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  • Equality And Diversity Monitoring as at 31-March-2012 Report to the Board 1
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  • Summary Source: WSNHS Trust Diversity Statistics (2012) This report is designed to give an insight into the Trusts Equality and Diversity profile As At 31 March 2012. The report will cover 6 protected characteristics of equality: Age, Religion and Belief, Disability, Gender, Ethnicity and Sexual Orientation. (other comparators have been used to highlight trends i.e. pay and working patterns) Page 4 - The Trust appears more diverse than the immediate local areas, and less diverse than the whole of England with the exception of the Asian minority group. However it should be noted that the locality data available is from mid 2009 and may not be a true reflection of the population today. Ethnic groups account for: Trust 10% of total workforce page 5 Staff survey data 10% of respondents - page 6 St Edmundsbury7% of Total, EOE 10% of Total, England Population 13% of Total (data available 2009) page 8 Page 6 - 2010 Staff Survey - The Trust improved it E&D training from 22% to 38%. In addition the trust is in the Top 20% of acute trusts for providing equal opportunities for career progression and not experiencing discrimination at work. Page 7 - Whilst the White British group make up 88% of the staff overall, this is not necessarily reflected within staff groups e.g. Admin and Clerical has a greater proportion (98%) than overall Medical & Dental has a lesser proportion (59%) than overall Pages 9 11 Recruitment data The number of appointments split between white groups and minority groups roughly reflects the Trusts ethnicity split (p5) and, the proportion of minority groups drops considerably throughout the recruitment process. However in 2012 the number of ethnic minority shortlisted applicants has increased by 5% and to date the Trust has not received any complaints of discrimination within the recruitment process either externally or internally. Page 14- 80 % of the Trust's workforce is female, with the majority of these working in Nursing, Admin and Healthcare Support posts. Males have a very slight majority in the medical & dental roles. Although only 14% of admin & management staff are male, 37% of senior managers are male.(band 8 and above) The Trusts Executive Directors are predominantly female, whilst the Non Executive Directors are predominantly Male pages 19 20 The average age for the Trusts is 43, the average length of service (LOS) is almost 9 years over half of the workforce of the workforce fall within the 36 55 age bracket. Of the over fifties, over half are already over 55. There are 154 employees over 60, none of these are over 70 Page 22 - 23 Pay by gender split roughly reflects the male/female ratio of the Trust with the exception of band 8c where the trend is reversed, with 70% male to 30% female. Pay by ethnicity interestingly there appears to be no disclosed minority groups in Bands 4, 8b, 8c, 8d and 9. 2
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  • 1. Race ( including national identity and ethnicity) 3
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  • Population - Ethnicity % The chart above compares the overall Ethnic profiles for the Trust, St Edmundsbury, Suffolk, East of England and England The Trust consistently appears more diverse than the immediate local areas, however slightly less diverse than the whole of England with the exception of the Asian groups. Source: ONS (2009)and WSNHS Trust Diversity Statistics (2012) 4
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  • The chart shows the Ethnicity% breakdown for the Trust White groups make up 88% of the workforce Other Ethnic groups make up 10% of the workforce 2% have Not stated their ethnicity Source: WSNHS Trust Diversity Statistics (2012) Trust - Ethnicity % 5
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  • Staff Survey Monitoring Of the 498 employees responding to the Staff Survey: 90% where from White groups and 10% where from Minority Groups, which is comparable to the original sample Source: WSNHS Trust Diversity Statistics (2012) 6
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  • Ethnicity Breakdown by Staff Group Admin and Management has the largest proportion (98%)of White groups whilst Medical and Dental has the smallest (59%)proportion. Source: WSNHS Trust Diversity Statistics (2012) 7
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  • Breakdown Ethnic Groups % Source: ONS Local Authority Resident Population Estimates (Ethnicity 2009,); WSNHS Trust Diversity Statistics (2012) 8
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  • Recruitment, Applicants - Ethnicity Source: NHS Jobs WSH Ethnicity statistics applicants (2012) white groupsminority groupsTotal %ge Minority groups % White Groups Applicants489928577756 36.84% 63.16% 9
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  • Recruitment, Shortlisted - Ethnicity Source: NHS Jobs WSH Ethnicity statistics applicants (2012) white groupsminority groupsTotal%ge Minority groups% White Groups Shortlisted15284671995 23.41% 76.59% 10
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  • Recruitment, Appointed - Ethnicity Source: NHS Jobs WSH Ethnicity statistics applicants (2012) white groupsminority groupsTotal%ge Minority groups% White Groups Appointed29935334 10.48% 89.52% 11
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  • 2. Gender (sex - male or female) 12
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  • Gender by Population Area The chart shows that England and the locality has roughly a 50:50 split of male: female, however the Trust has a significantly higher proportion of females, this has remained constant over a number of years. The proportion of employees participating in the staff survey reflects that of the Trust Source: WSNHS Trust Diversity Statistics (2012) 13
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  • Gender Equality Monitoring Although nationally the gender distribution is roughly 50:50 the Trust consistently maintains a 80:20 division (female majority) However the Medical & Dental staff group mirrors the national 50:50 division Working patterns Female working patterns roughly a 50:50 equal division between full time and part time, the majority of males work full time Source: WSNHS Trust Diversity Statistics (2012) 14
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  • 3. Disability Religion and belief Sexual Orientation 15
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  • Disability Monitoring Sources: ONS Local Authority Resident Population Estimates (Disability 2007); WSNHS Trust Diversity Statistics (2012) Limited benchmarking data is available on the number of people who believe they have a disability Locality information* is based on people claiming incapacity benefit or severe disablement allowance Trust information is based on employees who have declared they have a disability and roughly reflects locality data * Note definition of disability for Local Authority statistics = "people claiming incapacity benefit or severe disablement allowance" 16
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  • Religion & Belief, Sexual orientation There is no benchmarking data for these characteristics, however as part of the Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED) the Trust has an obligation to eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation Source: WSNHS Trust Diversity Statistics (2012) 17
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  • 4.Age 18
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  • Age Profile 44% of employees are over 45 28% of employees are over 50 14% of employees are over 55 52% of the over 50s are over 55 Workforce breakdown Female 82% Male18% Average Age Female 43.25 Male - 43.45 Trust-43.29 Average Length of Service Female 8.96 Male - 8.25 Trust -8.83 Source: WSNHS Trust Diversity Statistics (2012) 19
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  • Over 55 Profile Source: I-view Workforce data 2012; WSNHS Trust Diversity Statistics (2012) 14% of our total workforce is over 55, of these 11% are Female At current levels this number could increase to 27% over the next 5 years, assuming the 50+ employees stay and the 66+ employees retire. 20
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  • 5. Pay equality 21
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  • Pay by gender split reflects the male/female ratio of the Trust with the exception of band 8c where the trend is reversed, 70% male to 30% female Pay by Gender Source: WSNHS Trust Diversity Statistics (2012) 22
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  • The chart on the left shows the split between white groups and Minority groups, the chart on the right shows the breakdown of minority groups only. There are no disclosed minority groups in Band 4, Band 8b-d and Band 9 Pay by Ethnicity Source: WSNHS Trust Diversity Statistics (2012) 23
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  • 6. Performance Management 24
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  • As part of the Trusts processes for equality monitoring the Workforce and Communications Directorate record all formal investigations for Disciplinary, Capability and Grievance matters. The factors being monitored are Age, Ethnicity, Gender and Disability to identify any trends that indicate discrimination. Sickness Absence is monitored separately. In 2011/2012 the department conducted a total of 30 formal investigations:- 16 Disciplinary Cases* 10 Capability Cases 3 Grievance Cases 1 Bullying and Harassment Case Our analysis shows that 5 of the 30 cases listed above 26 involved White British Staff and 4 were ethnic minorities. None of the cases above concerned an employee with a disability.. Disciplinary Cases 16 The proportion of disciplinary cases between male and female staff is 12 female cases to 4 male cases. The ratio of male to female cases remains in line with the organisations gender profile. Capability Cases 10 Out of the 10 capability cases, all involved female staff and 1 of those was from an ethnic minority group. However, 6 out 10 are in the 50yr to 60yr age group. Grievance Cases 3 Two cases have been resolved and one is still under investigation with a final report being submitted to the Chief Executive by 30 th June 2012. Bullying and Harassment Case 1 Case resolved. * Two of the these cases have been reported to the Nursing and Midwifery Council. Performance Management Monitoring Source: WSNHS Trust Diversity Statistics (2012) 25

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