




I !


THENo. 224. II. 1S82. MiliHcrlptlonI., 19, SO I'cMs per Month.

THE DAILY BULLETINIs published every morning liy tliu

Daily Hullutin Puiilisiuno Co.,nnd circulated throughout the town, nntlforwarded to the other Inlands by everyopportunity.

Subscription, 50 cK per month.0. Caiibon Kkxyox, Editor.

.All business communications to be ml.dressed, Manager Dully Bulletin, PostOnice Box No. 14. Telephone 2.50.

.1. 0. Ci.KVimt, Manager.

Latest News by the Suez.Two houses fell ofl'Tclcgrnph Hill,

S. F., on the night of Oct. Oth. Nolives lost. First detachment oftroops left Egypt for England, Ocl.4lh. It is reported that Englandnas announced to the Khedive that,the double control of England andFranco will bo set aside. At theopening of the Central and MonthAmerica Telegraph Company, con-

gratulatory messages passed betweenPresident Arthur and the Presidentsof the other American Republics.Over 35,000,000 of people arc nowconnected bj' this line to Europe.The trials of the rebels began atCairo Oct. 9th. Frank James theoutlaw is in custody at Kansas City.

The Land League fund was closednt Dublin Oct. 7th. The peoplewant to know how it was spent.There has been much comment onthe British troops having killed thewounded Egyptians nt

Guitcnu's skull is said to havebeen stolen from the MedicalMuseum, Washington. The Ham-burg American S. S. Herder fromN.Y. to Hamburg was wrecked oilCape Race, Oct. Oth, passengers,crew niid mail saved. Arabi said toa correspondent of the New YorkWorld, that Egyptians would emi-

grate to the United States.Nkw Yoi'K,Oct.8th. The Worlds

London coble says : . The comet isbeing regarded with considerableapprehension. Kichard A. Proctor,who denied that it was the comet of18,13 and 1880, now finds that hemade n mistake in his calculation,and so has withdrawn his statement.More cautious astronomers than hehave no' doubt of the identityof the comet, and believedthat it will return nt thelatest in October, 1883, and will thenfall into the sun, with results whichwill enable us to dispense with thefuture publication of the newspapersof the world. 1 am assured thatthis is the opinion of the most cmincnt scientists of the day, C. FiazziSmith, the clever Astronomer Royalfor Scotland, in particular havingmade no secret of his belief that theend of the world is at hand.

A. G. ELLIS,HROKER, will buy or HellSTOCK Stock, Rond, andOilier Marketable Securities,

At their market value for cah.215 Olllce with E. P. Adams, Auct'r.


NO. as Merchant Street, Honolulu,ill 18l!M .

Sugar Plantation, Railroad,Telephone, and other Corporation Slock,

Roads and Similar Securities luoughtand Sold on Commission.

Money loaned on Slock Securities.Honolulu, Oct. 1st, 1882. 2M

CHARLES Ifij. HAMMER,Manufacturer and dealer In all kinds of

Saddlery and Harness.Olders from the other Islands promptly

attended to.20!) Corner Foit and King Ms. ly

No Bush Whacking HeroLIVES SAVED by pur.

causing yourHorse Equipments

Fiom W. FENNELL. -- KPractical Mechanic, 112 King sheet.

t-- Peter Funk slock here. 20!)

THE Hnwoiian Journal, " KoPak Ai.xa," owned and

edited by Kuwninui Hros. ; lias aweekly edition of 3,200 copies, andis the best advertising medium. Of-lic-e,

No, 0 Merchant st, J

lu ,


B. F. FILLERS & Co.,

DRY GOODS IMPORTERS,All tho Latest Novelties in Fancy Goods71

Received every



MRS. A.M. MELLISwhoh ndmitted to bo the leading Millinery and Dress,maker, niodeste In lliu Kingdom, begs leave to -- ay to her many numerous Ladyfriends thai her new stock of Beautiful goods recently ordered a're now beginningto arrive, which include all the ery latest French and American fashion, inLadles' and Children's hats and bonnets and diess patterns of rich nml raru

MRS. MELLTS strictly superintends nil work, and being always so thoroughlycompetent and pailietilar with her patrons' orders, It is not btraugo that nil Ladle'sof fashion and taste are her customers.

Ladies with their children arc Invited to call and see samples of the new Falland 'Winter styles In her Millinery department, and alo to see the new and latestplumes, feathers, trimmings, etc. Every p.ilns taken to please tho most fastcdiousand nil work guaranteed in every respect.


Importer and Dealer in Clothing,Dry Goods, Fancy Goods,

and Staple Goods, &u.

All the Latest Novelties by every steamer;' A. M. MELLIS, 104 Post street, Honolulu.


Dealer In Hawaiian Curiosities.Store In the '"Hawaiian Gazette" bulld-1- 4

lug, opposite the Hank.

Chas. I. Ocinsch,Practical "r) "Watchmaker.

B8?" Hotel Street, opposite the12a :iui International Hotel, iffia

D. W. CLARK,Watch Maker and, Jeweler,

MO WkAlways on h.uid a nice stock of

JGrWatches, Clocks and Jowelry.-- n

Hcpalrlng Watches and Clocks n Speci-alty, No. G5 Hotel Sticet. Hi

Telephone, No. 240.

Artesian Ice Works

DELIVERED to nil parts of thecity and suburbs at all hours of the

d'iv.)rdcis from the other Islands prompt-

ly attended to.Olllcu at W. E. Fosniu's, Saddler,

Fort'U Telephone No. 111. 2in

IC'R MANUFACTORY.Ice delivered to all parts of the

City. Shipping supplied in quantitiesto suit. Telephone, No. 58. Oilleo atWlldif & Co.M. 18

UNION FEW) COMPANY, A. W.laiugef See iidverllse-nit'U- t

on other page. 2S

by steamer,




Holier! T.cworK, c. :. Confer.T K W E It S & COOK E ,-- - (successors to Lewer & Dleksnn.)Importers and Dealers in Lumber and allkinds of Uuiullng Materials, Foil street,Honolulu l

WILDER & Co., Dealers in' ' Lumber, 1'aluts, Oils, Nails, Saltiiiiu jjuiming .Materials oi every kind,cor. Fort and Queen t.l"., Honolulu. 1

ALLEN & ROMNSON, Dealers Inmid all kinds of Iluildlng

Materials, Faints, Oils, Nulls, etc. 71

13ROWN & PHILLIPS, Practical--' Flumbcis, UnsFlttorsand Copper-sinltli- s,

No. 18 Ntiuunust., Honolulu.lIotiKu and Ship Job Work promptlyexecuted. 17

0111?. GERTZ, No. 80 Fort st.iinpor'er mid denier in (ient's,

Ladles' and Chlldicn's boots, shoes andslippers. oil

BROWN & CO., Importers nmlIn Ale, Wines and Spirits,

No. li Merchant st., Honolulu. 12

A HONOLULU IRONff..) "Works Co. Steam engines, wigNniills, hollers, coolcts, iron, lirn

anil Tcad castings; machineiy of everydencrliition made to order. Particularattention paid to ship's Macksmithing.Job work executed on short notice. 1

Carriage (W$). Builder.

Uuggics, Carriages, Express "Wagons

tuiil every kind of vehicles


Illacksiuilliing, horse-shoein- g,

and till kinds of repairing done.

Just Received,Per bklne Eureka, a full line of

BYCICLE SHIRTSSflk, liu'iluo and cotton,

Pujama Suits, Etc.01 A. V. Rtelmrdsou & uu.

FORT STREET.Commission Merchants.

Geo. W. Maefailane. II. It. .Macfarlaue.G. W. MACFARLANE & Co.


Sitfar Factors,FlrcFiooflltiilding, 52 Queen strcel,

Honolulu. II. I.ACUI.NTK for

Tho WalkanuSuirar Plnnlnilnn TnniThe SpenccrSugar Planlation, Hawni'l,

1 11c neeia ougar I'lniuaiion, Ualm,Iluelo Sugar Mill, Maul,Ruclo Sugar Planlation, Maul,Puuloa Sliccii ltaiicli ('11.. IttiwnilJ. Fowler iV; Co. Sleam Plow and Poll- -

nlilo lianiway Woiks, Leeds,Mlrrlees Watson & Co's Sugar Machin

cry, Ulnxgow,Glasgow and Honolulu Line of Packets.


Cl.niK 'rcckll. li'm. (I. Irln.TXTM. G. IRWJN & COMPANY.

" " KlKrnt liinlnru nml fniumtnulnnAgents, Honolulu. - 1

XT HACKFELD & COMPANY,a"L General Commission Agents,Queen street, Honolulu. 1

AS- - CLEUHOItX & Co., ImportersCommission Merchant, Deal-er- s

In General Merchandise, Queen midKaahiiinaiiii st., Honolulu. 78

II. A. I'. Carter. 1 C. .lone, Jr.C H It E W E R & CO.,y Shipping and Commission MerchantsQueen street, Honolulu. 1

rpiIEO. II. DAVIES & CO., Impoit-J- -

ers and Commission Merchants;agents for Lloyd's and tho LiverpoolUnderwriters, lJritih and Foreign

Company, and Northern Assur-mic- e

Company. 71

JOHN T. AVATER1I0USEImporter and Dealer in General

Merchandise, Queen st., Honolulu. 1

S GHINDAUM & OO.,Importers of Cleiieral iller-chandi- se

und Commission MercliuntsHkiioIuIu. j

T H. GRIN U A U M & C O. ,f1-- - Commission Merclmnts, 124Ca Ifoniiu street, Ban Francisco,Cul. I

T? T. L H N E II A N & O O .,-- - Importers ami Commission 3it.r.chants, Niiuanu st., Honolulu. 1

S. N. Cnllf. j. n. Athcrtim.

fj A S T L E & OOO K E ,Shipping and Commission Mcr-ehant-


Importers mid Dealers in Gen.end Merchandise, No. 80 King street,Honolulu. j

WING 'U CHAN & Co.,(Jeneral Dealers

In Kngllsh. Amci lean mid Chinese l'ro-vNlon- s,

Plantation Ten and Generalhiipplles. Also, Ailiito and colored con-tract matting, all tialltles and prices.

86yNn. 22 Niiiiaiut Street, oppoltuMr. AfongV. aiIt.II.WIIIIonis, A.CIiosctiniUBk, W. II. DlinunJ

WILLIAMS, DIMONI) & Co..and Commission Mer-

chants, Union Mock, corner 1'lne andMarket street", S.111 Francisco, Cal.

aoksts roilP.iclllcMall Steamship Conipahy,Pacific Steam Navigation Company.CiiiiiihI Hoyal Mall Stcanislilp CoiiipauyCal. line of Packets from New York,Hawaiian line of Packets,China Traders Insurance Co. (limited),Marine Insurance Co. of Loudon. 71

M. "W. McChcsnov & Son,Proprietors Honolulu Tannery,

Dealers in Hides, Tallow & Leather,ALo, Groceries, Provisions etc.

71 Salt, etc., etc.,

A. S. CLEGH0RN & Co,

Rave lccclved a large assoitmeutof

Colonial Saddles,to suit all classes of puichascrs, per S. S.

181 Aiistialia.

fjr Gent's Evening Diets Coats andSuits to Iki had at the Honolulu Cloth,lug Enipoiluin of A. M., No. 104

Fort sticet. 202 2w

&$&tUm Dnij man bust teamsHi town. Tclcphuiiu Nc. OS, IS


W AUSTIN WHITINC, Attorneyami Counsellor at Law.

Agent to take acknowledgments otinstruments.

Kaaliumnnu St., Honolulu. 200



Real Estate in any purl of the Kingdombought, sold uiul leased, on


Loans negotiated,Legal Documents Drawn.

No. 27 Merchant st. (Gazette lllock),11)0 Honolulu, Hawailnn Islands

IJ. DOLE, Lawyer and Notary Puli-- Jlie, No. 13 Kaahuinaiiii st. 11

" M. DAVIDSON.Attomcy ntLaw21 Merchant stieet. 1C

PIIANCIS M. HATCH, AttorneyntLaw, IS Ka.ihuniaiiu st. 23

JOHN ltUSSr.LL. Attorney at Law,corner of Foit ami Merchant

streets (up stairs) 115 Om

RICHARD F. HICKERTON,and Counsellor at Laf.

Money to lend on Mortgages of Freo-hold- s.

OHIi-u- , No. :!l Mcrelinntgt, 1

CECIL RROWN, A'ri'ORNEYLaw, Notary Pub-li- e,

and Agent for taking Acknowledg-ments of Instruments for I lit-- Island ofO.ihu. No. 8 Kaaliumami stieet, llono-lul- u.


No. 30 Merchanthtroct. 7.1 Im

DR. G. TKOUSSKAU bcg.s to notifyft lends that he has revuinoil

practlcu in Honolulu. Itesldeiicc. andconsulting rooms, No. 711 Punchbowl nt,opposite the. makal gate of the Queen'sHospital. Consulting hours from I) n.mto 12. Telephone No. 11)11. Cfi lm

EMKHSON, lesldciicu and con-sultation rooms nt No. 2 Kukul St.,

coiner of Foit.Telephone No. 140. 53 2m

A FULLER, Surveyor for BureauVeritas. 71

J. W. Yiiriiilloy,rpEACHER OF MUSIC, VIOLIN,JL and the

Cultivation of Tin: Voick.Instiiiction also given In Sight Reading,

Choir, Chorus mid Part Singing.For particular apply at

201 lm WELLS' Music, Store.

URAY TAYLOR, Teacher of, Piano- -' ' forte and Oigan. Tuning in all

Its brunches. .o Cm

"W E. HOWELL, Consulting and' ' Coiislructliig Engineer; oilleo

!)S Merchant street. 80 2m

J. WILLIAMS & Co.120 Fort Sli eel, . . Honolulu,

Portrait and Landscape

Xko to2;rilicr.180 ly


Agent to take Acknouledgnicnts toLabor Contracts,

AND GENi:il.L UUSIXESS AGENT.Olllce, In Milken's lllock, corner Queen

and Kualnimaiiii str"jts, Honolulu. 21

VILLIAM AULD, Agent to"T 1 take Acknowledgments to Con:

tracts for Labor for the District of Komi.'Island of Oahu, at the olllce of the Hono-lulu Water Woiks, foot of Niiuanu st.

1811 If

JOHN A. H AS SINGER," Agent to take Acknowledgment to,Contracts for Labor. Intel lor Olllce,Honolulu. 4

r""u. AK'ANAi11 1 Chinese and Hawaiian Trans,

hilor and Interpreter,No. 48 King stieet, Honolulu.

Tianslatlous of either of tho abovelanguages made with accuracy mid dis-patch, and 011 uasonabla leiius. 20!)


Colonial CandiesJust received at

A. S. Cloghorn & Co's,mi pur S. S. Aujvtum,









ll l 1$1kTHURSDAY, OUT. 18, 1832.


Kohler's wnxworku, 10 a. in. lo 10p.m.

.Snlo of stores &c. of the Niagaraon Blcnmcr wharf by E. 1'. Adams,al 11 o'clock.

Al'TKHNOOX.lliblc class Kindergarten, 0 o'clock

Evr.NtNfi.Y.M.C.A. Hcthcl Vestry, 7:00.

The Planters' Labor & Supply Co.

held a further meeting yesterday, towhich for the first lime reporterswere admitted.

The minutes of the previous meet-

ing were read and agreed to, andreports of committees were calledfor. None were forthcoming, andthe Chairman called on Mr. II. M.Whitney to read the paper he hadprepared on the subject of Ucclpro-cit- y.

Mr. Whitney, having explainedthat, owing to various circumstanceslie had not had the fullest access todocuments, &c, necessary for thefullest treatment of the subject, thenload one of the ablest papers on thesubject luat it lias been ourfortune to come across.The following brief outlines will in-

dicate to our readers the purport ofit: Although the results of theTreaty have been pecuniarily speak-ing more beneficial to llawaji thanto the United States, that is not tobe wondered at considering the im-

mense difference in population ; stillthe United States has reaped dcplo-liinti- c

advantages of great value.The population of Hawaii has in-

creased from little over flO.OOO before the Treaty to about 75,000 atthe end of 1882, and perhaps wdlreach 1,000,00.

Not much attack was made on theTreaty till the Autumn of 1881,when several newspapers combinedand published statements of crueltywhich were almost wholly withoutfoundation, and generally made byparties actuated by feelings ofrevenge.

These charges of slavery arcutterly false and without foundation,(applause). The origin of the in-

denture system was traced to 'theshipment of natives in whalingvessels, and the length of contractand amount of work performedmonthly, (20 days of 0 hours each)alluded to. Fully ouc-four- ih of thelaborers in the islands are engagedby the month only, and more thanhalf have renewed their contractswhich shows whether the system isgood or not. Labor laws here arcmodelled on those of New YorkState, and if anything better thanthere. Many of the laborers haveplots of land and deposit accountswith their employers, and on thewhole the condition of laborers is asgood hero as in any country in theworld. All dilliculties betweenlaborer and cmplyer are settled bylaw, and the higher Judiciary hoi'oarc renowned for their character andability, but most of the trouble maybo traced lo the inferior characterof the native magistrates, and underthe new law we shall probably haveworse ones than the old, (ap-plause). Then followed statisticsof the number of plantations,amount of crop, &e. (The esti-

mated crop for this year is fG,0()(tons). The author concluded withan Kloqiieut appeal to tho UnitedStates' Government to maintain theTreaty.

A hearty vole of thanks wastendered to Mr. Whitney, and thereport was referred to the Trustees.(1'robably 5,000 copies will beprinted and circulated in Americaand elsewhere.) The report of theCommittee on labor was circulatedand a short discussion followed.The meeting was adjourned at 12M. tO 2 l'.Jt.

Stuixt cleaning seems to' bo car-

ried out now systematically. Ourx repeated protests are bearing fruit

Mil, Koiiuut'a Farewell BcnelltConcert given him by the AlaskaMinstrel on Saturday evening next.Ilcsoi'vcd seals J. W. llobcvlsou andHail JJros,

Kauai Itoms.(Ity Onr Special Itoportor.)

The plantations will commencegrinding shortly. The Kekaha plan-

tation will be ready about the firstof November. The Klcele has madoa dual shipment of 2,000 lings andwill start in two weeks. The Koloaplantation will start about the sametime, and Lihue and llauamauluabout a week later. Kapaa and Kc-al- ia

are selling new boilers and repairing and will not be ready to startfor a month. J. he kuauca planta-tion will bo ready the first week inNovember, and the l'rinccvillc amonth later. At l'rinccvillc theyarc now very busj planting on thelow lands.

The Chinese rice-plante- rs havebeen so prosperous that several ofthem have gone down to Honoluluto have a good tune one of themraised at least 2,000 tons tins-year- .

The whole amount of cane plantedis larger than in any former year, andlarge crop are expected everywhere;on the Kekaha, Klcele, Koloa,Lihue, Hanamauht, Makeo SugarCo., ICcalia. and l'rinccvillc planta-tions, the cane looks extremely well.The I'rinccvillo plantation will takeoff this coining year the largest cropsince its foundation in 18G1.

The roads are in rather a misera-ble condition at present. Thebridges are rotten and in many casesunsafe. Nothing has been done yetby tho new Supervisor, owing towant of money and his immediatepredecessor didn't attend ' to thowants of tho district. His Ex. Mr.Uush is expected to visit Waialtiaand llanalei nvcrs, to personallyinspect and decide on the mostsuitable sites for bridges to be built.

Correct After All.(Communicated.)

On the 8th of September a fotir-mastc- d

vessel was reported from theouter station as passing the port, acouple of hours after Messrs. J. AV.

liobcrlson & Co. announced on theirblackboard that it was the ship" Euphrates, " from New Castle,bound to San Francisco. Tho nextmorning the daily papers had thefollowing items. The Daily IJci.u:-ti- n

of Sept. 0th, says :

"Messrs. .!. W. Robertson it Co. re.port thai the four-imistc- d vessel whichpassed the port yesterday, was the Rri.tlsh ship "EuphrntcV' Cnpt. Cameron,37 days out from New Castle, N.B.W.,bound to Sim Francisco, with a cargo of:),01) tons of coal."

The Daily Advertiser of Sept.9th, says:

"A large four-mnstc- d vessel, from thesouth'rd, passed this port yesterday. She.was reported by special tcloginm'as theEuphrates, .'I (lays from New Castle, N.S. W., hound to San Francisco. Bycarrier pigeon, however, wo Had that hernumber was not made out correctly.The report should have been the None-Suc-

Captain Shavt'-the-Win- 21 hoursfrom Xo.-Wan-

's Land, bound to TomTiddler's ground, with a full cargo ofcopper-botto- cd post-hole- All well onboard."

In a S. F. paper of Oct. 1th, byyesterday's mail, the arrival of theship "Euphrates," dipt. Cameron,is reported at that port 01 days fromNow Castle. In his- - memoranda theCaptain reports as having sightedthe Island of Hawaii on Sept. lith,and on the 8th passed Honolulu,distant miles.

Messrs. J. W. llobcrtson & Co.'sshipping reports are pretty reliable.

Wi: hold over much interestingmatter.

A ;oM.Mirri:i: of !) will wait on HisMajesty this morning and lay theviews of the Planters before him.

It is the intention of the Kxccu-tiv- e

Committee to make His Maj-esty's coming birthday a memorableoccasion.. They have decided onhaving 2 barge races, U six-oa- r

races, 1 four-oa- r, 1 double scull, 1

single-scul- l, 1 canoe, and 2 sailingraces, besides swimming and tubraces. Altogether thoy have ar-ranged lo distribute about $1,100 inprizes, of which about half has beenalready subscribed.

A has been arrived at inthe U. S. District Court, San Fran-cisco, by .Judge Field, that Chinesemerchants from places other thauChina can come to San Franciscowithout hindrance. A lest case hasbeen made in the matter of LowYum Chow, who oamo'to San Fran-cisco from Panama, and the nhovodecision was rendered by the Judge.Yvc ijuolo the following eiuuug of

mtwtritiie decision: " We arc of opinionthat the section requiring a certifi-cate for Chinese merchants comingto the United Stales, does not applyto those who resided out of Chinaon the passage of the Act of Con-

gress, and that proof of their occu-pation may be made by parole."

Mn. C. E. Williams sent a nativeman with dump cart out on Punch-bowl street. On the start home yes-terday, the horse was frightened by a dog and cat running underits heels, while the man was employ-ed putting up the bars of the in- -

ciosurc. it ran nway aim the manjumped on the cart and seized thereins. Somehow he slipped and fellbetween the wheel and the cart, andwas dragged a little way, bruisinghis legs badly. The horse ran alongllerctania street, down Uichardstreet and turning the corner ofHotel street lipped the cart up anditself over. Here two men who werepainting the Hotel fence came upand secured it. A white man thencame alone and nroeccded to lakethe horse and cart to its owner, butm a little while lie too was thrownout, and we hear lie was badly'hurt.Tlin liorsn tlinn mil nlnncr lo Mr. f !.

K. Williams' yard. Luckily.' al-

though many carriages were in'filsroad it ran into none of them. Thecart and harness are injured, but thehorse is all riuht.

Auction Sales by E. P. Adams

Thursday, October li)lh.Dy order of the Captain of tho Britishsnip "Niagara," i win sell at publicauction,

On tho Mail Stinr Wharf,On Thursday, the tilth Instant, at Ito'clock a. in., for account of whom limay concern, the following articles':

New sails, forming a complete set,Second suit of sails, canvas4,Kcdges, anchors, cables,Wire rigging, cordage, blocks,Spars, barrels beef, barrels pork,Barrels Hour, vinegar,Cases medium bread,Cases pilot bread,Tar. oils, oil tanks, water tanks,Lanterns, side-light- coimjasses,2 ships boats, &c.,&(!.

Also, about 250 tons--, more or less, of lineCalifornia and Oregon Wheal.

Terms cash.Catalogues may be had at the Auc-

tioneer's Olllce.E. P. Amms, Auctioneer.

Notice.Consignees ex bark Imacos

from New York, will pleasecall for orders and payfreight at.

!! tit CASTLE it COOKE, Agents.

"VyANTED, iimnediatelv, a centrallyT T located Cottage, within reason,

able walking distance to business, situa-tion on the AVaikiki side of Fort street.Must have three bedrooms.22:! 2 W J.1J..WIHKM.V3J.

His Majesty's Birthday,November Kith, 1S82.

AN Adjourned Meeting of Citizensinterested in the annronriate cele

bration of the coining birthday of His.Vfniestv the, Kill'', will tut held nl tin.Armory, Queonstrcet, on

Friday Evening, Oct. 20lh,at 7:30 o'clock.

A report of the Executive Committeerelating to the programme for tiic day,will be presented.

A full alleudanco is desired as mattersof importance will be, brought up forconsideration.Per I K GODFDEY,Ordu, j Lr KAV,'AL'U1,221) 2t Secretaries- -

Furniture For, on account of

J leaving, at rear cottage or Iso. 2tiorden Lane, corner of Hotel st. Callin tho evening of Ihb week. 22!l lit

Notice.rpiIE Irrigation Privileges suspendedi. until further notice do not include

those derived from the Artesian Wellson Iving street.

C. 15. WILSON,222 .Superintendent Water Works

Notice to the scarcity oiOwing: present in tho Doer

voir, all Jrrivating Privileges will besuspended until lurtiier nonce.

Oil AS. II. WILSON,Superintendent Water Works

Olllce of Water Works, Oct. l!), '8:.'. 220

"VroTIOK All persons owing monev,IN rent', in:., to Her Highness KuthIvcellkohuii are hereby lequested toiiiiikc tiieir payments lo

2111 lm II. A. WIDEMANX.

Tlf. URUNS, Cooper iind.Gauger,Water Tanks of any dimensions,

cooperage. .m, hi street,. Ifo'iolulu.

Oil Casks, SIiooUh and Iloou Iron con221 ttmitly oil hitud mid for sule. ly

Failles who are in want of Furniture will do well lo read the newadvertisement in this isuo ''Closingout sale of Furnituro at Wells MucicStore."


llest California 'Duller, in tubs and jnrs,Barrels Prime Pork,Uitrrels Extra Mess Decf,Hal f.barrels extra Family Deef,Cases Falrbank Lard, 5 and It) lbs.,Cases Coil tlsh,I Jags California Potatoes, '

Dugs Whole Diirley,Dags Ground Darlcv,Dags Wheal, ',

Dags While and Pink Deans,t2T"All arc ollcral al low price.

DOLLICS is Co.Honolulu, Oct. Ill, I8!. 'J:.';! 2w

Water Notice.Oniee Sup'l Water Works,

Honolulu, July !!, 1882.

ALL persons having Water Privilegesnotified thai their AVntor Dates

are payable semi-annuall- in advance,at tin! olllce of the tSupcrlnt'.ndcnt ofWater AVoiks, foot of Xuuiuiu street,upon the 1st dav of .lanunrv and July ofeach year. OHA:. II. WILSON,

Sup't Water Works.S. Iv. Kaai, Minister of Interior. 201

I0E CEEAM FESTIVALWill bo given on

Thursday, October 2th,Commencing at 4 p. in.,

In tho Dascniunl of Fort Sliccl Church,for defraying the expenses of the

Gospel Temperance workon thee Islands.

Admission, 25 cts; Children, half-pric-


Creme de la Creme,rfllllE Ice Factories arc in full blast,X and so arc

JIAKT'SElite Ice Cream Parlors!

They arc just freezing, which is

Wuit you tcunt in this Weather,and don't you forget it I

Ice Cream can be had from 11 a. 11 p. m. at

HAKT DUOS.,Elite Ice Cuii n Parlors,

177 80 Hold street.


Coiling Decorations,




A splendid and varied, nseoilmcnt



"VVTANTED AnvoiiB having a copvI T of the book' " Laickuwai" to (lis-po- u

of wilt please call at201 lm J. W. ItODEUTSON & Co's

LOST GOLlTDixG, tti withhirge.and while stone. $"t reward

on returning same to Daii.v Dum.utinOlllce, Queen street. 218 lw

rpo LET a lot, 100 feet sipiare, onX which is stable for 10 or more

horses, carriage Jiou-- e, and servant'shouse, water laid on, opening on Youngstreet. For particulars npplv lo

A. FE1JNANDEZ,211 lm til K. O. Hull is Him

7LEGANTLY FUDNISHEI) DoomsXLi lo let, single or double, with nil (In-conveniences and comforts of a home.Dooms aro large and well ventilated.Terms strictly moderate. Applv at No.2 Adams Lane. l lm

npo LET ONE COTTAGE,X containing 7 rooms, withand every convenience, situated on thoP'uIih, about 1 I'dio from town. Waterhud on. For particulars applv to

A. FERNANDEZ,UKi lm Al E. OHall is Son's.

jJtA&JiVOU SALE or lo LEASE, afflwMS? J c COTT A E, on thoKiaiAaR Plains, in a good neighbor-hood. The liou-- o is new and contains 2bedrooms, with cocts; parlor, diningroom, pantry, bath, kitchen and sowingroom. A nice largo yard, with out-houses Apply to

215 tf II.J.AGNKW.

lOIt SALE, a MULE CART,X1 Apply to

10;' u. lluekfold Co


5 Days ffore 5Reduction of prices!

Admission, 25 Cents,Children, two for 25 cents.

Open from 10 a. m. to I):!J0 p. m.

On Saturday Evening,October 21st,


Tendered by

The Alaska MinstrelsAnd several other artistes.

See (lav bill for particulars- -

Admission, $1.00, 75 cents and 50 clsiReserved seats lo be bad at Robertsonis Co's. and Hart Ilrothers'. 200

Now Millineiy !

New Millinery !

Now Millinery !'


S. J. FISHEL'SiV2 Popular Store.

Tho Long-Expcclc- d Book,


Mrs. Luoy'G. Thurston,"

lias arrived, and Is for snlc'nt

A. L. SMITH'S, Fort street.222 Price, 1.75 each. 2w

J.T.litis just received, and arc now

opened, and for sale,


Dinner Sets, Tea Sets, Dessert Sels,

Also, Fancy Articles in Mnjolicn,

Such as Pitchers, Tea Pots,

Flower Pots, Plates (leal pattern)Standard Dishes, Syrup Jugs,

Dread Plates, Sardine Doxcs,

Salad Dowls, &C, &c.

And many others too numerous to nur..Hon.

J. T. WATERHOUSK,218 lw King Street.


BRON ROOFING,. 21 and 20 Gauge,

0, 7, 8 and 0 feet lengths.


Eastern Clear Square Edged

WHITE OAK PLANK,From 1 to 1 In. in thickness,

Deceived e. late arrivals, and for sale incpiantitios to suit, by205 lm ALLEX is RQDINSOX.

Elegantly Furnished RoomsTO LET,

FAMILIES or SINGLE (lENJITIOR with all Ihu conveniences and conuorts or a lionie, with

Use of Parlor.Dooms aro largo and well ventilated.

Tonus, Strictly Moderate.JIDS. SC1IRADER.

Comer of Hotel and Alak'ca streets.172 ihu

A SPLKXIMP Opportunity isnow oll'ercd to buy the Popu- -til.- - I .ml trim? ll.uiu.k ......until.

occupied and conducted by --Mrs. " 12."i Fort street. Tho premises contain1 store, 17 bedrooms, kitchen, dlnlnjr andhath room. The roonii aro all nicely,furnished and In perfect Order. Forfurther particulars apply to present pro-prietor, F. AV'. WALLACE, 120 Fort st.,Honolulu, 210


- M- -






a i


fM O


Vj.. u





TELEPHONIC.Dlinond Head, Oul. 1U, 0:30 i.m

Light N. K. wind.Nothing in Highl.

, ," Arrivals.Oct. 18

Uk luincos from New YorkSclir Kanln from AViiiunnoSclir Kulaiunnu from Ilanmku'n

Departures.Oct. 18

Sclir Maun for IliloSchr Loahi for IvolmlnSehr Uilaina for HnnnloiSclir Lukn for KolialuSehr Liliolilio for Kauii . " .

Vcssols Leaving this day.Stmr .las Mnkcc for Kauai & NiihauSclir l'olioiki for J'niiii"m Dakota for l'ort Townsend

Passongors.From San Francisco, pur P S H

Suez, Oct 18 AV II Fage, AV MMcChcsnoy, Mrs 11 Moore, HughMelntyre, Mrs Otto, child and ser-vant, V M Coffee, U V AVilbcr, S KFord, A Start, M Neisser, S NIlcndlcy, J A Frost, II 11 Lilian!, AV

J'Ltiws,' AVm Travers, Domingo doCavern and wife, AV I Fritas, wifennd children, K Robertson, F AV

I'crncimJ A Hoggins, T A Thomp-son, II I Iloldgara, Sain'l McKeaye,nnd 20 Chinese.

Vossols in Port.U. S. S3. Ahmk-i- , (!. 12. Delknnplirlt still Sue, Dodil,Am liktuc AmeliaAm.s'clir Cluus SpicckclsHnft lik Ioliiill, . illnw brig Nlnlto, CmueroiiAm bk 1) G MurrayUnrkTnnieosAm liktno Klikllul,Ur h.irk Lady Lampoon, Murston.Am bark Hope, AspoletGcr l)k Pciho,lik CihnricuTern Eva

Vessels Expected.We ( Nurae . From J)unLit Emmn,'fioin Pujjct Sound, Aug 18Bktnc jCmiiiii Augusta, fin Pt Unniblc for

Kiihului, Out 7RMB Zealnndia, fiom Sydney, Oct !1

Stmr City of New York from S. F, Oct !i'JHark Lizzie Murplml, fin Pt OainblcUr likUlIock fin LlAi'rnool, DecUk Alior Amnu fin Qln'ow, DecUk Ilev'ere fm'l't IllnkeU--Ur fhip Amli.isador, fin NewcnstloUk Uucna A'Ktn fin Pi (JambleUk Kit Sap fin Pt GnniblcUktne J A Fiilkinburg fm S V

ltoytil ITaAvaiian Agricul-tural Society.

Notice to Members and In-- .tending Memljors.

THE First Meeting or tliiri Society i

convened, to be held at theHawaiian Hotel, on

Friday, October gotli,at 7.::?o i). in.

Uii'sltie' The ndoilion of a Consti-tution, and the Election or Olllcers forthe eiiMiIng year.

II. A.AVIDEMAXN,I tkr i . A. S. CLEG 1IOHX,' ' .1. S. AVEBH.

223 2t (Coniiiilltee of Organization.)

Royal lltnvaiistn Agricul-tural Society.

of the Drafts of intendedCOPIES of the Society may now beobtained fiom thetinder.-igne- d membersof the Organizing Committee.

Those dcslrou of joining tho Societycan do So by paying the uunuiil subscrip-lio- n

of $5 to cither' of the undersigned.II. A. AVIDEMAXN,A. S. CriEGHOllN,J. S. AVEUU.

Honolulu, Sept. iiO, 18S'.'. 209

Wilson Urolhers,..r, cv .vi i


Shoeing a KpeelaltyA first-clas- s mini being specially engaged

for that vol k.Ship and AVagon work faithfully

attended to.Shop on the Esplanade, op. lloppcr'.201


So fuvo'rhltly known throughout theHawaiian Islands. Sold Iiy nil

respectable dealers.

Ko.10 LjllUa bt., Ilouolulu. 71

ww nBiiiiwwnwrww ..n -. .. H" '" - - -- - l

tCa-- A. FOU BAN FKANOISCO.to3f .TjihL Arrived fis g- -. n m

aaiSS&J' The clipper bulk BJBJI BT tSZ vSD. c. Murray, Per g J&Uf m

llO.lays from Liverpool, I TaElf P 8 1Will have o,iiiclv illspiiteli, for tho nboio .s (grata) nfir b tT '2poit. Fur freight or piissngo npply to Invoices of a ffrS maua s Am1 A. .& Co, Agent. g fl" telL J! MAqcnrtprl finnrlc .a -- a imMJMti&fa . SE G M

Oceanic Steamship Oomp'y.

Suarrt: Iron Steamer Suez,J101H), - - I.'O.MMANIIKI!

Will leave Honolulu


For freight or e, having .superioraccomodations, npply to121 AVji. G. liiwi.v & Co., Agents.

xPrr, Sleamor Likoliko,3 King, - Muster.

Leaves Honolulu each Tuesday ntI p.m., tsuchli'.g at Lahainii, Mna-lne- a

Hay, Makunii, Miihukmin,Lnupahochoe mid Hilo.

Upturning, will touch at all tinsulovc ports, arriving at Honolulueach guudiiy a.m. t

rJ'AOlFIO MAIL Steam-rira- l!

sllll Conipuny.FOR SAN FRANCIS (JO,

The Splendid StcaiuhlpZoalandia,

AVcbbiT, - - Commander,A V ill leave Honolulu for S.m Franeicto

on oriiliout Oct. 'J:!.


City of Now York,Cobb. - - - commander,

On or about Oct. 2I.For freight or pasnire apply to

II. ll.U'KriiMi&'Co., Agents.

T. R. FOSTER & Co.'s

Line of Steamersra5irS,'3H"jkj

Tho lAvalani,Batj:s, .... - Commander

Runs regularly to Kona nnd Kau,as per following Tiiuo Table:

Li:.wj:s Honolulu at ! i.m. oxThurMlay, Oct. T, Monday, Nov. 27Monday,' Oct. 10 ThurMlay, Dee. 7Thursday, Oct. 2(1 Monday, Dec. 18

Monday, Nov. (! Thur.-d'a-y, Dec. 28ThurMlay, Nov. l(i

AmuvKs at HonoluluFriday, Oct. l!l Friday, Nov. 2 1

Tuesday, Oct. 21 Tue-ifii- v, Dec. rFriday, Nov. :i Friday, Dec. 15

Tuesday, Nov. 1 i Tuesday, Dec. 2(i

The C. R. Bishop,IJerry, -- Comiiiander

Li:avi:s Honolulu i:vj:i:yMonday, ut o l'.ji., for Nawiliwili,Kolon, Eleelc, and AVainiea, Kauai.

RuruuNiNii li:avj;sNnwiiiwili every Fiiday evening.

Tin: kast .sailing4$i Schooner Ehukaiwill run legularly

TO AVAIALUA EVERY MONDAY,Itctttinhig on Thursday, weather

permitting.For f i eight or parage njiply to the

Captain on boaul, or to181 A. F. Cooki:, Agent.

Schoonor JQ;I "Emma,"AVill leave Honolulu EVEHY TEES- -


ItcturuliigSntuidityh.For fieighl or parage, havinv; .superiorcabin iii'Coiiimo(lntloii, npily to theCaptain on board. 151

A. PHANK C00KE,Office, coiner Nuuaniiiind Queen sheets,

Honolulu, 11. L,

Agent for the following Packets:AVailele, J-- AVnioli,AVnlehii, A&frt AViiIiiiiilu.Mulolo, ("6y Kiiluiui,Mima, -- sfvTL Julia,

Ka Mol, nnd Ehukai.

Red Flag, Avith White Ball.isi

"pWO iFKICIvS TO LKT. on the see- -1 oud lloor of the building oeeupled

by .1. W. ItolmitsoH .1 Co Ul'.i

$305-REWARD- -$305l

rPHE iindei signed will p.iy the aboveJl. lewaid for theDETECTION AITD CONVICTION

of Ibo party or pai ties who

Poisoned his Mar'o " Lizzio,"on the night of August HOIli.

Sept 7. (W) E. M, N011DBE1W

i k I ISeveral KeAV Lines , " A3?s31SrvaV a &j

Never before stliown In Honolulu. friPlT ?0 ? MSiimllprollls nml iiiilcljieluiiis, nt S JsSI cSlatliv&i Cs

202 1m J.T.WulerlioiiKo'ts. SES MifSKl7 Za 3 1

Ladies' and Cent's f q . Ajcnt for (his Kiindom. ,JCalifornia WntchcsL l8k N. U.-ll- cwaro of i.nitn- - .

Gold mul Silver"-- ' tions. as I have u scovcrcd

. . Actual WOtphti. aovril'nt Qilvni wvifnliou Itnnr..IllSt 10 llllllll. .," . Vliltri.iolGoldi ing the name of AVnlthnm

1 lirilltlire Wttlclics," which arc of Swiss -Evcry Wnlch warranted as GresswEt and soldjranufacturc, arc narenresenlcd.

y- -. ytreiuiine AVnlthnm wntches.

Company, - 5

WAIMMIOOMS, Nos. 5(1 and 58


m imm m host complete


FUENITUREIn the Kingdom,

which will be

Sold at the Lowest Rates.




Made to older at short notice.



Telephone No. 72.,' 207


TO LEASE.Upper!) rooms willing of kitchen, on

Ntiiiauii Avenue, suitable for mail andwife, llcnt iJU per month. Deeqyaid,gaiileu, &P.

A reliable, steady driving horse wait,ted mut bo wariauteil.

AVanted a good Japanese cook, andwife, or cook without a wife. Goodwages lo light p.utv.

A large room adjoining the Headingitoom Association on Fort St., to rent,$25 a month.

A neat small cottage on Nuuiinii si ,to rent, contains (I rooms, good yard,water, &p. $20 a month.

ij:),500 to loan on lht.classimmediately.

A good Building Lot on NiiiianuAvenue, to ell, near Lt Urldge.

On Judd street, near Lililia l., A leaseof 8 years on i , aeru of Ground. HentSilo a year. Has u-- room cot taue, sta-lil-

barn, water, Ac. Sell for sjUoO agood bargain.

A lino cottage containing 5 rooms atPinion valley, (Punchbowl Micet), situ,atu on mi acre of ground. A large ele-

gant barn nnd stable, water, runningbrook and everything convenient forlalslug poultry or dairy business.Iteiital :I50 ii year.

Another lino eottagu on Lililia streetto let, and aNo M!enil others abouttown mid suburbs.

Property for sale hi various parts ofHonolulu.

Itooius In all parts of (ho city to rent.General Olllee, business tran-aete- d.

J. Iv. AVISKMAN,Heal Kslato Uroker anil Employment

Ageut, 27 Mvrclmut i?t. Ul

3 C7" ,

Facsimile ut Silver Cnes. (215)

FURNITURE SALE-A Large Stock of Fine will be cleared out

to make loom for our ....Largo Stock of Holiday Goods to arrive

per stc.iiuer. This slock inclules - '

Parlor and Bedroom Furniture, Lounges,Easy Cliiiiis,Tiitkish Chairs, AVaidiobes,

Spring Mnttiesses, Olllee and Dining.iooin Chairs, &c, &c,

All of which will be sold at auction prices, or less.Call and cMiuiiuc at

Wells' Music Store,177

JUST RECEIVEDEx s.s. Hmisii, and Into arrivals,FROM THE COAST,

Cases of the celebratedBlue Grass Kentuckoy Whiskey,

in glass and (lemijoliiib, supeilor lo anybiand in llii- - inarkct.

Cases Herniitage Uoiirbon AVhisky," O. F. C. Sour Mash Whisky,' KenPickcy Favorite AVhlskv," Cutter No. 1 AVhisky," Hennessey 1, 2 and :i Star lirandy," Ilii-ho- t Star Pale lirandy," Uuike's Three Star Iilsb Whisky," Durke'rt Pints Mall Scotch Whlh'kv" Loehiel Scotch AVhisky," Etia Sirjieiior Port A inc." Extra Superior Sherry AVide," No. 1 California Port," Uest Hi mills of Claret." UraniU of Miuleim AViues," " Key" lliand Jauuilca lliini," "Golden Fleece" .lainaica ltiim,

D.iskcts Stone Jug Gin,Cases Gieen and lied Cusq Gin "Key"

biand," P. llaldmakers & CVs Prl.o Medal

Geiiiiluu HollandsGiu," Fosici's Pale Ale, ills and (jtrf." Gennlsses' XXX Porter, pis & qts," St. Louis Lager Deer," Pilsner Lager Peer, ips and pis." TenuiiiilVniiil Jellrey's Pale Ale," Dud wcrser's Celebi altd Lager Deer

(iiarts and iiuls." C. Fm re's Champngiie, itsand pls." "Kcllpse" Cbainpngnc. (its ami pis"." lthlue Wine," Ginger AVIne," Angelien Wine,

Also a small Invoice of theCclobratod Minoral Wator

"Ferrozodone'Maniifiielurcd e.spre !y l"vr tropical eli.

mates. JAll the above goods M.onintcd.

21 1 hu Jb T, Loneian & Co.

Fac-sinui- u ii uuul CasiM



10"i and 107 Foil Street, Honolulu.

PLANTATION GOODS.biniple Delting,

Helvetia Laces,


Tuck Packing, ,

Co dew, -

Cinvifer', '"'

Fir j Clay, rZfHeinp Packing, Willi or willoitlndia ."'

liiibber, ,' n

llnbbll Metal. .Darbed I'eneeAViic,

Mining Steels,lines,'s, ',Cine Knives, with or without 1 oo w, (

Hand and Smith Hammui, '

SI ovels, Axes, j;Jaukscrews, A'iccs, "

,fSteiun-pip- Drii3hes,

Patent Slenm.plpii Coverings 'kLubricating Oil, 'f

Ceinent, Sleel Hails, ,,'Sugar and Coal Hngr,

Tw hie, A:c, Ac. , "t'

For sale by ,


Oct. mm

l'OH SALi:, a No. 2

Warolionso Feed MillGilnds from 5 to lo tons per day. '

Also, pulley, belts, etc., all In goodorder; can bo inn by hteain or horsepower, just the article foru plantation.


HAY, OATS, CORN,AVlii'iil, Dran, Hurley, AVhole and

Oioiuid, Mixed Feed, etc.AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST

oJ LA1NU& Co., a I Fort a.





lHatahlishcd 18o0.

J. W. KOBERTSON & CO.,(succr.sons to ii. m. wiiiTxr.v.)

Importing and Manufacturing Stationers.PUBLISHERS,

Printers and Book-Binder- s,

' Nos. 19 and 21 Merchant street,

The Oldest, Largest, and CheapestStationery Establishment in the Kingdom.

keep constantly on hand a large assortment ofliliuik Hooks, of nil descriptions;

Foolscap, Legal and Hill Cup,.Journal and Trial Hnlunrc Papers,

Linen Paper mid Envelopes, nil bizesj

Writing and Copying Inks, in quarts, pints and cones.

Mucilage in nil sizes, especially adapted to this cliiniitc;Drawing Pnper nnd Pencils,

Tracing Paper nnd Cloth.Transit Hooks, Field mid Level Hooks, adapted for the ur

of Surveyors nnd Engineers;Mcmoi nudum and Pass Book,

Silver mid Pciforated Caid Hoaid,SliippiiiEC Tii!, Shlppinu Hecfcipl Hooks and Pad,

Note, Uiaft, and Receipt Hooks,

And numerous other articles in our line to be found in a iccll kept dock

MUSIC! ftSUSBC!We have made such arrangements with our Music Agents, as will cnable'iis

hcicaftcr to keep on hand a full assortment, mid nNoloiccclve the latest pieces as

ECKART,and Manufactur-

ing Jeweler,Foil Sticet, ; : Honolulu.

they arc published. Any special ordertion.



Nos. liy nnd 115

Splendid New Stock of Solid

Eleyant Gold andSilvcr-Plale- d Waie,&e., &e.

ADDITIONS to our formerGHEAT ex Sue., Kalakaua, and Cityot Sydney, of

Ship Chandlery & Ship Stores:Coidage hemp Manila, cotton duck,Flax canvas, llax sail twine, beeswax,Hlocks, oars 8 to 24 ft ; shacklesHales of oakum, hooks and thimbles,Club blocks, snatch blocks, inwlock,Iron straj) blocks, mast beads, shieves,Mctnlinisnnd patent bushings,Stockholm tar, pitch, coal lar, tar oil,Hriglit and black varnishes, wire ringingMarline, seizing houscllnc, ratlin,Spunyarn, caulking irons, copper taeks,lion tacks, connecting links,Mm tin spikes, eniilklinj mallets,Must hoops, hand spike:--, pitch mops,Tar brushes, &c.Paints and Paint Oil, n full assortment

of all kinds and colors;Pacilio llubbcr Paint, a new lot, includ.

all the various colors;15rulies Paint, varnish, pencil, while,

wash, paste, artist, shoe, sciub, anilsash a good assortment of each; ,

Acs and hatchets, woml and shingling;Ship lanterns and side-light- s the Regu-

lation article.

Groceries and Provisions.A full assortment of line groceries, in.

eluding some choice varieties ofcanned goods:

Table pin fiuits, jams and jellies, a newaitiele, put up by a new Jinn, andwe can highly lecoinmeiid them asbeing something lenlly nice;

A new lot of Teas, including some supe-rior Japan varieties;

Sugai Bellncd and raw;Hams, bacon, lard, smoked beef, in tins,

new article;Curi led fowl, smiled oyMeis,Plum pudding, kits salmon bellies,Kits mackerel, kits tongues and sounds,Codfish, chee-e- , O.vloul sausage, in

in f, )4 and bo.c;Haisins, in tins; currants in ! & 71b tinsPickles, in 1 gal., ) gal., (ps, & 5 gal kgsCorn starch, tapioca, vermicelli,Macaroni, dried apples, pinncs, plums,

peaches and pea is.

FLOUR AND DREAD.Golden Gate extra family, Eldorado,Golden City, Giuliani, out and coin mealMedium bread, assorted ciackcr.s,Ginger snaps, tally, saloon pilot biead,Soda biscuits, rice and eollee,"Wlinlu and sperm oil,Sperm caudles, Is and RAll of the aoovc will lie sold at the

Best Market Jtutes,Duycrsnro most respectfully invited to

cull and examine our stock.

103 BOLLES & CO.

Daily Bulletin TolopLoao No, 250


win lcceiveour ucsi ami prompi nucn182

Gold aud Plated Jewelry,

fiileer Watches.



DIAS & GONSALESNo. 57 Hotel Street.

INLAID WORKFrom Madeira:

"Work Hoes and Tables,Parlor Tables, Wilting Desks.

Paper Knives, Ruleis,Glove, llandkeichief, &, Jewelry Hoxes,

Hair Chains, Necklaces,Hraeclets, Ear.iings,

Hiooclies, &c, &c.

Wicker Baskets and Mats,"Willow Chairs,

Embroidery and Ciochet Woik,All the above will be found in

variety, and excellent quality,together with all the

usual slock of u

Dry Goods Establishment.A call will y you handsomely for

the trouble. SlU'ly


jjUbegs lo notify to Urn publicof Hono.

lulu ami travellers to and fromnil foreign ports that

He has Purchasedthe and Slock in tiade of the

Honolulu- - & San Francisco Express &

Transfer Company,

And that ho proposes to entry on thebusiness in good style; in fact

eveiythlng will be done

"Up to tho Handle!"All poisons lequiring furniture, bag.

gage or goods ol any description shilt.ed, tiansterred or shipped will tlnd it totheir advantage to npply to him at idsoffice, King street, ,

Telephone No. 130,us low lulci tii possible. ib7

wwwp i,iwi imum rnw" minwwffwi' nwwr 'wrTVf ri' jiii wwwn!

DILLINGHAM & CO.Importers and Dealers In ,

Hardware, Agricultural Implements,House Furnishing Goods, Paints, Oils, Vnrnislics, So.

Have made large additions to their stock-o- f goodsTo which they Invite the attention of bioci'i.

Weston's DiiTcvciitin,! DPulloy BlockH.TRUMAN'S IMPRnVFn IRflN te-- w, CHEAPEST & BEST.


s&Hf-- " -iL &izscr. irs'im rv-

dJ60 5-- 8 Steel Teeth.

Now styles of Plows, Harrows,A full line of Tinware, and

Call and cm mine our stock.

THE OLD CORNEREstablished, 1S5S.

Hakt Bhos., : : Proprietors.

MEALSServed up in Urst-clas- s style at all hours

Open from 2 a. m. to 10 p. m.

Always on hand

Cigars, Tobacco, PipesiV:u., &i Also,

Iced. DDvinLcs !




Beaver Eefreshment Eoom,Fine-i- t Hrnnds of Tobacco,

Cigars, Cigarettes, ele,

Always in stock-Ic- e

told Bodawater and Ginger Ale.

II. J NOLTE,209 tf Piopiietor.


A Largo Assortment-- or ijir.


Fine Wall PapersAMI

BORDERS!Just mcelved, and for sale by


llgi. Call and examine. IT

Just Jieueivetl lici' Suez,Fiom Fintielsco,


FELT IIATS,Trimmed and Untrimmed,

Also in Straw and Hough Plush.

Heautlful Plumes and Flowers.CALL AND SEE THEM.


Ladies' Underwear -


Children's Clothing.JIUS. WILKINSON,miy 10J Fort btiect.

Jl ft-- "1 J 1' -- K'f'g.l TSffi. -aJlJSsSsSsFSs -- a



zfft ttafe&JSfijuc8ws rw- -

msmfmSLIUJSSa 3ZSSSSP&--v ,3o JS&sg0 Four

Cultivators, &c, &e., &c.many Novelties, new to this market, too numerous lo mention.

(IT,) DILLINGHAM & CO., Fort Street.




-- AT-


Bruce Cnrlw right. W.

Union Feed-- CAR1UES

Largest and-- OF'

HAY, GRAIN AND FEEDOf All description, nnd guarantees to keep full supply

constantly on liuud.

52 32TSunl orders to A. "V. BUSH, Fort St., Honolulu.

J. W. 1WBEBTSON' & Go's

Subscription DepartmentWE are prepared to lcceive fuither oulers for any Paper Mnguzlnc publlah

ed in California, the Eastern States, Canada, and Europe.At the piescnt lime we icccive by cwiyinuil over one hundred nnd fifty

(lilleicul Papers and Mii&iizines, published in the English, French, German, and,Scaudimiviau Languages,

As our subscription list is large, we aic enabled lo furni.-l-i the Papers nndMagazines low rutu of Siiliseriptlou, 183

.. i....Vi. ,.,-- .; i. ....


and Htdldcr,3g25S-5- .Honolulu Steam Planing Mills, Kspla-nad- e,

Honolulu.Manufactures nil kinds of Mouldings,

llrackets, Window Frailies, JillmN,Sashes. Doors, anil alt kinds of Wood-work lliih-h- . Turning, Scroll ami HandSawlntt. All kinds of Sawing and Plan-lu- g.

Moitielugnud Tenanting.Older promptly attended lo and woik

guaranteed. Orders from the other Is-

lands solicited 21

French Calf Skins.LAHGE INVOICE of the ruinous

"Fishor & Lovoy Brand."

All Females I All weights, 10 to HJ kiloI Direct Importation

E.vCily of Sydney,I3?Goanil see them,

ut 1'2 Queen Sticet.101 lm M. W. McCIIESNEV & SON

Cs Medium Bread,ex Caibarien, for sale In

rpunllllcs 1j ftitit byUt. A. S. OiXunoii.N v vO.

--uJfejfi'! i Ai' UUjh. lfcE4'- - W4W(Wt'-- ...-'.,..-


Sections -s.



at ain.




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