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EU FUNDING OPPORTUNITIES 2014-2020LUISS - Libera Università Internazionale degli Studi Sociali

« Guido Carli »

Rome, 26.03.2014


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Mr. Valerio Valla – Founding Partner of Studio Valla

- Introductory Speech

- European budget procedure- Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) procedure- The negotiation procedure- The new MFF

- The Italian Structural Funds cases

- Horizon 2020

- Cosme

- Creative Europe


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• Italy Resources 2007 – 2013 p.5-6• State of implementation p.7-10• Results achieved at December 31 p.11-14• Comparison with other EU Countries p.15-16• Towards the programming 2014-2020 p.17-19• Cohesion policy 2014-2020 p.20-21• The new cycle programming 2014-2020 p.22-26

HORIZON 2020• What is Horizon 2020 p.28• Horizon «at a glance» p.29• Horizon Structure p.30-31

THE THREE PILLARS OF HORIZON 2020• Excellent science p.33-34• Industrial leadership p.35-36• Societal Challenges p.37-38• How to get funding p.39-40

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COSME• What is Cosme 2014-2020? p.42• Cosme 2014-2020 «at a glance» p.43-44• Key Actions p.45-46• Cosme 2014-2020 p.47-48• How to get funding? P.49

CREATIVE EUROPE• What is Creative Europe? p.51-52• CULTURE Subprogram p.53-54• MEDIA Subprogram p.55

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Community resources have been programmed through the NSF - National Strategic Framework for 2007-2013, whose actions are implemented through 52 operational programs at National, Regional and Inter-regional levels, which define the strategic priorities for the sectors and territories.

The resources programmed in the NSRF 2007-2013 amounted to about 60.1 billion euro, of which more than 28.5 billion of structural funds from the EU and about 31.6 billion of national co-financing resources (recorded on the Revolving Fund for the 'implementation of Community policies required by law n. 183/1987), to cover the three priority objectives of development, as shown in the following table:

Italy’s Resources 2007 - 2013

Objectives Ue Contributions National co -financing


Convergence 21.640,4 21.958,9 43.599,3

Competitiveness 6.324,9 9.489,5 15.814,4


546,4 159,2 705,6

TOTAL 28.511,7 31.607,6 60.119,3


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Italy’s Resources 2007 - 2013

Compared to the amount indicated in the initial NSF 2007-2013, the Cohesion Action Plan (CAP), which was approved in November 2011, led to a restructuring of resources through the reduction of the share of national co-financing. Recovered resources to rely on the share of national co-financing have been used in order to implement, under the Cohesion Action Plan, interventions outside the Operational Programmes. Therefore, following the first two phases of implementation of the Plan, the total contribution to the Cohesion policy was restated in the following amount (but does not yet take into account the reductions arranged with the third and final phase of reprogramming of the cap, which resulted in a further reduction of the national co-financing for about 4.9 billion).

Objective OriginalContribution

Contribution afterCap (I & II stage)

Convergence 43.599,3 38.079

Competitiveness 15.814,4 15.457,5


705,6 705,6

TOTAL 60.119,3 54.371,0


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State of Implementation (1/4)

Cohesion policy has been strongly influenced by the difficulty of the central and regional administrations to use community resources in accordance with the timeline set by the Community rules , with the constant risk of disengagement of the same.Indeed, the s.c "n +2 rule" (Article 93 of Regulation 1083 /2006) provides, for each fund (ESF , ERDF) and for each Operational Programme (OP), the disinvestment of unspent resources within the next two years annuality reference. This disinvestment of community resources involves the parallel reduction of the share of national co-financing.After 4 years of operation, 31 December 2010 , the status of utilization of EU funds was really worrying, with a percentage of the total resources available on the commitments of 22 % and payments of around 12 % (higher only to Romania).Among the measures for the acceleration of the implementation of the OP of the 2007-2013 Structural Funds, from the CIPE Resolution 1/2011, have been provided for the costs incurred and certified, infra-annual targets to 31 May, 31 October and December 31, which are estimated on the basis of appropriate percentage (set out in the national Committee for the coordination and monitoring of the unitary regional policy) n+2 thresholds to be reached as at 31 December of the reference year , necessary to avoid the automatic de-commitment.

With reference to 2013 Target 31 maggio: 38,8% Target 31 ottobre: 43,5 % Target 31 dicembre: 50%

Nationally defined within the "Initiatives of acceleration and improvement of the effectiveness of interventions" (NSF Committee on April 9, 2013).


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State of Implementation (2/4)

The implementation is measured as the percentage of certified expenditure to that date by the authorities responsible for the programs in relation to the available budget. May 31, 2013, the certified expenditure has reached 40% of the total.

Status of implementation to May 31 compared to the 2013 targets. Ministry of Territorial Cohesion


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State of Implementation (3/4)

The certified expenditure presented October 31 2013, from Italy to Brussels in the implementation of programs financed by EU funds has reached 47.5% of the total allocation exceeding the target by 4 percentage points nationally.

The result emerges from the data updated at the end of October 2013, and validated by the State Accounting Office and certified by the DPS-related expenditure, which measures the state of implementation of the cohesion policy for all the Italian regions.

After that, the results obtained on 31 December 2013.

Ministry of Territorial Cohesion


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State of Implementation (4/4)

All 52 Operational Programs of the European Structural Funds have exceeded the target of spending by avoiding the loss of resources due to the deadline of 31 December 2013. In total spending has reached 52.7 of the planned resources.

Implementation of the EU budget - Planning 2007/2013 Result as at 31 December 2013 Objective

Ministry of Territorial Cohesion by DPS-processing of data DGPRUC SFC2007

(European Commission) and MONIT (MEF-DRGS-IGRUE)


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Results achieved at December the 31° (1/4)

The certified expenditure - 31 December 2013 - for the whole Italy, has therefore significantly exceeded the 4.2 percent national target (compared with a minimum target of spending for 2013 amount to 48.5 %).

The more developed regions (Objective Competitiveness) reached 62.2 % of certified expenditure, while the less developed ones (Convergence Objective ) grow up to 48.3% .

In total, between January 1 and December 31, 2013, have been certified to the European Commission expenses amounted to approximately 6.8 billion, continuing the strong acceleration of the use of European resources available to Italy for the current period programming 2007 to 2013. The acceleration was also shown by the data of the EU budget and payments to Italy than amounted to more than € 5 billion in the first 11 months of 2013, placing our country in the second place among the top users of Community resources in the course of this year (Ministry of Territorial Cohesion).

The slides that follow would show the planned resources and expenditure certified on 31 December 2013. At the regional level results "better" were obtained:

ConvergencePOR FESR Basilicata: 59,2% POR FSE Basilicata: 71,5%

CompetitivenessPOR FESR Emilia Romagna: 65,2% POR FSE Emilia Romagna: 78,2%


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Results achieved at December the 31° (2/4)

Implementation of the EU Budget - 2007/2013



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Results achieved at December the 31° (3/4)

Implementation of the EU Budget - 2007/2013



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Results achieved at December the 31° (4/4)

Implementation of the EU Budget - 2007/2013



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Results related to the rate of absorption of the Structural Funds and the Cohesion illustrated by the European Commission's Strategic Report 2013 on the use of the same

European CommissionStrategic report 2013 on programme implementation 2007 - 2013

On 1 January 2013 the rate of selection of projects in Italy stood at 56.9% and with a payment rate to 34.8%, respectively, against an EU average of 71.2% and 42.4%. In the face of countries with a higher rate of absorption (Austria, Belgium, Germany and Ireland), Italy is' slower along with countries such as Bulgaria, Malta, Slovakia or Czech Republic

Comparison with other EU countries (1/2)


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Comparison with other EU countries (2/2)

Always keeping as the official results of the previous slide, the acceleration in the use of Structural Funds by Italy in June 2013 has already seen a significant increase in the percentage of funds allocated by the European Commission paid.

Rate of absorption of the Structural Funds by Member State State of the art at June 13, 2013

Inside Europe


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Consideration of proposals for Cohesion policy is closely linked to the overall negotiations on the Multiannual Financial Framework 2014 - 2020, within which is defined as the amount of resources available and their distribution among the various expenditure policies.

On November 19 2013 in Strasbourg, the European Parliament voted positively the new Multiannual Financial Framework, giving way to the final stage of approval which will be held in the Council, and putting an end to two and a half years of negotiations). The Commission Regulation (EU, Euratom) No. 1311/2013 of the Council of 2 December 2013, which establishes the Multiannual Financial Framework for 2014-2020 has set the ceiling on EU expenditure for the period 2014-2020 as follows:

- 959.9 billion in commitment appropriations (equal to 1, 00% of EU gross national income)

- 908.4 billion in payments (equal to 0.95% of EU GNI).

Towards the Programming 2014 -2020 (1/3)


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Towards the Programming 2014 -2020 (2/3)

Multiannual Financial Framework 2014 - 2020 European Union to 28 Member States

Commission Regulation (EU, Euratom) No. 1311/2013 of December 2, 2013


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Towards the Programming 2014 -2020 (3/3)

MFF 2014 – 2020(Commitments appropriations)

Millions1.b. Economic, social and territorial cohesion325 149 (2011 prices)

366 791 (current prices)

1.a. Competitiveness for growth and employment 125.614 (2011 prices) 142.130 (current prices)

5. Administration 61 269 (2011 prices) 69 262 (current prices)

4. Role World Europe 58 704 (2011 prices)

66 262 (current prices)

3. Security and Citizenship 277 851 (2011 prices) 312 735 (current prices)

2. Fishing and other 10,392 (2011 prices)

11,722 (at current prices)

2. CAP: Rural Development 84 936 (2011 prices) 95 577 (current prices)

2. CAP direct payments and market-related expenditure 277 851 (2011 prices) 312 735 (current prices)


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Cohesion Policy 2014 -2020 (1/2)

Cohesion Policy, therefore, will enjoy a total of EUR 325.149 billion, representing about a third of the Multi-Annual Financial Statements 2014 to 2020 the European Union.

Budget Cohesion Policy 2014 - 2020 by Member State (2011prices) European Commission

Italy is the second country - behind only to Poland - for the amount of available resources and can enjoy of EUR 29.238 billion (2011), or 32.268 billion in current prices. To these must be added to those from the national co-financing and former FAS.


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Of 32.268 billion Euros from the EU: of which 7.695 billion for the more Developed regions, 1,102 for the regions "in transition" (Sardinia, Abruzzo and Molise) and 22,334 for the region “Less developed" (4 Convergence Regions and Basilicata)

Cohesion Policy 2014 -2020 (2/2)

UE Resources


National Resources

€ 24 billion of domestic partnership (charged to the Revolving Fund pursuant to Law no. 183 of 1987, quoted in the bill for the preparation of the annual budget (Stability Law for 2014) and the share of co-financing from regional source allocated to the POR (estimated at a figure equal to 30% of the total co-funding of the program).


The Law of Stability has allocated 54.8 billion more for the Development Fund and the Cohesion for 2014-2020 (formerly FAS - Underdeveloped Areas Fund), of which 80% are in favor of the areas of the South.

Overall, the volume of resources for Territorial Cohesion in the next cycle 2014-2020 exceed 100

billion Euros.


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Obiettivi tematici (OT)

1. Strengthening research, technological development andinnovation

2. Improving access to information and communicationtechnologies, and the use and quality

3. Promote the competitiveness of small and medium-sizedenterprises, agriculture and fisheries and aquaculture

4. Support the transition towards a low-carbon economy in allsectors

5. Promote adaptation to climate change, prevention and riskmanagement

6. Protect the environment and promote the efficient use ofresources

7. Promoting sustainable transport and removing bottlenecks inkey network infrastructures

8. Promote sustainable employment and quality and to supportthe mobility of workers

9. Promoting social inclusion, fighting poverty and all forms ofdiscrimination

10. Investing in education, training and vocational training forskills and lifelong learning

11.Strengthening institutional capacity and an efficient publicadministration

The Partnership Agreement is the key document required by the proposed EU regulation which is defined strategy - expected results, priorities, methods of intervention - use of European structural funds for the period 2014-2020.

It includes 11 thematic objectives that represent the priorities of the European Union in the framework of the Europe 2020 Strategy.

The draft agreement was sent on 9 December to the European Commission, as agreed between the Minister for Territorial Cohesion Carlo Trigiliaand Regional Affairs Commissioner Johannes Hahn.

This document sent is the result of a long process of preparation and discussion with various institutions: central government (Ministries), the Regions, the Economic and Social Partnerships.

The new cycle programming 2014-2020 (1/5)


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Allocation of Structural Funds on the Thematic objectives for 2014-2020

(millions of EUR, at current prices)

The programming of the new round of EU funds 2014-2020 Presentation of the draft Partnership Agreement "

Minister for Territorial Cohesion Carlo TrigiliaDecember 10, 2013

The new cycle programming 2014-2020 (2/5)


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Resource allocation on the Thematic focus: comparison between the 2014-2020 and the 2007-2013 cycle Percentage of EU Structural Funds

(+ European Regional Development Fund European Social Fund)

The new cycle programming 2014-2020 (3/5)


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The new cycle programming 2014-2020 (4/5)

Operational Programmes for the cycle 2014 - 2020

National Programmes concerning all categories of regions:- EDUCATION , implementing results dell'OT10 and OT11 (ESF and ERDF , multi-fund);- EMPLOYMENT in implementing results dell'OT8 and OT11 (ESF and ERDF , multi-fund );- SOCIAL INCLUSION , implementing results dell'OT9 and OT11 ( ESF monofund);- METROPOLITAN CITY, experimental program for the implementation of the urban agenda for

the 14 metropolitan cities (ERDF and ESF , multi-fund ) ;- GOVERNANCE, NETS , and SPECIAL PROJECTS SUPPORT , implementing the results dell'OT11

and in support of other results of several OT (ERDF and ESF , multi-fund ) ;- PROGRAM YEI (ESF monofund);

National Programs / Multiregional operating in the transition regions and less developed


National Programs / Multiregional only for the less developed regions:



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The new cycle programming 2014-2020 (5/5)

Regional Programmes (ROP) in all the regions and autonomous provinces in the ERDF and the ESF

+ RDP (Rural Development Programmes) in all the regions and autonomous provinces out of the EAFRD; a national program out of the EAFRD and a (planned) National Program out of the EMFF (European Fund for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries).


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HORIZON 2020The Framework Programme for

Research and Innovation

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What is Horizon 2020?

The biggest EU Research and Innovationprogramme ever with nearly 80 billion euros offunding available over 7 years (2014 to 2020), inaddition to the private investment that thismoney will attract.

It promises more breakthroughs, discoveriesand world-firsts by taking great ideas from thelab to the market.

HORIZON 2020 is a core part of EUROPE 2020 Strategy (the European Union’s ten-year growthstrategy), INNOVATION UNION Flagship Initiative (one of the cornerstones of the EUROPE 2020Strategy for growth and jobs) & EUROPEAN RESEARCH AREA (which is composed of all research anddevelopment activities, programmes and policies in Europe involving a transnational perspective) inorder to:

Respond to the economic crisis to invest in future jobs and growth

Address people’s concerns about their livelihoods, safety and environment

Strengthen the EU’s global position in research, innovation and technology


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Horizon 2020 “at a glance”

Seen as a means to drive economic growth and create jobs, Horizon 2020 has thepolitical backing of Europe’s leaders and the Members of the European Parliament.They agreed that research is an investment in our future and so put it at the heartof the EU’s blueprint for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth.

By coupling research and innovation, Horizon 2020 is helping to achieve this with itsemphasis on EXCELLENT SCIENCE, INDUSTRIAL LEADERSHIP and tackling SOCIETALCHALLENGES facing EU society (e.g. health, clean energy and transport)

The goal is to ensure Europe produces world-class science, removes barriers toinnovation and makes it easier for the public and private sectors to work togetherin delivering innovation.

Simplified access for all companies, universities, institutes in all EU countries andbeyond…. Horizon 2020 is open to everyone, with a simple structure that reducesred tape and time so participants can focus on what is really important. Thisapproach makes sure new projects get off the ground quickly – and achieve resultsfaster.


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Horizon 2020 focuses Horizon 2020 focuses on

+ in addition there are





The Horizon 2020 Excellent Science programme aims to raise the level of excellence inEurope's science base and ensure a steady stream of world-class research to secure long-termcompetitiveness in Europe. It supports the best ideas, develops European talent and providesresearchers with access to a research infrastructure.



This pillar will make Europe a more appealing location to invest in research and innovation.The programme seeks to stimulate the growth potential of European companies, targetingSMEs in particular. With dedicated support, the programme aims to build leadership inEnabling and Industrial Technologies, in order to speed up their development that willsupport businesses and innovation, including for small companies.


Societal Challenges Pillar reflects the policy priorities of the Europe 2020 strategy andaddresses major concerns shared by people across Ethe European Union - and beyond – inthe following domains: HEALTHCARE; FOOD; ENERGY; TRANSPORT; CLIMATE; INCLUSIVESOCIETIES; SECURITY

Horizon 2020 Structure (1/2)




Spreading excellence and widening participationScience with and for society

EIT (European Institute of Innovation and Technology)JRC (Joint Research Centre)Euratom


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Horizon 2020 Structure (2/2)

Horizon 2020 structure and budget breakdown


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The Three Pillars of Horizon 2020

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Activities under this Pillar aim to reinforce and extend the excellence of the Union’s science base and to consolidate the European Research Area in order to make the Union’s research and innovation system more competitive on a global scale.

The Excellent Science pillar has main four specific objectives:

1) The European Research Council (ERC) will provide attractive and flexible funding to enabletalented and creative individual researchers and their teams to pursue the most promising avenuesat the frontier of science, on the basis of Union-wide competition.2) Future and emerging technologies will support collaborative research in order to extendEurope’s capacity for advanced and paradigm-changing innovation. They will foster scientificcollaboration across disciplines on radically new, high-risk ideas and accelerate development of themost promising emerging areas of science and technology as well as the Union-wide structuring ofthe corresponding scientific communities.3) Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions will provide excellent and innovative research training as wellas attractive career and knowledge-exchange opportunities through cross-border and cross-sectormobility of researchers to best prepare them to face current and future societal challenges.4) Research infrastructure (including e-infrastructures) will develop European researchinfrastructure for 2020 and beyond, foster their innovation potential and human capital, andcomplement this with the related Union policy and international cooperation.


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Together, these objectives form a powerful and balanced set ofactivities which, in concert with activities at national and regionallevels, span the breadth of Europe’s needs regarding advancedscience and technology.

Bringing them together in a single programme will enable them tooperate with greater coherence, in a rationalised, simplified and morefocused way, while maintaining the continuity which is vital to sustaintheir effectiveness.

The activities are inherently forward-looking, building skills in the longterm, focusing on the next generation of science, technology,researchers and innovations and providing support for emerging talentfrom across the whole of the Union and associated countries, as wellas worldwide.

In view of their science-driven nature and largely ‘bottom-up’,investigator-driven funding arrangements, the European scientificcommunity will play a strong role in determining the avenues ofresearch followed under the programme.





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This pillar aims to speed up development of the technologies and innovations that will underpintomorrow's businesses and help innovative European SMEs to grow into world-leadingcompanies.

It consists of three specific objectives:

1) "Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies" will provide dedicated support forresearch, development and demonstration and, where appropriate, for standardisation andcertification, on information and communications technology (ICT), nanotechnology, advancedmaterials, biotechnology, advanced manufacturing and processing and space. Emphasis will beplaced on interactions and convergence across and between the different technologies and theirrelations to societal challenges. User needs will be taken into account in all these fields.2) "Access to risk finance" will aim to overcome deficits in the availability of debt and equityfinance for R&D and innovation-driven companies and projects at all stages of development.Together with the equity instrument of the Programme for the Competitiveness of Enterprises andsmall and medium-sized enterprises (COSME 2014-2020) it will support the development of Union-level venture capital.3) "Innovation in SMEs" will provide SME-tailored support to stimulate all forms of innovation inSMEs, targeting those with the potential to grow and internationalise across the single market andbeyond.


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The main goal of the “Industrial Leadership” Pillar is to make theEuropean Union a more attractive location to invest in researchand innovation including the so-called eco-innovation (thedevelopment of products and processes that contribute tosustainable development, applying the commercial application ofknowledge to elicit direct or indirect ecological improvements, suchas e.g. “environmentally friendly technological advances”).

To do so this pillar will firstly provide major investment in keyindustrial technologies, which have been identified indeed:1. ICT (Information and Communication Technologies)2. Nanotechnology and advanced materials3. Biotechnology, advanced manufacturing and processing4. Space

Through another two programmes (so- called sub-pillars) the pillarwill maximise the growth potential of European companies byproviding them with adequate levels of finance (debt and equity)and help innovative SMEs to grow into world-leading companies.



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Horizon 2020 reflects the policy priorities of the Europe 2020 strategy and addresses majorconcerns shared by citizens in Europe and elsewhere.

Funding will focus on the following challenges:

1. Health, demographic change and wellbeing.

1. Food security, sustainable agriculture andforestry, marine and maritime and inland waterresearch, and the Bioeconomy.

1. Secure, clean and efficient energy.

1. Smart, green and integrated transport.

1. Climate action, environment, resourceefficiency and raw materials.

1. Europe in a changing world - inclusive,innovative and reflective societies.

1. Secure societies - protecting freedom andsecurity of Europe and its citizens.


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Thus, the third Pillar adopts a challenge-based approach

It supports breakthrough solutions come from multi-disciplinary collaborations, including socialsciences & humanities, bringing together resources and knowledge across different fields,technologies and disciplines,


Because the concerns of citizens and society and EU policy objectives cannot be achieved withoutinnovation.

This pillar will cover activities from research to market with a new focus on innovation-relatedactivities, such as piloting, demonstration, support for public procurement and market uptake.

It will include establishing links with the activities of the so-called “EIP - European InnovationPartnerships”, which focus is on the societal benefits of R&I, were launched to accelerate the markettake-up of innovations and act across the whole research and innovation chain through theactivities funded under the Societal Challenge pillar.


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You’ll be re-adressed to the following web-page

You can either choose a CALL for PROPOSALor a SPECIFIC TOPIC

(Research argument)

How to get funding? (1/2)


The Commission indeed publishes on the PARTECIPANT PORTAL all the calls of its research andinnovation programmes H2020. Remember: proposals must be submitted online within adeadline!

Besides, you can search according to your research topic with key words and set filters in thecalls list.

Consultancies (e.g. Studio Valla) and the National Contact Point (for Italy: APRE –Agenzia per laPromozione della Ricerca Europea) can help partecipant to find the most suitable call for theirprofiles.


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How to get funding? (2/2)

Create an account on the Partecipant Portal Once identified the suitable topic, in order to fill in the required forms and submit themelectronically to the Commission, the partecipant needs to create an account on the ParticipantPortal (clicking on REGISTER on the top menu).

Finding project partnersMany calls require a team of at least three partners. If a partecipant needs help to identify apotential partner with particular competences, facilities or experience, can either call onconsultancies expertise or either can use the partner search options.

Evaluation by expertsAfter the electronic submission (through the electronic submission system) and once the deadlinehas passed, all proposals are evaluated by a panel of independent specialists in their fields. Thepanel checks each proposal against a list of criteria to see if it should receive funding.

Grant agreementOnce a proposal passes the evaluation stage (five months’ duration), applicants are informed aboutthe outcome. The European Commission then draws up a grant agreement with each participant.The grant agreement confirms what research & innovation activities will be undertaken, the projectduration, budget, rates and costs, the European Commission's contribution, all rights and obligationsand more. The time limit for signing the grant agreements is generally three months.



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COSME 2014 – 2020Supporting and improving the competitiveness

of Enterprises and SMEs

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What is COSME 2014 - 2020?

COSME 2014 – 2020 is the European Union programmespecifically designed in order to foster theCompetitiveness of Enterprises and Small andMedium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) over the next sevenyears with a planned budget of nearly 2.3 billion euros.COSME will support SMEs in the following areas: access to finance for SMEs, access to markets, inside the European Union but also at

global level, framework conditions for businesses, and

entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial culture.

COSME 2014 – 2020 ideally prosecutes the activities funded by the previous EIP -Entrepreneurship and Innovation Programme 2007 – 2013 (a specific sub-programme under the CIP - Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme), whose main objective was seeking

to support innovation and small and medium enterprises in the European Union, indeed.

As shown in the following slide, other activities supported by the CIP Framework Programme (suchas the so-called eco-innovation or those funded by the Intelligent Energy Europe) are now mergedin Horizon 2020.


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COSME 2014 – 2020 “at a glance” (1/2)

Intelligent Energy


Access to Finance

Access to markets



2007 – 2013 2014 – 2020


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COSME 2014 – 2020 “at a glance” (2/2)

COSME 2014 – 2020 will aim at: 1. Facilitating access to finance for SMEs.2. Creating an environment favourable to SME creation and growth.3. Encouraging an entrepreneurial culture in Europe.4. Strenghtening the sustainable competitiveness of EU enterprises.5. Supporting the internationalisation of SMEs and improving their access to markets.

The programme will support, complement and coordinate actions by the Member States,specifically addressing problems of a transnational nature which can be more effectively addressedat the European level, such as:



The access to finance will be easier for entrepreneurs/SMEs

Self-employment and business development will befacilitated as important sources of growth and jobcreation at the EU level.

Member States will be in a better position to maintainthe competitiveness of their industrial basis, increase thenumber of their entrepreneurs, and raise theiremployment rate

Overcoming market fragmentation in the Single Market.

Facilitating the adoption of best practices across all MemberStates.

Building on the expertise of EU actorssuch as:• European Investment Fund (EIF).• Enterprise Europe Network (EEN).



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Key Actions (1/2)

1. ACCESS TO FINANCE for SMEs THROUGH DEDICATED FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS The financial instruments target companies in different phases of their lifecycle: creation,expansion and business transfer.• An Equity Facility for Growth will provide venture capital to enterprises, in particular in their

growth phase.• A Loan Guarantee Facility will cover loans up to EUR 150 000 and will be available for all types

of SMEs.They both will be managed by the European Investment Fund in cooperation with financialinstitutions in the different Member States.

2. ENTERPRISE EUROPE NETWORK: a network of business service centres


The Enterprise Europe Network is a “one-stop shop” for the businessneeds of SMEs in the EU, bringing together more than 600 businesssupport organisations from across 60 countries (chambers of commerceand industry, technology centres or development agencies).It provides enterprises with information and a range of quality and free-of-charge business support services to make them more competitive,such as: guidance and customised assistance on EU funding opportunities,

including in the Research and Innovation area. Support for SME partnering, especially for cross-border activities.


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Key Actions (2/2)

3. ENTREPRENEURSHIP Support will be given to encourage trans-national networks, to exchange good practices and

identify scope for expanding business activities. A broad range of specific actions will be organised every year in the EU to support SMEs or

specific target groups, such as young or women entrepreneurs. Already existing and established initiatives such as the SME week and the Network of Woman

Entrepreneurs will be continued and mobility exchanges for entrepreneurs will expanded.

4. IMPROVING FRAMEWORK CONDITIONS FOR THE COMPETITIVINES OF ENTREPRISES Analytical work will be undertaken to facilitate evidence-based policy-making by national and

regional policy-makers…. such work includes the compilation and analysis of data onperformances and policies of the Member States and regions, as well as other economies, andalso studies on the latest trends and development in certain sectors in European markets.

A number of conferences and other public events will be organised to assemble and disseminatesectoral knowledge, inform policy-makers, and make policy suggestions to increase thecooperation between EU Member States’policies to foster entrepreneurship.

5. INTERNATIONALISATION of SMEs Support and facilitate business expansion in the EU Single Market and in markets outside the

EU. International business cooperation will be fostered, in particular, to reduce the differences inregulatory and business environments, between the EU and its main trading partners.

Free of charge services offered by the IPR Helpdesk for China, which helps managing theintellectual property rights and related issues in that country.



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COSME 2014 – 2020 (1/2)

Entrepreneurs, in particular in SMEs, will benefit from easier access to funding fordevelopment, consolidation and growth of their enterprises.

Citizens who want to become self-employed and face difficulties in setting up their ownbusiness, for instance young and women entrepreneurs.

Member States’ authorities (at national, regional and local level), will be better assisted in theirefforts to elaborate and implement effective policy reform. In particular, they will benefit fromEU-wide reliable data and statistics, best practice and financial support to test and scale upsustainable solutions for improving global competitiveness.


National, Regional and Local Authorities

Business, innovation & financial support (even through the Enterprise

Europe Network).

Enterpreneurs(già esistenti)

Citizens Future Entrepeneurs

Support to overcometheir difficulties on the

setting up of their businesses

Statistis, best practices, financial support to test and

scale up sustainaablesolutions


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COSME 2014 – 2020 (1/2)

COSME 2014 – 2020 is expected to foster the competitiveness of SMEs in the EU and global market and encourage a wide-spread entrepreneurial culture, including the creation and the development of new and

autonomous businesses.

Access to finance will be easier for entrepreneurs, in particular those willing to launch cross-border activities, resulting in an expected increase of 3,5 billion euros in additional lendingand/or investment for European enterprises per year.

• 1,4 billion euros of the total budget amount (2.3 billion euros) will be earmarked to thefinancial instruments, such as the Equity Facility for Growth and the Loan Guarantee Facilityjointly managed by the European Investment Fund and the financial institutions in thedifferent Member States.

The Enterprise Europe Network is expected to contribute to an increase of the EU GDP of 1,1billion euros per year and to create or safeguard 30.000 jobs per year.

The Enterprise Europe Network is expected to assist more than 39.000 companies withpartnership agreements, resulting in 200 million euros additional turnover for assistedcompanies per year, helping to launch 1200 new business products, services or processes peryear.



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How to get funding?


Where you can find the suitable financialinstrument for your business idea


… So, if you have a good business idea and you would like to start your own business…

You’ll be re-adressed to the following web-page



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CREATIVE EUROPESupporting and improving culture and

audiovisual in Europe

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"Creative Europe" is the support program for the next seven years (2014-2020), which brings together in a single framework the past mechanisms CULTURE, MEDIA and MEDIA Mundus (the audiovisual cooperation program with third countries). The actions support European cinema and the cultural and creative sectors, allowing a greater contribution to jobs and growth, in addition to wanting to protect and promote cultural and linguistic diversity of Europe.

The budget is € 1,462 724 000 (an increase of 9% compared to 2007-2013).

The division as follows:

MEDIA Subprogram, 824 million (56%);

CULTURE Subprogram, 455 million (31%);

CROSS SECTOR, 184 million (13%), which includes the new guarantee fund to facilitate access to credit, support to the network of Creative Europe Desks and policy support to transnational cooperation.

What is Creative Europe?


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The most important news are:

- Support audience development;

- Funds to support international co-production in order to strengthen co-production between Europe and the rest of the world;

- Support for the development of video-games which will no longer necessarily be related to an audiovisual work.

What is Creative Europe?52

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CULTURE, has as its priority the strengthening of the capacity of the cultural and creative sectors to operate transnationally and internationally and the promotion of transnational mobility and circulation.

The subprogram will support in particular:

- Transnational cooperation projects that bring together creative and cultural organizations of various countries to undertake sectoral and cross-sectoral activities.

- The activities of the European network of cultural and creative organizations in different countries.

- The activities of organizations with a European vocation that promote the development of new talent as well as the mobility of cultural workers and creative and the circulation of works that can influence the cultural and creative sectors and produce lasting results.

- The translation in literature and the further promotion of these translated works.

CULTURE Subprogram


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Participation in projects is open to cultural and creative operators which are established in one of the countries participating in the subprogram, Member States, acceding or actual candidates, the EFTA countries, the countries of the Swiss Confederation, the countries involved in the European NeighbourhoodPolicy. In addition, participants must have legal personality for at least 2 years and be able to prove it; individuals can not submit the grant application.

The projects supported will be those most nonprofit.

The sub-culture has a total budget of 454.8 million for the 2014-2020 programming period. For 2014 the total appropriations amount to approximately € 48,375,537.

The allocation for the year is as follows:

European cooperation projects - € 38,000,000 European networks - 3.400.000 €European Platform - 3,400,000 €Literary translation projects - 3,575,537 €

CULTURE Subprogram


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MEDIA subprogram supports the film and audiovisual industries of the EU for the development, distribution and promotion of their work.The aim of subprogram is to support the expansion and diversification of the public as a tool to stimulate interest and improve access in respect of audiovisual works , in particular through promotion and event.

The support is mainly provided :

• Initiatives presenting and promoting a variety of European audiovisual works, including short films, festivals and other promotional events;

• Activities to promote film literacy and to increase knowledge and interest in European audiovisual works, including cinematographic and audiovisual heritage, particularly among young audiences.

MEDIA Subprogram


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