  • welcome to my portfolio!

  • tHiS iS wHAt yoU will fiND iNSiDe:






    5. e12 - Good old times - honorable mention -



    8. OtHER cOMpEtItIONS




    12. OtHER wORkS

  • 0. reSUme

    - Sprunt Media. London- EtSALS La Salle university. Ramon Llull Architecture. Barcelona- Erasmus programme. StU Slovak technical University. Bratislava- EtSALS. La Salle university. Ramon Llull Architecture. Barcelona

    enric de la Hoya Nolla (Architect)nationality: Spanish (EU citizenship)E-mail: [email protected]: ehnarch

    Im a flexible and curious young architect who is excited to work with innovative ideas, crea-tivity and to share them with individuals and the world.

    My architecture studies and job experience in Barcelona, Bratislava and London have allowed me to work in the full scope of an architec-tural project, from concept to building details, throught all the presentation process.

    profeSSioNAl experieNce

    StUDeNt recorD

    2015 November

    2010 September

    2013 2012 2006

    2014 March

    2013 March

    2011 May

    2015 December


    2015 2015

    2013 2012

    2015 June

    2013 June

    2012 July







    - freelance architect. BarcelonaDesign, drawings and renderings for several flat refurbishments in LleidaImagery for students and architects

    - Sprunt Architects. LondonElaboration of drawings schedules and imagery of a mixed housing and library complex with Revit

    - daw office. barcelonaElaboration of competition layouts. Creation of a video to showcase the project for a nautical club. Elaboration of drawings, 3d modeling and designing of a polygonal complex roof and imagery creation of a full refurbishment of a heritage protected housing in the center of Barcelona. Assistance in the drawings elaboration for the renewal of Gaudis Casa Vicens. Designing, drawings elaboration for competition for a dentist clinic.Investigation and assistance in the creation of a modular system.

    - europan 12 Kosovo Cristina Corderos team. madridIdea discussion, design and elaboration of drawings, schemes, and imagery

    - Riudecanyes town council. Urban department. tarragonaAssitance in the daily task usually held in a council.

    AcHievemeNtS- 2014 Santander CRUE/CEPYME scholarship.- 2013 Europan 12 Kosovo-Gjilan special mention award.- 2012 Fake/True stories archizine is being exhibited around the world in ARcHIZINES exhibition by Elias Redstone.- 2012 finalist project in Archmedium Competition PMKLT - Paris Market Lab.- 2010 Chosen project for exhibition Housing for young people in Tarragona for La Salle Vertical workshop.- 2010 Chosen project for exhibition Citizen link center in Reus for La Salle Vertical workshop.

    eDitoriAl work- 2012. Fake cities / true stories Fakezine

    SoftwAre kNowleDgeI would like to point out that most of this was self-taught. I enjoy learning new software and I can learn it fast.

    Proficiency: Autocad | Photoshop | Revit | 3ds Max rendering | Sketchup | Office / Open office | Indesign Occasional: Illustrator | Inkscape | Rhino.3d | 3ds.Max.modeling | Blender

    lANgUAgeSCatalan-(Native) | Spanish-(Native) | English-(Advanced.CAE)

  • commUNicAtioN AND mANAgemeNt SkillS- 2 years acting course.- 3 years piano course- Voluntary guide in Open House Barcelona.- Satisfactory getting along with parters in several workplaces. - Collaboration in teams within international architectural competitions.

    daw office

    Enric has worked in Daw office for 14 months, while he was finishing his Architecture studies. He is a diligent and hard work-ign person with a gift for creating a good atmosphere with his colleagues. I would like to highlight about his collaboration, what he did with the team that worked in the new headquarters of the Nautical Club in Premi, and the managerial project of the full refurbishent of a housing project in the old town of Barcelona.

    Also, Enric was part of international competitions teams, frequently leading them succesfully.

    He settled in the team very quickly and got beyond all challenges that were proposed with enthusiasm and efficacy .

    NZ Arquitectura

    Enric has worked with me in several housing projects, for the last half year that the office has been opened, while he was finishing his final degree project.

    He has looked for the best possible design to improve the architecture experience in each case, imagining with passion spaces and dealing with the price and the requirements of the clients. Also has been showc1asing them with eloquent drawings and renderings. He has showed the ability to deal succesfully with several inputs and being a diligent and thoughtful, fighting al-ways to find the best way.

    Im sure that that it has been a plesure to work with him, i would repeat for sure if there was a chance.


    daw office s.l.pc/ lalzina 1 local 01

    08024 barcelona+34 933 686 110

    A quien corresponda,

    Enric ha trabajado en daw office durante 14 meses, mientras terminaba sus estudios de Arquitectura. Se trata de una persona diligente y trabajadora con una especial capacidad para crear un buen ambiente con sus compaeros. Quiero resaltar de su colaboracin, el trabajo realizado formando parte del equipo que realiz el proyecto ejecutivo de la nueva sede del Club Nutic Premi y el proyecto ejecutivo de la reforma integral de un edificio de viviendas protegido en el casco antiguo de Barcelona.Adems, Enric form parte de los equipos de concursos internacionales, liderando muchos de estos proyectos satisfactoriamente.

    Enric se integr en el equipo de daw muy rpidamente y super de manera entusiasta y eficaz todos los retos que se le fueron proponiendo.

    Esperamos, algn da, volver a tenerle dentro del equipo.

    Saludos cordiales,

    David Garca MartnezArquitecto fundador col. nm. 44210-0

    Barcelona, 22 de Diciembre de 2015

  • JoHN BArNeS BUilDiNgoffice: Sprunt ArchitectsUses: Mixed housing and a librarylocation: London (UK)Year: 2015

    In this multiple storey housing there are two volumes joined in an L shape that raises above the library in the ground floor. There are several typologies repeat-ed along the building. The L surrounds a rear patio that is converted into public space. The topography has a difference of nearly one floor at some points.

    Assignments- All work in Revit- Full model creation- Drawings- Schedules- Design of one flat and the library- Modeling of scenarios for rendering- Editing and compositing in Photoshop.

    work1. profeSSioNAl






































    23/02/2016 18:00:40














  • mUltiUSe pUBlic BUilDiNg iN tHe AkerSHUS feStiN SpAceSubject: Final career projectUses: Public multiple uses spacelocation. Oslo (Norway)Year: 2015

    Near ther Akershus fortress theres a new center that supports the functionality of the visitors zone with a new space meant to receive as much public activities as it possible. From an urban point the project is meant as an interior street that stretch-es the dead ended Kirkegaata until the sea, going throught a new square com-manded by the Palace of the commandant by J.H. Nebelong.

    Assignments- Full design- Implementation of adaptablity and flex-ibility conepts- Urban design- Architectural design- Interior design- Detailing design- Basic structural design- Basic MEP design- Drawings- Schemes- Imagery

    2. AcADemicwork

  • NAUticAl clUB iN premioffice: DAWUses: Nautical clublocation. Premi de Mar (Spain)Year: 2014

    Located in front of the sea, and it is meant to be used on one side by visitors and on the other by the ones who own a mem-bership to the club. Both shall enjoy the nice views and the climate. A modular sys-tem is chosen for the construction as it allows a quick and high quality construc-tion.

    Assignments- Modular system research- Modular system implementation- Drawings- 3d modeling- Renderings- Video creation

    work3. profeSSioNAl

  • priNceSA HoUSiNgoffice: DAWUses: Housing, refurbishment.location. Barcelona (Spain)Year: 2015

    This catalogued housing is in the old neightbourhood of el Born in Barcelona. The patio was carved down to the lowest floor, to allow light at the entrance. The stairs were rebuilt in order to allocate an elevator inside. The flats were refurbished trying to leave nice old thing already as they were. The flat in the roof is rebuilt from scratch to achieve a proper use of the terrace.

    Assignments- Intervention in catalogued building- Flats refurbishment- Roof refurbishment- Patio refurbishment- Stairs and elevator refurbishment.- Drawings- Details- Imagery- Physical model

    work4. profeSSioNAl

  • e12 - Good old times- honorable mention -Competiton: Europan 12 Kosovoteam: Cristina Cordero, Ferran Viladomat Arnau SanyUses: Rethinking main street and allocate a new municipality, hotel and cultural centerlocation. Gjilan (Kosovo)Year: 2013

    A road is going through the main street in Gjilan thus splitting the city in two. This street already locates the Municipality and a hotel. The project consists in shrink-ing the avenue in smaller parts that will be building phases. Each of this islands will be car free inside and allow pedestrian to be move loosely. We take advantage of the Mirusha stream that is currently buried . The goal is to create a green line alongside it. A new Hotel, the Municipality and a Cultural Center are allocated among this islands.

    Assignments- Intervention on road system- Return the city to the pedestrians- Recovery of Mirusha river- Implementation of a phasing system- Urban analysis.- Implementation of adaptability concept- Urban design- Basic cultural center design- Basic hotel design

    competitoN5 teAm

  • regioNAl liBrArySubject: WorkshopSchool: La Salle Barcelonateacher: David ViaplanaUses: Librarylocation. Tarragona (Spain)Year: 2013

    The challenge here was to build a new, much bigger library were was the old one in a site irregularly shaped, with slope and lots of neighbours with windows facing the site. The solution was to provide the voids in the right places.

    Assignments- Full design- Allocating in a complex site- Urban design- Architectural design- Interior design- Detailing design- Basic structural design- Basic MEP design- Drawings

    work6. AcADemic

  • pottery ceNter iN SArkHeJ roZACompetiton: Hyspalit XIIteam: Adri Ortiz, Oriol MartUses: Pottery centerlocation. Ahmedabad (India)Year: 2016

    Where the potterers used to create their pottery, a new proper center is made for them to display and create new objects. The site is a very anarchic undefined zone near the turistic palace of Sarkhej Roza in Ahmedabad.

    Assignments- Allocating in an undetermined space- Thorough light and climate control- Drawings- Imagery- Architectural design- Urban analysis

    competitioN7. teAm

  • I love thinking architecture in my free time and when possible I enjoy to take part in architectural competitions. Even more in team competitions where I can discuss ideas with colleagues. Here are a few.

    1. finalist - teamCompetiton: Archmedium Paris Market Labteam: Marc BergaUses: Research culinary centerlocation: Paris (France)Year: 2011

    2. IndividualCompetiton: Arquia Penitence! program: Research culinary centerlocation: Svalvard (Norway)Year: 2012

    3. teamCompetiton: Archemedium Olympic mu-seum Athensteam: Marc Bergaprogram: Olympic museumlocation: Athens (Greece)Year: 2011

    4. IndividualCompetiton: Arquia The building and the site! program: Pavilionlocation: Any green zoneYear: 2013




    8. otHercompetitioNS

  • 4

  • reNewAl from river froNt to tHe cAStleSubject: Urban designSchool: Slovak Technical Universitylocation. Bratislava (Slovakia)Year: 2013

    The aim was to improve a part near the Danube that goes along Bratislava. In the chosen one, the city surprisingly dis-appears. To achieve continuity, it is filled with urban fabric along a promenade be-side the river. Also from this new space you could go to the castle throught a small steep path, and the connection is improved thanks to some escalators that allow you to enjoy the views over the river when ascending or descending.

    Assignments- Urban design- Detailing design- Drawings- Schemes- Imagery

    work9 AcADemic

  • SHop iN A commerciAl ceNterSubject: Interior designSchool: Slovak Technical Universitylocation. Bratislava (Slovakia)Year: 2013

    A new shop in a shopping center in Brati-slava had to be placed. A modular system is created to accomplish the encommen-dation. The system is made of some kind of giant bricks that are made from straw. Sometimes these bricks are a box of steel with several faces omitted in order to cre-ate a display brick or a seat. Te shoes are held over steel plattforms stabbed into teh straw bricks.

    Assignments- Interior design- Detailing design- Drawings- Schemes- Imagery

    work10. AcADemic

  • meDiterrANeAN ceNterSubject: WorkshopSchool: La Salle BarcelonaUses: Public cultural centerlocation. Barcelona (Spain)Year: 2011

    This center is meant to allocate several kinds of public events on one side and housing for other people on the other side. The lower parts will be the public while the higher private. The structure and the vertical shafts are positioned to allow the unobstructured spaces required for the events. The metallic structure has alveolar beams to allow the plumbing to go throght.

    Assignments- Full Revit design.- Architectural design.- Basic interior design.- Basic detailing.- Basic structural design.- Basic MEP design- Drawings.- Schemes.

    work11. AcADemic

  • freelANce

    I have collaborated in flat refurbishments several times alongside the studio NZ Ar-qchitecture. Also I have been hired by stu-dents and professionals to create image-ry for them. Thus helping to display the projects convince the client and improve decision taking.

    work12. otHer

  • tHANkS for ArriviNg Here, i Hope yoU eNJoyeD it

  • portfolio

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