  • Europa cetenilor Mijloc de cunoatere i dezvoltareProiect finanat prin Programul Europa pentru Ceteni - Uniunea EuropeanEurope of citizensMeans of knowledge and developmentWith the support of the Europe for Citizens of the European Union

  • Programul Europa pentru Ceteni i propune promovarea ceteniei europene prin implicarea societii civile n construirea unei Europe unite, bazat pe valori istorice, ncurajnd participarea democratic a cetenilor din Uniunea European , prin promovarea oportunitilor de implicare n societate.

    "Europe for Citizens" aims to promote European citizenship by engaging civil society in building a united Europe based on historical values, encouraging democratic participation of citizens in the European Union by promoting opportunities for involvement in society.Proiect finanat prin Programul Europa pentru Ceteni Uniunea European With the support of the Europe for Citizens of the European Union



    Proiect finanat prin Programul Europa pentru Ceteni Uniunea European With the support of the Europe for Citizens of the European Union

  • Proiectul Europa cetenilor Mijloc de cunoatere i dezvoltareare ca scop promovarea valorilor, drepturilor i oportunitilor oferite de integrarea celor dou ri n Uniunea European.

    Project Europ for citizens Means of knowledge and development aims to promote the values, rights and opportunities of integrating the two countries in the European Union.Proiect finanat prin Programul Europa pentru Ceteni Uniunea European With the support of the Europe for Citizens of the European Union

  • Obiectivul general: -participarea activ la nivel european, prin ncurajarea nelegerii reciproce i a toleranei prin respectarea i promovarea diversitii culturale i lingvistice asigurate de dialogul intercultural. Proiectul aduce mpreun oameni din cele dou orae, care vor mprti i schimba experiene, opinii i valori.

    The overall objective: - active participation at European level, promoting mutual understanding and tolerance by respecting and promoting cultural and linguistic diversity provided intercultural dialogue. The project brings together people from the two cities that will share and exchange experiences, opinions and values.Proiect finanat prin Programul Europa pentru Ceteni Uniunea European With the support of the Europe for Citizens of the European Union

  • Obiective specifice:Facilitarea schimbului de experiene, cultur, opinii i valoriCreterea gradului de contientizare, reflecie i dezbatere a cetenilor cu privire la politicile Uniunii EuropenePromovarea ceteniei europene, democraiei, a realizrilor europene, a istoriei i culturiiSpecific objectives:Facilitate the exchange of experiences, culture, opinions and valuesIncreasing awareness, reflection and debate with citizens on European Union policies Promoting citizenship, democracy, European achievements, history and cultureProiect finanat prin Programul Europa pentru Ceteni Uniunea European With the support of the Europe for Citizens of the European Union

  • Activiti culturale:concerte de muzic populardansuri populareconcursuri de gtitconcursuri de creaii artisticeprezentare mici meteugari localivizitare atracii turisticemese rotunde cu teme specifice

    Cultural activities:folk music concertsdancescooking contestsartistic creations contestsprezentation of small locals artisanssightseeingworkshops of specific themes

    Proiect finanat prin Programul Europa pentru Ceteni Uniunea European With the support of the Europe for Citizens of the European Union

  • Prin activitile proiectului participanii vor nva ce nseamn a cltori, a locui i a munci n Europa, care sunt drepturile fundamentale, cum se pot bucura cetenii de drepturile lor, ce este cetenia european.Through project activities participants will learn what it means to travel, to live and to work in Europe, which are the fundamental rights as citizens enjoy their rights, what is European citizenship.Proiect finanat prin Programul Europa pentru Ceteni Uniunea European With the support of the Europe for Citizens of the European Union

  • ContactSorana BratuManager proiect ...0748421740 0348/454.444 ...0248/260.500 [email protected]

    ContactNatalia AvramovaProject manager +359/ 0899373471 +359/745 62090 +359/745 [email protected]..

    Proiect finanat prin Programul Europa pentru Ceteni Uniunea European With the support of the Europe for Citizens of the European Union

  • V mulumesc pentru atenia acordat!Thank you for your attention!Proiect finanat prin Programul Europa pentru Ceteni Uniunea European With the support of the Europe for Citizens of the European Union

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