
Final Product Evaluation Part 4-5

Jack Mays

Who Would be the Audience for your Media Product?

• For this question I shall draw heavily on stereotypes so the sort of people that are in my audience is clear (albeit being extreme versions)

• I shall use images from the internet to clarify

Stereotype 1: “Party Animal” Wild Fan (Primary Audience)

The main stereotypical target reader; due to product being based on the wild out of control version of rock

The sort of person to wildly “rave” at loud music

Would enjoy being informed by my magazine of Live Performances

Would enjoy new passionate esque rock artists

Can be Rebellious; would like my photo people due to their serious, rebellious auras

Stereotype 2: Goth

Would be able to relate to my photo people; intimidating personalities, may have similar view on life (stereotypically)

Due to being able to relate; they could possibly enjoy the music of my photo people

Stereotypical Goths can also be seen as “rebellious”: which is what the rock genre is largely about.

Age Range

• I intentionally gave my questionnaire to people aged 16 and above

• This was intentional as I feel my magazine is best aimed at 16-24 (even though any rock fan would like it)

• Due to the fact that wild rock fans (primary audience) are often at their most energetic due to the fact 16-24 is a “prime” age for energy, making them more active to attend live performances etc

How did you attract/address your audience?

• I attracted my audience mainly through design choices that was influenced by my questionnaire

• These choices are shown next slide

(magazines often cost £1.50 to £2.00, so I made the marketing choice of making it £1.00)

Colour and Brightness to attract a purchase

Black contrasts with the white; red further contrasts with both the black & white; making it more noticeable

Black & white contrasts with red; red further contrasts with the black shirt to make the collection of colours noticeable

Bright parts of hair makes his glare more intense, and contrasts with white; making the image more eye catching

Black heavily contrasts white; making title more intense with the !

Other colour choices

• I have commented on colour quite a bit in my video

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