



(An Analysis Study of the Elementary Fifth Grade Student’s in SDN 2 Gempol kurung)



Maria Ulfa

NPM 10181017








(An Analysis Study of The Elementary Fifth Grade Student’s in SDN 2 Gempol kurung)


Submitted as a partial fulfillment of the requirements for the

Sarjana Degree in English


Maria Ulfa

NPM 10181017







This thesis entitled Enhancing Speaking Skills using The

Community Language Learning by Maria Ulfa, NPM 10181017 has

been approved to be presented in this thesis examination.


Date: 29th

August 2014

Dra. Arjunani, MM

NIDN. 0715065202

Acknowledged by

The Head of Language and Literature Study Program

Yeni Probowati, S.Pd

NIDN. 0718107701



This thesis entitled Enhancing Speaking Skills using The

Community Language Learning by Maria Ulfa, NPM 10181017 has

been examined in front of the Board of examiners on Sept 1th


Board of Examiners Signature Occupation

Yulis Setyowati, S.Pd, M.Pd

NIDN. 0714077502


First Examiner

Yeni Probowati, S.Pd

NIDN. 0718107701


Second Examiner

Acknowledged by

The Dean of Faculty of Language and Literature

Dra. Arjunani, MM

NIDN. 0715065202



Enhancing Speaking Skills using The Community Language

Learning Approach is an original work of the writer to the writer’s

knowledge and belief.

Surabaya, August 2014


Maria Ulfa

NPM: 10181017



This Thesis is dedicated to my lovely Ibu, Siti Sholicha thank

you for your love and patience to me, you dedicate your life for your

family, thank you for everything your support all this time, I promise to

be a good daughter as you wish, to my strength Ayah, Sholichin who

teach me about this life, you are not only a father but also a teacher and a

good friend for me.

All of you are the most precious treasure for me…

Your daughter …




First of all, the writer praise is to Allah Lord of the world who

has bestowed upon the writer in completing this skripsi. Peace and

blessing upon our prophet Muhammad SAW, his families, his

companion and his followers.

Special appreciation to the advisor Mrs. Arjunani for her

patience, guidance and warmth during the writing of this thesis. Hers

suggests and critics bring the writer finished this study well. Best regards

and big appreciation for Mrs. Yeni and Mrs. Yulis for their advice in the

working of this thesis. The writer also appreciates all of her lecturer of

Faculty of Language and Literature, Universitas Wijaya Putra for their

dedication to spread their knowledge for all of their students. And also

the writer thank you to the headmaster of SDN 2 Gempolkurung who

give the opportunity for the writer to collected data in there.

So many thanks for all of the writer’s friends in night class and

morning class, all of you are extraordinary. Special thank you to Reyfa

Arfiyah and Hidayatul Khasanah who has been give support and

motivation to the writer. And my beloved, Mochammad Fendi who give

me spirit and make me strength in every moment.

Surabaya, August 2014




Ulfa, Maria. 2014. Enhancing Speaking Skills using The Community

Language Learning Approach. Skripsi, English Department, Faculty of

Language and Literature, Universitas Wijaya Putra. Advisor: Dra.

Arjunani, MM

Keywords: Enhancing, Speaking skill, CLL (Community Language


This research analyzes on how far the community language learning

(CLL) techniques can be applied in developing students’ speaking skill in

the elementary fifth grade student. How far the CLL method can be

applied in teaching learning English language process, espsecially for

speaking skill. Community Language Learning method, this method

developed by Charles A. Curran. I.e. where the teacher as an advisor (the

counselor) while the learner as (the client). So, the learner is given the

opportunity to expand own mind to say the chunk in mother tongue (L1)

and then the teacher translated it into target language (L2).

The study was conducted by using descriptive method. This study employs

qualitative approach since it focuses on the process of using CLL method.

The subjects are the fifth grade of elementary students of SDN 2

Gempolkurung by using observation checklist. Meanwhile the student

responses what the material was delivered by the teacher, about “Daily

Activities in the morning”. The student can speak and remember the chunk

of it. And the teacher implement activity in the observation checklist.

All of the data were also meant to find out the lack or goodness CLL of

method is using. The result of the analysis showed that percentage how far

this method can be applied and how far can enhance the speaking skill in

the elementary fifth grade student.

From the observation checklist we could conclude that the CLL method

can apply or not.











A. Background of the Study 1

B. Statement of the Problem 4

C. Purpose of the Study 4

D. Significance of the Study 4

E. Scope and Limitation 5

F. Definition of Key Terms 5

G. Organization of the Study 6


A. Definition of Language Learning 7

1. The elements of Language 7

2. Language Skill 8

B. Speaking Skill 8

C. The Method of the Study 9

D. Definition of CLL Method 10

1. The purpose of CLL method 11

2. The Characteristic of CLL method 12


3. Several techniques of CLL method 12


A. Research design 15

B. Subject of the Study 15

C. Setting 16

D. Research Instrument 16

D.1. Observation Checklist 16

D.2. Test 17

E. Data of the Study 17

F. Data Collection 17

G. The Analysis Data 19


A. The Result and The Discussion 29

A.1. The Result of Observation 1 29

A.2. The Result of Observation 2 30

A.3. The Result of Observation 3 31

A.4. Result of Observation Checklist 31


A. Conclusion 35

B. Suggestion 36






A. Background of the Study

Learning English language aims to enhance the skills of the English

language in addition to Indonesia language. English language is a foreign

language in Indonesia is very necessary to be learned and taught to the students

early on.

In the last decade, English has become the most popular foreign language

used for communication between people who do not share the same first language.

As Harmer points out, English is spoken by at least a quarter of the world's

population. It is important, too, to realize that this means it is not spoken by three-

quarters of the population. However, it is clear from the way its use has grown in

the last decade that this situation is about to change. ¹ It means English is really

important for our life, especially for the development of knowledge, science,

culture, and relationship among country.

Remember how important it is for a large of social community so the

English language need to learned for the learner in Indonesia early on, start from

the young learner until university learner, the English language still learned and

certaintly with a different material and agree with their age’s and also so many

¹ Jeremy Harmer, The Practice of English Language Teaching (Fourth Edition) (England: Longman, 2002), p.



variations or model of teaching and for the important to speaking English

language itself. Moreover most of teacher’s in Indonesia and education curriculum

too was already entered English language lesson in many syllabus study. However

all of it in many place or classroom still lack to be speak english well even less

used english in daily activity.

Students in Indonesia for now are unable to communicate well, learning

English should be directed to the student to be able to practice communication

skills both orally and in writing. Students need to be given more especially

English language to communicate, not only required to master the knowledge of

the native language, but also the international language. Success in achieving the

goal of learning the language or the English language in particular, is determined

by several factors, among them: the teacher, students, media, models and

methods, techniques, learning atmosphere, and learning technologies. Each of

these elements are interrelated and together will collaborate in the achievement of

learning objectives.

Yet, one of the elements that needs to be addressed is the lack of practice

is speaking directly of the students in communication and the ability of teachers to

adopt the model, method, techniques and innovative strategies, so that learning is

more directed and in accordance with the purpose of learning English language.

The teachers must have the courage to collaborate with a variety of

methods, techniques, and the creation of innovative instructional media in order to

create an exciting learning and able to encourage students to learn. And in English

language method for the lesson itself have so many method, as Diane L. –


Freeman have eight methods for teaching one of them are CLL method

(community language learning).

From the above description of the objectives in this paper, the writer focus

more on speaking skills English approach by using CLL (community language

learning) method. Concerning about approach in English literature the approach is

focusing on the connection between the work and the reality. From the approach

in English language learning the writer choose approach by CLL method. This

method developed by Charles A. Curran. I.e. where the teacher as an advisor (the

counselor) while the learner as (the client). The reason why the writer take CLL

learning method, it’s because the writer was considered that this method is a

unique because mostly method where the teacher as the person who give the

material to the learner and the other way the learner accepted the material.

The writer think that when we are learn or to teach English learning with

the approachment of community language learning we are as a teacher or knower

must be mastered all of the material and good translator to support the

effectiveness of community language learning approach in developing student’s

especially in the speaking skill each student’s.

From the explanation above, we know that learning English language is

very important to learn and interaction in the language classroom is very

important too in the process of teaching and learning, how the teaching-learning

process run well also depends on the interaction between the teacher and the

students, the student and the other student. The writer is interested to study with


approach by community language in a language classroom - especially speaking -

of the fifth grade in the Elementary School.

B. Statement of the problem

Related to the background of the study, the writer has a problem that may arise.


1. How far the community language learning (CLL) techniques can be

applied in developing students’ speaking skill in the elementary fifth grade

student in SDN 2 Gemppolkurung?

C. The Purpose of the Study

According to the statement of the problem above, so the purpose of the

study intended to be reach in this research that, to know the result of the learning

English language for the speaking skill by using community language learning


D. The Significance of the Study

The writer hopes that this study can improve knowledge and give

contribution for the teacher in the teaching English language process. Then, for

the student this study can be motivated the students to learn English language its

might be increase the speaking skill.


E. Scope and Limitation

In order to reach the expected goal, the writer limits the problems on the following


1. The population of the research is limited to the fifth grade students of SDN

2 Gempolkurung.

2. The writer stresses the analysis on the percentage of CLL method can

applied in the speaking classroom interaction.

3. The study is limited to the CLL method in the speaking classroom of

English language learning.

F. Definition of key terms

To make easier the reader comprehend the substance and the purpose of

this thesis, in underneath the writer present some of meaning about

technical term which used in this write:


“to improve the quality, amount or strength of something” source from

(Cambridge advanced learner’s dictionary 3rd edition)

Speaking Skill

The skill or the ability to communicate orally to give expression

for another people. Knowing and able to use a language orally or making a

speech (A.S Hornby, 1986:827).

Community Language Learning method

Is one of the methods of techniques and principles in language

teaching from Larsen-Freeman, Diane’s book. Where the teacher as the


counselor who give translation in the target language and the learner as the

client. In this method more expand the open mind of the learner itself.

G. Organization of the Study

The organization of this analysis begins with chapter one, the introduction

which covers the background of study, statement of the problem, the purpose of

the study, the significance of the study, the scope and limitation, the definition of

key term, and the last one is the organization of study. Following the introduction

is chapter two review of related literature. After wards the analysis act is

discussions are is in chapter three, analysis by action research in communication

of learning speaking in the fifth grade SDN 2 Gempolkurung. The finding and the

discussions are in chapter four. Finally, the writer concluded of the whole research

in chapter five which is the conclusion.




A. Definition of Learning Language

Learning is a process to know something new, the manner to understand

about what the meaning of something happen or words.

In the world, people doing learning in many things or aspect, one of them

learning language. Why the people learning language?, in the simple answer is

because language for communication, communication between one people to

another people. Language it is a tool for saying in communication what they are

feeling in happened and can show the expression what the people feel.

In language learning has two components which support to be good to

learn language there are:

1. The elements of language

a. Pronunciation

A.S Hornby (1985:670): “pronunciation is a way which a

language or word is spoken”. The pronunciation has role in

comprehension. The listeners are able to miss understanding if the

speakers makes mistake in pronunciation.


b. Grammar

Is (the study or use of) the rules about how words change their

form and combine with other words to make sentences. Sources from

Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary 3rd Edition.

c. Vocabulary

According to A.S Hornby (1985:959): “Vocabulary is a list of

word used in a book, etc”. The role of vocabulary in communication is

important. The speakers should have good vocabulary in speaking.

2. Language skills

Language skill is an ability to use the language it well, the

language skill is to know how the language used. In the English language

have four skills there are; listening, speaking, reading and writing. All of

them to be mastered by the learner. But, in this research the researcher

more focus on speaking skill.

B. Speaking Skill

As the writer wrote in above that the researcher only discuss about

speaking skill because speaking skill to be one of the important goals of learning

English language and students personally it is most needed. The term speaking

ability or what is often called oral language is “the ability that involves skills

needed to express ideas and needs in utterances” (provience of British Colombia,

ministery of Education, 1981:73). It is the channel through which we make our

presence known, reveal our attitudes, and expresses our personalities, our


speaking abilities and styles are as individual as we are, but most of as by paying

attention to our strengths and weakness, could develop and polish our skins to

make them more effective.

Actually, speaking is the essential skills from any other language skills

that must be mastered by the students. As Jack C. Richard said; speaking in a

second and foreign language has often been viewed as the most demanding of the

four skills. Speaking is one of the four skill mastery of the English language, there

are; listening, speaking, reading and writing. And especially in speaking skill

how the student can mastered the speaking skill?. On that account the teacher

need some method for teach English language to make easy teaching-learning

process. Here the writer uses the CLL method approach (community language

learning) to deliver material of teaching learning English language.

C. Method of the Study

Observing and collecting the data for accomplishment of the study which

is partially conducted through intensive library research. In research activities the

function of method is very important because the success of research is depending

on the methods applied. It is too difficult to achieve the purpose of research

without using accurate method. The method applied in this study is descriptive


So many methods for the teaching-learning process, as quoted from

Larsen-Freeman’s book, he wrote that in teaching-learning language have eight

methods there are the eight methods: the grammar-translation method, the direct


method, the audio-lingual method (the way in used in this method like direct

method but where the teacher give material in the sounds. This is an oral method),

the silent way, suggestopedia, community language Learning (this Method which

the teacher as a counselor and the learner as a client. The learner it’s not in the

classroom situation who the learner accept the material full of pressure for the

teacher but in this method the learner feel secure, and comfortable to speak), the

total physical response, the communicative approach (this method as quoted from

Larsen-Freeman, Diane (1986: 123), “the speaker will choose a particular way to

express his argument,,,, and the listener gives the speaker feedback as to whether

or not he understands what the speaker has said”).

All of the them have a same principles there are: the goal of the teacher

who use the method, the role of the teacher and the role of the learner, how the

teacher respond to student errors, culture/language viewed, characteristics of the

teaching-learning process, what the feelings the student dealt with the method, the

areas of language are emphasized and the evaluation accomplished.

From all of the methods above the writer choose CLL method for this

study, the writer thinks that this method is a unique way to deliver the material

suitable for speaking skill.

D. Definition of CLL Method

There are many various definition of CLL Method from many theories, but

it is impossible to discuss all of them. Therefore, the writer only chooses several

definitions that based on her opinion are important to talk about.


Definition CLL method from Diane Larsen-Freeman as quotes by Charles

A. Curran, community language learning (CLL) is the name of a method

developed by Charles A. Curren and his associated. Curren was a specialist in

counseling and a professor of psychology at Loyola University, Chicago. His

application of psychological counseling techniques to learning is known as

counseling-learning. Community language learning represents the use of

counseling-learning theory to teach languages. As the name indicates, CLL

derives its primary insights, and indeed its organizing rationale. The basic

procedures of CLL can thus be seen as derived from the counselor-client


1. The Purpose of CLL method

Larsen-Freeman, Diane clarifies the goal of the CLL method the teacher

who use the community language learning method want their students to learn

how to use the target language communicatively, the learner can express any other

word in a foreign language well, and build believe in themselves. This method

based on humanity side which to appreciate the student as human. There are some

lacking and the superiority of CLL:

A. Lacking of CLL method

- This method it’s not based on the curriculum in the school.

- This method it’s not pay attention in differential in any students.

- This method is depending on the counseling with no good

compiled curriculum.


- This method definite on little student in the class.

B. The superiority of CLL method

- Pay attention in humanity the learner side.

- In a process teaching-learning the learner feels secure.

- Give freedom for the learner to be more expressive in to speak.

- Be able good relationship between teacher and student.

- Pay attention to learn cooperation between learner and the learner

itself and to grow the principle behind the social in the class.

2. The Characteristic of CLL method

The basic procedures of CLL can thus be seen as derived from the

counselor-client relationship. Consider the following CLL procedures: A group of

learners sit in a circle with the teacher standing outside the circle; a student

whispers a message in the native language (LI); the teacher translates it into the

foreign language (L2); the student repeats the message in the foreign

language; students compose further messages in the foreign language with the

teacher's help; students reflect about their feelings. We can compare the client—

counselor relationship psychological counseling with the learner—knower

relationship in Community Language Learning.

3. Several Techniques of CLL method

Types of learning and teaching activities in CLL method combines

innovative learning tasks and activities with conventional ones based on Diane

Larsen and Freeman. Including:


1. Small Group Task. Learners may engage in various group tasks, such

as small-group discussion of a topic, preparing a conversation,

preparing a summary of a topic for presentation to another group,

preparing a story that will be presented to the teacher and the rest of

the class.

2. Tape Recording Student conversation. Students record

conversations in the target language.

3. Transcription. Students transcribe utterances and conversations they

have recorded for practice and analysis of linguistic forms.

4. Reflection and observation. Learners reflect and report on their

experience of the class, as a class or in groups. This usually consists of

expressions of feelings - sense of one another, reactions to silence,

concern for something to say, etc.

5. Reflective Listening. Students listen to a monologue by the teacher

involving elements they might have elicited or overheard in class


6. Human Computer. “A student chooses some part of the transcript to

practice pronouncing” (Diane, LF), but still in control of the teacher


Well, based on the opinion above the writer more interested as described

Larsen-Freeman because it is so detailed and clear both in terms of the principle

and engineering. However, in this study the writer disagree with the use of a tape

recorder because if we look at each basic school which not all have complete


equipment such as the availability of a tape recorder in the school will be difficult

to execute this method.

Thus the writer used the CLL (community language learning) method but

did not use a tape recorder, but use other means which are not much different

from any of the techniques that will be used by saying to apply these methods. It’s

because this research is action research so the researcher need observation and

data collection to support this writing.




In this chapter, the researcher presents the description of the research

method used in this study. Firstly described about research design, second, the

subject of the study, the setting of the study, the instrument, the data of the study

and the technique of collecting data, and the last, the data analysis.

A. Research Design

In this study the researcher used an action research design. It was an

approach in developing speaking skill using CLL method. In the action research

that consist of planning, acting, observing and result.

This research to give the new method as alternative way in teaching and

learning process using CLL (Community Language Learning). This study was

conducted to find out the answers to the problem as stated in chapter I. So, the

research used the action research to apply CLL method in the collected data.

B. Subject of the Study

The subject of this research was on the fifth grade of Elementary School

students at (SDN 2 Gempolkurung). The writer chose (SDN 2 Gempolkurung)

with the consideration that this school might be still lack in electronic device

which to support to the teaching-learning process. Therefore, it was form of

challenge to teach English language to them. Here, the researcher wanted them to


be easy to learn English with community language learning method but without

electronic device.

C. Setting

The setting of this research was at SDN 2 Gempolkurung. The research

focused on SDN 2 Gempolkurung because the students of this school were it does

not often practice speaking in English language and they are was lack interested

for English language. So, they also lack of motivation to learn English language.

In this CLL method will be applied the teaching-learning process.

D. Research Instrument

An instrument was a devise to get the data. Based on Diane Larsen-

Freeman and several modifications from the researcher herself for changed

electronic device. The researcher was key instrument to support the observation,

the researcher used in research followed:

D.1. Observation Checklist

The observation checklist was used to record the process of

teaching learning of speaking activities by using community language

learning. It was conducted in the form of “yes” or “no” answer. The

process of teaching speaking by community language learning was done

and seen to fill the observation checklist. And using two observer to

observe on observation checklist.


D.2. Test

The researcher used test speaking in front of the class.

E. Data of the Study

The data comprised how far were the student can speak English and the

scores that were how many percent the observation checklist result 1, 2 and 3 can

do in every meeting. The data from the observation were needed to find out how

to apply the CLL method and delivered the material of teach. It was presented in

descriptive manner. Meanwhile, the data obtained from the observation checklist

were needed to find out whether the CLL method fitted the students’ problem in

speaking skill in English language can be mastery or not.

F. Data Collection

The collecting data of the research is an important thing for this study. The

data was collected in three meetings.

In every meeting has different technique of CLL method. First, the

researcher used tape recording student conversation and transcription. Second,

transcription and reflection on experience. Then third, the researcher used tape

recording student conversation (transcription) and human computer technique.

In the three meetings here the researcher also presented the planning, the

implementation, observation and the result.


a. Planning

After the problem had been identified by preliminary study, the

plan was done to improve the present with CLL method in the class. First

of all the researcher/the teacher prepared the lesson plan for to be easy

way to teach, the basic competence material, the indicator, the assessment,

the time allotment, and the media see (Appendix 1).

The teacher used the speaking skill to be limitation in this

qualitative research. The teacher prepared the material instrument

observation checklist of CLL technique and gives the sample of


b. Action

In this action the writer as the teacher also that is doing first

activity in the first observation checklist see (Lampiran 1).

c. Observation

Observation was an activity to collect the data in checklist and

from any aspect of interaction happened in the teaching-learning process.

d. The result

This result the writer calculated the score in any meeting with formula:

Total kegiatan yang dilakukan X 100 = ....... %

Total kegiatan


After all of the meeting do in the class and finding the result observation

checklist, if that the result minus from 50% or < 50% , so the CLL method was

not suitable be applied in teaching learning English language speaking class

especially in fifth grade elementary. But, if the result plus from 50% or > 50%, so

the CLL method is suitable be applied.

G. The Data Analysis

In this part, the writer analyzed the observation checklist of the CLL

method that was conducted in three meetings:

First meeting;

In the first meeting was on August 2014.

1. Planning

First of all the researcher/the teacher prepared the lesson plan for to

be easy way to teach, the basic competence material with theme “Daily

Activity”, and also prepared the observation checklist. In the first meeting

the researcher used observation checklist had modificated from Diane L. &

Freeman, that is used implementation tape recording student conversation

and transcription technique of CLL method. See in (Lampiran 1.1)

2. Action

Firstly, she give the greetings to the students. She taught her

student the instruction of community language learning (CLL) method.

Second, she ask her students’ about, “Kegiatan apa saja yang bisa

dilakukan di pagi hari?” the student answer it in Indonesia language. The


teacher transcribed the words that what the students want to says in the

chunk and the the teacher give the translation in the target language is

English language. So many variation answer from the learner but the

teacher lead them to put the chunk or phrase in the right order, these are

kinds of phrase:

Table: III.G.2.1

The answer from the learner The teacher translation

Bangun tidur Get up

Mandi Take a bath

Memakai seragam Wear uniform

Makan / Sarapan Have breakfast

Berangkat sekolah Go to school

Then, the teacher lead them to spoken that phrase and the student

follow her to speaking until three time. After that the teacher starts to give

example of conversation; “what time do you get up every day?” the

teacher saying in three times that sentence, the student follow what the

teacher said. For the phrase in italic word can be change with another

phrase on the table: III.G.2.1.

After that, the student ask to the student as a stimulus for the open

mind of the student itself, with (biasanya kalian bangun tidur jam berapa

ya?). And the student answer with Indonesia language in many variations,

here are the answers:


Table : III.G.2.2


Four = 4

Five = 5

Six = 6

Six thirty = 6:30

Seven = 7

Example conversation 1:

A : What time do you get up everyday?

B : At six ?

In the complete conversation 1:

Melly : Hello, Good Morning!

Andy : Hi, Good Morning too!

Melly : What time do you (get up) everyday?

Andy : at (five)

Melly : okey, nice to meet you!

Andy : nice to meet you too!

So, for the answer B: at six can be change with another time see in table

Table : III.G.2.2

A: “What time do you get up everyday?

“Take a bath”

“Wear uniform”

“Have breakfast”


“Go to school”

B: at four / five / six / six thirty / seven

The last, the teacher lead them to make a dialogue with that

example but with another phrase of activity.

3. Observing

Observation was an activity to collect the record of interaction that

happened in the teaching and learning process. In this stage, the observer

monitored the implementation tape recording student conversation and

transcription technique of CLL method by using observation checklist. She

observed wheter the implementation met the criteria success or not. See in

(Lampiran 1a & 1b).

4. The Result

For the result, the writer can concluded in percentage form :

Total kegiatan yang dilakukan X 100 = ....... %

Total kegiatan

But in this research use two observer so the writer calculate one by one

among Observation checklist 1a and 1b, here are the percentage calculate :

1. Observation checklist 1a (Observer 1)

= 22 x 100 = 88 %


2. Observation checklist 1b (Observer 2)

= 17 x 100 = 68 %



Then, Observer 1 + Observer 2 = 88 + 68

2 2

= 156 = 78 %


So, the result of the first meeting is 78 % implementable.

Second meeting;

In the second meeting was on August 2014.

1. Planning

First of all the researcher/the teacher prepared the lesson plan for to

be easy way to teach, the basic competence material with theme still

“Daily Activity”, and also prepared the observation checklist. In the

second meeting the researcher used observation checklist had modificated

from Diane L. & Freeman, that is used implementation transcription and

reflexion on experience technique of CLL method. See in (Lampiran 2.2)

2. Action

Firstly, she give the greetings to the her students. She taught her

student the instruction of community language learning (CLL) method.

Second, the teacher reviewing with asks to the student that what they are

still remembering with the lesson yesterday who delivered? (This activity

on Observation checklist number 7.) The students answer it in mother

tongue (L1). The teacher reviewing the phrase or chunk in table III.G.2.1

and III.G. . and with transcribe on the whiteboard, the students’ are

answer enthusiastically, the teacher wrote the mother tongue on the


whiteboard beneath the target language and the student give an

opportunity to translated L1 (mother tongue) into L2 (English language).

After that, the teacher lead them to pronounce the conversation 1 in

three time, after have done the teacher adding conversation material with

asking to the student; “How do you feel when you get up?” (This activity

on Observation checklist number 14.) The answer’s students’ are sleepy,

lazy, and cold. So, here are the conversation 2 had added:

Example conversation 2:

A : How do you feel when you get up ?

B : Sleepy

In the complete conversation 1:

Melly : Hello, Good Morning!

Andy : Hi, Good Morning too!

Melly : What time do you (get up) everyday?

Andy : at (five)

Melly : How do you feel when you get up?

Andy : Sleepy

Melly : okey, nice to meet you!

Andy : nice to meet you too!

The last, the teacher told them to the opportunity make and choose

a dialogue/conversation to perform for the next meeting.


3. Observing

Observation was an activity to collect the record of interaction that

happened in the teaching and learning process. In this stage, the observer

monitored the implementation transcription and reflexion on experience

technique of CLL method by using observation checklist. She observed

whether the implementation met the criteria success or not. See in

(Lampiran 2a & 2b).

4. The Result

For the result, the writer can conclude in percentage form:

Total kegiatan yang dilakukan X 100 = ....... %

Total kegiatan

But in this research use two observer so the writer calculate one by one

among Observation checklist 2a and 2b, here are the percentage calculate :

1. Observation checklist 2a (Observer 1)

= 23 x 100 = 92 %


2. Observation checklist 2b (Observer 2)

= 22 x 100 = 88 %


Then, Observer 1 + Observer 2 = 92 + 88

2 2

= 180 = 90 %


So, the result of the second meeting is 90 % implementable.


Third meeting;

In the second meeting was on August 2014.

1. Planning

First of all the researcher/the teacher prepared the lesson plan for to

the basic competence material with theme still “Daily Activity”, and also

prepared the observation checklist. In the third meeting the researcher used

observation checklist had modificated from Diane L. & Freeman, that is

used implementation tape recording students conversation(transcription) &

human computer technique of CLL method. See in (Lampiran 3.3)

2. Action

Firstly, she give the greetings to the her students. She taught her

student the instruction to make a semicircle in front of the whiteboard so

the students’ can see easily. The teacher standing in front of the semicircle

and asking for reviewing the lesson two days ago with ask to the student

that what they are still remember with the lesson yesterday who

delivered?, the student answer it with various answer are in mother tongue

(L1) or in the target language (English). The teacher practicing on the

conversation combination between conversation in first meeting and in

second meeting (this step in observation checklist number 11.)

After that, the teacher lead them to pronounce that conversation in

three time, these is the conversation:

Melly : Hello, Good Morning!

Andy : Hi, Good Morning too!


Melly : What time do you (get up) everyday?

Andy : at (five)

Melly : How do you feel when you get up?

Andy : Sleepy

Melly : okey, nice to meet you!

Andy : nice to meet you too!

Pronouncing it in three time

After that the student is given opportunity to choose which the

conversation could perform in front of the class

In the complete conversation 1 and 2:

Melly : Hello, Good Morning!

Andy : Hi, Good Morning too!

Melly : What time do you (get up) everyday?

Andy : at (five)

Melly : How do you feel when you get up?

Andy : Sleepy

Melly : okey, nice to meet you!

Andy : nice to meet you too!

For the sample the researcher was took pair students’ to perform.

3. Observing

Observation was an activity to collect the record of interaction that

happened in the teaching and learning process. In this stage, the observer

monitored the implementation tape recording students’ conversation


(transcription) & human computer technique of CLL method by using

observation checklist. She observed whether the implementation met the

criteria success or not. See in (Lampiran 3a & 3b).

4. The Result

For the result, the writer can concluded in percentage form :

Total kegiatan yang dilakukan X 100 = ....... %

Total kegiatan

but in this research use two observer so the writer calculate one by one

among Observation checklist 3a and 3b, here are the percentage calculate :

1. Observation checklist 3a (Observer 1)

= 20 x 100 = 94 %


2. Observation checklist 3b (Observer 2)

= 20 x 100 = 94 %


Then, Observer 1 + Observer 2 = 94 + 94

2 2

= 188 = 94 %


So, the result of the second meeting is 94 % implementable.




This chapter present the data had been collected during the research

taken from observation checklist and test perform. The researcher tries to

answer the questions, which is stated in chapter I that is, How far the

community language learning (CLL) techniques can be applied in developing

students’ speaking skill in the elementary fifth grade student?.

To answer the question, the researcher used the observation checklist to

describe the process of applying community language learning method in

speaking class.. The finding and discussion in this chapter would be based on

the theories stated in chapter II. The teaching was done three meetings. The

researcher as the teacher taught the speaking class by herself.

A. The Result of Observations and the Discussions

This result based on calculate in chapter III.

A.1. The Result of Observation 1

In this result was took from first meeting. The researcher used

Observation checklist implementation tape recording student

conversation and transcription technique of CLL method. The result of

the first meeting is 78 % implementable. See in ( lampiran 1.a & 1.b ).

For number (7. Guru menjelaskan tata cara dalam aktifitas pertama dan

memberikan batasan waktu.) there is two observer(s) are mark minus it


means that the teacher is not doing activity no. (7) the answer is maybe

the teacher inadvertent to do. The teacher must be remember that

activity and do it. For number ( 3) the student it doesn’t asking to the

teacher to translate the mother tongue, in this case the student in the

future must be give stimulus to the student so that the student can

expand their mind and asking to the student the target language. For

number (24) its because in number (23) there is no question so the

teacher not answer it.

A.2. The Result of Observation 2

In this result was took from second meeting. The researcher used

observation checklist implementation transcription and re-flexion on

experience technique of CLL method. The result of the second meeting

is 90 % implementable. See in ( lampiran 2.a & 2.b ). For number (17)

in .a & .b in this case the students’ are lack interaction each other, for

the future maybe the teacher lead them to have a conversation in each

student to discuss the material. For number (10 on 2.b) the teacher

forgeted to say that the student can copied the example later, for the

next the teacher more remember what she do the next. No (23 and 24)

for there are number is minus that which a student can make the

sentence and perform, and the others student can not make and perform

or forget in front of the class when perform, for the teacher she must be


more repeated the conversation example to keep remember in the

student mind.

A.3. The Result of Observation 3

In this result was took from third meeting. The researcher used

observation checklist implementation tape recording students

conversation(transcription) & human computer technique of CLL

method. The result of the third meeting is 92 % implementable. See in (

lampiran 3.a & 3.b ). For number (11) the student still used the lead of

the teacher but not that all.

A.4. Result of Observation Checklist

Observation Checklist Percentage (%)

First meeting 78

Second meeting 90

Third meeting 92

Total 260

= 260 / 3(/meeting) = 86,66 % dibulatkan menjadi 87 % .

B. The Result of Perform Conversation

In this result taken from presentation each group whose perform in front

of the class, the writer took five sample from the perform , here are their

conversation :


B.1. The table of sample conversation perform each pair :

Table B.1.1

Yuda : Hello, Gud morning !

Heri : Gud Morning tu !

Yuda : Wot taim du yu get ap everidei?

Heri : Et seven

Yuda : Hou du yu fil after go to skul?

Heri : It wet

Yuda : Hello, Good morning !

Heri : Good Morning too !

Yuda : What time do you get up everyday?

Heri : At seven

Yuda : How do you feel after going to


Heri : Tired

Table B.1.2

Elfiana : Hello, Gud morning !

Nadia : Gud Morning tu !

Elfiana: Wat taim du yu teik e baff


Nadia : Et faiv

Elfiana : Hao du yu fil after teik e baff?

Nadia : Fresh

Elfiana : Okei, naiz tu mit yu !

Nadia : Naiz tu mit yu tu !

Elfiana : Hello, Good morning !

Nadia : Good Morning too !

Elfiana: What time do you take a bath


Nadia : At five

Elfiana : How do you feel after taking a


Nadia : Fresh

Elfiana : Okay, nice to meet you !

Nadia : nice to meet you too !


Table B.1.3

Renita : Hello, Gud morning !

Suci : Hai, Gud Morning tu !

Renita: Wat taim du yu get ap everidei?

Suci : Et faiv

Renita: Hao du yu fil wen yu get ap?

Suci : Slipi

Renita: Okei, naiz tu mit yu !

Suci : Naiz tu mit yu tu !

Renita: Hello, Good morning !

Suci : Hi, Good Morning too !

Renita: What time do you get up


Suci : At five

Renita: How do you feel when you get up?

Suci : Sleepy

Renita: Okay, nice to meet you !

Suci : nice to meet you too !

Table B.1.4

Rendra : Hello, Gud morning !

Gani : Gud Morning tu !

Rendra: Wet taim du yu get ap avirdo?

Gani : Slipi

Rendra: Hao du yu wel yu get ap


Gani : Slipi

Rendra: Hello, Good morning !

Gani : Good Morning too !

Rendra: What time do you get up


Gani : Sleepy “harusnya (At five)”

Rendra: How do you feel when you get


Gani : Sleepy


Table B.1.5

Udin : Hello, Gud morning !

Habib : Gud Morning tu !

Udin: Wat taim du yu go to skul?

Habib : Six

Udin: Hou du yu fil after going tu skul?

Habib : Hepi

Udin: Okai, naiz tu mit yu !

Habib : Naiz tu mit yu tu !

Udin: Hello, Good morning !

Habib : Good Morning too !

Udin: What time do you go to school


Habib : At six

Udin: How do you feel after going to


Habib : Heppy

Udin: Okay, nice to meet you !

Habib : nice to meet you too !

As a result that 87 % the CLL method (community language learning)

can be applied for the elementary fifth grade in V-B SDN 2 Gempolkurung have

a 29 student that based on the statement in chapter III the result more than > 50

% so, the technique itself it was can be applied successfull and suitable, but for

the result of perform each pair student in many words is still lacking to

pronounce it is not good, and also the grammar.




Conclusion and suggestions are the last chapter of this study. These two

things are very important since the readers or the next researcher can easily know

the brief result of this study in the conclusion and have same revision as suggested

by the researcher.

A. Conclusion

Based on the result of the observation checklist and perform, responses of

the students it is found that the majority of the students like Indonesian language

than English language while they consider that English is difficult but exciting.

After the researcher practice CLL method ( Community Language Learning ) in

their school, students are interested. According to them, CLL method can apply to

improve the new style of teaching and learning process.

Most of them think that CLL method is very important to be applied in

their lesson, because from this method can expand the student mind and can make

them feel secure in the class English lesson. But for the English lesson they have

difficulties especially Speaking is Grammar, the student mastery when saying in

the chunk, they are keep remember but in the conversation they are lack to speak

well because their teacher seldom practice speaking English while English lesson

was delivered.


The researcher concludes that one of alternative teaching techniques of

enhancing speaking skills using the community language learning approach in

SDN 2 Gempolkurung. The students were excited to said chunk in mother tongue.

More than some of the students responded that CLL method was so happy way to

learn language and interesting. But in the speaking it self they are be mastery in

chunk than long conversation so from the elementary fifth grade at SDN 2

Gempolkurung Menganti was not full success well by the teacher and students,

although there were some things should be revision. Moreover, the teacher always

motivated the students to speak on the other hand.

B. Suggestions

The goal of enhancing speaking skill using the CLL method doesn’t

depend on the lesson program only, but more important is on how the teacher

presents the lesson using various techniques to manage the class more lively and

enjoyable. From this research the writer will suggest to the reader for the next

wrote of the thesis may another method can be done successfull like Total Phisical

Respond which suitable for the elementary fifth grade or maybe on lower

secondary school suitable with community language learning method and this

method will make improve to your writing later to be good.


Cambridge Anvanced Learner Dictionary. Cambridge University Press 2008.

Freeman-Larsen, Diane. 1986. Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching.

New York: Oxford University Press.

Harmer, Jeremy. 2002. The Practice of English Language Teaching (Fourth

edition). England: Longman.

Hornby, A.S Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English. 14 th

Impression. London: Oxford University Press 1981.

Oxford Advanced Dictionary. Oxford University Press, 1995.

Richards, Jack. C. and Renandya, Willy A. Methodology in Language Teaching.

New York : Cambridge University Press.

Richard, Jack. C. and Rodgers, Theodore S. 2001. Approaches and methods in

Language Teaching (Second edition). New York: Cambrigde University


Lampiran 1


Mata Pelajaran : Time duration :

Tanggal : Guru :

Kelas :

No. Kegiatan Ya/ Tidak

1 Guru memberikan salam kepada murid-murid.

2 Murid-murid menjawab salam dari guru.

3 Guru memperkenalkan dirinya kepada murid-murid.

4 Murid-murid memperkenalkan diri mereka.

5 Guru memberitahukan apa yang akan dilakukan dalam pelajaran tersebut.

6 Murid-murid mendengarkan dengan baik.

7 Guru menjelaskan tata cara dalam aktifitas pertama dan memberikan batasan


8 Guru mengawali percakapan dengan murid dengan bertanya kegiatan apa saja

yang bisa dilakukan di pagi hari, siang hari dan malam hari.

9 Murid-murid mulai menjawab dengan mother tongue

10 Guru mencatat setiap frasa yang diucapkan murid di papan tulis.

11 Guru menerjemahkan kedalam bahasa target.

12 Murid-murid mendengarkan guru.

13 Guru mulai memberikan model percakapan ya ng sudah dibuat. (lampiran 4)

14 Guru membacakan model percakapan kepada murid-murid.

15 Murid-murid mengulang setelah guru mengucapkan model percakapan


16 Guru mengulang (kegiatan 14) sampai tiga kali.

17 Murid-murid mencatat semua frasa yang ditulis di papan tulis.

18 Guru mengarahkan siswa untuk membuat percakapan dengan mengganti

beberapa frasa tentang kegiatan sehari-hari.

20 Murid-murid mulai membuat percakapan sesuai model yang dicontohkan


21 Murid-murid saling berkomunikasi.

22 Guru berdiri di belakang murid untuk mengurangi rasa takut murid terhadap


23 Murid-murid bertanya kepada guru terjemahan bahasa ibu ke bahasa target.

24 Guru menjawab apa yang ditanyakan murid.

25 Setelah murid-murid menyelesaikan kegiatan no. 18, guru mengarahkan

murid-murid untuk mempresentasikan ke depan kelas secara berpasang-


Surabaya, _ _ Agustus 2014

Observer I

Observer II

( ) (



- Observasi ini mengamati implementasi Tape recording student conversation &

Transcription technic of CLL method.

- Berikan tanda (√ ) pada kolom tally apabila kegiatan dilaksanakan.

- Berikan tanda ( - ) pada kolom tally apabila kegiatan tidak dilaksanakan.

Lampiran 2


Mata Pelajaran : Time duration :

Tanggal : Guru :

Kelas :

No. Kegiatan Ya/Tidak

1 Guru memberikan salam kepada murid-murid.

2 Murid-murid menjawab salam dari guru.

3 Guru mengecek nama-nama murid.

4 Murid-murid memperhatikan guru.

5 Guru bertanya kepada murid tentang masih ingatkah pelajaran kemarin.

6 Murid-murid menjawab dengan antusias.

7 Guru mereview pelajaran yang telah disampaikan kemarin dengan cara

mencatat di papan tulis dalam bahasa ibu.

8 Murid-murid diberikan kebebasan untuk menerjemahkan bahasa targetnya.

9 Guru menuliskan bahasa ibunya di papan tulis di bawah bahasa target.

10 Guru memberitahukan kepada murid-murid bahwa mereka bisa menyalin

kalimat yang ditulis guru di papan tulis.

11 Guru mengingatkan tentang percakapan di pertemuan pertama dengan

membacakan percakapan tersebut.

12 Murid-murid mengulang model percakapan yang diucapkan guru pada

kegiatan no.11

13 Percakapan (model) di baca bersama di ulangi sampai 3x.

14 Setelah selesai, guru menambahkan materi percakapan (lampiran 5).

15 Guru bertanya apa yang murid rasakan ketika melakukan kegiatan-kegiatan

yang dilakukan dalam model percakapan tersebut.

16 Murid di beri kesempatan untuk mengungkapkan apa yang mereka rasakan.

17 Murid-murid saling bertanya satu sama lain.

18 Murid-murid saling memberi reaksi dari apa yang mereka rasakan dalam

kegiatan sehari-hari tersebut.

20 Guru menunjukkan kepada murid bahwa ia memahami dengan baik apa yang

di ucapkan murid-murid.

21 Guru memberikan contoh dari model kedua dengan membacakannya didepan


22 Guru memberikan salinan percakapan kedua kepada murid-murid.

23 Murid-murid membuat percakapan secara mandiri.

24 Murid-murid mempraktekkan percakapan yang telah dibuat.

25 Murid-murid mulai yakin bisa berbicara dengan model percakapan tersebut.

Surabaya, _ _ Agustus 2014

Observer I

Observer II

( ) (



- Observasi ini mengamati implementasi Transcription & Reflexion on Experience

technic of CLL method.

- Berikan tanda (√ ) pada kolom tally apabila kegiatan dilaksanakan.

- Berikan tanda ( - ) pada kolom tally apabila kegiatan tidak dilaksanakan.

Lampiran 3


Mata Pelajaran : Time duration :

Tanggal : Guru :

Kelas :

No. Kegiatan Ya/Tidak

1 Guru memberikan salam kepada murid-murid.

2 Murid-murid menjawab salam dari guru.

3 Guru mengecek nama-nama murid.

4 Murid-murid memperhatikan guru.

5 Guru menyuruh murid-murid untuk membentuk setengah lingkaran

menghadap depan kelas.

6 Murid-murid mulai membentuk setengah lingkaran.

7 Guru berdiri menghadap siswa di tengah-tengah setengah lingkaran tersebut

dan bertanya tentang masih ingatkah pelajaran kemarin.

8 Murid-murid menjawab dengan beragam.

9 Untuk meRefresh, guru mempraktekkan model percakapan yang telah di berikan pada pertemuan pertama dan kedua.

10 Murid-murid mengulangi percakapan yang dilakukan guru di no. 9

11 Setelah melakukan kegiatan di no. 9 dan 10, murid-murid mengulangi percakapan tersebut sendiri tanpa guru.

12 Guru mengarahkan murid untuk perform kedepan kelas.

13 Murid di beri kebebasan untuk memilih kalimat mana yang ingin di ucapkan dalam percakapan tersebut.

14 Guru membentuk kelompok masing-masing 2 anak.

15 Masing-masing kelompok membuat percakapan sesuai model 1 &2 yang telah diberikan sebelumnya.

16 Dalam pengawasan guru, masing-masing kelompok mempraktekkan percakapan yang telah mereka buat ke depan kelas.

17 Guru merekam ucapan percakapan masing-masing kelompok yang perform.

18 Guru tidak mengoreksi kesalahan pengucapan kelompok tersebut dengan


19 Guru mengikuti apa yang diucapkan murid dengan pengucapan yang benar dan jelas.

20 Murid yang perform menyadari sendiri kesalahan pengucapan mereka.

21 Murid mengulang dengan menirukan model pengucapan yang telah di ucapkan guru.

Surabaya, _ _ Agustus 2014

Observer I

Observer II

( ) (



- Observasi ini mengamati implementasi Tape recording students

conversation(transcription) & Human Computer technic of CLL method.

- Berikan tanda (√ ) pada kolom tally apabila kegiatan dilaksanakan.

- Berikan tanda ( - ) pada kolom tally apabila kegiatan tidak dilaksanakan.

Appendix 4

Check List

NO. Obsevation Statement

1 The teacher greets the students, introduces himself, and

has the students’ introduce themselves.

2 The teacher tells the students what they are going to do

that evening. He explains the procedure of the first

activity and sets a time limits.

3 Students have a conversation.

4 The teacher stands behind the students.

5 The teacher translates what the students want to say in


6 The teacher tells them that they have only a few

minutes remaining for the conversation.

7 Students are invited to talk about how they felt during

the conversation.

8 The teacher accepts what each students says.

9 The teacher understands what the students say.

10 The student listen to the tape and give the indonesian


11 The teacher asks the students to form a semicircle in

front of the blackboard so they can see easily.

12 The teacher reassures the students that they will have

time later on to copy the sentences.

13 Before the teacher puts in the indonesian equivalents,

he/she pauses. If no one volunteers the meaning, he/she

writes it himself.

14 The teacher reads the transcript three time. The

students relax and listen.

15 In the Human Computer activity, the students choose

which phrase they want to practice pronouncing. The

teacher, following the student’s lead, repeats the phrase

until the learner is satisfied and stops.

16 The students have to listen carefully to see if what they

say macthes what the teacher is saying.

17 Student’s work together in groups of three.

18 The teacher corrects by repeating correctly the sentence

the students have created.

19 The students read their sentences to the other members

of the class.

20 The teacher plays the tape while the students listen.

21 The students are once again invited to talk about the

experience they had that evening.

22 Other activities with the transcript of the first

conversation occur. Then, the learners have a new


Check List Observation from Larsen-Freeman, Diane (1986: 96-99)

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