Page 1: Enhanced Chondrogenic Differentiation of Dental Pulp Stem Cells … · 2017. 6. 13. · Original Article Enhanced Chondrogenic Differentiation of Dental Pulp Stem Cells Using Nanopatterned

Original Article

Enhanced Chondrogenic Differentiation of DentalPulp Stem Cells Using Nanopatterned

PEG-GelMA-HA Hydrogels

Cameron L. Nemeth,1,* Kajohnkiart Janebodin, DDS, PhD,2–4,* Alex E. Yuan,1

James E. Dennis, PhD,5 Morayma Reyes, MD, PhD,2,3,6 and Deok-Ho Kim, PhD1,3

We have examined the effects of surface nanotopography and hyaluronic acid (HA) on in vitro chon-drogenesis of dental pulp stem cells (DPSCs). Ultraviolet-assisted capillary force lithography was employedto fabricate well-defined nanostructured scaffolds of composite PEG-GelMA-HA hydrogels that consist ofpoly(ethylene glycol) dimethacrylate (PEGDMA), methacrylated gelatin (GelMA), and HA. Using this mi-croengineered platform, we first demonstrated that DPSCs formed three-dimensional spheroids, which pro-vide an appropriate environment for in vitro chondrogenic differentiation. We also found that DPSCs culturedon nanopatterned PEG-GelMA-HA scaffolds showed a significant upregulation of the chondrogenic genemarkers (Sox9, Alkaline phosphatase, Aggrecan, Procollagen type II, and Procollagen type X), whiledownregulating the pluripotent stem cell gene, Nanog, and epithelial–mesenchymal genes (Twist, Snail, Slug)compared with tissue culture polystyrene-cultured DPSCs. Immunocytochemistry showed more extensivedeposition of collagen type II in DPSCs cultured on the nanopatterned PEG-GelMA-HA scaffolds. Thesefindings suggest that nanotopography and HA provide important cues for promoting chondrogenic differ-entiation of DPSCs.


Acurrent challenge in tissue engineering is to createa microengineered extracellular matrix (ECM) that can

direct cell adhesion, proliferation, and differentiation similarto in vivo conditions.1 Nanofabrication of the topographicalenvironment has shown promise in directing cell orientation,geometry, and adhesion similar to that observed in vivo.2–4

Numerous studies have demonstrated the use of biomaterialsto create tissue scaffolds with nanoscale topographical cuesto elicit behavior in cells that more closely resembles thatobserved in native tissue.5–7

Many contemporary techniques for fabricating biomaterialscaffolds with nanoscale features include electrospinning,nanoimprinting, dip-pen nanolithography, and capillary forcelithography (CFL).8–10 Of these methods, only CFL is ca-pable of generating well-defined nano-features over largeareas without the need of expensive or sophisticated equip-

ment.11 In CFL, capillary action is used to draw a solution ofpolymerizable monomers into a mold. The monomers arethen polymerized, typically with heat, the removal of a sol-vent, or ultraviolet (UV) light.12 The simple and inexpensivegeneration of scaffolds with precise nano-features allowsfacile detection of sensitive cell responses to the nanotopo-graphical environment.

In addition to providing topographical signals, native ECMprovides chemical cues to cells through the presentation ofproteins, sugars, and glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) embeddedin the ECM architecture.13 Hyaluronic acid (HA) is a natu-rally occurring GAG and is an integral part of the ECM incartilage tissue and is the most prevalent ECM molecule inthe synovial fluid.14 HA provides cells with numerous bio-chemical cues, mediated by receptors such as CD44 andRHAMM, to regulate the behavioral aspects of cells such asmorphology, proliferation, and migration.15,16 HA has alsobeen found to provide chemical cues to promote stem cell

Departments of 1Bioengineering and 2Oral Health Sciences, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington.3Center for Cardiovascular Biology, Institute for Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington.4Department of Anatomy, Faculty of Dentistry, Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand.5Benaroya Research Institute at Virginia Mason, Seattle, Washington.6Department of Pathology, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington.*These authors contributed equally.

TISSUE ENGINEERING: Part AVolume 00, Number 00, 2014ª Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.DOI: 10.1089/ten.tea.2013.0614


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differentiation toward the chondrogenic lineage and is usedin currently available cartilage repair therapies.17,18

Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) can differentiate intochondrocytes and deposit cartilage matrix in either cellmonolayer (two-dimensional) or cell aggregate (three-dimensional [3D]) cultures.19,20 Dental pulp stem cells(DPSCs) are well-characterized neural crest-derived MSCsthat are isolated from both human and murine toothpulp.21,22 DPSCs are an attractive postnatal stem cell sourceas they are easily accessible, can be easily expanded ex vivo,and exhibit multipotency and regenerative capacity, whereasextraction of MSCs requires an invasive procedure andMSCs exhibit less expansion capacity than do DPSCs.23–25

Murine DPSCs are derived from neural crest origin andexpress the epithelial–mesenchymal transition (EMT) genes,Twist, Snail, and Slug.21 These EMT genes have been shownto be important for inhibition of chondrogenesis bothin vitro and in vivo, whereas downregulation of EMT genesenhances chondrogenic differentiation.26–28 In vitro differ-entiation using induction media supplemented with growthfactors, such as bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) ortransforming growth factor (TGF)-b, can induce MSCs todifferentiate into the chondrogenic lineage as shown byincreased levels of chondrogenic genes and proteins.20,29

DPSCs can differentiate into chondrocytes under appropri-ate stem cell niches, which may require downregulation ofthe expression levels of EMT genes. The easy accessibility,tremendous ex vivo expansion capacity, and malleability forefficacious differentiation make DPSCs a promising MSCsource for cartilage tissue engineering.

Efforts to regulate the chondrogenic differentiation ofstem cells have shown that stem cell behavior is largelydependent on mechanical and chemical cues from the ex-tracellular environment.30,31 The importance of compositehydrogels has been established in replicating the naturalECM and providing the signals necessary for cartilage dif-ferentiation.32 The structure of cartilage is composed ofmultiple layers with different cellular organizations. In thesuperficial layer, chondrocytes are well aligned. Previousgroups have demonstrated the use of anisotropic scaffolds tomimic the superficial layer for articular cartilage regenera-tion.33,34 It has also been demonstrated that nanotopographycan be responsible for the formation of 3D growth of cellstructures.35 In the field of cartilage tissue engineering,spheroid formation provides a 3D architecture that enhanceschondrogenic differentiation capacity.36,37 Previous studieshave demonstrated that HA and 3D spheroid culture systemsusing photolithography techniques can promote MSCs toform spheroids.23,38 Motivated by the urgent need for moreefficient cartilage tissue engineering platforms and by thepotential of stem cell-based therapies, we sought to assessthe combined effects of matrix nanotopography and HA-mediated signaling on the chondrogenic differentiation ofDPSCs. We chose to use CFL for nanofabrication due toits low cost, ease of use, and the ability to be fabricatedinto a diverse array of structures. To facilitate UV curing,we conjugated thiol-modified HA to poly(ethylene glycol)dimethacrylate (PEGDMA). We then cultured DPSCs onscaffolds in the BMP-2-supplemented medium and deter-mined their capacity to differentiate by examining the ex-pression of chondrogenic genes and proteins. In this study,we first report that nanopatterned PEG-GelMA-HA scaf-

folds fabricated by CFL enhance spheroid formation andchondrogenic differentiation of DPSCs.

Materials and Methods

Synthesis of PEG-GelMA-HA precursor solution

Synthesis of the PEG-GelMA-HA precursor solution wascompleted in two steps: (i) preparation of gelatin methac-rylate and (ii) conjugation of HA and methacrylated gelatin(GelMA) to PEGDMA (Polysciences). Synthesis of GelMAwas conducted as previously described.39 Briefly, gelatin(Sigma-Aldrich) was added at 10% (w/v) to Dulbecco’sphosphate-buffered saline (DPBS; Sigma-Aldrich) at 60�Cin stirring condition until a clear mixture was observed.Methacrylic anhydride (Sigma-Aldrich) was added at 50�Cto form a 20% (w/v) solution. DPBS was added to dilute andstop the reaction after 2 h. The solution was subsequentlydialyzed through a porous membrane bag (12–14 kDa mo-lecular weight cutoff; Spectrum Lab, Inc.) to remove re-sidual salts and methacrylic acid in deionized water. Theresultant product was filtered through a 22-mm membrane(Millipore) and lyophilized for 4 days to produce whiteporous foam. To form a PEG-GelMA-HA precursor solu-tion, PEGDMA (Mw 1.0 · 104 Da) was suspended in theDPBS solution, then mixed with lyophilized GelMA, andsuspended Glycosan HyStem, a thiol-modified HA product(Mw 2.4 · 105 Da, generously provided by BioTime, Inc.).Twenty percent of PEGDMA (w/v) was prepared with 10%GelMA (w/v) and 0.5% HA (w/v). The solution was mixedthoroughly by vortexing. The photoinitiator 2-hydroxy-2-methylpropiophenone (Sigma-Aldrich) was subsequentlyadded at 1% (v/v). The precursor solution was covered inaluminum foil until further use.

Fabrication of nanopatterned PEG-GelMA-HA hydrogels

Glass coverslips (BioScience Tools) were cleaned in a pira-nha solution consisting of a 3:1 ratio of 100% sulfuric acid(Sigma-Aldrich) and 30% aqueous hydrogen peroxide (Sigma-Aldrich) for 30 min to remove organic material and provideadditional hydroxyl groups before silane treatment. Then, cov-erslips were thoroughly cleaned using deionized water and driedunder an air stream before being submerged in 2 mM 3-(tri-methoxysilyl) propyl methacrylate (Sigma-Aldrich) in anhy-drous toluene (Sigma-Aldrich) for 60 min. The glass coverslipswere rinsed in toluene again and dried under an air stream. Thecleaned and silane-treated coverslips were stored under vacuuminside a desiccator until used. UV curable nanopatterned poly-urethane acrylate (PUA) (Minuta Tech) molds were preparedfor fabrication. Characterization and synthesis were previ-ously described.5 The PUA mold consisted of a pattern ofridge · groove · height dimensions of 800 · 800 · 500 nm. An-isotropically nanopatterned PEG-GelMA-HA hydrogels werefabricated on the pretreated glass coverslips using UV-assistedCFL. A PUA mold was rinsed with 100% ethyl alcohol toremove organic contaminants and was carefully placed onto thesurface. A small amount (*10mL) of PEG-GelMA-HA pre-cursor solution was pipetted onto a single glass coverslip. Thesolution was drawn into the nanogrooves of the pattern throughcapillary action and cured by exposure to UV light (l= 365 nm)for 5 min. After curing, the PUA mold was peeled off leaving ananopatterned PEG-GelMA-HA hydrogel scaffold.


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Characterization of PEG-GelMA-HA hydrogels

The surface topography of PEG-GelMA-HA hydrogelswas analyzed by a high-resolution scanning electron micro-scope (FEI Sirion SEM). Images were taken of hydrogels withand without patterning. To confirm the presence of HA onPEG-GelMA-HA hydrogels scaffolds, toluidine blue stainingwas conducted on both the PEG-GelMA and PEG-GelMA-HA scaffolds. Toluidine blue is a metachromatic chemical dyeused to detect GAGs.40 Briefly, 1% toluidine blue (w/v) wasprepared in 70% ethanol and then diluted into 0.1% (w/v) in1% NaCl. The PEG-GelMA-HA hydrogel scaffolds werestained in a toluidine blue solution for 15 min, washed threetimes with distilled water, and dried before image acquisition.The percentage area of positive toluidine blue staining wasmeasured using ImageJ software analysis (NIH). X-ray pho-toelectron spectroscopy (XPS) spectra were taken on a Sur-face Science Instruments S-probe spectrometer. The X-rayspot size for acquisitions was *800 mm. The Service PhysicsHawk Analysis Software was used to determine peak areas.The binding energy scales of the high-resolution spectra werecalibrated by assigning the lowest energy C1s high-resolutionpeak a binding energy of 285.0 eV.

Morphological cell analysis

Cell orientation was determined on unpatterned and pat-terned scaffolds. The reference axis value of 0� indicatesparallel alignment with the nanopattern, whereas 90� indi-cates perpendicular alignment with the nanopattern. The cellorientation angle was determined by the angle between thereference axis and the axis of the maximal cell cross-sectionallength. The cellular elongation was determined as a ratiobetween cell length/cell width. Cell morphological measure-ments were conducted using ImageJ software analysis.

Cell culture

DPSC clones were previously isolated from 4- to 8-day-old neonatal mouse molar teeth under approved InstitutionalAnimal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) guidelines andcharacterized.21 Frozen cells were thawed and expanded(1500 cells/cm2) in stem cell media containing 60% low-glucose Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’s medium (DMEM;Gibco, Invitrogen), 40% MCDB201 (Sigma-Aldrich), 2%fetal calf serum (FCS) (HyClone), insulin–transferrin–selenium (ITS) (Sigma-Aldrich), linoleic acid with bovineserum albumin (LA-BSA) (Sigma-Aldrich), 10 - 9 M dexa-methasone (Sigma-Aldrich), 10- 4 M l-ascorbic acid (Sigma-Aldrich), 100 units/mL penicillin with 100 mg/mL streptomycin(HyClone), 1 · 103 units/mL leukemia-inhibitory factor (LIF-ESGRO; Millipore), 10 ng/mL epidermal growth factor(EGF; Sigma-Aldrich), and 10 ng/mL platelet-derived growthfactor (PDGF)-BB (R&D Systems) at 37�C under 5% O2 and5% CO2.

DPSCs (20,000 cells/cm2) were plated on tissue culturepolystyrene (TCPS) and poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG)-basedscaffolds, which were fabricated on 12-well plates in stem cellmedia. After 2 days, spheroids were collected and replated onTCPS surfaces under the same culture condition to observecell survival and migration. The numbers of spheroids werecounted after 2 and 6 days replating in culture. Spheroid-derived and replated cells were also collected for RNA. Details

are summarized in Supplementary Figure S1 (SupplementaryData are available online at

Quantification of cell viability through mitochondrialdehydrogenase activity

Cell viability of DPSCs seeded on different types ofscaffolds (n = 3) was determined through the mitochondrialdehydrogenase enzyme activity by using water soluble tet-razolium salt (WST-1) assay (Clontech). Briefly, 100mL ofpremixed WST-1 cell proliferation solution was added tocells cultured in a glass-bottomed dish (Live Assay, Inc.)containing 1 mL of cell culture medium. After incubation at37�C in 5% CO2 for 4 h, 100 mL of the medium was trans-ferred to a 96-well plate with a triplicate per scaffold condi-tion. The absorbance at 450 nm was measured with a standardplate reader (VICTOR3V; PerkinElmer, Inc.). The total mi-tochondrial dehydrogenase activity increases proportionally tothe number of viable cells, leading to an increase in absor-bance values, which resulted from the enzymatic cleavage ofthe tetrazolium salt WST-1 to formazan.

In vitro chondrogenic differentiation

DPSCs (20,000 cells/cm2) were plated on TCPS andPEG-based scaffolds, which were fabricated on 12-wellplates and incubated overnight in stem cell media at 37�Cunder 5% O2 and 5% CO2. After 24 h, a spheroid formationwas observed and the medium was switched to the BMP-2medium for 10–21 days. The BMP-2 medium consisted of60% low-glucose DMEM, 40% MCDB201, 10% FCS, ITS,LA-BSA, 10 - 7 M dexamethasone, 0.3 mM l-ascorbic acid,100 units/mL penicillin with 100 mg/mL streptomycin,supplemented with 100 ng/mL BMP-2 (Shenandoah Bio-tech).29 The BMP-2 medium was changed every 3 days.After differentiation, cells were collected for RNA and fixedfor collagen type II antibody staining.

RNA extraction and quantitative reverse-transcriptasepolymerase chain reaction

Total RNA was purified from DPSCs cultured in growthmedia and BMP-2 media with an RNeasy Mini kit (Qiagen),according to the manufacturer’s protocol. Quantity and purityof RNA was determined by 260/280 nm absorbance. First-strand cDNA was synthesized from 1mg of RNA using theHigh Capacity cDNA synthesis kit from Applied Biosystems asper the manufacturer’s protocol using a randomized primer.Quantitative reverse-transcriptase polymerase chain reaction(QRT-PCR) primers are listed in Supplementary Table S1.cDNA (20 ng) was prepared using the SYBR green PCR mastermix from Applied Biosystems. Reactions were processed bythe ABI 7900HT PCR system with the following parameters:50�C/2 min and 95�C/10 min, followed by 40 cycles of 95�C/15 s and 60�C/1 min. Results were analyzed using the SDS 2.2software, and relative expression calculated using the com-parative Ct method and normalized with Gapdh expression.Each sample was run in triplicate reactions for each gene.


Cells were fixed with 4% formaldehyde in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) for 10 min, washed with 1% BSA in0.1% Triton X-100 in PBS, blocked with 10% normal goat


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serum at room temperature (RT) for 1 h, and stained witheither rat anti-mouse CD44 monoclonal Ab (1:100; eBioscience)or mouse anti-mouse collagen type II monoclonal Ab(1:500; Chondrex), incubated overnight at 4�C followed bythree washes in PBS. Goat-derived anti-rat or mouse Alexa594-conjugated secondary antibodies (1:800; Invitrogen)were incubated at RT for 1 h and washed three times. Cellswere stained with 4¢,6-diamine-2-phenylindol (DAPI) at1:1000 to visualize the nuclei. All antibodies were diluted in1% BSA in 0.1% Triton X-100 in PBS. The IgG isotypesfrom the species made for the primary antibody (0.1 mg/mL)(Vector Burlingame) were used as negative controls.Fluorescence micrographs were examined by a Zeiss Ax-iovert 200 fluorescence microscope. Images were taken withan onboard monochrome AxioCam camera. The back-ground was reduced using brightness and contrast adjust-ments, and color balance was performed to enhance colors.Control images were treated the same as experimental im-ages. All modifications were applied to the whole imageusing Adobe Photoshop CS2. The relative intensity collagentype II staining per cell was measured using ImageJ soft-ware analysis. The number of samples for the image anal-ysis was three samples per scaffold group (n = 3). From eachscaffold, five images were used for the analysis.

Statistical analysis

Quantitative data were analyzed using Student’s t-test, one-way ANOVA, or Pearson’s chi-squared test. p-Values <0.05were considered statistically significant. All values are re-ported as mean – standard deviation.


Fabrication and characterization of nanopatternedPEG-GelMA-HA hydrogels

The chemical synthesis of PEG-GelMA-HA hydrogels isshown in Figure 1A. PEG is a synthetic hydrogel thatdemonstrates nontoxic and nonimmunogenic properties inaddition to tunable mechanical strength.41 However, PEGdoes not exhibit any biological activity, which prevents cellbinding to the scaffold. Therefore, the incorporation of cell-binding adhesion sites is necessary. Gelatin methacrylate(GelMA) is a popular biomaterial due to its ability to formhydrogel structures through photopolymerization.42 Gelatinis denatured collagen containing sites that facilitate cellbinding and adhesion while possessing matrix metallopro-teinase-sensitive degradation sequences that allow cells toremodel the ECM. As a light polymerizable material,

FIG. 1. Schematic ofnanopatterned hydrogel syn-thesis. (A) PEG-GelMA-HAscaffolds were prepared fromprepolymer mixture (green)consisting of poly(ethyleneglycol) dimethacrylate(PEGDMA), methacrylatedgelatin (GelMA), and thio-lated hyaluronic acid (HA).The pattern was generated byusing polyurethane acrylate(PUA) nanopattern (purple)and photopolymerization bylow-wavelength ultravioletlight at 365 nm. (B, C)Scanning electron micro-graphs of PEG-GelMA-HAunpatterned and patternedhydrogels, respectively, withridge · groove · heightdimensions of 800 · 800 ·500 nm. Scale bars = 10 mm.Color images available on-line at


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GelMA possesses the ability to be incorporated with otherpolymerizable materials such as PEGDMA to create tunablecomposite hydrogels that take advantage of both materials interms of mechanical and biological profiles.39

A prepolymer solution containing PEGDMA, GelMA,and HA was cured by UV light to promote conjugation ofGelMA and HA to the PEGDMA backbone through pho-topolymerization. To form nanopatterned scaffolds, a fewdrops of the prepolymer solution were dispensed on a glasssubstrate, and a PUA mold was then placed on the surface,forming a conformal contact with the surface. The polymerstructure was cured by UV light, and the PUA molds wereremoved from the surface leaving behind a nanopatternedPEG-GelMA-HA scaffold. To confirm physical integrityand the presence of the nanotopography, SEM images wereobtained from the PEG-GelMA-HA hydrogels prepared inunpatterned and nanopatterned conditions (Fig. 1B, C). Theunpatterned PEG-GelMA-HA hydrogels contained no signsof altered topography, whereas the nanopatterned PEG-GelMA-HA hydrogels were composed of an array of lineargrooves with ridge · width · height groove dimensions of800 · 800 · 500 nm as verified by analysis of the SEMimages. The fabricated pattern was highly reproducible be-tween experiments. The dimension choice of 800 · 800 ·500 nm of the nanopattern demonstrated a high reproduc-ibility in repeated fabrication. In addition, previous studiesshowed that anisotropic topographical scaffolds for super-ficial cartilage tissue engineering explored ranges within500–1000 nm with success in inducing alignment ofcells.33,34

To further verify the surface conjugation of HA, toluidineblue staining and XPS analysis were used. The toluidineblue staining revealed a homogenously intense blue color inthe PEG-GelMA-HA scaffolds (Supplementary Fig. S2A) dueto the presence of HA, whereas none appeared on the PEG-GelMA scaffolds (Supplementary Fig. S2B). The quantifica-tion of positive toluidine blue staining revealed that positivestaining was highly significant for PEG-GelMA-HA com-pared with PEG-GelMA (***p < 0.001) (Supplementary Fig.S2C). XPS analysis demonstrated the presence of HA inHA-conjugated nanopatterned scaffolds, but not in nano-patterned scaffolds due to the presence of elevated nitrogencontent (Table 1). This is to be expected as HA possessesnitrogen atoms. This provides evidence to support theconjugation of HA in the hydrogels.

Morphological analysis of DPSCs culturedon different scaffolds

To evaluate the biocompatibility of fabricated scaffolds,WST-1 assays of DPSCs after 24-h seeding on scaffoldswere performed. The result showed no statistically signifi-cant difference in cell viability compared among cells see-ded on scaffolds and TCPS (Supplementary Fig. S3),indicating no cytoxicity of our scaffolds. DPSCs were alsoable to attach on scaffolds and represented spindle-shapedcells, the morphology of MSCs (Fig. 2A, B). These resultsindicated that our fabricated scaffolds were not toxic toDPSCs.

The cell alignment and elongation were performed toindicate that cells responded to the nanotopographical cuesprovided by our fabricated scaffolds. The morphology ofDPSCs cultured on unpatterned versus nanopatterned scaf-folds is also an important aspect of mechanoregulation.After 24-h cell seeding, a confluent layer of DPSCs withrandom cellular orientation was observed on unpatternedPEG-GelMA-HA scaffolds, whereas a parallel cell align-ment (indicated by a white arrow) was present on nano-patterned scaffolds (Fig. 2A, B). CD44, a cell surfacereceptor that binds HA and modulates cartilage differenti-ation, was stained in DPSCs cultured on unpatterned andnanopatterned PEG-GelMA-HA scaffolds, respectively(Fig. 2C, D).43,44 DPSCs cultured on nanopatterned PEG-GelMA-HA scaffolds showed stronger CD44 staining at thecellular membrane following the orientation of the patternedscaffold compared with diffused CD44 staining by cells onunpatterned scaffolds. This increased membrane-localizedCD44 staining following the orientation of the pattern onthe scaffold suggests that CD44 on the cells is binding toHA on the patterned scaffolds and this binding may triggersignaling important for chondrogenesis. In addition, cel-lular alignment (indicated by a white arrow) was observedas expected for nanopatterned scaffolds compared withunpatterned scaffolds. DPSCs cultured on unpatternedscaffolds exhibited a cellular morphology with character-istics of random cell alignment. DPSCs cultured on na-nopatterned scaffolds, however, exhibited a much higherfrequency of alignment (Fig. 2E). There were no differ-ences in the elongation of cells depending on the locationon the patterned scaffolds. Moreover, the cellular elon-gation ratio determined by the length/width ratio demon-strated that DPSCs cultured on PEG-GelMA-HA patternedscaffolds had a significantly greater elongation thanDPSCs cultured on unpatterned scaffolds (***p < 0.001)(Fig. 2F).

Effects of nanotopography and HA on spheroid formation

Spheroid formation was observed in both nanopatternedPEG-GelMA and nanopatterned PEG-GelMA-HA scaffolds.We also observed monolayer cells attached, elongated, andaligned along the pattern of scaffolds. DPSCs cultured onnanopatterned scaffolds were able to form spheroids after24 h on top of elongated and aligned monolayer cells, whilecells cultured on TCPS and unpatterned PEG-GelMA-HAscaffolds did not form spheroids (Fig. 3A–D). To differen-tiate live cells that form spheres from dead cells that formcell aggregates, we collected all floating spheres and re-plated on polystyrene surfaces. This would confirm if cells

Table 1. Atomic Mass Percentage of Carbon

(C), Nitrogen (N), Oxygen (O), and Silicon

(Si) Elements for Representative

PEG-GelMA and PEG-GelMA-HA Samples

Atomic conc. %

Sample C N O Si

PEG-GelMA 67.6 4.0 27.2 1.2PEG-GelMA-HA 65.9 5.1 27.3 1.7

Note that atomic mass percentage was determined by XPSanalysis from a single spot of representative PEG-GelMA and PEG-GelMA-HA samples.

XPS, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy; PEG, poly(ethyleneglycol); GelMA, methacrylated gelatin, HA, hyaluronic acid.


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are alive or not. Live cells would attach on the surface,proliferate, and migrate. After replating all spheres, all ofthem were able to attach and proliferate until confluent. Thisresult demonstrates that spheres formed in our scaffoldscontained live cells.

Spheroids after 2 days attached to the TCPS surface andbegan to expand outward (Fig. 3E). Spheroids were con-tinuously observed at day 6 after replating (Fig. 3F). Thenumber of spheroids was also counted for each experimentalgroup (n = 3) on day 2 and 6 postreplating (Table 2). Out-ward expansion continued until a confluent monolayer wasformed (Fig. 3F) and resulted in a decrease in the number ofspheroids at day 6, compared with that at day 2. Nano-patterned scaffolds with HA showed significantly greaternumbers of spheroids compared with nanopatterned scaf-folds without HA on both day 2 and 6 (***p < 0.001 and*p < 0.05, respectively). This indicated that nanopatternedtopography itself enhanced the formation of spheres, butnanopattern and HA functioned synergistically to improvethe capacity to form spheres. After in vitro differentiation,spheroids remained on the patterned scaffolds through 21days and some spheroids, but not all, grew in size with timein culture.

Gene expression analysis of differentiated DPSCs

DPSCs seeded on TCPS and cultured in BMP-2 mediaexhibited significant upregulation of the chondrogenic-specific markers Sox9, Alkaline phosphatase, Aggrecan, andProcollagen type II after 21 days compared with cells cul-tured in growth media (*p < 0.05) (Supplementary Fig. S4),indicating that BMP-2 can induce in vitro chondrogenesis ofDPSCs, as we have previously shown.21

To determine if fabricated scaffolds enhance the chon-drogenic differentiation of DPSCs cultured in BMP-2 media,the expression of specific chondrogenic genes was analyzedat early (day 10) and late (day 21) time points. In nano-patterned scaffolds, the QRT-PCR results were analyzed inboth monolayer and spheroids. At day 10, DPSCs culturedon different PEG-based scaffolds expressed higher levels ofSox9, Alkaline phosphatase, Aggrecan, and Procollagen typeII and X compared with DPSCs cultured on TCPS (Fig. 4A–C and Supplementary Fig. S5). Among different kinds ofscaffolds, DPSCs cultured on PEG-GelMA-HA patternedscaffolds expressed the highest level of chondrogenic genes.Sox9, Aggrecan, and Procollagen type II were significantlyincreased in the PEG-GelMA-HA patterned compared with

FIG. 2. The morphologyof dental pulp stem cells(DPSCs) on different scaf-folds. (A, B) Phase-contrastimages of DPSCs seededon PEG-GelMA-HAunpatterned and patterned,respectively. (C, D) CD44staining of DPSCs seededon PEG-GelMA-HAunpatterned and patterned,respectively, after 24 h.DPSCs aligned along nano-pattern directions (indicatedby the white arrows) onPEG-GelMA-HA patterned,but not on PEG-GelMA-HAunpatterned. Scale bars = 50mm. (E) The cellular orien-tation (represented aspercentage of frequency;n = 100) was determinedfor PEG-GelMA-HA un-patterned (dashed line) andpatterned (solid line). (F)The cellular elongation(represented as a ratiobetween cell length/cellwidth; n = 50) was deter-mined for PEG-GelMA-HAunpatterned and patternedscaffolds. Values are re-presented as mean – standarddeviation (SD) (***p < 0.001with respect to PEG-GelMA-HA unpatterned) and ana-lyzed by Student’s t-test.Color images available onlineat


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TCPS and other scaffold groups (*p < 0.01). The expressionof Alkaline phosphatase and Procollagen type X in DPSCscultured on the PEG-GelMA-HA patterned scaffolds signif-icantly increased when compared with that on TCPS, butdid not differ from that on PEG-GelMA patterned and HA

unpatterned scaffolds (*p < 0.05). The effect of PEG-basedscaffolds on the chondrogenic differentiation of DPSCs wasalso assessed after 21 days. In contrast to that on day 10,Sox9 was significantly downregulated in DPSCs cultured onPEG-based scaffolds, compared with TCPS (*p < 0.01).However, cells in HA-based scaffolds expressed significantlyhigher levels of Sox9 than those on nanopatterned PEG-GelMA (*p < 0.05). At day 21, significant differences ofchondrogenic genes were seen in HA-based scaffolds com-pared with TCPS, but there was no difference in Alkalinephosphatase and Procollagen type X in HA-based scaffolds.Aggrecan was significantly upregulated in DPSCs cultured onPEG-GelMA-HA scaffolds compared with TCPS and pat-terned PEG-GelMA scaffolds (Fig. 4B). Noticeably, Pro-collagen type II was expressed fourfold and sixfold higher inDPSCs cultured on PEG-GelMA-HA unpatterned and pat-terned scaffolds, respectively, compared with that on TCPS(*p < 0.05). Nevertheless, DPSCs cultured on PEG-GelMA-HA patterned scaffolds expressed significantly higher levels ofProcollagen type II compared with that on PEG-GelMA-HA

FIG. 3. DPSC-derivedspheroid formation and via-bility on different scaffolds.(A, C) A confluent mono-layer of DPSCs cultured instem cell media after 4 dayswas observed in tissue cul-ture polystyrene (TCPS) andPEG-GelMA-HA un-patterned scaffolds, respec-tively. (B, D) Spheroidformation observed onpatterned PEG-GelMA andpatterned PEG-GelMA-HAscaffolds after 4 days in stemcell media, respectively.Spheroids were collectedfrom PEG-GelMA patternedand PEG-GelMA-HApatterned scaffolds and thenreplated on TCPS. (E, F)After 2- and 6-day replating,cell migration and prolifera-tion were observed from aspheroid to the tissue cultureplates as indicated by thedecrease of spheroid size.Scale bars = 100mm. Patterned,PEG-GelMA patterned; HAunpatterned, PEG-GelMA-HA unpatterned; HA pat-terned, PEG-GelMA-HApatterned.

Table 2. The Number of Spheroids from Different

Nanopatterned Scaffolds After Replating

on TCPS at Different Time Points

Time of replate

Sample 2 days 6 days

PEG-GelMAa 24a 18a

PEG-GelMA-HA 54b 32a

Value based on spheroids collected from three scaffolds eachmeasuring 3.14 cm2. Results were analyzed by Pearson’s chi-squared test.

ap < 0.05 compared with PEG-GelMA at 2 days.bp < 0.001 compared with PEG-GelMA at 6 days.TCPS, tissue culture polystyrene.


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unpatterned scaffolds (*p < 0.05). There was no significantdifference in chondrogenic gene expression between cells onunpatterned PEG-GelMA and TCPS.

DPSCs seeded on different scaffolds significantly in-creased the expression of Nanog, a pluripotent stem cellmarker highly expressed by DPSCs,21 compared with thaton TCPS (threefold for patterned and HA, fourfold for HApatterned scaffolds). When cultured in BMP-2 media,DPSCs seeded on nanopatterned PEG-GelMA-HA scaffoldsshowed significantly lower Nanog expression compared

with cells cultured in growth media on the same type ofscaffolds, suggesting more efficient differentiation in thisscaffold (*p < 0.01) (Fig. 5).

Increased collagen type II protein expressionof DPSCs on nanopatterned PEG-GelMA-HA scaffolds

Differentiated DPSCs cultured on TCPS stained posi-tively for collagen type II (Fig. 6A), and DPSCs cultured onPEG-based hydrogel scaffolds revealed a stronger positivecollagen type II staining compared with TCPS after 10 days(Fig. 6B–F). DPSCs cultured on nanopatterned PEG-GelMAand nanopatterned PEG-GelMA-HA scaffolds demonstratedpositive staining not only in cell monolayers (Fig. 6B, E) butalso in spheroids (Fig. 6C, F). The alignment of DPSCscultured on nanopatterned scaffolds is indicated by whitearrows. The IgG isotype showed a completely negativestaining for collagen type II (Fig. 6G). ImageJ analysis wasperformed to determine the fluorescence positive stainingper cell in each scaffold group (Fig. 6H). DPSCs cultured onscaffolds showed a greater positive staining of collagen typeII staining compared with that on TCPS. However, onlyDPSCs cultured on unpatterned and nanopatterned PEG-GelMA-HA scaffolds showed significant differences influorescence staining (***p < 0.001) compared with TCPS.DPSCs cultured on nanopatterned PEG-GelMA-HA scaf-folds also significantly increased collagen type II membranelocalization compared with that on patterned and HA(***p < 0.001). In addition, we observed increased stainingin spheroid areas (Fig. 6C, F) than in monolayer areas (Fig.6B, D, and E), suggesting that the spheroids were chon-drogenic.

Effect of HA on expression of Twist, Snail,and Slug in DPSC-derived spheroids

To gain insight into the potential mechanisms regulatingchondrogenesis of DPSCs cultured on different scaffolds,mRNA expression of the EMT genes, Twist, Snail, and Slug,was determined by QRT-PCR in DPSC-derived spheroidson different scaffolds and replated cells cultured in stem cell

FIG. 4. Chondrogenic gene expression of DPSCs culturedon different scaffolds in bone morphogenetic protein(BMP)-2 media for 10 days (D10) and 21 days (D21). (A–C) At day 10 of differentiation, all chondrogenic genes wereupregulated in DPSCs cultured on scaffolds compared withTCPS. Sox9, Aggrecan, and Procollagen type II were signif-icantly increased in HA-scaffolds compared with patternedscaffolds. At day 21, Sox9 was significantly downregulatedin DPSCs cultured on poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG)-basedscaffolds compared with cells on TCPS. Aggrecan andProcollagen type II were statistically significantly in-creased in DPSCs cultured on HA scaffolds comparedwith cells on TCPS and patterned scaffolds. Cells in HApatterned expressed significantly higher levels of chon-drogenic genes than cells in HA unpatterned in 10 and 21days. No significant difference in chondrogenic gene ex-pression between cells on TCPS and patterned was seenat both time points. Values are represented as mean – SDfrom three independent experiments (n = 3), *p < 0.05with respect to indicated groups and analyzed by Student’st-test or one-way ANOVA.

FIG. 5. Nanog expression of DPSCs cultured in growthmedia and BMP-2 media on different scaffolds for 21 days.DPSCs cultured in growth media on PEG-based scaffoldsupregulated Nanog expression normalized to DPSCs cul-tured on TCPS. After chondrogenic differentiation, DPSCsseeded on PEG-based scaffolds showed decreased levels ofNanog. Only DPSCs plated on HA patterned scaffolds sig-nificantly decreased Nanog expression. Values are representedas mean – SD from three independent experiments (n = 3),*p < 0.05 with respect to indicated groups and analyzed byStudent’s t-test.


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media. We demonstrated that spheroid-derived cells andreplated cells from patterned and HA patterned scaffoldssignificantly downregulated the expression of EMT genescompared with monolayer cells on TCPS. The level of EMTgenes in replated cells was also significantly lower than thatin spheroid-derived cells (*p < 0.05) (Fig. 7A, B). DPSC-derived spheroids collected from nanopatterned PEG-GelMA-HA scaffolds significantly downregulated the expression ofall three EMT genes compared with those from nano-patterned PEG-GelMA scaffolds (*p < 0.05) (Fig. 7C). Afterreplating, DPSCs from nanopatterned PEG-GelMA withoutand with HA scaffolds still expressed lower levels of EMTgenes compared with cells on TCPS and spheroid-derivedcells, indicating that the cells derived from the spheroidswere already primed (induced) to the chondrogenic differ-entiation. Downregulation of EMT genes in DPSCs appearsto be associated with enhanced chondrogenesis of DPSCs,which is influenced by HA. In addition to the EMT genes,undifferentiated cells on scaffolds expressed a significantly

higher level of Sox9, a transcription factor for chondro-genesis, compared with undifferentiated cells on TCPS(Supplementary Fig. S6).


The present study demonstrates the use of an easy andinexpensive platform that incorporates both topographicaland chemical cues for chondrogenic differentiation ofDPSCs. Numerous studies have demonstrated that the nativeECM possesses nanoscale dimensions and chemical cuesthat govern cell regulation.45,46 The incorporation of nano-topographical cues and HA as a potent chemical signal forchondrogenic differentiation has been investigated inprevious literature.47 Indeed, systems that incorporate to-pographical cues with HA demonstrate increased chondro-genic differentiation compared with individual parameters.However, these systems do not utilize well-ordered nano-topographies and have not assessed molecular chondrogenic

FIG. 6. Collagen type II staining of DPSCs on different scaffolds in BMP-2-media for 10 days. Positive collagen type IIstaining (in red) was observed in DPSCs cultured on TCPS (A), patterned (B, C), HA unpatterned (D), and HA patterned (E,F). (G) The IgG isotype was used as a negative control. Arrows indicate direction of pattern. Scale bars = 50mm. (H)Positive collagen type II staining per cell (relative difference with respect to IgG isotype negative control) was quantifiedand compared between DPSCs cultured on different scaffolds. DPSCs cultured on HA patterned exhibited the significantstrongest staining among all scaffolds. Values are represented as mean – SD, ***p < 0.001, with respect to indicated groups,and were analyzed by Student’s t-test or one-way ANOVA. The number of samples for the image analysis was threesamples per scaffold group (n = 3). From each scaffold, five images were used for the analysis. Color images availableonline at


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differentiation potential in DPSCs, a promising postnatalstem cell source for chondrogenic differentiation that iseasily obtained noninvasively and exhibits efficient ex vivoexpansion and multidifferentiation capacity.22,48

High molecular weight HA cannot be used to easilygenerate nanopatterned scaffolds using CFL. PEG was thusused to successfully incorporate HA and form nanopatterns,whereas gelatin was further incorporated to provide neces-sary adhesion cues. We observed that DPSCs were not ableto adhere and thus not able to survive (data not shown) onPEGDMA scaffolds without gelatin conjugated with orwithout HA. Consequently, we combined gelatin in PEGDMAscaffolds to have PEG-GelMA to promote cell adhesion.The results show that adding gelatin to the scaffolds en-hanced cell attachment. Nevertheless, adding gelatin withoutHA did not enhance the in vitro chondrogenic differentiationof DPSCs. This is confirmed by no significantly statisticaldifference in gene and protein expression in DPSCs differ-

entiated on TCPS compared with those on PEG-GelMA pat-terned scaffolds. After HA conjugation in patterned scaffolds,DPSCs were able to express higher levels of chondrogenicmarkers, suggesting that HA plays an important role inchondrogenic differentiation.

Previous studies show that both PEG-GelMA and PEG-RGD systems promoted cell adhesion.39,49,50 However, inthis study, we chose to use the PEG-GelMA system for itsability to be incorporated with other polymerizable materi-als, such as PEGDMA, to create tunable composite hydro-gels that take advantage of both materials in terms ofmechanical and biological profiles.

We observed that nanopatterned scaffolds induced mor-phological changes in the cultured DPSCs. The phase-contrast and CD44-stained imaging revealed that cells cultivatedon nanopatterned scaffolds exhibited increased cellular elon-gation and preferential orientation parallel to the pattern. Ourresults are consistent with previous reports that utilizedsimilar nanotopographical dimensions in their systems topromote cellular regulation and chondrogenic differen-tiation.5,51,52 A previous study has shown that signalingtriggered by binding of CD44 to HA is important for chon-drogenesis as blocking with anti-CD44 antibodies inhibitedchondrogenesis in adipose-derived stem cells.53 Thus, theincreased membrane-localized CD44 staining in cells onPEG-GelMA-HA scaffolds may indicate that CD44 is bind-ing to HA and this binding triggers signaling for chondro-genic induction.

Furthermore, as chondrogenesis is favored in the 3Dculture systems, such as the micromass technique orspheroid formation, we hypothesize that the role of nano-topography is to promote cell aggregation and extensivecell–cell contact formation to induce chondrogenic differ-entiation through formation of spheroid structures afterinitial contact with the scaffold. We previously demon-strated that nanopatterned polyurethane scaffolds furtherenhanced osteogenic differentiation of hMSCs with osteo-genic induction media.3,54 In this study, we first reportedthat nanopatterned PEG-GelMA-HA hydrogels promotedchondrogenic differentiation of DPSCs. Our scaffolds pro-vide a nanotopographically defined 3D environment withgrooves of 500 nm that creates depth in addition to the othertwo dimensions, width and length. This 3D nanotopo-graphically defined environment promotes sphere formation,which mimics the natural rounded unattached environmentof a chondrocyte. Plating chondrocytes on surfaces oftenresults in dedifferentiation, and thus, plated MSCs oftenhave unsuccessful chondrogenesis. To our surprise, we ob-served the formation of spheroids on the patterned scaffolds,which we report as a notable phenomenon on the nano-patterned scaffolds. DPSCs are a special type of MSCs de-rived from the cranial neural crest, and during embryonicdevelopment, neural crest cells form spheres as they de-laminate from the neural tube and migrate cranially.55 Weobserved increased numbers of sphere formation on thepatterned scaffolds with and without HA, which indicatesthat the nanotopographically defined 3D environment pro-vided by the patterned scaffold is important for sphere for-mation and may be mimicking the rounded unattachedenvironment of chondrocytes. Further studies will be re-quired to determine the mechanistic cause leading tospheroid formation.

FIG. 7. The quantitative expression of epithelial–mesen-chymal transition (EMT) genes (Twist, Snail, Slug) for DPSCscultured on different scaffolds. The expression of Twist, Snail,and Slug was significantly decreased in DPSC-derived spher-oids (Spheroid) in HA patterned. After replating on TCPS for 1day, DPSC-derived monolayer cells (monolayer) from HApatterned still exhibited downregulated EMT genes, but onlySnail was significantly decreased. Values are represented asmean – SD, *p < 0.05 with respect to indicated groups.


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We observed that DPSCs cultured on nanopatterned PEG-GelMA scaffolds, with and without HA, compared withDPSCs cultured on TCPS, were able to generate 3Dspheroids. Interestingly, nanopatterned scaffolds containingHA produced a larger quantity of spheroids than did nano-patterned scaffolds without HA. This is consistent withprevious studies reporting the effect of HA on enhancingspheroid formation.23 Therefore, we hypothesize that na-notopography may help induce the initial spheroid forma-tion, while HA, perhaps through CD44 binding, provideschemical cues that promote further formation and stabili-zation, which may promote a cellular state more optimal forchondrogenic differentiation.

Upregulation of chondrogenic markers typically indicateschondrogenesis. In the presence of BMP-2 media, DPSCscultured on PEG-GelMA-HA scaffolds more efficientlydifferentiate into the chondrogenic lineage, as demonstratedby upregulation of chondrogenic genes and proteins com-pared with scaffolds without HA. Downregulation of Sox9has been demonstrated to be necessary for maturation ofchondrocytes as it is an early marker for differentiation.56

DPSCs cultured on TCPS at day 21 exhibited high levels ofSox9, yet expressed lower levels of other chondrogenicdifferentiation markers such as Procollagen type II than didDPSCs cultured on scaffolds containing HA. This indicatesthat DPSCs cultured on TCPS initiated chondrogenic dif-ferentiation, but did not further progress and mature intodifferentiated chondrocytes as did DPSCs cultured onscaffolds containing HA. We further found that the ex-pression of Alkaline phosphatase, Aggrecan, and Procolla-gen type II and X was significantly higher in DPSCs culturedon nanopatterned PEG-GelMA-HA scaffolds than in DPSCscultured on TCPS after 21 days. Among those chondrogenicmarkers, Procollagen type II and X are considered as twoimportant markers for mature chondrocytes. Accordingly, inour study, differentiated DPSCs cultured on nanopatternedPEG-GelMA-HA scaffolds expressed a higher level ofProcollagen type II and type X. As a result of increasedProcollagen type II and X expression, we conclude thatnanopatterned PEG-GelMA-HA scaffolds can efficientlyfacilitate chondrogenic differentiation of DPSCs inducedwith BMP-2. Immunofluorescent positive staining of colla-gen type II after 10 days of culture showed a significantlyhigher expression of collagen type II protein in DPSCscultured on scaffolds with HA than in DPSCs cultured onTCPS. Nevertheless, only scaffolds with nanotopographyand HA together produced the highest collagen type IIprotein of all the scaffolds thus further suggesting that bothphysical and chemical cues need to be present together toachieve the most efficient differentiation of DPSCs.

We have previously shown that murine DPSCs are de-rived from neural crest origin and express EMT genes Twist,Snail, and Slug.21 Indeed, these genes are highly upregulatedin neural crest cells during their migration.57 Previousstudies demonstrated that Twist inhibits Sox9, whereas Snailand Slug directly inhibit chondrogenesis by regulating thegene expression of Procollagen type II (Col2a1) and Ag-grecan.26,27 Our current results are consistent with theseprevious studies as we demonstrate that DPSCs cultured onnanopatterned PEG-GelMA-HA scaffolds formed spheroidsand downregulated EMT gene expression, resulting in en-hanced chondrogenic differentiation. Together, these find-

ings suggest that the chemical properties of HA as achondrogenic inducer may be mediated by inhibition ofEMT genes Twist, Snail, and Slug. Future studies are neededto determine if HA chondrogenic induction is dependent onCD44 signaling and whether this signaling regulates EMTgene functions.

Our interpretation of the results is that during chon-drogenesis, a process opposite to EMT is required, whereinTwist downregulation first leads to upregulation of Sox9, amaster regulator of chondrogenesis, followed by down-regulation of Snail and Slug, sequentially resulting inupregulation of Procollagen type II and Aggrecan. In ourstudies, EMT genes decreased in cells on HA patterned,compared with those on patterned scaffolds. This resultindicates that HA is important for further chondrogenicdifferentiation perhaps mediated by downregulation ofEMT genes.

Nanog, a pluripotent stem cell gene important for stem-ness maintenance, was significantly upregulated in DPSCsin all experimental groups compared with that on TCPS.This may indicate the persistence of a Nanog-expressingstem cell population on the scaffolds. Decreased Nanoglevels are correlated with differentiation of stem cells to-ward specific lineages.58 Accordingly, we observed signifi-cantly decreased Nanog expression in DPSCs cultured onnanopatterned PEG-GelMA-HA scaffolds after differentia-tion, thus indicating increased differentiation potential forDPSCs, which correlates with the downregulation of EMTgenes and upregulation of chondrogenic markers.

The aim of this work was to demonstrate the utility of aneasily generated tissue scaffold possessing topographicaland chemical cues in tandem for chondrogenic tissue engi-neering. Whereas nanotopography alone did not signifi-cantly improve chondrogenic differentiation in DPSCs, anincreased chondrogenic effect was observed upon combi-nation of nanopatterned scaffolds with HA (SupplementaryFig. S7). Our study is the first to demonstrate that HAconjugated to nanopatterned scaffolds can enhance in vitrochondrogenic differentiation in DPSCs. Although we did notdirectly compare our method with the classic pellet cultureto induce chondrogenesis, our model of synergistic effectsof the nanopatterned scaffolds with HA, wherein the pat-terned scaffold induces generation of sphere formation andHA further induces chondrogenesis (Supplementary Fig. S7)may be mimicking similar conditions induced by the pelletculture system. Importantly, with our method, we can con-trol biomimetic, anisotropic, topographical cues and chon-drogenic cues (e.g., HA) to further enhance cartilage tissueengineering.


In this study, we utilized CFL to fabricate nanopatternedPEG-GelMA-HA scaffolds that provide physical and che-mical cues to enhance chondrogenesis in DPSCs. Thedownregulation of Nanog and EMT genes, upregulation ofchondrogenic genes, and positive staining of collagen typeII indicate that nanopatterned PEG-GelMA-HA scaffoldscan efficiently induce chondrogenic differentiation of DPSCs.Our findings suggest that the combination of nanotopographyand HA signaling in scaffolds could be utilized to enhancecartilage tissue engineering.


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D.H.K. thanks the Department of Bioengineering at theUniversity of Washington for the new faculty startup fund.M.R. thanks the Departments of Laboratory Medicine andPathology at the University of Washington for their support.

Disclosure Statement

No competing financial interests exist.


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Address correspondence to:Deok-Ho Kim, PhD

Department of BioengineeringUniversity of Washington

Box 355061Seattle, WA 98195

E-mail: [email protected]

Morayma Reyes, MD, PhDDepartment of PathologyUniversity of Washington

Box 358050Seattle, WA 98195

E-mail: [email protected]

Received: October 1, 2013Accepted: April 7, 2014

Online Publication Date: June 25, 2014


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