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How did you attract/address your audience

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Through our film I feel that we attracted the audience in many ways. Some ways using mise en scene for example when we have the overall location. The film is set in a school after hours when it is quite dark eerie. The attracts the audience because our audience was from 16-24year olds and most of the audience will be in school still so they can put themselves in the film as the main character. The other thing that addresses the audience through mise en scene is who the character is. The main character for our film a teen called Bruce who is a high school student. The reason we chose to have this character this age was so that it felt more realistic to the film that a student was investigating it rather than a man. The other reason was to help the audience relate to the film as if they can place themselves in the film it make the whole film more scary for the audience. The last part for the character that we needed to think about was the costume of Bruce. We did try a few shots with just some casual cloths such as jeans and a shirt but then we didn’t feel like it set the scene and that in all other horror films based in school the students wore their school uniform and therefore set the scene better so we thought we would take this idea and use it to help create a good mise en scene.

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Another thing that we added to our film that I thought would set the scene and attract the audience and keep the glued were diegetic and non-diegetic sounds. Such as we had little sounds which were diegetic which Danny and the audience could hear so that Danny could say “did you hear that” and address the audience but also the non-diegetic sound such as thuds, screeches and dramatic build ups were used to build the tension and keep everyone scared and edgy.

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Or film references horrors because it is basically a good old slashed horror where there is a killer killing people and someone investigates. You can see that we have referenced other horrors by just the whole product. For instance one of Danny’s lines are “there has been reports of disappearances, murders, slaughtering’s”. This is the common sort of line which you would hear in the film The Blair witch project where they investigate a witch myth. There are other line and ways in which our film references other horrors such as the entity standing just leaning out of the corridor and then moving out, lots of films do this to build suspense and tension.

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I don’t think our film had any contemporary issues because our film is just a slasher/thriller film. It doesn’t show any knife crime or revenge etc. it’s just a teen investigating some murders and disappearances by a ghost type figure. But I think that at the same time this film could only be a starter point for the entity films. What I mean by this is that we have taken ideas from other films that the first film does the killing etc. then in the sequel you find out the back story of this and why the killings go on. So I thought that if we were to make another film then it could have been the sequel to entity and you could see why the killings happened and look more into the entity’s story and what made him kill. This way I could portray different issues such as the entity might have got bullied or killed at school this is why he seeks revenge on students etc.

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We decided to show our film to our class but it wasn’t the finished product, we were just looking for some pointers of what to add and what to discard. The feedback we got is that we needed to add more sounds to our film to build more tension to for the audience to keep them on the edge of their seats. So we took this into consideration and decided to add sounds where we thought we needed it. Also we got told that we should take out some little parts that didn’t work that well and I agreed so I cut some clips and deleted some to make sure the film still ran smoothly and worked well still. The last problem that I had was the running time, we are only allowed to have a film that lasts 2 minutes and ours ran on for a few more seconds, this doesn’t seem long but it was a real struggle to cut some clips because it all worked well but soon we all decided to cut some clips and shorten them. Such as zooming in on the entity and camera angles.

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It is very important to us that we got are audience’s attention through the opening sequence because then the viewer will be glued to their seats and want to know what happens next, if the audience didn’t like the start then there not going to pay attention and continue watching so we made sure that are film caught people’s attention by having Danny talk to the audience through the camera and explaining what he is doing which suspense on “dissaperances,murders,slaughteings” so that the audience want to know what happens next. Also through the use of talking to the audience it addresses them and they feel more involved.

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