
Chirurgia Toracica

Dipartimento Cardio-Toracico

Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Pisana

Evoluzione della Chirurgia Radio Guidata del Nodulo Polmonare Solitario: dalla tecnica video-assistita alla robotica

F Davini

II Congresso Nazionale di Chirurgia Radioguidata

Milano 1-2 dicembre 2016

Lesione sferica intraparenchimale, radiologicamente

rilevabile, con diametro uguale o inferiore a 3 cm, non

associata ad atelettasia o linfoadenopatia.

Glossary of terms for thoracic radiology:

recommendations of the Nomenclature committee of the Fleishner society. A J R 1984

Definizione di Nodulo polmonare solitario

L’utilizzo della TAC spirale come screening della neoplasia polmonare ha aumentato di 10 volte l’incidenza del nodulo

polmonare solitario.

Erasmus JJ et al.

Solitary pulmonary nodules: morphologic evaluation for differentiation of benign and malignant lesions. Radiographics, 2000.

Screening del Tumore Polmonare

Tomografia Assiale Computerizzata

European and North American lung cancer screening experience and implications for pulmonary nodule management

The potential for low dose computed tomography (LDCT) to act as an effective tool in screening for lung cancer is currently the

subject of several randomised control trials. It has recently been given prominence by interim results released by the North American

National Lung Screening Trial (NLST). Several other trials assessing LDCT as a screening tool are currently underway in Europe,

and are due to report their final results in the next few years. These include the NELSON, DLSCT, DANTE, ITALUNG, MILD and LUSI

trials. Although slow to instigate a trial of its own, the UK Lung Screen (UKLS) trial will shortly commence. The knowledge gained from

the newer trials has mostly reinforced and refined previous concepts that have formed the basis of existing nodule

management guidelines. This article takes the opportunity to summarise the main aspects and initial results of the trials presently

underway, assess the status of current collaborative efforts and the scope for future collaboration, and analyse observations from these

studies that may usefully inform the management of the indeterminate pulmonary nodule. Key Points • Low dose CT screening for lung

cancer is promising. • The effect of LDCT screening on mortality is still uncertain. • Several European randomised controlled trials

for LDCT are underway. • The trials vary in methodology but most compare LDCT to no screening. • Preliminary results have reinforced

existing nodule management concepts

Eur Radiol. 2011 Dec;21(12):2445-54. doi: 10.1007/s00330-011-2219-y. Epub 2011 Aug 10

Low-dose spiral CT screening and evaluation of the solitary pulmonary nodule


Lung cancer screening using helical low-dose computerized tomography (LDCT) increased drastically after publication of a

successful well-designed prospective randomized screening study, the National Lung Screening Trial. This increase in

screening has led to a significant increase in the diagnosis of solitary pulmonary nodules (SPNs). Some of these lesions are

early cancers, and their removal can potentially prevent a lung cancer death. Some have the histologic appearance of a cancer but will

never progress and cause harm. Some are non-neoplastic and are best observed. The number of lesions detected with LDCT is so

great that algorithms are being developed for more efficient evaluation and management of SPNs. This article will discuss current tools,

approaches, and concerns regarding patient care in this setting.

Oncology (Williston Park). 2014 May;28(5):441-6

With a median follow-up of 6.5 years, there were 13% more lung cancers and a 20% reduction in lung cancer mortality (95%

confidence interval [CI], 6.8–26.7; P = .004) in the LDCT arm compared with the chest x-ray arm. The ability of CT imaging to find

suspicious lesions was well demonstrated by the trial. The risk of a false-positive finding in the first screen was 21%. Overall, after three

CTs, 39.1% of participants had at least one positive screening result. Of those who screened positive, the false-positive rate was 96.4%

in the LDCT group.[5]

Oncology (Williston Park). 2014 May;28(5):441-6

Il riscontro occasionale di NPS, in pazienti asintomatici,

Ha una prevalenza stimata del 8-51% secondo i vari studi di screening

ACCP Evidence-based Clinical Practice Guidelines (2° Edition). Chest 2007; 132: 94S-107S

Oltre il 96% dei casi i noduli polmonari incidentali presentano un

diametro < 10 mm, tra questi il 72% ha un diametro < 5 mm

Incidentally detected small pulmonary nodules on CT. Clin Radiol 2009; 64:872-884

Il principale problema è

la gestione dei NP incidentali di piccole dimensioni

ACCP Evidence-based Clinical Practice Guidelines (2° Edition). Chest 2007; 132: 94S-107S

Tasso Malignità

1-12%ACCP Evidence-based Clinical Practice Guidelines (2° Edition). Chest 2007; 132: 94S-107S


Identificare i pazienti con lesioni Maligne che possono beneficiare

di un trattamento chirurgico potenzialmente curativo

Evitare procedure invasive inutili

Il management dei noduli deve essere



- Parzialmente solido (probabilità di malignità 63%)

- Non Solido (probabilità di malignità 18%)

- Solido (probabilità di malignità 7%)

Frequency and significance of part-solid and non solid nodules. AJR 2002; 178:1053-1057

NP Parzialmente SolidoPersistente o Transitorio


3 mesi


Margini spiculati

Broncogramma aereo

Retrazione pleurica

Overview and strategic management of subsolid pulmonary nodules.

J thorac Imaging 2012;27:240-248


Margini sfumati

Età giovanile

Lesioni molteplici


NP non solido (ground glass)le linee guida si basano sulle dimensioni del nodulo

< 5 mm > 5 mm

LDCT annualeLDCT a 3


Stabile: FUP

con LDCT x 3-

5 anni



ChirurgiaOverview and strategic management of subsolid pulmonary nodules.

J thorac Imaging 2012;27:240-248

NP solido

Accurata valutazione della probabilità di malignità

- Fattori di rischio: età, fumo, esposizione asbesto-radon, storia familiare positiva per etp

- Caratteristiche radiologiche: dimensioni, morfologia, sede, margini, enhancement

- Crescita dimensionale: metodo volumetrico tridimensionale, valutato sul tempo di

raddoppiamento o Volume Doubling Time, un VDT tra 20 e 300 giorni è indicativo di etp

- Attività metabolica: PET-TC

La probabilità di malignità cresce in modo proporzionale

alle dimensioni del nodulo:

Noduli < 5mm: 0-1%

Noduli tra 5 e 10 mm: 6-28%

Noduli tra 10 e 20 mm:41-64%

Noduli > 20mm: 67-82%

The incidental small pulmonary nodule and the Fleischner Criteria 5 years later. J Thorac Imaging 2011; 2: 88-89

Nodule size (mm) Basso rischio Alto rischio

≤4 No follow-up Follow-up CT a 12 mesi;

se stabile, no follow-up

>4-6Follow-up CT at 12 mesi;

se stabile, no follow-up

Follow-up CT a 6-12

mesi poi a 18-24 mesi se



Follow-up CT at 6-12

mesi poi a18-24 mesi se


Follow-up CT a 3-6 mesi

poi a 9-12 mesi e a 24

mesi se stabile

Fleischner Society guideline for

solitary pulmonary nodule management (2005)

Le linee guida indicano la necessità di una caratterizzazione istologica in caso di crescita del

nodulo o di un follow up di 2 anni come limite per ritenerlo stabile

ACCP (2007)American College of Chest Physicians

NP solido (>8< 30mm)






3-6-12-24 mesi

Tc con mdc









Metodiche diagnostiche

Kim SK et al.

Accuracy of PET/CT in characterization of solitary pulmonary lesions.

J Nucl Med. 2007 Feb;48(2):214-20.

La TAC PET unisce in maniera sinergica

La sensibilità dell’esame TAC e la specificità

della PET.



Sensibilità: 93%

Specificità 31%.


Sensibilità: 97%

Specificità 85%.


Sensibilità: 97%

Specificità: 85%.

Falsi positivi: infezioni, patologie infiammatorie

Falsi negativi: carcinoide tipico, adenocarcinoma (mucinoso), lesioni < 10 mm

Sensibilità nella diagnosi di lesioni maligne: 64-100%

Weisbrog et al

Transthoracic needle biopsy.

World J Surg 1993; 17: 07-11.

Prelievi trans-toracici nella diagnosi di NPS

Sensibilità nella diagnosi di lesioni benigne: 12-68%

Lacasse et al.

Transthoracic needle aspiration biopsy for the diagnosis of localized

pulmonary lesions: a meta-analisys.

Thorax 1999; 54; 884-893.

Probabilità di fallimento nella localizzazione:

Distanza dalla superficie pleurica, mm

Dimensioni , mm >10 10-5 <5 0

<10 2/2 (100%) 3/6 (50%) 4/12(33%) 1/11 (9%)

>10 4/13 (31%) 3/12 (25%) 1/5 (20%) 5/24 (21%)

Suzuki K et al.

VATS for small Indeterminate Pulmonary Nodules: indication for preoperative marking.

Chest 1999

La localizzazione del NPS

Il nodulo polmonare può risultare di difficile localizzazione in VATS.

Ciò ha reso necessario lo sviluppo e l’utilizzo di metodiche di localizzazione

pre- e intra-operatoria.


Marcatura del nodulo con coloranti vitali (Blu Di Metilene)

Marcatura con aghi uncinati o spirali trans toracici

Marcatura mediante Albumina colloidale marcata con Tecnezio


Principali tecniche di localizzazione


Palpazione digitale della lesione

Ecografia endoscopica

Prevede una fase pre-operatoria di Iniezione

del colorante sotto guida TAC

Tecniche di localizzazione pre-operatoria


Lenglinger et al.

Localization of pulmonary nodules before thoracoscopic surgery:value of staining with methylene blue dye.

AJR 1994

L’intervento deve essere effettuato

in tempi rapidi (entro tre ore),

data la rapida diffusione del colorante

In caso di antracosi polmonare,

la localizzazione dell’area colorata

può risultare difficoltosa


Posizionamento di aghi trans-toracici sotto

guida TACche rimangono nella lesione per

mezzo della loro estremità che assume forme

di uncino o di spirale

Tecniche di localizzazione pre-operatoria

Studio N°



TAC guidato

PNX Dislocazione Toraco-


Motivi della


Pittet et al.


45 43/2 1/43 0 2/43 Sede del nodulo (2)

Eichfeld et al.


22 22 7/22 2 3/22 Incompleto collasso (1)

Aderenze pleuriche (1)

Dislocazione ago (1)

Ciriaco et al


53 53 4/53 5 4/53 Sede del nodulo (2)

Aderenze pleuriche (1)

Dislocazione ago (1)

Powell et al


12 12 0 1 0

* Utilizzo di microspirali di platino identificate mediante radioscopia intraoperatoria


Ogni lesione nodulare di nuova insorgenza dovrebbe essere

considerata maligna fino a prova contraria

Indicazioni all’Exeresi Chirurgica

L’utilizzo di metodiche mini-invasive e la resezione limitata del

parenchima sono il primo approccio chirurgico.

L’utilizzo dell’esame estemporaneo consente, in caso di NSCLC,

l’immediata conversione della procedura in lobectomia con

linfoadenectomia ilo-mediastinica.

Nei pazienti in cui la riserva funzionale è compromessa, resezione

parenchimale limitata è una procedura accettabile.

Totale pazienti NPS (< 3 cm) (2010-2016) 772

Sesso 443 maschi e 329 femmine

Età media 54,7 aa (12-82)


NPS trattati con la metodica Probe 175

Dimensioni medie del nodulo 13 mm (5-20 mm)

Distanza media dalla viscerale 15 mm (6-39 mm)


Chirurgia Toracica

Dipartimento Cardio-Toracico

Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Pisana

NSCLC 44 (26%)

Metastasi polmonari 109 (62%)

Lesioni benigne 22 (12%)


In 41 pazienti si è proceduto ad eseguire una lobectomia.

29 per via toracotomica, 12 robotica3 pazienti per scarso PS hanno eseguito una wedge resection

I pazienti con sospetto etp primitivo eseguono

l’ intervento in Chirurgia Robotica,

quelli con sospetto di metastasi in Toracoscopia

La Chirurgia Robotica

Consente di mantenere la mini-invasività, eseguendo lobectomie, per i noduli

resecati con l’ausilio della sonda Probe, dopo che all’ esame estemporaneo

sono risultati tumori polmonari primitivi.

Thorac Cardiovasc Surg.2016 Mar 10.

Forty-Two Years' Experience with Pulmonary Resections of

Metastases from Colorectal Cancer.Dudek W, Schreiner W, Hohenberger W, Klein P, Sirbu H

•1Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU), Erlangen,


Background Pulmonary metastasectomy is a commonly

performed surgery in patients with controlled metastatic colorectal

cancer (CRC). We reviewed our long-term single institution

experience with lung resections for colorectal metastases to

assess the factors influencing patient survival. Materials and

Methods A cohort of 220 patients (138 men and 82 women;

median age, 59 years) who underwent complete pulmonary

metastasectomy for CRC with curative intent between 1972 and

2014 was retrospectively analyzed. The impact of factors related

to primary tumor, metastases, and associated therapy on patient

survival was assessed. Results Two postoperative inhospital

deaths occurred. The median interoperative interval was 26

months. The overall 5-year survival rate after pulmonary

metastasectomy was 49.4%. In univariable analysis, bilateral

pulmonary metastases (log rank p = 0.02), multiple metastases

(log rank p = 0.005), and stage IV UICC (the International Union

Against Cancer) CRC at the time of initial presentation (log rank

p = 0.008) were significantly associated with poor outcome.

Multivariable Cox analysis demonstrated that stage IV CRC

(p = 0.02) and multiple metastases (p = 0.0019) were statistically

significant predictors of survival after the pulmonary

metastasectomy. There was no significant difference in survival

between patients with high versus low preoperative

carcinoembryonic antigen serum level (p = 0.149), high versus low

preoperative carbohydrate antigen 19-9 serum level (p = 0.291),

and primary tumor location in rectum versus colon (p = 0.845).

Conclusion Patients with unilateral metastasis and stages I to

III primary tumor benefited most from pulmonary metastasectomy

for CRC.

J Thorac Oncol., 2010 Jun;5(6 Suppl 2):S172-8.

Reported outcome factors for pulmonary resection in

metastatic colorectal cancer.

Pfannschmidt J1, Hoffmann H, Dienemann H

Author information

•1Department of Thoracic Surgery, University of Heidelberg,

Thoraxklinik, Heidelberg, Germany.

[email protected]


Pulmonary resection of metastatic colorectal cancer is widely

practiced in surgical oncology. However, only a highly selected

subset of patients is eligible for resection, and the average

recurrence rate is still high. We reviewed the recent literature on

pulmonary metastasectomy for colorectal cancer and tried to

address the issue of patient selection based on prognostic

parameters associated with long-term survival. No randomized

phase III trials are available, and data for this review were retrieved

only from retrospective studies. We excluded papers reporting on

patients earlier than 1990. In summary, there is a substantial body

of evidence demonstrating that resection of pulmonary metastases

can be performed safely and with a low mortality rate. For a subset

of highly selected patients, the overall results of a 5-year actuarial

survival rate after complete resection ranged between 40 and 68%.

These outcomes exceed those normally associated with metastatic

colorectal cancer. It is this perception that has encouraged

surgeons and caused the practice to grow.

Metastasi da etp colon

Metastasi da colon 44

Sesso 17 femmine 27 maschi

Età media 64,8 aa ±8,9

Dim medie 1,06 cm ± 0,3

Sopravvivenza attuariale a 5 anni del 72%

Free disease interval a 53 mesi del 50%


Decisions for further management are often based on preference by the

clinician with the majority of physicians not following current guidelines in the

management of pulmonary nodules. Poor adherence to pulmonary nodule

guidelines is multifactorial with a variety of factors coming into play. These

include inappropriate advice given by the radiologist, patient age,

comorbidities, patient preference, and physician's technical skill all influencing

the decision making.J Thorac Dis. 2016 Jul;8(Suppl 6):S494-7. doi: 10.21037/jtd.2016.05.48.

Incidental nodule management-should there be a formal process?

Sethi S

L’utilizzo di metodiche radiologiche sempre più sensibili determinerà un aumento

del rilievo del NPS. Le linee guida dovrebbero essere seguite in linea di massima

La necessità di una diagnosi cito-istologica comporterà un aumento della

applicazione delle metodiche mini-invasive e delle tecniche di localizzazione

Riteniamo la chirurgia radioguidata una metodica sicura ed efficace.

Nuovi “device” possono essere considerati nel trattamento dei noduli polmonari

nell’ottica costo/beneficio


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