
Identify Threats. Secure data. Reduce risk. | 201-447-9300

Executive Brief

Beyond Change Auditing

The Threat Detection Impasse

It’s been long understood that native Microsoft logging isn’t sufficient for obtaining the level

of detail desired with regards to the changes and access activities occurring within critical

applications like Active Directory. As a result, products were developed to eliminate the

reliance on logs and gather change and access details authoritatively from the source and in

real-time. However, as organizations’ security programs have matured, and the types of

threats they’ve needed to protect themselves against have as well, many are realizing that

change data alone can only take them so far.

A New Hope. Another Challenge.

The changes occurring within Active Directory represent only a tiny sliver of what AD is really

doing all day long; authenticating and authorizing access to virtually every resource across an

organization’s IT infrastructure. When properly captured and analyzed, authentication data

can be one of the richest sources of security intelligence, tantamount to a network firewall or

Intrusion Detection System (IDS). Want to know how Privileged Admins are using their

credentials? Authentication data will tell you. Want to detect bad actors probing your

network or malware that has jumped the fence, proliferating from machine to machine using

techniques like brute force and chain attacks, Pass-the-Hash, and account hacking?

Authentication data will tell you. You just have to know how to ask the question.

Using Active Directory’s native logging as a benchmark, most organizations would find

authentication events represent 96-98% of all the events in their Domain Controller security

logs. The number of authentication events (millions) and the size of these logs (gigabytes) are

gargantuan, even in smaller organizations with only a couple thousand users. There’s a

goldmine of information at their fingertips, but organizations have largely been incapable of

mining authentication data effectively due to the complex nature of authentication traffic

itself, as well as the sheer volume of data that needs to be harvested in one place.

2 Beyond Change Auditing

SIEM Won’t Solve Your Problem

The typical approach for most organizations is to leverage their SIEM technology (if they have

one) to pull all of their Domain Controller security logs into a central repository for intense

analysis and correlation. In theory, this is a very appropriate approach. However, when

relying on native logs, there’s going to be missing details and other shortcomings that will

limit the likelihood of being able to truly connect the dots. To catch attacks like Pass-the-Hash

as they’re happening, not only would it be necessary to pull in all your Active Directory logs,

but the logs on every workstation and member server across the organization; an unlikely

scenario for most. If that scenario is a possibility, however, the next question would be

whether or not you could retrieve and analyze all the data quick enough to do anything about

it, or if the data could be trusted to begin with. Add to that, your SIEM vendor most likely

does not provide preconfigured rules and policies to catch these types of threats. And most

organizations do not have the expertise in-house to create those rules and policies


A New Approach

To catch today’s threats, security analysts need better data and the ability to recognize

patterns of behavior indicative of bad things happening, as they’re happening. Organizations

capable of capturing and analyzing authentication data in real-time will have a leg up on

insider threats (regardless of whether or not they’ve originated from inside or outside the

organization) like they never have previously. Why? Because malware and bad actors are

bound to the same fundamental principals as everything else in the Microsoft world. Sure

they can twist and bend the rules, but at the end of the day, Active Directory is the glue

responsible for holding it all together. It must authenticate and authorize all access to the

systems, applications, and data repositories it has been tasked with governing. Hackers

actually rely on Active Directory working the way it does, but if you can now expose their

tricks while they’re in the act, the game has now changed and the balance of control can shift

back into the hands of the defenders of your enterprise.

3 Beyond Change Auditing

When coupled with real-time authentication analytics, real-time change data now becomes

much more valuable and contextual that it was on its own previously. Knowing, not guessing

or wondering if a seemingly harmless change to a security group is something to be

concerned about will likely mean the difference between headline news and just another

potential disaster avoided for your organization.

About StealthINTERCEPT® Real-Time Authentication-based

Attack Analytics

StealthINTERCEPT Active Directory firewall technology has long been a standard for some of

the world’s largest organizations for not only monitoring changes occurring across their

critical Active Directory, Exchange, and Windows File System infrastructures, but also for

protection against those changes and instantiation of tighter security controls above and

beyond native capabilities. However, StealthINTERCEPT is now taking Windows security to a

whole new level, providing pattern-based authentication analytics and again eliminating the

need for log analysis to detect today’s threats.

Analyzing authentication activity in memory and in real time, StealthINTERCEPT recognizes

patterns of behavior indicative of malware infection, compromised administrative accounts,

and nefarious activities being performed by privileged administrators. Brute force

authentication attacks, horizontal account movement, and account hacking scenarios have

long gone unnoticed using traditional methods of security analysis, but with

StealthINTERCEPT these attacks are detected as they’re happening, enabling security

administrators to stop attacks in their tracks, before systems and data are compromised.

Furthermore, StealthINTERCEPT provides tight integration with many of the market’s leading

SIEM platforms, enabling SIEM to obtain real-time insight into the attacks, changes, and

access activities StealthINTERCEPT detects using a fraction of the data needed to be

consumed by logs and with more data that SIEM can use to correlate activities occurring

across the entire enterprise.

4 Beyond Change Auditing

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Technologies, Inc. All other product and company names are property of their respective

owners. All rights reserved. EB-CM-0415

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About STEALTHbits Technologies, Inc.

Identify threats. Secure Data. Reduce Risk.

STEALTHbits is a data security software company. We help organizations ensure the right

people have the right access to the right information. By giving our customers insight into

who has access and ownership of their unstructured data, and protecting against malicious

access, we reduce security risk, fulfill compliance requirements and decrease operations


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5 Beyond Change Auditing

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