Page 1: EUCHARIST/EUCARISTIA San Gabriel Mission Catholic Church ...€¦ · Cyrus the Great, king of Persia, ends the Babylonian exile and allows the Jewish people to return to Israel to


Weekdays/Entre Semana 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM & 2:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Saturday & Sunday/sábado y domingo 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM & 1:30 PM - 4:00 PM

Staffed by the Claretuan 428 South Mission Drive, San Gabriel, Ca. 91776-1299

San Gabriel Mission Catholic Church January 7, 2018


7:00 AM - Mission (English) 8:00 AM - Chapel (English) 9:30 AM - Mission English) 9:30 AM - Capilla (Español) 11:15 AM - Chapel (English) 1:00 PM - Capilla (Español) 3:00 PM - Chapel (Vietnamese) 5:00 PM - Chapel (English) 7:00 PM - Capilla (Español)


Rev. Tony Diaz, CMF - Pastor Rev. Paulus Marandi, CMF– Associate Pastor Rev. Theo Fuentes, CMF - Associate Rev. Valentin Ramon, CMF - Associate Rev. Ray Smith, CMF– Associate Rev. Long Van Nguyen, SVD

Deacon Couples: Fernando, Jr. & Yolanda Aranda;

Guido & Violeta Zamalloa

Saturday/Sábado 8:00 AM - Chapel (English) 5:30 PM - Chapel (English/Vigil) 7:00 PM - Chapel (Vietnamese Vigil)

Confessions/ Confesiones Saturday/ Sábado 4:00 PM– 5:00 PM - Chapel/ Capilla

GIFT SHOP & MUSEUM HOURS Monday-Saturday 9:00 AM-4:30 PM;

Sunday 10:00 AM-4:00 PM

626-457-3048 Gift Shop is Closed: New Year’s Day, Easter, July

4th, Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve & Christmas Day.

Weekdays/Entre Semana 6:30 AM - Chapel (English) 12 Noon - Chapel (English) 6:30 PM - Capilla (Español) 7:30 PM - 1st Friday Only (Vietnamese)

ADORATION/ADORACION 5:30 PM Monday - Chapel (English) 5:30 PM Jueves - Capilla (Español) 7:00 PM Wednesday - Chapel (Filipino) 7:00 PM 1st Friday of the Month Only - Chapel (Vietnamese)


Primera lectura — ¡Levántate y brilla, Jerusalén! La gloria del Señor amaneció sobre ti (Isaías 60:1-6). Salmo — Se postrarán ante ti, Señor, todos los pueblos de la tierra (Salmo 72 [71]). Segunda lectura — El misterio de que los gentiles son coherederos, socios en la promesa en Jesucristo, se ha dado a conocer a los hombres (Efesios 3:2-3a, 5-6). Evangelio — Magos del oriente llegaron, diciendo: “¿Dónde está el rey de los judíos que ha nacido?” (Mateo 2:1-12).

TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — You shall be radiant at what you see, your heart shall throb and overflow (Isaiah 60:1-6). Psalm — Lord, every nation on earth will adore you (Psalm 72). Second Reading — The Gentiles are copartners in the promise in Christ Jesus (Ephesians 3:2-3a, 5-6). Gospel — The magi were overjoyed at seeing the star (Matthew 2:1-12).

Page 2: EUCHARIST/EUCARISTIA San Gabriel Mission Catholic Church ...€¦ · Cyrus the Great, king of Persia, ends the Babylonian exile and allows the Jewish people to return to Israel to

PARISH ADMINISTRATION Office Manager Joana Albarez Secretaries: Vanessa Retzepis Delia Carrillo Laura Hidalgo Maintenance Manager: José Padrón

GIFT SHOP Gift Shop Manager: Teresa Galeazzi 626-457-3048

WORSHIP Worship Coordinator Guillermo Moreno Worship Committee Chairperson: Terri Reyes 626-570-9844 Director of Music Ministry: Ralph Mohutsky 626-235-8957

EVANGELIZATION Small Faith Communities Coordinator: Conchita Prieto 626-576-7749

FAITH FORMATION Director of Faith Formation: Connie Perez 626-457-3043 Confirmation/Youth Ministry: Georgina Mayorga

QUINCEAÑERA PROGRAM Nanette Rincón: 626-202-7422

DOMINICAN SISTERS OF MISSION SAN JOSE Sister Georgette Coulombe, O.P. 626-284-9585

OUTREACH Christian Service Program Director: Greg Quioan 626-289-5165

FINANCES Finance Council Chairperson: Algis Marciuska 626-457-3034

Vietnamese Council Chairperson: Quan Tran 626-674-8493

Renovar y Celebrar

El próximo fin de semana se tomará una segunda colecta durante todas las Misas para nuestra campaña, Renovar y Celebrar la base para el embellecimiento de nuestras iglesias y campos. Has sido testigo de lo valioso que han sido tus inver-siones con el rebarnizar de las bancas; el pulido de los pisos de terracota; el reempla-zos de las rejillas de aire y calefacción; actualización de las luces; reemplazo de la alfombra en el altar; restauración a las puertas de entrada; y ajuste fino al sistema de sonido— entre otros proyectos más pe-queños. Por el momento, hay $172,170.00 en nuestra cuenta. Nuestro próximo proyecto es la pavi-mentación del estacionamiento. Se estima que costará $ 250,000.00 para lograr esta tarea. Las donaciones que recibamos nos permitirá comenzar el trabajo en algún momento en el 2018 o comienzos del 2019. Su apoyo inquebrantable es muy apreciado. Mis bendiciones para el Año Nuevo, 2018.

Renovate & Celebrate

Next weekend a second collection will be taken during all the Masses for our Renovate & Celebrate grassroots cam-

paign for the beautification of our churches and grounds. You have witnessed how worthwhile your investments have been with the refinishing of the pews; polishing of the terracotta floors; replace-

ments of the heating and air vents; updating of the lights; replacement of the carpet on the altar; redoing of the entry doors; and fine tuning of the sound system—among other smaller projects. At the moment, there is $172,170.00 in our coffers. Our next project is the paving of the parking lot. It is estimated that it will cost $250,000.00 to accomplish this task. The donations we receive will enable us to begin the work sometime in 2018 or the beginning of 2019. Your un-wavering support is greatly appreciated. God’s blessings on you and your loved ones for the New Year, 2018.


National Shrine of St. Jude

The National Shrine of St. Jude and the St. Jude League are a mission of the Claretian Missionaries, spreading the devo-

tion to St. Jude through a community of prayer and hope. ∗Misa Diaria ∗Programas de crecimiento

espiritual y emocional

∗ El Santo Rosario ∗ Noticias Deportes y programas musicales

Les invitamos a que escuchen Radio Claret America(930 AM). una estación de radio católica online,

Transmitimos las 24 horas 7 días a la semana nuestra programación incluye:

Baje la aplicación gratuita en su celular o por internet.

Retirement Fund for Religious Please give to those who have given a lifetime.

This weekend we will be taking a special second collec-tion through out all of the Masses for the archdiocese Retirement Fund for Religious. Your gift provides vital support for senior Catholic sisters, brothers, and religious older priests. Thank you!

Budget/ Presupuesto: $14,000 Actual Collection for/ Colecta Actual : $14,097.43

This total includes the collection from New Year’s Day/ Esto incluye la colecta para el 1 de Enero


Fondo para la Jubilación de Religiosos Done a los que donaron su vida.

Este fin de semana tomaremos una segunda colecta especial durante todas las Misas para el fondo de la Arquidiócesis para la Jubilación de los Religiosos. Su donativo representa apoyo vital para religiosas, religiosos y sacerdotes ancianos de ordines religiosas. ¡Gracias!

Sunday Offerings Dec. 24, 2017 Ofrendas Dominicales

Usted queda cordialmente invitado a la Ultreya parroquial, que se llevara acabo en la Misión de San Gabriel a las 7:30 PM el sábado, 13 de Enero . Para mas información llamar al teléfono 626-487-5980.

Page 3: EUCHARIST/EUCARISTIA San Gabriel Mission Catholic Church ...€¦ · Cyrus the Great, king of Persia, ends the Babylonian exile and allows the Jewish people to return to Israel to

Me preocupa cuando escucho a gente reli-giosa hablar con una certidumbre absoluta en nombre de Dios. Con el pasar de los años y el conocimiento de Dios me siento menos seguro

de lo que Dios piensa y desea. Para mi Dios es un Dios de sorpresas que tiene un sentido humor exquisito. Cuando Dios decidió hacerse uno con la humanidad en Jesús tomo al mundo de sorpresa. Su propio pueblo no lo reconoció. Los expertos religiosos no lo reconocieron mientras que los des-preciados de la sociedad si lo reconocieron: los pecadores conocidos, prostitutas y rechazados e invisibles de la socie-dad. Nació en un establo y los primeros en visitarlo son una revelación en sí mismo. En el evangelio de Lucas son pasto-res los primeros en visitarlo. Los pastores no eran bien vis-tos. Hoy día los romantizamos, pero en sus tiempos pastores eran vistos con desconfianza y sucios. Sin embargo, fue a ellos a quien se les confió la revelación. En el evangelio de Mateo la revelación se le confía a ex-tranjeros. Se cree que los magos eran astrólogos persas, hoy en día Irán. En el antiguo testamento Dios se vale de Persia para sacar adelante su plan de salvación. Ciro, rey de Persia, da término al exilio en Babilonia y permite al pueblo judío regresar y reconstruir su templo en Jerusalén. Ciro es men-cionado unas 23 veces en el antiguo testamento y otras más indirectamente (lea el libro de Esdras). Otra vez Dios utili-za a mensajeros persas para revelar su plan de salvación para el mundo en el nacimiento del niño Jesús. ¿Quién iba a ima-ginar tal estrategia? ¡El Dios de sorpresas sorprende al mun-do otra vez! Dios utiliza a pastores, gente despreciable y sucia para el mundo, al igual que extranjeros para revelarle a Israel y al mundo su plan de salvación. ¡Uno pensaría que ya para estos tiempos deberíamos de saber mejor cuando pretendemos hablar en nombre de Dios o pretender saber quién tiene acceso a Dios y quién no! Es un aire de frescura cuando el Papa Francisco habla no con pretensión absoluta, sino por medio del lente de la com-pasión y misericordia. El Papa Francisco parece dejar la puerta del misterio lo suficientemente abierta para ser sor-prendido e iluminado por Dios. ¡Esto es verdaderamente iluminante! Cuando pretendemos hablar con absoluta certi-dumbre en nombre de Dios tendemos a perder de vista los atributos más reveladores de Dios: su compasión y miseri-cordia. ¡Que nunca perdamos la capacidad de ser sorprendi-dos por Dios! ¡Que la puerta del misterio permanezca abier-ta para que Dios nos pueda sorprender e iluminar en los lu-gares menos pensados; por personas menos imaginables; y en los momentos menos concebidos. ¡Feliz día de la Epifa-nía!

Fr. Tony Diaz, CMF Párroco

I always worry when I hear religious people speak with absolute certainly in the name of God. The older I get and the more I learn about God the less sure I am of what God thinks and wants. To me he is the God of surprises; the God with a fascinating sense of humor. When God decided to take flesh in Jesus he took the world by surprise. His own peo-ple did not recognize him. The religious experts failed to recognize him while the least likely people seemed to rec-ognize him: the known sinners, prostitutes, those that counted for nothing in society. He was born in a stable and the first people that came to visit him are a revelation in themselves. In the gospel of Luke shepherds come to visit him. Shepherds were not highly regarded people. Today we romanticized them, but in their time they were seen as not trust worthy, dirty and smelly. Yet, it is to them that the first revelation is made. In the gospel of Matthew the revelation is entrusted to foreigners. It is believed that the magi were astrologers from Persia, what is now Iran. In the Old Testament we have God using Persia as part of God’s plan of salvation. Cyrus the Great, king of Persia, ends the Babylonian exile and allows the Jewish people to return to Israel to rebuild their temple in Jerusalem. Cyrus is mentioned about 23 times in the Old Testament and many other times indirect-ly (see the book of Ezra). Now messengers from Persia again are part of God’s plan to reveal the new born king to the world. Who would have thought of this? The God of surprises strikes again! God uses untrustworthy, dirty and smelly shepherds as well as foreigners to reveal to Israel and to the world his salvific plan. It would seem that we should know better by now not to pretend to know what God thinks and wants or who ought to have access to God and who does not! It is refreshing to often hear Pope Francis speak not with pretense of absolute certainty, but rather through the lens of mercy and compassion. He seems to leave the door of mystery open enough to be surprised and humored by God. This is truly refreshing! When we pretend to speak with absolute certainty in the name of God we seem to lose sight of the most revealing attributes of God: mercy and compassion. May we never lose the capacity to be surprised by God. May the door of mystery always re-main open so that we may find ourselves surprised and entertained by God in the least possible of places, by the least imaginable of people, and in the least conceivable moments. Happy feast of the Epiphany!

Fr. Tony Diaz, CMF Pastor



Page 4: EUCHARIST/EUCARISTIA San Gabriel Mission Catholic Church ...€¦ · Cyrus the Great, king of Persia, ends the Babylonian exile and allows the Jewish people to return to Israel to

PAGINA CUATRO The Family that prays together stays together 7 DE ENERO, 2018

SATURDAY, January 6th 8:00 AM Jennifer Atencio, Esperanza Estrada, Gregorio Santillan, Michael J. Solis, RIP 5:30 PM Alice, Vivienne Rynne, S. Int. Ernesto Betancourt, Angel Martinez, Andrew Cordero RIP SUNDAY, January 7th 8:00 AM Gregorio & Elizabeth Nuñez, Agustine Hnatiuk, Joseph Marie & Anthony, S. Int. 9:30 AM Simona Pinedo, Alfonso Huesca, RIP 11:15AM Amaya Montoya Mora, S. Int. 1:00 PM Simona Pinedo, Lydia Martinez, Luisa Osornio, RIP 5:00 PM Felipe Ramos, Enrique Valenzuela, RIP Raul Meza & Family, S. Int. 7:00 PM Carlos Alcanje, Aurelio Conde, Santos Talavera, RIP

Mission 7:00 AM Tony & Patty Sawaya & Family, S. Int. 9:30 AM Alfonso Gastelum Beltran, Gloria Buntan, RIP Esther Reyes, S. Int. MONDAY, January 8th 6:30 AM Thanksgiving 12:00 PM Claretian Priests, S. Int. 6:30 PM Thanksgiving TUESDAY, January 9th 6:30 AM Thanksgiving 12:00 PM Claretian Priests, S. Int. 6:30 PM Thanksgiving WEDNESDAY, January 10th 6:30 AM Thanksgiving 12:00 PM Claretian Priests, S. Int. 6:30 PM Thanksgiving

THURSDAY, January 11th 6:30 AM Thanksgiving 12:00 PM Claretian Priests, S. Int. 6:30 PM Thanksgiving

FRIDAY, January 12th 6:30 AM Thanksgiving 12:00 PM Claretian Priests, S. Int. 6:30 PM Thanksgiving

SATURDAY, January 13th 8:00 AM Claretian Missionaries, S. Int. 5:30 PM Maggie Mercado, S. Int. Msgr. Kevin Cleary, Aida Byrd, Bill Eichenberg, RIP Come to the Rectory Office to request a Mass for the Repose or Special Intention of your loved ones. Pase por la Rectoría para pedir una Misa para el Reposo o Intención Especial de sus seres queridos.

San Gabriel Mission Parish Activities

Sunday, January 7th 8:00 AM SGM Food Pantry– Parish Hall 8:00 AM Vietnamese Community– Room 2 9:00 AM Ministros De Eucaristia– Salon Helen 9:00 AM Vietnamese Youth Choir– Room 3 10:00 AM English Choir-Room 3 10:30 AM Confirmation Class– Parish Hall 1:00 PM Tin Mung Choir– Helen’s Room 1:00 PM RCIA– Conference Room 2:30 PM Youth Ministry– Room 2 4:00 PM Vietnamese Community– Library 4:30 PM Brazos Abiertos– Salon 2 Please keep our priests in your prayers they will be away on retreat this week Jan. 8-12.

Por favor mantengan a nuestros sacerdotes en sus oración, ya que saldrán a un retiro esta semana del 8 hasta 12 de Enero. Monday, January 8th-Baptism of the Lord/Bautismo del Señor 9:00 AM W.O.W– Helen’s Room 6:30 PM La Anunciacion– Salon Helen 7:00 PM Estudio de Biblia– Salon 2

Tuesday, January 9th 9:00 AM English/Citizenship Class– Conference Room 6:30 PM Parent Catechesis– Parish Hall 7:00 PM Clase pre-Bautismal– Salon Helen 7:00 PM Steering Committee Mtg.– Helen’s Room

Wednesday, January 10th 6:00 PM Confirmation 1 Parent Meeting– Parish Hall 6:30 PM La Estudiantina– Salon 2 6:30 PM Lectores– Salon 3

Thursday. January 11th 6:30 PM La Anunciacion– Salon Helen 7:00 PM Brazos Abiertos– Centro Parroquial, Salon 2 y 3 8:00 PM Tin Mung Choir– Library

Friday, January 12th 6:30 PM Families for life– Helen’s Room 7:00 PM Confirmation Prayer & Worship Night– Parish Hall 7:00 PM La Anunciacion– Libreria 7:00 PM English Prayer Group– Room 3

Saturday, January 13th 8:00 AM Senior Fun Club– Helen’s Room & Room 2 8:30 AM Lectors– Library 9:00 AM Parent Catechesis– Parish Hall 9:30 AM Legion of Mary– Library 3:00 PM La Anunciacion– Salon Helen 7:00 PM Encuentro Matrimonial– Salon 3

All kings shall pay him homage, all nations shall serve him. — Psalm 72:11

The members of the San Gabriel Mission extend our deepest sympathy to the families of:

Mercedes Escamilla

Page 5: EUCHARIST/EUCARISTIA San Gabriel Mission Catholic Church ...€¦ · Cyrus the Great, king of Persia, ends the Babylonian exile and allows the Jewish people to return to Israel to


Noticias del programa de Formacion de Fe

Adopté un plan de tres puntos para la santidad en el Año Nuevo

Todos los Cristianos son llamados a la santidad. "Sean perfec-tos como su Padre celestial es perfecto" (Mateo 5:48). Hay tres herramientas en las que cada católico puede confiar para al-canzar la santidad. Oración diaria. Dios se encuentra con nosotros de una mane-ra muy real y presente cuando venimos a él en oración. Co-mience por la mañana y haga pequeñas oraciones durante el día. Misa semanal. La misa es un sacrificio y una comida. Recibi-mos el cuerpo y la sangre de Jesús como alimento real para nuestras almas. Él dijo: "Porque mi carne es comida de verdad, y mi sangre es verdadera bebida". El que come mi carne y be-be mi sangre permanece en mí, y yo en él "(Juan 6: 55-56). Es por eso que lo llamamos "Comunión". Confesión mensual. Jesús creó el Sacramento de la Penitencia y la Reconciliación (Confesión) porque sabía que nos desvia-ríamos. Él también sabía que queríamos regresar. La participa-ción frecuente en este Sacramento agudiza nuestro sentido del pecado, nos hace responsables de nuestros errores y nos da la gracia de seguir intentándolo por la santidad.

********************************************** FECHAS PARA RECORDAR

Clases de catequesis para padres - 9 y 13 de enero - Inglés 11 y 13 de enero Español

Las clases se llevarán a cabo en el Centro Parroquial durante las horas regulares de clase.

************************************* ¡FELICITACIONES!

A nuestros niños mayores que fueron bautizados el sábado, 6 de enero.

BIENVENIDO A LA FAMILIA Gilbert Almanzan, Kenneth Cruz, Alex Cuevas, Krystiana

Hancher, Erika y Paulina Jacobo, Barin Lecea, ***************************************


La inscripción ya está abierta: la clase comienza el jueves 1 de febrero de 2018.

Los formularios de inscripción están disponibles en la Rectoría Llame a la Oficina de Formación de Fe para más detalles

**************************************** Continúen orando por nuestros alumnos y catequistas de con-firmación 1 mientras nos preparamos para nuestro próximo retiro.


Adopt a three-point plan for holiness in the New Year

All Christians are called to holiness. “Be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect” (Matthew 5:48) There are three tools on which every Catholic can rely to at-tain holiness. Daily Prayer. God meets us in a very real and present way when we come to him in prayer. Start in the morn-ing and say little prayers throughout the day. Weekly Mass. The Mass is a sacrifice and a meal. We receive Jesus’ body and blood as real food for our souls. He said, “For my flesh is food indeed, and my blood is drink indeed. He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood abides in me, and I in him” (John 6:55-56). That’s why we call it, “Communion.” Monthly Confession. Jesus created the Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation (Confession) because he knew we would stray. He also knew we would want to come back. Frequent participation in this Sacrament sharpens our sense of sin, holds us accountable for our errors, and gives us the grace to keep trying for holi-ness. ********************************************

DATES TO REMEMBER Parent Catechesis Classes - January 9th & 13th - English

January 11th & 13th Spanish Classes will be held in the Parish Center during regular

class times. ********************** CONGRATULATIONS!

To our older children who were Baptized Saturday, January 6th.

WELCOME TO THE FAMILY Gilbert Almanzan, Kenneth Cruz, Alex Cuevas, Krysti-

ana Hancher, Erika & Paulina Jacobo, Barin Lecea, *************************

INTENSE ADULT CONFIRMATION CLASSES Registration is now open – Class begins Thursday, Feb-

ruary 1st, 2018. Registration forms are available in the Rectory Call Faith Formation Office for more details

************************* Please continue to pray for our year 1 Confirmation students and catechists as we prepare for our upcoming retreat.

FAIHT FORMATION UPDATES Connie Perez, Georgina Mayorga

Page 6: EUCHARIST/EUCARISTIA San Gabriel Mission Catholic Church ...€¦ · Cyrus the Great, king of Persia, ends the Babylonian exile and allows the Jewish people to return to Israel to



Your Pre-orders are almost here. The Crispy Crème Dough-nuts will be baked and delivered fresh to the Marimba group on January 13. Be sure to pick your up before the 1PM Mass on that day. Thank you for all your kind and generous sup-port.

Cub Scouts Pack 261 hosting Pechanga Trip

January 13, 2018 $25/person

Bus will leave the Church parking lot at 8:30 AM. Please call/text/email Sandra Blanco if you would

like to attend. [email protected] or (626) 825-3332

Peregrinación de la Misericordia 2018

Acompáñanos a vivir el viaje de tus sueños a: VARSO-VIA, NIEPOKALANOV, CRACOVIA, WADOWICE, PRAGA, BUDAPEST y mas del 14-29 de Septiembre

El viaje incluye: pasajes de avión, hoteles 4 y 5 estre-llas, autobús de lujo, desayuno y cena diaria, gastos de guías y choferes, seguro de viaje. Nos acompaña el pa-dre José Sanchez CMF. Para mas información llamar al teléfono 626-318-5501.

ARE YOU INTERESTED IN OVERSEAS MISSION SERVICE Lay Mission-Helpers is hosting a Virtual Information Day Wenesday, Jnauary 10th at 10AM. To attend this webinar and learn more about opportunities to serve, go to this link to reg-ister, Lay Mission Helpers Association:


Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels, 555 W Temple St., L.A


Saturday, January 20, 2018 ~ 5:00 p.m.

Join with Archbishop José Gomez, Auxiliary Bishops, Priests and Faithful of the Archdiocese

in our annual Archdiocesan Eucharistic Celebration of Life

(Carpooling and Public Transportation encouraged, Limited Parking available: $10 per car)

Come as a family; come as a parish community; all encouraged to attend.


January 13, 2018 Join us every second Saturday of the month.

This coming weekend we will have a speaker on Medi–

Care. We invite you to bring your questions. We also invite you to bring you favorite dish! The potluck

will go from 12PM.-2:15 PM. Happy New Year!

Rosemead TARGET

Lunas Restaurant Mission District, San Gabriel Ca.

A THOUNSAND TIMES THANK YOU The Guadalupana Society would like to thank everyone for their help and participation in the celebration of the Novena and Feast Day of Our Lady of Guadalupe and to all of our community for your assistance. We also extend our deepest gratitude to Mission Super Hardware and Mission Ace Hardware, Lunas Restau-rant, Rosemead TARGET, Julie Costanzo with the Hil-ton Hotel and the professionals at Sawkins & Albert Law Corp., for sponsoring our Feast to Our lady of Gua-dalupe, your generosity made this a wonderful event for all. May God and the Holy Mother fill you with bless-ings always.

MIL VECES GRACIAS La Sociedad Guadalupana les da las gracias a todos los grupos parroquiales que ayudaron y participaron en la celebración de la Novena y Fiesta a la Virgen de Guada-lupe y a todos ustedes como comunidad por su asisten-cia. También le agradecemos mucho a Mission Super Hardware & Mission Ace Hardware, Lunas Restaurant, Rosemead TARGET, Julie Costanzo junto con el Hilton Hotel y a la Corporación de abogados profesionales Sawkins & Albert, por ser patrocinadores de nuestra Fiesta a Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe, por su ayuda pu-dimos hacer de este dia una maravilla para todos.

Page 7: EUCHARIST/EUCARISTIA San Gabriel Mission Catholic Church ...€¦ · Cyrus the Great, king of Persia, ends the Babylonian exile and allows the Jewish people to return to Israel to


Eva Garcia, Principal 626-281-2454

San Gabriel Mission Elementary School

Students Get A Lesson on Anti-Bullying During BMX Show

Mission Elementary students enjoyed watching a BMX show after a successful candy sale this fall. They not only watched as the bikers displayed their riding talents and tricks, but they also received a strong anti-bullying message. The BMX show owner and riders talked to our students about respect for each other and the value of being a good friend, student and community member. Thank you to our Mission parish commu-nity for supporting our candy sale and helping our school share a message of love, kindness and tolerance.

Marielle Sallo, Principal 626-282-3181

SGMHS Veritas Campus Ministry Group wishes you a Merry Christmas and

Happy New Years this Holiday Season!

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