
f ! i


(LDinmcfcial Mcrtiscr Commercial bbcrftsrtIS rUBLI. llI

Mornini?. Tlato of yVclvortisiiiC"Kvery SatuixlayVrnr. "J Iw.iltn.Hi..Sm. ta. ) 12(ily.nd l.lnnd Oi. - .

Snbcriplion. S.OO n Venr.? Foreign AylTlTfkiif S I uu 1 ul 3 UM ul X)i I OO

r;i.';. prw r p - f " or iart "r,A m'" 10 L-- 1 An . 4 W M VM; l vO-U aor..;rn. whkf in. lodes the American and II --

?15 tiiK- -. ...J i 4 t(4 7 60 19 wi li I

laS v

A'l Eur-r-- an .ris '" h .nr-- d --i Lit-.- .. j AO 6 x 7 MIA 00! 14 M i 0lr--

d-- m in -1 at t' poet-otlic- "riiich vanes fr: 4 to 30 L.i.c... ...........! o IK) . wo 10 fM Id 1 00. 5 00- t t'n.'umu s h 12 "0 on si iv 8 ; (m co

Pavaiii Alwats i Aovasch. i tilnni- - wd.S t2o 0S VO 4 CO' DO

Jy. tj.xnmauicjrirn..a.o from all of the Pa-if- cc will always i Cuiuau. .......... 1a K '.a umsu w4u w eo Qt) low aW l..K- - ( Jaun JO 0O 0l 6U VI bO 0a IvO OU i0 00

V very aoa pfaM.l)UM!M-- Canls. hD wvpaWl r m wwmr, are al)u--

PL UN AND FANCY a dwu lr.jM ttae r:r. huh are fur tntmirat awrertiacaxul a Iwn skI ur cljrTi-- l qoaricrly.

BOOK AND JOB PRINT1NC. 1 r Adwti'iM roklinir In the Kter Tnit-- 9titr, Cawfcr ilfir ranis ;rract for rwch aawutit

?.Bl'.-INK- .- AN- - ADDRESS CARDS printed pr--j by f

t-- vi-rri- N a lbr wih to pay, and their carla aill be iiwrttj a per- T ,nk- - Card Press." io th? hiffhe--t style of the art. above l.ihic, h tne Ume I4 f..

IM I1I.I.KI WKKKl.V KV J SIX DOLLARS I Kit AXMM.Commercial Advertiser. IIK.NKV M. Will INK. HONOLULU. HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, JULY 13. ISo? I VOL. XII. X. !. WIIOI.KXa.aSI. J3totrtisrnifnls.


Inftnenrr.WaD.lcrlng once along the ea,A impulse came I nr.A litiV-- v vry naBT...I it searre .:il to have weht at all,

With open and IhrewInto the wab-- r eep awl bine.

The ripple, outward nn.1 outward spread,

A. the stone uik J.Hra ! the wean' U--

I 'ire True ever fcur aidl wiWttn Ihr riurcd of the flowing

Uootn I ! v self, There', a Vi n here ,,y -.- 11 he lram-- 1 with loving -r--

F.verv nan, and woman ami 'hit!,I a p. --Mc irwu iul the water. wiUl

Kvery some motion inijartlu tin. lailmknt e of human hearts ;

Foe nthu.! tlarre b wak n. siuallA ! ka uo trace of w-- r at alL

Al the rln-J"- ! wavm of thia troulU-- J

Will tg arol f It in tl.mity.S'ltcltd.

An Irishman applying e to sell spirits, , p.;iu f Exchange onfUiti..nea as i.ioril j Tin-

trust, Och, Uk 1mire Hot liameter a li.v


KriiorC 'of flic fCoiiiiuilfee on".Tlcdical Inlriiclioii."

Adoptrd by the Haw. Kntngreliral Ato-riatio- u,

Jane, 1MC7.

The rimimittrt? appintcJ to rop.rt npn themfj"rt "f tniniiif; wue tlie natives to themetlii-a- l .r'f-fifiin- , Ix1 leave t report,

Tliat in our ojinion the puljr-e- t it of tlie orestt-- et

imiortar,e. It hat lcen too ln; delajred frthe wutit of anj pmitical j-la- whiili it eoitUlc In the opinion of Tour Cum-jiitt- e,

there w and has leen a preater nci tifnative I.M-t.r- s than native lawyers. The Mis-tiooa- ri

liave the native jei.tor, withwhat FU4fvs their presence in this assemblytestifies. Tlie native lawyers liae elueatel them--M!vro. ISy having the laws t liis hand j

active eilneate native could read fur himselfaixl in w.iue decree qualify him-l- f to pleadMialf of his neighbor lx-fir- e the Courts, lmt theuitli.-a- l prufein, has leen like a lok,

has lia-- i no book at all, which is tlie Kime thing, j

Sickness, jin ainl death are common lot, i

hut it is not in human nature to nuffcr without!.

f,me ttr.rt to obtain relief. There was a tune j

ws-- n a large proportion or the p.pulation appliedto the Missionaries f. r ineilical aid. The funds !

of the Ameriean I!onrd were largely drawn uponf..r inclicines., and the Missionaries agreat di-- al of time in attemlaiM-- e on the pick, with I

euch k.U as they piyssessed with great bene-- ,

fit to tbe people. Suhserpiently the Hawaiian;veniiiiciit undertiMik to furnish the Mis.-ioii- a- j

rie4 with nieilicines f,r the nick ; of late vears !

this iurce of reller lias dried up, and even the I....... . .voluntary Tractiee1 ot the .M issionaries lias neendiseoiintemnce!. In places where there are ;

nbieatcl physicians there has arisen a tlassof;doctors, wlio, with a e pignej by

" Kapu," have un.lert.iken la tare ihr. nation.Th.e nersoiM are mostlr old men and ol.l!

i... i lif.i.. .i. ik, , , ... w c.'-- ,J'-

tl Plai,H-s- t rules of diet and regimen, they arcn.4 even rrerr nurses of tlie ; but ilejnd '

anu.K tol.. ltfW . .T a.,aW III". TV ill!' u j rial or..- - "Ft v

am:I their iniluence with the old heathen i

ho worship tl-e- have in a certain degree to i

;extent, " reviviil for tlie 11.ofobtaining an iniluence over their vict i

- -T1jm itnetors mill 1. icti iresses fimlirv' tlieir I.- rs

pra4;tice protitahlc an? now evcrywliere (.ninil pro- -tLiimiii.r tl-i- r own skill, interfering with and..M.-sin-- r t!.e r.nicti.-- e of forciirii i.hysicians and,

-t m

false and id.datrous T.rilieil.ies i

i.1 wf 1 Til .1 - a" A.1amo- n- uie iney kui nuiiuK-r- s umw;

King's Kubjitts. are killed by neglect.-The dise.ise is left to ourse, while the doctoris trusting luck and feasting on the hog, thewhite cocks, tlie ,-- ,i, awa, which he reouirca !

Lln.eas a e..n.hti.i of cure. Meanwhile u go ngon with his incantations. Sunn sick are killed ;

bv a more mim-nar- r frm-css-. the adminiMra- -- i

;..n ,f miilLs nn. Ii n.a er..t..n nil nn.l eristor !

lieansi, a coarse kind of jalap, a M.'cies of;I

eol.ieyiith, tartar emetic, calomel, gunpowder, ic, j

without any rules to guide tlie doctor, other tlianhis own uneducated jiidgment.

It Wing adinitte! that tlierc is a pressing ne-

cessity f r elucating a sutlicient nuinlr of nativenpits to meet the wants of the cople and

check the serious and rapidly growing evil aiiovcstated, the lotestion arisen how and by whom itis to lie done. Your Commit tee opiniontliat the education required need not Is? of a veryhigh order, but a simple course sliould le gone I

through which would qualify the pupils to lieyood nurses and tolerably safe practitioners. Itsliould conducted in Hawaiian language,by one or more medical men who understand thelanguage, and are acquainted with the prejudicesand superstitions of tlie people. Pupils wheneducated should l distributed all over the islamls,at least two in every election district, licensed

practice authorized to charge for theirserviivs according to a schedule to providedf,r their guidance. They should under aconstant siiiervision.

In the opinion of your Committee, the Queen'sHospital affords the greatest facilities for thekind of instruction required, much of whichwould be iu tlie form of clinical lectures whichthe iiLi.ils should commit to writin-r- . If thetrusties of that institution could be inducedto undertake the work, there are medical menwho might afford valuable aid in preiiiring sim-ple lM.ks and treatises in the Hawaiian, which theiloard of Edueati n might 1 willing to haveprinted f ,r the use of the pupils.

iTivatu j.Tsons menil-cr- s of the medical pro.fey.-io-ii may, crliaps, lie found who would takeone or two pupils, but the difficulties and ex-I-en- se

v oul.l lie so great, and the probability orjersi ver.ini-- c on the of pupils themselvesw.,uld 1m- - ivi small, that not much can he expectedfr.m this source. It is desirable, in an cnter-pr- i-

of tills nature, tliat tls? system should leuni!".,nii an-- i in for a term of years, bya.Miti. ns to the stock of Hawaiian inclieal knowl-edge and literature, which would 1m? required bythe pupils after entering upon their practice.

There are some .crsons whose opinions arc de- -rrving of the highi-s- t consideration, who would

object to the licensing of medical pupiUwh liave not luid tlie advantage an educationin tlas English language, and a course or two ofinedieHl lecturer in a foreign country, but your

( '..iniiiitue arc of opinion that however will j

tln-p-- e may Ik; fliM-ato- l, they would le in the i

lor )raw

in i !! 1m r,f tlie native iopulatin um a ir withforeign phjriciant-- , and u'j.-- t to the Kime pre-jiidi'- -e

and -- it inn from the pre--i- it iiu'.nedoit.irs as foreign p!iyiians and the tjiiceii'sJ l.f-it:i- l ikjw are. TIr- - rit--- I

tliat nrein diK-tor.- i e:in cure f m-ij- i diseases hutnative d.x-tor- s only can cure native lis'a.,s,would le e to them. They would aUoM--- for a residence in the towns and ipiiloiisj.hwes af eoinpetitora of f rein physicians forthe sake of a higher remuneration, which tlicirexj4-n.-iv- ha!. woiiM rejuire for their suj.j.irt.Jlut we think that the and not very ve

system which we herein miiinineiid wouldin a riiisoiiahle time undermine tlie intlucmv of i

tlie native doctors in every ilistriet, and counter--thi? prowin tendency to revive the Wornhip of

faLse ;oU and the ijclicf in the old Hawaiianp ireery. I. .It"M,

I!. Amikiavs,L. (il'LUK.


Can the pun's cliarairter le tonsidercl Fjotless.The man is not always a thief who steals a

marcli.Why is kissing like a victory ? It's easy to

grant ((Jrant.)Punch nays the Mormons have t?A!ised their

territory.Why is life the riddle of all riddles? IJei-aus-

we must K've it up.A cross-o-ainc-d old haclielor says that " tin" is

the favorite Ltlle metal iiow-a-day- s.

'Here's to internal improvements," as Dohhsiaid when he swallowed u dose of salts.

Why is the liede-ho- "; of vegetable origin?li-au- sc m the oll'-pri- of a prickly iear,(lir.)

S iinc minds are like rivers, tliey need anto make them keep the channel, and

render the stream navigable.Hood epeaks tf a bird building its nest on the

ledge over the door a doctor's olfice as an at--tempt to rear its young in very jaws ol death !

A vagabond poet kivs : "Tlie easiest way toa living is to it on a g:ite and wait fl.r g.nnl

luck. In si luck ilmi t eoiuc along vouan. nt Wl1c off y( Wtfre jK.;,ro."

TlC porti;1IHi star Pays tliat a boy went into anoyster simp in that city and said his f. ilk wantedtwo quarts of oysters. " Solid ?" Kiid the man.

! "C ; - C '!l'tllll,,(,'ll,,f',lltlic"l""r are

A man ha apiilieil for a tlivone from wilet aii,lt ,;R , of tlvnM. cruelty.

sin; Ikix wallod" him regularly for iiineteenyrtirs, until, laiving the spirit of a man, he won'tetand it any longer.

"Am 1 not a little pule?" inquired a lady,who was short nnd eorrmleiit. of a crust v ol.l

1 !I.-.- . f.l,.r .hi like a In lull ! 7 was"tjje j,unt

Q;lp t),i,t jt mther remarkable that whileseveral thousand feet are reijuinil to make one

T, a fingle foot pnuK-rl- applied, U often culli--cient to make one civil.

A swarm l.Kmsts has again settled over the !

Island of Sardinia, so that this year s croix will,,r,:,i,v Lcdi-strovci- l, as were those or lat vear. j

.; oV(.rniM wit) loW hron'kor j

Thcv anr of the I ml. lest and most daring class,lti. I HlA lltJUM Vaai a al 1 1 all I O V . r 1 .1 1 14 t 1 1 1 II I f t0mu-- hi- r-- i'Mii. - ' "wji

-:.. .i.. .t.. i

iiia-- r ill i rii iiuiii'ielegislature of that Slate " adjourned com- -

f'.." This is about as bad a the statementi".de by t!.e cl.airinan of a ni.-ti- ng held in Chai....... 1I..11 :.. l.; :r.u... .,..

: .. .'urei.iuurr- - u utuiiii icnnuiiou - niwni o'ii mi. i.

j. . whcat ;n lu.inv TO!i,.M.Kiretly neither pas! fr much till they arrive atmaturity; secondly lioth are bnil in the house, I

... . ' 'I'M,, rather V. eslev. I 111 triad to M-- e iiin l

do vou do ? " I don t know vou, said Mr. .-reining

-- - up his horse. 44 ho are .' " Don tknow ; vi,v, sir, you are the" very man who i

converted Hie!" "I reckon I am," said Mr. '

Wesley, i sitting sjiurs to his horse, " at l.-.- ist one i

tlnr.g is evident the Lord had nothing to do i

aliollt it.If sliould give me a dish of Kind, and tell

me tls-r- e were rti iron in it, I might lookfor them ith my eyes, and search for them withmy clumsy lingers, and lie unable to detct them;but let me take a magnet and sweep through it,,.i .......i.l .!,, ... t.t rl. ;;i.l. ;

.rticles IiV the mere power ol attraction.!

lint.iailkiul hejirt, like HIV hiver in the sand, HIS-- '

covers no mercies; but the thankful heart. l.. 1. ,i. A !.rnn .iiiiii.i ...v- it. in oie j

iron, so it will tinu in every lueir some lieavenlyblessings ; only the iron in dial's sand is gold. j

O. IV. Hotints.I l.-i- , t, ,.v-- T!ova II.,1.1 on f..,r. - hen ,

" -are just ready to swear, lie, or Slieak harshly,

;,rt,.K,vn i.i,mwrw,J '.

Strike, pinch, Scrateh, steal, or do any impror j

act. !

Hold Oil to Your f.Mit.

wlien Volt arc Oil the pointof kicking, or running away irom study, or pur--suinr the teith of error, shame, or crime.

. .lloM. on to your tenner- wiien.

you areI.angry ,l

CXcitcil or imposed Upon, or otlicrs are anoiU you.Hold on to VOtir heart Wlien CVll nssociates seek-

yiHir piny, and invite you to join in theirgames of mirth and revelry.

Hold on to your good name at times, for iti more valuable to you than gold, high places, orfashionable attire.

E. HOFFMANN. M.D.rbvirian and Snrzron.

Corner Merchant and Kaahumanu si., near Pcstoffice. 5s0 ly

DR. KENNEDY,ruvsitlan. Surgeon and A.tourlienr.

Fort St, opposite C. E. William.' Furniture Warerooms. 539 ly

JOHN S. McGREW, M. D.,rtnsi.ian and Sarrou.

OfTicc Over Dr. E. Hoffmann's Drug Store, corner of Kaahurr.iiuu aii.l Merchaut St., oppiMite the Office.

Ornfi lloras Frm to 10 A. M.; frun 3 to 5 P. Km ma H.ssk" ox A hams Sr. 5'- - ly


Ilenlist, j'

Office corner of Fort and Hotel Streets. scoiyj

A. C. KCFFUM. D.. '

rhsirUa and Sareeon,I

Office and Residence, Aid rich House, Fort street. ..!

C. L. RICHARDS Jt CO..Ship Chandlers and fomnilssion Merchants, and

Healers in General 3lrrrliandise,Keep constantly oo hand a full assortment of merchaDdise,for

the supply of Whalers ami Merchant vessels.6; ly

f. iUTIIW.Anrtionrrr,

ltoru lliirra Slrrr-I-. lor fromr:hiiiiianu tret.

to his chanictcr and ''fitness for the . rep i.-- : an its there ; . fvi 1ve its linn li i.l a mail Tu.u.iv.

1.. . ..ii















tl-- 2





are of

he the


part the























S. It

on nrly


Hi-n- -


Sale.a7 J


K. 1. All I.MS.Aattiuurrr aud (viinuiiu Mrrcuant,


Im ltobiuau Unilaliau. furen Slreel, :

5j-l- yi

a. y. Jt ii. :

'.ttlorofy and itmflltr at Law, i

Corner of r'l.rt an l MrH. 643 ly

IIKMtV TIIOMI'SUX,Atttiriirv aud CouiiM-llo- r at Law.

O.fn e on li:l- -t ri Mre t, oj.HiI.-- the Court liiiue, up ftain.ij''. ly

II. II t( liKKLI) COM(.rucral 4'oiumi .ion Jurats,

Honolulu.C. H. LrWKKS. j. o. DicK.-oa- .

I.KWKKS Jfc IUCKM1X.llralrrs iu Lniiiber and Italhling MitfrlaN.

tMi Furl Sirt-e-l- . ly


Importers and (onnuiiou 31rrliaal,Io the Fire Proof lluil li.igs. Knahuuiunu au.t Uueen StreeU. i


5JJO ly

V. N. LADU,luiporteraud Dralrria II.irdwnrr.fntlrrr, MrrhallIrs, j

Tools, aud Arlrultaral liupleuit-uls- ,

6S0 t'aif Sirrrl. ly j


foiuiuivioii Irrliaut aud l.rurml Shipping Ajiciit, !

!0 Honolulu. Onhu. ly j

J. WORTH.Uralrr in (.rtirral .lifrrbandisr,, Hawaii... .Ships supplied with recruits at the shortestnotice, on reasonable terms. Kills of exchange wanted,


Til. C. IIEl'CK,Onrral ComaiUoIon Mrrtliant,

Fort Street.C. KRKD'K i'FU'CF.R.

Ufnlrrlu Staple and I'aiiry Dry Goods, Men's f lotUoots and Mines, and Yaukrr .otIoii,

Siarr on Fort Si reef, nrorlr oppowif e Mmrm67 ; voullolt lleuck. ly

I I. TUKBKRT.Lniubrr l)r:ilcr.

Office North west corner of Quen and Fort Streets, Honolulu.5o4 ly

JOHN K1TSOV,Iealer In M iiirs, Spirits Ale and Porter.

S37 IIoiioIuIm. ly

JOHN Til OS. WATKRIIOISK.Iiniioitrr and llralrr in t.cnfral .M-- handlsr,

IaU Queen Street, Honolulu. lyK. . II A I.I, Si SON. i

Iiii.iitl'trrs and Dealers In llry Good,I'tiint, Oil, und General Merchandise.

511 Corner Kort ami Kinj; M.. ly j

AFOXf: Si. ACIICCK.Impui tors. vt"iioir-ni- - auu urtail Healers la Ceueral j

.Mrrrli.iuili-- e and Chinese floods.Fire-pro- of Store. Xnunui Slrret.

L'uder the Public Hall. 647 ly

TIIK XEWSl'AI-K- R Kl'OKOA,Po'jli-Ur- d Urrkly iu the Ildwaiian Lanirnaire.

It has the lari;-s- l circulation in the (rronp, an.l is read bothhf Hawaiian, and Foreign-r- e. Price 1 a year in ad- -

vain e. Advertisements traiKlateil into Hawaiian fe--e of char-re- . Otli'-- e in South

600 corner of Sailor's Home."

' ""T"!'",!,MfsIop fc ,.0h nanUrr... .,.,.. r M1 m.,i' Kaahmnana street, Honolulu.

San Francisco.k Co., New York.

New York,lloston.

Ohii-xta- Hair Corporation. Ixndnn.ft in receive is,niscount ousines. paper, ami.. .. . . i

atien.l to coneeiinir, eic. atii uAI.I.F.N 5i COX WAY,

kauaihae, Havtail,Wllleontinae the Oeneral Merchandise and Shipping nnsiness ,

l,,e above port, where they are prepared to furnish,i. i.nw ...i,.i.r-t.- i Kmmii. .i..j.iiv. ...i

such other recruit as are requiredby whale ships, at the

pnonesi notice anu unuie wsi rrawiimnir lerms.jgm r0 7- o o c ou Zlaucli

attend..,! to 547 ly

MF.I.CIIF.RS A-- CO.Importers aud t'oinniUdon .Mcrr Iiants,fur the H MBCRi:n-RiRo- ;s Firr Insiraxck Co.

sccar plantatpui,

Ocstav C. MKunKiLs. J. II. Wickr, F A. SrHArrra,lsremen. Honolulu. Honolulu.

jjo iy

HOI.I.ES & CO..Ship fhandler aud n Merchants,

Queen Street.Particular attention paid to the purchase and sale of Hawaiian

1'ro.luce.hefers by permission to

Messrs. C. A. W illiams & Co. Messrs. v. l'.rewer Co..

-- -!- - V";le t"mm-iyijl7:- a ly

THOMAS SPENCER.Ship Chandler. Healer in Cent ral Merrliandise, Island

i'rodore, o.r., and fomiuisMou Mrrrhaut.I.vroM Itiiv. Hilo. S. 1..

.. . , . !W " 'n'X " .""rtra nf T"T."P con,ltanV,r '.l and others.description gols requireit ships

r Money auvauc. ...r B.inw.. c,,ange at reanao.e rates.

GEORGE G. HOWE,'..,.Dealer in Redwood. IWthwfst Lumber, Sh Ingles,Koors, Sash, itlinds, ails, Taints, Kt,... . .

.it ils old Stand, tort street, on the Ksvlana-le- ..... 'ai iy

M'.VIM.P.. A 1MRHP.TT. ,Planters and General Store Keepers,

Kenpuk.i. North K .na,,near Kenlakeakna Bay. IslandPr. luce iKiiigtit. Ships supplied with Wood, Ileer andother necessaries.

Agent at Honolulu. A. 8. CLEG HORN. 567 lyS. WAl.-k- K. s. c. ALL- I-

WALKER Si ALLEN,Shipping and t onmii sioa Mrrrhants,

57-- HONOLULU, II. I. ly


tirorrrs and Ship handlers,I...HAINA, MAUI.

Money and Recruits furnished to Ships on Favorable Terms.5o ly

II. F. KI1LERS.Healer in llry Goods, Silks, &,r.,

674 Fort Strrrt. lycmso noon. Torso SHKOSO

CHUNG HOON Jt CO.fomnilssion Mrrrhants and Leneral Asent,

Agents for the Paukaa and Amanulu Sugar Plantations Im--porters of Teas and other Chin-s- e and For-ii-

and wholesale dealers in Hawaiian Pioducc,I n w Stone Store. Nunnnn St.. brio - Kintf

574 ly

M. S. GRINIIAUM Jt CO- -Importers and Wholesale Healers in Fashionable

flotliin.. Hats, taps, Uools and Shoes,And every variety of Gentlemen's Superior Furnishing Goods

Store formerly by V. A. AMrich,i!3 Muktr's ft luck, tui en xt. ly

l f l l i nuutii aim win. i ' no-iu-


Kl. HOFKSCIII.AF.liKIt & CO..lin)ortfran(I (onimUdou Mrrrhants,

Cornrr of Fori nail Mrrrbnal Str t.frfKI ly

1. X. FI.ITNKKtContinue ol.l baines in the nro.roof

linnhnidiiuu Sirrrl, r rate.l by rervation of tlie tun an. I tnr

itu a transit ini.raiu.'iit accurately t them- - rl.liaii of Honolulu, l'articular attention itivrtito

flue watch Svxtant ami quaiirai4i;lae silv.-r.'- aul aljute.l Charts anj

nautical iiiKtruim-n- t constantly onOVJ I.AI1U Bll.l l"W BA1C. J

C. WATERMAN i. t'O..4'um mi on!.

EjiK-nn-l attention pai.l to the mt.-i-t- i of th W biluiir Kt bythe furiiUhiui: of fun.U, iurrhae and rale of Kxchanm. Oil.Hone, General ilvrL'han.li5e, and the procuring ol rreight

KKKK.KENCKS. '315rs. Isaac H.iwlash, Je. & Co., New"rd

W. O. K. I'opk. K.. lo. J


AiIjkIi ii, Mikhii i. A; Co , San Francisco.4J ly

8 4X1. S. CASTIK. J. B. 4THKBTO!!. AMOS 8. CiMIKr.


Inmoi trr and Oticral Merrlnint.In Firepnx'f Store, KinK street, opMisite the Searceu's Chnpel.

y.lRO, Asoxits for j

lr. Jay lies Celebrated Family Medicines,Wheel.-- r WiUmn'A Sewinu Machines, j

The Kohala Uk':ir Company, .

The New Knliind Mutual Life Insurance Company, I

The New York IMiemx Marine lu'irai.ce Company.61(1 ly

aa tenuis rtcK. a. a. r. camiuh.C. II R K W ICR &i CO.

Ctttniiiiv-ioi- i aud Shipping Moriliauts,Honolulu. Ouhu. 11. 1.

AliKNTSOT Ike afou ami Honolulu 1'itrket I.iur.


For t lie.Milker, WuiluUuV Hnnu HlnntnlionnAlSENTs j

For tlie l'iirchneinil Suleof ltiiait I'rodurr.REFER TO

Joh!C M. Hood, E. New York.

JAMr.sHi ssWKi.l., Esq. i Boatou.K. 11. Swain & Co.Cuas. wolcott IIrooks K. ..... .San Francioa.

51.1 ly iI


Wliif ncy. .Sool 8.ore !





1 1.... .."..'.; in JHHt J


Assorted sizi-- Cash lioxoi, 11PI Head lloxrs,Thcrnioiii.ters,

Isill Ib-.k- s, Pen Racks. !

'Slate d lencils.

School Slate. Si rap ll.mks. '

Herb iriims, Ta'ine Rove.,Milel Tine, Tooth picks

Superior Plain Cap P.1mt, t

Snja-no- r rulel cap pcr,SuK-rio- r plain letter

Miperu-- r runn eiier pnjwr.Assorted r.ote paper. Hill head paper.

ISIottlng pads.Mush: paper,

OslK.rne's colors,Setts Chess men.

RiickgainmonCheckers and dice,

Alph-iU-- t lllocks,M ithriuatical Instruments.

Assort- - d sizl blotting pads.Gulla percha peu hoblers. .

pens,Fairchibl's suKrior gold pens.

Ivory piai-- r holders. 'Fancy Mip- -r holders,

Westonholm's Penknives, Ctn-lton- 's mucilage, !

Gulla rclia hands, Lm-'- s rulers.W alers. -r.:.,,. i., .,1, ;. M.vmH Jb XnW inks.

Arnold's inks. asRwted six.-s- ..

Assorteu ink siaiins. aiurini i. unnm. .

Photoirraphic Albums, Propeller is ncils,Pencil Crayons.

1 t'te fixxurttiieht of J.V'OiA I..-- .


Hooks.Camel's hair copying brushes, Cmosition c.inl frames.

L. a. 1'o.Uige stamps, ueiter srai.-s- ,

Kc, Ac, .. kc

BOOIC.SPublished and for sale by

II. ,11. AV IB ITA 1:1, IE0110I11I11

A DICTIONARY OF THE HAWAIIAN LANGUAGE Toisaddeila .vocabulary .f English words, ren.lere.1 '

into Hawaiian, and a chroiioloecal table of principal eventsin Hawaiian History. liv lorrin Andrews. Price in '

!ep binding, fa OU; or o. in nan monicco imrary; style. ,

gYNOPSIS OF THE HAWAIIAN LANGUAUE r.y W. D.i Alexander, ITesident or Oahu College, caper, ao cu.i HAWAIIAN PHRASE BOOK A nanual of colloquial phiras--

es iu the Hawaiian language Price 5- -

ANDREWS' HAWAIIAN OUAMMAR. by U.rrin Andrew!A n indisirtiisal.le aid for foreigners iu acquiring the native i

t ngue. in its arn.ngement of ttie parts of s,.ech and it.-illlustration of the ulir.t.escf the Janiraar-- . It is better

.i ....i tn i..p mil I com t insn-b- t into it-- than anv- r -' " . , hnun , M

HAWAIIAN FORM BOOK, by JW. H. Kauwahi, Esq A' manual of forms requir.-.- ! in drying up agreements, U.n.l,

wins and oil kinds of legal d.KHments re.uire.l iu courta. !

' IOC......HAWAIIAN HY'MNS For sial church service. Price

cloth 50r; full morocco, git 1.00.

LAIEIKWAI,T,i.I.APr of rns Twilight, (in Hawanar-O-A tradition of one of the ancient llawauan Princesses, illus--

. trating their antiquities, habits nd sayings. Price $1.00bait hound cloth.

nirilll' I'liMM Kltn T. AnVFTt-ISF- lt Vols. 1 til 10. in- -"V...;.."... ,r. .,.t ..i :.:tlUIMC, .U". J 1. Al wci.uci.- - and iirpartial history of the political and social

procress ol tne hiuciom nurin tnat rm-i- . ou rr..... , huir lu.n..l . -.- .-...,-- .;..n, IiniV, -- , .5fl Oil ....p

Ka nT.epa kiokoa im iNosriT -A weeky newspar in Hawaiian. dcv.d to news and local liter--ature, and independent in polite. Volume 1, 2 and 3.n,.uni, j..oj eacn; or iu. i"r inr t.

CnARTOK TilESANHWlCH ISLANDS Enzraved on steel,nnd printed at Washington, exptssly for the undersigne.1.Tins is the most corr.-c- t chart .u listed Price $2.00.

ALSO FOR s.'LKTUE HAWAIIAN SPECTATOR Caiducte.1 by an assncialisa

of eenllemen, ls:;s.. vols. vo bound in one. Contain'ing a great variety f f.Ti the early history ofthese islands not to he found in an; other wor. A fe cop-ies only of this work remain. Pice $6.00.

HAWAIIAN BIBLES iH:tavo size.bound in fancy moroccorover with records for nirrias and deaths, suitable forfamily bibles. Price according O style of biuding, from $- -

HAWAIIAN AND ENGLISH TEST.MENT llavinr the twoj versions in pjtrai.-- i coi.iiiin n oi uie i m kii uuaiiur

persons to acquire the Hiwaiian language.i N. It. Any ts.ks published in the lawaiian lanx.iace or any

books .rtaini!ig to l.e oUaiiiable,will bepru -cured fur pcisons desiring them.

For sat byH. M. WHITNEY".

A NEW WORK BY ELLIS.The .luieriran Mission ia tl Sandwich Islands,

.1 ni..;crfioa a,.il in A,.irdIn relation to .he

Prcu'udiiui.i...of the t'ormul Otthollc Misnion nti . .. . .Jl'jiuilultl

Bv Rev. Wm. Ellis.Reprinted from the Loidon Edition.

in Hoiirtl iO Crul. iu Paper Cover..F. rSilel.y II. M. W1IIT.NET.

n.l the I owcr of the ianii.y ; thirdly-.,- ,,,.,j

jt """Z:! iii "J r.u


u s.

7 B ' ' t l'W!l",,lx' Orir A-.

thra",,,,1 Uf"rc ""T I"n , )fa,pr tpilfral Merrhandise, lire-pro- of Store, J.. Letterr ;n Ul, rIl(,t.r of Met!.iNlnt ono j t .rMrr K.,K..... nnd ((.rr. S.- - ..! lMt,r V, ! l'.,jilv ridin ' throujrh the ountry, was Kihit-- i t"i'i-"- w Mak e', in., k.) t jif lttr ,.! C.trd 1IVM..

.,11,- - a fellow who was kimr i a ditch. " Hal- - rSrir": lZl-.!!:.,- ,. M,;a..rn,U r,sssll IIH1III.C





llliiy illf.,rtll ,,. ,.,,; Ilia,funsi., Kr Moi.IM-- . iturr.-i-. -- diral llT.TnJ ",,"',r! mach.Bvry they are .nireJ

riMlK l'M)KRSI(.'XKI .ICKXTS OK Till!I a --,e C. in,.Hny. i.uve u autl.oni.1 to ,itoure ru--k

Care-o- . Freight and Treasure.l.v eoASTi:i:s fr.u Ho. iula U. ail ih ot the HawaiianUrot.i.. and t..v v.n

ly II. I1.VCKKK.L1 4r CO.J


National Insurance Company,4t ;tli l',i'UliUtii,

Ofl:.:e. No. i' .Mi'iitiroinci v Stn-ct- , m ur California.

AKIN K IXM'RAXfK upon HulU. Cur--i iiuen, 1 rvu.ure, Cuu.iiiivioois", ami si.. r unj-- ci

of .Murine luMiriincc, to an.l ;'r. m all jt:s in the worl.l, inlan.lKisk.

MARIN E tllSUs on ri. Ali, on Freight, Caro, &e ,to im. 1 fr.m all t..:er-t..lau- d M.rts insured azaiiot.

FlKKlNsl i.AM'K uiii Ituiklii.trs. Mercl.ait:e. Furniture. ;

Kent. Vesn-l- in IVrt and their I'aricj, and oilier Insurable. . ...."l"'j- -



... i. ..t.i I.. i':t...l iii.ilassM" pi iiuipiij justed and '.OU iu t UIICU flairs(ioM Coin.

WILLIAM PIERCE . . . President.I). W. C. THOMPSON, t.

W.W.WIGGINS. . . . . Secretary.AMOS NOYKS, . . Maritie OiBeer.

Executiue Committee :

A LHER T MriH.EK. Chairman. JoS. A. HONOHOK. K. Q.

SNEATII. JOHN G. l.RA Y'. A UK AM ltLOCK.N. B. P..r!icular attention to Fire Insurance on IiweKings,

Churches, Furniture, io.C. 15UEWKR JL Cn.. Axrula.

678 Cm Honolulu.

PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANYOf San Francisco, California.

CaSll CaDlttll Sl.OOU.UUU.JONATHAN IlfNT President.11. II. HIGELOW, General Agent.J. M. SIIOTWELL, Secretary.C A. LAToN,. .............. ....Marine Secretary.

i'tniF. c.i)krsm;xp:i). tiik actiior- -la ized Aucnts of this couipauy are prepared to insure risks

On Cargo, Ccinmissious and Profits !

In Vessels either iii the Fwrritfii or Inler-Inla- uJ

'f rndi'. Will bisue

Fire and Marine Time PoliciesCoviriup risks on Public lluildinps. Stores, liwellin Houses,Furniture, and Unods in store, and oil Hulls of Vessels notrating lower than A. 2.

,J,' .s-- pruiopi'tj tuljiisM nml pud iii U. S. i

titiul f

N. K. PoHci.ii furni-lie.- 1 at once without the delay of fur- - j

Warding lipp icalions ti San Francicco.For rales of premium and particulars apply to674 ly lllSHoP & Co., A cents.



riillt; 1 ilirKMw.M' n ir.r..- - ,

fi appoinie.1 i.dits tor the Sail FraucUco Hoard ol 1 nder- - ,

writers, repicsciilniK )

B BftC .,.,112111 iii t . ... j , j

The .Merchants Mutual .Marine Insurance,The l'ucilic Insurance i oinpuiiy,Tlie California Idoyils. andThe Home .Mutual liisiirnnce C ompany,

P.... . vet.. inf,.nn Masters of Vessels and the tiuhlir gencr- -.. . ,. i i ...IK ,.i riuii.os.. . ,wjnmui -any inn an i

liisnre.1 I v eilh. r of the a'xive t'omiianies neaiiiM perils of tlieseas an.l otle-- r risks, at or near Hie Sandwich Islauds. will have ,

to be eritie.l by theiu.t7.j:;, II. IIACKFELD&Co. ;



I nderwriters, occurring ia or alKiut this Kingdom, willhave to be cert i tied liefore hhn. 5o3 ly


ri-H-F. I" N l K R S I ti N K l HAVING BEEN

appointed Airents tor the above company, beg leave ton form the the public, that they are now prepared to issueM A R I N K INS V R A N C K I O I.IC1ESon Cirgo, Frcillt aud Treasure., to and from all parts of theworld.

II. I1ACKFELD fc CO.Honolulu, April 2 IS6. 671 ly

1 1 A M II U K ; 1 1 - II IS K M K N


M pany.are prepared to insure risks aeainst Bre in and '

about llouolulu. For particulars apply at the office. :

MELCHERS fc CO.Honolulu Oct. 11.1357. 631-l- y


No. 92 Broadway, New York,-I- SO


COMVANY,96 Dboadwat, New Yore.

flMIK. CNI1ERIGNEI HAVING RE ENB apppointel A O E N T of lh aliove nnmetl t.ommes.prepared to receive applications for LIFE ISSVKAACE

in a Company whe -- success is unparalleled in the history of


To jae p,)WrlK8 fir CASUALTY I.SSVRASCE in theonly Mutual Accident Company in America.

5d5 ly M. R. BECK WITH.


I. AGENTS FOR THE'Y"" recently received instructions to re--nuee mc Kl4teof 'pi,,- - on Stone and Brick Buildings and on.Merchandise store.1 tnerein. an., nre now prepareo co ,ue po..- -

cies on more icrms mar, takcu on Buildings Machinery. :c., on Sugar 1'lanta- - ;

tions. JA.MON, GREEN 4-- Co.,,., Agents.


Ol"milK UNDERSIGNED HAVING KEENa. an.wiime.1 nu for the ave timi.y, beg leave to

1 I .iutorm the pulilic that iney are now prepare.! io issue

MARINE I.XSl KA.r. I r.- - ..". . . . .... ..... ... .. . ..- -

KtiUti!)) I llblUll 1 nn inn.t.sLnrir walker - allen.

" '


TI 111 1 1 oVTI MTT.T.TftW RTTPT.T'Mf5..- -, v.

Head Office, Manchester liuiljings, Liveri .lACF.STS AT IloJiOLl-IX-


JAN ION, GREEN 4-- Co.jiis Company takes r-- ks on goods only and not on

vessels. 5r;4 6m.

LOSSlTIg'S PictOIial History Of theGreat Civil War.

,rfMIE MOST I M I t RT I A L A N D Anlbenlie' ft HISTORY OF THE REBELLION y- -l underuken, andwill lw the Standard History f.r ttty years to OKiie.

To he completed in Three Handsome Octave Volumes of morethan 000 p lire, each. Illustrated with over uiJO Splenili.l andTruthful fcngraviiiL on Meel ami Wooc.

i olvme i is yoir ready.i Anecdotes, Poetry, and Incidents of the

vv ar, it oiin ana. oouin ;


With Elegant Cr.binet-i.- e Steel Plate Portraits of all theleading Generals. Contains, in 5t0 pace. .biul.le-olumn- morethan 5.Goo Well-tol- d Stories of Adventure. Iluinur. lleroism.Anecdotes, Detail of Ureal BatUea, l'rison Songs and Incidents,Jokes, Facecix and Ballads.


Agent f.r the Iliwiii in






of'U-- r tili.-- J mill':ii- - an.! j;p;tch.IT J. A. !I01(KR4 Co.

II . K 1 S V II K R .Mrrrliaut Taiitir.

Fort Slroct, o.-n- te O.U llan. llonolnlu, II. Ily

W. F1SCIIKK,Cabinet MakeranJ French Polisher, Street, n'.r tha

Uruir ure of J . Moil u.iih 4- Co. Wily


CORXElt OF FOKT ANI MERCHANT STREETS,B imvnii'iu , ...ti in w.. ..,

Where he will be f unj ready to attend to all customerI io 11.3 ue. .a Din

JAS. L. LEWIS.Oooi3r-- nud Gausor S

At thf Old Si mid, torner of King and L'rllifl Strerl.A Lar?e Stock of OIL SIIOOKS and allkind of Cooue-riui-; MntrriaU CON-STANTLY ON HAND. He hopes by attentionto business to merit a continuance of the pat-ronage which he has hitherto enjoyed, and forwhich he now returns his thanks. 572 6m

JOHN NOTT & CO.,Copper and Tin Smiths, Ornamental Iron

Rail Makers,K K I'LEASt REIX AXXOt Xt lXfi TOTV the public that they are prepared to furnish all kind of

Copcr Work, coiisisling; in part of STRIKK PAS, suaGHl'M PASS, WOKMS, etc., etc.

We would also inriie attention to our patterns for orsamk-ta- liho.i railimi, suitable for buil.iini; or cemeirry 1.4s. which

we can furnish at reasonable pric.-- . Alio, Right aud LeftHand Screws for tichteniug wire fence.ALL KtSDS or REPAIRING rONK WITn XEATNESS AND DISPATCH.

Onlers from the other Islands wiil meet with prompt attention.hop on Kahuniauu St., one door alore Flitner'a. 571 Am


E. DELEMAR & Co.,PAINTERS AND GLAZIERS.569 Ka.nhuinanu St., Honolulu, 11. 1. ly


ALAKRA STRKKT BKI.OW THR TRKATRC.Furniture made and repr.ired at reasonable price. 60S ly

BOOT AND SHOE MAKER,fi Kin? Mreet, Opposite the Brthrl.

1 Vn Honolulu. H. I. 566 ly


f OR.ER OF QUEEy AXD RICHARDS STREETSXT Ships' Dread rebuked at short notice. XI

GEORGE LEONARD,.Manufacturci of FI7RNITURK of all Do

scriptious.or ivivn ciu'ivn, ivn Trovivn tuivva, i i .l., a j u.- - vn aauu.

eIoulJiug of ail Muds constantly on liaad.5io ly

(JEOKGE CLARK,BOOT and SHOEMAKER. Hotel street, between Noaaou

and Maunnkea streets. 531--1 y


Shop on the Ksplanadr, opposite tlie Court House.530 iy

.,'!JziSZtlv.- -, t.....r.... " --..;ncery JtettcrijiliuH.

Furniture Wareroora on Fort street, opiosite R. D. Morgan'sFamily Market; Workshop at the old stand,

Hotel street, near Fort.N. 11. Onlers from other islands promptly attended to. 530-l- y

ISO It llKTMTiBoot ncl Hlioo IVEnlcor !

Hotel alrrrl. bi lwrra AlakeaFort M rc-i- -. 'US!Boots and Shoe

and repaired in a workmanlike manner. ly

F. II. &Ui Tinsmiths and Plumbers,

til-a- nil Street, near Ike Wharf STOVES and LEAD PIPEalways on hand. Jobbing ol all kinds attended to. 559 ly



First Door atove the Custom-hous- e,

llouolulu, II. I.5000 RARRELS NEW AyQ OLD OIL CASKS. 529-l- y

X. j3oir.oiv,Catholic Church Premises. Honolulu,


With a ew Stork of Materials,

lie i.t re)ireil to Hfp'iirTtT A TfTTTO nT OPVC A WT1 IWrTCTfl -- flVTCH AiVii UXJU U kJ A1A V iJA V -- V A- -l-

oo With promptness and dispatch. ly

JAS. A. 151 RIMCI-- ,B r D A Iu r o Jk II O Er Dww-a..- a .w- -r

Continue the business

At his Old Stand on the Esplanade.AH wor done with care, and orders promptly attended to.

546 Chaugk- - Modkkatb. ly


CAVING RECEIVED A LA RGE AND FULLf ft stock of material, is prepared to supply his customersand the public, with the brat Vrllovr, II rown andWhile SOAP. ALSO

SOIT .VTVJ II OAP,In arge or small quantities to suit.P. S. Soap grease always wauled. 57 ly


nriii'. ik f i ir I .rrnii fiF Till-- mini'1 Works is prepared f. supply hi c,, ami the pub--lic in reneral. with the best quality V EI.I.U V SOA P.SOFT SO A I ill w ii ) on liandl.

Thr HiohksT Phice raio r..a Sjap Grcasc. 542 ly


fT-- l Sct:;illy inl.,rm the pul:ic that he is prepared to eastVf j and finish all kinds of bras, aud composition work with

dispatch and at reaaonanl- - rates.TT All kinds of ship and plantation wor' furnished on short

notice.T Constantly on hand, tire cnab- - of the following.

i' ' 5, i. 1, li, 2 and ij. Also, oil cups and gauge cocks.JAMES A. HOPPER,

54 ly King street.

robert newcomb & co..jiook-i.ii:i.- s.

Merchant Street, opposite the Sailor's Home.I'lnin nut Ornnmrntnl 11 iud in a executed at short

J1 ntic-- ,nJ reasonable term. lyZ !".j ,f . I . II I. In EI I.

I M PO RT E R J-- MAN U FA C- -f TL' RER of all kind of Saddlery, Car-- jt.i Sf riage Trimming, Mattress making -'

; an.l repamns none witn neatness and dispatchI XT A II onlers promptly attended toi Corner "Utirl and lliel street, Honolulu 8-- ly


ANIMAL BONES!At the Kate of Seven Dollars per Toa,

Delircred on tlie Wharf in Ilooonirn.&6S Sro II. 1IACKFKL.D fc Co.


509 Sta - 1".U.KS Uo's.

AViiido.v olni( for Sale.I.I. S17.FS-FRO- M 7a9 TO 30.40 ATthe Verv luwcl lieure. bv tlie Iki or sin-l- c licht

5n 6m Al. t 1V.1M.. 1

PIANOS!And Other Musical Instruments


Lessons Given on l'iitno -- d Guitar.554 IV-s- t vt references riven. ly


A w for Sale by677 3ui C. II II EWER k Co-- agents.



in quaulities to suit purchasers by577 Um C. UK EWER k CO.


SUGAR AND MOLASSES!Now Coming in. For Sale by

505 6m C. 11REWER A Co., agenla.


HA WAIIANSICAR MILL. Crop at I860,sale in quantities to suit by

57-- 2 Om CASTLE k COOKK.

HAWAIIAN RICE! afoolle and Extra.

For Sale in quantities to suit by A. 8. C LEO HORN,533 ly Agent Honolulu Ktce Mill.

HAWAIIAN LEATHER !Sole aod Saddle Leather, and Tanned Uoat Skins.

F.w Sale by533 ly A. S. CLKGHORN, Agent Waimea Tannery.



WILDER PLANTATION."583 6m Kaalaa, Uaha.


:or sale io quanUliea to suit by570 Out CASTLE At COOKE.

Wsiikanii Plnnt-i- f Sa-- -II. C.rHwrll ti. Son. Proprietor--.

SUGAR AND MOLASSESROM THIS PLANTATION FOR SALEF in lots to suit parchaaers. Apply to

633 ly GEO. C. Mr LEAN, Agent.


SUGAR AND MOLASSES!570 Sro For sale by C. BREW KB Co. agents.

KA11VII.1 PLArTATftOr.Sugar and Molasses !

18C. NOW COMING IX AND FORCROP quantities to suit by561 6m MELCIItRg fc CO.


Choicest Meats from finest herds. Poultry, Fish, Vegetablesire, furnislied to order. 601 ly


King Street, opposite the Bethel.540-l- y


THIS ESTABLISHMENT IS Nowopen for the reception of

Visitors to the Volcano !Who may rely oo finding


Experienced Guide for the Crnter always toBcadiness.Steam and Snlphar Baths Horses Stabled u

Grained if Desired.CHARGES REASONABLE.Parties visiting the Volcano via Ililo can procure animals

warranted to make the journey, by applying to P. II. Hitchcock. Esq- r- Hilo.

504 ly J. . --O.

FJntOIEI PICTURES.ATTENTION OF THE PATRONTHE fine arts and such aa are in search ol ornameula

for their dwellings, is invited to m collection of


And now open fur Inspection in the room over the Bookstore.Among them will be found s

ELEGANT STEEL PLATE ENGRAVINGS, in (Ut aodWalnut frames i -



PLAIN AND COLORED LITHOGRAPH?.The whole embracing the finest if not the largest collectionever opened in Honolulu, and ranging In prices flrom fi.Meach to (30.

Special care will be taken in packing pictures iatended for theother islands.

These pictures will be sold at much lower prices than theycan be imported for.

5G3 6m For Sale by B. M. WHITNEY.

GIFTS FOE ALL SEASONS.GIFT ltiOKS. of every desirable style, size and pice. In-

cluding rich tvund gill edge Morocco and other bindingAmong them works on Poetry, Love, Music, Rotnare, Re-ligion, &c, c.

JUVENILE BOOKS The finest and most TaHed collectionof entertaining Juveniles ever offered here.

CHILDREN'S COLORED TOY BOOKS, clw!, anj paper.PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS Includi-- g all ti.e latest stylea,

richly bound and ornamented with painted and embnased edges.Pocket Albums. The assortment is unequalled Id variety andtaste. Prices from 1 to $2i.

PHOTOGRAPHS. full sisc, plain and color, suitable forframing. A variety of Frames also on hand.

PHOTOGRAPHS, rramcj in Pattrptzrtout.CARTES DK VISITS, a coUoctioo of oeer ZSiM.PRANG'S C0I.CKED CARDS, representing Birds, Boar.

Flowers, Autumn Leaves, At- e- 4rc The same in Albums.GOLD PENS AND PENCIL CASES, of Leroy FairchiM'

unrivalled make. The assortment embraces cases fur ladiesaud gentlemen.


lection of plain and colored. Abo, Picture Frames aod Glass.BOXES OF TOY ALPHABETS, Dissected Maps, e-- Aio.

TRANSPARENT SLAIES for drawing, &cPAINT BOXES, of various siz-- s and quality.CHESS MEN AND BOARDS.LADIES' PORTFOLIOS and Traveling Writing Cases.

PERSONS IN SEARCH OFUseful, Durable Articles for Gifts,


Examine the Assortment at the Bookstore of500 H. M. WIIITNEV.








acknowledge-- , Now,in of

Mmr I dan I on y, h:n .soii.e in.iuiry .nh-J.ra.- -y a n'ji.mat character, and cm. to , . , , . .. J ' i i . i i .... i ...J : i Autlioo Jaci' iir-r- k K.M.lrr,

:fl",:l1 '";ir" ,r,f" M.yr.-t,- . ,.. '1.1.,.. therein hv the eountetumee I Ai,, .a cr,.t., l- -u'in'Uii.eIi,ei,t, it ih l ll:s My.-i- y a- - it wa to .Nrtirer t j A Aihrrv. by u..l U?u.m..u;

fci.!... . f.--. 1,- :- r"..!,;.. tl- - .i.- - t, .1 . . KUL-l- ll a lli.- -l at t!ie Allien "nn MllllMer f ' 't dilution oi fOlllC III authority . 1 lie A cv,.n.Uuuri.ry U..U..J Ihe orut,

It U und.-r-tf-.- l that I'rin.-- e Willi im ... . .. j daem it worth their while to demand n. niple tlie nui.-it- e fiv of . Ihe luvne i a priutod A....vry 5ie u"lie ot the lelatet on the loth of jkl.iv, I'.. we f Andrew ' I'Ctiotiary,

Lis.vtiui Un Dame.1 as Miotj-.- r, l.ui tLe c. , y 1 -i 1 1 1i an net of eMirtev nnd jutie it would 1 U-- and contaims a scale of n.-- e whieh the . A ,Krv) a,, ou.i-- TkI. b ; os Mul h;

--p ,0 lalUe .he Nation have yet ; JZlt ' M " XffiMwu-e-a n. ' . i demand what bhoiild Ion- - Miiee have lwn done Kapu hoast.-- that he has authority from j A iiir..i M.v. Winpsem na Lud;. " Lonl l..UL'lit.U Raid It four Adventure if Jonathan Uoicebred,, a.H nt.W JU?t Vi-ar-s I

It w 1'n tliat a mad has fcrive.1 more l.arren of , tLe tiwVlilIlt.Ilf hy onlcr in Coiiucil rrcoif.'

111 11 t,l,,nt of international fneii-L-hi- r and right.( eminent to usue these licenses, and from the j Auieric, Laudci Annual, illustrated. rv,

. 'M"ral ini"r the Lt. Both in America ,.izr billirtntt ihe --c,lh,J ConftJtruU Stuhn have thus clearly rfiown that the i number jrintevl finee he commenced the business j toheEun.j the utuioot quiet prevuib--, and nil eyes are of A .nerica, and he rvse for tlie pm j of a.--k- tj,)n ,,f lloUfr,i;tv ;suel bv the llawa.'iim Cov-- some thousands must have made a pretty j A.u.-ntur- in rue south eaciiic. Alton Locke.

to the great Paris l-- hion, hich is likely iXnJr'?? i nra,t, d,d pla'ce the ox-aile- .' O.nfe.ieraeT, as i good thing of it. To any one unacquainted with j b.r I- -tt.

"f tlH? U- '-1 : Glti far as i.V.uld, on a ,r with th, American Gov- - the uliarities of native character, their j.rrrrof art and wealth of century, but redound with occurred, it was the intention of the ernm. iit to i ( .rnm,.t ye 1 .ne hhovn from the w .rds of inbml suivititioii, and their reverence for their a in swye. b A!and.r su,iu.jory to t,e fir(lC. tf France and the French withdraw that recognition." Lot. Times. Miy hi. ' "... :

tl...m..lvfts ' ,HlPi.!--. 1." ""..'!! iiiXIrds Houghton and k that, bv nee-- chief.-- , tlie va in winch they allow , ud the Wr.Nearly all the crowned Lels of Kurf-- j have either i Karl I.usscll, on other hand, with cliarae- - " ;.., thos.- - V.hiini is a rf the Rev. ydiwy smith.

. - , ,. it t t tltV, It d the reUls JI6 teHli;erentjj. .Ieil aiM ClieateU ny a An,hms Lltin-Kiig!ii.- h and Kng!ih-Lati- n

"r '"S.- - 4,0 ! tTcr"t,e JI '' J, argm-- in reply, that the

uis.i riiown- imre was n N"fr,Vv matter of nur. rise. Even will, the lt educated AddiW. in a --u. ur. Adeenture. Fa.ryUnd.the Fmperor of Chin al purj-- s

; Iir t iA Covernimnt did not by nave Aula .a Autonopraphy a Mamed- - ' U,u;., uiivsu.h l.r.ielauiatioll. and that it . J C hriotianized among the ' .)ple tliere Still Artists' Married Life. Atl.eas It Rise and all. by Buler.

aw-Mui- the invitation of Napoleon to be his puet. concede M the any status which the . oso" of whenever Ad.m Bie, t.y owge Kiiiot Aa.t in the fort.niturs in the South naiticuuirlv i , was an uiitnendU" act under the law lingers an intl. awe tt.iy iwn.instre, a novel. Bet.i.m's Ueopravtu ..f the HeaTena.

'.American fjovernment had Hot already Colieed.1. . - . Jane Her Book.,,r who Bullion' first Ison In Oreek. l!ey Ward.establ..-l.e.- l, the tiuotint. r one tht.-t-. Ireten.l.M tLKtorsin Louwiana. are leomini r . ... . , ... , , ... f nations, lhc i.inu Wing ,


Bv the K--tL toawf our . U m Kui Frur are U

the arrival "f the steamer Cwiotada an ;June 2JL tu.: reportBra.' Market Be--

lite Van. la ! day .- - - j

Mess-- the :h J s

-- t mmT d.l.4 & 'ni- - "-"'- - T gralilNinc I .

iilK. --f h- -- rcr-..i v..yure. mjuwj: 7. V I ."T, Jmuvd .4; tu (Wc r- - 14-- mat ilr

fTZr i?r, ,cttt" "' I

rraetlJurna'- - wnib- - c ,

TfcJI J tl'"-".- ! J,ix.r.h7 1. 1.1 ruir min urn ninmH url rkM"" ,tt imi Tb wwihiwi.. h iiJBiZ'rlrjITfc .ilvr-lob- , 1 r.munir u ;

, ' CtuutnfO lu- -i J-- i--

f1 iTr.ZtWe , r.vrry ti.n..u

ItrTw .be-- ,-4 ;--;eJ;

iiortw 'ta'I prJwFtiu. i Lai.

tYZ":X'XZnMrTtr. . 1 1 V H.. -- 1 oiu-- r .,4-i- m

U tu !e aii ae we haU U--m wUS, rnau-- Jr cuiiw. Hkr iiu uTTllt. '" lwev- - irl tht it wrwi p,.,.e,r prepare! (. .u. h:uTrUtIW'- -.ytZZTLu t ep. inaJZT'' - u irUv-- c""f"Jlr,,ltir .ilL,JZZlTllw-iZ- l

nwnl W fc bm a uJef we.

la ike aurkrt i.Ian.1 ttnr UVre ta bra no uaU-fia- l

- lltwaiiirt raw Thu. rsr m June

.tsovic-.i-m- . i,lr r ;

';;rrtt;; r." r;: Kr."v;tr.:, .- .u .-- - t-i i I.."iwa-a.-- -- ' with a- - ai Jra-- " j

rVr" euVt.rsrd. '

lofiLtovuurfj;.T. the S.K,ZIZZZ. L...,. iU rr ail v

a IKOJXja. r jitk (lOJUia. stiver. Mm al kJ with I

an.1 H.I the n.- -e .4 ib

asarta. f

Ta ah.a JWf amed wiaMk, ami aaia te aame day 1., H.kc.

TW ai M'f 7' ao4 kurk r.'.. are o.l.-.h-

T rk l. C. Mmrraf ls I f !ai Franrweo an.1

.:aa.a.t faluaT a nlU Orf'lUl MtfiT ft'M IDlliMma.Mr. a I . r. Mrk.iuVa thai Hrifl.h

. "'T' r"7..1;iria.-- -. if.7r. i

nr. 1. r..'. 'n ihe Uta k k.l fcouh ( Uia it. Tae fcti.--r r- - 1

kaiawavl f Cape Bartlrii. TVry .in be fully due next week. '

kTa""'3;-- ,



visit King, arrivedfpr"n Tuel Hid fir

Sute Sheiidaii removed Vells -- f


elleney AuM-riea- n

--pent at Landing,Thurs.lay


cwlituw .fMrii. Walker, Ctiiiu-- 4-

their claims eUBieoiuie

du,,e- - IleU '"ly" J""-"""- ' , "";?. 7Ae prtMlamatin still remains unrevoked. If. waiuuw, , they may btxMme quahhcl to j Bail uUe "4 Ur- -,. aui c.w,,ti.,us dha, or h-,-

s 'r.t ..d t ngi.ts ( in 1SG1 vas in onv ,,(. an inilirv j act M num. and i,. the simpler eas of dise, j

.IjtiM , Mlitf ., muuM j,,uMklw relll0V0i if it I of a Mhgercnt And yet we rind the organ of ; an(1 an t ft anJ frio8d,y j,,, jt j physicians for their countrymen. The pn.jxv 77.M:W Jared to only in-u- lt l..yal sentiiiunt of 1 l iwanan (.ocrimi. iit denying that the ,

jj e ext(.nti K), ,.till. and therefore i is an excellent one, and recommends itself h.i.ln-ri'- s Uo. k of - Coruehu Neiwa.

Otneral Grunt is said to think him guilty j neutrality pr.M lamation issu.-- l by it mgniml tMu , ,H. j..Uateiy annuHel. Tardy justice j nt on.-- c to the appreciation of all who wi-d- . to , 'tSlt Mitt.of di.sol'i-uc- e of onlers and to be in ' of re- i- i

U-lli- rent thoii- - h Kuroi; is U than none. It wt re wiser, even at see tlie remnant ot the saved irom sjh1v j a i.rscri..ion .1 the i niverse, Humboit, volt.

rinn.L ;ovemu,ent refue to eonur.u a - s have admittol it. j late day, to revoke the obnoxious edict, and re-- extinction No time should Ik- - in putting j

of c.uni.l.imt, than to allow to plan proptnl. it tne Gov- -- move j Miles oonpfeiiow. Cameron, bylnt of rson n.uned .uc 1 he great ....-la- ke made by the Hawaiian Go,- - BLpici..,T does ch,, in theof wrong or unfriendliness U emment not to matter, as cj.ns.uJ. iv. and picture, ,,, MujU".,r Wells. ernm.-nt- , was the of any pr,K lamation ; c ,t Jw WlU,r tu hl"w ni,,1Uy ,lio,a- - undoubtedly its j.lain duty, let a suli-- J

wlwtewr. irasic-- i on SUunJ .y Lu--t L.r ijii.ain i.. I iiii... ji.s a:i " un.--w iidy k.-t- e" to reeiHgni.. as and .Mini-.- cr an iii.iis.-re- a m , ...u.Uu..m..K te..iy .ui.o-- . cj;v;,"., j

the... the !

J . J . . e the e the e .untrv. light surgery ,uaiily to practice in children' 1'tciure s.acious" " " ' ..overi.i.mii na a n-- ..t to - a oooy f j;,,,,.,,;,,,,.,! law, arc only individuals, and the and supercede T." e lr" I" r i...... . ,

.,-..- umil ,.v ,..,,. shown I .t-- and f. ie...U.ii. iini.sters are hcatimr and niurderii.2 -'' 'JT"

g:.iu. There are about 131 ofarrival San 1 miiei-e- u

......clipJST It'hite Stcalloir, Knowles, which

ejjl tl ou 1st and w ill thcre-Mh-e,

llJnorrvw est yhe .yja ork of June

attention of Capitalists to adver- -tlsement for Kaiwiki Sugar I'mtiLi- -

wo ut of Hijo, andcomprises 8,0Ki of land, of aer. arefetucked cane the sea coiit- -

. a at m .1 a a. m:,fcle.l . I. per e.t -- u, - - " 'p' i

A atteUimaaeeri.le.1 by Ihe court.

ubdilir. ramiaio atikw after the ., nref.rrrd 'Wmtttrtf etoiaw avMnla l 1 1 1 The aum lobediairi- -baled aa Ihe crMl.a, sader Ulia I', in :o,. j

aarf 8- -I .01 paul .1 fce future Itto but eaaail--a-.imr.aaieaarreoflbeeljl-

ml laey certainty Orrre Ike . f Ihe creditor, a Ihernrrry 4u(dTnl in aaelminc a eltbnnenl. The estate willBeababiy fraiia ia all bt it per j e,rany is. etlreaaefy dull, aaj cooCaed lu Ihe Mipidy ,

ar lb Jasly mt lb potaUliua. M.ry in foal "windy,rT,and Ibe aaoal uarterty arlllrBieal kae been awct una--

(r.(,T )f,m(jBCi

Saia Mails.Foa r F ." Pw I). C. Murray. Ihia i

Fm Vk im r"oa rv Kuiura,M. M.aijay.Fa aacat e Mary boday. .etlie i M.awlay.



!AHKiriM.Jul 8 rirkr Merrill, Kinney KaaaL

tvar Aabwe. MaoLa Sear Kale Lcc. fn-- Maui, Ia Vbr Ha Mot. VYUtmr, bom Maui.

Vhr Mary l.uVn, Wm. fnsn MaaL '

rVhr KaoEliae, I rane, truua elincarr abia Meaaenerr. tfuall. day from

i4aa rranciaeut !

A?Z!!:Z?" MUen' 31 fr"m

a awrk WJ Francwco. steamerkaauile, Adaoaa. Mob.kai. I ".,

V M.dokai. Lahaiualuna

areof I

thelieelves " 1AlwTHM, ur

couteil parties.

a jVhr Helen. Baku, Maui.lj rtiimYllalMkl. fir a. Kauu.

rt. hr Meriia, kituiry, KaaaL

DEPIRTIRCX.1 Ovaaa, MoJokalm !,-- r ia

1. . . LarAawanna, Reynobla, fcr amongWasnaara laisuola.

lrbr, Anions, it M.luLa kuaaea, Mr..rvg.'r, k W I warda tV-b-r Merril, kinuey, fura (tear Maim, Kauai.

- -- Am Shi. Mullrn, i-- llb(k...-- . hr b Wubur, bar Maui.

Mare, ri.-h- r Aaae. Baocork, (r HawaiL

lu R.rval yarbl karoaile. Adams, M.doluL .lw Mrhr Warawk, fcr MubduU.HU larar Mary F.IVu, Woa, tf MauLMS1kr B.Uaaiier, Vt Maui.II SVhr Kmrlinr. Lambert, t Hawaii.

Aas chifi-- T Mt 'ng r, Ur MrKean' la. j

oar a rrrtcka, How. .uuol a lauutu.IJ ro-b- r Prime, llaiAcld. f ,I


Faw rstsi ws-P-er July I rbnpria, anvtts. 34 bib. 4 no-- ska ira b.ww. 11 rannply tMI bran. IJilr I

ami U Ilia, a u. briarfna, S bog bur ka beat fl.air. ;

raae gla, I c rkhwug. 7u r.ala nibf, Wda and 3rrag. IJaml 14 bah, tnK fanrV .Ja, bf .kant :aa ar aka B..r. 3 c furnitarr, 7 ca aol li gfauaware.

r grw-era- 1 cka, krga, V r and 4U pkgs bard ware, 7rwawta.4baan.bas.4r.iak. 150 bbb. I marble. 1 ndl '

3r.MKKnl ka., be,babib ska Mia. luwcscatl ml. bugli pkg. pa,ir. J r. pipT,' V. ?.!7ZIn Inaans, inlnnL boU 1 bog '

rya wtu, p suanirrv. 41 Ag.anaaa, Jrallk'7'.1 ,il"J!..!':"U " 1 bM

Inruentine. starch. I rtan..rr, 1 bar sSe.1. eir. t bu l,srr.s 1 ur rk and li ;e t'aliftwMM .uvr. rks and lo rw rbrrt . inc. 1 r Muarat i

wkm. I r .bibt wine, lu r and tail wood and ware,


' vFa a Faaaciaco Per l. . Murray, July 11bee. ana 11-.- k.M u. . luii. . . ..... . .

4m alia iruu, U baa. pulu, I inn bub a'

P.lKsGXbKKS, '

-' a.r'w m Iwnrt, July K Framinn, ;

raddl VTIl'.Ji'.T'"' XTI'L Z ' 'oa-,-?.

MrJUlitna, wile

ami JmuIiwt. M- -s Imiu. U il i t rSl rxaett.HV an.1 rbdd. V a Law and a. Was Rire. C bile.Hm?l?u!n Krl""v- - Benachi. R.4.t

Laatbrrt. F John I 7 China--H ami I in

Fob Ui. per Mrrnger, July 11 BenCoonraaek and JU " ;

Fm Ikutaavsw hi Jul.Fan l.nio rmvm K.i... 1.1. a.,

TWoo an4 rhu.lnns, Mrs Kmory and g rbildren, Mrs W"A.1''"' ,fcll''rw CwraweO. Mr. Maitland.wr aad .ifc. Mr. C and 3 rbildmv Rev' t,'- "- K K WarreiTTMa. Mary C.wawcd, Miaw Emily Baldwin,II M J Lauaada, K

foa . a --- - - - r. vt . ssua...,. i.a " r: r"--'.'"T"- r '. M.HH.H in.. Mln atUban. Tinusj-o-u. D . jwir I

H Maddanl. D I Xn. D C Bale. Frank Bate,J,v l- - Wialkrr Bain. Job. Y v ilh jD 'arby, I Adler, VV amitb, V llrmcn.ay,




'vao On ibe oth r ai theaflhebraW.tulwr. by theK,.Th.i;.Tbur.t.v Marcu. '

of Pbiladrli bia, tw T. Ileyduo. ol tlu ,

Canlm. , ...U- - ll-- Cbaunnry C. Bennril lu Mane .Nahea.' '

- .almaxac The ruettnaster General

ns a 0f . Walch's AUl?i',:." is neatly printed of


1 a

Aanrsr r. ... r . . . ..jv. tnuir, ixrci me -

liar, on Kona andof the Katt Ut, in place

formerly Aibtrni, takes

LiWAf. on the eaateof T. of liana. Maui,

notice, in ctuinn, to dehtors i

TEE PilCII'IOAdvertiser.



SATUJWA Y. 1.5.--

?- ol" tl- - 31niiiiir.The iim-wh- f who

M'dolvM on y left ar-ti- n tl

lu andol.ier dial.yal othcials. Tlie have

i...t .! tl.a Utt.p l.T- -J

Ihe L . . Kteuuier t apt. ;

F.X. the Minister Kis- -

that I two .lays MaU j

th. 11. e for oil 1. j. . . .Ml 'l - - ,kiuai tI

I., the Allen &. .

vill m.lvii.l in tlies .lull whoyold against estate at i

J, that Basea t.the

ns cEaiwi...the the now Picture

de.rv any all for six tter this race

Tl.e the , lost. the ..f Hallthe by

a public--




J tu re no wctsnty tor ami. It oitioii. and lav to ht-a- rt Iesooii tliat a lia-t- y scnpuoii im oieneti to ueimy tne necessary ex-- children the New fVrest, iy Marryat.a was a na- - 0II1. ions i.y i, 0. ai,s

a ...vob.ti..., r:..-.;..- V,. the . igniiy ll.e imhii , pi- - u..e. ....... ....e.., rhriM.a.,'. Mistake. Crse de Leon Brigaial.. , lurf, .ca. of Nations. 111 t!? una as will . B..k of

. 01 ' outer tliMricts, the" ..l.rlv int-- m,. who now .:: .y;- - r".:. .'- - .V"'"

the te.

ur fn.iuship Cupt.

waj the ili-t- .,

of Lriugthe New mad

call tlieoffering sale the

wUeh jy, u;lwacres which

with cane. The land near


be lime.


tram eec




NetiM Iroto


U"day from the the




f--r anJ

rUasr in.


It ship




Hnw. r.ST 31.






"'' Miaa Suier,BaL


nn formm.

of the


t.-.- k




ol ... o.

prxsi-- a a beautiful tract, the woudland runs tosummit of M iunaloa. The mill and ni:u-hiner-


are nearly new. and it is one of the mostcomplete establishmentd to be had ut the Islands.Tli of aile will be made ea.--y.

The D. C. .Murray ..y at oclH.k,taking a full Coiuplena-.i- t of passengers, the Auieri- -i

and Kuronn

Caiet. Paty, iDrr here by of 22d-- aKyal yacht

a-f- Vnr ar.-k- . Ilalrmake, The lx--t





The attention of faniM-r- a is called to the notice ofthe tecfthe of the late Mr. entzel, locatedin Makawao. It is well Mocked young and vig- - i

tunity. Tlie sale has the :

in" - to allow persons to rcwh Makawao,

week ojxiiel itsI

new students, 4.i of which compose them.m VMSA. ... w. w awi..4l nppi.cauio,whose cases have not la-e- n decided on, it isprtd.ul.le that the of student reach l:.Tl.e h.vers of vocal music will au opi.ortuuityto Home choice btnging evening.

Tlio 2Vftit rtilll - lrolM mnt Ion.Hawaiian G .vcrimiciit has, it I

found a ts n .Id Cllollirh to nttcmi.t the I

neutrality !

in 1.MG1, lllol,t. ..iiaireu 01 10c euuiury at 11 waswas a sufficient guarantee of the intent and pur--


jajse of the i rotLiiuation. It was the '

l.asty expression of a hiastilitv which IiMIilIesteU !

itself as far as it dared ; and its author, if alive, j

doubtless., in view of tl.e present itioi, j

of the have asss-..te- ,l to the u- - J


boatUitirs) now unhappily pendingtlie Government the nited Mates, and certuiii... .thereof My Img he t oltfclrateStates of hereby pna;lailu I neutralityU,n Said lili '


July Zaoi.Artisw,


'au-b-T- ,

.N.ka, Kauai.




H Cwm-I- .

bag. barb-y-. IUlUatU-a- .

brra.1, Wra

aong nalta.

baruw. rbrrae.Soo.uow ..itgk-a- ,




Marru.MctraU. ber.k'rvraatta.





S ri.;Alien,

Bate.. Mater


.T", July,ruaekt. Mary

kaaaan.kd copyThis book





or of reielenng any ai--l to such ei.terprt---swlwtever; aud ts-r-x us so otr. u.bng' will I lial.Ieto the tiemiltiesj iuii.rie.1 hy the laws nations, ns


Kan com-mand

JKuir- -.


trwl.pent .ftte.

ha-t- y

Gen. Uov.






termsbark sails


been i'lthleav--

year with



which aimeu



,i,t ri.'lits."As it Will neeesstlry to ft clear Ul.derstalld- -

Pr? of ,1 I'U.l.Ut We quote the pr.M hll.u.tlolln fa

ra.sCL.lMATIOX. KAWKIIAwrHt I .. KlN'O OF THEH.tWAIItS IsLAX le. it to all whom ituy concern tluit we K.mi:iiamfiia I.. King of

Hawaiian Islands, hav mg been othcially Uotitie.1

Tliat Oar neutrality is to l respecte. to fullextent of Our jurisdiction, and that all audseizures nuvle t'ltliin the same are unlawful, aud iu

i .Lit ion of Our rights as a Sovereign. i

An.! :e it Jul ttr known, that herei.y strictlyI'".''''' all Our sutjevts, anl all wu rvswle or mayle within Our jurv-licti.-..., from eitherdirectlr or indirectly in irivateeriug agaiu-- t theShipping or Oouiux-n--e of either of the contending

Well as I.y tl of said States, and they will illno wL--e ol.Uin any t.Tti. n from as agtiust.jna which they may incur.

Ie it further know n, that no adjudication of prizewill he entertained within Our jun-licti- o.., willthe sale of cols or otLcr pn-t- s rly Iwlongins to i.riz.-- s

be allow. LI!e it further known, that the rights of avlum

are not extended to Privateers or their priies of. ...? l purtu,. only in

cases of dL-tr- rS or of compulsory .lel.ty by atrvart orweather or .Lingers of the sea. or in such cases a... . v 1. ......t.... 1 Tm...r ..;r...i..;..n-v "t-.- v; "-- v -r- -:

Given al ur Mariiie Hesidenee of Kailu,this day or August, A. l.,and Seventh of mr

Br the Kin?. K A.MK1 IA.M LI 1 A.Kaaiioi vxr.

liy the King and Kuhina NuL1 V. Wyixif--

Tl.e altove .Lanmeiit was understood, at thetime of its issue, to Iks in nearly the Kiiue Lui--.guage OS the neutrality ..1..... .. t u .. ii - . .. i t .u.ii in ..lav, alio which win

on file in the archivist of the foreign offi.T.

Shaihr procLtmatioiis were iswtied by FranceSpain and adhercl to tlirougliout the war. Oner two other Eurosmn latwcrs uI them also,

but immediately revoked them. 44 instrr.c- -


tne part ot tms government I any t rightswhatever. consider the position taken as whollyuntenable. XcttnilHy implies iinpni tiot'ty in ail deal-

ing with the parties referred to. A proclamation ofneutrality recognizes ti.m'.ty them. Thisthe writer hitu-e- lf grants. Now, if any rights arei.wvol ly one rty, a neutrality proclamation no--cevrily cncclew them to the other. In this ca-- c.

the L'nite.1 Plates, un ackiM.wle.lge.1 .er.p..-e- -l, l'.j .'..A.-rr- f c'.jU. certain Ie1lir.-r.-n- t J

A-- , ,attl0', IP;? lisaprfcctcompcn--; tL.ns" pubhVlre.1 in List number .X the

. a,,ww promuIgattJ by the Uritish Ci.vem- -" W Calk,L B' gUnci"S Ver thCTSS went, months after the pro. lamation, andpages A.'mauac, one may get a pretty . . hut ,,,evWPB WC WerCVl"!nat.blofthewealthan.I resource, of that flour-- !

h unllW Uhing ott-b- ou of the British Kmpire. The toUl" assets " of Tasmania on the 1st or January. IS-- ., .ar. at X18,0OI,tiSJ. The tottl of the popula- - ' Tl,e wr,tcr ,n t,,c Ga-Ct-te y : " AnJ -- "I

tionfcthecetusoflS.d,WMj!io802, floial roai'r n that tl,i! prex-lainatio- al-- arof whom onlywere of the aboriginal race of the island. There lt asserts neutrality, recognizes no Miiger--

is a ease of es.tinctkn ! nnwt thorough ,ut rJ1'1-- " extract briefly embodies the sul- -of the weaker before tbe gtronprr race. stance of his argument a of the concession on


.the route, ha taken

of Fountain; andLambert, the

Notice. TheC WUnujigton,,

py usual11 to










J.r.Klalll.ltu.n Ijlgland,'..

j among which is that of capturing prize of the; enemy. The l.ugu-ig- of the proclamation clearlyi this. nn a neutral ha. tin power






oi.-ratio- Siamtish,Shendan tob





via-o.- dv fomprouil-- eAnitnaU.








avaj denial



lat,V'e the









ana intimately acquainieu w.iu tne rj,II iu'it!nii 'lntri.i'fr nf.d nwr-.sitie-s. I

"- -... I I I - 1... 1 .1.- -eig.a eauuta attaci.c. to me

iu.i-.rta- m of tbesuhiett under discussion, and .

, .v i.c.cuvc ... '" j

c. i.tcT..iing parties, Hawaiian prucl mution m--r.-.r- i!y i !c--d the tJxU on an equality with, andc,ll,e.,u,,1,1y ,f the same belligerunt right,that t.the l'iiite.1 State?.

i i... ... i : ...i ... it.. ...,r..-,.- .i .. .1...

.... , . .1.Iir.ii4riv tlir ft..' - !" neetMarilv involved the ncknowlcdi'mciit that"

lUlllM.Uv?t f th attributes of national '

a.wer. 1 lie .States never n-l.i- iu J

al:lllfk til nillll.infr Illl-- r till ralaaalT kt friif.-- 4 !

, r . .... . ..f11 'lprotested with Knglaiid. France and Sminv j...... V . . . . . '1

j Amerhtin citizens here at the .lite ..rij pr.M imotcuilv forget their morti j

i ainl indignation at the manner iu whichI their Nation was thus contemptuously and olD- - ..cially stvled a liiir of " e..ntendiiig ritrti. s," andequal rights to the reikis and to Na- - ,

... '

tioii wun wii.cli tins in eminent h.t.l s,. i,.ng ix-e-"on friendly relations, placing the latter on an

..,.l!iv itl. rfl- -l la-l- v. tl...,..d. il.,.! el.ii.ned governmental powers, p. none. The;I

! world kiw at on. tl.e intent of proclamation '

to to the reUls w hat th. y a na- -tiotuvl ree.,-;tio- ...

Tl.,. wrl7,.r I,. t!. r.nrit, d;.- -international Liw. inaritiuie

-iuri.-lietio- n. ,

, . . r..- ... . ..eciurcn as .. niey rn: iinuiuii ... uic.uo- -


rcroouizfd nations. l..r there was l.tit one suchengaged -

in the war. hvery net the reU-I- s

:UI m.-g-a- l a..t r. s llion, and every privateor war vtsl fittc-- l out Tor by them was as!much a pirate as if sent out by the unrecognizedchieftains of lSornco or himiiKi. I he proclama- -


tioii of neutrality iiinicd at, and to a certain cx.


tvnt wrCvl tlK? iuriifc of miiriuiri" the ri'luIsa a

-- ' " ' 'wrong of issuing it herein consisted the nmult..... I

t.. tho Ai.if.r.eflfi I .ovoTriiiiirknt- - tins tll;alo.ut territorial rights nill juristlicttoll, thliniicls

...! I.....ll:....l- - ..u.e la, ,11 r... i. in ,

Wtween recognized voictrs ; but when applied'

to unrecognized and illegal powers, they are tin--meaning words and silly arguments. The law of '

well known in IsT.I t..


Muive prevente.1 ativ act tending to injure a triedand friendly nation . and have checked any ha-- te t

in extendinr tl.e ri"ht hand of fellowship to ai

jrtV of TcIm-Is- , however MJWerflll.

TIm Hawaiian ..wriimeut was tWy bound, ;

', ri ,lt im1 illtl.rilsltillIM , ,Uvor theAm,rie,,n (Jovemment, and to disiountenaneert.,M.Hi1(n. Vattel distinctly usserts that then,

.."is no rcas.n why a neutral rstate, under itir-- ..

tlCllhir eolim-ctloli- s or friendship and go nl neigh- - ,

1. .i ..r.i. 1.11: ," . J

not, in everything tliat is troiin.vted with war,... . .grant llllll nil tlaisU preieren.-e- s WHICH IUC toer..uU. It-- lc iii T AI lt.v - I y-- "- '

The very net of issuing a neutrality lirocinmu- - '. .. ...

iiwii j.ianf ummwo juiiurriai warounnryMfl yoor- -

inj, far as eolici-rn- s the neutral. Wheti,,.,,k'll'd tlt'lf 4 tl.aa ll.tlltl-sl-l IJ tfkaa Ibiliilil.ill rflaal.! a.T Iiivhiiiii a ' biiv v 0111111' raa iiitini 'a

. ,.,u.tta ia.a.a itii.l n..r i.t .tFwi aa a rtii-- I t9XJ r ai ut siiiat favor one urty to the of the other."(C'luip. iii., '''.) The Hawaiinn i ...vcriiiiicnt,therefore, in its placed therclx-ls- , as far as lay in its jm.w.t, on a .r withthe American I .ovcrntuctit. If then, g tothe argument of the Aritcr iu the Hat.. lie,4i there was nothing to prevent the I'nited Stalesfrom establishing a cotti dcp.t in this nrchijs-l-ago,-

there was certainly nothing to prevent therclx-l- s from doing the same ; for, on the princi-ples of international law, the that pro-

claims itself n neutral, 44 is the common friend of;

1a..fli .irtl.M " la n. tl.w ..n...l I....!.."'e .Here was the great error of the proclamation!

in i.lacin-- r a re,,.-t.- il friendh, i,.r on tlKime

.rooting with an vnrtc,yniz,d faction .f

reVo'.Utiotli-t- -. Had it ltccn on the oeca- - "

sion of war lietwcen ustria and Prussia or lie--twecn Stin. and Chile, which are all nss'tiizcr

lajV.ers, tlie case WOUl.l liae licctl eiltirelV UlUcr---cut, and the proclamation very pr..j-r-

, if thoughtexj-clie- to issue it. stress is laid on the fact that this flov-enime- nt

did not adopt the supplementary 44 in-

structions, " issued by England; but this is apoint of no material i in porta nee. The Proclamation of neutrality itself was the great cause of no-il.- wt la l.I. h tho A .... ri.-i.- .. i:..vrn.ment st.-..di- ly prote-stcil-

, inasmuch as ittle .Stutliern (.'..iifleruev as pososstd of cvualklliytrint vr national rights and privileges, in all ,matters referred to in To this day there has

no revocation of the offensive edict. Theproper time for that would lave been when

Pre-ide- nt Johnson issued his proclamation ofMay 10, lti.r, all powers against har--I


boring the of relcls, nnd in which hethreatened to retaliate for what would lie con-

strued an act of ojien war. Wc quote a para-- ..rernnh :e 1 '....... -uo further nroclain. una1 if.after a reasonable time shaU have elapse! for this all

n to liecome known in the lorts of na-- 11 1. ,. ..- - . . ..iu.17. c.:iiui!ii 10 ..a.e oeeu nei.trai... tne sail, ofrn.isai"S u.itl tl.e taaronA on of thorn sli.illr .continue to receive hospitality in the said ports, this 11

Government will deem itself ju-titi- ed iu refusing hos-

pitality to the pul.lic vessels .if such nations in js'itsof the United States, and iu adopting such othermeasures as may lav advisable towards vindi

the national sovereignty."This prta-lamat-

i n was a public and p.itiveJ. ni n nil en all nations to revoke any i r.a lama- - no

. . . .ti"lui wf neutrality lV them, aisl It is n-.l- -

soiiaMe to presunif that it was known to this anda- - it was wiMi -- lied everyw here at

pns.lamatio.1 of issued by proclamation or publicity bv this Joveni- -it at the i.Lta.R of a Minister wh, I The law or international friendship should

. e . . ... . . .... .,!. . ..






foundand j














time. The ground if. Iiowevcr, distinctlytaken hy the writer the Gazttte, in defencetl.e of tte obnoxious proclamation,






npi.-ur- s,



. ...








tliat it was n-- t .lcmande.1 ot us in the saiue way, t!j. jt.m.,llt W;1? u.aij0 ,ir,n the Teat pow -

vfK ( r jn (if,i(.r W( nR t,iat the Vnhvd Stauil j-- j

1t rtin thrtats. T. thewritt-- r intend to eoiivev the imi reM..n that the

. .. ...1 1... .1... ...r . . 1. ,.,.wWlllOII lUKCll l l.W ..iMVllUi.llt Hi 'luin--. .:. ,,,...,,..1.1.. ,,,,.1 ;frf thuM f:.r indis -

lctvccn the latter -- hould be as strictly followe.1'tween the former

Hawaiian ledleal IiiHtiiietlnn.On the tuitnide of to-la- ys ptii on the first

r i ; r..n vnlnnLlo

Hawaiian Kvangeli.ttl Assj. iati..n, last month, on

subj.vt the Medical Instruction of theHawaiian. The rt rt is very ably drawn, by

P'ntlemei. eminently to discuss the su- l-... a.. I 1 f a. t - 1 'J,,'t " l"A ' " 'i meoi....

. .1 .I al

.. . ... . .1 i . i"'c touiuimw nave rainer miner i.m.i uwr- - !

t,,ilt il-tai- H. l.elig.ous I

t .1 ? , i ll.A .... 1 I....I "iantniopisis in every se,- - o. o.'"h laboring for over forty years for the tem- -

as well as the spiritual welfare Ha--waiians, only- to see them at this l:.t day fading


aw av into extinction. !

... . .. ..." ...... .

UC nave I.epie.uiy ui niiSuui. .....---.. i .r .l. ...1 ..w... l.;..l.

. ..' .l'd to this deplorable condition ol the native race,

i""'' ...f intemperance, and lat- -

not leat, tlw pnictn-e- s ,

tin. n:itic kahuius. or doctors, to which allusionits mane .1. inc .r .in. . in .n-- ..iu niu iniiTi

f . ' . . )

cna. jaiaus .i. iiwi-mv- . siieii uinuuiuiio uic, i

...o.Holll. b.. VfUbl oil k'U.1J.Tlf CI 11. I tlWl , lW.llll" I HI till illl RAI a ill ra.-a- . Illll "livi nv loiti- - nJ . ?i.... i...... i ..r .. ........... ..... ..r. i .

means by which his wife is brought to death by I


.i nvniua tS .r l.o trrmliitniif sitI i

all while he IflVS a hei.VV bill for II physician'sV1MIS, Ulld for OlllgS

-Which, as SOOll IIS his back

.,......U "'variably "Throw (foreigners') physio to thelogs.' Iii former tkiys this was not so much the

case as now. Theu the American MissionariesW4 rc 1,11 ' the ,,a',it of kT"'Sw''" wm' wiT'" tlic Knrdm ISoston at aI.. -.- ..- ..I iii.iiiev. '1 ho eiifet. .111 was""-- " . . .


"upply the imtivcr witn simple rcmeuies, gra- -'

t'"tously to the a t cost prices to thosewho Were aide to IV. --MUCH SUUei lllg Was IIIUS

anion- - th; peoj.le, and from the factt,,!,t many ,f 1,10 jiwiMimum i..m u.rnoi .unl'r h 1Mlt1 l' as se,.rcelyn,,.v dilI,-'-

ir of ubse.piently the

...-..- i.l pbI.mI ii. fl.o Iiv

iat.iiir. i- - iiii.--T llregular M. Ib s. It was au endeavor, by. the

help of iovcriiiiiciit, to create a nioiio)oly for the Item-li- t .4 soinelMaly or other, but inspite of the strong influence brought to bear,there was too miuh common sense in both the

and tin I'livy Council, each whichwere successively up. lied to in favor .if the plan, j

to its adotioii. liut yet, in the face ofincretising morkJity among the people in the j

remote districts, it is now unlawful for any onewist has not obtained a livnse to give away a j

dose of stills, castor sil or Jayne's j ills. j

There are two clasK-- s of rtoular l.nictitioners.. . . . .. r - , ..... ..." 'I "' '" ... ...c--

aI"1 Vf "f rr W countries, and, asJ?nraI thing, as skillful men in their profes- -

k..n ai i 1 .c gl..V(-Kre- W a 1..--" " " " "

,luni'K" n,-'r- fri'i?r years, but few or none lat- -......t,rl.v' years, ow ir.g, as we... ........arc oi opinion, to u.e mcrcascu uciu-it- y oi tne i......... . . .1poplliailoll OI II.'COIUIU, niltl to Ilie wane OI. ..

projgr sewerage, lias Is-e- inueli more dis--e than formerly, and much n.orc frer.uently a

demand f..r the d Where is the agent of-

tlie lKirU ol llealtl .'Next comes Kicmond NumWr Two, and -

" the youngest, it is, howevef,n..t of tie t wo medical, and has,""' titionersand li.r more i.ti.-nt- s than theiirsi. tins is tic native Hawaiian scinx.1 01d.a-tor- s native to the manor lM.rn. hen the

, , c.l. lit--.. .1 '

SUV inei ll.-'.- 1. l.l till M ..i.- -

kahunas, or doctor, Iind even more i.wer thantlie real chiefs of the country Tlio.- - prolisseu,


and were believed o jossess, I.y the chiefs as wellpeople, the my-teriou-s ja.wer of annana, or j

praying to death. The highest chief of the land '

dared not sjeak herwi.-- e than kinuly to Ins ,

kahuna, for fear O.' the anger of the gods. Let.... . .....tlie Clliei lie Cer b. mucn engage.1 in r.llsine.-- S or. :r .t. 1 . 1. ....

UIUUS.-U1C- I l, .1 lllC UIIUIIll UlilUU .US U.'.Ci.l..lIlTr,was at once draped and the most respectful

rei:ti..n rtf.i.1 to Km. Even the nu.t intelligent, rjthe (.Id time Chris were limit r this influence. 4

. ..'?. !..- - .?? Cis sriiu 01 rvuiuiui, or vocinor .vuuuis, ui

Hawaii, that on ore occasion he rcinarkcl to a

made up idolatr us there can'

,,ue,tion but some them iiossc-o- d nolittle kllowh-Ig- .f of Uicll.-ilUl- I tirtU.-- ol roots ;

Iter!, of skill in the treat- -,

loent disiascs :he siui-le- N-.w- , j

! ever, whatever skill in that direction was .ti"sse--e- d ly the natives is lost, and the pretended

doctors are the ui t ignorant ami mischievous of


LaL. Guv- - Arctic

uud We


the UmoirDictionary.




an.. riK













pn I's





the L.u.atio..














of the









of beof





quacks, tneir m.h k or ivhmmih? hicharms and incantations. The--e Umg forbiddenLy law, must be carried on in secret, and so then-- al extent to which theyare pnutil amonS the

J le ,,evor be fulb" tiu.wn. During the

il.-- il in tiiells anil Korcerv.1.... ..-- .i l he rerort Kii-e- sts me e.iiicatinj. in tnej Queen's Ihpital, of a numlier of young 11a- -



I!eir Willielm liiraubKtadler,THE CKLKltKATKD

TKXOIt MNfJKR AM) IMAMST!lattely arrived frcm San Francisco, begs to inform the citizen

of Honolulu, that he will hare the pleasure of givinc a



Saturday Evening, July 13th,On whioh occasion he will be assitrd by

me fueliiiic POriiiy,I The Celebrated Prima Dona,

From the Italian 0-r- who apM-are- in Loudon, I'aris, an.all the prinripal ci.iea of Kur..e, mul by

TIIJ3 CITY IJlaV.-- ISVTVIXT Fur particulars ee printol rroiirammes.

milK CREDITORS F TIIK KST.lTE OFn . . . . r. . , At.A.a qr ., Ofe u..liue.i .ii;. a di u.v...ei..i, aeventeeH vrr cent will be paid ou their claims atrainst theesute at the Bank or Bishop 4-- Co.. ou and alter Me.i.lnythe Ulb ilr f U ml,

C. H. BlSlini.J. W. Al STlN.

5s I 3t Assignee f.f the Fstateof Walker, Allen Jk Co.

For Sale To Arrive per Ceylon.A SI'I'EKIUK, CUSTOM MADE.

.yjtZ7- - TOP KI UoY, Lule-.- l style., :. By J. 11. WOOD.

LOST.JfT" A I. Kill I I r.i.a.ow . VAIttr mI It. IK

ill. a f.-- brown sihiis uim.iiiii, aV ry line singer.5-- . y (Nrs..n returning the same to A. l. CanTWK'?HT,f be su'tably rewarded. ...



Sale !

THE DU'KI.MXC IIOI'SK OWXKDand .k:cl i iti. by jamks 1.01 zada.'at The house eontvnia a Pa.lor, sitting Ris.m, Dining

Kwini Twi ,Xw Bslh and Pantry.on u.e premises are a cu... 1.. .se. ciun- - S...U.

vani's llous.-- . Carriage House, Stal.les. Hen lb. u- -. etc., etc.n,e grounds are well laid not trees, and water is laid on

K- - r particulars emiuire of Mr. L... zr next d.r, or toMl lit u. . .ii..r.A., ..uuiiiiu riiCTi.

enrcu nun nunmc npnmrniFQ

Fine S:.lad Oil, Cox' Gelatine,

Buckwheat Flour, Rye Meal.Very nice Dried Peaches, Table Fruits, Pickles,

Pickled, Salmon, Currant, Figs, Oats,,

Barley. Onions, Choice Salmon In t in,.Corn Starch, Kal.Min, i Herring in til J,Sago. Pearl Barley, Kits Mackerel,Coarse and Fine Hominy,

Walnut. Almonds, French Mustard,Horse RaJish, Jellies in glass and tins,Nice white Vermicelli, Kxtra Jamaica Ginger,

Ac, &e., trr.6S1 6t For Pale low by I. B tRTLFHT.



f sale the property known as the

Kaiwiki Sugar Plantation! '


sitUa,e,l near Il.lo, Hawaii, with all the lands, lease, of lands,n.uis. machinery, imph meut, carts, improvements, etc.,

to .he saitl plautatH.n. ,

Ti,e plantation consist ..f about sooo ACRFS ofI . a l. .... Iiii M .!... .it., rati, . t.r.i..- .- - jof the idantalion; IJU acres of cane to be and on '

. . .. . . .. ... .....halves ihe land is wen ;ere.i an.. w.!f... . ii. ..nil ..asa fine water tower attached thereto, an.1 the M ill llilildmcs arewilhjn hr m mil frIO ti,e landing. The plantation win he :

"'' V"e,h ',h b,a"ce 7, ,ni" "a?n "p or be de-- '

to the purchaser after crop is taken on.The crop Is estimated at &OU ton.


..r further parlK:uUrs apply Mi

&M 2,a MELCilFiis Co.

Qoffgg Plantation Real Estate !'


For Sale at Auction..

iii u r.nvKsinr. the 2 in. or ji 1.1.W l'WT, at li O cl.wk nMn, hy or.-- r of the Cosst L or

I'bfssu, the und. rsigneti will sell at Public Auction, ail the

Real Estate and Personal Property! '

Belonging to Uie. Ktate of ..ROfiCK kxtzkl. ucccase.. lateMjlkilltao Mall cnaiating of

331 j.trf5 0f Land more or lrs iu Poamalei r j

PnBomalrl, Haiku,Simate.1 about one mile Tom the F.rglih Church in Makawao.Saitl Premise are ail enclosed with a wire fence anddirle1 .n.uf,aird;ffrier.t lot. Twothirdsof said land .severedwith wood, consist,. of koaand uro land, and

e.vo...i.ll..JlllfSIrr" -

Ilwelllns Horjf .An., j,--

,, out Building..On the Premise are Two I are- Cisterns, and there are... , . ...,1. t'trm. f, o . ,years of ace, in a good state of cultivation and many of

them have borne fruit this year. '

Also Immediately after sale of Real Estate the balance of ;

It 111' HI II (.! FI'RMTI'KF!

- If th Ihi of Geor.j M'n.fz.l ut J' front -- ".io Church a. stand heretofore.

Terms of sale will I HALF CASH, half payment br note atB.otabs. secured by mortgage on Ihe property, blether with t

'"J".! i

j,5. THOMAS W. LVERkTr, Auct.oneer. 1

lOted kahuna had just gone : Conbting of Table. Chair. Farming Tools. Car-OU- t"

I 'fraid of thlt fellow." penter Tools, Saddle, Bridles, elo.

r..,t lol.. the rir.cti.-r-- . of these s were Tn Said Patanrs will Offebkd Sl



j wC?lfrl.nOclalO of"j



tree,..ndUinevery,tadeirableop,r- -

On hnad and fr Sale by

II. 1. A'I-IITISrE- Y.

A lrift in y EilmuoJ KirWr;

lo.k f tht ltudoir. lieuitfully illustrated.brewer s rwtnily. Iln wnms's I'.R-m- in a vol.u..i,-- . K,.,,.t n...t. it.ue.i mmm . fih KunenU.Itrnwn'f Coiic.trlaiiCe. British Statesmen, by Foster.Barne s on the l;.'ks of the er Testameut.

1 lara. r Slave Lite in Kuroic, a novel.Cai. Russeil's Watchword. Colorado, by Bayard Taylor.

j liny Klenient of the of Rhetoric.I'avies' Lnivtrsity Arithmetic. Bavie" Bourdon. .

liavies' Ueiteinlre. I.uties of Young Women.J.ilms, by Donald Mitchell, 2 vols. Bavid Gray' Foemi.

Iitily Rehjiiirus Kxrrcises. Bmry of Kitty Trerylyan.IKK.-t.- r Thorite, a novel, by Anthony Trollope.Doddridge's Kise and I'rocress. Jlumdale. or Woman' Duties.l.airvuian's Daughter, illustrated, eilt. bv Lizh Richmond.

I l'reaiu 1 hil.lren. Dictionary of Love.Dickeu'g W oi k A Tale of Two Cities. Oliver Twist. LitUe

DorriL Our Friend. Martin Chuulewit. NicholaNickleby, lileak II. .use. Oreat tlxpcctations.

Druitt's M.Mleri. Surgery. Domestic ACMHuny, by Webster.Dictionary of Oi'eek and Roniau Antiquities.

; Daruley. De L'orme. Day Dreams. I'ynevor Terrace, 2 Tola.J Defoe's Works, half Morooco, illustrated.

lK.Mcriptive Atlas of the United Stales.j Momentary Spanish Reader. Klements of Geology.

Ktiqueite W riter. lawn.Kxaininalion ot Sir nl. llanniton s flnl'isopiiy. Dy fiaart J.lll.Kxpeclilion to Ihe Zamliesi. Kxprditious Calculator.

Humorists, by Africa. Du Chaillu. Kchoe from tlx Gun of 1S01.Ku.;liili K.i(?ewtHnh's Karly Less..ns.Kmily Chester, a novel. Enoch Ardeu, illustrated, giltFxcursions, by II. D 1'horeau.Fireside Travels, by Lowell. Footprint of a Letter Carrier.Kredcriek the tireat and his Court, by MuhlOach.Fulton and Kastmau's Book keeping.Fox's ltH.k of Martyrs.Krauiely l'arsnae, I.y Anthony Trollope.Four Years of by C. Cothn.Kiel.l. Dutii:e..n and Kscae.Felix il.-l- l the Radical, by 'Jeorpe Flint.Fighting Jim-- , by Oliver Optic. Freak on the Fell.Following the King, by Oliver i.ii fi.eep i. u;..aii.iry, av;.ii.ii.ii.

ieltl, GunlMMit. and Frison.Folk Sonirs. Splendid Gift Hook.

; Female Frose Writers of America, by Hart.i Foil .wing the Flag, by Carleton.j Frederick the Great, liy Curlyle, Mor.HVO pi t, 6 vote.

Fit to lie Duchess, a story. Freemason' Manual.; Frederick the Great and his Family, by Muiilbach.

F'acts lor Farmers, by Robinson. illM. Kreich Dictionary,j (.host Stories, ill'il I.y Barley. Genghis Khan, History of

GoMthwaite, by Mr. Whitney. Gomery of Montgomery,j George's Menagerie. Cliiilreus Bia.ks.j Gray's Niilunil l'lolosophy. Gcorgy Sanders.' GimmI W ords, by Norman Macleod, D. I).' Grant and his Campaigns.

Guiiii's Domestic Medicine, or the Poor Man's Friend.German Bupular Tales, bv Grimm.

i Gaywoi ihys, by the author ot F .i;n Uanneys Uiiinood.Gems of Literature, iil'd, gilt. Great F'acts.

' Gray's FU. gy iu a Country Church Yard, ill'd gilt.i Gems fr..m reunvsi.n. eilt. Mi.nwrco.

iSoldsniith's I'wtical Works. Gleanings Trora the Po-ls- .

Gazetteer of the I'nited Slates. Grimm's Fasten. Tales.Gordon's Digest, lx.u..d ... calf. Gentleman of the Oil Lchool.lireece, Turkey, Russia ami Poland. Godolphin, by Bulwer.univer i houghts of a Country rarson.

Foil, by Titcomb. Grithth Gaunt, by Chas. Reade.Hours Among the Gusils, by Burt.liu?.t:aiids and Homes, by Marion Harland.lloueaiid Home Papers, l y II. B. Stowe.History of F.'ngland. Macaulay, 5 vols.

' llerniuu, or Young KnighihoiHi. 2 vols.Hawaiian Islands, by Auih rson. Helen Courtney's Promise,lb.witl's Popular Tales. Helen Fort.', a novel.

j Il iiiie of W aslniigt. .11, Lossing, ill'd, gilt. Home Stories.t Hawaiian Islands, by Auderson, illustrated.

Hans Au.lerssen's St.-r- BiMik. Hope an.1 Have.j History of the Kinpress Josephine. Home Treasury.j Holly Bel ri. s. II. artscase, J vols.j Humbugs of the World, by Itanium. Herbert's Poetical Works.

Ilerniati's l'hy siology. Anatomy and Uyciene.liand BiMik .f Dining.lirM-r'- Classic il Ijl.rary Cicero, Demosthenes, Virgil,

t Tiiucyditles, t SoplKs-ies- . Ovid in '2 vols., Xenophon,.Kchylus, Horace and Pl.iedrus in vols.,

I F.oripides in 'i vols.. Si. 11st, Juvenal aud Perseus iu 1 volLivy in a vols. eilition.

' Hallsm's Constitutional History. Hannah More's Work.

hookOra-aesa- r.

Patrrculus;Smart;arey ;

hocles, t'tetranslate);

Odysey,Ac;Her- -

.iian's eni.ri.daiions. liu... eilitionHenry the Fourth. Herman, or Young Knighthood.II istory of Amelia, by Fielding. Harry aud Lucy, 2 vol.Hu.k-.- , a novel, by Maiioii Harland.

i HerschelV. Familiar Hulsum Lectures.I Irving' U rks. Spanish l'aK-rs- . In-x- , a tale.! lniUirc Withlu. a h.H.a of many receipts.

Im.-ll'- i t.iai I'lnloSiiphy, I.y ..lalian.Ida Pf. ilf. r's l.-.s-t Travels. In Trust.John De and Richard Roe. Josh Billings, His Book.Julius '1 vols. Janhe. in Search of a Father.

; John Godtrc's Fortunes, by Bayard Taylor.i Ja's Family Prayers John Marston. Juvenile DeQner.I J.s.-pl- i the the Second, by Mulill.acl).Kuapp a FreiM h Rook.Key to r F'rem h a lloniaiii? of the Sandwich Islands.Kui-lii- s of the Fros n S.-- Keepsake Annual, gilt, Ill'd.Keith's Fvidenccs of . hrf.tiai.ity.

: KmgUke's luvasn of the Crimea.Loomis' Natural Lsmi.s' Arithmetic.Life and Spv.-lie- . of Andrew Johnson.Language of Flowers. Itfoutaine's Fables.lfe and Letters of Washington Irving. Lines Left Out.Life ami Public Services .f Abraham Liircdn.Life of Flward l.ssini's Civil War in America, vol. 1.Lite of Archbisho;. Hughes by Hussard. Life id Horace Mann.Life and Letter f J. G. IVrcivai, by Ward.Life of lierjan.ii. Franklin. 2 vols. Lalla Kookh, ill'd. gilt,leaflet of Memory, got Uaotifully ill'd. Little Foxea.Love Me Little. Me Lury Croften, a novel.Life of swecl.-tiborg- . hy White. Lowell's Poems, ' vol.Life, It's Nature, Varieties and Phenomena.Ii ly r f tl.e Scott. Literary and Historical Miscellany.Lid.iel 's and Scott's tireek Knglish Lexicon.Life at .1 I Iters of G. W. R.rf.ertson. 2 vols.Lilly Gordon, the Young Housekeerr.Life. Speeches and Public Services of President Johnson.

Cu..' Memoirs of Napoleon, 4 vols.Lnwry's t'niversal Atlas. Ijiboulaye's Fables for the Y'oung.I.nirfeilow's l.Mms, diamond eilition.Mc.'lir,t-c- k Cr..ks lessons in Greek.M.inonaN nf Thomas Hood, 2 vols. Mute Sineer.My Cave Lif..- - in ickshurg. Maud, a Story for Girls.More Atsml J.sus. Martyr's Monument.MePherso.i" Political History of tlie RelM-llio-

Marsh's Curs, of Mapiciau's Own Book.M..v'i It.srriptive Anatomy. Marryria. or Autlcrsou Prison.Mornings with Mamma, hy Irs. i. Smyth.Manu .1 of II innnny I'l.on.tik'h I.hss. Medicine Shelf.Movement Cure by Ta r. Matrs-ian'- s Show Boa.Milton's Paradise yt Boyd's Notes. Morley Flrnstein.MaKp.era.le, by J. U. Save. Mitrheli' Atlas.lannal of larny w irk r. r Ladies.

Mattisoo's High Shs.lM'"f!M-'- s au. Atlas. Mysteries of F' Is and FiDoti'ms of I'.- - trr.Men-han- t of Berlin, by Mutdbarh.Muiis-n- 's Conij.le.e system of i'lionography.Mr. Caudle's Curtain Lectures new series,Nelson o:i Iriod-lit- y. Nearer and Dearer, a novel.New Gymnastics for Men, Women and Children, Dr. Lewis.North America by Anthony Trollops. Nutshe I of Knowledge,No Name, by Wilkie Collins. Noonday a Life Sketch.Newman and Barrett's Spanish and English Dictionary.New Clerk'sOwe-i'- s Homer's Iliad. Our Neighbor in the Corn HouseOrley Farm, I.y Trlloaf, illustratedOregon a. d '..dorado, Romance of the Rio. Object LessonsOne of a Thousand. Ollendorff's French Grammar.Out.ost, by the author of " Dora Darling."Oprn polar Sea, l y Dr. Hayes, illustrated.Paig rave's Jj'ays on Art. Paley's Kvideiwes of Christianity.. icu.rep anu itisoos. i lynmuin LwimioD. creciou cones.

I'.try of Euroi. by Lonefellow.Preawtt's Works. Peru, 2 vol., Morocco. Parlor Theatricals.Pictures of Heroes and Lessons from their Live.X'.tw r of Reiifion. J'cems, by the author of Cotta Family."Picti.:es and Flowers. Peep of Day. Popular Tales.Ptar.s and Other Tale. Person of Christ.I'hili sjena. a gift honk, iliusirated.Picture Fables, by Otto Sectre.Pen ir.d IVt.ctl Picture In m the Poets.P'Hrt-- y of the W ar. by ..rant White.

Wihrks ot the t'avid-o- n sisters.of St. John, ly Bayard Taylor.

Poeo.s by Charles Kinirwlee. Poulterer's Companion.Prune of Kbua. I.y Kimi-al- l Parlor Stage,Piyu ou.h I'u'pit. by II. Warl Becner. Phillip Ausru.tus.Pi zs a Tal.-s- , i lostrated. by Melville. Pulpit Pungencies,Prac ical Kduc.ti.wi. by F:.g-wor- th.

Pilgrim's Prct-rrss-, illustrateil, gilt. Pickwick Papers, Dickens.

.oVerilllielll Iorl.aU llllS, nilll UlHU-riOO- " w " " " " w - w . w - J j .....-- r . .0. ii.wiHry. ..arrs.tiiuui ..i.irjr.--w -- - Hit..ry of Phillip, by prescott, s v.i.

to Sllllilv the lllislieilies, nild Ultimately, eXilg- - SI AtOCOlVOa, nfry of the Roman, by M.rivale, i vols.

wt A.t and 1V IOIIIII Hill If. ' 11 lll'l-k-a' . rper's B,.ks, ill'd.cloth. Henry Masterton.gerate-Utones- , fi by prejudiced in- - , flJuii.

... I ..... 1 -- .I... unJ ....111. liarir's I lassicul Library, coniprnine the following1; ' . ' ' " "" 1 x'.' 1.. m.,s.i,e...s' oi.vti..acs, piniiippics, &c , c.cero

statute, of anyone Tireseriointl even a .lose ol ' AT THE I tors an.1 Oratory: Juvenal l'erms, &c, in prose; c. , , . , I literally translated ; saUnt. Flore and v.

puis or sa...-- ui.uts. ..-- " . .......y u l-a-.,, - llrnO.PVXT SHiti KAftfl NtOrP Xenophot. s Anabasis a.l Metnorabilia; Horace, by

...,.,;...., r.,r .I.U it J w w J - w.w. j Tacitus, Ihe Oxford translation: Herodotus. I.y Cy" " ... i Tl.ucy.lides. by Dale ; Virgil, by Davidson ;

v:is even attempt.-.- ! in the legislature to limit afNIinifli1 a f ga a iu slfliltk I." r It & t'x!tri translation j !lnn-- r HihU, littrally- ' Kiirii.itn, tmn-Kif- ti. i vols.; Homer's.r i i. . j". ZZTZZLSZL '

. 1 Smoked Beef, Very Nice C... Ba,.n, lXZ

foreigner, when a Bedstead.j


as Foa



of how- -







Vj.ieen id llcartf, by Wilkie Collinsutjueens id Sosland, hslf Vlunero, II vols.Roumt Hearts, illustrated. Rubinsoa Crusoe, illustratedRescued from Fgypt. by Wright.Religious Training of Children, hy C K. Beecher.Royi.1 Truth, by Hi-nr- y W anlRose aud Thorns Tales of tl Start in Life.Resources and I'roepects of America, by Sir is M. Pcta.Redeemer and Rclermed, by Beecher.Rnbirs' rww. of Lcve. illustrated, gilt.Readings for Kverv Day in Lc-- t. Romantic Belinda.Reaamoud and Other Tales. Red Letter, a tale of France. Rich and Humble, a ttoryRiver Dale Sty Boidt. stories fur children. ,Recommended to Miry, a noveLRolHrson's llimary Arithmetic. vReading wilh.ait Tears, part 'Jd.Siiudent, the. "Studies for St-ri- es, by Jean Inrrlow.'S.n of a Geuius. by Mr. Holland. Self Tcarbiug Rra.!rr!Ut Sermons to News Boys. Sctacle li Young Fj."S.wk St..ries. Sils Manner, by Geo. Llli.Sherman and His Campaigns SimplKity and FaseinaUau.Seaside Stuilies in "S .(oral HtMawy. illusirated, by Aga.Studies from Lite. Shakesi-care'- s S..nnets.Scbonburg Cotta Family. S riuss of Acikai, by Mrs. lUcaarda.Streaks ol Light. Swiss Family Robinson, 2 v4a.Stories tec Alice. Scripture Gilt Book, gilt, il ustrated.Sturies of Prison Life. Souring .if the H hue Uurae.Shoemaker' laughters aud Other Talcs.Stonewall Jaoksou, by Cook.Studcut't History of Kncland, by Hume.Student's Hisu.ry of France.Student' History of Home, by Li.ldeil.SludeoC History of Greece, by Smith.Story ol the Great March, by Nichols. Skeleton Leaves.Songs of Seven, by Jean Ingelow. gilt, Morocco.Staunton' Chessplayer's Companion. Scott's Bible.

Condition of the Knglish People, by Kane.Shakesorares IieUncation, by KeDcg. Savaee Africa, by Read.String of Pearls. Summer Day B.k. Spanish I icturra.Scenes in Hawaiian Islands, by Miss Anderson.Scott's Infantry Tactics. Si Philip.Skirmishes and Sketches, by Gail Hamilton.Surprising Adventure of Paul Blake, illustrated.Sunday Macaziue, by Guthrie, bound, illustrated.Scottish Chiefs romplete in one volume.Trench on the Study of Words. The Dav of my Life.The Oil Regions of Pennsylvania. The Methodist, by FletcherThe Blue Ribbon. The four of Wild Olive, by Raskin.The Knighty Tom Jones, by Fielding, ! vols.The Little Savage, by Capt. MarryatLThe Children of the New Testament,The Mill on the Floss, by Geonce Fliot.The Merchants of Berlin, by Muluhach.The Club Book of Original Tales. Turn of Torture.Text Book of Chemistry, by Draper. The Percy FamilyThe Sailor Boy, by Oliver Optic The Violet, a bonk of tale.The Mill's Agent. The Yankee Middy. Tohacco Culture.Taken upon Trust, a Navel. The Sergeant's MemorialThe llrd of Norluw, a Scottish story. Tales of Old Time.Tlie Souvenir Gallery, an illustrated gift book.The Diadem, a drawing room and arlor gift book.The Gem of the Season. Treasure from .Milton's Prose.Ten Thousand Wonderful Thing. Tlie Boy Slave, by M Red.The Secret Out, or 1.000 Trick with Cards.T. e Sociable, or 1,001 Home Amusemei.ts.The Family Library. The Constitution of Man. by CombeTim the Scissors Grinder. The Child' Picture Book of Bird.Tha Yankee Middy, hy Oliver Optic. The Perpetual Curat.The Ordeal of Free Labor in the British Wct Iodic.The Annual Cyclopedia. Travels ou the Amour.Travels in the Chinese Km pi re, 2 Vols.The Adventures of Reuben Davnlgcr.The Kiug's Highway, a novel by James.The Ancient Regime, a novel by James.The Jacquirie, a novel by James.The Desultory M an. a novel by James. The Gipsy, a tile.Turn pi's Latin Grammar. Turns id Torture.The Man at Arms. The Robber, a tale. The Huguenots.Terence and Phaedeus Literally translated. Titcoml.'s Letters.The Rosebud, a gift b.Hk, illustrated, fill.The Violet, a gill book, illustrated, gilt.Tl.e Youth's Keepsake, a gilt bok. illustrated, gilt.The Professor, a tale. The Castle Builders.The Flighlh Commandment. The Successful Merchant.The Young Patriot. The Southern Colonies, by Abbott.Theodore, or the Sceptic's Conversion. The Ordeal Ii Wlvra.The Martin and Nelly Stories. The Game Birds id Uw North.The Reason or Natural IliMnry. The W bite Dove.The t'sxtoos. by Bulwer Lyltou. The Boy Inventor.The Plays of Shakcseare, illustrated. 6 vol.Thackeray the Humorist and Man id Letters.The Borough, by the Rev. George Craboe.The Brownings, by SI. W. Dodd.The LitUe Trapper, by W. Hillanl, illustrated.The White Fdephant, illustrated.Tennyson's new diamond edition.L'ncle Toby's Library. I'r.der U.e Ban.I're's Dictionary of the Arts2 vols, and a supplement.Venice or the Lighthouse Keeper. Vestiges of Creation.Vicar of Wakefield. Victories of Love, by Patmortt.Village Blacksmith, by Longfellow.VesM-r- by Mad. De Gasparin.Ward, Artemus. His Travels, 2 vols. Winifred Butram.War Tiger the, illustrated. War Lyrics, by BrownelLWoman our Angel, by A. S. Roe. Watson's Wood.Woodward's Country Urates. Wines and Webs.Wisdom, Wit and Allegory, hy Addison.Well Begun is Half Done. Wonder Book for Bys and Girls.Wordsworth's Poet cal Work. Wolf Boy of China.W ar Letters ot a Disbanded Voluoteer. Waa Flowers.Work of Mrs. Browning. 4 v.ds.W ebster's Unabridged Dictionary, edition or 186T.W ebster' Cou.iting House and Family Dictionary.Webster's I'nl.rsity Dictionary.Webster's Common School Dictionary.What will He do with it, ly Bulwer l.ytton.Wayland's Moral Science. W ords tha. Shook the World.Wuthering Height, a noveL Walker's Geometry.W.lson's LarptT Seller.Wilson' 1st, 41. 3.1 and 4th Reader. Webster's Speller.Waverley Novel, U vol. Walker' Science of Wealth.Young's Night Thought with Boyd's Notes.Young Folks, 3 vol. Youth's History of California.

JOHN II. PATT,.Votary Public,

Honolulu, W. I. Office at the Bank of Bishop & Co. 6S1 (Sa

DUFFIN'S MARKET,K. ASi:JT, Proprietor.


Administrator' Notice.WIIF.KF.ASTIIB fTiiekSIOMCI) II AVR

V... dul apM.intea Administrators of the Estate of T.C. ilmington, decease.1, therelore all jversona having anyclaims will the same, and those indebted to the lab; T.C. W ilmiugtou, will please pav to


liana. July 1st, 1867. MI 3t Administrators.

FOR HONCKOWCTThe Al American Clipper Ship

"White Swallow,1 .oou

KNOWLES Master.Is soon expected from San Francisco and will be disjatcbed

as above. For freight or passage apply to681 11. IIACKFELP ft Co.

IIciiIsil jOifapsilcIi JLinc

SAN FI1ANCISCO.The FaviM-it- Clipper

ssa I a. lv Comet,J. PATY, Master.II7W have Qiurlc Dispatrh fur U.e afit e port.

For freight or passage apply toMl C. BREWER A Co.

Schooner for Sale.THE FIXE, FAST SAILING

M Scliooner .AJberni. 99

Will be offered for sale on her return from Victoria. V. I.For terms apply to (57 3t) JANtoN, GREEN 4 CO.

llstwsiiisin lsickct .Li lieSAI FRANCISCO!

The A 1 Clipper Bark

D. C. Murray !N. T. BENNETT, Commander.

Having a large portion of her cargo and a number of pas-

sengers engaged, she will have quick dispatch lor Ibe aboveport. For freight or passage, having elegant accommodations.

57S Apply to WALK Kit A: ALLEN. Agent.


285.000 Brat Rr4wMd Shinslea.For sale cheap hy (579 3t) IMJWSETTACOV


larOILI) KKSPFCTFIXhT IXrORMWW his friends an.1 the public that he ia fully prepared In

carry on this business on the most approved style, and respect-fully solicits u share of patronage.

fatly Famished Rooms To Let apoa ReasonableTerms.

&S0 3m


Family Grocery and Feed Store,PER "BERNICE,"CA-I- CKKA.M CIIKKSK.PRKSII

Boxes Oreen Apples,Cutting A: Co.' Jellies, in glass.

Cutting & Co.'s Table Fruits.

Summer Savory, Sag.McMurray's Oysters, 1 aud 2 lb tins.

Fresh Cranberries. Pacific CodSsh.Smoked Salmon. Smoked Beef.

Cat. Bacon. Golden Syrup.

Golden Gate Ex. Family Flour,Graham Flour.

Cracker and Cake, a flue assortment.Plagniol Salad Oil, English Walnuts.

Humboldt Potatoes. Sacks Bran.

Split Peas. Barley.

Also, on Hand.Comb Honey. Strained Honey.Myers' Molokai Butter, not add elsewhere.Oregon, Boston Brine, Billings' and Westphalia Hams.Choice Tea. Cider, Wine and Herb Vinegars.Teast Powders, Kerosene Oil. Ac, tC.

67 M For sale k.w by I. BART LETT.

HAYT II F: W A I K I K I II A V F'A R M. IN BALESOF a I ..".O T bale, delivered in tot of five bales, orderwill receive attcution left with Mr. BARNES, or with

671 om L. McCLLLY





r "

r a





jOJT WEDNESDAY, - - - JTJLY 17th,J Al 10 O'clock. A. M, at gaVs Room,

A CZf ne ral Asvortm't of .Merchandise.-- ALSO

One Superior Carriage Horse, Buggy andHarness.


Island of Kauai,ITor Sale at -A-



J SATURDAY, 7th day of September, 1867,la trout Of the toart Moaae uw, uuancaia, at 14 boob,


PRIXCEVILLE. EMMAVILLE, KALIIII- -I IV A I, KALIIIIKAI ASO IIAXALKI.I Th V1 rmln the Princeville 8iar Plantation, sitoated

in the district ut lUnalel. llml of Kmu, ami belonging to

TjtMer mitk mil If MILLS, MACHISKHr. CARTS,



Belnneine " ' ITantvina are abnot IOOO Arrra af. . t vn.if tiu-- eYitl utm are tMrftnra Imnrf. amiHV.. HUUO Acre Wml AND PA9TCRE LAM b.

aWt, . iKx urnnl wr ha been ft-- too. ami the cmp for theXt jn' l estimate!! at euv wwa. ik nwturai Bwnri,

Bill aeiklior. ami lb mniehinery ar in roo.1 enter an.1 verynipl,t- - The power eaeU M learn, bat liter Is water powerar ail prjMw"- -TM plaotailna i capable of prt.lerins; 1.000 tons of M(tr

rr taauis. They are lM COOLllvS brliipng t the.lantaUon whnn rnnlracta inr iahnr Iin in leter. auM Nrinir it pnr mnolh each aixi fnaixL The whole (

jbnaa one of the lum ilnirub'e eatatea no the Uawaiiao laUnda.aoil k well wneih the atteotiuo of Capita i(a-TKK.-

LIBKRAL,for fjrther tiarttculara apply toj w. Armx,


Q'torum of the Exeeotnr of th will of K. C. W Me.677 3m

The Latest Fashionable Hair Restorers.VECKTARLB AMBROSIA ISKIXCN ef the ae. Abm,

Martha Waotaiast Hair Rnlarrr.Fur sale 'y DR. C HOmiAXX.

The Ilonulula Iron AVorks CompanyHAVE OS IIAND

BOXES OF ALL SIZKS, AM ARECIRT M sell at eery redaeed rates.rr Parlies taking 1 rta or Df-- caa be supplied at

crtita per to-- awl by the M at a cent per it. &73 6n

Fence Wire,OOP IRON. 3-- t. 7-- 8. 1, I l- -l, I 1- -2,II lac arm.

Sogar Keg Shooks. Eastern Fine & Oregon.MOLASSES BARRELS, Eastern Pine;

XKWOAK BARRKUS.soitabwfocMolaaaesCarrlersand Beef Pack res.

PIPC-CL.t- r,


BET CRCSI1ED bCOAR, la kegs, each 100 lbs.

INVOICES OF CHAMPAGNE!F Sale la quantities to suit purchasers tFjrttt las H. UACKFELD A Co.


K E A L. L. KINDS OFniMachinery, Sugar Mills, Steam Engines,

CE.VfRirtCiL 51 A CHIN EM.

Also. Builers, Cooler an.1 Sheet Irna Work, and aH kin. la ofBRAfjl AND IRON CATINU5.

A brre stork of Ptplnir. Elbowe. Tees, Taleee aolC'Mks. elteet Inn. aHb-- r Plate, hr Imo, Cenuifurwl Wires.India RaHnnr Packing, and every descripliua of Machineryalways oa baad.1 Crt at Tarietj f 3Iac kiae ry hui X hr SUIe lit.

in iy nosoLCLr irox works c.FOR SALE!


Best Cumberland Blacksmiths' Coal,AT IX CASK.. 3n


AVE I.OSK DEVOTEO ATTENTIONII l the manufacture of

Implements for all Farts of the World,Ami being the Largest Exporters in foRUnd of

Plough, Harrow and Hor Hake ITbey are fully acqnainte.! with Ihe kin.I of Implement adapted

earimts eitantries. Their Implement are BMde principallyef WROUGHT J."D M.tLLtdBLC AO.V, and not onlyeaaatrwrntit HUU tke la pieera an.1 pack In the smallest cm-pa-aa

to save freiuht. but are simply arranged as to leave noAcuity In putting them

ftrkuuj Imj ujuI J'tt-lu- (7iaryeJ (Jf Price.

Catalnfoea, with bill paetieelars, sent post free oa application.

LMan Officer I, Cfcfjpslde, three doan frah t. Pail's. eow-l- y

II E A V T 4 WIIF.F.LED HORSEOVK made and may be seen at471.3m THE M NOLCLH IRON WORKS.

O: :0;j IMeturo Fronica: 3?HAILED TICTTJIIES, I j


At the Book Store. o!

CALIFORNIA OATS,HFAVV lieary California Barley.llcavy CaliVwnin Wheat.

Frrsk Bran.Fresh Cora,

Fresh Cracked Corn,Freeh Cracked Wheat.

Freak Cera Meal.

Bakers' Extra Tlour in Or. Sacks.Fur sate and delivered la the iiSy by

S7 las 8AYIDGR.

lall Hcosoa of 1H7!A FIXE CARGO OF




ipre1j Selected Tor this Slarket.ISD WILL BR

Offered by Samples when it Arrives.apply lo (ST9 In) JA5IUS, ORtE A CO.


oa deUvery, the Uihea Cash Price.Vernacun, TaaltiAB f Fiji Se Ilaisl Cottai,

OHIverad freak asd In rnod eiwlitioa. will always obtain theteheet ea--h price obtainable la the Pari lie. with a reaaonable

wanse freicbt.Uavinc the must approved etas, and every faeflity fnr elean-ja- ff

tad pottlac P the cotton for the ne of the manufacturersaeape. nmler spselal inetraetions from them. I am prepared

parebaae and (In any quantity that may be odered..Rune bat HIRE BRA I3LA3D COTTON wanted, nor

Myexeept la ibe Mes.Pr 8a Inland Seed win be supplied wrfsotr chascb topplacaau bxm any (art of this group or the Pacific Ocean.

n. m. wnrrsET.- sV There Is no cmp of any description so likely to pay

ore and banHeom Income to the planter, ox a ixttL ocr--r.

as ea iMaad Cuttna; and this will probably continse toJ" ease fhr the neat lea year. Special care shnold be

la srkcUnc the best raHty for plantiar reneraty afr, the nearer the sea the better, welt (bettered from strong

""le, Ml where frenaeat rains prevail- - .

UoButule.Jsoe, ISoT. 677 6a

BY E. P. ADAMSOH TUESDAY. .... jtjly 16th.

At 10 O'clock, A. XI, at Sale Hoom.! Regular Sale of Groceries, Dry Goods, &c.J CrtaiCtjg of

10 barrels Ate and Pcrtrr to pita am cuarU.Cl.,i. Win,:.. bW ltj , tttue Mlro..Fine BUrk Tea. hgn Tkmr, 9 b, UamatJ fci,.Itowoer lul. rVklea. Cruatl iurar.j

Naloral Leaf l'rewreJ, ,t't-ffe- e Cnpe and So-r- , liUrkioc. f (raw PaperTumble.. Camllea. fhawl, bUck aitd brown.Quilteit ti.Je iia.l.Jlm. f

1 Hair Cb4h Ku; Chair. ery eumftal-le- , J

ealr.rrU ffninna, Deoia Panta. Cotlouaile Panta.I ulweae. Ac!




"r" "l'y Mill, .w aale 10 quauUHel to aait b i

- u--? K. P. ADAM3, Arent Pouaiau p.icCo. !

Portland, RosendaTe and Newark Cement!POR SALE AT LOW E--T MARKET RATES

riLiS By C. BRfcWKR Co.


iPlilt 1. C. .HVKUAY, J

ALarge and Carefully Selected Assortment j

OF !



fxtracu, Cbeeae, Eaoo, liami, Smoke4 falmoo, i

Salooo Brnwl, Crackers an.1 Cakes. New Oniooa, J

Pine II'MDioy, Maccaroni and VermicrHi, Oat, (Bran, Ojlters, AlroonJ, Ppicea. Dried Peaches,Extract of Jammica Ginger, 4 A Ac

For sale cheap at the Familr Grocery aod Feel Store byt'i In I. lf.ARTt.KTT.


NOTICK that 1 will pay do debts coutrac ed in Bit nameithout my written redr. A. COMiTiK'K.

- lioDolala, Jane 25, 1707. i7 3in

:fvrioeii: scott,Publishers and Importers




For the CSold Medal Pateat Agraffe


THESE I'lAXOS AKEr. .now Cfmsidrred by all the leauii.g iKtV MU5CArtists as amaT-?.'- l

Superior to every other Instrument.

Orders from the Sandwich IslandsFIII be Ittraded to with Promptness

v th raavxaa,

MR. OUSTAV A. SCOTT,via is a

Praeliesil MMirina and Flaalat.fie will take pains to select only


The Patronage of the (illzrn of the Idands IsCfpertrallF Solirlted.


ISO Kearaey Street. Carar sf Seller Si. i&T9 FAX FRANCISCO. ly

Valuable Real Estate For SaleIn Kona, Hawaii.

VIRTUE OF A ORDER IVSL'EDOCTB1of the Saprerov Coort of the llawaiian Island, j


WEDNESDAY. 17th day of Jnly, 1867, :

At 12 O'clock, rxmn. at the store of the laie PrestooCejunting, in apo,p.-o- , Kona. Inland ol Hawaii,


PASTI'It E AND WOOD LAXD'rVloorinr to the Eatat of Cuinmlnr, cnfttalbinK

MUtl Arrra. auJ drMill in Kojal I'atenta Xt. 09 and1170. .1 nrtlon of this U- -l furtnerly to Ch-rl- rS

Halt, aod it adjoins land belonging to the beirsof Wm. Juhnaoo.ALSO

A Fine Tract of Land, containing 90 acres, ;

itoated In K'.rnka. Kona, Inland of Hawaii, ailj-rtnln-

lanls of James Atkins. Kaawalna, J. I. Pari, and I. llarrett,ami dearribrd in Royal Patent No. 1171.

For further particular y InJ. W. ArfTIX.

AJoainUtntor of the Folate of 1'rn.loo Cainroinjrs, orR R. NEVILLE. Aoctkineer,

(77 5t Kona. Hawaii.




Tlie 13 c?fit in tlie Mai-ket- ,



A. . CflaCillOIXir'S. "679 1m

T"ULS"t H-Oooive-d.

it v....E. O. HALL & SON.

A I.A. OAK TANNED SOLE LEATHER,c llarars Leather, rlrvlle UeathT.RiKKinic Leathrr, Uuing Skins, coLirs, Ac.

Ami on Hind, an Assortment ff the Favorite.Unrp cools, stovoa :

Nos. I, 2, 3, 4. i


And Shortlf Eipertrd, an Asortnrnt of the jostljCELEBRATED

MODEL COOK STOVES.(79 Noa. 2. S and 4. 3t

Expected to Arrive this Fall,FROM HAMBURG,


677 8m By TllEOIi. C. IIErCK.

THE PACIFICCommercial Advertiser.

SATURDAY, JULY 13." The oration was received with freonent ani.lanw.

' and it wxs certainly a fini.-he- d and elegnnt production,i '"e or two passages, however, scemel to us out ofj place unJer the circumstances, as we cannot see whatj in the world Hawaiian afFiin have to do with a Fourthj of July oration. The day U a foreign national dayj from a Hawaiian point of view, and the celebrationof it, hy a reu.on:tMe construction of internationalcomity, is hy consent of the local authorities; and,therefore, regard to good tatc, is more important inthe celebrants than if thc day were being observedon its own native soil. American political principlesare suuud, and we believe in them, but weshould not feel ourselves justified in London or Paris,being permitted to have a public demonstration of ourpet-da- y, to overhaul the governments of thae coun--.tries with an application of our political views, and acriticism on their political guilt and personal base-ness. If in thot-- e exeat nations, we rea.ll-- - wklip.! tAmix in local afEiirs and to influence theirtlrUwcuaii their politics, and then use the power whichsuch a franchise conferred upon us.

Yc cfu the above l'n.m tlie last Gazette.Dues the jocrninent alitor intend to nrcrt tluxtfore igners residing in Honolulu liave no rihtto di.-H-- u the law or esprcus an opinion on theHiticfl of the country? Have not tLc Ministers

itIme and ala durins thc l""1 years eoulittli( opinion and views of the uierclianto on rliti- -

1 queHtioiw, irrpective of tlitir allcnam-e-T a --...i i ; f ., ....Mi ii.,!. uiC ircjiieniiy eount tliendvice of the Chaiuler of Coinmerce, and receiv- -j

ed and acted on petitions from aliens on political.""' ' " it ta miucr line in me tiity to CMaillMI

a rule tLnt every man's mouth uimst be bhut, wholias not taken the oath of allegiance.

Foreigners are invited to come licre and nettleto buy land and invent their capital. Take the

cano of the leverend gentleman referred to in thealnjve remarks. He is the owner of real estate.a homestead, in Honolulu, ami has identifiedhimself fir life as thoroughly with the islandu as,it is iiuse-ibl- for a man to do, without taking tinoath of allegiance. There are hundred andthouriandd of similar cased. Does thc Gazetteintend to deny to all nuch 44 the right to discuspoliticH " and any political measures affectingtheir intercuts? j

Such a monhtrouM aracrtion, flrom an ofDciiil

quarter, must needs startle our foreign residentsami cause them to ponder on the position rbeyhold in this ciuntry. A crown minister oncelaid down the rule that any man who did notlike the laws might leave thc country ; and underthc ruling he left. But now the doctrine isannounced, officially, that tliey may not evendiscuss the laws. It will lie difficult to find a

i ral lcl to such a ruling in any constitutionalcountry. In England Mr. IJeechcr was allowed,freely to discuss the jx.litktal action of that coun-try, and even to censure thc course of the Gov-

ernment in reference to the United States; andfor it received thc applause and homage of themasses.

So long as this country has no legally estab-lished Constitution so long as every new Minis-try can overturn the great Magna Charta of thetuition and proclaim a new one to suit theirwhims it cannot be cxjctcd tliat citizens ofAmerica or subjects of England and France willreadily exchange thc protection of those power-ful flags for thc uncertainties existing here. Jutthose who have identified themselves with thecountry, who own real and personal propertyhere, have and fill claim thc right to discuss injmldie or private all measures that may affecttheir interests, the value of their property andthe welfare of their children.

Ministers have already disfranchised a largeportion of thc nation from the rights tliat God i

and Kamelmmeha III. crave to them ISOW, IIwe understand thc official organ a right, theyproviso to shut the mouths of all foreign resident, not willing to take the oath to an illegalConstitution, which may any. day be arbitrarilyset aside bv tlie Ministry. If this is the uro--gramme, they will carry it out at their peril.

The O'asrile m XrstlrMliiy v.Mr. Editor : Xot a little interest has been ex- -.

citetl in our dusty town by the article in the Gazetteof this week in criticism of the oration of the Rev.Mr. Corwin on the 4th of July.

Perhaps I am not a " superficial reader," but forone, I do find it difficult to obtain any other idea fromthc Hawaiian Proclamation of Neutrality as given inthe Gazette, than that it does most distinctly recog-

nize " belligerent rights. I sf tk now of the poj-ul- ar

rfftct of the proclamation ; and I say withouthesitation that he must not only be a very sujierficialreader now, as he must have licen a very superficialobserver then, had he been living here when the proc-- Jtarnation first saw the light, who should fail toderstaud distinctly that its object was to do all thisGovernment was capable of doing to legalize andmake r ectable the most hideous rebellion the worldbad eve -- jco.

It was not issued in ignorance as to the feelingwith which it would lie received by the United StatesGovernment, for the Hawaiian Ministry were wellaware that '. c . nion of Great Britain and Francehad lieen stronjly protested against and complainedof by the American Secretary of State, as not onlyhasty but unfric.idly, and while claiming neutrality,Wing in fact the very reverse oNL

Any candid reader superficial or otherwise ofthe American rebellion, must admit that tlie neutral-ity proclamations of the various powers that issuedthem, did more to intensify thc strife and inspire con-

fidence and hope in the hearts of its leaders than anyor all other influences, and will abo admit the perfectpropriety with which the United States Governmentprotested against their hasty issuance and complainedof their unfriendly character.

The Hawaiian proclamation may not be preciselythe same in terms with that of Great Britain orFrance, but it would be quite as satisfactory evidenceof that fact to compare it with those instrumentsthemselves as to compare it with the long string of

orders ' issued by Earl Russell to the Lords of theAdmiralty, while its effect was precisely the same,and the only impression which the United States Gov.ernment could fairly be expected to receive from itwas, that it was this Government's feeble contribu-tion to assist the enemies of a friendly power. It wasissued, as the then Hawaiian Minister of Foreign Af-

fairs said to a lesident here, in antici ration of theI

possible appearance in our hartor at any day of anarmed war steamer direct from Europe, bearing theflag of the Confederacy, and designed to prey uponthe jicaceful American commerce of the Pacific ;

and if," said he, " she comes, the' 11 be a tchacker.If such a vessel bad come, she would not, however,

have come as a privateer to be excluded by ourcarefully-worde- d proclamation from the ports of theHawaiian Kingdom, but as a regularly-commission- ed

war ship of the Confederate States of America, andtherefore entitled to all the hospitalities of a neutraland friendly ort, including " coal and ordnance depots. Is it strange, then, that with the then exist--

.... . . . , i

Wgconaiuon oi tmngs viovernmcnt ana ,

American citizens should regard the unnecessary anduncalled for Hawaiian Proclamation as an unfriendlyutterance, and look upon it as a tacit invitation tosome whacking war steamer to ravage the com-

merce of the Pacific ?

That it did not have the effect to bring one- - here inthe early years of the war was certainly not its fault.and that it failed to protect its own flae from the rav-- !

ages of the pirate Shenandoah when tlie war hadclosed," would seem to have in it a spice of retributionillustrative of the old saying that curses come hometo roost,

I have no time to follow the writer in the Gazettehrough t he four points hich he makes in reviewing

tlie proclamation, nor do I think it necessary, as tlieidea which seems to pervlc the whole uistrumt nt,and would apjieir to have been its inspiring motive,entirely overshadows all these.

If, as he labors so hard to prove, the proclamationwas merely a hash of certain items of already existing ! count for the past Tew weeks, and the OTerland

law principles which were not made t graph out of order much of the time. What hasany stronger by it, and which would not have been come through has been devoid of generalless efficient on account of its non-issuan- ce, why vas Steamship Colorado

Arrived here last week frvm Japan, having had ait issued at all ? And dues nut the labored argumentof the writer go to prove the positiou I have taken in j fine run of " &J ! son, nours' vhiA athis article, that the whole thing was as unfriendly in Ga improvement on her previous trip. Her pas-i- ts

conception as it has been in its continuance? The Japan, however, was nothing to brag of,

writer uses a toue quite like that of one who speaks ' baving been over 25 days. She brought 280 pas--"

by authority," an 1 1 can luirdly avoid the suspicion' angers and ovvr one thousand tons of freight. These

that the object of the questions put to Mr. Corwin, J two riu,jeer trij-- s have been a perfect success, andand of the suggestions to the United States Minister j the exceed the expenses some twenty thou--

I &U1,1 which is ttr ahead of the expectationsResident, may be the hope that, either directly or in--uf the ColF'anJ. 43 en a loss the firstbe made whichdirectly, some request may will aFord ;

' ean The Ca'oraJo starts on her third Julythe Hawaiian Government a chance for getting out voyage! 4tL and wiU flowed in August by the newgracefully from its humiliating predicament. Its iv

sition was, however, Uken voluntarily, and when the ! Crro Republic, now on her way out from

proper time came for it to retrace its steps and ac-- j Kcw York to thIs Prt-- Nothing new has transpiredaboutknowledge its mistake, it chose not to do it, and I for ;

Th0 Honolulu steamer8,one hope the proclamation may be allowed to stand Though it is reported that the Beu. Holladay Com-un- til

the of doom, rather than that Anier--day any ha3 Governmentpailv a propu9:j to to run oneican, either in a private or official capacity, shall J rairr, for the 75,000, as often as she can makelower himself to the task of asking for its withdrawaL ; her trips, or put on two steamers if the subsidy is

There are principles which are than tlie : increased to $100,000. No one believes that tliedogmas of even international law, and Donation is so i amount voted by Congress will secure the service ofpowerful that it can afl'urd to persist in a doubtful two good vessels, much less a semi-mont- hly line,eourse only because it has not been requested to do ' which is the le-.i-t your mercantile call for.otherwise, or threatened with the evil consequences ! n ja not unlikely tliat the terms published will beof wrong-doin- g ; and the fact that the retaliation modified before any contract is entered into,threatened by the American Government to those na-- J State Politicstions w ho failed to withdraw their obnoxious Have been the exciting topic here for the past month, ions, is inoperative against this Government, from j and have resulted in a split in tlie Republican orthe fact of its not possessing any naval vessels which Uuion ranks. General Bid well, bite Member ofmight bo de..ied the hospitalities of United States

' Congress, was the favorite candidate for Governor,ports, is certainly a very poor excuse for the failure but his claiir.s have been set aside, and a tricky law--to withdraw its oflensive proclamation.

Yours respectfully,Oxe op Uncle Sam's Boys.

NOTES OF THE WEEK.Sitreme Cotot. The Court met again on Mon-

day last, Chief Justice Allen presiding. Thc caseof the King vs. G. C. Skiers for furious driving, wascommenced, but did not reach the jury until Thurs-day morning, the Court havinz adioumed over fromTues-biy- . The jury was called at half-pa- st nine, onThursday, and at one o'clock rendered a verdict ofguilty against the accused, after a very short deliber-ation. The Attorney-Gener- al conducted the prosecution with his usual thorough and careful manner,and the pris .ner was ably defended by his counsel,Mr. Lawrence. The latter gave notice of a motionfor a new trial on certain legal and technical grounds.

Tlie second suit which is now pending against Mr.that of assaulting an officer in the discharge

of his duty, was, by request of the accused, post-

poned until the Lackawanna returns from Hawaii.On Thursday morning Judge Allen mid a lengthy

opinion of the full bench on the raised by Mr.Stanley, counsel for w. S. Pahukula, indicted forembezzlement. The Court sustained the demurrer,and directed the Attorney-Gener- al to elect as towhether he would charge the money said to be em-

bezzled as the property of W. C. Jones, or of GeorgeDavis Hueu.

On Friday morning a native jury was drawn inthe case of Rex vs. W. S. Pahukula, (the alwvc men-

tioned) and the trial occupied until 2 o'clock, when. . . . ,1 1 - 1 1 1 I I - A 1 -tlie pieauings ..a,...K mt--n couciuucu on ,Mlrt vi ;

. i. - i. i . .t. 4 . "". l l r .t... : I

uiu iivwu ov me Aiuu urv-urur- nii iniu inr me ini--J 1

soner by Messrs. R. II. Stanley and J. W. H. Kauwahi, the ChiefJustice charged the jury, who retiredto consider on their verdict. At half-pa- st five, the !

jury returned into Court with a verdict of not guilty, j

9 to 3. ij ',v ,. c y . c. .....Tv The FashionsilTK.tubui:s oiii.vr or oot.iiir.i. unn oiiiur. ,

day night, on Nuuanu street, a party of four or fivej

soldiers a peaceable citizen, and but for thej

assistance of those who ran to his help, he would no!

doubt have leen badly maltreated if not murdered,- .. .. .i.i:..M l !.: ......

.... . . i..i .i.n . r 1... t.t iiut vuaiuvaa nwi iiti jr uui o. uiv Luiim fta .11 mubtime of night, and armed too, at that ! Is Honoluluto be reduced to tlie condition of a garrisoned townand be ruled by ? It is stated that four ofthe men have been court martialed and were punish-ed by flogging last Thursday. We observe thatWednesday's Gazette makes no mention of the out-

rage of thc previous Saturday night.

A Rcsawat. The night before the Lackawanna tosailed for the windward ports, one of the seamen,having procured a suit of citizen's clothes, let him- -

Lsclf into the water alongside and swam ashore. Theship left in the morning, and the desertion was notdiscovered, or at least not reported to the OnSaturday forenoon the man was recognized by thenatives while walking down Nuuanu street, and wasarrested. He denied, however, that he belonged tothc man-of-w- ar, although he was recognized by sev-

eral as being one of the crew. He is kept in custodyuntil tlie return of the ship.

inA New Singer. By advertisement in to-da- y's

paper it will be seen that a German tenor ginger,Mr. Schraubstadter, recently arrived from San Fran-cisco, by the Murray, will give a vocal and instru-mental


Concert of selections from operas, etc., thisj

evening. Tlie gentleman comes well recommendedas a singer of fine acquirements, and Mad. D'Ormy,by whom he will be assisted, only needs to be properly accompanied, to fully prove herself capable of j

pleasing an audience of good judges. These artist i

have sung together before, and we anticipate a richtreat.

sHis Highness M. Kekcanaoa, though arrivedat a very advanced age, is still in excellent healthand keeps up his active habits of life. He was al-- I

ways famous for building and planting, and otherwiseimproving his property, and the passion is tillstring. Last Thursday he left for Ewa, or PearlRiver, in his fine six-oar-ed boat, having previously


sent down lumber for building purposes. Long mayhe live, to set an example of temperance, industryand activity to his people.

vert good Bull. One of the on thepanel of the Supreme Court, feeling unable physic-ally to do jury duty, procured a doctor's certificatethat he was sick abed. Instead, however of send-

ing the certificate to the Judge, he carried it himself. ofVery Irish; or is it an English blunder ?

Water Trockus for Horses. Some time ago. in'we stif rrpsiwl the rmmriftv r.f protini ilrinVinietroughs for animals at suitable localities about the !

city. We the suggestion has been earried !

. ftf !

out m two very proper places at the fish market j

and on the . On Saturday afternoons cs-- J

pecially, numbers of horses are collected near the '

fish market, most of them from long distances. " Amerciful man is merciful to his beast."

Makawao Female Seminarv. The annual ex- - janimation of the Makawao Female Seminary will lotake place on Thursday, the 25th of July. Theparents and friends of the pupils, and the communitygenerally are invited to be present.

rn' flrffvivj Jiirtrt 7 rZonnr'il shari.lnn nanappointed Benjamin F. Flanders Governor of Lou-- j

isiana. Flanders called at the Governor's office.made known his appointment, and desired to enter j

immidiately npou the duties of tlie office. Mr.. declfnt.d to vaeatet an1 1)rotwtrHl in writing


against the action of the military.Gov. Wells has sent a despatch to the President

protesting against the action of Sheridan. II ;

declares Lis removal was in consequence of a per- - i

sonal quarrel wiih Gen. Sheridan, and not because j

he was impeding the execution of the laws. He j

also wrote a letter to Sheridan denouncing hisstatement as a malicious slander. He accuses i

.of "biring the July riots, and de-- j

mands that Sheridan produce proofs to substantiatehis accusations.

Washington, June 13. The InteHigencer hasauthority for saying that the Cabinet has decidedthat the military have no power to remove Stateofficers, but sees no ground for the belief that thePresident contemplates the removal of Gen.

San Francisco Correspondence.





procla- -







pen COMET.

Sax Francisco, June IS, 1S07.

Mr Dear Commercial : News has been at a dis- -

I yer, George C. Gorham a perfect counterpart toyour C. C. Harris has been put forward as thenominee of the party. He was formerly an out-and-- out

Democrat, and it is singular that nine out of thetwelve names on the State ticket were formerly Demo-

crats. The Bulletin says :

" Mr. Gorham owes his present eminence to thosewho, a lew months ago, were shouting for Jeff Davisand contributing towards the success of the rebelcause. And yet honest, old-fashio- Republicans,who stood steadfastly by the old flag in the darkesthours of the war, are ftskeu to support mm on tne

'jrround that he is a Radical Unionist, and that tobn,k irMibl I wi.i i Aev.iana naptv faith"-- e v --"..j

The result will be that the party will be dividedI at the September State election, but whether to thatj extent as to allow the Dem icrats to win, remains to

be seen. This, of all others, is the country forCheeky Women.

I had occasion a few days ago to ride in the cars,when a lady (no, she was not such,) entered the car,which was over-crowde- d. She was dressed in tlieheight of fashion, with her hair, as much as shecould carry, piled on her head in the most grotesquestyle. On entering she cast around such a demand-

ing look as took me from my seat, and caused me tooffer it to her with my accustomed politeness, which6he accepted. For this I received no 'thanks, butstood in the crowd as best I could, till the gentlemanbeside her vacated his seat. On my attempting toseat myself, this cheeky mortal spread her flowingmoire antique over the seat, as if to say " no youdon't." Disgusted with this specimen of San Fran-

cisco fashion, I walked out onto the platform, andsoon found, in conversation with the conductor, thatit was an everyday occurrence. Why," said he,

0e for cbceky WOIUCU. They get Onto a.

phi- - witli ipii cIiiIilri-Ti- - live ilofrs. seven rianulinxra amiwfltrfltn s fls a double mattrass. and offer vou

fare, Aftcp hcaring thft j,... . . .T T n. an ovr.1w... Frnm 1 1.

an easy transition, and I will devote to them a few

lines. To begin with the hair, the waterfall has beenpromoted or elevated that is, on the very top of thehead, like a turkey-gobbl- er at roost, taking a bird's- -'

eye view of all thc surroundings. How this watcr- -i

full is arranged it is impossible for me to conceivesuffice it to say it gets on the top of the head andthere stays. The general appearance of a lady'sdress has changed much since last year; still all thopredictions about fashion have not proved true.Crinolinc,'afor instance, was to have been abolislidl,but has evidently obtained a new lease. Ladiesdresses arc to be unusually short, according to someauthorities. They the dresses, not the ladies arc

leave off sensationally just below the knees, andfigured stockings and fancy boots are to do the rest.Well, if the feebler sex can stand it I guess wc can.'

Another Windfall- -

I cannot vouch for the following, but, if true, it istoo good to allow to pass unpublished. Mr. G. N.Spencer, of ILtst Maui, before leaving the Islands,purchased from a gentleman residing on Maui a largetract of land, located near Stockton, in this State,some three miles or more in extent, paying for thesame $2,000, " subject to all mortgages there mightbe on it." The estate had been left for several years

charge of a lawyer in Stockton, who had faith-

fully kept the income, paying off the mortgages asfast as be could, without, however, communicatingwith the former owner, who lives on Maui, ami whosupposing tlie estate was irretrievably encumberedwith debt, was glad to get rid of it. At the time ofthe purchase, however, the estate had become nearlyclear of debt. The deeds were at once recorded andacknowledged, and Mr. Spencer finds himself the luckyowner of two thousand acres, near the city of Stocktorij flr which he has been offered $75,000 cash, andwhich is likely to be worth three times tliat sumwithin five years, as the land is located in a growingsection of the State. Such freaks of fortune do notoften occur, and are all the more worthy of note onthat account.

Kerosene or Coal Oi.'.If I remember rightly, Dr. Hoffmann, of your city,

pr?lctel, a cotipleofyfears since, that the use of thisarticle as a burning fluid would be entirely abolishedbefore many years. The New t ork Times, of a recent date, has the following about the dangers ofusing kerosene:

" Tlie principle on which life insurance is based is,that while everybody is sure of dying at some time,nobody is sure of dying at any special time; but ifkerosene oil were to become an illuminator in generaluse pretty much everybody might be certain of goingoff at any time. Last year the deaths caused by thecareless handling and consequent explosions of kero-sene in this country were over 200, and the amount

property destroyed by fire from the same causewas over $000,000. Some people show a perfect in-

genuity of stupidity in common things which resultsfmiuent and totally unnecessary disaster. A

Trvi.-iT.i- i has lieen iroincr the rounds of the Tinnerslately, telling of the death of two out of eight servantP"8 OB1fPl a 7"uone door window, both of which wereAccompanying this is the usual amount of Solemnwarning aliout ventilation. But if we do not abso--

selves in street cars, railroad cars, theatres, churchesand all kinds of public buildings, and all for thewant of the commonest kind of sense in an importantmatter, but one so constantly present tliat it inducescarelessness and thoughtless stupidity. In addition

pnysicai iieaitn ana correct moral namis, insur-ance companies ought to require a guaranteed certifi-cate of sense from applicants for policies, though,indeed, that would txuse a sad fulling off in theirreceipts.

Amusemeiiu.e I t

wonderful performers, have just closed an en- -gagement at the Metropolitan, and leave soon for thepar;3 Exposition. These performances are the mostremarkable that have ever been given here, and willnot fail to attract audiences wherever they go.

Heller, the wonderful pianist and necromancer.has just returned from Salt Lake, and is giving sev-

eral farewell entertainments this week.

Marine.The clipper ship While Swallow, CapL Kuowles,

will leave for Hongkong in a week or ten days, andwill touch at Honolulu.

The brig Woodland has been chartered for Hono-lulu and back, in the Regular Dispatch Line, andwill leave early in July, say the 6th.

Tlie bark Cambridge is not yet in, though hourlylooked for. She will load for Honolulu.

The bark fl'histler sails in a few days for NewBedford with a full cargo of oil.

Yours, &c, Pele.

FOREIGN NEWS.Dates to June 20th.

By the American clipper ship Mirey, on the Stb,and the bark Cvmt. on the 9th, the New York mailof May 21 was received and Sau Francisco dates toJune 20.

Th steamship Colorado had arrived from Japanafter a fine passage of nineteen days, having madea most successful round trip. By her we havenews of the loss of the vhaleship Canton Fuel,CapL. Eraser, near llakodadi, ou the night of the3d of April. Five-seamen- , including four Hawai-ian s. were drowned. The following particulars arefrom the Alta :

Lss ok the "Canton Packet.' We have ob-taim- -d

from CapL Eraser, late in command of theAmerican whaling ship CmJon Packet, 217 tons.The followiug particulars of her loss: She leftHonolulu January 4th, 1SC7 ; went south as far asthe line, where she took fifty barrels of sperm oil.On the nisrht of the 3d. nearing tlie island, on herway to llakodadi, during a heavy northeast galeand snow, in latitude 41 and longitude 141 1--

went n shore. The ship became a total wreck,with the loss of five of the crow. The rest, thirty-tw- o

in all. remained on the island for ten days. TheJapanese refused to allow them to move until the

! arrival of Mr. Rice, the American Consul at Hako-- !dadi, w ho arrived on the scene of the disaster withgreat difliculty. Through this gentleman s exer-tions the natives furnished the Captain and hiscrew with horses and guides. They arrived atllakodadi perfectly destitute and about naked ;but thanks to the kindness of the foreign residentsof llakodadi. they were well taken care of. Capt-Fras-er

left llakodadi as soon as possible, and ar-rived here last night en thc Colorado. Tho creware still at llakodadi awaiting transportation toSan Francisco. The vessel belonged to J. II. ISart-le- tt

A Son, of New Bedford, Mass. Of the fivesailors that were lost one was James Fairbanks, ofBaltimore, the other four were llawaiians. Alia.

The following is an abstract of the American andEuropean telegraphic news : :

Mexican News.New Oklkans, June 10. Mexican advices to the

22d say : Miramon is dangerously ill from hisw ound, and is expected to die. When Maximiliangave up his sword, he said :

"I surrender my sword, owing to infamous trea-son, without which sun would hawseen you in my hand." Escobedo ordered a courtmartial for the 29th, for the trial of thc Emperor.Maximilian sent through Diaz a telegram to thePrussian Consul at Matamoras, to obtain the ser-vices of the Marine Corps, to defend him. Threehundred and forty-seve- n officers were captured.Maximilian issued a proclamation, declaring hecame to Mexico called and protected by Napo-leon, who. to the ridicule ? of France, abandonedme, cowardly aud infamously, by the demand ofthe United States, after having uselessly spent herblood and treasure. When the news of my deathreaches Europe, all the monarchs of the blood oiCharlemagne and their country will demand of theNapoleonic dynasty an account of my blood, andthe Geiman and French bloodshed in Mexico. ThenNapoleon will be covered with shame from head tofoot,"

He concludes his appeal to the Mexicans to actwith prudence and truthfulness. The revolt fromthe Liberals which occurred at Tampico will soonbe suppressed. Juarez forces arc drawing theirlines about the place, and a battle is expected soon.

New York, Juno 10. Queretiro dates to the2Cth say no disposition had been made of Maximil-ian. Meudez was shot on Sunday, because he didnot surrender within 24 hours. He met his fatebravely. Col. Campos, commander of Maximilian'sbody guard, was also shot lie attempted to es-

cape with four thousand men after the surrender.Other executions are expected, but none positivelyknown. All the French officers were missing.Maximilian and the principal prisoners are confinedin a church in different quarters. The wife ofPrince Salm-Sal- an American lady, as related toPresident Johnson, has interfered with Juarez forher husband and the Emperor. On her return fromSan Luis, the Emperor and Prince Salm-Sal- m hada long interview with Escobedo. It is believedthat terms were arranged by which the lives ofmost of the foreigners will be spared. Most of thetroops had gone to Mexico. Escobedo remains,and a strong garrison is kept up.

Miramon has since died.Thc Tribune's special dispatches of unofficial

nature, but trustworthy indicate that Maximilianwill be allowed to leave Mexico.

American News. -.

Washington, June 10. The trial of Surratt hascommenced. The Court-roo- m was crowded. Sur-ratt appeared with a very pale and careworn look,but during a conversation with his counsel laughedheartily. Both sides announced themselves readyfor trial. A motion was made to qnash the panelof jurymen, because it was not drawn according tolaw. ;

Washington, June 11. On the Surratt trial theentire day was consumed by arguments and motionsof the prosecution made yesterday. A demurrerwas filed to-d- ay by the defence. The prosecutionobjects to too many Catholics on the jury. TheCourt promised an opinion

Jcne 13. In the Surratt trial, the entire day wasoccupied in selecting a jury. When the list oftalesmen was exhausted, only three jurors had beensworn. The Marshal was ordered to summon 100more jurors, who are to be required to answerwhether they had formed an opinion as to the guiltor innocence, not only of Surratt, but of the otherparties named in the indictment as

Washington, June 3. The Republicans to-da- y

carried the municipal election. 1,000 Republicanmajority was given in Washington for Councilmen,and the negroes arc jubi!aot over it

The Washington City Council has adjourned.Speeches were made denouncing the late electionas a farce, and saying it was carried to deceive thecontrabands, and the new members of the Councilare not fit to associate with the old residents of thecity. It is believed that a colored man will bemade Secretary of the new Board.

Chicago, June l.V The Times' special says it i.3

conceded in Republican quarters that there is to bea July session of Congress.

The Clironide publishes a double leaded editorial,urgine Republican members in the most positivelanguage nut to fail to be present A paper isbeing circulated asking thc Executive pardon forGeneral Longstrcet.

An agent for the Central Pacific has arrived fromCalifornia, to obtain from the Freedmen's Bureaufive thousand colored laborers for that road, offer-ing steady employment and high wages.

New York, Junr 14. It is said that the LoyalLeague made another attempt to expel Greeleylast night, but failed.

Letters have been published from Juilge Abel,at New Orleans, to the President, in which hecharges that all of Sheridan's acts are unconstitu-tional and subversive of all the liberties of thepeople.

Minister Campbell is instructed to proceed imme-diately to Mexico and take up his residence underthe Juarez Government

New York, June 14. The Trifntne confessesmuch uneasiness as to the course of the Presidenton the subject of removals under the Military bill.The President is treading on dangerous ground forhimself. The Herald ably demands a July session,and the instant iuqieachment of President Johnson.

A special to the Herald, from Brest, says : Wehave reason to believe that the sale of the ramUtoneic-al- to Japan is merely a nominal transaction,the vessel being n ally presented to cover the dis-graceful transaction of agents' sale of a formervessel, in which Seward's friends and other notori-ous lobby men are implicated. Government takesthe chances of recovering $400,000 out of whichthe Japanese were swindled.

The Post-offic- e Department yesterday received abushel and a half of Overland letters and pack-acr- es

for the East, some in blood-staine- d bazs. andwith other marks of Indian depredations. It is

' supposed that Stephen Davis, Special Mail Agentj of the Post-offic- e Department, was killed. Thej Evening Post acknowledges receiving a copy of thej Sacramento Union by Overland Mail, the wrapperj of which was stained w ith blood, nearly effacing

the superscription.The U. S. Consuls at Kanagawa and Shanghae

have been appointed postal agents, to receive anddispatch mails between San Francisco, Japan andChina. Negotiations are progressing with theBritish authorities, for reduced rates of postagebetween this country. Hongkong and dependent

j Chinese posts, and East Indies.General Grant and the Presidency. A num

ber of political managers, it is said, are in Wash-ington trjiug to sound General Grant on the ques-tion of acceptinir the nomination for the nextPresidency. It is further said the General intimatedthat he does not desire it himself, but would acceptthe nomination if extended to him.

Montreal, June 11- - A billiard match for thechampionship of America took place last night be-

tween McDevitt and Dion. The latter won thescore, standing 1.500 to 816.

New York. June 11. The Quaker Ciy. with theHoly Land excursionists, sailed last night

The Japanese Commissioners sailed in the steamerJllsin'j Star, for California and home.

One hundred families are preparinpj to start fromhe western counties ol Texas lor California.

. ,Eorepe-an- . .

Tbv Princess Mary wis dcnered of a iojhterou the 2Cth of May. - ' ..

The Ikify Xetcs says tho Reform BUI is maiingrapid progress, ia spite of its faults. Tha mniuobject of the reformers has been attended to.every thing the Government originally -- wp!done.

Bkrun. May 25. --A Royal decree ba been - is-

sued granting fnll pardon to persons liable? t mil-

itary seivice who have emigrated without per JaKsion from the lately incorj,Krated province.;

Canma. May 23. Intelligence from Greeksources says two freeh engagements took place onthe 15th and 16tb. resulting iu favor of the Can-dian- s.

Omar Pasha is devastating the country,and has burned 53 villages without obtaining buc-cess- ful

results against the insurgents. A freniusitrrectiou has broken ont iu Benjia. 60.000troops were sent to quell the revolt

A despatch from, Jaso reports a pvrsecntfion ofthe Jew. A large number have been aent away.Jos. Corais had addressed a represontatioo fromthe Emperor, praying protection for hia brethrenairaiust arbitrary measures towards tk?i....... i!...i.; ... iviurimtlhW have withVI IUV I'rtUt.WlifU ......drawn to the Prussian Principalities'.

The Prussian Government had opened confidenttial negotiations with Denmark relative to tije res-

toration of North Schleswig. lenork will orequired to assume the debt: also to guaranteeprotection to the German inhabitants. The Dirtis to be restored. Tho retrocession oCerest erfPrussia contains 30,000 inhabitants.

ATTKMrT to Assassinate this Czar of RtfnA.- -New York, June The Herald's special cabbdispatch has a long account of an attempted asasination of th Czar. The assassin fired two shot.The second barrel exploded, wounding bia baud.The first ball penetrated the head of the horse rid-den by thc Imperial groom. The assassin aya became from Belgium with tlie intention of killiugthe Czar, and declares that he has no accomplice.

The Americans in Paris will present an addressto the Czar, through General Dix. The address tscongratulatory of Napoleon, and is extensivelysigned.- - r'i "'

Several towns in France held the service of theRussian Church to-da- y. The Czar. Grand Ducbesaand sons of the Czar attended service in Paris, andoffered thanksgiving for the escape of the Czarfrom assassination. ' -

St. Petersburg. June 9.-- There were aeryicein all tho churches yesterday in token of recogni-tion or Divine interposition in protecting the Czaragainst tho assassination.

Warsaw. June 9. On the morning of yesterdaythe inhabitants and all notables of the city lefttheir names with tlie Lieut Governor. The nobil-ity held a meeting and resolved to send a deputa-tion to Paris and the Czar and Napoleon, express-ing their horror at tho attempt to kill the fcrmer.

London, June 10. There is great rejoicing inFrance and Russia over the escape of the Czarfrom assassination. Tho Poles every where disavowany connection or sympathy with the attemptedcrime, , . j

Coronation of thf Kixo ok IIusoart. Tstv,June 10. The coronation of Francis Joseph alung oi Hungary, occurreu to-ua- y. - '

Warsaw, June 10 The marriage of the King ofGreece to the Grand Duchess Olga, daughter ofConstantino, is next in order.

The Havre Journal of the 29th of May, says theEmperor of China will leave about the middle oftaslas- nnrl Kitrb- - Vtvr nfiiatnnr sfak"- - V 11 fiTlfi lftflal ssVat

sTHIT aslU t. Ill UUI Cn. JJ W. lasu. s vea swa-- a -Marseilles in the second week in August

Gallignini's Messenger of the 28th ult, says It Isannounced that Abdel Kadir, accompanied by biasons, is expected in Paris a fortnight. .

- -.

The King of Sweden will soon arrive.Despatches from. Constantinople- - state that the

Porto has Issued a decree making Egypt a separatesovereignty.

Paris, June 11. Tho Czar has left for Germany.Tho Emperor has returned to Paris, to stay two

weeks.-- - - - '.


The honHoa Post, in a letter dated Paris 28th,says it seems to be the opinion that the Emperorwill gather all the crowned heads of Europe andAsia, and a feeler will be thrown out to W Welling-ton for inviting President Johnson to Paris. Allthc sovereigns have replied 'Yesf'" except theEmperor of China. , :

The London Herald has reason to expect thaiJeff. Davis will be la London In June, i :;

London, June 1 1. The expedition in search forDr. Livingstone bas sailed.

London, June 14. Negotiations between' Den-mark and Prussia, in reference to Schelawig, areconcluded, but the result is not yet published.

Berlin--, June 15. King William and Bismarckhave arrived here from Paris.

London, June 15. The Government will send anumber of additional troops to Canada.

Berlin, June 16. The Czar arrived to-d-ay fromParis. The King of Egypt has arrived ana metwith a most enthusiastic reception.

Di ni.i.v, June 16. Several additional cases ofhigh treason before a soecial Commission at Lim-erick resulted in the conviction of the accused.

The Pestb Government are preparing measuresfor the emancipation of the Jews in Hungary.



M. hourly expected,

Will be offered for Sale immediately onarrival.

Apply to (579 3t) JANT0K, GREEN s CO.



HOTEL CALLED THE HATIOTJAL !Situated on the corner of Nuiiaon and Hotel Streets, cootalk-ing an area of nearly one acre, in the centre of toe best bast-ne- M

location in the city and established apsrards of S& years.Tie premises have a frontage of two hundred and eleven feeton Hotel Street, and one hundred and eleven on tiaaana (Street,and are held in fee simple.


SPLENDID BAR -- ROOM!Built bat a fear years afro, and meaauriny; 68 by 28 feet, with alofty ceiling, fitted op with all suitable appliances and privateapartments attached. -

Adjoining the Bar is a Two-stor-y House,The Lower Story of which contains a B O V TLi 1 1 OA LLe IT 78 feet long, relaid within a few months. Atwrre-- a

IU I.LI A RD 8ALOON AND BA R, 106 feet kg, containingTHREE BILLIARD TABLES and some privatechambers. Underneath is a WINK CELLAR, cool and aosa--a

odious. There is also a Tsak adjoining, containing 1,000barrels of water, as a protection agaiust fire.


LARGE TW0-ST0R- Y STONE BTJILDUJG70 by 24 feet, the Lower Story of which is 111sol up. and

famished as a Kkstacrast asd BoAaixsu ICttiaLUaaUt,with capacious culinary arrangements.

Thc upper story contains THIRTEEN COMFORTABLE BEDCHAMBERS, all well furnished.

A portion of the Lot is let off to good tenants, and yields aclear rental of shore 2 1 OO a year.

The above Conrrm will be Leased ar Sala tEiUier in whole or in part, and is well worthy f aba aUeatioaof parties in the same line of business.

for further particulars apply t--

JoUN MONTGOMERY, Solicitor,SiS 6ni Office in the Conn lloase.


8 horse power nearly new and in perfect order;And One Pair Centrifugal Ilaxshines, new;

Are offered for sale by the andersicned at very low rates,in order to close consignments.


FOR SALE.TIIELE4SB OP THE MOUSE SIT Vated in Nuoann Valley above the first bridge, BOWoccunied bv the nnileraieiuwl r,..!

580 3t 1. A. BCTIAErER..

HOUSE AND LOT FOR QAJUS.THE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS sale oim.o liberal terms, the property on a 1Fort Street known as the r--

Aldricb Honse" Pre Raises."7 6t C R. BISHOP.

We Receive EeguXarly from HiloAND OFFER XOB, SALE,

KEGS OF FRESH DAEEtY BTJTTEB; !Suitable for Family and Ship's use.

ST9 3m H. HACKFELD fc Co.

JUNE 29th, 1867. ' -

Notr Landing from Bark D. C. EJurrajSMALL LOT OF SUPERIOR Q,UALIT

Columbia River Salmon, : ,

la harrels and half barrels. For sale by579 St BOLLU8 OJU

Golden date Iflills Flonr !

Bakers' Extra, Extra Eamily and Superfine,lm daarier Sacka. I

'k , .. :

ARE IN RECEIPT OF TDK ABOTTSWE Flour, by every Packet, direct frosa listMill, and warranted of the best quality. For by .

u or oui J jy

r yjrcian .t)3frti:fr.:iT..:.

t II !..U II. ui'. PtJ.ltaod.fUas k

aimm::v a. i.r.wisCVniimi-"- " allt'iM-Iiriiit- s


IlROMrT.TTi:TIV WII.I.l.loce and .Usance

SW .bea i( t"

NVtffT. KlTTLS "". .San Froc;cu.c . . . . liiWalo.n.a ::y:"""

JAMi:s G I-I-AI- A: Co..

Shipping and (oiuiiikMon Merf lianNAS f'KO.T JiTRKKT. t'rr JartsMsa,

: ra. scm:o. Ciuoit. ty

ARMSTRONG, SHELDON 6l Co,,(!crcK.MM to Pack.)

pio.neei: li).di:r dealer,rMlOX LI JIEKR TARD.

Ctrvr r!;&raau4 Sirctts. ui .. li SarUsax FK.xasco.

Suir lliH. Knt-r- n I'ine. Wbitf ll iuJ ft UttiUlinj Mt..Tial CuasUnltj- on Mini.

Ml If


FOREIGN DRY GOODS!Especial Attention given to


JliO iJ 2(8 Cattery Street.S.l.V rR-lMI- O.

Hl.iuJ, sucntliruiutf lUe rr es, KesturuiK Mm: Ul i


It la lb ket Beervati against almaMl any sMrknesa. if wsrj j

Umtlf. 0r!Ml tr. "ly, it can r safely t3fiwant. IMtif tttn in aJirfTiah. f rrnrS, PnuusU, ! Or- - t

- ais, wU every pirkaire. TRY IT!f r sal. at all las hila and retail drug" aturc

Ba4 groeerlra.KMIL IIKf. WbnleSMlc lnK .

liwlw Ars. I tly strrt,'tsi tj t "ranciscn.

w. - iissic. - . MsaaiLk, a caarcas.


oiiimiioii r,lcicli:tiit.

Ainftione or-is-,

201 ami 20G California Street, I

3 yvxvr FXIANOISOO. j'si. AOkxr or the I

San Francisco and Honolulu Packets. J

rartieuksraUratlMi to IB saW aad wrchas M mr--t

fkamluv. snip kawM, tmltmt alai.i, agtour.

rAlltt9ik atii al raa f raacisc.Wy or to Ike tlo--Lma rackets, will bef..are rasa or coswmiui. t

XT tukunx Iholala bnwLt and sulj. JHass Basse a

Messrs. C. U Rprssso-- . C. ..llnnolal.Hacsma t'o.. .......

s C kscwaa a C"X. ..........m Bismir 0....... ........

Pv. E. W. Was. ....................'M,. . II. Alias.......... .........l C Waraajsss, ls.. ....... ......

ill ly

HcCraken, Merrill & Co.,FORWARDING AND

Commksion Jlcrchauts,lort Itiiid, rojci.

gf TIG BEK i:u.ivi:i)iv Ol'R PROsent iMsstnev. t9 apwsrd. rf seven years, ami beniSJ

kMr4 is a Are prmf arVk knikhnf. arc pee red inrereireaa ilnip.a ul Inavwl staple, soca as oitr, Kee.Sruf. fwla.t'oaVw. Ac, to advantas.. CMMiimsnrMa sulkcileilPis the Orrra wusrkrt. to whirl, p. r.issl attention will he paid,and nma whkb cash advancva will aw when minimi.

Saa Paasctsco Raraaaacaw:kWlfev h LiaikaUwrver, Jan. Patrick Co.,f re.1. Iksw, W. T. Coleman k Co--,

Swvsaw, Raker k Co.rVarxasa Rsraarscn.:

Aflea k Lewis. Ladd k Tiltoa. Leonard k Green.H.sLrLS Rartaaacsis:

Walasrk Allen. H. gavkle.Kl-t- y

Subscribe ZLSTow


1 lh Annsenptsiw aricw of the Anenua MonlUlies i

and eeklies, aa. the inter aed stoirr ou llm, I cuotmaetosanvly ssy sahscribrr. at lbs okl rales, r lfteet. years fl--awtene. i tb kami. . .walkis as to .apply aay cusf kt I

with tirris-- perloilala ebeaner. aoirker wsl aaore sutrafari !

rlly tlua they ran ke ahtalne.1 Um any other area. Tryaad see. !

Piper Drllierr. Free af Pa-ta-re ar .titer Cbargnla Mf part af the fcraap. I

1leb aarahsra --f Ih Iradiair Mamainca. abm of Harper's j

Wnvsly, Lesthr's lUnstrued and the Lorwfua News always taaad. files made Bp at short ancice t whkmro and trav-- i

.irra. ,

ukractiptiua Parable Alrraiu AdraiceAMERIC'AX xLVSPAIf:R.w.

Serb lleraki.. Per knnom..S OA

Trtbaue 4 a" Tlases, 4 0O

Vwto Juuraat... ....... ................ ......... 4 MlR.MOM Adsertawv.......... ................ ....... 4 OUNew Isrk WorkMweekly.) 4 Ou

Leiltfer. (a try Family Paper,). MLrslW's lllostrated Newspaper,(wvckly) i UwHarper's Weekly.... ................ & OUrais rranrisew Wsrbnrs, each-- ............... I HKsery eiMnrday............. ..................... 6 IDNew (ark Cowrwr sVs Kims I'b.s.. ........ ....... B &

" " aVltwna (iteraiaal....... .............. Wl9a Fnaetsrw trraeb Odladle's Rudfrt at Fan. ................ ........... 1 IMThe IrMt Assrrteaa. WThe Nats. weekly........ ...................... MThe Aawriea ArricnltariM....... .......... ....... t boThrSetentiae Aasrneaa........................... 4thuaaey Curaer. ...... ...... .................... i M

MACAZIXK.ILwper'sManUJy Maaaaiaw. ti OOAUaoue M.sstbiy Masaxioe, ft eu

wsey's Lailf's ............... . . souLesu.'sMacasiawf Fashion .wlMeat s Mereaanto? Maaasine, uoRelsetia ...................... a uwElackeasd's Maffasiaa ft vlboot. Cnrninl. MaiFWUMr 1 ouLoo.ka criy - ts

bajMOer's ft uobsckwswd and the 4 Rritlah tinerues 1 uw

Ritbrraoewf the 4 Rnusb uartcruea. 4 OOWont W oeds ...................................... 4 00lwr twie Folka.... ............... ............... 3 00Dessnrvst's Masjaause wf FssIum-s- ft OOLwtell'a Uwlne ................. ......... e mlAd Uur tsar II ad.... ............. .............. 00The natesj ( aw .fc iillilj) ............ 7 .SIBemUe's HnncMy............... ............. ...... ft ml

"wow's Rvtr. ....................... .......... ftisjJtortb AatencM. Review, (VMartevlyX ft j

rSUI.lall SEWUPU'EKK.Lnndns) llliMrate4 II OO

rancb.(weekly) It ou" lsh, - UwThe Kaeiiaer. ............ 1.1 uBell. L.IW us Ld"0.. ....................... .... 3 uoLneubMS Weekly Tuaes.. ........ ........ ......... 10 00 'Lkiy I s Weekly New.paprr, lo IH I

TW ahnsw ftst eanprl- -, the he of Bnti.h ami Amerfa-a- a 'aeriwlical Uleratorv. They are rrnUrly received by each j

pweket trans the Lnite-- I State.. anl ran b supplied oner-- i w uialsuneiler ny asailaoy papers

ad la the above hst t"eibiMC who may des.rc tliem.Resides tha above, the s.ltowinr paper, eaa alway t be bad atthe eownter aw the arrival of each mail :

LouUviUe rjeswerat. New Ib-d- ! papers,Foenry s Press. Elt of Fan... papers. I'tLknia WnrreMer papers,Msuie pliers. Utum pape.s.

PPra. Corli pa-r- .

kal many others, toa specify.

IMLlrURVI a t'imoinrDc.."f WU4 are reee,..,. k, t.pre.. mralirtv. ami rner9J"i vanreaf tbe mails. They wil: be f.war.ed to Sub- -V. .. .

r-"-"J' at the annexed leva."W.IJ HWIISK, .......... F ir annumm 11,.fiaaraasrwto l"ir,"""JJJJ T

1 . ev-- Time. 7. "alerbrned kaa an aitent in fan Francis, ti

""TT"1 frers. -h-- -h are often pm onTT TZ7 . "'k are an.ler sal. w ummt recanl to e-- "

subseriber. U obtain their Btprrs mnrepromptly tkao la aay outer way.


QFVARHIDIMZES UET M tKt;tSe, Pres. Books. RebeT, ,VT ""h

UaSkeets, BtnUias Paper, ke--, AcForftJeby H. M. WlimiFT


ary other ctass v b.m.U.)

'th'4 lit the h'-jht- rnt't. fII. M. WUITNKT

'orjrn Swfitbri.,.f.i,s.

PIONEER IRON WORKS!Comer of .MhiIi I iiml I'rr. muni Mrert..


MM . II KM:.-- y

Sugar Tacks. Fire-Pro- of Doors. Shutters,4.k 4U L, l'r-- . Ktkui .es, or..i.e. If u

Fence. Sia.r. ae . 4c.H U'.LAK ;- F HANK VAtl.T I.os KS.

Cut.siai.liy ,a haul, a large i rtuict.t of r l,rand

0iss r All I'skts or tun Ca-- r aif irrTLT Annul! .. iTU ly

G'lisirlc Ij. Stirlciiey.M.lM7ACrUtf h of

Xcstard, Mustard Oil and Pepper Sauce !

1 rl..Nir Itlrioftoo Jlrftt.

Janion, Green & Rhodes,C?oiiimiioii .llc'i'elisin.,

VirlriMv Vakr.uirr'. I.Iuud..X . B. lrticu!T A?'.rUici (iJ toouaaiamect. of 4:1-- rrhl;ikl Prwlare.ictri.. IJkl.uarjr 1.Jm!3. Mn-- y

SMITH. i ) W. M. HA.-.t-.


yKlnst Iron Works!Smtlieust curlier Fr in.iit and Tehama Streets,


Practical Machinists and Iron Founders,MANCIACTCKK

STEAM ENGINES!Qa.rU .Hill 3Iarltikrr) i( all lind, Saw 31111s,

FLOVI: 31 ILLS.ur.ABACN iMruot:i mi. adjistim; risro

I'AiKlNC,Now to rst n.iTrly tu--d in tlie Kt ami in this St.itr.iairrit b .n if serrws; is alwuy -- U aiulixlil; w 4 him Itictame frictiou, ami lerr nets sLv-- ut Inky.

IH.M Or.S ( Kl'MIKR,he best U the kul uow in use in 1I.1S Xtttr or a- - y .Irfrre else

M txrr urrcasBS or thNew Prospecting Quartz Mill !

Consisting tA r:i.,:, Tw- - Slmp Italirry. and UrimlinKanal AsoalsuumiinK fans omlele, wurking fcutu

our ut u.watds ---r ay .Irawifrsarrfurnbnl muh tle Mills. s that any Cttnfjrtrot

tUiiucr cx3 set Iocas .0 in rauuioK order in two days' lu.AMALGAMATORS AND CoNCHNTKATonJ

Of all kinds tiiruiil.rd l Oi.lrr.

Tfler Ini'iotril Water Wheel,Oivin irrraur power, al lower cut. tljo any wkcrl lo ose.

Cea.1 a one of mt orcukus. yivinjr lull tol a.All Wheels wainua-.t- lo sic Uc wwrr as set difth, or the

bvkkj wtU b rcfondrd.

Makers (nr this Coa- -t of Ihe

Pt5IKKUAT WHITt IUO.N ttuMP tllol an 1!IS.- -Suae IH.IM nnless olilied fn-w- i at. t.ittj wananlrd.fatrrud Machinery of all kinds will he luranhrd l.y as at

Market rtcra. rMtwular alleulion K.v.n tu draw iocs ai--lstc.nratwws bf f y. which will be aiade toosdir. Ihepatron 4 Ihr w'uc Is sulicUed.

Fskiu tut Arri. I'sio 10Wwrk 1111 Oraaaicwtal (xtia?.

&n4 lim

Two. J. PoCTsasa, Vi. M. Rrsosu, II. C. 1wsic.WaTfcTM'fc: - ItWIIIYIV3PM' 4Jw MB a MM M JtsV a

San Francisco, California..... . . , . . mm m

Wholesale uruflTVg


HalewrMSM. Kiresrwwf Itrirb llsillslistx. New.201 ass tfOU lalll.raia Mrrrl, iws stsMsrwf rwms r'tsal.

SALE liAVi.. Tionatii Asa tamars

CAItl). V Cm.Is Aaraarrs ma-leo- Merclian--Idisw t law e. n.ici.nv ol ! yufl: rivate sle, aud allsarrcantiM) tocilitMS rendered omki-- .

Redr ty ruiisuii4i toMewrs. C. L-- Rich as os k lu. ...... ......Il-nlul-

It. P.dtUD, -Messrs. Xiw.p K Co.. ............. .fan I'rancisroiu,Hnt I'o

Moauas, Moss k Co.... .........n litHuir 4-- Co.. ....... "

Base or llarri.-- a Cuus.u. ...... ........ "kMilr




)RI( i: BOl'MI I.V CALF, itPRICK ItOI'M) IN' 13 MIIR(K'('U,tli.IIOt'.M W IT II INTKKI.KA VK.1. ltl.

T7 Tliis work can alo lw olitained 1st Ijssudstal. mfMrwara Trsibwrr k. (s.


I 'rw Vwrls. mf .Urwrk A. S. Ilarars k. C 'I

l:vcry now sh-ik- l base this Ue.k by tr.etn f. reference.Seiwl ynwr orders from the other islands ami they mM Lcproo4iy attemlnt U:


rar, K M'lISC Kill Kit HAS I.ATKI.V KK- -M. crivrd fr in IfaMtoa and New kork select iovows of

lVrty Superior Wrilins 1'aper!(


LKTTCK PAPKKICor.ress bttrr paper, ruled and u..ruUd. !

Blo krttcT t. anrie.i. j

Blue official do. do. rulvl with rarin. ;

thin white do do. d. d...Thin white d.. do. plain.


Very thin white teller psiwr (f l.uni-a- n corTrik-o- d ). I

Water lined (barred) 'Packet P.wt, plain, blue and white.

Mourning letter paier, ruled ami anrnlriLLadies Bath paper, white an I snk, ruled and pUiu.

CAP I'APKltS IBest white Cap. rated ami Oi.rul.-d- .

Llue L.i.1 cap, Bkrulrd.Heavy lesnl rap, nktl.

M'Miruii.e ci.p, unmlnl.Best EnlMh, white and blnr laid, plain.


,'Best heavy white cianaiercial noie, ruled ami nnrule.1.

jBeat heavy Mae cisisinrni it, rub-- ami anruled.

Thick ivory r4r, plain and !

cmaU billet paper, plain and ruled.Water lined (barred) me paper, various site I

Fancy o.ed prr, plain.lolueed lrem.b laiay aper.

Citt cdee ante paper.Unana ante pawr (with Initial k ttrr stainpnl on IL)

mis(-i:li..vm:- s PAiT.itstPest bms.1 white bill pa per -

Best kici-- (narrow) bill paper.Thin m bile aiid Idoe aeruunl torrent paper.

Thin while ami bloe acroant sabs paper.tlat rap, white, ruled a Ixl plain.

lleiy white, ruled ami plain.Meilium. while, ruled and pliin.

Il4yal obitr, rabl aiid plain,rhoirc? drswu.e paper, varbms s.

Fanry frhl and silver u.irr, varnnis patterns.Freneh tiwoe papers. f all csn, very rlnicr.Traeinc pipr. Vw draw ina pUns id wiarhinrry. Ar.kettiun iracina cbah. bsrdra.tne pbinsof macbinrry, kclirisl.d Hid of vai mi sises.Perbated br.L Crayon ar fur draw mf

BiU head p.per.Printior new. ami twe.k paper.

Prioler. card. d all styles, sne. snd pr.tlert.s.I'rmU-r'- s e ird iNurJ. f all ekes.

Hat Iware arul Manila pipers.Best EneU e paper

C.fJ'af Vtlerlwk ptr- -W hite ami red I Miinr paper.

Tasetber with e erf other kiad af Paper la ae.K.NVKI.OPKS!

Be-i-t heavy white r'l rwUre etter s: heavy canary, bud ai..l ln envek.j-es-

Upao cbl rte ami Hier enr. I. pes.All size 4 wl.ite tAr euveb-e- .

Frem-- lli-- letter riivenies.oKk i K enick.-r- , open at ll: end.

Mooroina iMe ami ..rtirial rnveb.e..Best heavy white. bu(T ami canary i.tlicia! envelopes.

Fine white, bwif and blue i l b enr. ki.Aid al ever at her irtlrle reiolred la the station,

erj Liar.For far 7 M. AV II ITX K".

WRITING INKSOn I-Iai-id and For Sale :

a.tVlRI A. XOVIS ItKST lil.Al'K INK,1 M. ijuart. pinu ami r ui.

Iiavble bet lllark Ink. ioan. p.nts and (net.lvids best C.-- in." Ink.iurt ami p.nts.Maynsrd w es lt t'.i li.r Ink. Uri. ami pints.I'. ink '4 teuton best C. pjuis Ink.. plans ami pints.Arnold's Writinc Fiai.1 in u.uart and pints, received ili- -

rct tron's tVipyins: Hui.1.

aval's best IVoe Ink. in;!aid' m-- Carmine Ink. in class stands;In.lelil le Ir.k. f markins linen.

y.te b-- Utt IUt tf U'ritht' L.k- - lrjJf.trBy 11. M. WHITXEY.

Cotton for SnlelFOR P tl'KIM; SHKI.I.S .tDSl'ITABI.K f l'ph l.tery ami d.ue.oc nses.

Is fl)! iVw g m tsf a, rrkswr

Wanted Sea Island Cotton,n the seed or icianrd. whk'h the bibe.t easb priee wilt be

paid. Mto II. M. W HITNKV.

t t !, I'll ii r r.. ,

llliulili Opinion of Hit Iiii;iiiTrent.

1!.e nt !! w ill I inriiiiiRi'iii in .f t'..r the I .iii-- t it has w nr. --e. il in t!.e i.-li-

al 'i .graphy of tin- - World. The limp i.J' lair..cha- - already .! tr.iii-- f e limci nrwIt.ilv and n new I .i riuaiiv ; thnvHi-- j year l.ave hp mav hao a newryrtclu of ta:- - tin- - chores of tl j!l:i kN-- .i and tin- - AiJri.itii-- . Though a veil of tradi-tional igiioraie c Kill c"iufa!s tin- - js.lities ofI'eiitrol from t cvi i.f W(ftt rii ii.ui.iii.we Ui.ow that lot ia is -t :iii!v adtaiiciie' towardour In. ! i.t n Ir-Pt- r. and may at anv iii.'incnt

a tir:icxt tor riiiwxih a fr-t.- !i j riitiinf tothe Kji.--I 'f th'! Cii.-- t S-- In Amcri-- a, thedei-tiir- v of Mexieo i. in the lialanec.and. whi'.e tlie eixil war has failn.1 to dirtnrh thefrontier line of the 1'nit.-- ! States, the llriti.-- h

I'roxiiM-e- s on th Iiki - ami the Atlanrje will..... ....I'tf'tii fii r i t. ..I lit-.!.- . g r- w.... .i.ini..-- ,.iCana Li." Another renioal f ancient himl--

marks is now contemplated, whieh dinvtlv affeetshiitcIvcs, and in times --a?t luiht haveln-- til

us a mcnai-- of future ajrmsii,n. It wasaniH.uii-i- l in our teleraphie nhiinns tl:at atrity had leen Niii hy J'rcsideiit Johnson to theAmerieau Senate 'art Satunlay. 44 wl ii h iles totlie L'nitcd States, for a consideration of seven

. . .II -- 1 1 Jt 1millions, me wnoieoi iu.-.-ia- n .meriea aim tlietMiiaeeni isian-is- . i i,c e iiai ik-c- con- -veneil ..r yesteplay to onsid. r the tr.-sit- whu h, . very anrv : he said he I ad to tin- - lnirial-l.- y

tl.c Constitution .rt!:e l'l.ittl State- -, re.,nires pla.e. "and 'thought he ou!d t the skulls of hisf..r itrt confirmation the oniseiit of two thinls of lather, and soineh xlv had stolen it. Laughter. I

; tluit Issiy. Il.yi ir. the tunc, so lar as we At tu'ht thev would come to mv house late 111 the spirit ' is, ineaninn; invself; 44 now and thenarc aware, that Kussia has ever rcecd.d from a ,,'clo. k with a l.arrel in whieli was carefully ; he droi a lead w here thevare sure to ct them ": territory oiiee and l.y this treaty, if j ked a skull. K crvotie s.i id : 44 You must tiot "it should li ratil.iil, the single cxivplioii to the " Kcrvoiic said the same thiiit. rl-iu-

h- .,'",i rioimm Yoixci. '.'cni-s- n

iwestward the of Kmj.iic in m.slem times f).r.l I wasVlad to p t these skulls. Thev are ! ?,Qir '"""P1 n",,KT A:,ve'' 1 Jm,ve fi'n- - 1

would Ik.-- converted into a IVesh pn-- d' of the rule, ecrtainly vun- -l m-r-oes. It is a trrcat t!",,i was ,M I "i'iurI 'f one of tln-i- r majes-Witho- ut

sharin- - thcixeitemcnt whieli it is said thin-- f..r us to kivc the skulls , ties how many wives he had, and he said MmI.

to .ac produecd anions llritisli dij.lomalists at ",.IT.. ... ,.,,,, ; Snsation. The amliitioii f,C a man is to j;etmtWashiiiirtoii, wc cannot l.ut m-.srni.- it as an i A7 ,

; wives. In some trilK?s a man must get a swordj ctent ol consideral.le iin...rtan.v, att.-sti- n as it S,mo in of '" I have cxplonsl was

( first, in order to protect his wife,do.. tli- - mvsterious svmi.uthv which has w. I" rha known to the --mit arthajimian navir- - , There are few fowls or cats, or animals that are



nextls-st- .

,ut. w, are Although 1

. Tm Worg .uii.I.mI tw i.v am..,- ,- it my owniuWt inr ,.,, .;, irn One of my men putnrt KtllIltU. ,,,,,1.;,.., had come to kill

i.r,,,,,,.,,,; Un, ut',.r. ,n-tli-


had seven n.e, and had4,lt .. the Wk to I did not

. them. My men no to.? ,,.,.;,. 1 Vi,.,. 4.I110 the... at TdMI in the

jjptv v,irils of tin? du- - up had no guns, and eucceeded in

xiste.l Hussia and the States,'and the as it will, a;ii- i in-

stead of a a k" I'ow.-ro- n the northwestern! frontier of the confederation.

hy extent of it surfa, thfvdurminion thus eed.-- miht aj.j to he worth farliiolt: than is represented l.y the '"Ml,! MM!

: alleged to have stipulatcJ for it. 'I he main-- !land of Jo.-.-ia- ii America rpna.U tcr nioicten d"rcc of latitude and more than twentydercerj of longitude, Is'sidi-- s the narrow strip of

' frine.1 with islanlr, whieli runs, likeI'utmatia, for more four hi. ml red miles aloiiir

western !order of North Amcri"a. We mu-- tremcuiU-r- , luiwcvcr, tluit area is a iinfeet of altie in regions of which a jrrcutstrt within tlw; Arctic Circle. In the whole

of tluit a.--1 and dreary di.-iri- et there is not onesit ol the li.iine is know 11 to any nutP-l- crs anu mx U. t- - totalati..,i was in l.oS at . ..,.0. nat

may he ,ts rcrounvs ... ,..rts and fish,.- ,- rtat.onsU.y i...t pretend to kit. we n... hanlly

UMt.l ",n "' o. r,U ";rh-vt-.the commercial of the I It

is ,.H,n. pr..lral.-.n- or there any tedou, ,lis-u.- the prolh,,,ty-tl- ,at it l.s U pur--

c.- -l w.tna,ew- - .. a, rt.n-- the clam, ol tlie.imi" ' 1 vt .ij iin- - r-- iir.'iii,.. "in i'ir .01111

Aiii-rie:tl- i iiifif itiiiif Tl. niii.iKil:if ion of l!ir.!i.l.tand the maritime proim-c- s into a ilentey

J iiish r the Irilish crwu has awakciwl a roun.f--:less, hut iHit jtiite iiM'Xpli.-ahl- e in theI nilcl States. Ameri.-al- i lilit i.ians lme alwavs1..1.....- -I i.. . ....i..i..:.... .!... 1 r .I...,- - oi. !.. 011. .,11 .o. lliecxleneion of l.i.nt or nrist.a ratio rule isiiial to their own lor tlie extension ol

or deiii.x-rati- e ini tit tit ions. V liil theyadmin Ktis-'ui-n iml.s-r.iev- , and manage todistiverstrange allinities hetwei-- it mid tiieir own formof oxernmciit. they limey Freneli iuis-rial- -

i.--ts and Knlish arc in a c.m- -,

s pi nicy to jiropaale dessdie p.ineiples in tie"World. In this liht they rcar.hil tin;

French of Mexii-o- ; and here thewas at j.I iu.-ill- e; hut no sueh

rcsisoi. can gitcii for rcanlin in the sameli-h- t the tiiiioi. of Canadian provintes. Instead

' ol rendering them more des-- lent on the MotherCoiintrv, it will have the very contrary cfleet,

' 44 Canada' will lie, to all intent ami piirM4-s- ,

n sclf-pvern- iii community, a rcsem- -idaiiic to tin; iieililKniii States of t ie 1'iiiou.llowccr, reifiit action of Conresn j.r.oestliat some irritation has Ik-ci- i felt on tin?

the I'niteil States, it is not imjioseiMcthat tlie .urchase of Kussian Ameriitt is inleiid.ilas u sort oi couuicr-oeiiioiisiratio- ii against oursuppisHil aircssie

Vhether this he fo or not, tair t.iliev is clear.Sini-- no whatetcr to protestan act entirely within the diserctioi. of I'us- - '

sian and I'nilcd States .oternments, let us notplaee ourseUes in a false ss.tloi. hy ainstnmecs. It is said that (.'oluiu'.i.i isalmost cut oil' from I'aeilie .stall hy theicttioti of what ouht to he portion of her rsnt- -l

Ixsird. Tlie sti tin ient answer is tliat it was cll.v- -lually cut off U, f..r America l as only nought neioiigi-- o to i.usi-ia- , aiio no rjigiisniiiaii everilreaiiMtl that I.usei.i would 4irt with it toWc are materially no worse oD'tluin licfore, while

lour moral right to our own iosscssioiis remainsiilisoliitcly uiitoiiehcd. The case is very dill'.-ren- t

in till essential tsiints from that of Luxemlnuirg,whi.-- is claime.1 as l.'rruiiin soil, and contains

riiian fortress. Wc no Acw. stomli inlliissiai. rica, ly oljvting to its tnmsfcrwe slsiuld Ik; committing ourselves to a Monroe(ba-trin- e of As lor the coitsidcr-- .our own. werct. ... . .atioii wlncti coiijfture suggi-st- s to Have l.ftigicn for it, we no business to assume whatcannot Ik? known us n fact, and is not rHuircd toexplain Kussiu may well In willing totvmciit nor with .Mncnea l.y aiccptingit round sum to ctiiitcnt herself 11 large shareof two continents, w ithout incurring the suspi- -1 ion of desiriu-- e to win a nowcrful aliv in a com--iug Kurois-a- n war. The I nitedI.. . ..- - . . .

tates to nlisoro the whole ol --North .America is '

no ; but that design is imt really furtheredby this titm-haec- . We retain our nisuiCanada lnore to i.lcase the ( ana.liaus titan our-- ,

selves and though we certainly not imitatethe example of Kussia by selling it to the Ameri- -cans, we slinll Is? happy to make it in.l. M'ii.leiitas S..U. us it pleases, and leave it to choose itsfuture y for it.-s-l- our tenure ofJ British Columbia, which has so lately vote foradmission into the Confederation, is not l.roi.i- -dic.1 bv the cor-io- n of waters to tlie iiortfi- -ward. Its connection California was alreadymuch closer any of our colonies, anda large proportion of its inhabitants were alreadyAmerican. IT these influences are destined tootereotiu; the snirit of lovalry and attract it into '



oiiiMipieiiccs- .... . . .

coiisirticiioii. or 10 insist upon rigius ani interestswhich arc iiuaptil.le of Ix-in- maiutains.

iTi:i: vnrAii iioti:i, :

V KNOW X IIOTKI. HASbeen coi4etely renovsteil, ami is now

Ready to Receive Boarders,TIIK HAY OR WIZF.K.

The attention and pntrons ;e of the lie isby lit uu l.

rOonrcl 3S wooli. !iTC 3m COII EX. fj



WlllTrVFaY'S itooiisToiri:Jw VC.48 MhTllltV TIIK MK.I5I- -

aL CAN KEbELLI-X- . T. he caiiph-te- 3 V ols. sal. Price i j.

Harper" llistnrr of tl. Amerir in K- -l llio-j. ! te--i

ia Z Vol. now ready Price i.rani a- -d h.s Cam pa i pi. s.

Pherman anl his t'ainisns.Anecdotes of the American War. '

nitory of the Amy ol the p.dutnc.C Years of FtKhiinr.

Times of AbrahamTrip Ihe C.mtinent.

1Hebarliei. Field, luneio and Err-e- .

I re's fiMtioniry Arts ail M viuf .Vir.. i .

Ilii li:iilln in t'vi Iral AfVie.i.


ii tl.f i i.'.nz - f M i v 'ill Mr. 'li:iil!u.l!.e leu. .w t:til .M.i-.- ni

ti.. 1 ruilrrV 'I. Kruti tin' U rld't rt jjrtwe ;lv t! - f !! iD t- - :

VII T UK HAS liF.I !ii stuJit-- I tlif iuttiit-.i- l l:ir-t.r- y .f tlic Coun-

try, tj-iail- tlio iiiM-ts- . (Tiirillas, ctiiiu-ju:jt-.- -;

tin aii'l ofrmil.lrv, w hen I l.ap ( put all that in alo-inr- e I timl it mtv, I irc vou. It irfar i:iun" ilifii-n!- : 1 wr vnur tl.iuiht! wheny.u niiio trout your travels it is totravel in ther? fireliru o .uiit rii-i-- . Iurin tho

' t"ii vt-ai- i I wat!iere 1 a la r''e collection Ij cinftled in eo!Ie-tiii- ' IN orillat. the ofj whieli 1 have or in J jiglaiid. I fent '21 dur- -

first triiI fKt i.t..

I sct unil 15 chinii.-inzeeVi-kinsan-d tul'.s.' more than "li;n liinls. .f insts-t.- s

. .: in. i i i I l ii.imh-ik-, Him riiio-eeiu- in im :

!' iuon. n.,l fl.r rli-isii- re. hut s a mailer i.f :

... - i i.i.-- i iil.l'etil laulller.j Jiic negroes inuMriot understand w !iat I wanted, at Crt. I hadIt very careful alut the sktol.-- '. They thought1 er.izy. Tliey kiM : That man, what doc.she want? lie is Iwavs running in thcwols;he is alwavs wild. Now he wants to luiy thehkulls ..f f Thev shvour were verv. . -

, aln.ut it at iirst : alwavs came at lutit torell me the skulls. Now and then, a man would

. .I - a. a,l...a A Itor, 01 wnoiu 11 was reiaieo mat in; ei .

'three female gorillas, hut they wen- - so fer.xioiis '

i that he was utilised to kill them and Pliny men- -j tioin tliat the skins were still the temple of.Juno, when Koiuans t..k Tartha-- e. I low--

i ever, the-goril- remained unknown until lately ,

he fats' U-e- hroiight to liht aain.1

j liWAlUS.

; III tlicse vast jungles I visited more tlmn Amon them were the dwarfs from three !

; to four and from four five t h"ih. These I

dwarfs always move westward. Towards the j

lical waters ol the .Mlo, wiicrevcr nave (jiH-stio-

, c.1 nerrocs ah. nit w hen thev cttine from, thevhave alwavs movol fr.uu the cast towards thewest. These tri'ies are cxetvdingly warlike.

. They are Hot cry wild,!

xmiiaI.t ....... . ii., ,...:i...i 1: .i ...i

l..i;.i to u. ,t,.n. I. i.l i.Im-- Iv w ith me when I

1 was niiion tlicm, hut I loiindtowards me. (If course to" thcin it was j

had to cat human flesh, hut they told mc, andthey sal mo, that to human flesh theiroiilla's llesh was the I said to them, I

-- ;!"-' tal, Tlll.v arc 11.1 in the ki. very kind-hearte- d.

f. ,lutifanv. 'piio w" them, was, Itl(lla;n- - ; ; t,. ! fault dischar-e.- 1 a

1:,. U;irl;Ll, , dently, and thev thou-- ht we"r , them 1 only men with,

J slil lt.;r ; ollIv ' ' '.Vav the cast., , , , ,h,llie had husinos kill

,i:lvo I was that time miles in--missionary station and I Tln-- y I

etal.!i-!.iii- '.

Measured the




very r--


cst.maf-- 1









andwith strong


in and

tendenci'-s- .

wc have riht npiinstthe

rcmoii-- ;Jiritish'

the .hvi'i- -j



Aim and




aspiration of'the


; shall



than with

Till4 K.I.I.




in 1



and I.inet.H.



t vut







very kindI very

44 Why don't you kill roi illas?'' Hut they ton't j They would make a proton. tit finding out iiokill them lit a use they have no guns. They can't was'the thief, hut never succeeded, liven whilekill tiicin with their sj-..r-

s.j they were trying to plunder nie, thev would insist

the Lm.i .;e ami thoicht. that I was their grt--at 44 spirit." 1 have lieeomeif the language of the country I had great 11 so'1 to :' that country that when I

di.'hcullv to ncji.iin any knowledge. 1 had to I llown ' " P'J,,i dinner now I can't eat enough,slay a l"ng time among one trils; in order to in-- - 1 Laughter. No lions are found there.iinro the language. It was only with great dilli- - snakes axd ants.culiy I could i ii; to their js'iwcr r thinking. There are plenty of snakes and a greater varietyThe great diflieulty was to get to the Iecl tfjofant8. This is .rohahly the reason that thethinking of these nogr.ics. It is ijuite diltieult (,ua.tnifHils are not found. The ants are so voi-.i-f- :.r

us to coino to their standard as it is for the eious that most of the heasts 11 v c them. Wenegro to come to t.ur level ot thinking.


Their attempts to explain their religion to mohae failed. I'ocry attempt to explain to metheir siiicrstiii.ius and religions I have not htvnnhh; to undcrstaiid the hegiuning or the end of atall. 1 have had to give it up in desiir.


I have traveled in the jungles for days withoutmeeting a single settlement of the saagcs, liaxingfought against hiinger and starvation. I do notknow how many times 1 have heen over threedays without get ling anything to eat except

THE MoNKF.V AS CHIEF TASThli.I traveled w ith n monkey, and when I got hun-

gry I made the monkey smell of the leaves andlierries. If the monkey ate the lcaos and s,

I thought they Would lie enough for me.Applause ami laughter. Cut the monkey's

taste and mine did not alwavs :i"ree. for 1 foundthat ho would of crv hitter food, f Uiughter.i


1'ut when n nuin is very hungry he is not very i

'articular, you know. Vet I iieer killetl my jiet '

monkey, although I suhseiiiently found that mon-key flesh was ery 1 1 jiughter.J Well,why not? Vou neithi't i.rikt? a face, younglady : you can't tell me the reason why weshould not nioiikev. 44 They arc so much like

jungle, legitimatesocial high

of rains vcar ''ability

tla I n.on. the sulietitution ot the AnuTu-i- n also eti I spirits. v hen they are,the Kuwian Iktg on tin slnircs of the North l'a- - they always e the devil to lie thet-.uisc- of

will but hasten their by a year or Wht-- man is sick they cometwo. Iet us, then, without shutting our eyes . and lire near his cars in hopes of driving thethe l.evil.le of this uiie.s-.-e- l de il of his Lead. They think that by driv-tninsa- ct

i"ii. forls.r to fa.-tc- n urion it a hostile ing tle il out the sick man will well". Hut







Rin's FourLife













round. I Utii 'hter.l I Is re are Leasts of burdento earry your luggage, and it has to looarru-- ,

men's U'teks, or women h backs. I succeededfinally in preventing the women from carrying my1 .''. re. but 1 had di.'Iieult v. Vou would i

lazy ariAing his while his wives 'sc.; a slsttr.. " . . . . .1 ....were with plaulaius. !ic I.mhI ol thecountry is plantains. Vou have great while totravel in that country without lucctinif sctth--incuts, and these nlaiitains a sort of bananamust lie carried. Suae of the bunches willweigh from l'2'i loU jioiiiuls. Kighty nin.lswill only stiiricient for three or four days.

I...IMS.The first day thev are so lazv that they never

think of They find the load of 1. Ian- -tains heavy, an.l they lop otf a seTctly, andthniW it in woods. On third day theysay, 44 t)h, if wc had only known this we wouldhate kept the plantains."

THEThey e in the worship of idols. Tlioy

II.. .1 tissure vott is la ist oies. luiiighter. I

Tls-- y are very If a man, woman j

or child dies, they they have liecn lie-- j

witched. must Is; kilhtl. Kverv ;

man li-- s lrui thnt to must be sjiv ho has la-e- i


When I tried to opjN--o this idea they Paid,not j. Ions in your country." Well,

I did not like to admit wc are laughter J soI CVad.-- the ll'stloll. 1 heV sai.l It a mail IS ;

jealous of allot lu r he tries him. Hence11 1. 1. .. ilii-- i tln-- e nlwavs the heirsof the estate. The estate is coinsed slavesand wies. The nephew inherits the .r.Tty.

"ot the but the S..11 of the eldest sister.CLANS.

The trilies are divMiil into e'ans. Each from the naiui-- s of the women's side.The son of the eM-s- t sister inherits the property, j

If the eldest sister has children, tlien the sec- -j

olid sister, and so on the cousins; but lever,the They are very js.rtieular alx.ut that.People the same clan never marry with eachother. If you of cousins getting married. '

thev say, 4 Is it j.esiblo?' There is a law that i

no 'people of th" same elan, however removed j

from each otlier, esn married. j

llll.I-RF.N- .

.n:vpiently, to the mother nnd the family ,

the mother, ai d wlien the children are to l.o ;

sold the family of the f ither and mother g-- t to- -ther to agree, not so much selling the

but to divide the Comingfront it. f Ijiug'iTer.J l"p to the age of four or

vrrirs the ehil-lrt-- :ir- - well eared The j

mothers an? as load of their ba'des as the mothers '

of any other rout try. When they too many :

hildr. II II tiicin oil". I

iin'.ni.Mi .f the nun i t.



TIk oli. r tlio uion atv tin whiI'.jtittlK-- want their f Ijiul.ttr.l Will. riui t I'laiiH- - thorn I .r, Nmi kn.w. mjj a

li-h'l- r luywlf. I 1 1 ) I my nat all. I a ui jit a fvtii ol yuni lail,V a Iwu- - l 1 jnij;lit'r. They niaki" l..e a'llav. Thov walk, nut at niht and orv :

U'ivcs. 1 orilt-- r v u to lovo inc. f youd'nt I Imve IkhiIiI you for .ivif, m;.l if voudon't love mo ti-i- ii rri.v, I will jriveyou a thn"ih-ini.- "

IjiUi;litor. This tlirhinj is a very m ri-jh- js

inattor. an.l in t!i inornir.i; you will tin I t!ia,ttlioy are very lnd of --a.h other. Ijuhter.j

PKUI--l TIT1 lliNM tIAL ULl.-- S.

T1k nemo's oinlition is t wit. A womanlirinp you eery day a l.aket of tii-l- i. lireetly

Riy : 4i My lolood wives, eery oih of youlriti;r mo a l:iket of meat ;ri-.- it j lenty," thewives are very silent, and the nest day thev hrin

--Hut Iiortlv tliev niiuire to ie talkiM to. . .- - . ,npun. uaimiitcr. j me iaiiiers-in-ui- w arc a iri .,iimt- - I v.... n.... . . -

terj I used to pity tlie jor men as soon as wercaelasl a village, for they all thought I lrourlitit world of riches with The lathers-in-la- w

would tay to the men. me inorc; Ifyou don't I will take Ikc1i my duusrhter. Vouoiijjht ti W proud that I jjtve you my daughter."They say, "The Spirit has not jriven me any-thi- n.'

44You lie," is answer. They srvakxery plainly in tliat Huuitry ; they don't say youtell a small till, f Ijiuhter.J ltut if the fathers-in-la- w

do take the ladies away, they are sure iaei. lliev sav they like t where

...uoiuest 1. a tea in tliat country. ilie women areiU,t allowed to cat meat. The men have all the i

flivli to themselves. Laujrhtcr.J What the menleave .es the wives, and after them, the chil- -dren are fcl. Thev tell me, 44vou are too kind toyour children; vou must ma'ke men of tlicm ;luakc them so that thev can live on starvation." '

AltolT 1'KINKS.

Thev are very fond of iutoxicatinir drink, and Iusel to remonstnite with them in vain. They I

have various kinds of drinks of ialm w in, andplantain or Iioiicv water, and sujrar-can- o. Butthe e drink ;ives tla ni the i

A hen I used to tell them vhat horrihle hrutesthey were, they saui, 44 IMik at the gorrilla ; hedrinks water.' f Ij.ujrhter.J When diethey e the pla e is rosl. Those whodon't move say the ilin trves are all killetl. tln-- v

haxcallcut down the .cilm trees, lint w ith all

rcSlCIllIlS CMlSt.

honest thieves.Siiiietimes they would roh me, hut they alwavs

left me half of what was in mv jockapes. They i

always rohlicd hy Health, never hv force alwavs j

wln-- n I was in" ir awav "from intHssit"v- -

were ohliged to light firm around whenever weknew they wen; near. Von can alwavs tell oftheir proximity hy the insects that are Hyinglief re them.

The IIenefit of nEivn Knock En Ai;ovt in theWoiti.n. It is thing for a young man tohe 44 knocked alxmt in the world,'"' though hissolt-he-arte- .l jiarcuts may not think so. Allyouths, or if not all, certainly ninoteon-tweittiet- hs

of the sum total, life with a surplusage ofsolf-ennoc- it. The sooner they arc relieved of itthe lictter. If, in measuring themselves withwiser nnd older men than themselves, they dis-cover that it is unwarranted, and ret rid of itgnu-ofully-

, of their own aeeord, well and good ; j

if not, it is desirahle, for their own sakos, that it '

le knocked out of them. A hoy who is sent to i

a large sehool sjHin finds his level. Ilis will mayhave heen paramount at home, hut sehool hoys are :

democratic in their ideas, and if arrogant, he is j

sure to he thrashed into recognition of the goldenrule. The world is a great pithlic and it !

soon teaehos new pupil his proj-- r plaee. Ifhe has the attrihutes that belong to loader, liewill l.o installed in the jmsitioii of a leader ; if


not, whatever his own opinion of his abilities ,

may he, he will he coins llil to in with the i

n:nk and file. If not destined to greatness, thenext Is-s- t thing to whieli he can aspire is rcsiec.I:i)iilitt. I. ill ini niMii enr. i.ulii.e 1 . tenlv renit or

character will lie miteiicl .lowii or worn awa'-- 'lost likely the procss ! ai.ra.-io-ii will tie rougn,H i hai.s vtri rough, but w hen it is all over, andne Iicgins to st; himself as others see him, andnot as rctlectel in the mirror of sclf-coiu-c- it, hewill Is; thankful that he has run the gauntlet,and ariived, though by a rough road, at

L'jmiii the whole, whatever lovingmothers may think to the contrary, iti.sago.slthing vouths to lie knocked about the world;it makes nun of them.


rxoriFiEs tup: priti.ic thathe has o.ieiied

A FIHST-CI.AS- S IIOTKI.,On the premises formerly known a the ULOKE,

On Kin? Street, Fort St.Suits of R.mnit ran tie hail Weil furnish, d. The of

travcK-r-s and the Isltud coton.uiiity is rcJt'tful!y solicitcl.bia oiu

Not Always Obtainable.A OIKS' CHOICE PORTFOLIOS, ansrlrd1 A Sizes.

Maht-iran- an.l rtosi.wood WritinglUi.v-- MNthematical Instruuierits,4SlMrn's Wau r C'ob.r, Thermometers,Chess and Ch.-ekr- r Itoiinls aud Men,Numerical I rmes for Children.

On HanJ and Fur Sale l.ylio II M. WniTNF.I.

ivi:v IS Id AX K ISOOKS.HAVE Jl'ST RKCEIVKII A St l'KRIOItI of Ibe-ks- , made expres-l- y to my order and f. r

Hrtail Trade, inrludinz.slTTiiiF ROY A I. ACfOI'XT BOOKS. Russia Lindins. 8

quires, par.-.- ! and with decimal ruin.?.SETTS OF MEDIUM ACCOIXT BOOKs, same style and

fini. h as the a' OF CAP SIZED. Russia nnd sheep inc.I.EIMiERs. JofRNALS. RECORDS, interleaved Day Krioks

and Ll'.tters. in great variety.Tlie attenli.10 of Merchant anl Rook keepers U specially

called to this invoice, which comprises tije

Tinest AttoBut Ciniks eier bruolit tu Hmiololn,All havinc been manufacture.1 expressly to r.rler.

65 lm 11. M. WIIITXEV fur

Superior Oolil I'cn. the

CST RF.CF.IVEO DIRECT FROM THE.1 maoufacturers, LiRor Fata, hilo A Co., of New Vork,

A Choice Assortment of GOLD PENS!Of various patterns an.l sizes. No's 2 tu S inclusive,

ami short point,a.Vfl A FEW RROAU A 10 PF..S, a new article.

For Sale at the Hook-Stor- e of67T 1m II. M. WIIITXEV.

Hawaiian Marriage Certificates.IjRICE I. I'K.R DOZEN,


to2l.i; Fahrenheit. 7.'iO enrhFor Sale by II M. WHITNEY.

a man. J ion t tlunk who istruly vain, ioiiipoiis"aiil over- -n.i ami women's u;.ins. i iMiiring.

If there is not iniieii to e:it in the there ' l"v the time the novice has found hisis 4enty to drink, for it rains nine months of the status, In; the same or low, the ir

; and hy way change, it all the is that the disagreeable traits of his


it. ato

outthe get






tlie the


that ten


to kill






Ik- -



as tohow pro-rt- y

live for.


















St-- k


T. P. . T. M. I. I. T. S.

Meerschaum Pipes, Tobacco, CigarsAT Til K



lrr I froiu I.oncl.n,A MAUXIFICKNT AS

Choice Assortment ofGenuine MeerschaumsKutrcing eTory vritl- - of Sijlf, ii :

Silvrr Miiurtiil, Carvnl, I'Uin. Kanoy, str;jcbt and bent, with, rSrpaiit Amlr Moa:h-i- ' mtnclrrJ. Alx l'laiumud Carved

Mrfr'lwum lloMrrs vt all pttrni! ; pare AmberMu:ti-.iec- ni ami KoAeanod atxl liotla IVrclia i'ijie Sterns, allof wt.ii-l-i are ofl. re.l for

AT I'RItKS TO Sil'IT TI1K TIMES., All Pipt SuJd, GuurotttrtJ Urania. .Vu Arr ikam

uttout lArm., AIm, on Hitnd, Crrrird prr l.atr Arrivals,' A Large and Complete Assortmeut of

TOBACCO AND CIGARS,; All br.tnd and qualities., for sale at very reaa. Dali!e irioeai Tlie best Mtuilla and llantDaa cxwtuntly on hand, tnethrr

atiih a well i t f Oiirnr Cae, Txbaceo IHwelies,' SiiulT Ikixm, Cutters, CUy and Vuoden 1'ipe. Cutlery, W alk-- i

id Catirs, ftc &c.N. It. I would revpeotrally call the attention of Traders and

tbae nuidin); uu the adjiiceut Inlands to niy well selected stuckof l'i, T1 and Ciirars.

Call and ex&miue tuy stock before purchasing elsewhrre.6Ti 3ui ll.MilNlVUK.



DSools: si lid .lobPRINTTNlx TIST A "RT.TR FTMP-TnT-


Is acknowledged to imssesa the tn-s- t assnrtmcpt of


Of any other Office ia the Sandwich Isitlnds,

A lid Is well ailaptfJ to tit Superior Printing f


Either in



Visiting andWedding Cards,














&c, SfC

On tin Adams' Power Press, in tlie best slyle.

And at barely living Prices.


CAHDS and SHEET CARDS, of all kinds

and sizes, suitable for

BISIMISS, WKIMUNf;,--.isitixc, ete., ete.

.f Having long enjoyed tbe cr.tifidcncc and pat-

ronage of the public, iu our business Intnsacfioo", we

take the opportunity lo return our heart-fel- t thnnkspast favors, and respectfully atk a continuance ofsame.

II EN It Y M. WIIITXKY.Hoxoixlu, 1S07.


id the

Commercial .A-dvertise-


Will be

Fl FTEEN CENTSPer Single Copy, or

SIX DOLT. A R S A YEAR. MReals will only be received at 10 cents.06i 3m March 3 ISC".


j"3TXj.ATXTi3,, M


On Monday. - - - juj jj,At l o'clock, P. M.

FOR- -kojVa, Hawaii:

And Inteimediate Ports, vi:Ithaina,

Kalepolepo,Kawaihae. turning trill Ia art

Kealakekna and Kailaa every Weilnesday,K.diala every Thursday afternoon,

Rawuihae ev ry Thursday nielit,K.i1.-ik.- I m every k'ri.lay ranrninc, every friilay uiaht.XT The KIL.t"ICA will koncforth call at every rhursilny afternoon, on her way hart to uZ"

lulu, aud will Like U.shIs and rs to and fru that nUt5S0 JAMO.V, G It EE X C, A Beau.

NOTICE.?rTc- - The Schr. ODD FELLOW !

Is recularly laid on as aPacket between Honolulu and Ililo.

ror Freight or I'sssape apply to6T9 3m CHUNG UPON k Co., Arems.

FOR KAWAIHAE.Schooner jSlarilda.

Will run as a regular ackrt to the attorn port. r kreigktor iiassage apply to Captain on hoard, nr to Hie A

WALKtll k ALLtN, Areola,Apents at Kawaihae,


For Ililo and Hatipaknea, Hawaii

rre Scliooner .Activo,Will run as a Ropular Packet to the ahnve ports, toarhinr a

LA11AINA. For Freight or Passaire apply to3 3m WALK Kit k ALLEN, A rents.


Schooner l3rinco,Will run as a RoguUr lacket to thealiore port. F.w Frekkt

or Passage apply to&7d 3tn WA LKEf? If ALLEN, Aernls.

For Kilo and Ouomra, Hawaii.jlff Scliooner Vnnio,

Will ran as a Regular Packet bi the above ports. Fur Freightor Psssajie apply to

0.3 out WALKER k ALLEN, Agents.


SScliooner jary Ellon,J. W EST, Master.

Rnns rernlarly In the above port. For freight or passage,apply to the Capuiiu ou board or to

bit 6m C. UREWF.R k Co., Arenls.

For MALlkoVlui.Clixper Schr. Plcilen,

33 W ill run as a llicular l'ackrt between this Port audMnliko. For freight or piissajre apply to the Master on hoard,or to (670 am) 8. SAVlll.lE, Ageut.


U MARCH A NT, Master,

Alill Kan Ceguhirly n this fort u4 KMfind kaa.

For freight or passage apply to tlie Captain on board, or to6m C. A. WILLIAMS.

RKr.IILAR PACKET FORHonoipu and Kohala Plantation.


SL The Fine Schooner KOIIALA,C. no WARD, Master.

117 run rjnlnrly on the ohm row?.For freight or apply to Ihe Alnstrr on lwar.1,oCH 3m Or to CAPTI.K tf CHKK, arenls.

JiKCJULAK PACKETFor Lahaina and Makee's Landing.

Tlie Fine, Staunrh Chpprr

Scliooner Jvate Jec.FOCNTA1N, Master.

Will ran reeularly and punctually on the above mute. Foror iaasa;e apdy to the Master on hoard, or to

oS Cm C. BREWER k Co., areola.

For liana, Kanpo and Maliko.

325; Schr. rniiiiolcnAViri,W ill ran repnlarly. For freipht or pHsaire apply tol "' '. ItltEW ER Co., arenls.

011:1 CollecConstantly on !land aud For Sale In Ixds ta SbK.

eMIK IXDERSICXEI) INFORMS THEM public that he is prepared to fun iidi

Choice nnd Well Dried Komi Coffee!Having the agency of the following parties in Kona:

M.ssrs. Net-u.i- a k IUrhktt, Keopuka.II. N. tiKKK.vwEt.L, Xorth Kuun.1. MoNTnoHKKV, K.ilna.

. II. SraLtiiNC, Kuhaluu.iy a. s. ci.i-o- rn.


rm s 1 1 A T I X V A I.U A II I. K. O i; HAUL. K, Fl. 10 XWL ilile. preserving, auti oirrusive

Mr.TAI.IilC PAINTPit Coolers, Boilers, Roofs, Steam Engiru-s- , Cast Plows, IIouwsFences, hchonn.-rs- , bliraintrs,AM ALL OTIIF.RIRON or VOOI VORK.

For l.ym C. BREWER k Co.



KI.VC STREET,2Jext Boor to Messrs. Castle & Cooke.


HONOLULU; AImx. OFFICERS OK lliutthey will



k. IlESTATJrt.ilLlVT!AfS--v rhe name of the

COM.MERCIAt.,Where they will he happy to

Creel ve Boarders by the Week, Day or Single 3IrN.ALSO


TEA, COFFEE, CHOCOLATE AND OYSTER STEWS,Fci-nisAe- d from G A. 31. to 10 P. 31. s

N. B. The Greatest Cleanliness Observed.673 3m

llstws.iiaii SonsTaTHE SIIISCIIIBER HAS KE-ceiv- cil

for sale a few copies of a newHawaiian 6011 g, entitled


Composed by Hon. Mrs. Dominis. The words an.1 mosiehave been neatly lithographed by Messrs. Newcomb A Co ofthis city, in the finest style of the art.



ni.AXK FORMS OF AGREEMENT BE.M tween Masters and the ou'y authorlxed form

Price !. tM-- r !"sale hy n M. WniTNEY





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