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Journal of Machine Learning Research 16 (2015) 673-712 Submitted 11/12; Revised 7/14; Published 4/15

Evolving GPU Machine Code

Cleomar Pereira da Silva [email protected] of Electrical EngineeringPontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio)Rio de Janeiro, RJ 22451-900, BrazilDepartment of Education DevelopmentFederal Institute of Education, Science and Technology - Catarinense (IFC)Videira, SC 89560-000, Brazil

Douglas Mota Dias [email protected] of Electrical EngineeringPontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio)Rio de Janeiro, RJ 22451-900, Brazil

Cristiana Bentes [email protected] of Systems EngineeringState University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ)Rio de Janeiro, RJ 20550-013, Brazil

Marco Aurelio Cavalcanti Pacheco [email protected] of Electrical EngineeringPontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio)Rio de Janeiro, RJ 22451-900, Brazil

Leandro Fontoura Cupertino [email protected]

Toulouse Institute of Computer Science Research (IRIT)

University of Toulouse

118 Route de Narbonne

F-31062 Toulouse Cedex 9, France

Editor: Una-May O’Reilly


Parallel Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) implementations of GP have appeared in the lit-erature using three main methodologies: (i) compilation, which generates the individuals inGPU code and requires compilation; (ii) pseudo-assembly, which generates the individualsin an intermediary assembly code and also requires compilation; and (iii) interpretation,which interprets the codes. This paper proposes a new methodology that uses the conceptsof quantum computing and directly handles the GPU machine code instructions. Ourmethodology utilizes a probabilistic representation of an individual to improve the globalsearch capability. In addition, the evolution in machine code eliminates both the overheadof compiling the code and the cost of parsing the program during evaluation. We obtainedup to 2.74 trillion GP operations per second for the 20-bit Boolean Multiplexer benchmark.We also compared our approach with the other three GPU-based acceleration methodolo-gies implemented for quantum-inspired linear GP. Significant gains in performance wereobtained.

Keywords: genetic programming, graphics processing units, machine code.

c©2015 C. P. Silva, D. M. Dias, C. Bentes, M. A. C. Pacheco, L. F. Cupertino.

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Silva, Dias, Bentes, Pacheco, and Cupertino

1. Introduction

Genetic programming (GP) is a metaheuristic method to automatically generate computerprograms or key subcomponents (Banzhaf et al., 1997; Koza, 1992; Poli et al., 2008). Itsfunctionality is based on the Darwinian principle of natural selection, in which a popula-tion of computer programs, or individuals, is maintained and modified based on geneticvariation. The individuals are then evaluated according to a fitness function to reach abetter solution. GP has been successfully applied to a variety of problems, such as auto-matic design, pattern recognition, robotic control, data mining, and image analysis (Koza,1992, 1994; Tackett, 1993; Busch et al., 2002; Harding and Banzhaf, 2008; Langdon, 2010a).However, the evaluation process is time consuming. The computational power required byGP is enormous, and high-performance techniques have been used to reduce the computa-tion time (Andre and Koza, 1996; Salhi et al., 1998). GP parallelism can be exploited ontwo levels: multiple individuals can be evaluated simultaneously, or multiple fitness casesfor one individual can be evaluated in parallel. These approaches have been implementedin multiprocessor machines and computer clusters (Page et al., 1999; Turton et al., 1996;Bennett III et al., 1999).

The recent emergence of general-purpose computing on Graphics Processing Units (GPUs)has provided the opportunity to significantly accelerate the execution of many costly algo-rithms, such as GP algorithms. GPUs have become popular as accelerators due to theirhigh computational power, low cost, impressive floating-point capabilities, and high mem-ory bandwidth. These characteristics make them attractive platforms to accelerate GPcomputations, as GP has a fine-grained parallelism that is suitable for GPU computation.

The power of the GPU to accelerate GP has been exploited in previous studies. We di-vide these efforts into three main methodologies: (i) compilation (Chitty, 2007; Harding andBanzhaf, 2007, 2009; Langdon and Harman, 2010); (ii) pseudo-assembly (Cupertino et al.,2011; Pospichal et al., 2011; Lewis and Magoulas, 2011); and (iii) interpretation (Lang-don and Banzhaf, 2008a; Langdon and Harrison, 2008; Robilliard et al., 2009; Wilson andBanzhaf, 2008). In the compilation methodology, each evolved program, or GP individual,is compiled for the GPU machine code and then evaluated in parallel on the GPU. In thepseudo-assembly methodology, the individuals are generated in the pseudo-assembly codeof the GPU, and a just-in-time (JIT) compilation is performed for each individual to gen-erate the GPU machine code, which is evaluated in parallel on the GPU. In the interpretermethodology, an interpreter that can run programs immediately is used. The individualsare evaluated in parallel on the GPU.

These methodologies have been used with varying levels of success, and they have differ-ent advantages and disadvantages. In the compilation methodology, the GPU’s fine-grainparallelism can be exploited by evaluating multiple individuals and multiple fitness casessimultaneously. However, the time spent compiling each GP individual influences the per-formance results considerably, making the GPU compiler decidedly slow. The compilationprocess in a GPU involves a series of steps. When GP needs to evaluate millions of pro-grams, spending a few seconds to compile a single CUDA program becomes a large obstacleto producing a solution within a reasonable period of time. The pseudo-assembly methodol-ogy can also exploit multiple individuals and multiple fitness case evaluations in parallel. Apseudo-assembly code can be compiled several hundred times faster than an original GPU


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code, allowing large data sets to be considered. Nevertheless, the programs still need tobe compiled, and the compilation time must be considered as part of the overall GP pro-cess. The interpreter methodology differs from the compilation methodology in that theinterpreter is compiled once and reused millions of times. This approach eliminates thecompilation overhead but includes the cost of parsing the evolved program. The interpretermethodology typically works well for shorter programs and smaller training cases.

In this work, we propose a new methodology for using GPUs in the GP evolution process.We used a quantum-inspired evolutionary algorithm (QEA) that handles the instructionsof the GPU machine code directly. QEAs represent one of the most recent advances inevolutionary computation (Zhang, 2011). QEAs are based on quantum mechanics, particu-larly the concepts of the quantum bit and the superposition of states. QEAs can representdiverse individuals in a probabilistic manner. By this mechanism, QEAs offer an evolu-tionary mechanism that is different and, in some situations, more effective than traditionalevolutionary algorithms. The quantum probabilistic representation reduces the numberof chromosomes required to guarantee adequate search diversity. In addition, the use ofquantum interference provides an effective approach to achieve fast convergence to the bestsolution due to the inclusion of an individual’s past history. It offers a guide for the popu-lation of individuals that helps to exploit the current solution’s neighborhood.

Our methodology is called GPU machine code genetic programming, GMGP, and isbased on linear genetic programming (LGP) (Nordin, 1998; Brameier and Banzhaf, 2007;Oltean et al., 2009). In LGP, each program is a linear sequence of instructions. LGP is themost appropriate for machine code programs, as computer architectures require programsto be provided as linear sequences. Computers do not naturally run tree-shaped programs.Tree-based GP must employ compilers or interpreters (Poli et al., 2008).

GMGP performs the evolution by modifying the GPU machine code, thus eliminatingthe time spent compiling the individuals while also avoiding the interpretation overhead.The individuals are generated on the CPU, and the individuals are evaluated in parallel onthe GPU. The evaluation process is performed with a high level of parallelism: individualsare processed in parallel, and the fitness cases are simultaneously evaluated in parallel.Figure 1 illustrates the GPU-accelerated GP methodologies.

We compared our quantum-inspired methodology with the previous attempts to ac-celerate GP using GPUs. Our comparison considered the compilation, pseudo-assembly,and interpretation methodologies. We implemented these three methodologies to conformwith linear GP and quantum-inspired algorithms, and to provide fair comparisons. GMGPoutperformed all of these methodologies. The gains over compilation and pseudo-assemblyoriginated from the elimination of the compilation time. The gains over interpretation orig-inated from two sources. The first was the lack of the on-the-fly interpretation overhead.The second was the high number of comparison and jump instructions required by theinterpreter, which produces serialization in the GPU execution. The main obstacle facedby GMGP was that the GPU machine code is proprietary, and the GPU’s manufacturersdo not provide any documentation for it. To solve this problem, we had to use reverseengineering to disassemble a series of GPU binary codes and determine the opcodes of therelevant instructions.


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ptxa Interpreter

Sh Mem


Sh Mem


Sh Mem


Sh Mem


Sh Mem


Sh Mem



interpreter machine code




Machine code

Machine code

Machine code


Figure 1: The different GP methodologies for GPU, considering the Nvidia technology. Inthe compilation methodology, a CUDA kernel is generated from each individual.The kernels are compiled in two main steps using the nvcc and ptxas compilers. Inthe pseudo-assembly methodology, pseudo-assembly codes (PTX) are generatedfrom each individual and compiled using the ptxas compiler. In the interpretermethodology, each individual’s information is used by the interpreter to executethe program. The proposed machine code methodology generates a machine codeprogram directly from each individual.

2. Related Work

Several approaches to accelerate GP on GPUs have been proposed in the literature. Hardingand Banzhaf (2007) and Chitty (2007) were the first to present GP implementations ona GPU. Both works proposed compiler methodologies using tree-based GP. They obtainedmodest performance gains when small fitness cases were tested due to the overhead oftransferring data to the GPU. Considerable performance gains were obtained for largerproblems and when the compiled GP program was run many times.

Langdon and Banzhaf (2008a) were the first to propose an interpreter methodology.Their methodology used a tree-based GP and evaluated the entire population at once.Parallelism was exploited at the individual level, whereas the fitness cases were processedsequentially. Their technique was called the SIMD interpreter for GP, and they used con-ditional instructions to select opcodes, which can increase the overhead with the size of


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the function set. The experimental results indicated moderate speedups but demonstratedperformance gains even for very small programs. The same GPU SIMD interpreter wasused by Langdon and Harrison (2008), who successfully applied GP to predict the breastcancer survival rate beyond ten years.

Robilliard et al. (2009) also studied the interpreter methodology, with a focus on avoidingthe overhead of conditional instructions when interpreting the entire population at once.They proposed an interpreter that evaluates each GP individual on a different thread block.Each thread block was mapped to a different GPU multiprocessor during execution, avoidingbranches. Inside the thread block, all threads executed the same instruction over differentdata subsets. Their results indicated performance gains compared to the methodologyproposed by Langdon and Banzhaf (2008a).

Harding and Banzhaf (2009) studied the compilation methodology. A cluster of GPUswas used to alleviate the program compilation overhead. The focus was on processingvery large data sets by using the cluster nodes to compile the GPU code and execute theprograms. Different combinations of compilation and execution nodes could be used. Theproject was developed to run on a multi-platform Windows/Linux cluster and used low-endGPUs. Speedups were obtained for very large data sets. However, the use of high-endGPUs did not necessarily lead to better results, as the primary bottleneck remained in thecompilation phase.

Langdon and Harman (2010) used the compilation methodology to automatically createan Nvidia CUDA kernel. Numerous simplifications were employed, such as not evolvingthe shared memory and threading information. The best evolved parallel individual wascapable of correct calculations, proving that it was possible to elaborate a methodologyto evolve parallel code. However, it was not possible to automatically verify the speedupobtained compared to the sequential CPU version, and the compilation still remained thebottleneck.

Wilson and Banzhaf (2008) implemented an LGP for GPU using the interpreter method-ology on a video game console. In a previous work (Cupertino et al., 2011), we proposeda pseudo-assembly methodology, a modified LGP for GPU, called quantum-inspired lin-ear genetic programming on a general-purpose graphics processing unit (QILGP3U). Theindividual was created in the Nvidia pseudo-assembly code, PTX, and compiled for evalu-ation through JIT. Dynamic or JIT compilation is performed in runtime and transformedthe assembly code to machine code during the execution of the program. Several compi-lation phases were eliminated, and significant speedups were achieved for large data sets.Pospichal et al. (2011) also proposed a pseudo-assembly methodology with the evolution ofPTX code using a grammar-based GP that ran entirely on the GPU.

The compilation time issue was addressed in a different manner by Lewis and Magoulas(2011). All population individuals were pre-processed to identify their similarities, and allof these similarities were grouped together. In this manner, repetitive compilation waseliminated, thus reducing the compilation time by a factor of up to 4.8.

To our knowledge, no prior work has evolved GPU programs by directly handling theGPU machine code itself.


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3. Quantum Computing and Quantum-Inspired Algorithms

In a classical computer, a bit is the smallest information unit and can take a value of 0 or1. In a quantum computer, the basic information unit is the quantum bit, called the qubit.A qubit can take the states |0〉 or |1〉 or a superposition of the two. This superposition ofthe two states is a linear combination of the states |0〉 and |1〉 and can be represented asfollows:

|ψ〉 = α |0〉+ β |1〉 , (1)

where |ψ〉 is the qubit state , α and β are complex numbers, and |α|2 and |β|2 are theprobabilities that the qubit collapses to state 0 or 1, respectively, based on its observation(i.e., measurement). The unitary normalization guarantees the following:

|α|2 + |β|2 = 1 | {α,β} ∈ C. (2)

The superposition of states provides quantum computers with an incomparable degreeof parallelism. This parallelism, when properly exploited, allows computers to perform tasksthat are unfeasible in classical computers due to the prohibitive computational time.

Although quantum computing is promising in terms of processing capacity, there is stillno technology for the actual implementation of a quantum computer, and there are only afew complex quantum algorithms.

Moore and Narayanan (1995) proposed a new approach to exploit the quantum comput-ing concepts. Instead of developing new algorithms for quantum computers or attemptingto make their use feasible, they proposed the idea of quantum-inspired computing. Thisnew approach aims to create classical algorithms (i.e., running on classical computers) thatutilize quantum mechanics paradigms to improve their problem-solving performance. Inparticular, quantum-inspired evolutionary algorithms (QEAs) have recently become a sub-ject of special interest in evolutionary computation. The linear superposition of statesrepresented in a qubit allows QEA to represent diverse individuals probabilistically. QEAsbelong to the class of estimation of distribution algorithms (EDAs) (Platel et al., 2009). Theprobabilistic mechanism provides QEAs with an evolutionary mechanism that has severaladvantages, such as global search capability and faster convergence and smaller populationsize than those of traditional evolutionary algorithms. These algorithms have already beensuccessfully used to solve various problems, such as the knapsack problem (Han and Kim,2002), ordering combinatorial optimization problems (Silveira et al., 2012), engineering op-timization problems (Alfares and Esat, 2006), image segmentation (Talbi et al., 2007), andimage registration (Draa et al., 2004). See Zhang (2011) for more examples of QEAs andtheir applications.

3.1 Multilevel Quantum Systems

Most quantum computing approaches use qubits encoded in two-level quantum systems.However, the candidate systems for encoding quantum information often have a more com-plex physical structure, with several directly accessible degrees of freedom (e.g., atoms,ions, photons). Quantum systems of d levels were recently studied, where the qudit is thequantum information unit, which may take any of d values or a superposition of d states(Lanyon et al., 2008).


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4. Quantum-Inspired Linear Genetic Programming

The proposed quantum-inspired GP methodology for GPUs is based on the quantum-inspired linear genetic programming (QILGP) algorithm proposed by Dias and Pacheco(2013). QILGP evolves machine code programs for the Intel x86 platform. It uses floatingpoint instructions and works with data from the main memory (m) and/or eight FPU regis-ters (ST (i) | i ∈ [0 .. 7]). The function set consists of addition, subtraction, multiplication,division, data transfer, trigonometric, and other arithmetic instructions. QILGP generatesvariable-sized programs by adding the NOP instruction to the instruction set. The codegeneration ignores any gene in which a NOP is present. Table 1 provides an example of afunction set.

Each individual is represented by a linear sequence of machine code instructions. Eachinstruction can use one or zero arguments. The evaluation of a program requires the inputdata to be read from the main memory, which consists of the input variables of the problemand some optional constants supplied by the user. The input data are represented by avector, such as

I = (V [0], V [1], 1, 2, 3) , (3)

where V [0] and V [1] have the two input values of the problem (i.e., a fitness case) and 1, 2,and 3 are the three constant values.

The instructions are represented in QILGP by two tokens: the function token (FT),which represents the function, and the terminal token (TT), which represents the argumentof the function. Each function has a single terminal. When a function has no terminal,its corresponding token value is ignored. Each token is an integer value that represents anindex to the function set or terminal set.

4.1 Representation

QILGP is based on the following entities: the quantum individual, which represents the su-perposition of all possible programs for the defined search space, and the classical individual(or individual), which represents the machine code program coded in the token values. Aclassical individual represents an individual of a traditional linear GP. In the observationphase of QILGP, each quantum individual is observed to generate one classical individual.

4.2 Observation

The chromosome of a quantum individual is represented by a list of structures called quan-tum genes. The observation of a quantum individual comprises the observations of all ofits chromosome genes. The observation process consists of randomly generating a value r{r ∈ R | 0 ≤ r ≤ 1} and searching for the interval in which r belongs in all possible statesthat the individual can represent. For example, the process of observing a quantum gene


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Instruction Operation Arg.

NOP No operation -FADD m ST (0 )← ST (0 ) +m mFADD ST(0), ST(i) ST (0 )← ST (0 ) + ST (i) iFADD ST(i), ST(0) ST (i)← ST (i) + ST (0 ) iFSUB m ST (0 )← ST (0 )−m mFSUB ST(0), ST(i) ST (0 )← ST (0 )− ST (i) iFSUB ST(i), ST(0) ST (i)← ST (i)− ST (0 ) iFMUL m ST (0 )← ST (0 )×m mFMUL ST(0), ST(i) ST (0 )← ST (0 )× ST (i) iFMUL ST(i), ST(0) ST (i)← ST (i)× ST (0 ) iFXCH ST(i) ST (0 ) � ST (i) (swap) iFDIV m ST (0 )← ST (0 )÷m mFDIV ST(0), ST(i) ST (0 )← ST (0 )÷ ST (i) iFDIV ST(i), ST(0) ST (i)← ST (i)÷ ST (0 ) iFABS ST (0 )← |ST (0 )| -

FSQRT ST (0 )←√

ST (0 ) -FSIN ST (0 )← sin ST (0 ) -FCOS ST (0 )← cos ST (0 ) -

Table 1: Functional description of the instructions. The first column presents the Intel x86instructions. The second column presents the operations performed. The thirdcolumn presents the argument of the instructions (m indexes memory positions,and i selects a register).

represented by 10 different states follows the function

T (r) =

0 if 0 ≤ r < p′01 if p′0 ≤ r < p′12 if p′1 ≤ r < p′2...


9 if p′8 ≤ r ≤ p′9,


where {r ∈ R | 0 ≤ r ≤ 1} is the randomly generated value with a uniform distribution andT (r) returns the observed value for the token.

The observation process plays an important role in the quantum-inspired evolutionaryalgorithm. The quantum-inspired representation of a gene implies that the creation ofeach instruction follows a probabilistic distribution, where it is possible to represent theinstructions that are more likely to be observed. Furthermore, the evolutionary algorithmcan be fed with the results of the individual evaluations, and the superposition of statesallows the probability values to be improved iteratively. The best classical individualscontribute to improving the probability values of the quantum individuals. This mechanismenables the algorithm to achieve better solutions with fewer evaluations.


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0 1 2


p p1





Figure 2: Illustration of a qudit implementation that represents Equation (6). Each statehas an associated probability value and a token value. The observation processgenerates a random number r and selects one token based on the probabilityinterval in which r fits.

QILGP is inspired by multilevel quantum systems (Lanyon et al., 2008), and uses thequdit as the basic information unit. This information can be described by a state vector ofd levels, where d is the number of states in which the qudit can be measured. Accordingly,d represents the cardinality of the token. The state of a qudit is a linear superposition of dstates and may be represented as follows:

|ψ〉 =d−1∑i=0

αi |i〉 , (5)

where |αi|2 is the probability that the qudit collapses to state i when observed.

For example, suppose that each instruction in Table 1 has a unique token value inT = {0,1,2,3,...}. Equation (6) provides the state of a function qudit (FQ) whose state isgiven as follows:

|ψ〉 =1√5|0〉+



1√8|3〉+ . . . (6)

The probability of measuring the NOP instruction (state |0〉) is (1/√5)2 = 0.200, for FADD m

(state |1〉) is (1/√4)2 = 0.250, for FADD ST(0),ST(i) (state |2〉) is (1/

√10)2 = 0.100, and so

on. The qudit state of this example is implemented in a data structure as shown in Figure2.

Figure 3 illustrates the creation of a classical gene by the observation of a quantum genefrom an example based on Table 1 and the input vector I = (V [0], V [1], 1, 2, 3) (Equation3). This process can be explained by three basic steps, indicated by the numbered circlesin Figure 3:

1. The FQ is observed, and the resulting value (e.g., 7) is assigned to the FT of thisgene.

2. The FT value determines the terminal qudit (TQ) to be observed, as each instructionrequires a different type of terminal: register or memory.

3. The TQ defined by the FT value is observed, and the resulting value (e.g., 1) isassigned to the TT of this gene.


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Terminal token




7 1


Observed instruction:FMUL V[1]



























Function token





Quantum gene



al q
























Figure 3: The creation of a classical gene from the observation of a quantum gene. The FQis observed, and the token value selected is 7. The memory qudit is selected in theTQ. The TQ is observed, and the TT value selected is 1. The observed instructionin this example is FMUL V[1], as ‘7’ is the FT value for this instruction (Table1), and ‘1’ is the TT value that represents V [1] in the input vector I defined byEquation (3).

4.3 Evaluation of a Classical Individual

This process begins with the generation of a machine code program from the classicalindividual under evaluation, where its chromosome is sequentially traversed, gene by geneand token by token (both FTs and TTs), to serially generate the program body machinecode related to the classical individual. Then, the program is executed for all fitness casesof the problem (i.e., samples of the training data set).

For each fitness case, the value assigned as the result of the fitness case is zero (V [0]← 0)when the instructions FDIV require division by zero or the instructions FSQRT require thecalculation of the square root of a negative number.

4.4 Quantum Operator

The quantum operator of QILGP manipulates the probability pi of a qudit, satisfying thenormalization condition

∑d−1i=0 |αi|2 = 1, where d is the qudit cardinality and |αi|2 = pi.

Operator P works in two main steps. First, it increases the given probability of a qudit asfollows:

pi ← pi + s× (1− pi), (7)

where s is a parameter called step size, which can assume any real value between 0 and1. The second step is to adjust the values of all of the probabilities of that qudit tosatisfy the normalization condition. Thus, the operator modifies the state of a qudit byincreasing pi of a value that is directly proportional to s. The asymptotic behavior of pi inEquation (7) indicates that the probability never reaches the unit value. This avoidance ofunit probabilities is an important feature of this operator, as it avoids letting a probability


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3. Application of operator P

Classical population

Quantum population


1. Observation

Observed individuals

2. Sorting

4. Conditionalcopy





obs obs obs obs

Figure 4: The four basic steps that characterize a generation of QILGP. With a populationsize of 4, the quantum individuals are observed and generate classical individuals.The classical individuals are sorted by their evaluations. The operator P is appliedto each quantum individual, using the classical individual as the reference. Thebest classical individual evaluated thus far is kept in CB.

cause the qudit to collapse, which could cause a premature convergence of the evolutionarysearch process.

QILGP has a hybrid population composed of a quantum population and classical pop-ulation, both of which comprise M individuals. QILGP also has M auxiliary classicalindividuals Cobs

i , which result from observations of the quantum individuals Qi, where1 ≤ i ≤M .

4.5 Evolutionary Algorithm

Figure 4 illustrates the four basic steps that characterize a generation of QILGP, with apopulation size M = 4. The algorithm works as follows:

1. Each of M quantum individuals is observed once, resulting in M classical individualsCobsi .

2. The individuals of the classical population and the observed individuals (auxiliary)are jointly sorted by their evaluations, ordered from best to worst, from C0 to CM−1.

3. The operator P is applied to each quantum individual Qi, taking their correspondingindividual Ci in the classical population as a reference. Thus, at every new generation,the application of this operator increases the probability that the observations of thequantum individuals generate classical individuals more similar to the best individualsfound thus far.

4. If any classical individual evaluated in the current generation is better than the bestclassical individual evaluated previously, a copy is stored in CB, which keeps the bestclassical individual found by the algorithm thus far.


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5. GPU Architecture

GPUs are highly parallel, many-core processors typically used as accelerators for a hostsystem. They provide tremendous computational power and have proven to be successfulfor general-purpose parallel computing in a variety of application areas. Although differentmanufacturers have developed GPUs in recent years, we have opted for GPUs from Nvidiadue to their flexibility and availability.

An Nvidia GPU consists of a set of streaming multiprocessors (SMs), each consistingof a set of GPU cores. The memory in the GPU is organized as follows: a large globalmemory with high latency; a very fast, low-latency on-chip shared memory for each SM;and a private local memory for each thread. Data communication between the GPU andCPU is conducted via the PCIe bus. The CPU and GPU have separate memory spaces,referred to as the host memory and device memory, and the GPU-CPU transfer time islimited by the speed of the PCIe bus.

5.1 Programming Model

The Nvidia programming model is CUDA (Computer Unified Device Architecture) (Nvidia,2013). CUDA is a C-based development environment that allows the programmer to de-fine special C functions, called kernels, which execute in parallel on the GPU by differentthreads. The GPU supports a large number of fine-grain threads. The threads are orga-nized into a hierarchy of thread grouping. The threads are divided into a two- or three-dimensional grid of thread blocks. Each thread block is a two- or three-dimensional threadarray. Thread blocks are executed on the GPU by assigning a number of blocks to be exe-cuted on a SM. Each thread in a thread block has a unique identifier, given by the built-invariables threadIdx.x, threadIdx.y, and threadIdx.z. Each thread block has an iden-tifier that distinguishes its position in the grid, given by the built-in variables blockIdx.x,blockIdx.y, and blockIdx.z. The dimensions of the thread and thread block are specifiedat the time when the kernel is launched through the identifiers blockDim and gridDim,respectively.

All threads in a block are assigned to execute in the same SM. Hence, threads withinone block can cooperate among themselves using synchronization primitives and sharedmemory. However, the number of threads within one block can exceed the number of coresin an SM, which requires a scheduling mechanism. The scheduling mechanism divides theblock into warps. Each warp contains a fixed number of threads grouped by consecutivethread identifiers. The warp is executed on an SM in an implicit SIMD fashion, called SIMT(single instruction, multiple threads). Each core of an SM executes the same instructionsimultaneously but on different data elements. However, the threads may logically follow adifferent control flow path and are free to branch. If some of the parallel threads choose adifferent execution path, called code divergence, their execution is serialized. In this case,the warp must be issued multiple times, one for each group of divergent threads. Thus, fullefficiency is accomplished only when all of the threads in the warp follow the same executionpath; otherwise, parallel efficiency can degrade significantly.


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5.2 Compilation

The compilation of a CUDA program is performed through the following stages. First, theCUDA front end, cudafe, divides the program into the C/C++ host code and GPU devicecode. The host code is compiled with a regular C compiler, such as gcc. The device code iscompiled using the CUDA compiler, nvcc, generating an intermediate code in an assemblylanguage called PTX (Parallel Thread Execution). PTX is a human-readable, assembly-like low-level programming language for Nvidia GPUs that is compiled and hides many ofthe machine details. PTX has been fully documented by Nvidia. The PTX code is thentranslated to the GPU binary code, CUBIN, using the ptxas compiler.

Unlike the PTX language, whose documentation has been made public, the CUBINformat is proprietary, and no information has been made available by Nvidia. All of thework performed with CUBIN requires reverse engineering. In addition, the manufacturerprovides only the most basic elements of the underlying hardware architecture, and thereare apparently no plans to make more information public in the future.

6. GPU Machine Code Genetic Programming

Our GP methodology for GPUs is called GPU Machine Code Genetic Programming GMGP.It is a quantum-inspired LGP, based on QILGP, that evaluates the individuals on the GPU.The concept is to exploit the probabilistic representation of the individuals to achieve fastconvergence and to parallelize the evaluation using the GPU machine code directly.

Before the evolution begins, the entire data set is transferred to the GPU global memory.In the first step, all of the classical individuals of one generation are created in the CPU inthe same manner as in QILGP. Each classical individual is composed of tokens representingthe instructions and arguments. For each individual, GMGP creates a GPU machine codekernel. These programs are then loaded to the GPU program memory and executed inparallel. The evaluation process in GMGP is performed with a high level of parallelism.We exploit the parallelism as follows: individuals are processed in parallel in differentthread blocks, and data parallelism is exploited within each thread block, where each threadevaluates a different fitness case.

When the number of fitness cases is smaller than the number of threads in the block,we map one individual per block. For fitness cases greater than the number of threads perblock, a two-dimensional grid is used, and each individual is mapped on multiple blocks. Theindividual is identified by the blockIdx.y, and the fitness case is identified by (blockIdx.x

* blockDim.x + threadIdx.x). To maintain all of the individual codes in a single GPUkernel, we use a set of IF statements to distinguish each individual. However, these IFstatements do not introduce divergence in the kernel because all of the threads in eachblock follow the same execution path.

This methodology allows for the rapid evaluation of individuals. The GPU binary codeis directly modified, thus avoiding the need to compile individuals. Regarding the machinecode, our implementation is based on the Nvidia CUBIN code for the current Nvidia GPUarchitectures. Future Nvidia GPU machine code could be evolved using our methodologyas long as the opcodes are known.


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6.1 Function Set

GMGP is capable of evolving linear sequences of single precision floating point operationsor linear sequences of Boolean operations. The function set of floating point operationsis composed of addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, data transfer, trigonometric,and arithmetic instructions. The function set of Boolean operations is composed of AND,OR, NAND, NOR, and NOT. Table 2 provides the instruction set of the floating pointoperations, and Table 3 provides the instruction set of the Boolean operations. Each ofthese instructions has an opcode and one or two arguments. The argument can be a registeror memory position. When it is a register, it varies from R0 to R7. When it is a memoryposition, it can be used to load input data or a constant value. The maximum number ofinputs in GMGP is 256, and the maximum number of predefined constant values is 128. Asan example, in Table 4, we present the CUBIN add instruction with all of the variationsof its memory positions (X) and the eight auxiliary FPU registers (Ri | i ∈ [0 .. 7]). EachCUBIN instruction variation with its arguments (constants or registers) has a differenthexadecimal.

GMGP addresses only floating point and Boolean operations. Loops and jumps are nothandled, as they are not common in the benchmark problems that we consider. However,GMGP could be extended to consider such problems, including mechanisms to restrictjumping to invalid positions and to avoid infinite loops.

Each evolved CUBIN program consists of three segments: header, body, and footer. Theheader and footer are the same for all individuals throughout the evolutionary process.They are optimized in the same manner as by the Nvidia compiler. These segments containthe following:

• Header – Loads the evaluation patterns from global memory to registers on the GPUand initializes eight registers with zero.

• Body – The evolved CUBIN code itself.

• Footer – Transfers R0 contents to the global memory, which is the default output ofevolved programs, and then executes the exit instruction to terminate the programand return to the evolutionary algorithm main flow.

For each individual, the body of the program is assembled by stacking the hexadecimalcode in the same order as the GP tokens have been read. There is no need for comparisonsand branches within an individual code because the instructions are executed sequentially.Avoiding comparisons and branches is an important feature of GMGP. As explained before,GPUs are particularly sensitive to conditional branches.

We aggregate all program bodies of the same population into a single GPU kernel. Thekernel has only one header and one footer, reducing the size of the population and thusdecreasing the time to transfer the program to the GPU memory through the PCIe bus.

6.2 Machine Code Acquisition

We developed a semi-automatic procedure to acquire the GPU machine code instructions.Nvidia does not provide any documentation for its machine code.


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Evolving GPU Machine Code

CUDA PTX Description A

No operation -

R0+=Xj ; add.f32 R0, R0, Xj ; R(0)← R(0) +X(j) j

R0+=Ri ; add.f32 R0, R0, Ri ; R(0)← R(0) +R(i) i

Ri+=R0 ; add.f32 Ri, Ri, R0 ; R(i)← R(i) +R(0) i

R0-=Xj ; sub.f32 R0, R0, Xj ; R(0)← R(0)−X(j) j

R0-=Ri ; sub.f32 R0, R0, Ri ; R(0)← R(0)−R(i) i

Ri-=R0 ; sub.f32 Ri, Ri, R0 ; R(i)← R(i)−R(0) i

R0*=Xj ; mul.f32 R0, R0, Xj ; R(0)← R(0)×X(j) j

R0*=Ri ; mul.f32 R0, R0, Ri ; R(0)← R(0)×R(i) i

Ri*=R0 ; mul.f32 Ri, Ri, R0 ; R(i)← R(i)×R(0) i

R0/=Xj ; div.full.f32 R0, R0, Xj ; R(0)← R(0)÷X(j) j

R0/=Ri ; div.full.f32 R0, R0, Ri ; R(0)← R(0)÷R(i) i

Ri/=R0 ; div.full.f32 Ri, Ri, R0 ; R(i)← R(i)÷R(0) i

R8=R0;R0=Ri;Ri=R8; mov.f32 R8, R0 ; R(0) ←→ R(i) (swap) i

mov.f32 R0, Ri ;

mov.f32 Ri, R8 ;

R0=abs(R0) ; abs.f32 R0, R0 ; R(0)← |R(0)| -

R0=sqrt(R0) ; sqrt.approx.f32 R0, R0 ; R(0)←√R(0) -

R0= sinf(R0) ; sin.approx.f32 R0, R0 ; R(0)← sinR(0) -

R0= cosf(R0) ; cos.approx.f32 R0, R0 ; R(0)← cosR(0) -

Table 2: Functional description of the single precision floating point instructions. The firstcolumn presents the CUDA command; the second presents the PTX instruction;the third describes the action performed; and the fourth column presents theargument for the instruction (j indexes memory positions, and i selects a register).The last two instructions, sinf and cosf, are fast math instructions, which areless accurate but faster versions of sinf and cosf.

Our procedure creates a PTX program containing all of the PTX instructions listedin Tables 2 or 3. In this program, each instruction is embodied inside a loop, where theiteration count at the start of the loop is unknown, which prevents the ptxas compiler fromremoving instructions.

The PTX program is compiled, and the Nvidia cuobjdump tool is used to disassemblethe binary code. The disassembled code contains the machine code of all instructions ofthe PTX program. The challenge is to remove the instructions that belong to each loopcontrol, which is achieved by finding a pattern that repeats along the code. Once the loopcontrols are removed, each instruction of our instruction set is acquired.

The header and footer are obtained using the xxd tool from Linux, which converts binaryprograms into hex code and transforms the entire program into hexadecimal representation.


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CUDA PTX Description A

No operation -

R0=R0 & Xj ; and.b32 R0, R0, Xj ; R(0)← R(0) ∧X(j) j

R0=R0 & Ri ; and.b32 R0, R0, Ri ; R(0)← R(0) ∧R(i) i

Ri=Ri & R0 ; and.b32 Ri, Ri, R0 ; R(i)← R(i) ∧R(0) i

R0=R0 — Xj ; or.b32 R0, R0, Xj ; R(0)← R(0) ∨X(j) j

R0=R0 — Ri ; or.b32 R0, R0, Ri ; R(0)← R(0) ∨R(i) i

Ri=Ri — R0 ; or.b32 Ri, Ri, R0 ; R(i)← R(i) ∨R(0) i

R0= ∼ (R0 & Xj) ; and.b32 R0, R0, Xj ; R(0)← R(0) ∧X(j) j

not.b32 R0, R0 ;

R0= ∼ (R0 & Ri) ; and.b32 R0, R0, Ri ; R(0)← R(0) ∧R(i) i

not.b32 R0, R0 ;

Ri= ∼ (Ri & R0) ; and.b32 Ri, Ri, R0 ; R(i)← R(i) ∧R(0) i

not.b32 Ri, Ri ;

R0= ∼ (R0 — Xj) ; or.b32 R0, R0, Xj ; R(0)← R(0) ∨X(j) j

not.b32 R0, R0 ;

R0= ∼ (R0 — Ri) ; or.b32 R0, R0, Ri ; R(0)← R(0) ∨R(i) i

not.b32 R0, R0 ;

Ri= ∼ (Ri — R0) ; or.b32 Ri, Ri, R0 ; R(i)← R(i) ∨R(0) i

not.b32 Ri, Ri ;

R0= ∼ R0 ; not.b32 R0, R0 ; R(0)← R(0) -

Table 3: Functional description of the Boolean instructions. The first column presents theCUDA command; the second presents the PTX instruction; the third describes theaction performed; and the fourth column presents the argument for the instruction(j indexes memory positions, and i selects a register).

The header is the code that comes before the first instruction found, and the footer is theremaining code after the last instruction found.

With the header and footer, our procedure generates a different program to test eachinstruction acquired. This program contains a header, a footer, and one instruction. Theprogram is executed, and the result is compared to an expected result that was previouslycomputed on the CPU.

6.3 Evaluation Process

The GMGP methodology was explicitly designed to exploit the highly parallel capabilitiesof the GPU architecture. Because GMGP evaluates the entire population at once usingtwo levels of parallelism, i.e., at the individual level and at the fitness case level, we expectour methodology to readily exploit future GPU architectures that are likely to have moreprocessing cores than the recent releases. GMGP utilizes the independence of the fitnesscase execution and the ability to evaluate the individuals in parallel. In addition, this


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Evolving GPU Machine Code

CUBIN (hexadecimal representation) Description A

0x7e, 0x7c, 0x1c, 0x9, 0x0, 0x80, 0xc0, 0xe2,

0x7e, 0x7c, 0x1c, 0xa, 0x0, 0x80, 0xc0, 0xe2,

0x7d, 0x7c, 0x1c, 0x0, 0xfc, 0x81, 0xc0, 0xc2,

0x7d, 0x7c, 0x1c, 0x0, 0x0, 0x82, 0xc0, 0xc2,

0x7d, 0x7c, 0x1c, 0x0, 0x2, 0x82, 0xc0, 0xc2,

0x7d, 0x7c, 0x1c, 0x0, 0x4, 0x82, 0xc0, 0xc2, R(0)← R(0) +X(j) j

0x7d, 0x7c, 0x1c, 0x0, 0x5, 0x82, 0xc0, 0xc2,

0x7d, 0x7c, 0x1c, 0x0, 0x6, 0x82, 0xc0, 0xc2,

0x7d, 0x7c, 0x1c, 0x0, 0x7, 0x82, 0xc0, 0xc2,

0x7d, 0x7c, 0x1c, 0x0, 0x8, 0x82, 0xc0, 0xc2,

0x7d, 0x7c, 0x1c, 0x80, 0x8, 0x82, 0xc0, 0xc2,

0x7e, 0x7c, 0x9c, 0x0f, 0x0, 0x80, 0xc0, 0xe2,

0x7e, 0x7c, 0x1c, 0x0, 0x0, 0x80, 0xc0, 0xe2,

0x7e, 0x7c, 0x1c, 0x3, 0x0, 0x80, 0xc0, 0xe2,

0x7e, 0x7c, 0x9c, 0x3, 0x0, 0x80, 0xc0, 0xe2, R(0)← R(0) +R(i) i

0x7e, 0x7c, 0x1c, 0x4, 0x0, 0x80, 0xc0, 0xe2,

0x7e, 0x7c, 0x9c, 0x4, 0x0, 0x80, 0xc0, 0xe2,

0x7e, 0x7c, 0x1c, 0x5, 0x0, 0x80, 0xc0, 0xe2,

0x7e, 0x7c, 0x9c, 0x5, 0x0, 0x80, 0xc0, 0xe2,

0x7e, 0x7c, 0x9c, 0x0f, 0x0, 0x80, 0xc0, 0xe2,

0x2, 0x7c, 0x1c, 0x0, 0x0, 0x80, 0xc0, 0xe2,

0x1a, 0x7c, 0x1c, 0x3, 0x0, 0x80, 0xc0, 0xe2,

0x1e, 0x7c, 0x9c, 0x3, 0x0, 0x80, 0xc0, 0xe2, R(i)← R(i) +R(0) i

0x22, 0x7c, 0x1c, 0x4, 0x0, 0x80, 0xc0, 0xe2,

0x26, 0x7c, 0x9c, 0x4, 0x0, 0x80, 0xc0, 0xe2,

0x2a, 0x7c, 0x1c, 0x5, 0x0, 0x80, 0xc0, 0xe2,

0x2e, 0x7c, 0x9c, 0x5, 0x0, 0x80, 0xc0, 0xe2,

Table 4: Hexadecimal representation of the add GPU machine code instruction.

parallelization scheme avoids code divergence, as each thread in a block executes the sameinstruction over a different fitness case, and different individuals are executed by differentthread blocks. Therefore, we are employing as much parallelism as possible for a population.

The evaluation process addresses the problems caused by execution errors, such as divi-sions by zero or square roots of negative numbers, which directly affect the fitness value ofan evolved program. In both cases, the value assigned as the result is zero (Ri← 0), whichis the same approach adopted by the QILGP implementation (Dias and Pacheco, 2009).


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7. Experiments and Results

In this section, we analyze the performance of GMGP compared with the other GP method-ologies for GPUs. We describe the environment setup, the implementation of the other GPmethodologies, the benchmarks, and the analysis of the results obtained from our experi-ments.

7.1 Environment Setup

The GPU used in our experiments was the GeForce GTX TITAN. This processor has 2,688CUDA cores (at 837 MHz) and 6 GB of RAM (no ECC) with a memory bandwidth of 288.4GB/s through a 384-bit data bus. The GTX TITAN GPU is based on the Nvidia Keplerarchitecture, and its theoretical peak performance is characterized by the use of the fusedmultiply-add (FMA) operations. The GTX TITAN can achieve single precision theoreticalpeak performance of 4.5 TFLOPs.

GMGP creates the individuals on CPU using a single-threaded code running on a singlecore of an Intel Xeon CPU X5690 processor, with 32 KB of L1 data cache, 1.5 M of L2cache, 12 MB of L3 cache, and 24 GB of RAM, running at 3.46 GHz.

The GP methodologies were implemented in C, CUDA 5.5, and PTX 3.2. The compilersused were gcc 4.4.7, nvcc release 5.5, V5.5.0, and ptxas release 5.5, V5.5.0. We had to becareful in setting the compiler optimization level. It is common for the programmer to usea more advanced optimization level to produce a more optimized and faster code. However,the compilation time is a bottleneck for the GP methodologies that require individuals tobe compiled. The code generated by the -O2, -O3, and -O4 optimization levels is more opti-mized and executes faster, but more time is spent in the compilation process. Experimentswere performed to determine the best optimization level. These experiments indicated thatthe lowest optimization level, -O0, provided the best results. There were millions of in-dividuals to be compiled, and each individual was executed only once. Accelerating theexecution phase was not sufficient to compensate for the time spent optimizing the codeduring the compilation phase.

We used five widely used GP benchmarks: two symbolic regression problems, MexicanHat and Salutowicz; one time-series forecasting problem, Mackey-Glass; one image pro-cessing problem, Sobel filter; and one Boolean regression problem, 20-bit Multiplexer. Thefirst four benchmarks were used to evaluate the single precision floating point instructions,whereas the last benchmark was used to evaluate the Boolean instructions. The Mackey-Glass, Boolean Multiplexer, and Sobel filter benchmarks were also used in previous works onGP accelerated by GPUs (Robilliard et al., 2009; Langdon and Banzhaf, 2008c; Langdon,2010b; Harding and Banzhaf, 2008, 2009). Nevertheless, it is not possible to perform a directcomparison, as they used a different GP model (tree-based GP) and different hardware.

Each result in the experiments was obtained by repeating the experiment 10 times andaveraging the timing results. The standard deviations of the times obtained for all the datasets were less than 5% of the average execution times. We present our timing results in bothseconds and GP operations per second (GPops), which has been widely used in previousGP works. Although the focus of the paper is on the actual execution speeds of the GPevaluation, we briefly discuss the quality of the results produced by GMGP and the othermethodologies studied.


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We used 256 threads per block in our experiments. The block grid is two-dimensionaland depends on the number of individuals and the number of fitness cases. For an experi-ment with (number fitness cases, number individuals) the grid is (number fitness cases/256,number individuals).

7.2 GP Implementations

To put the GMGP results in perspective, we compare the performance of GMGP withthe other GP methodologies for GPUs: compilation, pseudo-assembly, and interpretation.However, the GP methodologies for GPUs taken from the literature are not based on LGP orquantum-inspired algorithms. For this reason, we had to implement an LGP and quantum-inspired approach corresponding to each methodology to make them directly comparablewith GMGP. Nevertheless, these implementations are based on the algorithms described inthe literature.

The compilation approach is based on the work by Harding and Banzhaf (2009) and iscalled Compiler here. The pseudo-assembly approach is based on our previous work (Cu-pertino et al., 2011), and is called Pseudo-Assembly here. The interpretation approachis based on the work by Langdon and Banzhaf (2008a) and is called Interpreter here.

The Compiler and Pseudo-Assembly methodologies use a similar program assembly tothe GMGP methodology. The individuals are created by the CPU and sent to the GPUto be computed. The main difference is the assembly of the body of the programs. InCompiler, the bodies are created using CUDA language instructions. When the popula-tion is complete, it is compiled using the nvcc compiler to generate the GPU binary code.In Pseudo-Assembly, the bodies are created using the PTX pseudo-assembly language in-structions. When the population is complete, the code can be compiled with ptxas or thecuModuleLoad C function provided by Nvidia, both of which generate GPU binary code.The Pseudo-Assembly methodology reduces the compilation overhead using the JIT com-pilation.

In the Interpreter methodology, the interpreter was written in the PTX language, ratherthan in RapidMind, as proposed by Langdon and Banzhaf (2008a). The interpreter is au-tomatically built once, at the beginning of the GP evolution, and is reused to evaluate allindividuals. Algorithm 1 presents a high-level description of the interpreter process. Asthe pseudo-assembly language does not have a switch-case statement, we used a combina-tion of the instruction setp.eq.s32 (comparisons) and bra (branches) to obtain the samefunctionality. These comparisons and branches represent one of the weaknesses of the In-terpreter methodology. The interpreter must execute more instructions than the actual GPoperations. For each GP instruction, we have at least one comparison, to identify the GPoperation, and one jump to the beginning of the loop. In addition, comparisons can bemade to identify the instruction arguments.

The GP methodologies implemented employ an equivalent function set and use the samenumber of registers. In QILGP (Dias and Pacheco, 2013), the function set has an atomicexchange instruction (FXCH ST(i)) that the GPU does not have. To maintain the functionset compatibility with QILGP in the experiments, we created the exchange operation in theGPU using three move operations. An exchange between Ri and R0 uses an intermediaryregister R8 and becomes R8 = R0; R0 = Ri; Ri = R8, as shown in Table 2.


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1: TBX← X dimension of the Thread Block identification2: TBY← Y dimension of the Thread Block identification3: INDIV← individual number (TBY)4: N← program length (INDIV)5: THREAD← GPU Thread identification6: X0← input variable 1 (THREAD + TBX * Number of threads in a block)7: X1← input variable 2 (THREAD + TBX * Number of threads in a block)8: for k ← 1 to N do9: INSTRUCT← instruction number (k) (INDIV)

10: ARG← argument number (k) (INDIV)11: switch (INSTRUCT)12: case 0:13: no operation14: case 1:15: switch (ARG) % Description: R(0)← R(0) + X(j)16: case 0:17: add.f32 R0, R0, X018: case 1:19: add.f32 R0, R0, X120: → Here, we have more similar cases for all inputs and constant registers (X).21: end switch22: case 2:23: switch (ARG) % Description: R(0)← R(0) + R(i)24: case 0:25: add.f32 R0, R0, R026: case 1:27: add.f32 R0, R0, R128: → Here, we have more similar cases for all eight auxiliary FPU registers (Ri).29: end switch30: case 3:31: switch (ARG) % Description: R(i)← R(i) + R(0)32: case 0:33: add.f32 Ri, R0, R034: case 1:35: add.f32 Ri, R1, R036: → Here, we have more similar cases for all eight auxiliary FPU registers (Ri).37: end switch38: → Here, we have more similar cases for all other instructions, such as subtraction, multiplication,

division, data transfer, trigonometric, and arithmetic operations.39: default:40: exit41: end switch42: → Write result back to global memory.43: end for

Algorithm 1: Pseudo-code for the GP interpreter for a GPU based on quantum-inspiredLGP.


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7.3 Symbolic Regression Benchmarks

Symbolic regression is a typical problem used to assess GP performance. We used twowell-known benchmarks: the Mexican Hat and Salutowicz. These benchmarks allow us toevaluate GMGP over different fitness case sizes.

The Mexican Hat benchmark (Brameier and Banzhaf, 2007) is represented by a two-dimensional function given by Equation (8):

f(x,y) =

(1− x2

4− y2


)× e(−x2−y2)/8. (8)

The Salutowicz benchmark (Vladislavleva et al., 2009) is represented by Equation (9).We used the two-dimensional version of this benchmark.

f(x,y) = (y − 5)× e−x × x3 × cos (x)× sin (x)×[cos (x)× sin (x)2 − 1

]. (9)

For the Mexican Hat benchmark, the x and y variables are uniformly sampled in therange [−4,4]. For the Salutowicz benchmark, they are uniformly sampled in the range[0,10]. This sampling generates the training, validation, and testing data sets. The numberof subdivisions of each variable can be 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, and 512, which is called thenumber of samples, N . At each time, both variables use the same value of N , producing agrid. When N = 16, there is a 16×16 grid, which represents 256 fitness cases. Accordingly,the number of fitness cases varies in the set S = {256, 1024, 4096, 16K, 64K, 256K}.

These two benchmarks represent two different surfaces, and GP has the task of recon-structing these surfaces from a given set of points. The fitness value of an individual is itsmean absolute error (MAE) over the training cases, as given by Equation (10):

MAE =1



|ti − V [0]i|, (10)

where ti is the target value for the ith case and V [0]i is the individual output value for thesame case.

7.3.1 Parameter Settings

Table 5 presents the parameters used when executing the Mexican Hat and Salutowiczbenchmarks. We used a small population size, which is a typical characteristic of QEAs.The evolution status of QEAs is represented by a probability distribution, and there is noneed to include many individuals. The superposition of states provides a good global searchability due to the diversity provided by the probabilistic representation.

7.3.2 Preliminary Experiments for the Compiler Methodology

Table 6 presents the execution time breakdown of all GPU methodologies for the MexicanHat benchmark when the fitness case is 16K. The execution time is broken down into thefollowing categories: nvcc represents the time spent with the nvcc compiler to generate thePTX code from the CUDA source code; upload represents the time spent compiling the PTXcode to the GPU binary code (in our methodology, upload means the time spent loading


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Parameter SettingsMexican Hat Salutowicz

Number of generations 400,000 400,000Population size 36 36NOP initial probability (α0,0) 0.9 0.9Step size (s) 0.0003 0.002Maximum program length 128 128Function set Table 2 Table 2Set of constants {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9} {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}

Table 5: Parameter settings for the Mexican Hat and Salutowicz benchmarks. The valuesof number of generations, population size, initial probability of NOP, and step sizewere obtained from previous experiments.

Methodology Total nvcc upload evaluation interpret download CPU

GMGP 292.6 – 73.2 76.9 – 5.13 137.2

Interpreter 636.8 – 3.14 – 542.4 4.35 86.8

Pseudo-Assembly 40,777 – 40,414 118.8 – 6.13 238.8

Compiler 242,186.7 135,027.5 106,458 283.6 – 6.74 410.9

Table 6: Execution time breakdown of all GPU methodologies (in seconds). The tablepresents the times for: Total, the total execution; nvcc, the compilation in thenvcc compiler; upload, the compilation of the PTX code (Compiler and Pseudo-Assembly), or loading the GPU binaries to the GPU memory (GMGP), or transfer-ring the tokens through the PCIe bus (Interpreter); evaluation, the computationof the fitness cases; interpret, the interpretation; download, the copy of the fit-ness result from GPU to the CPU; and CPU, the GP methodology is executed onthe CPU.

the GPU binaries to the graphic card before execution); in the interpreter methodology,upload is the time necessary to transfer the tokens through the PCIe bus; evaluation

represents the time spent computing the fitness cases; interpret is the interpretation timefor Interpreter; download is the time spent in copying the fitness result from GPU to theCPU; and CPU represents the remainder of the execution time, including the time necessaryto execute the GP methodology on the CPU.

As can be observed in Table 6, the Compiler methodology is the only one that spendstime on the nvcc compiler. The time spent on the nvcc compiler is enormous when comparedto all other times, and Compiler becomes three orders of magnitude slower than GMGP andInterpreter. Although some previous works have reported results for the Compiler method-ology for GP in GPUs (Harding and Banzhaf, 2007; Chitty, 2007; Harding and Banzhaf,2009; Langdon and Harman, 2010), they are not comparable with our results. Harding and


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Banzhaf (2007) and Chitty (2007) did not use CUDA and could therefore avoid the nvccoverhead. Harding and Banzhaf (2009) used CUDA but handled the compilation overheadby using a cluster to compile the population. Langdon and Harman (2010) also used CUDA,but the total compilation time for our experiment is greater than their compilation timefor two reasons. First, the small population size of a quantum-inspired approach requiresmore compiler calls. Second, the total number of individuals we are evaluating (numberof generations × population size) is at least one order of magnitude greater than in theirexperiments.

Because the other methodologies solved the same problem considerably faster, we dis-carded the Compiler methodology for the remaining experiments.

The download time is almost the same for all implementations because the same data setwas used in all approaches. Accordingly, the results to be copied through the PCIe bus arethe same. The CPU time for Interpreter is slightly smaller than for GMGP, Compiler, andPseudo-Assembly because Interpreter does not have to assemble the individuals in the CPUbefore transferring to the GPU. Instead, the tokens are copied directly. The evaluation

time is almost the same for Compiler and Pseudo-Assembly, but GMGP presents a slightlysmaller evaluation time because the header and footer are optimized. The interpret

time is approximately one order of magnitude slower than the GMGP evaluation timebecause it has to perform many additional instructions, such as comparisons and jumps.The upload time for GMGP is approximately three orders of magnitude faster than theupload time for Compiler and Pseudo-Assembly because GMGP directly assembles theGPU binaries without calling the PTX compiler. The time necessary to transfer the tokensthrough the PCIe bus in the Interpreter methodology is smaller than the time necessary toload the GPU binary code in the GMGP.

7.3.3 Performance Analysis

We compare the execution times of the methodologies as the number of fitness cases varies inthe set: S = {256, 1024, 4096, 16K, 64K, 256K}. The total execution times of the MexicanHat and Salutowicz benchmarks for the Pseudo-Assembly, Interpreter, and GMGP method-ologies are presented in Figure 5. The curves are plotted in log-scale. The Pseudo-Assemblymethodology execution time remains almost constant as the problem size increases in bothcases studied because Pseudo-Assembly spends most of the time compiling the individualpopulation code, and the compilation time does not depend on the problem size. The totalexecution times of the Interpreter and GMGP methodologies increase almost linearly asthe number of fitness cases increases from 256 to 256K. For the largest data set, 256K,the Pseudo-Assembly execution time approaches the execution time of Interpreter. How-ever, the Pseudo-Assembly methodology performs much worse than the other methodologieswhen only a few fitness cases are considered.

In Table 7, we present the performance of the three methodologies for a 256K dataset, using the GP operations per second (GPops) metric, which is widely employed in theGP literature. Considering the total evolution, GMGP performs 2.29e+014 GP operationson 1.17e+003 seconds, obtaining 194.4 billion GPops for Mexican Hat. Similarly, GMGPobtained 200.5 billion GPops for Salutowicz. The Interpreter methodology took 26.6 billionGPops for Mexican Hat and 27.5 billion GPops for Salutowicz. The Pseudo-Assembly


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Benchmark Methodology GP evolution (GPops) Best Individual (GPops)

Mexican Hat GMGP 194.4 billion 245.5 billionInterpreter 26.6 billion 29.9 billionPseudo-Assembly 5.3 billion 161.0 billion

Salutowicz GMGP 200.5 billion 240.2 billionInterpreter 27.5 billion 27.0 billionPseudo-Assembly 4.9 billion 158.4 billion

Table 7: Performance of GMGP, Interpreter, and Pseudo-Assembly for Mexican Hat andSalutowicz in GPops. The table presents the results for the overall evolution,including the time spent in the GPU and CPU, and the results for the GPUcomputation of the best individual after the evolution is complete.

Figure 5: Execution time (in seconds) of Pseudo-Assembly, Interpreter, and GMGPmethodologies for the Mexican Hat and Salutowicz benchmarks with an increasingnumber of fitness cases.

methodology had the smallest values, 5.3 billion GPops for Mexican Hat and 4.9 billionGPops for Salutowicz. Table 7 also presents the GPops for the evaluation in the GPU of thebest individual found after the evolution is completed. The best individual GPops resultsare greater than the GP evolution results because the evaluation of the best individual takesconsiderably less time than the whole GP evolution. In addition, the GP evolution includesthe overheads of creating the individuals and transferring the data to/from the GPU. ForPseudo-Assembly, the evaluation of the best individual does not consider the compilationoverhead, and the GPops value obtained for the best individual is similar to that obtainedby GMGP.

Figure 6 presents the speedups obtained with the Interpreter and GMGP methodologiescompared to the Pseudo-Assembly methodology for the Mexican Hat and Salutowicz bench-marks. For the two benchmarks, the smallest data set generated the greatest speedups. For


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Figure 6: Speedup of Interpreter and GMGP compared to Pseudo-Assembly for the MexicanHat and Salutowicz benchmarks with an increasing number of fitness cases.

Mexican Hat, Interpreter runs 371 times faster than Pseudo-Assembly, whereas GMGPruns 193 times faster than Pseudo-Assembly. The gains are similar for Salutowicz: In-terpreter runs 363 times faster than Pseudo-Assembly, and GMGP runs 199 times fasterthan Pseudo-Assembly. As the problem size increases, the speedups compared to Pseudo-Assembly become smaller for both benchmarks. We will compare only Interpreter andGMGP in the remainder of this analysis.

Figure 7 presents the speedup obtained with GMGP compared to Interpreter for MexicanHat and Salutowicz. GMGP performs better for larger data sets for both benchmarks.For the small data sets, in GMGP, the number of fitness cases used is not sufficient tocompensate for the overhead of uploading the individuals, and the Interpreter methodologyis faster. GMGP outperforms Interpreter for fitness case sizes exceeding 4,096. GMGP is7.3 times faster than Interpreter for Mexican Hat and a fitness case size of 256K. Similarresults were obtained for Salutowicz. As expected, GMGP is promising for applicationswith large data sets.

To explain why GMGP outperforms Interpreter for large data sets, we analyze theexecution time breakdown for each approach in detail. Figures 8 and 9 present the executionbreakdown of GMGP and Interpreter for the Mexican Hat and Salutowicz benchmarkswith an increasing number of fitness cases. The execution time was broken into the samecomponents as described in Table 6.

A comparison of GMGP’s upload time from Figure 8 with Interpreter’s upload timefrom Figure 9 indicates that it is more costly to load the GPU binary to the graphics cardthan to transfer the tokens through the PCIe bus. However, these times remain constantas the problem size increases. The download times for GMGP and Interpreter are almostthe same, but both times increase with increasing problem size. This result is expected, asthe two approaches use exactly the same data set, and the computations produce the samenumber of results to be copied through the PCIe bus. The result of each thread execution isone float value. The results of the threads in one block are reduced to one result in the global


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Figure 7: Speedup of GMGP compared to Interpreter for the Mexican Hat and Salutowiczbenchmarks with an increasing number of fitness cases.

256 1024 4096 16k 64k 256k0






Number of Fitness Cases









Mexican Hat − GMGP





256 1024 4096 16k 64k 256k0






Number of Fitness Cases









Salutowicz − GMGP





Figure 8: Execution time breakdown of GMGP. The graph presents the time broken downas follows: upload, the time spent loading the GPU binaries to the GPU memory;evaluation, the time spent computing the fitness cases; download, the time spentcopying the fitness result from the GPU to the CPU; and CPU, the time duringwhich the GP methodology is executed on the CPU.

memory. Then, the block results are reduced to one value for each individual in the CPU.The number of results transferred depends on the number of blocks used to compute all ofthe fitness cases. The CPU overhead has a similar behavior because the time spent runningthe GP methodology on the CPU is expected to be the same for GMGP and Interpreter,as the parallelized portion of the code is the evaluation function. We can compare the


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256 1024 4096 16k 64k 256k0






Number of Fitness Cases









Mexican Hat − Interpreter






256 1024 4096 16k 64k 256k0






Number of Fitness Cases









Salutowicz − Interpreter






Figure 9: Execution time breakdown of Interpreter. The graph presents the time brokeninto: upload, the time necessary to transfer the tokens through the PCIe bus;interpret, the interpretation time; download, the time spent copying the fitnessresult from the GPU to the CPU; and CPU, the time during which the GPmethodology is executed on the CPU.

evaluation function times for GMGP and Interpreter by comparing the evaluation time ofFigure 8 with the interpret time of Figure 9. For small data sets, the evaluation timeof GMGP is smaller than the interpret time of Interpreter, but the difference is small.However, as the problem size increases, the interpret time increases significantly becausethe Interpreter methodology must execute an excessive amount of additional instructions,such as comparisons and branches. For GMGP, the evaluation time increases slightlybecause it executes only the necessary GP instructions. Thus, the total time differencebetween GMGP and Interpreter increases for larger data sets.

7.3.4 Quality of Results

To compare the quality of the results of the Compiler, Pseudo-Assembly, Interpreter, andGMGP methodologies on the GPU, we used the same random seed at the beginning of thefirst experiment of each approach. We compared the intermediate and final results. AllGPU approaches produced identical results, comparing all available precision digits. Theonly difference among them was the execution time.

In Table 8, we analyze the results for 10 different executions of Compiler, Pseudo-Assembly, Interpreter, and GMGP. Table 8 presents the best individuals’ average and stan-dard deviation (σ) for the training, validation, and testing data sets for the Mexican Hatand Salutowicz benchmarks considering 16K fitness cases. Because each experiment wasrepeated 10 times, the standard deviations of all cases are relatively low for the number ofexecutions used.


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Benchmark Methodology Training Validation TestAverage σ Average σ Average σ

Mexican Hat GMGP 0.046 0.007 0.048 0.008 0.053 0.008Interpreter 0.046 0.007 0.048 0.008 0.053 0.008Pseudo-Assembly 0.046 0.007 0.048 0.008 0.053 0.008Compiler 0.046 0.007 0.048 0.008 0.053 0.008

Salutowicz GMGP 0.17 0.10 0.19 0.12 0.15 0.08Interpreter 0.17 0.10 0.19 0.12 0.15 0.08Pseudo-Assembly 0.17 0.10 0.19 0.12 0.15 0.08Compiler 0.17 0.10 0.19 0.12 0.15 0.08

Table 8: Mean Absolute Errors (MAEs) in GPU evolution for the Mexican Hat and Salu-towicz benchmarks. The table presents the best individuals’ average and standarddeviation (σ) for the training, validation, and testing data sets for 16K fitnesscases, with a precision of 10−3.

7.4 Mackey-Glass Benchmark

The Mackey-Glass benchmark (Jang and Sun, 1993) is a chaotic time-series predictionbenchmark, and the Mackey-Glass chaotic system is given by the non-linear time delaydifferential Equation (11).



0.2x(t− τ)

1 + x10(t− τ)− 0.1x(t) (11)

The Mackey-Glass system has been used as a GP benchmark in various works (Langdonand Banzhaf, 2008b,c). In our experiments, the time series consists of 1,200 data points,and GP has the task of predicting the next value when historical data are provided. TheGP inputs are eight earlier values from the series, at 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, and 128 timesteps ago.

7.4.1 Parameter Settings

The parameters used for the GP evolution in the Mackey-Glass benchmark are presented inTable 9. We used a small population size and a large number of generations, as previouslyexplained. The number of generations was defined according to the number of individualsproposed by Langdon and Banzhaf (2008c).

7.4.2 Performance Analysis

We analyze the performance of GMGP for the Mackey-Glass benchmark using the GPopsmetric. Table 10 presents the number of GPops obtained by GMGP. We present the GPopsfor the GP evolution in the GPU considering the operations spent in executing the eval-uation function for all individuals and counting all non-NOP operations. GMGP obtained77.7 billion GPops. When we consider the GP evaluation combined with the load of the


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Parameter Settings

Number of generations 512,000Population size 20NOP initial probability (α0,0) 0.9Step size (s) 0.004Maximum program length 128Function set Table 2Set of constants {0, 0.01, 0.02, ..., 1.27}

Table 9: Parameter settings for the Mackey-Glass benchmark. The number of individuals(number of population x number of generations) was defined according to theliterature. The initial probability of NOP and step size were obtained in previousexperiments.


GP evolution 77.7 billion+ loading data 8.85 billion+ results transfer 8.4 billion

Total computation 3.59 billion

Best individual 8.6 billion

Table 10: Results of GMGP running the Mackey-Glass benchmark in GPops. The tablepresents the number of GPops spent in the GP evolution in the GPU, progres-sively including the overhead of loading the individuals code into GPU and trans-ferring the results back to the CPU. At the end, we provide the results for theentire computation, including the overhead of CPU computation, and the resultsfor the execution of the best individual.

individual code into the GPU memory, GMGP obtained 8.85 billion GPops. The load ofdata into the GPU memory does not include any GP operation and requires a substantialtime in the evolution process. The load time is fixed regardless of the size of the data set.The idea is to amortize this cost by the faster execution of a larger data set. However, theMackey-Glass benchmark has a small number of fitness cases.

For the measures that consider the transfer of the results to the CPU memory, theGPops value decreased to 8.4 billion. When the entire computation is considered, includingthe overhead of the CPU computation, GMGP achieved 3.59 billion GPops. At the end ofthe evolution, the best individual was executed, and the performance of the best individualexecution was 8.6 billion GPops.


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Figure 10: The three gray-scale images used for training. The image resolutions are 512×512 pixels.

7.4.3 Quality of the Results

The quality of the results produced by GMGP was analyzed using 10 GP executions. Wecomputed the RMS error and standard deviation. The average error was 0.0077, and thestandard deviation was 0.0021. The error is lower than the errors presented in the literaturedue to the difference in the GP models used. The results presented in the literature useda tree-based GP with a tree size limited to 15 and depth limited to 4. In contrast, GMGPcan evolve individuals with at most 128 linear instructions. Accordingly, it was possible tofind an individual that better addressed this benchmark problem.

7.5 Sobel filter

The Sobel filter is a widely used edge detection filter. Edges characterize boundaries andare therefore considered crucial in image processing. The detection of edges can assistin image segmentation, data compression, and image reconstruction. The Sobel operatorcalculates the approximate image gradient of each pixel by convolving the image with apair of 3 × 3 filters. These filters estimate the gradients in the horizontal (x) and vertical(y) directions, and the magnitude of the gradient is the sum of these gradients. All edgesin the original image are greatly enhanced in the resulting image, and the slowly varyingcontrast is suppressed.

The evolution of an image filter uses a reverse-engineering approach, where the problemis to find the mapping between the original image and resulting image after the filter isapplied (Harding and Banzhaf, 2008, 2009). The GP task is to discover the operationsthat transformed the input image into the filtered image. In our experiments, we used six512×512 images taken from the USC-SIPI image repository (Weber, 1997). The gray-scaleversions of all 6 images and the resulting images after the Sobel filter were computed usingthe GIMP image processing tool (GIMP, 2008). Figure 10 presents the three gray-scaleimages used for training. Figure 11 shows the two images used for validation. Figure 12shows, for the same image, the original image in gray scale, the resulting image after theSobel filter is applied by the GIMP tool, and the output image produced by the GMGPevolved filter.


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Figure 11: The two gray-scale images used for validation. The image resolutions are 512×512 pixels.

Figure 12: Results of evolving the filter for one test image. The leftmost image is theoriginal gray-scale test image. The center image is the output image producedby applying the GIMP Sobel filter. The rightmost image is the output imageproduced by the GMGP evolved filter.

7.5.1 Parameter Settings

The parameters used for the GP evolution of the Sobel filter are presented in Table 11. Thepopulation size also employs a low number of individuals for the reasons explained before.The number of generations, NOP initial probability, step size, and maximum program lengthwere obtained from previous experiments.

7.5.2 Performance Analysis

The performance of the Sobel filter in GPops is presented in Table 12. Considering only theGPU evaluation of all non-NOP instructions, GMGP achieved 287.3 billion GPops. When theoverhead of uploading the GPU binaries is included, the GPops are reduced to 274.2 billion.The reduction in GPops was less pronounced because this problem has a larger data set thatcompensates for the initial overhead of loading the program. When we include the overhead


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Parameter Settings

Number of generations 400,000Population size 20NOP initial probability (α0,0) 0.9Step size (s) 0.001Maximum program length 128Function set Table 2Set of constants {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}

Table 11: Parameter settings for the Sobel filter. The values of the number of generations,population size, initial probability of NOP, and step size were obtained in previousexperiments.


GP evolution 287.3 billion+ loading data 274.2 billion+ results transfer 268.6 billion

Total computation 249.9 billion

Best individual 295.8 billion

Table 12: Results of GMGP running the Sobel filter in GPops. The table presents thenumber of GPops spent in the GP evolution in the GPU, progressively includingthe overheads of loading the individual code into the GPU and transferring theresults back to the CPU. At the end, we present the results for the entire com-putation, including the overhead of CPU computation, and the results for theexecution of the best individual.

of transferring the results back to the CPU through the PCIe bus, GMGP obtained 268.6billion GPops. When the entire computation is considered, including the overhead of theCPU computation during the evolution, GMGP obtained 249.9 billion GPops. After theevolution, the best individual was executed on the GPU, and we calculated a performanceof 295.8 billion GPops for the best individual.

7.5.3 Quality of the Results

The quality of the results produced by GMGP for the Sobel filter was analyzed with 10 GPruns. We computed the MAE and standard deviation. Table 13 presents both the MAEsand standard deviations for the training, validation, and testing data sets. The errorsare low compared to those presented in literature because our GP parameters were set toprovide a better-quality evolved filter. The quality of the Sobel filter evolved by GMGP canalso be assessed visually. The image presented at the right of Figure 12 was produced by the


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Training Validation TestAverage σ Average σ Average σ

2.11 0.61 2.21 0.64 2.03 0.599

Table 13: MAEs in GMGP evolution for the Sobel filter. The table presents the averageand standard deviation (σ) of the best individual for the training, validation, andtesting data sets.

best individual of GMGP applied to the test image. This image can be visually comparedto the image in the center of Figure 12, which was obtained using the Sobel filter of GIMP.A visual comparison of these two images indicates that the evolved filter produced an imagewith more prominent horizontal edges without significantly increasing the noise.

7.6 20-bit Boolean Multiplexer

The Boolean instructions of GMGP were evaluated using the 20-bit Boolean Multiplexerbenchmark (Langdon, 2010b, 2011). In the 20-bit Boolean Multiplexer benchmark, there are1,048,576 possible combinations of 20 arguments of a 20-bit Multiplexer. In our experiments,we used 1,048,576 fitness cases to evaluate all of the individuals, which is possible becauseGMGP evaluates each individual rapidly. This experiment is the first time this benchmarkhas been solved in this manner, using all fitness cases. The bit-level parallelism was exploitedby performing bitwise operations over a 32-bit integer that packs 32 Boolean fitness cases.

7.6.1 Parameter Settings

The parameter settings used for the 20-bit Boolean Multiplexer benchmark are presentedin Table 14. More individuals were used in the population than in the previous benchmarkexperiments reported in this paper. This problem addresses more input variables and alarger data set. The number of generations was computed to produce a total number ofindividuals similar to the numbers presented in the literature. However, the zero errorsolution was found before the maximum number of generations was reached for all 10 GPexecutions. The maximum program length was obtained by verifying the minimum lengthneeded to solve this problem benchmark.

7.6.2 Performance Analysis

Table 15 presents the number of GPops obtained by GMGP for the GP evolution in theGPU (execution of the evaluation of all individuals considering the non-NOP operations);the GP evolution including the loading of the individual code into the GPU memory; theGP evolution, including the loading of the individuals and the transfer of the results tothe CPU memory; the total computation, including the CPU computation; and the bestindividual computation.

Table 15 illustrates that GMGP obtained 5.88 trillion GPops when evaluating the indi-viduals. When the load of the individuals is considered, a value of 5.24 trillion GPops wasobtained. This benchmark has a large data set. The amount of computation is sufficient to


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Parameter Settings

Number of generations First Solutionor 14,000,000

Population size 40NOP initial probability (α0,0) 0.9Step size (s) 0.004Maximum program length 512Function set Table 3Set of constants –

Table 14: Parameter settings for the 20-bit Boolean Multiplexer. The values of the numberof generations, population size, initial probability of NOP, and maximum programlength were obtained in previous experiments, where we varied the values untilthe problem was solved.


GP evolution 5.88 trillion+ loading data 5.24 trillion+ results transfer 5.19 trillion

Total computation 2.74 trillion

Best individual 4.87 trillion

Table 15: Results of GMGP running the 20-bit Boolean Multiplexer benchmark in GPops.The table presents the number of GPops spent in the GP evolution in the GPU,progressively including the overhead of loading the individual code into GPU andtransferring the results back to the CPU. At the end, we present the results forthe entire computation, including the overhead of CPU computation, and theresults for the execution of the best individual.

amortize the load time. Thus, the total number of GPops is not degraded with the inclusionof the load of individuals. When the results transfer is included, the results remain almostthe same, and GMGP achieves 5.19 trillion GPops. When the CPU overhead is considered,the performance is reduced to 2.74 trillion GPops. This result suggests that porting thewhole GP evolution algorithm to run in the GPU (not only the evaluation function), couldsignificantly improve the overall performance. The execution of the GMGP’s best individualachieved 4.87 trillion GPops.


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Experiment Generation Total Number of Individuals

1 2,413,505 96,540,2002 1,246,979 49,879,1603 3,238,394 129,535,7604 7,802,509 312,100,3605 8,892,873 355,714,9206 10,737,990 429,519,6007 5,255,728 210,229,1208 2,576,655 103,066,2009 5,469,381 218,775,24010 3,395,730 135,829,200

Table 16: Generation at which GMGP solved the 20-bit Boolean Multiplexer and the totalnumber of individuals used in the evolution. The population size is 40 individuals.

7.6.3 Quality of the Results

GMGP was able find the zero solution for the 20-bit Boolean Multiplexer benchmark beforethe maximum number of generations was reached for all 10 GP executions. Table 16 presentsthe number of generations and total number of individuals needed to find this solution.

8. Discussions

It is difficult to compare our quantum-inspired LGP timings to the timings of the tree-basedimplementations of GP in GPU proposed in the literature. They used different individualrepresentations and different evolutionary algorithms. However, we can compare the GPopsresults. For the Mackey-Glass benchmark, on the GTX TITAN, we obtained up to 3.59billion GPops when considering the entire evaluation (GPU and CPU) and 77.7 billionGPops when considering only the GPU processing. Langdon and Banzhaf (2008c) obtained895 million GPops for this benchmark. However, we used a larger individual than Langdonand Banzhaf (2008c) to achieve a more accurate prediction result (smaller RMS error). Weobtained up to 249.9 billion GPops considering the whole evaluation (GPU and CPU) and287.3 billion GPops considering only the GPU processing for the Sobel filter benchmark. TheSobel filter was also evolved, along with other filters, by Harding and Banzhaf (2008).Theyobtained an average of 145 million GPops and a peak performance of 324 million GPops.Harding and Banzhaf (2009) attained on average 4.21 billion GPops when evolving thesame type of filter. They used Cartesian GP and a cluster of 16 workstations to compilethe code. For the 20-bit Boolean Multiplexer benchmark, we obtained up to 2.74 trillionGPops considering the entire evaluation and 5.88 trillion GPops considering only the GPUprocessing. Langdon (2010b) obtained up to 254 billion GPops in the entire evaluationprocess (CPU and GPU) for a 37-bit Boolean multiplexer. The literature provides otherresults for different benchmarks. Recently, Langdon (2010a) obtained 8.5 billion GPops fora bioinformatics data mining problem.


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Despite the highly data-parallel nature of the GP problems that we considered, wecould achieve 336.3 GFLOPs of execution in the GTX TITAN, whose peak performance is4,500 GFLOPs, running the Sobel filter benchmark. The peak performance of the GPU ismeasured using the FMA instruction, which is not present in our function set. Furthermore,it is difficult to reach the peak single precision performance even for embarrassingly parallelapplications, such as SGEMM (Lai and Seznec, 2013). The main obstacles for GMGPin achieving the peak performance are: (i) it includes more complicated floating-pointoperations like divisions, sine, cosine, and square root, that take several cycles to execute;(ii) it includes a reduction operation that requires synchronization; (iii) the small populationsize makes the overhead of uploading the individuals to the GPU memory more significant.

9. Conclusions

In this work, we proposed a new methodology to parallelize the evaluation process on theGPU called GMGP. Our methodology is inspired by quantum computing and includes theprinciples of the quantum bit and the superposition of states, which increases the diversity ofa quantum population. In addition, GMGP is the first methodology to generate individualsusing the GPU machine code instead of compiling or interpreting them. We eliminatethe compilation time overhead without including the parsing of the code and divergencerequired for the interpretation. The parallelism is exploited at two levels in the evaluationprocess, i.e., at the individual level and at the fitness case level. This parallelization schemeguarantees adequate scalability as the number of cores in the GPU increases.

To compare GMGP to other GP methodologies for GPUs found in the literature, weimplemented three different LGP-based and quantum-inspired approaches: (i) compilation(Compiler), which generates the individuals in GPU code and requires compilation; (ii)pseudo-assembly (Pseudo-Assembly), which generates the individuals in an intermediaryassembly code and also requires compilation; and (iii) interpretation of multiple programs(Interpreter), which interprets the codes and does not require compilation. Our resultsdemonstrated that GMGP outperformed all of the previous methodologies for the largerdata sets of the Mexican Hat and Salutowicz benchmarks. The maximum speedups obtainedwere 827.7 against Compiler, 199 against Pseudo-Assembly and 7.3 against Interpreter. Interms of the GPops, for the entire evolution (GPU and CPU), GMGP achieved approxi-mately 200.5 billion GPops for the Mexican Hat and Salutowicz benchmarks, 3.59 billionGPops for the Mackey-Glass benchmark, 249.9 billion GPops for the Sobel filter benchmark,and 2.74 trillion GPops for the 20-bit Boolean Multiplexer benchmark.

These results provide a new perspective on GPU-based implementations of GP. Ourmethodology is scalable and introduces the possibility of addressing large problems withina reasonable period of time. We were the first to evolve the 20-bit Boolean Multiplexerproblem using all of the fitness cases during the evolution. The largest evolved Multiplexerthat used all fitness cases in the evolution used only 11 bits, whereas the others used samplesto evolve larger problems.

In our future work, we intend to develop a GP evolutionary model to run entirely in theGPU, which would offer two advantages. First, the GP model would run faster after beingparallelized to GPUs. Second, we would eliminate the overhead associated with copying


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the fitness results from the GPU to the CPU through the PCIe bus, yielding considerablespeedups.


We would like to acknowledge support for this project from the National Counsel of Techno-logical and Scientific Development (CNPq) and the Carlos Chagas Filho Research SupportFoundation (FAPERJ).


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