
Looking Back At Your Preliminary Task (The School Magazine Task), What Do You Feel You Have Learnt In The Progression

From It To Full Product

At the beginning of the project we had to design a school magazine front cover and contents page. This was very early on in the course so compared to our final music magazine front cover and contents page, the school one

had a very low standard.

Here you can see how much more thought went into making the music magazine and the techniques that I picked up in making it look as

professional as I possibly could.

Having the date, issue number, website and price is something many professional magazines include in a small area of their front cover.

The barcode makes it seem more realistic.

Includes competitions to attract the reader

The main artist featured on the front cover is the piece of writing which stands out most.

The shorts and stars on the title link in with it having an American theme to the magazine.

Shows the main articles feature in the magazine.

I have included page numbers to give it a more professional feel.

An editors note is something many magazines include on their contents page.

Including pictures on the contents page gives the reader a bit of an idea of what to expect.

They always have the articles which feature weekly and then the ones which change depending on the recent news.

The stars carry on with the consistent house style.

This is the Front Cover of the very first magazine that I designed, it was aimed at students in year 7. As you can see, it is very basic, with a very simple design.

Magazine title

Main articles inside the magazine


Price and issue number

Main audience of the magazine (students)

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