Page 1: Excel and R Formulas to Be Used

Calculate MeanAVERAGE(sample)

Calculate Standard Deviation of SampleSTDEV.S(sample)

Calculate z-score for a sample(AVERAGE(sample)-Mean of Population(given in question))/(standard deviation of population (given in question)/n^0.5)

Calculate p-value for this z-score (in R)PNORM(z-score)

Calculate t-dist for a sample Useful when standard deviation in not in question(AVERAGE(sample)-Mean of Population(given in question))/(STDEV.S(sample)/n^0.5)

Calculate t-critical for the samplefrom t-table in book, find for df= n-1 at some significance level given in question

Calculate p-value from t-distin R, Use t.test(sample, mu=mean given in question, alternative="two.sided/greater/less"

Calculate f-distVAR.S(sample1)/VAR.S(sample2)In R, use Var.Test (sample1, sample2, var.equal=TRUE/FALSE)

Calculate f-criticalfrom Book table, dF1/dF2

Significance level=alpha=0.05 if not given

Confidence interval=95% if not given

For two sample tests, use excel data analysis t-test assuming equal variances

Page 2: Excel and R Formulas to Be Used

(AVERAGE(sample)-Mean of Population(given in question))/(standard deviation of population (given in question)/n^0.5)

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50706070907250808555667080 mean = 674067


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