peti/ (dat.), eyxeiptlv (dat.), airreorOoLL

(gen.) ; see undertake. AbsoL : P.

and V. 7ri;(ip/ (infin.), cyx

(mfin.), Trctpav or mid. (infin.).

Attempt, subs. P. and V.

fyXtLprjlia., TO, P.f.irix*ipv)pja., TO, cirt-

xctp^o-w, ^, 774^0X17, 17. Daringattempt: P. and V. roXp^pja,, TO,

KwftijvcufJLa, TO, V. ToX/x-a, ^. Prfi-

liminary attempt: P. TrpdVeipa, 17.

Miafce aft attempt on (a fortified

place, etc.} : P. Trctpav or mid.

(gen.), airoTTCipav (gen.).

Attend, v. trans. Accompany : P.

and Y. eTrecrQat, (dat.), e^errecrflat

(dat.), crvveTrecrOcu (dat.), bjjlXeii'

(dat.), Ar. and P. aKo\ov6ew (dat.),

Trapa/coXou^etv (dat.), P. o"uvaicoXov^tj/

(dat.), V. /x,0e7z:ecrd<u (dat.), 6/xapTcZr

(dat.). Escort : P. and V.Trecv. W^^ ow : P. and V.

(dat.), VTrrfperelv (dat.),

(dat.), fapaTrevtw (aCC,), V. -rrpocnco-

Xeti/ (dat.). 4towZ (school, etc.) :

Ar. and P. <omii/ (ts, ace.) . Att&nd

(school with others) : Ar. and P.

(absol.). Be present at :


P. and V. Trapctvat (dat. or efe, aco.),Ar. and P. 7Tapayiyi/eo-0cu (dat.).

Woi^ for : see a^oii. -Ai^w^

medically : P. and V. fcpaTnnkiv, V.

K^Sevctv. ^i^wd ow, be consequenton : P. and V. fao-Oat, (dat.), <rw-TrccrOai (dat.), P. dfcoXou^ctv (dat.).Attend on (as a servant on a cMld) :



P. and V. TOiSaywycu/ (acc.). At-

tend to, look after : Ar. and P.

m/x,Xeo"0ac (gen.), P. enri/AcXetav,

jroitiffBcLi (gen.), P. and V. ^povTttv(gen.), T^fteXetv (acc. or gen.) (Plat.),

KiqSeo'da.i (gen.), V. wpav X H/ (gen.).Attend to, pay attention to : Ar.

and P. ?rpoo"Xiv (dat.), trpoa'^tvTOV vow (dat.), P. and V. vow lx tv

(fl-pos, acc. or dat.).

Attend, absol. Pay attention : P.

and V. i/Sex "^at>Ar- an^ P- wpoo


cxctv, TTpoo^xciv TOV vow. .Be present :

?. and V. Trapctvat, Ar. and P. -n-apa-

foveZ^ : P. -Trpoo-excov afco-uo-aroj (Dem516).

Attenuated, adj. Ar. and V.

Attendance, subs. Service : P. Sx-

Kflvia, TI,Ar. and P. fonypco-ta, ^, P.

and V. XaTpc^x, ^ (Plat.), tfepoVcta,

^ ;see tendance. Presence, subs. :

P. and V. Trapovcria, 17. Attendanceon children : P. and V. TratSaytoyta,

^. Ow- &e sflcfc : P. and V. ^cpaTrcta,

17,V. TratSaywyta, 17, TrpocreSpta, ^.

Attendance (at a cowse of teaching,

etc.) : P. crvvovo-ia, 7}.

Attendant, subs. P. and V. for.

pT7?9, 6, Sta/covos, 6 or TJ,Ar. and P.

^epa-Trcov, 6, aicoXov^os, 6, V. TrpoV-

TToXos, 6 or ^, oVotcov, 6, o7raSds, 6 or

fj,Ar. and V. -rrpoTroXos, 6 or


d/x^ftroXos, 6 or ^ ;see servant,mM

Attendant on cHldren : P. and V.

TratSaycoyos, 6.

Attendant, adj. Pertaining, con-

sequent: P. xofLvos, dicoXou^

^i^dawi on ; Ar. and P. a/coXov^

(gen. or dat.) Attendant train : V.

oTTurtfdVous Ko>/xo9J 6 (Ear., Hipp. 54)

Attention, subs. Care : P. eTrt/jieXcta

^, Ar. and P. ^eXeny, ^, V. wpa, rj,

P. and. V. GTricrrpoifa'f}, TJ, cnrovov},

Respectful treatment. 'P.Oeponreiaj

Pay attention to : see attend to.

Show attention to : Ar. and P.

(acc.). Give me yowP. 7rpoo*exer TOV vo^v


see attend.

Attentive, adj. Careful : P. and V,

&rt/AX?j5 (Soph., Frag.). Thought-ful, considerate: P. dryvco/uov.

attentive : see attend.


Attentively, adv. Carefully: P.*MI*>;? j^e^ /zim listeji atten-

Attenuation, subs. P. XC^TOTJ??, 07.

Attest, v. trans. 5ear witness to.

P. and V. fjjCLprupew, crufjLfjiapTvpelv,


prove : P. and V. Scucvvvai, &JTQ-

Sci/cvwat, CTrtSctfcvifvat, S^XowJ see

Attestation, subs. Evidence : Ai*.

and P. /jUXpTupia, 17,V. /wiprupTyjaa, TO.

Attic, subs. Ar. and P. vTrepwov, TO.

Attire, subs. P. and V. foAfc, ^,

7, -^ (Plat.), KoarfjLos, 6 ; see dress.

Attire, v. trans. Adorn : P. and V.

KOO'/JL6V, V. do"/crv, la(TKiv, ayaXXctv ;

see dress, eg'ttij).

Attitude, subs. P. and V. o-x5/^a,

TO. TFizy o/ standing : P. and V.

:, 17. Way of sitting : V. ISpa,TO. Adopt an attitude

towards, beliave towards, v. : P. andV. -Trpoo-^cpco-^at (dat.). Feel to-

wards : P. StaKcicrSai (dat. or npos,

acc.). Opinion: P. and V. Sofa,

Attitudinise, v. intrans. P.

^co-Oat., Ar. o^rjp.a.ri^Lv.

Attorney, subs. See lawyer.

Attract, v. trans. In physical sense :

P. and V. IXfcetv, V. 7rpoo-^y<r^at

(Soph., Frag.). Met. P. and V.

<^eXfC0~0<u, eTTtarrao-flai, IXxctv, Trpoar-

ayea-Bo.1. Delight: P. and V.

rcpireiv; see delight. A beautythat attracts the eyes of men : V.

wpa . . . iTrtorpeTTTOs /Jporots (-ZEsch.,

Supp. 997).

Attraction, subs. Lit. P. 6X107, 17.

Met. charm: P. and V. x^s *J-

Bfl*^ : P. and Y. ScXcap, TO.

Attractive, adj. P. CTraycoyos, wpoo-

ay<oyos, <jEoXlcos. Charming: AJ.

and P. xapUiS, P. eiUxa

Delightful . P. and V.

Attractively, adv. P.

and V.




Attributable, adj. The fact that

they did not all die of hunger loas

mainly attributable to him : P. TO


eyeyero (Dem. 469).

Attribute, v. trans. P. and V. &/-

(j>piv (ri rwt or cts Tiva), TrpocrriOcvai

(TL TLVL), aiTiacrOat, (TIVOS rtva), &rai-

Ttacrfiat (TO/OS rtva), Ar. and P.

7rava<^eptv (n ts rtva), dvariQcvcLL

(TL TH/I), V. alriav veju,tv (TIVOS Ttvt).

J.SS&0W : P. and V. a?roStSoVat.

Attribute, subs. Sigw: P. and V.


TO; see st0r&. Peculiar quality:P. and V. fetov, T<$. Part : P. andV. //.epos, TO. I must endeavour to

scvy what is the attribute of each

divmity : P. a Imrepos tA.7/x Wi-

paTCOV t7TtV (Plat., %Wp. 180E).You appear unioilling to explainthe essential nature of righteousness,but to state a certain attribute ofit : P. KtvoWeueis TTJV p&v ova-Caw (rov

ocriov) ou ^ouAco-^ai S^Xoio-at, TTCL^OS

8c TL irpl aitrov Xeyctv (Plat., Euth.

HA). TPe sfeaW ^n^ all things

despised except such as have received

a share in this attribute (be<wty) :

P. cvpycrofjiev Trdvra KaLTa<f>povovfJLva

Trkfy ova Tavnys TTJS tSeas KCKOLV^KC

(Isoc. 216:0).

Attribution, subs. Assignment: P.

Attrition, subs. P.

Attune, v. trans. P. a/>/x,d/ (Plat.) ;

see tune. Met. see o^op.Attuned, adj. P. and V. cn^wvos;

see harmonious. Attuned to : met.P. crvwvoff (dat.), V. oww&fe (dat.),

Auburn, adj: P, and V.

Auction, subs. &ZZ &T/ auction, v.

trans : P. dwro/ciypuo-crciv.

Audacious, adj. P. and V. ToX/^po's,

0pao~ife, V. 7ravro\/zos. Shameless :

P. and V. fivatS^. Impudent : P.

v^ptorrt/co?. ^iwdZacio^s ^w speech:V. ^pao-va-ro/xoff. J5e OP. and V. ToA^Ltav, fyVv,

In speech: V. 0paoTJ(rro/xtv, c

Audaciously, adv. P. ToX^pfis, Ar.

and P. Opaa-ew. Impudently: P.

vppicrTiK&s. Shamelessly: P. and

V. avatSoi?.

Audacity, subs. P. and V. ToX/m, ^,

tfpacros, TO, P. flpaoimys, ^. Impu-dence : P. and V. vj3pis,y. Shame-lessness : P. and V. Svoi&ta.

Audible, adj. P. CIKOVOTOS, V. a/cou-

ofytos (Soph., Frag.).

Audience, subs. Admittance to a

hearing : P. and V. cio-oSos, ^.

Grant audience : P. Xdyov 8i8di/at,

V. Xo'yov ^STSoVat (Eur., And. 965).Have an a/ibdience with : see inter-

mew. Spectators : P. and V.

Oearat, o, ^ctopot, ol, ot Oeu>fjiVOL.

Hearers : P. aKpoa/rai', ot, Ar. andP. ot aKpoa>/jLvoi, P. and V. ol a/cov-


Audit, subs. Ar. and P. tvOwa, ^,

or plural.

Audit, v. trans. See examine.

Auditor, subs. Accountant : P. ev-

:, 6, Xoywmys, 6. Hearer: P.

fc, 6, or use adj., P. and V.


Auger, subs. P. and V. rpv-n-avov, TO

(Plat, and Eur., Gycl. 461).

Aught, pron. See anything. For

aught I know : Ar. oow y ty t8eVat.

Augment, v. trans. P. and V. aufa-

vctv, a^tv, V. 6<^'XXw/; see increase.

Augmentation, subs. P.

Augur, Subs. V. ol^v6p.avri^ o, olto-


Augur, v. trans. Forebode : P. andV. p,avTVo-Oai. Signify, portend :

P. and V. <rrjfjLavw, jxuvuv (Eur.,JEW. 829), V. 7TpOOT7/Z,aH/tV, 7TpO</>atVtV.

2%0y tooA? ^e matter the more to

heart because it seemed to augur iU

for the success of the expedition :

P. TO Trpay/jta /m^oVco? cXa/x/fovovTOV y^tp ^/cTrXov otcoi/os cSoKti clvat

(Thuc. 6, 27).

Augury, subs. 4r o/ augury : P.

(Plat), V.'




ra. Practise augury : P. owort^c-crQai (Xen.), V. otwvoovfOTrcti'. Seat

of augury : V. 0aicos oieovoovcoW, 6.

Omen : P. and Y. OUDVO'S, 6, Ar. andV. 0/nfe, 6, Y. TrrepoV, TO.

August, adj. P. and Y. credo's ; see

revered. Magnificent : Ar. and P.

ju-eyoAoTrpeTnJs, P. and V. Aa^wrpos.Jtt invocations to goddesses : usefern, adj., Ar. and Y. wrna.

AugUSt, Subs. P. MTayin/ov, o.

Augustly, adv. P. and V. o-c/mos.

Augustness, subs. Dignity : P.and Y. o-e^vonys, 17. Magnificence :

P. jjLeyaX<yirpcjrUL, ?}.

Aunt, subs. P. T^I'S, 17.

Auspices, subs. See augury, omen.Under favourable auspices : V. #p-viOi ara (Soph., O.-B. 52). Enjoy-ing favourable auspices : P. OWDVOIS

^p7/cra/*vos cwo-iots (Xen., Ctyr. S, 3,

22). 2%0y leagued themselves to-

gether under the auspices of some

of the best generals : P. <jwrrai/To

. . . fyovres -ffy^fiova^ TOJV irdw orparty-

y&v (Thuc. 8, 89). Take auspices,v. : P. oiWio-0<u (Xen.), Y.

Auspicious, adj. Of omens : P. andV. KoAo?, C7J017/AOS (Plat.), curves,V. Sefios, uju,vi7s, Trpeu/xev^?, Ar. andV. arw>s (also Xen. but rare P.).Of persons : P. and Y. ZAcws (some-times scanned as dissyllable),

/ f \L \ A 3 "VT " '

fjitwjs, ^ptAios, Ar. and. V.

7rpo<pcov, Y. Trpeu/xevT/s, Yb^ Wtade

it (ow land) an auspicious battle-

ground for the Greeks to fight in :

TEAA^cn (Thuc. 2, 74).words ; P. and V. cv-

Uie owspwjiows words ; P.

words, adj. : Ar. and V. c&^/xo?.

Auspiciously, adv. P. and V, cS

Seasonably : P. efiiccupo)?, P. and Y.

t5 KoAoV, KKoA^ ; see seasonably.

Austere, adj. P. and Y. rpaxfc,

crfcAi7p<Js, Ar. and P. xoAcrnfc, <rrpi;<^-

i/os (Xen.), P. oucmypfe. Crabbed :



P. and Y. Svo-KoAos Frugal : Ar.and P. (ietocoAos*

Austerely, adv. P. rpaxe<u?, Ar. andP. a-K\7jpS)st X&ACT&S. Crabbedly :

P. Suo-AToAcos. Frugally : P.

Austerity, subs. P. and V.

aiWoypanys, ^. Orabbedness : Ar.and P. Sw/coAwx, ^. Frugality:Ar. and P. ^eiSwAi'a, ^.

Authentic, adj. P. and V. SA^s,P. oA^^tvos. Trustworthy : P. andV. -Trorros, ftefiaios, P. d^Mwrwrro?

Authenticate, v. trans. P. ftcftauwv.

Authenticity, subs. Truth ; P. andV. oAi;0ia, -7. Trustworthiness:P. and V- wicrn,?, ^, rd Trtorov.

Author, subs. Creator: P. and Y.

6. Doer: P. and Y. -TrpaKrwp, 6,

6 Spacras, Y. Ipydrrjs, o (also Xen.but rare P.). Maker : P. ^01-377779,

6. One who causes : use adj., P.and V. omos. Contriver : P. and

: P. and V. rjycfjL&v, 6 or ,

or -^, P. eioTTy^rjys, 6, V.

r, 6. O/ a murder: see

wwraerer* The author of one's

being : V. 6 yewus &pxirrynr)s (Bur.,Or. 555);

see father. Writer,

prose-writer : P. <rvyypavs, 6,

Aoyoiroios, 6. Ferse-wnter : P.

Authorisation, subs. P. and Y.

efwom, y ; see authority.

Authorise, v. trans. Ar. and P.

cTrn-pen-eiv (dat.), P. ^vaiav SiSovai

(dat.) ; see allow.

Authorised, adj. Hewing authority :

P. and Y. /dJpios (Eur., El 259).

Authoritative, adj. Positive, certain:

P. and V. j&e/toios, mcrros. Per-

emptory (of persons) : P. Scowr-wcds.

Of a command: P. la-xvpfa', see

peremptory. Possessed ofauthority:P. and Y. icriptos.

Authoritatively, adv. P.

Positively: P. and V.j

Firmly: P. aj^P^- Expressly:



Aut Ave

P. Stapp^SiTv. Peremptorily: see


Authority, subs. Power : P. and V.

TO, icpaTOS, TO, SwaoTcio, y. Jw-

fluence : P. and V. 8iSva/us, ^.Permission: P. and V.

Testimony: Ar. and P.

17, V. paprvpLov, TO or PI. Con-

cretely, ivitness : P. and V.6 or

17 Qwote as authority, v. : P.

7rapcm0or0at (ace.). .4w authorityon: P. and V. ^-tcrr^/xwv, 6 or

(gen.), e/x/Tmpos, 6 or ^ (gen.).

M&0 authority, adj. : P. and V.

Saving full authority, adj. : Ar.

and P. aVTO/CpCLTCOp.

%, adj. : P. a/cvpo?. Without yourauthority: P. ^17 <rrjp^vavr6^ crov

(Plat., P/wiedo 62o). On one's .

authority: P. d^' IOUTOU y^ai

Z%07/ accused the generals ofmakingterms without their autJiority : P.

TOVS o^rpanTyous cTrjTrtao-avTo OTI &/eu

avra>vcrwc^r/o-av (Thuc. 2, 70).

TAe authorities, those in authority:P. and V. oi cv TcX, TCI /crfpta, P. TCL

7, ot 7rt T0t wpay/Aao-t, V. ot

Et ^ej8o)Ts, Ar. and P. ol <ip\

&w period (of history) was oimtted

by all authorities before me : Tots

wp6 C/XOT) a7rcwrtv e/cXtTre? TOVTO ^v TO

X<opto/ (Thuc. 1, 97).

Autochthonous, adj. P. and V.

Autocracy, subs. P. and V.

^, Tupams, 17, P. Seo-TroTcca, 17.

Autocrat, subs. P. and V.

6, TUpCLVVOS, 0, SeO-TTOT^S, 6.

Autocratic, adj. P. and V.Ar. and P. avro/cpdfrcup, P.


Autocratically, adv. P.

Automatic, adj. Self-acting: P.and V. CLVTOttttTOS.

Automatically, adv. P. dwo Tawo-


Autonomous, adj. P. auroVo^os. Beautonomotts : P. aw

Autonomy, subs. P.

Autumn, subs. P. ^rotr^pov, TO,

^Oa/oTT^pov, TO, Ar. and V. oVoipa, ?/.

Autumnal, adj. P. /tcTowwptvo's

Auxiliary, adj. P. and V.

Spcoyos (Plat., Thuc.), P.

Of things, subordinate : P.

pcrt/cos. Auxiliary troops : P. andV. iTTlKOVpta, l),

P. Ot llTLKOVpOL. Ofauxiliary troops : P. CT-IKOVPIKO'S.

Avail, v. trans, or absol. P. and V.

<rvfj.<f>ptv (dat.), &<t>c\tLv (ace. or

dat.), cVw^cXctr (aco. or dat.), ap/cctv

(dat.), ovWvat (ace.). Have power :

P. and V. SiW<r0<u, to-^ctv, Ar. andV. o-feW. ^wi oneself of: P.

and V. xprjcrQai (dat.), P. cwroxpi}cr0<u

(dat.). JBw/07/ /nwte o/ : P. andV. KapirovtrQai (ace.), S7roXavtv (gen,),

V. iiravpio-KCfrOa.!. (gen.).

Avail, subs. Advantage : P. and V.

*p8os, TO; see advantage. It is of

no avail : P. ovficv wpoupyov ^ort.

O/ w/zai ai-aiZ ^s tt ? P. and V. rt

TrXeor lo-rt ; Of no avail, useless :

use adj., P. and V. axp^oro?, dxpo5,^vax^eX^s ; see useless.

Available, adj. Ready to hawl : P.

and V. 7rpo^fcpo5. He available :

P. and V, T&Trapxcw, P. wrti/at. 7%<J

Zar(7<3 s?^7?w ^afc<3W a^ the sack of lanwi

were available for the sold'ier# : P.

Ttt /c T^7ra<r0VTa ^TTWV

8, 36).

Avarice, subs. P. and V.

Kp8ex, 7;, ttirA.77^Tta, }, P.

/Aana, ^, ^tXttpyvpai, r/. (Ircedintm ;

P. 7T\OV^ia, rj.

Avaricious, adj. P. and V. ahrxpo-

KtpBys, ^tX<ipyvpo5, aTrXiya-TOSt P.

^tXoYoiy/AttTos. Greedy; P. 7rA.or


Avariciously, adv. P.



Avaurit, interj. Ar, and V- fypt, V.

?/opots (opt-), Ar. 47pay.

Avenge, v. trans. Persons or things ;

P. and V. n/*cDptv (dat. of person,ace. or gen. of thing), Pentomt :

V. TToivflt^ Xa/Aj8c[v/ (gpn,), Tltinys ;

P. and V. ot/oTv or Ttfuoptov Xo/ut*


Ave Avo


a.L, cKirpacro-eiv, aTrotva (TCI)

(gen.) ; see take vengeancefor, under vengeance. Avenge one-

self on : P. and V. rl^(ace.), di/TiTZ/xa>pio-0(u (aoo.),

o-Ocu (acc.), Ar. and V. avra/ic

(ace.), V. 7rou>a<rOai (ace.), Tti/(r0ai

(acc.) ; see toia vengeance on, under


Avenger, subs. P. and V.

6 or 17, V. wou/<T<*>p, 6, TifLciopos, 6

-^OpOS, O 01' ^, TrpCLKTOJp, O.

o/ a father's death : V.

Tt/x,a>pds <f>wov (Soph., JEJZ. 14).iZZ become the avenger of my

children's blood: V. T&I/O&S SIKO>

OTI)S at/xaTos yci/rjcro/wxt (Eur., JET.J?7



Avenging, adj. P. and V. TI/X,O>/>O'S,

V. TTOlffylOS, SilO)<f>6pOSt Tl/A

Avenging spirit: P. and "V.

orcop, o, P. dAi-nJpios, 6 or ^.

Avenue, subs. Grove : P. and V.

(2\<ros, TO (Plat.) ; see grove. Way,means : P. and V. 7n>po, o. Avenue

of escape : P. and V. 080?, 07,&ro-

Aver, v. trans. P. and V. Aeyeiv,

</>af<u, </>ao-Kii/ ; see assent, confess.

Average, adj. I/T/ittflr between twoextremes : P. and V. /xcVos. Moder-

ate, not excessive : P. and V.

Customary : P. and V.

Average, subs. Middle point : P.

TO fjJcrov. On the average, for the

most part : P. TO. TroAXa, <L$ em TO

TroXv; see mostly. To strike the

average .between the largest andsmallest number of ships : Trpos T&S

/Acyurras Kal eXaxwrras vavs TO /xeo

o-KOTretv (Thuo. 1, 10).

Average, v, trans. Equalise : P.

^Travtcrow; see equalise.

Averse, adj. Hostile: P. and V,

<f>pw, see hostile. Unwilling: Pand V. 2ji>v. jBe a^ar^e to (things \

P. x^t^w? <f>ipw (acc, or dat.), Arand P. *y&voKTtv (dat.), P. and V

(dat.), V.

(acc.). Haie .- P. and V. //,wrtv

see hate. Disapprove : P. and V.

pepfao-Oai (acc. or dat.). Be wi-

willing to (with infin.) : P. and V.ov ftov\.co-0ai, Ar. and P. ouic e^cXctv,

Ar. and V. ov 6&civ.

Aversion, subs. Hostility: P. andV. X^Ptt

J ^ X^0? r<^> Su(Tp,l/ta, 17.

Ill-ivill: P. and V. SvWoia, 17,

P. /caicovota, ^. Hatred : P. and V.

/AIO-OS, TO; see hatred. Dislike : P.

ctyoYa, ^. Save aw aversion to : P.and V. fucrelv'y see

wiifc aversion : P.

(acc. or dat.) ; see dislike.

Avert, v. trans. P. and V.

&TTO(rrp^Lv9 a7ro)0ti/. Ward o

P. and V. a/j,ftvw} aircipycLv ; see

loard off. Oh Gods I miy ye avert

these calamities ; V. <S 0ol yevour&cTwvS' d-TroTpoTTOL KaKtov (Eur.. Phoen.


Averted, adj. Turned away: V.

Averting, Bubs. P. and V,

Averting, adj. Ar. and P.

Tratos, V. TpOTraios, OTTOTPOTTO?,

-njptos. Jlver^wgr mZ: Ar.

Avidity, subs. Eagerness: P. andV. anrovSy, ^, irpo&vfjua, ^. Gh'eed:

P. and V. (STrX-^onrta, ^.

Avocation, subs. Ar. and P. &a-"

\ fj tP. cmTqBtvfJva,, TO, -rrpay-"


Avoid, v. trans. P. and V. <jf>vyv,

, tt^rraortfat (gen.), ^ft-

(acc. or geu.). Ar. and V.

(also Xen.), V.

ecv, cK</>vyyctvtv,^X

. Shirk: Ar. andsee sWrfc. Jfo^ to &e avoided, use

adj.: P. and V. ^VKTOS (Plat.).^lt?oW mecfiwgf (a person) * Ar. andP. &crp&rcor0<u (acc.). Desire to

avoid: Y. <t>vfcUw (aoo.).

Avoidance of, subs. P. and V.


Avo Awn

(gen.), P- AiroSpoorw, 17

(gen.), dTTOKi^o-is, 17 (gen.), V. aAufis,


Avow, v. trans. See confess, assert.

Avowal, subs. See confession, as-


Await, v. trans. P. and V. /Aemv,

pov$xccr6<ut Ar. and P.

V, P. VTTOfJLCVCW, V. a/I/X,I/tl/,

/ufiveiv, KoVxr0(U, Trpocr-

(rare P. as Thuc. 6, 4:4 andDem. 292), Ar. 7rai^/ju

/or .- P. and V. TT/pei]' (aco.),So/eai' (aco.), Ar. and P.

(ace.), V. /capa&>Kti/ (ace.) (also


Awake, adj. P. and V. eypiyyopos.

Sleepless: P. and V. aypu?n/os, V.'

use P. and V. Swap (opposed to

oVap, in a foeam).

Awake, v. trans, P. and V. fyef/mp,

efcyetpeiv, Ar. and P. 7Tytptv, &/-

ycipciv (Xen.). Met., see WOUSQ.Lie awake : P. <iypu7n/et!/, Ar. 8ta-

V. intrans. P. and V.

^/& . P. and V. v

(ace.), a<f>aviLv (ace.).

Away, interj. Ar. and V. Ippe, Y.

Kppois (opt.), Ar. a?ray. -.i?^^/

with labours : V. xat/)(>l/TWI/ ""ovot

(Bur., JSTJ. 575).

Awe, v. trans. P. and V, <o/?', ^*-

<#>oy86tv; &QQ frighten.

Awe, subs. 'Sanctity: P. and V.

OTC/AVOTT/S, ^, Ar. and V. o-^Sas, ro.

Reverence : V. aiSoSs, ', o-c^as, TO, P.

and V. eucre/foa, ?/. J?(jar .- P. andV. ^>o/?os, 6, Se'os, TO, <^pf77, T) (Plat.,

and Bur., Tro. 1026); see fear.

Object of aioe .- Ar. and V. o-|8a5,

TO'. View with awe : P. and V.

(rc^eiv (aeo.), o-e^cor^at (aoo.),Al-

and V. crcptfav; see /ear, respeot.

Awestruck, Be, v. P. and V. &-

Awaken, v. trans. See awake.

Awakening, subs. P. lyepms, 7).

Met., swprise: P. ira/>aA.oyos, o.

Theirs was a rude atoakening : P.

6 TrapaXoyos aurots fteyas T;I/ (Thuc.7, 55).

Award, v. trans. P. and V. 8wc<ii/,P. 7rt8i/ii/ ; see assign^ adjudge.

Award, subs P. and V. /cpfins, 7%P. Siayi/oms, T;.

Aware, adj. Knowing: P. and V.jBe aware of: P. and V.


(ace.), 'cffifro* (ace.),,

(ace. or gen.) ; soe k\

Learn : P. and V.

(ace. or gen.) ; see learn.

Away, adv. P. and V.Far off: Ar. and P. Troppeo, V.


Trporrco, 7ropor(i>

j seeyii&/'. J?0 away :


P. and V. crti/<u. Be from home :

P. and V. l/cST/uw, Ar. and P. im>-

S^/xetv; see 6e ^6road, under abroad.Do away with : P. and V. a^rupeu'

(aco.), see rc'move^ abolish. Make

Awful, adj. Fearful: P.and^V.

864V05, <^0^pOS, ffrplKwB'QS, V, 8uV-

Xt/Ao?, e/x-^oyQos. Majestic : P. andV. crepvos.

Awfully, adv. P. and V.

Majestically: P. and V. o-e

AwfulneSS, subs. P. SCW/OTT;?, *;.

Majesty : P. and V. CT^UVO'T^S, 7;,

Awhile, adv. P. and V- rA. jpb/1

a w&tfd, /or ^ W^ while : uso P.

and V.

/Sp&xyv \p6vov.

Awkward, adj. Qlwnsy : P. and V.

<r/cato9, Ar. and P. o[ypot/cos, V.

a/4iJx"vo$ - Uneducated : P. and V.

a/AOVcro?, afJtiiOrjs, Al*. and P. ftTrat-

SCUTOS. J&mbarraxsiw/ : P. ami V.

fcopos a/jitfxdvos (rare P.), Ar. andP. x^^ 7r<^*

Awkwardly, adv. (Utwwilr/ : Ar.

rcbusiw/li/ : P. and V* $7ro/x>?.

ttehace awkwardly: P. and V.

aorxT/yLAoi'ctv. /Jc awkwardly plawul :

P. ttTTOpo)? ScaKcurdfU.

Awkwardness, (HurtiHln^x : P.

and V. OTCCUOTT;?, >/, P. dypoucta, jj,

Boorwhness : P. and V. fyuwtrta, >;,

P. airatSciwna, 7/. KwharnutiMwnt :

P. and V. ^TTopta, 7).

Awning, subs. P, (rrfya<r^ 9ru

; 800


Awr Bac

covering. An awning of cloth: V.

7TTpu TreTrAan/ (Eur., Ion, 1143).

Awry, adj. P. ovcoAids. Turned

aivry : V. 8iaorpo<o9.v. trans. : P. and V.

TmpaoTTpccjkciv. Met., /aZse, jarmng :

P. and V. TrA^/^^s.Awry, adv. P. ek cr/coXta. Falsely,

jarringly : P. TrA^^ASs.Axe, subs. P. and V. WA.CJW, 6

(Xen. also Ar.;, a^, ^ (Xen.).Battle-axe: P. and V. TreAc/cus, 6

(Xen.). Pick-axe: Ar. and P.

Ar. and V. StfceAAa77,


7;, rii/cos, o,

6. Unhewn by the axe,

adj. : V. acr/<7rapvo9.

Axiom, subs. Self-evident proposi-tion: P. aiG>/Aa, TO (Aris

Axis, subs. P. TTO'AOS, 6.

Axle, subs. P. and V. 3,favt o, V.

<ri)pty, ^. Turning in the axle,

adj. : V ttfoviyAttTos.

Ay, interj. See yes. To add em-

phasis : P. and V. 77, Sfjra.

Aye, adv. See always.

Azure, adj. V. *vavos, P.



Babble, v. intrans. Talk nonsense :

P. and V. A^iv, Ar. and P.

Chatter ; P. and V.

i/, V. 7ro\voTo/xtv, Ar. ^A/tyvfi-

; see chatter.

AdSAos, P. TroAuAoyos, V. &@vpay\<i)cr-

o-os, oTO/ipyos, Ar. AaA^rt/co?.

Noisy : V. TroAvppo^os, pd^to?.

Babe, subs. Ar. and P. -nmoYov, TO',

TratSdtptov, TO'. (7/iiZ^ m a?4ws ; P.

and V. vr/Trtos, 6 orT) (Plat., Ant.),

V. /fy^os, TO, TVT^OS, 6 orT). 07iiZ^

(generally) : P. and V. irats, 6 or17*,

Ar. and V. TCKVOV, TO (rare P.). <ya babe, adj. : V.

Babel, subs. Confused noise: P.and V. 66pvj3os, 6, 6; see

Baby, subs. See babe.

Babyhood, subs. See childhood.

From babyhood : P. IK /u*pou TrcuSa-

(Dem. 1252).

Babyish, adj. P. and V.

see childish.

Baboon, subs. Ar. and P. T

Bacphanal, subs. P. and V.

6 (Plat.). Fern., P. and V.

^ (Plat.), V. OVL&, 7),


Bacchanalia, subs. P. and V.


at (Plat.), V.

TO, or pi.,

(pi. in Ar.), TcAerai vtot, at.

Bacchanalian. See Bacchic.

Bacchante, subs. See Bacchanal.

Bacchic, adj. Ar. and V. /Scucxctos,

/fe/^wtfios, Sos. Bacchic revels,

subs. : see baccJianalia. Indulgein Bacchic revels : P. and V. PO.K-

(Plat,, Jo. 584A), V. /3a*-

Bacchic frenzy: V. TO

Make a no-ke

P. and V.,

Babble, sub's.

P, At/po?, o, $Aai5px, T),P.

TCI. Chatter: Ar. and P. AaCo, >;, V. AoA^/AaTa, -ret, P.

r); see chatt&r. Noise:P. and V. ^rrtyof, Q. Meaningless


toife ; P. and V. ^o<os, 6. :

Babbler, subs. Ar. and P, dSoXfoxv/>, V. AciAT/fia, TO, ^A^8o>v, 3 or


Babbling, subs. V. yA<u<r<roAyta, T)

see babble.

Babbling, adj. Talking ; P. and V. I


Bachelor, subs. Use adj., P. and V.

of inanimate things,'

<2yfyu>s, ^eo? (Plat.), V.

ti/. i Back, subs. P. and V. vGrrov or pi.

Nonsense: Ar. and! Of the back: P. and V.

(Plat.). Of things : P. T&

The back legs : P. T& MtrO

(Xen.). At the back, behind, adv. :

P. and V. ZmcrOev, 67r)fcra>, Ar. andP. KttTOTTtv, Io7rr0fi', V. oVwrtfe,

In the rear : P. /vartt VWTOV. Onhorse-back: P/and V. ty* ?mrov.

07i one's back, adj. : P. and V. ftr-

no5. Twrw one's back, v. intrans. :

V. vom^eiv. TAe,V *^"tw5 ^6*600/55 in flight: V. irpos ^>vyr)v

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